人教版选修六Unit 3《A healthy life Reading》ppt课件

• Separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places
• A campaign to highlight the dangers of smoking for smokers and non-smoking people
III. Read the text and fill in the blanks.
◆ Have 5_d_if_f_ic_u_l_ty_ Break the
in becoming pregnant. habit.
◆ Affect the health of
6__________ . ◆noBnr-esamthokaenrds clothes
7 ____________ .
can smoke a cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop
smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some
relaxation exercises. D. It’s helpful to stop smoking with a
Get help if you need it.
◆ Finsgmeerlslturn
◆ Can’t run fast
and don’t enjoy
IV. Read the text carefully and choose
the best answers.
3. What other information could have been included?
• A campaign to highlight the dangers of smoking for smokers and non-smoking people
III. Read the text and fill in the blanks.
◆ Have 5_d_if_f_ic_u_l_ty_ Break the
in becoming pregnant. habit.
◆ Affect the health of
6__________ . ◆noBnr-esamthokaenrds clothes
7 ____________ .
can smoke a cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop
smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some
relaxation exercises. D. It’s helpful to stop smoking with a
Get help if you need it.
◆ Finsgmeerlslturn
◆ Can’t run fast
and don’t enjoy
IV. Read the text carefully and choose
the best answers.
3. What other information could have been included?
选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课 PPT

Watch the video first and then discuss and write some suggestions to someone who wants to stop smoking according to the second part of the text.
Writing It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. First…… Second…….
1. The grandpa is 82 years old now. 2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit
smoking. 3. The grandpa is living a healthy life
Read the first part carefully, and try to finish the following chart.
smoking. D. Millions have managed to quit smoking
and so can you.
Summarize the article “how can you stop smoking”.
Choose a day that is not _st_r_e_s_sf_u_l_ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b_e_n_e_f_it_s_ you will get from stopping smoking. _T_h_r_o_w_ away all your cigarettes. _R__em__i_n_d_ yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like _s_m__o_k_in_g__. Develop some other habits to keep yourself _b_u_s_y_. If you feel nervous or _st_r_e_ss_e_d_, try some _r_el_a_x_a_t_io_n_
人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Reading) 课件(共26张PPT)

advice on stopping smoking.
D4 . Tell us the harmful effects of smoking.
E1 . Talking about the healthy life he leads
through his own experience.
Fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.
The harmful effects of smoking.
affect… non-
heart & lung
difficulty in pregnancy
What are the suggestions James’ grandfather gives to quit smoking?
2. What’s a healthy person like? A truly healthy person should be healthy in _b_o_d_y_ and _m__in__d_.
A healthy life should include _p_h_y_s_ic_a_l_ and _m_e_n_t_a_l health.
Harmful physical effects for smokers
1. do terrible damage to heart and lungs
2. have difficulty in becoming pregnant
3. Be unfit 4. Smell terrible
Get help if you need it.
D4 . Tell us the harmful effects of smoking.
E1 . Talking about the healthy life he leads
through his own experience.
Fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.
The harmful effects of smoking.
affect… non-
heart & lung
difficulty in pregnancy
What are the suggestions James’ grandfather gives to quit smoking?
2. What’s a healthy person like? A truly healthy person should be healthy in _b_o_d_y_ and _m__in__d_.
A healthy life should include _p_h_y_s_ic_a_l_ and _m_e_n_t_a_l health.
Harmful physical effects for smokers
1. do terrible damage to heart and lungs
2. have difficulty in becoming pregnant
3. Be unfit 4. Smell terrible
Get help if you need it.

Choose a day that is not __st_r_e_s_sf_u_l__ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the __b_e_n_e_fi_t_s__ you will get from stopping smoking. _T_h_r_o_w__a_w_a_y_ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.
1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康 生活。
2. You can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.
Post-reading 1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a
cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation
Advice From Grandad
Reading Comprehension Go through the first two and the last paragraphs.

Fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.
Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes
Information from the reading passage
2. Who wrote the letter to whom? A grandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James.
3. What is the purpose of the letter?
This letter aims to explain how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give up.
1. physically addicted to nicotine 2. addicted through habits 3. mentally addicted
Harmful physical effects for smokers
1. do terrible damage to heart and lungs 2. have difficulty in becoming pregnant 3. can not run fast
1 2
1. Can you give some other helpful suggestions?
2. What kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is?
英语:Unit3 A healthy life(Reading)课件(新人教版选修6)

a controversial/ sensitive issue
Anger is a big issue for me.
This article appeared in the July issue of English Learning.
They issued a joint statement denying the charge.
4. What effects of smoking have been mentioned? 1) It does terrible damage to your heart and lungs; 2) It is more difficult to become pregnant; 3) The baby may have a smaller birth weight or even abnormal in some way; 4) It affects the health of non-smokers; 5) It makes the smoker smelling; 6) It affects the relationship with others especially girlfriend; 7) It makes the smoker less fit.
Smoking is a bad example to children.
Smoking causes lung cancer.
Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers.
Reading Advice From Grandad
Skimming To get
2. Why does the author write this letter to James? The author writes this letter for the reason that James started smoking and now is finding it hard to give it up. The author feels like sharing his experience and some knowledge with him.
Anger is a big issue for me.
This article appeared in the July issue of English Learning.
They issued a joint statement denying the charge.
4. What effects of smoking have been mentioned? 1) It does terrible damage to your heart and lungs; 2) It is more difficult to become pregnant; 3) The baby may have a smaller birth weight or even abnormal in some way; 4) It affects the health of non-smokers; 5) It makes the smoker smelling; 6) It affects the relationship with others especially girlfriend; 7) It makes the smoker less fit.
Smoking is a bad example to children.
Smoking causes lung cancer.
Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers.
Reading Advice From Grandad
Skimming To get
2. Why does the author write this letter to James? The author writes this letter for the reason that James started smoking and now is finding it hard to give it up. The author feels like sharing his experience and some knowledge with him.

Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs
The leaves of lung turn_b_la_c_k_
The babies may have a smaller weight or even be abnormal in some way.
The ends of your fingers
Where there is a will, there is surely
a way.
In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?
A. Using scientific theory
B. His failure in love
becomes a habit.
Become mentally addicted
You believe you are __h_a_p_p_i_e,r ___m__o_re__r_e_la_xed after smoking and only feel_g_o_o_d_ when
the _h_a_r_m__fu_l __e_f_fe_c_tosf smoking. (Para4)
C. His sports activity
D. His own experience
What can we know from the passage?
A. Quitting smoking is very easy.
B. James managed to give up smoking finally.
Go through the first two and the last paragraphs.
英语:unit 3《A healthy life》课件-reading(新人教版选修6)

Effects that a person’s ’ smoking can have on other people
Effects that smoking can have on sporting
dislike the smell . 1.other people _________________ 2. The cigarette smoke may do harm other people near the smoker to__________________________ . enjoy sport be unable to ______________ .
1.____________ addicted to nicotine. physically 2.addicted through __________ habits 3. ___________ addicted
Read paragraph 4 carefully and fill in the blanks.
Information from the reading passage
Harmful physical effects for smokers
1.do terrible damage to heart and lungs ________________________ . 2.have difficulty in becoming pregnant . _________________________ 3.can not _______________ . run fast
1. What kind of person do you think James’ ’ grandfather is? 2. Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking? Make a short dialogue in pairs.
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and his advice on stopping
Para. 5
e. The three different ways of
becoming addicted.
Read the first two paragraphs and judge the following sentences.
Advice from Grandad
Please glance through the text as fast as you can and try to find out:
1. Who?
• James’ grandfather
2. To whom? 3. Purpose?
• James
• To give James some advice and encourage
Para. 2
b. The harmful effects of
Para. 3
c. Granddad tells about the life
he is living and the importance
of a healthy life.
Para. 4
d. Granddad’s hope for James
become addicted _h_a_b_i_t_.
to cigarettes.
3. become _m_e_n_t_a_l_ly_
addicted.Fra bibliotek Para. 4
1. could do terrible damage to
him to quit smoking
Scan the text and match the main idea of each paragraph
Para. 1
a. Grandd3a.dMtaalktcshabthouettJoapmices’
sentence of eacphropbalremagorfaspmhookfintgh.e first part.
Look at the following pictures. Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?
Dancing Healthy
Playing basketball Healthy
the following chart.
Para. 3
Information from the reading passage
1. become __p_h_y_s_ic_a_l_ly_
Different ways
addicted to nicotine.
people can
2. become addicted through
1. Smoking can do terrible damage to one’s life EXCEPT________.
A. heart disease B. Lung disease C. not becoming pregnant D. Getting along well with others
选修unitahealthylifeReading公 开课演示文稿
优选选修 unitahealthylifeReading公开课
1.To learn how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and how they can quit smoking. 2.To improve the reading skills. 3.To write some suggestions according to the text.
What do you think is the most important in our life?
What’s a healthy person like?
A truly healthy person should be healthy in _b_o_d_y_ and _m__in_d__.
Harmful physical 2. it was more difficult for
effects on
couples to_b_e_c_o_m__e_p_r_e_g_n_a_n_t.
Effects that a
1. other people dislike the __sm__e_ll_.
person’s smoking 2. The cigarette smoke could
can have on other people.
affect the health of__n_o_n_-_sm__o_k_e_r_s____.
Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions.
Doing Taiji Healthy
Drinking alcohol Unhealthy
Eating too much Unhealthy
Smoking Unhealthy
Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you stopped?
1. The grandpa is 82 years old now. 2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit smoking. 3. The grandpa is living a healthy life now.
Read the first part carefully, and try to finish
2. In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?
A. Using scientific theory. B. Using his failure in love. C. Using his sports activity. D. Using his own experience.