中国社会保障英文关键词(keywords on social security)
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社会保障制度: Social security system
社会保障体系: Social security system
商业保险:Commercial insurance
补充保障:Supplemental Security
养老保险: Old age insurance
社会排斥:Social exclusion
社会对抗: Social resistance
医疗保障: Health security
医疗卫生:Medical treatment and public health
医疗保险: Health insurance
公费医疗: Public medical services
社会救助: Social assistance
社会福利: Social welfare services
社会服务: Social services
失业保险: Unemployment insurance
工伤保险: Work injury insurance
生育保险:Maternity insurance
军人保障:Military personnel security
军人保险: Military personnel insurance
军人抚恤: Military Personnel preferential treatment
军人安置: Military Personnel placement
老年人福利:Welfare for the elderly
残疾人福利:welfare for the disabled
妇女福利:Women welfare
儿童福利:Child welfare
职业福利:Occupational welfare
其他保障:Other security
专项救助:Special Assistance
社会救济:Social relief
护理保险:Long-term care insurance
社会保险项目: Social insurance programs 住房福利:Housing welfare services
住房公积金:Housing provident fund
教育福利: Education welfare services
灾害救济:Disaster relief
最低生活保障制度:The minimum living standard guarantee system
社会统筹:Social pooling 个人账户:Individual accounts
单位:Work unit
机关:State organs
事业单位:Public institutions
五保(供养)制度: The five guarantees system
国家—单位保障制:State-work unit security system
国家-社会保障制:State-social security system
国有企业改革: the reform of state-owned enterprises
劳动合同制度: Labor contract system
市场经济体制: The market economy system
待业保险: Job-waiting subsidy
计划经济: The planned economy
分配: Distribution
收入分配: Income distribution
劳资双方: employee and employer
改革开放: Reform and opening-up
经济社会转型期: Economic and social transition period
下岗职工: Laid-off workers
合同制工人: Contract workers
农民工: Migrant workers
城镇户口: Urban hukou
公益事业:Public welfare programs
文化大革命: Cultural Revolution
扶贫开发poverty alleviation and development
传统社会救济traditional social relief
灾害救助disaster assistance
医疗救助medical assistance
教育救助education assistance
住房救助housing assistance
法律援助lawsuit assistance
贫困线poverty line
贫困陷阱poverty trap
流浪乞讨人员救助assistance for vagrants and beggars in cities
福利依赖welfare dependency
安全网safety net
包办就业arranged employment
铁饭碗permanent employment
自由流动权The rights of free flow
队办企业Brigade-owned enterprises
机构改革institutional reform
政府代表government representatives
企业代表employers’ representatives
职工代表employees'representatives 社会机构Social institutions
统筹调剂pooling and co-coordinating
保值增值Value maintenance and appreciation
户籍制度the household registration system
进城务工人员inter-provincial migrants
人均纯收入net income per capita
民生People's livelihood
修正案the revised ordinance
国家机关government organizations
事业单位public institutions
劳动保险制度the labor insurance system 财政拨款financial allocation
生产收益Production Gain
孤寡老人an elderly person of no family
农业生产合作社agricultural production cooperation 五保“five guarantees”
军官military officer
集体经济the collective economy
“文化大革命” “cultural revolution”
终身制life-long tenure
国营企业state-owned enterprise
劳动保险金Labor insurance funds
社会事务Social Affairs
内部事务internal affairs
阶级斗争class struggle
思想路线指导the ideological guideline
年老体弱Old and frail
离休honorary retirement
政策法规Policies and Regulations
城镇劳动者urban workers
土地联产c承包责任制the land contract responsibility system
组织基础Organizational foundation
配套措施supplementary measures
劳动就业体制labor employment system 财政税收体制fiscal and taxation system 社会化socialization
铁饭碗permanent employment
单位保障work unit insurance
计划生育政策family planning policy
土地保障land security
计划生育政策family planning policy
社会保险机构Social security institution
标准工资standard wage
退休待遇retirement benefits
生产队production team
公益金public welfare fund
社区(乡镇、村)Community (township and village)
县级机构county-level organization
中央层面the central level
探索试点the exploratory pilot
计发办法payment method
老人the people retired before the reform 中人the people worked before the reform and retired after the reform.
新人the people worked after the reform 试点方案Pilot Project
省级调剂制度Provincial adjustment system 属地化localization
职业年金制度occupational pension system
亚洲金融危机Asian Financial Crisis
管理事务administration affairs
养老金增长机制pension growth mechanism
制度创新institutional innovations
资料来源date source
农业生产经营Agricultural production and operation
漏洞巨大great vulnerability
劳动合同制度the labor contrast system 正规就业劳动者formally employed workers 非正规就业劳动者informally employed workers
灵活就业casual employment
私营企业主private entrepreneurs
雇员制employee system
住房保障制度Housing security system
民生保障制度Livelihood security system 住有所居residents have houses to live
低收入家庭/低收入群体Low-income families/groups
住房体制改革Housing System Reform
道路Gradual path
全民保障Security for all people
住房非商品化Non-commercial housing
分配体制Distribution system 公有住房public housing
购房补贴housing subsidies
经济适用房affordable house
商品房commercial house
公积金制度Housing Provident Fund system
廉租房Low-rent house
小康生活水平Comfortable standard of living
住房券Housing vouchers/coupons
经济体制改革Economic system reform
社会主义有计划商品经济Socialist planned commodity economy
无偿分配Free distribution
维修费、管理费、折旧费Maintenance fees, management fees, depreciation charges 基本思路Basic ideas
住房建设投资housing construction Investment
住房分配体housing distribution system
国家贷款资金State loan
城市配套资金City supplemental funds
城市住房基金Urban Housing Fund
单位住房基金work Unit housing funds
其他房改资金Other housing reform funds 高收入户High-income households
利润率profit rate
住房公积金缴纳率Housing provident fund contribution rate
按月补贴Monthly subsidy
一次性补贴Lump-sum subsidy
明补Public subsidies
社会的安定团结social stability and unity
财政预算资金the fiscal budget funds
因地制宜under the local conditions
行政事业性收费Administrative fees
基础设施建设费用Infrastructure costs
房地产市场the real estate market
硬指标Fixed target
社会建设Social construction
民生发展目标Livelihood development goals
农民工合法权益the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers
完全产权the full property rights
缴存余额Deposit balance
政府主导的公共房屋Government-led public houses
市场主导的商品房屋Market-led commercial houses
市场规律the market rules
公共土地资源the public land resources, 财政资源the financial resources
补充保障体系the supplementary security system
渐进式改革gradual reform
民政福利Civil Welfare
职工福利employee welfare
价格补贴price support(subsidy)
生活保障living security
补救性模式Residual model
住房福利housing welfare
教育福利education welfare
社会福利事业social welfare cause
人民团体people's organizations
老弱、病残、孤寡成员the elderly, sick, widows and orphans
优待: preferential treatments
义务兵役制: compulsory military service system 老年人抚养比old-age Dependency Ratio 文化福利cultural welfare
农村集体经济rural collective economy
土地承包责任制household contract responsibility system
劳保labour protection
利益共同体interests-shared Community 路径依赖Path-Dependence
企业年金enterprise Annuity
商业保险Commercial Insurance
退休养老金待遇Treatment of pensions
基本养老保险制度Basic old-age insurance system
职业福利Occupational Welfare
企业补充养老保险Enterprise Supplementary old-age insurance
非营利性的事业单位Non-profit public institutions
社会统筹和个人账户相结合combination of Social pooling and individual accounts 完全积累Fully funded
法人受托机构Corporate trustee
账户管理人Account Manager
委托代理Commissioned agent
企业所得税Corporate Income Tax
等价交换原则The principle of equivalent exchange
费率payment Rates
保险条款Insurance Terms
企业财产保险Enterprise Property Insurance
集体所有制企业Collectively-owned enterprises
固定资产Fixed assets 赔付率Loss ratio。