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月面经纬坐标(纬度ϕ,经度λ)可以用月心直角坐标,,X Y Z 表示,借助卫星的运动方程可以求出卫星在近日点位置为W N km,通过建立的卫星运动力模型和万有引力公式确定近日(19.0472,29.0243,14.865)点和远日点的速度为1.6925/m s,俯仰姿态角为84.2o。
2014年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM A题二等奖
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Simulations of a Multi-Lane Traffic Model Using Cellular Automata Concerning the Overtaking Effect
The prosperity of modern industrialized world is largely depend on today’s sophisticated road networks. The rapid growth of vehicle number often exceeds the capacity of existing road [1,2]. Thus the effective utilization of road capacity is indispensable in traffic flow control. Cellular automaton model (CA model) is an very practical model in stimulating traffic flow behavior. This paper aims at building a CA model for multi-lane traffic using right-most overtaking law. The first CA model is the well-known NaSch model[9] Knospe studied a two-lane model focus on the density dependence of lane changes[10,11]. A numerical approach is performed by Daoudia and Moussa to stimulate the 3-lane traffic flow[12]. Basing upon the previous done by [1,9,10,12], we put forward an extended CA model using right-most overtaking rule. By a detailed investigation on overtaking process, we obtain the least safe distance under different speed limits and traffic flow densities, due to the limitation of least safe distance, we put forward incentive and safety criteria of overtaking behavior for particles on different lanes in our CA model. Simulation of our model is performed for three-lane case, and the result shows that our right-most overtaking rule behaves asymmetrically such that the right-most lane firstly reach at the “critical density” where the traffic flow reaches its peak point. And despite the special behavior of our own model, our results indicate a robust behavior of traffic flow such that when traffic density is roughly 0.1, the traffic flow arrives at its peak value, and with an increase of particle density, the phase transition occurs such that the traffic jams and “stop-and-go” phenomena happens. This result is of significance in conducting the daily traffic flow in our real world. Keywords: traffic flow, cellular automaton, right-most overtaking, simulation
2014 ICM ProblemUsing Networks to Measure Influence and Impact One of the techniques to determine influence of academic research is to build and measure properties of citation or co-author networks. Co-authoring a manuscript usually connotes a strong influential connection between researchers. One of the most famous academic co-authors was the 20th-century mathematician Paul Erdös who had over 500co-authors and published over 1400 technical research papers. It is ironic, or perhapsnot, that Erdös is also one of the influencers in building the foundation for the emerging interdisciplinary science of networks, particularly, through his publication with AlfredRényi of the paper “On Random Graphs” in 1959. Erdös’s role as a collaborator was sosignificant in the field of mathematics that mathematicians often measure their closeness to Erdös through analysis of Erdös’s amazingly large and robust co-authornetwork (see the website /enp/ ). The unusual and fascinatingstory of Paul Erdös as a gifted mathematician, talented problem solver, and mastercollaborator is provided in many books and on-line websites(e.g.,/Biographies/Erd os.html). Perhaps his itinerantlifestyle, frequently staying with or residing with his collaborators, and giving much of hismoney to students as prizes for solving problems, enabled his co-authorships to flourishand helped build his astounding network of influence in several areas of mathematics.In order to measure such influence as Erdös produced, there are network-basedevaluation tools that use co-author and citation data to determine impact factor ofresearchers, publications, and journals. Some of these are Science Citation Index, Hfactor,Impact factor, Eigenfactor, etc. Google Scholar is also a good data tool to use fornetwork influence or impact data collection and analysis. Your team’s goal for ICM2014 is to analyze influence and impact in research networks and other areas of society. Your tasks to do this include:1) Build the co-author network of the Erdos1 authors (you can use the file from thewebsitehttps:///users/grossman/enp/Erdos1. html or the one weinclude at Erdos1.htm ). You should build a co-author network of theapproximately 510 researchers from the file Erdos1, who coauthored a paperwith Erdös, but do not include Erdös. This will take some skilled data extractionand modeling efforts to obtain the correct set of nodes (the Erdös coauthors) andtheir links (connections with one another as coauthors). There are over 18,000lines of raw data in Erdos1 file, but many of them will not be used since they arelinks to people outside the Erdos1 network. If necessary, you can limit the size ofyour network to analyze in order to calibrate your influence measurementalgorithm. Once built, analyze the properties of this network. (Again, do notinclude Erdös --- he is the most influential and would be connected to all nodes inthe network. In this case, it’s co-authorship with him that builds the network, buthe is not part of the network or the analysis.)2) Develop influence measure(s) to determine who in this Erdos1 network hassignificant influence within the network. Consider who has published importantworks or connects important researchers within Erdos1. Again, assume Erdös isnot there to play these roles.3) Another type of influence measure might be to compare the significance of aresearch paper by analyzing the important works that follow from its publication.Choose some set of foundational papers in the emerging field of network scienceeither from the attached list (NetSciFoundation.pdf) or papers you discover.Use these papers to analyze and develop a model to determine their relativeinfluence. Build the influence (coauthor or citation) networks and calculateappropriate measures for your analysis. Which of the papers in your set do youconsider is the most influential in network science and why? Is there a similarway to determine the role or influence measure of an individual networkresearcher? Consider how you would measure the role, influence, or impact of aspecific university, department, or a journal in network science? Discussmethodology to develop such measures and the data that would need to becollected.4) Implement your algorithm on a completely different set of network influence data--- for instance, influential songwriters, music bands, performers, movie actors,directors, movies, TV shows, columnists, journalists, newspapers, magazines,novelists, novels, bloggers, tweeters, or any data set you care to analyze. Youmay wish to restrict the network to a specific genre or geographic location orpredetermined size.5) Finally, discuss the science, understanding and utility of modeling influence andimpact within networks. Could individuals, organizations, nations, and society useinfluence methodology to improve relationships, conduct business, and makewise decisions? For instance, at the individual level, describe how you could useyour measures and algorithms to choose who to try to co-author with in order toboost your mathematical influence as rapidly as possible. Or how can you useyour models and results to help decide on a graduate school or thesis advisor toselect for your future academic work?6) Write a report explaining your modeling methodology, your network-basedinfluence and impact measures, and your progress and results for the previousfive tasks. The report must not exceed 20 pages (not including your summarysheet) and should present solid analysis of your network data; strengths,weaknesses, and sensitivity of your methodology; and the power of modelingthese phenomena using network science.*Your submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet and your solution cannotexceed 20 pages for a maximum of 21 pages.This is a listing of possible papers that could be included in a foundational set ofinfluential publications in network science. Network science is a new, emerging, diverse, interdisciplinary field so there is no large, concentrated set of journals that are easy touse to find network papers even though several new journals were recently establishedand new academic programs in network science are beginning to be offered inuniversities throughout the world. You can use some of these papers or others of yourown choice for your team’s set to analyze and compare for influence or impact innetwork science for task #3.Erdös, P. and Rényi, A., On Random Graphs, Publicationes Mathematicae, 6: 290-297,1959.Albert, R. and Barabási, A-L. Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviews ofModern Physics, 74:47-97, 2002.Bonacich, P.F., Power and Centrality: A family of measures, Am J. Sociology. 92: 1170-1182, 1987.Barabási, A-L, and Albert, R. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286:509-512, 1999.Borgatti, S. Identifying sets of key players in a network. Computational andMathematical Organization Theory, 12: 21-34, 2006. Borgatti, S. and Everett, M. Models of core/periphery structures. Social Networks, 21:375-395, October 2000Graham, R. On properties of a well-known graph, or, What is your Ramseynumber? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 328:166-172, June 1979.Kleinberg, J. Navigation in a small world. Nature, 406: 845, 2000.Newman, M. Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weightednetworks, and centrality. Physical Review E, 64:016132, 2001.Newman, M. The structure of scientific collaboration networks. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 404-409, January 2001. Newman, M. The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review,45:167-256, 2003.Watts, D. and Dodds, P. Networks, influence, and public opinion formation. Journal ofConsumer Research, 34: 441-458, 2007.Watts, D., Dodds, P., and Newman, M. Identity and search in social networks. Science,296:1302-1305, May 2002.Watts, D. and Strogatz, S. Collective dynamics of `small-world' networks. Nature, 393:440-442, 1998.Snijders, T. Statistical models for social networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37:131–153, 2011.Valente, T. Social network thresholds in the diffusion of innovations, Social Networks,18: 69-89, 1996.Erdos1, V ersion 2010, October 20, 2010This is a list of the 511 coauthors of Paul Erdos, together with their coauthors listed beneath them. The date of first joint paper with Erdos is given, followed by the number of joint publications (ifit is more than one). An asterisk following the name indicates that this Erdos coauthor is known to be deceased; additional information about the status of Erdos coauthors would be most welcomed. (This convention is not used for those with Erdos number 2, as to do so would involve too much work.) Numbers preceded by carets follow the convention used by Mathematical Reviews in MathSciNet to distinguish people with the same names.Please send corrections and comments to grossman@The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL:/enpABBOTT, HARVEY LESLIE 1974Aull, Charles E.Brown, Ezra A.Dierker, Paul F.Exoo, GeoffreyGardner, BenHANSON, DENISHare, Donovan R. Katchalski, MeirLiu, Andy C. F.MEIR, AMRAMMOON, JOHN W.MOSER, LEO*Pareek, Chandra MohanRiddell, JamesSAUER, NORBERT W.SIMMONS, GUSTA VUS J.Smuga-Otto, M. J.SUBBARAO, MA TUKUMALLI VENKATA* Suryanarayana, D.Toft, BjarneWang, Edward Tzu HsiaWilliams, Emlyn R.Zhou, BingACZEL, JANOS D. 1965Abbas, Ali E.Aczel, S.Alsina Catala, ClaudiBaker, John A.Beckenbach, Edwin F.Beda, GyulaBelousov, Valentin DanilovichBenz, WalterBerg, LotharBoros, ZoltanChudziak, JacekDaroczy, ZoltanDhombres, Jean G.Djokovic, Dragomir Z.Egervary, Jeno2014 ICM问题使用网络来测量的影响和冲击其中一项技术来确定学术研究的影响力是建立和测量引文或合著者网络的性能。
For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________Team Control Number27400Problem ChosenAFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2014 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet(Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.)Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not includethe name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page.SummaryThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of the changing lane rule named Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass and compare other rules we’ve constructed with the given one. The performance of changing lane rules mainly manifest in safety and traffic flow. Meanwhile, safety is influenced by posted speed limits and traffic density and traffic flow is influenced by average speed.First we construct Model 1 to describe the relationship between posted speed limits, traffic density and safety, noting that safety has negative correlation with collision times and can be fully expressed by it. Therefore we use Matlab to imitate the changing lane and collision process. Then we construct Model 2 to describe the relationship between traffic flow and average speed. Combining the result of Model 1and 2, we can conclude that the higher the posted speed limits and the lower the traffic density, the higher level safety an traffic flow could reach, and the Keep-To-Right-Except-To-Pass rule has the best performance.Then we construct Model 3 to compare some normal changing lane rules with the given one and with each other. Thus we imitate all the rules using algorithm given by model 1. We introduce a new concept named Standard Time to express traffic flow and still collision times to express safety. The result is that when a freeway road contains 2 lanes, the given rule shows the best performance. And when the number of lanes becomes 3, then the Choose-Speed rule, a very common traffic rule acts the best.As for the left-driving countries, we first choose the best rules and mirror symmetrically modify them. Then use the method of Model 2 to imitate performances of these rules. We have observed that these two best rules can be simply carried over.Finally, we have a short discussion about the intelligent system. Since speed can be fastest and changing lanes can be well planned, we regard this system as absolutely safe traffic which has the largest traffic flow.Team #27400 Page 1 of 161.Introduction1.1 Analysis to the problemThis problem can be divided into 4 requirements that we must meet, listed as follows:(1)Build a mathematical model to demonstrate the essence of Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass rule in light and heavy traffic;(2)Show the effects of other reasonable changing-lane rules or conditions by using themodified model built in the former requirement;(3)Determine whether the left-side-driving countries can use the same rule(s) withsimple mirror symmetric modification, or must add some requirements to guaranteethe safety or traffic flow;(4)Construct an intelligent traffic system which does not depend on humans’ compliance,and then compare the effects with earlier analysis.Therefore, this problem requires us to evaluate the performances of several changing-lane rules, especially the Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass rule while performances mainly manifest in traffic flow and safety. It is obvious that speed limit and the number of cars influent cars’ speed and then the performances of those rules.To solve requirement (2), we will use the same method as above. But all rules weconstructed should be discussed, imitated and compare with each other.To discuss the left-driving countries, we will conclude the best rules from requirement2 and apply to those countries. Then compare results with that of right-driving countries.If the results are totally the same, then those rules can be simply carried over with simple change. If not, additional requirement are needed.As for the intelligent system, we assume no collision will happen. So a simplediscussion is feasible.1.2 Crucial method for the problemTo imitate the process of changing lanes and collision, we will construct an algorithm named Changing-line and Collision. This will show the state of a number of car on the same stretch of freeway road, including going straight, changing lane to pass and traffic collision. The imitation process will be delivered on Matlab;2.Symbols and definitionSymbol Definition UnitσStandard Deviation of Speed miles/hmiles/hV85% Percentile of Normal85Distributionmiles/hV70% Percentile of Normal70DistributionDENS Traffic Density (Note: expressed by thenumber of cars) ST Standard Time \FLO Traffic Flow \CT Collision Times \3.General hypotheses for all models(1) All freeway roads contain either two or three lanes.(2) Overtaking Principle: the latter car must change lane and overtake the car right in front it if its speed is faster.(3) No violation of the rules.(4) The intelligent traffic system has no collision.(5) Road indicates one direction of the road.(6) Each cars remains constant speed no matter it goes straight or change lane.(7) Changing lane doesn’t cost time.(8) Given a traffic density, the average speed of cars is constant.(9) All discussions are confined to one stretch of road that is long enough to allow a series of cars to go across.4.Model establishment4.1 PreparationFirst, we must discuss what “changing-lane” is. For a two-lane road, if one car is going to change its lane to the left, then the right side lane “loses” one car and the left side lane “acquires” one, and vice versa. If the road contains three lanes, we can regard it as two “two-lane road”. This property also holds for an n-lane (n>2) road, which means we could regard it as (n-1) two-lane road. Therefore, changing-lane is the relation between two lanes. We just need to analyze a two-lane road to uncover the principle of changing lane and collision.Second, influence relationship figures are given below. In these figures, factors at lower level influence those at upper level. Safety will be expressed by collision times( ).Figure 1. General influence relationshipThird, we have constructed three additional changing-lane rules and shall describe these five rules in mathematical language. The original Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass rule is denoted Rule 1.Rule 1: Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass. If A B v v >, then car A goes left, overtakes car B and then gets back to the right lane.Figure 2. Rule one: Keep-Right-Except-To-PassRule 2: Free-Overtaking. If A B v v > and A C v v >, then car A changes lane to the left, passing B, and then to the right, passing C. And if there still exists a car D in front of A and A D v v >, car A will change to the left lane, pass D and then go straight. The following figure shows the case when the number of lanes is two, and it is identical for the case of 3 lanes.Figure 3. Rule 2: Free-OvertakingRule 3: Pass-Left. For a three-lane freeway road, if B A C v v v >>, then car A changes to the middle lane, and car B to the left lane, and finally they should get back to their original lane.Figure 4. Rule 3: Pass-LeftRule 4: Choose-Speed. Each lane of the road has a posted speed limit interval. We denote the left lane fast lane, right one slow lane and the middle one mid-lane. Drivers should choose lane according to their cars ’ speed.4.2 Model 1: Changing Lane and Collision Algorithm 4.2.1 Flow Diagram*To check Matlab code, please refer to Appendix 1. Note: we only use collision times to express safety.Figure 5. Flow Diagram of the Changing Lane and Collision Algorithm Comments:(1) The 1000*2 matrix stands for a stretch freeway road that contains two lanes;(2) Speed of cars is a series of random numbers which stands for the units they are to go forward each time;(3) Cars enter the road from the right lane.(4) If two cars collide, their speed will become zero but will not affect other cars. Accordingly, the position of collision will be valuated zero.To show how this algorithm works, we now give an example of a road, length 7 and five carswith different speed:Figure 6. An Example of the Algorithm4.2.2 Relationship between Average Speed, Standard Deviation of Speed and Posted Speed LimitsWe have mentioned in the last section that the speed of cars obeys normal distribution [3]. Now we deduce the relationship between ,μσ and PSL .Figure 7. Speed of cars obey normal distributionWe know from reference [4](page 15) that:857.6570.98V PSL =+⋅①The above foemula can be applied to all types of roads. Equation ② from reference [5](page 53):70-6.541+2.4V σ=⋅②Referring to the table of standard normal distribution, we have70V μσ-=0.52③ 85V μσ-=1.04④Considering formula ②③, we have=1.88-6.541μσ⑤Considering formula ①④, we have7.657+0.98=1.04PSL μσ-⑥Considering formula ⑤⑥, we have14.198+0.98=2.92PSLσ⑦0.98*=13.6012PSL μ-⑧Formula ⑦⑧ explains that the higher the posted speed limits, the greater the variance of speed and same to the average speed.0.9813.6012MU PSL =-⑨4.2.3 Process of ImitationWe now use control-variable method to describe the impact of traffic density and posted speed limits on safety. Therefore, we consider:(1) Traffic density being constant, the impact of variation of posted speed limits on safety; (2) Posted speed limits being constant, the impact of variation of traffic density on safety.When traffic density is constant:Table 1.Variation of Posted Speed LimitsPSL 50 60 70 80 90 100 μ 34.1481 40.4577 46.7673 53.0769 59.3865 65.6961 σ21.6432 24.9993 28.3555 31.7116 35.0678 38.424Figure 8. Variation of μ and σ along with Variation of PSLNote: SIGMA=σ, MU=μWhen posted speed limits is constant:Table 2.Variation of the number of carsThe number of cars 5 10 20 30 40 50Therefore we will acquire 6*6 groups of data when PSL is constant and 6*6 groups of data when traffic density is constant.4.3 Model 2: Relationship between Traffic Flow and Average SpeedIt is obvious that traffic flow is the function of average.We denote:=⋅+>FLO k MU c k(0)4.4 Model 3: Rules and Performances4.4.1 AnalysisIn section 4.1 we have listed four changing lane rules. Now we need to compare their effect and evaluate which rule has the best performance.According to the establishment of model 1, performances are fully expressed by safety and traffic flow, and safety has negative correlation with collision times. We can acquire the related data by imitation like model 1. However, since rules have changed, average speed of the road under different rules is different and is merely decided by PSL.Thus we introduce a new concept, namely, Standard Time(ST). Definition: time cost by each move of cars is called standard time. With this concept, we don’t need to calculate the real time cost by cars when going across a stretch of road, but count how many moves cars should make. Standard time has positive correlation with traffic flow, and we can denote:ST k FLO k=⋅>(0)4.4.2 Imitation ProcessConstruct a matrix. If the road contains two lanes, then the matrix size is 150*2; if it contains three lanes, then the size is 150*3. Arrange 40 random positions for each column vectors, and the numbers, as described before, obey normal distribution. Let other variables be constant, we discuss the impact of different rules on safety and traffic flow.Operations are as follows:(1) Distribute a series positions(40 for each column vector as described) for the matrix.(2) Valuate each position a number that obey normal distribution.(3) Apply one of the rules to the matrix. Those numbers will either “collide ” or “keep moving ” until all the position are valuated zero. (4) Record collision times and the spent standard time.(5) Apply another rule to the matrix, repeat steps (1) through (4).Statistically analyzing the data acquired and comparing the performances of different rules, we can decide advantages and disadvantages of each rule.4.4.3 Use the Method of 4.4.2 to Estimate Left-driving CountriesWe will conclude the best two rules and then apply the methods in section 4.4.2 to the left-driving country and estimate the performance of the two rules. Operation steps:(1) Mirror symmetrically modify the chosen rules; (2) Refer to the steps in section 4.4.2; (3) Compare with the results in Model solution5.1 Model 1During the imitation process, we do the experiment for times for each case and then analyze all the results. We will show part of our statistical data. To view full data, please refer to Appendix 2.(1) Given DENS=30, the result is as follows:Table 3.Relationship between Changing Lane Times, Collision Times and PSL when DENS=30PSL Changing-lane times Average Collision TimesAverag-Line chart:Figure 9. Variation of Changing Lane Times and Collision Times along with Variation ofPSL(2) Given PSL=70, the result is as follows:Table 4.Relationship between Changing Lane Times, Collision Times and Number of Times whenPSL=70NumberChanging Lane Times Average Collision Time Average Line chart:Figure 10. Variation of Changing Lane Times and Collision Times along with Variation ofnumber of cars5.2 Model 2We know from formula ⑨, section 4.2.2 that0.9813.6012MU PSL =-Considering formula ⑨ and formula in 4.3, we have:0.9813.6012FLO k PSL k c =⋅-+5.3 Model 3The result of section 4.4.2 is given below:Table 5.Collision Times and Standard Time of each ruleRule →Rule 1 Rule 2(2Rule 3 Rule 2(3 Rule 4Extract the row of Average ST and Average CTTable 6.Average Collision Times and Average Standard Time of each rule The result of 4.4.3 is given below:Table 7.Collision Times and Standard Time of Rule 1 and Rule 4 Applied to Left-driving Countries6.Conclusion6.1 Conclusion of model 1 and 2We can conclude from model 1 that safety will decrease along with the growth oftraffic density. Safety will also decrease while the posted speed limits(PSL) is raised.However, comparing to PSL, traffic density has greater impact on safety while PSL can hardly influence safety.From model 2, we can conclude that traffic flow has liner growth along with the raise of PSL.The following table has summed up model 1 and 2.Table . 8Evaluation of Rule Performances in Different Road conditions6.2 Conclusion of model 3We can know from table 6 that when the number of lanes is 2, rule 1 is not very different from rule 2 in terms of traffic flow but is much safer than rule 2. When the number of lanes is 3, rule 3 is safest rule, but rule 4 will become both safe and efficient. Meanwhile, Free-Overtaking rule, actually meaning no rule, is most dangerous. Therefore, we have chosen rule 1 and rule 4 as the best rules.Result of section 4.4.3 is showed below. Note that original rules are listed on the left and modified on the right.Table .9Comparison between the Modified Rules and the OriginalFrom the table above, we can conclude that no difference between left-driving and right-driving countries. Therefore, those rules can be simply carried over with simple mirror symmetric modification.6.2 Conclusion of intelligent systemSince all the cars are controlled by a high-tech computer, we assume this system will never have an accident until the computer crashes. So every car reach their fastest speed, the order of overtaking can be calculated to avoid collision. Therefore, safety and traffic flow reach the highest level.7. References[1] Mark M. Meerschaert. Mathematical Modelling (Third Edition). Beijing: China Machine Press, 2008.12[2] Solomon. Accidents on Main Rural Highways Re la ted to Speed, Driver, and Vehicle[R]. Washing ton D. C: Federal Highway Administration, 1964[3] Lu Jian, Sun Xinglong, Daiyue. Regression analysis on speed distribution characteristics of ordinary road. Nanjing: Journal of Southeast University(Natural Science Edition), 2012.2 (in Chinese).[4] Wang Lijin. Research on Speed Limits and Operating Speed for Freeway. Beijing: Beijing University of Technology, 2011.5 (in Chinese).8. AppendixAppendix 1. Matlab Codeclear;clc;highway=zeros(1000,2);%define road%crash_times = 0;%define collition times%change_lane_times=0;%define change lane times%num_of_car=5; %definedefine number of car%MU=84.3898;SIGMA=20.4406;randspe=[];j=1;while j<=num_of_carx=round(normrnd(MU,SIGMA,1,1));if x>0randspe(j,1)=x; %define speed and gualentee %j=j+1;endx=0;endrandpla=[];for i=1:num_of_carx=ceil(rand(1)*1000);if find(randpla==x)x=ceil(rand(1)*1000); %define location and guarantee the car located in different place%endrandpla(i,1)=x;endfor i=1:num_of_carhighway(randpla(i,1),2)=randspe(i,1); %insert every car in different speed at diferent place %speed(i,1)=0;pla(i,1)=0;endinitialr_highway=highway; %record intialr-highway statement%disp(initialr_highway)disp('Aboveis the stateof initialr highway')while sum(sum(highway))~=0i=1;speed(1)=0; pla(1)=0;for j=1:length(highway) %Store the location and speed of each carif highway(j,2)~=0 ....to pla_matrix and speed_matrix separately%speed(i)=highway(j,2);pla(i)=j;i=i+1;endendcount=length(pla);while count>1 %When the differerce of two adjacent car's speed is greater than their distance,thenif speed(count)-speed(count-1)>=abs(pla(count)-pla(count-1)) ... the later car must change lane to the left% highway(pla(count),1)=highway(pla(count),2);highway(pla(count),2)=0;change_lane_times=change_lane_times+1;endcount=count-1;endlane_changed= highway; %record lane_changed highway statement%disp(lane_changed)disp('Aboveis the state of after-changed lane highway ')k=1;pas_spe(1)=0;pas_pla(1)=0;for j=1:length(highway)if highway(j,1)~=0pas_spe(k)=highway(j,1);pas_pla(k)=j;k=k+1;endendcount=length(pas_pla); %delete crashed car%while count>1if pas_spe(count)-pas_spe(count-1)>=abs(pas_pla(count)-pas_pla(count-1))highway(pas_pla(count),1)=0;highway(pas_pla(count-1),1)=0;crash_times=crash_times+1;endcount=count-1;endaft_adjust = highway;disp(aft_adjust)disp('Above is after adjusted highway')for i=1:length(highway)for j=1:2if i-highway(i,j)>0highway(i-highway(i,j),j)=highway(i,j);%move forward%endhighway(i,j)=0;endendfor i=1:length(highway)if highway(i,1)~=0&&highway(i,2)==0%back to right%highway(i,2)=highway(i,1);highway(i,1)=0;endendback_to_right = highway; %record lane_changed highway statement%disp(back_to_right);disp('Aboveis the state of back_to_right lane highway.');pla=0;speed=0;pas_pla=0;pas_spe=0;endfprintf('change_lane_time ','\n');disp(change_lane_times)fprintf('crash_time ','\n');disp(crash_times)Appendix 2. Data of ImitationPSL Change lane times Mean Crash times MeanNumberof cars=5 50 2 2 2 2.0 0 0 0 0.0 60 3 2 3 2.7 0 0 0 0.0 70 1 0 1 0.7 0 0 0 0.0 80 2 0 1 1.0 0 0 0 0.0 90 0 0 3 1.0 0 0 0 0.0 100 1 3 2 2.0 0 0 0 0.0Numberof 50 7 5 11 7.7 0 0 0 0.0 60 8 11 8 9.0 0 1 0 0.3cars=10 70 10 6 7 7.7 1 0 1 0.780 6 7 10 7.7 0 1 1 0.790 4 7 4 5.0 1 2 0 1.0100 6 3 3 4.0 1 1 1 1.0Numberof cars=20 50 47 29 38 38.0 1 2 2 1.7 60 30 34 20 28.0 2 0 1 1.0 70 15 17 22 18.0 0 2 3 1.7 80 18 22 16 18.7 0 2 1 1.0 90 20 10 22 17.3 1 1 2 1.3 100 21 15 13 16.3 2 2 1 1.7Numberof cars=30 50 61 60 48 56.3 5 4 2 3.7 60 46 42 45 44.3 4 1 2 2.3 70 42 38 48 42.7 4 5 3 4.0 80 43 32 47 40.7 2 5 5 4.0 90 32 41 33 35.3 3 4 5 4.0 100 26 27 24 25.7 2 2 4 2.7Numberof cars=40 50 65 100 74 79.7 8 4 8 6.7 60 56 77 75 69.3 5 8 3 5.3 70 53 64 62 59.7 4 5 5 4.7 80 52 60 60 57.3 3 7 3 4.3 90 44 53 48 48.3 5 4 4 4.3 100 43 50 38 43.7 1 7 0 2.7Numberof cars=50 50 82 86 106 91.3 12 12 10 11.3 60 80 68 72 73.3 10 9 13 10.7 70 82 75 81 79.3 8 7 10 8.3 80 61 72 58 63.7 9 7 11 9.0 90 57 54 54 55.0 6 7 11 8.0 100 64 50 51 55.0 7 9 8 8.0PSL=705 1 0 1 0.7 0 0 0 0.0 10 1067 7.7 1 0 1 0.7 20 15 17 22 18.0 0 2 3 1.7 30 42 38 48 42.7 4 5 3 4.0 40 53 64 62 59.7 4 5 5 4.7 50 82 75 81 79.3 8 7 10 8.3PSL Change lanetimescollisiontimesDensityChange lanetimescollisiontimes50 56.33333333 3.666666667 5.0 0.666666667 060 44.33333333 2.333333333 10.0 7.666666667 0.666666667 70 42.66666667 4 20.0 18 1.666666667 80 40.66666667 4 30.0 42.66666667 490 35.33333333 4 40.0 59.66666667 4.666666667 100 25.66666667 2.666666667 50.0 79.33333333 8.333333333。
【VIP专享】2010 -2014MCM Problems建模竞赛美赛题目中英文双语翻译版
2010 MCM ProblemsPROBLEM A: The Sweet SpotExplain the “sweet spot” on a baseball bat.Every hitter knows that there is a spot on the fat part of a baseball bat where maximum power is transferred to the ball when hit. Why isn’t this spot at the end of the bat? A simple explanation based on torque might seem to identify the end of the bat as the sweet spot, but this is known to be empirically incorrect. Develop a model that helps explain this empirical finding.Some players believe that “corking” a bat (hollowing out a cylinder in the head of the bat and filling it with cork or rubber, then replacing a wood cap) enhances the “sweet spot” effect. Augment your model to confirm or deny this effect. Does this explain why Major League Baseball prohibits “corking”?Does the material out of which the bat is constructed matter? That is, does this model predict different behavior for wood (usually ash) or metal (usually aluminum) bats? Is this why Major League Baseball prohibits metal bats?MCM 2010 A题:解释棒球棒上的“最佳击球点”每一个棒球手都知道在棒球棒比较粗的部分有一个击球点,这里可以把打击球的力量最大程度地转移到球上。
SIGNPage 1 of 2PART HIGHWAY SIGNS SECTION REGULATORY SIGNS RECOMMENDED PRACTICESSUB-SECTIONGeneralWhen traffic flow along a two-lane highway is near capacity and traffic operation deteriorates, often an auxiliary lane is introduced to alleviate congestion and traffic problems. Opening a third lane (i.e., a passing or a climbing lane) introduces new traffic rules for drivers who now have two lanes in the same direction.The primary function of an auxiliary lane is to accommodate passing manoeuvres. Consequently, all drivers travelling at their normal speeds with no intention of passing are required to utilize the right lane (i.e., the outside lane).The Traffic Safety Act, Regulation AR 304/2002 has provisions for the operation of traffic along a highway with three lanes. Under the Act, all drivers are required to use the right (i.e., the outside) lane unless they intend to pass. The inside or centre lane is reserved for overtaking and passing maneuvers.In Alberta, the regulation of the Act is supported with the use of the regulatory Keep Right Except to Pass sign. The sign is introduced to advise drivers that they must use the right lane except when they are passing a slower vehicle.The use of the Keep Right Except to Pass sign at the beginning of an auxiliary lane helps to channel travelling vehicles into the right lane and improves the overall operation of traffic along passing and climbing lanes.Provincial LegislationSections 16(1)(a),(b) and (c) of Part 1, Division 4 of the Traffic Safety Act , Regulation 304/2002 provide general provisions for traffic travelling along a three-lane highway.Based on Regulation AR 304/2002 of the Act:16 (1) Where a roadway consists of 3 trafficlanes, a person driving a vehicle shall not drive the vehicle in the centre traffic lane except for the following purposes:(a) when passing another vehicletraveling in the same direction; (b) when approaching anintersection where that person intends to turn left (c) when a traffic control deviceotherwise permits.StandardThe Keep Right Except to Pass sign is a regulatory information sign. The sign has a rectangular shape and consists of a black message on a white background. The size of the sign is 600 mm x 750 mm and it is the only size used in such situations.SIGNPage 2 of 2RB-34 600 mm x 750 mmColour Message and BorderBackgroundBlackWhiteSheeting ASTM, Type IIIGuidelines for UseIt is very common that drivers approachinga passing or climbing lane are unsure ofhow to properly use the auxiliary lane. Acommon mistake is to continue to travel inthe inside lane, which in consequence maycause delays to faster moving vehicles.It is therefore advisable to provide aregulatory Keep Right Except to Pass signfor each highway segment which has anauxiliary lane. The sign typically hasapplications at locations with steep grades(climbing lanes) or high traffic volumes(passing lanes) to minimize the effect ofslow moving vehicles on normal traffic flow.Guidelines for PlacementThe sign is placed on the right side of theroadway at the start of the taper for theclimbing lane or passing lane.A supplementary sign may be considered forpassing lanes longer than 2 km. The secondsign should be placed no closer than 1 kmfrom the end of the climbing or passing lane.References to StandardsTypical SignageDrawingsTEB 1.58Typical Signing for Passingand Climbing Lanes。
v2 = 526.94m / s 。即远月点的速度为 526.94 m / s .方向为水平方向。
图 3 着陆准备轨道环绕模拟
由于近月点和远月点分别是椭圆轨道的长半轴的两个端点, 且两点的连线经过月心 (图 3),因此由对称性可知远月点的位置为(19.51E,32.31S),高度为 100000 米。
360 = 30.301千米 / 度 2πR P 为纬度改变 1o 水平距离的改变量。 p=
1 2 1 2 mv1 + mg ′h近 = mv 2 + mg ′h远 2 2 其中: v1 为近月点的速度; v2 为远月点的速度。
⑵模型的求解 在本题中由于我们无法确定任意时刻减速动力以及速度的大小及方向, 因此我们通 过假设简化模型,从而对问题进行求解。由于发动机推力主要是用于减少飞行器的横向 速度,同时克服由月球引力引起的径向速度,我们假设了嫦娥三号可以通过自身调节机 制使得自己在运动过程中竖直方向受恒力作用,方向向下,水平方向也受恒力作用,方 向与水平速度方向相反,初速度为 1700m/s。 因此我们可以将抛物线下降的过程分解成竖直方向匀加速,水平方向匀减速的运 动。(如图 1)由附件 2 可知,嫦娥三号在 3000m 时已经基本位于目标上方,所以我们 认为在 3000 米处水平速度近似为 0,57 m / s 为其竖直方向速度。
§3 模型的假设
1.由给出的附件月球的形状扁率为1/963.7256,数量级较小,假设月球为一个球体。 2.由于从近月点100km左右的高度降落到地球表面的时间比较对短,假设嫦娥三号不受 非球项、日月引力摄动等影响因素的影响。 3.假设月球引力场为平行定常引力场,嫦娥三号着陆轨道不受月球自转的影响。 4.假设月球表面海拔为零的球面势能为0。 5.假设嫦娥三号水平移动的距离近似为着陆划过月球表面弧度长度。 6.假设月球的重力加速度恒定,为 1 / 6 g 。
2014美赛 A题
随着经济的发展,更多的车辆进入人们的生活,在现有的交通条件已不能满 足车辆的通行需要。 本文通过分析靠右行驶这一交通规则的交通路况表现,不仅 制定出一个能够提升车流量的方案,而且验证了该方案适用于左行国家。最后建 立一个智能系统,通过控制车速来改变道路的车流量和安全系数。 首先,我们通过运动学原理推导出安全的停车视距和不同路面下高速公路的 安全距离。 其次, 我们根据不同车道的行驶速度范围来设定在低负荷下三个车道 的行驶速度。即为各车道允许通过的最高时速 V03 120km / h 、 V02 110km / h 、
六、 模型的建立与求解
6.1 交通路况表现模型 6.1.1 高速公路的安全距离与车速之间的关系 汽车制动过程分析
通常认为, 汽车的紧急制动过程指车辆以一定的制动减速度从初始车速逐渐 减小为零的过程,整个过程所需时间称为汽车制动时间。实际上,从驾驶员发现 危险物存在开始, 经 1 时间才意识到应进行紧急制动,经 2 把脚从加速踏板向制 动踏板移动; 由于制动踏板存在自由行程、 制动蹄与制动鼓间存在着间隙等因素, 从踏下制动踏板经时间 3 才开始产生地面制动力并且汽车开始减速, 经时间 4 达 到最大制动减速度;最后,汽车以最大减速度 amax 减速,经 5 时间停车。将制动 减速度在制动力上升时间段的变化简化为线性递增过程[3],整个制动过程简化为 如图 2 所示的形式。
71 V0 - V0前 72
V02 1.84 。再结合模型一中的车流量计 155.52
算公式,我们就可以将车流量计算出来。 问题四中,我们通过控制前后两车之间安全车距来控制车的行驶速度。当前 后两车之间的距离大于安全车距时,系统进行报错,降低车速;当安全距离过小 时,自动的提升车速,进而改变车的车流量和安全系数。
Problem Chosen
For office use only F1 ________________ F2 ________________ F3 ________________ F4 ________________
page 2 of......................................................................................................................................................3 2. Introduction and Restatement.. ............... .......................................................................................3 3. Basic Assumption…………............................................................................................................. .............4 4. Notations in model............................................................................................................. .....................4 5. Question 1……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………..5
2014年数学建模美赛题目原文及翻译作者:Ternence Zhang转载注明出处:MCM原题PDF:PROBLEM A: The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass RuleIn countries where driving automobiles on the right is the rule (that is, USA, China and most other countries except for Great Britain, Australia, and some former British colonies), multi-lane freeways often employ a rule that requires drivers to drive in the right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle, in which case they move one lane to the left, pass, and return to their former travel lane.Build and analyze a mathematical model to analyze the performance of this rule in light and heavy traffic. You may wish to examine tradeoffs between traffic flow and safety, the role of under- or over-posted speed limits (that is, speed limits that are too low or too high), and/or other factors that may not be explicitly called out in this problem statement. Is this ruleeffective in promoting better traffic flow? If not, suggest and analyze alternatives (to include possibly no rule of this kind at all) that might promote greater traffic flow, safety, and/or other factors that you deem important.In countries where driving automobiles on the left is the norm, argue whether or not your solution can be carried over with a simple change of orientation, or would additional requirements be needed.Lastly, the rule as stated above relies upon human judgment for compliance. If vehicle transportation on the same roadway was fully under the control of an intelligent system –either part of the road network or imbedded in the design of all vehicles using the roadway –to what extent would this change the results of your earlier analysis?问题A:车辆右行在一些规定汽车靠右行驶的国家(即美国,中国和其他大多数国家,除了英国,澳大利亚和一些前英国殖民地),多车道的高速公路经常使用这样一条规则:要求司机开车时在最右侧车道行驶,除了在超车的情况下,他们应移动到左侧相邻的车道,超车,然后恢复到原来的行驶车道(即最右车道)。
每个火车车厢只有两个出口,一个靠近终端, 因此可以携带尽可能多的人。
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Best all time college coach Summary
In order to select the “best all time college coach” in the last century fairly, We take selecting the best male basketball coach as an example, and establish the TOPSIS sort - Comprehensive Evaluation improved model based on entropy and Analytical Hierarchy Process. The model mainly analyzed such indicators as winning rate, coaching time, the time of winning the championship, the number of races and the ability to perceive .Firstly , Analytical Hierarchy Process and Entropy are integratively utilized to determine the index weights of the selecting indicators Secondly,Standardized matrix and parameter matrix are combined to construct the weighted standardized decision matrix. Finally, we can get the college men's basketball composite score, namely the order of male basketball coaches, which is shown in Table 7. Adolph Rupp and Mark Few are the last century and this century's "best all time college coach" respectively. It is realistic. The rank of college coaches can be clearly determined through this method. Next, ANOVA shows that the scores of last century’s coaches and this century’s coaches have significant difference, which demonstrates that time line horizon exerts influence upon the evaluation and gender factor has no significant influence on coaches’ score. The assessment model, therefore, can be applied to both male and female coaches. Nevertheless, based on this, we have drawn coaches’ coaching ability distributing diagram under ideal situation and non-ideal situation according to the data we have found, through which we get that if time line horizon is chosen reasonably, it will not affect the selecting results. In this problem, the time line horizon of the year 2000 will not influence the selecting results. Furthermore, we put the data of the three types of sports, which have been found by us, into the above Model, and get the top 5 coaches of the three sports, which are illustrated in Table10, Table 11, Table12 and Table13 respectively. These results are compared with the results on the Internet[7], so as to examine the reasonableness of our results. We choose the sports randomly which undoubtedly shows that our model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports. At the same time, it also shows the practicality and effectiveness of our model. Finally, we have prepared a 1-2 page article for Sports Illustrated that explains our results and includes a non-technical explanation of our mathematical model that sports fans will understand. Key words: TOPSIS Improved Model; Entropy; Analytical Hierarchy Process; Comprehensive Evaluation Model; ANOVA
Solutions for Homework for Traffic Flow Analysis1. On a specific westbound section of highway, studies show that the speed-density relationship is: ])(1[5.3jf k k u u -=. The highway’s capacity is 3800 vehicles/hour and the jam density is 140 vehicles/km. What is the space mean speed of the traffic at capacity and what is the free flow speed.Solution: as we know q = ku, thus, we can write the following: q = ku = k*])(1[5.3jf k k u -. When traffic flow is at the maximum, dq/dk = 0. Thus, we can write the following: 0]15.41[5.35.3=⨯-=k k u dk dq jf . As the free-flow speed u f can not be equal to zero, thus, we can write: 0]15.41[5.35.3=⨯-k k j . Therefore, k m = 91.1 vehicles/km.Since we know q m = 3800 vehicles/hour. And again, q m = k m u m , then we can calculate u m= 41.7 km/hour. Then, we can calculate u f from the given equation: ])(1[5.3jf k k u u -=. In the end, we may obtain: u f = 53.5 km/hr.2. A section of highway has the following flow-density relationship: q = 80k – 0.4k 2. What is the capacity of the highway section, the speed at capacity, and the density when the highway is one-quarter of its capacity?Solution: since we know the q-k relationship, we apply the same logic: dq/dk = 0 in order to obtain k m . (dq/dk) = 80-0.8k = 0, thus, k m = 100 vehicles/km. We can also obtain q m = 4000 vehicles/hour. We also know that q = km. Then, u m = q m /k m = 40 km/hour. When the highway is one quarter of its capacity, it means that q = 0.25q m = 1000 vehicles/hour, we can use the given equation: q = 80k – 0.4k 2, to calculate the density when q = (1/4)q m . Thus, k = 186 km/hour or 13.8 km/hour.3. An observer has determined that the time headways between successive vehicles on a section of highway are exponentially distributed, and that 60% of the headways between vehicles are 13 seconds or greater. If the observer decides to count traffic in 30 second intervals, estimate the probability of the observer counting exactly four vehicles in an interval.Solution: let us denote h as the random variable, representing the time headways between successive vehicles. We know that Pr(h ≥ 13) = 0.6. In other words, if we set t = 13, we know that Pr(h ≥ 13) = e -λ*13, then we can calculate λ based on these two equations. λ = 0.039 vehicles/second. Now, let X be the random variable representing the number ofvehicle arrivals during time t, then X is poisson distributed. Pr(X=4) ==⨯=⨯--!4)30039.0(!)(30039.4e x e t t x λλ0.024.4. A vehicle pulls out onto a single-lane highway that has a flow rate of 280 vehicles/hour (poisson distributed). The driver of the vehicle does not look for oncoming traffic. Road conditions and vehicle speeds on the highway are such that it takes 1.5 seconds for an oncoming vehicle to stop once the brakes are applied. Assuming that a standard driver reaction time is 2.5 seconds, what is the probability that the vehicle pulling out will be in an accident with oncoming traffic?Solution: in this case, if the vehicle headways between successive vehicles are greater than 4 seconds, then the driver pulling out will not be in an accident. Or say, if the headways are less than 4 seconds, the driver pulling out will be in an accident.Since q = 280 vehicles/hour, then λ = 0.078 vehicles/second.Pr(h < 4) = 1-e -λt = 1-e -0.078*4 = 0.268.5. Reconsider the problem 4 above, how quick would the driver reaction times of oncoming vehicles have to be to have the probability of an accident equal to 0.15?Solution: let t denote the new driver reaction time. So,Pr[h < (1.5+t)] = 1 – e -0.078*(1.5+t) = 0.15, then, we can obtain t = 0.58.In other words, to reduce the probability of an accident to 0.15, the driver reaction must be less than 0.58 seconds.6. A toll booth on a turnpike is open from 8:00 am to 12 midnight. Vehicles start arriving at 7:45 am at a uniform deterministic rate of 6 per minute until 8:15 am and from then on at 2 per minute. If vehicles are processed at a uniform deterministic rate of 6 per minute, determine when the queue will dissipate, total delay, longest queue length (in vehicles), longest vehicle delay under first-in and first-out rule.Solutions: arrival rate λ1 = 6 vehicles/minute from 7:45 am to 8:15 am. λ2 = 2vehicles/minute from 8:15 am to the rest of the day. Departure rate μ = 2 vehicles/minute.Solution: the time when the queue will dissipate is then the arrival curve intersects with the departure curve. Q1 = 6t; Q2 = 120+2t; Q3 = -90 + 6t, where Q1 is the arrival curve between 7:45 am to 8 am and Q2 is the arrival curve starting from 8:15 am to the rest of the day and Q3 is the departure curve. By setting Q2 = Q3, we can obtain the value for t, the time when the queue dissipates, we obtain that t = 52.5 minutes. In other words, at 8:375 am, the queue completely dissipates.Because Q2 and Q3 are parallel to each other, the long delay happens anywhere on the Q1 curve and it is equal to 15 minutes. This means that every car arriving between 7:45 am to 8:15 am has to wait for 15 minutes in the queue. Also because Q2 and Q3 areparallel, the queue length is uniform between 7:45 am to 8:15 am too. The queue length is equal to 90 vehicles (Q1=6t = 6*15 = 90 vehicles).To calculate the total delay, we simply do the following:8 am 7:45 am 8:15 amTotal delay = ⎰+--⎰++⎰5.52155.5230300)690()2120(6dt t dt t tdt= 5.521525.523023002|)390(|)120(|3t t t t t +--++ = )155.52(*3)155.52(*90)305.52()305.52(*120)030(322222---+-+-+-= 2700 + 2700 + 1856.25 + 3375 – 7953.5 = 3037.5 vehicle-minutes.7. Vehicles begin to arrive at a toll booth at 8:50 am, with an arrival rate of λ(t) = 4.1 + 0.01t (with t in minutes and λ(t) in vehicles per minute). The toll booth opens at 9:00 am and process vehicles at a rate of 12 per minute throughout the day. Assume D/D/1 queuing, when will the queue dissipate and what will be the total vehicle delay? Solution: we follow the same procedure as applied in problem number 6. The arrival curve is equal to λt = 4.1t + 0.01t2 and departure curve is equal to –120 + 12t. Setting the departure curve to be equal to the arrival curve, we obtain that t = 15 minutes or 774 minutes. We take the first value, which is equal to 15 minutes.About the total delay, we integrate the arrival curve and the departure curve and substract the latter from the former, and we obtain:Total delay = 2.05t2|(0,15) + (1/300)t3 (0,15) + 120t|(10,15) – 6t2|(10,15)= 322.5 vehicle-m.。
数学建模A优秀论文11. 问题重述:(略)2. 问题背景:交待问题背景,说明处理此问题的意义和必要性。
优点:叙述详尽,条理清楚,论证充分缺点:前两段过于冗长,可作适当删节3. 问题分析:进一步阐述解决此问题的意义所在,分析了问题,简述要解决此问题需要哪些条件和大体的解决途径优点:条理比较清晰,论述符合逻辑,表达清楚缺点:似乎不够详细,尤其是第三段有些过于概括。
4. 模型的假设与约定:共有8条比较合理的假设优点:假设有依据,合情合理。
5. 符号说明及名词定义优点:比较详细清楚,考虑周全,而且较合理地将定性指标数量化。
6. 模型建立与求解6.1问题一:对所给数据惊醒处理和统计,得出规律,找到联系。
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数学建模竞赛(MCM / ICM)汇总表基于细胞的高速公路交通模型自动机和蒙特卡罗方法总结基于元胞自动机和蒙特卡罗方法,我们建立一个模型来讨论“靠右行”规则的影响。
我们进一步讨论我们的模型规则适应靠右的情况和,不受限制的情况, 和交通情况由智能控制系统的情况。
1 Introduction今天,大约65%的世界人口生活在右手交通的国家和35%在左手交通的国家交通流量。
欧盟,2013] 右手交通的国家,比如美国和中国,法规要求驾驶在靠路的右边行走。
这种通过和超车的驾驶规则被称为“靠右行驶”规则,或是我们的论文keep right规则。
所以,应用这些规则的目的为何?靠右的规则能改善高速公路交通状况吗?交通能从靠右的限制中解放出来吗(车辆可以选择从任何一方超车)交通解除靠右行的限制被称为服从不受限制的规则,靠右的规则执行能和不受限制的规则是如何比较的?基于元胞自动机模型和蒙特卡罗算法,我们建立一个模型来模拟在不同条件下高速公路交通(靠右的规则或限制规则,根据交通或交通拥挤, 双车道或三车道)。
V 当前车辆的速度Vm 车辆的最大速度Vl 高速公路的速度上限V0超车前的速度V1超车过程的速度G 车辆的间距Gs安全考虑所需的最小差距G0 停车后最小的差距Tr (人类反应时间) Po超越概率Pa加速概率Pb减速概率f制动时的摩擦力d在一个超越事件的危险指数D道路系统的危险指数 a 超车加速度Ap车道超车组件加速度Ad可行的减速1.1Terminology•双车道公路:两个车道在路的右前卫,总共四条车道。
1.2 Assumptions•路是直的,并且没有旁路。
2The Models2.1 Design of Cellular Automata元胞自动机(CA)表明,在大量的前人交通模拟(瓦格纳P et al.2005)的基础,CA模型是可行和有效的方法来模拟交通流。
因此, 对我们来说是合理应用元胞自动机在解决我们的问题。
因此,高速公路有n条车道转化为n * 1000矩阵。
我们的模型每秒更新一次,当周期T = 1s为一个司机的平均反应时间我们讨论了CA模型的基本过程:•流入过程:根据流入模型,我们将讨论最近的, 分配车辆vehicle-generation地区。
•加速过程:如果V < Vm ,∆V为汽车增加的速度,和新的速度V’= V +∆V。
•减速过程:如果车辆与车辆之间的距离(前保险杠和后保险杠的距离,我们称之为的差距, 用G表示差距及其单位是细胞。
当没有车辆,G= +∞。
)不超过V,车辆减速V ’=(G−1)/ T。
•移动过程:车辆前进通过V ‘*T细胞只有当G >Gs(V ‘)。
) 具体的规则将被设置在流入模型中,下面的模型和超车模型是为了模拟靠右行车交通规则和自由行车交通规则2.2 Inflow Model流入模型,或vehicle-generation模型,模拟了随机到达高速公路的入口处的车辆。
我们的车辆模型支持两种不同的速度范围, 假设所有车辆的初始速度设置为20 m / s。
2.3 Vehicle-Following Model美国联邦公路管理局的部门定义司机的反应时间PIEV时间。
在这里,我们定义的最小安全距离Gs 取代Tr*V(Tr代表PIEV时间,V是当前速度。
)我们假设驾驶行为决定遵循一定的原则:•当G > Gs,车辆会加速(后来我们将介绍一个概率模型去模拟这种倾向),直到实现高速公路速度限制或其最大可能速度;•当G < Gs,是否超车或跟随由超越概率Po和超车条件决定(Po和超越条件将在超车模型中讲到)。
我们引入两个参数(SUN yue 2005),加速概率Pa和减速概率Pb。
Vl代表最高的高速公路限速, Vmax是车辆的最大可以达到速度。
当V >Vl,Pa会变得更小和Pb会变得更大,这使得超速的可能性很小。
我们使用一个随机变量R来实现:如果R <Pb、车辆减速;•如果R > 1−P a 车辆加速;否则,车辆保持目前的速度。
基于概率模型,我们对元胞自动机创建多个规则来实现(车辆的最大可能速度Vmax,当前的差距G,最低安全差距Gs及其速度由V表示,Pa、Pb 是有关速度V的函数和Pa+Pb<=1。
•自由驾驶规则:如果G≥Gs,•安全减速规则:如果G < Gs 且继续向前行驶不会相撞Vmin 是最低速度限制•不相撞规则:如果不能前进,停止在前车辆的后边。
2.4 Overtaking Model2.4.1 Overtaking Probability司机将决定是否超过另一辆车的概率Po。
让Vmax 1 是A车辆的速度,Vmax 2是B车辆的速度。