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Burdened with great working pressure, people nowadays even don’t have much time to dine with their parents(提出现象). This has increasingly been a severe social problem(出现的问题). Look at the following picture carefully and write an essay in about 200 words(字数要求), in which you should start with a brief description of the picture (首先描绘图画内容)and give your view on the issue(阐述自己的观点并进行论证).

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficienc, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.




Can gifts replace quality time with our parents?

In the picture, an elderly couple is at the dinner table, which is filled with nice food. But their children are not present. Instead, they send various presents to compensate their absence(图画外在内容的直观描写). This picture vividly illustrates the loneliness many parents experience and calls on us to spend more quality time with our parents(图画内涵的挖掘).

We should realize that being with our parents means more to them than giving them gifts only(根据图画内涵提出自己的观点). First, love is hard to be bought by money or traded with gifts(论证自己观点的理由1). Gifts, though as a token of children’s love resemble one another. But the chatting, sharing and laughing with parents are unique and could not be substituted by the run-of-mill gifts(论证理由1的正确性——解释说明). Second, accompanying parents could bring a strong sense of satisfaction and joy to them(论证自己观点的理由2). Gifts are material comfort, while quality time is the spiritual one. As Maslow, a renowned psychologist, pointed out that the latter is superior to the former. This is especially true for parents who are longing for reunion with their children(论证理由2——解释理由、列举权威观点来证明自己的正确性).

In conclusion, parents enjoy their kids’ company and no gift can replace quality time(换句话重述自己的观点——也是对全文的总结).

2. 模板识别

In the picture, an elderly couple is at the dinner table, which is filled with nice food. But their children are not present. Instead, they send various presents to compensate their absence(图画外在内容的直观描写). This picture vividly

illustrates the loneliness many parents experience and calls on us to spend more quality time with our parents(图画内涵的挖掘).

We should realize that being with our parents means more to them than giving them gifts only(根据图画内涵提出自己的观点). First, love is hard to be bought by money or traded with gifts(论证自己观点的理由1). Gifts, though as a token of children’s love resemble one another. But the chatting, sharing and laughing with parents are unique and could not be substituted by the run-of-mill gifts(论证理由1的正确性——解释说明). Second, accompanying parents could bring a strong sense of satisfaction and joy to them(论证自己观点的理由2). Gifts are material comfort, while quality time is the spiritual one. (As Maslow, a renowned psychologist, pointed out that) the latter is superior to the former. This is especially true for parents who are longing for reunion with their children(论证理由2——解释理由、列举权威观点来证明自己的正确性).

In conclusion, parents enjoy their kids’ company and no gift can replace quality time(换句话重述自己的观点——也是对全文的总结).

3. 各部分篇幅控制

In the picture, an elderly couple is at the dinner table, which is filled with nice food. But their children are not present. Instead, they send various presents to compensate their absence(图画外在内容的直观描写)3句话. This picture vividly illustrates the loneliness many parents experience and calls on us to spend more quality time with our parents(图画内涵的挖掘)1句话. 53ws

We should realize that being with our parents means more to them than giving them gifts only(根据图画内涵提出自己的观点)1句话. First, love is hard to be bought by money or traded with gifts(论证自己观点的理由1)1句话. Gifts, though as a token of children’s love resemble one another. But the chatting, sharing and laughing with parents are unique and could not be substituted by the run-of-mill gifts (论证理由1的正确性——解释说明)2句话. Second, accompanying parents could bring a strong sense of satisfaction and joy to them(论证自己观点的理由2)1句话. Gifts are material comfort, while quality time is the spiritual one.As Maslow, a renowned psychologist, pointed out that the latter is superior to the former. This is especially true for parents who are longing for reunion with their children(论证理由2——解释理由、列举权威观点来证明自己的正确性)3句话.114ws

In conclusion, parents enjoy their kids’ company and no gift can replace quality time (换句话重述自己的观点——也是对全文的总结)14ws, 181ws
