








专项审计底稿模板篇一:审计工作底稿会计师事务所审计工作底稿客户名称:会计期间:审计工作底稿目录(一)客户: ABC 有限责任公司会计期间:编制:复核:客户: ABC 有限责任公司会计期间:编制:复核:客户: ABC 有限责任公司会计期间:编制:复核:客户提供相关资料情况表篇二:审计工作底稿样式审计工作底稿被审单位 :审核员:日期:索引号: A1审查项目:货币资金所属时期 :复核员:日期:页次:一、审计目标:①确定货币资金是否存在;②确定货币资金的收支记录是否完整;③确定库存现金、银行存款以及其他货币资金的余额是否正确;④确定货币资金在会计报表上的披露是否恰当。

二、审计程序:三、需说明的事项:四、期末余额:五、审计结论:1、本科目经审计后无调整事项,余额可以确认: 2 、本科目经审计调整后,审定数可以确认:?3、因 __________ 原因,本科目余额不能确认:?审计工作底稿被审单位 :审核员:日期:索引号: A1-3审查项目:银行存款所属时期:复核员:日期:页次:一、审计目标:①确定银行存款是否存在;②确定银行存款的收支记录是否完整;③确定银行存款的余额是否正确;④确定银行存款在会计报表上的披露是否恰当。

二、审计程序:三、需说明的事项:四、期末余额:五、审计结论:1、本科目经审计后无调整事项,余额可以确认:2、本科目经审计调整后,审定数可以确认:3、因 ____________原因,本科目余额不能确认:?审计工作底稿被审单位 :审核员:日期:索引号: A7审查项目:应收帐款所属时期:复核员:日期:页次:一、审计目标:①确定应收帐款是否存在;②确定应收帐款是否归被审计单位所有;③确定应收帐款增减变动的记录是否完整;④确定应收帐款是否可收回,坏帐准备的计提是否恰当;⑤确定应收帐款年末余额是否正确;⑥确定应收帐款在会计报表上的披露是否恰当。






1. 审计目标:验证XX公司XXXX年度财务报表的准确性、完整性和合规性。

2. 审计范围:包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表及附注。

1. 风险评估:评估财务报表重大错报风险,确定重点审计领域。

2. 内部控制测试:测试内部控制制度的有效性。

3. 实质性程序:对重要账户和交易进行细节测试和实质性分析程序。

4. 审计证据收集:收集充分、适当的审计证据。

5. 审计结论:根据审计结果形成审计意见。

1. 未发现重大错报和舞弊行为。

2. 提出了一些建议,以改进内部控制和财务报表披露。

1. 对财务报表整体发表无保留意见。

2. 建议加强内部控制,提高财务报表质量。

1. 客户财务报表及附注。

2. 风险评估结果及记录。

3. 内部控制测试程序及结果。

4. 实质性程序细节测试及分析程序结果。

5. 审计结论及建议。




1. 审计对象名称,__________。

2. 审计对象注册地址,__________。

3. 审计对象法定代表人,__________。

4. 审计对象负责人,__________。

5. 审计对象联系方式,__________。


1. 审计工作底稿编号,__________。

2. 审计工作底稿名称,__________。

3. 审计工作底稿编制人,__________。

4. 审计工作底稿编制日期,__________。

5. 审计工作底稿审核人,__________。

6. 审计工作底稿审核日期,__________。


1. 审计目的,__________。

2. 审计范围,__________。

3. 审计程序,__________。

4. 审计方法,__________。

5. 审计重点,__________。

6. 审计难点,__________。

7. 审计风险,__________。

8. 审计工作底稿具体内容,__________。


1. 编制依据,__________。

2. 编制原则,__________。

3. 编制要求,__________。

4. 编制注意事项,__________。


1. 填写人员,__________。

2. 填写时间,__________。

3. 填写内容,__________。

4. 填写要求,__________。


1. 审核人员,__________。

2. 审核时间,__________。

3. 审核内容,__________。

4. 审核要求,__________。


1. 其他需要说明的事项,__________。




审计⼯作底稿模板完整版审计⼯作底稿模板会计师事务所审计⼯作底稿客户名称:会计期间:审计⼯作底稿⽬录(⼀)客户: ABC有限责任公司会计期间:审计⼯作底稿⽬录(⼆)客户: ABC有限责任公司会计期间:审计⼯作底稿⽬录(三)客户: ABC有限责任公司会计期间:客户提供相关资料情况表审计程序完成情况表(⼀)被审计单位:索引号:项⽬:财务报表截⽌⽇/⽇期:编制:复核:审计程序完成情况表(⼆)被审计单位:索引号:项⽬:财务报表截⽌⽇/⽇期:编制:复核:审计程序完成情况表(三)被审计单位:索引号:项⽬:财务报表截⽌⽇/⽇期:编制:复核:业务约定书甲⽅:⼄⽅:兹由甲⽅委托⼄⽅对甲⽅年年度财务报表进⾏审计,经双⽅协商,达成以下约定:⼀、业务范围及⽬的⼄⽅接受甲⽅委托:对甲⽅按照企业会计准则编制的年⽉⽇的资产负债表以及截⽌年度的利润表、股东权益变动表和现⾦流量表以及财务报表附注(以下统称财务报表)进⾏审计;⼄⽅将根据《中国注册会计师审计准则》,通过执⾏审计⼯作,对财务报表的下列⽅⾯发表审计意见:(1)财务报表是否按照企业会计准则和相关会计制度的规定编制;(2)财务报表是否在所有重⼤⽅⾯公允反映甲⽅的财务状况、经营成果和现⾦流量。























四大会计师事务所 - 审计表 - 工作底稿. - 审计

四大会计师事务所 - 审计表 - 工作底稿. - 审计
表11. 2. 3.
第2页 (共2页)
财务负责人姓名 ___________________________
财务负责人签名 ____________________________
制表日期 ______________________
第1页 (共2页)
资产负债表 (续) 续
其它有关单位背景的资料: 单位是否按中国法律成立的独立法人?如是请说明企业类型。 单位是否向中国地方及国家税务局以单位身份独立申报税金? (如问题一的答案是否定,此题则不适用),请列出下列有关单位的资料: 1. 2. 3. 4. 投资总额 注册资本 经营年限 所有投资者的名称及出资情况
年 编制单位: 资产 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 年初数 期末数 月 日 负债及所有者权益合计 流动负债 : 短期借款 应付票据 应付账款 预收账款 其它应付款 应付工资 应付福利费 未交税金 其它未交款 预提费用 一年内到期的长期负债 流动负债合计 长期负债: 长期借款 长期负债合计 递延税款: 递延税款贷项 负债合计 所有者权益: 实收资本 中方投资 (非人民币本期金额) 外方投资 (非人民币本期金额) 资本公积 盈余公积 其中: 储备基金 其中: 企业发展基金 未分配利润 所有者权益合计 负债及所有者权益合计 序号 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 年初数 货币单位:人民币元 期末数








二、审计程序和工作底稿1. 确定审计程序和时间安排在进行审计工作前,审计师需要与财务部门协商,确定审计程序和时间安排。


工作底稿示例:审计程序明细表:| 序号 | 审计程序 | 负责人 | 审核日期 || ---- | ------------------- | ------ | ------------ || 1 | 日常现金收支审核 | 张三 | 2022年1月5日 || 2 | 财务报表分析 | 李四 | 2022年1月6日 || 3 | 内部控制评估 | 王五 | 2022年1月7日 || 4 | 财务记录和凭证复核 | 张三 | 2022年1月8日 |2. 进行审计测试和取证工作审计测试和取证工作是审计过程的核心环节,它为后续的判断和发表审计意见提供了依据。


工作底稿示例:审计测试底稿:| 序号 | 审计程序 | 审计证据 | 审计师 | 审计日期|| ---- | --------------------- | ------------------------ | ------ | ------------ || 1 | 抽检现金收支凭证 | 凭证编号、金额等 | 张三 | 2022年1月5日 || 2 | 抽检固定资产采购凭证 | 凭证编号、金额等 | 李四 | 2022年1月6日 || 3 | 评估内部控制制度的效力 | 内部控制评价表、抽检记录 | 王五 | 2022年1月7日 || 4 | 收集其他相关审计证据 | 相关文件、询问函等 | 张三 | 2022年1月8日 |3. 修改和整理底稿审计过程中,可能需要不断修改和更新底稿,确保底稿的准确性和完整性。



















Audit Program31 December 2000Prepared byDate Reviewed byDate Approved byDateCLIENTYEAR ENDAUDIT PROGRAM FOR Cash & BankRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Compare the listing of cash and bank accounts with those of priorperiods and investigate any unexpected changes (e.g., creditbalances, unusual large balances, new accounts, closed accounts) orthe absence of expected changes._____ 2. Review interest received in relation to the average cash and bankbalances.Cash balances_____ 3. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of cash as at 31/12/1999 and31/12/2000.(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger controlaccount._____ 4. Scan cash entries noting any unusual items and make furtherinvestigation where considered necessary.Bank Balances_____ 5. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of bank as at the period enddate; and(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger control account.6. Bank Confirmation request (Note 2)(a) Get a standard bank confirmation request form from thestationery cupboard.(b) Fill in the client name, our reference number and the period oryear end date (please specify) for the bank to confirm.(c) Give the partial completed form to the relevant client staff .(d) Request the client to perform the following tasks:·Stamp the form with the company chop;·Have the form signed by an authorized signatory;·Fill in the balances in the appropriate boxes;·For items which are not applicable for the company, fill in“N/A” in the corresponding boxes; and·Confirm to us whether the form can be sent to the bank by mailor if the client is required to take the confirmation to the bank.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Cash & Bank (Continued)Ref Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by Bank Balances (Continued)(e) Check the completed confirmation form to ensure thefollowing:·the balances agreed to the bank statements as at theconfirmation date;·the form is properly signed;·the client has filled in all security and guarantee related matterson the bank confirmation; and·Send the bank confirmation form to the bank by post.OrIf the client staff has to take the confirmation to the bank, arrange astaff to go with him/her. (Note 3)(f) Keep copies of the confirmation in the file until replies areobtained from the banks.(g) When replies are received, check the confirmations received toensure that:·the forms were stamped and signed by the bank on the lastpage; and·the individual balances and information are endorsed by thebank staff personal chop. (Note 4)_____ 7. Examine the client’s bank reconciliation as at 31/12/2000 asfollows:a) agree book balance to Cash Book and General Ledger;b)agree balance per bank statement to bank statement at theyear end and bank confirmation received;c) check casting of the bank reconciliation;d)vouch all lodgments / lodgments with amount greater thanRMB _____ * not clear to the cash book and bank statementin the following month ensuring all lodgments are cleared;(Note 5)e) vouch all outstanding cheques / outstanding cheques withamount greater than RMB _____ * to the cash book and to thebank statement in the following month & note down the datewhen they are cleared; (Note 5)f) obtain explanations from the client of all outstanding lodgments/ lodgment with amounts greater than RMB_____ *;g) investigate all stale cheques / stale cheques with amountgreater than RMB_____ * issued for more than five / ten days*, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash bookand ledger; (Note 6)CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Cash & Bank (Continued)Ref Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by Bank Balances (Continued)h) investigate all payments / payments with amount greater thanRMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by theclient, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cashbook and ledger; (Note 6) andi) investigate all receipts / receipts with amount greater thanRMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by theclient, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cashbook and ledger. (Note 6)_____ 8. Review the bank book for any unusual items (greater than RMB_____) such as: a) non-trading receipts or payments andb) transfers in and out of the bank accounts._____ 9. Select receipts larger than RMB ______ and payments larger thanRMB ______ within ____weeks before and after the year end toensure that they have been properly accounted for.General_____ 10. Review the cash and bank accounts in the general ledger for unusualitems._____ 11. Review the cash disbursements and cash receipts registers forunusual items; investigate any such items observed._____ 12. Review bank confirmations, minutes, loan agreements and otherdocuments for evidence of restrictions on the use of cash, or ofliens, or security interests in, cash._____ 13. Consider the covenants and other narratives given in loan and othermaterial agreements and determine compliance with the agreementsand whether necessary disclosure have been made._____ 14. Consider the implications of client management practices that resultin recurring short term loan to finance working capital. Considerinquiry of client management and alert your senior / executiveshould such short term loans be encountered in the audit.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Cash & Bank (Continued)Ref Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by* Delete as appropriateNote 1i. The cash count should be performed by cashier with the presence of a staff that normally is not involved in the cashier function.ii. Cash certificate is acceptable only if the petty cash balance is considered as immaterial and / or the risk associated is low/ minimal.Note 2i. Bank confirmations are sent on an individual branch basis, i.e. one confirmation per branch.ii. Confirmation should also be sent to accounts closed during the year.iii. If either the bank or the client refuses to reply/send the confirmation, consider if there is a significantlimitation of our audit scope and its implications.Note 3When it is not feasible for an EYHM staff to go with the client, we must reconsider if the confirmation obtained provides sufficient and reliable audit evidence due to the lack of independence.Note 4Alternatively, the bank may issue its own bank certificate to confirm the deposits and loans balances and confirm that no other business transactions exiting.Note 5The extent of vouching work depends on our assessment of the likelihood of errors occurring.Note 6We have to consider the effect in aggregate regarding the unadjusted items which are below the amount stipulated in this procedure whenever one is set.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Accounts ReceivableRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by1. Obtain or prepare a listing of accounts receivable and investigateunusual balances. Credit balances, and accounts that may not beaccounts receivable, or may not be properly classified as accountsreceivable trade (e.g. consignment accounts, related-party oremployee accounts ).2. Trace the total in the customers’ ledger to the general ledger controlaccount: investigate reconciling items greater than ¥________ andunusual items.3. Compare current period’s receivables as a percentage of net sales withprior periods’ percentages. Compare discounts, returns, andallowances with prior periods (e.g. as 5 - 10% of sales).4. As of 31/12/2000, perform confirmation procedures for accounts asfollows:a. Select key items (accounts greater than ¥________ and accountswith the following characteristics: long aging, or involved in legalcase) for positive confirmation procedures.b. Using a MUS or Random technique, select a representative sampleor account (as determined through use of Audit Risk Table__________) for positive / negative confirmation procedures.c. Trace information (i.e.. balance and addresses) from individualrequests to the subsidiary records. Send requests and prepareconfirmation statistics.d. Trace confirmation replies to the trial balance and request theclient to reconcile differences. Investigate explanations for differencesgreater than ¥_______ and any unusual explanations.e. Send second requests for all unanswered positive confirmationrequests.f. Examine subsequent cash receipts, shipping records, salescontracts, and other evidence to substantiate the validity of accountsfor which no reply or an unsatisfactory reply was received.g. Summarize the results of the confirmation procedures.5. Test sales cut-off for service rendering greater than ¥ for theLast days before year end and the first ___days after year end.Determine that the sales were recorded in the proper period throughreview of shipping documents, billings, sales register and othersupporting documents.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Accounts Receivable (Continued)Ref Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by6. Test for out-of-period credit memos by examining those greater than¥_____ issued for the period from the balance sheet dated to/ /2001. Inquire as to whether there are any unissued credits thatrelate to the period under audit.7. Test the aging of accounts receivable and unbilled contracts foramounts greater than ¥and accounts with the followingcharacteristics: opening receivable balance brought forward from // , to support the accuracy of the aged trial balance. Trace thedetails to and from the customer’s ledger accounts or supportingdocumentation.8. Compare aging, bad debt expanse, and write-offs with prior periods.Compar e the current period’s accounts receivable turnover and/ornumber of day’s sales outstanding with prior periods’ amounts.9. Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts and therelated provision as follows:a. From the aged trial balance as of 31/12/2000, select accounts withbalances greater than ¥ , accounts greater than ¥ thatare more than 180 days past due, and accounts with legalcontingencies.b. In addition to those accounts selected in a above, select anyadditional accounts that have a higher likelihood of error (e.g.. prioryear experience, industry concentration).c. For those accounts selected, discuss collectibles concerns with thecredit manager or other responsible individual and reviewcorrespondence files or other relevant data in support of the client’srepresentations.d. Review subsequent collections for those accounts selected forevaluation.e. Determine if any product related problems (e.g.. quality right ofreturn) are affecting collectibles and should be considered indetermining the adequacy of the allowance. These problems shouldalso be considered in determining the adequacy of the allowance forinventory obsolescence.f. Perform appropriate analytical review procedures.g. Conclude on the adequacy of the allowance.10. Review the accounts receivable and sales accounts in the generalledger and the sales and cash receipts registers for unusual items:investigate any such items observed.11. Determine whether any receivables are pledged as collateral orSubject to any liens; coordinate with work on debt payable.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Prepayment & Construction in ProcessRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Obtain or prepare an analysis for each significant classification ofprepaid expenses, deferred charges, other assets or intangibles.Include adequate descriptions of significant components and thefollowing:a. Balance at the beginning of the periodb. Additions at costc. Deductions charged to expense, and to other accountd. Balance at the end of the period._____ 2. Foot the analyses and trace totals to the general ledger: trace thebeginning balances to the prior period audit working papers._____ 3. Compare the account balances with those of prior periods andinvestigate any unexpected changes (or the absence of expectedchanges). For accounts greater than ¥and accounts that havechanged by the greater of ¥ or 5~10% from the prior period.Recomputed the ending balance (and examine supporting documentsfor significant charges as appropriate) and determine that thecarrying amount does not exceed amounts properly allocable tofuture periods._____ 4. Trace amounts amortized to expense during the period to the relatedgeneral ledger accounts._____ 5. Confirm deposits and assets held by others for those items greaterthan ¥and items related to construction of shelters andunipoles, or items related to operating expenses for sales centers._____ 6. Review the accounts under this classification and the related incomeand expense accounts in the general ledger for unusual items:investigate any such items noted._____ 7. Determine that there has been no permanent impairment of value fordeferred charges, intangible assets, etc._____ 8. Determine that balances are properly classified in the balance sheet(current versus non-current, etc.).____ 9. Identify any exceptional item (i.e. prepaid legal fee). Investigate itsnature and consider the recoverability of these items and whether anyprovision is needs.10. Perform reasonableness test on amortisation of deferred expenses._____ 11. Send and obtain confirmations from staff and sales centers to verifyexistence of assets._____ 12. Perform overall analytical review on total prepayment andconstruction in progress._____ 13. Obtain and review a movement of construction in progress, examinesupporting documents for material additions.14. Test the calculation of capitalised interest if appropriate.____ 15. Check Completion Verification to ensure that CIP is transferred tofixed assets at proper time.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR AffiliatesRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by ______ 1. Review other receivable and payables, and reclassify currentaccounts with ultimate holding company, subsidiaries, fellowsubsidiaries and associate company to the proper accounts.______ 2. Agree or reconcile all current accounts balance with relatedparty by sending confirmation. Agree the current accountbalance with subsidiaries’ books and records.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Fixed Assets and Concession RightsRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by ______ 1. Obtain or prepare a summary of property, plant and equipment andrelated depreciation (by major classification) including thefollowing:a. Beginning and ending balances at cost.b. Asset additions at cost.c. Asset retirements and dispositions.d. Other changes (e.g. transfers).e. Beginning and ending balances of the allowances fordepreciation.f. Additions to the allowance for depreciation accompanied by ananalysis of amounts charged to expense, absorbed in inventory,and capitalized.g. Reductions of the allowance for depreciation for retirements anddispositions.______ 2. Obtain or prepare a schedule of asset additions during the period,including description, date acquired, estimated useful life, and cost,for all additions of ¥ or more, with those under that amountcombined so the total additions ties to the summary schedule byclassification. Compare the level of property acquisitions for theperiod with the prior period.______ 3. Obtain or prepare a schedule of retirements and dispositionincluding description, date of acquisition, date of retirement ordisposition, cost, accumulated depreciation, net carrying value,proceeds of disposition, and gain or loss on disposition.______ 4. Trace the beginning balances per the summary schedule to endingbalances per the prior p eriod’s audit working papers.______ 5. Trace amounts per the summary schedule to the general ledger, thedetailed asset records, and to the schedules of additions, andretirements and dispositions; test the footings and crossfootings ofthe schedules.______ 6. For asset additions greater than ¥and additions with thefollowing characteristics: capitalised interests, or capitalised legalfees, examine supporting documents (purchase contracts, paidchecks, vendors’ invoices) to verify record ed cost. Challenge theestimated useful lives assigned.______ 7. For asset retirements and dispositions with net carrying valuesgreater than ¥ , examine supporting documents (bills of sale,contracts, copies of checks) to verify proceeds and determine thatthe appropriate cost and accumulated depreciation were removedfrom the accounting records. Recomputed gain or loss.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Fixed Assets and Concession Rights (Cont’d)Ref Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 8. Examine support for charges greater than ¥to repair andmaintenance expense accounts for potential items that should havebeen capitalized. Compare repair and maintenance expense accountbalances with the prior period and investigate any unexpectedchanges (or the absence of expected changes)._____ 9. Perform physical inspection of selected shelters in 3 major citiesand determine asset recoverability / realization._____ 10. Note down the depreciation policy under the Group’s instruction.Perform reasonableness test or detail recalculations to assessdepreciation / amortization expense and tie the total expense perthe property summary to the general ledger accounts._____ 11. Obtain or prepare schedules of lease and rental expense detail.Examine support for charges greater than ¥________ to determineproper classification. Determine that any new leases have beenproperly accounted for._____ 12. Test the calculation of capitalized interest, if appropriate._____ 13. Review the property, plant and equipment and related accounts inthe general ledger for unusual items; investigate such items noted._____ 14. Review minutes, agreements, UCC filings, and other documents(e.g., bank and loan confirmations) for evidence of liens, pledges,security interests, and restrictions on property, plant andequipment._____ 15. Determine the tax basis of accounting for property, plant andequipment transactions, and verify that any book-tax differenceshave been accounted for property.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Accounts Payable, Accruals and Other LiabilitiesRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by ______ 1. Obtain or prepare a schedule of accounts payable details as of thebalance sheet date: foot the schedule and trace the total to theaccounts payable balance in the general ledger.______ 2. Compare the list of accounts payable with those of prior periodsand investigate any unexpected changes (e.g. changes in majorvendors, in the proportion of debit balances, in the aging of theaccounts, etc.) or the absence of expected changes.______ 3. Review the accounts payable account in the general ledger andsupporting detail for unusual items. Investigate debit balancesand , if significant, consider requesting positive confirmations andpropose reclassification of amounts.______ 4. Obtain or prepare a schedule of accrued liabilities and deferredincome. Examine the composition and the computation of thoseaccounts considered significant or whether the change / lack ofchange in lance from the prior period is unexpected.______ 5. Compare the account balances with those of prior periods andinvestigate any unexpected changes (or the absence of expectedchanges).______ 6. Ensure the provision of welfare fund and staff welfare expensesare properly accrued and accounted for.______ 7. Review construction contracts and related documents for anyunrecorded liabilities and make adjustments if necessary.______ 8. Circularise the payable accounts with material balances.______ 9. Agree payable accounts with material balance to suppliers’statements or vouch to customer receipts, if available.______ 10. Perform a search for unrecorded liabilities at the year end byreviewing disbursements voucher and unpaid invoices overRMB after year end.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Tax payableRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by ______ 1. For detailed procedures, please see PRC TAX PROVISIONAUDIT PROGRAMME.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Short Term Bank LoansRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Obtain or prepare a schedule and a movement of bank loan andrelated interest accounts by issue showing the following:Description (date of origin, type of debt, maturity, face amount,interest rate, timing and amount of payments): Activity in theprincipal and related interest accounts (beginning balance,additions, payments, ending balance)._____ 2. Test the clerical accuracy of the schedule in #1 above, and tracetotals to the general ledger. Compare the account balances withthose of prior periods and investigate any unexpected changes (orthe absence of expected changes)._____ 3. Confirm all debt account, including those paid off during theperiod, as of 31/12/2000. Information to be confirmed shouldinclude: principal and related interest due at end of period, terms,liens, security interests or assets pledged as collateral, andcompliance with covenants._____ 4. Test interest paid and accrued and tie expense to the trial balance.Perform an overall test of the reasonableness of interest expense bymultiplying the average interest rate by the average amount of debtoutstanding._____ 5. Vouch to supporting documents (bank-in slip etc.) to ensure thatrepayments have been made as expected and the year end balance iscorrect and correctly disclosed._____ 6. Obtain and review copies of all new debt agreements and anyexisting debt agreements for which we do not have a copy in ourfiles. Review to determine the terms, restrictions, and otherpertinent provisions of long-term debt._____ 7. Determine whether receivables, inventory, and / or property, plant,and equipment are pledged as collateral or subject to any liens._____ 8. Review short-term / long-term classification of debt for propriety.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Share capitalRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Obtain or prepare an analysis of all equity accounts progressingform the beginning of the period to the end of the period. Test theclerical accuracy of the analysis. Trace the beginning balances toprior period audit working papers and trace ending balances to thegeneral ledger._____ 2. Examine support for and determine the propriety of accounting forany changes in the equity accounts from the prior period._____ 3. Review minutes or other supporting documents for theauthorization for and the details of transactions that affected theequity accounts during the period._____ 4. If the company does not keep itsown stock record books:a.Obtain confirmation of shares outstanding from the registrarand transfer agent.b. Reconcile the schedule to the general ledger._____ 5. Analysis activity in the retained earnings account during the period;trace the beginning balance to the prior period audit wordingpapers; trace the ending balance to the general ledger; trace incometo the financial statements and support other changes asappropriate._____ 6. Obtain the calculation sheets of minority interests (MI) and reviewit. Ensure that all proposed adjustment related to retained earningsare also affect the results of MI.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Commitments and contingenciesRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Review all contracts and agreements to determine the capitalcommitment._____ 2. Inquire management and check board minutes, bank confirmations,contracts, loan agreements, leases and correspondence withsolicitors for indications of other guarantees, commitments orcontingencies.CLIENT .YEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR RevenueRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Obtain or prepare a comparative analysis of sales (by product line,division, etc.) and other income accounts for the current andpreceding period and investigate acoounts that changed by thegreater of ¥ or 10%._____ 2. Select 20-25 sales transactions from throughout the period andsupport proper recording by comparing sales invoice information toshipping documents and tracing the invoice through the accountingsystem to recording the general ledger._____ 3. See Accounts Receivable step #10._____ 4. Review the other non-current credit accounts in the general ledgerfor unusual items._____ 5. Perform additional analytical review procedures as follows:See Accounts Receivable step #3._____ 6. Refer to Accounts Receivable for the procedures relating to tests ofcut-off of sales invoices and credit memos._____ 7. Examine support for the charges to the other non-current creditaccounts during the period._____ 8. Account for and test the numerical sequence of sales invoice and /or photos that is for completeness.CLIENTYEAR END 31 December 2000AUDIT PROGRAM FOR Cost and ExpensesRef Audit Procedures - Nature, Timing and Extent W.P. Ref. Performed by _____ 1. Obtain or prepare a comparative analysis of expense accounts(grouped by income statement classification ) and investigateaccounts that fluctuated by the greater of ¥ or 10~20%. Alsocompare each classification of expenses as a percentage of net saleswith prior period percentages and investigate unexpected changes(or the absence of expected changes)._____ 2. Review the expense accounts in the general ledger and thepurchases journal for unusual items; investigate any such itemsobserved._____ 3. Perform monthly analysis of salries, and identify any sales bonus orcommission to assess reasonableness._____ 4. Perform reasonableness test on the following items:a.shelters’ rental, electricity and subcontractors expensesbased on the fluctuation of shelters quantity.b.rental expenses for head office and sales centres.c.interest income._____ 5. Test any irregular items in “others” obtain adequate supportingdocuments and perform analysis._____ 6. Consider any commitment arisen from those rental contracts forshelters in each city and from those lease contracts for premises.。























1. 初步审计程序。




2. 审计证据的收集。



3. 内部控制的评价。
















索引号:组号 共4页






1. 财务报表审计。


2. 内部控制审计。


3. 合规性审计。


4. 风险评估审计。


5. 特定事项审计。



1. 底稿编号。


2. 底稿名称。


3. 底稿内容。


4. 底稿签字。


5. 底稿归档。



1. 确定审计范围和目标。


2. 收集审计依据。


3. 制定审计计划。


4. 开展审计工作。


5. 编制审计工作底稿。





]篇二:四大审计底稿Audit Program 31 December XXPrepared byReviewed byApproved byDateDateDateCLIENTYEAR END_____ 1. Compare the listing of cash and bank accounts with those of priorperiods and investigate any unexpected changes (,credit balances, unusual large balances, new accounts, closed accounts) or the absence of expected changes._____ 2. Review interest received in relation to the average cash and bankbalances.Cash balances_____ 3. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of cash as at 31/12/1999 and31/12/XX.(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger control account._____ 4. Scan cash entries noting any unusual items and make furtherinvestigation where considered necessary.Bank Balances_____ 5. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of bank as at the period enddate; and(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger control account.6. Bank Confirmation request (Note 2) (a) Get a standard bank confirmation request form from thestationery cupboard.(b) Fill in the client name, our reference number and the period oryear end date (please specify) for the bank to confirm.(c) Give the partial completed form to the relevant client staff . (d) Request the client to perform the following tasks:· Stamp the form with the company chop; · Have the form signed by an authorized signatory; · Fill in the balances in the appropriate boxes; · For items which are not applicable for the company, fill in “N/A” in the corresponding boxes; and · Confirm to us whether the form can be sent to the bank by mail or if the client is required to take the confirmation to the bank.CLIENTYEAR ENDBank Balances (Continued)(e) Check the completed confirmation form to ensure thefollowing: · the balances agreed to the bankstatements as at theconfirmation date; ·the form is properly signed; · the client has filled in all security and guarantee related matterson the bank confirmation; and · Send the bank confirmation form to the bank by post. OrIf the client staff has to take the confirmation to the bank, arrange a staff to go with him/her. (Note3)(f) Keep copies of the confirmation in the file until replies areobtained from the banks.(g) When replies are received, check the confirmations received toensure that: · the forms were stamped and signed by the bank on the lastpage; and ·the individual balances and information are endorsed by thebank staff personal chop. (Note 4)_____ 7. Examine the client’s bank reconciliation as at 31/12/XX asfollows:a) agree book balance to Cash Book and General Ledger;b) agree balance per bank statement to bank statement at theyear end and bank confirmation received;c) check casting of the bank reconciliation; d) vouch all lodgments / lodgments with amount greater thanRMB _____ * not clear to the cash book and bank statement in the following month ensuring all lodgments are cleared; (Note 5)e) vouch all outstanding cheques / outstanding cheques withamount greater than RMB _____ *to the cash book and to the bank statement in the following month & note down the date when they are cleared; (Note 5)f) obtain explanations from the client of all outstanding lodgments/ lodgment with amounts greater than RMB_____ *;g) investigate all stale cheques / stale cheques with amountgreater than RMB_____ * issued for more than five / ten days *, and make appropriate adjustments thereofin the cash book and ledger; (Note 6)CLIENTYEAR ENDBank Balances (Continued)h) investigate all payments / payments with amount greater than RMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by the client, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash book and ledger; (Note6) andi) investigate all receipts / receipts with amount greater than RMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by the client, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash book and ledger. (Note 6)_____ 8. Review the bank book for any unusual items (greater than RMB _____) such as:a)non-trading receipts or payments and b) transfers in and out of the bank accounts._____ 9. Select receipts larger than RMB ______ and payments larger than RMB ______ within ____weeks before and after the year end to ensure that they have been properly accounted for.General _____ 10. Review the cash and bank accounts in the general ledger for unusual items._____ 11. Review the cash disbursements and cash receipts registers for unusual items; investigate any such items observed._____ 12. Review bank confirmations, minutes, loan agreements and other documents for evidence of restrictions on the use of cash, or of liens, or security interests in, cash._____ 13. Consider the covenants and other narratives given in loan and other material agreements and determine compliance with the agreements and whether necessary disclosure have been made._____ 14. Consider the implications of client management practices that result in recurring short term loan to finance working capital. Consider inquiry of client management and alert your senior / executive should such short term loans be encountered in the audit.CLIENTYEAR END* Delete as appropriateNote 1i. The cash count should be performed by cashier with the presence of a staff that normally is not involved in the cashier function.ii. Cash certificate is acceptable only if the petty cash balance is considered as immaterial and / or the risk associated is low/ minimal.Note 2i. Bank confirmations are sent on an individual branch basis, one confirmation per branch. ii. Confirmation should also be sent to accounts closed during the year.iii. If either the bank or the client refuses to reply/send the confirmation, consider if there is a significant limitation of our audit scope and its implications.Note 3When it is not feasible for an EYHM staff to go with the client, we must reconsider if the confirmation obtained provides sufficient and reliable audit evidence due to the lack of independence.Note 4Alternatively, the bank may issue its own bank certificate to confirm the deposits and loans balances and confirm that no other business transactions exiting.Note 5The extent of vouching work depends on our assessment of the likelihood of errors occurring.Note 6We have to consider the effect in aggregate regarding the unadjusted items which are below the amount stipulated in this procedure whenever one is set.篇三:审计工作底稿(模板)XXX会计师事务所审计差异事项调整表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期://XXX会计师事务所银行存款余额明细核对表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期://XXX会计师事务所货币资金收入凭证抽查表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期://XXX会计师事务所货币资金支出凭证抽查表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期:// XXX会计师事务所。



一、审计项目概况审计项目名称:XX公司财务报表审计审计时间:2021年1月1日至2021年12月31日审计范围:公司财务报表及关联方交易审计依据:《中华人民共和国审计法》、《企业会计准则》等二、审计发现的主要问题1. 财务报表编制不规范(1)部分会计科目使用不规范,如“其他应收款”科目长期挂账,未及时进行清理。


2. 关联方交易披露不完整(1)公司关联方交易金额较大,但未在财务报表附注中充分披露。


3. 内部控制存在缺陷(1)财务部门内部控制制度不健全,如授权审批制度不完善。


三、审计结论及建议1. 审计结论根据《中华人民共和国审计法》及相关规定,本次审计发现XX公司在财务报表编制、关联方交易披露及内部控制方面存在一定问题,对公司的财务状况和经营成果产生一定影响。

2. 审计建议(1)加强财务报表编制管理,规范会计科目使用,确保会计信息真实、准确、完整。




四、审计工作总结1. 审计组严格按照审计程序和规定,对XX公司财务报表、关联方交易及内部控制进行了全面审计。

2. 审计过程中,审计组与公司财务部门保持良好沟通,及时了解公司财务状况和经营情况。

3. 审计组针对发现的问题,提出了切实可行的审计建议,有助于公司改进财务管理,提高经营效益。

4. 审计组在审计过程中,严格执行审计纪律,确保审计工作的独立性和客观性。











审计报告工作底稿模板一、审计基本信息1.1 审计目的(写下审计目的的简要描述,阐述审计报告工作的核心目标)1.2 审计标准及准则(针对所审计的企业、机构或单位,描述其应当依据的相关标准和准则,例如:会计准则、税务法规、财务制度等)1.3 审计时间(描述审计的时间范围,例如:年度审计、季度审计等)1.4 审计范围(描述审计涉及到的具体范围,例如:机构、业务、财务科目等)1.5 审计组成人员(列出参与审计工作的人员姓名、职务、专业、工作责任等相关信息)二、审计方法及内容2.1 审计方法(描述使用的具体审计方法、技术和工具,例如:随机抽样、比较分析、资料核对等)2.2 审计内容(列出审计的具体内容,例如:财务报表、业务流程、财务管理制度等)2.3 审计程序(描述审计工作的程序和步骤,例如:初步分析、采集证据、分析结果等)三、审计发现及结论3.1 发现问题(描述在审计过程中发现的问题,例如:违法违规行为、账目记录错误或疏漏、财务管理制度缺陷等)3.2 效应分析(分析问题的原因、影响及危害程度,例如:对企业经济效益的影响,对投资者权益的保护等)3.3 建议措施(分析并列出可以采取的针对问题的有效性措施建议,例如:财务管理制度的优化改进、内部审计制度的完善、加强对账目信息的监督等)3.4 备注(对发现问题、效应分析及建议措施作出的说明、补充等)四、审计人员签名(填写审计人员的姓名、职务、签名、认证等信息)五、附录(上传相关附录材料,例如:账目凭证、审计报告等)以上即为审计报告工作底稿模板,可以根据需要进行修改和调整,以适应不同审计需求。





二、审计工作底稿的内容和格式1. 底稿内容(1)财务报表和业务资料:包括被审计单位的财务报表、会计凭证、账簿、财务报表附注等相关资料。



2. 底稿格式(1)标题:每份底稿应有清晰的标题,准确地描述该份底稿的内容和目的。





三、审计工作底稿的作用1. 网清晰的记录和存储审计过程审计工作底稿是审计过程中的重要记录,可以清晰地反映审计员执行审计程序的过程,以及得出结论和建议的思路和论证。


2. 便于审计工作的沟通和汇总审计工作底稿是审计员沟通和交流的工具,可以使审计团队成员之间保持良好的信息共享和协作,有利于审计工作的有效汇总和整合。

3. 作为审计报告的依据审计工作底稿是审计报告编制的重要依据,其中包含了审计员对审计对象的分析、思考和结论,可以在审计报告编制过程中提供有力的支持和论证。


四、审计工作底稿的管理1. 底稿的保密和存储审计工作底稿属于敏感信息,对其保密工作非常重要。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


]篇二:四大审计底稿Audit Program 31 December XXPrepared byReviewed byApproved byDateDateDateCLIENTYEAR END_____ 1. Compare the listing of cash and bank accounts with those of priorperiods and investigate any unexpected changes (, credit balances, unusual large balances, new accounts, closed accounts) or the absence of expected changes._____ 2. Review interest received in relation to the average cash and bankbalances.Cash balances_____ 3. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of cash as at 31/12/1999 and31/12/XX.(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger control account._____ 4. Scan cash entries noting any unusual items and make furtherinvestigation where considered necessary.Bank Balances_____ 5. (a) Obtain a copy of the list of balances of bank as at the period enddate; and(b) Check casting and agree total with general ledger control account.6. Bank Confirmation request (Note 2) (a) Get a standard bank confirmation request form from the stationery cupboard.(b) Fill in the client name, our reference number and the period oryear end date (please specify) for the bank to confirm.(c) Give the partial completed form to the relevant client staff . (d) Request the client to perform the following tasks:· Stamp the form with the company chop; · Have the form signed by an authorized signatory; · Fill in the balances in the appropriate boxes; · For items which are not applicable for the company, fill in “N/A” in the corresponding boxes; and · Confirm to us whether the form can be sent to the bank by mail or if the client is required to take the confirmation to the bank.CLIENTYEAR ENDBank Balances (Continued)(e) Check the completed confirmation form to ensure thefollowing: · the balances agreed to the bank statements as at theconfirmation date; ·the form is properly signed; · the client has filled in all security and guarantee related matterson the bank confirmation; and · Send the bank confirmation form to the bank by post. OrIf the client staff has to take the confirmation to the bank, arrange a staff to go with him/her. (Note3)(f) Keep copies of the confirmation in the file until replies areobtained from the banks.(g) When replies are received, check the confirmations received toensure that: · the forms were stamped and signed by the bank on the lastpage; and ·the individual balances and information are endorsed by thebank staff personal chop. (Note 4)_____ 7. Examine the client’s bank reconciliation as at 31/12/XX asfollows:a) agree book balance to Cash Book and General Ledger;b) agree balance per bank statement to bank statement at theyear end and bank confirmation received;c) check casting of the bank reconciliation; d) vouch all lodgments / lodgments with amount greater thanRMB _____ * not clear to the cash book and bank statement in the following month ensuring all lodgments are cleared; (Note 5)e) vouch all outstanding cheques / outstanding cheques withamount greater than RMB _____ *to the cash book and to the bank statement in the following month & note down the date when they are cleared; (Note 5)f) obtain explanations from the client of all outstanding lodgments/ lodgment with amounts greater than RMB_____ *;g) investigate all stale cheques / stale cheques with amountgreater than RMB_____ * issued for more than five / ten days *, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash book and ledger; (Note 6)CLIENTYEAR ENDBank Balances (Continued)h) investigate all payments / payments with amount greater than RMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by the client, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash book and ledger; (Note6) andi) investigate all receipts / receipts with amount greater than RMB_____ * recorded by the bank but not recorded by the client, and make appropriate adjustments thereof in the cash book and ledger. (Note 6)_____ 8. Review the bank book for any unusual items (greater than RMB _____) such as:a)non-tradingreceipts or payments and b) transfers in and out of the bank accounts._____ 9. Select receipts larger than RMB ______ and payments larger than RMB ______ within ____weeks before and after the year end to ensure that they have been properly accounted for.General _____ 10. Review the cash and bank accounts in the general ledger for unusual items._____ 11. Review the cash disbursements and cash receipts registers for unusual items; investigate any such items observed._____ 12. Review bank confirmations, minutes, loan agreements and other documents for evidence of restrictions on the use of cash, or of liens, or security interests in, cash._____ 13. Consider the covenants and other narratives given in loan and other material agreements and determine compliance with the agreements and whether necessary disclosure have been made._____ 14. Consider the implications of client management practices that result in recurring shortterm loan to finance working capital. Consider inquiry of client management and alert your senior / executive should such short term loans be encountered in the audit.CLIENTYEAR END* Delete as appropriateNote 1i. The cash count should be performed by cashier with the presence of a staff that normally is not involved in the cashier function.ii. Cash certificate is acceptable only if the petty cash balance is considered as immaterial and / or the risk associated is low/ minimal.Note 2i. Bank confirmations are sent on an individual branch basis, one confirmation per branch. ii. Confirmation should also be sent to accounts closed during the year.iii. If either the bank or the client refuses to reply/send the confirmation, consider if there is asignificant limitation of our audit scope and its implications.Note 3When it is not feasible for an EYHM staff to go with the client, we must reconsider if the confirmation obtained provides sufficient and reliable audit evidence due to the lack of independence.Note 4Alternatively, the bank may issue its own bank certificate to confirm the deposits and loans balances and confirm that no other business transactions exiting.Note 5The extent of vouching work depends on our assessment of the likelihood of errors occurring.Note 6We have to consider the effect in aggregate regarding the unadjusted items which are below the amount stipulated in this procedure whenever one is set.篇三:审计工作底稿(模板)XXX会计师事务所审计差异事项调整表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期:// XXX会计师事务所银行存款余额明细核对表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期:// XXX会计师事务所货币资金收入凭证抽查表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期:// XXX会计师事务所货币资金支出凭证抽查表编制人员:日期:// 复核人员:日期:// XXX会计师事务所。
