
棚洞设计要点一、主要设计依据1、根据《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015)要求,公路桥涵结构的设计基准期为100年,棚洞据此采用设计基准期100年,各类主要构件及其使用材料应保证其设计基准期要求。
2、环境类别根据《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTG D62-2012)确定,适用环境类别为Ⅰ(对应环境条件为温暖或寒冷地区的大气环境、与无侵蚀性的水或土接触的环境)。
3、泥石流计算依据《泥石流灾害防治工程勘察规范》(DZ/T 0220-2006)进行。
3、石材:强度不得低于《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》(JTG D61-2005))第3.2条和第3.3条的要求。
3、水泥要求:尽量采用水化热较低的水泥,控制水泥细度及C2S(硅酸二钙)含量,水泥中的C3A (铝酸三钙)含量不宜超过5%,水泥细度不宜超过350m2/Kg,游离氧化钙不宜超过1.5%。

(1)水泥砂浆:胶结料为纯水泥(不加掺和 (2)混合砂浆:是用几种胶结料组成的砂浆。 (3)石灰砂浆:胶结料为石灰砂浆,强度较 低。
子学习情境二 砌体的强度与变形
1 砌体在受压破坏时,一个重要的特征是单块块材先开裂, 且砌体的抗压强度总是低于它所用的块件的抗压强度,致 使砌体的抗压强度不能充分发挥。这是由于砌体虽然承受 轴向均匀压力,但砌体中块材并不是均匀受压,而是处于
用于砌石的脚手架应环绕墩台搭设,用以堆放材料,并 支持施工人员砌筑镶面定位行列及勾缝。脚手架一般常 用固定式轻型脚手架(适用于6 m以下的墩台)、简易活 动脚手架(能用在25 m以下的墩台)以及悬吊式脚手架
1、墩台砌筑的一般要求 (1)砌块在使用前必须浇水湿润,表面如有泥土、水锈,应
由砌体的应力— 是一个变量,因而砌体的受压变形模量也有三种表示方法, 即初始弹性模量、割线弹性模量以及切线弹性模量。
fcd ,而在此范围内,应力—应变曲线与割线较接近,


一.盖板计算1.设计资料适用涵洞桩号:BK1+746;公路-Ⅰ级; 安全结构重要性系数γ0:0.93m;Ⅱ类环境;3.2m;0.2m;26cm; 1.992m;0.99m;3cm;C30;13.8Mpa; 1.39Mpa;12根直径为228cm;0.0045616m²;280Mpa; 26kN/m³;20kN/m³根据《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》(JTG D61-2005)中7.0.6关于涵洞结构的计算假定: 盖板按两端简支的板计算,可不考虑涵台传来的水平力.钢筋间距:1-3.0m×1.6m盖板涵洞身断面路面结构层和填土平均容重γ2=盖板涵计算书盖板宽b=净保护层厚度c=砼强度等级:砼轴心抗压强度fcd=环境类别: 汽车荷载等级: 盖板厚d= 净跨径:L 0= 计算跨径:L= 填土高:H=单侧搁置长度:钢筋总面积As= 盖板容重γ1=砼轴心抗拉强度ftd=mm的HRB335钢筋,受力主筋:钢筋轴心抗压强度fsd=2.外力计算1) 永久作用 (1) 竖向土压力46.43kN/m(2) 盖板自重6.69kN/m 2) 由车辆荷载引起的垂直压力(可变作用)根据《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015)中4.3.4的规定:计算涵洞顶上车辆荷载引起的竖向土压力时,车轮按其着地面积的边缘向下做30°角分布。
根据《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015)中4.3.1关于车辆荷载的规定: 车辆荷载顺板跨长3.90m车辆荷载垂直板跨长7.30m 车轮重 PP=560kN车轮重压强L19.68kN/m²3.内力计算及荷载组合1) 由永久作用引起的内力 跨中弯矩67.99kN.m边墙内侧边缘处剪力79.68kN 2) 由车辆荷载引起的内力 跨中弯矩边墙内侧边缘处剪力跨中弯矩γ0q=K·γ2·H·b= p=P/La/Lb= V1=(q+g)·L 0/2= M1=(q+g)·L²/8= g=γ1·d·b/100= La=1.6+2·H·tan30°= Lb=5+2·H·tan30°= M2=p·L²·b/8= V2=p·L 0·b/2=γ01) 砼受压区高度0.093m根据《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTG D62-2004)中5.2.1关于 相对界限受压区高度ξb的规定:HRB335钢筋的相对界限受压区高度ξb=0.56。

施工方法:根据具体情况选择合适的施工方法,如浇筑、预制拼装等 施工流程:按照施工顺序进行,包括基础处理、模板安装、混凝土浇筑等步骤 施工要点:控制好桥墩、台的垂直度和位置,确保符合设计要求 质量检测:对施工完成的桥墩、台进行质量检测,确保符合规范要求
施工流程:先进行基础施工, 再进行桥跨施工,最后进行桥 面铺装
施工控制网的建立:根据地形和施 工要求,建立施工控制网
施工过程中的测量:在施工过程中, 对桥涵的各个部分进行测量和监控, 确保施工精度和质量
施工便道:确 保施工机械和 材料运输畅通
施工用电:提 供施工所需电
施工用水:满 足施工和生活
施工场地布置: 合理规划施工 场地,确保安 全和高效施工
桥涵施工过程中的质量检 测标准
质量检测与检验的程序和 步骤
质量检验合格的标准和要 求
定期开展安全教育培训,提 高员工安全意识和技能
建立安全检查制度,定期对 施工现场进行检查和评估
制定安全生产规章制度,明 确各级管理人员职责
实施危险源辨识和风险评估, 采取有效措施控制风险
桥涵施工材料质量符合要求 施工工艺符合规范要求 桥涵结构稳定性符合设计要求 桥涵施工验收合格
施工材料:符合设计要求,确保质量合格 施工工艺:按照规范要求,确保施工质量稳定可靠 施工监控:加强施工过程监控,及时发现并处理质量隐患 验收检测:严格执行验收检测标准,确保工程合格
建筑材料:调查当地建筑材料的供应情况,包括砂石、水泥、钢材等材料的来源和 质量

1 总则
2 术语和符号
2.1 术语
2.2 符号
3 材料
3.1 材料强度等级
3.2 材料基本要求
3.3 材料设计指标
4 构件设计与计算
5 拱桥
5.1 拱桥计算
5.2 拱桥构造
5.3 拱桥施工阶段验算
6 墩台
6.1 一般规定
6.2 梁、板式桥墩台
6.3 拱桥墩台
7 涵洞
附录A 石材试件强度的换算系数及石砌体分类
附录B 拱桥预拱度的计算与设置
附件《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》(JTG D61-2005)条文说明
1.根据公路工程结构可靠性设计统一标准(GB / T 50283-1999),采用基于概率论的极限状态设计方法。
2.根据工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号(GBJ 132-90)的规定,对符号进行修改并列出基本术语。

SFX Dial-Up ProgramSETXPROGRAM EXPLANATIONSThank you for purchasing SFX Dial-Up Software for SETX.•Before using the instrument, please read this manual carefully.•Some of the diagrams and screen displays shown in this manual are simplified for easier understanding.•Sokkia continually conducts research and development in order to make its products easier to use and enhance their precision. The specifications and general appearance of the instrument may be altered without prior notifi-cation.•This manual is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved by Sokkia Co., Ltd.•Sokkia Co., Ltd. will not be liable to you for any profit or loss resulting from the use of this manual.•Except as permitted by Copyright law, this manual may not be copied, and no part of this manual may be repro-duced in any form or by any means.•This manual may not be modified, adapted or otherwise used for the production of derivative works.•Manuals 1, and 3 below are electronic manuals delivered on a CD-ROM in PDF format (). Adobe Reader is necessary in order to view these documents. The latest version of Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe homepage.How to read this manual•The SETX comes equipped with 3 manuals for operation information:1. SFX Dial-Up Program Explanations (SETX) (this manual): Explains how to send and receive datausing the SFX function2. Operator’s Manual: Explains basic operation and functions of the total station.3. SDR Software Reference Manual (SETX): explains advanced measurement operations using theSETX in Program mode, and methods for managing measured data.•For switching between modes on the SETX, see "1.2 Mode Structure".•For information on key operation and using the SETX screen, see “Chapter 5. BASIC OPERATION” of the Oper-ator’s Manual for your total station.SymbolsThe following conventions are used in this manual.[Softkey]Indicates softkeys on the display.{KEY}Indicates a keyboard key that causes an immediate action.Examples: {1}, {F1}, {ESC}, {Y}, {N}. If you must press multiplekeys to initiate an action, the combination will be shown with aplus sign between the keystrokes; for example, {FUNC CTRL}+{I}.Contents Indicates the content in each window.G Indicates precautions and important items, which should be readbefore operation.C Indicates the manual or chapter title to refer to for additional informa-tion.$Indicates supplementary explanations.&Indicates an explanation for a particular term or operation.<Dial-up>Indicates screen titles.Notes regarding manual style•Except where stated, “SETX” means SET1X/2X/3X/5X in this manual.•The text, items, and tabs displayed on the total station can be modified by the user. Those used in this manual are the factory settings. For more information, see “Chapter 20. CHANGING THE SETTINGS” of the Operator’s Manual for your total station.•Bluetooth®is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.•Adobe Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.•All other company and product names featured in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of each respective organization.Contents1. Product Outline (1)1.1SFX Functions (1)1.2Mode Structure (2)2. Connecting All Equipment (3)2.1Necessary Items (3)2.2Connecting All Equipment (4)3. Dial-Up Connection (5)3.1Booting Up and Quitting (5)3.2Setting Communication Settings (5)3.3Registering an E-mail Address (8)4. Sending and Receiving E-mail (9)4.1Sending E-mail (Coordinate Data/JOB Data) (9)4.2Receiving E-mail with the Surveying Instrument (Coordinate Data) (11)4.3FTP Server Connection (Coordinate Data/JOB Data) (12)4.4Sending E-mail to the Surveying Instrument (17)4.5Receiving E-mail from the Surveying Instrument (18)5. Error Messages (19)6. Troubleshooting (21)1.1SFX FunctionsThe SFX Dial-up program allows the operator to connect the total station to a cellular phone in order to exchange data by connecting to an FTP server or to transfer data as email attachments between the surveying instrument and a computer, while in the field. Coordinate data transferred to the total station in this way can be added into JOB data in Program mode.All data needed for surveying can be exchanged at the worksite.As data can be sent to a computer via e-mail, there is no need to return to the office to handover surveyed data.All data needed for surveying can be transferred via e-mail so there is no need to waste time downloading before heading for the worksite.Surveyed data can be sent promptly back to the office for processing allowing the operator to get feedback on the quality of the surveyed data quickly and without having to leave theworksite. The operator can respond to deficiencies in the data much faster as a result.Coordinate data can be exchanged between total stations using the SFX function allowinggreater flexibility when allocating tasks in the field.•A program designed to allow Internet provider information, e-mail address, and FTP server information to be set on an operator’s PC is available free of charge. For details, ask your Sokkia agent.Total station 21. P RODUCT O UTLINE1.2Mode StructureG•Switching between modes is not possible during distance measurement.TLT-OFSTLT-OFSEDMTILTMENU OFFSETMLMEDMTILTMENU OFFSETMLM“5.4 SETTINGS Mode”Status screen[Version][OK]{ESC}Meas Mode (Navigable with tabs)Menu modeConfiguration Mode{SETTINGS}Settings mode{PROGRAM}Operator’s ManualC“5.2 DisplayC Operator’s ManualFunctions”Reference ManualC Operator’s Manual C Operator’s ManualChapters 14-19Chapter 20(SETX)2.1Necessary ItemsThe following items are necessary in order to use the SFX dial-up program with the surveying instrument.• Internet provider serviceAn Internet provider service is necessary in order to be able to send and receive e-mail. The access details supplied by your provider are input when configuring the e-mail settings on the surveying instrument.When using Bluetooth technologyBluetooth equipped cellular phoneWhen using a modem•Cellular phone with built-in modem•Interface cableDedicated optional accessory for connecting the surveying instrument and your cellular phone.G•Sokkia cannot guarantee that all cellular phones with built-in modems are compatible with the SFX system. Therefore, to check the compatibility of your cellular phone, please consult your Sokkia agent.2. C ONNECTING A LL E QUIPMENT2.2Connecting All EquipmentConnect all equipment as shown below. Make sure that the power of both the surveying instrument and the cellular phone is off before connecting.When using a modemC For connecting the cellular phone to the dedicated interface cable, see the operator's manual foryour cellular phone/interface cable.Combined communications and3.1Booting Up and QuittingX PROCEDURE Booting up1.Select Dial-up from the Functions menu.G The following cannot be operated while dial-upis in progress.• {SETTINGS}• Status bar• Power OFFX PROCEDURE Quitting1.Press {ESC} repeatedly to return to Program mode.3.2Setting Communication SettingsInternet provider information must be registered on the surveying instrument in order to use the e-mail function.•Registering Internet provider information•Communication settings$Saving settings•All settings are saved when the operator quits the program. SFX will function according to these new and modified settings once the program has been shut down then rebooted.3. D IAL-U P C ONNECTIONX PROCEDURE Registering Internet provider information1.Press [Config] in <Dial-up Send Mail>/<Dial-up ReceiveMail> to display <Dial-up ISP Config>2.Set the following items. The information marked with *is supplied by your Internet provider. For any inquiriesregarding this information, ask your Internet provider.•Phone 1 to 3*Input the telephone number for the access point. Up to 3 telephone numbers may be registered. Spaces and hyphens may be omitted.•PPP login*Input the ISP connection login name.•PPP password*Input the ISP connection password.•IP address*Input the IP address when allocated. When using an address automatically assigned by the server input "".•DNS1, DNS2*Input the primary (DNS1) and secondary (DNS2) addresses for the DNS server.•POP server*Input the POP server name using no more than 64 characters.•SMTP server*Input the SMTP server name using no more than 64 characters.•Mail address*Input the e-mail address allocated to that instrument.•POP login*Input the login name for the POP server using no more than 64 characters.•POP password*Input the POP server password using no more than 64 characters.•TimeoutSet the timeout, in seconds, for the connection to the server.•Leave on serverCheck the check box to leave received e-mail on the server. To delete received e-mail, clear the box.•POP before SMTPCheck the box to activate user authentication.3.Press [OK] on page 3 to finish settings.X PROCEDURE Communication Settings1.Press [COM] in a Config screen to display <Dial-upCOM Config>.2.Select a device in Device, then set communicationsettings.A Bluetooth device that has already been registeredcan also be selected in Device.C Operator’s Manual “11.1 Wireless Communica-tion using Bluetooth Technology”$•Check “PC COM” when connecting to a computerusing Sokkia’s configuration software in order toregister provider and mail address information.3.Press [OK] on page 3 to finish settings.3.3Registering an E-mail AddressRegister the outgoing e-mail address (no more than 64 characters) beforehand. Up to 3 e-mail addresses can be registered.$Saving settings•All settings are saved when the operator quits the program. SFX will function according to these new and modified settings once the program has been shut down then rebooted.X PROCEDURE1.Press [Address] in <Dial-up ISP Config> or <Dial-up COMConfig> to display <Dial-up Mail Address Config>.All the currently registered e-mail addresses aredisplayed.2.Input the e-mail address and press [OK] on page 3 tofinish settings.•Press [ISP] on page 2 to continue registering Internet provider information.•Press [COM] on page 2 to continue communication settings.•Press [SendMail] on page 1 to send an e-mail.•Press [RecvMail] on page 1 to receive e-mail.4.1Sending E-mail (Coordinate Data/JOB Data)Coordinate data and JOB data can be sent from the surveying instrument as e-mail attachments. When using Bluetooth wireless technology for SFX communication, complete Bluetooth settings before starting transmission.C Operator’s Manual “11. CONNECTING TO EXTERNAL DEVICES”X PROCEDURE1.Press [SendMail] in page 1 of a Config screen to dis-play <Dial-up Send Mail>.2.Select a data format from Format.3.Highlight the JOB to be sent from JOB and press[YES] to confirm selection. Press [NO] to cancelselection.Multiple JOBs can be selected.Press [ALL] to select all JOBs.Press [Create] when JOB selection is complete.G•Do not select multiple JOBs with the same name.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL104.Highlight a destination address in Address and press[YES] to confirm selection. Press [NO] to cancelselection.Multiple destination addresses can be selected.Press [ALL] to select all addresses.Press [NEXT] when address selection is complete.5.Select a device in Device .6.Select an access point telephone number fromPhone .7.Press [Connect] to start transmission. “PPP dialing...”is displayed.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL8.The name of the JOB, data format, and the number ofrecords currently being transmitted is displayed on thescreen during transmission.•Multiple JOBs are sent one JOB per e-mail.When all selected JOBs have been successfullytransmitted, SFX disconnects from the Internet andreturns to the screen in step 1. The cellular phone dis-play returns to the standby screen.Pressing [Disc] during transmission will forcibly cutthe connection and stop transmission. The transmis-sion of the JOB being transmitted at that point may notbe successfully completed as a result.4.2Receiving E-mail with the Surveying Instrument (CoordinateData)After reading in a coordinate file sent as an e-mail attachment in SDR format, the surveying instrument records it as coordinate data at the end of the currently selected JOB.X PROCEDURE1.Press [RecvMail] in <Dial-up Send Mail> or page 1 ofa Config screen to display <Dial-up Receive Mail>.2.Select a device in Device and an access point tele-phone number from Phone.C"3.2 Setting Communication Settings"3.Press [Connect] to start reception. “PPP dialing...” isdisplayed.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL12When a connection has been established the followingmessage is displayed and reception starts.4.SFX will automatically search the server for all e-mailfor the surveying instrument. A list of all incoming e-mail with csv/sdr data file attachments and therespective data type will be listed on the screen.5.Highlight the desired coordinate data in Maillist andpress [YES] to confirm selection. Press [NO] to cancelselection.Multiple sets of coordinate data can be selected.Press [ALL] to select all JOBs.G•SDR data and CSV data cannot be read in at thesame time. Make sure that selected files are eitherall SDR or all CSV data.Press [Recv] when data selection is complete.The number of records currently being read in is dis-played on the screen as the e-mail containing theattached data is being received.•Pressing [Disc] during transmission will forcibly cutthe connection and stop transmission. All the databeing received at that point will be lost.When all selected data have been successfullytransmitted, SFX disconnects from the Internet, thecellular phone display returns to the standby screenand data is recorded. Once data has been recorded,the display returns to the screen in step 1.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL4.3FTP Server Connection (Coordinate Data/JOB Data)The surveying instrument accesses an office or PC FTP server in order to write or read in JOB data or coordinate data.G•The file to be sent is converted to SDR format and written to the server as "Job Name.sdr".•When a file with the same name already exists on the server, a letter (from a to z) is appended to the end of the most recent file name (JOB name).•The surveying instrument can only read in files with the file extensions ".sdr" and “.csv”.•From the files with the extension ".sdr", only coordinate data is read in. The surveying instrument records it as coordinate data at the end of the currently selected JOB.X PROCEDURE Writing (sending) a file1.Press [FTP con] in <Dial-up Send Mail> to display<Dial-up FTP Server>.2.Select the relevant server in FTPserver.3.Press [Connect] to start reception. “FTP connect-ing...” is displayed.When a connection has been established the followingscreen is displayed.Press [SendFile].4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL144.Select a data format from Format .5.Highlight the JOB to be sent from JOB and press[YES] to confirm selection. Press [NO] to cancel selection.Multiple JOBs can be selected.Press [ALL] to select all JOBs.Press [Send] when JOB selection is complete to start transmission.G•Do not select multiple JOBs with the same name.The name of the JOB currently being transmitted and the number of records (JOB data records, coordinate points) successfully transmitted are displayed on the screen during transmission.•Pressing [Disc] during transmission will forcibly cut the connection and stop transmission. All the data being received at that point will be lost.When all selected data have been successfullytransmitted, data is recorded and SFX returns to the second screen in step 3. Further files can now be sentor read in.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL X PROCEDURE Reading in (receiving) a file1.Press [FTP con] in <Dial-up Send Mail> to display<Dial-up FTP Server>.2.Select the relevant server in FTPserver.3.Press [Connect] to start reception. “FTP connect-ing...” is displayed.When a connection has been established the followingscreen is displayed.Press [RecvFile].4.SFX will automatically search the server for all datafiles for the surveying instrument. A list of all csv/sdrdata files and the respective data type will be listed onthe screen.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL165.Highlight the desired file in File and press [YES] to confirm selection. Press [NO] to cancel selection. Multiple sets of data can be selected.Press [ALL] to select all JOBs.G•SDR data and CSV data cannot be read in at the same time. Make sure that selected files are either all SDR or all CSV data.Press [Recv] when data selection is complete to start transmission.The name of the file currently being read in and the number of coordinate points in the current file are dis-played.When all selected files have been successfullyread in, data is recorded and SFX returns to the sec-ond screen in step 3. Further files can now be read in or sent.•Pressing [Disc] during transmission will forcibly cut the connection and stop transmission. All the databeing received at that point will be lost.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL4.4Sending E-mail to the Surveying InstrumentE-mail is sent from the computer to the surveying instrument using standard e-mail programs.The method for sending an e-mail from the computer to the surveying instrument is the same as that for sending a normal e-mail.Compose an e-mail addressed to the address assigned to the surveying instrument.So that the surveying instrument can distinguish which e-mails to receive, input "SDR>" or ”CSV>” followed by a user-specified title in the subject line.G•Text input in the body of the message will not be displayed on the surveying instrument.•Even if multiple files are attached to a single e-mail, the surveying instrument can only receive the first attachment.•SDR-format coordinate data appended as an attachment. The file extension for attachment files should be ".sdr".The surveying instrument selects incoming e-mail with a subject line starting with “SDR>” or “CSV>” and displays them in a list.C For more details on sending and receiving e-mails, see the operator’s manual for your e-mailprogram.4. S ENDING AND R ECEIVING E-MAIL184.5Receiving E-mail from the Surveying InstrumentThe method for receiving an e-mail from the surveying instrument on a computer is the same as that for receiving a normal e-mail.The subject line of the e-mail sent from the surveying instrument will be in the format "SDR>JOB Name." or “CSV>JOB Name.”, and the file name of the attached e-mail in the format, "JOB name .sdr" or "JOB name .csv".Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 Example·C For more details on sending and receiving e-mails, see the operator ’s manual for your e-mailprogram.The following is a list of the error messages displayed by the surveying instrument and the meaning of each message. If the same error message is repeated or if any message not shown below appears, the instrument has malfunctioned. Contact your Sokkia agent.Message Cause SolutionBluetooth Parameter Error A Bluetooth connectioncould not be estab-lished.Check settings.Bluetooth Timeout A Bluetooth connectioncould not be estab-lished.Check that the Bluetooth device(s) is switched on and the settings are correct.Connection aborted A Bluetooth connectioncould not be estab-lished.Check that the Bluetooth device(s) is switched on and the settings are correct.CSV Import Err (DLL)An error occurred whileconverting the attachedfile.Check the format of the attached file.File Read Err An error occurred whilereading in a file from theFTP server.Try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of your FTP server.File ReadOpen Err File WriteOpen Err An error occurred whiletrying to open a file onthe FTP server.Try again. If the problem persists, contact theadministrator of your FTP server.File Write Err An error occurred whilewriting a file to the FTPserver.Try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of your FTP server.FTP Change Dir Err An error occurred whiletrying to move a direc-tory on the FTP server.Try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of your FTP server.FTP Connect Err An error occurred whileconnecting to the FTPserver.Check the FTP server settings and try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of your FTP server.FTP Search Err An error occurred whileobtaining a list from theFTP server.Try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of your FTP server.Invalid Mail Address No sender e-mailaddress entered.Register an e-mail address in <Dial-up Mail Address Config>.Invalid POP server Login name or pass-word No POP server loginname/passwordentered.Register the POP server login name and pass-word in <Dial-up ISP Config>.Invalid POP server name No POP server nameentered.Register the POP server IP address in <Dial-upISP Config>.Invalid SMTP server name No SMTP server nameentered.Register the SMTP server name in <Dial-up ISPConfig>.JobList Read Err (DLL)An error occurred whilesearching the server fore-mail for the SETX.Try receiving the e-mail again.5. Error Messages20Mail Delete ErrAn error occurred while trying to delete received e-mail.Try receiving and deleting the same e-mail again. Alternatively, try to delete using Telnet.No mail available There is no file attached to the selected e-mail.Attach a file and send the e-mail again.POP Connect ErrConnection to the POP server failed.Check the settings in <Dial-up ISP Config>. If a connection still cannot be established try again later.POP Connect ErrConnection to the POP server failed.There was an error in the server response or login failed due to a mistake in POP server set-tings. Check parameters and try again.PPP Start ErrA dial-up connection could not be estab-lished using the dis-played phone number.Check that the phone and cable are connected correctly. If a connection still cannot be estab-lished try again later.SDR Import Err (DLL)An error occurred while converting the attached file.Check the format of the attached file.SendFile Rename ErrThere is a problem with the file to be sent.Files with the same JOB name cannot be sentsimultaneously. Files with the same JOB name should be sent separately.SMTP Connect ErrUser authentication for the SMTP server is required.Check “POP before SMTP” in <Dial-up ISP Config>.Message CauseSolutionWhat follows is a list of foreseeable problems the operator may encounter while using SFX. Under each heading is a description of items to check and possible solutions. When a problem not listed here occurs or the suggested solution is ineffective, contact your Sokkia agent.Loss of power during communicationA depleted battery cannot be replaced during communication. Check the remaining battery powerbefore starting communication.If the battery power is completely depleted during communication, the instrument will switch off but will still be connected to the Internet. Disconnect the Internet connection before replacing the battery.It is possible that e-mail has not been successfully transferred. If necessary transfer the e-mail again. Failed connectionCellular phone receptionWhenever possible, perform communication in areas where there is good cellular phone reception.When performing communication indoors radio field intensity is weak and the connection is unstable.For the service area of your cellular phone, contact your telecoms operator. For other details, see the operator’s manual for your cellular phone.File sizeReduce the size of the file being sent/received by dividing into multiple sections and sending/ receiving attached to multiple e-mails. File sizes causing delays in transmission will vary depending on communication conditions and devices being used. As the maximum file size that can besuccessfully transmitted will vary depending on these conditions file size should be set accordingly (the recommended maximum range is from 2000 to 3000 records).If the size of a file received from the FTP server is large, writing to a JOB will take a long time, possibly resulting in the server timing out before completion.E-mail program settingsCertain e-mail program settings may result in communication failure. Please consult the settings screen shown below. If the "No mail available" error message is displayed even when a file has been attached, type a message in the body section of the e-mail.(1)Using Microsoft Outlook Express 6Select [Tools] - [Options] to open the following window.6. T ROUBLESHOOTING Set "Mail Sending Format" in the Send tab to "Plain Text". Press Plain Text Settings to open the next window.Set "message format" to "MIME".(2)When using Mozilla 1.7.5Select [Options] - [Format] - [Plain Text Only]JAPAN1st ed. 01-0710 ©2007 SOKKIA CO., LTD.。

公路砌体桥涵设计附录规范(JTG d61-2005)[1]
1.根据公路工程结构可靠性设计统一标准(GB / T 50283-1999),采用基于概率论的极限状态设计方法。
2.根据工程结构设计基本术语和通用符号的规定(GBJ 132-90),对符号进行修改并列出基本术语。



0.5<H≤4.0 6.0<H≤8.0
4.0<H≤6.0 8.0<H≤10.0 主要材料:
涵洞身 涵洞基础 八字墙墙身 八字墙基础
帽石 隔水墙 洞口铺砌
- - - - - MU30 片石 MU30 片石
- - - - - (M7.5) (M7.5)
2008 年 6 月 第 6 页,共 11 页
≤80cm,并根据涵台尺寸表确定是否配筋。当整体式基础采用片石混凝土材料时,厚度 Hd 根据计算需要确定。
涵底铺砌 支撑梁 洞口铺砌
MU30 片石 -
MU30 片石 -
MU30 片石
- - (M7.5) - (M7.5)
注:(1)盖板暗涵台身和基础可分别选用两种材料:C40 混凝土和 C30、MU40 片石混凝土;
(2)涵底和洞口铺砌可分别选用两种材料:C20、MU30 片石混凝土和 M7.5、MU30 浆砌片石;
2008 年 6 月 第 5 页,共 11 页
图 3-2 盖板涵构造
整体式断面 盖板
钢筋混凝土盖板是盖板涵的承重部分,其厚度随填土高度和跨径而异。盖板的计算 高度按 d1 计,为提高盖板强度在盖板跨中加厚为 d2。预制盖板宽度为 99cm。在特殊情 况下标准盖板亦可现浇,但应按预制盖板的尺寸分块现浇。当涵洞为斜交时,涵身部分 中板以正交预制板铺设,两端洞口部分以梯形现浇钢筋混凝土板构成。盖板与涵台搭接 长度 C5 根据跨径不同分为 20 和 30cm。盖板必须在混凝土强度达到设计强度的 70%以上 时才能进行脱模、移动和堆放。预制盖板堆放时应在板块端部采用两点搁支,不得将顶 底面倒置。盖板安装后,必须清扫冲洗,充分湿润后再在板与台背间、板与板之间的缝 内用小石子填塞顶紧并填塞 M10 砂浆。盖板与涵台之间设置两层石油沥青麻布油毡,使 用石油沥青胶结料粘结。

说 明一、技术标准与设计规范:1、交通部部颁标准《公路工程技术标准》JTG B01-20032、交通部部颁标准《公路桥涵设计通用规范》JTG D60-20043、交通部部颁标准《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》JTG D61-20054、交通部部颁标准《公路桥涵地基及基础设计规范》JTJ 024-855、交通部部颁标准《公路桥涵施工技术规范》JTJ 041-20006、交通部部颁标准《公路工程抗震设计规范》JTJ 004-897、《公路桥涵设计手册(涵洞)》 人民交通出版社(1994年)8、《铁路桥涵设计基本规范》TB10002·1—20059、河北省交通厅公路管理局文件冀交公路字(2005)218号《关于印发 “河北省公路桥涵设计通用图编制工作会议”有关文件的通知》二、技术指标:1、净跨径:2.00、2.50、3.00、4.00、5.00米2、斜度:0°/30°(涵洞轴线与路线法线之夹角)3、荷载等级:公路-Ⅰ级 公路-Ⅱ级4、涵洞净跨径、净空及地基土的容许承载力:三、主要材料材料强度应满足《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》(JTG D61—2005)所规定的各项指标。
4、路面车辆活载对涵顶的压力:当填土高度为0.5m 时,按45°角分布;当填土高度大于0.5m 时,按30°角分布。
填土内摩擦角为35°,土容重18KN/m 。
确定涵底坡度时,一般应小于本图册水力计算表中设定流速下的最大坡度i max ,同时应大于表中的临界坡度i k 。

公路圬工桥涵设计规范--JTG_D61--2005--附条文说明公路圬工桥涵设计规范--JTG_D61--2005--附条文说明 1 总则1(0(1 为在圬工桥涵设计中贯彻执行国家的技术经济政策,合理地选择桥涵结构方案和建筑材料,做到技术先进、安全可靠、适用耐久、经济合理,制定本规范。
1(0(2 本规范适用于一般公路圬工桥涵的结构设计。
1(0(3 本规范根据《公路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》(CB,T 50283)规定的原则与方法制订。
1(0(4 采用本规范进行公路圬工桥涵的结构设计时,尚应符合相关国家标准、规范的规定。
2 术语和符号(1 术语 22(1(1 圬工桥涵 masonry bridge and culvert 以石材或混凝土包括以其块件和砂浆或小石子混凝土结合而成的砌体作为建筑材料,所建成的桥梁和涵洞。
2(1(2 极限状态 limit state整体结构或结构的一部分超过某一特定状态就不能满足设计规定的某一功能要求时,此特定状态为该功能的极限状态。
2(1(3 材料强度标准值 characteristic value of material strength设计结构构件时采用的材料强度的基本代表值。
2(1(4 材料强度设计值 design value of material strength 材料强度标准值除以材料强度分项系数后的值。
2(1(5 作用 action施加在结构上的集中力或分布力,如汽车、结构的自重等,称为直接作用,也称为荷载;引起结构外加变形或约束变形的原因,如地震、基础不均匀沉降、温度变化等,称为间接作用。
2(1(6 作用标准值characteristic value of an action 作用的主要代表值。
2(1(7 作用效应 effect of an action 结构所受作用的反应,称为作用效应。
jtg t f50-20《公路桥涵施工技术规范》


公路圬工桥涵设计规范Ⅰ总则1.1 本规范适用于钢筋混凝土加气混凝土圬工桥涵的设计。
1.2 部分内容有明确的规定,不得违背本规范的规定,对于没有具体规定的内容,可参考相应专业领域的有关标准,如桥涵的地质施工,应参照《钢筋混凝土结构桥涵施工规程》(JTS117-2005),结构设计应参照《钢筋混凝土桥涵结构设计规范》(JTS115-2005)等。
1.3 国家的有关机构是本规范的制定、修改、解释和实施的机关。
Ⅱ通用设计2.1 设计状况:设计桥涵时应考虑各种可能的期望状况以及结构中存在的变形,失效,移位和变形,抗震要求以及桥涵在非期望状况下各零件的破坏状况,地震发生时应认真研究,以保证桥涵及其他各零件质量,以及安全性能。
2.2 加固抗震设计:圬工桥涵设计中应考虑可能出现的抗震要求,在设计的加固抗震性能应考虑多种参数,包括抗震结构地震震度、场地及抗震设计的情况。
2.3 开挖、坡度等:在设计中,应考虑桥涵两侧的开挖情况,通过开挖确定桥涵的高度,在设计桥涵坡度时应考虑最大开挖深度,避免桥涵路位进入开挖边坡,桥涵斜度设计时以峰值特性为准,坡度以1:6—1:9为宜。
2.4 基础及外表面:基础应采用空心箱形由混凝土组成,外表面应使用防腐保护,并以施工图示为准。
2.5 加载:对于车辆加载,应采用钢筋混凝土施工,加载道路宽度由在假定交通量及其车辆类型的情况下确定,加载施工应考虑技术设计,施工施工应照顾自然环境,并严格按照规范来设计,以确保施工质量,避免出现未知因素导致的损坏。
2.6 构件形状:对于构件形状应设计为三角形、梯形、L形、圆形或波状,以使构件具有稳定的力学特性。
Ⅲ构件设计3.1 基础构件:基础构件的施工及其施工工艺等应按照钢筋混凝土结构桥涵施工规程的要求执行,采用空心箱状的框架,以保证圬工桥涵的高度,同时增加基础的抗震性能,以确保桥涵的安全性能。
3.2 行车及山缝构件:要求构件施工具有良好的抗震性能,厚度应根据设计要求和实际施工情况进行考虑,构件应使用可靠的耐久上强度材料,使用施工应照顾实际情况,以最大限度的确保层与层之间的抗震性能和安全性能。
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圬工桥涵(masonry bridge and culvert),是指以石材或混凝土包括以其块件和砂浆或小石子混凝土结合而成的砌体作为建筑材料,所建成的桥梁和涵洞。