
更新日期:2020.1.6第1页共9页Walmart 沃尔玛FCCA 验厂标准清单条款对应的文件记录及现场巡视要求FCCA 生产能力评估清单书面程序记录现场巡视备注1.0工厂设施和环境1.在生产,修理,加工,检验,包装及装载的区域是否有足够的照明?►现场查看车间照明度:Wal-Mart的最低要求,生产区、成品区240lux,检测区域600lux,包装区域360lux,原料仓150lux2.工厂是否保持清洁,在生产,加工和包装区域是否有秩序?►现场车间物料的摆放整齐,标识清楚。
Critical 严重►利器控制程序\利器、断针►利器收发记录、利器、断针►现场查看利器的管理1.1机器校准和维护1.工厂是否有书面的文件系统和程序计划安排设备的清洁及维修。

2009年沃尔玛给各供应商的验厂(ES、FCCA、GSV)新标准尊敬各合作伙伴:沃尔玛人权标准在2009年有以下变化,请做好倡导及对策工作一.自2009年1月1日起所有WM验厂结果期限及补救措施时限延长1绿灯:2年后跟进评估(不变)2黄灯:每12个月跟进评估(由6个月改为12个月)3橙灯:每6个月跟进评估(由4个月改为6个月)二.所有由第三方进行评估的初审与追踪审核的费用由工厂负责---2009.4.1生效2.1以上适用于2009.4.1或之后按排/指定的所有审核2.2所有确认由Wal-Mart合作人完成的审核,工厂不用承担费用---2009.4.1生效三.. 追踪审核将是不通知的--2009.4.1生效3.1以上适用于2009.4.1或之后按排/指定的所有审核3.2第三方审核公司的审核可以提供4-6周的窗口给供货商/工厂,但具体的未宣布的审核日期将不会告知.四..对于A型GP供货商的资格预审----实时生效4.1如果工厂收到年龄违规(1~2个童工)的评估,工厂将不会通过资格预审的人权部分.4.2 如果追踪审核30天内确定补救发现的童工(1~2个童工),工厂可以通过Wal-mart验厂最新标准修正红灯-冻结的政策:从2009年5月1日起,从上次的审核日期算,两年内得到3个橙灯评估=红色-冻结一年。
鉴于这种延长,红灯-拒绝进程GP 和非GP采购供应商的工厂也已修订。
Walmart 验厂重点解析

Wal-mart Ethical Standards audit (三) ---- 沃尔玛验厂严重违规事项1. 工作时间每7天超过72小时2. 工卡做假被稽核3. 使用童工者4. 使用假身份5. 加班费没给足6. 最低工资达不到当地法定最低工资。
Wal-mart Ethical Standards audit (四) ---- 沃尔玛验厂着重点一、报酬一些常见的违规:1. 试用期工资仅能在一定期间内用于没有经验的新雇员。
可以被Wal-mart接受的试用期最多是3-6个月;2. 未支付适当的工资;3. 工资不能确认/工资制度不清楚;4. 没有依法支付加班费;5. 没有依法支付福利;6. 非法扣款;7. 没有给员工薪资单;8. 员工不知道工资率和扣款率;9. 支付试用期工资超过法律规定的试用期期限;10.未付试用期工资给有技术的员工;11.拖延支付部分工资;12.未去付的计件工资/不支付返工工资;13.伪造工资表二、工作时数工作时数标准必须张贴在工厂。
以下是一些常见的违规:1. 违反wal-mart的第七天休息政策;2. 加班:经常性的强制加班;3. 计时系统:上班不记工时/未建立考勤记录;4. 加班:超时加班(工厂尽可能控制在60小时内);5. 加班:严重超时加班(每6个工作日超过72小时,每日工作超过14小时的最高总工作时数—午夜至次日的午夜)。
三、强迫劳工以下是一些常见的违规:1. 员工被囚禁在工厂2. 使用抵押债务的劳工3. 向使用监狱劳工的国营实体采购产品/材料4. 过高的招募费5. 不合理地限制基本需求的使用(如食物、水、厕所等)6. 要求例行的七天工作周7. 开除或惩罚不加班的员工8. 工厂未经员工同意之下扣留他们的政府签发的身份证明文件9. 过分限制行动:不允许夜晚外出,可以在几天/星期外出等10.在合同/工厂的条例规定中有非法的/不合理的条款四、童工以下是一些常见的违规:1. 没有提供年轻员工健康检查2. 没有提供未成年工适当的休息时间3. 未成年工没有/过期的/不完整的工作文件4. 不能确认未成年工的年龄5. 没有批准的工作证件和雇用未满合法年龄的员工6. 在审计日期间:若员工未达合法工作年龄(根据西洋历的出生日期),便归类于童工7. 未满合法工作年龄员工在没有记录的情况下工作8. 不完整的年龄记录文件9. 在年龄证明记录上有多处不符合的地方10.未成年工在超过法律限制的情况下工作(在禁区工作)11.允许员工的孩子在生产区活动12.没有聘雇程序以确保行为准则13.申请工作者伪造年龄证件14.历史性童工:工厂在过去没有为wal-mart生产商品的一段时间内所雇用的童工15.为了证明工厂过去曾使用童工,审计员会从审计日往前追查6个月。

– Respect for the individual 尊重个人 – Service to our customers 服务顾客 – Striving for excellence 追求卓越
• Hold our suppliers to the same goal in their contracting, subcontracting and
• Compensation工资福利 • Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining自由结社和集体协商 • Health & Safety健康和安全 • Environment 环保
Ethical Sourcing - An Introduction
• Reduced audit frequency and associated costs due to factory improvements
• Improved quality of life for the workers 提升员工生活质量
Green绿色 Yellow黄色
Minor Violations低风险 Re-Audit in 2 Years 两年内重新审核 Medium-Risk Violations中等风险 Re-Audit in 1 Year一年内重新审核
High-Risk Violations 高风险 Re-Audit in 6 Months 半年内重新审核
to comply with local laws and Walmart standards 在合规改善方面向工厂提供必要的信息支持以符合当地法律和沃尔玛的要求

Walmart Ethical Standard Audit Report 沃尔马(人权)验厂标准

1.If one critical violation was found, (such as slave labor, forced labor, child labor, physical abuse to the workers, etc.) this factory should be out,
the overall rating of the audit should be at risk.
2.If three to five (include) major violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Need Improvement.
3.If two or less major and six or less minor violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Acceptable, and Need Improvement.




Factory Audit form for: CHINA Audit Area: ETHICAL STANDARDSForm ID FormVersion60 Form NameETHICAL STANDARDS AUDIT FORM FORCHINARequest ID SectionCount28QuestionCount169 Country : CHINAFactory ID Factory NameFactoryTypePrimary Contact InformationContact Name : Address : City :Sub City : NA State /Province:Postal Code : Country : CHINAPhone : Fax : Email :BENEFITSINSUFFICIENT PROVISION OF WORKER LEAVE: MATERNITY LEAVE / PATERNITY LEAVE, ANNUAL LEAVE, PAID SICK LEAVE, MARRIAGE LEAVE, BEREAVEMENT LEAVE, STATUTORY HOLIDAY, ETC.Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that factory had not provided clear annual leave policy forworkers, the policy stated that the workers, who worked more than one yearhad annual leave.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesAs per the provided supplementary documents for the facility rules andregulations, it was noted that clear annual leave policy for workers wasreflected from the documents. And the policy was compliant with the lawrequirement.NO PROVISION OF WORKER LEAVE: MATERNITY LEAVE / PATERNITY LEAVE/WORK RELATED INJURY LEAVE Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory had not provided policy of nursing leave.It was noted that factory had not provided the work related injury leave policyand records during the audit.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesIn current assessment, the policy for nursing leave and injury leave was foundfrom the provided facility rules and regulations, all legal.MEDICAL CHECK UP / INSUFFICIENT INSURANCE COVERAGEAnswers YESPre Defined Comments Source: Others (please specify the source)Comments Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Insufficient social insurance coverage was detected. Currently, there were atotal of 149 employees in the facility; however, the facility only provided 16employees with retirement insurance, unemployment insurance and injuryinsurance. This was also not compliant with the requirement of the providedsocial insurance wavier issued by local official department that the facilityshould provide retirement insurance, unemployment insurance and injuryinsurance to no less than 40% of the total employees.This is the violation of PRC Labor Act (1995), Article 72.The facility management was recommended to provide social insurance to allemployees in accordance with the law requirement.The facility management was receptive to the recommendation and stated thatthey would take corrective action as soon as possible.LABOR HOURSEXCESSIVE WORKING HOURS (BETWEEN 60 – 72 HRS/WEEK) / EXCESSIVE WORKING HOURS (> LAW REQUIREMENT BUT WITHIN 72 HOURS/WEEK)Answers YESPre Defined Comments Source: Time card recordComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedNo apparent concern was found in previous assessment.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Excessive monthly overtime was detected for 6 out of all sampled employees(totally 8 sampled employees) in March, April and May 2011, maximumreaching 42 hours, 48 hours and 48 hours respectively.This is the violation of PRC Labor Act (1995), Article 41.The facility management was recommended to control the monthly overtimewithin 36 hours.The facility management was receptive to the recommendation and stated thatthey would take corrective action as soon as possible.EMPLOYMENT PRACTICESTRAINING (NO EHS TRAINING FOR PPE, CHEMICALS, WASTE HANDLING ETC. AND/OR TRAINING MATERIALS NOT IN LOCAL LANGUAGE; NO TRAINING RECORDS)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory did not provide EHS training for all workers.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesThe records of EHS training for all workers were provided for review in currentassessment. The facility management stated that they would conduct thistraining to all new hires and to all current employees regularly.FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENTINADEQUATE EVACUATION PLAN / EXIT SIGN (LANGUAGE, POSTED, LIT, ETC)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that factory has a warehouse with around 700 square meters onlyhaving one safety exit.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesThrough onsite observation, all work floors and warehouses were provided withsufficient emergency exits. For this warehouse, the facility had changed onewindow as the emergency exit and installed stairways for the emergencyevacuation.WORK AREA DESIGN & MAINTENANCEWORKING AREAS PRESENT SAFETY HAZARD (FALL, HOLE, ETC).Answers YESPre Defined Comments Source: On site observationComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedNo apparent concern was found in previous assessment.Handrail was missing for four stairways more than 1 meter for the secondaryemergency exits of the two warehouses on the 1st floor.This is the violation of Machine Safety: The Fixed Device into Machines andIndustrial Device 3rd Section: Stairs, Ladders and Fence (GB 17888.3-1999),Article 7.1.2.The facility management was recommended to install handrail for all thestairways higher than 0.5 meter.The facility management was receptive to the recommendation and stated thatthey would take corrective action as soon as possible.EQUIPMENT SAFETYNO SAFETY GUARDAnswers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that no belt guard was equipped to 1 out of 4 sewing machineslocated in the sample workshop; the other 3 sewing machines only had half beltguard.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesIn current assessment, it was noted through the facility EHS walkthrough thatall sewing machines were installed with complete pulley guard.RIGHT OF INSPECTIONPART OF RELEVANT INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE / MISSINGAnswers YESPre Defined Comments Source: Documentation reviewComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the license of totally one electrician could only do electricalwork in low tension.It was noted that the provided fire service inspection certificate did not includeone 2-storey building (about 30 square meters per floor; 1F was used aspunching workshop and one worker worked in, and the 2F was used assundries warehouse and no worker worked in).Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: PartialCurrently, there was a qualified electrician available in the facility. Relevantcertificate was provided for review, valid.However, the provided fire service inspection certificate still did not include one2-storey building (about 30 square meters per floor; 1F was used as punchingworkshop and one worker worked in, and the 2F was used as sundrieswarehouse and no worker worked in).This is the violation of PRC Fire Prevention Law, Article 11.The facility management was advised to obtain the fire service inspectioncertificate for all production buildings.The facility management was receptive to the recommendation and stated thatthey would take corrective action as soon as possible.WAL-MART PRODUCTION IN FACTORIES WITH NO VALID ES AUDITAnswers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the following subcontracted factories were used in Ningbo,China but without Wal-Mart written approval.1) Name: Xinbo Embroidery factory2) Tel and Fax number: 86-576-885635353) Email address of subcontractor contact persons: Yang Xinbo4) Process/Function: Embroidery5) Function performed on Whole Garments/Panels: embroidery6) State whether the entire garment/item was sent out to the sub-contractor to perform the above function: No7) State the product brand name (i.e. label) for the item that was sent to the sub-contractor: Not provided8) Is the War-Mart product brand name visible on the product and the subcontractor location: No9) Length of time the subcontractor has been sued by the factory: 5 years since 200510) Current % of the production allocated to War-Mart:30%Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesCurrently, there is one subcontractor utilized by the facility for the process of embroidery and printing, and one hangtag, label and packing box supplier used by the facility. Detailed information as follows:Name: Taizhou Xinbo Embroidery FactoryAddress: Hujiao, Yangsi, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhenjiang, China Specialty: Embroidery and printingContact: Mr. YANG XinboTel: +86-576-88563535Years of cooperation: 2 yearsWIP: 30% (No WM product is produced in the facility currently.)WM logo or brand name involved: NoName: Hangzhou Shunfeng Packing Co., Ltd.Address: Heshang Industrial Zone, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,ChinaSpecialty: Hangtag, label and packing box supplierContact: Mr. QUTel: +86-571-82207088Fax: +86-571-82206830Years of cooperation: 2 yearsWIP: 100%WM logo or brand name involved: Yes (Walmart)ES report and Factory ID: Not providedENVIRONMENT - AIR EMISSIONS MANAGEMENTAIR EMISSIONS SOURCE INVENTORY: (E.G. INVENTORY NOT IN PLACE OR NOT COMPLETED TO COVER ALL THE EMISSIONS POINTS, ETC...)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory did not provide its air emissions source inventory.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesIn current assessment, the air emission source inventory was provided forreview. It was noted that the facility had classified the source of all air emissionin the facility.ENVIRONMENT - WATER MANAGEMENTINVENTORY OF WATER USE AND CONSUMPTION NOT MONITORED AND DOCUMENTED (E.G. WATER METERS NOT INSTALLED OR OUT OF ORDER, WATER DATA NOT COLLECTED, ETC.)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory did not provide its inventory of water use andmonitoring records of consumption.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesThe facility had made plan for water saving and adopted relevant steps to savethe water. Relevant water usage records and documents were provided forreview.ENVIRONMENT - ENERGY USE AND GHG (GREENHOUSE GAS) MANAGEMENT MONITORING OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION, INCLUDING FUEL USE FOR TRANSPORTATION INSIDE FACTORY: (E.G. ENERGY METERS NOT INSTALLED OR OUT OF ORDER, ENERGY DATA NOT COLLECTED, NO INVENTORY OF ENERGY USE, ETC...)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory did not establish the power use statistical systemand not provide its monitoring records of energy consumption.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesThe facility has made a systematic plan for power saving and relevant recordsand documents were provided for review.ENVIRONMENT - LAND USE & BIODIVERSITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT CONDUCTED BUT NOT SUBMITTED TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC AUTHORITY AS PER APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTSAnswers YESPre Defined Comments Source: Documentation reviewComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the environmental impact assessment documents provided byfactory were not examined and approved by authorized environmentalprotection department.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: NoThe environmental impact assessment documents provided by factory were notexamined and approved by authorized environmental protection department.This is the violation of PRC Environmental Impact Assessment Law, Article 16.The facility management was recommended that EIA report should be providedwith Government approval recommendations.The facility management was receptive to the recommendation and stated thatthey would take corrective action as soon as possible.ENVIRONMENT - MANAGEMENT SYSTEMINADEQUATE ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY PROTOCOL: (E.G. NO EMERGENCY PLAN, EMERGENCY TEAM NOT TRAINED IN ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES, REGULAR DRILLS NOT CONDUCTED, ETC.)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory had environmental emergency responseprocedure, but did not conduct environmental emergency response drill.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesEnvironmental emergency response drill was conducted, relevant recordsprovided for review. The facility management stated that they would conductthis drill once per year.INADEQUATE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING PROGRAMS: (E.G. NO OR IMPROPER TRAINING FOR WORKERS DEDICATED TO: HANDLING OR TRANSPORTING WASTE, MAINTAINING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM, ETC...)Answers NOPre Defined CommentsComments Previous Finding: Conducted on December 30, 2010 and no audit companyprovidedIt was noted that the factory did not provide the environmental training recordsand training documents for review and no environmental training procedureswas established.Current Audit Date: June 17, 2011Corrective Action Taken: YesAll employees had received the environmental training. Relevant records wereprovided for review. The facility management expressed that they would trainemployees frequently to make sure they understand the facility environmentalpolicy.Date of Audit06/17/2011。

initial Factory Capability & Capacity Audit (FCCA)QUALITY SYSTEM:Particulars Audit 3210N/A1.0Factory Facilities and Environment1. There is sufficient lighting on:Production, revising, finishing,inspection, packing and loading areas?X 2. The facility maintains clean andorganized production, finishing andpacking areas.X 3. Facility has separate inspection areawith inspection table and properventilation.X 4. Facility has documented pests/mildewand moisture control program whichincludes frequent inspections. (in-houseor 3rd party)X 5. No broken windows or leaking roofsthat may result to product contaminationwas observed during audit.X Critical 6. Factory implements strict sharp toolscontrol procedure to prevent scissors, knives, blades, broken glasses andneedles to be mixed with product.X 1.1 Machine Calibration and Maintenance3210N/A 1. Factory has documented system andprocedure for scheduled equipmentcleaning and repairs.X 2. Factory machines and equipmentsappear to be clean and in good runningcondition.X3. Machines, equipments and tools areXproperly labeled with date of lastmaintenance/calibration and schedule.4. Machines, equipments and tools thatneeds to be repaired are properlyXlabeled to avoid accidental use.5. Factory has proper, clean andorganized storage area of critical toolingX(i.e. injection moulds) with labeledshelves.6. Factory has proper documentationXand updated inventory of machines,tools, spare parts and equipments.7. Factory has maintenance team withsuitable skill level and equipments toXperform necessary repair and calibrationon machines.1.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus10880010 REMARKS:The lighting was not sufficient on inspection area. Examples: inspection of final pro products:283lux. IQC workstation:200lux.1.0.4The factory did not establish humidity control and mildew control procedure and no1.0.5The roof for the finished goods packing and storage area was unclosed, and thereBlades using in Cutting workshop, Scissors using in sewing workshop were not cod1.1.3Factory did not have scheduled maintenance and calibration. Some of machines,labeled with date of last maintenance and calibration.2.0Quality Management System3210N/A1. Factory has established QualityXManagement System that is appropriateto their products and procedures.2. Workers & Supervisors are familiar toXthese quality policies and objectives.3. Factory has documented customer complaint system and documented recall program.XCritical 4. Factory QC team is independent from Production division.X5. Production management and QCteam discuss and work together insolving Quality issues/ concerns. (Documented)X6.Factory has systems and proceduresin place to control the risk of physical,chemical and biological contaminationthat may damage the product andpersonnel as well.X7.Factory conducts risk audits to identifyhazards from chemicals, raw materials,process equipments and tools.X8. Is factory accredited with anyinternational, national or customerquality standards association (e.g. ISO9001,etc.)?X2.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus10881010 REMARKS:2.0.6Procedures and record of actions taken to control risks were available such as broken needprocedures to control these risks of other physical, chemical and biological contaminationFactory did not conduct risk audit and documents were not available to identify hazards from equipments and tools.The factory didn't accredit with any international, national or customer quality standards asso3.0Incoming Materials Control (Warehousing andStorage)3210N/A1. Has the factory taken adequatemeasures to assure raw materials conformance to required specificationsbefore use?X2. Proper first in-first out (FIFO) systemon materials are practiced.X3. Factory has procedures (instructions, guidelines and documented records) forquality inspection on incoming rawmaterials, accessories and components.X4. Is needed testing equipmentavailable, and maintained in goodcondition?X5. Are raw materials properly labeled,stored and traceable?X6. Factory has documented process and reference samples that ensure incomingraw materials conform to specifications.XCritical 7. Factory has proper system onmaterial segregation to avoid accidental contamination from rejected items.X8. Factory properly separate goodquality items from rejects and identifiesnon-conforming (rejects) materials for replacement.X9. Facility’s storage areas have sufficientlighting, well ventilated and cleansurrounding.X10. Materials, components andaccessories are properly stacked andidentified with tags / labels and off thefloor.XCritical 11. Chemicals and maintenancesubstances are properly marked andstored to prevent risk of contamination.X12. Does factory have a documentedsupplier selection and approval process?X13. Does factory track, evaluate anddocument material’s supplier reliability(performance)?X14. Does factory have an established,documented quality procedure and doesfactory evaluate, monitor sub-contractorquality performance and reliability?X3.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus141106014 REMARKS:3.0.8In the Injection workshop, the factory didn't separate good quality items from rejects.3.0.11Chemicals such as alcohol, paint, and gas were not properly marked and about one thirdThe factory evaluated its material suppliers and kept evaluation records, but the evaluation per the procedure. For example, the evaluation score of one fabric supplier (Xingchangli)requirements of the procedure, it couldn't be used unless under urgent situation, and the fac Xingchangli was still the main suppliers of the factory.4.0Process and Production Control3210N/A1. Does factory PD study and applyproduct safety features, evaluatespatterns, moulds and samples duringproduct design and development?X2. Factory has documented Qualityprocedures (QP) at each stage ofoperation.X3. Does factory conduct Pre-productionmeeting prior to start of production?XCritical 4. Are critical quality and safety checksreviewed, identified, and actions forimprovement documented during Pre-production meeting?X5. Does factory conduct “pilot-run”,review product quality againstspecification sheet and documentresults with corrective actions prior toproduction?X6. Was in house lab-testing performedon current production? (Request for test copies)X7. Does factory QC compare first piece samples with approval sample and specification sheet?X8. Are there adequate approvedsamples, first piece samples, reference samples and work instructions to provide workers with proper guidelines?XCritical 9. Does Quality Control have authority tostop production if quality of products didnot meet specification?X10. In-line inspections (IPQC) areperformed by QC at every operationprocess.X11. Is quality of item acceptable oncurrent production? (Check 8 finishedproducts taken from factory finalinspected goods and check for majordefects on the item.)X12. Factory QC inspects per standardAQL or as per industry standards.X13. Factory performs 100% functionalitycheck on final products?X14. Does factory use corrective actionsand root cause analysis methods?(Please provide examples)x15. Does factory have guidelines inplace to ensure packaging is correct forproduct?X16. Does packing area have enoughspace to perform packing functionsproperly? Is it clean and organized?X17. Packed cartons are stored inenclosed area not exposed to sunshineand wet weather.X18. Does factory track and document on-time ship performance?X4.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus180132018 REMARKS:4.0.4Parts of the pre-production meeting records were simple, and didn't state the improve meas 4.0.17The roof for the finished goods packing and storage area was unclosed and the packed cartweather.5.0In-House Lab-Testing 3210N/A1. Does factory perform in-house labtesting and are facilities appropriatelyXequipped? (Pls.refer to the FCCAattachment for in-house lab testingrequirements.)2. All gauges and test equipments haveXvalid calibrations.3. Testing manuals of various industryXstandards are available as reference.4. In-house Lab Technicians areXproperly trained to perform testingfunctions.5.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus72510REMARKS:All gauges and test equipments were calibrated by unqualified person since 2008.The factory didn't have testing manual of any industry standard as reference.5.0.4The inspectors acted as In-house Lab Technicians, but they were not properly trained to per6.0Final Inspection 3210N/A1. Does factory have procedure andworking instruction for final QC?X2. Factory QC conducts final inspectionper standard AQL or as per industrystandards.X3. An approved sample or referencesample with packing list and shippingmarks are available as reference forfactory QC.X4. Are there formal written finalinspection reports? Are they properlyfiled and traceable to review quality ofproducts?X5. Does factory final QC perform internalmechanical tests to ensure the safety ofproduct?X6. Where appropriate, are inspectionand testing equipment used by theinspector in good condition andcalibrated?XCritical 7. Failed inspections are properly corrected prior to final inspection by customer.X8. Factory does not ship goods unless subjected to release procedures from customer.X6.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus69576REMARKS:6.0.6No inspection and testing equipments were used during the final inspection process.7.0People Resources and Training3210N/ACritical 1. Factory conducts, documents andmaintains on-job training for allpersonnel or conducts pre-hire testing ofskilled workers prior to hiring.X2. Factory conducts and documentstechnical training programs for Electrical/ Mechanical Engineer, Machinist, QC andLab Test Technician.X3. Records of trainees and all regularpersonnel with correspondingXperformance records are kept andmaintained.7.0 Total Possible Points Total Actual Points Total N/A Total Adjus36200REMARKS:7.0.2Factory didn't conduct and maintain technical and quality training for machinist, lab test tech 7.0.3The records of trainees were incompletely.SummaryBasic Information:Capability:Capacity:Quality System:The quality management system was established according to principle of ISO9001:2000. ISO9001:2000 certificate. The latest internal audit date was on Feb. 11-14, 2009. The lates Feb. 16, 2009. The relevant records were reviewed during the audit. There were about 30 They were clearly divided to IQC, IPQC and QA. Incoming materials, semi-manufactured inspected by competent inspectors according to recognized standards GB/T2828.1-2003. Internal Lab was set up in the factory. Some tests were conducted by inspectors, and there reference.The operation procedure and related work instructions were established and all the docum During the factory audit, the operation was smooth and most of the operators were trained should make improvement in those areas that listed in the supplier CAP.Calculation of points:1.1 Per Categorya. Each question has a corresponding Audit Point and Weight. Multiply the marked “WTG” to get the score for that particular question.b. If the question is not relevant. Mark Not Applicable “N/A”. To get the score, multip points) to get the score.c. Once the category questions are completed and marked, total all scores by:- Relevant questions with corresponding points (Total Actual Points)- Not relevant questions marked N/A (Total N/A Points)d. Subtract the N/A points from the “Total Possible Points” to get the “Total Adjustede. Divide the "Total Actual Points" by the "Total Adjusted Points" to get the scoringf. A corresponding space is provided for all these scores in the report.g. If there are no N/A points, simply divide “Total Possible Points” by the “Total Actuh. Percentage score = Total Actual Points/ Total Adjusted Points(Total Adjusted Points = Total Possible Point – Total N/A Points)1.2 Report Total Scorea. Total all scores per category level:Total Possible PointsTotal Actual PointsTotal N/ATotal Adjusted Pointsb. Repeat the calculation steps on point 1.11.3 QA Point System GuideEvery question involving factory systems or process must be rated by QA baseda. 3 - Strongly Agreeb. 2 - Agreec. 1 - Needs Improvementd. 0 - Disagreee. N/A – Not Applicable. Question is not relevant to factory process.。

1.If one critical violation was found, (such as slave labor, forced labor, child labor, physical abuse to the workers, etc.) this
factory should be out, the overall rating of the audit should be at risk.
2.If three to five (include) major violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Need Improvement.
3.If two or less major and six or less minor violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Acceptable, and
Need Improvement.

1.If one critical violation was found, (such as slave labor, forced labor, child labor, physical abuse to the workers, etc.) this
factory should be out, the overall rating of the audit should be at risk.
2.If three to five (include) major violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Need Improvement.
3.If two or less major and six or less minor violation were found, the overall rating of the audit should be Acceptable, and
Need Improvement.

工资的计算公式:日薪=月薪/21.75(注: =27.15)
CAP Template
.Slight modification on the placement of WM Logo
Report Summary
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7. Fine Jewelry
5. Apparel
8. Apparel
FCCA Product Category Revision
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Bureau Veritas Presentation _ Date
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FCCA Product Category
FCCA Product Category
1. HL- E&E
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Seminar Objectives
1.To be familiar what has been changed on the scope of FCCA-
Soft Home- Home Textile audit checklist to be specific on home
. FCCA Enhancement Program
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四、Procurement / Receiving / Storage / Finished Product / Distribution采购/接收/仓储/成品管理/配送
九、Product and Plant Security / Lab Control产品和工厂安全/实验室控制