
脉象浮紧 floating and tense pulse
手法补泻 reinforcing and reducing manipulations
寒邪束表 pathogenic cold hampering the exterior
拇指平推法 horizontal pushing with the thumb
清热凉血药 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood
宣肺平喘 disperse lung qi to stop asthma
引经报使 guiding action
灵活化裁 flexible modification
针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox
中草药 Chinese medicinal herbs
炮制 processing
四气五味 four properties and five tastes
清除杂质 eliminating impurity
入药部分 the part used for medical purpose
风为百病之长 wind is the leading factor in causing various diseases
水液代谢障碍 disturbance of water metabolism
气随津脱 exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid
离经之血 abnormal flow of the blood
津液的形状、功能与分布 form, function, and distribution of the body fluid

中医的专业术语英文翻译大家在写中医论文时候常常遇到一些不容易翻译的词汇,yjbys 网整理了中医的专业术语英文翻译,方便大家写作。
中国医药学:traditional Chinese medicine中医基础理论:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验:clinical experience辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation本草:materia medica //medicinal herbs中药Chinese herbs四气五味:four properties and five tastes针灸acupuncture and moxibustion各家学说theories of different schools汗法: diaphoresis /diaphoretic therapy下法:purgative therapy吐法:emetic therapy补土派:school of invigorating the earth病因学说:theory of etiology养生:health-cultivation医疗实践medical practice治疗原则:therapeutic principles寒凉药物:herbs of cold and cool nature滋阴降火:nourishing yin to lower fire瘀血致病:disease caused by blood stasis先天之精:congenital essence气的运动变化:movement and changes of qi。


Aangiopteris sparsisora Ching 法斗观音座莲Aconitum austroyunnanense W.T.Wang 滇南草乌Aconitum nagarum var. heterotrichum Fletch. Et Lauener. 皱叶乌头 Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Wight et Arn 顶果木Actinidia chinensis Planch.Actinidiaceae 中华猕猴桃Actinidia kungshanensis C.Y.Wu et S.H.Chen 贡山猕猴桃Aesculus lantsangensis Hu et Fang 澜沧七叶树Aesculus wangii Hu ex Fang 云南七叶树Agapetes burmanica W. E. Evans 缅甸树萝卜Alseodaphne petiolaris (Meissn.) Hook.f 长柄油丹Alsophila costularis Bak. 中华桫椤Alsophila spinulosa(Wall.ex Hook.)Tryon 桫椤Amalocalyx yunnanensis Tsiang 毛车藤Amoora yunnanensis (H.L.Li)C.Y.Wu 云南崖摩Amygdalus mira Koehne 光核桃Anisodus acutangulus C.Y.Wu et C.Chen ex C.L.Chen 三分三Anogeissus acuminata nceolata Wall.ex Clarke 榆绿木Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.)Lesch. 见血封喉Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Gilg. 土沉香Archangiopteris henryi Christ et Gies 原始观音莲座Artocarpus hypargyreus Hance ex Benth 白桂木Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. 野菠萝蜜Barringtonia pendula(Griff.)Kurz 垂穗金刀木Beaumontia grandiflora(Roxb.)Wall. 清明花Beilschmiedia yunnanensis Hu 滇琼楠Berneuxia thibetica Decne 岩匙Brainea insignis(Hook.)J.Son 苏铁蕨Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. 伯乐树Bulleyia yunnanensis Schltr.. 蜂腰兰Burretiodendron esquirolii (Lêvl.)Rehd. 心叶蚬木Butea monosperma (Lam.)O.Ktze. 紫铆Calycopteris floribunda(Roxb.)Lam 萼翅藤Camellia rcticulata Lindl. 云南山茶Camellia sinensis var. assamica (Mast.) Kitam. 野茶树Camellia yunnanensis (Pitard ex Diels ) Cohen-Stuart(Teaceae) 猴子木 Camptotheca acuminata Decne. 喜树Carallia lanceaefolia Roxb.(Carallia diploetala Hand.-Mazz.) 锯叶竹节树 Carya tonkennsis Lecte 东京山核桃Caryota urens Linn. 董棕Celtis wightii Planch. 菲律宾朴树Cenocentrum tonkinense Gagn. 大萼葵Cephalotaxus lanceolata K.M.Feng ex Cheng 贡山三尖山Cephalotaxus mannii Hook.f.(Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li) 海南粗榧 Cephalotaxus oliveri Mast. 篦子三尖杉Cercis glabra Pamp. 湖北紫荆Christensenia assamica (Griff.) Chin. 天星蕨Cibotium barometz(L.)J.Sm 金毛狗Citrus hongheensis Ye et al. 红河橙Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei (Lévl.) Airy Shaw 蝴蝶果Combretum yuankiangense C.C.Huang et S.C.Huang 元江风车子 Coptis quinquesecta W. T. Wang 五裂黄连Coptis teeta Wall. 云南黄连Corylus chinensis Franch. 华榛Craigia yunnanensis W.W.Smith et W.E.Evans 滇桐Crypteronia paniculata Bl. 隐翼Cycas diannanensis Z.T.Guan et G.D.Tao 滇南苏铁Cycas hongheensis S.Y.Yang et S.L.Yang 灰干苏铁Cycas micholitzii micholitzii Thiselton-Dyer 叉叶苏铁Cycas mulitipinnata C.J.Chen et S.Y.Yang 多歧苏铁Cycas panzhihuaensis L.Zhou et S.Y.Yang 攀枝花苏铁Cycas parvulus S.L.Yang 元江苏铁Cycas pectinata Griff. 篦齿苏铁Cycas simplicipinna K.Hill 单羽苏铁Cyclobalanopsis rex(Hemsl.)Schott. 大果青冈Cypripedium lijiangennse S. C. Chen et Cribb 丽江杓兰 Cypripedium margaritaceum Franch 斑叶杓兰Cyrtomium hemionitis 单叶贯众Dactylicapnos scandens(D.Don)Hutch. 紫金龙Dalbergia fusca var. enneandra Zou et Liu 版纳黑檀Davidia involucrata Baillon 珙桐Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana (Dode)Wang. 光叶珙桐 Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo 黑节草Desmos yunnanensis(Hu)P.T.Li 云南假鹰爪 Deutzianthustonkinensis Gagnap. 东京桐Dichocarpum hypoglaucum W.T.Wang et Hsiao 粉背叶人字果 Dichotomanthus tristaniaecarpa Kurz 牛筋条Dimocarpus longan Lour. 龙眼Dipentodon sinicus Dunn 十萼花Diphylleia sinensis H.L.Li 南山荷叶Diploknema yunnanensis D.D.Tau et Z.H.Yang Q.T.Chang 云南藏榄 Diplopanax stachyanthus Hand.-Mazz. 马蹄参Dipterocarpus retusus Bl. 北越龙脑香Dipteronia dyeriana Henry 云南金钱槭Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep. 海南龙血树Dracaena cochinchinensis(Lour.)S.C.Chen 剑叶龙血树Dysosma veitchii (Hemsl. Et Wils.) Fu ex Ying 川八角莲 Dysosma versipellis (Hance.)M.Cheng ex Ying 八角莲 Eberhardtia aurata(Pierre ex Dubard)Lecomote 绣毛梭子果 Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. 香果树Eriophyton wallichii Benth. Ex Wall. 绵参Eucommia ulmoides Oliv 杜仲Eurycorymbus cavaleriei(Lévl.)Rehd.et Hand.-Mazz. 伞花木 Fagopyrum dibotrys(D.Don)Hara 金荞麦Firmiana major(W.W.Smith)Hand.-Mazz. 云南梧桐Garcinia paucinervis chun et How 金丝李Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. 大果藤黄Gastrodia elata Blume 天麻Ginkgo biloba Linn. 银杏Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis Cheng f.et L.K.Ti 云南甘草Glyptostrobus pensilis (D.Don) Koch 水松Gmelina arborea Roxb. 滇石梓Gnetum montanum Markgr. 买麻藤Helicia shweliensis W.W.Smith 瑞丽山龙眼Hemsleya macrosperma C.Y. Wu 罗锅底Hippiphae rhamnoides subsp. Yunnanensis Rousi 云南沙棘Homalium lacticum var. glabratum C.Y.Wu 光叶天料木Hopea mollissima C.Y.Wu 多毛坡垒Horsfieldia pandurifolia Hu 琴叶风吹楠Horsfieldia tetratepala C.Y.Wu 滇南风吹楠Ixonanthes cochinchinensis Pierre 越南黏木Juglans regia L. 核桃Knema globularia (Lam.) Warbg. 小叶红光树Kopsia arboren Bl. 云南蕊木Lagerstroemia intermedia Koehne. 云南紫薇Laportea urentissima Gagnep. 树火麻Leucomeris decora Kurz 白菊木Litchi chinensis var. euspontanea Hsue 野生荔枝Lithocarpus echinophorus 壶斗石栎Litsea pierrei var. szemois Liou 思茅木姜子Lyonia compta W.W.Sm et F.F.Jeff 美花米饭树Lysidice rhodostegia Hance 龙眼参Madhuca pasquieri(Dubard.)Lar 紫荆木Magnolia henryi Dunn 大叶玉兰Magnolia odoratissima Law et R.Z.Zhou 馨香玉兰Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils. 厚朴Magnolia officinalis subsp.biloba(Rehd.et Wils.)Cheng et Law 凹叶厚朴 Magnolia roatrata W.W.Smith 长喙厚朴Magnolia wilsonii(Finet et Gagnep)Rehd 西康玉兰Malania oleifera Chun et S.Lee 蒜头果Malus rockii Rehd. 丽江山荆子Malus sikkimensis (Wenz.) Koehne 锡金海棠Mangifera sylvatica Roxb. 林生芒果Manglietia grandis Hu et Cheng 大果木莲Manglietiasdrum sinicum Law 花盖木Marsdenia incisa P.T.Li et Y.H.Li 裂冠牛奶菜Meconopsis wumungensis K.M.Feng ex C.Y.Wu et H.Chuang 乌蒙绿绒蒿 Megacarpaea delavayi Franch. 高河菜Melhenia hamitoniana Wall. 梅蓝Melodinus yunnanensis Tsiang et P.T.Li 云南山橙Mesua ferrea L. 铁力木Michelia hedyosperma Law 香籽含笑Myristica yunnanensis Y.H.Li 云南肉豆蔻Mytilaria laosensis Lecte. 壳菜果Neocheiropteris palmatopedata(Bak.)Christ 扇蕨 Neocinnamomum mekongense (H.-M.)Kostem. 沧江新樟Notholirion campanulatum Cotton et Stearn 钟花假百合Nouelia insignis Franch. 栌菊木Nymphaea tetragona Georgi 茈碧莲Nyssa yunnanensis W.C.Yin 云南蓝果树Omphalogramma delavayi(Franch.)Franch. 大理独花报春Oryza granulata Nees et Arn. Ex Hook.F. 疣粒野生稻Oryza officinalis Wall. Ex Watt 药用野生稻Osmanthus corymbosus H.W.Li ex P.Y.Bai 平顶桂花Ottelia acuminata (Gagnep.)Dandy 海菜花Paeonia delavayi Franch. 滇牡丹Paeonia delavayi var. lutea ( Franch.) Finet et Gagnep. 黄牡丹 Panax stipuleanatus Tsai et Feng ex C.Chow et al. 屏边三七 Paphiopedilum armeniaclum S.C.Chen et F.Y.L.iu 杏黄兜兰 Paphiopedilum bellatum (Rchb.f.)Stein 巨瓣兜兰Paphiopedilum concolor (Batem.) Pfitz. 同色兜兰 (国色光兰) Paphiopedilum dianthum Tang et Wang 长瓣兜兰Paphiopedilum henryanum Braem 亨利兜兰Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum (Lndl.ex Hook.)Stein 带叶兜兰 Paphiopedilum markianum Forwlie 虎斑兜兰Paphiopedilum melipoense S.C.Chen et Tsi 麻栗坡兜兰 Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang 硬叶兜兰Paphiopedilum purpuratum (Lindl.)Stein 紫纹兜兰Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.)Stein 紫毛兜兰Paphiopedilum wardii Summerh 彩云兜兰Paramichelia baillonii(Pierre)Hu 合果木Paraquilegia microphylla (Royle)Drumm. Et Hutch. 拟耧斗菜 Parashorea chinensis Wang Hsie 望天树Parepigynum funingense Tsiang et P.T.Li 富宁藤Paris luquanensis H.Li 禄劝花叶重楼Pellacalyx yunnanensis Hu 山红树Phodoleia henryi Tong 滇南红花荷Phoebe macrocarpa C.Y.Wu 大果楠Pinus griffithii Me Clelland 乔松Pinus squamata X. W. Li 巧家五针松Pinus wangii Hu et Cheng 毛枝五针松Platyceium wallichii Hook. 鹿角蕨Pleione forrestii Schltr. 黄花独蒜兰 大理独蒜兰Podocarpus imbricatus Bl. 鸡毛松Poikilospermum suaveolens (Bl.)Merr. 锥头麻Pometia tomentosa (Bl.) Teysm. Et Binn. 绒毛番龙眼Poncirus polyandra S.Q.Din et al 富民枳Premna szemaoensis Pei 思茅豆腐柴Psammosilene tunicoides W.C.Wu et C.Y.Wu 金铁锁Pseudotsuga forrestii Craib 澜沧黄杉Pseudotsuga sinensis Dode 黄杉Pterocarpus indicus Willd 紫檀木Pterocarya delavayi Fr. 云南枫杨Pterospermum menglumse Hsue 勐仑翅子树Pterostyrax psilophylla Diels ex Perk. 白辛树Qiongzhurea tumidenoda Hüseh et Yi 筇竹R.haematodes Franch. 似血杜鹃R.sucundum Balf.F.et W.W.Smith 和蔼杜鹃Rauvolfia yunnanensis Tsiang 云南萝芙木Rehderodendron macrocarpum Hu 木瓜红Rhaphidophora megaphylla H.Li 大叶崖角藤Rhododendron cyanocarpum (Franch.)W.W.Smith 蓝果杜鹃Rhododendron fictolactum Balf.f. 假乳黄杜鹃Rhododendron glanduliferum Franch. 大树杜鹃Rhododendron rex Lévl. 大王杜鹃Rhododendron vialii Delavay & Franch. 红马银花Rhoiptelea chiliantha Diels et Hand 马尾树Rosa odorata (Andr.)Sweet 香水月季Saraca griffithiana Prain 云南无忧花Schizomussaenda dehiscens(Craib)Li 裂果金花Shorea assamica Dyer 云南婆罗双树Silvianthus bracteatus Hook.f. 蜘蛛花Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle)Ying 桃儿七Sinopteris grevilleoides(Christ)C.Chr.Et Ching 中国蕨Sorolepidium glaciale Christ 玉龙蕨Sphaeropteris bruninoana (Hook.) Copel. 白桫椤Staphylea forrestii Balf.f. 嵩明省枯油Symphoricarpos sinensis Rehd. 毛核木Tacca chantrieri Andre 箭根薯Taiwania flousiana Gaussen 秃杉Taraklogenos annamensis Gagnep. 大叶龙角Taxus wallichiana var.mairei(Lemée & H.Léveillè)L.K.Fu & Nan Li 南方红豆杉 Terminalia myriocarpa Huerck et M.-A. 千果榄仁Tetracentron sinense Oliv. 水清树Tetrameles nuiflora R.Br. 四数木Toona ciliata Roem. 红椿Toona ciliata var. pubescens (Franch.)Hand.-Mazz. 毛红椿Trachycarpus nana Becc. 龙棕Trigonobalanus doichangensis (A.Camus)Forman 三棱栎Trillium tschonoskii Maxim. 延龄草Triosteum himalayanum Wall. 穿心莛子藨Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun 观光木Tsuga chinensis var.tchekiangensis (Flous)Cheng et L.K.Fu 南方铁杉Vatica xishuangbannaensis G.D.Tao wt J.H.Zhang 版纳青梅Zenia insignis Chun 翅荚木Zizyphus mairai Dode 大果枣。

中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。
中药 Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。
中医学 traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经历为主体,研究人类生命活动中安康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
中药学 Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。
中医药 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。
中医药学 traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同开展,密不可分。
中西医结合 integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和开展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。
中医根底理论 basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和说明中医学的根本概念、根本理论、根本规律、根本原那么的学科。
中医诊断学 diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、区分证候的根底理论、根本知识和根本技能的学科。
方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与方剂配伍规律及其临床运用的学科。

1.安神剂formula for tranquilization2.半身不遂hemianesthesia3.膀胱bladder4.表证exterior syndrome5.病机pathogenic factors6.病因the causes of diseases7.补益剂tonic formula8.处方prescription9.大肠large intestine10.胆gallbladder11.方剂herbal formula12.供血不足deficiency pf blood13.寒湿cold-damp14.寒证cold syndrome15.和解剂formula for mediation16.解表剂formula for relieving exterior syndrome17.津液fluids18.精jing/ vital essence19.久咳chronic cough20.久泻不止chronic diarrhea21.开处方prescribe22.口臭foul breath/ halitosis23.口舌糜烂erosion of mucous membrane in the oral cavity24.口眼歪斜deviation of the eye and mouth25.里证interior syndrome26.理气剂formula for regulating the flow of qi27.理血剂formula fr regulating blood28.六腑six fu-organs29.六淫the six evils30.脉blood vessels31.名老中医famous veteran doctor of traditional Chinese medicine32.内热interior-heat33.内湿endogenous wetness-evil34.怒伤肝anger injures the liver35.配药fill the prescription36.配药禁忌incompatible application of drugs37.七情the seven emotions38.悲sadness39.惊fright40.恐fear41.怒anger42.思anxiety43.喜joy44.忧worry45.气qi/ vital energy46.气门energygae/ sweat pore47.气虚deficiency of qi48.气滞stagnation of qi49.清热剂formula for clearing up internal heat50.祛湿剂formula for eliminating damp51.祛痰剂phlegm-resolving formula52.热证hot syndrome53.三焦triple energizer54.失血loss of blood55.暑summer-heat56.天庭middle of the forehead57.温里剂formula for clearing up internal cold condition58.五官five sense organs ( nose, eye, lip, tongue and ear)59.五禽戏Wuqinxi/ Five-Animal Boxing60.五体five body constituents ( tendon, vessel, muscle, hair, skin and bone)61.五味five tastes62.甘味sweet63.苦味bitter64.酸味sour65.咸味salty66.辛味pungent/ aromatic67.五行five elements68.火fire69.金metal70.水water71.土earth72.五行学说theory of five elements73.五脏five zang-organs74.肺lung75.肝liver76.脾spleen77.肾kidney78.心heart79.寒性cold80.相生inter-promoting81.相克interacting82.小便短赤oliguria with reddish urine83.小便灼热urination with burning sensation84.小肠small intestine85.小儿夜啼nocturnal fretfulness in infants86.小腿转筋spasm of the calf87.邪evil88.邪火evil fire89.心神烦乱irritability90.虚deficiency91.血瘀stagnated blood92.药剂dose93.阴阳学说yin and yang doctrine94.用法用量usage and dosage95.忧伤脾anxiety injures the spleen96.淤血blood stasis97.元气yuan qi/ primordial energy98.燥dryness99.正genuine100.中草药Chinese medicinal herb101.中风apoplexy/ wind-stroke syndrome of taiyang102.中暑sunstroke103.中药Chinese materia medica104.中药房Chinese medicine pharmacy105.中药四性the four properties of Chinese drugs106.宗气zong qi/ pectoral energy107.祖传秘方 a secret prescription handed down in the family from generation to generation108.嗳气hiccuping109.辨证论治differentiation of syndromes110.标本兼治treat both the principal and the secondary aspects of a disease at the same time111.表里双解expelling pathogens from both interior and exterior112.潮热tidal fever113.薄舌苔thin tongue coating114.沉脉sinking pulse115.喘dyspnea with wheezing116.促脉running pulse/ abrupt and irregular pulse117.寸脉cun pulse/ the distal position of radical pulse118.大脉large pulse/ gigantic pulse119.代脉intermittent pulse120.得神full of vitality121.低热low fever122.调理阴阳coordinating yin and yang123.短气shortness of breath124.呃逆belching125.风证wind syndrome126.扶正固本strengthening body resistance127.扶正解表strengthening resistance to relieve exterior syndrome128.扶正祛邪strengthen the geunine qi and eliminate the evil qi129.浮脉floating pulse130.攻下法purgation method131.寒热往来alternate spells of chill and fever132.寒因寒用treating false-cold syndrome with cold natured drugs133.滑脉slippery pulse134.缓脉slow pulse135.缓则治本treating the fundamental aspect of a disease136.急则治标treating the acute symptoms first in emergency cases137.疾脉swift pulse138.结脉knotted pulse139.解表法resolving exterior method140.紧脉tense pulse/ tight pulse141.牢脉firm pulse142.内治法internal treatment143.切palpation/ pulse taking144.切脉take one’s pulse/ feel one’s pulse145.清热攻下clearing heat and purgation146.攻补兼施reinforcement and elimination in combination147.清肃肺气the lung-qi being kept pure and descendant148.散脉scattered pulse149.伤寒里证interior-syndrome/ superficies-syndrome of exogenous febrile diseases150.疏风透疹dispelling wind to promote eruption151.少气rough breath152.失神loss of vitality153.实脉full pulse154.数脉rapid pulse155.四诊Si Zhen/ four methods of examination156.太息sighing157.同病异治treating same diseases with different methods158.望inspection159.望舌苔observation of the tongue movement160.望舌态observation of the tongue movement161.望神inspection of shen ( vitality)162.闻olfaction163.问inquiry164.细脉thready pulse/ fine pulse165.弦脉stringy pulse166.哮dyspnea without wheezing167.辛解凉表resolving exterior with pungent and cool natured drugs 168.辛凉清热clearing heat with pungent and cool-natured drugs169.辛温解表relieving exterior syndrome with pungent and warm natured drugs170.虚者补之treating deficiency syndrome with tonifying method171.异病同治treating different diseases with same methods172.益气解表benefiting qi to relieve exterior syndrome173.因地制宜treatment in accordance with local conditions174.因人制宜treatment in accordance with the patient’s individuality 175.因时制宜treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions176.阴盛阳衰overabundance of yin leads of weakness of yang177.治病求本treatment aiming at its pathogenesis178.治法method of treatment179.中西医会诊consultation by doctors practicing traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine180.中西医结合combination of traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine181.主证syndrome182.助阳解表reinforcing yang to relieve exterior syndrome183.滋阴解表nourishing yin to relieve exterior syndrome184.督脉du meridian185.二十八脉twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition186.敷贴治疗application treatment187.经络jingluo/ channel and collateral/ meridian188.经脉main channel/ channel system/ main passage189.经穴meridian acupoint190.埋线疗法catgut-embedding therapy191.平补平泻normal reinforcement and normal reduction192.奇经八脉eight extra channels193.任脉ren meridian194.三伏dog days/ last dog days/ the peak summer days195.三焦triple warmer196.三阳three yangs ( taiyang, shaoyang and yangming channels/ taiyang channel/ bladder channel of foot taiyang)197.三阴three yins ( taiyin, shaoyin and jueyin channels/ taiyin channel/ spleen channel of foot taiyin198.十二经脉twelve regular channels199.推拿按摩Chinese massage200.穴位acupoint201.阴阳yinyang202.元气primordial energy203.晕针fainting during acupuncture204.胀distension205.针刺法acupuncture/ needle metod206.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion207.针灸科Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion208.针灸医生acupuncturist209.针灸治疗acupuncture and moxibustion theory210.打坐meditation211.丹田dantian/ hypogastric212.导气conduct one’s qi213.道家气功Taoist qigong214.调气regulate breathing215.调息regulating breathing216.调心regulate mind217.格物致知look into matters for the attainment of knowledge 218.跪坐squat呼气exhale219.静坐sitting quietly220.练气cultivate one’s qi (vital energy)221.默念法method of reading silently222.内功internal work223.盘腿打坐cross-leg sitting224.平坐式normal sitting posture225.屏息hold breathing226.气通任督脉法ventilation through the Ren and Du channels 227.儒家气功Confucian qigong228.入静get into quietness229.深呼吸deep breathing230.数息法method of counting number231.吐纳Tu Na (exhaling and inhaling)232.外功external work233.武术气功wushu (martial art) qigong234.吸气inhale235.修身养气cultivate one’s moral character and vital energy 236.仰卧式supine posture237.养生法regime238.肢体运动movements of the extremities239.自然呼吸法method of natural breathing中药翻译Translation of Herbal Medicine240.中草药herbal medicine241.艾叶Argyi Wormwood Leaf/ Argyi Leaf242.白花蛇舌草Oldenlandia243.白芨Bletilla Tuber244.白芥子White Mustard Seed245.白茅根Lalang Grass Rhizome246.白芍White Peony Root247.白术Largehead248.白头翁Pulsatila Root249.白芷Dahurian Angelica Root250.百部Stemona Root251.柏子仁Arbovitae Seed252.半边莲Chinese Lobelia253.半夏Pinellia Tuber254.半枝莲Barbated Skullcap255.板蓝根Isatis Root256.北沙参Glehnia Root257.鳖甲Turtle Shell258.冰片Borneol259.薄荷Peppermint260.苍耳子Cocklebur Fruit261.苍术Atractylodes Rhizome262.柴胡Thorowax Root263.蝉蜕Cicada Slough264.车前子Plantain Seed265.陈皮Tangerine Peel266.沉香Eagle Wood267.赤芍Red Peony Root268.赤石脂Red Halloysite269.赤小豆Rice Bean270.穿心莲Anrographis Herb271.川贝母Tendrilled Fritillary Bulb272.川牛膝Cyathula Root273.刺五加Thorny Acanthopanax Root274.葱白Welsh-onion Stalk275.大黄Rhubard276.大枣Chinese date277.大腹皮Areca Peel278.丹参Red Sage Root279.当归Chinese Angelica Root280.党参Tangshen281.淡竹叶Lophatherum Herb282.灯心草Rush283.地肤子Broom Cypressfruit/ Belvedere Fruit 284.地骨皮Wolfberry Bark285.地龙Earthworm286.地榆Burnet Root287.丁香Clove288.冬虫夏草Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 289.豆蔻Round Cardamom Fruit290.阿胶Donkey-hide Glue291.杜仲Ucommia Bark292.番泻叶Senna293.防风Saposhnikovia Root294.佛手Citron295.附子Prepared Aconite Lateral Root296.茯苓Fuling / Indian Bread297.浮小麦Light Wheat298.覆盆子Raspberry299.干姜Dried Ginger300.甘草Licorice Root301.甘遂Kansui Root302.高良姜Galangal Rhizome303.葛根Kudzuvine Root304.枸杞子Wofberry Fruit305.广藿香Cablin Patchouli306.龟板Tortoise Plastron307.桂枝Chinese Cinnamon Twig308.海藻Seaweed309.合欢皮Silktree Bark310.何首乌Fleeceflower Root311.红花Safflower312.厚朴Officinal Magnolia Bark313.黄柏Phellodendron Bark314.黄精Solomonseal Rhizome315.黄连Goldthread Rhizome316.黄芪Milkvetch Root317.怀牛膝Twoteethed Achyranthes Root 318.槐花Pagodatree Flower319.火麻仁Hemp Seed320.藿香Giant-hyssop321.鸡骨草Canton Love-pea Vine322.鸡内金Chicken's Gizzard-skin 323.鸡血藤Saptholobus Stem324.僵蚕White-stiff Silkworm325.金钱草Loosestrife326.金樱子Cherokee Rose Fruit327.金银花Honeysuckle Flower328.降香Rose Wood329.菊花Chrysanthemum Flower330.橘红Red Tangerine Peel331.苦杏仁Bitter Apricot Seed332.款冬花Coltfoot Flower333.昆布Sea Tangle334.苦参Light-yellow Sophora Root 335.莱菔子Radish Seed336.雷公藤Tripterygium337.连翘Forsythia Fruit338.莲子Lotus Seed339.羚羊角Antelope's Horn340.龙胆Gentian Root341.龙骨Dragon’s Bone342.龙眼肉Longan Aril343.芦根Reed Rhizome344.鹿茸Pilose Antler345.麻黄Ephedra346.麻黄根Ephedra Root347.马兜铃Duchmanspine Fruit 348.麦冬Lilyturf Root349.麦芽Germinated Barley350.蔓荆子Chastetree Fruit351.芒硝Sodium Sulfate352.牡丹皮Tree Peony Bark353.木香Costus Root354.木瓜Flowering-quince Fruit 355.木通Clematis Stem356.女贞子Glossy Privet Fruit357.牛黄Bezoar358.牛蒡子Great Burdock359.胖大海Boat-fruited Sterculia Seed 360.佩兰Eupatorium361.枇杷叶Loquat Leaf362.蒲公英Dandelion363.蒲黄Cat-tail Pollen364.前胡Hogfennel Root365.芡实Gordon Euryale Seed366.青黛Natural Indigo367.清风藤Orientvine368.青蒿Sweet Wormwood369.青皮Green Tangerine Peel 370.羌活Notopterygium Rhizome 371.全蝎Scorpion372.人参Ginseng373.肉豆蔻Nutmeg374.肉桂Chinese Cinnamon Bark 375.乳香Frankincense376.三棱Burreed Tuber377.三七Notoginseng378.桑白皮White Mulberry Bark 379.桑寄生Mulberry Mistletoe 380.桑葚Mulberry Fruit381.桑叶Mulberry Leaf382.砂仁Spiny Amomum Fruit 383.山慈菇Pleione Pseudobulb 384.山豆根Vietnamese Sophora Root 385.山药Chinese Yam386.山楂Hawthorn Fruit387.山茱萸Dogwood Fruit388.麝香Musk389.蛇床子Cniduim Fruit390.生姜Fresh Ginger391.生地黄Dried Rehmannia Root392.升麻Bugbane Rhizome393.神曲Medicated Leaven394.石菖蒲Grass-leaved Sweetflag Rhizome 395.石膏Gypsum396.石斛Dendrobium397.石决明Cassia Seed398.水牛角Buffalo Horn399.熟地黄Prepared Rehmannia Root 400.首乌藤Fleece-flower Stem401.酸枣仁Spiny Date Seed402.檀香Sandal Wood403.桃仁Peach Seed404.天冬Asparagus Root405.天麻Gastrodia Tuber406.天南星Jack-in-the-Pulpit Tuber 407.土鳖虫Ground Beetle408.菟丝子Dodder Seed409.威灵仙Clematis Root410.乌梅Smoked Plum411.乌药Spicebush Root412.蜈蚣Centipede413.五倍子Chinese Gall414.五加皮Acanthopanax Bark415.五味子Magnoliavine Fruit416.吴茱萸Evodia Fruit417.西洋参American Ginseng418.细辛Wild Ginger419.夏枯草Selfheal Spike420.仙鹤草Agrimony421.仙茅Curculigo Rhizome422.小茴香Fennel423.辛夷花Magnolia Flower424.续断Teasel Root425.旋复花Inula Flower426.玄参Figwort Root427.延胡索Corydalis Tuber428.薏苡仁Coix Seed429.益母草Motherwort430.茵陈Oriental Wormwood431.银柴胡Starwort Root432.鱼腥草Houttuynia433.郁金Turmeric Root434.郁李仁Bush-cherry Seed435.远志Milkwort Root436.泽泻Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome437.浙贝母Thunberg Fritillary Bulb438.知母Anemarrhena Rhizome439.栀子Cape-jasmine Fruit440.猪苓Chuling/ Umbellate Polypore441.朱砂Cinnabar442.竹茹Bamboo Shaving443.紫草Arnebia Root/ Gromwell Root444.紫河牛Human Placenta445.紫花地丁Violet Herb446.紫苏梗Perilla Stem447.紫苏叶Perilla Leaf448.紫苑Tatarian Aster Root古医药典Collection of Ancient Reference Books of Medicine 449.《本草经集注》Collective Notes to the Canon of Materia Medica (Tao Hongjing, 536)450.《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica( Li Shizhen,1578)451.《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine(722-221B.C.)452.《金匮要略》Synopsis of Golden Chamber (Zhang Zhongjing)453.《景岳全书》Jingyue’s Complete Works(Zhang Jingyue, 1624)454.《千金翼方》Supplement to Thousand Golden Prescriptions ( Sun Simiao, 682)455.《千金要方》Essential Formulas for Emergencies Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold( Sun Simiao,652)456.《伤寒论》Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases (Zhang Zhongjing, 219)457.《伤寒杂病论》Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases and Internal Diseases ( Zhang Zhongjing,219)458.《神农本草经》Shen Nong’s Canon on Materia Medica (100-180 B.C.) 459.《素问》Plain Questions (722-221, B.C.)460.《洗冤录》Records for Washing Away of Wrong Cases (Song Ci, 1247) 461.《永乐大典》Great Encyclopedia of Yongle(1403-1424)。

中医英语重要词汇针灸:acupuncture and moxibustion。
经络:meridian/channel and collateral。
归经:meridians tropism淡红舌:light red tongue,淡白舌:pale tongue。
薄苔:thin coating。
厚苔:thick coating,润:moist,燥dry,腻:greasy。
枯荣老嫩:flourishing,withered,tough,tender.,prescription配伍关系:compatibility/combination relationship。
方剂的加减:modification of prescription .药~medicinal君臣佐使:sovereign,minister,assistant,guide。
手足厥冷:reversal cold of hand and feet,哮:wheezing 哮喘:asthma。
自汗:spontaneous sweating,尿频:frequent urination,带下:leukorrhea。
便溏:loose stool。
呕吐:vomiting,嗳气:belching. 得神:presence of vitality,呃逆:hiccup,太息:sighing.小便:urine,大便:stool。
胁痛:hypochondriac pain,咯血:hemoptysis,胸痛:chest pain,眩晕:vertigo/dizziness,心悸:palpitation,腹痛:abdominal pain。
游走性关节疼痛:migratory arthralgia pain。

Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语acupunture and moxibusion 针灸health maintenance 养生drugs cold and cool 寒凉药the schoolof cold and cool 寒凉派diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下the school of purgation 攻下派exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪reinforcing the earth 补土internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃由生yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足nourishing yin 滋阴medicinal herbs 草药blood stagnation 淤血warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃中国医药学: traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论: basic theory of traditional百病Chinese medicine 临床经验: clinical experience 辨证论治: treatment based on syndrome differentiation; pattern identification and treatment 本草: materia medica中药: Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药: Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味: four properties and five tastes 针灸: acupuncture and moxibustion 各家学说: theories of different schools 汗法: diaphoresis; sweating therapy 下法: purgative therapy; precipitation 吐法: emetic therapy; vomiting therapy 补土派: school of invigorating the earth 病因学说:etiology养生: health cultivation; health improvement; health preservation 医疗实践: medical practice治疗原则: therapeutic principles 寒凉药物: cold and cool medicinals 滋阴降火: nourishing yinto reduce fire 瘀血: blood stasis 正气: healthy qi 病邪: pathogenic factor 整体观念: holism; holistic concept 气血运行: circulation of qi and blood 自然现象: natural phenomenaLess on Two Materialism and Dialectics in Traditi onal Chin ese Medici ne中医术语Materialism 唯物主义dialectics 辩证法celestial qi 天气terrestrial qi 地气the in teract ion betwee n yin and yang 阴阳相互作用the lucid yang asce nds to con stitute the earth 清阳为天qi tran sformati on 气化essenee 精pren atal esse nee 先天之精she n( spirit) 神pathological factor 邪气the oppositi on and un ity of yin and yang 阴阳对立统一the moti on and cha nges of yin and yang 阴阳运动变化organic whole 有机整体Five kinds of visceral qi 五脏之气five emoti onal cha nges 五志excessive rage impairs the liver 怒伤肝excessive joy impairs the heart 喜伤心excessive meditati on impairs the splee n 思伤脾excessive mela ncholy impairs the lung 悲伤肺excessive fright impairs the kid ney 恐伤肾routi ne treatme nt and con tray treatme nt 正治反治tit-for-tat(or blow-for-blow) 正治reinforcing therapy 补法purg ing therapy 泄法differe ntial applicati on and therapeutic methods 异法方宜men tal activity 神志活动the heart is the king orga n resp on sible for the activity of thinking con scious ness心为君主之官主神志意识will 意termed 志thi nki ng 思wisdom 智summer-heat 暑热zhe ngqi ( healthy qi ) 正气Less on Three The Basic Characteristics of TCM materilism and dialectics 唯物论和辨证法the concept of organic whole 整体观念treatment based on syndrone differentian 辨证论治draw ing yin from yang 从阴弓丨阳treati ng the ni ghts for curi ng disease on the left 从右治左treating the same disease with different therapies 同病异治treati ng differ nt disease with the same therapy 异病同治clear away fire in the heart 清心火sprouting occurs in spring ,growth in summer,transformationg in late summer ,reaping in autumn andstoring in win ter春生夏长秋收冬藏the relation between pachogenic factors and healthy qi 正邪关系the four diag no sic methods 四诊purg ing the small in test ine 泻小肠spri ng is usually marked by warrachs , summer by heat ,late summer by damp ness ,autu mnby dryn ess and win ter by cold 春暖夏暑长夏秋燥冬寒the interstitial space are open when one swears clothes in summer 天暑衣厚则奏理开哲学概念:philosophical concept对立统一:opposition and unity相互消长:mutual waning and waxing阴阳属性:nature of yin and yang相互转化:mutual transformation相互联系:interrelation相互制约:mutual restraint动态平衡:dynamic equilibrium阴平阳秘:yin and yang in equilibrium相互依存:interdependence阴阳的互根互用:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳离绝:dissociation of yin and yang阴阳转化:transformation between yin and yang阳消阴长:yang waning while yin waxing阴胜则阳病:predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang阳胜则热:predo minance of yang gen erat ing heat寒极生热:extreme cold generating heat热极生寒:extreme heat generating cold相反相成:opposite and supplementary to each other生理功能:physiological functions病理变化:pathological changes临床诊断:cli ni cal diag no sis阳胜生外热:exuberanee of yang leading to exterior heat阳中求阴:obtaining yin from yang阳虚则寒:yang deficiency leading to heat阳损及阴:impairment of yang involving yin阴中之阳:yang within yin阴阳两虚:simultaneous deficiency of yin and yang阳虚发热:fever due to yang deficiency阴阳学说:theory of yin and yang症状与病名 stomatitis 口腔炎 dyse ntery 痢疾measles 麻疹 the collapse of zhongqi 中气下陷 Less on Four The Theory of Yin and Yang中医术语相互消长: growth and decli ne betwee n yin and yang阴阳属性: yin and yang properties相互转化:in ter-tra nsformati on相互依存:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳的无限可分性: the infinite divisibility of yin and yang阴平阳秘: yang steadies while yin calms阳消阴长: waning of yang will lead to waxi ng of yin阳胜则热: predo minance of yang gives rise to heat syn drome寒极生热: extreme cold brings on heat热极生寒: extreme heat brings to cold阴中之阴:yin within yin阳中之阳: yang with in yang阴中之阳: yin withi n yang阳中之阴: yang within yin阴阳互根:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳自和: n atural harm ony of yin and yang春生 sprouting in spring夏长 growing in summer秋收 reaping in autumn冬藏 stori ng in win ter相互制约: mutual oppositi on and restrict ion betwee n yin and yang动静升降出入 motion and quiescence ,ascending and descending exiting and entering孤阳不升,孤阴不长 if only yang exists ,there will be no birth,if only yin exists,there will be no growth .动态平衡 dyn amic equilibrium阴胜则热 excess of yang causing heat阴阳失调 :imbalance between yin and yang阴阳两虚 deficie ncy of both yin and yangdual vacuity of yin and yang 阴阳乖戾 dysequilibrium betwee n yin and yang 阴阳离决 separati on of yin and yangwhile yin is (exubera nt)prevails, there is cold wisema n 02proctoptosis 脱肛hysteroptosis 子宫脱垂ulcer 溃疡yin-yang disharm ony wiseman 02/ 谢竹藩 04wisema n 02yin g-ya ng imbala nce 谢竹藩04阳胜则热whe n yang prevails, there is heat wisema n 02阳胜则阴病when yang prevails, yin ails wiseman 02阴胜则阳病whe n yin prevails, yang ails wisema n02阳虚则外寒whe n yang is vacuous, there isexter nal c old wisema n02阴虚则内热whe n yin is is vacuous, there i s i nternal heat wisema n02阴损及阳detrime nt to yang affects yin wisema n02阳损及阴exubera nt yin repelli ng yang wisema n02阴虚火盛exubera nt yin vacuity fire wisema n02exuberanee of fire/due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002 李照国阴虚火旺effulge nt yin vacuity fire wisema n 02yin vacuity fire effulge nt wisema n 02yin deficiency with effulgent fire 中医药常用名词术语英译2004。

•The six exogenousɛkˈsɑdʒənəs] factors 外感六淫•The seven emotions 七情•Improper [ɪmˈprɔpə] diet 饮食失调(不适当)•Over strain 过度疲劳•Lack of physical exercise 缺乏锻炼·Traumatic injuries;external[eksˈtə:nl] injury 创伤、外伤Traumatic [trɔ:ˈmætɪk]外伤用的•Bitten by animal and insect 蛇虫鼠咬·Stagnated blood and phlegm[flem] fluid[ˈflu:ɪd]瘀血痰湿[ˈstæɡneit]vi.停滞, 不流动, 不发展phlegm [flem] 1.痰2.冷静,镇定fluid [ˈflu:ɪd]液体流体·外感: diseases caused by exogenous evils[ekˈsɔdʒinəs]外因的·六淫: six evils[ˈi:vəl]坏的•风邪: wind - evil•寒邪: cold - evil•暑邪: summer heat-evil•湿邪: wetness - evil•燥邪: dryness - evil•火邪: fire - evil•热邪: heat - evil·惊恐伤肾: fear impairing kidney[imˈpɛə] vt.损害, 削弱•悲忧伤肺: sadness impairing lung•思虑伤脾: worry impairing spleen·暴喜伤心: overwhelming joy impairing heart [ˌəuvəˈhwelm] vt难以禁受•大怒伤肝: rage impairing liver vi.n•deficiency[diˈfiʃənsi] 虚•excess 实超过, 过多之量•exterior 表 interior 里•Yin 阴 Yang 阳 Cold 寒 Heat 热· rising and falling of vital energy and evils 邪正盛衰[ˈvaitəl] 必不可少的·阴阳失调 disharmony of Yin and Yang [ˈdisˈhɑ:məni]不调和·气血失调 disorder of Qi and Blood·虚中夹实, deficiency complicated with excess·上盛下虚, excess in upper and deficiency in lower·真实假虚, true excess disease with false deficient manifestation·表虚/实, exterior deficiency/excess·里虚/实, interior deficiency/excess·阳盛/虚, yang excessiveness / deficiency·阴阳偏衰, deficiency of either yin or yang·虚阳上浮, deficient yang with upper manifestation显示·阴虚发热, fever due to yin deficiency•阴虚火旺, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency活动过度•虚火上炎, deficient fire flaring up 加剧、突发vi•阳损及阴, yang deficiency involving yin•亡阴/阳, yin/yang depletion [dɪˈpli:ʃən]用尽•阴阳离决, divorce of yin-yang 分离•真寒假热, true cold disease with false heat manifestation 表现•寒热错杂, intermingled cold and heat [ˌɪntəˈmɪŋgəl] vt、vi(使)混合•表热里寒, exterior heat with interior cold•Four diagnostic 四诊•Inspection Observation 望诊检查,视察•Listening and smelling闻诊•Inquiry Auscultation and Olfaction 问诊•Palpation and pulse taking切诊 [pʌls]•Body palpation按诊•Abdominal examination 腹诊 [æbˈdɔmənəl] 腹部•Symptoms 症状[ˈsimptəm]•Syndrome 综合症[ˈsindrəum]•Physiotherapy 物理疗法[ˌfiziəuˈθerəpi]•Sign 体征•心悸 Palpitation [pælpiˈteiʃn]•怔忡 Fearful throbbing[θrɔb]vi搏动•乏力 Lack of strength•目眩 dizzy vision[ˈdizi] 眩晕 [ˈviʒən] 视力, 视觉•眩晕 dizziness•头重 heavy-headedness•神疲 lassitude of spirit [ˈlæsɪˌtju:d] 无精打采•昏厥 fainting[feint]•多梦 profuse dream [prəˈfju:s] 浪费的•健忘 forgetfulness•胸闷 oppression in the chest [əˈpreʃən]压抑•短气 shortness of breath•烦躁 agitation[ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən]•反胃 stomach reflux [ˈri:flʌks]逆流,退潮•恶心 nausea [ˈnɔ:zi:ə,•干呕 dry retching[retʃ]vi 干呕•呕吐 vomiting[ˈvɔmit] vt.vi .n•呃逆 hiccup[ˈhɪkəp]•吐酸 acid regurgitation [ˈæsid] ,酸的[riˌɡə:dʒiˈteiʃən]回流•痞满 stuffiness and fullness,闷•胃脘痛 stomach duct pain [dʌkt] 导管•口苦 bitter taste in the mouth•口臭 fetid mouth odor [ˈfetɪd] 恶臭的 [ˈəudə]气味,名声•口淡 bland taste in the mouth[blænd] 清淡的•厌食 anorexia[ˌænəˈreksi:ə]•fear of cold 畏寒•aversion to cold 恶寒. [əˈvə:ʃən] 厌恶•shivering 寒战的 [ˈʃivəriŋ]•High fever 壮热•tidal fever 潮热[ˈtaɪdl]•alternating chills and fever 寒热往来 [ˈɔ:ltɜ:ˌnɪtɪŋ]交替的[tʃil]寒冷· Vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles 五心烦热[ˈveksɪŋ] 使人烦恼的[pɑ:m] 手掌[səul]脚心· nasal congestion 鼻塞 [ˈneɪzəl]鼻的 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 阻塞•dyspnea 喘[disˈpni:ə]•frequent urination 小便频数 [ˈjuəriˈneiʃən]撒尿•reddish red urine 小便黄赤 [ˈredɪʃ]淡红色的[ˈjuərin•inhibited urination 小便不利 [ɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd] 压抑的,拘谨的•hematuria 尿血•Stone strangury 石淋[ˈstræŋɡjuri]•sloppy stool 便溏 [ˈslɔpi:] 太稀的 [stu:l] 大便•Hard bound stool 大便硬结 [baund]被捆绑的•diarrhea 泄泻 [ˌdaɪəˈri:ə]•tenesmus 里急后重 [təˈnezməs]•Qi collapse 气脱 [kəˈlæps] 倒塌, 崩溃•Qi stagnation 气滞stægˈneɪʃən]•Blood stasis 血瘀 [ˈsteisis]•Flooding 血崩•sunken middle qi 中气下陷 [ˈsʌŋkən] 下陷的•insufficiency of middle qi 中气不足 [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənsi:] 不足•disharmony of qi and blood 气血失调 [ˈdisˈhɑ:məni] 不调和•dual deficiency of qi and blood 气血两虚 ['duəl]两部分的, •blazing of qi and blood 气血两燔 [ˈbleiziŋ]炽热的•Heat entering pericardium 热入心包 [ˌperiˈkɑ:djəm]心包膜· impairment of fluid 伤津 [imˈpɛəmənt]损伤•器质性精神障碍 Organic psychoses [psai'kəusi:z]•精神分裂症 Schizophrenia [,skidzəu'freniə]•情感性精神障碍 Affective psychoses [psai'kəusi:z]•神经症 Neuroses [njuə'rəusi:z]情感 affection情绪 emotion心境 mood自知力 insight定向力 orientation精神障碍 Mental illness精神紊乱 Mental disorder•器质性精神病 organic psychosis [ɔ:'ɡænik] [psai'kəusis]•遗忘综合症amnestic [æm'nistic] syndrome•谵妄 delirium [di'liriəm]•痴呆 dementia [di'menʃiə]•精神分裂症 schizophrenia [,skidzəu'freniə]•偏执型paranoid ['pærənɔid] type•紧张型catatonic [,kætə'tɔnik] type•青春型 hebephrenic type•单纯型 simple type•未分化型 Undifferentiated [,ʌndifə'renʃieitid] type•残留型 Residual type•精神分裂症后抑郁 Post-schizophrenia depression [,skidzəu'freniə]神经症 neurosis [njuə'rəusis]恐惧症 phobia ['fəubiə]焦虑症 Anxiety广泛性焦虑症 generalized anxiety disorder[dɪsˈɔrdɚ] 不适;疾病强迫症 obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessive[əbˈsɛsɪv, ɑb-]固执偏执的compulsive[kəmˈpʌlsɪv] 极有趣的,令人着迷的2. 因着迷而引起的,上瘾的3. 强迫性的•心境障碍 mood disorder•狂躁 mania•抑郁 depression•易激惹 irritability [,iritə'biləti]•双相障碍 biplor disorder•意志增强 hyperbulia [haipə'bjuliə]•意志减弱 hypobulia [haipɔ'bjuliə]•恶劣心境 dysthymic [dis'θimik] disorder•环性心境障碍 cyclothymia [,saikləu'θaimiə]•抗抑郁药antidepressant drugs [,æntidi'presənt]Inspection of Vitality [vaɪˈtælɪti:] 生活力/complexion 面色[kəmˈplekʃən] aggravated(加剧)alcohol酒精•coldness of limbs•The patient has been drinking alcohol for more than 20 years.·patient has repeated attacks of stomachache for 20 years with marked deterioration(恶化) when he is hungry, relief after food intake.For the recent half year, the symptoms above became more serious which were manifested as consistent pain in the stomach, belching[beltʃ]嗳气and regurgitation[riˌɡə:dʒiˈteiʃən回流, moving and distending[dɪˈstend] 肿胀 pain due to fullness in chest and abdomen æbˈdəʊmən] 腹部 and anorexia[ˌænəˈreksi:ə] (厌食)。

中医常用词汇Terms Commonly Used in TCM中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine治未病prevention of disease中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera临床经验clinical experience功能活动functional activities辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation形神统一unity of the body and spirit本草materia medica, herbs阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese medicinal herbs条达舒畅free development四气五味four properties and five tastes延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease各家学说theories of different schools正气healthy qi, vital qi汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy病邪pathogenic factor下法purgative therapy, purgation整体观念concept of holism吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations of disease补土派school of invigorating the earth阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin and yang病因学说etiology疾病的发生与发展occurrence and development of disease 养生health-cultivation,同病异治treating the same disease with different therapies 医疗实践medical practice异病同治treating different diseases with the same therapy 治疗原则therapeutic principles五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature, cold-natured herbs 六腑six fu-organs, six fu-viscera滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire经络系统system of meridians and collaterals滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis有机整体organic wholeness/integrity先天之精congenital essence表里关系exterior and interior relation形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit开窍opening into开胃promoting appetite自然现象natural phenomena脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern哲学概念philosophical concept邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and healthy qi对立统一unity of opposites发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold相互消长mutual waning and waxing头身疼痛headache and body pain相互转化mutual transformation久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolonged dysentery阴阳属性nature of yin and yang养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing away heat相互联系interrelation清肺热clear away lung-heat相互制约mutual restraint, mutual restriction/interaction 湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading the lung动态平衡dynamic equilibrium清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitial space阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang水湿停滞retention of water and dampness, water retention 相互依存interdependence癃闭retention of urine阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood相反相成opposite and supplementary to each阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang生理功能physiological functions阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing病理变化pathological changes阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang 临床诊断clinical diagnosis阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin寒极生热extreme cold generating heat绝对偏盛absolute predominance热极生寒extreme heat generating cold阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency病机pathomechanism, pathological mechanism阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yin and yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin金水相生generation between the metal and water祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction 消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention制则生化restriction ensuring generation潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ五行学说theory of five elements传变transmission of disease, progress of disease运动变化motion and variation子病犯母disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ正邪相争struggle/combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors 肝肾精血不足insufficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood 相生相克mutual generation and restriction肝阳上亢hyperactivity of liver yang生我,我生to be generated and to generate心肝血虚asthenia / deficiency of heart and liver blood克我,我克to be restricted and to restrict心肝火旺exuberance of heart and liver fire生中有制restriction within generation心火亢盛hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire克中有生generation within restriction滋肾养肝nourishing the kidney and liver木曰曲直wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally 方位配五行correspondence of the directions to the five elements 火曰炎上fire is characterized by flaming up温肾健脾warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen土爰稼穑earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping肾阳式微declination of kidney yang金曰从革metal is characterized by change脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang病缓起gradual onset of disease脾胃虚弱hypofunction/weakness of the spleen and stomach 肝阴不足insufficiency of liver yin地道不通menopause相乘相侮over-restriction and reverse restriction平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 水湿停聚retention of water-dampness水火不济discordance between water and fire肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin藏象学说theory of visceral manifestations心肾不交disharmony between the heart and kidney奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs宣通水道dredging water passage水谷精微cereal nutrients, essence of water and food通调水道dredging and regulating water passage传化水谷transmission and transformation of food行气利水activating qi to excrete water贮藏精气storage of essence水液停滞retention of fluid治疗效果curative / therapeutic effect后天之本postnatal / acquired base of life藏而不泻storage without excretion调畅气机regulating qi activity泻而不藏excretion without storage肝气上逆upward flow of liver qi表热里寒exterior heat and interior cold水曰润下water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing肝旺脾虚hyperfunction of the liver and weakness of the spleen医.学.全.在线.网.站.提供脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation大肉陷下obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation肝气郁结stagnation of liver qi面色红润ruddy complexion, rosy cheeks胆虚证gallbladder deficiency syndrome胆虚不得眠insomnia due to gallbladder asthenia腐熟水谷digesting food导便法laxation食欲不振poor appetite跌打损伤traumatic injury脘腹胀闷epigastric distension and depression动静结合integration of motion and quietness/stillness嗳气酸腐eructation with fetid odor定喘relieving asthma泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid心主血脉the heart controlling blood and vessels食物残渣residue of food心气充沛abundance of heart qi大肠主传导the large intestine governing transmission and transportation 防御外邪入侵preventing the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factor 癃闭dysuria, retention of urine, anuria and dysuria血液充盈plenty of blood面黄肌瘦emaciation with sallow complexion脉道不利unsmoothness of vessels止珠偏斜strabismus, squint, ocular deviation面色无华lusterless complexion调节水液regulation of water脉象细弱thin and weak pulse排泄糟粕excretion of waste material面色萎黄sallow complexion髓海不足insufficiency of marrow-sea汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin精神委靡dispiritedness, listlessness, lower spirit升降出入ascending, descending, coming in and going out月经不调irregular menstruation气为血帅qi serves as the commander of the blood冲任不固weakness of thoroughfare and conception vessels 气血凝滞stagnation of qi and blood经期延长prolonged menstruation血瘀blood stasis小肠实热sthenia-heat in the small intestine气滞腰痛lumbago due to qi stagnation气机调畅smooth activity of qi气虚滑胎habitual abortion due to qi asthenia气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind血液循行circulation of the blood惊悸不安palpitation due to fright气的运动形式the moving styles of qi血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding血液亏虚deficiency of the blood离经之血abnormal flow of the blood津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood脉细无力thin and weak pulse肌肤干燥dry skin肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood脏腑火热炽盛exuberant fire and heat in the viscera机体正常水液normal fluid inside the body热迫血分heat invading the blood phase气滞津停retention of fluid due to stagnation of qi寒凝气滞stagnation of cold and qi身倦乏力lassitude气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis伤津脱液consumption and loss of the body fluid津液的营养和滋润作用the nourishing and moistening functions of the body fluid津液的生成、输布和排泄production, distribution, and excretion of the body fluid 腹痛拒按unpalpable abdominal pain脾的“散精”功能the function of the spleen to “dissipate essence”津液不足insufficiency of the body fluid水液停聚retention of water奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels, eight extraordinary meridians胃的“游溢精气”the function of the stomach to “distribute essence”津液生化匮乏scanty production of the body fluid津液的代谢平衡the metabolic balance of the body fluid热盛耗伤津液consumption of the body fluid due to excessive heat风为百病之长wind is the leading factor in causing various diseases水液代谢障碍disturbance of water metabolism气随津脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid水湿困脾dampness encumbering the spleen濡养肌肤moistening and nourishing the skin湿邪内盛exuberance of interior dampness经脉之海sea of meridians脾虚水肿edema due to spleen deficiency滋养脏腑moistening and nourishing the viscera运行全身气血transporting qi and blood in the whole body十二经别twelve branches of meridians联络脏腑肢节connecting with viscera, limbs and joints经别divergent meridians循行路线running route经气meridian qi十二正经twelve regular meridians十二皮部twelve skin areas, twelve skin regions/divisions 经隧阻滞blockage of meridians十二经筋twelve meridian tendons经穴meridian acupoints, Jing-River acupoint饮食劳倦improper diet and overstrain经络辨证syndrome differentiation according to meridians 风寒感冒common cold due to wind-cold经络感传meridian conduction, channel transmission湿热泄泻diarrhea due to damp-heat经络现象meridian phenomena内生五邪five endogenous pathogenic factors经络阻滞blockage of meridians风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the superficies舒筋活络relaxing tendons and activating collaterals游走性关节疼痛migratory arthralgias刺血疗法blood-pricking therapy阳气衰退decline of yang-qi外感六淫attacked by six climate pathogenic factors六淫six climatic evils感受寒邪attacked by pathogenic cold经闭发肿amenorrhea with edema虚实夹杂deficiency complicated with excess, asthenia complicated with sthenia 邪正盛衰predominance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi寒性凝滞cold tending to stagnate by nature病症的虚实变化asthenia and sthenia changes of disease腠理闭塞blockage of muscular interstices机体的抗病能力body resistance经脉拘急收引contraction of tendons五心烦热feverish sensation over the five centers湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness encumbering the spleen五心five centers (palms, soles and chest)疾病的发生、发展与变化occurrence, development and changes of disease生津安神promoting the production of body fluid and tranquilizing the mind体质强弱conditions of constitution蓄血发黄jaundice due to blood accumulation气血功能紊乱dysfunction of qi and blood脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang阴阳偏盛大relative predominance of yin and yang阴虚生内热yin deficiency generating interior heat五志过极extreme changes of emotions热极生风extreme heat producing wind精气夺则虚depletion of essence causing deficiency七情内伤internal injury due to emotional disorder阴阳互损mutual consumption of yin and yang饮食不节improper diet真热假寒true heat and false cold暴饮暴食craputence气机郁滞不畅stagnation of qi activity神昏谵语coma and delirium津液代谢失常disorder of fluid metabolism四诊合参combined use of the four diagnostic methods 寒热往来alternate attacks of chill and fever精神活动mental activities津伤化燥consumption of fluid transforming into dryness 面部表情facial expressions风火胁痛hypochondriac pain due to wind-fire精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi口眼歪斜wry mouth with distorted eyes, facial distortion 预后良好favorable prognosis湿浊内生endogenous turbid dampness表情淡漠apathetic facial expressions虚火上炎flaming of asthenia-fire精神不振dispiritedness邪气内陷internal invasion of pathogenic factors神志不清unconsciousness大肠热结retention of heat in the large intestine轻宣润燥dispersing lung qi and moistening dryness心脉瘀阻blood stasis in the heart vessels四肢抽搐convulsion of the limbs镜面舌mirror-like tongue脏腑辨证syndrome differentiation of viscera饥不欲食hunger without desire for food病位与病性location and nature of disease脉有胃气pulse with stomach qi表里同病disease involving both the exterior and interior清里泄热clearing away heat in the interior风热眩晕vertigo due to wind-heat寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome寒热错杂simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat舌淡苔白而润滑light-colored tongue with white and slippery coating表邪入里invasion of the exterior pathogenic factors into the interior祛风解痉expelling wind to relieve convulsion外感胃脘痛stomachache due to exogenous pathogenic factors医.学全.在.线网站恶寒与恶热aversion to cold and aversion to heat潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating口干唇裂dry mouth with cracked lips高热谵妄high fever with delirium脉数无力rapid and weak pulse和血止痛regulating blood to alleviate pain寒邪郁而化热stagnation of pathogenic cold changing into heat寒因寒用treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature 未病先防preventing measures taken before the occurrence of disease 热因热用treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature 补气健脾invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen塞因塞用treating obstructive syndrome with tonifying therapy补血养心enriching blood to nourish the heart发汗解表relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis水气凌心water attacking the heart风热乳蛾tonsillitis due to wind-heat心悸多梦palpitation and dreaminess痰饮咳嗽cough due to fluid retention血为气母the blood serving as the mother of qi实热蕴结accumulation of sthenia-heat调摄精神regulating mental states舒肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach血脉流畅smooth circulation of blood清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire关节通利smooth movement of joints疏风泄热dispelling wind and reducing heat气机调畅free activity of qi行气消瘀activating qi to resolve stagnation益寿延年promoting longevity养血润肠nourishing the blood and moistening the intestine治病求本treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease因时、因地、因人制宜applying proper therapeutic measure in line with season, local conditions and individuality急则治其标relieving the secondary symptoms first in treating acute disease缓则治其本relieving the primary symptoms in treating chronic disease通腑泄热purging fu-organs to eliminate heat燥湿化痰drying dampness and resolving phlegm标本兼治treatment focusing on relieving both the secondary and primary symptoms正虚邪实asthenia of healthy qi and sthenia of pathogenic factors痰湿壅肺accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung血枯经闭amenorrhea due to blood exhaustion祛虫消积removing parasites to eliminate accumulation中草药Chinese medicinal herbs炮制processing四气五味four properties and five tastes清除杂质eliminating impurity入药部分the part used for medical purpose作用和缓mild effect药物采集collection of herbs发散解表relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion收敛astringency方剂学science of prescriptions软坚散结softening hardness to dissipate stagnation配伍关系compatibility燥湿健脾drying dampness and strengthening the spleen组成规律prescription-formulating principle升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating方剂的加减modification of prescriptions归经meridian tropism剂型和剂量drug form and dosage用药禁忌contraindication in using herbs君臣佐使monarch, minister, assistant and guide药物用量dosage药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herbs辛温解表药relieving exterior syndrome with herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature 十八反与十九畏eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism 袪风湿药herbs for expelling wind and dampness调和诸药moderating the property of herbs胸痛彻背thoracic pain involving the back温经散寒warming meridians to dissipate cold清热凉血药herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood 宣肺平喘disperse lung qi to stop asthma引经报使guiding action灵活化裁flexible modification针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox 清散郁热clearing away and dispersing stagnant heat针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling 随症加减modification according to symptoms针刺手法needling techniques, manipulation药物饮片processed herbs进针手法methods for inserting the needle内服散剂powder for oral taking针刺止痛alleviating pain with acupuncture外用膏剂medicinal extract for exterior application针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia, acu-anesthesia开水冲服mixing in boiled water for oral taking针感needling sensation浓缩浸膏condensed extract皮内针intradermal needle耳针疗法ear acupuncture treatment针刺的角度与深度angle and depth of needling提插捻转lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands水针疗法hydro-acupuncture therapy行针manipulating the needle头针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy化脓灸blistering moxibustion推拿手法manipulations for tuina, manipulating techniques瘢痕灸scarring moxibustion减轻疼痛alleviating pain艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone功法训练exercise for practicing tuina灯火灸lamp moxibustion放松肌肉relaxing muscles温针灸warm needling method解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension一指禅推法pushing manipulation with one finger活动受限confined activity点按法point-pressing manipulation关节脱位dislocation of joint大鱼际揉法kneading manipulation with the large thenar医.学全.在.线网站腰椎间盘突出protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc交替搓揉alternative rubbing and kneading旋转复位rotating reduction腰肌劳损injury of lumbar muscles软组织损伤injury of soft tissues解除痉挛relieving spasm关节粘连僵硬adhesion and stiffness of joint外感发热exogenous fever滑利关节lubricating joint脉象浮紧floating and tense pulse手法补泻reinforcing and reducing manipulations寒邪束表pathogenic cold hampering the exterior拇指平推法horizontal pushing with the thumb邪热入里interior invasion of pathogenic heat午后潮热afternoon tidal fever四肢厥冷cold limbs热扰神明heat disturbing mind阳气不振inactivation of yang-qi形体消瘦emaciation少气懒言lack of qi and no desire to speak祛痰止咳药herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough。

中医常用词汇Terms Commonly Used inTCM中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine 治未病prevention of disease中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional 脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera Chinese medicine临床经验clinical experience 功能活动functional activities辨证论治treatment based on syndrome 形神统一unity of the body and spirit differentiation本草materia medica, herbs 阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese 条达舒畅free developmentmedicinal herbs四气五味four properties and five tastes 延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox 养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease各家学说theories of different schools 正气healthy qi, vital qi汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy 病邪pathogenic factor下法purgative therapy, purgation 整体观念concept of holism吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy 疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations ofdisease补土派school of invigorating the earth 阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin andyang病因学说etiology 疾病的发生与发展occurrence and developmentof disease养生health-cultivation, 同病异治treating the same disease with differenttherapies医疗实践medical practice 异病同治treating different diseases with thesame therapy治疗原则therapeutic principles 五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature, 六腑six fu-organs, six fu-visceracold-natured herbs滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire 经络系统system of meridians and collaterals滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood 余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis 有机整体organic wholeness/integrity先天之精congenital essence 表里关系exterior and interior relation形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit 开窍opening into开胃promoting appetite 自然现象natural phenomena脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern 哲学概念philosophical concept邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and 对立统一unity of oppositeshealthy qi发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold 相互消长mutual waning and waxing头身疼痛headache and body pain 相互转化mutual transformation久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolonged 阴阳属性nature of yin and yangdysentery养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing away heat 清肺热clear away lung-heat湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading the lung清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire 腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitial space水湿停滞retention of water and dampness, water retention癃闭retention of urine气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood 阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing 阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat 寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 热极生寒extreme heat generating cold 阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis 病机pathomechanism, pathological mechanism阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yin and yang虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome 扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind 相互联系interrelation相互制约mutual restraint, mutualrestriction/interaction动态平衡dynamic equilibrium 阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang相互依存interdependence阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang相反相成opposite and supplementary to each 生理功能physiological functions病理变化pathological changes临床诊断clinical diagnosis阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin绝对偏盛absolute predominance阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold 阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal金水相生generation between the metal and water 生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction制则生化restriction ensuring generation母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organuo!iexe∣蚩甸昔Pooj 6U!1SΘ6!P EW谐劉Biusqise JoPPElqIlEb o; θnp eiuiuosui现昔Hr翠Il θiuojpuXs X□uθ∣□!pp Jθppe∣q∣∣e63WHs>∣θθq□ XSOJ 1uoιxθ∣dιuo□ XPPnJ Mi95^® !b JΘΛI∣ jo uoneu6e;S ⅞∣⅛‰⅛UO!iEQELU0 OLUaIlXO I XqdOJle UOI;BLUJOjSUBJ; PUe JelnoSnLU PUe Uoiieioeiio sno∣Λqo丄励呦¥UO!冋OdSUEJl 6UIUJΘΛO6 uθθ∣ds OIIl 羽吴丰⅛fuθθ∣ds OIIl jo 6UIΛΛO∣J pjBΛΛu∕v∖op PUe S UIUSISIOLU ssθu>∣eθΛΛ PUe JΘΛI∣OIIl P uoιpunjjθdXq翠⅛f丑舟Xq pθzμθpejeq□ si JΘIBΛΛ丄風日W PIOo Joμθiu! 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交替搓揉alternative rubbing and kneading
旋转复位rotating reduction
腰肌劳损injury of lumbartissues
针刺的角度与深度angle and depth of needling
提插捻转lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating
双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands
水针疗法hydro-acupuncture therapy
中草药Chinese medicinal herbs
四气五味four properties and five tastes
清除杂质eliminating impurity
入药部分the part used for medical purpose
减轻疼痛alleviating pain
艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone
功法训练exercise for practicing tuina
灯火灸lamp moxibustion
放松肌肉relaxing muscles
温针灸warm needling method
解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension
燥湿健脾drying dampness and strengthening the spleen
组成规律prescription-formulating principle

中医常用词汇01中医常用词汇Terms Commonly Used inTCM中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine 治未病prevention of disease中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, visceraChinese medicine临床经验clinical experience 功能活动functional activities形神统一unity of the body and spirit辨证论治treatment based on syndromedifferentiation本草materia medica, herbs 阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese条达舒畅free developmentmedicinal herbs四气五味four properties and five tastes 延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox 养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease各家学说theories of different schools 正气healthy qi, vital qi汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy 病邪pathogenic factor下法purgative therapy, purgation 整体观念concept of holism吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy 疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations ofdisease补土派school of invigorating the earth 阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin andyang病因学说etiology 疾病的发生与发展occurrence and developmentof disease养生health-cultivation, 同病异治treating the same disease with differenttherapies医疗实践medical practice 异病同治treating different diseases with thesame therapy治疗原则therapeutic principles 五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera六腑six fu-organs, six fu-viscera寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature,cold-natured herbs滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire 经络系统system of meridians and collaterals滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood 余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis 有机整体organic wholeness/integrity先天之精congenital essence 表里关系exterior and interior relation形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit 开窍opening into开胃promoting appetite 自然现象natural phenomena脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern 哲学概念philosophical concept邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and对立统一unity of oppositeshealthy qi发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold 相互消长mutual waning and waxing头身疼痛headache and body pain 相互转化mutual transformation久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolongeddysentery阴阳属性nature of yin and yang养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing awayheat相互联系interrelation清肺热clear away lung-heat 相互制约mutual restraint, mutualrestriction/interaction湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading thelung动态平衡dynamic equilibrium清热泻火clearing away heat and reducingfire阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitialspace阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang 水湿停滞retention of water and dampness,water retention相互依存interdependence癃闭retention of urine 阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood 相反相成opposite and supplementary to each阴阳转化transformation between yin andyang生理功能physiological functions阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing 病理变化pathological changes阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading todisorder of yang临床诊断clinical diagnosis阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang 阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳胜则热predominance of yang generatingheat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 绝对偏盛absolute predominance热极生寒extreme heat generating cold 阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin 阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin andyang阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid 阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin andyang病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis 阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency病机pathomechanism, pathologicalmechanism阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang 阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yinand yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome 木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin 金水相生generation between the metal andwater祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold 生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction消导积滞promoting digestion and removingfood retention制则生化restriction ensuring generation潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind 母病及子disease of the mother-organ affectingthe child-organ五行学说theory of five elements 传变transmission of disease, progress ofdisease运动变化motion and variation 子病犯母disease of the child-organ affecting themother-organ正邪相争struggle/combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors 肝肾精血不足insufficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood相生相克mutual generation and restriction 肝阳上亢hyperactivity of liver yang生我,我生to be generated and to generate 心肝血虚asthenia / deficiency of heart and liverblood克我,我克to be restricted and to restrict 心肝火旺exuberance of heart and liver fire生中有制restriction within generation 心火亢盛hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire 克中有生generation within restriction 滋肾养肝nourishing the kidney and liver木曰曲直wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally 方位配五行correspondence of the directions to the five elements火曰炎上fire is characterized by flaming up 温肾健脾warming the kidney and strengtheningthe spleen土爰稼穑earth is characterized by cultivationand reaping肾阳式微declination of kidney yang金曰从革metal is characterized by change 脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang病缓起gradual onset of disease 脾胃虚弱hypofunction/weakness of the spleenand stomach肝阴不足insufficiency of liver yin 地道不通menopause相乘相侮over-restriction and reverse restriction 平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水湿停聚retention of water-dampness 水火不济discordance between water and fire肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin 藏象学说theory of visceral manifestations心肾不交disharmony between the heart andkidney奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs宣通水道dredging water passage 水谷精微cereal nutrients, essence of water andfood通调水道dredging and regulating waterpassage传化水谷transmission and transformation of food 行气利水activating qi to excrete water 贮藏精气storage of essence水液停滞retention of fluid 治疗效果curative / therapeutic effect后天之本postnatal / acquired base of life 藏而不泻storage without excretion调畅气机regulating qi activity 泻而不藏excretion without storage肝气上逆upward flow of liver qi 表热里寒exterior heat and interior cold水曰润下water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing 肝旺脾虚hyperfunction of the liver and weakness of the spleen脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation 大肉陷下obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation肝气郁结stagnation of liver qi 面色红润ruddy complexion, rosy cheeks胆虚证gallbladder deficiency syndrome 胆虚不得眠insomnia due to gallbladder asthenia 腐熟水谷digesting food 导便法laxation食欲不振poor appetite 跌打损伤traumatic injury脘腹胀闷epigastric distension and depression 动静结合integration of motion and quietness/stillness嗳气酸腐eructation with fetid odor 定喘relieving asthma泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid 心主血脉the heart controlling blood and vessels 食物残渣residue of food 心气充沛abundance of heart qi大肠主传导the large intestine governing transmission and transportation 防御外邪入侵preventing the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factor癃闭dysuria, retention of urine, anuria anddysuria血液充盈plenty of blood面黄肌瘦emaciation with sallow complexion 脉道不利unsmoothness of vessels止珠偏斜strabismus, squint, ocular deviation 面色无华lusterless complexion调节水液regulation of water 脉象细弱thin and weak pulse排泄糟粕excretion of waste material 面色萎黄sallow complexion髓海不足insufficiency of marrow-sea 汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the sameorigin精神委靡dispiritedness, listlessness, lower spirit 升降出入ascending, descending, coming in and going out月经不调irregular menstruation 气为血帅qi serves as the commander of theblood冲任不固weakness of thoroughfare andconception vessels气血凝滞stagnation of qi and blood经期延长prolonged menstruation 血瘀blood stasis小肠实热sthenia-heat in the small intestine 气滞腰痛lumbago due to qi stagnation气机调畅smooth activity of qi 气虚滑胎habitual abortion due to qi asthenia。

中医常用词理解及英文表达[学科]中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician①医学的简称。
中药Chinese materia medica在中医理论指导下应用的药物。
中医学traditionalChinese medicine以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
中药学Chinese material medica中药学科的统称。
中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology本草:Materia medica中药:Chinese material medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等)中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics药材:Medicinal substance(material)中西医结合 integration of traditional and western medicine中医基础理论basi ctheory of traditional Chinese medicine中医诊断学 diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions中医内科学 internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine[阴阳]The Theory of Yinand Yang阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang阴阳制约:Restriction of/between yin and yang阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang[五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil生:promote, generate, engender克: act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel[整体观念] concept of organic wholeness辩证法 dialectics生长化收藏 sprouting, growth, transformation, ripening, storage内外环境统一性 the unity between the internal and external environments机体自身整体性 the integrity of the body itself古代唯物论和辩证法 classic Chinese materialism and dialectics矛盾统一the contradictory unity互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other标本 Biao (secondary aspect) and Ben (primary aspect)本质与现象nature and phenomena矛盾的普遍性和特殊性universality and speciality of contradictions寒者热之Cold disease should be treated by warm therapy热者寒之warm disease should be treated by cold therapy虚者补之deficiency syndrome should be treated by tonifying therapy实者泻之excess syndrome should be treated by purgation therapy治病必求其本Treatment of diseases must concentrate on the root cause同病异治treatment of the same disease with different therapeutic methods异病同治treatment of different diseases with the same therapeutic method[精气神]清阳为天The lucid Yang ascends to form the heaven浊阴为地The turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth气化Qi transformation升降出入 ascending, descending, going out, coming in出入废则神机化灭,升降息则气立孤危。
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中医常用词汇中医, 词汇气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase 气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding血液亏虚deficiency of the blood 离经之血abnormal flow of the blood津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid 气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood脉细无力thin and weak pulse 肌肤干燥dry skin肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood脏腑火热炽盛exuberant fire and heat in the viscera 机体正常水液normal fluid inside the body热迫血分heat invading the blood phase 气滞津停retention of fluid due to stagnation of qi寒凝气滞stagnation of cold and qi 身倦乏力lassitude气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis 伤津脱液consumption and loss of the body fluid津液的营养和滋润作用the nourishing and moistening functions of the body fluid 津液的生成、输布和排泄production, distribution, and excretion of the body fluid腹痛拒按unpalpable abdominal pain 脾的“散精”功能the function of the spleen to “dissipate essence”津液不足insufficiency of the body fluid 水液停聚retention of water奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels, eight extraordinary meridians 胃的“游溢精气”the function of the s tomach to “distribute essence”津液生化匮乏scanty production of the body fluid 津液的代谢平衡the metabolic balance of the body fluid热盛耗伤津液consumption of the body fluid due to excessive heat 风为百病之长wind is the leading factor in causing various diseases水液代谢障碍disturbance of water metabolism 气随津脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid水湿困脾dampness encumbering the spleen 濡养肌肤moistening and nourishing the skin湿邪内盛exuberance of interior dampness 经脉之海sea of meridians脾虚水肿edema due to spleen deficiency 滋养脏腑moistening and nourishing the viscera运行全身气血transporting qi and blood in the whole body 十二经别twelve branches of meridians联络脏腑肢节connecting with viscera, limbs and joints 经别divergent meridians循行路线running route 经气meridian qi十二正经twelve regular meridians 十二皮部twelve skin areas, twelve skin regions/divisions经隧阻滞blockage of meridians 十二经筋twelve meridian tendons经穴meridian acupoints, Jing-River acupoint 饮食劳倦improper diet and overstrain经络辨证syndrome differentiation according to meridians 风寒感冒common cold due to wind-cold经络感传meridian conduction, channel transmission 湿热泄泻diarrhea due to damp-heat经络现象meridian phenomena 内生五邪five endogenous pathogenic factors经络阻滞blockage of meridians 风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the superficies舒筋活络relaxing tendons and activating collaterals 游走性关节疼痛migratory arthralgias刺血疗法blood-pricking therapy 阳气衰退decline of yang-qi外感六淫attacked by six climate pathogenic factors 六淫six climatic evils感受寒邪attacked by pathogenic cold 经闭发肿amenorrhea with edema虚实夹杂deficiency complicated with excess, asthenia complicated with sthenia 邪正盛衰predominance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi寒性凝滞cold tending to stagnate by nature 病症的虚实变化asthenia and sthenia changes of disease腠理闭塞blockage of muscular interstices 机体的抗病能力body resistance经脉拘急收引contraction of tendons 五心烦热feverish sensation over the five centers湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness encumbering the spleen 五心five centers (palms, soles and chest)疾病的发生、发展与变化occurrence, development and changes of disease 生津安神promoting the production of body fluid and tranquilizing the mind体质强弱conditions of constitution 蓄血发黄jaundice due to blood accumulation气血功能紊乱dysfunction of qi and blood 脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang阴阳偏盛大relative predominance of yin and yang 阴虚生内热yin deficiency generating interior heat五志过极extreme changes of emotions 热极生风extreme heat producing wind精气夺则虚depletion of essence causing deficiency 七情内伤internal injury due to emotional disorder阴阳互损mutual consumption of yin and yang 饮食不节improper diet真热假寒true heat and false cold 暴饮暴食craputence气机郁滞不畅stagnation of qi activity 神昏谵语coma and delirium津液代谢失常disorder of fluid metabolism 四诊合参combined use of the four diagnostic methods寒热往来alternate attacks of chill and fever 精神活动mental activities津伤化燥consumption of fluid transforming into dryness 面部表情facial expressions风火胁痛hypochondriac pain due to wind-fire 精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi口眼歪斜wry mouth with distorted eyes, facial distortion 预后良好favorable prognosis湿浊内生endogenous turbid dampness 表情淡漠apathetic facial expressions虚火上炎flaming of asthenia-fire 精神不振dispiritedness邪气内陷internal invasion of pathogenic factors 神志不清unconsciousness大肠热结retention of heat in the large intestine 轻宣润燥dispersing lung qi and moistening dryness心脉瘀阻blood stasis in the heart vessels 四肢抽搐convulsion of the limbs镜面舌mirror-like tongue 脏腑辨证syndrome differentiation of viscera饥不欲食hunger without desire for food 病位与病性location and nature of disease脉有胃气pulse with stomach qi 表里同病disease involving both the exterior and interior清里泄热clearing away heat in the interior 风热眩晕vertigo due to wind-heat寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome 寒热错杂simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat舌淡苔白而润滑light-colored tongue with white and slippery coating 表邪入里invasion of the exterior pathogenic factors into the interior祛风解痉expelling wind to relieve convulsion 外感胃脘痛stomachache due to exogenous pathogenic factors恶寒与恶热aversion to cold and aversion to heat 潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating口干唇裂dry mouth with cracked lips 高热谵妄high fever with delirium脉数无力rapid and weak pulse 和血止痛regulating blood to alleviate pain寒邪郁而化热stagnation of pathogenic cold changing into heat 寒因寒用treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature 未病先防preventing measures taken before the occurrence of disease 热因热用treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature补气健脾invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen 塞因塞用treating obstructive syndrome with tonifying therapy补血养心enriching blood to nourish the heart 发汗解表relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis水气凌心water attacking the heart 风热乳蛾tonsillitis due to wind-heat心悸多梦palpitation and dreaminess 痰饮咳嗽cough due to fluid retention血为气母the blood serving as the mother of qi 实热蕴结accumulation of sthenia-heat调摄精神regulating mental states 舒肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach血脉流畅smooth circulation of blood 清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire关节通利smooth movement of joints 疏风泄热dispelling wind and reducing heat气机调畅free activity of qi 行气消瘀activating qi to resolve stagnation益寿延年promoting longevity 养血润肠nourishing the blood and moistening the intestine治病求本treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease 因时、因地、因人制宜applying proper therapeutic measure in line with season, local conditions and individuality急则治其标relieving the secondary symptoms first in treating acute disease 缓则治其本relieving the primary symptoms in treating chronic disease通腑泄热purging fu-organs to eliminate heat 燥湿化痰drying dampness and resolving phlegm标本兼治treatment focusing on relieving both the secondary and primary symptoms 正虚邪实asthenia of healthy qi and sthenia of pathogenic factors痰湿壅肺accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung 血枯经闭amenorrhea due to blood exhaustion祛虫消积removing parasites to eliminate accumulation。