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近日,上汽、宝马、滴滴出行成为了中国最先获得政府许可,能够进行自动驾驶出租车试运行的企业。发放许可证的是上海市政府,试运行的地点划在了上海市的嘉定区。根据政府规定,第一轮试运行为期6个月。在此期间,每家获得政府许可的公司最多可投放50辆车。如果说在第一轮的试运行期间没有发生任何的交通事故,那么6个月后,这些公司有望能够加大他们的汽车投放量。另外,这些自动驾驶汽车上必须配有司机,以便在特殊情况下能够随时切换到手动驾驶,以保证乘客的生命安全。而且自动驾驶汽车公司也必须为他们的乘客购买保险。SAIC,a Chinese automaker,along with BMW and Didi have recently become

the first companies in China to receive permits from the government for lunching their self driving taxi pilot services.To be more specific.The permits

are issued by the Shanghai government,and the services will be offered in the Jiading district of shanghai based on government regulations.During the first round of the pilot test,which will last for about six months.Each licensed company can run as many as50self driving cars.If there were no accidents during the first round,these companies can expand their fleets later.What's more,there has to be a driver on board so that they can take over when needed to protect the passengers.Service providers will also have to buy insurances for the passengers.


Prior to this,only employees of the testing companies were allowed to be on

board.But now anyone that is in good health and is between18and70years old can volunteer and take a ride on one of those self driving cars.

上海实际上在自动驾驶方面一直都是走在全中国最前面的。在2018年,上海是全中国首个开展自动驾驶汽车测试的城市。而这一次上海市政府发放许可证,开放试运行,同样也是全中国第一个。此举,无论是对于上海乃至全中国的自动驾驶产业,都可谓是具有里程碑意义。当然了,其他城市也不甘落后。现在在长沙广州等多地城市都有投放自动驾驶出租车的计划。Shanghai has always been a leader in promoting self driving vehicles.It is

the first Chinese city to ever start testing self driving cars in2018.And this time it is also the first Chinese city to launch permits for test rights,which is a milestone for the self driving industry and not just shanghai,but the whole of China.Other cities are also catching up in Changsha,Guangzhou and many other cities.There have also been plans of introducing self driving taxis.


I genuinely hope that self driving cars will soon be a reality,not just in Jiading, but also in Shanghai and the whole of China.Cause I can't drive.Before,I was probably too busy with my study.Now I finally finished my education and I can do whatever I want with my time.Driving has become a skill that will soon be replaced by machines.I think it's just a matter of time.That's why over the past few years,a lot of people have been telling me to take driving lessons,but I've always said no.



Because first,as you may not know,I actually have a bachelor's degree in double electrical engineering.Even though I was a terrible student,I still spent four years of my life learning it.And it turns me into the person that I am today.I am a person that is extremely positive about what technology can offer. Second,I'm also a person that has a lot of pride.I can't even stand the thought of me devoting so much time and energy or even money to learning a skill that everybody can learn and will soon be acquired by machines.Ideally,I only wanna do things that no one else can do.
