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高中英语必修三第四单元重点、难点Unit Four Astronomy: the science of the stars

1、They were followed in time by land animals. 陆地动物及时出现。

in time及时;终于

A stitch in time saves nine. 小洞不补,大洞尺五。You will get used to it in time. 最终你会习惯的。

易混辨析:in time和on time in time表示“及时;终于”;而on time表示“按时”。

联想扩展:in no time 立即;马上at one time 曾经;一度at a time 一次at any time 在任何时候at times有时;偶尔from time to time 有时

即时活用:– How often do you go to see your parents? --- __________.

A. In no time

B. After a while

C. In a short time

D. From time to time 答案:D

2、They produced young generally by laying eggs. 它们以产蛋的方式生产后代。

lay eggs 下蛋How many eggs does you hen lay every week? 你的母鸡每周下多少蛋?

联想扩展:lay the table 摆桌子lay up 储存;搁置lay over 推迟lay the blame on 责怪lay the foundation 奠定基础lay to 归咎于lay open 摊开;揭露lay out 摆开;展示lay aside 放在一边;积蓄lay down 放下;放弃lay for 等候

3、These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.这些动物和以前的任何生物形式都不同,因为它们产仔并用奶水喂养它们。

give birth to…生产;产生She gave birth to a healthy baby last night. 昨晚她生了一个健康的婴儿。

That century gave birth to many great men. 那个世纪产生了许多伟人。

4、These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.这些动物和以前的任何生物形式都不同,因为它们产仔并用奶水喂养它们。

feed vt. 用法归纳:

(1)饲养If I am laid-off, I will feed some pigs. 如果下岗,我就养猪。

Do you feed any pets at home? 你在家养宠物吗?

特别提示:feed作“饲养”讲时,等于raise 和keep。

(2)喂养We feed grass to sheep. 我们给羊喂草。We feed sheep with grass. 我们用草喂羊。


即时活用:1、He______ a lot of chicken______ his farm.A. rises; in B. keeps; on C. raises; in D. supports; on

2、– I have a very bad cold.--- Well, have you ever heard of a saying which goes “_______ a cold and starve a fever?”

A. feeding

B. to feed

C. fed

D. feed 答案:BD

5、Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the world.最后大约在两百六十万年前,一些有手有脚的小型聪明动物出现了,并且扩散到世界各地。

spread v.用法归纳:

(1)传播;传开(vi.)Bad news spreads quickly. 坏消息传的很快。

Word spread that there was a variant virus of H1N1. 消息称H1N1病毒已经产生变异。

(2)铺开;展开(vt.) The bird spread its wings and was about to fly. 鸟伸开翅膀准备要飞。

She spread a new sheet over the bed. 她给床上铺了一个新床单。

(3)涂;抹(vt.) Please spread the paint evenly. 把油漆抹均匀。

It’s better for you to spread the honey on the bread. 你最好把蜂蜜抹在面包上。

(4)伸展;延伸(vi.)Xi’an is spreading to the north and the west. 西安正在向北向西延伸。

The forest spreads from here to the foot of Qinling mountains. 森林从这儿延伸到秦岭山脚下。

联想扩展:spread out 伸开;散开;铺开spread over 覆盖一片;持续spread with 在…上涂抹
