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小学英语五年级下册连词成句专题练习附答案解析1.do the what in you do summer(? )(连词成句)

2.cleans at Tom his room 6:00 ( . )(连词成句)

3.usually in snows winter it in Canada (.)(连词成句)4.Wednesday to music I listen on ( . )(连词成句)


6.he is the fishbowl in watching the fish (.)(连词成句)7.mum housework does the My weekend on often ( . )(连词成句)8.Sometimes the class I take dancing a on weekend ( . )(连词成句)9.Robinson ,the,late,up,in,gets,morning,always.(连词成句)10.swimming,Zip ,often,the,water,in ,goes.(连词成句)11.sports I good am at (. )(连词成句)

12.on Let's the play weekend football (. )(连词成句)

13.picnic I have with parents my a (. )(连词成句)14.often make a in I snowman winter (. )(连词成句)15.like, I, vacation, because, summer (!)(连词成句)

16.hot is days the are summer long and (. )(连词成句)17.do, when, you, to, bed, go (?)(连词成句)

18.like, I, because, summer, vacation (. ) (连词成句)

19.often, I, on, go, picnic, with, family, my, a, (. )(连词成句)20.season, which, you, like, do, best (?)(连词成句)21.always, for, I, go, walk, a, after, dinner (. )(连词成句)

22.do, weekend, on, do, What, the, you, often (?) (连词成句)

23.two, has, My, kittens, new, cat (.)(连词成句)

24.birthday, When, grandpa's, is, your (?)(连词成句)

25.Planting, on, Day, is, Tree, March 12th (.)(连词成句)

26.people, are, family, in, There, four, his (.)(连词成句)

27.year, July, is, seventh, the, month, of, a (.)(连词成句)

28.the, When, show, is, art (?)(连词成句)

29.birthday, My, October, is, on, 3rd (.)(连词成句)

30.for, your, What, do, on, will, father, you, Father's Day (?)(连词成句)31.you,What,do,for,will,your,mum(?)(连词成句)



35.come,Will,the,to,you,party(?) (连词成句)





40.trip,The,school,on,is,2nd,April(.)(连词成句)41.singing,The,July,on,contest,is,first(.)(连词成句)42.January My is on birthday 22nd(. ) (连词成句)

43.We have can party a for birthday your sister (.)(连词成句)44.his There eight in are people family (. ) (连词成句)45.baby's When is the birthday (?)(连词成句)

46.is The birthday on girl's September 15th (. ) (连词成句)47.birthday June in her Is(?)(连词成句)

48.in My November birthday is too (.)(连词成句)

49.in Children's Day June is (.)(连词成句)

50.is What date today the (?)(连词成句)


1.What do you do in the summer?

【解析】do助动词,无意义,the这,what什么,in在……里,you你,do做,summer夏天,根据所给的问号,结合词义,可知句子是一个特殊疑问句:你夏天做什么?故答案为What do you do in the summer?


2.Tom cleans his room at 6:00.

【解析】cleans打扫,at在,Tom汤姆,his他的,room房间,6:00六点。根据句号可知该句子是陈述句。句意是:汤姆在六点打扫他的房间。故答案为:Tom cleans his room at 6:00.


3.It usually snows in winter in Canada.

【解析】usually通常,in在……里,snows下雪,winter 冬天,it表示天气,in……里,Canada 加拿大。“in winter在冬季”和“in Canada在加拿大”是固定短语。根据句号可知该句子是陈述句。句意是:加拿大冬天通常下雪。故答案为:It usually snows in winter in Canada.


4.I listen to music on Wednesday.

【解析】Wednesday星期三,to到,music音乐,I我,listen听,on在…… 。“listen to ……听…… ”是固定短语。根据句号可知该句子是陈述句。句意是:我在星期三听音乐。故答案为:I listen to music on Wednesday.


5.When do you have a music class?

【解析】have有, when什么时候, you你, a一节, do助动词, class课, music音乐。when是疑问词引导特殊疑问句。句型结构是“When+助动词do+you+动词原形+其他?”。句意是:我经常和我的朋友们一起打篮球。故答案为:When do you have a music class?

