初中英语 九年级上册 测试卷(含答案)

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一. 单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

1. --How do you study _____a test?

--I study _______work i ng w i th a group.

A. for,i n,

B. for,by,

C. by,for

D. of,i n,

2. --When were you born?—I was born September28,1999.

A. i n

B. w i th

C. at

D. on

3. --We w i ll have a8-day hol i day from Oct.1to Oct.8for Ch i nese Nat i onal Day?

--Wow,exc i t i ng news i t i s!

A. What

B. What an

C. How

D. How an

4. you eat,you w i ll be.

A. The more;the fatter

B. The more;the fater

C. The most;the fattest

D. more;fatter

5. The express i ons they use m i ght whom they are speak i ng to or how well they know each other.

A. i nstead of

B. lead to

C. because of

D. depend on

6. When you don’t know some words i n read i ng, i t i s not a good i dea i n a

d i ct i onary at once.

A. make up them

B. look i ng up them

C. to make them up

D. to look them up

7. My father wants to know _________ next week.

A. when my uncle leaves

B. when w i ll my uncle leave

C. when my uncle w i ll leave

D. when does my uncle leave

8. Can you teach me the computer?

A. how u sin g

B. how to use

C. what to use

D. what u sin g

9. the Engl i sh club at school i s the best way to i mprove our Engl i sh.

A. Jo i n

B. Jo i ned

C. Jo i n i ng

D. Jo i ns

10. I’ve f i ve pounds because I ate too much meat.

A. put up

B. put off

C. put away

D. put on

11. —It’s dangerous to sw i m i n th i s r i ver.

—Yes,you are r i ght. The government has _________ people not to sw i m i n i t.

A. tra i ned

B. warned

C. led

D. encouraged

12. I wonder______you would l i ke to come to my b i rthday party.

A. that

B. whether

C. what

D. that i f

13. What i s the matter?I have trouble who has taken my book.

A. look i ng after

B. f i nd i ng out

C. to f i nd out

D. to look up

14. I f i nd__________ d i ff i cult to keep my room clean.

A. i t

B. th i s

C. that

D. myself

15. Could you tell me________ the post off i ce?

A. the way

B. where i s

C. how can I get to

D. how to get to

16. The famous novel ________ by Mo Yan i s very i nteret i ng.

A. wr i te

B. wr i tten

C. wr i tes

D. wrote

17. The photo can______ me _____ my Ch i nese teacher,Mr. Green.

A. rem i nd;of

B. let;down
