
The inspiration
• In 1990, while Rowling was on a boring train journey, a little wizard with thin body , black hair and glasses leaped to her eyes. The smiling boy suddenly broke into her life and she began to design the image of Harry Potter. • At the time, she imagined it in her brain just like a heavenly steed(天马)soaring across the skies with no pen or paper. • Finally, she pushed the boy to the whole world.
• 父母:父亲Peter是一名退休的飞机引擎制造厂劳斯莱斯 (Rolls-Royce)的管理人员,母亲Ann是一位实验室技术 人员,于1990年因病去世,终年45岁。他们1963年在一 列火车上一见钟情,并结婚。 • 兄弟姐妹:一个妹妹,名叫Dianne,比罗琳小两岁,曾经 学过护士,现在爱迪安堡学习法律。 • 婚姻:1990年罗琳与一名葡萄牙电视新闻记者Jorge Arantes结婚。女儿Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes于 1993年7月23日出生于葡萄牙。同年11月他们分居、离婚。 2001年圣诞节后节礼日(Boxing Day),罗琳与30岁的 麻醉师男友Neil Murray在苏格兰的新居举行结婚典礼。第 二个小孩David Gordon Rowling Murray于2003年3月24 日出生于爱迪安堡,第三个小孩Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray在2005年1月23日出生。

Harry Potter
作者简介 十年~八部电影~一代人的记忆 主要人物
J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling),1965年7月31日出生于英国格温特郡,毕业于 英国埃克塞特大学,英国作家。 1989年,24岁的罗琳有了创作哈利·波特的念头。1997年6月,推出哈 利·波特系列第一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》。随后,罗琳又分别于1998 年与1999年创作了《哈利·波特与密室》和《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚 徒》。2001年,美国华纳兄弟电影公司决定将小说的第一部《哈利·波特 与魔法石》搬上银幕。2003年6月,她再创作出第五部作品《哈利·波特 与凤凰社》。2004年,罗琳荣登《福布斯》富人排行榜,她的身价达到10 亿美元。2005年7月推出了第六部《哈利·波特与混血王子》,2007年7 月推出终结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》。截至2008年,《哈利·波特》 系列7本小说被翻译成67种文字在全球发行4亿册。2010年,哈利·波特电 影系列的完结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》拍摄完成。 2014年12月上旬,罗琳在邮件中公布,2014年圣诞期间从2014月12日起, 她在格林威治时间每天下午13时,通过Pottermore发布1个新的“哈 利·波特”系列故事的小故事,共有12个。
律与在 执被 行诅 司咒罗 司的琳 长孩 。子 》年 中的 ,新 作 哈《 利 已哈 利 成波 为 魔特 法: 部哈 魔利 法波 法特
斯讲思孩哈 莱述 子利 、了西,的 赫一弗分妻 敏位勒别子 魔斯是为 格法 詹金 兰学波姆妮 杰校特 的学,小韦 成生莉天斯 长和莉狼莱 冒两 星 险个卢 波 故好娜波特 事友 特, 。罗波,并 恩特阿育 。不有 韦该 三 书 位 · · · : ·
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

jkrowling英文个人简介J.K. Rowling,英国作家。
下面是小编给大家整理的jkrowling英文个人简介,供大家参阅!jkrowling英文个人简介Joanne Jo Rowling, OBE, FRSL (/rol/; born 31 July 1965), pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies.They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films over which Rowling had overall approval on the scriptsand maintained creative control by serving as a producer on the final instalment.Born in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, Rowling was working as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International when she conceived the idea for the Harry Potter series while on a delayed train from Manchester to London in 1990. The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, birth of her first child, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until she finished the first novelin the series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, in 1997. There were six sequels, the last, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in 2007. Since then, Rowling has written four books for adult readers: The Casual Vacancy (2012) andunder the pseudonym Robert Galbraiththe crime fiction novels The Cuckoos Calling (2013), The Silkworm (2014) and Career of Evil (2015).Rowling has lived a rags to riches life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to multi-millionaire status within five years. She is the United Kingdoms best-selling living author, with sales in excess of 238M.The 2016 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowlings fortune at 600 million, ranking her as the joint 197th richest person in the UK. Time magazine named her as a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans.In October 2010, Rowling was named the Most Influential Woman in Britain by leading magazine editors. She has supported charities including Comic Relief, One Parent Families, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Lumos (formerly the Childrens High Level Group).jkrowling英文个人简介:Name Although she writesunder the pen name J. K. Rowling (pronounced rolling), her name, before her remarriage, was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers asked that she use two initials rather than her full name. As she had no middle name, she chose K (for Kathleen) as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother.She calls herself Jo.Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name Joanne Murray when conducting personal business. During the Leveson Inquiryshe gave evidence under the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowlingand her entry in Whos Who lists her name also as Joanne Kathleen Rowling.jkrowling英文个人简介:Life and career Rowling was born to Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer,and Anne Rowling (ne Volant), a science technician,on 31 July 1965in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Bristol.Her parents first met on a train departing from Kings Cross Station bound for Arbroath in 1964.They married on 14 March 1965. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Dugald Campbell, was Scottish, born in Lamlash on the Isle of Arran.Her mothers paternal grandfather, Louis Volant, was French, and was awarded the Croix deGuerre for exceptional bravery in defending the village of Courcelles-le-Comte during the First World War. Rowling originally believed he had won the Lgion dhonneur during the war, as she said when she received it herself in 2009. She later discovered the truth when featured in an episode of the UK genealogy series Who Do You Think You Are?, in which she found out it was a different Louis Volant who won the Legion of Honour. When she heard his story of bravery and discovered the croix de guerre was for ordinary soldiers like her grandfather, who had been a waiter, she stated the croix de guerre was better to her than the Legion of Honour.ChildhoodRowlings sister Diannewas born at their home when Rowling was 23 months old.The family moved to the nearby villageWinterbourne when Rowling was four.She attended St Michaels Primary School, a school founded by abolitionist William Wilberforce and education reformer Hannah More. Her headmaster at St Michaels, Alfred Dunn, has been suggested as the inspiration for the Harry Potter headmaster Albus Dumbledore.Rowlings childhood home, Church Cottage, Tutshill, GloucestershireAs a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy storieswhich she frequently read to her sister.Aged nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the Gloucestershire village ofTutshill, close to Chepstow, Wales.She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College, where her mother worked in the science department.When she was a young teenager, her great-aunt gave her a copy of Jessica Mitfords autobiography, Hons and Rebels. Mitford became Rowlings heroine, and Rowling read all of her books.Rowling has said that her teenage years were unhappy.Her home life was complicated by her mothers illness and a strained relationship with her father, with whom she is not on speaking terms. Rowling later said that she based the character of Hermione Granger on herself when she was eleven.Steve Eddy, who taught Rowling English when she first arrived, remembers her as not exceptional but one of a group of girls who were bright, and quite good at English.Sean Harris, her best friend in the Upper Sixth, owned a turquoise Ford Anglia which she says inspired a flying version that appeared in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.At this time, she listened to the Smiths and the Clash.Rowling took A-levels in English, French and German, achieving two As and a Band was Head Girl.EducationIn 1982, Rowling took the entrance exams for Oxford University but was not accepted and read for a B.A. in French and Classics at the University of Exeter.Martin Sorrell, a French professor at Exeter, remembers a quietly competent student, with a denim jacket and dark hair, who, in academic terms, gave the appearance of doing what was necessary.Rowling recalls doing little work, preferring to listen to The Smiths and read Dickens andTolkien.After a year of study in Paris, Rowling graduated from Exeter in 1986and moved to London to work as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International.In 1988, Rowling wrote a short essay about her time studying Classics entitled What was the Name of that Nymph Again? or Greek and Roman Studies Recalled; it was published by the University of Exeters journal Pegasus.Inspiration and mothers deathAfter working at Amnesty International in London, Rowling and her then boyfriend decided to move to Manchester, where she worked at the Chamber of Commerce. In 1990, while she was on a four-hour-delayed train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came fully formed into hermind.When she had reached her Clapham Junction flat, she began to write immediately.In December, Rowlings mother Anne died after ten years suffering from multiple sclerosis. Rowling was writing Harry Potter at the time and had never told her mother about it.Her mothers death heavily affected Rowlings writing,and she channelled her own feelings of loss by writing about Harrys own feelings of loss in greater detail in the first book.Marriage, divorce, and single parenthood Rowling moved to Porto to teach. In 1993, she returned to the UK accompanied by her daughter and three completed chapters of Harry Potter after her marriage had deteriorated.An advertisement in The Guardian led Rowling to move to Porto, Portugal, to teach English as a foreign language.She taught at night and began writing in the day while listening to Tchaikovskys Violin Concerto.After 18 months in Porto, she met Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes in a bar and found they shared an interest in Jane Austen.They married on 16 October 1992 and their child, Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes (named after Jessica Mitford), was born on 27 July 1993 in Portugal. Rowling had previously suffered amiscarriage.The couple separated on 17 November 1993. Biographers have suggested that Rowling suffered domestic abuse during her marriage, although the extent is unknown. In December 1993, Rowling and her then-infant daughter moved toEdinburgh, Scotland, to be near Rowlings sisterwith three chapters of what would become Harry Potter in her suitcase.Seven years after graduating from university, Rowling saw herself as a failure.Her marriage had failed, and she was jobless with a dependent child, but she described her failure as liberating and allowing her to focus on writing.During this period, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide.Her illness inspired the characters known as Dementors, soul-sucking creatures introduced in the third book.Rowling signed up for welfare benefits, describing her economic status as being poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless.Rowling was left in despair after her estranged husband arrived in Scotland, seeking both her and her daughter. She obtained an Order of Restraint, and Arantes returned to Portugal, with Rowling filing for divorce in August 1994.She began a teacher training course in August 1995 at the Moray House School of Education, at Edinburgh University,aftercompleting her first novel while living on state benefits.She wrote in many cafs, especially Nicolsons Caf (owned by her brother-in-law, Roger Moore),and the Elephant House,wherever she could get Jessica to fall asleep.In a 2001 BBC interview, Rowling denied the rumour that she wrote in local cafs to escape from her unheated flat, pointing out that it had heating. One of the reasons she wrote in cafs was that taking her baby out for a walk was the best way to make her fall asleep.Harry PotterMain article: Harry Potter The Elephant House, one of the cafs in Edinburghin which Rowling wrote the first Harry PotternovelIn 1995, Rowling finished her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone on an old manual typewriter.Upon the enthusiastic response of Bryony Evens, a reader who had been asked to review the books first three chapters, the Fulham-based Christopher Little Literary Agents agreed to represent Rowling in her quest for a publisher. The book was submitted to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. A year later she was finally given the green light (and a 1,500 advance) by editor Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury, a publishing house in London.The decisionto publish Rowlings book owes much to Alice Newton, the eight-year-old daughter of Bloomsburys chairman, who was given the first chapter to review by her father and immediately demanded the next.Although Bloomsbury agreed to publish the book, Cunningham says that he advised Rowling to get a day job, since she had little chance of making money in childrens books.Soon after, in 1997, Rowling received an 8,000 grant from the Scottish Arts Council to enable her to continue writing.In June 1997, Bloomsbury published Philosophers Stone with an initial print run of 1,000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to libraries. Today, such copies are valued between 16,000 and 25,000.Five months later, the book won its first award, a Nestl Smarties Book Prize. In February, the novel won the British Book Award for Childrens Book of the Year, and later, the Childrens Book Award. In early 1998, an auction was held in the United States for the rights to publish the novel, and was won byScholastic Inc., for US$105,000. Rowling said that she nearly died when she heard the news. In October 1998, Scholastic published Philosophers Stonein the US under the title of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, a change Rowling says she now regrets and would have fought if she had been ina better position at the time. Rowling moved from her flat with the money from the Scholastic sale, into 19 Hazelbank Terrace in Edinburgh.Its sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, was published in July 1998 and again Rowling won the Smarties Prize.In December 1999, the third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, won the Smarties Prize, making Rowling the first person to win the award three times running.he later withdrew the fourth Harry Potter novel from contention to allow other books a fair chance. In January 2000, Prisoner of Azkaban won the inauguralWhitbread Childrens Book of the Year award, though it lost the Book of the Year prize to Seamus Heaneys translation of Beowulf.The fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was released simultaneously in the UK and the US on 8 July 2000 and broke sales records in both countries. 372,775 copies of the book were sold in its first day in the UK, almost equalling the number Prisoner of Azkaban sold during its first year.In the US, the book sold three million copies in its first 48 hours, smashing all records. Rowling said that she had had a crisis while writing the novel and had to rewrite one chapter many times to fix a problem with the plot. Rowling was namedAuthor of the Year in the 2000 British Book Awards.A wait of three years occurred between the release of Goblet of Fire and the fifth Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This gap led to press speculation that Rowling had developed writers block, speculations she denied.Rowling later said that writing the book was a chore, that it could have been shorter, and that she ran out of time and energy as she tried to finish it.The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was released on 16 July 2005. It too broke all sales records, selling nine million copies in its first 24 hours of release. In 2006, Half-Blood Prince received the Book of the Year prize at the British Book Awards.The title of the seventh and final Harry Potter book was announced on 21 December 2006 as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In February 2007 it was reported that Rowling wrote on a bust in her hotel room at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh that she had finished the seventh book in that room on 11 January 2007.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released on 21 July 2007 (0:01 BST)and broke its predecessors record as the fastest-selling book of all time. It sold 11 million copies in the first day of release in the UnitedKingdom and United States.The books last chapter was one of the earliest things she wrote in the entire series.Potter queueHarry Potter is now a global brand worth an estimated US$15 billion,and the last four Harry Potter books have consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.The series, totalling 4,195 pages,as been translated, in whole or in part, into 65 languages.The Harry Potter books have also gained recognition for sparking an interest in reading among the young at a time when children were thought to be abandoning books for computers and television, although it is reported that despite the huge uptake of the books, adolescent reading has continued to decline.Harry Potter filmsMain article: Harry Potter (film series)In October 1998, Warner Bros. purchased the film rights to the first two novels for a seven-figure sum. A film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was released on 16 November 2001, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on 15 November 2002. Both films were directed byChris Columbus. The film version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released on 4 June 2004, directed by AlfonsoCuarn. The fourth film,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was directed by Mike Newell, and released on 18 November 2005. The film of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwas released on 11 July 2007. David Yates directed, and Michael Goldenberg wrote the screenplay, having taken over the position from Steve Kloves.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released on 15 July 2009.David Yates directed again, and Kloves returned to write the script.Warner Bros. filmed the final instalment of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in two segments, with part one being released on 19 November 2010 and part two being released on 15 July 2011. Yates directed both films.Warner Bros. took considerable notice of Rowlings desires and thoughts when drafting her contract. One of her principal stipulations was the films be shot in Britain with an all-British cast,which has been generally adhered to. Rowling also demanded that Coca-Cola, the victor in the race to tie intheir products to the film series, donate US$18 million to the American charity Reading is Fundamental, as well as several community charity programs.The first four, sixth, seventh, and eighth films were scripted by Steve Kloves; Rowling assisted him in the writingprocess, ensuring that his scripts did not contradict future books in the series. She told Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) and Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) certain secrets about their characters before they were revealed in the books.Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) asked her if Harry died at any point in the series; Rowling answered him by saying, You have a death scene, thereby not explicitly answering the question. Director Steven Spielberg was approached to direct the first film, but dropped out. The press has repeatedly claimed that Rowling played a role in his departure, but Rowling stated that she had no say in who directed the films and would not have vetoed Spielberg.Rowlings first choice for the director had been Monty Python member Terry Gilliam, but Warner Bros. wanted a family-friendly film and chose Columbus.Rowling had gained some creative control on the films, reviewing all the scripts as well as acting as a producer on the final two-part instalment,Deathly Hallows.Rowling, producers David Heyman and David Barron, along with directors David Yates, Mike Newell and Alfonso Cuarn collected the Michael Balcon Award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema at the 2011 British Academy Film Awards in honour of the Harry Potter film franchise.In September 2013, Warner Bros. announced an expanded creative partnership with Rowling, based on a planned series of films about Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The first film, scripted by Rowling, was released in November 2016 and is set roughly 70 years before the events of the main series.In 2016, it was announced that the series would consist of five films, with the second scheduled for release in November 2018.Financial successIn 2004, Forbes named Rowling as the first person to become a U.S.-dollar billionaire by writing books, the second-richest female entertainer and the 1,062nd richest person in the world.Rowling disputed the calculations and said she had plenty of money, but was not a billionaire.The 2016Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowlings fortune at 600 million, ranking her as the joint 197th richest person in the UK.In 2012, Forbes removed Rowling from their rich list, claiming that her US$160 million in charitable donations and the high tax rate in the UK meant she was no longer a billionaire.In February 2013 she was assessed as the 13th most powerful woman in the United Kingdom by Womans Hour on BBC Radio 4.In 2001, Rowling purchased a 19th-century estate house, Killiechassie House, on the banks of the River Tay, near Aberfeldy, in Perth and Kinross.Rowling also owns a 4.5 million Georgian house in Kensington, west London, on a street with 24-hour security.Remarriage and familyOn 26 December 2001, Rowling married Neil Murray (born 30 June 1971), a Scottish doctor, in a private ceremony at her home, Killiechassie House, near Aberfeldy.Their son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, was born on 24 March 2003.Shortly after Rowling began writing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she ceased working on the novel to care for David in his early infancy.Rowling is a friend of Sarah Brown, wife of former prime minister Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charitable project. When Sarah Browns son Fraser was born in 2003, Rowling was one of the first to visit her in hospital. Rowlings youngest child, daughter Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, to whom she dedicated Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was born on 23 January 2005.In October 2012, a New Yorker magazine article stated that the Rowling family lived in a seventeenth-centuryEdinburgh house, concealed at the front by tall conifer hedges. Prior to October 2012, Rowling lived near the author Ian Rankin, who later said she was quiet and introspective, and that she seemed in her element with children.As of June 2014, the family resides in Scotland.The Casual VacancyIn July 2011, Rowling parted company with her agent, Christopher Little, moving to a new agency founded by one of his staff, Neil Blair. On 23 February 2012, his agency, the Blair Partnership, announced on its website that Rowling was set to publish a new book targeted at adults. In a press release, Rowling said that her new book would be quite different from Harry Potter. In April 2012, Little, Brown and Company announced that the book was entitled The Casual Vacancy and would be released on 27 September 2012.Rowling gave several interviews and made appearances to promote The Casual Vacancy, including at the London Southbank Centre,he Cheltenham Literature Festival, Charlie Rose and the Lennoxlove Book Festival. In its first three weeks of release, The Casual Vacancy sold over 1 million copies worldwide.On 3 December 2012, it was announced that the BBC would be adapting The Casual Vacancy into a television dramaminiseries. Rowlings agent, Neil Blair acted as producer, through his independent production company and with Rick Senat serving as executive producer. Rowling collaborated on the adaptation, serving as an executive producer for the series. The series aired in three parts from 15 February to 1 March 2015.Cormoran StrikeMain article: Cormoran StrikeIn 2007, during the Edinburgh Book Festival, author Ian Rankin claimed that his wife spotted Rowling scribbling away at a detective novel in a caf.Rankin later retracted the story, claiming it was a joke,but the rumour persisted, with a report in 2012 in The Guardian speculating that Rowlings next book would be a crime novel.In an interview with Stephen Fry in 2005, Rowling claimed that she would much prefer to write any subsequent books under a pseudonym, but she conceded to Jeremy Paxman in 2003 that if she did, the press would probably find out in seconds.In April 2013, Little Brown published The Cuckoos Calling, the purported dbut novel of author Robert Galbraith, whom the publisher described as a former plainclothes Royal Military Police investigator who had left in 2003 to work in the civiliansecurity industry.The novel, a detective storyin which private investigator Cormoran Strike unravels the supposed suicide of a supermodel, sold 1,500 copies in hardback (although the matter was not resolved as of 21 July 2013; later reports stated that this number is the number of copies that were printed for the first run, while the sales total was closer to 500)and received acclaim from other crime writersand criticsa Publishers Weekly review called the book a stellar debut,while the Library Journals mystery section pronounced the novel the debut of the month.India Knight, a novelist and columnist for The Sunday Times, tweeted on 9 July 2013 that she had been reading The Cuckoos Calling and thought it was good for a dbut novel. In response, a tweeter called Jude Callegari said that the author was Rowling. Knight queried this but got no further reply. Knight notified Richard Brooks, arts editor of the Sunday Times, who began his own investigation.After discovering that Rowling and Galbraith had the same agent and editor, he sent the books for linguistic analysis which found similarities, and subsequently contacted Rowlings agent who confirmed it was Rowlings pseudonym.Within days of Rowling being revealed as the author, sales of the book rose by 4,000%,and LittleBrown printed another 140,000 copies to meet the increase in demand.As of 18 June 2013, a signed copy of the first edition sold for US$4,453 (2,950), while an unsold signed first-edition copy was being offered for $6,188 (3,950).Rowling said that she had enjoyed working under a pseudonym. On her Robert Galbraith website, Rowling explained that she took the name from one of her personal heroes, Robert Kennedy, and a childhood fantasy name she had invented for herself, Ella Galbraith.Soon after the revelation, Brooks pondered whether Jude Callegari could have been Rowling as part of wider speculation that the entire affair had been a publicity stunt. Some also noted that many of the writers who had initially praised the book, such as Alex Gray or Val McDermid, were within Rowlings circle of acquaintances; both vociferously denied any foreknowledge of Rowlings authorship.Judith Jude Callegari was the best friend of the wife of Chris Gossage, a partner within Russells Solicitors, Rowlings legal representatives. Rowling released a statement saying she was disappointed and angry;Russells apologised for the leak, confirming it was not part of a marketing stunt and that the disclosure was made in confidence to someone he trusted implicitly.Russellsmade a donation to the Soldiers Charity on Rowlings behalf and reimbursed her for her legal fees.On 26 November 2013 the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) issued Gossage a written rebuke and 1,000 fine for breaching privacy rules.On 17 February 2014, Rowling announced that the second Cormoran Strike novel, named The Silkworm, would be released in June 2014. It sees Strike investigating the disappearance of a writer hated by many of his old friends for insulting them in his new novel.In 2015, Rowling stated on Galbraiths website that the third Cormoran Strike novel would include an insane amount of planning, the most I have done for any book I have written so far. I have colour-coded spreadsheets so I can keep a track of where I am going.On 24 April 2015, Rowling announced that work on the third book was completed. Titled Career of Evil, it was released on 20 October 2015 in the United States, and on 22 October 2015 in the United Kingdom.In 2017, the BBC released a Cormoran Strike television series, starring Tom Burke as Cormoran Strike, it was picked up by HBO for distribution in the United States and Canada.Rowling confirmed that she would release the fourth instalment of the series sometime in 2017. In March 2017,Rowling revealed the fourth novels title via Twitter in a game of Hangman with her followers. After many failed attempts, followers finally guessed correctly. Rowling confirmed that the next novels title is Lethal White.Subsequent Harry Potter publicationsFor the material written for Comic Relief and other charities, see Philanthropy.Rowling has said it is unlikely she will write any more books in the Harry Potter series.In October 2007 she stated that her future work was unlikely to be in the fantasy genre. On 1 October 2010, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Rowling stated a new book on the saga might happen.In 2007, Rowling stated that she planned to write an encyclopaedia of Harry Potters wizarding world consisting of various unpublished material and notes.Any profits from such a book would be given to charity.During a news conference at Hollywoods Kodak Theatre in 2007, Rowling, when asked how the encyclopaedia was coming along, said, Its not coming along, and I havent started writing it. I never said it was the next thing Id do.At the end of 2007, Rowling said that the encyclopaedia could take up to ten years to complete.In June 2011, Rowling announced that future Harry Potter。

Jk罗琳介绍J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling,真名Joanne "Jo" Rowling OBE,1965年7月31日-),生于英国的格洛斯特郡的Chipping Sodbury医院。
全名:乔安·凯瑟林·罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)是一个误传,并不是她的真正的名字。
当时穷困的罗琳于是同意,给自己取了J.K. Rowling的笔名,尽管她的名字中其实没有Kathleen这个中间名。
暱称: 朋友们都叫她「JO」,FANS们叫她「JK」,朋友开玩笑的时候叫她「JAKE」。
花名:同学有时奚落她叫「Rolling Pin(擀面杖)」和「Rolling Stone(滚石)」。
一次是从Yate(布里斯托港一边)搬到Winterbourne(布里斯托港另一边),一次是从Winterbourne 搬到靠近Chepstow的Tutshill的乡村。
罗琳毕业于英国艾希特大学(Exeter University ),学习法语和古典文学,获文学学士学位。

jkrowling英文个人简介J.K. Rowling,英国作家。
下面是小编给大家整理的jkrowling英文个人简介,供大家参阅!jkrowling英文个人简介Joanne Jo Rowling, OBE, FRSL (/rol/; born 31 July 1965), pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies.They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films over which Rowling had overall approval on the scriptsand maintained creative control by serving as a producer on the final instalment.Born in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, Rowling was working as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International when she conceived the idea for the Harry Potter series while on a delayed train from Manchester to London in 1990. The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, birth of her first child, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until she finished the first novelin the series, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, in 1997. There were six sequels, the last, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in 2007. Since then, Rowling has written four books for adult readers: The Casual Vacancy (2012) andunder the pseudonym Robert Galbraiththe crime fiction novels The Cuckoos Calling (2013), The Silkworm (2014) and Career of Evil (2015).Rowling has lived a rags to riches life story, in which she progressed from living on state benefits to multi-millionaire status within five years. She is the United Kingdoms best-selling living author, with sales in excess of 238M.The 2016 Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowlings fortune at 600 million, ranking her as the joint 197th richest person in the UK. Time magazine named her as a runner-up for its 2007 Person of the Year, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration she has given her fans.In October 2010, Rowling was named the Most Influential Woman in Britain by leading magazine editors. She has supported charities including Comic Relief, One Parent Families, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Lumos (formerly the Childrens High Level Group).jkrowling英文个人简介:Name Although she writesunder the pen name J. K. Rowling (pronounced rolling), her name, before her remarriage, was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers asked that she use two initials rather than her full name. As she had no middle name, she chose K (for Kathleen) as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother.She calls herself Jo.Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name Joanne Murray when conducting personal business. During the Leveson Inquiryshe gave evidence under the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowlingand her entry in Whos Who lists her name also as Joanne Kathleen Rowling.jkrowling英文个人简介:Life and career Rowling was born to Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer,and Anne Rowling (ne Volant), a science technician,on 31 July 1965in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Bristol.Her parents first met on a train departing from Kings Cross Station bound for Arbroath in 1964.They married on 14 March 1965. One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Dugald Campbell, was Scottish, born in Lamlash on the Isle of Arran.Her mothers paternal grandfather, Louis Volant, was French, and was awarded the Croix deGuerre for exceptional bravery in defending the village of Courcelles-le-Comte during the First World War. Rowling originally believed he had won the Lgion dhonneur during the war, as she said when she received it herself in 2009. She later discovered the truth when featured in an episode of the UK genealogy series Who Do You Think You Are?, in which she found out it was a different Louis Volant who won the Legion of Honour. When she heard his story of bravery and discovered the croix de guerre was for ordinary soldiers like her grandfather, who had been a waiter, she stated the croix de guerre was better to her than the Legion of Honour.ChildhoodRowlings sister Diannewas born at their home when Rowling was 23 months old.The family moved to the nearby villageWinterbourne when Rowling was four.She attended St Michaels Primary School, a school founded by abolitionist William Wilberforce and education reformer Hannah More. Her headmaster at St Michaels, Alfred Dunn, has been suggested as the inspiration for the Harry Potter headmaster Albus Dumbledore.Rowlings childhood home, Church Cottage, Tutshill, GloucestershireAs a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy storieswhich she frequently read to her sister.Aged nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the Gloucestershire village ofTutshill, close to Chepstow, Wales.She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College, where her mother worked in the science department.When she was a young teenager, her great-aunt gave her a copy of Jessica Mitfords autobiography, Hons and Rebels. Mitford became Rowlings heroine, and Rowling read all of her books.Rowling has said that her teenage years were unhappy.Her home life was complicated by her mothers illness and a strained relationship with her father, with whom she is not on speaking terms. Rowling later said that she based the character of Hermione Granger on herself when she was eleven.Steve Eddy, who taught Rowling English when she first arrived, remembers her as not exceptional but one of a group of girls who were bright, and quite good at English.Sean Harris, her best friend in the Upper Sixth, owned a turquoise Ford Anglia which she says inspired a flying version that appeared in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.At this time, she listened to the Smiths and the Clash.Rowling took A-levels in English, French and German, achieving two As and a Band was Head Girl.EducationIn 1982, Rowling took the entrance exams for Oxford University but was not accepted and read for a B.A. in French and Classics at the University of Exeter.Martin Sorrell, a French professor at Exeter, remembers a quietly competent student, with a denim jacket and dark hair, who, in academic terms, gave the appearance of doing what was necessary.Rowling recalls doing little work, preferring to listen to The Smiths and read Dickens andTolkien.After a year of study in Paris, Rowling graduated from Exeter in 1986and moved to London to work as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International.In 1988, Rowling wrote a short essay about her time studying Classics entitled What was the Name of that Nymph Again? or Greek and Roman Studies Recalled; it was published by the University of Exeters journal Pegasus.Inspiration and mothers deathAfter working at Amnesty International in London, Rowling and her then boyfriend decided to move to Manchester, where she worked at the Chamber of Commerce. In 1990, while she was on a four-hour-delayed train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came fully formed into hermind.When she had reached her Clapham Junction flat, she began to write immediately.In December, Rowlings mother Anne died after ten years suffering from multiple sclerosis. Rowling was writing Harry Potter at the time and had never told her mother about it.Her mothers death heavily affected Rowlings writing,and she channelled her own feelings of loss by writing about Harrys own feelings of loss in greater detail in the first book.Marriage, divorce, and single parenthood Rowling moved to Porto to teach. In 1993, she returned to the UK accompanied by her daughter and three completed chapters of Harry Potter after her marriage had deteriorated.An advertisement in The Guardian led Rowling to move to Porto, Portugal, to teach English as a foreign language.She taught at night and began writing in the day while listening to Tchaikovskys Violin Concerto.After 18 months in Porto, she met Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes in a bar and found they shared an interest in Jane Austen.They married on 16 October 1992 and their child, Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes (named after Jessica Mitford), was born on 27 July 1993 in Portugal. Rowling had previously suffered amiscarriage.The couple separated on 17 November 1993. Biographers have suggested that Rowling suffered domestic abuse during her marriage, although the extent is unknown. In December 1993, Rowling and her then-infant daughter moved toEdinburgh, Scotland, to be near Rowlings sisterwith three chapters of what would become Harry Potter in her suitcase.Seven years after graduating from university, Rowling saw herself as a failure.Her marriage had failed, and she was jobless with a dependent child, but she described her failure as liberating and allowing her to focus on writing.During this period, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide.Her illness inspired the characters known as Dementors, soul-sucking creatures introduced in the third book.Rowling signed up for welfare benefits, describing her economic status as being poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless.Rowling was left in despair after her estranged husband arrived in Scotland, seeking both her and her daughter. She obtained an Order of Restraint, and Arantes returned to Portugal, with Rowling filing for divorce in August 1994.She began a teacher training course in August 1995 at the Moray House School of Education, at Edinburgh University,aftercompleting her first novel while living on state benefits.She wrote in many cafs, especially Nicolsons Caf (owned by her brother-in-law, Roger Moore),and the Elephant House,wherever she could get Jessica to fall asleep.In a 2001 BBC interview, Rowling denied the rumour that she wrote in local cafs to escape from her unheated flat, pointing out that it had heating. One of the reasons she wrote in cafs was that taking her baby out for a walk was the best way to make her fall asleep.Harry PotterMain article: Harry Potter The Elephant House, one of the cafs in Edinburghin which Rowling wrote the first Harry PotternovelIn 1995, Rowling finished her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone on an old manual typewriter.Upon the enthusiastic response of Bryony Evens, a reader who had been asked to review the books first three chapters, the Fulham-based Christopher Little Literary Agents agreed to represent Rowling in her quest for a publisher. The book was submitted to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. A year later she was finally given the green light (and a 1,500 advance) by editor Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury, a publishing house in London.The decisionto publish Rowlings book owes much to Alice Newton, the eight-year-old daughter of Bloomsburys chairman, who was given the first chapter to review by her father and immediately demanded the next.Although Bloomsbury agreed to publish the book, Cunningham says that he advised Rowling to get a day job, since she had little chance of making money in childrens books.Soon after, in 1997, Rowling received an 8,000 grant from the Scottish Arts Council to enable her to continue writing.In June 1997, Bloomsbury published Philosophers Stone with an initial print run of 1,000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to libraries. Today, such copies are valued between 16,000 and 25,000.Five months later, the book won its first award, a Nestl Smarties Book Prize. In February, the novel won the British Book Award for Childrens Book of the Year, and later, the Childrens Book Award. In early 1998, an auction was held in the United States for the rights to publish the novel, and was won byScholastic Inc., for US$105,000. Rowling said that she nearly died when she heard the news. In October 1998, Scholastic published Philosophers Stonein the US under the title of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, a change Rowling says she now regrets and would have fought if she had been ina better position at the time. Rowling moved from her flat with the money from the Scholastic sale, into 19 Hazelbank Terrace in Edinburgh.Its sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, was published in July 1998 and again Rowling won the Smarties Prize.In December 1999, the third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, won the Smarties Prize, making Rowling the first person to win the award three times running.he later withdrew the fourth Harry Potter novel from contention to allow other books a fair chance. In January 2000, Prisoner of Azkaban won the inauguralWhitbread Childrens Book of the Year award, though it lost the Book of the Year prize to Seamus Heaneys translation of Beowulf.The fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was released simultaneously in the UK and the US on 8 July 2000 and broke sales records in both countries. 372,775 copies of the book were sold in its first day in the UK, almost equalling the number Prisoner of Azkaban sold during its first year.In the US, the book sold three million copies in its first 48 hours, smashing all records. Rowling said that she had had a crisis while writing the novel and had to rewrite one chapter many times to fix a problem with the plot. Rowling was namedAuthor of the Year in the 2000 British Book Awards.A wait of three years occurred between the release of Goblet of Fire and the fifth Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This gap led to press speculation that Rowling had developed writers block, speculations she denied.Rowling later said that writing the book was a chore, that it could have been shorter, and that she ran out of time and energy as she tried to finish it.The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was released on 16 July 2005. It too broke all sales records, selling nine million copies in its first 24 hours of release. In 2006, Half-Blood Prince received the Book of the Year prize at the British Book Awards.The title of the seventh and final Harry Potter book was announced on 21 December 2006 as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In February 2007 it was reported that Rowling wrote on a bust in her hotel room at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh that she had finished the seventh book in that room on 11 January 2007.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released on 21 July 2007 (0:01 BST)and broke its predecessors record as the fastest-selling book of all time. It sold 11 million copies in the first day of release in the UnitedKingdom and United States.The books last chapter was one of the earliest things she wrote in the entire series.Potter queueHarry Potter is now a global brand worth an estimated US$15 billion,and the last four Harry Potter books have consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.The series, totalling 4,195 pages,as been translated, in whole or in part, into 65 languages.The Harry Potter books have also gained recognition for sparking an interest in reading among the young at a time when children were thought to be abandoning books for computers and television, although it is reported that despite the huge uptake of the books, adolescent reading has continued to decline.Harry Potter filmsMain article: Harry Potter (film series)In October 1998, Warner Bros. purchased the film rights to the first two novels for a seven-figure sum. A film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was released on 16 November 2001, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on 15 November 2002. Both films were directed byChris Columbus. The film version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released on 4 June 2004, directed by AlfonsoCuarn. The fourth film,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was directed by Mike Newell, and released on 18 November 2005. The film of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwas released on 11 July 2007. David Yates directed, and Michael Goldenberg wrote the screenplay, having taken over the position from Steve Kloves.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released on 15 July 2009.David Yates directed again, and Kloves returned to write the script.Warner Bros. filmed the final instalment of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in two segments, with part one being released on 19 November 2010 and part two being released on 15 July 2011. Yates directed both films.Warner Bros. took considerable notice of Rowlings desires and thoughts when drafting her contract. One of her principal stipulations was the films be shot in Britain with an all-British cast,which has been generally adhered to. Rowling also demanded that Coca-Cola, the victor in the race to tie intheir products to the film series, donate US$18 million to the American charity Reading is Fundamental, as well as several community charity programs.The first four, sixth, seventh, and eighth films were scripted by Steve Kloves; Rowling assisted him in the writingprocess, ensuring that his scripts did not contradict future books in the series. She told Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) and Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) certain secrets about their characters before they were revealed in the books.Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) asked her if Harry died at any point in the series; Rowling answered him by saying, You have a death scene, thereby not explicitly answering the question. Director Steven Spielberg was approached to direct the first film, but dropped out. The press has repeatedly claimed that Rowling played a role in his departure, but Rowling stated that she had no say in who directed the films and would not have vetoed Spielberg.Rowlings first choice for the director had been Monty Python member Terry Gilliam, but Warner Bros. wanted a family-friendly film and chose Columbus.Rowling had gained some creative control on the films, reviewing all the scripts as well as acting as a producer on the final two-part instalment,Deathly Hallows.Rowling, producers David Heyman and David Barron, along with directors David Yates, Mike Newell and Alfonso Cuarn collected the Michael Balcon Award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema at the 2011 British Academy Film Awards in honour of the Harry Potter film franchise.In September 2013, Warner Bros. announced an expanded creative partnership with Rowling, based on a planned series of films about Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The first film, scripted by Rowling, was released in November 2016 and is set roughly 70 years before the events of the main series.In 2016, it was announced that the series would consist of five films, with the second scheduled for release in November 2018.Financial successIn 2004, Forbes named Rowling as the first person to become a U.S.-dollar billionaire by writing books, the second-richest female entertainer and the 1,062nd richest person in the world.Rowling disputed the calculations and said she had plenty of money, but was not a billionaire.The 2016Sunday Times Rich List estimated Rowlings fortune at 600 million, ranking her as the joint 197th richest person in the UK.In 2012, Forbes removed Rowling from their rich list, claiming that her US$160 million in charitable donations and the high tax rate in the UK meant she was no longer a billionaire.In February 2013 she was assessed as the 13th most powerful woman in the United Kingdom by Womans Hour on BBC Radio 4.In 2001, Rowling purchased a 19th-century estate house, Killiechassie House, on the banks of the River Tay, near Aberfeldy, in Perth and Kinross.Rowling also owns a 4.5 million Georgian house in Kensington, west London, on a street with 24-hour security.Remarriage and familyOn 26 December 2001, Rowling married Neil Murray (born 30 June 1971), a Scottish doctor, in a private ceremony at her home, Killiechassie House, near Aberfeldy.Their son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, was born on 24 March 2003.Shortly after Rowling began writing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she ceased working on the novel to care for David in his early infancy.Rowling is a friend of Sarah Brown, wife of former prime minister Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charitable project. When Sarah Browns son Fraser was born in 2003, Rowling was one of the first to visit her in hospital. Rowlings youngest child, daughter Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, to whom she dedicated Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was born on 23 January 2005.In October 2012, a New Yorker magazine article stated that the Rowling family lived in a seventeenth-centuryEdinburgh house, concealed at the front by tall conifer hedges. Prior to October 2012, Rowling lived near the author Ian Rankin, who later said she was quiet and introspective, and that she seemed in her element with children.As of June 2014, the family resides in Scotland.The Casual VacancyIn July 2011, Rowling parted company with her agent, Christopher Little, moving to a new agency founded by one of his staff, Neil Blair. On 23 February 2012, his agency, the Blair Partnership, announced on its website that Rowling was set to publish a new book targeted at adults. In a press release, Rowling said that her new book would be quite different from Harry Potter. In April 2012, Little, Brown and Company announced that the book was entitled The Casual Vacancy and would be released on 27 September 2012.Rowling gave several interviews and made appearances to promote The Casual Vacancy, including at the London Southbank Centre,he Cheltenham Literature Festival, Charlie Rose and the Lennoxlove Book Festival. In its first three weeks of release, The Casual Vacancy sold over 1 million copies worldwide.On 3 December 2012, it was announced that the BBC would be adapting The Casual Vacancy into a television dramaminiseries. Rowlings agent, Neil Blair acted as producer, through his independent production company and with Rick Senat serving as executive producer. Rowling collaborated on the adaptation, serving as an executive producer for the series. The series aired in three parts from 15 February to 1 March 2015.Cormoran StrikeMain article: Cormoran StrikeIn 2007, during the Edinburgh Book Festival, author Ian Rankin claimed that his wife spotted Rowling scribbling away at a detective novel in a caf.Rankin later retracted the story, claiming it was a joke,but the rumour persisted, with a report in 2012 in The Guardian speculating that Rowlings next book would be a crime novel.In an interview with Stephen Fry in 2005, Rowling claimed that she would much prefer to write any subsequent books under a pseudonym, but she conceded to Jeremy Paxman in 2003 that if she did, the press would probably find out in seconds.In April 2013, Little Brown published The Cuckoos Calling, the purported dbut novel of author Robert Galbraith, whom the publisher described as a former plainclothes Royal Military Police investigator who had left in 2003 to work in the civiliansecurity industry.The novel, a detective storyin which private investigator Cormoran Strike unravels the supposed suicide of a supermodel, sold 1,500 copies in hardback (although the matter was not resolved as of 21 July 2013; later reports stated that this number is the number of copies that were printed for the first run, while the sales total was closer to 500)and received acclaim from other crime writersand criticsa Publishers Weekly review called the book a stellar debut,while the Library Journals mystery section pronounced the novel the debut of the month.India Knight, a novelist and columnist for The Sunday Times, tweeted on 9 July 2013 that she had been reading The Cuckoos Calling and thought it was good for a dbut novel. In response, a tweeter called Jude Callegari said that the author was Rowling. Knight queried this but got no further reply. Knight notified Richard Brooks, arts editor of the Sunday Times, who began his own investigation.After discovering that Rowling and Galbraith had the same agent and editor, he sent the books for linguistic analysis which found similarities, and subsequently contacted Rowlings agent who confirmed it was Rowlings pseudonym.Within days of Rowling being revealed as the author, sales of the book rose by 4,000%,and LittleBrown printed another 140,000 copies to meet the increase in demand.As of 18 June 2013, a signed copy of the first edition sold for US$4,453 (2,950), while an unsold signed first-edition copy was being offered for $6,188 (3,950).Rowling said that she had enjoyed working under a pseudonym. On her Robert Galbraith website, Rowling explained that she took the name from one of her personal heroes, Robert Kennedy, and a childhood fantasy name she had invented for herself, Ella Galbraith.Soon after the revelation, Brooks pondered whether Jude Callegari could have been Rowling as part of wider speculation that the entire affair had been a publicity stunt. Some also noted that many of the writers who had initially praised the book, such as Alex Gray or Val McDermid, were within Rowlings circle of acquaintances; both vociferously denied any foreknowledge of Rowlings authorship.Judith Jude Callegari was the best friend of the wife of Chris Gossage, a partner within Russells Solicitors, Rowlings legal representatives. Rowling released a statement saying she was disappointed and angry;Russells apologised for the leak, confirming it was not part of a marketing stunt and that the disclosure was made in confidence to someone he trusted implicitly.Russellsmade a donation to the Soldiers Charity on Rowlings behalf and reimbursed her for her legal fees.On 26 November 2013 the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) issued Gossage a written rebuke and 1,000 fine for breaching privacy rules.On 17 February 2014, Rowling announced that the second Cormoran Strike novel, named The Silkworm, would be released in June 2014. It sees Strike investigating the disappearance of a writer hated by many of his old friends for insulting them in his new novel.In 2015, Rowling stated on Galbraiths website that the third Cormoran Strike novel would include an insane amount of planning, the most I have done for any book I have written so far. I have colour-coded spreadsheets so I can keep a track of where I am going.On 24 April 2015, Rowling announced that work on the third book was completed. Titled Career of Evil, it was released on 20 October 2015 in the United States, and on 22 October 2015 in the United Kingdom.In 2017, the BBC released a Cormoran Strike television series, starring Tom Burke as Cormoran Strike, it was picked up by HBO for distribution in the United States and Canada.Rowling confirmed that she would release the fourth instalment of the series sometime in 2017. In March 2017,Rowling revealed the fourth novels title via Twitter in a game of Hangman with her followers. After many failed attempts, followers finally guessed correctly. Rowling confirmed that the next novels title is Lethal White.Subsequent Harry Potter publicationsFor the material written for Comic Relief and other charities, see Philanthropy.Rowling has said it is unlikely she will write any more books in the Harry Potter series.In October 2007 she stated that her future work was unlikely to be in the fantasy genre. On 1 October 2010, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Rowling stated a new book on the saga might happen.In 2007, Rowling stated that she planned to write an encyclopaedia of Harry Potters wizarding world consisting of various unpublished material and notes.Any profits from such a book would be given to charity.During a news conference at Hollywoods Kodak Theatre in 2007, Rowling, when asked how the encyclopaedia was coming along, said, Its not coming along, and I havent started writing it. I never said it was the next thing Id do.At the end of 2007, Rowling said that the encyclopaedia could take up to ten years to complete.In June 2011, Rowling announced that future Harry Potter。

jk罗琳英语简介英汉对照JK罗琳(J.K. Rowling)是一位英国作家,以创作《哈利·波特》系列小说而闻名于世。
下面是她的英汉对照简介:英文简介:JK Rowling, whose full name is Joanne Rowling, was born on July 31, 1965, in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. She is best known as the author of the Harry Potter series, which has gained immense popularity worldwide. Before achieving literary success, Rowling worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary in London. The idea for Harry Potter came to her during a delayed train journey from Manchester to London in 1990. The first book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (titled "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the United States), was published in 1997 and became an instant sensation. Rowling went on to write six more books in the series, which were all well-received and turned into successful films. She is also known for her philanthropic work and has establishedthe charity organization Lumos.中文简介:JK罗琳(Joanne Rowling)全名乔安·罗琳,出生于1965年7月31日,英国格洛斯特郡的耶特。

J.K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling,1965年7月31日-),毕业于英国埃克塞特大学,是一位英国知名奇幻小说家。
2001年,亲自担任《哈利·波特—死亡圣器 (上)》的电影监制。

JK罗琳(J.K.Rowling)事迹J.K.罗琳(J.K.Rowling ),英国⼥作家。

学校:霍格沃茨 学院:格兰芬多 爱好:吃东西 特长:巫师棋和魁地奇 (守门员) 他是哈利· 波特的好友之 一,为霍格沃茨魔法学 校的学生,另一名好友 是赫敏· 格兰杰。
赫敏.格兰杰( Hermione Granger )
昵称:艾姆 爱好:曲棍球、网球、辩论 偶像:朱丽亚.罗伯茨、桑德 拉.布洛克 表面上,她喜欢以傲慢示 人,但是内心对哈利的关怀 却显而易见。完美主义倾向 明显的她,对自己要求甚高, 刻苦勤奋,有时候也显得神 经质和充满强迫症,但是她 仍然是一个典型的有条不紊 的处女座。
相继推出的以男孩哈利· 波特为主人公的系列儿童小说,屡屡进入世界各地畅销 书排行榜,从而成为目前世界上最负盛名的儿童文学家。 1998年,罗琳被《书商》杂志评选为年度最佳作家; 1999年,又被评为英国年度图书奖得主。 2001年,凭哈利波特的第四部《哈利波特与火焰杯》获得雨果奖 2010年10月19日,罗琳在丹麦欧登塞市举行的仪式上获颁首届安徒生文学奖。 2010年10月20日,英国国家杂志公司发布由英国最具权威杂志编辑评选出的全 国100名最具影响力的女性排行榜,罗琳力压贝克汉姆妻子维多利亚和英国女王, 摘得桂冠。在颁奖词中,评委会称,罗琳凭借其高超的写作技巧、坚持不懈追求 成功的毅力以及热衷慈善的品德获此荣誉。 2010年11月15日,在中国最赚钱的外国作家富豪榜出炉,本榜单是2000年至 今外国作家在中国大陆地区的版税总收入,J· 罗琳以9550万元的年版税收入成 K· 为榜首。 2010年被评为英国十大女富豪。
十年可以改变一个人,也可以成就一个人。 从十四岁到二十四岁,从少年到成人, 哈利波特陪伴我们走过了那段青匆岁月,在我们的心 上留下了纯真,魔幻的快乐。 我曾幻想拿着魔杖,念着咒语,握着门钥匙,骑着扫 把 与那些到处串门的画里的人,那些漂浮的无声的幽灵, 那些对主人忠心不二的精灵,那些或真或假的魔法师, 站在那个著名的九又四分之三站台看着那堵墙将童话 与现实分割。 虽然伴随着哈七电影下半部的上映,《哈利波特》也 终将结束, 但是它所留下的魔幻财富,将伴随着哈迷们的一生。

J.K. Rowling and Harry potter
The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are superbly narrated by J. K. Rowling. She manages to lead her millions of readers deep into the world of the supernatural, while at the same time dealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world. Many feel that this is the real magic of Harry Potter.
The characters in the novel
Perfect Dream Harry Potter
Do you know Harry Potter? If you don't, then you are out of date. Many people love Harry Potter, whether children or adults. I love Harry Potter, too. my favouirt movie is"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".
J. K. 罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友在 学校的冒险。她设法让数百万的读者深入 到一个超自然的世界,同时也触及了人间 的恐惧和情感。许多人觉得这才是哈利波 特真正的魔力所在。
Harry Potter series.
2001: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2002: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2004: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanblet of Fire 2007: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2009: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 2010: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

J.K. Rowling
J. K. Rowling is a British novelist best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies. They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films which became the highest-grossing film series in history.
J. K. 罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友 在学校的冒险。她设法让数百万的读者深 入到一个超自然的世界,同时也触及了人 间的恐惧和情感。许多人觉得这才是哈利 波特真正的魔力所在。
Harry Potter series.
2001: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2002: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2004: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2005: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2007: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2009: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

以下是为⼤家整理的关于《英语童话故事:Harry Potter》,供⼤家学习参考!
Harry Potter 《哈利·波特》
A series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter, a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort. The book series has sold more than 400 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages. All the seven books have been made into films. The series finale is currently scheduled for release on 15 July 2011.

Jk羅琳介紹J·K·羅琳(J. K. Rowling,真名Joanne "Jo" Rowling OBE,1965年7月31日-),生於英國的格洛斯特郡的Chipping Sodbury醫院。
全名:喬安·凱瑟林·羅琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)是一個誤傳,並不是她的真正的名字。
當時窮困的羅琳於是同意,給自己取了J.K. Rowling的筆名,儘管她的名字中其實沒有Kathleen這個中間名。
暱稱: 朋友們都叫她「JO」,FANS們叫她「JK」,朋友開玩笑的時候叫她「JAKE」。
花名:同學有時奚落她叫「Rolling Pin(擀麵杖)」和「Rolling Stone(滾石)」。
一次是從Yate(布里斯托港一邊)搬到Winterbourne(布里斯托港另一邊),一次是從Winterbourne 搬到靠近Chepstow的Tutshill的鄉村。
羅琳畢業於英國艾希特大學(Exeter University ),學習法語和古典文學,獲文學學士學位。
Harry Potter

• Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels(魔幻小说).
• 哈利· 波特与魔法石 • (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) • 哈利· 波特与密室 • (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) • 哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班囚徒 • (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
• 哈利· 波特与火焰杯 • (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) • 哈利· 波特与凤凰社 • (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) • 哈利· 波特与混血王子 • (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
J. K. Rowling
• 英国女作家,自小喜欢写作,当过 短时间的教师和秘书。 • 二十四岁那年,她在前往伦敦的火 车旅途中萌生了创作“哈利· 波特” 系列小说的念头。 • 七年后,《哈利· 波特与魔法石》问 世,之后她陆续创作了《哈利· 波特 与密室》等,在全球刮起一股"哈 利· 波特"飓风,在世界范围内掀起 规模宏大的“哈利· 波特”阅读狂潮。
• 霍格沃茨魔法学校 • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Harry Potter
• Hermione Jane Granger • 赫敏· 简· 格兰杰
harry potter 英文介绍

《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling)创作的一部系列魔法奇幻小说。
三、主要角色1. 哈利·波特(Harry Potter):本系列的主角,故事开始时是一个孤儿,在霍格沃茨学到了自己的魔法天赋,并和他的朋友们一起历经了一系列险象环生的冒险。
2. 赫敏·格兰杰(Hermione Granger):哈利的朋友之一,是一个聪明、勤奋、有正义感的女孩,也是故事中的另一个重要角色。
3. 罗恩·韦斯莱(Ron Weasley):另一位哈利的朋友,来自一个贫穷但热情的家庭,他在整个系列中扮演着非常重要的角色。
J.K. Rowling和哈利波特介绍

J.K. Rowling is a famous writer in Britain. Because of the unbelievable success of Harry Potter, she became famous all around the world. She spent 10 years writing the amazing book Harry Potter. People all over the world love her so much that they buy her
1、《哈利波特与魔法石》 2、《哈利波特与密室
4、《哈利波特与火焰杯》 5、《哈利波特与凤凰社》 6、《哈利波特与混血王子》 7、《哈利波特与死亡圣器》
1990-1997 1997-1998
1999-2000 2001-2003 2004-2005 2006-2007
3、《哈利波特和阿兹卡班囚徒》 1998-1999
to give you some information about it.
《 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》
哈利· 波特与魔法石 《 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets》 哈利· 波特与密室 《Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban》 哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》 哈利· 波特与火焰杯 《Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix》 哈利· 波特与凤凰社 《Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince》 哈利· 波特与“混血王子” 《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows》 哈利· 波特与死亡圣器

jkrowlingandharrypotter课文翻译和习题一、课文翻译The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter这位年长的英国奇幻文学女政治家J.K.罗琳,天才创造者哈利波特。
二、习题1. Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Answer the questions.两人一组练习。
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在七年后,把这个想法变成了现实。于是,《哈利· 波特与魔法石》在
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 《哈利· 波特与魔法石》 Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 《哈利· 波特与密室》 Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban 《哈利· 波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》 Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire 《哈利· 波特与火焰杯》 Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix 《哈利· 波特与凤凰社》 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 《哈利· 波特与“混血王子”》 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 《哈利· 波特与死亡圣器》
《哈利· 波特》的创作经历
罗琳在未写《哈利· 波特》之前是个很穷的人,衣着单薄……你曾 可知道她是在什么样的情况下写出《哈利· 波特与魔法石》的吗?
且衣着很单薄。为了写作,她每天清晨,是第一个进入她家附近咖啡 屋的人。要一杯咖啡,就可以在温暖的环境下写作了。就在这样的条
件下,她写出了第一部震惊世界的作品 ——《哈利· 波特与魔法石》。
我所喜欢的就是像她那样条件不好,但永不放弃自己的理想和追求, 最终获得成功的人。
1. JK罗琳勇于接受生活的严峻挑战; 2. JK罗琳从未放弃自己的理想和追求; 3. JK罗琳坚持不懈取得成功的是爱书人。“满屋满地都是书,爸妈常常读书给我
JK罗 琳 简 介
1991年,罗琳在从伦敦去曼彻斯特的火车上看到窗外一个戴着眼 镜的小男巫朝她微笑并挥手时,萌生了进行魔幻题材写作的想法。她
《诗翁彼豆故事集》故事情节与小说《哈利· 波特》系列紧密相关又独立成篇。 这本故事集由《巫师和跳跳锅》、《好运泉》、《男巫的毛心脏》、《兔子巴比 蒂和她的呱呱树桩》和《三兄弟的传说》等5个魔法世界的童话故事组成, 其中包含 有帮助哈利和他的朋友们打败伏地魔的重要线索。 这些故事完全贴合魔法世界,又具备寓言的特点,真正可说是魔法世界的《伊索 寓言》。
大 家 好!
乔安妮· 凯瑟琳· 罗琳 Joanne Kathleen Rowling
JK罗琳是怎样一个人 JK罗琳的作品 我为什么喜欢JK罗琳
JK罗 琳 简 介
乔安妮· 凯瑟琳· 罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)出生于1956年 7月31日。她从小就梦想成为一个作家,她的父母重视家居生活,热