
Qingfen without, The huaxia brightness.
Shuimu tsinghua, Home for the rest
of his life气节、操守、品 德、治学等方面都应不屈不挠,战胜自我,永 远向上,力争在事业与品行两个方面都达到最 高境界。
季羡林Ji Xianlin
在做人做事方面应该顺应自然,胸怀 博大,宽以待人,承担起宏伟的历史任务
Do a man of noble, in such aspects as moral integrity, integrity, character, research should be indomitable, defeat oneself, forever upward, strive to be career and conduct both reached the highest realm. In terms of we should comply with the nature, the mind, forgive, to undertake the historical mission of grand
第一是耻不如人。 第二是讲究科学。
The first is no disgrace. The second is to pay attention to science.
The third is the attaches great importance to the work.
Shuimu tsinghua水木清华
建筑学院School of architecture
美院大楼Beautiful courtyard building

2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
清华大学介绍中英文互译介绍 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长地久的美景,我只要生生世世的轮 回里有你。
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头

In tsinghua yuan four teacher wang guowei, liang qichao, Chen yinque, yuanren chao and Li Ji tsinghua scholars, represented by advocating "compatibility of Chinese and western, liberal arts penetration, ancient and modern", formed the famous "tsinghua school", had a profound impact on the development of tsinghua university, cultivate a large number of high level of academic masters.
水木清华Shuimu tsinghua
“退还”的部分“庚子赔款”建立的留美预备学校。1912年,清华学 堂更名为清华学校。以清华国学研究院四大导师王国维、梁启超、陈 寅恪、赵元任以及李济等为代表的清华学者,主张“中西兼容、文理 渗透、古今贯通”,形成了著名的“清华学派”,对清华的发展产生 了深远的影响,培养出了一大批高水平的学术大师。 Predecessor is tsinghua school of tsinghua university, founded in 1911, was part of the "refund" by the United States was "boxer indemnity" establish preparatory school to stay in the United States.


图12-2 首届世界旅游传播大会申请表(译文)
❖ 对于交通信息指示的翻译也是比较直白的,因为对于具体信息的描述 在中英文两种语言中差异不大。但是对于翻译形式来说,有些英文的 一个句子可以用汉语的多个句子来表达,尤其可以把一些形容词类的 定语或者其他类型的定语翻译成一个句子,使用这种方法翻译出来的 形式比较符合汉语语言习惯。此外,英文中对于地点的叙述,一般使 用由小到大的次序,但是汉语中的地点次序往往是由大到小,这一点 在地点的翻译中也需要注意。
❖ 而一些成语性的表达方法,则可以采用符合英文习惯的表意方式来 表达,此外,对于相同的内容,由于汉语语言中一意有多种表达方 式的特点,而英文中此特点并不突出,同时对于一些是宣传介绍类 型的材料而言,出于印刷版面和对读者眼球吸引力的考虑,可以把 中英文的版面大小安排地比较类似,即对于一段中文的翻译,英文 可以略微简略一些;反之对于一段英文的翻译,中文则可以略微丰 富一些。
❖ 更盛大,更辉煌BITE 2007 ❖ 经过三届空前成功的展出,BITE 2007的地位势必将会在中国乃至全
世界的旅游业中得到迅猛提升。 ❖ 第四届北京国际旅游博览会(BITE 2007)将于2007年6月21日至23日
再次亮相京城。本届博览会致力于为参展商提供绝佳的机会,争取 中国庞大的国内外旅游市场。对于专业采购商来说,BITE 2007是与 众多提供广泛旅游相关产品及服务的供应商建立合作关系的理想平
❖ 二、会议展览日程表的翻译
❖ 首届世界旅游传播大是发言人的演讲题目以及发言人的职位 等。演讲题目代表了演讲内容,在翻译的过程中不可逐字对应地翻译 。因为这些题目一般代表不同的专业内容,所以需要译者掌握本行业 内一定的专业术语,在充分理解原语言含义的基础上,再使用目标语 言中固定的表达用语来翻译。对于旅游行业的会展翻译,专业性的问 题相对容易掌握一些。在对发言人工作的机构或者公司名称进行中英 文互译时,需要考虑的是这个单位的名称是否有固定的两种语言的叫 法,如果确认没有,再进行翻译;有时甚至可以不译,而注明机构或 者公司类型即可。

清华大学(Tsinghua University)是中国著名高等学府,坐落于北京西北郊风景秀丽的 清华园,是中国高层次人才培养和科学技术研究的重要基地。
清华大学的前身是清华学堂, 成立于 1911 年, 当初是清政府建立的留美预备学校。
1912 年更名为清华学校,为尝试人才的本地培养,1925 年设立大学部,同年开办国学研究 院,1928 年更名为“国立清华大学”。
1937 年抗日战争爆发后,南迁长沙,与北京大学、南 开大学联合办学,组建国立长沙临时大学,1938 年迁至昆明,改名为国立西南联合大学。
1946 年,清华大学迁回清华园原址复校。
1952 年,全国高校院系调整后,清华大学成为一所多科性工业大学,重点为国家 培养工程技术人才,被誉为“红色工程师的摇篮”。
1978 年以来,清华大学进入了一个蓬勃 发展的新时期,逐步恢复了理科、经济、管理和文科类学科,并成立了研究生院和继续教育 学院。
1999 年,原中央工艺美术学院并入,成立清华大学美术学院。
2012 年,中国人民银 行研究生部并入,成立清华大学五道口金融学院。
在国家和教育部的大力支持下,经过“211 工程”建设和“985 工程”的实施,清华大学在学科建设、人才培养、师资队伍、科学研究、 文化传承与创新、国际合作、社会服务以及整体办学条件等方面均跃上了一个新的台阶。
目 前,清华大学设有 19 个学院,55 个系,已成为一所具有理学、工学、文学、艺术学、历史 学、哲学、经济学、管理学、法学、教育学和医学等学科的综合性、研究型、开放式大学。
清芬挺秀, 华夏增辉。
今天的清华大学面临前所未有的历史机遇, 清华人将秉持“自 强不息、厚德载物”的校训,发扬“爱国奉献,追求卓越”的优良传统、“行胜于言”的校风以 及“严谨、勤奋、求实、创新”的学风,为使清华大学跻身世界一流大学行列,为中华民族的 伟大复兴而努力奋斗。
1911 年清华学堂成立 1912 年更名为清华学校 1925 年设立大学部 开办国学研究院 1928 年更名为国立清华大学 1929 年设文学院、理学院、法学院 1932 年设工学院 1933 年开始招考留美公费生 1937 年组建国立长沙临时大学 1938 年长沙临时大学迁到昆明更名国立西南联合大学 1946 年在清华园复员开学 设农学院 1952 年成为多科性工业大学 1970 年招收工农兵学员 1977 年恢复高考招生 1984 年设立研究生院 成立经济管理学院 1985 年复建理学院 建立继续教育学院 1988 年成立建筑学院 1993 年成立人文社会科学学院 1994 年成立信息科学技术学院 1996 年成立机械工程学院 1999 年复建法学院中央工艺美术学院并入成为清华大学美术学院 2000 年成立土木水利学院 成立公共管理学院 2001 年成立医学院 2002 年成立新闻与传播学院 2003 年 401 医院和 402 医院并入清华大学成为附属医院(华信医院和玉泉 医院) 2004 年成立航天航空学院 2006 年中国协和医科大学更名为北京协和医学院-清华大学医学部 2008 年成立马克思主义学院 2009 年成立生命科学学院 2011 年成立环境学院 建校 100 周年 2012 年成立五道口金融学院,成立人文学院、社会科学学院、材料学院学校基本数据 学院 系 本科专业* 第二学位专业 国家重点学科* 一级学科国家重点学科 二级学科国家重点学科 博士、硕士学位授权点 一级学科博士、硕士学位授权点 一级学科硕士学位授权点 仅有二级学科授权的博士、硕士学位授权点 仅有二级学科授权的硕士学位授权点 博士后科研流动站 教职工人数 在编教职工人数 其中:正高级职务 副高级职务 其中:教师 其中:中国科学院院士 54 8 2 1 47 11559 6032 1324 2055 3196 41 22 15 19 56 66 7学校基本数据 中国工程院院士 在岗博士生指导教师 博士后在站人员 非事业编制人数 新生人数* 本科生 其中:留学生 全日制硕士生 其中:留学生 博士生 其中:留学生 在学学生人数* 本科生 其中:第二学士学位生 留学生 硕士生 其中:专业学位 留学生 博士生 其中:专业学位 留学生 港澳台侨学生 实验室 其中:国家实验室(筹) 国家重点实验室 国家工程实验室 教育部重点实验室 北京市重点实验室 图书馆馆藏总量(万册) 1 13 6 17 10 441.5(包含分馆和 33 1832 1315 4212 10537 3735 356 4370 434 2432 63 41065 15184 0 1390 16524 10044 1048 9357 461 207 388学校基本数据 院系资料室) 校园面积(公顷) 389.4(不含附属医 院面积) 202.7(不含附属医 院面积) [注]: 1. 本科生数含 2001 年起学籍由清华大学和北京协和医学院-清华大学医学部共同管理的八年制“临床医学” 专业学生数。

清华大学物理系英文简介Tsinghua University’s custom of advocating sports and excellent sports tradition are formed, continued and developed under the stressing and promotion of the operators and even their own operation. They have been deeply rooted in the Tsinghua’s great cultural concepts of more than 90 years.Currently Teaching and Research Division of Physical Culture is well staffed with 59 teachers, in which there are 11 professors, 33 associate professors, 5 Ph.D. supervisors and 5 master's supervisors. Among the teachers, twelve have doctor's degree, and there are twenty masters and five people with dual degrees, 27 undergraduates and 6 international referees. Furthermore, we have employed 5 domestic well-known coaches. In Tsinghua University at present, PE required courses are offered to four grades of undergraduates and PE elective courses are offered to graduates; there are more than 50 PE courses. Currently Teaching and Research Division of Physical Culture has set up Sports and Health Research Center, Lab. of Exercise Sciences & Sports Medicine, Key Research Base for Sports and Social Science of General Administration of Sports of China.At present, Tsinghua University has 36 representative teams in 26 sports, including T&F team, rowing team, diving team, shooting team, basketball team, fencing team and other teams with more than 500 student athletes. They have achieved excellent results in national and even the world competitions.The basic concept of Tsinghua sports is education foremost, for all and pursuing excellence. Sports work of Tsinghua was just started in such an atmosphere. It has not only inherited the good tradition of sports accumulated and continued for decades but also integrated with new ideas, viewpoints and methods with social development, changes of people’s thinking and values. It makes the concept of “fighting to work at least 50 years healthily for the motherland” filling Tsinghua Park become Tsinghua people’s conscious physical exercise. It makes sports in Tsinghua University become not only an important component of university education but also an important support force of the nation and society.HistoryTsinghua Sport has a long history with a solid foundation. As the window of promoting sports, improving and strengthen the health of students, Division of Physical Education has been involved in the century torrent of Tsinghua University.In 1912, as with the promotion of the physical education conception“Ethic, Intelligence, Physical quality”brought by President Zh ou Yichun, the Division of Physical Education was formally founded. “The reason why a country is weak due to its weak people, which is the result of impopularization of physical education”. Since the Division of Physical Education was founded, it has advocated that the purpose for doing sports is to make the nation stronger. Therefore, high quality teaching resource is the precious wealth for the realization of setting goals and guarantee for the development of the division. Celebrities such as Shoemaker, Brace, John Mo, Li Jianqiu, Xia Xiang, etc.have lent strong foundation for the basis of Division.Establishing reasonable course systems and doing appropriate sports is the key to improving students’ health and body quality. With the gradual development of Division of Physical Education at Tsinghua University, Division gradually put forward some measures such as“Coercive Physical Education”,“Five Item Tests”, “Setting Physical Education Classes”,etc. in order to set up comprehensive requirements for students. Especially during the Era of National Southwest Associated University, the smoke of War did not prevent Division from developing and improving Physical Education, Brand new events as“Bull Fight”, “Flag Getting” brought about a piece of spiritual sustenance for students who had been suffering the war.“Screaming once, watching Tsinghua with sword”, after the war, “healthy” had been the goal people were chasing for. In the year 1957, President Jiang Nanxiang put forward that “Working for our motherland healthily for at least 50 years”, this quote had not only become the goal for Tsinghua students, but also the explanation of cultivating students with the thought of “Improving on the basis of popularization,popularizing under the conduct of improvement”. T herefore, on the command of teachers as John Mo, Xia Xiang, Wang Yingjie, Wang Weiping, Yang Daochong, etc., actively promoting “Working & Defending the Nation System”and “Five Excercises Standards” and at the same time organized 38 representative team whi ch had as many as 450 people, with the biggest scale and largest number of events among all the universities at that time according to the requirement of “Amateur catches the professional”, which had largely prospered the sports activities on and off campu s as well as promoted the popularization of sports activities among the students.Since the start of Reform and Opening up Policy, the tradition of Tsinghua University had been further carried forward, the majority of students had gradually formed the habit of keeping exercising. Sports was given the connotation of new era. At this moment, Division of Pysical Education kept the sense of education of “Educating people first when emphasizing on both body and morality” and advocated the combination of education and sports, brought the sports into the track of the development of school subjects, which hence went into a new era of development.The basic theory of Tsinghua Sports is “Educating first, facing all the people, in pursuit of excellence”. However, culti vating real talents for the nation must maintain the policy of comprehensive development of “Ethic, Intelligence, physical, beauty, labor” should focus on the comprehensive building and Honing for the youth’s healthy personality. Thus, Division actively carried on sport activities for people, emphasized on the overall development of students, Sports events as “John Mo Cup” Students Track and Field Sports Meeting, Freshman Sports Meeting and Beijing International Marathon Competitions composed the system of competitions for people all the year round. Besides, in order to implement national policies of “National Fitness Program” and ”Olympics Glory Plan”, Division of Physical Education tried to establish high level student ethlete team in October, 1999, on the basis of combining detailed national situation and widely referring to the experience of success of those sports developed countries, which began a mean of nation training student athletes and contributed for the popularization of athletic sports among Chinese university students. So far, there are 36 representative teams of 26 sports events, including Trackand Field Team, Rowing Team, Diving Team, Shooting Team, Basketball Team, Fencing Team, Football Team, Volleyball Team, Swimming Team, Table Tennis Team, etc., there are more than 500 student athletes, who have made excellent results among national and International competitions. During 2008 Beijing Olympics, Hu Kai cooperated with teammates in 4*100 Relay Race and ranked 4th Place in the group in first round, they successfully went into the final game with the result of 39’’13, which created a new history in Chinese Track and Field event.Since the mid-90s, with the standardization of physical education, Scientificization of sports management, systemization of group activities, internationalization and popularization of athletic sports, the position of the function of modern college sports is changing. Therefore, Division of PE at Tsinghua make "Entering the mainstream, Uniqueness, High starting point, Openness" as the guidelines, put PE into the academic track of construction. In the first term of "985" project, 500 million RMB were invested for Physical Education building, it also established "Sports and Health Science Research Center of Tsinghua University" in 1996 and applied one point of Master’s Degree of "Physical Education and Training Degree” and two points of Master’s Degree of the "Human Kinesiology" and "Sport humanities and sociology" and one point of Master's Degree" Physical Education and Training". In 2009, a new post-doctoral research station was newly added. Up to now, there are 59 teachers in total in the Division of Physical Education, among which, there are 9 professors, 33 associate professor and 4 Doctoral tutors, 8 Master tutors. Amo ng teachers, there are 11 people with Doctor’s Degree, 16 with Master's Degree, 5 with dual degrees, 24 Undergraduate students, 3 International referees. The division has also trained 23 graduate students and 6 Postgraduate students as well as 6 senior visiting scholars; Completing 58 national and ministries issues and published 423 papers in total. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, part of the faculty in the Division of Physical Education was in charge of referee works on the courts. Mr. Chen Weiqiang was the Chief Referee in the Track and Field competitions during the Olympics.PE class is the core of curriculums in colleges and physical works, which is the basic form of physical education. Considering the educational demand of Tsinghua University, department of physical education makes out the instructional plan of physical education in Tsinghua University. Nowadays, it orders that the physical educational model of undergraduate students is "4+2+2", and there are optional courses provided for graduate students.In conclusion, any kind of sincere pursuit is originated from original motivation and pure life, which is presented by denying an old-self and reestablishing a new one. There is no exception in our sports department. At the Century anniversary o f the founding of Tsinghua University, when we recall our fadeless memory, we merely intend to edge six aspects of our sports---physical education, mass sports activities, competition sports, sports scientific research, construction of teaching faculty, as well as venues and facilities into top class among domestic common universities (domestic non-PE-major universities) through our effort. We will carry forward fine traditions and keep pace with the times in an enterprising, innovative, scientific and pragmatic spirit as to push forward the overall development of sports in our university. We intend to make sports not only an important component of our university’s education, but also a major support for national and social sports.。

介绍清华的英语作文50字Nestled in Beijing, Tsinghua University stands as a beacon of academic excellence in the East. Founded in 1911, it boasts a rich history and tradition in fostering innovation and leadership. With a focus on science and engineering, Tsinghua has produced countless influential figures in various fields, contributing significantly to global advancements. The campus, vibrant and lively, is home to top-notch research facilities and a diverse student body, creating an ideal environment for intellectual pursuits. Tsinghua University's commitment to excellence in education and research is a testament to its status as one of the world's preeminent institutions of higher learning.清华大学位于北京,是东方学术界的璀璨明珠。

给外国朋友介绍清华大学的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Tsinghua UniversityIntroductionTsinghua University is a leading research university located in Beijing, China. It is known for its academic excellence, outstanding faculty, and beautiful campus. The university was founded in 1911 and has since become one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. Tsinghua University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields including engineering, science, humanities, and social sciences.Academic ExcellenceTsinghua University is renowned for its academic excellence and rigorous curriculum. The university is home to some of the brightest minds in China and has produced numerous Nobel laureates, Turing Award winners, and other distinguished scholars. The faculty at Tsinghua University are among the best in their respective fields and are committed to providingstudents with a first-class education. The university also has state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories that allow students to engage in cutting-edge research and innovation.Campus LifeThe campus of Tsinghua University is situated in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing and covers an area of over 980 acres. The campus is known for its beautiful landscaping, historic architecture, and modern facilities. Students at Tsinghua University have access to a wide range of amenities including libraries, sports facilities, dining halls, and student clubs. The university also organizes various cultural and recreational activities for students to participate in, making campus life vibrant and engaging.International ExchangeTsinghua University is committed to fostering international exchange and cooperation. The university has established partnerships with over 200 institutions around the world and offers various exchange programs for students and faculty. The university also hosts international conferences, symposiums, and cultural events to promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. Many international students come to TsinghuaUniversity each year to study Chinese language and culture, as well as to pursue degrees in their chosen fields.ConclusionIn conclusion, Tsinghua University is a world-class institution that offers students a challenging and rewarding academic experience. The university's commitment to excellence, innovation, and international cooperation make it an ideal place for students to pursue their academic goals. Whether you are interested in engineering, science, humanities, or social sciences, Tsinghua University has something to offer you. Come and join us at Tsinghua University and be a part of our vibrant community of scholars and researchers.篇2Introduction to Tsinghua UniversityIntroductionEstablished in 1911, Tsinghua University is one of the most prestigious and renowned universities in China. Located in Beijing, the capital city of China, Tsinghua University iswell-known for its top-notch educational programs,cutting-edge research facilities, and beautiful campus.Academic ExcellenceTsinghua University is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world, particularly in the fields of engineering, computer science, and business. The university boasts a strong faculty that includes Nobel Prize winners, renowned scholars, and experts in various fields. Students at Tsinghua University have access to state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories, allowing them to engage in groundbreaking research and innovation.InternationalizationTsinghua University is dedicated to promoting international cooperation and exchange. The university has partnerships with over 300 institutions worldwide, offering students the opportunity to study abroad, participate in exchange programs, and collaborate with researchers from around the globe. The campus also hosts a diverse and vibrant international community, enriching the cultural experience of students and faculty alike.Campus LifeTsinghua University's sprawling campus is a sight to behold, with its beautiful architecture, lush greenery, and serene surroundings. The university offers a wide range ofextracurricular activities, including sports teams, student clubs, cultural events, and volunteer opportunities. Students can also take advantage of the numerous amenities on campus, such as libraries, cafeterias, dormitories, and recreational facilities.Career OpportunitiesGraduates of Tsinghua University are highly sought after by employers both in China and abroad. The university's strong reputation and rigorous academic programs prepare students for success in their chosen fields. Career services at Tsinghua University provide students with resources and support to help them find internships, job opportunities, and networking contacts.ConclusionIn conclusion, Tsinghua University is a world-class institution that offers students a unique and enriching educational experience. With its academic excellence, international outlook, vibrant campus life, and promising career prospects, Tsinghua University is an ideal destination for students seeking a top-tier education in China.篇3Introduction to Tsinghua UniversityTsinghua University, located in Beijing, China, is one of the top universities in the country and is renowned for its rigorous academic programs and cutting-edge research. With a history dating back to 1911, Tsinghua has developed into a comprehensive university with a strong focus on science, engineering, and technology.Academic ExcellenceTsinghua University offers a wide range of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs in various disciplines, including engineering, science, humanities, social sciences, and business. The university is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation, with many of its faculty members leading experts in their fields.Campus LifeThe campus of Tsinghua University is large and beautiful, with a mix of modern and traditional architecture. The university has a number of state-of-the-art facilities, including laboratories, libraries, sports centers, and dormitories. Students at Tsinghua have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and academic clubs.International CooperationTsinghua University has established partnerships with universities and research institutions around the world, offering students and faculty members opportunities for exchange and collaboration. The university has a diverse and international student body, with students from nearly 100 countries studying on campus.Global ImpactAs one of the leading universities in China, Tsinghua has made significant contributions to the country's development in science, technology, and innovation. Many of its graduates have gone on to become influential leaders in various fields, both in China and internationally.ConclusionTsinghua University is a world-class institution that offers a challenging and rewarding academic experience. With its strong emphasis on research and innovation, as well as its commitment to international cooperation, Tsinghua is an excellent choice for students seeking a top-quality education in a dynamic and vibrant environment.。


向外国人介绍清华大学英语作文English:Established in 1911, Tsinghua University is located in Beijing, China, and is renowned for its rigorous academic programs and innovative research. As one of the top universities in China, Tsinghua offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, including engineering, science, business, and humanities. With a focus on fostering critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills, Tsinghua University provides students with a holistic education that prepares them for success in an increasingly globalized world. The university's beautiful campus, rich history, and vibrant student life make it a popular choice for both domestic and international students seeking a top-tier education in China. Tsinghua University's commitment to excellence in education and research has earned it a reputation as a leading institution both in China and around the world.中文翻译:清华大学成立于1911年,位于中国北京,以其严格的学术项目和创新的研究而闻名。

2019年04期总第444期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英汉互译——翻译策略探析文/栗心生【摘要】英汉两种语言分属于印欧和汉藏语系,且汉语属于句首开放式结构,英语属于句尾开放式结构。
【关键词】英汉翻译; 归化; 异化;直译;意译【作者简介】栗心生(1980.06-),男,汉族,山东德州人,青岛大学外语学院,英语教师,研究生,研究方向:英语笔译。
《译学词典》(2004)则将翻译的含义扩大为五层:翻译过程(translating);翻译行为(translate/interpret);翻译者(translator/interpreter);译文或译语(translation/ interpretation);翻译工作(事业)(translation)。

简单的北京清华大学导游词5篇清华大学(Tsinghua University),简称“清华”,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,位列“211工程”、“985工程”、“世界一流大学和一流学科”,入选“基础学科拔尖学生培养试验计划”、“高等学校创新能力提升计划”、“高等学校学科创新引智计划”,为九校联盟、中国大学校长联谊会、亚洲大学联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、清华—剑桥—MIT低碳大学联盟成员,被誉为“红色工程师的摇篮”。

General Information of TsinghuaUniversityTsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name "Tsinghua Xuetang". The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912.∙∙Tsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925. The name “National Tsinghua University” was adopted in 1928.The faculty greatly valued the interaction between Chinese and Western cultures, the sciences and humanities, the ancient and modern. Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren, renowned as the "Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics, advocated this belief and had a profound impact on Tsinghua's later development.Tsinghua University was forced to move to Kunming and join with Peking University and Nankai University to form the Southwest Associated University due to the Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion in 1937. In 1946 The University was moved back to its original location in Beijing after the war.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the University was molded into a polytechnic institute focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952. In November 1952, Mr. Jiang Nanxiang became the President of the University. He made significant contributions in leading Tsinghua to become the national center for training engineers and scientists with both professional proficiency and personal integrity.Since China opened up to the world in 1978, Tsinghua University has developed at a breathtaking pace into a comprehensive research university. At present, the university has 14 schools and 56 departments with faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education and art. The University has now over 25,900 students, including 13,100 undergraduates a nd 12,800 graduate students. As one of China’s most renowned universities, Tsinghua has become an important institution for fostering talent and scientific research.The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among over 120,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens.With the motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment” and the spirit of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, Tsinghua University is dedicated to the well-being of Chinese society and to world development.。

介绍清华大学四级英语作文Tsinghua University, located in Beijing, China, is one of the most prestigious and renowned universities in the country. It was founded in 1911 and has since become a leading institution for higher education and research in various fields.Tsinghua University offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in disciplines such as engineering, science, humanities, social sciences, and business. Its rigorous academic curriculum and world-class faculty attract top students from all over China and around the globe.Apart from its academic excellence, Tsinghua University is also known for its beautiful campus, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant student life. The university provides state-of-the-art facilities, research centers, libraries, and various student organizations to enhance the overall learning experience of its students.Tsinghua University values innovation, creativity, and global collaboration, and has established partnerships with numerous universities andinstitutions worldwide. Its commitment to academic excellence and social responsibility has earned it a reputation as a leading institution in China and beyond.Overall, Tsinghua University is a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence, research contributions, and commitment to cultivating future leaders in various fields.中文翻译:清华大学位于中国北京,是中国最负盛名和著名的大学之一。