矿山英语词汇表面粗糙度 roughness of the surface 表面电位 surface electric potential 矿山英语词汇表面活性剂 surfactant ,surface active agent 表面能 interface energy 氨基三乙酸(NTA) aminotriacetic acid 胺基 amino 铵基 ammonium 安全地层 safe formation 安全试破 safe destruction 安全钻井 safe drilling 坳陷 down warping region 螯合 chelation 凹陷 sag 凹陷地层 subsidence formation 奥陶系 Ordovician system API 模拟法 API recommended method 矿山英语词汇 B 多靶点 multiple target point 白沥青 white asph alt 白油 mineral oil 白云母 white mica 半透膜 semipermeable m embrane 包被絮凝剂 flocculant 包被 envelop 包被抑制性 encapsu lating ability 饱和度 saturation 饱和度剖面图 profile map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 saturated salt water 背斜 antic linal 钡 barium 苯环 benzene ring 苯酚 phenyl hydroxide 本质区别 essential difference 泵压过高 overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 specific surface area 比吸水量 specific absorption 比重瓶法 density bottle method 避免 avoid 蓖麻油 ricinus oil 边界摩擦 boundary friction 扁藻(浮游植物) algae 变化趋势 var iation trend 标准化 standardization 标准粘度测量 standard vis cosity measure 表面粘度 surface viscosity 表面抛光 sample sur face 表面弹性 Aibbs surface elasticity 表面张力 surface tension 表明 verify /reveal 表皮系数(S) skin coefficient 憋钻 bit bouncing 宾汉方程 bingham equation 丙三醇 glycerine 丙烯情 ac rylonitrile 丙烯酸 acrylic acid 丙烯酸盐 acrylate 丙烯酰胺 ac rylamide 薄而韧的泥饼 thin, plastic and compacted mud-cake 薄片 flake 薄弱地层 weak formation 泊松比Poisson’s ratio 剥离peel off 补救 remediation 不分散泥浆 nondispersed mud 不干扰地质录井 play no role in geological logging 不均质储层 hetero geneous reservoir 不均匀 uneven 不可逆 irreversible 不同程度inordinately 部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) partially hydrolyzed po lyacrylamide 矿山英语词汇 C 参数优选 parametric optimization 残酸 reacted acid 残余饱和度 residual staturation 残渣 gel re sidue , solid residue 测量 measure 侧链 side chain 侧钻水平井 sidetrack horizontal well 层间 interlayer 层间距 the distanc e between the two crystal layer, layer distance 层理 bedding 层流 layer flow差减法 minusing 尝试 trial 柴油 diesel oil 长连缔合物 long ch ain associated matter 操作方法 operation method 超伸井 high d eep well 超深预探井 ultradeep prospecting well 超声波 ultraso nography 超高密度泥浆 extremely high density mud 超细碳酸钙 s uper-fine calcium carbonate 产层 production/pay zone 产层亏空 reservoir voidage 产量 production ,output 沉淀 precipitation沉降 subside 沉降速度 settling rate 沉砂 sand setting 衬套 s leeve 程序 program 成对水平井 paired parallel horizontal well s 成分 ingredient 成胶剂 gelatinizing agent 成膜树脂 film-forming resin 成岩性差 poor diagenetic grade 承压 b earing pressure 16482。
矿⼭机械英语词汇集锦~矿⼭机械英语词汇集锦~1. 三筒烘⼲机:Three Drum Dryer2. 转筒烘⼲机:Rotary Dryer3. 回转窑:Rotary Kiln4. 真空过滤机:Blet Vacuum Filter5. 浓缩机:Concentrator6. 摇床:Shaving Table7. 提升机:Elevator8. 双⽴环脉动⾼梯度磁选机:High-grade Magnetic Seperator9. 磁选机:Magnetic Ore Seperator10. ⼲式磁选机:Dry Magnetic Separator11. SF浮选机:SF Flotation Machine12. 浮选机:Flotation Machine13. ⾼频筛:High Frequency Screen14. ⾼堰螺旋分级机:Screw Classifier15. 矿⽤搅拌筒:Mineral Mixer16. 圆盘式给料机:Disk Feeder17. 摆式给料机:Pendulum Feeder18. 间歇式(陶瓷)球磨机:Intermittence Ball Mill19. DMC型脉冲单机袋式除尘器:DMC Pulse Bag Dust Catcher20. KX型⾼细转⼦式选粉机: KX Super-fine Rotor Powder Concentrator21. ⽔泥磨/原料磨:Cement Mill/ Raw Material Mill22. 球磨机:Ball Mill23. 节能球磨机:Energy Saving Ball Mill24. SZF型系列直线振动筛:SZF Series Linear Vibrating Screen25. 输送机:Belt Conveyor26. 锤式破碎机:Hammer Crusher27. 环锤式破碎机:Central Hammer Crusher28. 圆锥式破碎站:Cone Crushing Plant29. 反击式破碎站:Impact Crushing plant30. 颚式破碎站:Jaw Crushing Plant31. 移动式破碎站:Mobile Crushing Plant32. 对辊破碎机: Roll Crusher33. 螺旋洗矿机:Screw Ore Waher34. 洗⽯机:Stone Washer35. ⾼效洗砂机:Sand Wahing Machine36. 棒磨机:Rod Mill37. 冲击式破碎机:Vetical Shaft Impact Crusher38. 反击⾼效制砂机:Impact Fine Crusher39. 圆振动筛: Circle Vibrating Screen40. 多缸液压圆锥破碎机:Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher41. 圆锥破碎机:Cone Crusher42. 反击式破碎机:Impact Crusher43. 颚式破碎机:Jaw Crusher44. 振动给料机:Vibrating Feeder词汇:1. metallurgy: 冶⾦2. ore: 矿⽯,矿物3. crushing ratio: 破碎⽐4. end production: 产品料度,⽤均匀形容5. water conservancy: ⽔利6. breakage fight pressure: 破碎抗压强度7. back-striking/impact: 反击式8. three-tube crush part: 三腔破碎区9. non-key awl case: ⽆键锥套10. wear-resisting board hammer: ⾼效耐磨板锤11. insert handle: 插⼊安装12. incline bearing sent: 倾斜轴承座13. tooth-shape back striking board: 齿形反击衬板14. many ways to open: 机架多⽅位开门15. safety spring system: 弹簧保险系统16. overload protection device: 防过载保护装置17. sealing modes: 密封形式18. lubricating system: 润滑系统19. crushing chamber: 破碎腔室20. medium crushing: 中度破碎21. fine crushing: 细碎22. cylinder: 缸体,圆柱体23. hydraulic: 液压24. eccentric distance: 偏⼼距25. the content of fine graniness: 细粒级含量26. discharge opening on closing edge: 闭⼝边排料⼝粒级27. type of chamber: 腔型28. crushing cone: 破碎锥29. diameter of large end: ⼤端直径30. discharge opening: 排料⼝31. feed opening size of the open edge: 开⼝边给料⼝尺⼨32. feed opening size of the open edge when recommending the min.discharge opening: 推荐最⼩排料⼝进开⼝边给料尺⼨33. Max. feed size: 最⼤给料尺⼨34. Main motor power: 主电动机功率35. quarry: 采⽯场36. eccentric shaft vibration exciter: 块偏⼼激振器37. patial block: 轮胎联轴器38. amplitude: 振幅39. strong exciter: 激振⼒强40. vanguard technology: 先锋技术41. limestone: ⽯灰岩42. chamotte:⽕泥,粘⼟,熟料43. mix material:混合材料44. calcium phosphide: 钙化物45. dolomite: ⽩云⽯46. pearl ore: 珍珠矿岩47. chemical fertilizer: 化肥48. fire-proof material: 防⽕材料49. decibel: 分贝50. triturate: 磨碎51. water and electrioity industry: ⽔电⾏业52. double-roller: 双辊53. four-roller: 四辊54. hydroelectric project: ⽔⼒发电⼯程55. disposition: 配置56. brittle material: 脆性物料57. media ore: 媒矿⽯58. coke: 焦炭59. slag: 炉渣60. red sandstone: 红砂岩61. shale: 页岩62. osteoporosis limestone: 疏松⽯灰⽯63. crispy material: 酥脆物料64. compound: 化合物,65. material-in size: 给料粒度66. material-out size: 出料粒度67. multi-storey screen: 多层筛⽹68. sieve: 筛,漏勺69. disperse: 分散70. input roller capacity: 输送能⼒71. intrinsic: 固有的,本征的72. tiered: 层列式的,分层的73. axletree: 轴承,轴⼦74. centripetal:向⼼的75. spherical: 球形的76. plank: 板材77. evacuation: 抽空,排泄78. grill: 烘烤79. nonferrous metal: 有⾊⾦属80. black metal: ⿊⾦属81. ball load: 装球量82. rotational speed: 筒体转速83. feeding size: 进料粒度84. dischaging size: 出料粒度85. form of mill: 磨机形式: open: 开流、 close: 圈流86. form of transmission: 传动形式:edge:边缘87. reduction drive: 减速机88. rate: 速⽐89. motor: 电机90. powder concentrator: 选粉机91. plane vortex: 平⾯涡流理论92. cyclone: 旋风式93. dust catcher: 除尘器94. stand-alone bag filter: 单机袋除尘器95. dedusting equipment for top and bottom of he scattered points: 机顶和机底分散扬尘点除尘器96. wind capacity: 处理风量97. filtration area: 过滤⾯积98. wind filtration speed: 过滤风速99. bag number: 滤袋数量100. running resistance:设备阻⼒101. thickness of feeding: ⼊⼝含尘浓度102. thickness of exit: 出⼝含尘浓度103. under pressure: 承受压⼒104. blower power: 风机电机功率105. air consumption: 耗⽓量106. electro magnetic pulse valve: 电磁脉冲阀数量107. diameter of mill: 配套磨机直径108. speed fo main shaft: 主轴转速109. fineness: 产品细度110. wind content 风量111. swinging times: 摆动次数112. swinging range: 摆动⾏程113. max.feed size: 给料粒度114. by cubage: 容积式计量115. clutch: 联轴器,抓住116. disc diameter: 圆盘直径117. circular disk speed:圆盘转速118. particle size: 物料粒度119. felderspar: 长⽯120. quartz: ⽯英121. clay\clunch: 粘⼟122. thick ore liquid: 泥浆粒度123. flotation: 浮选124. pulp: 矿浆125. medicament: 药剂126. effective volume: 有效容积127. stirrer: 搅拌器128. internal size of trough: 槽内部尺⼨129. hierarchical: 分层的,分等级的130. dehydrate: 脱⽔131. obliquity: 倾斜度132. mesh: ⽹孔,筛孔133. seive pore: 筛孔134. cape: 筛⾯倾⾓135. molybdenum: 钼136. rough sizing: 粗选137. selection: 精选138. counter-flotation: 反浮选139. impeller: 叶轮140. xcaper: 刮板141. four-grooveln one body: 四槽⼀体142. martite: 假象⾚铁矿143. hematite: ⾚铁矿144. toggle plate: 肘板,推⼒板,肘环套接板145. belt wheel: 带轮146. fly wheel: 调速轮147. returning spring/rear brake: 后制动回簧148. triangle belt: 三⾓⽪带,三⽬带149. genea wheel:150. reciprocate: 互给,互换151. trajetory: 轨迹,弹道152. chromium: 铬153. gypsum: ⽣⽯膏,⽞精⽯154. alum:明矾155. tile: ⽡⽚156. gangue: 尾矿,矿⽯157. layout: 外形,设计,轮廓158. compact: 简约的,⼩型的,紧凑的159. coarse grinding: 粗磨160. lump coal: 块煤161. basalt: ⽞武岩162. plaster: 灰泥,墙粉,⽯膏163. fine crushing: 细磨164. low abrasion: 低损耗,低磨损165. centrifugal force: 离⼼⼒166. tertiary: 第三级的,第三系的,第三的167. actuate: 促使,驱动168. decontamination: 净化,排除污染169. wedge-shape: 楔形170. adjusting bolt: 调节螺杆171. gasket: 衬垫172. horizontal axis: ⽔平轴173. welding: 焊接174. fluid counpling: 液⼒联轴节,液⼒偶合器175. eccentric sleeve: 偏⼼套筒176. mortar: 砂浆,泥浆177. manganese: 锰178. gravel: 砂砾,粗砂179. wear-resisting: 耐磨180. silicon carbide: ⾦刚砂181. corundum: 刚⽟,⾦刚砂182. sintered bauxite: 矾⼟183. magnesia: 氧化镁184. stack: 堆积,堆,垛185. asphalt: 沥青186. synchronous: 同步的,同期的,同时的187. configuration: 外形,轮廓188. be configured with: 与。
矿山机械常见词汇(中英文对比)石料生产线stone production line制砂生产线sand production line砂石设备sandstone equipment破碎机crusher颚式破碎机jaw crusher反击式破碎机impact crusher自击式破碎机self-impact crusher直通冲击式破碎机(制砂机)vertical shaft impact crusher (sand making machine) 锤式破碎机hammer crusher对辊破碎机2-roller crusher环锤破碎机ring hammer crusher双腔层压破碎机double cavities layer press crusher圆锥破碎机cone crusher复合破碎机compound crusher立式复合破碎机vertical compound crusher球磨机ball mill节能球磨机energy saving ball mill圆振动筛circular vibrating screen磁选机sand washing machine螺旋分级机spiral grader浮选机flotation separator配料机dosing machine切割机cutting machine切割板cutting plate加气混凝土成套设备complete set of aerated concrete equipment烘干机dryer振动给料机vibrating feeder细碎机series直线振动筛linear vibrating screen螺旋洗矿机sand-stone-washing machine高效洗砂机high effect sand washing machine输送机transporter棒磨机rod mill陶瓷球磨机(间歇式球磨机)intermittence ball mill干式磁选机dry magnetic separator高堰螺旋分级机high weir spiral classifier高频筛high frequency screen螺旋溜槽spiral chute双立环脉动高梯度磁选机2-ring pulsating high gradient magnetic separator摇床shaving bed回转窑rotary kiln冷却机cooling machine转筒烘干机rotary dryer调速定量给料机speed governing constant weight feeder浇注机pouring machine蒸压釜autoclave盘转式压砖机rotary brick making machine螺旋输送机screw conveyor双轴搅拌机double-shaft mixer行星式轮碾机planet wheel-rolling blender双棍轮碾机double roller blender圆盘给料机procedure箱式供料机box feeder双级真空挤砖机2-stage vacuum brick squeezing machine压球机ball press machine液压摆液顶车机hydraulic pushing machine提升机bucket elevator滚筒筛rolling screen反击高效细碎机counter-attacks highly effective small aggregate crusher 矿用搅拌桶mineral product agitation barrel高效浓缩机high efficiency concentrator雷蒙磨粉机Raymond Mill powder machine高压微粉磨high-pressure micro-grinding高压悬棍磨粉机high-pressure suspension mill轧钢机transporter免烧压砖机brick pressing machine砌块成型机block making machine除尘器dust remover立式搅拌机vertical mixer成品筛the end product sieves圆盘造粒机disc Granulator转鼓造粒机rotor drum Granulator尾矿回收机tailings recovery machine斗式提升机bucket elevator。
矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译1abscissa 横座标accidental explosion 意外爆炸actual mining 回采工作adjoining rock 围岩after gases 炮烟age of mine 矿山寿命angle of break 崩落角angular hole 斜炮眼area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破area of explosion 爆炸区azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角backfill 充填backfill material 充填料bag powder 装袋炸药ballast pit 采石场bank height 台阶高度base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线bench 阶段bench cut blasting 阶段爆破bench drilling 阶段钻眼bench floor 台阶底bench height 台阶高度bench preparation 阶段准备bench stoping 阶梯式开采benched quarry 阶段采石场benching 阶梯式开采benching bank阶段blast 爆炸blast firing 放炮blast hole 炮眼blast hole drill 凿岩机blast layout 装药布置blaster 放炮工blasters' permit 爆破技术员blasthole 炮眼blasting 爆破blasting charge 装炸药blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线borderline 界线borehole diameter 钻孔直径boring bar 钻杆boring bit 钎头broken charge 分段装药bulck blasting 大爆破bulging 隆起bum hole 空炮眼casualty 事故charge 装药charge density 装药密度chargeman 装药工coordinate axes 坐标轴coordinate system 座标系country rock 围岩daily advance 日掘进进度daily output 日产量datum level 基准面datum point 基准点day output 日产量deads 废石deck loading 分段装药decrease 减少deep drilling 深孔钻眼degree of extraction 回采率design data 设计数据detonating cord 导爆线detonating explosive 起爆炸药detonator 雷管diameter 直径digger 挖掘机digging 挖掘digging depth 挖掘深度digging height 铲挖高度;阶段高度direction 方向drill bar 钻杆drill bit 钎头driller 凿岩工drilling speed 钻孔速度drilling time 钻孔时间emulsion explosive 乳化炸药explosive consumption 炸药消耗量。
专业词汇矿业机械专业词汇---BALLMILLBall Mill1, ball mill[机] 球磨机2, grate ball millgrate ball mill: 格子排料式球磨机grate discharge ball mill: 格子型球磨机cylindrical grate ball mill: 格子式圆筒形球磨机3, overflow ball milloverflow ball mill: 溢流型球磨机overflow ball mill: 溢流型球磨机overflow ball mill: 溢流型球磨机4, inlet ['inlet, -lit, in'let]n. 入口,进口;插入物5, feed inletfeed inlet: 进料口|加料口feed liquid inlet: 供液口feed slurry inlet: 滤浆入口6, drum feeder【机械装置】转鼓供料器7, shell [ʃel]n. 壳,贝壳;炮弹;外形vt.剥皮;炮轰vi. 剥落;设定命令行解释器的位置8, pinion drive pinion drive: 小齿轮传动| 减速器主动齿轮| 齿轮传动9, discharge outlet排放口;排水出路10, synchronous motor[电] 同步电动机11, synchronous ['siŋkrənəs]adj. 同步的;同时的12, grinding ['ɡraindiŋ]adj. 磨的;刺耳的;令人难以忍受的grinding: 磨削| 碾磨| 研磨13, quill shaft[机] 套筒轴;管形轴quill shaft: 套筒轴| 管形轴| 中空轴14, ripple liner波浪衬板15, roller bearing[机] 滚柱轴承roller bearing: 滚子轴承| 滚柱轴承| 滚珠轴承16, ladder liner梯形衬板17, centrifugal force[力] 离心力;地心引力centrifugal force: 向心力| 离心力| 地心引力18, barrel ['bærəl]n. 桶;枪管,炮管vi. 快速移动vt.把装入桶内barrel: 滚筒| 琵琶桶| 卷筒19, steel balln. [机] 钢珠steel ball: 钢珠| 钢球| 钢种20, High ChromeHIGH CHROME: 高品质电镀High polished Chrome: 其余四面高抛光镀铬HIGH CHROME: 高品电镀Belt Conveyer1, belt conveyer[机] 带式输送机;[机] 皮带运输机2, conveyance [kən'veiəns]n. 运输;运输工具;财产让与3, idlersn. 游手好闲者;懒惰者;惰轮(idler的复数)4, drive rollerdrive roller: 主动导布辊5, cycloidal [sai'klɔidəl]adj. 摆线的;圆形的6, built-in ['bilt'in]n. 内置adj. 嵌入的;固定的7, inclined [in'klaind]v. 使…倾向(incline的过去分词)adj. 趋向于…的Cone Crusher1, cone crusher[机] 圆锥破碎机2, spring cone crusherSpring cone crusher: 弹簧圆锥破碎机Spring cone crusher: 弹簧圆锥破碎机3, hydraulic [hai'drɔ:lik]adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的4, hydraulic cone crusherhydraulic cone crusher: 液压锥形破碎机|液压圆锥破碎机Hydraulic cone crusher: 液压圆锥破碎机5, concave [kɔn'keiv, 'kɔnkeiv]n. 凹面adj. 凹的,凹面的vt.使成凹形6, mantle ['mæntl]n. 地幔;斗篷;覆盖物vi. 覆盖;脸红vt.覆盖7, rotatingadj. [机] 旋转的v. 旋转;轮流(rotate的ing形式)8, lubricant ['lu:brikənt]n. 润滑剂;润滑油adj. 润滑的9, grease seal[机] 油封;黄油密封10, thin oil[油气] 稀油;[油气] 轻油11, transmission shaftn. [机] 传动轴12, bevel gear[机] 锥齿轮,锥形齿轮;伞齿轮13, crushing cone破碎锥14, alloy steel[材] 合金钢15, manganese['mæŋɡə,ni:s, ,mæŋɡə'ni:z]n. [化学] 锰16, triangle belt[机] 三角皮带,三角带17, triangle ['traiæŋɡl]n. 三角(形);三角关系;三角形之物;三人一组18, pulley ['puli]n. 滑轮;皮带轮;滑车vt.用滑轮升起19, tertiary ['tə:ʃəri]n. 第三纪;第三修道会会员;第三级教士adj. 第三的;第三位的;三代的20, eccentric busheccentric bush: 偏心套21, chamber ['tʃeimbə]n. (身体或器官内的)室,膛;房间;会所adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的vt.把…关在室内;装填(弹药等)22, bowl-linerbowl-liner: 碗形衬板23, quarry ['kwɔri]n. 采石场;猎物;来源vt.挖出;努力挖掘vi. 费力地找24, transmission devicetransmission device: 传能装置| 传动装置25, hopper ['hɔpə]n. 料斗;漏斗;单足跳者;跳虫26, main bearing capmain bearing cap: 主轴承盖|主光轴承盖|气缸盖罩crankshaft main bearing cap: 曲轴主轴承盖rear main bearing cap: 后主轴承盖27, gear [ɡiə]n. 齿轮;装置,工具;传动装置adj. 好极了vt.开动;搭上齿轮;使……适合;使……准备好vi. 适合;搭上齿轮;开始工作28, symons cone crusherSymons Cone Crusher: 圆锥破碎机Cone Symons-crusher: 西蒙式圆锥破碎机29, basalt ['bæsɔ:lt]n. [岩] 玄武岩;黑陶器30, quartz [kwɔ:ts]n. 石英quartz: 石英| 白石英| 水晶31, ironstone ['aiənstəun]n. 铁矿石32, bauxite ['bɔ:ksait]n. 矾土,[矿物] 铁铝氧石;[矿物] 铝土矿vi. 连成一串;排成一列Hammer Crusher1, hammer crusher[机] 锤式破碎机2, gardner crusherGardner crusher: 锤式破碎机3, hammer ramhammer ram: 锤头pneumatic hammer ram: 风动铆钉锤Drop-hammer ram: 落锤头4, milled [mild]adj. 磨碎的;滚花的;铣成的v. 磨,碾压(mill的过去式)5, screen barscreen bar: 纱扇铝合金screen set bar: 筛板拉杆bar screen: 棒条筛|格栅|条栅6, centrifugation [sen,trifju'ɡeiʃən]n. 离心分离7, disassemble [,disə'sembl]vt.拆开,解开;反汇编8, granularity [,grænju'læriti]n. 间隔尺寸,[岩] 粒度9, string [striŋ]n. 线,细绳;一串,一行vt.扎,缚;使排成一列,串起;伸展,拉直Impact Crusher1, Impact crusher[矿业] 冲击式破碎机2, torsion strengthtorsion strength: 扭转强度|抗扭强度|扭力强度3, iron hingeiron hinge: 铁铰链iron square hinge: 方铰链bright iron flag hinge: 光身旗铰链4, impact panelImpact Panel: 冲击面板impact resistant panel: 耐撞击板5, eddy ['edi]n. 涡流;漩涡;逆流vi. 旋转;起漩涡vt.使…起漩涡6, eddy stregth impact crusher涡旋强力反击式破碎机7, feed-in ['fi:din]n. 馈入adj. 进料的;进给的8, feed-out出料9, lug [lʌɡ] n. 支托;接线片;耳状物vt.用力拉或拖vi. 用力拉或拖10, hydraulic cylinder[机] 液压缸;液缸;油唧11, cylinder ['silində]n. 圆筒;汽缸;[数] 柱面;圆柱状物12, inspection door检查口;检视盖;检修门13, tooth shape齿形;齿廓14, back impactback impact: 反击impactsth back apt life: 重整旗鼓15, hammer ['hæmə]n. 铁锤;链球;[解剖] 锤骨;音锤vi. 锤击;敲打;重复vt.锤击;锤打16, wedge [wedʒ]n. 楔子;楔形物;导致分裂的东西vt.楔入;挤进;楔住vi. 楔入;挤进17, wedge plateWedge Plate: 楔形板wedge wear plate: 耐磨板|耐磨块wedge shaped plate: 楔形板18, blow barBlow bar: 板锤19, cracked [krækt]v. 破裂;崩溃(crack的过去分词);发沙哑声;失败adj. 破裂的;声音嘶哑的;精神失常的20, rebound [,ri:'baund]n. 回弹;篮板球v. 重新装订(rebind的过去式和过去分词)vt.使弹回vi. 回升;弹回21, particle ['pɑ:tikl]n. 颗粒;[物] 质点;极小量;小品词22, robust designn. 稳健设计;坚稳设计23, annealingn. 热处理;低温退火;磨炼v. [机][生化] 退火;磨炼(anneal的ing形式)24, polish ['pɔliʃ]n. 磨光,擦亮;上光剂,擦亮剂;优雅,精良adj. 波兰的vt.磨光,使发亮vi. 擦亮,变光滑25, impact rackImpact rack: 反击架26, scaleboard ['skeilbɔ:d]n. 衬板;底板27, chromium plating[化工] 镀铬;镀硬铬chromium plating: 镀铬| 铬镀层| 镀硬铬28, liner plate[木] 衬板;[机] 垫板Liner plate: 隔板Jaw Crusher1, jaw crusher[矿业] 颚式破碎机2, jaw [dʒɔ:]n. 颌;下巴;狭窄入口;唠叨vt.教训;对…唠叨vi. 教训;唠叨3, fly wheelFly wheel: 飞轮fly-wheel magneto: 带飞轮的永磁发电机fly-wheel moment: 飞轮力矩4, grooved wheelgrooved wheel: 槽轮5, grooved [ɡru:vd]adj. 带纹道的;表面有沟槽的v. 开出沟槽(groove的过去分词)6, movable jawmovable jaw: 活爪|可动颚|活动颚板Movable jaw plate: 活动颚板movable jaw swing jaw: 活动颚板7, fixed jawfixed jaw: 固定爪|固定颚板fixed—jaw plates: 固定颚板FIXED JAW PLATE: 固定颚板8, toggle ['tɔɡl] n. 开关,触发器;拴扣;[船] 套索钉vt.拴牢,系紧9, toggle plate推力板;肘板10, tension rod[机] 拉杆;弓形杆;张力杆11, gearing ['ɡiəriŋ]n. 传动装置vt.以齿轮连起;配搭活动(gear的ing形式)12, bearing ['bεəriŋ]n. [机] 轴承;关系;方位;举止v. 忍受(bear的ing形式)13, guard plate护板;防护板;安全板14, main shaftn. [机] 主轴;总轴15, adjustment settingadjustment setting: 调整装置16, eccentric shaft[机] 偏心轴17, eccentric [ik'sentrik]n. 古怪的人adj. 古怪的,反常的18, crushing cavitycrushing cavity: 破碎室19, cast steel[材] 铸钢,坩埚钢20, welding steel焊接钢;焊钢21, shin [ʃin]n. 胫骨vt.爬;攀vi. 攀;快步走22, forgedadj. 锻的;锻造的v. 伪造(forge的过去式);锻造(金属)23, heavy-duty ['hevi'dju:ti]adj. 耐用的;重型的,重负荷的24, supersonic [,sju:pə'sɔnik]n. 超音速;超声波adj. 超音速的;超声波的25, thermal refining调质处理;热精炼26, manganese steel[材] 锰钢27, reduction ratio[机]破碎比28, rotational motion回转运动;[物] 转动运动29, reciprocating motion[机] 往复运动;住复式动作30, reciprocating [ri'siprəkeitiŋ]n. 往复adj. 往复的;交互的;摆动的v. 往复运动(reciprocate的ing形式);互给;报答31, high manganese steel高锰合金钢,高锰钢32, wear [wεə]n. 穿著,磨损,耐久性v. 穿著,用旧,耗损33, eccentricity [,eksen'trisəti]偏心度; 偏心率; 离心率专业词汇---MOBILE CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANT Mobile Crushing and ScreeningPlant1, mobile crushing and screening plantMobile Crushing and Screening Plant: 移动破碎站2, vibration feeder振动送料机;振动加料器3, vibration [vai'breiʃən]n. 振动;犹豫;心灵感应4, gyratory ['dʒaiərətəri]adj. 旋转的;回旋的5, rubber belt conveyer橡胶皮带输送机6, auto-controlauto-control: 自动控制Auto-Control System: 自控系统auto-combustion control: 燃烧自动控制7, reinforced concreten. 钢筋混凝土8, permanent construction永久性建筑物9, electric control cabinetelectric control cabinet: 电器控制柜| 电气控制柜10, hopper of feeder给料机料斗专业词汇---SAND MAKING MACHINESand Making Machine1, vertical shaft[矿业][地质] 立井;[机] 立轴;立柱2, self-impact crusherself-impact crusher: 自击式破碎机3, cobblestone ['kɔbl,stəun]n. 鹅卵石;圆石4, granite ['ɡrænit]n. 花岗岩;坚毅;冷酷无情5, limestone ['laimstəun]n. [岩] 石灰岩6, lifting device提升装置;起吊装置;[机] 起重装置;升降装置7, reversible [ri'və:səbl]adj. 可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的n. 双面布料reversible: 可逆的| 可反转的| 可废弃的8, reversible crushing cavity可逆破碎腔9, counterattack ['kauntərə,tæk]vt.反击;反攻vi. 反击;反攻n. 反击;反攻10, clockwise ['klɔkwaiz] adj. 顺时针方向的adv. 顺时针方向地11, anticlockwise [,ænti'klɔkwaiz]adj. 逆时针的;反时针方向的adv. 逆时针地12, sand making machinesand making machine: 制砂机13, screening ['skri:niŋ]n. 筛选;放映;[物] 屏蔽;审查;防波adj. 筛选的v. 筛选;拍摄(screen的ing形式);遮蔽;隔挡14, cochleate ['kɔklieit]adj. 螺旋形的;状如蜗牛壳的(等于cochleated)cochleate: 如蜗牛壳的| 蜗牛状的15, impeller [im'pelə]n. [动力][机] 叶轮;推进者impeller: 叶轮| 泵轮| 推进器16, bump [bʌmp]n. 肿块,隆起物;撞击vi. 碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行vt.碰,撞;颠簸adv. 突然地,猛烈地17, centrifugal [sen'trifjuɡəl]n. 离心机;转筒adj. [力] 离心的;远中的18, swirl [swə:l]n. 漩涡;打旋;涡状形vi. 盘绕;打旋;眩晕;大口喝酒vt.使成漩涡19, sealing system密封系统sealing system: 密封系统20, locking bolt锁紧螺栓;防松螺栓21, wearing plate防磨板Spiral Classifier1, spiral ['spaiərəl]n. 螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物adj. 螺旋形的;盘旋的vt.使成螺旋形;使作螺旋形上升vi. 盘旋;成螺旋形;螺旋形上升(过去式spiraled/spiralled,过去分词spiraled/spiralled,现在分词spiraling/spiralling,第三人称单数spirals,副词spirally)2, spiral classifier螺旋分级机3, granules [grænju:ls]n. 粒斑,颗粒(granule的复数);颗粒剂4, mechanical separation[机] 机械分离;机力分离5, filter material过滤材料6, filter [filtə]n. 滤波器;[化工] 过滤器;筛选;滤光器vt.过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去vi. 滤过;渗入;慢慢传开7, mechanical [mi'kænikəl]adj. 机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的8, deslimingn. [矿业] 脱泥;除去矿泥9, dehydrating [,di:'haidreit]vt.使…脱水;使极其口渴;使丧失力量和兴趣等vi. 脱水;去水10, tank [tæŋk]n. 坦克;水槽;池塘vt.把…贮放在柜内;打败vi. 乘坦克行进11, filtersn. 滤器,滤波器;滤光片(filter的复数)v. 过滤(filter的三单形式)Filters: 过滤器| 滤波器| 滤镜12, grind [ɡraind]vt.磨碎;磨快vi. 磨碎;折磨n. 磨;苦工作grind: 磨| 研磨| 碾磨13, closed circuit闭合线路,[电] 闭合电路closed circuit: 闭路| 闭合电路| 闭合回路Vibration Screen1, vibration screen振动筛2, oil lubrication[机] 油润滑3, intensity [in'tensəti]n. 强度;强烈;[电子] 亮度;紧张4, eccentric block[机] 偏心块5, amplitude ['æmplitju:d]n. 振幅;丰富,充足;广阔6, shock excitation震激7, ring-groovedRING-GROOVED: 环槽型8, rivet ['rivit]n. 铆钉vt.铆接;固定;(把目光、注意力等)集中于9, pinch [pintʃ]vt.捏;勒索;使苦恼;掐掉某物,修剪n. 匮乏;少量;夹痛vi. 夹痛;节省10, pinch platepinch plate: 扣板11, mesh [meʃ] n. 网眼;网丝;圈套vi. 相啮合vt. [机] 啮合;以网捕捉12, vibrating screen[矿业] 振动筛;摆动筛13, vibration excitervibration exciter: 激振器|振动发生器振动激励器|振动激励器vibration standard exciter,: 标准振动台vibration standard exciter: 标准振动台14, lifespan ['laifspæn]n. 寿命;预期生命期限;预期使用期限lifespan: 存在时间| 生命值| 生活年限15, fixed boltfixed bolt: 固定螺栓cape bolt fixed bolt: 固定螺栓16, guide rod[机] 导杆17, damping spring阻尼弹簧,减震弹簧;缓冲弹簧18, gland bush衬片;密封垫;轴套、衬套19, damping ['dæmpiŋ]n. [物] 阻尼;[物] 衰减,[物] 减幅v. 抑制(damp的ing形式);使潮湿20, gland衬片;密封垫;轴套、衬套21, end cover[机] 端盖22, friction block摩擦闸瓦;磨擦片23, locking nut防松螺母;锁紧螺帽24, adjustment boltadjustment bolt: 调整螺栓side thrust adjustment bolt: 侧向止推调整螺栓drag adjustment bolt: 牵引杆调整螺栓25, belt pulley皮带轮;皮带盘。
采矿工程专业英语词汇手册(Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering )采矿工程专业内部讲义二零零七年三月ContentChapter 3 .1 Mining method (2)Chapter 3.2 Mine preplanning (3)Chapter3.3 Mine development (4)Chapter 4.1 W all mining introduction (5)Chapter 4.2 Ground control aspects ..... (6)Chapter 4.3 Roof support system (7)Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine (8)Chapter 4.5 Convey system (8)Chapter 4.6 Mine V etilation (10)Chapter 5 Pillaring system (11)Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support (12)Chapter 7 Novel methods of mining…………………………………………………..……..Chapter 3 .1 Mining methodmining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风;ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;recovery 回采率;subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;subsidence control 地表沉陷控制cover 覆盖层;overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶;floor 底板;dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度;strength 强度;cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破loading n. 装煤haul v. 运输,搬运drainage n.排水power n. 动力power Supply 动力供应communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。
矿业英语(蒋林筛选)abnormality 反常一般说anormaly的人更多吧adit 平硐adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采adit entrance 平硐口adit mine 平硐开采矿山adit mouth 平硐口adjoining rock 围岩正常人说country rock吧advance bore 超前钻孔也有说pilot hole的agglomeration 聚集air adit 通风平硐就是air wayair drill 风钻air pick 风镐air pipe 风管air shaft 风井airleg 气腿风钻听起来更像汉语alluvial gold 砂金更常见的说法是placer alluvium 冲积层ammon dynamite 硝安炸药ammon explosive 硝铵炸药amphibole 角闪石analyst 化验员assayer更准确点anchor bolt 锚杆angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜antimony 锑assay 试金正常人都叫化验automatic feed 自动给料automatic feeder 自动给矿机automatic installation 自动设备auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机auxiliary level 辅助平巷auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井azimuth angle 方位角back bolting 顶板锚杆支护back filling 充填back stoping 上向梯段回采ball mill 球磨机band ore 带状矿石bank height 台阶高度barrier pillar 安全煤柱这个就叫safety pillar也行basalt 玄武岩base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约bearing 煤层走向;轴承bed 地层belt feeder 带式给矿机beneficiating method 选矿法bin 矿仓biotite 黑云母bit 钎头就叫钻头也行blast hole 炮眼blasting charge 装炸药blind shaft 暗井正常人都说盲井block 采区;块;滑车组block caving method 分段崩落采矿法正确说法是sublevel caving board and pillar 房柱式开法跟room and pillar是一样的bolting 锚杆支护borehole 钻孔borehole survey 钻孔测量boring bar 钻杆drillrodbornite 斑铜矿bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗bottom wall 下盘正确说法是heading wall 或footwallbucket excavator 多斗挖掘机bulldozer 推土机cage 罐笼calcite 方解石calculation of reserves 储量计算capstan winch 绞盘carbonaceous 炭质的casing pipe 套管caved area 崩落区cement 水泥charge 装药chloride 氯化物chute 溜道circuit 回路classification screen 分级筛classifier overflow 分级机溢流clay 粘土clay band 粘土夹层clay bed 粘土层cleaning 精浮选就是精选没有浮cleavage 劈理closed circuit crushing 闭路破碎collar cave 井颈塌落combustion 燃烧common drift 共用平巷compressed air 压缩空气compressor 压缩机concentrate 精矿contaminated air 污浊空气contour map 等高线图control 第;操纵;治理conveyor 运输机copper 铜core 岩心core sample 岩心试样coring 岩心钻进crack 裂缝crane 起重机cross adit 石门cross cutting 石门掘进cross level 横巷crush 破碎crusher 破碎机crusher jaw 破碎机颚crushing rolls 辊碎机crystal 晶体curvature 曲率cushioning 缓冲cuthole 掏槽炮眼cyanide 氰化物dacite 英安岩daily advance 日掘进进度day drift 平硐day output 日产量degree of extraction 回采率正确说法是recovery dehydration 脱水dehydrator 脱水器deister table 垂特摇床delamination 剥离delay 迟滞delay action blasting 迟发爆破densification 浓缩deposition 沉淀depot 仓库desulphurization 脱硫detonate 起爆detonating charge 起爆装药detonating cord 导爆线detonator 雷管developement drift 开拓平巷diagram 曲线图diameter 直径diamond 金刚石diesel electric locomotive 柴油电机车dike 岩脉dilution 稀释注意这个大部分时间翻译为贫化diorite 闪长岩dioxide 二氧化物dip angle 倾角directional drilling 定向钻进discontinuity 不连续性dissolubility 溶解性dissolvent 溶剂ditch 沟道dolomite 白云石drain 排水管drill bar 钻杆drill bit 钎头drill rig 钻车drill rod 钻杆drilling jumbo 钻车dry assay 干法试金dump car 翻斗车elastic 弹性的elastic strain 弹性应变electrum 银金矿engineering 工程entry 水平巷道entry advance 平巷推进entry bottom 平巷底entry brushing 巷道挑顶entry driving 平巷掘进entry pillar 平巷煤柱environment 环境environment pollution 环境污染environment protection 环境保扩evaporation 蒸发exploration 探矿explosion 爆炸explosive 炸药extraction 采掘extraction drift 回采平巷eye survey 目测face 叫工作面!!!facilities 设备fan 扇风机fault 断层fault basin 断层盆地fault coal 劣质煤fault diagnosis 故障诊断fault line 断层线fault outcrop 断层露头fault plane 断层面fault surface 断层面fault zone 断层带feeder 给矿机field 煤田field reconnaissance 野外普查field test 现场试验fiery coal 瓦斯煤filling machine 充填机filtering 过滤firing interval 起爆间隔floatation 浮选flocculant 架凝剂那个字是絮flotation machine 浮选机flotation mill 浮选厂flotation oil 浮选用油flotation oil feeder 浮选给油器flotation process 浮选法flotation pulp 浮选矿浆flotation reagent 浮选剂flotation tailings 浮选尾矿flotator 浮选机free oscillation 自由振动gabbro 辉长岩galena 方铅矿gangue 脉石geological map 地质图geological prospecting 地质勘探geological section 地质剖面geometry 几何goaf 采空区goaf stowing 采空区充填gob 采空区gob area 采空区gold mine 金矿gold mining 采金gold vein 金矿脉grade 坡度以及品位grade of ore 矿石品位granite 花岗岩gravitation 重力gravitational exploration 重力勘探gravitational field 重力场gravitational method 重力法gravitational prospecting 重力勘探gravitational separation 重力选gravity 重力gravity separation 重力选grill 格栅grizzly 格筛ground water 地下水ground water drainage 地下水排水ground water lowering 降低地下水位ground water plane 地下水面ground water pollution 地下水污染ground water pressure 地下水压力ground water resources 地下水资源groundbeam 横梁groundwork 基础hand held drill 手持式凿岩机hand packing 人工充填hand picker 手选工hand picking 手选hanging wall 上盘haulage 运输haulage adit 运输平硐haulage chain 牵引链haulage entry 运输平巷haulage level 运输水平heterogeneous 不均匀的hoisting 提升hole diameter 钻孔径horizon 层位hydraulic 水力的illumination 照明impurity 不洁物inclination 倾斜insolubility 不溶性insulated conductor 绝缘导体intersection 交叉intrusion 侵入isotope 同位素jumbo 钻车kinematic 运动学的ladderway 梯子间lamination 分层lime 石灰loader 装载机;装填机locomotive 机车long hole rods 深孔钻杆lump 块;块的magma 岩浆magmatic rock 岩浆岩magnetic 磁性的magnetic dressing 磁选magnetic drum 磁鼓magnetic field 磁场magnetic separator 磁选机main adit 主平硐main airway 主风巷main haulage level 主运输水平malachite 孔雀石mechanized coal face 机械化采煤工祖mesozoic 中生代metallization 矿物化metamorfic rock 变质岩mica 云母microscope 显微镜mill 磨机;选矿厂mine 矿山mined bed 开采层mined out space 采空区mineral 矿物mineral composition 矿物组成mineral products 有用矿物mineralogy 矿物学mining 矿业;开采mining area 矿区mining lease 采矿用地mining right 采矿权moisture 湿气mud fluid 钻探用泥桨narrow vein 薄矿脉nickel 镍nitrate 硝酸盐non electric initiation system 非电起爆装置non metal 非金属open circuit 开路open pit bench 露天矿阶段opencast mining 露天开采opencast mining machinery 露天采矿机械opencast mining method 露天开采法opening 开拓巷道opening driving 开拓掘进opening for drainage 排水巷道ore 矿石ore bearing vein 含矿脉ore benefication 选矿ore bin 矿石仓ore block 矿块ore concentration 选矿ore concentration plant 选矿厂ore crusher 矿石破碎机ore deposit 矿床ore dilution 矿石贪化ore drawing 放矿ore dressing 选矿ore dressing plant 选矿厂ore extraction 矿石开采ore pass 放矿溜道orebody 矿体orefield 矿区outlet 出口outlet shaft 上风竖井output 产量;输出功率overhead 架空的oxidation 氧化oxide 氧化物packing 充填panel 采区paraffin 石蜡pass 溜道pillar 矿柱placer 砂矿placer gold 砂金pneumatic pick 风镐portal 入口powder 炸药powder drift 爆破平巷precipitate 沉淀物prop 支柱prospecting 勘探prospecting adit 勘探平硐prospecting bore 勘探钻孔prospecting drift 勘探巷道prospecting drill 勘探钻机prospecting guide 勘探标志prospecting schaft 探竖井prospecting tool 勘工具prospecting trench 勘探沟prospecting work 勘探工作prospective value 预期值prospector 勘探者pulp 矿浆pulverization 粉碎pump 泵pump capacity 泵能力pump chamber 泵房pump dredge 泵式挖掘船pump head 泵唧扬程pump man 司泵工pumping compartment 泵隔间pumping equipment 排水设备pumping head 水头pumping out 扬水pumping plant 泵唧装置pumping shaft 排水井pumping station 水泵站pumproom 泵房pumpset 泵唧装置pumpway 泵隔间purity 纯度pyrite 黄铁矿quarry 采石场quarry bank 露天矿的梯段quartz 石英radioactive 放射性的radius 半径raise 天井reagent 试剂reclamation operation 复田工作reflotation 再浮选regional 区域的regional metamorphism 区域变质regional prospecting 区域勘探register 记录器;计量表retreating mining 后退式开采return air 回风rigidity 刚度rock dump 废石堆roller 辊rolling shaft 溜道roof 顶板room 室;矿房rope 绳索rubble 砾石rupture 破裂safety berm 保安平台safety pillar 保安矿柱sample 试样sampler 采样器sampling 取样sampling device 采样器sampling method 取样法sampling mill 试样磨机sand 砂scraper 扒矿机scraper apron 耙斗后壁scraper box 扒斗scraper bucket 耙斗screen 筛screening 筛分seam 地层sedimentary rock 沉积岩service cage 辅助罐笼service drift 辅助平巷service entry 辅助平巷service raise 人行天井service roadway 辅助巷道service shaft 辅助竖井service track 辅助线set 组shaft 上风竖井就是竖井shale 页岩shallow mine 浅矿shank 钎尾short wall mining 短壁采煤法shot boring 钻粒钻进shot drill 钻粒钻机shrinkage 留矿sieve 筛silicate 硅酸盐silicatization 硅化酌siliceous rock 硅质岩石sill 底梁sink 开凿;下沉slurry 矿泥;洗涤用水stage 阶段stope 回采工祖叫做采场!!!stoping 回采stoping and filling 充填回采stoping drift 回采平巷stoping face 回采工祖stoping hole 回采炮眼stoping layout 采矿设计stoping limit 临界品位stoping machine 采矿机stoping method 回采方法storage 仓库sublevel 分段sublevel caving method 分段崩落开采法sublevel caving system 分段崩落开采法sublevel crosscut 中间水平石门sublevel drift 分阶段平巷sublevel interval 分阶段间距sublevel long hole benching 分层台阶深孔开采sublevel method 分段开采法sublevel mining 分段回采sublevel open stope method 分段无充填工祖采矿法sublevel roadway 分阶段平巷sublevel stoping 分段回采采掘subsurface flow 地下水流subterraneous quarry 地下采石场subvertical 立井subvertical shaft 暗竖井sulphate 硫酸盐sulphide 硫化物sulphide concentrate 硫化矿精矿sulphide dust explosion 硫化物尘末爆炸surface mine 露天矿山surface miner 露天矿工surface mining 露天开采surface mining method 露天采矿法surface plan 地面平面图surface plant 地面设备surface stripping 地表剥离surface subsidence 地表塌陷surface tension 表面张力surface transport 地面运输survey 测量survey mark 测量标记surveying 测量surveying compass 测量罗盘surveying equipment 测量仪器surveying instrument 测量仪器surveying marker 测量标surveying rod 测量标尺surveyor 测量员surveyor's rod 测量标尺susceptibility 磁化率;感受性syncline 向斜tailing 尾矿tailing elevator 尾矿提升机tailings 尾矿tailings disposal plant 尾矿处理装置tailings pond 尾煤沉淀池tails 尾矿take off the gangue 清理矸石tectonic 构造的telescopic conveyor 伸缩输传送带telescopic drilling post 伸缩式钻机柱telescopic prop 伸缩支柱tensile strain 拉伸变形tension 张力test pit 探井thickener 浓缩机thril 联络小巷thriling 联络小巷throat 巷道口topographic map 地形图track 轨道trailer 拖车train 系列trainroad 临时铁路tram 矿车trolley 矿车undercut level 底切水平underlayer 下伏层upper level 上水平upper limit 上限ventilate 通风ventilation raise 通风天井ventilation reversal 反向通风ventilation scheme 通风系统图vibrate 振动vibrated concrete 振实的混凝土vibrating ball mill 振动球磨机vibrating chute 振动式滑槽vibrating conveyor 振动输送机vibrating dryer 振动干燥机vibrating feeder 振动给矿机vibrating mill 振动磨碎机vibrating screen 振动筛vibrating sieve 振动筛vibrating system 振动系统vibrating table 振动台vibrodrill 振动钻机vibrodrilling 振动打钻vibrofeeder 振动给矿机viscidity 粘度volcanic rock 火山岩wall rock 围岩waste fill 废石充填waste heap 废石堆waste ore 废矿water drainage 排水water drainage roadway 排水平巷water drip 水滴water entry 排水平巷water filled charge 充水装药water flooding 注水法water proof 防水的water pump 水泵well 井winch 绞车working area 采区working bed height 采煤层厚度working bench 开采台阶working coditions 开采条件zinc 锌zircon 锆石zone 带zone of compression 压缩带zone of contact 接触带zone of fracture 破裂带zone of oxidation 氧化带。
矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃abelite 阿贝立特炸药abichite 砷铜矿ability 能力ability to flow 怜性ablation 水蚀ablution 洗净abnormality 反常abrasion 磨损abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 磨料abruption 断层abscissa 横座标absite 钍钛铀矿absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器absorbing ability 吸收性absorption 吸收absorption factor 吸收系数absorption meter 液体溶气计absorptivity 吸收性absortion constant 吸收常数abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱abundance 丰富abundant 富有的abutment 拱座abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验acceptor charge 被动装药accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾accompanying bed 伴生层accoustic signal 音响信号accretion 表土accumulation 蓄积accumulator 蓄电池accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度accuracy degree 精确度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸aceton 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈acetyl 乙酰acetylene 乙炔acetylene lamp 电石灯achromatic 消色差的aciculite 针状矿石acid 酸acid mine water 酸性矿水acid number 酸值acid proof 酎酸的acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant 耐酸的acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid rock 酸性岩acid treatment of a borehole 钻孔酸处理acid value 酸值acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidness 酸度acidproof 耐酸的actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石action radius 酌半径activate 活化activated carbon 活性煤activated charcoal 活性煤activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activation energy 活化能activator 活化剂active 活化的active dust 活性尘末active working face 生产工祖activity 活度actual mining 回采工作actuate 驱动actuating roll 导辊actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度acute 尖的acute angle 锐角adamantine 冷铸钢粒adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石adamic earth 红粘土adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添additional tension 附加应力additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力adhesive 胶粘剂adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adit 平硐adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采adit entrance 平硐口adit mine 平硐开采矿山adit mouth 平硐口adjoining rock 围岩adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱adjuster 装配工adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting screw 蝶螺丝adjustment 蝶adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管admixture 掺和物adobe 风干砖adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 裸露装药爆破adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adulterant 掺杂物adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺advance bore 超前钻孔advance borehole 超前钻孔advance cut 超前掏槽advance grouting 超前灌浆advance heading 超前平巷advance mining 前进式开采advance of the face 工祖推进advance rate 掘进速度advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进advancing 掘进advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进advantage 长处adventure 矿山企业adversary grade 逆坡adverse grade 逆坡aegerite 纯钠辉石aegirine 霓石aegirite 霓石aeolation 风蚀aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器aeremia 沉箱病aerial cableway 架空死aerial conveyer 架空运输机aerial dust 浮尘aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死aerocrete 气孔混凝土aeroembolism 沉箱病aerofloat 黑药aerogel 气凝胶aerolite 陨石aerolith 陨石aerometer 气体表aerophore 氧气呼吸器aerosite 深红银矿aerosol 气溶胶aerotriangulation 航空三角测量aeroview 空中俯瞰图aerugo 铜绿aeschynite 易解石afflux 岭after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效afterexpansion 残余膨胀aftergases 爆后气体aftertreatment 后处理agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙age 期age of mine 矿山寿命ageing 老化agent 剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度aggregation 聚集aging 老化agitation 搅拌agitator 搅拌器agnotozoic era 元古代agricolite 硅铋石aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air adit 通风平硐air blast 空气冲击air blast goaf stowingmachine 风力充填机air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管air bottle 压气瓶air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器air brattice 风帘air brick 空心砖air bubble 气泡air bump 空气突出air chamber 空气室air change 换气air channel 空气通路air classifier 空气分级机air cleaner 空气滤净器air cleaning 风力选矿air compartment 通风隔间air composition 空气成分air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量air contamination 空气污染air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流air curtain 风帘air cylinder 空气缸air distribution 风量分配air door 风门air door tender 风门工air drift 通风石巷air drill 风钻air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机air driven pump 风动泵air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机air drying 风干air duct 空气通路air ejector 喷气器air escape 空气漏出air feed 气力推进air filter 空气过滤器air float table 气浮式风力摇床air flotation 充气浮选air flow 风流air flow resistance 气凌力air gap 风口air gate 风巷air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷air heater 空气加热器air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度air inlet 进气口air intake 进气口air jig 风力跳汰机air leg 风动钻架air level 气泡水准仪air lift 空气提液器air line 空气管air lock 气闸air locomotive 压气机车air measurement 通风测量air moisture 空气湿度air motor 风动发动机air movement 空气怜air network 通风网air opening 风巷air operated machine 风动机air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性air pick 风镐air pipe 风管air pocket 气袋air pollution 空气污染air powered locomotive 压气机车air preheater 空气顸热器air pressure 空气压力air proof 不透气的air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力air screw fan 轴两扇风机air separation 风选air separator 风力分离器风力分选机air shaft 风井air splitting 风林支air stopping 风墙air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应air table 风力淘汰盘air tank 空气箱air trammer 风动机车air trunk 通风隔间air tube 风井air valve 气阀air velocity 风临度air vessel 蓄气器airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒airflow measurement 通风测量airing 通气airleg 气腿airlock 风闸airman 风门工airway 风巷airwinch 风动绞车akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩akins classifier 螺旋分级机alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩alaskite 白岗岩alaunstein 茂石albertite 沥清煤albite 钠长石albitite 钠长岩albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规aliphatic acid 脂族酸alkali 碱alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度alkyl 烷基all over work 长壁开采all ups 原煤allactite 砷水锰矿allanite 褐帘石allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allophane 水铝英石allophanite 水铝英石allotrope 同素异形体allotropy 同素异形allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负载allowable stress 容许应力allowance 公差alloy 合金alloy bit 合金钻头alloyed steel 合金钢alluvial 冲积的alluvial deposit 冲积矿床alluvial gold 砂金alluvial mining 砂矿开采alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌alternate load 交变负载alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流alternating current generator 交立电机alternating current motor 交羚动机alternating motion 往复运动alternation 交替altimeter 测高计altimetry 高度测量术altitude 高度alum 茂alum earth 矾土alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝aluminium bronze 铝青铜aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管alundum 氧化铝alunite 茂石amalgam 汞齐amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器amatol 阿马托炸药amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度ambligonite 磷铝石amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸ammon dynamite 硝安炸药ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatinedynamite 铵胶炸药ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitratedynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrateexplosives 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵amorphous 无定形的amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolization 闪石化酌amplification 放大amplifier 放大器amplify 放大amplitude 振幅ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构analcime 方沸石analcite 方沸石analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器analysis 分析analyst 化验员analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytical chemistry 分析化学analyze 分析analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚anchor bolt 锚杆ancillary work 辅助工作ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿andalusite 红柱石anderseam 下部煤层andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andradite 钙铁榴石anemobarometer 风速风压计anemograph 自记风速计anemometer 风速表anemometry 风速测定aneroid barometer 无液气压计anfo explosives 铵油炸药anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器angle 角angle bar 角钢angle face 倾斜工祖angle gauge 角规angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角angle of dip 倾角angle of draw 落角angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of pitch 螺距角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 边界角angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular hole 斜炮眼angular motion 角动angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量anode 阳极anomaly 异常anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长石antarctic pole 南极antecedent magneticconcentration 储备处理磁选anthracene 葸anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计anthracosis 煤肺病anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转antidote 解毒药antifoamer 消泡剂antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂antifreezing agent 防冻剂antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂antiseptic 防腐剂apatite 磷灰石aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频apparent resistance 表观阻力apparent specific gravity 表观此重apparent viscosity 视粘度apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近approved cable 防爆电缆approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firingapparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的approximate value 近似值approximation 近似法apron conveyor 平板运输机apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液aquifer 蓄水层aquiferous 含水的aragonite 霰石arc 弧arch 拱arch lining 拱形支架arch pressure 支承压力arch setting 安设拱形支架arch span 拱跨arch theory 成拱论arch timbering 拱形木支架arch truss 拱式桁架arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破area of explosion 爆炸区arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argillaceous rock 泥质岩argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩argillaceous slate 泥板岩argillite 泥质板岩argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土armoure 加强armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土armoured conveyerpanzerconveyer 镫装运输机arrangement 布置arrangements 准备arrester 制动器制止器arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架articulation 铰链接合artificial caving 人工崩落artificial draught 人工通风artificial petroleum 人造石油artificial respiration 人工呼吸artificial vetilation 人工通风asbestos 石棉asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿asbstos cement 石棉水泥ascending working 漏口ascension 上升ascensional ventilation 上向通风ash 灰ash coal 高灰煤ash composition 灰分组成ash content 灰分askew 斜的asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土asphaltite 沥青岩asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气aspirator 抽风机assay 试金assemblage 装配assemble 装配assimilation 同化酌association 缔合assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁;隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的asymmetrical 不对称的asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机atacamite 氯铜矿atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子atomic 原子的atomic number 原子序atomic ore 放射性矿石atomic volume 原子体积atomization 喷雾atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环;开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土attle 充填料attraction 引力attractive force 引力attrition 磨耗attrition mill 盘磨机attrition test 磨损试验auger drill 螺旋钻augering 螺旋钻法auget 雷管augite 辉石aureole 接触带auric 金的auriferous 含金的aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuringdevice 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃autocollimation 自动视准autoconverter 自动变流autocrane 汽车起重机autodumper 自卸汽车autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊autoloader 汽车式装载机automated mine 自动化煤矿automated mining 自动化采掘automatic block 自动闭塞automatic brake 自动制动器automatic checking 自动检验automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器automatic control 自动控制automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器automatic coupler 自动车钩automatic door 自动风门automatic dumper 自动翻车机automatic equipment 自动设备automatic feed 自动给料automatic feeder 自动给矿机automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑automatic pressurecontroller 自动倒器自动压力控制器automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤automation 自动化automatization 自动化automobile 汽车autotransformer 单卷变压器autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机auxiliary level 辅助平巷auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力average sample 平均试样average trend 平均走向average value 平均值axe 斧axial 轴性的axial blower 轴寥风机axial compression 轴向压缩axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵axial pump 轴两泵axle 车轴axle base 轴距axle bearing 轴承axle box 轴颈箱axle box bearing 轴箱轴承axle journal 轴颈azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘azote 氮azurite 蓝铜矿babbit 巴氏合金back bolting 顶板锚杆支护back bone 分水岭back brace 背板back break 超欠挖back brushing 挑顶back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机back filling 充填back filling method 充填法back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩back filling system 分段上向充填开采法back lath 顶板背板back leg bracing 柱腿支撑back lye 井下错车道back pulling 回采煤柱back stope 上向梯段回采工祖back stoping 上向梯段回采back stroke 回程back water 回水back weight 平衡锤backacter 反铲backbye deputy 井下维修工backdigger 反铲backdraught 逆通风backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲backlash 轮齿隙backman 辅助工backpressure 顶板压力backstoping 上向梯段回采backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆backweight 平衡锤backwork 辅助工作bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤bactericide 杀菌剂bad top 不稳固顶板baddeleyite 斜锆矿baffle plate 反射板bag filter 袋滤器bag powder 装袋炸药bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器bagger 多斗控掘机bagging 装袋baghouse 囊式集尘窒baikalite 贝钙铁辉石bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤bal 矿山balance 平衡balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓balance level 水准仪balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀balance weight 平衡锤balanced hoist 两容漆升机balanced hoisting 平衡提升balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄ball 球ball and socket joint 球节ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball bushing 球轴套ball cage 球护圈ball charge 磨球装量ball crusher 球磨机ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机ball retainer 球护圈ball up 钻孔堵塞ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药ballstone 球石balsam 香液bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍band 带band brake 带式制动器带闸band conveyor 带式运输机band iron 带铁band ore 带状矿石banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车bank 阶段bank coal 原煤bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度bank method of attack 阶段开采法bank shaft mouth 坚井口bank work 阶梯开采bankcoal 原煤banker 掘土工banket 含金砾岩层bankhead 斜井井口出车平台banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机bar screen 棒条筛bare 裸露的bare cable 裸电缆bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业baring 复盖岩层;剥离barings 截煤粉barite 重晶石barium 钡barkevikite 棕闪石barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barometer 气压表barometric 气压的barometric height 气压高度barrage 堰barrel 桶barren 不含矿物的barren layer 废石层barren rock 废石barricade 隔墙barrier 岩粉棚barrier method 柱式开采法barrier pillar 安全煤柱barrier system 柱式开采法barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器barring 顶板支护barrow 手推车barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿baryte 重晶石baryum 钡basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面basalt 玄武岩base 基础;碱基base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线base plate 底板base road 诛base rock 基岩base unit 基本单位bashing 用废矸石充填采空区basic 基性的basic line 基线basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池basis 基础bass 炭质页岩basset 露头bast 炭质页岩bastard 夹石bastite 绢石bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿bat 泥质页岩batardeau 隔墙bathoclase 水平节理batholite 基岩batholith 基岩bathometer 深海测深仪bathymeter 深海测深仪bating 井筒延伸;卧底batt 泥质页岩batter 坡度batter level 倾斜仪batter pile 斜桩batter post 斜柱battered prop 斜柱battery 电池组;木隔壁;工专battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车baulk 煤层薄baum jig 空气跳汰机baum jig washer 空气跳汰机baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿bawke 吊桶beach combing 海滨开采砂矿beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床beam 梁bearer 矿柱bearing 煤层走向;轴承bearing alloy 轴承合金bearing block 矿枉煤柱bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器bearing load 轴承负载bearing metal 轴承合金bearing pointer 方位指示器bearing position 支点bearing power 承重能力bearing pressure 承压力bearing ring 之框bearing set 之框bearing test 承载力试验bearing up pulley 紧绳轮beat 打击beater 木捣锤beater pulverizer 锤碎机beckelite 方钙饰镧矿bed 地层bed plane 层理面bed series 层系bed succession 层序bed thinning 煤层变薄bed top 矿层顶板bedded iron ore 层状铁矿bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉bedding 层理bedding rock 基岩bedding surface 层理面bedrock 基岩beetle 大锤;捣固机belemnite 箭石bell man 信号工bell pit 小探井bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚belonite 针雏晶belowground 地下的belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机belt cleaner 净带器belt conveyor 带式运输机belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置belt elevator 带式提升机belt extension 胶带接长belt fastener 带扣belt feeder 带式给矿机belt heading 皮带输送机平巷belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒belt incline 胶带输送机斜井belt joint 带接belt lacer 带扣belt lacing 胶带接合belt lacing machine 缝带机belt loader 胶带动载机belt pulley 带式运输机滚筒belt punch 皮带穿孔器belt roller 皮带轮belt screen 带筛belt separator 带式分选机belt slip protection 胶带打滑保护belt stower 抛掷式胶带充填机belt stretcher 紧带器belt tension 皮带张力belt tightener 紧带器belt tightening pulley 皮带拉滚筒belt training idler 胶带导辊belt transport 皮带输送belt type dehydrator 带式干燥机belt type magnetic separator 带式磁选机belting 输送机胶带装置bench 阶段bench cut blasting 阶段爆破bench drilling 阶段钻眼bench face 台阶工祖bench floor 台阶底bench height 台阶高度bench hole 梯段的下向垂直炮眼bench mining 阶梯式开采bench preparation 阶段准备bench stoping 阶梯式开采benched quarry 阶段采石场benching 阶梯式开采benching bank 阶段bend 弯管bender 弯机bending force 弯力bending machine 弯机bending moment 弯曲矩bending resistance 抗弯强度bending rolls 辊子卷板机bending strength 抗弯强度bending stress 弯曲应力bending test 弯曲试验benefication 选矿beneficiating method 选矿法beneficiation 选矿benitoite 蓝锥矿bent 弯曲bent entry 弯曲平巷bent face 弯工祖bent pipe 弯管bentonite 皂土benzene 苯benzine 汽油benzol 苯beresite 黄铁长英岩berm 段台berme 段台berthierite 辉铁锑矿bertrandite 硅铍石beryl 绿柱石beryllium 铍beryllonite 磷钠铍石beton 混凝土bevel 斜面bevel gear 伞齿轮bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动bevel gearing 伞齿轮咬合;锥齿轮传动装置bevel wheel 伞齿轮bevelling 锨bicable tramway 双线死bickford fuse 比克福特导爆线bicone type rolling cutterbit 双圆锥齿轮钻头big hole 大径钻孔billot 杆bimetal 双金属bimetal thermometer 双金属温度计bimetallic strip relay 双金属片继电器bin 矿仓bin gate 贮仓闸门binder 粘结剂binding agent 粘结剂binding coal 粘结煤binding energy 结合能binding force 结合力bing 堆bing hole 放矿溜口binning 装仓biogeochemistry 生物地球化学biotite 黑云母biquartz 双石英bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bismuthite 泡铋矿bisulfate 硫酸氢盐bisulfite 亚硫酸氢盐bisulphate 硫酸氢盐bisulphite 亚硫酸氢盐bit 钎头bit dresser 钻头修整机bit dressing 钻头修整bit edge 钻刃bit face 钻头刃面bit grinder 钻头磨锐机bit head 钻头bit life 钎头使用期间bit shank 钎尾bitter earth 氧化镁bitum 沥青bituminous coal 沥青煤bituminous rock 沥青岩bituminous shale 沥青页岩black band 菱铁矿black blasting powder 黑色火药black bog 泥炭沼泽black diamond 黑金刚石black earth 黑土black iron ore 磁铁矿black lead 石黑black lead ore 黑铅矿black manganese 黑锰矿black powder 黑火药black powder train 黑药导火线blackdamp 室息性空气blacksmith 锻工blade 刀片blade grader 推土机blader 推土机blaize 硬砂岩blanch 铅矿石blanket 表层blanket table 平面洗矿台blast 爆炸blast blower 鼓风机blast firing 放炮blast hole 炮眼blast hole drill 凿岩机blast layout 装药布置blast stower 风力充填机blastability 爆炸性blaster 放炮工blaster cap 雷管blasters' permit 爆破技术员blasthole 炮眼blasthole bit 炮眼钻头blasthole collar 炮眼口blasthole method 深孔爆破开采法blasting 爆破blasting accessories 爆破用七blasting agent 炸药blasting cable 放炮电缆blasting cartridge 药包blasting charge 装炸药blasting compound 炸药blasting cone 爆破漏斗blasting device 爆破用具blasting drift 爆破平巷blasting dust 爆破尘末blasting equipment 爆破用具blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线blasting galvanometer 放炮电路试验器blasting gelatine 煤炸药blasting lead 爆破导线blasting machine 电气发爆器blasting material 爆炸物blasting oil 硝化甘油blasting operation 爆破blasting ratio 爆破比blasting supplies 起爆颇blasting switch 爆破开关blasting technician 放炮工blasting tools 爆破工具bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出bleeder entry 通风平巷bleeder hole 放泄孔bleeder off hole 排放钻孔bleeder pipe 排出管blende 闪锌矿blender 掺合器混合器blending 掺合blending bunker 配合仓blending conveyor 掺合输送机blind 暗的blind coal 无焰炭blind drift 独头巷道blind galley 独头巷道blind lead 无露头矿脉blind outcrop 盲露头blind pit 暗井blind shaft 暗井blister 气泡block 采区;块;滑车组block brake 闸块式制动器block caving method 分段崩落采矿法block line 钻井钢丝绳block mining 分块开采blockage 闭塞blockhole 炮眼blockhole blasting 爆破地面大块岩石blockholing 爆破地面大块岩石blocking 闭塞blondin 采掘场架空死blow 放炮blow of gas 瓦斯喷出blow up 爆炸blowcharging 风力装药blowed fill 风力充填blower 吹风机blower fan 吹风机blowing out 吹洗炮眼blowing over 工祖通风blowing ventilation 吹入通风blowlamp 焊灯blowout 突出blowout preventer 防喷器blowpipe 喷焊器喷割器blowtorch 焊灯blue cap 蓝色焰晕blue printing machine 蓝图机blue spar 天蓝石blue vitriol 胆矾blueprint 蓝图blueprint paper 蓝图纸bluestone 胆矾blunt 钝的blunt drill 钝钻board 板board and pillar 房柱式开法board and pillar method 房柱式开采法board and pillar work 房柱式开法board and wall method 房柱式开采法boarding 安装木板boart 工业用圆粒金刚石bob 铅锥bobbin 绕线管bog land 沼地bogie 小车;转向架boiled oil 熟炼油boiler 锅炉boiling 沸腾boiling process 沸腾法boke 小细脉bolt 螺栓bolt connection 螺栓连接bolt joint 螺栓接合bolting 锚杆支护bolting cost 锚杆支架费bonanza 富矿脉bond 结合bond energy 结合能bonding agent 结合剂bonding energy 结合能bonding strength 结合强度bone 可燃性页岩bone char 骨煤bone coal 骨煤bone picker 拣矸工bonnet 盖bonny 矿襄bonstay 暗井bont 提升装置bonze 末精选的铅矿石boom 悬臂boom crane 伸臂起重机boom hoist 悬臂绞车boom ripper 悬臂挑预机boose 矿石内的脉石booster 传爆药booster fan 辅助扇风机booster primer 传爆药booster pump 增压泵boosting 局部通风bootleg 拒爆炮眼booze 铅矿bop 防喷器boracite 方硼石borax 硼砂bord 巷道bord and pillar method 房柱式开采法bord and pillar work 房柱式开法bord and wall method 房柱式开采法border 边缘border pile 边桩bordering 炮泥borderline 界线bore 孔bore bit 钻头bore borings 钻粉bore hole 炮眼bore meal 钻粉bore mining 溶液采矿bore mud 钻泥bore plug 钻孔岩样borehole 钻孔borehole charge 钻孔装药borehole clinometer 钻孔测斜仪borehole diameter 钻孔直径borehole profile 钻孔断面图borehole pump 深井泵borehole seal 镗孔密封垫borehole shooting 钻井爆破borehole survey 钻孔测量borer 钻工boride 硼化物boring 钻进boring bar 钻杆boring bit 钎头boring for oil 石油钻深boring frame 钻塔boring head 钻头boring machine 钻机boring mud 钻泥boring pump 钻眼用泵boring rig 钻塔boring rod 钻杆boring rope 钻机用的钢丝绳boring tool 钻具boring tower 钻塔boring tube 钻管bornite 斑铜矿boron 硼bort bit 金刚石钻头bortz 工业用圆粒金刚石bortz powder 金刚石粉borway bit 齿状钻头boss hammer 大锤bossing 厚层切底bottle coal 瓦斯煤bottom 底板bottom banksman 井底把钩工bottom belt 底部皮带bottom canch 卧底bottom captain 井下组长bottom cutting 底部截槽bottom discharge bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom discharge skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dump bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dumping car 底卸式车bottom gangway 底导坑bottom gate 底导坑bottom heading 底导坑bottom hole 底部炮眼bottom installation 井底车场设备bottom kerf 底槽bottom layer 底层bottom layout 井底车场布置bottom level 井底车场标高bottom loading belt 底带装载式胶带输送机bottom man 井底把钓工bottom plate 底板bottom pressure 底部压力bottom priming 底部点火bottom sediment 罐底杂质bottom slice 底分层bottom stope 下向梯段工祖bottom stoping 下向梯段回采bottom taking 卧底bottom wall 下盘bottomer 井底把钓工bottoming bit 可卸式钻头boulangerite 硫锑铅矿boulder 圆石boulder blaster 大块爆破工boulder blasting 二次爆破boulder crusher 粗碎机boundary 边界boundary breakthrough 边界联络横巷boundary condition 边界条件boundary layer 边界层boundary of property 建矿边界boundary of section 采区边界boundary surface 界面boundary surface activeagent 界面活性剂boundary value 监界品位boundary ventilation 对边通风bounge 煤的挤出bournonite 车轮矿bouse 矿石内的脉石boutgate 通地面的人行道bow 弧;拱梁bowl classifier 浮槽分级机box 箱box car 棚车box compass 罗盘box floor 溜口底box timbering 板框支护。
料斗:Hopper振动给料机:vibrating feeder鄂式破碎机:jaw crusher反击式破碎机:impact crusher锤式破碎机:hammer crusher弹簧圆锥破碎机:spring cone crusher细碎机:fine crusher复合式破碎机:compound crusher辊式破碎机:roll crusher振动筛:vibrating screen工作原理:working principle优势:advantages应用:Applications机架:Frame锻造:forged弹簧:Spring水平轴:Horizontal shaft主轴:main shaft轴承:bearing动锥:Dynamic cone静锥:static cone平衡轮:balance wheel偏心轴:eccentric shaft偏心套:eccentric bushing偏心快:eccentric block主动轴:driving shaft被动轴:driven shaft上破碎壁(固定锥):rolling acetabular wall 下破碎壁(动锥):crushing wall固定鄂板:fixed jaw动鄂板:swing jaw破碎腔:crushing space飞轮:flywheel肘板:toggle plate高锰钢:high manganese steel边护板:guard plate冲击板:impact plate板锤:hammer plate衬板:scaleboard / liner plates液力偶合器:liquid coupling润滑系统:lubrication system液压系统:hydraulic system电动机:motor旋转:rotate 转子:rotor摆动:swing挤压:extruding撞击:strike粒度:granularity物料:material重力:gravity下落:fall排出:discharge三角皮带:triangle belt/ cone belt皮带轮:belt pulley驱动:drive齿轮:wheel gear/gear表面:surface均匀:uniformity立方体:cube磨损:wear参数:parameter液压:hydraumatic润滑油:lubricating oil密封:seal进料口:feed port出料口:discharge port进料口尺寸:feed opening栅格,格子,网格:grid传动装置,齿轮运动:gearing筛网:screen筛选:screening扣板:pinch plate使分散,使散:scatter皮带轮:belt wheel外壳:frame拉杆:drawbar螺栓:screw bolt锁紧块:locking segment压紧块:The pressing block链幕:hanging curtain磨削装置:grinding attachment调整辊圈装置:the adjustment ofthe roll ring device除料装置: feeding device辊圈:roller shell;roller ring保险装置:safety device/safetyappliance固定架:fixed mount螺栓bolt压紧装置battening device技术参数Technique parameter粗磨:Thick whet水泥厂:Cement works砂岩:Sandstone石膏:Gypsum运转平稳:Revolve steady预期、期望:Anticipate高减速:High reduction ratio粗磨Coarse grinding细碎Fine crushing水分Moisture水分含量Moisture content立方的Cubic超硬矿石Extra hard material磨损Abrasion叶轮Impeller离心机:Centrifugal离心力:Centrifugal force漩涡Vortex粒度Granularity转子直径Roller diameter外形尺寸Overall dimension花岗岩Granite玄武岩Basalt石灰岩Limestone河砾石River gravel水泥Cement铁矿石Iron ore铁铝氧石Bauxite冶金Metallurgy旋转体Rotator蓖条Grate聚集Aggregate破坏Demolition棘轮盖装置Ratchet cover device回弹Rebound传动装置Transmission device焊接welded高铬铸铁High chrome iron castings盾电弧法Shield arc process铸造的Forged钼Molybdenum直径Diameters锤头Hammerhead筛板sieve机箱Chassis机壳Cabinet锤轴Hammer shaft检视门View Door边护板Side plate采矿mining采矿工程mining engineering矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity 矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period 矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore 矿体ore body矿脉vein矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics选矿厂concentrator, mineralprocessing plant 生产线工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit产率yield回收率recovery ratio矿物mineral粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿crude mineral精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminuting磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing套筒sleeveFlow chart 流程图Eccentric 偏心的Flywheel 飞轮Swing Jaw 动锥Check plate 夹板Tension rod 拉杆Exciter 激振器Seep 渗透Aggregate 混凝土Cubic 立体的,立方的Liner plate 衬板Sleeve 套筒Ferrous 铁的Impeller 叶轮Pulp 矿浆Harrow 耙Scraper 刮板Barrel 滚筒Intensity 强度Density 密度Consumption 消耗Maintenance 操作性Ideal 理想的Adopt 采取,采用Water-saving 节水Energy-saving 节能Granularity 粒度Reaction 反应Pharmaceutical 药学的Ingredients 成分Solid particles 固体颗粒Flocculation 絮结Automatic 自动化Slime 黏质物Residue 残渣Metallurgy 冶金Volume 容量Fluorite 萤石1. amalgamation [əˌmælɡə'meɪʃn]n.合并,混合;汞齐化;混一2. cylinder ['sɪlɪndə(r)]n.圆筒,圆柱;汽缸;(尤指用作容器的)圆筒状物3. sluice [slu:s]n.水闸;(用水闸控制的)水;有闸人工水道;漂洗处4. 帘幕hanging curtain5. white cast iron [hwait kɑ:st ˌaiən]白口铸铁6. wear resistance [wɛə riˌzistəns]耐磨性7. impact value [ˌimpækt ˌvælju]冲击值8. 喷水管[化] spray (water)pipe9. 刷辊brush roll10. 给矿槽feed chute ;feed launder ;feed tray ;feeder trough11. 均匀的even ;symmetrical ;[化] uniform ;well-distributed ;well-proportioned12. Symmetrical [sɪˌmetrɪkl]adj.对称的,匀称的13 分散disperse ;scatter14 crushing cavity 破碎腔Gasket 垫圈Horizontal 水平的,卧式的Demolition 毁坏,破坏Secondary/tertiary crushing 二级/三级破碎High-efficiency and energy conservation 高效节能Discharge opening 排料口Adjust 调整Hammer plates 锤板Transmission shaft 传动轴Eccentric sleeve 偏心套Bowl bearing 滚动轴承Dangle 摇摆,摆动Rolling acetabular 轧臼壁Extrusion 挤压,挤出Main shaft 主轴Standard 标准的Hydraulic cleaning/ adjustment液压清洗/ 调整装置Drive shaft assembly 水平轴Lubrication 润滑Grade 分级,品位Annular 环形的Groove 沟槽Riveted 衔接,固定Durable 耐用的Boiler 锅炉Pinch plate 扣板Replacement 更换Abrasive 摩擦的,粗糙的Moisture 湿度Centrifugal force 离心力Vortex 涡流Portable 便携式Requirement 要求Metallurgic 冶金,冶金学的Petroleum 石油Friction 摩擦力Sand washer 洗砂机Feed slurry pipe 给狂管Fluidization water valve 冲水阀Dredging 挖泥,捕捞Sluice 水闸,溜槽Enrichment 富集度Rubber floor 橡胶底座Mechanism 机制,结构Aluminum alloy 铝合金Glass fibred reinforced plastic玻璃钢Amalgamation cylinder 混汞筒High weir type 高堰型Closed- circuit 闭合回路主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent气压air pressure pneumaticpressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工electric spark machining 有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facingmachining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technicalrequirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittlenessmaterial刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straighttoothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spurgear直齿锥齿轮straight bevelgear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and wormgear 曲柄crankcommon equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedulesheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认。
dacite 英安岩dacker 静气dahllite 碳磷灰石daily advance 日掘进进度daily output 日产量dam 隔墙;堤damage 损坏damp 爆炸性气体damped wave 阻尼波damping 衰减damping coefficient 减衰系数damping spring 缓冲弹簧dampness 湿气damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器danburite 赛黄晶danger 危险danger zone 危险地带dangerous 危险的dark ruby ore 深红银矿data 数据data processing 数据处理data transmission 资料传送datum level 基准面datum point 基准点dautriche method 杜托里叔爆炸速度试验法davy man 矿灯工day arrangement 地面设备day drift 平硐day eye 倾斜探井day level 平硐day output 日产量day work 地面工作daylight 日光daylight lamp 日光灯dc 直流dc generator 直立电机dc motor 直羚动机dead air 停滞的空气dead coal 非炼焦煤dead end 独头巷道dead face 独头巷道dead load 静重dead pressure 死压dead rock 废石dead time 停工时间dead weight brake 重锤制动器deading 岩巷掘进deads 废石deadwork 岩巷掘进deaeration 去气deairing 去气debris 废石debris kibble 岩石吊桶decantation 滗析decanter 滗析器decarbonization 脱碳decarburizer 脱碳剂decay product 分解产物decayed rock 风化岩石deceleration 减速dechenite 红矾铅矿deck 层deck charge 分段装药deck head building 井口建筑物deck loading 分段装药decked charge 分段装药deckhead 出车台deckhead building 井口建筑物declination 偏角declivity 下斜decolorization 脱色decolour 脱色decompose 分解decomposed outcrop 分解露头decomposition 分解decompression 减压decompressor 减压器decrease 减少decrement 减量deduster 除尘器dedusting 除尘deep 深的deep adit 低层平硐deep drilling 深孔钻眼deep drilling equipment 深孔钻进设备deep freezing 低温冻结deep hole blasting 深眼爆破deep hole infusion 深孔注水deep hole method 深眼爆破法deep level 深水平deep mine 深矿deep mining 深井开采deep shaft 深井deep trough 槽形运输机deep well pump 深井泵deep working 深井开采deepening 延深defect 缺陷defectoscope 探伤器deflagrate 暴燃deflagration 暴爆deflection 挠曲deflection angle 偏角deflection curve 变曲曲线deflection test 挠曲试验deflector 偏转板deflector brattice 转向风障deflexion 挠曲deflocculation 反凝絮deformation 变形deformation of timbering 支架变形defrosting 解冻degasification 脱气degassing hole 排放瓦斯钻孔degaussing effect 去磁效应degradation 降低;退化degree celsius 摄氏度数degree centigrade 摄氏度数degree fahrenheit 华氏度数degree kelvin 开耳芬度数degree of acccuracy 精密度degree of coalification 煤化程度degree of crushing 破碎程度degree of dip 倾斜度degree of dispersion 弥散度degree of elevation 仰角degree of exactitude 准确度degree of extraction 回采率degree of fineness 细度degree of freedom 自由度degree of grinding 粉碎程度degree of hardness 硬度degree of inclination 倾斜度degree of oxidation 氧化程度degree of packing 装药密度degree of pitch 倾斜度degree of safety 安全程度degree of separation 分离程度degree of size breakage 破碎度dehumidifying 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水dehydrator 脱水器deister table 垂特摇床delamination 剥离delay 迟滞delay action blasting 迟发爆破delay action detonator 迟发雷管delay blast 迟发爆破delay cap 迟发雷管delay element 延时元件delay igniter 延发点火器delay interval 迟发时间delay number 延时段delay primer 迟发起爆药包delay relay 延时继电器delay time 延迟时间delayed blast 迟误爆破delayed blasting 迟误爆破delayed detonation 迟发起爆delayed electric detonator 迟发电雷管delayed igniter 廷发点火器delessite 铁叶绿泥石deleterious dust 有害尘末delimitation 定界delivery 供应delivery lift 扬程delivery pipe 输出管delivery valve 输送阀demagnetization 退磁demangnetization force 去磁力demarcation 定界demidovite 天青硅孔雀石dendrite 师石dense 密的dense liquid 重液dense media preparation 重介选矿dense media process 重介选法dense media separation 重介选dense media separator 重介分选机dense medium 重悬浮液dense medium method 重介选法dense medium separator 重介质分选机denseness 稠密densification 浓缩densifier 浓缩机densimeter 密度计densitometer 密度计density 密度density control 浓度第density of surface charge 面电荷密度denudation 剥蚀deoxidation 脱氧dependency 依赖性dephlegmation 分凝depletion 消耗depletion drive 溶解气驱deposit 沉积物deposit discovery 矿床开拓deposit type 矿床类型depositing tank 矿泥沉淀箱deposition 沉淀deposition rate 沉淀速度depositional gradient 自然坡depot 仓库depressant 抑制剂depression 抑制;沉降depressor 抑制剂depth 层厚depth indicator 深度指示器depth of stratum 层厚depthfinder 测深仪depthometer 测深仪derived unit 导出单位derrick 钻塔derrick crane 动臂起重机descent 下井descentional ventilation 下行通风descloizite 钒铅锌矿desiccating agent 干燥剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器design data 设计数据design of experiments 实验规划法desiltor 脱泥机deslimer 脱泥机desliming 脱泥desliming cone 脱泥圆锥分级机desliming screen 脱泥筛desorption 脱除despersing agent 分散剂desquamation 剥落destress blasting 去应力爆破destruction 破环desulphurization 脱硫detach 分离detachable 可分离的detachable bit 活钻头detaching hook 过卷脱绳钩detachment 分离detection 发现;检查detector 检波器determination 决定detonability limit 爆轰界限detonate 起爆detonating cap 雷管detonating charge 起爆装药detonating composition 起爆粉detonating cord 导爆线detonating explosive 起爆炸药detonating fuse blasting 导爆线爆破detonating gas 爆炸瓦斯detonating mixture 爆炸混合物detonating relay 迟发导爆线装置detonation 爆轰detonation pressure 爆轰波压detonation product 爆炸产物detonation property 起爆性detonation rate 爆轰速度detonation reaction 爆炸反应detonation velocity 起爆速度detonation velocity test 爆速试验detonator 雷管detonator lead 雷管导线detour 迂回巷道detrition 磨损detritus 岩屑developed field 开拓了的矿床developement drift 开拓平巷developement openings 开拓巷道developement workings 开拓巷道developing 开发developing butt 开拓巷道developing entry 准备平巷development 发展development end 采准工祖development face 采准工祖development heading 准备平巷development machine 掘进机development opening 准备巷道development plan 开拓计划development road 开拓巷道development section 开拓区development workings 准备平巷deviation 偏差device 装置dewaterer 脱水机dewatering 排水dewatering box 脱水箱dewatering bucket elevator 脱水斗式提升机dewatering cone 脱水圆锥分级机dewatering conveyor 脱水输送机dewatering elevator 脱水提升机dewatering pump 排水泵dewatering screen 脱水筛dewatering tower 脱水塔dewatering trough 脱水槽diabase 辉绿岩diagenesis 成岩酌diagonal 对角线;对角线的diagonal deck table 菱形盘面摇床diagonal entry 伪倾斜巷道diagonal face 对角工祖diagonal rise 伪倾斜上山diagonal slicing 倾斜分层开采法diagonal ventilation 对角式通风diagram 曲线图diallogite 菱锰矿dialogite 菱锰矿dialysis 透析diamagnetic 抗磁性的diamagnetism 抗磁性diameter 直径diameter of bore 钻孔直径diamon bit 金刚石钻头diamond 金刚石diamond drill 金刚石钎杆diamond field 金刚石产地diamond powder 金刚石粉diamond tool 金刚石钻具diaphragm 隔膜diaphragm jig 隔膜跳汰机diaphragm pump 隔膜泵diaspore 水铝石diatomite 硅藻土dibhole 水仓didymolite 钙蓝石die 冲模dielectric 电介质的dielectric constant 电介常数dielectric separation 电介分选diesel electric locomotive 柴油电机车diesel fuel 柴油diesel locomotive 柴油机车diesel mine locomotive 矿用柴油机车diesel oil 柴油difference 差differential 微分;差动的differential flotation 优先浮选differential grinding 选择磨矿differential piston 差动活塞differential pressure 压差differential thermometer 差示温度计differential thread 差动螺纹diffuser 扩散器diffusibility 扩散性diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散性dig 挖掘digger 挖掘机digging 挖掘digging bucket 挖掘机铲斗digging depth 挖掘深度digging efficiency 挖掘效率digging height 铲挖高度;阶段高度digging reach 控掘半径digging rope 拉绳dike 岩脉dilatation 膨胀dilation 膨胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluant 冲淡剂diluent 稀释剂dilution 稀释dimension 大小dimension stone 块石dimensional analysis 因次分析dinitritoluene 二砂基甲苯dinting 卧底diopside 透辉石dioptase 透视石diopter 观板diorite 闪长岩dioxide 二氧化物dip 倾斜dip angle 倾角dip compass 矿山罗盘dip entry 下山dipper 铲斗dipper capacity 铲斗容量dipper door 勺斗门dipper dredge 铲斗挖掘船dipper type dredger 铲斗挖掘船dipping compass 矿山罗盘dipping working 沿倾斜下向开采direct 导向direct acting drive 直接传动direct acting hoist 直接传动提升机direct current 直流direct current generator 直立电机direct current motor 直羚动机direct drive 直接传动direct initiation 直接起爆direct priming 孔口起爆direct reading 直接读数direct rope haulage 头绳运输directed driling 定向钻进direction 方向direction finding and ranging 定向和测距direction of dip 倾斜方向direction of extraction 开采方向direction of rotation 转向directional drilling 定向钻进dirt bailer 泥浆泵dirt band 夹石层dirt extraction 拣矸dirt haul 废石运输dirt loader 废石装载机dirt pack 废石充填dirt pile 废石堆dirtied rock 炸落岩石disaster 灾难disc 圆盘disc valve 圆盘阀discharge 排出;放电discharge air shaft 上风竖井discharge chute 排泄槽discharge height 卸载高度discharge hopper 卸载漏斗discharge launder 排泄槽discharge opening 卸料口discharge outlet 卸料口discharge pipe 排出管discharge point 卸载站discharge time 卸载时间discharge trough 排矿槽discharger 卸载机discharging platform 卸料平台discontinuity 不连续性discontinuous 不连续的discovery 发现disintegration 粉碎disintegrator 粉碎机disk 圆盘disk bit 盘状冲魂头disk brake 盘式制动器disk conveyor 盘式运输机disk crusher 盘式破碎机disk cutter 圆盘式截煤机disk feeder 转盘给矿机disk filter 圆盘过滤机disk grizzly 圆盘滚轴筛disk pulverizer 盘式粉磨机disk valve 圆盘阀dislocation 转位dismantling 分解dispatcher 等员dispersant 分散剂disperse 分散dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion 分散dispersion medium 分散介体dispersity 分散度displacement 位移display 显示装置disposition 配置disruption 破裂disruptive explosive 爆裂性炸药dissemination 矿染dissociate 离解dissociation 离解dissolubility 溶解性dissoluble 可溶的dissolution 溶解dissoluvability 溶解性dissoluvable 可溶的dissolvant 溶剂dissolve 溶解dissolved gas drive 溶解气驱dissolvent 溶剂distance control 远距控制disthene 蓝晶石distillation 蒸馏distillator 蒸馏器distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distortion 变形distribute 分配distributing conveyor 分配输送机distributing trough 布料槽distributing valve 分配阀distribution 分配distributor 分配器district 地区disulfide 二硫化物disulphide 二硫化物ditch 沟道ditch and trench excavator 挖沟机ditch blasting 开沟爆破ditch excavator 挖沟机ditcher 挖沟机divergence 发散divergency 发散divide 分水岭divider 罐粱;罐梁;分隔器division 分割;区域division surface 分界面divisional plane 节理do jiargillaceous rock 泥质岩do jiarsenolite 砷华do jiblastproof 防爆的do jibolter 筛do jibrittle 脆的dobie blasting 糊炮dock 栈桥dog 把手dolerite 粗玄岩dolly way 栈桥dolomite 白云石dolomitization 白云石化dolomization 白云石化dome 穹domeykite 砷铜矿donarite 道纳瑞特炸药door 门door regulator 第风门door stoop 井筒安全柱door tender 看门工door trapper 看门工dope 吸收剂dopplerite 灰色沥青dormant fire 潜伏火灾dorr classifier 道尔型分级机dorr thickener 道尔型浓缩机dosimeter 剂量计dosing 配量dosing tank 计量箱double 二重的double bank cage 双层式罐笼double barrel 复式岩心管double chain conveyor 双链刮板输送机double deck cage 双层式罐笼double deck screen 双层筛double drum air driven hoist 风动双滚筒绞车double drum hoist 双滚筒绞车double drum scraper hoist 双滚筒扒矿绞车double drum separator 双浓筒磁选机double drum winch 双滚筒绞车double entry 双平巷double intakes 双进风道double parting 错车道double reduction gearbox 两级减速装置double roll crusher 双辊破碎机double stage compressor 双级压气机double track haulage roadway 双轨运输巷道double track heading 双线平巷double tracked incline 双轨斜井double tracked plane 双轨上山double tube core barrel 复式岩心管double union 双键double unit 双工炸区double up post 补充柱dovetail joint 鸠尾接合dowel 合缝销down grade 下坡down to earth salt production 地下岩盐开采downcast air 进风downcast shaft 进风井downcut 下部掏槽downdraft 下向通风downhole 向下炮眼downpour 注下downward 下向的downward current 下降流下向流downward mining 下行开采downward ventilation 下向通风downward working 下行开采dozer 推土机draft 通风draft tube 吸入管drag bar conveyor 刮板运输机drag classifier 刮板分级机drag conveyor 刮板运输机dragline 朔挖掘机dragline excavator 朔挖掘机dragline tower excavator 塔式朔挖掘机dragscraper 刮土铲运机dragshovel 刮土铲运机drain 排水管drain adit 排水平峒drain cock 放水旋塞drain line 排水管道drain opening 排水囗drain outlet 排水囗drain pipe 排水管drain pump 排水泵drain sump 集水仓drain tap 放水旋塞drain tube 排水管drain valve 放泄阀drainage 排水drainage adit 排水平峒drainage area 排水面积drainage channel 排水沟drainage conveyor 脱水输送机drainage elevator 脱水提升机drainage facilities 排水设备drainage gallery 排水平硐drainage hole 放泄孔drainage level 排水平巷drainage network 排水网drainage property 透水性drainage pump 排水泵drainage screen 脱水筛drainage shaft 排水井drainage sieve 脱水筛drainage works 排水工作draining 排水draught 通风draught tube 吸管drawbar 牵引杆drawing 回收drawing back of pillars 后退式回采矿柱drawing height 提升高度drawing hoist 回柱绞车drawing machine 提升绞车drawing program 放矿计划drawing rate 放矿速度drawing shaft 提升井drawpoint brow 放矿点口dredge 挖掘船dredge pump 吸泥泵dredger 挖掘船dredging 挖出dredging engine 挖泥机dresser 选矿工dressing 刃磨dressing expenses 选矿费dressing machine 锻钎机dressing method 连矿法dressing plant 选矿厂dressing works 选矿厂drier 干燥机drift 平硐drift angle 偏差角drift bed 冲积层drift conveyer 水平坑道运输机drift drill 架式凿岩机drift miner 巷道掘进工drift mining 平硐开采drift pillar 平巷矿柱drift way 水平巷道driftage 巷道掘进drifter 架式凿岩机drifting 巷道掘进drifting machine 架式凿岩机drifting method 掘进法drill 钎杆drill adapter 钻杆卡头drill autofeeder 自动推进装置drill bar 钻杆drill bit 钎头drill bit gage loss 钻头直径磨损量drill blower 钻机吹粉器drill bortz 钻用金刚石drill carriage 凿岩机drill chuck 钻头夹盘drill column 钻杆柱drill core 钻机岩心drill cuttings 钻粉drill hammer 凿岩机drill hole 排放钻孔drill hole depth 钻孔深度drill hole wall 钻孔壁drill jumbo 凿岩机drill maker 锻钎机drill man 凿岩工drill mounting 钻机架drill pipe 钻杆drill pipe cutter 套管内切刀drill piston 风钻活塞drill point angle 钻尖角drill pump 钻机泵drill rig 钻车drill rod 钻杆drill rope 钻井钢丝绳drill round 炮眼组drill steel 钻钢drill stem 钻杆drill team 钻探队drill tower 钻塔drill truck 钻车drill unit 钻孔设备drill water hose 凿岩机供水软管drill water pipe 钻机冲洗水管drillability 可钻性drillability index 可钻性指数driller 凿岩工drillhole burden 炮眼的负裁drilling 穿孔drilling and blasting operation 打眼放炮工作drilling cable 钻井钢丝绳drilling cost 打钻费drilling device 钻眼装置drilling dust 钻粉drilling equipment 钻孔设备drilling exploration 钻孔勘探drilling fluid 钻孔液体drilling head 钻头drilling hole 钻孔drilling jumbo 钻车drilling line 钻井钢丝绳drilling machine 钻孔机drilling meal 钻粉drilling method 钻进方法drilling mud 钻泥drilling outfit 钻孔设备drilling pattern 炮孔排列法drilling pipe 钻杆drilling platform 钻井平台drilling rate 钻孔速度drilling rope 钻井钢丝绳drilling shift 钻眼班drilling speed 钻孔速度drilling staging 凿岩台drilling steel 钻钢drilling time 钻孔时间drilling tool 钻具drillings 钻粉drillmobile 钻车drip 滴drip proof protection 防滴保护drivage 巷道掘进drivage efficiency 掘进效率drivage method 掘进法drive chain 传动链drive head 传动机头drive rod 传动钻杆drive shaft 传动轴drive sprocket 传动链轮drive sprocket wheel 传动链轮driven pulley 从动driven shaft 从动轴driver 掘进工driving 冲击driving belt 传动带driving chain 传动链driving force 传动力driving mechanism 传动机构driving openings 巷道掘进driving place 掘进现场driving pulley 织皮带轮driving shaft 传动轴driving speed 掘进速度driving terminal 传动站driving up the pitch 倾斜掘进drop 滴drop bottom cage 落底式罐笼drop bottom car 底卸式车drop cage 翻转罐笼drop crusher 冲唤破碎机drop crushing 落锤破碎drop end car 端卸车drop hammar 打桩落锤drop hammer test 落锤试验drop pit 溜道drop shaft 沉井drop side car 侧卸车drop test 落锤试验dropper 支脉drossy coal 劣质煤drowned mine 淹没的矿drowned pump 浸没泵drum 筒drum feeder 转筒给料机drum filter 鼓式过滤器drum screen 滚筒筛drum separator 圆筒式分选机drum switch 鼓形开关drum to rope ratio 筒径绳径比drum type feeder 转筒给料机drum winder 滚筒式提升机drumlin 鼓丘druse 晶洞drusy 晶洞dry 干燥dry assay 干法试金dry cleaning 干选dry coal preparation 干法选煤dry cobbing 干法磁选dry compressor 气冷压气机dry concentration 干选dry concentrator 干式选矿机dry digging 干料挖掘dry drilling 干式钻眼dry feeder 干给矿机dry grinding 干磨dry magnetic dressing 干法磁选dry magnetic separation 干法磁选dry method 干式法dry mill 干磨机dry milling 干磨dry packing 干式充填dry separation 干选dry sieving 干法筛分dry stowing 干式充填dry treatment 干处理dryer 干燥机dryer drum 干燥机滚筒drying 干燥drying chamber 干燥室drying cylinder 干燥筒drying room 干燥室ds blasting 秒延迟爆破duct 导管ductility 延性ductwork 通风管道duff dust 末煤dufrenite 绿磷铁矿dull coal 暗煤dumm drift 盲道dummy drift 独头巷道dummy roadway 石垛平巷dummy shaft 暗井dumortierite 蓝线石dump 堆dump body truck 自卸式载重汽车dump car 翻斗车dump house 翻车房dump leaching 堆积沥滤dump pocket 倾卸仓dump skip 倾卸箕斗dump truck 自卸式载重汽车dumper 翻车机dumping 翻卸dumping place 倾卸场dumping station 倾卸站dumping track 倾卸线dumping wagon 翻斗车dunite 纯橄榄岩dunn bass 泥质页岩duplex 二倍的duplex compressor 双动压气机duplex jig 双室跳汰机duplex table 双摇床durability 耐久性durable 耐久的durain 暗煤型duration 经久duration of cycle 循环时间durite 暗煤型durometer 硬度计dust allayer 集尘器dust barrier 岩粉棚dust catcher 集尘器dust catching efficiency 集尘效率dust catching plant 集尘装置dust chamber 集尘室dust coal 粉煤dust collection 集尘dust concentration 尘末浓度dust consolidation 尘末结合dust content 含尘率dust control 防尘dust counter 尘度计dust distributor 撒岩粉器dust explosion 尘末爆炸dust extraction 除尘dust extractor 吸尘器dust filter 滤尘器dust flotation 矿尘浮选dust laden air 含尘空气dust lung 尘肺病dust mask 防尘面具dust monitor 吸尘器dust ore 粉状矿石dust phthisis 尘肺病dust precipitation 煤尘沉降dust prevention 防尘dust proof 防尘的dust protective mask 防尘面具dust recovery 收尘dust removal 除尘dust separator 离尘器dust settling 尘末沉淀dust tight 防尘的dust yield 生尘量dustfree drilling 无尘钻眼dustiness 含尘量dustiness index 含尘指数dusting 生尘dustless drilling 无尘钻眼dusty air 含尘空气dusty mine 多尘矿井duty 能率dyke 岩脉dynamic 动力的dynamic balance 动态平衡dynamic characteristic 动态特性dynamic effect 动态效应dynamic equillibrium 动态平衡dynamic load 动负载dynamic pressure 动压dynamic stress 动力应力dynamics 动力学dynamite 疵麦特dynamite magazine 炸药房dynamometamorphism 动力变质dynamometer 测力计dynamometry 测力法dynamon 辞蒙炸药dyscrasite 锑银矿early strength cement 速凝水泥earth 土地earth borer 钻土机earth current 接地电流earth drill 钻土机earth magnetic field 地磁场earth movement 地层移动earth moving 土方工作earth pressure 地压earth wave 地震波earth work 土方工作earth's crust 地壳earth's surface 地面earthenware 陶器earthmoving equipment 土方工程设备earthquake proof construction 抗震建筑earthy cobalt 钴土矿easer 辅助炮眼easer hole 辅助炮眼easy grade 缓坡easy gradient 缓坡ebonite 硬橡胶eboulement 岩石崩塌eccentric 偏心轮;偏心的eccentric drive screen 偏心筛eccentric screen 偏心筛eccentricity 偏心率eclogite 榴辉岩economic stripping ratio 经济合理采剥比eddy 涡旋edge 边edge mill 轮碾机edge runner 辊碾机edge seam 急倾斜层eduction 排出eduction pipe 排气管effect 影响effective load 有效负载effective pull 有效拉力effective section 有效截面effective value 有效值effective working time 有效工妆间effectiveness 有效efficiency 效率efficiency curve 效率曲线efficiency of classification 分级效率efficiency of crushing 破碎效率efficiency of separation 分离度efficiency of separator 分选机效率efflorescence 风化effluence 瘤effort 酌力effusion 喷出effusive rock 喷发岩eglestonite 氯汞矿ejection 喷出ejector 喷射器ejector pump 喷射式水泵elastic 弹性的elastic after effect 弹性后效elastic axis 弹性轴elastic constant 弹性常数elastic curve 弹性曲线elastic deformation 弹性形变elastic energy 弹性能elastic extension 弹性伸长elastic force 弹力elastic limit 弹性限度elastic material 弹性材料elastic modulus 弹性模量elastic rock 弹性岩石elastic strain 弹性应变elastic strain energy 弹性能elastic wave 弹性波elasticity 弹性elasticity modulus 弹性模量elastoplastic rock 弹塑性岩石elbaite 锂电气石electric 电的electric air drill 电风钻electric blasting 电力爆破electric coalcutter 电动截煤机electric delay fuse 延发电雷管electric detonator 电雷管electric double layer 双电层electric drill 电钻electric haulage 电机车运输electric hoist 电绞车electric mine locomotive 矿用电气机车electric potential 电位electric precipitator 电气集尘器electric primer 电雷管起爆药包electric prospecting 电法勘探electric separation 电选electric separator 电分离器electric winch 电绞车electrical 电的electrical charge 电荷electrical concentration 电选electrical exploder 电放袍器electrical firing 电力爆破electrical firing connection 电力爆破线路electricfield 电场electroanalysis 电解分析electrochemical 电化学的electrochemistry 电化学electrode 电极electrofilter 电滤器electrofiltration 电滤electrokinetic potential 动电位electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解液electrolytic 电解的electrolytic dissociation 电离electromagnet 电磁铁electromagnetic 电磁的electromagnetic blowout 电磁熄弧electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器electromagnetic contactor 电磁接触器electromagnetic device 电磁装置electromagnetic equipment 电磁设备electromagnetic field 电磁场electromagnetic force 电磁力electromagnetic prospecting 电磁勘探electromagnetic separation 电磁分选electromagnetic separator 电磁分选机electromagnetical 电磁的electrometer 静电计electromotive force 电动势electron 电子electronic air filter 电子空气过滤器electrophoresis 电泳electrostatic 电的electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic force 静电力electrostatic separation 静电选electrostatic separator 静电分选机electrum 银金矿element 元素;要素eleolite 脂光石elevation 标高;立视图elevator 升降机elevator pump 链斗提水机elimination 消去ellipse 椭圆elliptic 椭圆的elliptic arch 椭圆拱elliptic vault 椭圆形拱顶elliptical 椭圆的elongation 伸长elongation percentage 延伸率elongation test 拉伸试验elpidite 钠锆石elutriate 淘洗elutriation 淘洗elutriator 淘析器eluvial 残积的eluvium 残积层emanation 射气embankment 堤embed 成层emergency brake 紧急制动器emergency breathing apparatus 救急呼吸器emergency call 呼救信号emergency door 太平门emergency keps 紧急罐座emery 刚砂emery paper 砂纸emission 泄出emission of firedamp 沼气泄出emission of gas 瓦斯泄出empiric value 经验值empirical 经验的empirical value 经验值emplectite 硫铜铋矿empties 空矿车empties track 空车道empties train 空列车empty 空的;放空empty car 空矿车empty hole 不装药的炮眼empty tub 空矿车emptying 卸空emptying point 卸载点emulsification 乳化emulsifier 乳化器乳化剂emulsify 乳化emulsifying ability 乳化能力emulsifying agent 乳化剂emulsion 乳浊液emulsion explosive 乳化炸药emulsoid 乳胶体enargite 硫砷铜矿enclosing rock 围岩end 工祖end pressure 支承压力end product 最后产品end reaction 支点反力end tipper 端转翻卸机endless 无限的endless belt 环形带endless chain feeder 无端链给料机endless haulage 无端绳运输endless over rope 上拉式无极绳endless rope 无端绳endless rope haulage 无端绳运输endless rope haulage hoist 无端绳运输绞车endless track 履带endomorphism 内变质endothermal 吸热的endothermic 吸热的endothermic reaction 吸热反应endurance 耐久性endurance limit 疲劳极限endurance test 耐久试验energy 能energy loss 能量损失energy resources 能源engine 引擎engine house 矿山提升机房;机车库engine pit 排水专用井engine room 机瓶engineering 工程enlargement 扩大enrichment 富集enstatite 顽辉石entrance 入口entrance track 引入线entry 水平巷道entry advance 平巷推进entry bottom 平巷底entry brushing 巷道挑顶entry driving 平巷掘进entry driving machine 平巷掘进机entry pillar 平巷煤柱environment 环境environment pollution 环境污染environment protection 环境保扩eolation 风蚀eolian placer 风成砂矿epidote 绿帘石epigenesis 后生epistilbite 柱沸石epoxy resin 环氧尸epsomite 泻利盐eq.s explosives 当量包皮安全炸药equal falling 等速下落equal settling 等速下落equal settling factor 等沉比equal settling particle 等沉粒equal settling ratio 等沉比equality 相等equalization 均匀化equalizer 均衡器equation 方程式equilibrium 平衡equilibrium concentration 平衡浓度equilibrium position 平衡位置equilibrium state 平衡状态equilibrium value 平衡值equipment 设备equipment cost 设备费equivalence 等价equivalent 等价的equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent conductance 等积孔equivalent diameter 当量直径equivalent fuel 燃料当量equivalent orifice 等积孔era 代erbium 铒erecting tool 装配工具erection 装配erosion 侵蚀erosive 侵蚀的error 误差erubescite 斑铜矿eruption 喷发eruptive 喷发的eruptive rock 火山岩erythrite 钴毕escape apparatus 救护频escape shaft 太平井escorial 堆渣场ester 酯ether 醚ettle 尾矿eucairite 硒铜银矿euclase 蓝柱石euclasite 蓝柱石eudialite 异性石eudialyte 异性石eudiometer 量气管eulytine 硅铋石eulytite 硅铋石euxenite 黑稀金矿evaluation 评价evaporation 蒸发evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却evaporator 蒸发器evaporites 蒸发岩evase 扩散器exactitude 准确examination 试验excavate 挖掘excavated diameter 挖掘直径excavating 挖取excavating equipment 掘进设备excavating machine 挖掘机excavation 采掘excavation support 巷道支架excavator 挖掘机excavator bucket 挖掘机的挖斗excavator grab 挖掘机的挖斗excess 过剩exchange 交换excitation current 励磁电流excitation time 点火时间excitation voltage 激磁电压excitation winding 激磁线圈exciting behavior 励爆能exciting energy 点火能量exfoliate 片落exfoliation 片落exhaust 排出exhaust air 排气exhaust blower 抽风机exhaust fan 抽风机exhaust gas 废气exhaust nozzle 排气口exhaust pipe 排气管exhaust port 排气口exhaust steam 废蒸汽exhaust ventilation 抽出通风exhauster 排气机exhaustion 抽出exogenetic 外源的exogenous 外源的exothermal 放热的exothermic 放热的exothermic reaction 放热反应expander 扩张器expanding prop 伸缩支柱expanding shell bolt 胀壳式锚杆expansibility 膨胀性expansion 膨胀expansion bolt 膨胀式锚杆expansion coefficient 膨系数expansion post 伸缩支柱expansion shell bolt 涨壳式顶板锚杆expansion type roof bolt 膨胀式锚杆expenses 经费experience 经验experiment 实验experimental 实验的experimental firing 试验爆破experimental tunnel 试验平硐exploder 放炮器exploitation 开采exploitation blasting 开发爆破exploration 探矿exploration adit 勘探平硐exploration boring 钻探exploration drilling 钻探exploratory 勘探的exploratory boring 钻探exploratory drift 勘探平巷exploratory drilling 钻探exploratory shaft 探井exploratory trench 探沟exploratory well 探井exploring 探矿exploring mine 勘探矿井exploring openings 勘探巷道exploring shaft 探井explosibility 爆炸性explosible 爆发性的explosimeter 沼气检定器explosion 爆炸explosion chamber 爆炸室explosion crater 爆破漏斗explosion danger 爆炸危险explosion effect 爆炸效应explosion flash 爆炸焰explosion gases 爆炸后产生的气体explosion heat 爆炸热explosion limit 爆炸极限explosion pressure 爆炸压力explosion products 爆炸产物explosion proof 防爆的explosion temperature 爆炸温度explosion velocity 爆速explosion wave 爆炸波explosive 炸药explosive column 柱状装药explosive consumption 炸药消耗量explosive dust 爆炸性尘末explosive force 爆炸力explosive magazine 炸药库explosive mixture 爆炸混合物explosive power 爆炸力explosive pulse 爆炸冲动explosive range of methan 沼气爆炸范围explosive ratio 炸药消耗比explosive reaction 爆发反应explosive storage 炸药库explosive substances 爆炸物explosive technique 爆破技术explosive wave 爆炸波explosives control law 火药类管理法explosives loading factor 装药比expose 露出exposed coalfield 暴露式煤田exposed surface 露面exposure 露头extend 拉长extended charge 分段装药extensibility 可伸长性extensible 可伸长的extensible belt conveyor 可伸缩式胶带输送机extensible prop 可伸缩支柱extensile 可伸长的extension 拉长extensometer 伸长计external 外部的external charge blasting 糊炮爆破external force 外力external pressure 外压力extinguisher 消火器extract 提出物extracting level 采掘水平extracting seam thickness 采煤层厚度extraction 采掘extraction drift 回采平巷extraction equipment 采矿设备extraction gallery 回采平巷extraction order 采掘次序extraction percentage 采收率extractor fan 抽风机extraneous matter 杂质extrusion 压出exudation 渗出eye 竖井口eye survey 目测face 工祖face advance 工祖推进face alignment 工祖当face conveyor 工祖运输机face crew 工祖工组face eqiupment 工祖设备face fall 工祖塌落face labour 工祖工人face length 工祖长度face lighting 工祖照明face man 工祖工人face mechanization 工祖机械化face of shaft 井底face of well 油井底face preparation 工祖准备face run 采煤机在工祖移动的时间face support 工祖支架face timbering 工祖支架face timbering plan 工祖支护计划face toe 坡面底部face track 工祖轨道face work 工祖工作facilities 设备factor 系数factor analysis 因子分析factor of safety 安全系数factory 工厂fahlerz 铜矿fahlore 铜矿failed hole 拒爆残留孔眼failing 缺点failure 缺点failure prediction 故障预测failure rate 故障率fall 崩落fall rate 下沉速度fallers 罐笼座falling weight test 落锤试验false bottom 假底层false cap 临时顶梁false dynamite 低硝甘炸药false roof 伪顶false roof rock 伪顶岩石false set 临时支架false stull 临时支柱false timbering 临时支架falsework 拱架fan 扇风机fan blade 扇风机叶片fan cut 扇形掏槽fan delivery 扇风机送风量fan pattern 扇形排列方式fan pattern holes 扇形炮眼组fan pipe 风管fan shaft 通风井fan shaped round 扇形炮眼组fancy coal 精煤fandrift 扇风机引风道fang 通风井fanner 扇风机fast 快速的;坚固的fast extraction 快速回采。
煤矿机械专业英语词汇对照机面高度 machine height 自采煤工作面底板至采煤机机身上表面的高度。
过煤高度 underneath clearance, passage height under machine 采煤机与配套输送机中板间的空间高度。
截割高度 cutting height 又称“切割高度”;曾称“截高”、“采高”。
下切深度 dinting depth, undercut 曾称“卧底深度”。
截深 web [depth] 采掘机械工作机构每次切入煤体或岩体内的深度。
调高 vertical steering 采煤机截割高度的调整。
调斜 roll steering 又称“调向”。
工作机构 working mechanism, operating organ 采掘机械上直接实现截割、破碎等主要功能的部件。
截盘 cutting jib, cutting bar 采掘机械上支承截链运行的导向架体。
截链 cutting chain 采掘机械上装有截齿的闭合铰接链条。
[截割]滚筒 cutting drum 外围装有截齿或其他破煤工具的筒形工作机构。
螺旋滚筒 screw drum, helical vane drum 具有螺旋装载叶片的截割滚筒。
钻削头 trepan wheel 曾称“截冠”。
截齿 pick, bit 曾称“刀齿”。
采掘机械切割煤和岩石的刀具,包括“扁截齿(flat pick)” 、“锥形截齿(conical pick)”;“径向截齿(radial pick)”、“切向截齿(tangential pick)”等。
截线 cutting line 截齿齿尖的运动轨迹。
截距 intercept 相邻截线间的距离。
截齿配置 lacing pattern, pick arrangement 采掘机械工作机构上截齿的选配和布置。
rack 齿条rackbar 齿条radial 辐向的radial drilling pattern 辐射形炮眼排列方式radial pick 径向截齿radial velocity 径向速度radiant energy 辐射能radiation 辐射radiation pyrometer 辐射高温表radiation survey meter 辐射测量仪radiator 放热器radioactive 放射性的radioactive dust 放射性尘末radioactive isotope 放射性同位素radioactive mineral 放射性矿物radioactive ore 放射性矿石radioactive prospecting 放射性勘探radioactive substance 放射性物质radioactivity 放射能radiogeology 放射地质学radiography 射线照相术radioisotope 放射性同位素radioistope 放射性同位素radiometer 辐射计radiometric prospecting 放射性勘探radium 镭radius 半径radius of action 酌半径radius of curvature 曲率半径radon 氡rail 轨rail guide 钢轨罐道rail haulage 轨道运输rail head 轨头rail hook 轨钩rail iron 轨钢rail pit 铁路运输露天矿rail shifting machine 移道机rail track 轨道rail transport 轨道运输railroad 铁路railway 铁路raise 天井raise advance 上山掘进raise face 上山工祖raise stope 上山工祖rake 倾斜;耙子rake classifier 耙式分级机rake conveyor 齿条输送机rake vein 陡脉raking prop 斜支柱ram 推车机ram feeder 推车器ram impact machine 撞机ram tester 冲辉验器rammer 塞药棒ramming 捣固ramp 装载台;斜路range 范围;限度rank 等级rapid 迅速的rapid hardening cement 速凝水泥rapid plough 快速刨煤机rapidity 速度rare 稀有的rare earth elements 稀土元素rare metal 稀有金属ratchet 棘瓜rate 速度rate of advance 掘进速度rate of burning 燃烧速度rate of detonation 爆轰速度rate of sedimentation 沉淀速度rate of subsidence 沉陷速度rated capacity 额定容量rating 估价;额定值ratio 比ratio of concentrarion 选矿比ratio of reduction 破碎比raw 生的raw coal 原煤raw material 原料raw ore 原矿raw petroleum 原油raw raise 无支架天井ray 光线re breaker rolls 二次辊碎机re treatment cell 再选浮选机reach 酌半径react 反应reaction 反应;反酌reaction force 反酌力reactive reagent 反应性试剂reactivity 反应性reading 读数reagent 试剂reagent feeder 给药机realgar 雄黄reamer 扩孔器reamer bit 扩孔钻头reaming 扩孔rear 背面rear conveyor 尾端输送机rearer seam 急倾斜层receiver 空气收集器蓄气器receiving pool 集水池receptor charge 被动装药recess 凹穴recharging 再充电reciprocating motion 往复运动reciprocating pump 往复泵reciprocating rake 往复式耙子reciprocating trough conveyor 摇动式输送机recirculation 再循环reclaim 再生reclaiming 再生reclamation 回收reclamation operation 复田工作recleaner flotation 再精选recleaning 再选recoil 返冲recombination 再化合reconnaissance traverse 踏勘导线reconstruction 改建record 记录recover 回收recoverable coal 可回收的煤recoverable pillar 可回收的煤柱recoverable reserves 可采储量recovering tap 打捞公锥recovery 回收率;回收;采取recovery hook 打捞钩recovery tap 打捞公锥recrement 矸石recrushing 二次破碎recrystallization 再结晶rectangular shaft 长方形井筒rectification 整流精馏rectifier 整流精馏器rectilinear 直线的recycling 再循环red copper ore 赤铜矿red iron ore 赤铁矿red lead 铅丹redoiming conveyor 转载输送机reduce 减少reducer 还原剂reducing agent 还原剂reducing gear 减速器reducing valve 减压阀reduction 减少reduction crusher 碎减式破碎机reduction gyratory crusher 碎减式旋回破碎机reduction ratio 减速比reed 导火线reef 金矿脉reef bin 矿石仓reef drift 脉内平巷reeve 组长reference point 基准点refine 精炼refinement 精炼refining 精炼reflecting goniometer 反射角测仪reflotation 再浮选refractoriness 耐火性refractory 耐火的refractory brick 耐火砖refractory material 耐火材料refrigerant 致冷剂refrigerating agent 致冷剂refrigerating installation 冷冻装置refrigeration 冰冻refrigerator 冷冻机refrigeratory procedure 冻结法refuge chamber 避难峒室refuge hole 避车洞refuge pocket 躲避洞refuse 废石refuse conveyor 废石输送机refuse dump 废石堆refuse filter press 尾矿压滤机refuse heaf 废石堆refuse heap 废石堆refuse pond 尾煤沉淀池refuse tippler 矸石车翻笼regenerate 再生regeneration 再生region 区域的regional 区域的regional metamorphism 区域变质regional prospecting 区域勘探register 记录器;计量表regular blasting cap 普通迟发电雷管regular cap 普通迟发电雷管regular grade 普通品类regular lay 正常钢丝绳捻向regular stoping method 普通回采法regulation 第;规则regulator 第器rehandling 换装reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete cap 钢筋混凝土顶梁reinforced concrete lining 钢筛钠筋混凝土砌壁;钢筋混凝土砌壁reinforced concrete walling 钢筛钠筋混凝土砌壁reinforced cut 加强的掏槽reinforced framing 钢筋混凝土结构reinforced support 加强支架reinforcement 加强reinforcement ratio 钢筋比reinforcing bar 钢筋条reinforcing post 辅助柱rejects 尾矿relation 关糸relationship 关糸relative 相对的relative error 相对误差relative humidity 相对湿度relative velocity 相对速度relative viscosity 相对粘度relay 继电器relay pump 替续泵release 放出release hole 泄水钻孔reliability 可靠性reliable 可靠的relief 地形起伏relief angle 后角relief post 补充柱relief valve 安全阀reliever hole 辅助炮眼relighter lamp 装点火颇矿灯relighting station 灯房relining 撤换支架reload 换装reloader 换装机reloading 换装reloading point 再装站remaining charge 残药remaining resources 保留地下资源remanence 顽磁remining 再次开采remote control 远距控制removable support 可回收的支架removal 除去rending effect 爆破酌renewable 可更新的renewal 更新renewal of air 换气repair 修理repair bay 地下车辆修理硐室repair cost 修理费repair shop 修理厂repairer 修理工repairman 巷道修理工repeated stress 反复应力replace 置换replacement 置换reprecipitation 二次沉下reproducibility 再现性reproduction 再生repulsive force 排斥力rerailing apparatus 复轨器rescue 救护rescue apparatus 救护装置rescue brigade 救护队rescue car 救护车rescue crew 救护队rescue operation 救护工作rescue station 救护站rescue work 救护工作research 研究reserve 储备reservoir 储蓄器reset 零位蝶resetting of post 立柱位移residual 残余的residual fine dust 残留细尘residual magnetism 顽磁residual pillar 残留煤柱residue 残渣resilience 弹性resiliency 弹性resin 尸resistance 阻抗resistance coefficient 阻力系数resistant 耐久的resistant rock 稳固岩石resistivity 比电阻resistivity prospecting 电阻勘探resolution 溶解;分解resolving power 分解力resonance 共鸣resonance absorption 共鸣吸收resonance screen 共振筛resorption 吸回respirable dust 能吸入的尘末respiration 呼吸respiration apparatus 呼吸器防毒面respirator 防毒面具respiratory protection 呼吸瀑保护resting place 梯子平台restriction 限制resue method of mining 选别采矿法resuscitation appartaus 复活器人工呼吸器retained product 筛上产品retaining pawl 制动钩retard 廷迟retardation 减速retarded cement 慢凝水泥retarder 缓凝剂;捕捉器;减速器retarding conveyor 阻滞输送机rete of detonation 爆轰速度retention 保持retimbering 撤换支架retreating longwall 后退式长壁开采retreating mining 后退式开采retreating work 后退式开采retreatment cell 再选浮选机retroaction 反酌return 回风流return air 回风return air raise 回风天井return cable 尾绳return compartment 回风隔间return current 回风流return idler 回空段托辊return tonnage 返回砂吨数reversal 反转reversal ventilatio 反向通风reversal ventilation 反向通风reverse flow process 逆哩reversibility 可逆性reversible 可逆的reversible plough 可逆式装煤犁reversible reaction 可逆反应reversing 逆动reviving apparatus 复活器人工呼吸器revolution 回转revolution counter 转速计revolving dump car 旋转翻卸车revolving dumper 旋转式翻手机revolving picking table 回转式拣矸台revolving plate feeder 转盘给料机revolving roll picker 滚轴拣矸机revolving screen 回转筛rewash 再洗rewash refuse 洗渣reynolds number 雷诺数rheo 里欧洗煤槽rheolaveur 里欧洗煤槽rheolaveur launder 里欧式洗煤槽rheolaveur rheo trough 里欧式洗煤槽rheological properties 龄性rheology 龄学rheostat 变阻器rhodochrosite 菱锰矿rhodonite 蔷薇辉石rib 夹层rib fill 带状充填ribbon 带ribbon conveyor 皮带运输机rich ore 富矿石riddle 粗筛riddle drum 滚筒筛rider 导向架riebeckite 钠闪石riffle 格条rifle bar 来复杆rig 钻塔right angle 直角rigid arch 刚性拱顶rigid armouring 刚性钢筋rigid body 刚体rigid construction 刚性结构rigid extensible prop 可伸缩式刚性支柱rigid reinforcement 刚性钢筋rigid roll 固定辊rigid support 刚性支架rigidity 刚度rill 倾斜工祖rill cut 倾斜分层rill cut and fill method 倾斜分层充填采煤法rill cutting 倾斜分层回采rill face 伪倾斜工祖rillcut mining 伪倾斜倒台阶回采rim 轮缘rimer 扩孔器ring 环ring crusher 环式破碎机ring drilling 岩心钻进ring grizzly 环式格筛ring hook 环钩ring jumbo 环型钻车ring pattern 扇形炮眼排列方式ring support 环形支架rip 挑顶rip bit 可卸式钻头rip blasting 卧底爆破ripper 松土机ripping 挑顶ripping face 挑顶卧底工祖rise 天井rise face 上向工祖rise heading 天井巷道rise level 上水平rise working 上向开采法riversideite 单硅钙矿rivet 铆钉riveting 铆接road 巷道road lining 巷道支架road maintenance 巷道维修roadway 知巷道roadway construction 巷道掘进roadway junction 巷道交叉点roadway support 巷道支架robbing 回采矿柱roche separator 湿式带式分选机rock 岩石rock bind 砂质页岩rock blowing 岩炮rock blowout 岩炮rock bolt 锚杆rock breaker 碎石机rock brushing 刷岩rock burst 岩石突出rock burst shock 岩石突出rock cover 复岩rock crusher 碎石机rock crystal 水晶rock cut 岩石开挖rock disposal 矸石运输rock drill 凿岩机rock drilling machine 凿岩机rock dump 废石堆rock dust 岩粉rock dust barrier 岩粉棚rock excavation 岩石开挖rock excavator 岩石挖掘机rock fall 岩石崩落rock feeder 给矿机rock fill raise 充填用天井rock gangway 石巷rock gas 天然气rock heading 岩石平巷rock identification 岩石鉴定rock intercalation 岩石夹层rock loading conveyor 装石输送机rock loading machine 装岩机rock machine 装岩机rock mass 岩石层;岩块rock meal 岩粉rock mechanics 岩石力学rock movement 岩层移动rock ore 矿体rock outburst 岩石突出rock pack 充填带rock picking 拣矸rock powder 岩粉rock pressure 岩石压力rock pulverizer 岩石粉磨机rock quarry 采石场rock refuse 废石rock ripper 岩石掘进机rock roller bit 牙轮钻头rock salt 石盐rock shaft 充填料井rock spoil removal 清除矸石rock taking up 卧底rock testing 岩石试验rock toughness 岩石韧性;岩石的粘性rock wall 岩墙rocker 摇动槽rocker conveyor 摇动运输机rocker loader 转臂式装裁机rocker shovel 转臂式装裁机rockfill 岩石充填rocking 摇动rocking trough 摇动槽rockman 掘石工rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度rockwell hardness number 洛氏硬度指数rockwork 岩石工作rod 杆rod bit 炮眼钻头rod boring 钻杆钻进rod mill 棒磨机rod puller 拔钻杆机rod pulling 拉出钻杆roentgen 伦琴roke 矿脉roll 辊roll bending machine 辊子卷板机roll chain 滚子链roll coal crusher 辊式碎煤机roll crusher 辊碎机roll feeder 转筒给料机roll product 辊碎机产品roller 辊roller carriage 托滚架roller conveyor 滚轴式运输机roller mill 辊磨机roller picker 滚轴拣矸机roller tractor 轮式拖拉机roller train 滚轴式输送机rolling cutter 滚轮钻头rolling shaft 溜道roof 顶板roof bolt hole 顶板锚杆钻孔roof bolt plate 锚杆垫板roof bolting 顶板锚杆支护roof bolting equipment 锚杆安装设备roof bolting jumbo 打顶板锚杆眼用钻车roof brushing 挑顶roof burst 顶板突然崩落roof caving 初次落顶roof condition 顶板状况roof control 顶板管理roof convergence 顶板下沉roof holding 顶板支护roof hole 顶板孔roof inspector 顶板检查员roof lacing 顶板背板roof pressure roof weight 顶板压力roof rock 顶板岩石roof statistical observation 顶板统计观测法roof strain indicator 顶板应变指示器roof strata 顶板岩层roof support 顶板支护roof support pattern 顶板支护布置方式roof survey plug 顶板上的测桩roof tapping 敲顶roof timber 顶梁roof timbering 顶板支护roofing 巷道顶room 室;矿房room and pillar method 房柱法room and pillar mining 房柱式开采room and pillar system 房柱法room face 矿房工祖room mining 房式开采rope 绳索rope boring 钢丝绳钻进rope boring machine 钢丝绳钻机rope breaking test 断绳试验rope capping 钢丝绳和吊环的接头rope clamp 绳夹rope conveyer 缆怂输机rope conveyor 缆怂输机rope drill 钢丝绳钻机rope drilling 钢丝绳钻进rope drive 绳双动rope drum 绕绳筒rope friction hoist 摩擦提升机rope grease 钢绳润滑脂rope guide 绳罐道rope haulage 钢丝绳运输rope haulage hoist 钢丝绳牵引绞车rope hoisting 钢丝绳提升rope hook 绳钩rope incline 钢丝绳运输斜井rope pulley 绳轮rope quide 绳罐道rope roller 绳滚rope speed 绳速度rope tension 绳伺力rope test 钢丝绳试验rope to pulley ratio 绳径轮径比rope transport 缆怂输rope winch 钢丝绳运输绞车ropeway 死rot 腐烂rotameter 转子量计rotary air compressor 旋转压缩机rotary bit 旋转钻头rotary boring 旋转钻进rotary bucket excavator 斗轮式挖掘机rotary car tippler 转动翻车机rotary compressor 旋转压缩机rotary concentrator 旋转式增稠器rotary crusher 回转形破碎机rotary drill 旋转式凿岩机rotary drill line 钻井钢丝绳rotary drilling machine 旋转式钻机rotary dump 转动翻车机rotary feeder 旋转给料机rotary filter 旋转式过滤器rotary line 钻井钢丝绳rotary percussion drill 旋转冲唤钻机rotary percussion drilling 旋转冲唤钻进rotary pump 旋转泵rotary rake 旋动式耙子rotary rig 旋转式钻机rotary rock drill 旋转式凿岩机rotary screen 回转筛rotary table 回转台rotary vacuum drum filter 转筒式真空过滤机rotary vane compressor 旋转叶压气机rotate 旋转rotating grizzly 辊轴筛rotation 旋转rotor 转子rotted rock 风化岩石rough 粗糙的rough coal 原煤rough cobbing 拣选大矿石rough concentrate 粗精矿rough test 粗测定rough walling 毛石切壁rougher 粗选机rougher cleaner flowsheet 粗选精选撂图rougher tailings 粗选尾矿roughing machine 粗选机roughness 粗度round layout 炮眼组布置round rope 圆钢丝绳round shaft 圆形立井round table 淘汰盘round timber 圆木round trip 来回行程roundabout 绕道roundtrip time 来回时间route 进路rovolving roll picker 滚轴拣矸机row 煤层rubber belt 橡皮带rubber hose 橡皮管rubbery explosive 胶质炸药rubbing 摩擦rubbing mill 辊碾机rubbing surface 摩擦面rubbish 废石;碎屑rubbish dump 矸石堆rubble 砾石rubble concrete 毛石混凝土rubble masonry 毛石坊工rubble stone 毛石rubble work 毛石坊工rubbur tubing 橡皮管rubidium 钕ruby 红宝石rule 规则;尺run 矿脉走向run around 绕道run coal 软煤run coal bin 原煤仓run gravel 冲积砾石run in 磨合run of mine bin 原煤仓run of mine coal 原煤run of mine feed 原矿给料run of mine ore 原矿run of quarry ore 露天开采原矿run off coefficient 瘤系数run pipe 压力管runner 转子running 行程running ground 易落上层岩石running in 磨合rupture 破裂rupture plane 破裂面rupture stress 破裂应力ruptured zone 碎裂带rust 锈rusting 生锈rustproof 抗锈的ruth excavator 多斗式控掘机ruthenium 钌rutile 金红石sackcloth 麻袋布saddle 鞍saddle key 鞍形键safe 安全的safe depth 安全深度safeguard 安全装置safety 安全safety apparatus 救护装置safety berm 保安平台safety catch 断绳保险器防坠器safety chain 安全链safety clutch 保险制动器safety coefficient 安全系数safety device 安全装置safety drift 绕道safety engineer 安全工程师safety engineering 保安技术safety explosive 安全炸药safety factor 安全系数safety fuse 安全导火线safety glasses 护目镜safety helmet 安全帽safety hook 安全钩safety ladder 安全梯safety lamp 安全灯safety lamp gauze 火焰安全矿灯网罩safety load 安全负荷safety organization 安全技术组织safety pillar 保安矿柱safety platform 安全台safety post 安全柱safety primer 安全起爆药包safety regulations 安全规程safety rope 安全绳safety rules 安全规程safety signal 安全信号safety specifications 保安规则safety staging 安全台safety test 安全试验safety valve 安全阀safety zone 安全地带sag rod 背板sagger 耐火粘土salband 矿脉壁saline flotation 岩盐浮选saliniferous rock 含盐岩石salt 盐salt dome 盐丘salt flotation 岩盐浮选salt mine 岩盐矿salt pit 岩盐矿salt rock 岩盐sample 试样sample processing 试样处理sample splitting device 试样缩分器sampler 采样器sampling 取样sampling device 采样器sampling method 取样法sampling mill 试样磨机sand 砂sand blast machine 喷砂机sand cone 砂浮法圆锥选煤机sand filter 砂滤器sand flotation cone 砂浮法圆锥选煤机sand flotation process 强斯砂浮法sand gravel filter 砂砾过滤机sand pit 采砂场sand pump 砂泵sand quarry 采砂场sand rock 砂岩sand stemming 砂炮泥sand table 矿砂摇床sand tank 充填用砂箱sandbag 砂袋sandbox 砂箱sandfilling 砂充填sandstone 砂岩sandstone grit 粗粒砂岩sandstowing 砂充填sandy ground 砂质土sandy soil 砂质土sanidine 透长石saponification 皂化酌saponify 皂化sapphire 蓝宝石saprolite 腐泥土sapropel 腐泥煤sapropelic coal 腐泥煤sapropelite 腐泥岩saturate 饱和saturated solution 饱和熔液saturated steam 饱和蒸汽saturation 饱和saturation coefficient 饱和系数saw 锯sawed timber 锯材sawn timber 锯材sawtooth 上向梯段回采sawtooth backstoping 上向梯段回来scaffold 脚手架scaffold bridge 脚手桥scale 标度;比例尺scale door 第风门scale feeder 称量给料机scale mark 分刻度scaling 片落scall 疏松岩石scalping 筛出粗块scapolite 方柱石scarification 松土scarifier 搅土机scattering 钻眼偏斜;散射scavenger 扫选机scavenging 清洗;扫选scavenging machine 扫选机schaft sinking 凿井schedule 计划scheelite 白钨矿scheme 图解schist 片岩schistosity 片理schorl 黑电气石schorlite 黑电气石science 科学scolecite 钙沸石scoop 勺;铲斗scoop chain 挖斗链scoop dredge 挖掘机scoop feeder 斗式给矿机scoop ramp 耙斗装车台scooptram 铲运机scorodite 臭葱石scouring 洗刷scouting 初步勘探scow 耙斗scram 扒矿巷道scram drift 扒矿巷道scraper 扒矿机scraper apron 耙斗后壁scraper box 扒斗scraper bucket 耙斗scraper capacity 耙斗容量scraper chain conveyor 链板输送机scraper conveyer 刮板运输机scraper conveyor 刮板运输机scraper drift 扒矿巷道scraper dumping ramp 耙斗卸料台scraper feeder 耙转载机scraper ground plate 扒斗底板scraper hoist 电耙绞车scraper level 耙运水平scraper loader 耙斗运载机scraper loading 耙斗装载scraper packing 扒矿机充填scraper pan 耙斗scraper ramp 耙斗装车台scraper rope 扒矿机钢丝绳scraper shovel 耙斗scraper tracporter 刮板运输机scraper transport 电耙运输scraper transporter 刮板运输机scraper trough conveyor 槽型刮板输送机scraper winch 电耙绞车scraping 扒矿scraping trench 扒矿沟道scree 碎石screen 筛screen analysis 筛分分析screen area 筛网面积screen deck 筛面screen rejects 筛屑screen surface 筛面screen test 筛分试验screen through 筛下产品screen type dryer 脱水筛screened cable 屏蔽电缆screened ore 筛选矿石screened refuse 筛屑screening 筛分screening washer 洗矿筛screw 螺钉;螺旋screw auger 螺旋钻screw conveyor 螺施运输机screw crusher 螺旋破碎机screw elevator 螺旋杆起重机screw fan 螺旋扇风机screw feeder 螺旋给矿机screw gummer 螺旋式煤粉除粉器screw jack prop 螺旋千斤顶支柱sea floor deposits 海底矿床sea floor exploration 海底勘探sea floor mining 海床开采seal 密封seam 地层seam dustiness 煤层含尘量seam edge 矿层边缘seam floor 煤层底板seam gas content 煤层的瓦斯含量seam inclination 煤层倾斜seam leader 指示层seam outcrop 煤层露头seam roof 煤层的顶板seam thickness 层厚seam top 煤层的顶板seamy rock 层状岩search 查勘search coil 探察线圈second mining 二次回采second outlet 第二出口secondary 二次的secondary ball mill 二次球磨机secondary blasting 二次爆破secondary crusher 二次破碎机secondary crushing 二次破碎secondary drilling 二次爆破钻眼secondary exploitation 二次开采secondary float feed 二次浮选给料secondary flotation 二次浮选secondary girder 次梁secondary mill 二次磨机secondary recovery 二次开采secondary reduction 二次破碎secondary rock pressure 二次岩石压力secondary ventilation 局部通风section 部分;断面;区域sectional area 断面积sectional steel drilling 接杆钻眼sectional track 可拆式轨道sectional tunnel 区间石门sector 扇形sediment 沉淀物sedimentary rock 沉积岩sedimentary strata 沉积岩sedimentation 沉积酌;沉淀sedimentation analysis 沉降分析sedimentation basin 沉淀池sedimentation rate 沉淀速度sedimentation test 沉降分析segment 弓形segregated ash content 游离灰量segregation 偏析seismic exploration 地震勘探seismic test 地震波试验seismic wave 地震波seismograph electric detonator 地震探矿用电雷管seismograph explosives 地震探矿用炸药selagite 黑云粗面岩selection 选择selective 选择的selective crushing 选择性破碎selective excavation 选择挖掘selective flotation 优先浮选selective mining 选择性开采selective reagent 选择性试剂selectivity 选择性selector 选择器selenite 透石膏selenium 硒self acting brake 自动制动器self advancing support 自移式支架self cleaning drilling 自动除粉钻眼self clearing car 自卸式矿车self closing door 自动风门self discharging car 自卸式矿车self dumping bail 自翻式吊桶self dumping cage 自翻式升降车self dumping car 自动翻卸车self feeder 自动给矿机self ignition 自燃self inflammability 自燃发火性self loading conveyor 自动装载输送机self loading transporter 自动装载输送机self locking frictional prop 自销式摩擦支柱self propelled plough 自行刨煤机self propelled scraper 自动刮土机self rescuer 自救器self sharpening bit 自磨式钻头self tipping car 自动翻卸车semi gelationous explosive 半胶质炸药semi horizon mining 分段回采semiautomatic 半自动的semicircular arch 半圆拱semifluid 半铃的semilongwall face 短壁工祖senarmontite 方锑矿sensibility 感度sensitivity 感度sensitization 敏感酌sensitizing explosive 敏化炸药sensor 传感器separate ventilation 单独通风separating cone 圆锥选矿机separating drum 滚筒筛separating medium 分选介质separating plant 筛选设备separating tank 分离机separation 分离;分选separator 分离机separatory cone 圆锥选矿机separatory funnel 分液漏斗sepiolite 海泡石septaria 龟甲石sequence 连续sequence blasting 串联爆破sequence of mining 开采程序sequential ventilation 连续通风sericite 绢云母series 串联series connection 串联series of strata 层系series resistance 串联电阻series shotfiring 串联爆破series wiring 串联接线serpentinization 蛇纹石化service cage 辅助罐笼service drift 辅助平巷service entry 辅助平巷service raise 人行天井service roadway 辅助巷道service shaft 辅助竖井service track 辅助线servo 伺服发动机servomotor 伺服发动机servosystem 伺服系统set 组set lagging 背板set retarder 缓凝剂setting 凝固setting accelerator 速凝剂setting basin 沉淀池settler 沉定器settling chamber 沉淀室settling curve 沉降曲线;沉淀曲线settling pond 澄清池settling promotor 凝结促进剂;沉降促进剂settling rate 沉降速度settling ratio 等落比settling tank 沉降槽settling trough 沉淀导板settling velocity 沉降速度sewage pump 污水泵shackle bar 车钩shackle hook 旋转吊钩shaft 上风竖井shaft boring 钻井shaft bottom 井底shaft bucket 凿井吊桶shaft bunton 井筒横梁shaft collar 井口结构shaft compartment 井筒隔间shaft curbing 基础垛盘盘框的把钩环shaft deepening 立井开凿shaft drilling 井筒钻凿shaft dryer 立式圆筒干燥机shaft enlargement 井筒扩建shaft equipment 井筒设备shaft excavation 井筒掘迸shaft extension 立井开凿shaft flooding 井筒淹没shaft floor 井底shaft for cage winding 罐笼井shaft frame 井框shaft guide 井筒罐道shaft guide roller 井筒导向轮shaft hoisting 竖井提升shaft house 井口建筑物shaft inset 井底车场shaft lining 井筒支架shaft man 井筒掘进工shaft miner 井筒掘进工shaft mouth 竖井口shaft piercing 竖井联络巷shaft pillar 井筒保安矿柱shaft raise 暗竖井shaft recovery 竖井恢复shaft set 井筒支架shaft signal recorder 井筒信号记录器shaft signals 井筒信号shaft sinker 井筒掘进工shaft sinking 凿井shaft sinking cycle 凿井工篆环shaft station 井底车场shaft steel casing 钢井壁shaft support 井筒支护shaft timbering 井筒木支架shaft timberman 井筒支架工shaft top arrangements 矿井地面设备shaft tower 井塔shaft wall 井壁砌壁shaft walling 井筒砌壁shaft winding 竖井提升shaft worker 井筒掘进工shafting 凿井shaker 摇动筛shaker conveyor 摇动运输机shaking 摇动shaking conveyor 摇动运输机shaking feeder 振动式给矿机shaking grizzly 摇动式格筛shaking picker 摇动式拣选机shaking screen 摇动筛shaking table 摇床shaking trough 摇动槽shale 页岩shallow mine 浅矿shank 钎尾shape 形shape factor 形状因数sharp 锐利的sharp rock 磨蚀性岩石sharpener 锻钎机sharpening 锻修sharpness of separation 分选精度shatterd zone 碎裂带shattered zone 碎裂带shattering 震动;破碎shattering effect 破裂效应shear 切断shearer loader 联合采煤机shearer longwall face 长壁工祖shearing force 剪力shearing strength 抗剪强度shearing stress 切强度sheath 安全包皮sheathed explosive 包皮炸药sheathing 安全包皮sheave 滑输shed 夹层sheet 薄板sheet deposit 层状矿床sheet piling 板桩;板桩支架sheeting 板shell 爆破筒shell bolt 涨壳式顶板锚杆shelly ground 贝壳石灰岩地层shield 护盾shield drivage 盾构掘进shield mining method 盾盖式开采法shield support 掩护支架shielding method 盾盖式开采法shift 移动;换班shist 片岩shock 冲击shock absorber type drill 阻尼振荡钻机shock action 冲幻shock blasting 振动爆破shock test 冲辉验shock wave 冲花shoe 靴shok sensitivity 冲霍感度shoofly 倾斜短联络风巷shoot 溜槽shooter 放炮工shooting 爆破shooting line 放炮电缆shooting time 爆破时间shooting tools 爆破工具shore 支柱short 短的short delay 瞬间延发short delay blasting 毫秒迟发爆破short delay detonator 毫秒迟发雷管short delay firing 毫秒迟发爆破short face 短工祖short flame coal 短焰煤short flame explosive 短焰炸药short head crusher 短头式圆锥破碎机short hole drilling 浅眼钻凿short hole method 浅眼开采法short wall 短工祖short wall mining 短壁采煤法shortage 缺乏shot 爆炸shot boring 钻粒钻进shot drill 钻粒钻机shot drilling 钻粒钻进shot exploder 雷管shot fire cord 放炮电缆shot firer 放炮器shot firing 爆破shot firing battery 放炮器shot firing cable 放炮电缆shot hole drill 爆破孔钻机shotfirer 放炮工shotfiring cable 放炮电缆shothole 炮眼shoulder 突出部分shovel 铲shovel bucket 挖掘机的挖斗shovel excavator 单斗挖掘机shovel loader 铲式装载机shovel mining 机铲开采shovel stowing 手铲充填shovel working 铲投shovelling 铲投show 初现焰晕shredder 锤碎机shrinkage 留矿shrinkage factor 收缩率shrinkage method 留矿开采法shrinkage stope 留矿回采工祖shrinkage stoping 留矿回采shrinkage system 留矿开采法shunt 分路shunt circuit 分路shunting 档shuttering 模板shuttle car 穿梭式矿车shuttle conveyor 梭动式装卸输送机side 侧side bolting 边帮锚杆支护side discharge 侧面卸货side dumper 侧翻车side dumping 侧转疤翻卸side lacing 边帮背板side lagging 边帮背板side pack 废石垛墙side pressure 侧压side roadway 侧面巷道side tie 岩石平巷side tipping 侧转疤翻卸side tipping wagon 侧翻车side tippler 侧转翻笼side track 旁轨side wall 边墙side wall coring 井壁取样side wall sampling 井壁取样siderite 菱铁矿siderolite 铁陨石siding 侧线sieve 筛sieve bend 弧形筛sieve mesh 标准网目sieve residue 筛上产品sieve scale 筛比sieve set 套筛sieve test 筛分试验sieving 筛分sifter 筛sifting 筛分siftings 筛屑sight vane 瞄准器sign 标志signal 信号signal cord 信号绳signal lamp 信号灯signaller 信号工signalling 信号法signalling device 信号装置signalman 信号工silica 二氧化硅silica dust 硅尘silicate 硅酸盐silicatization 硅化酌siliceous rock 硅质岩石silicic acid 硅酸silicide 硅化物silicification 硅化酌silicium 硅silicon 硅silicon rubber 硅掾胶silicosis 硅肺silicotic mine 有硅肺危险的矿sill 底梁sill drift 最低水平巷道sillimanite 硅线石sillumin 硅铝明硅铝合金silo 筒式仓silt 淤泥silt material 泥砂物质silting up 淤塞siltstone 粉砂岩silurian 志留纪silver 银silver glance 辉银矿silver ore 银矿similar 相似的similarity 相似simple 简单的simplification 简化simulated test 模似试验simulation 摸拟simultaneity 同时性simultaneous 同时的simultaneous blasting 同时爆破simultaneous fill 同时充填simultaneous firing 同时爆破simultaneous shotfiring 同时爆破single acting compressor 单动压缩机single acting pump 单动泵single breast 单工祖single bucket excavator 单斗挖掘机single chisel bit 一字形钎斗single decker cage 单层罐笼single drum separator 单滚筒磁选机single drum winch 单筒绞车single hydraulic prop 单体液压支柱single prop 单体支柱single roll coal crusher 单辊碎煤机single roll crusher 单辊破碎机single rope haulage 单绳运输single ropeway 单缆架空死single row method 单排炮眼爆破法single shell dryer 单壳于燥器single shot exploder 单独炮眼放炮器single shot firing 单独炮眼放炮single stage compressor 单级压气机single stage crushing 一段破碎single stage pump 单级泵single stage separation 单段分选single stall method 单迸路柱式采矿法single stamp mill 单锤捣矿机single sulphide flotation 单硫化矿物浮选single track drift 单轨巷道single unit face 一个单位的长壁工祖single way 单轨巷道sink 开凿;下沉sink and float method 重介法sink and float testing 浮沉试验sink float 重介选sink float separation 重介选sinker 凿井工sinker drill 凿井用凿岩机sinking 开凿;下沉sinking advance 凿井速度sinking bucket 凿井吊桶sinking cost 凿井费sinking cycle 凿井工篆环sinking down 加深sinking grab 下降装载机sinking headframe 凿井井架sinking hoist 凿井提升机sinking hoisting plant 向下掘进用提升绞车sinking jumbo 凿井钻台sinking machine 凿井机sinking method 凿井法sinking operation 井筒掘进sinking platform 凿井吊盘sinking pump 凿井用泵sinking rate 凿井速度sinking round 凿井炮眼组sinking stage 凿井吊盘sinking technique 凿井技术sinking tower 凿井井架sinking winder 凿井用提开机sinking with piling 板桩支架凿井法sinking work 凿井椎sintering 烧结sintering coal 焦煤siphon 虹吸管siphon feeder 虹吸给料器sit 下沉site test 现场试验size analysis 粒度分析size composition 粒度组成size control 粒度控制size degradation 粒度减少size distribution 粒度分布size grading 粒度组成size grid 比例网size range 粒度范围size separation process 粒度分级size test 筛分试验sized feed 分级给料sizer 分级机sizing 分级;筛分sizing analysis 粒度分析sizing assay test 粒度分析试验sizing curve 粒度曲线sizing grizzly 分级筛sizing screen 分级筛sizing trommel 滚筒筛skeleton frame 骨架sketch 简图skewback 拱基skid 垫木skid beam 垫木skimmer 撇沫器skimping 跳汰选skin 皮skin flotation 表层浮迭skin to skin support 紧密支架skip 箕斗skip bucket 翻转式吊桶skip bunker 箕斗储矿石的仓库skip capacity 箕斗容量skip compartment 箕斗隔间skip dump 箕斗翻卸器skip hoist 箕斗提升机skip hoisting 箕斗提升skip hoisting plant 箕斗提升装置skip loading arrangement 箕斗装载设备skip measuring pocket 箕斗计量仓。
煤矿专业常用英语词汇(已整理)煤矿专业词汇1.综合词汇Coal Mine Resources Development and Utilization Plan 煤炭资源开发利用方案Description 说明书Revised 修改地China Coal Handan Design Engineering Co., Ltd 中煤邯郸设计工程有限责任公司addendum 附加物,附录Engineering No. 工程编号Construction Size 建设规模Inner Mongolia 内蒙古the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Location(矿井)位置Subordinative Relationship of the Mine 隶属关系subordinative [s?b?:din?tiv] adj. 从属的,表示从属关系的drilling and blasting 炮掘mining method 采煤方法coal seam 煤层coal thickness(m)煤厚strike length(m) 走向长度incline width(m) 倾向宽度mining height(m) 开采高度(采高)specific gravity(t/m3) 容重daily cycle 日循环数drivage per cycle(m) 日循环进度(指掘进)output per cycle(t) 循环产量daily output(t) 日产量coal recovered(10kt) 煤炭回收量(万吨)remarks 备注drivage n. 掘进driving place, developing face 掘进工作面stoping n.(stope的ing形式) 回采development n. 开拓mining n. 开采total planned drivage(m)计划掘进总长度mining team No.1 综采一队developing team No.2 掘进二队Subtotal 小计Total 合计Grandtotal 总计Working face ID 工作面编号detail list, breakdown 明细表Contents 目录Chapter 章Section 节General situations 概况Overview 概述Traffic and location 交通位置Natural geography 自然地理Enterprise type 企业性质Preparation basis 编制依据Status quo and forecast of mineral demand 矿产品的需求现状及预测Coal price analysis 煤炭产品价格分析General situations of mineral resources 矿产资源概况Minefield structure and geological feature 井田构造及地质特征Mining conditions and Hydrogeology conditions 开采技术条件及水文地质条件Mineral resources reserves 矿产资源储量Comments on Geological survey Report 对地质勘探报告的评述Construction Plan 建设方案Mining Plan 开采方案Water prevention and control program 防治水方案Prevention of the gas and coal dust explosion 防治瓦斯、煤尘爆炸Mine fire prevention 矿井防灭火Minefield development and mining 井田开拓与开采Mine characteristic and development principle 矿井特点及开发原则Minefield development 井田开拓underground mining 井下开采Coal processing 煤的加工,煤的洗选Coal quality 煤质Environmental protection 环境保护Major sources of pollution and pollutants 主要污染源和主要污染物Ecological changes caused by mine development 矿井开发引起的生态变化Designed with environmental protection standards设计采用的环境保护标准Preliminary plan of pollution control 控制污染的初步方案Development Plan Brief Conclusions 开发方案简要结论Available reserves of mine design, design duty and service life 设计可采储量、设计生产能力、服务年限product scheme 产品方案Mine industrial field location and scheme of mining and development 井口工业场地位置及开拓开采方案Brief assessments for engineering project 对工业项目的简要评述Issues and suggestions 存在的问题及建议attached Document 附件entrustment letter 委托书Record-Keeping Certification 备案证明Review Opinions on Report for 评审意见书Attached drawings 附图attached file (邮件的)附件Surface and underground map of 井上下对照图plane map 平面图section map 剖面图Mining area 矿区范围Geological and Topographic map 地质地形图General Layout Plan of 总平面布置图geographic coordinate 地理坐标Its traffic is comparatively convenient 交通较为方便Topography and landform 地形和地貌The mining area topographic dissection is intense 矿区地形切割强烈dry season 干季,旱季rainy season 雨季private enterprise 民营企业,私营企业minable coal seams 可采煤层one-third(1/3) coking coal 1/3焦煤the raw coal ash contents are between 15% and 25%原煤灰分为15%-25%the total sulphur contents of raw coals are between 0.2% and 0.5%. 全硫0.2%-0.5%production 生产,产量(指宏观的)product 产品(指微观的)civilian use 民用Coal preparation plant(CPP)洗煤厂Preface 前言be administered by the authorities of 行政区划隶属于(准格尔旗窑沟乡)管辖workload,workvolume 工程量(工作量)commissioning 投产shaft bottom 井底车场working face 工作面haulageway,haulage roadway 运输巷main haulageway 运输大巷main roadway 大巷track transport, track haulage 轨道运输trackless transport 无轨运输track roadway 轨道巷air-return roadway 回风巷roadway 巷道shaft 井筒incline, inclined shaft 斜井shaft, vertical shaft 竖井vertical shaft development 竖井开拓mine construction 矿井建设mine construction volume 矿建工程量district 采区roof 顶板floor 底板false roof 伪顶immediate roof 直接顶main roof 老顶roof stability 顶板稳定性working face 回采工作面,采煤工作面coal mining method 采煤方法blast-winning technology 爆破采煤工艺mining level 开采水平longwall mining on the strike 走向长壁采煤法advancing mining 前进式开采retreating mining 后退式开采upward mining 上行式开采downward mining 下行式开采belt transporter 胶带输送机extensible belt transporter 可伸缩胶带输送机belt 胶带,皮带belt roadway 皮带巷transfer 转载,转运transfer point 转载点transloader 转载机coal mining 采煤caving the roof 放顶inclined roadway 斜巷level working,horizontal working 平巷shaft sinking and drifting 井巷工程setup room 切眼adit 平硐tunnel 隧道shaft mouth 井口main shaft 主井air shaft, ventilating shaft 风井synchronize 使同步roadway support 巷道支护shield(support)采煤支架(掩护式支架)chock-shield 支撑掩护式支架2.矿山机械2.1.采煤机械coal winning machinery 采煤机械coal cutter 截煤机(用于煤层内掏槽的采煤机械)cutter-loader 截装机(兼有掏槽和装煤功能的截煤机)coal winning machine 采煤机shearer, shearer-loader 滚筒采煤机trepanner 钻削采煤机continuous miner 连续采煤机conventionally-mechanized coal winning face unit普通机械化采煤机组(高档普采机组)即采煤机+单体液压支柱fully-mechanized coal winning face unit 综合机械化采煤机组(综采机组)即采煤机+综合液压支架machine height 机身高度:自采煤工作面底板至采煤机机身上表面的高度cutting height 截割高度:简称截高,采高。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃abelite 阿贝立特炸药abichite 砷铜矿ability 能力 ability to flow 怜性 ablation 水蚀 ablution 洗净 abnormality 反常 abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力 abrasive 磨料 abruption 断层 abscissa 横座标 absite 钍钛铀矿 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性 absorbent 吸收剂 absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器 absorbing ability 吸收性 absorption 吸收 absorption factor 吸收系数 absorption meter 液体溶气计 absorptivity 吸收性 absortion constant 吸收常数 abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱 abundance 丰富 abundant 富有的 abutment 拱座 abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动 accelerating agent 速凝剂 acceptance test 验收试验 acceptor charge 被动装药 accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾 accompanying bed 伴生层 accoustic signal 音响信号1/ 176accretion 表土accumulation 蓄积accumulator 蓄电池accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量 accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度accuracy degree 精确度 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 aceton 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈 acetyl 乙酰 acetylene 乙炔 acetylene lamp 电石灯 achromatic 消色差的 aciculite 针状矿石 acid 酸 acid mine water 酸性矿水 acid number 酸值 acid proof 酎酸的 acid resistance 耐酸性 acid resistant 耐酸的 acid resistant steel 耐酸钢 acid resisting steel 耐酸钢 acid rock 酸性岩 acid treatment of a bore hole 钻孔酸处理 acid value 酸值 acidite 酸性岩 acidity 酸度 acidness 酸度 acidproof 耐酸的 actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石action radius 酌半径activate 活化activated carbon 活性煤 activated charcoal 活性煤 activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activation energy 活化能activator 活化剂 active 活化的 active dust 活性尘末---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ active working face 生产工祖 activity 活度 actual mining 回采工作 actuate 驱动 actuating roll 导辊 actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度 acute 尖的 acute angle 锐角 adamantine 冷铸钢粒 adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进 adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石 adamic earth 红粘土 adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添 additional tension 附加应力 additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力 adhesive 胶粘剂 adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩 adit 平硐 adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采 adit entrance 平硐口 adit mine 平硐开采矿山 adit mouth 平硐口 adjoining rock 围岩 adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱 adjuster 装配工 adjusting device 蝶装置 adjusting screw 蝶螺丝 adjustment 蝶3/ 176adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管 admixture 掺和物 adobe 风干砖 adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破 adobe shot 裸露装药爆破 adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜 adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式 adular 冰长石 adularia 冰长石 adulterant 掺杂物 adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺 advance bore 超前钻孔 advance borehole 超前钻孔 advance cut 超前掏槽 advance grouting 超前灌浆 advance heading 超前平巷 advance mining 前进式开采 advance of the face 工祖推进 advance rate 掘进速度 advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进 advancing 掘进 advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法 advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进 advantage 长处 adventure 矿山企业 adversary grade 逆坡 adverse grade 逆坡 aegerite 纯钠辉石---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ aegirine 霓石 aegirite 霓石 aeolation 风蚀 aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器 aeremia 沉箱病 aerial cableway 架空死 aerial conveyer 架空运输机 aerial dust 浮尘 aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死 aerocrete 气孔混凝土 aeroembolism 沉箱病 aerofloat 黑药 aerogel 气凝胶 aerolite 陨石 aerolith 陨石 aerometer 气体表 aerophore 氧气呼吸器 aerosite 深红银矿 aerosol 气溶胶 aerotriangulation 航空三角测量 aeroview 空中俯瞰图 aerugo 铜绿 aeschynite 易解石 afflux 岭 after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效 afterexpansion 残余膨胀 aftergases 爆后气体 aftertreatment 后处理 agalite 纤滑石 agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙 age 期 age of mine 矿山寿命 ageing 老化 agent 剂5/ 176agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度 aggregation 聚集 aging 老化 agitation 搅拌 agitator 搅拌器 agnotozoic era 元古代 agricolite 硅铋石 aikinite 针硫铋铅矿 air adit 通风平硐 air blast 空气冲击 air blast goaf stowing machine 风力充填机 air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管 air bottle 压气瓶 air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器 air brattice 风帘 air brick 空心砖 air bubble 气泡 air bump 空气突出 air chamber 空气室 air change 换气 air channel 空气通路 air classifier 空气分级机 air cleaner 空气滤净器 air cleaning 风力选矿 air compartment 通风隔间 air composition 空气成分 air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量 air contamination 空气污染 air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流 air curtain 风帘 air cylinder 空气缸---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ air distribution 风量分配 air door 风门 air door tender 风门工 air drift 通风石巷 air drill 风钻 air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机 air driven pump 风动泵 air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机 air drying 风干 air duct 空气通路 air ejector 喷气器 air escape 空气漏出 air feed 气力推进 air filter 空气过滤器 air float table 气浮式风力摇床 air flotation 充气浮选 air flow 风流 air flow resistance 气凌力 air gap 风口 air gate 风巷 air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷 air heater 空气加热器 air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度 air inlet 进气口 air intake 进气口 air jig 风力跳汰机 air leg 风动钻架 air level 气泡水准仪 air lift 空气提液器 air line 空气管 air lock 气闸 air locomotive 压气机车 air measurement 通风测量 air moisture 空气湿度 air motor 风动发动机 air movement 空气怜 air network 通风网 air opening 风巷 air operated machine 风动机 air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性7/ 176air pick 风镐 air pipe 风管 air pocket 气袋 air pollution 空气污染 air powered locomotive 压气机车 air preheater 空气顸热器 air pressure 空气压力 air proof 不透气的 air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力 air screw fan 轴两扇风机 air separation 风选 air separator 风力分离器风力分选机 air shaft 风井 air splitting 风林支 air stopping 风墙 air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应 air table 风力淘汰盘 air tank 空气箱 air trammer 风动机车 air trunk 通风隔间 air tube 风井 air valve 气阀 air velocity 风临度 air vessel 蓄气器 airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流 airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒 airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒 airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒 airflow measurement 通风测量 airing 通气 airleg 气腿 airlock 风闸airman 风门工 airway 风巷 airwinch 风动绞车 akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩 akins classifier 螺旋分级机 alabandine 硫锰矿 alabandite 硫锰矿---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ alabaster 雪花石膏 alabastrite 雪花石膏 alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩 alaskite 白岗岩 alaunstein 茂石 albertite 沥清煤 albite 钠长石 albitite 钠长岩 albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规 aliphatic acid 脂族酸 alkali 碱 alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度 alkyl 烷基 all over work 长壁开采 all ups 原煤 allactite 砷水锰矿 allanite 褐帘石 allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶 allomerism 异质同晶 allomorphism 同质异晶 allophane 水铝英石 allophanite 水铝英石 allotrope 同素异形体 allotropy 同素异形 allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差 allowable load 容许负载 allowable stress 容许应力 allowance 公差9/ 176alloy 合金 alloy bit 合金钻头 alloyed steel 合金钢 alluvial 冲积的 alluvial deposit 冲积矿床 alluvial gold 砂金 alluvial mining 砂矿开采 alluvial soil 冲积土 alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积 alluvion 冲积层 alluvium 冲积层 almandine 铁铝榴石 almandite 铁铝榴石 alnico 铝镍钴合金 alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌 alternate load 交变负载 alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流 alternating current generator 交立电机 alternating current motor 交羚动机 alternating motion 往复运动 alternation 交替 altimeter 测高计 altimetry 高度测量术 altitude 高度 alum 茂 alum earth 矾土 alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝 aluminium bronze 铝青铜 aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管 alundum 氧化铝 alunite 茂石 amalgam 汞齐---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器 amatol 阿马托炸药 amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度 ambligonite 磷铝石 amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺 amino acid 氨基酸 ammon dynamite 硝安炸药 ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatine dynamite 铵胶炸药 ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitrate dynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate explosives 硝安炸药 ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵 amorphous 无定形的 amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧 ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩 amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩 amphibolization 闪石化酌 amplification 放大 amplifier 放大器 amplify 放大 amplitude 振幅 ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩 amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构 analcime 方沸石 analcite 方沸石11/ 176analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器 analysis 分析 analyst 化验员 analytic 分析的 analytical 分析的 analytical chemistry 分析化学 analyze 分析 analyzer 分析器 anatase 锐钛矿 anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚 anchor bolt 锚杆 ancillary work 辅助工作 ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿 andalusite 红柱石 anderseam 下部煤层 andesine 中长石 andesite 安山岩 andradite 钙铁榴石 anemobarometer 风速风压计 anemograph 自记风速计 anemometer 风速表 anemometry 风速测定 aneroid barometer 无液气压计 anfo explosives 铵油炸药 anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器 angle 角 angle bar 角钢 angle face 倾斜工祖 angle gauge 角规 angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角 angle of dip 倾角 angle of draw 落角 angle of elevation 仰角 angle of emergence 出射角 angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ angle of pitch 螺距角 angle of repose 休止角 angle of rest 休止角 angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角 angle of strike 走向角度 angle of subsidence 边界角 angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度 angular hole 斜炮眼 angular motion 角动 angular velocity 角速度 anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量 anode 阳极 anomaly 异常 anorthite 钙长石 anorthoclase 歪长石 anorthosite 斜长石 antarctic pole 南极 antecedent magnetic concentration 储备处理磁选 anthracene 葸 anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉 anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计 anthracosis 煤肺病 anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转13/ 176antidote 解毒药 antifoamer 消泡剂 antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂 antifreezing agent 防冻剂 antimonite 辉锑矿 antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿 antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂 antiseptic 防腐剂 apatite 磷灰石 aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频 apparent resistance 表观阻力 apparent specific gravity 表观此重 apparent viscosity 视粘度 apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近 approved cable 防爆电缆 approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firing apparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的 approximate value 近似值 approximation 近似法 apron conveyor 平板运输机 apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液 aquifer 蓄水层 aquiferous 含水的 aragonite 霰石 arc 弧---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ arch 拱 arch lining 拱形支架 arch pressure 支承压力 arch setting 安设拱形支架 arch span 拱跨 arch theory 成拱论 arch timbering 拱形木支架 arch truss 拱式桁架 arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破 area of explosion 爆炸区 arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银 argillaceous rock 泥质岩 argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩 argillaceous slate 泥板岩 argillite 泥质板岩 argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土 armoure 加强 armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土 armoured conveyerpanzer conveyer 镫装运输机 arrangement 布置 arrangements 准备 arrester 制动器制止器15/ 176arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿 articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架 articulation 铰链接合 artificial caving 人工崩落 artificial draught 人工通风 artificial petroleum 人造石油 artificial respiration 人工呼吸 artificial vetilation 人工通风 asbestos 石棉 asbestos wool 石棉绒 asbolane 钴土矿 asbolite 钴土矿 asbstos cement 石棉水泥 ascending working 漏口 ascension 上升 ascensional ventilation 上向通风 ash 灰 ash coal 高灰煤 ash composition 灰分组成 ash content 灰分 askew 斜的 asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土 asphaltite 沥青岩 asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气 aspirator 抽风机 assay 试金 assemblage 装配assemble 装配 assimilation 同化酌 association 缔合---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁;隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的 asymmetrical 不对称的 asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机 atacamite 氯铜矿 atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件 atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度 atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子 atomic 原子的 atomic number 原子序 atomic ore 放射性矿石 atomic volume 原子体积 atomization 喷雾 atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环;开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土 attle 充填料 attraction 引力 attractive force 引力 attrition 磨耗 attrition mill 盘磨机 attrition test 磨损试验 auger drill 螺旋钻 augering 螺旋钻法 auget 雷管 augite 辉石 aureole 接触带 auric 金的 auriferous 含金的17/ 176aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuring device 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃 autocollimation 自动视准 autoconverter 自动变流 autocrane 汽车起重机 autodumper 自卸汽车 autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊 autoloader 汽车式装载机 automated mine 自动化煤矿 automated mining 自动化采掘 automatic block 自动闭塞 automatic brake 自动制动器 automatic checking 自动检验 automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器 automatic control 自动控制 automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器 automatic coupler 自动车钩 automatic door 自动风门 automatic dumper 自动翻车机 automatic equipment 自动设备 automatic feed 自动给料 automatic feeder 自动给矿机 automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑 automatic pressure controller 自动倒器自动压力控制器 automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤 automation 自动化 automatization 自动化---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ automobile 汽车 autotransformer 单卷变压器 autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备 auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机 auxiliary level 辅助平巷 auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井 auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石 average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力 average sample 平均试样 average trend 平均走向 average value 平均值 axe 斧 axial 轴性的 axial blower 轴寥风机 axial compression 轴向压缩 axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机 axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机 axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵 axial pump 轴两泵 axle 车轴 axle base 轴距 axle bearing 轴承 axle box 轴颈箱 axle box bearing 轴箱轴承 axle journal 轴颈 azimuth 方位 azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘 azote 氮 azurite 蓝铜矿 babbit 巴氏合金19/ 176back bolting 顶板锚杆支护 back bone 分水岭 back brace 背板back break 超欠挖 back brushing 挑顶 back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机 back filling 充填 back filling method 充填法 back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩 back filling system 分段上向充填开采法 back lath 顶板背板 back leg bracing 柱腿支撑 back lye 井下错车道 back pulling 回采煤柱 back stope 上向梯段回采工祖 back stoping 上向梯段回采 back stroke 回程 back water 回水 back weight 平衡锤 backacter 反铲 backbye deputy 井下维修工 backdigger 反铲 backdraught 逆通风 backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲 backlash 轮齿隙 backman 辅助工 backpressure 顶板压力 backstoping 上向梯段回采 backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆 backweight 平衡锤 backwork 辅助工作 bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤 bactericide 杀菌剂 bad top 不稳固顶板 baddeleyite 斜锆矿 baffle plate 反射板 bag filter 袋滤器 bag powder 装袋炸药 bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器 bagger 多斗控掘机---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ bagging 装袋 baghouse 囊式集尘窒 baikalite 贝钙铁辉石 bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤 bal 矿山 balance 平衡 balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓 balance level 水准仪 balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮 balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀 balance weight 平衡锤 balanced hoist 两容漆升机 balanced hoisting 平衡提升 balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄 ball 球 ball and socket joint 球节 ball bearing 滚珠轴承 ball bushing 球轴套 ball cage 球护圈 ball charge 磨球装量 ball crusher 球磨机 ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪 ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验 ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机 ball retainer 球护圈 ball up 钻孔堵塞 ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场21/ 176ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验 ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药 ballstone 球石 balsam 香液 bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍 band 带 band brake 带式制动器带闸 band conveyor 带式运输机 band iron 带铁 band ore 带状矿石 banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车 bank 阶段 bank coal 原煤 bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度 bank method of attack 阶段开采法 bank shaft mouth 坚井口 bank work 阶梯开采 bankcoal 原煤 banker 掘土工 banket 含金砾岩层 bankhead 斜井井口出车平台 banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋 bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机 bar screen 棒条筛 bare 裸露的 bare cable 裸电缆 bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业 baring 复盖岩层;剥离 barings 截煤粉 barite 重晶石 barium 钡---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ barkevikite 棕闪石 barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车 barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车 barometer 气压表 barometric 气压的 barometric height 气压高度 barrage 堰 barrel 桶 barren 不含矿物的 barren layer 废石层 barren rock 废石 barricade 隔墙 barrier 岩粉棚 barrier method 柱式开采法 barrier pillar 安全煤柱 barrier system 柱式开采法 barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器 barring 顶板支护 barrow 手推车 barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿 baryte 重晶石 baryum 钡 basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面 basalt 玄武岩 base 基础;碱基 base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约 base line 基线 base plate 底板 base road 诛 base rock 基岩 base unit 基本单位 bashing 用废矸石充填采空区 basic 基性的 basic line 基线 basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池 basis 基础 bass 炭质页岩 basset 露头bast 炭质页岩 bastard 夹石 bastite 绢石 bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿23/ 176bat 泥质页岩 batardeau 隔墙 bathoclase 水平节理 batholite 基岩 batholith 基岩 bathometer 深海测深仪 bathymeter 深海测深仪 bating 井筒延伸;卧底 batt 泥质页岩 batter 坡度 batter level 倾斜仪 batter pile 斜桩 batter post 斜柱 battered prop 斜柱 battery 电池组;木隔壁;工专 battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车 battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车 baulk 煤层薄 baum jig 空气跳汰机 baum jig washer 空气跳汰机 baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿 bawke 吊桶 beach combing 海滨开采砂矿 beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床 beam 梁 bearer 矿柱 bearing 煤层走向;轴承 bearing alloy 轴承合金 bearing block 矿枉煤柱 bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器 bearing load 轴承负载 bearing metal 轴承合金 bearing pointer 方位指示器 bearing position 支点---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ bearing power 承重能力 bearing pressure 承压力 bearing ring 之框 bearing set 之框 bearing test 承载力试验 bearing up pulley 紧绳轮 beat 打击 beater 木捣锤 beater pulverizer 锤碎机 beckelite 方钙饰镧矿 bed 地层 bed plane 层理面 bed series 层系 bed succession 层序 bed thinning 煤层变薄 bed top 矿层顶板 bedded iron ore 层状铁矿 bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉 bedding 层理 bedding rock 基岩 bedding surface 层理面 bedrock 基岩 beetle 大锤;捣固机 belemnite 箭石 bell man 信号工 bell pit 小探井 bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚 belonite 针雏晶 belowground 地下的 belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机 belt cleaner 净带器 belt conveyor 带式运输机 belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置 belt elevator 带式提升机 belt extension 胶带接长 belt fastener 带扣 belt feeder 带式给矿机 belt heading 皮带输送机平巷 belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机 belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒 belt incline 胶带输送机斜井25/ 176belt joint 带接 belt lacer 带扣 belt lacing 胶带接合 belt lacing machine 缝带机 belt loader 胶带动载机 belt pulley 带式运输机滚筒 belt punch 皮带穿孔器 belt roller 皮带轮 belt screen 带筛 belt separator 带式分选机 belt slip protection 胶带打滑保护 belt stower 抛掷式胶带充填机 belt stretcher 紧带器belt tension 皮带张力belt tightener 紧带器belt tightening pulley 皮带拉滚筒 belt training idler 胶带导辊belt transport 皮带输送 belt type dehydrator 带式干燥机 belt type magnetic separator 带式磁选机 belting 输送机胶带装置bench 阶段 bench cut blasting 阶段爆破 bench drilling 阶段钻眼 bench face 台阶工祖 bench floor 台阶底 bench height 台阶高度 bench hole 梯段的下向垂直炮眼 bench mining 阶梯式开采bench preparation 阶段准备 bench stoping 阶梯式开采 benched quarry 阶段采石场 benching 阶梯式开采 benching bank 阶段bend 弯管 bender 弯机 bending force 弯力 bending machine 弯机 bending moment 弯曲矩 bending resistance 抗弯强度 bending rolls 辊子卷板机 bending strength 抗弯强度 bending stress 弯曲应力 bending test 弯曲试验---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ benefication 选矿 beneficiating method 选矿法 beneficiation 选矿 benitoite 蓝锥矿 bent 弯曲 bent entry 弯曲平巷 bent face 弯工祖bent pipe 弯管bentonite 皂土benzene 苯benzine 汽油 benzol 苯 beresite 黄铁长英岩 berm 段台 berme 段台 berthierite 辉铁锑矿 bertrandite 硅铍石 beryl 绿柱石beryllium 铍 beryllonite 磷钠铍石 beton 混凝土 bevel 斜面bevel gear 伞齿轮 bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动 bevel gearing 伞齿轮咬合;锥齿轮传动装置 bevel wheel 伞齿轮 bevelling 锨bicable tramway 双线死 bickford fuse 比克福特导爆线 bicone type rolling cutter bit 双圆锥齿轮钻头 big hole 大径钻孔billot 杆 bimetal 双金属 bimetal thermometer 双金属温度计bimetallic strip relay 双金属片继电器 bin 矿仓 bin gate 贮仓闸门 binder 粘结剂 binding agent 粘结剂 binding coal 粘结煤binding energy 结合能 binding force 结合力 bing 堆 bing hole 放矿溜口27/ 176binning 装仓 biogeochemistry 生物地球化学 biotite 黑云母biquartz 双石英bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bismuthite 泡铋矿 bisulfate 硫酸氢盐bisulfite 亚硫酸氢盐 bisulphate 硫酸氢盐 bisulphite 亚硫酸氢盐 bit 钎头 bit dresser 钻头修整机 bit dressing 钻头修整bit edge 钻刃 bit face 钻头刃面 bit grinder 钻头磨锐机 bit head 钻头 bit life 钎头使用期间 bit shank 钎尾 bitter earth 氧化镁 bitum 沥青 bituminous coal 沥青煤 bituminous rock 沥青岩bituminous shale 沥青页岩black band 菱铁矿black blasting powder 黑色火药 black bog 泥炭沼泽 black diamond 黑金刚石 black earth 黑土 black iron ore 磁铁矿 black lead 石黑 black lead ore 黑铅矿 black manganese 黑锰矿 black powder 黑火药 black powder train 黑药导火线 blackdamp 室息性空气blacksmith 锻工 blade 刀片 blade grader 推土机 blader 推土机 blaize 硬砂岩 blanch 铅矿石---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ blanket 表层blanket table 平面洗矿台blast 爆炸blast blower 鼓风机 blast firing 放炮 blast hole 炮眼 blast hole drill 凿岩机 blast layout 装药布置 blast stower 风力充填机blastability 爆炸性blaster 放炮工blaster cap 雷管blasters' permit 爆破技术员 blasthole 炮眼 blasthole bit 炮眼钻头 blasthole collar 炮眼口 blasthole method 深孔爆破开采法 blasting 爆破 blasting accessories 爆破用七 blasting agent 炸药 blasting cable 放炮电缆 blasting cartridge 药包blasting charge 装炸药 blasting compound 炸药 blasting cone 爆破漏斗 blasting device 爆破用具 blasting drift 爆破平巷blasting dust 爆破尘末 blasting equipment 爆破用具 blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线blasting galvanometer 放炮电路试验器 blasting gelatine 煤炸药blasting lead 爆破导线blasting machine 电气发爆器blasting material 爆炸物blasting oil 硝化甘油blasting operation 爆破 blasting ratio 爆破比 blasting supplies 起爆颇blasting switch 爆破开关blasting technician 放炮工blasting tools 爆破工具29/ 176bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出 bleeder entry 通风平巷 bleeder hole 放泄孔 bleeder off hole 排放钻孔 bleeder pipe 排出管 blende 闪锌矿 blender 掺合器混合器 blending 掺合 blending bunker 配合仓 blending conveyor 掺合输送机 blind 暗的 blind coal 无焰炭 blind drift 独头巷道 blind galley 独头巷道 blind lead 无露头矿脉 blind outcrop 盲露头 blind pit 暗井 blind shaft 暗井 blister 气泡 block 采区;块;滑车组 block brake 闸块式制动器 block caving method 分段崩落采矿法 block line 钻井钢丝绳block mining 分块开采blockage 闭塞blockhole 炮眼blockhole blasting 爆破地面大块岩石 blockholing 爆破地面大块岩石 blocking 闭塞 blondin 采掘场架空死 blow 放炮 blow of gas 瓦斯喷出 blow up 爆炸 blowcharging 风力装药 blowed fill 风力充填 blower 吹风机 blower fan 吹风机 blowing out 吹洗炮眼blowing over 工祖通风blowing ventilation 吹入通风blowlamp 焊灯blowout 突出blowout preventer 防喷器blowpipe 喷焊器喷割器---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ blowtorch 焊灯 blue cap 蓝色焰晕 blue printing machine 蓝图机blue spar 天蓝石blue vitriol 胆矾blueprint 蓝图blueprint paper 蓝图纸 bluestone 胆矾 blunt 钝的 blunt drill 钝钻 board 板 board and pillar 房柱式开法 board and pillar method 房柱式开采法 board and pillar work 房柱式开法 board and wall method 房柱式开采法 boarding 安装木板 boart 工业用圆粒金刚石 bob 铅锥 bobbin 绕线管 bog land 沼地 bogie 小车;转向架 boiled oil 熟炼油 boiler 锅炉 boiling 沸腾 boiling process 沸腾法 boke 小细脉 bolt 螺栓 bolt connection 螺栓连接 bolt joint 螺栓接合 bolting 锚杆支护 bolting cost 锚杆支架费 bonanza 富矿脉 bond 结合 bond energy 结合能 bonding agent 结合剂 bonding energy 结合能 bonding strength 结合强度bone 可燃性页岩 bone char 骨煤 bone coal 骨煤 bone picker 拣矸工 bonnet 盖 bonny 矿襄 bonstay 暗井31/ 176bont 提升装置 bonze 末精选的铅矿石 boom 悬臂 boom crane 伸臂起重机 boom hoist 悬臂绞车 boom ripper 悬臂挑预机 boose 矿石内的脉石 booster 传爆药 booster fan 辅助扇风机 booster primer 传爆药 booster pump 增压泵 boosting 局部通风 bootleg 拒爆炮眼 booze 铅矿 bop 防喷器 boracite 方硼石 borax 硼砂bord 巷道 bord and pillar method 房柱式开采法 bord and pillar work 房柱式开法 bord and wall method 房柱式开采法 border 边缘 border pile 边桩 bordering 炮泥 borderline 界线 bore 孔bore bit 钻头 bore borings 钻粉 bore hole 炮眼 bore meal 钻粉 bore mining 溶液采矿 bore mud 钻泥 bore plug 钻孔岩样borehole 钻孔 borehole charge 钻孔装药 borehole clinometer 钻孔测斜仪 borehole diameter 钻孔直径 borehole profile 钻孔断面图borehole pump 深井泵borehole seal 镗孔密封垫borehole shooting 钻井爆破 borehole survey 钻孔测量 borer 钻工 boride 硼化物---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ boring 钻进 boring bar 钻杆 boring bit 钎头 boring for oil 石油钻深 boring frame 钻塔 boring head 钻头 boring machine 钻机boring mud 钻泥boring pump 钻眼用泵boring rig 钻塔boring rod 钻杆 boring rope 钻机用的钢丝绳 boring tool 钻具boring tower 钻塔 boring tube 钻管 bornite 斑铜矿 boron 硼bort bit 金刚石钻头 bortz 工业用圆粒金刚石 bortz powder 金刚石粉 borway bit 齿状钻头 boss hammer 大锤 bossing 厚层切底bottle coal 瓦斯煤 bottom 底板 bottom banksman 井底把钩工bottom belt 底部皮带 bottom canch 卧底 bottom captain 井下组长 bottom cutting 底部截槽 bottom discharge bucket 底卸式铲斗 bottom discharge skip 底卸式箕斗 bottom dump bucket 底卸式铲斗 bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗 bottom dumping car 底卸式车 bottom gangway 底导坑 bottom gate 底导坑 bottom heading 底导坑 bottom hole 底部炮眼 bottom installation 井底车场设备bottom kerf 底槽 bottom layer 底层 bottom layout 井底车场布置 bottom level 井底车场标高33/ 176。
ball mill球磨机Raymond mill雷蒙磨(雷蒙磨粉机)sand-maker冲击式破碎机(制砂机),jaw crusher颚式破碎机hammer crusher锤式破碎机vertical compound crusher复合式破碎机? impact crusherrotary kiln回转窑(旋窑)drier干燥机vibrating screen振动筛sand maker, magnetic separator磁选机SF flotation machine SF型浮选机?roll crusher辊式破碎机belt conveyor皮带输送机bucket elevator斗式提升机spiral classifier螺旋分级机impact crusher反击式破碎机granulating disc圆盘造粒机?final screen成品筛lift mixer, table concentrator摇床?centrifugal ore separator离心选矿机?high-efficiency concentrator, disc feeder盘式加料机?pendulum type feeder 摆式加料器hydraulic cyclone水力旋流器层压机laminating machine自磨机autogenous mill超细层压自磨机ultra-fine laminating machine & autogenous grinding mill ?nanometer纳米nanoscale 纳米级wear-resisting rubber 耐磨橡胶synthetic rubber 合成橡胶total cross-section 全截面total cross-section air-lift microbubble machine? tailings, mine dumps, slimes, tails, refuse, leach residue, or slickens,gangue 尾矿tailing pond, tailing pool 尾矿库copper-ore-tailing-reservoir 铜矿尾矿库the-tailing-pond-drainage technology 尾矿排干技术?Precious metal, noble metal 贵金属Base metal 贱金属Total cost of ownership 总体拥有成本Overhead cost 经常费用Processing cost 加工成本Manufacturer warranty 制造商保函?rapid field deployment 快速现场安装solid steel 脱氧钢all piping is designed for easy & speedy detachment 管道快速简易拆卸revolving screen 旋筒筛,滚筒筛,旋转筛axle 车轴trailer 拖车gravel 碎石,砂砾gravel pump 砂砾泵slurry pump 液浆泵,泥浆泵,渣浆泵trammel 矿石筛diesel 柴油机granular 颗粒状granule 颗粒end products 最终产物mineral sands 矿砂Tantalite钽铁矿Ilmenite钛铁矿Wolfframite 钨锰铁矿Columbite 柯铁矿,铌铁矿Monazite 独居石Garnet 石榴石Zircone锆石Scheelite 白钨矿Rutile金红石Concentrate 精矿Metallurgy 冶金学Coke 可口可乐;焦炭;可卡因的俗名Quicklime 生石灰Sulfur 硫磺Phosphor磷光剂Florescent 荧光的,日光灯Placer deposit 砂积矿床,砂砾矿床Placer deposit 砂积矿床,砂砾矿床Primary deposit 原生矿床Magnetic susceptibility 磁化率Abrasive 研磨料,研磨剂Oxide 氧化物Rectifier console 整流器控制台Bearing 轴承Hopper 料斗Apron feeder 板式给料机Reciprocating plate feeder 往复板式给料机OEM, original equipment manufacturer 原始设备制造商。
矿业机械设备常用词翻译渣浆泵 slurry pump 叶轮impeller 提升条 lifter bar 护套volute liner 后护板 FPL insert 前护板 throat bushing 副叶轮expeller 减压盖 expeller ring 前护套 cover plate 后护套 frame plate 泵体 casing 胶泵 rubber pump 橡胶筛片 rubber sieves 旋流器 hydrocyclone 球磨机 ball mill 筒体衬板 shell (plate) liner 沉沙嘴 apex 螺杆 screw 螺母 nut 螺栓 bolt 下锥体 lower cone 半自磨机 SAG mill 自磨机autogenous mill 振动筛网vibrating screen 浮选机flotation machine 橡胶弹簧rubber spring 溢流管 vortex finder 圆筒筛 trommel 平垫 flat gasket 黏合剂 adhesive 联轴器shaft coupling 法兰 flange 尼龙棒 nyloc stick 静态搅拌器static agitator 旋流器组cyclone cluster 垫圈 washer 旋流室 vortex chamber 汽缸cylinder 溢流管 vortex finder 橡胶沉沙嘴 rubber apex 水力旋流器 hydrocyclone 金属法兰 metal flange 端衬板 head liner 筒体提升条 shell lifter bar 筒体护套shell plate liner T 型螺栓 Tee-bolt 橡胶密封垫圈 rubber sealing washer 钢胶索环 rubber grommet 耐冲洗密封 anti-washer seal 填料环行片 filler ring liner 溢流接管 overflow adaptor 固定螺钉 set screw 铭牌nameplate 进料腔 feed chamber 锥体衬板 cone liner 锥体 cone 沉沙嘴内衬 spigot holder 离心泵centrifugal pump 备用品 stand-by 流量 flow 腐蚀性的 corrosive 易燃的 flammable 有毒的 toxic 体积浓度 volume concentration 必需气蚀余量 NPSH 液体密度fluid density 蒸汽压力 vapor pressure 周期性的 intermittent 黏度,韧度 viscosity 卧室离心机horizontal centrifuge 自吸泵self-priming pump 转轴,轴心shaft 垫片 gasket 排出口 ,管嘴nozzle 额定 rating 轴承组件bearing assembly 叶轮直径impeller diameter 性能曲线performance curve 油脂 grease 油雾 oil mist 迷宫室密封labyrinth 弹性体,合成橡elastomen 垫片,隔板 spacer 安全阀 guard valve底板 base plate 热电偶探测器thermocouple probe 滤液泵filtrate pump 滑轮 pulley 扬程head 曲线号 curve No.吐出口法兰 discharge flange 吸入口法兰 suction flange 三角皮带 V-belt液力偶合器 hydraulic coupler 光谱 specturm 选矿工艺 ore dressing process 振动筛vibrating screen 筛孔,网孔mesh 生产量 throughput 织物weft三纬丝长孔 long three-weft holes 阻尼 damp 孔径 aperture 重型振动筛 heavy-duty scalping screen 螺旋分流器 spiral classifier 速度 /率,周转率velocity 使用寿命 service life 物理特性 physical characteristics 耐纳特胶Linatex rubber 硬度 hardness 天然橡胶 nature rubber 抗拉强度tensile strength 伸长率extensibility 永久变形permanent deformation 抗撕裂强tearing strength 回弹性resilience圆筒内径 cylinder ID 锥角capacity 沉沙嘴内径 apex ID 溢流管内径 vortex finder ID 定子stator 浮选精矿 flotation concentrate 浮选尾矿 flotation tailing 操作平台 operationplatform 泡沫 froth 防腐蚀corrosion resistance 耐磨 wear resistance 耐酸 acid resistance耐碱 basic resistance 有色金属non-ferrous 硫化 vulcanize 分贝db=decibel 示意图 schematicview 真空平板硫化机Pulp Lifters Raiser BarsLifter Bars Discharge GratesShell PlatesEnd Plates Nuts and BoltsOval Head Liner Bolts 椭圆头衬板螺栓 SquareHead Liner Bolts方头衬板螺栓Round Head LinerBolts 圆头衬板螺栓Rectangle HeadLinerBolts 矩形头衬板螺栓Tapered Liner Bolts 锥形衬板螺栓vacuum slabsulphide machine矿浆提升斗提升条提升条排矿格子板筒体衬板端盖衬板螺栓和螺帽。
i arch 工字钢拱i bar 工字钢i beam 工字钢i steel 工字钢ice 冰ice cylinder 冻结冰柱ice wall 冻结壁idle roller 导辊idler 托滚igneous breccia 火成角砾岩ignitability 可燃性ignitable 易点火的ignite 点火igniter 点火器点火装置igniter cord 导火线igniting composition 起火剂igniting primer 雷管ignition 发火ignition cap 雷管ignition charge 点火药ignition compound 起火剂ignition energy 点火能量ignition impulse 点火冲量ignition inhibitor 爆炸抑制剂ignition order 点火次序ignition point 着火点ignition temperature 发火温度ill air 污浊空气illite 伊利石illumination 照明illuminator 照明ilmenite 钛铁矿ilvaite 墨柱石imbibition 吸收immediate roof 直接顶板immersible pump 潜水泵immersion 油浸;浸没immobile 不能移动的immobility 不能移动immovable 不能移动的impact 冲击impact action 冲幻impact crusher 冲唤破碎机impact crushing 冲黄碎impact energy 冲卉impact idler 缓冲托辊impact mill 冲唤磨机impact plough 冲唤刨煤机impact pressure 冲灰压impact rate 冲毁度impact resistance 冲昏力impact ripper 冲唤挑顶机;冲唤平巷掘进机impact screen 冲唤振动筛impact sensitivity 冲霍感度impact strength index 冲豢度指数impact test 冲辉验impact toughness 冲煌性impact type hammer crusher 冲桓式破碎机impenetrability 不可入性impermeability 不渗透性impermeability test 不渗透性试验impermeable 不可渗透的impermeable barrier 不透水煤柱impermeable bed 不透水层impermeable rock 不透水岩石impermeable seam 不透水层imperviousness 不渗透性impregnate 浸渍impregnating apparatus 浸染器impregnating compound 浸润剂impregnation 浸透impregnation of timber 木材的浸渍improvement 改良impulse 脉冲impurity 不洁物impurity concentration 杂质浓度in situ origin 原地成因in situ rock 原地岩石inactive face 停产工祖inbreak 崩落inbreak angle 陷落角incendivity 引火性inch 英寸incidence 入射incidence angle 入射角incidence indicator 倾角指示器inclination 倾斜inclination pitch 倾斜度incline 倾斜incline hoist 斜井提升机incline inset 斜井井底车场inclined adit 斜硐inclined bed 倾斜层inclined belt conveyor 倾斜皮带运输机inclined boring 倾斜钻进inclined bottom car 斜底车inclined conveyor 倾斜运输机inclined cut 斜工祖inclined cut and fill 倾斜分层充填回采inclined drift 倾斜巷道inclined grizzly 倾斜格筛inclined hole 斜炮眼inclined plane 轮坡inclined seam 倾斜层inclined shaft 斜井inclined shaft mucking apparatus 斜井装岩机inclined slicing 倾斜分层开采inclined stone drift 倾斜岩石巷道inclinometer 测斜器include 包含inclusion 包含incoalation 煤化incoherent 不燃性的;不连贯的incombustibility 不燃性incombustible 不燃性的incombustible dust 不可燃性尘粉incombustible lining 耐火支架incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧incomplete detonation 不完全起爆incompressibility 不可压缩性incompressible 不可压缩的increase 增加indentation test 凹痕硬度试验index bed 标准层index well 注入井indicate 指示indication 指示indicator 表示器指示器indirect priming 底部点火indium 铟individual hydraulic prop 单体液压支柱individual prop 单体支柱induced block caving 阶段人工崩落开采法induced fan 抽风机induced roll separator 辊式感应磁选机induced ventilation 透导通风induction 诱导induction blasting 诱导爆破induction coil 感应圈induction generator 异步发电机induction motor 异步电动机industrial explosives 工业炸药industrial oil 工业用油industry 工业ineffective 无效的inelastic 无弹性的inert 不适泼的inert dust 惰性岩粉inert gas 惰性气体inertia 惯性inertia vibrating screen 惯性震动筛inertness 惯性inexplosive dust 不爆炸性尘粉inferior coal 劣质煤infiltration 渗入infiltration ditch 排水沟inflammability 燃烧性inflammable 易燃的inflammable coal dust 爆炸性煤炭尘粉inflammable gas 可燃气体inflammableness 燃烧性inflammation 发火inflection 弯曲inflection point 拐点inflexible 不曲的inflexion 弯曲infrared blasting 红外引爆infrared detector package 红外探测瓢置infrared heater 红外加热器infusion time 灌注时间infusion tube 灌注管ingredient 成分inhalator 吸入器inhaler 氧气呼吸器inhaul cable 头绳inhibition 抑制inhibitor 抑制剂inhomogeneity 不均质性inhomogeneous 不均质的initial 最初的initial blast 初爆破initial caving 初次落顶initial cost 原价initial cut 开始掏槽initial velocity 初速initiating ability 起爆能力initiating charge 起爆装药initiating explosive 起爆炸药initiating relay 起爆继电器initiation 起爆inject 注入injection 注入injection drill 注水钻机injection hole 注入孔injection pressure 喷射压力injection pump 喷射泵injection type hydraulic prop 内注式液压支柱injection well 注入井injector 注射器喷射器inlet 入口inlet air 入风inlet pipe 进入管inmost depth 最大深度inner angle 内角inner diameter 内径inner height 内高度inner tube 内岩心管inner width 内宽inorganic 无机的inorganic chemistry 无机化学inorganic compound 无机化学inpact pulverizer 冲唤磨机input well 注入井inside 内部的inside labour 井下工作inside width 内宽insolubility 不溶性insoluble 不溶的instability 不安定性instable 不安定的installation 装置instant detonator 瞬发雷管instantaneous 瞬时的instantaneous blast 瞬发爆破instantaneous cap 瞬发雷管instantaneous overload 瞬时过载instrument 仪器七insulated conductor 绝缘导体insulated paper 绝缘纸insulating compound 绝缘物insulating oil 绝缘油insulating paper 绝缘纸insulating plate 绝缘板insulating rod 绝缘杆insulation 绝缘insulation condition indicator 绝缘状态指示器漏电指示器insulation layer 绝缘层insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulator 绝缘体intact coal 未采过的煤层intake 进风巷道intake air 进风流intake airway 进风巷道intake brine 进入冻结钻孔的盐水intake entry 进风平巷intake horizon 进风水平intake level 入风硐intake shaft 进风井intake well 注入井integration 积分法intensification 加强intensity 强度intensive 强烈的intensive support 加强支架inter unit hose 液压支架间胶管interaction 相互酌intercalation 夹层intercepting ditch 截水沟interception 交叉interchamber pillar 矿房间的矿柱interchange 交换interchange of gases 气体代谢interchangeability 互换性interchangeable 可互换的intercooler 中间冷却器intercooling 中间冷却interface 界面interfacial adsorption 界面间吸附interfacial tension 界面张力interior shaft 盲竖井interlayer 夹层intermediary 中间的intermediate 中间的intermediate bearer 竖井中间底框intermediate conveyor 中间运输机intermediate crusher 中碎机intermediate crushing 中碎intermediate drill 中间钻杆intermediate entry 中间平巷intermediate entry branch road way 中间平巷intermediate hole 中间炮眼intermediate level 中间产水平intermediate piston 凿岩机中的冲锤intermediate post 中间立柱intermediate product 中间产品intermediate rock 岩石夹层intermittent thickener 间歇式浓缩机internal 内部的internal frictional angle 内摩擦角internal pressure 内压力internal resistance 内阻抗internal shaft 盲竖井internal stress 内应力internal transport 矿内运输international unit 国际单位interrelation 相互关系interrupt 中断interruption 中断intersect 模断intersection 交叉interstice 间隙interstratified bed 间层interval 间隔intrinsically safe apparatus 安全火花设备intrusion 侵入intrusive 侵入的intrusive rock 侵入岩inundation 淹没invariable 不变的inverse initiation 底部点火inverted steps working 倒梯段开采inverted ventilation 反向通风inyoite 板硼石iodargyrite 碘银矿iodine 碘iodyrite 碘银矿ion 离子ion exchange 离子交换ion exchanged explosives 离子交换炸药ion flotation 离子浮选ionic 离子的ionic bond 离子键ionic charge 离子电荷ionization 电裔iridium 铱iron 铁iron carbon alloy 铁碳合金iron glance 赤铁矿iron lining 铁支架iron magnesia spinel 镁铁尖晶石iron mine 铁矿山iron ore 铁矿iron post 铁支柱iron producing area 铁矿区iron prop 铁支柱iron reinforcement 钢筋iron tie 铁轨枕isoclinal 等斜的isocline 等斜褶皱isodynamic 等磁力线;等磁力的isodynamic line 等磁力线isolate 隔离isolating ring 隔离环isolation 隔离isomorphism 类质同象isotherm 等温线isothermal 等温的isothermal compression 等温压缩isothermal line 等温线isotope 同位素isotropic 蛤同性的isotropy 蛤同性issue of firedamp 沼气泄出jack 千斤顶jack bit 可折式钻头jack catch 防跑车挡jack column 撑杆jack drill 凿岩机jack furnace 修钎炉jack hammer 手持式凿岩机jack hammer drill 手持式凿岩机jack lamp 安全灯jack leg 钻机腿jack mill 修钎机jack pit 浅井jack rod 钻杆jack screw 螺杆千斤顶jack shaft 浅井jadder 割石机jade stone 硬玉jadeit 硬玉jamesonite 脆硫锑铅矿jar down spear 套管矛jar mill 罐式磨机jargon 烟色红铁石jarosite 黄钾铁石jasper 碧玉jasperite 碧玉jaw breaker 颚式破碎机jaw crusher 颚式破碎机jerking table 摇床jet 射流;喷嘴jet drilling 火力钻眼jet elevator 喷射泵jet orifice 喷射口jet piercer 火力钻孔机jet piercer drilling 火力钻眼jet piercing burner 热钻孔喷热器jet pressure 喷射压力jet pulverizer 喷射式粉磨机jet pump 喷射泵jetcreting 混凝土喷射浇注jetting 水力冲采jetting drilling 水力钻眼jetting method of drilling 水力钻进法jib 悬臂jib head radius 挖掘机酌半径jig 跳汰机jig bed 跳汰床层jig brow 自重滑行坡jig concentration 跳汰机选别jig plane 自重滑行坡jig plant 跳汰装置jig tailings 跳汰选尾矿jigger 跳汰机jigger work 跳汰选jigging 跳汰选jigging conveyor 摇动运输机jigging machine 跳汰机jigging ratio 跳汰比jigging screen 跳汰机筛板jinny 固定绞车jinny roadway 自重滑行坡jitty 联络巷道jockey 矿车的无极绳抓叉;连接装置joint 接合;饺链;节理joist 小梁journal 轴颈journal box 轴颈箱journal bush 轴颈衬套jowling 问顶jumbo 钻车jump 断层jumper 冲魂杆jumping 脱轨jurassic 侏罗纪kainite 钾盐镁矾kalinite 纤维钾茂kalium 钾kampylite 磷砷铅矿kaolin 高岭土kaolinite 高岭石karat 克拉kast brisance test 猛度试验kawk 荧石keatite 热液石英keeps 罐笼座keeve 洗矿桶kelve 荧石keps 罐托keratophyre 角斑岩kerf 截槽kermesite 红锑矿kernite 四水硼矿kerosene 煤油kerosine shale 油页岩kerve 截槽kerving 截槽kettle 吊桶key 钥匙;楔key bed 标淮层key well 注入井kibble 吊桶kibble hoist 吊桶提升kibble hoisting 吊桶提升kibble winder 吊桶提升机kick back 反冲轨道;反冲kick up 翻车器kick up block 阻车器挡车器阻块kicker port 放气口kieselguhr 硅藻土kieserite 水镁矾kil 黑海白粘土kilbrickenite 斜方硫锑铅矿kilchoanite 斜方硅钙石kimberlite 角砾云橄岩;角砾云母榄岩kindling temperature 着火温度kinematic 运动学的kinematic viscosity 动粘度kinetic 动的kinetic energy 动能kinetic theory of gases 气体运动说kirve 截槽kirving 截槽knapper 碎石工knapping machine 碎石机kneader 捏和机kneading machine 捏和机knee pipe 曲管knife switch 闸刀开关knock burst 岩石突出knock indicator 爆震指示器koepe hoist 戈培式提升机koepe hoisting 戈培式提升koepe pulley 戈培轮koepe reel 戈培轮koepe sheave 戈培轮kohlenhobel 刨煤机konimeter 计尘器konimetry 空气浮尘计量koniosis 尘肺kremersite 氯钾铵矿krennerite 白碲金银矿;针钸金矿kronkite 柱铜铜矾krypton 氪kunzite 紫钾辉石;紫锂辉石kyanite 蓝晶石lab flotation machine 实验室用浮选机labile 不安定的laboratory 实验室laboratory coal crusher 实验室型碎煤机laboratory equipment 实验室设备laboratory test 实验室试验labradorite 拉长石laccolite 岩盖laccolith 岩盖lacer 胶带接合机lacing 背板ladder 梯ladder bucket excavator 多斗挖掘机ladder compartment 梯子间ladder dredger 多斗挖掘船ladder landing 梯子平台ladderway 梯子间lag 延迟lagging 背板lagging timber 背板木lamber 琥珀lamellar 薄片状的laminar 薄片状的laminar flow 层流laminary 薄片状的laminated ground 纹层地层lamination 分层lamp 灯lamp house 灯房lamp man 矿灯工lamp room 灯房lamp station 灯房lamp tender 矿灯工lamprophyllite 闪叶石lander 把钩工landing 出车台landing keps 罐笼座landing shaft 提升井landing stage 出车台landings 出煤量landmark 界标lane bolter 长方孔筛lang lay rope 同捻向钢丝绳langbeinite 无水钾镁矾lantern coal 烛煤lanthanite 镧石lapis lazuli 天青石large coal 大块级煤large ore 大块矿石large scale blast 大爆破large scale mining 大规模开采lashing 清除岩石latch 闩latching 矿山测量latent period 潜伏期lateral 横的lateral bracing 横拉条lateral coring 井壁取样lateral development 水平开拓lateral drift 侧部平巷lateral drilling 侧面钻眼lateral force 横力lateral opening 走向平巷lateral stability 横向稳定性lateral strain 横应变laterite 红土lath 护井板桩lattice 格子lattice truss 格构桁架laumontite 浊沸石launder 里欧洗煤槽laundry box 里欧洗煤槽lava 熔岩lavatory 金矿洗选厂law 法刚law of mass action 质量酌律lay out of round 成组炮眼的排列layer 地层layer mining 分层开采layer of coal 煤层layers of shale 夹层laying 铺设layout 布置;没计lazulite 天蓝石lazurite 天青石leaching 浸滤lead 铅;导线lead block test 铅筒试验lead cylinder compression test 赫氏猛度试验lead glance 方铅矿lead line 吝lead plate test 铅板试验lead rail 导轨lead vitriol 硫酸铅矿leading face 超前工祖leading pass 溜道leading pile 导桩leading place 超前巷道leading wire 爆破母线leaf 分层leaf mining 分层开采leak detector 泄漏探测器leakage 泄漏lean 贫lean coal 贫煤lean ore 贫矿leapfrogging 间断勘探ledge 矿脉leg 脚leg piece 支柱leg resistance 支柱阻力leg restoration 支柱复位leg wire 脚线leg yield pressure 支柱屈服压力length 长度lengthening 加长lens 透镜lepidolite 锂云毋leucite 白榴石leucitite 白榴岩leucophyre 淡色斑岩leucoxene 白钛石levee 堤level 水平面level cutting 水平掏槽level development 水平开采level drift 水平巷道level interval 水平间距level pillar 水平矿柱level plan 水平平面图level theodolite 水准径纬器level workings 平巷levelling 水准测量levelling box 水准仪levelling instrument 水准仪levelling peg 水准标桩levelling pole 水准标杆levelling process 水准测量法levelman 水准测量员lever 杠杆leverman 跟车工levigate 淘洗levigation 淘洗lewis cut 楔形掏槽leyner cut 锥形掏槽lhd 铲运机lherzolite 二辉橄家liberation 分离;释出liberation of methane 沼气放出libethenite 磷铜矿lid 盖lie bare 露出liebigite 铀钙石life belt 保险带lift 分层;纸巷lift platform 上升平台lift wire 提升钢丝绳lifter 底部炮眼lifter cut 底板掏槽lifting 提升lifting capacity 提升能力lifting drum 提升绞筒lifting force 起重力lifting ram 起重千斤顶lifting speed 提升速度lifting winch 提升绞车light 光;轻的light alloy 轻合金light hammer drill 轻冲魂light hydraulic prop 轻形液压支柱light intensity 光强度light loading 轻装药light metal 轻金属light oil 轻油light wall pipe 薄管lighter 点火器lighting 点火lighting circuit 照眠路lighting order 点火次序lightweight concrete 轻混凝土lightweight construction 轻量构造lightweight structure 轻量构造lignite 褐煤lignitic coal 褐煤lignitous coal 褐煤lime 石灰lime feldspar 钙长石lime milk 石灰乳lime pit 采石灰场lime rock 石灰岩limespar 方解石limestone 石灰岩limit 界限limit grade 极限坡度limit of elasticity 弹性限度limit of error 误差极限limit of proportionality 比例限度limit stress 极限应力limit value 极限值limitation 限制limiting gradient 极限坡度limonite 褐铁矿limontite 褐铁矿line 线line cut 直线掏槽line of bearing 走向线line of dip 倾斜线line of flow 吝line of least resistance 最小抵抗线line of magnetization 磁化曲线line of sight 视线line of strike 走向线linear 线的linear actuator 直线运动液压机linear velocity 线速度lining 柜架衬板link 环link belt 链带link chain 铰接链link pin 锁环销linkage 结合linnaeite 硫钴矿linneite 硫钴矿linoleum 漆布liparite 疗岩liquation 熔析liquefaction 液化liquid 液体;液态的liquid air 液态空气liquid cement 水泥桨liquid fuel 液态燃料liquid oxygen cartridge 液氧爆破筒liquid oxygen explosives 液氧炸药liquid oxygene explosives 液氧炸药lithium 锂lithogenesis 岩石成因论lithology 岩相学lithosphere 岩石圈little winds 暗竖井livingstonite 硫汞锑矿lixiviation 浸滤load 负荷load cable 牵引钢丝绳load capacity 载重能力load characteristic 负荷特性load curve 负荷曲线load diatance 运输距离load factor 负载系数load haul dumper 铲运机load test 负荷试验load yield curve 载荷下沉曲线loaded length 装药长度loader 装载机;装填机loader belt 装载机皮带loader conveyor 装载机的运输机loader discharge conveyor 装载机的卸载输送机loader drift 装载平巷loader shovel 装载机铲斗loading 装载;装药loading area 装载场loading bay 进料台loading bridge 装载桥loading bunker 装车仓loading capacity 装载能力loading cartridge 限量装置loading chute 装载槽loading conveyor 装载运输机loading density 装药密度loading digger 装载勺斗loading drift 装载平巷loading gate 装载平巷loading gauge 装载尺寸loading grab 抓岩机loading height 装载高度loading hopper 装载漏斗loading machine 装载机loading plant 装载设备loading platform 装载台loading plough 装载刨煤机loading point 装载点loading ramp 装载台loading shovel 装载机铲斗loading speed 装载速度loading station 装载站loading stick 塞药棒loading time 装载时间loadstone 磁铁矿loam 亚粘土loam pit 采粘土场local 局部的local ventilation 局部通风locating pin 定位针location 位置lock 水门lock piece 模梁locked coil rope 封闭式钢丝绳locking pawl 销定瓜locomotive 机车locomotive barn 电气机车库locomotive haulage 机车运输lode 矿脉lode chamber 矿脉变厚处lode mining 矿脉开采lode ore 脉矿石lodeston 磁铁矿lodge 水仓loess 黄土log 钻孔柱状图logging 钻孔测量long 长的long face 长壁工祖long face mining 长工祖开采long face place 长壁工祖long face system 长工祖开采法long flame coal 长焰煤long hole benching 深孔台阶式开采long hole rods 深孔钻杆long pillar method 长柱分段开采法long pillar mining 长柱分段开采long pillar work 长柱分段开采long wall method 长壁开采法long wall system 长壁开采法longhole 深泡眼longhole blasting 深眼爆破longhole drilling 深孔钻凿longhole infusion 深孔注水longhole method 深孔爆破开采法longitudinal 纵的longitudinal grade 纵坡longitudinal oscillation 纵振动longitudinal pressure 纵向压力longitudinal section 纵切面longitudinal subsidence profile 地表沉陷纵剖面longwall 长壁工祖longwall advancing 前进式长壁开采longwall face 长壁工祖longwall face development 长壁工祖升采longwall mining 长壁开采longwall retreating 后退式长壁开采longwall with caving 崩落式长壁开采loose bottom 活底loose end 掏槽的采煤工祖loose fill 松填loose ground 松散易垮岩石loose roof 软弱顶板loosened rock 软弱的岩石loss 损失loss of head 压头损失loss of pressure 压力损失low 低的low ash coal 低灰分煤low carbon steel 低碳钢low cost explosive 低价炸药low density explosive 低密度炸药low dip 低倾斜low explosive 低级炸药low freezing dynamite 难冻硝甘炸药low grade 低级的low grade coal 劣质煤low grade ore 贪矿石low pitch 缓倾斜low pressure 低压low pressure compressor 低压压缩机low seam 薄层low seam conveyor 薄煤层输送机low temperature resistance 耐寒性low vein 薄矿脉low velocity explosive 低速炸药lower cut 底槽lower gangway 下平巷lower leaf 下分层lower level 下水平lower limit 下限lower prop 下柱lower seam 下层lower slice 下分层lower wall 下盘lubricant 润滑剂lubricating device 润滑设备lubricating oil 润滑油lubricating oil purifier 滑油净化器lubricating pipe 润滑油管lubricating ring 润滑环lubrication 润滑lubrication pump 润滑油泵lubricator 注油器ludwigite 硼镁铁矿lum 崩落拱lumber 木料lumber yard 存木场lumen 流lump 块;块的lump coal 块煤lump coal yield 块煤产量lump formation 块形成lump ore 大块矿石lunar iron 月球铁lungmotor 人工呼吸器luster 光泽lustrous coal 辉煤lutetium 镥lux 勒luxmeter 照度计luxometer 照度计lyddite 赖代特炸药lye 碱液lying wall 下盘maceral 显微组分machine 机器machine driller 凿岩工machine drilling 机械穿孔machine loading 机械装载machine mining 机械化开采machine oil 机油machine stable 机窝machine wall 机械化工祖machine worked mine 机械化煤矿macrocrystalline 粗晶的macromolecular 大分子的macromolecule 大分子macrostructure 目视结构made ground 填筑地magazine 炸药库maggie 低质的maggy 低质的magma 岩浆magmatic ore 岩浆矿石magmatic origin 岩浆成因magmatic rock 岩浆岩magnesia cement 高镁水泥magnesite 菱镁矿magnesium 镁magnet 磁石magnetic 磁性的magnetic action 磁效应magnetic analysis 磁性分析magnetic cobbing 粗粒磁选magnetic concentrate 磁选精矿magnetic concentration 磁选magnetic concentrator 磁选机magnetic density 磁感应密度magnetic dressing 磁选magnetic drum 磁鼓magnetic field 磁场magnetic field intensity 磁场强度magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁感应密度magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic iron ore 磁铁矿magnetic line of force 磁力线magnetic lock 磁闩magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic measurement 磁力测量magnetic mill 磁力选矿厂magnetic ore 磁性矿石magnetic permeability 导磁率magnetic pick up 磁性传感器magnetic plant 磁力选矿厂magnetic pole 磁极magnetic property 磁性magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探magnetic pull 磁铁引力magnetic resistance 磁阻magnetic sensor 磁性传感器magnetic separation 磁选magnetic separator 磁选机magnetic survey 磁力测量magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic theodolite 磁经纬仪magnetic work 磁法勘探magnetism 磁性magnetite 磁铁矿magnetization 磁化magnetometer 磁力计magnetomotive force 磁通势magnification 放大率magnitude 大小maiden field 未采的矿区main 知的main adit 纸硐main airway 昼巷main and tail rope haulage 头尾绳运输main belt 干线皮带运输机main bottom 基岩main conveyor 炙输机main conveyor roadway 咒送机巷道main crosscut 知石门main distributing conveyor 种配运输机main drift 知平巷main drive 肢动装置main ends 旨备开采工祖main fan 秩风机main fault system 窒层系main gangway 水平巷道main gravity incline 种子坡main haulage 知运输main haulage level 炙输水平main haulage roadway 运输大巷main lateral 炙输道main level 之平main line track 干线main mine drainage 峙水main opening 助井main reef 嘱main return 重风流main roadway 知平巷main roof 老顶main roof caving 老顶垮落main roof collapse 老顶垮落main shaft 助井main timber 底梁main transfer point 知载点main ventilation 吱风main winding shaft 轴升井main working 永久巷道maintenance 维持maintenance costs 维修费major blast 大爆破make of refuse 尾矿产量make up bunker 井口炸药室malachite 孔雀石malleability 展性mallet 锤malm 泥灰岩mammoth blast 大爆破mammoth mill 大型选矿厂man cage 升降人员用的罐笼man cage compartment 乘人罐笼隔间man hoist 人员提升机man hole 人孔man riding 人具运输man tramming 人力运输man trip 人员运送man way 人行道mancar 人车mandrel socket 捞管器mangan blende 硫锰矿manganese 锰manganese ore 锰矿石manganese spar 菱锰矿manganiferous iron ore 含锰铁矿manganite 水锰矿manless face 无人操驻祖manless mining 无人回采manner 方法manometer 压力计mansonry lining 砌筑支架manual adjustment 手动蝶manual control 手动控制manual feed 手动进给manual operation 人力操作manual regulation 手动蝶manway compartment 人行道隔间manway landing 梯子间平台map of mine working 采掘工程平面图marble 大理石marcasite 白铁矿margarite 珍珠云母margin 边缘;储备marine deposit 海详沉积marine drilling 海上钻井marine mineral resources 海洋矿物资源marine technology 海底矿枝术工艺mark post 标柱marker 指示层marl 泥灰岩marlaceous 泥灰岩的marly 泥灰岩的marmatite 铁闪锌矿marmolie 白蛇纹石marsh 沼泽marsh gas 沼地瓦斯marsh land 沼泽地marsh ore 沼铁矿martite 假象赤铁矿mash 矿浆mason 砖石工masonry 砌筑支架masonry lining 砌石支架mass 质量mass action 质量酌mass breaking 大量采矿mass caving 大崩落mass production 大量生产master control system 中央控制台masurium 钨material 材料material handling equipment 装卸转运设备material transport 材料运输matrix 脉石matter 物质mattock 鹤嘴锄maul 大锤maximal 最大的maximum allowable concentration 最高容许浓度maximum load 最大负载maximum speed 最高速度meagre coal 贫煤meal 岩粉mean 平均mean density 平均密度mean deviation 平均偏差mean error 平均误差mean life 平均寿命mean value 平均值measurable 可量的measure 测量;度量measured profile 实测断面measured reserves 查芒量measured value 测定值measurement 测定measuring bin 计量仓measuring instrument 计量仪器measuring lath 测量杆measuring plug 测量标桩measuring pocket 计量仓measuring point 测点measuring range 测量范围mechanical 机械的mechanical analysis 粒度分析mechanical brake 机械制动器mechanical breaking 机械回采mechanical classifier 机械分级机mechanical coal mining 机械化采煤mechanical digger 机铲mechanical feed 机械进给mechanical feeder 机械式给矿机mechanical filling 机械充填mechanical flotation machine 机械搅拌式浮选机mechanical force 机械力mechanical gradation 筛别分析mechanical grading 粒度组成mechanical haulage 机械运输mechanical jig 机械的跳汰机mechanical loader 装载机mechanical loading 机械装载mechanical mining 机械化开采mechanical mole 掘进护盾;平巷联合掘进机mechanical packing 机械充填mechanical pick 风镐mechanical picker 拣选机mechanical plough 机械犁mechanical prop 机械支柱mechanical property 机械性质mechanical shovel 机铲mechanical stowing 机械充填mechanical strength 机械强度mechanical thickener 机械浓缩机mechanical ventilation 机械通风mechanics 力学mechanism 机构mechanization 机械化mechanized coal face 机械化采煤工祖mechanized drilling 机械钻眼mechanized extraction 机械化采掘mechanized face 机械化工祖mechanized haulage 机械化运输mechanized mucking 机械化岩石清理mechanized output 机械化采煤量mechanized support 机械化支保medium 介质medium ground 中硬地层medium hard coal 中等硬度煤medium thickness seam 中厚矿层meionite 钙柱石melaconite 土黑铜矿melanterite 水绿矾melaphyre 暗玢岩melinite 麦林奈特炸药mellite 密蜡石melonite 碲镍矿men hoisting 人力提升mercaptan 硫醇mercaptobenzothiazole 巯基苯并噻唑merchantable 工业矿石merchantable coal 商品煤mercury 汞mercury barometer 水银气压表meridian 子午线mesh 筛眼;筛号mesh analysis 筛别分析mesh aperture 筛孔尺寸mesh reinforcement 网状钢筋mesh wire lagging 钢丝网背板mesozoic 中生代metal 金属metal content 金属含量metal mine 金属矿山metal mining 金属矿床开采metal net 金属丝网metal prop 金属支柱metal support 金属支架metal trough 铁槽metallic cement 矿渣水泥metallic lining 金属支架metallic mineral 金属矿物metallic ore 金属矿石metalliferous 含金属的metallization 矿物化metallogeny 矿床成因论metalloid 准金属metallurgical extraction 冶金提取metallurgy 冶金学metamorfic rock 变质岩metamorphism 变质酌metasomatism 交代酌metasomatosis 交代酌metasome 代替矿物metering 计量methan explosive proportion 沼气爆炸量methane 沼地瓦斯methane accumulation 沼气聚集methane air mixture 沼气空气混合物methane content 沼气含量methane detector 沼气检定器methane determination 沼气测定methane emission 沼气泄出methane outburst 沼气突出methane pocket 沼气包methane recorder 沼气记录器methane tester 沼气检定器methanol 甲醇methanometer 沼气测定器methanophone 沼气信号器method 方法method of preparation 连矿法method of working 开采法mica 云母mica schist 云母片岩micacite 云母片岩micell 微胞michigan cut 平行空炮眼掏槽mickle 软粘土microanalysis 微量分析microcline 微斜长石microcrystalline 微晶的microlog 接触测井micromagnetometer 显微磁强计micromineralogy 显微矿物学micronic dust particle 微尘粒microscope 显微镜microscope objective 显微镱物镱microscopic analysis 显微分析microscopic sizing 显微镜粒度法microstructure 显微组织middle 中部middle band 夹石层middle cutting 中部掏槽middle point 中点middling product 中间产品middlings 中间产品midway level 中间产水平migmatite 混合岩migration 移动milk of lime 石灰乳mill 磨机;选矿厂mill barrel 磨矿机滚筒mill feed 磨机给料mill hole mining 漏斗采矿mill liner 磨机衬里mill method 漏斗采矿法mill tailings 选矿尾矿millerite 针镍矿millhole 放矿口milling 选矿;磨碎milling hole 矿溜子milling method 连矿法milling ore 可选级矿石millisecond blasting 毫秒爆破millisecond delay 毫秒迟发millisecond delay detonator 毫秒延时电雷管millisecond round 迟发毫秒爆破炮眼组millstone 磨石;燧石milltailings 选矿尾矿mimetesite 砷铅矿mimetite 砷铅矿minable seam 可采煤层minable thickness 可采厚度minable width 可采宽度mine 矿山mine age 矿山寿命mine air 矿井空气mine air preheating 预热矿井空气mine air refrigeration 矿井空气冷却mine bottom plan 井底车场平面图mine cable 矿用电缆mine cage 矿用罐笼mine camp 矿工村mine car 矿车mine climate 矿井气候mine concession 矿区mine conditions 矿山条件mine conveying 矿山运输mine digger 矿工mine drainage 矿井排水mine drainage pollution 矿山排水造成的污染mine dump 矿山废石堆mine dust 矿尘mine explosion 矿井爆炸mine fan 矿用扇风机mine fill 充填材料mine fills chamber 充填砂仓mine fire 矿内火灾mine fire truck 矿用消防车mine fracture forecast with satellite 卫星矿山断裂预测mine gas 井下气体mine gas drainage plant 矿井瓦斯排泄装置mine goaf 采空区mine haulage 矿山运输mine hygiene 矿山卫生mine inspection office 矿山监察局mine inspector 矿山监察员mine layout 矿山布置mine lighting 矿山照明mine management 矿山管理mine map 矿山图mine model 矿山模型mine mouth 井口mine mouth structure 井口建筑物mine openings 矿山巷道mine orifice 等积孔mine plan 矿区平面图mine portal 平硐口mine pump 矿用泵mine recovery 矿井恢复mine rescue car 矿山救护车mine rescue crew 矿山救护队mine rescue equipment 矿山救护设备mine rescue station 矿山救护站mine resistance 矿井阻力mine rig 矿用钻车mine roadway 矿山巷道mine safety 矿山安全mine safety appliance 矿山安全设备mine safety car 矿山救护车mine section 矿区mine slope 倾斜巷道mine smalls 粉矿mine static head 矿井通风静压头mine structure plan 矿山构造平面图mine survey plug 矿山测量标桩mine surveying 矿山测量学mine technical inspection 矿山技术检查mine timber 坑木mine timbering 井支架mine total head 矿井通风兑压头mine transportation 矿山运输mine tub 矿车mine valuation 矿床评价mine velocity head 矿井通风速度压头mine ventialtion 矿井通风mine water 矿水mine workings 矿山巷道mineability 可开采性mined bed 开采层mined out space 采空区miner 矿工miner's code of laws 矿山规程miner's consumption 矿工矽肺病miner's helmet 矿工安全帽miner's lamp 矿工灯miner's level 矿用水准仪miner's powder 黑火药miner's rule 矿工规则miner's tool 矿工用工具mineral 矿物mineral assemblage 矿物共生mineral bearing froth 含矿泡沫mineral benefication 选矿mineral carbon 煤mineral composition 矿物组成mineral constituent 矿物成分mineral dust explosion 矿尘爆炸mineral extraction 矿物提出mineral fines 岩粉mineral laden bubble 矿化气泡mineral microscope 矿物学用显微镜mineral mining 矿物开采mineral oil 矿物油mineral output 矿物产量mineral paragenesis 矿物共生mineral pollution 矿物污染mineral processing 选矿mineral products 有用矿物mineral prospecting 矿物勘探mineral resources 矿物资源mineral separation plant 选矿厂mineral tallow 地蜡mineralization 矿化酌mineralized bubble 矿化泡沫mineralogist 矿物学家mineralography 矿相学mineralogy 矿物学minerless mining 无人回采minimal 最小的minimum 最小mining 矿业;开采mining area 矿区mining car 矿车mining compass 矿用罗盘mining conditions 开采条件mining cost 开采费mining depth 开采深mining district 矿山管区mining economy 矿业经济mining engineer 采矿工程师mining engineering 采矿工程mining equiment 矿山设备mining explosive 矿用炸药。
矿业机械设备常用词翻译渣浆泵 slurry pump叶轮 impeller提升条 lifter bar护套 volute liner后护板 FPL insert前护板 throat bushing副叶轮 expeller减压盖 expeller ring前护套 cover plate后护套 frame plate泵体 casing胶泵 rubber pump橡胶筛片 rubber sieves旋流器 hydrocyclone球磨机 ball mill筒体衬板 shell (plate) liner 沉沙嘴 apex螺杆 screw螺母 nut螺栓 bolt下锥体 lower cone半自磨机 SAG mill自磨机 autogenous mill振动筛网 vibrating screen浮选机 flotation machine橡胶弹簧 rubber spring溢流管 vortex finder圆筒筛 trommel平垫 flat gasket黏合剂 adhesive联轴器 shaft coupling法兰 flange尼龙棒 nyloc stick静态搅拌器 static agitator 旋流器组 cyclone cluster垫圈 washer旋流室 vortex chamber汽缸 cylinder溢流管 vortex finder橡胶沉沙嘴 rubber apex水力旋流器 hydrocyclone金属法兰 metal flange 端衬板 head liner筒体提升条 shell lifter bar筒体护套 shell plate linerT型螺栓 Tee-bolt橡胶密封垫圈 rubber sealing washer钢胶索环 rubber grommet耐冲洗密封 anti-washer seal填料环行片 filler ring liner溢流接管 overflow adaptor固定螺钉 set screw铭牌 nameplate进料腔 feed chamber锥体衬板 cone liner锥体 cone沉沙嘴内衬 spigot holder离心泵 centrifugal pump备用品 stand-by流量 flow腐蚀性的 corrosive易燃的 flammable有毒的 toxic体积浓度 volume concentration必需气蚀余量 NPSH液体密度 fluid density蒸汽压力 vapor pressure周期性的 intermittent黏度,韧度 viscosity卧室离心机 horizontal centrifuge自吸泵 self-priming pump转轴,轴心 shaft垫片 gasket排出口,管嘴 nozzle额定 rating轴承组件bearing assembly m mmn ,mnn叶轮直径 impeller diameter性能曲线 performance curve油脂 grease油雾 oil mist迷宫室密封 labyrinth弹性体,合成橡 elastomen垫片,隔板 spacer安全阀 guard valve底板 base plate热电偶探测器 thermocouple probe滤液泵 filtrate pump滑轮 pulley扬程 head曲线号 curve No.吐出口法兰 discharge flange吸入口法兰 suction flange三角皮带 V-belt液力偶合器 hydraulic coupler光谱 specturm选矿工艺 ore dressing process振动筛 vibrating screen筛孔,网孔 mesh生产量 throughput织物 weft三纬丝长孔 long three-weft holes阻尼 damp孔径 aperture重型振动筛 heavy-duty scalping screen 螺旋分流器 spiral classifier速度/率,周转率 velocity使用寿命 service life物理特性 physical characteristics耐纳特胶 Linatex rubber硬度 hardness天然橡胶 nature rubber抗拉强度 tensile strength伸长率 extensibility永久变形 permanent deformation抗撕裂强 tearing strength回弹性 resilience圆筒内径 cylinder ID锥角 capacity沉沙嘴内径 apex ID溢流管内径 vortex finder ID定子 stator浮选精矿 flotation concentrate浮选尾矿 flotation tailing操作平台 operation platform泡沫 froth防腐蚀 corrosion resistance耐磨 wear resistance 耐酸 acid resistance耐碱 basic resistance有色金属 non-ferrous硫化 vulcanize分贝 db=decibel示意图 schematic view真空平板硫化机 vacuum slab sulphidemachine装置,设备,原矿 head精矿 headings顶板 head plate扬程损失 head loss密封套 seal housing密封箱 sealing box密封衬套 sealing bush密封盖 sealing gland密封圈 sealing ring密封条 sealing strip密封管 sealing pipe夹钳;端子 clamp内顶板 inner head plate外顶板 outer head plate加料器 feed head衬垫 insert泡沫条foam strip填料板 filler plate注入泵 filler pump装料机 filling machine装料口 filling openning填料管 filling tube泡沫渣 foamed slag螺母 nut扣环 retainer ring排放口 slurry discharge泵浆浓度slurry density六角锁紧螺母hexagon lock nut矿浆提升斗Pulp Lifters排矿格子板Discharge Grates进、出料格子板Discharge Grates & feed grates进出端衬板liners for both feed and discharge end heads进出端提升条 lifter bars for both feed and discharge end heads镶块inlay piece人口衬板 liners on manhole人口盖 manhole cover人口螺杆 manhole bolt封板 seal plate弹垫 spring washerU型垫 U washer垫块 shim stock上筛板Top screen panel上筛板压条Top screen panel strip联轴器 coupling档圈Retaining ring静态搅拌器Static agitator连接管Connecting pipe锥形衬板螺栓Tapered Liner Bolts矿浆提升斗Pulp Lifters提升条Raiser Bars/ Lifter Bars筒体衬板Shell Plates 端盖衬板End Plates椭圆头衬板螺栓Oval Head Liner Bolts 方头衬板螺栓Square Head Liner Bolts 圆头衬板螺栓Round Head Liner Bolts 锥形衬板螺栓Tapered Liner Bolts轴套 Axle sleeve。
冶金英语词汇(最全)--------------------------------------------------1 总论采矿mining地下采矿underground mining露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining采矿工程mining engineering选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing矿物工程mineral engineering矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China2 采矿采矿工艺mining technology有用矿物valuable mineral冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials矿床mineral deposit特殊采矿specialized mining海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining矿田mine field矿山mine露天矿山surface mine地下矿山underground mine矿井shaft矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study矿山规模mine capacity矿山生产能力mine production capacity矿山年产量annual mine output矿山服务年限mine life矿山基本建设mine construction矿山建设期限mine construction period矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity开采强度mining intensity矿石回收率ore recovery ratio矿石损失率ore loss ratio工业矿石industrial ore采出矿石extracted ore矿体orebody矿脉vein海洋矿产资源oceanic mineral resources矿石ore矿石品位ore grade岩石力学rock mechanics岩体力学rock mass mechanics3 选矿选矿厂concentrator, mineral processing plant 工艺矿物学process mineralogy开路open circuit闭路closed circuit流程flowsheet方框流程block flowsheet产率yield回收率recovery矿物mineral粒度particle size粗颗粒coarse particle细颗粒fine particle超微颗粒ultrafine particle粗粒级coarse fraction细粒级fine fraction网目mesh原矿run of mine, crude精矿concentrate粗精矿rough concentrate混合精矿bulk concentrate最终精矿final concentrate尾矿tailings粉碎comminution破碎crushing磨碎grinding团聚agglomeration筛分screening, sieving分级classification富集concentration分选separation手选hand sorting重选gravity separation, gravity concentration 磁选magnetic separation电选electrostatic separation浮选flotation化学选矿chemical mineral processing自然铜native copper铝土矿bauxite冰晶石cryolite磁铁矿magnetite赤铁矿hematite假象赤铁矿martite钒钛磁铁矿vanadium titano-magnetite 铁燧石taconite褐铁矿limonite菱铁矿siderite镜铁矿specularite硬锰矿psilomelane软锰矿pyrolusite铬铁矿chromite黄铁矿pyrite钛铁矿ilmennite金红石rutile萤石fluorite高岭石kaolinite菱镁矿magnesite重晶石bariterun-of-mine ore原矿pyrite黄铁矿arsenopyrite毒砂sphalerite闪锌矿chalcopyrite黄铜矿galena方铅矿magnetite磁铁矿hematite赤铁矿limonite褐铁矿cassiterite锡石quartz石英graphite石墨quartz grid石英砂garmet石榴石mica云母talc滑石云母zeolite 沸石kaolin高岭土feed 复合矿gravel铄石limestone生石灰galena方铅矿Bornite斑铜矿Chalcocite 辉铜矿Chalcopyrite 黄铜矿Covellite铜蓝Molybdenite辉钼矿pentlandite镍黄铁矿lead mine 铅矿talc [矿]滑石,云母bearing 轴承swing jaw 活动颚板fixed /stationary jaw 固定颚板(定颚) crushing chamber 破碎腔。
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渣浆泵slurry pump
提升条lifter bar
护套volute liner
后护板FPL insert
前护板throat bushing
减压盖expeller ring
前护套cover plate
后护套frame plate
胶泵rubber pump
橡胶筛片rubber sieves
球磨机ball mill
筒体衬板shell (plate) liner 沉沙嘴apex
下锥体lower cone
半自磨机SAG mill
自磨机autogenous mill
振动筛网vibrating screen 浮选机flotation machine 橡胶弹簧rubber spring
溢流管vortex finder
平垫flat gasket
联轴器shaft coupling
尼龙棒nyloc stick
静态搅拌器static agitator 旋流器组cyclone cluster 垫圈washer
旋流室vortex chamber
溢流管vortex finder
橡胶沉沙嘴rubber apex 水力旋流器hydrocyclone 金属法兰metal flange 端衬板head liner
筒体提升条shell lifter bar
筒体护套shell plate liner
橡胶密封垫圈rubber sealing washer 钢胶索环rubber grommet
耐冲洗密封anti-washer seal
填料环行片filler ring liner
溢流接管overflow adaptor
固定螺钉set screw
进料腔feed chamber
锥体衬板cone liner
沉沙嘴内衬spigot holder
离心泵centrifugal pump
体积浓度volume concentration
液体密度fluid density
蒸汽压力vapor pressure
卧室离心机horizontal centrifuge
自吸泵self-priming pump
轴承组件bearing assembly
叶轮直径impeller diameter
性能曲线performance curve
油雾oil mist
安全阀guard valve
底板base plate
热电偶探测器thermocouple probe
滤液泵filtrate pump
曲线号curve No.
吐出口法兰discharge flange
吸入口法兰suction flange
液力偶合器hydraulic coupler
选矿工艺ore dressing process
振动筛vibrating screen
三纬丝长孔long three-weft holes
重型振动筛heavy-duty scalping screen 螺旋分流器spiral classifier
使用寿命service life
物理特性physical characteristics
耐纳特胶Linatex rubber
天然橡胶nature rubber
抗拉强度tensile strength
永久变形permanent deformation
抗撕裂强tearing strength
回弹性resilience 圆筒内径cylinder ID
沉沙嘴内径apex ID
溢流管内径vortex finder ID
浮选精矿flotation concentrate
浮选尾矿flotation tailing
操作平台operation platform
防腐蚀corrosion resistance
耐磨wear resistance
耐酸acid resistance
耐碱basic resistance
示意图schematic view
真空平板硫化机vacuum slab sulphide
Pulp Lifters 矿浆提升斗
Raiser Bars 提升条
Lifter Bars 提升条
Discharge Grates 排矿格子板
Shell Plates 筒体衬板
End Plates 端盖衬板
Nuts and Bolts 螺栓和螺帽
Oval Head Liner Bolts 椭圆头衬板螺栓Square Head Liner Bolts 方头衬板螺栓Round Head Liner Bolts 圆头衬板螺栓Rectangle Head Liner Bolts
Tapered Liner Bolts 锥形衬板螺栓。