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Section I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

1.There was more than ____ rain last year, and some parts of the country have been flooded this


A. valuable

B. adequate

C. perfect

D. wonderful

2.It was not a serious accident; maybe the car just needs some ____ repairs.

A. minor

B. safe

C. kind

D. extra

3.With the population growth, the agricultural experts have to ____ new methods of increasing

the world’s food supply.

A. bring in

B. put out

C. come up with

D. take away

4.Ham and eggs ____ a hearty breakfast for a growing boy.

A. made

B. make

C. makes

D. are making

5.Due to the stormy weather, the airplane arrived about one hour behind ____.

A. time

B. plan

C. date

D. schedule

6.Just ____ your name and address on the card, and we’ll send the mail to you as soon as


A. go over

B. fill in

C. keep out

D. carry on

7.Linda could___ read and write well though she had graduated from high school.

A. scarcely

B. undoubtedly

C. perfectly

D. completely

8. You ____ me, for I didn’t say that at all.

A. must have misunderstood

B. must misunderstand

C. must be misunderstood

D. had to misunderstand

9. By the time we got to the railway station, the train ____.

A. has already left

B. will have left already

C. was leaving already

D. had already left

10. Since my husband is promoted to sales manager, we might be ___ off.

A. good

B. better

C. well

D. best

11. Mike complained that he earned much less than other people ____ he did the same

amount of work.

A. however

B. when

C. although

D. despite

12. It is reported that drunk driving ____ more than 30% of all road accidents.

A. accounts for

B. accounts on

C. accounts of

D. accounts in

13. They discussed the problems for three hours, but could come to no ____.

A. respond

B. conclusion

C. result

D. work

14. If you don’t work hard enough, you’ll never ____ anything.

A. affect

B. achieve

C. attract

D. advise

15. Sue closed all the doors because she wanted to be ____ and think quietly.

A. on her own

B. by her control

C. in her charge

D. in her way

16. ____ his generous help, I was able to complete the task ahead of schedule.

A. Except to

B. Thanks t o

C. As to

D. Due to

17. You may borrow my books ____ that you keep them clean.

A. in spite of

B. in charge of

C. on condition

D. on account

18. They discovered that the electric currents in human brain were ____ to those of the cat they

tested before.

A. favorable

B. equal

C. familiar

D. similar

19. Robert did nothing but _____ trick on me at the dinner party that day.

A. playing

B. played

C. play

D. to play

20. Bruno found it very hard to ____ the people at that time that the Earth orbits around the Sun.

A. convince

B. recall

C. recover

D. excuse

Section II Cloze (15%)

Love is important because without it life will have no meaning or purpose. Love allows us to do more than we could 21. ______ accomplish without its power. So often we take good care of our 22. ______ needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. However, we tend to 23. ______ the most important thing in need—love. Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis 24. ______ what we need to attract “love”. 25. ______ being loved is not as powerful an emotional need as that desire to love to love someone else.

The need to love and 26. ______ others is built into us biologically. This need is 27. ______ allows parents to give up sleep and food while raising their children. This need is what allows people to put themselves 28. ______ to save others from natural 29. ______ or threats.

Love means to cherish, hold dear, and treasure. It’s not hurt, harm, or cause pain to those we
