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本记录仪可在汽车启动时自动循环录影,具有500万高像素摄像头的1920*1080P全高清数码摄像功能,其内置麦克风及喇叭,可进行同步录音,与视频进行搭配举证,可选配置G-SENSOR(加速感应器),在车辆遭碰撞或车速剧变锁住视频文件,让您备份放心,另有LED 补光灯,在视线昏暗的情况下提升可视范围,甚至可作为应急手电,为您的夜晚行车保驾护航。

*L753 4915*感謝您購買 GR DIGITAL III 。
本說明書詳細說明了在附帶的 GR DIGITAL III 數碼相機使用說明書 中未加解說的 GR DIGITAL III 的新功能和選項。
頁碼指的是 GR DIGITAL III 使用說明書(相機篇)中的頁碼。
1新功能:日期清單若要按日期檢視圖像清單,請在 81 張瀏覽(P .31)時按下 9。
最後 7 天拍攝的圖像將以日期和距離拍攝日期的天數標識。
2新功能:頁面清單若要在 20 和 81 張瀏覽(P .31)以及日期清單時按頁滾動圖像,請按下 DISP .按鈕。
DISP .按鈕按下 !、"、# 或 $,或者向左或向右按 ADJ. 桿,或者旋轉調節轉盤,即可在 20 和 81 張瀏覽時按頁滾動圖像。
在日期清單瀏覽時,每按下一次 ! 或 " 或者使用一次調節轉盤都將滾動一頁圖像,而按下 # 或 $ 或者向左或向右按 ADJ. 桿則可按日期滾動圖像。
若要全畫面檢視圖像,請按下 DISP . 按鈕返回分割畫面清單,高亮顯示所需圖像,然後向裡按 ADJ. 桿或者按下 8 按鈕 1 次(20 張瀏覽時)、2 次(81張瀏覽時)或 3次(日期清單時)。
3新功能:功能表按頁滾動使用 9 和 8 可按頁滾動攝影(P .54)、設定(P .112)以及“編輯個人設定”(P .117)功能表。
984快拍對焦距離新選項:1.5 m快拍對焦距離 功能表(P .64)中添加了一個 1.5 m 選項。
選擇該選項可將快拍對焦距離設為 1.5 m 。
5 包圍新選項:AE-BKT 1/3 EV 和 AE-BKT 1/2 EV包圍式曝光 功能表(P .70)中的 ON ±0.3 和 ON ±0.5 選項分別被替換為 AE-BKT 1/3 EV 和 AE-BKT 1/2 EV ,您可以 1/3 EV 或 1/2 EV 為步長選擇包圍量。
MOZA AirCross 3 用户手册说明书

This product is powered by a built-in battery; please do not disassemble it, do not put it into liquid or fire in order to avoid damage or risk of injury. Before powering on the gimbal, please adjust the balance follow the instructions in this document. If the gimbal works in an unbalanced state for a long time, the surface temperature of the motor can get hot, which will seriously shorten the battery life.Do not let children touch and use this product, do not use fingers to obstruct the motor operation to avoid finger injury.This product is not waterproof or dustproof; please keep the gimbal clear of dust and water to avoid damage.本产品内置电池,请勿私自拆卸,请勿投入液体或者火中,以免造成危险;开机使用前请按照本文档的说明,调节好平衡,云台长时间工作在不平衡状态下将导致电机表面温度较高,并且将会严重缩短续航时间;请勿让儿童接触和使用本产品,请勿用手指阻碍电机运行,以免夹伤手指;本产品不防水,不防尘,使用时请注意防水、防尘,以免造成损坏。
Safety Caution 安全注意iOS AndroidContents目录ENMOZA AirCross 3 Overview 1 Preparation 2 Mounting the Camera 3 Balance Adjustment 4 Operation 5 Advanced Features 6 MOZA Master 9 Specifications 12中文认识AirCross 3 13准备 14安装相机 15调节平衡 16开机使用 17进阶使用 18 MOZA Master 21规格参数 24保修卡 251. Tilt Motor Lock2. Extension Port3. Quick Release Plate4. Tilt Adjustment Slider5. Pan Motor Lock6. Foldable Safety Lock7. Smart Trigger8. Quick Release Plate Knob 9. Quick Release Baseplate Knob 10. Roll Knob 11. Roll Motor Lock 12. Pan Knob13. USB-C Charging Port 14. Battery Indicator Light 15. Power Button116. OLED Screen 17. Joystick18. 1/4’’ Extension Port 19. Camera Control Port 20. AI Extension Port 21. Tilt Knob 22. Foldable Knob23. Camera Control Button24. Function ButtonUnfold the Gimbal1. Screw the mini tripod into the screw hole at the bottom of the handle.1.Rotate the foldable Knob;2. Unfold the handle until it is locked.3. Tighten the knob to prevent the handle from loosening.Please charge the battery through the USB-C charging port using a USB-C cable Attaching the TripodBattery Charging2. Expand the mini tripodUnlock the GimbalMounting the Cameramay be damaged. If the gimbal is turned on before unlocking, the gimbal will enter sleep mode.Make sure to prepare the camera before mounting, confirm the battery is fully charged and a memory card with sufficient storage space is inserted.1. Place the camera on the quick release plate with 1/4”or 3/8”screws and keep2. Slide the quick release plate onto the baseplate to the locked position.release plate is locked.Rotate the motor lock to the unlocked position, and then each motor canBalance Adjustment1. Balancing the tilt axis verticala. Rotate the camera so that the lens is pointing upwardb. Unlock the tilt axis and loosen the knob, slightly adjust the position of the tilt adjustment slider.c. The balancing is completed when the camera is steady while pointing2. Balancing the tilt axis horizontala. Rotate the camera so that the lens is pointing forward;b. Unlock the quick release plate, slightly adjust the position of the plate;c. The balancing is completed when the camera is steady while pointing forward,:Enter or exit sleep mode.Left Button: Return Right Button: Confirm3. Balancing the Roll Axis a. Unlock the Roll axis.b. Slightly adjust the roll arm left and right until it’s completely horizontal.c. Lock the roll axis.4. Balancing the Pan Axisa. Hold the gimbal at an angle of 45° horizontally, turn the pan arm to a horizontal angle.b. Unlock the Pan axis and slightly adjust the pan arm left and right.c. The Pan axis is balanced when the camera is steady, lock the pan axis.1. Camera Control Shutter USB(Disconnected) USB (Connected)2. Bluetooth Disconnected Connected3. AI Module (Icon will display after the device is connected. If the device isn’t connected no icon will be displayed.)4. Battery Leve5. Follow Mode6. Follow SpeedThe follow mode and follow speed will not display after choosing the specific function, instead only the current function will be displayed. (Ex. Inception Mode, Time-lapse.)651234MENU :Set the connection type of the cameraSet motor powerAutotune set: the gimbal will set the appropriate motor power automatically Manual set: each motor can be adjusted independently (levels 1-5)Set roll motor power Set tilt motor power Set pan motor powerAdvancedManual-Positioning (manually turn the gimbal to the specified direction and hold it for 2 seconds) Open the manual positioning Close the manual positioningExternal communication port (AI port)Open the external communication port Close the external communication portCalibrate the gimbal: automatically calibrate the sensorLevel fine-tuning: forcibly adjust the camera's horizontal angle within ±5°SystemSet display language (Language selection will pop up automatically after the first boot or reset)Switch display language to simplified Chinese Switch display language to EnglishReset the gimbal: restore default parameter settings Check Bluetooth name, hardware and firmware versionCamera Shutter Multi Multi/C Remote USB Power Autotune Manual Roll Tilt Pan Joystick Sensitivity Reverse Advanced Manual-Pos Open Close UART1Open Close Calibrate Level System Language 简体中文English Reset AboutSet the control habit of the joystickAdjust the sensitivity: the higher the sensitivity, the faster the rotation speed of the gimbal.Reverse: the gimbal rotates in the opposite direction to the joystick operation.Set the connection type to universal shutter cable (Cable needs to be purchased separately.)Set the connection type to Sony-Multi portSet the connection type to Sony-Multi port with USB power supply Set the connection type to Panasonic-Remote port (Cable needs to be purchased separately.)Set the connection type to universal USB port (Mini, micro, Type-C, etc)Auto TuningGimbal CalibrationLevel Fine-tuningReset And Restoration1. Unlock all the motors. Mount and balance the camera.2. Attach the gimbal to a tripod. Place it on a level surface. Long press the power button to power on the gimbal.3. Enter the Menu, then select Power then Autotune. Move the joystick to the right to select Autotune.4. The motor will run automatically and gradually adjust the power of each motor. The gimbal will return to normal working status once the adjustment is completed. 工作状态。

数码大师使用说明书篇一:数码大师_影集使用方法手册1:2:3:4:小诀窍:歌词可以在txt改一下你改的内容可以在音乐中显示 6:下面按照我选的打对勾篇二:数码大师XX使用教程数码大师数码大师使用教程数码大师是一款功能最强大的优秀多媒体数字相册制作工具。
其主要功能有:家庭本机数码相册制作,“本机相册”可轻松将您喜欢的图片进行数码变换处理,配上好听的背景音乐、众多专业图像特效、独特的文字特效和丰富的注释功能等,制造出一流专业效果的家庭数码相册;礼品包相册制作,可以在您自制好的本机相册基础上,通过简单的打包设置,即可自动生成可分发的礼品包相册,可以作为自己收藏分类相片之用,您也可以作为礼物分发出去,对方无需安装,即可让亲朋好友和您一起分享动感的数码礼品;视频影像文件导出功能(视频相册制作),视频导出功能可以将您看到的相框内所有情景直接导出为VCD/SVCD甚至是DVD 高清晰MPG视频。
让您轻松制作专业绚丽的VCD/SVCD/DVD 数码相册成为可能;网页数码相册制作,通过打包导出为网页相册,您可以将漂亮绚丽的数码相集放到因特网或直接分发网页的形式;多媒体锁屏相册制作,只要在制作好的本机相册基础上简单选择,软件即可自动转变成一个靓丽的多媒体锁屏系统,在您离开电脑时,不但可以展现您精心创作的精美相册,还可以实时锁定视窗并安全保护您的系统,实现文字留言、密码保护等各种先进功能,同时又兼具有屏幕保护用途,应用非常广泛,是独创的全新概念型跨界数码相册。
图1 数码大师引导界面1. 数码大师的主界面非常漂亮,透露出清新自然的感觉,让人很有亲切感(如图2)。

Digiprog III 操作流程简易说明
4、以A6 调校为例演示操作步骤。
按照图示连接上16针OBDII 连接线,选择“√”图标,进入调校阶段,根据界面提示确认仪表信息和调校里程。
Roadie 3 用户手册说明书

USER MANUALTable of ContentsI. G etting StartedII. T uning SettingsIII. S tring Winder & MetronomeIV. T roubleshootingV. U sing the Companion AppGetting StartedReady to give that Roadie 3 a go? It's really easy. Follow this guide to get started. Inside the boxGet to know your RoadiePower and rechargingRoadie 3 has an extended battery life that can tune-up to 150 strings on a single charge, and is USB-C rechargeable. Though we strongly recommend using the charging cable included in the box, you can use other compatible USB-C chargers. Here's a n example of aUSB-C cable that is supported by Roadie.To turn Roadie on, simply press the power button at the top. To turn it off,long-press the power button for 3 seconds.Start using RoadieSTEP 1: Add an instrumentTo tune your instrument, the first thing you will need to do is to create an instrument profile for it on your Roadie 3.●Turn on your Roadie by clicking the power button at the top●Select Tuner > Add Instrument > Select your instrument type > Choose the number ofstrings > Name your instrument > Press and hold the right navigation button to saveIt is important that you create an instrument profile for e ach of your guitars, even if they areof the same type so that Roadie can learn about them and tune them better over time.Your newly added instrument will be saved and set to standard tuning by default. For example, if your instrument is a 6 string acoustic guitar, the tuning will be set to E2/A2/D3/G3/B3/E4. You can easily c hange the tuning or c reate your own custom tunings. If you cannot find the instrument type you would like to add, you can easily c reate a custom instrument using the Roadie Tuner mobile app.STEP 2: Start tuningTo begin tuning your instrument:●Turn your Roadie on and enter the Tuner menu. Select an instrument from the list displayed on the screen●By default, Roadie will begin with the first tuning peg (the one closest to you). For example, if you are tuning a 6 string guitar in standard, that would be E2. However, if you want to jump straight toa particular string, you can use the navigation buttons (up and down) to change the selected note●Place Roadie’s peg connector on the tuning peg of the note displayed on the screen●Pluck the string. Roadie’s motor will rotate the peg. Wait until the rotation stops. Once Roadie beeps, vibrates and the note turns green on the screen, that means the string is in tune. Otherwise, keep plucking the string until this occurs●Once in tune, the selection will automatically jump to the next note●Turn off Roadie 3 by long-pressing the power button for 3 secondsThat's it for the basics. Now, there's a whole bunch of t uning settings you can control in order to get the best out of your instrument. For instance, Roadie lets you choose from 150+ built-in tunings, tune with a capo on, set the mode to "t une-up", create c ustom tunings, change your A4 r eference pitch,switch to H igh Accuracy tuning mode, and more!About the companion mobile appRoadie 3 comes with a companion mobile app. We strongly recommend c onnecting your Roadie 3 to the Roadie Tuner mobile app in order to store all of your instrument profiles, m ake easy customizations, and receive the l atest firmware with feature updates and improvements.Other Roadie 3 functionsThough Roadie is indeed a small device, it comes with BIG possibilities.You can use Roadie to quickly r estring and tune in one single step, it makes changing strings a lot less tedious.You can also turn on Roadie's vibration/beep m etronome and feel the beat, this will help you keep a tight rhythm.Tuning SettingsWe wanted Roadie 3 to be all about the details. Here are some of the little things that show our fellow musicians that we use what we make and that we listen to your needs.How to change your tuningThere are over 100 built-in alternate tunings in Roadie 3 and it’s never been easier to switch between them.To change tuning:●Select your instrument●Click right to enter the Instrument Settings screen●Change the "Standard" tuning to the tuning of your choice●Exit the Instrument Settings screenHow to tune with a capo onIf you would like to tune with a capo on, then we got you covered!You can tell Roadie where you placed the capo so that all of your preset tunings will still work perfectly.To select the capo:●Select your instrument●Click right to enter the Instrument Settings screen●Navigate to "Capo" and select the fret number where you placed your capo●Exit the Instrument Settings screenNote: Roadie allows you to choose a capo fret between -4 and 12. You might be wondering what the negative capo value means? Well, we created this option in case you would like to tune a half step, full step, or even 2 steps down. For example, if you select capo -1, Roadie will tune your guitar a half step down. Sure, you can always choose the “Half Step Down” tuning but this might just be quicker for you!How to change the A4 reference pitchThe reference A440 Hz setting is customizable in 1 Hz increments from 420 Hz to 460 Hz. To change the reference pitch:●Select your instrument●Click right to enter the Instrument Settings screen●Navigate to "A4: 440Hz" and select your preferred reference pitch●Exit the Instrument Settings screenHow to change the tuning accuracyIf you are looking for higher accuracy (like when recording your jams for instance) you can change the tuning mode to High Accuracy. By default, your Roadie device is set to Fast Tuning mode, which delivers accurate tuning as fast as possible for your everyday practice.To change the tuning accuracy:●Turn on your Roadie●Scroll down to Settings and click right to enter the settings screen●Select “Accuracy” right click and choose your mode (Fast Tuning or High Accuracy)●Press back (Left) to saveHow to enable Tune-upWhile it might take a little longer to tune, ending a tuning by tightening the string ensures your instrument stays in tune longer. This will also help you get the best sound out of your instrument.Tuning in this fashion Roadie brings the string down below pitch then tightens it back up to the correct tuned pitch.To activate/deactivate tuning up, navigate to "Tune Up" in "Settings" on your Roadie or in the Roadie Tuner app.Press "S ync" to send the changes to your Roadie.String Winder & MetronomeRoadie 3 isn’t just your regular tuner. It is an all-in-one tool that comes with a built-in string winder and metronome.Restringing with Roadie 3String changes are a little less tedious now. Roadie 3 will now very quickly wind your new string to tension with a motor speed of 120 RPM and then tune it up, all in one smooth step!Here’s how to do it:●Navigate to Main Menu > Winder and use the winder to remove your old string●To restring and tune in one step, navigate back to Main Menu > Tuner > Select yourinstrument > Select the note corresponding to the new string > Click and hold the rightbutton on the navigation pad and Roadie 3 will automatically tighten your string●When the string is not loose anymore and can vibrate then stop pressing and plucknormally to continue tuning. Be careful not to snap the string by tightening it too much Using the metronomeRoadie 3 now comes with a built-in vibration/beep metronome to help you keep a tight rhythm. To use the metronome:●Turn on your Roadie●Scroll down to Metronome and right-clickTo modify the metronome settings press the right navigation button to access the metronome settings menu.You can change the BPM value, the number of beats and you can switch off and on the vibration and the beeping sound.TroubleshootingHard resetIf your Roadie 3 has become unresponsive or frozen, a hard reset may be required. Simply insert a pin into the reset pinhole located between the power button and the tuning peg connector, and press the button within to reset your Roadie.Note: Hard reset will not erase your data.Factory resetIn case a factory reset is required, all you need to do is turn on your Roadie 3 and navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Scroll down to “Factory Reset” > Press and hold to confirm.The factory reset will erase all your data (instrument profiles and custom tunings) from your Roadie 3. To recover them, all you have to do is sync your Roadie 3 with your Roadie Tuner mobile app. Therefore, before performing a factory reset, always make sure you s ync your Roadie 3with your Roadie Tuner mobile app so that you can recover your instruments and custom tunings after.Note: If you are facing an issue, most of the time you can resolve it by simply u pdating Roadie's firmware instead of performing a factory reset.Using the Companion AppDesigned by musicians for musicians, the Roadie Tuner mobile app has a beautiful, minimal, and intuitive interface. It serves as a control center for all of your Roadie devices. It lets you make customizations easily and keeps you up to date with the latest Roadie upgrades. It’s like your Roadie 3 found its soul mate!Installing the Roadie Tuner appThe Roadie Tuner mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices.Click here to download it from the iOS App StoreClick here to download it from the Google Play StoreConnecting Roadie 3 to the appWhen you first start using your Roadie 3, it is important to connect it via Bluetooth to the Roadie Tuner mobile app in order to sync all of your instrument profiles and tunings and to avoid losing them. This will also allow you to receive the latest firmware updates.To connect your Roadie 3 to the app:●Turn on your Roadie device●Make sure Bluetooth on your mobile device is turned on●Launch the Roadie Tuner app and click on the red CONNECT button●Select "Roadie 3" from the list displayed and follow the instructions on the screenNote: For Android devices, the operating system will ask you for location permission to be able to connect to Roadie via Bluetooth Low Energy.Syncing Roadie 3 with the appEvery time you make changes on the app or on your Roadie 3 device, it is important to sync all changes.To sync all your data across the app and Roadie:●Make sure that your Roadie is connected to the app via Bluetooth●Press "Sync" in the Roadie Tuner app main menu or simply swipe downwards to sync Receiving firmware updatesYou will be receiving regular firmware updates for Roadie 3 through the Roadie Tuner mobile app. This will ensure that your Roadie's firmware will never get outdated and that you receive the latest features and bug fixes.To perform a firmware upgrade on your Roadie, launch the Roadie Tuner app and select "Account Settings." Choose your Roadie device then scroll down and press "Update Firmware."Making CustomizationsCreating a custom instrumentIf you can’t find the instrument you want to add on the Roadie 3, you can easily create a custom instrument using the app:●Launch the app●Press the "+" Add Instrument button●When choosing an instrument type please select "Other".●Customize the strings one by one and hit "Next"●Select a brand. If the brand is not available, press "Other" and enter the brand name●Add a name and a photo of your instrument●Press "Save"●Press "Sync" to send the changes to your RoadieCreating a custom tuningRoadie tuners come with many preset alternate tunings but if you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can also create your own custom tuning using the app:●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Select your instrument●Press on "Create New Tuning"●Select one string at a time and customize it to the desired pitch. You can modify the notepitch class, octave, alteration, and cents settings that determine the final frequency ofeach string●Save once done●Press "Sync" to send the changes to your Roadie deviceTo Edit a tuning, simply click on the pencil edit icon (next to the tuning name) and make the changes you desire by altering the note, alteration, octave number, and cents value for each string.Reordering tuningsIf you want to change the order in which your tunings appear:●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Select your instrument●Click on "Reorder Tuning"●Reorder your list by long-pressing, dragging and dropping tunings in the desired slots●Press "Sync" to send the changes to your Roadie deviceReordering instrumentsTo change the order in which your instruments appear:●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Long press the instrument you would like to move, drag it then drop it in the slot youwould like it to be in●Press "Sync" to send the changes to your Roadie deviceEditing an instrumentTo change your instrument's name or picture:●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Select the instrument you wish to edit●Press "Edit" and perform the desired changes●Save changes●Press "Sync" to send the changes to your RoadieDeleting an instrumentTo delete an instrument, follow these easy steps:●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Long press on the instrument you want to delete●Press "x" and confirm delete when prompted●Sync with your Roadie to delete it from your Roadie deviceChanging the instrument settingsOn the app, you can also change the instrument settings (alternate tunings, Capo, and A4 reference).●Launch the Roadie Tuner app●Select your instrument●Use the pickers to modify the tuning, Capo, and A4 references●Either sync or press the “Tune” button on the app screen to send these changes to yourRoadie device。

目录附件(略)安装附件(略)狗3特征 (3)相机LCD状态屏幕 (4)相机用户界面流程图 (4)软件升级 (5)基础 (6)相机模式 (6)相机设置 (10)删除 (14)摄制设置 (15)准备 (19)无线控制 (23)存储/SD卡..........................................24 系统要求 (24)转移文件 (25)回放 (26)电池电量 (27)重要警告信息 (27)相机装配(略) (28)售后服务 (29)2狗3特征1.状态指示灯(红色)2.快门/选择按钮3.LCD状态显示屏4.Wi-Fi状态指示灯(蓝色)5.电源/模式按钮6.微型HDMI接口(不含电缆)7.微型SD卡槽(不含SD卡)8.微型USB接口(支持混合A/C电缆,3.5mm立体声麦克适配器,不含)9.系统接口10.电池盖11.Wi-Fi开/关键12.报警器3相机LCD状态显示屏LCD显示屏显示狗3的下列状态和设置信息:1.相机模式/FOV(视图框)2.摄制设置模式(没显示)3.分辨率/FPS帧每秒4.时间间隔设置(没显示)5.计数器6.时间/存储/文件7.电量注意:以上显示图标会因你的相机所处状态而变化相机用户界面流程图注意:白平衡和回放只有在相应功能开启时才显示。
检查一下你的相机或其他狗产品是否有新的升级,访问:/update 。
使用你的狗3:基础开始在第一次使用你的狗3前:1.首先标签朝前,最窄的一边往卡槽中插入一张micro SD™, micro SDHC™或micro SDXC™卡。
推荐使用Class 4以上的高速卡,当使用0.5秒延时或者专业模式录像需要Class 10的卡。

多功能行车电脑A302 / A303大众系列用户手册目录总体概括 (4)产品描述 (4)产品外观 (5)安装说明 (7)支持车型 (10)功能说明 (12)第一次使用行车电脑 (12)停车状态下的显示 (13)行驶状态下的显示 (14)倒车雷达模式 (16)加油提示 (17)报警提示 (18)功能菜单 (21)油耗管理 (22)故障检测 (24)车辆设置 (28)车辆测试 (31)2系统设置 (32)版本信息 (43)3总体概括产品描述车载多功能显示终端简称行车电脑,是一款多功能,全方位面向车主的车辆信息显示终端,用户可以通过行车电脑对车辆大部分信息进行了解,并且可以通过行车电脑系统对车辆的内部功能进行设置,使用户能更人性化的使用自己的爱车。
4.[↑] 按键:在菜单选择时,将光标移到上一个选择项。
5.[↓] 按键:在菜单选择时,将光标移到下56一个选择项。
6. [OK]按键: 确定当前的选择项。
7. [C]按键: 退出当前的选择项。
8. 行车电脑的塑料支架。
行车电脑的主行车电脑的主机说明机说明1. 诊断数据线的接口2. 行车电脑主机的固定座接口安装说明步骤一:从包装盒内取出行车电脑主机、支架、诊断数据线。
2017 Mazda3 商品说明书

Link to Mazda3 Digital Owner’s Manual:SMART START GUIDEm{zd{3LDWS(P. 21)P. 21)TPMS SET(P. 6)DSCOFFHEATED STEERING WHEEL(P. 8)START/STOPENGINE BUTTON(P. 4)Electric Trunk Lid OpenerLiftgate Request SwitchElec. Liftgate OpenerWhile Carrying the Advanced Key…Vehicles equipped with the Advanced Keyless Entry System and the KeylessEntry System both use the same type of keyless entry transmitter. However, only vehicles equipped with the Advanced Keyless Entry System allow you to lock and unlock the doors with the door request switches (without taking the key out of your purse or pocket).Vehicles equipped with the Keyless Entry System do not have request switches on the doors/trunk. To lock and unlock the doors, the corresponding transmitter Advanced Key Lock UnlockPanic AlarmTrunk(4-door sedan only)Door Request SwitchNOTE: Refer to your Owner’sManual for additional details about “Personalization Features”.Indicator LightIndicator Lightark the vehicle in a safe place and rmly apply the parking brake.et the tires cool, then adjust the tire pressure to(left side of dash) until the TPMS warning lightin the instrument cluster ashes twice and a beepReturning rear seats to upright position: 1 Install the headrest (if removed).2 Raise the seatbacks until they lock into position.NOTE: For tall drivers and front passengers who adjust the front seats all the way back, the headrests on the rear seats need to be removed when folding the rear seatbacks down. If not removed, the rear headrest 4-doorRemote HandleHeated Steering Wheel (if equipped)Heated AreaHeated Steering Wheel Switchoice control (p. 12).TalkPush TALK button and say “Applications.”and say “Settings.”Push TALK buttonand say “Entertainment.”Push TALK button and say “Navigation.”say “Communication.”Safety SettingsActive Driving Display Settings Sound Settings Vehicle Settings System SettingsDevice SettingsDisplay SettingsENTERSelect an item on the screen by:1 M oving the knob up or down, left or right,BACK (to previous screen)FAVORITES The following can be stored in Favorites: • 50 stations total for AM, FM, and XM. • 50 contacts in theTALK13PAIRING YOUR BLUETOOTH® PHONE OR AUDIO DEVICENOTE: Some phone models do not support all features. If your phone ordevice does not pair, please visit /mazdaconnect or contact (800) 430-0153 for further assistance or to report a phone/audio device concern. Pairing Instructions:1M anually turn on Bluetooth on your phone or audio device.2S elect Communication from the Home screen.3S elect Settings.4S elect Bluetooth.5S elect Add New Device, and switch to theoperation on your mobile device.6On your mobile device, select “Mazda”.7V erify the displayed 6-digit code both on the display and on your mobile device. For iPhone:8S elect “Pair” on the phone and select “Yes” on the system.For phones compatible with SMS and MMS:9O n your mobile device, hit “Allow” to let Mazda Connect download yourphonebook and text messages (SMS).IMPORTANT:• I f your mobile device was paired to any Mazda vehicle in the past, “Mazda” on the Bluetooth device list on your mobile device must be deleted.10F or iPhone, go to Settings>Bluetooth. Select the “i” information icon for the connected device. Switch “Show Noti cations” to ON.NOTE:• For safety reasons, you cannot pair a phone while driving.• F or customer service and device compatibility, visit/mazdaconnect or call 800-430-0153.• W hen in range of another Wi-Fi device, the Bluetooth connection between yourphone and the system may disconnect for a short time if you have Wi-Fi enabled.Turn off Wi-Fi on your phone if needed.o end voice recognition session HANG UPTALK Receive /SwapSD CardResume CANCEL /OFF Cruise Control (Set+/Set-)Distance Control (Longer /Shorter )MODEHow to set the distance between vehicles:event of a collision; however, the SCBS has limitations. Do not rely solely on theForward Sensing Camera Array Radar sensorSBS system can be turned off using Safety Settings in MAZDA CONNECT(see page 10).The Lane-keep Assist System (LAS) and Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) recognize the painted lane lines using the Forward Sensing Camera (FSC) installed steering assistance and uses the following indicationsImages are for reference.Images are for reference.Object Detected Object Detected Rear View MonitorHigh Beams to Flash High BeamsPull leverto dispensewindshield washer uid 123HI LOAUTOOFFMIST :AUTO29AUDIO OPERATIONThe following icons are displayed on the screen:SOURCES: Displays Audio menuto change audio source (FM / AM/ XM / Aha / Pandora / Stitcher /Bluetooth / USB / CD / AUX).AUTO MEMORY: Displays alist of the 10 strongest radiostations. Because stationstrength changes as you drive,select Update Station List iconto re-scan for strong stations.FAVORITES: Displays list ofyour favorite AM, FM, and XMradio stations.HD RADIO: Switches HD RadioOn/Off.SCAN: Scans radio stations orsongs (scanning stops at each onefor 5 seconds). Select again to stop.TUNER: Displays manual radio tuner.TAG: Saves artist and titleand sends them to your Appledevice (for Apple deviceswith USB use only).SEEK PREVIOUS/NEXT:Selects previous or nextreceivable radio station or song.Press and hold to change radiostation continually.SETTINGS: Adjusts the audioquality level (bass, treble, etc.).The following icons are displayedon the CD screen only:TRACK LIST: Displays the tracklist of the CD.REPEAT: Repeats the currentsong. Select again to stop.SHUFFLE: Plays the songs onthe CD in random order. Selectagain to stop.PLAY/PAUSE: Plays and pausesthe CD.Playing Bluetooth® (BT) Audio1M ake sure the BT audio device is paired toyour vehicle.2T urn on the BT audio device.3S elect Bluetooth from Sources.See your Owner’s Manual for further information on:· Pandora · Aha · StitcherBLUETOOTH® AUDIOBluetooth® enabled phones and audio playersprovide an opportunity to play music through theaudio system with no wires attached.Some phone models do not support all features.Go to /mazdaconnector contact (800) 430-0153 for further assistanceor to report a phone/MP3 device concern.NOTE: In order to use Aha, Pandoraand Stitcher as audio sources, the Appmust be installed on your phone. TheseApps stream music using your data planand listening to them counts toward yourmonthly cellular data usage.30AUDIO OPERATION USING VOICEAudio operation and media selection can be done using voice recognition. Push the TALK button on the steering wheel, wait for a beep, then say a command in a clear, natural voice (not too fast or too slow). Some common commands are listed below.Play (and any of the following):AM, FM, XM, CD, Bluetooth, Aha, Pandora, Stitcher, USB, AUX Play or Resume / Pause or Stop / Next or PreviousPlay (and any of the following):Song, Playlist <playlist name>, Artist <artist name>, Album <album name>, Genre <genre name>, Folder <folder name>Tune to Station <frequency AM or FM>Tune to Channel Number (XM)HD RADIOHD radio has a special receiver which allows it to receive digital broadcasts (where available) in addition to the analog broadcasts it already receives. Digitalbroadcasts have better sound quality than analog broadcasts as digital broadcasts provide free, crystal clear audio.When the HD radio button is ON (red), there could be a noticeable difference in sound quality and volume when a change from digital to analog signals occurs. If the sound quality and volume become noticeably diminished or cut off, select the HD button to turn OFF HD radio (not red).NOTE: To use BT audio, make sure the musical icon is displayed by going to Bluetooth in Device settings. Some Bluetooth ® audio devices need a certain amount of time before the icon is displayed.NOTE: Push the TALK button and say “Help” at any time to hear a list ofavailable commands.New Mazda vehicles equipped with SiriusXM ® Satellite Radio will receive an introductoryfour-month trial subscription that starts on the day the vehicle is sold. Enjoy over 150 channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, comedy, entertainment, news and much more.T o start listening to SiriusXM, select XM from audio sources, then push channel up and down to listen to over 150 channels. If you do not hear audio, please activate service to your radio with a simple refresh process. 1 S croll to XM Radio, go to channel 1 and push “previous” to channel 0to nd your radio ID.2 G o to /refresh and enter radio ID or call1-855-MYREFRESH (1-855-697-3373).31NOTE:You will need an audio cable with an 1/8 inch (3.5 mm)mini stereo plug (available as a Genuine Mazda accessory) toconnect your portable audio player into the AUX jack.IMPORTANT:• S et the volume level on your portable audio player to the highest level beforedistortion starts, then use the vehicle’s audio system to adjust the volume.• U nplug any device from the USB port and accessory socket before turning offthe vehicle. Leaving devices plugged in can drain the battery and cause issues during the Bluetooth pairing process at start-up. Wait about 15 seconds afterstarting the vehicle before plugging anything into the USB port.1L ocate the USB port or AUX jack.2C onnect the device plug into the portable audio player and into theUSB port or AUX jack.3Turn the vehicle audio system on.4Select AUX or USB from the Sources menu.5USB Port: Use the vehicle’s audio system or steering wheel controls to control the connected USB device.AUX Jack: Use the portable audio player controls to play music.Refer to the Owner’s Manual for additional information.5 mm)y) toPORTABLE AUDIO PLAYER INTEGRATIONUSING THE USB PORT OR AUX JACKYour vehicle is equipped with a USB port andauxiliary AUX jack, conveniently located in thecenter console, that allows you to play your iPod,USB device, or portable audio player through thevehicle’s audio system. The center console is usefulfor storing your personal media/phone devices.Learn the system when parked and do not let itdistract you while driving.12 VOLT ACCESSORY SOCKETSThe accessory socket in the dash is on with the ignition ON and the accessory socket in the center console is always on.NOTE: When using a USB memory stick, the system plays the rst audio le when restarting the vehicle. It does not start where it left off when turning off the engine.NOTE: When using the accessory socket in the center console, make sure to disconnect any device from it when turning off the ignition; otherwise, the vehicle’s battery could go dead.Push to select theTEMPERATURE DISPLAYThe outside temperature unit can be switched between °C and °F using System Settings in the SPEED UNIT SELECTOR 3IMPORTANT:Mazda Connect display setting is set on “AUTO”, the instrument cluster and display may become dimmer when the headlights are on. If the display and instrument cluster become too dim or too bright when the headlights are on, simply rotate the dimmer knob located on your instrument cluster to adjust the brightness.DASHBOARD ILLUMINATION/ DIMMER 1/ TRIP METER 2TPMS NOTE:The outside temperature unit can bepressing the INFO button for veseconds or longer after switchingIMPORTANT:Mazda Connect display setting is set on “AUTO”, the instrument cluster and display may become dimmer when the headlights are on. If the display and instrument cluster become too dim or too bright when the headlights are on, simply rotate the dimmer knob located on your instrument cluster to adjust the brightness.The Active Driving Display displays the following information:373839TRAFFIC SIGN RECOGNITION (TSR) SYSTEMThe Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) System helps prevent the driver from overlooking traffic signs, and provides support for safe driving by displaying traffic signs on the Active Driving Display. TSR recognizes traffic signs using the Forward Sensing Camera (FSC) or the navigation system while driving.When vehicle speed exceeds the speed limit sign displayed in the Active Driving Display, the system noti es the driver with an indication in the display and a warning sound.The TSR displays the speed limit (including auxiliary signs), do not enter, and traf c stop signs.NOTE:• T he Traf c Sign Recognition (TSR) System is not supported in some countries or regions. For more information, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer.• T he Traf c Sign Recognition (TSR) System operates only if the navigationsystem SD card (Mazda Genuine) is inserted in the SD card slot. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer for details.modePush the center of Push and hold the center of the INFO button Information display—The Official Site for M{zd{ OwnersRegister today at —the ultimate destination for Mazda Owners. Once registered, you’ll be able to take advantage of bene ts exclusively for Mazda Owners: • I nsider access to exclusive events and promotions • Personalized maintenance schedules • Zoom-Zoom Owner Magazine • W arranty information and on-line Owner’s Manuals • Wallpaper, videos and other fun stuff • A ccessories speci cally designed for your vehicle • C ar Care Discount Coupons available from your Authorized Mazda Dealer Visit and register at today!—MAZDA MOBILEThe following apps are available for iPhone ® and Android smartphones:• M azda Assist app - Provides roadside assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Toll free number 1-800-866-1998 can also be used for roadside assistance.• M yMazda app - Keep track of your Mazda from the palm of your hand with these features:The apps can be downloaded, free of charge, from the App store for the iPhone ® and Google Play (Android Market) for Android powered devices. After downloading the app, customer name, email, smartphone number and VIN are required. Maintenance schedule Service coupons Promotional alerts Service history Recall information Parked car locator S can VIN barcode capability when registering a vehicle Mazda Dealer locator Update owner pro leLink to Mazda Assist Free MyMazda appiPhone and AndroidFree Mazda Assist appiPhone and AndroidTHE MAZDA3 | DRIVING MATTERS ZOO}-zoo}Genuine Mazda ServiceBecause you and your Mazda deserve the bestYour new Mazda deserves nothing less than the very best. To keep it running like new for years to come, trust the experts at your local Authorized Mazda Dealer . Simply bring your vehicle in for your scheduled maintenance and any needed repairs.*At participating Mazda Full Circle Service Centers,** our technicians willautomatically perform a complimentary Full Circle inspection on your vehicle and issue a detailed report card at every visit. This is designed to help you keep track of your Mazda’s critical operating condition. Our factory-trained technicians know your vehicle inside out and use Genuine Mazda Parts, giving your vehicle the optimum care and maintenance it requires to run with flawless precision.Remember to further enhance your driving experience, visit your local Mazda Service Center for your scheduled maintenance. It’s also the place where you can find a wide variety of tires, parts and accessories that are just right for your vehicle. *See vehicle’s scheduled-maintenance program for details.** T o learn more about Mazda Full Circle Service, visit and click on the “Owners” tab, scroll down and click on “Service & Parts”, and scroll down to “Mazda FULL CIRCLE SERVICE”.Customer Experience Center: 1-800-222-5500Roadside Assistance Contact: 1-800-866-1998This easy-to-use Smart Start Guide is intended to help you more fully appreciate some of the unique features and functions of your new vehicle. However , it is not intended to replace your Owner’s Manual. The Owner’s Manual contains more detailed information to help you better understand the important safety warnings, features, operation, and maintenance of your vehicle. All information, specifications, photographs and illustrations in this publication are those in effect at the time of printing. Mazda reserves the right to change specifications or design without obligation.© Mazda North America OperationsPrinted in U.S.A 4/17Print 49999 95 038C 17SS。
Gamewell s3系列操作手册说明书

汉王 创艺大师三代 使用手册说明书

创艺大师三代使用手册汉王科技股份有限公司Copyright © 1999 - 2013 汉王科技股份有限公司版权所有汉王科技股份有限公司保留所有权利。
Adobe和Photoshop是Adobe System Incorporated 在美国和/或其他国家的注册商标/商标。
Microsoft、Windows是Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家的注册商标/商标。
Apple、Apple标志和Macintosh是Apple Computer,Inc.在美国和/或其他国家的注册商标/商标。
目录第一章简介 (1)第二章产品介绍 (2)第一节绘画板介绍 (2)第二节绘画板使用方法 (4)第三节特色应用 (7)第三章WINDOWS系统驱动安装 (11)第一节绘画板系统要求 (11)第二节绘画板驱动安装 (11)第三节绘画板驱动卸载 (15)第四章WINDOWS绘画板设置 (17)第一节驱动界面 (17)第二节Windows绘画板设置 (17)第五章MAC-OS系统驱动安装 (31)第一节绘画板系统要求 (31)第二节绘画板驱动安装 (31)第三节驱动卸载 (34)第六章MAC-OS绘画板设置 (36)第一节MAC-OS绘画板设置 (36)第七章附赠软件 (43)第一节汉王启动工具 (43)第二节 PenWrite (45)第三节 PenSign (49)第四节 PenMail (50)第五节 PenMark (51)第六节 WhiteBoard (52)第八章创艺少年绘画软件 (55)第一节软件安装与卸载 (55)第二节软件界面 (59)第三节功能介绍 (60)第四节注意事项 (69)第九章 COOLPAINT绘画软件 (70)第一节软件安装 (70)第二节功能简介 (76)第三节菜单栏 (77)第四节工具属性栏 (99)第五节图层面板 (109)第六节颜色面板 (111)第十章疑难解答 (112)附录一包装清单 (114)附录二绘画板维护 (114)附录三软件许可协议 (115)附录四保修协议 (116)附录五技术支持信息 (118)附录六有害物质含量表 (118)使用手册前应注意的重要事项●本手册仅包括汉王科技股份有限公司的部分软件说明。

重要说明 此说明书仅提供用户参考,南宁研华电子科技有限公司保留不发出通知就改变其产品或
科技创新 超值服务
一 产品简介
1 功能特点 本仪器适用于汽车音响解码、读取防盗密码、气囊电脑修复、里程表调校、发动机 ECU
编程和数据编程等。 (1)所有操作改为网页式向导提示,一步一步告诉您如何操作。能看书能操作,支持车
② 对于可读写密码的音响,单击按钮“本地操作”以后软件会提示要保存码片的原始 数据,(“保存”自动保存到默认路径:C:\Program Files\数码大师3\用户数据目录\中)软 件会自动读取该型号音响的密码,码片装回音响后用该密码开机。
(5)修改数据 获取密码后即可用密码解开音响,如不需要修改码片内部数据,音响解码操作完成,可
电话取得联系方可操作) (6)硬件程序、软件程序全部均可网上升级。 (7)授权方式: 终身授权:是一种一次性买断现有车型的授权方式; 续费使用授权:是一种扣除点数的使用方式,当设备中原有点数扣除尽时,用户可 灵活购买使用所需点数进行充值。
2 数码大师Ⅲ仪器
二 软件安装
科技创新 超值服务
六 示例
1 专用编程器 专用编程器是特别针对汽车上使用的一些存储器(俗称码片,是存储汽车
常用数据、密码的器件)对其数据进行读出、显示、保存及改写的专用工具。 主要适用汽车仪表、发动机电脑、气囊电脑常用数据的调校及故障分析处理、 电 脑 程 序 匹 配 、音 响 解 码 、安 全 气 囊 (SRS)灯 。它 不 同 于 各 种 汽 车 原 厂 专 用 工 具 , 它们只适用于特定车型,而专用编程器无论是什么厂的车,什么型号的车,只 要找到这个存储数据的地方,我们就可以解决上述问题。如果再配以相应功能 模 块 ( 音 响 解 码 模 块 、 里 程 表 调 校 模 块 、 防 盗 读 码 器 模 块 、) 则 可 快 速 、 准 确 解 决修车中遇到的技术难题。使用说明如下:
U Genius3 用户手册说明书

Contents Page Contents PageChapter One-Introduction.......................................................................................1.1Applications supported....................................................................................1.2Hardware.........................................................................................................1.2.1Specification..........................................................................................1.2.2System Components............................................................................ transilluminator........................................................................ draw...................................................................................... Touch screen......................................................................... Flash Drive............................................................................1.2.3Accessories............................................................................................... Light converter.................................................................... LED transilluminator............................................................... Printer............................................................................... software..........................................................................1.2.4Set-up....................................................................................................... Chapter Two-Image Acquisition............................................................................2.1Capturing an image of an agarose EtBr or similar gel...................................2.2Capturing an image of a protein gel(coomassie,silver stained)or otherwhite light image(colony plate,autorad,microtitre plate etc)...................... Chapter Three-Saving/Opening and Printing Images..................................3.1Saving Images.............................................................................................3.2Opening Images...........................................................................................3.3Printing Images............................................................................................ Chapter Four-Image Enhancement................................................................4.1Image Enhancement...................................................................................4.2Annotate......................................................................................................4.3Digital Zoom................................................................................................ Chapter Five-User Preferences.......................................................................5.1Neutral Fielding...........................................................................................5.2Extended Dynamic Range(EDR).................................................................5.3External Keyboard........................................................................................5.4Regional Power Frequency Settings............................................................ Chapter Six-Troubleshooting and Contact Information..............................6.1Troubleshooting..........................................................................................6.2Contact Syngene........................................................................................1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16Chapter One-IntroductionThe U:Genius3system has been designed to make your gel imaging simple,quick and easy.This system is the perfect choice for a low budget gel imaging system and features a compact darkroom which has a sliding front door and internal LED white light.The U:Genius3system supports multiple applications including DNA/RNA gel imaging such as EtBr,SYBR Green and visible stained gels i.e.coomassie blue and silver stain.1.1Applications supportedTransilluminatorUV Visible LightConverterBlue LEDTransilluminatorEthidium Bromide SYBR Green SYBR Gold SYBR SafeGel GreenGel RedSYPRO Ruby Coomassie blue stainCopper stainZinc stainSilver stainSYBR GoldSYBR GreenSYBR SafeUltraSafe blue1.2Hardware1.2.1SpecificationCamera12/16bitCCD1/3inchZoom Manual zoom6.5-39,F1.4,aperture andfocusDisplay8”colour touch screenFilter Draw Yes UV filter as standardMax gel size20x20cmData types TIFF and JPEGCCD resolution3M pixelsImage storage USBImage enhancements Rotation and inversion,sharpen,smoothand many moreIllumination Slide in and out UV transilluminator,visiblelight converter and blue LED transilluminator(Ultra-Slim),Epi white LED1.2.2System Components1.2.2.1DarkroomThe darkroom has a sliding door.The darkroom features:∙Slide out mid wave302nm UV transilluminator∙Internal white light LED∙Safety switch to protect from accidental UV exposure1.2.2.3UV TransilluminatorThe UV transilluminator will excite many fluorescent stains such as Ethidium bromide,SYBR™stains,Gel Red™.The standard wavelength is302nm.To protect users from accidental exposure,the UV light is automatically shut off if the door is opened.The transilluminator can be slid easily in and out of the cabinet. DrawerInterchange a range of filters for extensive choice of fluorescent applications. Touch ScreenA built-in8inch VGA colour LCD touch-screen allows users to preview, capture,print and save images,as well as to select various processing functions,without the connection of an external keyboard or mouse. Flash DriveThe USB flash drive on the front of the U:Genius3for the easy storage of images.1.2.3Accessories1.2.3.1Visible light converterSyngene offers a visible light converter that can beplaced on top of the UV transilluminator for imagingcoomassie and silver stained gels. LED transilluminatorThe UltraSlim blue LED transilluminator is ideal for safelyimaging gels stained with SYBR Safe,Gold and Green,GelGreen and UltraSafe blue. printerYou may attach a thermal printer,either Mitsubishi P93D or Sony UPD897. When you first attach the printer you will see the following windowSelect‘No,not this time’and press Next buttonThe drivers will automatically install. softwareThe U:Genius3system is supplied with a copy of GeneTools analysis software from Syngene.This may be loaded on a PC of your choice.Please see the loading instructions within the CD cover.1.2.4Set-upPlease refer to the Installation quick guide on how to set up the camera and darkroom.Chapter Two-Image Acquisition2.1Capturing an image of an agarose EtBr or similar gel(For rapid capture see Quick Guide-Capture)Step OnePosition the sample on the centre of the transilluminator,close the door, ensure the UV filter has been placed in the filter draw and then manually turn UV on by pressing the‘UV On’switch on the front of the unit.Then press the ‘Live’button icon.Figure1-LIVE view iconStep TwoManually adjust the camera settings such as the aperture,zoom and focus. Adjust the aperture,zoom and focus settings until a suitable image is displayed,preferably with the sample filling the screen for maximum resolution.Please note that opening the aperture too far may result in areas of the sample being saturated.Figure2-Lens controlStep ThreeThe exposure time can either be set manually or automatically.Adjusting the exposure time will alter the brightness of the image.To manually increase or decrease the exposure time use the following icons.Figure3-Manual Exposure controlsThe auto-exposure function sets the exposure time to a level that ensures no saturation of the image occurs.To use the auto-exposure function select the following icon.Figure4-Auto Expose iconStep FourTo capture the image press the Capture button.If you have selected auto-expose then you will not need to press the Capture button..Figure5-Capture button2.2Capturing an image of a protein gel(coomassie,silver stained)orother white light image(Colony plate,autorad,microtitre plate etc) Step OneMake sure that you place the visible light converter on top of the transilluminator.Position your sample on the centre of the visible light converter and close the door.Manually turn on UV by pressing the‘UV On’switch.Step TwoManually adjust the camera settings such as the aperture,zoom and focus. Adjust the aperture,zoom and focus settings until a suitable image is displayed,preferably with the sample filling the screen for maximum resolution.Please note that opening the aperture too far may result in areas of the sample being saturated.Figure6-Lens controlStep ThreeThe exposure time can either be set manually or automatically.Adjusting the exposure time will alter the brightness of the image.To manually increase or decrease the exposure time use the following icons.Figure7-Manual Exposure controlsThe auto-exposure function sets the exposure time to a level that ensures no saturation of the image occurs.To use the auto-exposure function select the following icon.Figure8-Auto Expose iconStep FourTo capture the image press the Capture button.If you have selected auto expose then you will not need to press the Capture button..Figure9-Capture button3.Saving/Opening and Printing Images Chapter Three-Saving/Opening and Printing Images3.1Saving imagesTo save a captured image press the‘Save’button.N.B.You can only save an image to a USB device or your local area network(LAN).Images can be saved in the following formats TIFF and JPEG.Figure10-Save Button3.2Opening ImagesFrom the front screen select‘Open Image’to browse captured images.Figure11-Open Images Icon3.3Printing ImagesIf you have a thermal printer attached to your U:Genius3press the following button.Figure12-Print buttonChapter Four-Image EnhancementThe U:Genius3system offers a variety of functions ranging from image enhancement to annotation.4.1Image enhancementTo access the enhance functions select the Enhance button via the Edit Menu button.From this menu you can select to smooth,sharpen,invert or rotate your image.Figure13-Enhance iconClick on this icon to apply a smoothing filter.This is usefulwhen the image has specks of dust or bubbles present.However,this will make bands appear less sharp.Click on this icon to apply a sharpening filter to yourimage.When this filter has been applied band edgesshould become more pronounced but you may alsoobserve an increase in the graininess of the image.The Invert icon will reverse the image to give black bandson a white background or vice versa.This icon isparticularly useful when trying to see faint bands.To freely rotate your images press the Rotate icon.Press the Undo button to remove any enhancement thatyou may have performed.Use the Back button to navigate between the menus.4.2AnnotateTo access the annotation functions select the Annotate button via the Edit Menu button.From this menu you can add text,change the font,select to have your text horizontal or vertical or remove text.Figure14-Annotate buttonUse this icon to add text to your image.Press or placethe mouse cursor on your image and type your text.To change the font style press this icon.If you wish to have your text displayed horizontally selectthis button.If you wish to have your text displayed vertically selectthis button.To remove any annotation select this button.Use the Back button to navigate between menus.4.3Digital ZoomTo zoom in or out on your image select the Zoom button from the screen once you have captured your image.Figure15-Zoom buttonDigitally zoom in on your image to see faint bands.Digitally zoom out on your sample.Zoom settings can reset at any time.Use the Back button to navigate between the menus.Chapter Five-User PreferencesTo access U:Genius3settings and set user preferences for neutral fielding, EDR,to view external keyboard and to set regional power frequency settings.Figure16-Preferences iconYou will be directed to a new screen(Figure17).Figure17-Preferences screen5.1Neutral fieldingThe neutral field function is based on powerful algorithms which corrects for uneven illumination.This results in an image with a flat,even background whilst maintaining GLP compliance.To neutral field check the box(Figure18) then follow the on-screen instructions(Figure19)Figure18-Neutral fielding buttonFigure19-Neutral fielding on-screen instructions5.2Extended Dynamic Range(EDR)Many gels contain areas that are too bright or too dark to be successfully captured.Closing the iris to cut down the light may prevent the viewing of dark or faint bands,whilst opening it may lead to saturation.EDR solves this problem by automatically capturing a series of images of different exposure times.The content of each image is assessed and those areas that are within the dynamic range of the camera are combined.The result is an image with a large dynamic range(up to65536grey levels)that encompasses all the brightness ranges existing within the sample without saturation.Figure20-EDR button5.3External KeyboardIf you wish to connect an external keyboard to the U:Genius3system select this button.Figure21-External Keyboard button5.4Regional Power Frequency SettingsSelect your regional power frequency settings-choose between50Hz or 60Hz.Figure22-Regional Power Frequency Settings buttons6.Troubleshooting and Contact Information Chapter Six-Troubleshooting and Contact Information6.1TroubleshootingNo power to the darkroom∙Check connection of main power cord to main power port on the rear of the U:Genius3.∙Try another power socket within lab.Transilluminator will not turn on∙Check power cord by sliding transilluminator fully out from cabinet.If loose push back in.∙If still not on,remove power cord and attach another one plugged in elsewhere.If transilluminator comes on there is an electrical supply problem within the U:Genius3.If it still does not come on it is likely the transilluminator has failed.Contact Syngene.6.2Contact SyngeneEUROPE:USA:BEACON HOUSE5108PEGASUS COURT,SUITE M NUFFIELD ROAD FREDERICKCAMBRIDGE MD21704CB41TFTel:+441223727123Tel:8006864407/130******** Fax:+441223727101Fax:3016313977Email:*****************Email:*******************。

(4)授权方式 终身授权:是一种一次性的买断的授权方式。 续费使用授权:是一种扣除点数的使用方式,当设备中原有点数扣尽时,用户可
灵活购买使用所需点数进行充值。 3 软件升级
点击“管理中心”选择“产品升级”如右图所示进入了升级的界面,当网络连接不 成功时请再点击“重试”;连接成功后再点击左边的选择按钮选择相对应的“汽车数码 大师3”的程序然后再点击“开始”,等待提示成功后关闭对话框就可以完成软件的升 级。
转到 将光标跳转到指定的地址处。
(地 址)
打 印 如果您的电脑安装有打印机,可打 数 据 印当前存储器数据区中的数据。
关闭存储器数据区,并退出到上一个 注:单击本窗体上方的“存储器数据操作”菜
退出 页面,重新选择器件等。
(3)修改数据 单击“修改数据”按钮,存储器数据区转换到可修改状态,如图所示。每修改一个
(2)选择音响型号。例如:单击 “上海帕萨特 B5VWZ6Z3Y1614621” 。
(3)拆装码片 ① 选择型号后将显示该音响详细信息,如所用码片型号、密码是否可修改等。 ② 按照说明在音响电路板上找到相应码片(如 24C16),记住码片的方向后将其拆
下,安装到适配器上。 ③ 将适配器插到设置大师上的 25 针插座。单击窗口右上角对话框中的按钮“本地
2 软件程序安装 主要功能:获取音响密码。因电池损坏等原因使得汽车音响断电时,音响会自动启
动防盗,供电正常后需重新输入密码才能开机。 解码步骤如下:
(1)在首页单击“音响解码”按钮,然后选择音响所属车系。例如:下图单击 “大众”。
按钮功能介绍: “首 页”: 单击该按钮回到进入本系统的第一页,可重新选择各个功能模块。 “返回上级选择”:单击该按钮回到当前显示页的上一页。

2.SERVICES (2)...................................................3.THE SPECIAL SYMBOLS (3)................................................4.SAFTY GUIDES.. (3).................................................6.BATTERY CHARGING NOTES.. (5)7.TANSMITTER PARAMETERS (6).............................................8.RECEIVER PARAMETERS.. (6)..............................................9.RECEIVER CONNECTIVITY.............................7.............................................11.EACH PART OF THE TRANSMITTER..................11........................................13.TRANSMITTER FUNCTION NOTES (22)15.SIMULATE (25)...................................................16.PACKAGING WITH CONTENT LIST. (26).........................................524GHZ SYSTEM 4.. ........................................................................................12.LCD FUNCTION EXPLANATION 13 .............................................................14.FAIL SAFE FUNCTION (24)6.01 TRANSMITTER CHARGER (5)6.02 RECEIVER CHARGER (5)9.01 INSTALLATION WHEN A MOTOR CONTROLLER IS USED (7)9.02 INSTALLATION FOR GAS POWERED MODELS (8)10.01 MATCHING (CODE )........................................................................9 10.02 POWER.ON...................................................................................10 10.03 SHUT.DOWN.................................................................................1012.01 LCD DISPLAY................................................................................13 12.02 OPENING SCREEN........................................................................13 12.03 MODEL.........................................................................................14 12.04 NAME............................................................................................15 12.05 REV..............................................................................................16 12.06 E.POINT........................................................................................17 12.07 TRIM.............................................................................................18 12.08 D /R..............................................................................................19 12.09 EXP..............................................................................................20 12.10 ABS...............................................................................................21 13.01 STEERING CONTROL. (22)13.02 THROTTLE CONTROL (23)6.BA TTERY CHARGING NO TES6.BA TTERY CHARGING NO TESFS-GT3C7.TRANSMITTER PARAM E TERS8.RECEIVER PARAM E TERSno more3.7USB328151*138*1161.通道个数:3个通道;3.发射功率:小于等于20bBm(100mW);7.低电压报警功能:有(低于3.7伏后);6.数据分辨率:1024级;8.数据输出接口:有(3.5英寸);9.充电接口:有(USB);10.电源标准:3.7V(800毫安锂电);12.天线长度:26毫米;13.外形尺寸:151*138*116毫米;15.安规认证:CE、FCC;2.适合机种:车、船;4.调制方式:GFSK;5.系统模式:AFHDS;11.整机重量:328克;14.外观颜色:黑色;20dBm(100mW);B9.RECEIVER CONNECTIVITY 9.01INSTALLATION WHEN A MOTOR CONTROLLER IS USED:9.02INSTALLATION FOR GAS POWERED MODELS:10.2.4G OPERA TION NO TES 10.01MATCHING(CODE)10.02POWER ON:10.03SHUT DOWN:12354678A11.EACH PART OF THE TRANSMITTERCDE F G I HJBA12.02OPENING SCREEN :12.01LCD DISPLAYBUTTON FUNCTION :按键定义:12.L CD FUNCTION EXPL ANA TION3.7V3.7V12.03MODEL:CC12.04NAME:Function explanation :Operation :12.05 REV :CHANNEL:12.06 E .POINT :olnCHANNEL:%CHANNEL:%功能说明:此功能是对三个输出通道中立点微调的设定,调整修正机种在装配及伺服系统中心点不以使车或船等模型在操控时更加直线。

MAZDACOLOMBIA.CO DE FRENOSAIRBAGS (7)DE ESTABILIDAD SISTEMA DE SUJECIÓN INFANTIL - ISOFIXDE FRENADO DE EMERGENCIAUNA FORMA DE ELEGANCIA BASADA EN LA ESTÉTICA JAPONESAUn diseño que evoca una sola pincelada fluida con una ingeniería que logra un nivel de belleza superior, una proporción elegante y de líneas puras, así es tu Mazda3. En el interior, la cabina es una sinfonía de materiales y acabados individualmente seleccionados por maestros artesanos. Bajo la rica armonía y elegancia, se encuentra una inquebrantable dedicación en cada detalle: asientos ergonómicos, posición natural de los pedales y controles inteligentemente posicionados para que sientas que está hecho a tu medida.Mazda3 ahora presenta sus nuevas versiones híbridas con motor e SKYACTIV G.DESEMPEÑO SUPERIORBATERÍA DE LITIO DE 24VMÁS EFICIENCIAEl sistema Híbrido Ligero de Mazda MHEV con tecnología e SKYACTIV G cuenta con una serie de tecnologías que ofrecen un desempeño supe-rior, mejorando el consumo de combustible y disminuyendo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, sin sacrificar potencia.Su motor de inyección directa e SKYACTIVG de 2,0L que genera 153hp a 6.000 r.p.m, cuenta con un torque máximo de 20,39 kg-m a 4.000 r.p.m. y un motor eléctrico ISG (generador de arranque integrado) que utiliza la energía eléctrica almacenada en la batería de iones de litio para aportar en la propulsión del vehículo y reducir el consumo de combustible.La energía almacenada en la batería de iones de litio se obtiene del Sistema de Frenado regenerativo, el cual permite recuperar la energía cinética que se genera con la desaceleración y el frenado del vehículo.MAZDA i-Stop*i-stop es una tecnología inteligente que ayuda en el ahorro de combustible al apagar el motor cuando el automóvil se detiene, como en un semáforo o en un atasco. El reinicio del motor de combustión, cuando este es apagado por el sistema i-Stop, se realiza a través del motor eléctrico ISG (sistema Genera-dor de Arranque Integrado) de forma más rápida y oportuna que un motor de arranque convencional.Todas estas acciones se realizan de forma instantánea y automática según las condiciones de manejo y carretera, manteniendo siempre una respuesta ágil y continua del vehículo para así entregar la experiencia de conducción única de Mazda.*Aplica para versiones MHEVCon las nuevas versiones híbridas de Mazda y sus tecnologías, no sacrificarás desempeño, tendrás aún más ahorro en el consumo de combustible y una reducción de gases de efecto invernadero.La experiencia de conducir se eleva aún más en Mazda3. La reducción de vibraciones y la excelente insonorización contribuyen para que todos a bordo tengan un viaje más confortable.Además está equipado en todas sus versiones con siste-ma de control G-Vectoring Plus (GVC+), Mazda Con-nect, display multi información de 7” que se ubica en la parte central del tablero de instrumentos, computador de abordo, luces delanteras LED, encendido por botón, apagado automático de luces y espejos retrovisores exteriores abatibles eléctricamente de forma automáti-ca, asientos traseros con descansabrazos central y aire acondicionado automático dual con rejillas de ventila-ción traseras.Mazda 3 cuenta con apertura inteligente de puertas, sensores de parqueo delanteros y traseros, cámara de reversa, y limpiaparabrisas delantero automático (sen-sor lluvia). Adicionalmente, las versiones Grand Touring y Grand Touring LX están disponibles con Techo corre-dizo “Sunroof”, sistema de sonido BOSE® con 12 parlantes y pantalla Activa de Conducción con proyec-ción en el panorámico.DISEÑO CENTRADO EN LAS PERSONASCONTROL G-VECTORING PLUS (GCV+): Es una manera más en que la ingeniería de Mazda centrada en las personas hace que la circulación del vehículo sea más precisa, inspire más confianza y sea más confortable, ya que suaviza el efecto de las fuerzas G para reducir el balanceo de los cuerpos y disminuir el estrés y la fatiga en los viajes largos.SKYACTIV BODY: Con Mazda 3 tendrás un vehí-culo ágil, más seguro, con un eficiente consumo decombustible y con mejor insonorización en lacabina, debido a su carrocería de última genera-ción que te proporciona una excelente seguridadfrente a posibles colisiones, gracias a su elevadaabsorción y distribución de energía, y a la reducciónde peso e incremento de la rigidez.SKYACTIV CHASSIS: La geometría y ubicación de losbrazos de la suspensión, las características de los amorti-guadores y el sistema de dirección están optimizadospara asegurar una respuesta ligera y lineal de la direccióna velocidades medias y bajas, junto con una excelenteestabilidad a alta velocidad. Adicionalmente,ofrece unfrenado preciso, seguro y de fácil control a cualquiervelocidad, brindando una mayor comodidad de mar-cha,incluso sobre superficies con baches.Motores e SKYACTIV G2,0L**Las nuevas versiones Híbridas Ligeras cuentan con el motor e SkyactivG 2,0L de gasolina e inyección directa que genera 153HP a 6.000 r.p.m y un torque máximo de 20,39 kg-m a 4.000 r.p.m y un Motor Elétrico ISG - Integrated Starter Generator, el cual aporta en la propulsión del vehículo utilizando la energía almacenada en su batería de Iones de Litio. Además esta tecnología, cuenta con los sistemas de Frenado Regenerativo y i-Stop.El frenado regenerativo permite recuperar energía durante la desaceleración y el frenado para alimentar la batería de Iones de Litio. Por su parte, el Sistema i-Stop apaga el vehículo durante las paradas y a través del ISG es posible reiniciar la marcha de una forma ágil y silenciosa reduciendo el consumo de combustible en semáoros o atascos.** Aplica para Mazda3 Touring MHEV y Mazda3 Grand Touring MHEV.Con Mazda Connect puedes mantenerte conectado con tu música, entrete-nimiento y amigos, sin perder la concentración en el camino.Conéctate con tus dispositivos móviles a través de Bluetooth® y accede a funciones como radio por internet, reproducción de listas de música, entre otros. Ahora el sistema es compatible con Android Auto™ y equipos móviles iPhone.Mazda3 cuenta con una nueva Pantalla TFT de 8,8” que reduce la distrac-ción visual y una Pantalla Activa de Conducción a Color*, que proyecta en el panorámico la información esencial de manejo.Con el Botón Multicomando ubicado en la consola central, podrás accedermucho más fácil y rápido a funciones como: música, cambio de emisora, reporte de consumo de combustible y a las opciones de personalización del vehículo.UN SISTEMA DE SONIDO PURO Y DE ALTA CALIDADEl sistema de sonido está perfectamente integrado en tu Mazda3. Junto con BOSE®* hemos estudiado cómo la física y las emociones pueden conectarse para brindar una experiencia sonora aún más intensa, con sus 12* parlantes distribuidos de forma idónea, experimentarás un sonido envolvente de alta calidad, sin importar el volumen.*Aplica para Mazda3 Grand Touring, Mazda3 Grand Touring MHEV y Mazda3 Grand Touring LX.MAZDA CONNECTCONEXIÓN CON EL MUNDO AL ALCANCE DE TU MANO*Aplica para Mazda3 Grand Touring, Mazda3 Grand Touring MHEV y Mazda3 Grand Touring LX.SISTEMA INTELIGENTE DE ILUMINACIÓN FRONTAL (ALH)*A través de una cámara sensora frontal (FSC), detecta la intensidad de luz de los vehículos en la vía, activando y desactivando LEDs independien-te y automáticamente, para que siempre tengas iluminado el máximo campo visual posible, sin afectar la visibilidad de los otros conductores en la vía.ASISTENCIA DE PERMANENCIA EN CARRIL (LAS)*La cámara sensora frontal (FSC) monitorea y detecta la posición de tu Mazda 3 respecto a las líneas de la vía y te advierte con una alarma sonora y vibración en el volante, en caso de que pierdas involuntariamente la trayectoria del carril. También está la posibilidad de realizar una sutil corrección, si no tomas acción. Este sistema opera a velocidades de 60 km/h o más.**Aplica para Mazda 3 Grand Touring LX.* Aplica para Mazda 3 Grand Touring, Mazda 3 Grand Touring MHE y Mazda 3Grand Touring LX.ASISTENCIA DE CRUCERO Y TRÁFICO (CTS)**Te ayuda a reducir la fatiga en caso de congestión vehi-cular. Cuando está activo, controla automáticamente la velocidad de tu Mazda 3 Sedán, para que mantengas una distancia adecuada con el vehículo de adelante. También asiste la dirección, para mantener la posición debida en el carril, a través de las curvas. Si no se detec-tan las líneas divisorias de los carriles, el sistema te ayuda a mantener la misma velocidad del vehículo de adelante.CONTROL DE VELOCIDAD CRUCERO ADAPTATIVO (MRCC)*Te ayuda a mantener el control de avance, de acuerdo con la velocidad del vehículo de adelante, sin que tengas que usar constantemente el pedal del acelerador o el freno. Además, si la distancia con el vehículo delan-tero empieza a acortarse muy rápido, te advierte a través de una alerta sonora y visual.ALERTA DE DISTANCIA Y VELOCIDAD (DSA)*El sistema mide la distancia entre tu Mazda 3 Sedán y el vehículo que le precede, mientras la velocidad es de 30 km/h o superior. Si la distancia con el vehículo de en frente es cada vez menor, el sistema te alerta de una posible colisión, mediante una indicación en la pantalla y desacelera tu vehículo para evitar la posible colisión o reducir los daños, si la función de frenado del vehículo está disponible.**Aplica para Mazda 3 Grand Touring LX.* Aplica para Mazda 3 Grand Touring, Mazda3 Grand Touring MHEV y Mazda 3 Grand Touring LX.ASISTENCIA DE FRENADO DE TRÁFICO CRUZADO TRASERO (SBS-RC)**El sistema detecta vehículos que se acercan desde la parte trasera izquierda o derecha y desde la parte posterior de tu Mazda 3 Sedán, mientras vas marcha atrás; el sistema evita o reduce los daños en caso de colisión, al accionar el control de frenos.ASISTENCIAINTELIGENTEDE FRENADO DELANTERO (SBS)*Te advierte cuando la distancia con el vehículo que se encuen-tra adelante es peligrosamente corta. En caso de no recibir ninguna reacción evasiva, acciona los frenos para evitar o mitigar el impacto a velocidades superiores a 4 km/h. A velocidades entre 10 y 80 km/h, el sistema es capaz de detec-tar peatones.ASISTENCIA DE FRENADO TRASERO (SBS)**Activa los frenos para evitar o reducir el impacto en operacio-nes de parqueo o de retroceso, si la distancia es menor a 4 m, a velocidades entre 2 y 8 km/h y si existe posibilidad de colisión contra un obstáculo.ALERTA DE ATENCIÓN DEL CONDUCTOR (DAA)*A través de la comparación de patrones de conducción, detecta la fatiga y la disminución de tu atención y emite una advertencia visual y sonora para invitarte a tomar un descanso. Opera entre 65 y 140 km/h, después de los primeros 20 minutos de conduc-ción.CIEGO (BSM)Te informa a través de un destello en los espejos retroviso-res y una alarma sonora sobre los vehículos que se encuentran en el punto ciego. Este sistema opera a veloci-dades de 30 km/h o más y tiene un alcance de 50 m. Cuando realices operaciones en reversa, tu Mazda 3 Sedán incorpora la Alerta de Tráfico Cruzado Atrás (RCTA), que detecta vehículos que se aproximen en un ángulo de 90° desde la derecha o la izquierda, haciendo destellar los indicadores de advertencia de monitoreo de punto ciego.MONITOR VISTA 360º**Con este sistema podrás visualizar tu Mazda 3 Sedán en todas las direcciones para prevenir accidentes al evitar los puntos ciegos, con 5 tipos de vista, proyectadas en la Pantalla TFT de 8,8”. Funciona para operaciones a baja velocidad (hasta 15 km/h) con proyección máxima de 4,5 minutos. A velocidades superiores, la proyección dura máximo 8 segundos.Como complemento a estos sistemas de seguridad proac-tiva i-ACTIVSENSE, la S eñal de Parada de Emergencia (ESS) y la Asistencia de Arranque en Pendiente (HLA), sonestándar para todos los productos de Mazda.**Aplica para Mazda3 Grand Touring LX.ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS MAZDA 3PP MAZDA3 SKY IPM2-032023-01Nota: información sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso, válida a lafecha de impresión de esta ficha.MAZDACOLOMBIA.COGarantía: Cinco años sin límite de kilometraje**Aplica a partir de vehículos año modelo 2024.Fecha de publicación: Marzo de 2023.La disponibilidad de los vehículos en cada una de sus versiones, dependerá directamente delinventario de cada concesionario autorizado de la red Mazda en Colombia. Diríjase al de supreferencia, para verificar la disponibilidad del vehículo y/o versión de su interés.。
MAHA灯光仪Lite 3 使用简易手册-maha

MAHA灯光仪Lite 3使用简易手册一概述MAHA灯光仪Lite 3 既可以独立使用,也可以与电脑联网配合使用,可以将检测数据同步到电脑中,做进一步的分析和存储。
设备开机后,仪器的液晶显示器上出现开机主菜单:F1 :测量功能菜单,按F1后会进入测量界面。
F2 :在线调整功能菜单,按F2后会进入在线连续调整地界面。
z F1和F2功能是比较常用的功能。
F3 :限定值设定功能菜单。
F4 :按住F4键3~5秒钟松开,“Service Menu”系统设置主菜单。
1.灯光检测操作步骤A.在“main memu”主界面按F1键进入检测界面F1、F2:车型切换。
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附录一 附录二 附录三 附录四 附录五
识别码片引脚顺序的方法 ···········································30 码片拆御焊接要点 ··············································· 30 使用信号发生器调校凌志 300、400 里程表 ··························31 引线图案例 ·························································32 存储码片替代表 ·····················································33
重要说明 此说明书仅提供用户参考,南宁研华电子科技有限公司保留不发出通知就改变其产品或
科技创新 超值服务
一 产品简介
1 功能特点 本仪器适用于汽车音响解码、读取防盗密码、气囊电脑修复、里程表调校、发动机 ECU
编程和数据编程等。 (1)所有操作改为网页式向导提示,一步一步告诉您如何操作。能看书能操作,支持车
科技创新 超值服务
版本 1.0 2010 年 2 月 27 日
科技创新 超值服务
一 产 品 简 介 ························································· 1
全 选 选中存储器数据区中的所有数据。
转 到 将光标跳转到指定的地址处。 (地 址)
注:单击本窗体上方的“存储器数据操作”菜 单将弹出子菜单,列有以上菜单命令
关闭存储器数据区,并退出到上一个 退出
科技创新 超值服务
(3)修改数据 单击“修改数据”按钮,存储器数据区转换到可修改状态,如图所示。每修改一个数据,
(2)例如:选择24C08 单击就会进行数据的读取,读取完成后如下图所示。
读取芯片 读取器件数据到存储器数据区显示。
修改数据 存储器数据区转为可修改状态。
保存数据 保存当前存储器数据区中的数据。 打开一个原始数据文件,并将原始数
载入文件 据写入到器件中。
芯片编程 可以写入编程好的数据。
“存储器数 据操作” 菜单命令
科技创新 超值服务
四 充值
科技创新 超值服务
五 升级
科技创新 超值服务
固件升级完成后将弹出一个对话框,提示是否需要升级适配器,如果需要,则点击“是” 按钮进行适配器升级;如果不需要,则点击“否”按钮取消适配器升级。
三 激 活 ······························································3
四 充值·······································································4
五 升级 ······································································5
② 对于可读写密码的音响,单击按钮“本地操作”以后软件会提示要保存码片的原始 数据,(“保存”自动保存到默认路径:C:\Program Files\数码大师3\用户数据目录\中)软 件会自动读取该型号音响的密码,码片装回音响后用该密码开机。
(5)修改数据 获取密码后即可用密码解开音响,如不需要修改码片内部数据,音响解码操作完成,可
安装到适配器上。 ③ 将适配器插到设置大师上的 25 针插座。单击窗口右上角对话框中的按钮“本地操作”
(4)获取密码 ① 对于不可读写密码的音响,首先保存数据,然后提示选择要转移的文件。即将已知
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科技创新 超值服务
密码的数据写入码片,所得密码为固定密码。写入文件成功后将码片从适配器上拆下装回音 响,用密码开机。例如,将密码转移文件“上海帕萨特B5VWZ6Z3Y1614621”写入码片后密码 为1821;如果文件名中 “-”后只有一个“0”,表示写入后无需密码开机。
科技创新 超值服务
2 音响解码 主要功能:获取音响密码。因电瓶损坏等原因使得汽车音响断电时,音响会自动启动防
盗,供电正常后需重新输入密码才能开机。 解码步骤如下:
(1)在首页单击“音响解码”按钮,然后选择音响所属车系。例如:下图单击 “大众”。
科技创新 超值服务
六 示例
1 专用编程器 专用编程器是特别针对汽车上使用的一些存储器(俗称码片,是存储汽车
常用数据、密码的器件)对其数据进行读出、显示、保存及改写的专用工具。 主要适用汽车仪表、发动机电脑、气囊电脑常用数据的调校及故障分析处理、 电 脑 程 序 匹 配 、音 响 解 码 、安 全 气 囊 (SRS)灯 。它 不 同 于 各 种 汽 车 原 厂 专 用 工 具 , 它们只适用于特定车型,而专用编程器无论是什么厂的车,什么型号的车,只 要找到这个存储数据的地方,我们就可以解决上述问题。如果再配以相应功能 模 块 ( 音 响 解 码 模 块 、 里 程 表 调 校 模 块 、 防 盗 读 码 器 模 块 、) 则 可 快 速 、 准 确 解 决修车中遇到的技术难题。使用说明如下:
读音响密码 从器件中读出该音响的密码并显示(音响可修改密码才有此按钮)。
修改音响密码 将音响密码修改成新的密码 (音响可修改密码才有此按钮)。
音响密码转移 打开一个已知音响密码的原始数据文件,并将其内容写入到器件中。
退 出 存 储 器 数 单击该按钮即关闭存储器数据区,并退出到选择信息浏览窗口,重新选择器件或者
六 示例 ·········································································7
1 专 用 编 程 器 ······················································7 2 音响解码················································10 3 数字仪表调校模块 ······················································14 4 防盗读码器模块 ······················································19 5 气囊电脑数据模块 ······················································23 6 汽车控制电脑模块 ······················································26 7 数 据 操 作 ······················································ 29
(1)在首页单击“专用编程器”按钮进入可以看到“IC 操作”和“CPU 操作”选择栏。“IC 操作”为例,如下图所示:
按钮功能介绍: “首 页”: 单击该按钮回到进入本系统的第一页,可重新选择各个功能模块。 “返回上级选择”:单击该按钮回到当前显示页的上一页。
科技创新 超值服务
型更加全面。 (2)存储器改写:软件上数据修改的同时,码片内的数据相应改变。即改即得(无需编
程操作)。 (3)万能插座:各种类型的码片只需焊接安装到同一个插座即可进行读写。所有器件一
座通用。 (4)USB 通信接口:即插即用是并口速度的十倍。 (5)远程实时控制:全部操作均可由厂家远程控制,轻松实现远程培训。(必须与厂家
电话取得联系方可操作) (6)硬件程序、软件程序全部均可网上升级。 (7)授权方式: 终身授权:是一种一次性买断现有车型的授权方式; 续费使用授权:是一种扣除点数的使用方式,当设备中原有点数扣除尽时,用户可 灵活购买使用所需点数进行充值。
2 数码大师Ⅲ仪器
二 软件安装
芯片 擦除 芯片 校验
退出 修改 复制 数据 粘贴 数据 填充 数据
取消一次或多次(最多 20 次)已经做过的操作(例:由于不慎将错误的数据“60”写 入码片,原来正确的数据“35”被误改了,单击“撤消”后将恢复写入前的数据“35”)。 如果无法撤消操作,或没有操作可撤消, “撤消”按钮为灰色,不可用。 存储器数据区转到不可修改状态。此操作重新设定撤消功能,使得已经做过的操作无法 撤消。请您在退出前考虑好所做修改是否需要还原。 拖动鼠标选中要复制的一块数据,再单击该按钮。这时您复制的数据将暂时保存在电脑 中,粘贴操作可将数据调出并写到要放入的位置。 先做“复制数据”操作,然后将光标移到要放入数据的位置,单击该按钮则把刚才复制 的数据放入光标所在位置。