药品生产监督管理办法 (中英文)

基本要求1. 所有药品生产过程必须符合国家和行业相关法律法规的规定。
2. 所有药品生产过程必须符合本企业内部标准的要求,并进行严格的质量控制。
3. 所有生产设备必须经过验收并进行定期维护、保养,以确保其正常运转。
4. 所有人员必须经过培训和资格认证,才能从事药品生产及其相关质量管理活动。
5. 所有原料、辅料和包装材料必须符合国家相关标准,并进行严格的品质控制。
6. 所有药品必须经过严格的质量检测和审批,才能销售。
生产过程控制1. 工作指导书和操作规程必须准确明确,所有生产操作必须按照规定执行。
2. 所有重要的药品生产过程必须进行过程控制,确保产品符合质量要求。
3. 工艺过程必须进行验证,确保能够稳定生产符合质量要求的药品。
4. 所有药品生产过程必须进行记录,包括原始记录、过程记录和质量记录。
质量控制1. 药品质量控制必须从原料及辅料的采购开始,到药品生产、包装、储存、销售和售后服务的全过程。
2. 所有药品必须经过严格的质量检测和审批,符合质量要求才能销售。
3. 所有生产设备必须按照规定进行定期检验、维护和保养,确保其正常运转,以保证产品的质量稳定和符合质量要求。
4. 所有药品生产过程中的环境控制、卫生标准必须符合国家相关标准。
5. 严格控制药品生产过程中的风险,避免出现安全事故或品质问题。
技术文件和记录1. 所有工艺和质量控制文件必须准确明确,并进行严格的审核和批准。
2. 所有药品生产过程中的记录必须真实、准确、完整,包括原始记录、过程记录和质量记录,并定期进行归档。
3. 所有技术文件和记录必须保存完好,定期进行归档并进行管理。
基础设施建设和设备管理1. 所有生产车间必须符合国家和企业相关标准,具备良好的空气质量、洁净度、温度、湿度等环境条件。


GOOD MANUFACTURE PRACTICE 美国药品生产质量管理规范(CGMP)二○○三年十二月目录210.1 cGMP法规的地位 (2)210.2 cGMP法规的适用性 (2)210.3 定义 (2)211-A- 总则 (4)211-B- 组织与人员 (4)211-C- 厂房和设施 (5)211-D- 设备 (7)211-E- 成份、药品容器和密封件的控制 (8)211-F- 生产和加工控制 (10)211-G- 包装和标签控制 (11)211-H- 贮存和销售 (13)211-I- 实验室控制 (14)211-J- 记录和报告 (16)211-K- 退回的药品和回收处理 (20)210部分—人用及兽用药品的生产、加工、包装或贮存的CGMPPart 210 - CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE IN MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING, PACKING, OR HOLDING OF DRUGS; GENERAL210.1 cGMP法规的地位§ 210.1 Status of current good manufacturing practice regulations.(a) 在本部分及21CFR 211—226部分中陈述的法规是在药品生产、加工、包装或贮存中使用的现行生产质量管理规范及使用的设施或控制的最低标准,以保证该药品符合联邦食品、药品及化妆品法对安全性的要求,具有均一性和效价(或含量)并符合或代表其生产过程的质量及纯度等特征。
(a) The regulations set forth in this part and in Parts 211 through 226 of this chapter contain the minimum current good manufacturing practice for methods to be used in, and the facilities or controls to be used for, the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug to assure that such drug meets the requirements of the act as to safety, and has the identity and strength and meets the quality and purity characteristics that it purports or is represented to possess.(b) 凡是在药品生产、加工、包装或贮存过程中存在任何不符合本部分及21CFR 211—226部分中陈述的法规的药品,依据联邦食品、药品及化妆品法501 (a)(2)-(B),该药应被视为劣药,同时导致该事故发生的负责人应受相应的法规的制裁。

(医疗药品管理)常用药品监管英语与缩略语常用药品监管英语与缩略语——浙江省药品监督管理局政策法规处一、监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

通过对药品生产的监管,防止假冒伪劣药品流入市场,维护社会稳 定和公共安全。
药品生产的监管制度与标 准
国家对药品生产企业进行定期监督检查,确保其生产条件和质量符 合要求。
药品生产的国家标准与行业标非常严格,要求企业必须建立完善的质量控 制体系,对每批产品进行质量检验,确保产品的安全性和有效性。同时 ,对原料、辅料、包材等供应商也有严格的要求。
随着信息技术的发展,药品生产监管将更加依赖于信息化技术,如 物联网、大数据和人工智能等,实现更加高效、精准的监管。
国家制定药品生产的国家标准,包括《中华人民共和国药典 》等。
明确各级监管部门的职责和权限,确保监管 工作的有效性和可追溯性。
遵循科学原则,以公正、公平的态度进行监 管,确保各方的权益得到有效保障。
加强信息公开和信息披露,提高监管工作的 透明度和公信力。

1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》 's China2.药品生产企业管理3.药品经营企业管理4.医疗机构的药剂管理5.药品管理6.药品包装的管理7.药品价格和广告的管理8.药品监督9.法律责任10.药品标识11.假药12.劣药13.药品检验机构14.药品的生产企业15.经营企业16.医疗机构17.药品监督管理部门18.药品批准证明文件19.行政处分20.刑事责任21.药品生产质量管理规范 ()22.药品经营质量管理规范 ()23.药品生产许可证24.药品经营许可证25.医疗机构制剂许可证26.进口药品注册证书27.临床试验28.新药证书29.药品批准文号30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》, , , , 's China 's China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。
, , .33.药品监督管理部门设置或者确定的药品检验机构,承担依法实施药品审批和药品质量监督检查所需的药品检验工作。
, , , , .35.《药品生产许可证》应当标明有效期和生产范围,到期重新审查发证。
. , .36.药品监督管理部门批准开办药品生产企业,应当符合国家制定的药品行业发展规划和产业政策,防止重复建设。
, .37.开办药品生产企业,必须具备以下条件:(一)具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员、工程技术人员及相应的技术工人;(二)具有与其药品生产相适应的厂房、设施和卫生环境;(三)具有能对所生产药品进行质量管理和质量检验的机构、人员以及必要的仪器设备;(四)具有保证药品质量的规章制度。


药品生产监督管理办法(中英文)药品生产监督管理办法Measures for the Supervision over and Administration ofPharmaceutical Production国家食品药品监督管理总局State Food and Drug Administration药品生产监督管理办法Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production (2004年8月5日国家食品药品监督管理局令第14号公布根据2017年11月7日国家食品药品监督管理总局局务会议《关于修改部分规章的决定》修正)The Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为加强药品生产的监督管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》、《中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例》(以下简称《药品管理法》、《药品管理法实施条例》),制定本办法。
Article 1 With a view to strengthening the supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on the Implementation of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Pharmaceutical Administration Law, Regulation on theImplementation of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law).第二条药品生产监督管理是指食品药品监督管理部门依法对药品生产条件和生产过程进行审查、许可、监督检查等管理活动。

1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

常用药品监管英语与缩略语一、监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions 5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors 16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

药品管理法英文版Title: Drug Administration Law (English Version)Introduction:The Drug Administration Law is a comprehensive legislation that governs the management, supervision, and regulation of pharmaceutical products in a country. It establishes guidelines for the manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and use of drugs to ensure their safety, efficacy, and quality. This article provides an overview of the Drug Administration Law, highlighting key provisions and its significance in safeguarding public health.Key Provisions:1. Drug Registration: The law outlines the procedures and requirements for drug registration, including the submission of comprehensive data on safety, quality, and efficacy. It specifies the responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies in conducting clinical trials and submitting post-marketing surveillance reports.2. Manufacturing Standards: The Drug Administration Law setsstringent standards for drug manufacturing facilities to ensure that pharmaceutical products are produced in a safe and controlled environment. It mandates regular inspections, quality control measures, and adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to prevent contamination or adulteration of drugs.3. Marketing and Advertising: The law prohibits false or misleading advertising of drugs and requires pharmaceutical companies to provide accurate and comprehensive information on drug labels and package inserts. It also regulates the promotion and distribution of prescription drugs to prevent inappropriate use.4. Drug Distribution and Supply Chain: The law establishes regulations for drug distribution, including licensing requirements for wholesalers and retailers. It aims to prevent counterfeit drugs, unauthorized imports, and illegal drug trade by implementing strict controls on the supply chain.5. Pharmacovigilance: The Drug Administration Law emphasizes the importance of pharmacovigilance, which involves monitoringthe safety profile of drugs after they enter the market. It mandates the reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) by healthcare professionals and encourages the public to provide feedback on drug safety concerns.Significance:The Drug Administration Law plays a crucial role in protecting public health by ensuring the availability of safe, effective, and high-quality drugs. It promotes transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within the pharmaceutical industry. By establishing robust regulatory mechanisms, it helps prevent the entry of counterfeit or substandard drugs into the market, reducing the risks associated with their use. The law also facilitates international harmonization of drug regulations, enabling mutual recognition of drug approvals and promoting global cooperation in drug safety.Conclusion:The Drug Administration Law is a vital regulatory framework that governs the development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of drugs. It safeguards public health by ensuringthe safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceutical products. By adhering to the provisions of this law, countries can build a robust drug regulatory system that inspires public confidence, fosters innovation, and protects the well-being of their citizens.。

常用药品监管英语与缩略语监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》 ( Control Law of the People'sRepublic of China)2.药品生产企业管理( control over drug manufacturers)3.药品经营企业管理( control over drug distributors)4.医疗机构的药剂管理 (control over medicines in medical institutions)5.药品管理 (control over drugs)6.药品包装的管理 (control over drug packaging)7.药品价格和广告的管理 (control over drug price and advertisement)8.药品监督 (inspection of drugs)9.法律责任 (legal liabilities)10.药品标识(labels or marks of the drugs)11.假药(counterfeit drugs)12.劣药(inferior drugs)13.药品检验机构(drug quality control laboratory)14.药品的生产企业(drug manufacturers)15.经营企业(drug distributors)16.医疗机构(medical institutions)17.药品监督管理部门(drug regulatory agency)18.药品批准证明文件(drug approval documents)19.行政处分(administrative sanctions)20.刑事责任(criminal liabilities )21.药品生产质量管理规范(Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products(GMP))22.药品经营质量管理规范(Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP))23.药品生产许可证(Drug Manufacturing Certificate)24.药品经营许可证(Drug Supply Certificate)25.医疗机构制剂许可证(Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution)26.进口药品注册证书(Import Drug License)27.临床试验(clinical trial)28.新药证书(New Drug Certificate)29.药品批准文号(Drug Approval Number)30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》(All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.)31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。

1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory 14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of Ch ina shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。


药品监督管理部门核准的许可事项为:企业负责人、生产范 围、生产地址。
企业名称、法定代表人、注册地址、企业类型等项目应当与 工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照中载明的相关内容一致。
1.以顾客为关注焦点: 组织应理解顾客当前和 未来需求,并争取超越 顾客期望。
2.领导作用:领导者确 立组织统一的宗旨及方 向,创造并保持使员工 能充分参与实现组织目 标的内部环境。
ISO9000: 2000的八 项质量管理
员都是组织之本,只 有充分参与,才能使 其为组织带来收益。
quality “一组固有特性满足要 求的程度”。 •即 : 质 量 是 指 “ 一 组 固有的可区分的特征满 足明示的、通常隐含的 或必须履行的需求或期 望的程度。” •质 量 不 仅 是 指 产 品 质 量,也可以是某项活动 或过程的工作质量,还 可以是质量管理体系运 行的质量。
quality management “在质 量方面指挥和控制组织
1.药品生产企业属知 识技术密集型企业
2.药品生产企业是资 本密集型企业
药品生产企 业的特征
4.药品生产过程的组 织是以流水线为基础 的小组生产
5.药品生产企业是为 无名市场和定单生产 兼有的混合企业
3.药品生产企业是多 品种分批次的生产
2 生产许可证 出《药品生产许可证》变更申请。未经批准,不得擅自 》许可事项 变更许可事项。原发证机关应当自收到企业变更申请之 日起15个工作日内作出是否准予变更的决定。
《药品生产监督管理办法》(2004年08月05日 发布)

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药品生产监督管理办法Measures for the Supervision over and Administration ofPharmaceutical Production国家食品药品监督管理总局State Food and Drug Administration药品生产监督管理办法Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production (2004年8月5日国家食品药品监督管理局令第14号公布根据2017年11月7日国家食品药品监督管理总局局务会议《关于修改部分规章的决定》修正)The Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为加强药品生产的监督管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》、《中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例》(以下简称《药品管理法》、《药品管理法实施条例》),制定本办法。
Article 1 With a view to strengthening the supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on the Implementation of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Pharmaceutical Administration Law, Regulation on the Implementation of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law).第二条药品生产监督管理是指食品药品监督管理部门依法对药品生产条件和生产过程进行审查、许可、监督检查等管理活动。
Article 2 The supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production shall refer to the activities of the food and drug supervision and administration departments who make examination, licensing, supervision and inspection on pharmaceutical production conditions and process and other administrative activities.第三条国家食品药品监督管理总局主管全国药品生产监督管理工作;省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理部门负责本行政区域内的药品生产监督管理工作。
Article 3 The State Food and Drug Administration shall take charge of the work of supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production nationwide. The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government are responsible for the supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production within their own administrative regions.第二章开办药品生产企业的申请与审批Chapter II Application for and Examination and Approval of the Launching of Pharmaceutical Production Enterprises第四条开办药品生产企业,除应当符合国家制定的药品行业发展规划和产业政策外,还应当符合以下条件:Article 4 When launching a pharmaceutical production enterprise, the following conditions shall also be met in addition to meeting the pharmaceutical industry development plan and industrial policies of the state:(一)具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员、工程技术人员及相应的技术工人,企业法定代表人或者企业负责人、质量负责人无《药品管理法》第七十五条规定的情形;1. Having technicians in pharmacology, engineers and technicians and corresponding technical workers whose qualifications have been certified; and the legal representative or responsible person of the enterprise and the person in charge of quality having no circumstances as prescribed in Article 75 of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law;(二)具有与其药品生产相适应的厂房、设施和卫生环境;2. Having workshops, facilities and sanitation environment fitting in with pharmaceutical production;(三)具有能对所生产药品进行质量管理和质量检验的机构、人员以及必要的仪器设备;3. Having institutions, personnel that are able to make quality control and inspection on the pharmaceuticals produced, and necessary apparatus and equipment; and(四)具有保证药品质量的规章制度。
4. Having regulations that can ensure the pharmaceutical quality.In case the relevant state laws and regulations have different provisions on the production of narcotic pharmaceuticals, psychotropic pharmaceuticals, toxic pharmaceuticals for medical treatment use, radioactive pharmaceuticals, precursor chemicals of the pharmaceutical category, etc., those provisions shall be followed.第五条开办药品生产企业的申请人,应当向拟办企业所在地省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理部门提出申请,并提交以下材料:Article 5 An applicant for launching a pharmaceutical production enterprise shall file an application to the food and drug supervision and administration department of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government at his/its locality, and submit the following documents:(一)申请人的基本情况及其相关证明文件。
1. Basic information of the applicant and the relevant certificate documents;(二)拟办企业的基本情况,包括拟办企业名称、生产品种、剂型、设备、工艺及生产能力;拟办企业的场地、周边环境、基础设施等条件说明以及投资规模等情况说明。
2. Basic conditions of the planned enterprise, including the name of the planned enterprise, varieties of production, type of medicament, equipment, technics and throughput; statements on the site of the enterprise, environment around the sites, and infrastructures, etc., as well as the statements on investment scale and other conditions;(三)企业营业执照,生产地址及注册地址、企业类型、法定代表人或者企业负责人。