外贸英语函电 尹小莹 教案 Unit 6 Sales Confirmation
外贸英语函电 尹小莹 教案 Unit 6 Sales Confirmation

付现金。 Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May1.
2.2 not(no)later than
用“not(no)later than+日期”英译“不迟于某月某日” EX13:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物 装船。 Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.
ex 与 per 源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船 “运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 per,而由 某轮船“承运”用 by。 Eg5:由“维多利亚”轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于 10 月 1日抵达伦敦。 The last batch per/ex/by S.S. "Victoria" will arrive at London on October 1 (S.S. = Steamship)
2. simplified contract
Sales Confirmation and purchase confirmation
Elements of a Contract
1. Heading name of the contract, full names and addresses of both parties, willingness to execute the contract 2. Body commodity name, quality, specification, price, terms of payment, packing, delivery date and place, shipping, insurance, inspection, claim, majeure, arbitration etc. 3. Ending copies of the contract, language variety, binding force, time and place of signing, the time when it comes into effect, signature of both parties

Unit Six L/C Amendment & Extension Objectives Introduction
1. 在国际贸易中改证和展证的一般情况 2. 需要修改信用证的一般情况 3. 信用证需要展期的一般情况 4. 要求改证和展证的函电的撰写
The following structure is for your reference in writing a letter asking for L/C amendment or extension:
1. Acknowledge receipt of the L/C and thank the buyer for opening it. 2. Point out the problem politely and ask the buyer to make the amendment accordingly. Usually, detailed and courteous explanations for such a request should be provided. 3. End the letter in a way that encourages the buyer to take immediate action.
A shipping advice usually contains the following points:
the date and number of bill of lading(B/L, 提单) the date and number of the contract the names of commodities and their quality and value the name of the carrying vessel the name of the shipping port/loading port (装货港) the estimated time of departure(EDT,预定起航日期) the name of the destination port (目的港) the estimated time of arrival(ETA,预定到港日期) a list of the relevant shipping documents (货运单据) thanks for patronage
外贸英语函电Unit 6 Confirmation﹠ Acceptance范本.ppt

time of shipment acceptable, but the difference
between your quoted price and at which we
have got the goods from other suppliers is too
great to accept. The price of same goods of
With the view of =with a view to 以…为目的,为了 (后面接名词或动名词).....12
Encourage: [ in‘kʌridʒ ] v. 鼓励,激励,支持
discourage vt. 使灰心; 阻碍 discouragement:[ dis’kʌridʒmənt ]
As our customers find the quality of your products satisfactory, we are now placing our trial order with you for prompt delivery.
❖ Re: Tablecloth
Countersign v.会签,副署
协议、契约、文本等涉及到双方(或多方) 各执一份时,需要双方(或多方)在所有文 本上会签,然后各执一份。
A letter of credit = L/C In our favor 以我方为受誉人 In one`s favor 对…有利,以…为受益人
在展出on display 形式发票pro-forma invoice 银行划拨banker’s transfer 与…不一致out of line with 给…折扣 allow /give/grant sb a discount 有迹象表明information indicates/ indications show 考虑到(鉴于)in view of 畅销sell well/ sell like hotcakes 续订repeat order

《外贸英语函电》单元教学设计任课教师: $$$$单元教学设计基本框架第一部分:组织教学(时间:10分钟)因为本单元是该门课程的第一次课,因此本单元两节课中,第一节课我们安排是课程的概述。
第二部分:学习新内容2、写信的原则【步骤一】提出问题(时间:20分钟)向学生展示两份信函:信函1:Dear John,Very many thanks to you, my dear friend, of the splendid present that you have sent me, and I feel deeply moved by this token of your affection. It is a great consolation for me, in my confinement to hospital by illness.I am glad to tell you, I am making rapid progress toward health every day.Looking forward to joining you at school as soon as possible.Yours affectionately,信函2:Dear Mr. Hunter,We hope that everything at your end is fine. We haven’t heard from you for a long time since the war broke out. We hope we could renew the business cooperation as quickly as possible.We confirm with thanks receipt of your first enquiry and look forward to your first order.Best regards,Yours faithfully,Henry让学生通过比较,发现外贸英语信函与一般信函不同点。
《国际商务函电双语教程》chapter 6

It can be classified into: banker’s draft and commercial draft according to the drawer,
sight draft and time draft according to the tenor; clean draft and documentary draft according to whether
Terms of Payment (付款条件)
Background Information Sample Letters
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4 Useful Expressions Key to Exercises
T/T is the remitting bank, at the request of the remitter, transfers funds by means of cable/telex/swift message to the paying bank, asking the latter to pay a certain sum of money to the beneficiary.

商务英语函电专业课教案Unit6(2)教学对象Business English Students授课日期使用教材国际商务英语函电出版单位华东师范大学出版社课题Unit 6 Orders and ContractsPart 2 Contracts计划学时 2教学目标By learning this part, students will be able to make sales contract.1.to retell the basic concepts related to contracts: sales contracts, preamble, bodyand witness clauses2. to translate some key words and expressions into Chinese3. to translate part of a sales contract into English4. to get familiar with the basic content of a sales contract教学重点难点Key points: the basic structure and content of a contract; key words and expressions,translationDifficult Points: the content of a contract and its Chinese meaning教学设计说明The structure and content of the lecture are based on:1) the standard of this course;2) the requirement of the curriculum syllabus3) the characteristics of students of this age and major4) the content of the unit教学活动流程教学步骤与内容教学组织形式教学方法达成目标I. Lead-in new lesson Warming-up:Based on the given order faxed by Edward, ask students what they will be doing after receiving an order from the standpoint of Li Na.1.To show the students the order form Edward2. To ask students to think about the content of a sales contract3.Group discussion & Individual presentation Situational teachingmethod ; Interaction betweenteacher and students;To arouse students interests in the topic To lead students to the content of thisclassII.New-lesson presentation 1. Specimen presentation ofSales contractshown in PPT2. Teacher usesthree questions todiscuss the basicconcepts andstructure of a salescontract:Question 1:what isa contract;Question 2: Howmany parts can asales contract bedivided into?Question 3: Somecompanies usesales contracts andothers use salesconfirmation.Are there anydifferences?3. New words andexpressionslearning:1) Leads studentsto read aloud theword list;2) Try to explain some of them if necessary3) Students read by themselves4) Teacher walks around and correct their pronunciation mistakes.1. To ask students questions and ask them to discuss in Pairs2.To read the textbook to look at the structure of a contract and what each part includes3.To read words and expressions together first; then read by themselves Specimen presentation; Specimen discussionTo make studentsget the main contentof a contractTo get to know the meanings and pronunciations ofthe new words and expressionsIII. Practice Fill in the blanks on page 58-59.1. Fill in thepreamble of thesales contractaccording to thegiven letter.2. Look at the bodypart of a salescontract and finishit with the correctnames of terms and conditions.3. Look at a seriesof sentences.Which can be putinto the witness clauses.4. Look at a letterand fill in theblanks with aproper word.1. To do exercisesfirst and thencheck answers2.To discuss withtheir neighborswhile doing theexercisePracticemethodTo get to know theformat of a salescontract:the preamble, bodyand witness clausesTo learn how towrite a letterenclosed with thecontractIV. Evaluation Teacher evaluates students by asking them questions, doing exercises and summarizing;Students comment on their own performance by writing a diary after class.V. Summary Teacher askedstudents tosummarize themain points of thisclassIndividualpresentationQuestions andanswersTo get moreimpressive aboutwhat studentshave learnedVI. Assignment 1.T o read the Chinese prompts on Page 60 and then finish the contract with theright words on Page 61.2. To review the key words and phrases;3. To preview Unit 7---PaymentFeedback Students are able to fill in sales contract.Attached Teaching StepsTeaching StepsTeachin g Step 1 Review and lead- in new lessonQuestion 1: What is a contract?Answer: A contract is an agreement accepted by law, by which two parties mutually promise tobuy or sell some particular goods, or to do a certain work. (合同是一份双方都同意买卖某种商品或共同去做某件事情,并具有法律效力的协议)Question 2: How many parts can a sales contract be divided into? What are they? Answer: A sales contract can be divided into three parts — preamble, body and witness clauses. ( 合同通常分为三部分:约首、正文和约尾)Preamble includes:1 name and number (合同的名称和编号);2 each party s name, nationality, principal places of business, telephone or fax number (签约各方名称、国籍、法定地址、电话或传真);3 date of signing (签约日期).Body mainly includes:1 name of goods (货物的品名);2 quality and specifications (质量和规格);3 quantity (数量);4 price (价格);5 terms of payment (支付条件);6 packing (包装);7 shipment & delivery (装运与发货);8 insurance (保险).Witness clauses include:1 concluding Sentences (结束语);2 signature (签字);3 seal (盖章).Step 2 New-lesson presentation: Sales ContractNo.2012ST01Date: January 3, 2012Signed At: Shanghai ChinaSeller: Shanghai Clothes Import & Export Ltd.Buyer: New York ABC Co., Ltd.This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers. The buyers agree to buyand the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:Commodity : Silk BlousesSpecification: Small, Medium ,LargeColors: pink, blue and yellow equally assortedQuantity: 1000 pcsUnit Price: At USD 68.50 per pc CIF HoustonTotal Value: USD68,500 (Say US Dollars Forty-Eight Thousand and Five Hundred only)Packing: In cartoons of 20 pcs eachShipping Mark: At Seller’s optionInsurance: T o be covered by the SellerTime of shipment: In two equal monthly lots beginning from March, 2012 withtransshipment not allowed.Port of Shipment: Shanghai PortPort of Destination: New YorkTerms of Payment: D/A at 60 days’ sight.Step 3 PracticeSales ContractContract No.: DS-200018Shanghai Date: August 15, 2012 This contract is made by and betweenSeller: Shanghai Industry & Trade Co. Ltd.Add: 1Tel: 0086-21-58876721Fax: 0086-21-58876723and Buyer: 2Add: 3The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods according to the terms and conditions below:4 : T-shirts5 : short-sleeved, 100% cotton, with color white, black, blue andred6 : 10,000 (2,500 pieces for each color)7 : keep it out of water/rain (防潮)8 : USD 10 for each, CIF Alborg Denmark: USD 100,0009 : By irrevocable L/C payable at sight. The L/C should reach theseller 30 days before the time of shipment and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the day of shipment (凭不可撤销即期信用证付款,于装运期前30天开到卖方,并于上述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效)Shipment mark: KTC 18010 : during August, 201211. : Huangpu, ChinaPort of destination: Alborg,Denmark12. : To be covered by the buyeStep 4 Evaluation of the teacherThe teacher will evaluate the students’ performance and show their writing to class.Praise the excellent writing exercises and correct improper writing exercisesStep 5 Conclusion of class: The main content of sales contract Step 6 Homework :P 60-61教材中文销售合同填写完整的英文销售合同。

Begin with a buffer Explain why the refusal
has to be made State the refusal Close positively
1.Obviously, if you’d read your policy carefully, you’d be able to answer these questions yourself. Sometimes policy wording is a little hard to understand. I’m glad to clear up these questions for you.
3.If you will take the machine to the authorized service center in your area, I am confident they can correct the defect at reasonable charge.
4.If I can be of additional service, please contact me.
Black & White Inc. P.O. Box 6789-098-B
We thank you for your order No._______ for _______
Because ______o_u_r__s_u_p_p_l_y_o_f__ra_w___m_a_t_e_r_ia_l_s_h_a_s__b_e_e_n_________ ______c_o_m__m__it_t_e_d_t_o_o__th_e_r__o_r_d_e_r_s _f_o_r _m__o_n_t_h_s_i_n______ ______a_d_v_a_n__c_e_, ___________________________, We are unable to accept your order at this time.
Unit 7 A Sales Confirmation《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

7.Arbitration:In case no settlement can be reached through
negotiation,dispute may be submitted to arbitration.
8.Shipping documents required.
7.Port of Shipment:Guangzhou
8.Port of Destination:Singapore
9.Time of Shipment:During December allowing partial shipments and
transshipment Nhomakorabea Text C
talks and then clearly stated in the contract.
Text B
Sales Confirmation
Sellers:China National Native Produce & Animal By⁃Products Import & Export
Corporation,Shandong Branch.
Buyers:Smith & Sons Co.Ltd.
This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and Buyers whereby
the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under⁃mentioned
latter’s certificate,are to be taken as final.
外贸英语函电Unit 6 Confirmation﹠ Acceptance

外贸英语函电 第六讲
Unit 6 Confirmation﹠ Acceptance
订单是为了要求供应具体数量的货物而 提出的一种要求。它是对报盘或询盘后发 出报价而促成的结果。订单可以用信或印 制好的订单、传真或e-mail来发送。卖方 则用印制好的确认书来回复。 按照商法,买主的订单是对欲购货物的 出价,在卖主接受以前,不受法律约束。 在接受以后,双方就要履行协议,并受法 律约束。
duly: [ ‘dju:li ] ad. 适时的,适当地 Countersign v.会签,副署 协议、契约、文本等涉及到双方(或多方) 各执一份时,需要双方(或多方)在所有文 本上会签,然后各执一份。
A letter of credit = L/C In our favor 以我方为受誉人 In one`s favor 对…有利,以…为受益人 Eg. We will request our bankers to open a L/C in your favor. 我方将要求银行开立以你方为受誉人的信用 证.
However 无论如何;不管多么 draw one`s attention to 引起注意 Stipulation n. 规定;契约 Stipulations in the relative credit 相关信 用证的规定 On the stipulation that… 按…规定 Stipulate v. 讲明;规定 按规定货物须在三日内送交. Eg. It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within 3 days.
1. 鉴于我们之间的长期贸易关系,特向你方 作此还盘。 In view of our long-standing business relations we make you such a counter-offer. 3. 感谢贵方2月20日的报价,随函附上关于 标题项下货物的111号订单。 We thank you for your quotation of February 20 and enclose here with our order No.111 for the captioned goods.

The preamble contains:
Name of the contract Contract No. Signing date and place Name and address of the two parties
The preamble may take the following statement as the opening remark:
Kinds of contract
Purchase contract Sales contract
ConfirmationP Nhomakorabearchase confirmation Sales confirmation
Formation of contract
Preamble (序文,前言) Body End of contract
General terms and conditions
Claims (索赔)
The buyers shall have the right within 30 or 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination to lodge or file claims concerning the quality, quantity or weight of the goods (claims for perishable goods are to be put forward immediately after arrival of the goods at destination.)
End of contract

外贸英语函电——第五版(尹小莹)课后答案详解(翻译、课上例句、单词)Unit 2(1)我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.(2) 我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。
We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.(2)承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的姓名、地址。
We owe your nam e and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.(4) 我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。
We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present.(5) 有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。
国际商务函电第六章Unit06 Non-firm Offers

Unit Six Non-firm Offers (虚 盘)
New Words & Expressions
2. proforma invoice 形式发票,是为了形式上的需要 而由卖方出具给买方的一种发票,对买卖双方均 无约束力,仅作为参考报价,便于买方办理一些 必要的进口手续。除非另有说明,形式发票上所 列价格往往要由卖方予以最后确认。 We hope the enclosed proforma invoice will help you to apply for the foreign exchange needed. 希望 所附的形式发票将有助于你方申请所需外汇。 Complying with the request in your letter of April 26, we take pleasure in enclosing you our Proforma Invoice in quadruplicate. 根据你方4月26日来函要求,我方高兴地随函附寄 一式四份形式发票。
Unit Six Non-firm Offers (虚 盘)
New Words & Expressions
8. assorted adj. 各式各样的,搭配好的 Please supply in a assorted colors: 4 pieces each of pink, yellow and blue per dozen. 请按花色搭配供应:每打粉红色、黄色和蓝色 各四件。 assortment n. 花色品种,各种各类的聚合
Unit Six Non-firm Offers (虚 盘)
New Words & Expressions
5. cooperation n. 合作 We look forward to your close cooperation in promoting this new product. 在推销这项新产品中,我们期望你方的密切合 作。 Thank you for your cooperation. 感谢合作。 cooperate v. 合作 It is necessary that we cooperate closely. 我们双方紧密合作很有必要。 cooperative adj. 合作的 Thanks for your cooperative efforts. 感谢你方的努力合作。
外贸英语函电 unit six

The Seller’s obligation
Deliver the goods exactly the kind ordered, and at the agreed time Guarantee that the goods to be supplied are free from any faults.
Conform v. comply with, be in agreement with 符合、遵守 conform to contract stipulations 符合合同 规定
Subsequent adj. 之后的、随后的 subsequent amendments 随后的修改 Effect v. realize,bring out 实现 effect shipment 发货 effect payment 履行付款, 支付款项
我已接受你方85号订单订购货号1002号印花布 十万码。请告颜色搭配并按合同规定的条款开 立以我方为抬头的有关信用证。
Your order No.85 for 100,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art. No. 1002 has been booked. Please let us know the color assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favor according to the terms contracted.
The contents of an order
Include full details of description (specifications), quantities and prices. State mode of packing, port of destination and time of shipment Confirm the terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations. And sometimes “penalties” should the contracted terms not be fulfilled.

Aambassador 大使available可利用的可得到的可供应的commodities available for export 供出口的商品not available 缺货acquaint 使认识,使了解as per按照依据as per list price 按照表上价格as per enclosed documents 根据所附单据attach 附加approach 与…接洽assume假设假定assume the direction of a business 负责主持一项业务assume the reins of government 开始执政assume no responsibility 不承担责任appeal to the most selective buyer 吸引最挑剔的买主a draft at sight= a sight draft 即期汇票assure 向…保证automobile 汽车attachment 附件accommodation 居住设施招待设备acknowledge 承认告知收到alteration 改变改动as a rule = usually 通常acknowledgement 认收apply for L/C 申请开立信用证A-I Grade 甲级appreciable 可估计的an appreciable increase in demand 需求的明显增加at economic prices 经济的价格较低的价格attest 证实证明aside from 除了…以外accountee (信用证)申请开证人authorize 授权aggregate 总计合计为amendment 修改,修正a special rate 特惠保率accordingly 照着,相应地arbitration 仲裁assume responsibility 承担责任All Ricks 一切险aid with no conditions attached 无附加条件的援助be amicably settled 友好的解决the amount due to sb 应付给(或欠)某人的款项Bbrochure 小册子bona fide holder 合法持有人bid 报价投标bid price 递价投标价格bank note checker 验钞机brand 牌子our bankers are 我方银行是beneficiary 受益人Ccommercial商业的,商务的commercial c ounselor’s office商务参赞处commercial attaché商务专员commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业新闻commerce 商业connected with…与…有联系competitive 有竞争力的~ price 竞争价格~ capacity 竞争能力~ power 竞争能力~ edge 竞争优势catalog 目录chemicals 化工产品化学制品contact 与…联系commission委任委托~ house 委托商行证券经纪公司~ sale 委托销售~ agent 佣金商代理商~ broker 掮客经纪人~ of authority 授权书~ for acceptance 承兑佣金~ ticket 佣金票证a commission of…% 百分之几佣金your commission of你方百分之几佣金two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金all commissions 一切佣金或各项佣金cotton fabrics 棉织品cosmetics 化妆品claim 索赔compensation trade 补偿贸易compel 强迫complaint 申诉commercial invoice 商业发票this being the case 事实既然如此consignment 发售寄售consignment merchandise 寄售品consignment shipment 寄售发货continuation sheet 续页consecutive 连续不断的for your consideration 供你方考虑Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书Certificate of Weight 重量证明书confirm 证实确定确认Purchase Confirmation 购货确认书Sales Confirmation 销售确认书confirmed credit保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行cash against documents on arrial of goods 货到后凭单付款(CAD)considerable quantity of…相当数量的…counter offer 还盘还价cargo 船上所载的货物coincide (意见等)一致(时间上)相同craftsmanship (工匠的)技术,技艺letter of Credit payable by sight draft 即期信用证letter of Credit 信用证CIF(cost insurance freight)到岸价comply with 依照符合in compliance with 依从…按照…confidence 信赖信任the chamber of commerce 商会inclusive of our 5% commission 包括我方5%佣金confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 保兑的,不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证countersign 副署,联署,会签consent 许可同意the captioned goods 标题项下的货物Ddealer 商人deal on credit 信用交易,赊账买卖retail dealer/retailer 零售商wholesale dealer/wholesaler 批发商deal with 经营,处理debit 借方discount 折扣be desirous of 渴望想要desire 期望渴望要求请求growing demand 增长的需求a large demand 大的需求a great demand 很大的需求latent demand 潜伏需求overfull demand 过多需求demand and supply 供与求供求delivery date 交货期be desirous of sth 想要某物drawer 出票人drawee 付款人drawing on us at 60 day’s sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款description 规格deliver 交货do. ditto的缩写,意思是:同上,同前distributor 经销商批发商disposal 处理处置drilling equipment 钻井设备denomination (钱币等的)单位,面额due 预期的deadline 最后期限disposal 处理处置Eembassy 大使馆enclose 封入enclosure 附件enjor great popularity 享有盛誉ex-work 在工厂交货ex stock = from stock 现货~ factory(mill)工厂交货~ godown 卖房仓库交货~ buyer’s godown 买方仓库交货~ store 仓库交货~ ship 船上交货~ pier 码头交货effect 完成实现~ shipment 装船装运~ payment 付款支付~ insurance 投保equity joint venture 合资经营合作经营企业endorser 背书人endorsement in blank 无记名式背书endorsement in full 记名式背书equally authentic 同等效力elapse (时间)过去,消逝to the extent of…最高金额expedite shipment 加速装运execute an order 执行订单the extension of a contract 合同有效期的延长 ~ loan 贷款偿还期的延长explicitly 清楚地endeavour 努力enquiry note no. 1345 1345号询价单to that extent 到那种程度Ffinancial standing 财金情况finances 财源,资金情况forward 转交传递favourable 有利的赞成的有帮助的favourable price优惠价格favourable reply 合意的回答for one’s file 以便某方存档force majeure 人力不可抗力furnish 提供final and binding决定性的并具有效力的freight prepaid 运费预付freight货物运费~ charges 运费~ agency 运货代理商~ forwarder 运输公司~ rate 运费率~ service 货运~ tariff 运费表franchise 免赔率forwarding agents 运输代理~ order 托运单forwarder 运输商in favour of 以…为抬头fall due 到期finalize an order with them 接受他们的订单further to 继…Hhonour 履行承兑照付honour a bill 承兑一张票据Ilight industrial product 轻工业产品inquiry 询价询盘illustrated catalog 附有插图的目录issue 开立签发issue an L/C 开立信用证I/E corp 进出口公司incumbent 负有义务an integral part 不可分割部分in question 该所涉及的imperative 绝对必要的Insurance 保险~ agents 保险代理人~ amount 保险额~ certificate 保险凭证~ coverage 保险范围in view of the above 鉴于上述情况inferior 劣等的installation guide manual安装手册Jjoint effect 共同努力joint venture company 合资企业合营企业公司joint venture corporation 合伙公司合营公司joint capital 合资joint stock 合资合股Kkeen competition 激烈的竞争keen interest 强烈的兴趣keen price 薄利的价格低价Lleading importer 主要进口商leading market 主要市场leading stock 主要股份loading 装货loading and unloading 装卸lot 一批货look into 调查观察Mmanufacturer 制造商厂商manufacture 制造(品)制造业manufactured article 人工制品goods 制成品products 工业制品of Chinese(home、 foreign)manufacture 中国(本国、外国)制造的Chinese manufactures = Chinese makes 中国制品silk manufactures 丝制品the textile manufacture 纺织业manufactory制造厂工厂a hardware manufactory 五金工厂be in the market for 想要购买make out 缮制填写more often than not 经常多半modify the terms of a contract 修改合同条款Manufacturer’s Certificate 生产厂家证明maintenance operation manual 维修手册Nnotify 通知namely 即也就是neutral packing 中性包装null 无约束力的无效的Non-negotiable Bill of Landing 不可转让提单Ooblige 要求(某人做某事)old-established 老字号overleaf 在(书等的某一张的)另一面oversight 疏忽出错order with conditions attached 带有附加条件的订单order 订单on the high side (指价格)偏高outset 开端occasion 诱因理由Ppharmaceutical 药品药剂profitable 有益的有利的可获利的profitable fields of investment 有利的投资场所profits利润net profits 净利润total profits 总利润profit ratio(rate)利润率gross profits 总利润毛利sell sth at a profit 出售某物而获利purchase 购买place a large order with you 向你方大量订货parts and components 零部件pcs. pieces的复数a sharp rise in price 价格急剧上涨provided 假若倘使假如priority 优先top/first priority 最优先考虑的事give priority to 给…以优先权take (top or first)priority in 在…中占优先地位enjor priority in 在…方面享有优先权place with you an order 向你方订货pour in 涌进present 提交packing list 装箱单provisional rules 暂行条例暂行规则procedure 程序presentation 提交呈递punctual delivery 按时交货on perusal 在细阅之后partial shipment 分批装运pick up (车辆等)中途带(货)premium 保险费popularize 普及推广packing list 装箱单Qquotation 报价行情quotation table(list)价目表exchange rate quotation 外汇行情discount quotation 贴现行情market quotation 市场行情quote 开价quote a price 报价quote favourable terms 报优惠价query form 询价表Rregarding 关于a wide range of大范围的各类的refer to sb for sth 想某人打听(查询)某事refer to 提到谈判谈及涉及be represented by 由…代理representative 代理人a legal representative 法定代理人reasonable 合理的regular 定期的经常的固定的不变的a regular customer 老顾客(老客户)a regular meeting 例会registered 注册的登记的挂号的~ capital 注册资本~ trademark 注册商标~ certificate of stock = ~ stock 记名股票~ check 记名支票~ security 记名证券~ bonds 记名债券~ mail 挂号邮件~ post 挂号邮件挂号信registration 注册登记place (country, district)of registration 注册地点(国家,地区)registration fee 注册费registration procedures 注册(登记)手续register 注册remark 备注revert to the original state 回复原状recourse 追索权reimbursement 赔偿补偿reserve保留bank’s reserve 银行储备金foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备reserve fund 公积金reserve balance 储备余额reserve currency 储备货币reinforce 加固refund 归还偿还revolving letter of credit 循环信用证regular monthly shipments 按月付运Sstanding 资信情况信誉固定的永久的~ cost 长期成本,固定成本~ orders长期定单~ director 常务董事credit standing 信誉情况specialize in 专门(从事)专门(经营)scrupulous test 严格检验service after selling 售后服务strict confidence 严格保密from other sources从其他渠道(从其他供货商)synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织品shipping 装运船运运输~ documents装运单据One set of shipping documents 一套装运单据,(包括:Bill of Lading 提单,Commercial Invoice商业发票, Certificate of Quality 质量证明书, Certificate of Quantity 重量证明书,Insurance Policy 保险单, Weight Memo 重量单)~ advice 装船通知~ agents 装运代理人发货代理人~ company 船运公司~ container 船运集装箱~ order 装货单~ space 舱位,载位~ dock 装卸码头~ expense 装运费~ instruction 装运指示~ invoice 货物装运单~ notice 装船通知~ process 装运手续~ weight 启运重量submit 呈递呈交提交substitute 代替物sample cutting 剪样Supplementary Conditions 附加条款shipmailed along with the goods 与货物一起随船代交Standard export case 标准出口箱Shipping mark 装船标志a large stock of 大批存货have/keep in stock 有现货out of stock 脱销stipulate 订定规定sailing date 起航日期should be borne by sb 应由某人负担special instructions 特别条款subsequent 继…之后的sufficient 充足的stipulation 规定sell by lots 分批出售shortweight 短重short delivery 缺少短交short shipment 短装装载不足short-calculated 少算~ established 少开~ invoiced 发票少开~ landed 短卸~ shipped 短装~ paid 少付Survey Report 检验报告sustain 蒙受遭受standstill 停止中止susceptible 易受影响的standard export cardboard carton 标准出口纸箱spare part 备件subject to 以…为条件的to step up the trade 为促进贸易Tturnover 营业额terms of payment 支付条件taxing 难以负担的使人感到有压力的tie-up of funds 占用资金tight money 银根紧the General Terms And Conditions 一般条款transhipment 转运转船to order 空白抬头tariff 运费表关税~ compact 关税协定~ diminution 关税减让~ quota 关税限额~ rate 关税率take delivery 提货trial order 试订(货)take advantage of this opportunity 利用这一有利时机Uunprecedentedly 空前地unharsh terms 不苛刻的条件under advice to sb 并通知某人universally普遍地广泛地Va valid reason 正当的理由via 经由void 无用的,无效的validity 有效期Wwith reference to 兹谈及withstand 抵挡反抗warranty 保证(书)waive 放弃whole foreign venture 外国独资经营企业worn and torn 磨损畅销品ready sellor,quick sellor, quick-selling product in duplicate一式二份in triplicate 一式三份in quadruplicate 一式四份quintuplicate 一式五份的。
对外经贸函电课程课件 新Unit 6 Order and Confirmation

An order is a request made by the buyer
to the seller, asking the seller to supply a specified quantity of goods.
b. express regret at inability to accept it;
c. explain concisely the main reasons; d. make a counter-offer, or recommend suitable substitutes, or contact him if there is an opportunity in the future.
Letter (2) (An order for men’s shirts)
1. seaworthy
fit for ocean transportation
Cartons as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in international trade. Therefore, you need not worry about their seaworthiness.
Letter 2 (Confirmation of the Order)
Dear Mr. Lockwood, Thank you for your letter of March 31, 2008 and your Order No. 08-cs012HX. Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. SHHX082027. Please sign and return one copy for our file.
国际商务函电电子教案 chapter 6

2) Remittance Remittance service is often used for advance payment, cash on delivery, open account, down payment, payment in installments and commission, etc. It can be made by mail, telegraph and draft, namely Mail Transfer or M/T (信汇), Telegraphic Transfer or T/T (电 汇) and Demand Draft or D/D(票汇) respectively. The cost of M/T is less, but the speed is slow. As far as D/D is concerned, it is transferable, which is different from M/T and T/T.
Instead, the mostly worldwide used instruments are the
following: ● draft/bill of exchange(B/E)汇票 ● promissory note(P/N)本票 ● check/cheque 支票
2. Modes of Payment
cannot be accepted. ● Close the letter by expressing expectations of an early reply or suggesting future business dealings.
Professional Advice
Writing Principles of Letters of Payment Terms

If there is sth on the next page:
Ms. Nancy Winter Page 3 July 5, 1999 Ms. Allen Brook Page 2 April 3, 2007
10. The Closing Sentence
a. We await your immediate reply. b. In view of the above, we would suggest in your interest that you accept our price of US $500 per metric ton without any delay. c. Looking forward to your detailed reply at your early convenience.
12. Signature
For/P.P. Green Manufacturing Co. p.p.= Per procurationem表示代表单位或某负责人 签名,而非代表个人。
11. Complimentary Close
a. (Dear John)---Love, /Cheers, /Best wishes, / Y our devoted friend, (casual) b. (Dear Mr./ Mrs./Miss/Ms Smith)--- Sincerely yours, (general style) c. (Dear Sir or Madam)---Very truly yours, /Faithfully yours, (formal) d. Respectfully yours, / Very respectfully, (most formal)
外贸函电实务Unit 6

Notes to Letter 1
1. place an rder 下订单 • Would you like to go ahead and place an order? 您是不是现在就订购呢? • I'd like to place an order for some tea with you. 我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。 • Place an order by pushing a button on your remote control. 按一下遥控器上的电钮就可以定货。
The Practice of Business Correspondences
§Task 1 Placing an Order
•业务背景:荷兰艾利斯进出口公司的威廉· 赫特想购
买500双女式皮鞋,通过客户介绍与温州时达鞋业有限 公司的章薇取得联系,通过邮件往来,谈妥了价格,现正 式下订单。请以威廉· 赫特的名义给章薇写一封订货函。
§Writing Guide
Contents of an order letter
(1) Expressing the source of your order (from the catalogues, price list, samples)and intention; (2) Giving a full description of the commodity, including model number, specifications, size, color, etc; (3) Indicating clearly the terms of transaction, including quantity, price term, terms of payment, packing ,shipment , date of delivery, port of shipment and destination etc; (4) Asking for the confirmation of your order from the seller; (5) Expressing your desire for future business.

邢台学院教案 20 ~ 20 学年度第二学期课程名称学时学分专业班级授课教师系部本课程教学总体安排课程名称:外贸函电课程性质与类型:专业必修课总学时、学分:42学时、3学分教学目的与要求:国际经贸函电主要介绍外贸实务中各种英文信函、电传及其它方式的写作格式、专业术语和各种不同的表达方法,对外贸易各环节的具体做法,使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中常用句型和表达技能,培养和提高他们的外贸业务工作能力。
教材及参考书目:[1]尹小莹、杨润辉.《外贸英语函电》.西安:西安交通大学出版社.2011年7月[2]郑黎明.《外贸函电》.西安: 西安交通大学出版社.2011年6月[3]黄霜林.《国际商务函电实用教程》.武汉:武汉理工大学出版社.2006考核方式及成绩计算方法:平时成绩*70%+期末成绩*30%=总成绩课程教学日历课程名称:外贸函电授课学期:6第一章教学安排的说明章节题目:Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing学时分配:2学时本章教学目的与要求:了解国际经贸函电课程的学习内容方法等,了解国际商务书信的格式,4种常用格式:齐头式、混合式、改良式、简化式;掌握商务书信的构成部分;了解英文商务书信的写信原则。
其它:课堂教学方案课题名称:Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing授课时数:2课时授课类型(理论课、实验课、技法课、习题课等):理论课教学方法与手段(讲授、讨论、指导、多媒体等):讲授教学目的要求:了解国际商务书信的格式;掌握商务书信的构成部分;了解英文商务书信的写信原则。
教学重点、难点:商务书信的构成部分教学内容及组织安排:Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter WritingForm and Structure of Business Letters1. Form(1)Full block form 齐头式In the Full block form , every part of a letter is typed from the left margin.(2)Modified block form with indented style 混合式In the Modified block form with indented style the sender's address is typed in the up-middle part. The receiver's address starts from the left margin. The complimentary close as well as the signature are typed from the middle little towards the right..(3)Modified block form 改良式In the Modified block form all the parts start from the left margin , except the date , complimentary close and signature.(4)Simplified form 简化式Simplified form is somewhat like Full block form. But some parts are omitted , such as salutation and complimentary close.2.Structure(1)parts of the business lettera.Letterhead 信头b.Reference and date 编号和日期c.Inside name and address 封内地址d.Attention line 经办人e.Salutation 称呼f.Subject line 事由g.Body 信文plimentary close 结尾敬语i.Signature 签署j.Enclosure 附件k.Carbon copy notation 抄送l.Postscript 附言(2)The ways of writing partsa.Letterhead 信头Letterhead includes the sender's name, postal address, telephone number, telex number and E-mail address, etc. Usually letterhead is printed in the up-center or at the left margin of a letter.and date 编号和日期In business communication, when a firm writes to another, each will give a reference. The reference may include a file number, departmental code or the initials of the signer followed by that of the typist of the letter. The date should always be typed in full and not abbreviated.name and address 封内地址The name and address of receiver is typed at the left-hand margin about two to four spaces below the date. It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.line 经办人Attention line is used when the writer of a letter addressed to an organization wishes to direct the letter to a specific individual.称呼Salutation is the complimentary greeting with which the writer opens his from depends on the writer’s relationship with the receiver. Salutation is typed two spaces below the inside address or the attention line.line 事由Subject line is actually the general idea of a letter. It is inserted between the salutation and the body,of the letter信文This is the main part of the expresses the writer’s idea,opinion purpose and wishes, ther has been previcus correspondence,the reply letter will refer to it in the first writer’s plans,hopes and expectations will be expressed in the last paragraph.close 结尾敬语Complimentary close is merely a polite way of ending a is in keeping with the salutation.签署It is commen to type the name of the writer’s firm or company below complimentary the person who directing the letter should sign his name by hand.附件If something is enclosed,note it below the signature.copy notation 抄送When copies of the letter are sent to others, type . below the signature at the left margin.附言If the writer wishes to add something he forgot to mention or for emphasis,he may add his postscript twospaces below the carbon notation.EnvelopesBusiness Envelopes ordinarily have the return address printed in the upper left receiver’s name and address should be typed about half way down the envelope.Writing principles of the Business Letter好的商业书信应该是易读易懂,友好的,客气的,写作商业书信时,需注意遵守一下原则:Completeness 完整 Conciseness 简洁Consideration 体谅 Concreteness 具体Courtesy 礼貌 Correctness 正确Clearness 清楚扩展内容:适用写信和贸易会话的常用词语表达句型。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
on/upon 与 after 当英译“……到后,就……”时,用介词 on/upon,而不用 after,因为 after 表示“之后”的时间不明确。 Ex7:发票货值须货到付给。 The invoice value is to be paid on/upon arrival of the goods.
by 与 before 当英译终止时间时,比如“在某月某日之前”,如果包括所写日 期时,就用介词 by;如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前 一天为止,就要用介词 before。 Ex8:卖方须在 6 月 15 日前将货交给买方。 The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.(or: before June 16,说明含 6 月 15 日在内。如果 不含 6 月 15 日,就译为 by June 14 或者 before June 15。)
On Translating Contract
Ⅱ. Using idiomatic adverbs
Ex1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 (legal) of or This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.
2. simplified contract
Sales Confirmation and purchase confirmation
Elements of a Contract
1. Heading name of the contract, full names and addresses of both parties, willingness to execute the contract 2. Body commodity name, quality, specification, price, terms of payment, packing, delivery date and place, shipping, insurance, inspection, claim, majeure, arbitration etc. 3. Ending copies of the contract, language variety, binding force, time and place of signing, the time when it comes into effect, signature of both parties
abide by 与 comply with
abide by 与 comply with 都有“遵守”的意思.但 是当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用 abide by。当主 语是非人称时,则用 comply with 英译“遵守”。
Both parties Shall abide by the contractual stipulations. All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.
change A to B 与 change A into B 英译“把 A 改为 B”用“change A to B”,英译“把 A 折合 成/兑换成 B”用“change A into B”,两者不可混淆。 Eg4:双方同意将交货期改为 8 月并将美元折合成人民币。 Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้hange US dollar into Renminbi.
损害,托运人应负全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.
by and between
and between强调合同是由“双方”签订的,因此 by what,by which凭什么, 双方必须严格履行合同所赋于的责任。
On Translating Contract
careful with the details
实践证明,英译合同中容易出现差错的地方,一般 来说,不是大的陈述性条款。而恰恰是一些关键的细 目.比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免出差错,在英 译合同时,常常使用一些有限定作用的结构来界定细目所 指定的确切范围。
Unit 6 Sales Confirmation & Purchase Contract
• ABCs About Contract • On Translating Contract
• Sample Analysis • Amusement Park • Relevant Practices
Common Contracts
On Translating Contract
ing documentary adverbs
实际上,这种公文语惯用副同为数并不多,而且构词简 单易记。常用的这类副词是由here、there、where等副词分别 加上after、by、in、of、on、to、under、upon、with等接介词, 构成一体化形式的公文语副词。 Eg. 此后、以后:thereafter; 在其上:thereon\thereupon; 在其下:thereunder; 对于这个:hereto; 对于那个:whereto; 在上文:hereinabove\hereinbefore; 在下文:hereinafter\hereinbelow 在上文中、在上一部分中:thereinbefore; 在下文中、在下一部分中:thereinafter
about this 于此,关于此点
The undersigned hereby agrees that the new products
whereto this trade name is more appropriate are made in China.
ex 与 per 源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船 “运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 per,而由 某轮船“承运”用 by。 Eg5:由“维多利亚”轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于 10 月 1日抵达伦敦。 The last batch per/ex/by S.S. "Victoria" will arrive at London on October 1 (S.S. = Steamship)
in 与 after 当英译“多少天之后”的时间时,往往是指“多少天之 merchant vesselafter, 后”的确切的一天,所以必须用介词 in ,而不能用 Motor vessel 因为介词 after 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一 天。 Ex6:该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出,41 天后抵 达鹿特丹港。 The good shall be shipped per M.V. "Dong Feng" on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rotterdam in 41 days.
Defining liabilities
众所周知,合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英译出双 方责任的权限与范围,常常使用连词和介词的固定结构。
and/or 常用and/or英译合同中“甲和乙+甲或乙”的内容,这样就 可避免漏译其中的一部分。
• Contract
•Confirmation • Agreement
• Memorandum
Two Forms Used in Foreign Trade
1. formal contract
Import Contract or Purchase Contract;
Export Contract or Sales Contract
付现金。 Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May1.
2.2 not(no)later than
用“not(no)later than+日期”英译“不迟于某月某日” EX13:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物 装船。 Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.
2.3 Other Forms of “include”
常用include的相应形式:inclusive、including和included,来限定 含当日在内的时间。 Ex14:本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。 This credit expires till January 1(inclusive)for negotiation in Beijing. This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.) 如果不包括1月1日在内,英译为: till and not including January 1.