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Raffaello Sanzio
Leonardo da Vinci
van Gogh
Suggest answers: painting 1: Leonardo da Vinci ; painting2: van Gogh ;painting3: Raffaello
Sample expressions: I like sb best 或 My favorite painters is .
If you were an artist what kind of pictures would you paint?
Sample expressions: if I were an artist I would paint flowers. Because
of paintings. Technically, there are detailed style with colors and free styles with ink. And there are also a variety of symbols in Chinese paintings, such as bamboo bat carp
an air of living nature, harmony and peace that is not always found in the art of other
civilizations. It is entirely different from Western paintings, but that difference is hard to
colors used in paintings. The one without outlines is called boneless landscape.
Flower and bird painting: Flowers, rocks and birds are usually the main subjects of this king
Step3: Warming up
warming up by thinking and talking
ask students to name some famous paintings and painters from China.
Who are your favorite painters from China?
Warming up by giving more detailed information about the history, styles and symbols of Chinese
the Chinese have for centuries seen paintings as the highest form of art, Chinese paintings have
grasp and express. The following are some different forms of art divided in terms of their
Figure painting: It includes portraits, story painting and genre painting with figures as
the main subject. Lines are very key point.
Landscape painting: Chinese landscape paintings can be divided into blue-and- green landscape,
gold-and-green landscape, light-purple-red landscape and water ink landscape according to the
chrysanthemum clouds crane dragon eagle fish golden fish lion lotus peacock peony phoenix pine plum tiger vase. Step4: Pre-reading ask students to match the paintings and the painters
Unit1 Art
三维目标设计 1,知识目标(knowledge) a. To understand the meaning of the following new words and phrases: abstract (抽象的)sculpture(雕塑) gallery(画廊) faith(信念) aim(目标) conventional(传统的) typical(典型的) evident(明显的) adopt(采用) possess(拥有) superb(杰出的) possession (财 产)technical(技术) by coincidence (巧合地) a great deal(大量的) shadow(阴影) ridiculous (荒 谬的) controversial (争议的) attempt(企图) on the other hand (另一方面) predict(预测) b. to learn the style feature symbols of Chinese painting. c. to learn the history of western painting. d. to learn how to express your feelings using the subjunctive mood. 2 能力目标(skills and ability) to develop the students’ reading ability by skimming and scanning the text. to develop the students’ speaking ability by talking about the Chinese and western paintings. 3,情感目标(emotion and value) a. to stimulate students’ sense of beauty and the ability of understanding, enjoying and creating beauty. b. to develop the students’ sense of cooperative learning. 教学重点: let student learn more about history and basic knowledge of Chinese and western paintings get student to learn more reading skills. Enable students to talk about Chinese and western paintings. 教学难点: develop students’ reading ability. develop students’ speaking ability 课时:选修 6 unit 1 Art 第一课时 学教策略(process and methods) while revision the teacher can ask students to have a contest( divide the students into 4 groups, members of each group write words down on the blackboard one by one. the group which writes the most words in total is the winner.) while doing warming up the teacher can lead in the topic by showing some pictures to the students(the pictures are all about arts).then ask them to talk something about Chinese paintings and painters. Finally, the teacher can give more detailed information about the history, styles and symbols of Chinese paintings, so to arouse the students’ interest to learn something about western paintings. In the course of pre--reading the teacher can ask students to recall as many western paintings as possible. if they can’t, the teacher can show them some famous western painters and paintings .then ask students to discuss the differences between Chinese and western paintings(give them some words to help their discussion),when they are discussing the teacher can go around the classroom to see. During reading and comprehending the teacher main first ask students to read the text quickly to get the main idea of the text and find out the periods of western paintings. After that, the students are supposed to answer some questions by reading the text carefully. Then ask students to read the passage once again to get some detailed information and fill the blanks. To consolidate the contents of the text the teacher ask the students to retell the history of
the western paintings in their own words. 教学过程
Step1: Revision 1.check the homework 2.have a contest ( divide the students into 4 groups, members of each group write words down on the blackboard one by one. the group which writes the most words in total is the winner.) Step2: lead—in
Show the students the followin来自百度文库 pictures to stimulate them to think about the topic of this lesson
(seal cutting)