
[2]1945年,哥伦⽐亚⼤学物理教授Isidor Rabi建议采⽤他在⼆⼗世纪三⼗年代开发的原⼦束磁共振法制造时钟。



当此原子钟某特定波长所发出的光振动9,192,631,770 次所经过的时间,定义为一秒。
今天,名为NIST F-1的原子钟是世界上最精确的铯原子钟,但它并不能直接显示钟点,它的任务是提供“秒”这个时间单位的准确计量。


基于铱星低轨星座(66颗) 1616~1626.5 MHz下行频段 采用信息/信号增强方式 实现增强PNT服务
抗干扰:落地信号电平提升30dB 高精度:大幅缩短载波相位收敛时间 完好性:提供精度和完好性增强观测量和
2008.12 3GPP启动了 LTE(第四代移动 通信)系统中的定位标准化工 作,LTE 支持辅助定位技术。
优 势
广 武器精确制导
泛 监控、测控、搜救
应 用
俄罗斯GLONASS 中国北斗
基本的GPS • 标准服务 (16-24m SEP)
–单频 (L1) –粗码捕获 (C/A) 码导航 • 精密服务 (16m SEP) –Y-码 (L1Y & L2Y) –Y-码导航
Block IIR-M/ IIF (2005/2010年)
IIR-M: IIA/IIR 能力加上 • 笫二个民用信号 (L2C) • M-Code (L1M & L2M)

公元1960年以前,CIPM (世界度量衡标准会议)以地球自转为基础,定义以平均太阳日之86400分之一作为秒定义。
公元1967年举行的第十三届国际计量大会 (General Conference on Weights and Measures) 选择以铯原子的跃迁做为秒的新定义,即铯原子同位素Cs133基态超精细能阶跃迁9,192,631,770个周期所经历的时间,定为1秒(称作「原子秒」),秒的新定义使计时方式进入了原子的时代,此定义一直维持至今。
芯片原子钟 产品介绍 DS_SA45s_CSAC

Key Features• Power consumption <120 mW• Less than 17 cc volume, 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”• Aging <3.0E-10/month• 10 MHz CMOS-compatible output • 1 PPS output and 1 PPS input for synchronization • Hermetically sealed• RS-232 interface for monitoring and controlApplications• Underwater sensor systems • GPS receivers• Dismounted military radios • Anti-IED jamming systems • Autonomous sensor networks • Unmanned vehiclesWith an extremely low power consumption of <120 mW and a volume of <17 cc, the Symmetricom ® SA.45s Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) brings the accuracy and stability of an atomic clock to portable applications for the first time.The SA.45s provides 10 MHz and 1 PPS outputs at standard CMOS levels, with short-term stability (Allan Deviation) of 1.5E-10 @ 1 sec, long-term aging of 3E-10/month, and maximum frequency change of 5E-10 over an operating temperature range of -10°C to +70°C. The unit can also be ordered with a wider temperature range (Option 002) of -40°C to +85°C, with slightly higher power consumption and a wider maximum frequency change over temperature.SA.45s CSACChip Scale Atomic ClockThe SA.45s CSAC accepts a 1 PPS input that may be used to synchronize the unit’s 1 PPS output to an external reference clock with ±100 ns accuracy. The CSAC can also use the 1 PPS input to discipline its phase and frequency to within 1 ns and 1.0E-12, respectively.A standard CMOS-level RS-232 serial interface is built in to the SA.45s. This is used to control and calibrate the unit and also to provide a comprehensive set of status monitors. The interface is also used to set and read the CSAC’s internal time-of-day clock.DATA SHEETSymmetricom invented portable atomictimekeeping with QUANTUM™, the worldʼs first family of miniature and chip scale atomic clocks.Choose QUANTUM™ class for best-in-class stability, size, weight and power consumption.Low Power Consumption By Design Every part of the SA.45s CSAC has been engineered for low power consumption.It starts with the physics package, shown here in a cutaway view. A vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) that has been highly optimized for this specific application illuminates the atomic vapor resonance cell, and the light that gets through the cell is then detected by the photodetector. The photodetector output signal drives a feedback loop which is used to achieve atomic resonance using the principles of coherent population trapping (CPT).The entire physics package has a volume of only 0.35 cm3, and the actual resonance cell itself has a volume of only 2 mm3. It is this extremely small size, plus the fact that it is surrounded by a vacuum within the physics package, that allows the entire physics package to be powered by about 15 mW. As the cutaway drawing shows, the only way the physics package connects with the outside world is through a top and bottom polyimide suspension. All signals that need to go to or from the center stack-up are carried on traces that are printed on the suspensions. And because the suspensions are connected to a frame that is engineered to be slightly shorter than the center stack-up, they are in tension and serveto hold the stack-up in place. The resultis a very small, highly thermally isolated, and robust physics package with excellent performance. All of the electronics that surround the physics package, and which turn it into a fully functional clock, have also been engineered for low power consumption. Even the CSAC controller’s firmware routines have been optimized for low power consumption.Low Power Is Just The BeginningAn atomic clock that consumes only 120mW of power (125 mW for option 002)instead of 10 W or more gives systemdesigners a new and important degree offreedom. But that is just the beginning.Because of its small size and high thermalisolation, the SA.45s CSAC warms up in<130 sec, compared to 8 minutes or morefor conventional atomic clocks. Also, powerconsumption during warm-up is only 140mW, while conventional atomic clocks willoften consume two times their steady-state power during warm-up. Finally, theCSAC’s power consumption variation vs.temperature is negligible, while otheratomic clocks can show variations of 200%or more across their specified temperaturerange.The World's Smallest Atomic ClockPower consumption and size are bothcritical to enabling portable applications,and the SA.45s is by far the smallestatomic clock available. For example, whilethe SA.45s CSAC does not quite equal theperformance of Symmetricom’s XPROrubidium oscillator, the figure shows ithas approximately 1/30th the volume—and1/14th the weight—of the XPRO. Conversely,the SA.45s has much higher performancethan OCXOs, and still offers a 4x reductionin volume compared to popular OCXOpackage sizes.SA.45s CSAC is1/30th the volumeof the XPROS A.45s C S A CX P R O030510152025The SA.45s CSAC is approximatelyUnderwater Sensor Systems Underwater sensors are used in seismic research, oil exploration and many other applications. Sensors designed to lie on the ocean floor will typically include a hydrophone, a geophone and a very stable clock to time-stamp the data collectedby the sensor. Because GPS signals can’t penetrate water, oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO’s) have been used to provide the accuracy needed for most time-stamping applications.But the SA.45s CSAC is a nearly ideal clock for these underwater applications. Because it consumes 1/10th to 1/30th the power ofan OCXO, it requires much less battery power, resulting in smaller and lower-cost sensors, or alternatively, sensors with a much longer mission life.The SA.45s CSAC’s aging rate, which can be 1/100th of even a good OCXO, means that time-stamping errors caused by drift are greatly reduced. Finally, the SA.45s CSAC’s superior temperature coefficient means that when sensors are calibrated to GPS on a warm boat deck, but then dropped into cold ocean water of several hundred meters depth, the offset error produced by this temperature change is minimized.Portable Military SystemsMany advancements in military electronics are aimed at bringing the networked battlefield to the tactical edge, i.e. the individual warfighter. But there are limitations on how many pieces of gear and how much battery weight a warfighter can be expected to carry. This is especially true when operations are carried out in rugged terrain and/or high altitude. The CSAC’s small size, light weight, and extremely low power consumption can help in a number of systems: Dismounted IED Jammers: size and weight are always at a premium, so the SA.45s CSAC is an attractive option. Also, power not applied to the timing subsystem is power that can be applied to the jammer itself, or that can be used to extend mission life. The CSAC's precise synchronizationis critical to prevent self-jamming, whileits ultra-stable holdover is equally vital in GPS-denied environments.Dismounted Radio Systems: the SA.45s CSAC helps to minimize size, weight, and power consumption. At the same time,it provides the high accuracy required by many modern high-bandwidth waveforms, and it provides the stability needed to maintain network synchronization in GPS-denied environments.GPS Receivers: using the SA.45s CSAC as a timebase, military GPS receivers can achieve greatly reduced Time To Subsequent Fix (TTSF) for 24 hours or more. It also becomes possible to operate with only three satellites in view (instead of the usual 4), a distinct advantage in manyurban settings.Unmanned Aerial VehiclesAs the number of applications for civil and military umanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) rapidly expands, the suppliers of payloads for these vehicles are being pressured to increase their functionality. In doing so, they find themselves bumping into limitations in size, weight and power.The SA.45s CSAC can help in all threeareas, with a volume of <17 cm³, a weight of <35 g and power consumption of <125 mW. In fact, in some applications the CSAC is attractive solely because, when compared to conventional rubidium oscillators(~20 W in warm-up, ~10 W in steady state), its low power consumption simplifies thermal management issues.Many UAV’s rely on GPS, and the SA.45s CSAC can be disciplined by the 1 PPS output from a GPS receiver, and provide a stable signal that can be used by C4I or SIGINT payloads. And of course, should GPS be lost due to natural interference or jamming, the SA.45s CSAC provides a stable holdover signal that meets the requirements of even long-endurancemissions.1 Tune2 N/A3 N/A4 BITE5 Tx6 Rx7 Vcc8 GND 91 PPS IN 10 1 PPS OUT 11 N/A 1210 MHz OUTPIN NO. FUNCTIONMechanical InterfaceOptions to Meet a Wider Range of ApplicationsThe standard SA.45s CSAC (options 001 and 002) provides an output frequency of 10MHz. However, other frequencies are available: option 006 provides a 5 MHz output, option 003 provides 16.384 MHz, and option 004 provides 10.24 MHz. Other frequencies are also possible; contact Symmetricom for details.For applications where the very best Allan Deviation (ADEV) is not required, the SA.45s CSAC is also available with less stringent ADEV specifications at a lower price. For example, at TAU = 1sec, option 001 has an ADEV specification of 1.5E-10, while option 101 has a specification of 3E-10....................................................................................................................................................................ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS-001 -002RF Outptut - Frequency: 10 MHz 10 MHz - Format: CMOS CMOS - Amplitude:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 1 11 PPS Output- Rise/fall time (10%-90%)at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns <10 ns - Pulse width: 400 µs 400 µs - Level:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Logic High (V OH ) min: 2.80 V 2.80 V - Logic Low (V OL ) max: 0.30 V 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 111 PPS Input - Format: Rising edge Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V<0.5 V- High level:2.5 V to Vcc 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity:1 1Serial Communications - Protocol: RS232RS232- Format:CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Baud rate:57600 57600Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) output - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Logic: 0 = Normal operation 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm 1 = Alarm Power Input - Operating: <120 mW <125 mW - Warmup:<140 mW <140 mW - Input voltage (Vcc):3.3 ± 0.1 VDC3.3 ± 0.1 VDCPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size: 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”- Weight: <35 g<35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hours>50,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5 °C/minute): 5x10-10 1x10-9- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range: <4x10-10<4x10-10ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued)-001 -002- Magnetic sensitivity(≤2.0 Gauss):<9x10-11/Gauss <9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, part 15, Class B, when mounted when mounted properly onto properly ontohost PCB.- Vibration: Maintains lock under Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5,Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grms Procedure 1, 7.7 grms - Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810,Method 507.4.Method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating):- Temperature: - 55°C to +90°C - 55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine): 1000 g 1000 g- Vibration: MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5, Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grmsProcedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation) ADEVTAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 2x10-10TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 7x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 2x10-11TAU = 1000 sec5x10-127x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB)1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz <-50 dBc/Hz 10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz <-70 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz <-113 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/Hz <-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off): ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- A ging, monthly*: <3x10-10 <3x10-10- Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 <1x10-9- 1 PPS Sync.: ±100 ns ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operation)Digital Tuning - Range: ±2x10-8 ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12 1x10-12Analog Tuning - Range: ±2.2x10-8 ±2.2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-111x10-11- Input: 0-2.5V into 100 kΩ 0-2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 s<180 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°F)SpecificationsPart numbers 090-00218-001 and 090-00218-002All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specified...................................................................................................................................................................ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS-101 -102RF Outptut - Frequency: 10 MHz 10 MHz - Format: CMOS CMOS - Amplitude:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 1 11 PPS Output- Rise/fall time (10%-90%)at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns <10 ns - Pulse width: 400 µs 400 µs - Level:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Logic High (V OH ) min: 2.80 V 2.80 V - Logic Low (V OL ) max: 0.30 V 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 111 PPS Input - Format: Rising edge Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V<0.5 V- High level:2.5 V to Vcc 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity:1 1Serial Communications - Protocol: RS232RS232- Format:CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Baud rate:57600 57600Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) output - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Logic: 0 = Normal operation 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm 1 = AlarmPower Input - Operating: <120 mW <125 mW - Warmup:<140 mW <140 mW - Input voltage (Vcc):3.3 ± 0.1 VDC3.3 ± 0.1 VDCPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size: 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”- Weight: <35 g<35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hours>50,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5 °C/minute): 5x10-10 1x10-9- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range: <4x10-10<4x10-10ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued)-101 -102- Magnetic sensitivity(≤2.0 Gauss):<9x10-11/Gauss <9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, part 15, Class B, when mounted when mounted properly onto properly ontohost PCB.- Vibration: Maintains lock under Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5,Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grms Procedure 1, 7.7 grms - Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810,Method 507.4.Method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating):- Temperature: - 55°C to +90°C - 55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine): 1000 g 1000 g- Vibration: MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5, Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grmsProcedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation)ADEVTAU = 1 sec 3x10-10 3x10-10TAU = 10 sec 9.5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 3x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec9.5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB)1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz <-50 dBc/Hz 10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz <-70 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz <-113 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/Hz <-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off): ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- A ging, monthly*: <3x10-10 <3x10-10- Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 <1x10-9- 1 PPS Sync.: ±100 ns ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operation)Digital Tuning - Range: ±2x10-8 ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12 1x10-12Analog Tuning - Range: ±2.2x10-8 ±2.2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-111x10-11- Input: 0-2.5V into 100 kΩ 0-2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 s<180 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°F)SpecificationsPart numbers 090-00218-101 and 090-00218-102All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPart numbers 090-00218-003 and 090-00218-103..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS RF Outptut - Frequency: 16.384 MHz - Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90%) at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns - Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (V OH ) min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (V OL ) max: 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input - Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level: 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications - Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) output - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm Power Input - Operating: <120 mW - Warmup: <140 mW - Input Voltage (Vcc): 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”- Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5°C/minute):5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss):<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating):- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine): 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation)ADEV -003 -103TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB)1 Hz <-46 dBc/Hz 10 Hz <-66 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-110 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off): ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns (*After 30 days of continuous operation)Digital Tuning - Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning - Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°F)Part numbers 090-00218-004 and 090-00218-104..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS RF Outptut - Frequency: 10.24 MHz - Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90%) at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns - Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (V OH ) min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (V OL ) max: 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input - Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level: 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications - Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) output - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm Power Input - Operating: <120 mW - Warmup: <140 mW - Input Voltage (Vcc): 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”- Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5°C/minute):5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss):<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating):- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine): 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation)ADEV -004 -104TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB)1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz 10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off): ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns (*After 30 days of continuous operation)Digital Tuning - Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning - Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°F)Part numbers 090-00218-006 and 090-00218-106................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS RF Outptut - Frequency: 5 MHz - Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90%) at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns - Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (V OH ) min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (V OL ) max: 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input - Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level: 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications - Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) output - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm Power Input - Operating: <120 mW - Warmup: <140 mW - Input Voltage (Vcc): 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45”- Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5°C/minute):5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss):<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating):- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine): 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation)ADEV -006 -106TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5 x10-11 3 x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB)1 Hz <-53 dBc/Hz 10 Hz <-73 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-116 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-131 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-138 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off): ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns (*After 30 days of continuous operation)Digital Tuning - Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning - Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°F)SA.45s CSAC2300 Orchard Parkway © 2012 Symmetricom. Symmetricom and the Symmetricom logo are registered trademarks。

2017年8月第37卷第4期宇航计测技术Journal o!Astronautic Metrology and MeasurementAug.,2017Vol.37,No.4文章编号=1000-7202(2017) 04-0030-05 D01:10.12060/j.issn.1000-7202.2017.04.07芯片级原子钟数字温控系统设计胡二猛刘瑞元赵建业(北京大学信息科学技术学院电子系,北京100871)摘要随着美国国防部先进项目研究局(D efence Advanced Research Projects Agency,DARPA)对微型定位 导航授时技术的提出以及无人驾驶技术的发展,芯片级原子钟的市场越来越受到重视。
稳定度是衡量芯片级原子 钟性能的关键指标,而温度又是影响芯片级原子钟稳定度指标的重要因素,因此高精度的温控系统是芯片级原子 钟稳定度的保障。
经过对比测试,使用该系统的芯片 级原子钟稳定度较以前有了较大的改善,千秒稳定度从7.57X10-12提高到4.99X10-12,处于世界先进水平。
关键词芯片级原子钟温度精度数字控温稳定度中图分类号:TH714 文献标识码:ADesign of Digital Temperature Control Systemfor Chip-scale Atomic ClockHU Er-meng LIU Rui-yuan ZHAO Jian-ye(D epartm en t o f Electronics,School o f Electronics Engineering and Com puter Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)Abstract With the proposal of the Micro-PNT(Micro-Technology for Positioning,Navigation and Timing)by United States Department of Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency(DARPA)and the development of unmanned technology,the market of chip-scale atomic clock has attracted much attention.Stability is a key parameter of the performance of chip-scale atomic clock,which is affected by the accuracy of temperature control,so a high accuracy temperature-control system is very essential to the stability of chip-scale atomic clock.A digital temperature-control system with high accuracy is designed,and its precision is 2mK.The test results show,the stability of chip-scale atomic clock is greatly improved from7.57 X 10-12to 4.99 X 10-12,which is in a world level.Key words Chip scale Atomic clock Temperature Accuracy Digital temperature control Stability收稿日期:2016-11-21,修回日期:2017-02-24基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61535001)作者简介:胡二猛(1992-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:芯片级原子钟第4期芯片级原子钟数字温控系统设计.31 .1引言原子钟为当今世界提供了最精确的时间基准,目前由上海光机所自主研发的空间冷原子钟精度可 达3000万年误差一秒,世界上研制的精准的原子钟 已达到50亿年误差1秒⑴。


CPT原子钟参数设计及其光谱实验研究陈大勇;廉吉庆;涂建辉;翟浩;刘苏民【摘要】With the establishment of the theoretical model of passive CPT cesium atomic clock ,developing simulation analysis and research on the relationship between the CPT signal and the parameters of cesium vapor cell ,combined with the method of design and analysis for cesium vaporcell is established while the optimum design parameters areobtained .When the cesium vapor cell is cylindrical ,the diameter is 10mm ,the length of cesium vapor cell is 10 mm ,the cesium vapor cell operating tem-perature is 320 K ,the buffer gas pressure is 30 torr ,the cesium content is 100 μg .With multi-wavelength Doppler absorption spectroscopy experiment and CPT signal lock and frequency stablish test ,it is verified that the theoretical model is correct and providing for the method for the design and parameter optimization of high performance Chip-Scale-Atomic-Clock .%通过建立被动型CPT铯原子钟的理论模型,开展CPT信号与铯原子气室特性参量间关系的仿真分析和研究,建立铯原子气室设计及分析方法,得到了被动型CPT铯原子钟最佳设计参数,直径10 mm、长度10 mm、缓冲气体为N2的圆柱形铯原子气室,最佳工作参数为:工作温度为320 K、气体压强值50 Torr.并经多波长多普勒吸收光谱、CPT信号锁定及频率稳定度测试等实验,验证了理论模型的正确性,为开展高性能芯片级CPT铯原子钟的设计、参数优化提供了一种研究方法.【期刊名称】《光谱学与光谱分析》【年(卷),期】2017(037)007【总页数】5页(P2254-2258)【关键词】CPT原子钟;设计;光谱实验;研究【作者】陈大勇;廉吉庆;涂建辉;翟浩;刘苏民【作者单位】兰州空间技术物理研究所, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;兰州空间技术物理研究所, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;兰州空间技术物理研究所, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;兰州空间技术物理研究所, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;兰州空间技术物理研究所, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000;真空技术与物理重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN29被动型CPT(coherent population trapping)原子钟由于不需要微波谐振腔,可以实现原子钟的微型化甚至芯片级,是目前原子钟发展的一个趋势。

[惯性技术之窗] 芯片级原子钟(CSAC)——目前最小军民两用原子钟(二)
![[惯性技术之窗] 芯片级原子钟(CSAC)——目前最小军民两用原子钟(二)](
[惯性技术之窗] 芯片级原子钟(CSAC)——目前最小军民两用原子钟(二)(继续)世界上首款芯片级原子钟CSAC SA.45 CSAC SA.45s采用CPT现象解调原子频率,并通过新颖的电子结构,实现了小型化和低功耗的芯片级原子钟。
SA.45s 电路系统包含低功耗数字信号处理器、高分辨率微波合成器和模拟信号处理。
微波输出源自可调谐的晶体振荡器,并施加到物理表头内的激光上,以便产生CPT 解调所需的两个边带。
图10 CSAC SA.45s物理表头及在电路系统中的位置热绝缘系统的功能主要是支撑中心叠层,同时为周围环境提供高度的隔热,最大限度地减小所需要的加热器功率。
这种结构非常牢固,能够承受超过1000g (1ms 半正弦波的机械冲击,并提供极高的热阻(>5000℃/W)。
由于在水下难以从GPS 获得精确的时间,因此这类传感器通常会依赖于恒温晶振,用以从传感器内获得稳定和准确的时间戳。

测试设备:测试参考源:TG100-FTS同步时钟的10MHz输出以及1PPS秒脉冲;频率计数器:Agilent 53132A;相噪测试仪:Symmetricom TSC 5125A;万用表、直流电源设备。
待测设备:Symmetricom SA.45s芯片级原子钟。
图表1 测试连接测试综述:CSAC 的各项指标测试良好; ☆锁定时间约为:60s ;☆开机功耗约为:110mW ,稳定运行时功耗约为:90mW ; ☆10MHz 输出的相噪、短稳、频率准确度和普通铷钟水平相当; ☆1PPS 锁定输出峰峰值实测67小时保持在20ns 以内; ☆1PPS 锁定67小时平均频率准确度为:2.32E-14; ☆1PPS 保持24小时相差为:4us ;☆1PPS 保持24小时平均频率准确度为:4.72E-11。
测试项目:一、开机锁定时间原子钟型号锁定时间CSAC原子钟约60sSA.3xm系列铷钟约5分钟X72系列铷钟约6分钟图表 2 开机锁定时间对比二、开机功耗原子钟型号开机功耗稳定运行时功耗CSAC原子钟110 mW 90m WSA.3xm系列14 W 5 WX72系列18 W(最大)10 W图表 3 功耗对比注明:测试的时候要求测试环境的温度在25℃左右三、10MHz方波输出1.频率准确度图表 4 频率准确度2.相位噪声图表 5 相位噪声CSAC锁定时候的10MHz频率准确度可以达到E-10量级CSAC的10MHz输出的相噪与普通铷钟SA.31m性能相当相位噪声(10MHz)SA.31m CSAC实测结果@1Hz<-65dBc/Hz <-64.54dBc/Hz@10Hz <-85dBc/Hz <-93.75dBc/Hz@100Hz<-112dBc/Hz <-120.67dBc/Hz@1KHz<-130dBc/Hz <-132.79dBc/Hz@10KHz <-140dBc/hz <-140.43dBc/Hz图表 6 相噪对比3.短期稳定性CSAC的短期稳定性与普通铷钟SA.31m的性能相当图表 7 阿伦方差10MHz输出短期稳定性SA.31m CSAC实测结果@1S ≤5E-11 5.31E-11@10S ≤2.5E-11 1.96E-11@100S ≤1E-11 7.90E-12图表 8 短稳对比四、1PPS相关指标1.1PPS定时精度(锁定到GPS)1PPS输出峰峰值实测67小时保持在20ns以内图表 9 锁定PPS精度1PPS定时精度测试数据采集从CSAC刚开始锁定到外部1PPS时进行记录。

原子钟的几种常见类型时间:2021.03.07 创作:欧阳德摘要本文按出现的时间顺序介绍几种常用原子钟(光谱灯抽运铷原子钟、光谱灯抽运铯原子钟、磁选态铯原子束钟、激光抽运铯原子束钟、激光冷却冷原子喷泉钟、积分球冷却原子钟)的基本原理。
铷原子有两种稳定同位素:和,其丰度分别为72. 2%和27. 8%。
它们各有能级间距为3036MHz和6835MHz 的两个超精细能级,其共振光的频率分布如图2所示。
芯片原子钟 产品介绍 DS_SA45s_CSAC.

Key Features• Power consumption <120 mW• Less than 17 cc volume, 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” • Aging <3.0E-10/month• 10 MHz CMOS-compatible output• 1 PPS output and 1 PPS input for synchronization • Hermetically sealed• RS-232 interface for monitoring and controlApplications• Underwater sensor systems• GPS receivers• Dismounted military radios• Anti-IED jamming systems• Autonomous sensor networks• Unmanned vehiclesWith an extremely low power consumption of <120 mW and a volume of <17 cc, the Symmetricom ® SA.45s Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC brings the accuracy and stability of an atomic clock to portable applications for the first time.The SA.45s provides 10 MHz and 1 PPS outputs at standard CMOS levels, with short-term stability (Allan Deviation of 1.5E-10 @ 1 sec, long-term aging of 3E-10/month, and maximum frequency change of 5E-10 over an operating temperature range of -10°C to +70°C. The unit can also be ordered with a wider temperature range (Option 002 of -40°C to +85°C, with slightly higher power consumption and a wider maximum frequency change over temperature.SA.45s CSACChip Scale Atomic ClockThe SA.45s CSAC accepts a 1 PPS input that may be used to synchronize the unit’s 1 PPS output to an external reference clock with ±100 ns accuracy. The CSAC can also use the 1 PPS input to discipline its phase and frequency to within 1 ns and 1.0E-12, respectively.A standard CMOS-level RS-232 serial interface is built in to the SA.45s. This is used to control and calibrate the unit and also to provide a comprehensive set of status monitors. The interface is also used to set and read the CSAC’s internal time-of-day clock.DATA SHEETSymmetricom invented portable atomictimekeeping with QUANTUM™, the worldʼs first family of miniature and chip scale atomic clocks.Choose QUANTUM™ class for best-in-class stability, size, weight and power consumption.Low Power Consumption By DesignEvery part of the SA.45s CSAC has been engineered for low power consumption. It starts with the physics package, shown here in a cutaway view. A vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL that has been highly optimized for this specific application illuminates the atomic vapor resonance cell, and the light that gets through the cell is then detected by the photodetector. The photodetector outputsignal drives a feedback loop which is used to achieve atomic resonance using the principles of coherent population trapping (CPT. The entire physics package has a volume of only 0.35 cm3, and the actual resonance cell itself has a volume of only 2 mm3. It is this extremely small size, plus the fact that it is surrounded by a vacuum within the physics package, that allows the entire physics package to be powered by about 15 mW. As the cutaway drawing shows, the only way the physics package connects with the outside world is through a top and bottom polyimide suspension. All signals that need to go to or from the center stack-up are carried on traces that are printed on the suspensions. And because the suspensions are connected to a frame that is engineered to be slightly shorter than the center stack-up, they are in tension and serve to hold the stack-up in place. The result is a very small, highly thermally isolated, and robust physics package with excellent performance. All of the electronics that surround the physics package, and which turn it into a fully functional clock, have also been engineered for low powerconsumption. Even the CSAC controller’s firmware routines have been optimized for low power consumption.Low Power Is Just The BeginningAn atomic clock that consumes only 120 mW of power (125 mW for option 002 instead of 10 W or more gives system designers a new and important degree of freedom. But that is just the beginning. Because of its small size and high thermal isolation, the SA.45s CSAC warms up in <130 sec, compared to 8 minutes or more for conventional atomic clocks. Also, power consumption during warm-up is only 140 mW, while conventional atomic clocks will often consume two times their steady-state power during warm-up. Fi nally, the CSAC’s power consumption variation vs. temperature is negligible, while otheratomic clocks can show variations of 200% or more across their specified temperature range.The World's Smallest Atomic ClockPower consumption and size are both critical to enabling portable applications, and the SA.45s is by far the smallestatomic clock available. For example, while the SA.45s CSAC does not quite equal the performance of Symmetricom’s XPRO rubidium oscillator, the figure shows it has approximately 1/30th the volume—and 1/14th the weight—of the XPRO. Conversely, the SA.45s has much higher performance than OCXOs, and still offers a 4x reduction in volume compared to popular OCXO package sizes.SA.45s CSACSA.45s CSAC is 1/30th the volumeof the XPROS A .45s CS ACX P R O030510152025Underwater Sensor Systems Underwater sensors are used in seismic research, oil exploration and many other applications. Sensors designed to lie on the ocean floor will typically include a hydrophone, a geophone and a very stable clock to time-stamp the data collected by the sensor. Because GPS signals can’t penetrate water, oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO’s have been used to provide the accuracy needed for mosttime-stamping applications.But the SA.45s CSAC is a nearly ideal clock for these underwater applications. Because it consumes 1/10th to 1/30th the power of an OCXO, it requires much less battery power, resulting in smaller and lower-cost sensors, or alternatively, sensors with a much longe r mission life. The SA.45s CSAC’s aging rate, which can be 1/100th of even a good OCXO, means that time-stamping errors caused by drift are greatly reduced. Finally, the SA.45s CSAC’s superior temperature coefficient means that when sensors are calibrated to GPS on a warm boat deck, but then dropped into cold ocean water of several hundred meters depth, the offset error produced by this temperature change is minimized.Portable Military SystemsMany advancements in military electronics are aimed at bringing the networked battlefield to the tactical edge, i.e. the individual warfighter. But there are limitations on how many pieces of gear and how much battery weight a warfighter can be expected to carry. This is especially true when operations are carried out in rugged terrain and/or high altitude. The CSAC’s small size, light weight, and extremely low power consumption can help in a number of systems:Dismounted IED Jammers: size and weight are always at a premium, so the SA.45s CSAC is an attractive option. Also, power not applied to the timing subsystem is power that can be applied to the jammer itself, or that can be used to extend mission life. The CSAC's precise synchronization is critical to prevent self-jamming, while its ultra-stable holdover is equally vital in GPS-denied environments. Dismounted Radio Systems: the SA.45s CSAC helps to minimize size, weight, and power consumption. At the same time, it provides the high accuracy required by many modern high-bandwidth waveforms, and it provides the stability needed to maintain network synchronization in GPS-denied environments.GPS Receivers: using the SA.45s CSAC as a timebase, military GPS receivers can achieve greatly reduced Time To Subsequent Fix (TTSF for 24 hours or more. It also becomes possible to operate with only three satellites in view (instead of the usual 4, a distinct advantage in manyurban settings.Unmanned Aerial VehiclesAs the number of applications for civil and military umanned aerial vehicles (UAVs rapidly expands, the suppliers of payloads for these vehicles are being pressured to increase their functionality. In doing so, they find themselves bumping into limitations in size, weight and power.The SA.45s CSAC can help in all threeareas, with a volume of <17 cm³, a weight of <35 g and power consumption of <125 mW. In fact, in some applications the CSAC is attractive solely because, when compared to conventional rubidium oscillators(~20 W in warm-up, ~10 W in steady state, its low power consumption simplifies thermal management issues.Many UAV’s rely on GPS, and the SA.45s CSAC can be disciplined by the 1 PPS output from a GPS receiver, and provide a stable signal that can be used by C4I or SIGINT payloads. And of course, should GPS be lost due to natural interference or jamming, the SA.45s CSAC provides a stable holdover signal that meets the requirements of even long-endurancemissions.1 Tune2 N/A3 N/A4 BITE5 Tx6 Rx7 Vcc8 GND9 1 PPS IN 10 1 PPS OUT 11 N/A 1210 MHz OUTPIN NO. FUNCTIONMechanical InterfaceOptions to Meet a Wider Range of ApplicationsThe standard SA.45s CSAC (options 001 and 002 provides an output frequency of 10MHz. However, other frequencies are available: option 006 provides a 5 MHz output, option 003 provides 16.384 MHz, and option 004 provides 10.24 MHz. Other frequencies are also possible; contact Symmetricom for details.For applications where the very best Allan Deviation (ADEV is not required, the SA.45s CSAC is also available with less stringent ADEV specifications at a lower price. For example, at TAU = 1sec, option 001 has an ADEV specification of 1.5E-10, while option 101 has a specification of 3E-10.SA.45s CSAC Options 001 and 002. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS-001 -002RF Outptut- Frequency: 10 MHz 10 MHz- Format: CMOS CMOS - Amplitude:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc- Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 1 11 PPS Output- Rise/fall time (10%-90%at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns <10 ns- Pulse width: 400 µs 400 µs- Level:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Logic High (VOH min: 2.80 V 2.80 V- Logic Low (VOL max: 0.30 V 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 111 PPS Input- Format: Rising edge Rising edge- Low level: <0.5 V<0.5 V- High level:2.5 V to Vcc 2.5 V to Vcc- Input impedan ce: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity:1 1Serial Communications- Protocol: RS232RS232- Format:CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc- Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Baud rate:57600 57600Built-in Test Equipment (BITE output- Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc- Load impedanc e: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Logic: 0 = Normal operation 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm 1 = AlarmPower Input- Operating: <120 mW <125 mW- Warmup:<140 mW <140 mW- Input voltage (Vcc:3.3 ± 0.1 VDC3.3 ± 0.1 VDCPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size: 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” 1.6” x1.39” x 0.45” - Weight: <35 g<35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hours>50,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5 °C/minute: 5x10-10 1x10-9- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range: <4x10-10<4x10-10ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued-001 -002- Magnetic sensitivity(≤2.0 Gauss:<9x10-11/Gauss <9x10-11/Gauss- Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, part 15, Class B, when mounted when mounted properly onto properly ontohost PCB.- Vibration: Maintains lock under Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5,Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grms Procedure 1, 7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810,Method 507.4.Method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating:- Temperature: - 55°C to +90°C - 55°C to +90°C- Shock (1 ms half-sine: 1000 g 1000 g- Vibration: MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5, Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grmsProcedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan Deviation ADEVTAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 2x10-10TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 7x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 2x10-11TAU = 1000 sec5x10-127x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz <-50 dBc/Hz10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz <-70 dBc/Hz100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz <-113 dBc/Hz1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz <-128dBc/Hz10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz <-135 dBc/Hz100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/Hz <-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- A ging, monthly*: <3x10-10 <3x10-10- Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 <1x10-9- 1 PPS Sync.: ±100 ns ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operationDigital Tuning- Range: ±2x10-8 ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12 1x10-12Analog Tuning- Range: ±2.2x10-8 ±2.2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-111x10-11- Input: 0-2.5V into 100 kΩ 0-2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 s<180 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°FSpecificationsPart numbers 090-00218-001 and 090-00218-002All specifications at 25°C, Vcc=3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedSA.45s CSAC Options 101 and 102. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS-101 -102RF Outptut- Frequency: 10 MHz 10 MHz- Format: CMOS CMOS - Amplitude:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc- Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 1 11 PPS Output- Rise/fall time (10%-90%at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns <10 ns- Pulse width: 400 µs 400 µs- Level:0V to Vcc 0V to Vcc - Logic High (VOH min: 2.80 V 2.80 V- Logic Low (VOL max: 0.30 V 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity: 111 PPS Input- Format: Rising edge Rising edge- Low level: <0.5 V<0.5 V- High level:2.5 V to Vcc 2.5 V to Vcc- Inp ut impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Quantity:1 1Serial Communications- Protocol: RS232RS232- Format:CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc- Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Baud rate:57600 57600Built-in Test Equipment (BITE output- Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc CMOS 0V to Vcc- Loa d impedance: 1 MΩ 1 MΩ- Logic: 0 = Normal operation 0 = Normal operation 1 = Alarm 1 = AlarmPower Input- Operating: <120 mW <125 mW- Warmup:<140 mW <140 mW- Input voltage (Vcc:3.3 ± 0.1 VDC3.3 ± 0.1 VDCPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size: 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” 1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” - Weight: <35 g<35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hours>50,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5 °C/minute: 5x10-10 1x10-9- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range: <4x10-10<4x10-10ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued-101 -102- Magnetic sensitivity(≤2.0 Gauss:<9x10-11/Gauss <9x10-11/Gauss- Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, part 15, Class B, when mounted when mounted properly onto properly ontohost PCB.- Vibration: Maintains lock under Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5,Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grms Procedure 1, 7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810,Method 507.4.Method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating:- Temperature: - 55°C to +90°C - 55°C to +90°C- Shock (1 ms half-sine: 1000 g 1000 g- Vibration: MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-810, Method 514.5, Method 514.5,Procedure 1, 7.7 grmsProcedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan DeviationADEVTAU = 1 sec 3x10-10 3x10-10TAU = 10 sec 9.5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 3x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec9.5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz <-50 dBc/Hz10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz <-70 dBc/Hz100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz <-113 dBc/Hz1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz <-128dBc/Hz10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz <-135 dBc/Hz100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/Hz <-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off: ±5x10-11 ±5x10-11- A ging, monthly*: <3x10-10 <3x10-10- Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 <1x10-9- 1 PPS Sync.: ±100 ns ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operationDigital Tuning- Range: ±2x10-8 ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12 1x10-12Analog Tuning- Range: ±2.2x10-8 ±2.2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-111x10-11- Input: 0-2.5V into 100 kΩ 0-2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 s<180 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°FSpecificationsPart numbers 090-00218-101 and 090-00218-102All specifications at 25°C, Vcc=3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedSA.45s CSAC Options 003 and 103Part numbers 090-00218-003 and 090-00218-103. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSRF Outptut- Frequency: 16.384 MHz- Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc- Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90% at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns- Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (VOH min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (VOL max: 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input- Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level: 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications- Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE output- Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Loadimpedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = AlarmPower Input- Operating:<120 mW- Warmup: <140 mW- Input Voltage (Vcc: 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” - Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change0.5°C/minute:5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss:<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating:- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine: 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan DeviationADEV -003 -103TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB1 Hz <-46 dBc/Hz10 Hz <-66 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-110 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off: ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operationDigital Tuning- Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning- Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°FSA.45s CSAC Options 004 and 104Part numbers 090-00218-004 and 090-00218-104. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSRF Outptut- Frequency: 10.24 MHz- Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc- Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90% at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns- Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (VOH min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (VOL max: 0.30 V - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input- Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level: 2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications- Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE output- Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = AlarmPower Input- Operating:<120 mW- Warmup: <140 mW- Input Voltage (Vcc: 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” - Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change 0.5°C/minute:5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss:<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating:- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine: 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan DeviationADEV -004 -104TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5x10-11 3x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB1 Hz <-50 dBc/Hz10 Hz <-70 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-113 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-128 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-135 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off: ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operationDigital Tuning- Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning- Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°FSA.45s CSAC Options 006 and 106Part numbers 090-00218-006 and 090-00218-106. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SpecificationsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSRF Outptut- Frequency: 5 MHz- Format: CMOS - Amplitude: 0V to Vcc- Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 11 PPS Output - Rise/fall time (10%-90% at load capacitance 10pF: <10 ns- Pulse width: 400 µs - Level: 0V to Vcc - Logic High (VOH min: 2.80 V - Logic Low (VOL max: 0.30 V - Load impedance:1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 1 PPS Input- Format: Rising edge - Low level: <0.5 V - High level:2.5 V to Vcc - Input impedance: 1 MΩ - Quantity: 1 Serial Communications- Protocol: RS-232 - Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Tx/Rx impedance: 1 MΩ - Baud rate: 57600 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE output- Format: CMOS 0V to Vcc - Load impedance: 1 MΩ - Logic: 0 = Normal operation 1 = AlarmPower Input- Operating: <120 mW- Warmup:<140 mW- Input Voltage (Vcc: 3.3 ± 0.1 VDC All specifications at 25°C, Vcc =3.3VDC unless otherwise specifiedPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS- Size:1.6” x 1.39” x 0.45” - Weight: <35 g- MTBF:>100,000 hoursENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating:- Operating temperature: -10°C to +70°C- Maximum frequency change over operating temp range (max. rate of change0.5°C/minute:5x10-10- Frequency change over allowable input voltage range:<4x10-10- Magnetic sensitivity (≤2.0 Gauss:<9x10-11/Gauss - Radiated emissions: Compliant to FCC part 15, Class B, when mounted properlyonto host PCB- Vibration: Maintains lock under MIL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1,7.7 grms- Humidity: 0 to 95% RH per MIL-STD-810, method 507.4Storage and Transport (non-operating:- Temperature: -55°C to +90°C - Shock (1 ms half-sine: 1000 g - Vibration:M IL-STD-810, method 514.5, procedure 1, 7.7 grmsPERFORMANCE PARAMETERSStability (Allan DeviationADEV -006 -106TAU = 1 sec 1.5x10-10 3x10-10 TAU = 10 sec 5x10-11 9.5x10-11TAU = 100 sec 1.5 x10-11 3 x10-11TAU = 1000 sec 5x10-129.5x10-12RF Output Phase Noise (SSB1 Hz <-53 dBc/Hz10 Hz <-73 dBc/Hz 100 Hz <-116 dBc/Hz 1000 Hz <-131 dBc/Hz 10000 Hz <-138 dBc/Hz 100,000 Hz<-140 dBc/HzFrequency Accuracy- Maximum offset at shipment: ±5x10-11- Maximum retrace (48 hrs off: ±5x10-11 - Aging, monthly*: <3x10-10 - Aging, yearly*: <1x10-9 - 1 PPS sync.: ±100 ns(*After 30 days of continuous operationDigital Tuning- Range: ±2x10-8- Resolution: 1x10-12Analog Tuning- Range: ±2.2x10-8 - Resolution: 1x10-11- Input: 0 - 2.5V into 100 kΩWarm-up Time<130 sSolderHand solder using 63/37 Tin/Lead Solder with maximum soldering tip of 329°C (625°FSA.45s CSAC2300 Orchard ParkwaySan Jose, California 95131-1017 © 2012 Symmetricom. Symmetricom and the Symmetricom logo are registered trademarks of Symmetricom, Inc. All specifications subject to change without notice.。

Symmetricom芯片级原子钟,SA.45s功耗低至 <115 mW,其体积只有<16 cc,提供超低功耗工作模式的设置。
此模式下,其物理封装通常是关闭状态,器件工作于类似TCXO自由振荡的状态,当物理封装定期启动后,重新驯服TCXO(不超过120s),这种模式下的平均功耗不超过50 mW。
2)同步的1 PPS输入/输出;
a)超低功耗节电模式,<100 mW;

1.迄今最精准原子钟即将"报时" [J],
2.迄今最精准原子钟 [J],
3.最精准原子钟:可探测地球引力变化 [J],
4.日本科学家打造最精准原子钟可探测地球引力变化 [J],
5.日本专家研制出迄今为止最精准原子钟 [J],
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Symmetricom芯片级原子钟,SA.45s功耗低至 <115 mW,其体积只有<16 cc,提供超低功耗工作模式的设置。
此模式下,其物理封装通常是关闭状态,器件工作于类似TCXO自由振荡的状态,当物理封装定期启动后,重新驯服TCXO(不超过120s),这种模式下的平均功耗不超过50 mW。
2)同步的1 PPS输入/输出;
a)超低功耗节电模式,<100 mW;