威廉王子 凯特 世纪婚礼 介绍 英文版 freetalk presentation
威廉王子和凯特:世纪皇室婚礼 | William and Kate : The Royal Wedding威廉王子和凯特已于英国时间2011年4月29日举行婚礼,社会各界对这场皇室婚礼充满了期待,它是是奢华、浪漫的代名词。
听听与威廉和凯特最亲密的人的一些谈话,他们的朋友、学校密友、看着威廉长大的皇家评论员等等,节目为您展现英国现代皇室夫妻独特的风格和品位,探寻远离镜头后的王子与灰姑娘的真实面貌?On April 29th, 2011, the world will witness an astonishing event.I think you’ll find an ever-so great wedding by noon,Thursday.An occasion packed with pageantry and protocol.I think if I told you anything like that, I'd haveto shoot you!Yet reflecting the demands of the 21st century.Yeah, that's great.Even the senate members and royal family all areapprehensive before the event, not for themselves. But they want it to go well.I'm excited, not just for them, but I think forthe whole country. With unprecedented access, this is the inside story of theRoyal Wedding.Good evening, everyone, and welcome to London. Injust two days' time, this city will come to a complete standstill as people allaround the world, sit at the edge of their seats .The most highly anticipated wedding of the century is about to get underway. Now everybody wants to get a glimpse of the future king of England Prince William as he marries his university sweetheart Katherine Middleton.Talk about everybody, they are expecting hundredsof thousands of people to line the Mall, as they say “the Mall” (the moderator is trying to do the British accent), here leading up toBuckingham Palace. Andover a billion people worldwide (are) expected to tune in to watch this royal extravaganza.London, a city of nearly 8 million people is gearingitself up for the big day---a spectacle which hasn't been seen in nearly 30years.Well, we think this will be the biggest event inLondon, the biggest royal event in London since 1981 when I think about 600,000 people came onto the streets. So obviously we've got to get the transport system ready, and we've got to make sure it's safe, we’ve to make sure there aren't any road works so that the traffic moves around smoothly and that theroads are gonna be as smooth as the baby's bottom.。
the royal wedding
英国某位经济学家: 英国某位经济学家: 王子大婚对于英国整体经济来说作用是消极的
如果你单单从旅游纪念品等的销 售来说,那应该是有促进作用。从整 体经济角度来考虑,则不会有太多推 动作用。由于王子大婚,英国全国放 假一天,据英国研究机构预测,全国 停产一天将使经济产出减少60亿英镑 之多。
部分王室反对者的心声: 部分王室反对者的心声: 婚礼是一场皇家马戏
• 文化影响: 传统文化的象征
Thank yo旅游业和经济增长
Comments: Comments
的哥大卫:不交税凭什么花钱? 的哥大卫:不交税凭什么花钱?
大卫认为,英王室 最大的问题是不交税, 但是却养尊处优,大 肆挥霍英国纳税人的 钱。比如这次的王室 婚礼,虽然婚礼本身 的开销由王室负担, 但是真正的大头如安 保费用还是得由纳税 人 交 钱 。
对于渐行渐近的王室婚礼,英国民众可谓百感交 集,出于对英国王室不同的态度和立场,英国民众 欢喜、期待、担心、质疑等各种复杂的情绪兼而有 之。有人,特别是老年人,依然保持对王室的尊敬 和爱戴;有人,特别是年轻人,对王室漠不关心, 认为王室已经流于形式,与他们的生活毫无关系。
• 一场世纪婚礼 一次国家公关
危机1 丑闻缠身形象摇摇欲坠 危机1:丑闻缠身形象摇摇欲坠
近二十年来, 近二十年来, 英女王四个子女 中的安妮公主和 安德鲁王子相继 离婚, 离婚,查尔斯与 戴安娜的婚姻更 是以各自有婚外 情的丑闻狼狈收 场,令一向高贵 端庄严谨的英国 王室形象几近荡 然无存。 然无存。
危机2 危机2:经济不景气
英 国 皇 室 婚 礼
—— 威 廉 大 婚
经过8年爱情长跑, 经过8年爱情长跑,王子终于迎 娶灰姑娘,幸福的童话故事成真。 娶灰姑娘,幸福的童话故事成真。 当地时间4 29日11时 当地时间4月29日11时(北京时间 18时),在遥远的英国伦敦 在遥远的英国伦敦, 18时),在遥远的英国伦敦,传 说中的世纪婚礼拉开最华丽的序 幕。英国威廉王子携手相恋多年 的女友凯特·米德尔顿正式步入 的女友凯特· 婚姻殿堂,一场新世纪的“ 婚姻殿堂,一场新世纪的“童话 婚礼”在威斯敏斯特教堂上演。 婚礼”在威斯敏斯特教堂上演。
威尔士威廉王子殿下 ,全名为威廉· 亚瑟· 菲利普· 路易 斯· 蒙巴顿-温莎,是英国王室的成员之一,当今英国王储 威尔士亲王查尔斯和威尔士王妃戴安娜的长子。英国王位 第二号继承 人。 凯特· 米德尔顿(Kate Middleton )1982年1月9日出生。 2001年9月,威廉和凯特在苏格兰圣安德鲁大学艺术史系同 窗时相识
下午13时25分,威廉王子和王妃凯特· 米德尔 顿将出现在白金汉宫阳台,接见在门口等待的大约 45万群众,接受他们的祝贺和注目礼,同时,两人 将模仿查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃,当众亲吻。
Love For Ever!
以上就是威廉王子 e手上抢眼的订婚戒指
婚礼仪 式,时长为1小时15分钟,威斯敏斯特教堂教长约 翰· 霍尔(John Hall)博士负责仪式指挥,坎特伯 雷教堂大主教
(英国时间) 9:00 整程仪式开始
右下边是威廉王子婚礼威斯敏斯特大 教堂座位图
• 16
两人回到母校苏格兰圣安德 鲁斯(St. Andrews)大学。
英国当地时间2月24日,英国威 廉王子 (Prince William) 带着“准 王妃”凯特· 米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 回到他们相识的母校苏 格兰圣安德鲁斯(St. Andrews)大学 参加学校的六百周年校庆。 英国威廉王子 (Prince William) 和凯特· 米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 抵达母校后,在学校职员的陪同下 参观校园。凯特· 米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 身穿一身红色外套,配 上黑色皮手套,尽显优雅气质。两 人看上去都十分高兴,沿途向欢迎 的人群挥手。他们随后共同参加校 庆典礼。英国威廉王子 (Prince William) 发表讲话:“这对于我和 凯瑟琳来说,是个非常特别的时刻, 感觉像回家一样。圣安德鲁斯生日 快乐,祝福你和接下来的六百年, 谢谢你们。”
We have done various interviews from an old age home, and
be a fantastic celebration day and is glad that Prince William and Kate are getting married. She also said,“Kate will have the same calmness as the current Queen but Kate will be more modern”. She believes that they are perfect for each other, as they have been together for a long time. She is also very excited to get a day off work!
B Y D A S S A , E L I A N E , H A R L E Y, O L I V I A , K A R L A , L A R A A N D J O R DA N
We then interviewed the PA to the headmaster of our school (Mrs Buckwell), she believed that it was super that Prince William and Kate
Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth.
伦敦主教在威廉王子婚礼上英语演讲稿Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,We are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous occasion of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. As the Bishop of London, it is an honor and privilege to stand before you and share a few words on this momentous day.Marriage is a sacred institution, a union between two individuals who have chosen to embark on a lifelong journey together. Today, we bear witness to the joining of two hearts, two souls, and two families. It is a celebration of love, commitment, and unity.Prince William and Catherine, your marriage is not only a union of two individuals, but also a symbol of hope and inspiration for countless others. In a world often plagued by conflict and division, your union reminds us that love has the power to overcome all obstacles.As we look upon this happy couple, we are reminded of the power of love in our own lives. Love is a transformative force, capable of bringing out the best in us and guiding us towards a better future. It teaches us compassion, selflessness, and the importance of putting others before ourselves.Today, as we witness this union, let us also reflect on the qualities that make a successful marriage. Trust, communication, and mutual respect are the foundations upon which a lasting relationship is built. It is through these qualities that love can truly flourish and endure.Prince William and Catherine, as you begin this new chapter of your lives together, may you always remember the power of love and the commitment you have made to one another. May your journey be filled with joy, laughter, and shared dreams. And may your love serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to strive for unity and understanding.In conclusion, let us celebrate this joyous occasion with gratitude and joy. Let us be reminded of the beauty of love and the power it holds to transform our lives. And let us send our warmest wishes to Prince William and Catherine as they embark on this incredible journey together.Thank you.。
It's the most anticipated royal wedding of our time.这是本时代最受瞩目的皇室婚礼You both look incredibly happy and relaxed.你们看起来幸福而又从容Relax on the dock very calm on the surface,从容只是表面的but little feak under water.其实还是有一点紧张Tomorrow a future king明天未来的国王即将will welcome a future Queen to his family.把他未来的王后迎进家门Tonight, we look back at今晚我们将回顾the love story that captivated the world.这段举世瞩目的爱情故事The biggest royal marriage since William's parents tied the knot. 这将是继威廉父母之后最盛大的皇室婚礼Called the ultimate reality show, the royal wedding这被称为终极真人秀的皇室婚礼is expected to command the biggest audience in TV history.预计将成为电视史上收视率最高的节目And we hear from the people我们来听听伴随他们一路走来的人们who shared their journey.是如何评价的She has this great sense of humour她是一个极富幽默感的人and I think Will and Kate both share that.我想威廉和凯特都是这样He is very easy to get on with, despite all the pressures,即使是在大婚当前压力这么大particularly at the moment with planning for the wedding.他仍然还是很随和I remember quite early on, people commenting,我清楚记得之前人们评论道"Imagine if they ended up getting married如果他们真能有情人终成眷属"and we've been here when they met."那我们就是他们初次邂逅的见证者He'll marry me.他会迎娶我的This is romantic.太浪漫了These two people who love each other两人互相爱慕and want to spend the rest of their lives together.愿意彼此携手度过余生And I think we will be happy for them.我想大家都会为此感到欣慰Westminster Abbey,西敏寺大教堂home to the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066 1066年征服者威廉的加冕之地and the burial place of Chaucer, Dickens and Tennyson.以及乔叟狄更斯丁尼生的长眠之所In just a few days, it will be under the world's spotlight again 几天之后它又将成为世界瞩目的焦点as Prince William of Wales因为威尔士王子威廉marries Catherine Middleton.将在此迎娶凯瑟琳·米德尔顿Theirs is a simple love story,他们的爱情故事很简单a modern-day romance with a fairytale ending.是一部童话般结尾的现世罗曼史As the House of Windsor prepares to welcome a future Queen, 温莎王室正准备迎接他们未来的王后we look back at where their story began.我们一起来回顾他们的故事开始的地方21st June, 1982.1982年6月21日Seven days after the end of the Falklands Conflict,马岛战争结束后的第七天Britain was celebrating,英国举国欢庆as in St Mary's Hospital, Paddington,因为在帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院a future king was born.未来的君主诞生了Just a day old and the royal baby只有一天大这个皇室婴儿is-tonight sleeping in his cot at home.今晚就睡着家里的小床上The Prince's first public appearance- lasted less than a minute. 王子的首次亮相持续了不到一分钟What did you think of him?你觉得他怎么样He's wonderful, absolutely fabulous.他真棒太可爱了Oh, I cried. I couldn't help it.我哭了我情不自禁了We have still no word on the baby's name.我们还不知道婴儿的名字The first time I photographed Prince William我第一次为威廉王子拍照的时候was when he was less than 24 hours old.他出生还不到24小时He never do what you want them to do.他一点都不听话Prince William said his first words in public.威廉王子第一次在公共场合说话Dat, dat, dat!相机相机相机Camera.摄像机Today was Prince William's first day at his new school.今天是威廉王子上学的第一天It meant putting on a new uniform and facing all those cameras, 他穿戴好新校服并面对很多镜头but the new boy wasn't bothered by any of it.却并没有表现出任何尴尬This was no ordinary life. Even fun days out were scrutinised 这不是普通人的生活即便是享受休闲生活under the glare of the media spotlight.也要受到媒体闪光灯的角逐For William, destiny and duty went hand in hand.对于威廉来说命运和责任一同而至With his mother by his side,在母亲的陪同下he embarked on his first official engagement他在八岁那年开始履行at the tender age of eight.第一份正式承诺Despite the pressures of royal life, Diana always strived尽管皇室生活压力巨大戴安娜始终力求to bring a touch of normality to her children's lives.让她的孩子们享受正常的童年生活But in 1997, the unthinkable happened但在1997年意想不到的悲剧发生了as William and his family mourned the death of Princess Diana. 彼时威廉和家人前往吊唁戴安娜I know Kate and her family because我认识凯特一家是因为they've been coming in here over the last ten years or so他们搬到这里已经十多年了for a drink with their friends, for a meal.大家时常会和朋友一起喝酒聚餐I have been here for about 15 years, so而我在这里也已经差不多15年了所以I've got to know them quite well.我跟他们很熟50 miles from London lies the sleepy,伦敦50英里外坐落着一个叫巴克勒贝利的rural village of Bucklebury,安静祥和的小村子home to the Middletons,米德尔顿一家William's future in-laws.即威廉未来的岳父母家就在这里The Middletons were like any other family,米德尔顿一家和其他家庭一样everybody knows everybody.大家都彼此熟知In 1982, they had their first child, Kate -1982年他们有了第一个孩子凯特an ordinary girl destined for greater things.一位普通的女孩却注定了不凡的人生He will fall in love with me.他会爱上我的He will marry me.他会迎娶我的In London.就在伦敦I taught Kate the piano from the age of 11-13.我从凯特十一二三岁时开始教她弹钢琴This is the actual piano she learned on.这就是她当年弹的那架I don't think anybody我想大家肯定不会认为thought she was going to be a concert pianist,她以后能成为钢琴家but she was always bubbly,但她总是面带笑容always bright and she came for lessons阳光灿烂地来上课and she was always a happy person when she was being taught.教她的时候她也总是无忧无虑的Kate has always been a very, very friendly person.凯特是个非常非常友善的人And ever since we've known her,从我们认识她开始there has been a radiance about her, an aura.就觉得她身上有种光辉和气场It sets her aside from other people.让她与众不同出类拔萃People don't talk about a future queen or future princess, they talk about Kate, 人们谈论的不是未来的王后或者王妃而是凯特of course she's getting married to William and that's great news.而她即将与王子结婚真是个天大的好消息I think everybody is excited about the fact that somebody我觉得大家都会十分高兴from our village is going to be a Princess,因为我们村子的女孩要成为王妃了and one day, Queen.或许某天成为王后But then, perhaps things were always meant to be.而那时一切好像都是命中注定I wish to marry you, only say, "Yes", to me.愿意嫁给我吗只要对我说你愿意Yes. Oh, yes, dear William.亲爱的威廉我愿意So how did this girl from the Home Counties那么这位来自伦敦之外的普通女孩find herself on the cusp of royalty?是怎样一步步走入皇室的呢Well, it almost started thousands of miles away in South America. 故事开始于几千英里外的南美In 2000, William decided to take a gap year and work in Chile 2000年威廉决定利用休假年with charity organisation, Raleigh International.跟随罗利国际这家慈善机构前往智利I set out to Chile in September 2000我2000年9月来到智利and underwent all the staff preparations,做好了一切的准备工作we got ready for the venturers to arrive.我们准备好迎接冒险者的到来Then it was announced that然后有人就说Prince William was joining the expedition.威廉王子要参加这次探险When I first heard that第一次听说William was- coming on an expedition to Chile,威廉王子要来智利参加探险的时候I felt quite a lot of fear, to be honest with you.说真的我感到了一丝担心Did he actually really他真的会喜欢appreciate what he was letting himself in for?自己正在干的工作吗But when I met William,但当我见到威廉的时候all my fears were completely laid to rest.我所有的疑虑都一扫而空He was up for it and ready for the challenge.他已经对挑战做好了十足的准备I take it these are my trousers?这些是我的裤子吗Ollie? Ollie,欧利欧利have you left your trousers here or are these mine?丢这的是你的裤子还是我的William wanted to experience real expedition life,威廉想要体验真正的探险生活so the press were kept under tight control.所以媒体都被屏蔽It was felt that it probably wasn't suitable考虑到我有记者背景for someone with a journalistic background与威廉王子一起参加探险to be on the same expedition as Prince William,可能不太合适so I actually came back to the UK.所以我回到了英国Ironically, they sent me out on the next expedition巧合的是他们安排我参加的下一次探险where Catherine Middleton was a member of the expedition. 却是和凯瑟琳·米德尔顿一起的Kate had missed her prince by just a few weeks.凯特因为几周之差与他的王子失之交臂Kate began six weeks威廉离开智利六周后after William had left Chile,凯特开始她的探险which is pretty remarkable,很巧合considering they had never met before他们之前互不相识and they both decided to go to the same country而却选择了同一个国家on a similar type expedition.开始相似的探险之旅There was a buzz as the fact事情总是那么奇妙that he had just been there他们不约而同去了那里and they were following in his footsteps她紧随王子的脚步而至and staying in the same accommodation住在同一间宿舍and cleaning the same toilets,打扫同一个厕所but I think of most of them got down但我想他们都完成了to the day-to-day business of being on an expedition.探险生活中那些日常事务It's strange to think that someone you'd spent time with有时候想起来真的很奇怪in a bizarre situation in the south of Patagonia一个和你在南巴塔哥尼亚同甘共苦的人could one day be the Queen.会成为日后的王后Later that year, William and Kate did meet那年的晚些时候威廉和凯特on the coastline of Scotland at the University of St Andrews. 在位于海边的苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学相识了We were friends for over a year first,我们先是做了一年的朋友and it just sort of blossomed from then on.那以后便开始恋爱了We spent more time with each other and had a good giggle, 我们彼此接触更多相处融洽had lots of fun得到很多快乐and realised we shared the same interests然后意识到我们有着共同的爱好and just had a really good time.那段时光真的很美好She's got a really naughty sense of humour,她是个很幽默搞笑的人which helps me -I've got a very dry sense of humour.正好弥补了我我不是太幽默So, we just got fun. We had a really good laugh我们一起非常开心and then things happened.爱情就这样诞生了In a break from tradition,威廉一改传统William chose this ancient Scottish university,选择了这所古老的苏格兰大学surprising everyone,所有人为之震惊not least of all the new vice-chancellor.连新任的副校长都不例外I signed the contract, "Yes, I'll start in January."我签署了合同好我一月就上任The people who I'd been speaking to at St Andrews said,和我联络的圣安德鲁斯的人告诉我说"Um, Brain, there's something else you ought to know."布莱恩有些事我想应该告诉你I said, "Yes?"我说是什么呢"William is coming."威廉要来了"William?"什么威廉"Prince William."威廉王子I said, "Ah."我说啊The Prince's arrival didn't go unnoticed,王子的到来并未保密but the media had agreed to an unprecedented amount of privacy 但媒体却史无前例地同意保证王子的隐私to allow him to further his education.以便王子可以安心地读书We've had pictures of William with girls and Harry with girls我们拍到威廉和哈里与女孩子们的合影put on our desks and the editor said,交上去后编辑说"Take them away, I'm not doing it."丢了吧我不会登这些的We gave our word we will not intrude我们有言在先while they are educated and he's keeping it.我们不会在他们读书的时候介入他们的生活We were determined that we were going to give William我们决定给威廉王子a normal student life一个学生该有的正常生活and to give him a preparation for a life让他可以面对之后that is unimaginable for the rest us.常人难以想象的生活But having a prince arrive on campus但王子来到校园isn't something that happens every day.可不是寻常之事On Monday morning,星期一早上came down to breakfast and there was a sense of,吃早饭的时候还是相当轰动"Oh, who is he going to sit next to,他会和谁坐呢who's he going to talk to?"他会和谁说话呢Then he walks in by himself with his tray.然后他就自己带着托盘进来了That is classic.好球I think everyone was very conscious当他走进来时of trying not to suddenly go silent我想大家都有意识地as he walked into the room.不要一下子安静下来Fellow-student Jules Knight from classical boy band Blake 男子古典乐队布莱克的朱尔斯·奈特是他同学met William and Kate at university.在大学里结识了威廉和凯特Will and Kate were in St Salvator's Hall,当时威廉和凯特在圣萨维尔特学生宿舍which was one of the best halls这是最好的宿舍之一to be in because it was in the centre of town.又处在市中心It wasn't what you'd call plush or five-star accommodation, 那里并不奢华也没有什么高级配备it was reasonably comfortable.但还算相对舒适His father, when he visited before William arrived,在威廉入住前他的父亲曾经到访tested the bed by bouncing up and down on it还跳上♥床♥试了试舒适度and seemed to be satisfied.然后似乎很满意I ended up in the room next door to Kate我在圣安德鲁斯读书的第一年when I was in first year at St Andrews.住在凯特的隔壁The first thing that struck me when I met her我见到她的第一印象是was just how stunningly attractive she was.她身上散发着惊人的魅力The hair was always perfect, just like it is now.她总能保持完美的发型正如现在一样She was really noticeably beautiful她拥有出众的美貌and she was nicknamed Beautiful Kate as well in hall.被宿舍的同学们誉为"美人凯特"Whilst both studying art history,两人都学习艺术史it didn't take William long to notice Beautiful Kate.威廉很快便注意到了美人凯特When I first met Kate,我第一次见到凯特时I knew there was something very special about her就知道她与众不同and I knew there was possibly something知道自己也许想要that I wanted to explore there.进一步了解她But we ended up being friends for a while我们当时做了一段时间的朋友and that was a good foundation.为今后的关系打下了良好基础They were within a group of friends他们的那个朋友圈of about seven or eight people.大约有七八个人Kate wasn't famous then.凯特那时还不出名Will was famous and Kate was one of us.威廉当然很出名但凯特只是个普通人I actually went bright red when I met you我见到你时会脸红and sort of scuttled off, feeling very shy about meeting you. 一想到要与你见面就会害羞退缩But, um, it did take a bit of time for us但我们用一段时间to get to know each other.来增进彼此的了解In 2002, a charity fashion show was rumoured to据说2002年的一场慈善时装秀spark a change in William and Kate's friendship.使威廉和凯特的友谊有了进一步发展I would have never guessed我从未想到that the girl I photographed on the catwalk我拍摄的那个T台上的女孩有朝一日would later be a princess.会成为王妃So they say, that he watched her in the fashion show,据他们说他观看了她的时装表演when she wore this amazing see-through dress,当她穿着迷人的透视裙装出场时and he was smitten.他被迷得神魂颠倒Kate looked fantastic.凯特看上去美极了She looked a million dollars她简直美若天仙and I think people did think, "Wow!"人们肯定会感到惊讶Because Kate is quite a shy girl, really,因为凯特其实是个害羞的女孩but I think that was a moment但我认为在那一刻of showing her self-confidence.她绽放出了自信的光芒And you know, she's got the body and the looks for it,她身材窈窕容貌姣好so why not?何乐而不为呢I did get a phone call from one magazine asking我接到过一家杂♥志♥打来的电♥话♥ if they could reproduce my iconic image of Kate Middleton问我能否重新处理凯特·米德尔顿的人像作品and I had never heard anybody call it that before.那是第一次有人如此称呼我的作品You know, what...怎么...I was totally overwhelmed,我简直受宠若惊I never expected没想到此生that I'd get a photograph like that in my lifetime.能有幸拍摄出那样的作品But, you know, I think it's easy to look back如今回想起那个"辉煌时刻"and think, "That moment."一切还历历在目I mean, obviously at the time,但对于当年的我们it wasn't really "That moment" to us,那并不是什么"辉煌时刻"it was just like one of your friends up there and obviously那只是朋友的一次演出而已Kate has become the most famous woman in the world而如今凯特成为了全球最知名的女性and so extra significance has been put on this moment.那个时刻也随之变得更加重要了When he was here, he was always in the area他入学之后经常出没于这一地区and you could be walking in the supermarket with your trolley 当你推着手推车在超♥市♥购物时and he'd be walking down the next aisle with his.可能会在旁边的通道遇到他So, in a way,可以说the locals all got used to seeing him in the area.当地人已习惯于在附近见到他It's only now we realise直到现在我们才意识到that was our future king that was down here当时来餐厅买♥♥炸鱼薯条的and in for fish and chips as well.是我们未来的国王He did get a bit more freedom than与其它大学相比perhaps he would have got at another university这里的确为他提供了更多自♥由♥because the media did leave him alone, they did back off.因为媒体没有对他进行骚扰和跟踪So he did have a certain amount of freedom to walk around. 他其实有四处走动的自♥由♥He was left to get on with his lectures and his daily life他可以在相对自♥由♥的环境里上课and his social life in relative freedom.安排日常及社交生活In the second year of university,入学的第二年William and Kate became flatmates in a shared student house. 威廉和凯特成为了学生公♥寓♥的室友I lived in 11 Hope Street我住在希望街11号♥and Will and Kate were in 13.威廉和凯特住在13号♥The people they lived with were close friends of mine与他们合住的都是我的好朋友and so we were always in and out of one another's houses我们总是互相串门拜访because there wasn't that much to do,由于生活很单调so you'd have a lot of dinner parties我们会经常举办晚餐会and tea and lunch and all that kind of stuff.茶会及午餐会之类的活动Actually, you did cook for me quite a bit at university,其实大学期间你会经常为我做饭and it would always come with a bit of angst每当发生什么意外情况and anger if something had gone wrong他都会显得烦躁而愤怒and I would have to wander in而我则不得不走进厨房♥and save something that was going...收拾残局...I would say I'm getting better at cooking,我认为我的厨艺有所长进Kate would say I'm getting worse.而凯特却说我退步了I don't give you enough chance to practise.怪我没给你足够的机会练习That is true, I get quite lazy about cooking没错我懒得做饭because when I come back from work,因为我下班回家之后it's the last thing I want to do, really,真的非常不想做饭but when I was trying to impress Kate,但当年我努力打动凯特的时候I was trying to cook these amazing fancy dinners,我会用心地烹制精美的晚餐and it just sort of blossomed from there really.从那时起我的厨艺日益精进We just saw more of each other我们见面越来越多and hung out a bit more and did stuff.在一起相处的时间也更长So, um, yeah.就是这样Their friendship grew from being great mates他们的关系从亲密朋友into a romantic relationship.发展为了甜蜜恋人As the relationship developed,随着两人关系的发展it wasn't long before the word got out.新闻不久便被爆出来They were photographed kissing他们在克洛斯特斯的雪道上亲吻的场景on the slopes in Klosters.被抓拍了下来It was then she sort of came on to everyone's radar,从那以后她进入了公众的视线that they were a serious couple.他们成为了正式的情侣I didn't take the picture. Paparazzi took the picture.照片不是我拍的而是狗仔队拍的But it's of great general interest但这是个广受关注的话题because, you know, William is second in line to the throne.因为威廉是王位的第二继承人Therefore, whoever he marries is going to be a queen.因此他的妻子将成为王后Catherine Middleton.凯瑟琳·米德尔顿Kate Middleton was now hot property凯特·米德尔顿成为了焦点人物and at their graduation,在他们毕业之际the cameras weren't just focused on William.镜头不再仅仅聚焦于威廉Graduation day, that's really when the bubble burst for us. 毕业那天真♥相♥终于大白于天下I remember very distinctly我清楚地记得walking out of my graduation ceremony,当我走出毕业典礼的礼堂时and it was just a sort of bank of photographers外面围着一群摄影师150, 200 photographers, all taking photos.大概有150到200个摄影师都在拍照And I think they did go up to some students and say,我好像听到有人对某些学生说"I'll clear your student debt"如果你能提供他们的素材if you sell your stories," or whatever.我可以帮你还清学生贷款"一类的话I say every year, "And you may have met your future spouse." 我每年都会说那可能会是你的未来伴侣Now, when William and Kate graduated,而当威廉和凯特毕业的时候I went out of my way to say,我却对他们说"And I say this every year."我每年都会说这句话We were at the Graduation Ball.在毕业舞会上I remember seeing William pinch Kate's bottom当威廉和凯特站在吧台旁边时when they were standing at the bar, that kind of thing.我记得看到他对她有捏臀之类的亲密举动And they were, I think, at that stage,我看那时候dancing together and being much more coupley.他们在一起跳舞更像是一对情侣Obviously, my hope was that they would很显然我希望他们的感情eventually do the right thing by one another.能逐渐地步入正轨But it's very, very satisfying to see your students但能看到自己的学生过渡到成年生活move on into adult life.是非常令人欣慰的Away from the sanctity of St Andrews,离开圣安德鲁斯这块圣地they embarked on their separate working lives.他们开始了各自的职业生涯For William, this meant training in the armed forces.这对威廉这意味着参加武装部队训练Alongside his military duties,除了服兵役之外he also followed in his mother's footsteps他还追随他母亲的脚步by actively involving himself in his many charities.积极投身于大量的慈善事业中'A royal reporter for the day. This is Alice Marples,今日的皇家通讯员是爱丽丝·马尔普斯'who's ten. She's a patient at the Royal Marsden Hospital, 她今年十岁是皇家马斯顿医院的一位病人'where she's being treated for cancer.'她正在接受癌症治疗Tonight I'm going to be interviewing Prince Harry, so... 今晚我要对哈里王子进行采访Brilliant! Brilliant, Alice.太棒了太棒了爱丽丝That is a keeper. That is a keeper.这一段别播了别播了Like his mother,像他的母亲一样he threw himself into his work with his heart and soul. 他全心全意地投入到了自己的工作之中And I just asked him to go and sleep我只是邀请他到伦敦中心的on a pavement in the centre of London.一条人行道上过夜So I was indeed surprised,虽然我早应预料到结果even though I shouldn't have been,但当他毫不犹豫地答应时that he said yes. Straight away.我还是感到非常吃惊Straight away, that's it.他真的毫不犹豫地答应了He didn't say, "Let me think about it."他并没有说让我考虑一下He didn't say, "I'll come back to you."也没说我稍后给你答复Did't say any of that stuff.他没有那么说He didn't say, "Call me tomorrow."他也没说明天打电♥话♥给我He said yes straight away, "I'll do it."他毫不犹豫地说就这么定了Evening came. We knew it was going to be very cold,夜幕降临我们知道外面会很冷it was.而情况也确实如此So we found some wheelie bins,所以我们找了几个垃圾箱we used the wheelie bins to shield ourselves a little bit.我们利用垃圾箱来躲避风寒We put our cardboard down and we slept the night.我们把纸板铺到地上睡了一个晚上We didn't have an army of security,我们没有采取安保措施he didn't want any publicity about it at all.他完全不想引起公众的注意People have asked me,人们问过我"Surely there must be security around about in the corner?" 街道转角一定有保安把守吧There wasn't anything like that at all.但其实不是那样的Maybe there wasn't even any need for any of that,说实话根本没必要采取安保措施because, frankly,因为说实话who's expecting to see Prince William sleeping rough?谁能想到威廉王子会在露天过夜Meanwhile, working as an accessories buyer for Jigsaw,与此同时作为Jigsaw的一名时尚饰品买♥♥手Kate was adjusting to London life.凯特正在适应伦敦生活But, as the girlfriend of a prince,但作为王子的女朋友that life was becoming more complicated.她的生活变得愈加复杂When Kate left university,凯特大学毕业之后she was suddenly faced with a lot of press intrusion.突然受到了众多媒体的打扰And I think that's quite difficult for any individual.我认为那对于任何人来说都很难适应She's got to expect some photos to be taken,当她在公众场合露面或是过生日时if she's out in public, if it's her birthday, like today.会有很多照相机对准她就像今天这样I think that was a big shift for her,那对于她来说是个重大的转折点because, they didn't have that cocoon of being up in St Andrews 因为他们失去了圣安德鲁斯的保护and having the agreement with the press.以及与媒体间的协议They had been pretty much left to themselves在校学习的四年当中when they were studying for those four years.他们基本上没有受到打扰If you're not experienced in dealing with the media,如果你没有与媒体打交道的经验I think that can be quite a challenge.那会是种巨大的挑战And she seemed to deal with it very well.而她似乎处理得很从容You never saw a picture of her looking aggressive,你从没见过她挑衅looking cross.或是愤怒的照片She always managed a smile. She was incredibly poised.她总是能挤出笑容泰然处之I would say she has a right to expect我认为她有权选择the rest of the day to herself, unless she chooses to go自己独自过一天除非她into a public place later on in the day.主动前往公共场所The outside world was unaware that外界并不知道a big announcement was imminent.有一个重大声明即将到来Prince William and his long-term girlfriend威廉王子与他相处很久的女友Kate Middleton have split up.凯特·米德尔顿分手了The couple, who met at university six years ago,这对情侣六年前在大学中相遇had faced huge public and media interest in their relationship... 引起了媒体和公众的极大关注We've had the announcement, fine.我们收到了声明这就够了They should be left alone now,现在应该给他们一些空间without reams of stuff being written that I can assure you,而不是被媒体追逐报道而我可以肯定from my experience,就我的经验看来Most of which will be complete nonsense.其中大部分都是废话At the time, I thought it was permanent.当时我以为他们之间能长久You know? I think the relationship was too strong.我觉得这他们的感情太深厚At the time I thought我当时以为he's never going to be able to form他永远不可能和另一个女子a relationship with a girl,像和凯特这样like he did with Kate,刻骨铭心in that totally...perfect time当时他俩同是大学生as an undergraduate at university.正处在恋爱的季节I wasn't very happy about it.我当时很伤心But, actually, it made me a stronger person.不过实际上这使我更加坚强You find out things about yourself你会更清楚地认识自己that maybe you hadn't realised.以前对这点你可能没有认识到I think you can get quite consumed年少时的恋情by a relationship when you're younger.总是令人着迷的I really valued that time. For me, as well.我很珍惜那段时光although I didn't think it at that time,尽管我当时没这么想looking back on it, I...回顾往事...As a chance to recentre yourself? Definitely, yeah.这是个重新定位自己的机会? 当然You know, we were both very young.当时我们都很年少It was at university and we were both finding ourselves, as such, 都还在上学找寻自我being different characters and stuff.性格等各方面有所差异It was very much trying to find our我们努力找寻自己的道路own way and we were growing up.不断成长So it was just a bit of space, a bit of things like that.这次分手只是一个小小的插曲And it soon worked out for the better.。
Relationship was exposed
Where is the wedding?
Westminster Abbey, London.
the couple announced that the ceremony would be conducted at Westminster Abbey for its "beauty", 1,000-year royal history and its feeling of intimacy despite its size.
Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father."
Kate Middleton
The eldest of three children, Catherine Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 into a middle-class family from Berkshire, west of London.
Her father Michael worked as a pilot and her mother Carole as an airline stewardess before setting up a mail order business selling party supplies.
威廉和凯特婚礼誓词中英William and Kate Wedding VowsOn April 29, 2011, the world watched as Prince William of Wales and Catherine Middleton exchanged their wedding vows at Westminster Abbey. The beautiful ceremony celebrated the union of two individuals who were destined to become the future King and Queen of England. Their vows were heartfelt and sincere, reflecting their deep love and commitment to each other. In this article, we will explore the wedding vows of William and Kate in both English and Chinese.Vow 1:"I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take you, Catherine Elizabeth, to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better,for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."Translation (中文翻译):我,威廉·亚瑟·菲利普·路易斯,接受你,凯瑟琳·伊丽莎白,成为我合法的妻子,从今天起彼此拥有,无论境况艰难或美好,无论贫穷还是富裕,无论疾病还是健康,我会无条件地爱护你,直至死亡将我们分离。
♥ 婚礼现场,威廉王子郑重宣誓,“我,威廉-亚瑟 -菲利普-路易斯,愿意接受凯特-米德尔顿为我的 结发妻子,无论贫穷还是富足、无论健康还是疾 病,都愿意娶其为妻,我在此做出承诺。” ♥ 凯特-米德尔顿宣誓,“我,凯特-米德尔顿,愿 意接受威廉-亚瑟-菲利普-路易斯为我的结发丈夫, 无论贫穷还是富足,无论顺境亦或是逆境,无论 健康还是疾病,都愿意认你为丈夫,在圣父圣子 和圣灵的见证下,我在此做出承诺。” ♥ 在牧师约翰-保罗的主持下,凯特-米德尔顿正式 成为王妃。
威廉王子朋友团 宗教领袖 英国政界人士 外国政要 英国军方 米德尔顿家族 英国皇室 英国皇室近亲 外国 、克莱夫· 伍德沃德 、盖· 里奇 、海军少将伊 恩· 科德 ♥ 特伯雷教堂大主教罗文· 威廉姆斯及其夫人、犹太教教士安东尼· 贝菲 尔德 ♥ 英国首相大卫· 卡梅伦夫妇 、英国副首相尼克· 克莱格夫妇 、英国外交 大臣威廉· 黑格、英国财政大臣乔治· 奥斯本 ♥ 澳大利亚总理朱莉娅· 吉拉德、新西兰总理约翰· 基 ♥ 威廉· 库比特夫妇、空军元帅斯蒂芬· 道尔顿夫妇、空军副元帅戴维· 默 里夫妇、英国国防参谋长戴维· 理查兹夫妇 ♥ 母亲卡萝、父亲迈克尔· 米德尔顿、弟弟詹姆斯、妹妹菲莉帕 ♥ 英女王伊丽莎白二世、爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王、王储威尔士亲王查尔 斯 王子夫妇、威尔士亨利王子 ♥ 罗伯特· 费洛斯爵士、简· 费洛斯夫人、斯宾塞伯爵和未婚妻 ♥ 阿斯图里亚斯王子和王妃、比利时王储菲利普王子和妻子玛蒂尔德王 妃
♥ 威尔士威廉王子殿下:全名为威廉· 亚瑟· 菲 利普· 路易斯· 蒙巴顿-温莎,是英国王室的 成员之一,当今英国王储威尔士亲王查尔 斯和威尔士王妃戴安娜的长子。英国王位 第二号继承人. ♥ 凯特· 米德尔顿: 1982年1月9日出生。 2001年9月,威廉和凯特在苏格兰圣安德鲁 大学艺术史系同窗时相识。
英语听⼒频道为⼤家整理的bbc英语听⼒:伦敦⼈谈王室婚礼⽇计划,供⼤家参考:)William: Hello and welcome to On the Town. I'm William Kremer.Li: ⼤家好我是杨莉。
William, what's happening on April 29?William: April 29? That's next Friday. Hmm. I don't know, Li.Li: Oh well, you should know! 我们的记者 Michelle 采访了⼏位伦敦⼈,问问他们将在4⽉29⽇这天做些什么。
InsertMichelle: What will you be doing on April 29th?Woman: At home watching the royal wedding of course!William: Ah it's the royal wedding!Li: William, how could you forget?! 下周五威廉王⼦和凯特·⽶德尔顿⼩姐将在伦敦的威斯敏斯特⼤教堂举⾏婚礼。
William: But how are British people planning to use their day off? Just now we heard Michelle speaking to a woman who said she would be "at home watching the royal wedding".Li: 刚才讲话的这位妇⼥说她和她母亲⼀起从外地进城来伦敦看看,Michelle 同母⼥俩进⾏交谈,我们⼀起来听听下⾯⼏段对话录⾳,看看王室婚礼⽇这天这母⼥俩打算在家⾥做些什么?InsertRoyal wedding mugsMichelle: And are you going to be watching it on telly as well?Mother: Yeah, I shall be watching it on telly, yeah.Michelle: Brilliant, and do you think that you might try and arrange a bit of a tea party or anything like that? Are you going to be doing anything special or just watching it?Mother: We'll probably have a tea party won't we? There'll be only the two of us but we'll have a tea party I expect.We'll probably have a tea party won't we? There'll be only the two of us but we'll have a tea party I expect.MotherDaughter: Yeah.Michelle: Maybe you can buy one of those Kate and Wills mugs or something like that?Mother: Oh we'll have bunting. We like bunting.Daughter: Yeah, we like bunting!William: So mother and daughter are going to have a little tea party.Li: 她们准备举办⼀次茶点聚会 a tea party 茶会。
Many Americans woke up before sunrise to watch the wedding. And thousands of people traveled to Britain to join the celebration, including this Australian woman.
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
People around the world watched Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton get married. The royal wedding broke records for live streaming on the Internet. It also produced more than two million tweets on Twitter.
(SOUND: Crowds)
Among the wedding guests were English football star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the king of Norway and singer Elton John.
There was one moment of anxiety. The ring appeared to be too small. William persevered, and on it went. Within the abbey, the cheers of the crowds outside could clearly be heard. But of course from that moment, she was no longer Catherine Middleton. The Queen had opted for tradition and made William the Duke of Cambridge. And so she joined the royal family as Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.
"We all believe in fairy tales, and this is the best fairy tale that we've got in our generation, and I think we all just want to be a part of that."
Human rights campaigners in Syria say more than 40 protesters have been killed in another day of anti-government demonstrations across the country. Many of those who died were reported to have been shot by the security forces as they tried to reach the southern city of Deraa. The city has been occupied by troops and tanks since Monday. Owen Bennett-Jones reports from neighbouring Lebanon.
威廉王子婚礼誓词DEARLY beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God himself, signifying onto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee, and is commended in Holy Writ to be honourable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently, discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained. 亲爱的来宾,我们相聚在此,在上帝和宾客的见证下,我们看到新郎和新娘即将走入神圣的婚礼殿堂,婚姻是非常珍贵的财富,是上帝神圣的缔约,也是上帝的旨意,婚姻作为一种神圣的缔约,得到了上帝的祝福,主的第一个神迹就是在迦拿的宴席之上,祂也在圣经中一再告诫所有人,所有人都应该对婚姻不能糊涂,不能轻浮,不能随意,而要充满敬意,谨慎明智和冷,充满对上帝的敬畏,应该仔细考虑,婚姻的内涵及意义。
威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿订婚Prince William Engaged to Kate Middleton威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿订婚The 28-year-old heir to the throne and his fiancee will marry next year, royal aides said. Announcement of the engagement had been rumored for weeks, as palace watchers looked ahead on the royal calendar and speculated that a marriage would have to take place sometime in 2011, sandwiched between other official royal activities. Announcing the engagement now gives Buckingham Palace time to prepare for the most highly anticipated royal event since the lavish wedding of William's parents, Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, in 1981.英国王室宣布威廉王子和交往已久的女友凯特·米德尔顿订婚。
订婚消息的宣布使得白金汉宫有时间去准备一场最高规格的皇家活动,这将是继 1981年查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃的世纪婚礼之后最盛大婚礼。
The marriage will end bachelorhood for William and the hopes of young women around the world who have followed his every move and been charmed by his good looks and affable manner. The prince and Middleton, who is also 28, met as students at University of St. Andrews near Edinburgh, Scotland. Their relationship has been minutely dissected in the British tabloids, which have gleefully picked on Middleton's middle-class background. With no royal or aristocratic pedigree, Middleton will be the first commoner to marry an heir to the throne in centuries.这场婚姻将结束威廉的单身生活,全世界为王子英俊的外表和温和的品行所倾倒的青年女子的幻想也将破灭。
威廉王子与凯特的结婚誓词,英文完整版:Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony?大主教:William Arthur Philip Louis,根据上帝神圣的旨意,你是否愿与这名女子缔结婚姻关系,共同生活?Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health;and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?有生之年,你是否会爱她、安慰她、尊重她保护她,不论健康还是疾苦,是否愿意舍弃一切,永远对她忠诚?He answers: I will.威廉:我愿意。
Archbishop to Catherine: Catherine Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health;and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?大主教:Catherine Elizabeth,根据上帝神圣的旨意,你是否愿与这名男子缔结婚姻关系,共同生活?有生之年,你是否会爱他、安慰他、尊重他、保护他,不论健康还是疾苦,是否愿意舍弃一切,永远对他忠诚?She answers: I will.凯特:我愿意。
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* Question Time
“The prince and the princess Do you want toever after…” be lived happily
a Cinderella ?
Do you think Prince William and Kate will live happily ever after ?
Kate excelled in academia and the arts. Kate also possessed a natural talent in sport. Peers describe Kate as having a „wide intellectual knowledge‟, „very astute【机敏的】‟, „sharp‟ and „quick minded‟. She is also known to appreciate the Arts and has an excellent knowledge of European and World history.
Charles Weds Camilla
April 2005 William and Harry attend their father's wedding to his love of 30 years Camilla Parker Bowles, 57, in Windsor, England. William and stepbrother, Tom, share the duty of officially witnessing the marriage. Harry, who was said concerned about the relationship, is the first to wave back as the newly married couple exits the ceremony. After the wedding, Camilla has the right to the title of Princess of Wales (Diana's former title), but she adopts Duchess of Cornwall instead.
Throughout the marriage, Diana battled bulimia and depression, which she blames on Charles and the Royal Family's coldness.
Diana, Princess of Wales (19611997)
Diana and CharlesFra bibliotekSeparated
September.1991 Charles and Diana announced their separation.
Charles tells that he never loved his princess bride, and Diana tells journalist, "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded," Referring to Charles' longtime love Camilla Parker Bowles.
The royal family is expanding.
The 9 year relationship (with the exception of one 2007 breakup) between William and Kate has finally been written in diamonds.
Let’s to be gossip girls!
Diana‟s ring
William said using Diana's ring was "my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today and the excitement".
Cinderella -- Kate
Close friends have quoted Kate as being a „great girl‟ who is extremely friendly, radiates a warm personality have described as being „drop dead gorgeous‟ „fit‟ and „one of the sexiest babes on campus‟! She is also said to be very private and is not one to open up about her personal life & 【私密的】relationships with male friends…. Whilst【当…时】 studying hard at University, Kate has also devoted time to charity and fundraising. Through her connections and membership of student societies, she has been able promote events with contributions to charitable causes.
August 1997 Diana, 36, dies in a fatal car accident in Paris with her companion. The crash in the tunnel【隧道】 was the result of a 60-mph paparazzi【狗仔队】 car chase. Following her death, Prince Charles flies to Paris to bring her body to London for burial, and drapes the royal standard over her coffin【棺材】, acknowledging in death her status as a member of the Royal Family. During this time Queen Elizabeth„s silence is interpreted by the British press as indifferent【无 关紧要的,冷漠的】 and aloof【冷淡的】.
Thank you For your attention!
The Copycatting
* Copycatting 山寨的
St. Andrews Friendship
Kate attends the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where Prince William of Wales is also a student. Both major in art history before becoming close friends . That March, the dashing prince forks over $200 to sit front row to cheer on Kate in a student-run charity fashion show. Kate„s walk down the runway in a sheer【透 明的】 black sheath【紧身衣】 over a bandeau top and bikini bottom marks her first brush with the British press.