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国外技术 Overseas TechnologyMODERN WELDING TECHNOLOGY一种无损检测方法:超声波探伤Selecting a nondestructive testing method:Ultrasonic testing超声波的发展历程超声波形成机理的研究始于19世 纪初,但它在无损检测中的应用大约 是从20世纪20年代才开始.在30年 代,超声波技术才广泛应用于无损检 测.在随后的1955年,超声波技术发 展迅速,技术的进步促进了超声波设 备的快速发展.从20世纪80年代直到 今天,计算机技术的进步使得超声波 设备体积更小,性能更稳定,功能更 强大. 最近几年,超声波测绘技术得到 了极大的发展.超声波探测试验中需 要采集精确的数据,这种需求进一步 推动了定量测量技术的发展.同时, 基于超声波能量形成和非接触检测技 术的发展也促进了激光器和电磁传感 器的技术进步.如今,便携式设备中 已经运用了相控阵式激光技术.采用 这种技术,单一发生器定时或定相发 射的超声波元素阵列,能够精确截取 被测对象的超声波波形. 上发生反射.然后对反射波束,或在 某些条件下的传输波束进行分析,进 而确定是否存在裂缝或缺陷以及缺陷 的大小,位置等. 脉冲超声波探测的主要电子设备 包括一个电压电源(用于激发压电式 换能器〔脉冲器〕)和一个显示装置 (用于分析接收超声波的脉冲).图1 所示为超声波探伤基本装置系统的典 型框图. 普通光波和X光波产生的是电磁能 量,而超声波产生的却是包括物体分 子或原子振动或振荡的机械能.超声 波的行为与可听声音相似:它们能通 过固体,液体和气体传播,但不能通 过真空传播.目前,超声波在材料和 裂缝间的相互作用可以通过各种模拟 技术成功建立模型. 件的.压电转换器需要一个耦合器在 转换器和试件间传输超声波.压电转 换器具有一个压电晶体(比如钛酸钡, 锆酸铅,钛酸铅等),当通电后能迅 速改变形状.当它们被快速加压时会 发生相反的变化,产生一个电磁场. 用于无损检测超声波的产生和检测也 可通过其它方法实现.其中之一是利 用非接触空气耦合转换器,它是基于 微电子机械系统(简称MEMS)的基础; 另一种方法是通过试件表面的快速热 膨胀和融蚀产生非接触激光超声波, 采用激光干涉仪或空气耦合换能器检 测产生的超声波.此外,磁性金属也 能通过超声波探伤,主要采用非接触 电子机械声波转换器(简称EMATS) 同时产生和检测超声波.超声波通常 通过以下一种或几种方法检查裂纹和 缺陷. ●通过材料边界或缺陷处分界面 的反射声波检测. ●通过超声波的切换时间或传播 时间检测. ●通过超声波的衰减程度检测. ●通过透射信号或折射信号的频 谱响应特征检测. 图2所示为超声波探伤质量控制系 统.波形的产生和检测多数情况下,用于无损检测的超 声波是采用压电转换器产生和检测试物理本质超声波探伤是基于在材料上引入 超声波能量束(通常为0.1~25MHz的 高频声波)并检测材料表面和次表面 缺陷的能量干扰.声波穿过物体时会 产生线能量损失(衰减)并在分界面J- 26 现代焊接 2008年第11期 总第71期Overseas Technology国外技术MODERN WELDING TECHNOLOGY表1超声波探伤的优点·穿透率高,在许多工件中穿透率大小可以达到几米,轴向能达到6米. ·敏感度高,可以检测极其微小的缺陷. ·检测工件内部缺陷的位置,估计缺陷大小,以及标识缺陷的取向,形状及其性质时准确度高. ·只需一个表面接触检测. ·电子化操作,几乎可以同时显示缺陷,适合于即时分析试验结果,自动化操作,快速扫描,在 线生产监测以及工艺控制. ·可从工件前表面至后表面进行整体扫描. ·无损害操作. ·便携. ·数字输出,可以利用计算机分析缺陷和材料性质.表2超声波探伤的缺点·人工操作需要工作人员具备专业技术并且小心仔细进行检测.超声波的类型超声波的类型很多,有纵波,横 波,表面波和平面波等.纵波传导时, 每个粒子都在平行于波动前进方向上 振动,呈现交替密集或稀疏的变化, 在超声波探伤中最常用.横波也在超 声波探伤中有广泛的应用,它的传播 有点类似于在绳子一端有规律地抖动 所形成的绳子的振动形式,分子和原 子在一个平面上垂直于波浪传播方向 上下振动;表面波只是有时才用在超 声波探伤中,它沿着平面或相对较厚 的曲面传播;平面波只是应用于超声 波探伤的某些场合,仅在厚度只有几 个波长大小的材料表面传播.界面处 超声波的反射与材料的物理状态关联 较大,而与材料本身的物理性能关联 较小.表1和表2列出了超声波探伤的 主要优缺点.·为制定出恰当的检测步骤需要多方面的技术知识. ·不能检测表面粗糙,形状不规则,体积太小或材质不均匀的工件. ·不能检测恰巧发生在紧邻工件表面下的薄层的缺陷. ·耦合介质通常需要在转换器和工件之间传输超声波能量. ·需要校准设备和标识缺陷的实际参考标准.被测物体. 2,以脉冲方式激发转换器,对准 被测物体并将超声波能量传入. 3,超声波能量在被测物体中传导, 反射和散射. 4,超声波能量在物体的内部的分 界面上继续传输或改变方向(检查被 测物体的几何特征或内部异常). 5,定位在或靠近被测物体的转换 器检测物体中传输或改变后的能量. 6,传导和反射的能量反应在时间 /频率图上,通过波形和波幅特征分析 和推测物体内部情况. 检测过程需要专用的设备和探针. 检测步骤,校准仪器和工艺控制都是 确保超声波在被测物体中的重复再现 所必需的.这种方法是一种表面和批操作者根据图形识别,信号大小,计 时和手动扫描定位等方法进行分析辨 别.但是因为手动扫描的变化不定, 显示器上输出值的变化也很大,手动 检测不能形成永久记录. 自动扫描时采用一个测量扫描仪 跟踪探针位置,并自动监测信号(时 间,相位,幅度等),形成一个能反 应被测物体内部结构的响应图.扫描 系统的分辨率在一定程度上取决于扫 描像素的保真度和检测信号的过滤和 处理情况.超声波扫描系统会自动生 成扫描图像和分析报告.人工和自动 扫描的相对特点在表3中进行了总结 和对比.结束语超声波探伤是一项成熟的技术, 它有坚实的物理学理论基础和成熟的表3 人工(手动)扫描检测与 自动扫描检测的比较人工 低 中 高 中 中 自动 中 高 中 高 低超声波探伤要求超声波探伤方法主要应用于检测 各种材料特性和状态.它适用于试样 表面缺陷和内部异常的检测.试样必 须能够传播超声波能量并具有引入和 检测反射,透射,散射声波能量的几 何结构.总的工艺步骤如下: 1,将超声波转换器固定或靠近于量检测工艺,根据工件某些特征的敏 感性和分辨率的高低不同,工艺步骤 也相应有所不同.手动和自动化技术随着超声波的应用发展,检测有 手动(人工)扫描和自动扫描之分. 人工扫描采用一台具有示波器的设备,检测成本 设备成本 操作者技术要求 工艺控制要求 工艺偏差要求现代焊接 2008年第11期 总第71期 J- 27国外技术 Overseas TechnologyMODERN WELDING TECHNOLOGY表4·裂纹 缺陷类型(超声 波探伤能检测的 缺陷类型) 缺陷大小 局限性 ·气孔 ·熔蚀超声波探伤总结实验室设备等,可满足用户不同的需 要.下列超声波电源和检测器可以根 据不同的检测要求进行选择:压电式 转换器,EMATS,激光器和激光干 涉仪,空气耦合转换器等.表4对超 声波探伤的各项性能进行了总结. 超声波无损探伤技术广泛应用于 制造业的质量控制,验收试验和定期 维修检查中,并且适用于各种材料的 缺陷定位和确认,比如金属,复合材 料,陶瓷和聚合物等.超声波探测也 常常用于材料厚度,材料结构质量, 材料的机械模量,材料晶粒大小和排 列方向的材料特性等检测.超声波探 伤在石油和航空航天工业中应用非常 广,也常常应用在核电站和结构混凝 土基本设施上.(成都奥力焊研公司 李晓娜 翻译)·冲击破坏 ·脱层 ·能检测表面积为1.3平方米或0.002平方英寸的嵌入式缺陷 ·不能检测复杂几何形状工件和太小的工件 ·详细的检测步骤 ·在所有介质(固体,液体,气体)中穿透性好 ·敏感性高 ·缺陷定位准确 ·检测工件或系统时只需一个表面接触. ·能用于确定材料的物理性质(比如结构,晶粒大小,弹性常数等)优点检测人员培训 检测证书要求 设备 检测比较成本·通过ASNT,ASNI等进行培训 ·强烈建议检测人员要进行培训和认证 ·便携式设备 ·检测大型工件的自动化检测系统 ·设备价格相对便宜(10000~50000美元),但系统越大,设备越复杂, 价格就越高检测结果模型.操作简单,便于携带 的设备和一切齐全即可使用的计算机 系统都在生产中广泛应用.超声波探 (上接第J-25页)附表 悬臂搅拌摩擦焊设备FSW-2XB-0206 焊接铝及铝合金 20mm 1500mm 300mm 28kW 2000mm×1800mm 西门子WIN AC 设备型号 设备用途 最大焊接厚度 有效焊 X(Longitudinal) 接行程 Z(Plunge) 主轴电机功率 工作台 控制系统伤设备类型多样,比如手提式设备, 便携且计算机化的多功能设备,工业 生产应用的模块化系统以及研发所用高强铝合金结构件筒体件焊接现场(内焊式)产功能于一身,采用先进的西门子 WIN AC控制系统,具有功能强大,人 性化的操作界面,在保证焊接质量的筒体焊接样件飞机结构件同时,大大提高了工作效率. 目前,搅拌摩擦焊已为来自航天, 航空,船舶,列车,电力电子,军工液压自动夹具系统用途的搅拌摩擦焊工业产品,成为工 业化铝,镁,钛等轻金属合金的主导 焊接工艺. (未完待续)(北京赛福斯特技术有限公司)等多家客户加工制造不同类别,不同J- 28 现代焊接 2008年第11期 总第71期。

超声波探伤报告英语全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Ultrasonic testing reportIntroduction:Purpose of the test:The purpose of this ultrasonic testing is to assess the integrity and quality of a weld joint in a steel structure. The weld joint is a critical part of the structure and must be free from any defects that could compromise its strength and durability.Procedure:Results:第二篇示例:Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive testing technique that uses high frequency sound waves to detect internal flaws or characterize materials. It is commonly used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, and manufacturing to ensure the quality and integrity of materials and components.In this ultrasonic testing report, we will discuss the basic principles of UT, the equipment and procedures used, and provide an example of a UT inspection report.1. Basic Principles of Ultrasonic Testing2. Equipment and ProceduresThe procedure for conducting an ultrasonic test involves the following steps:Date: May 15, 2021Client: ABC Manufacturing Company第三篇示例:超声波探伤(Ultrasonic Testing,UT)是一种常用于材料和结构检测的无损检测技术,它利用超声波在材料内部传播的原理,通过探头发射超声波进入被检测材料内部,根据超声波的传播和反射情况来判断材料的内部结构和缺陷情况。

超声波清洗能够应用于从大到小的工业零件,大到波音747 飞机的引擎大修,小到手表的部件制作,都有超声波清洗的用武之地,目前广泛应用超声波清洗的行业涉及电子,精密机械,照明工程,光学,冶金,医疗仪器设备等诸多领域。
超声波清洗常用频率在 20 千赫到 50 千赫之间,常用清洗温度在50 -80 ℃ 之间。
这个声波传遍整个清洗槽, 在液体中产生了波的压缩和扩张。
当这个发生时,就产生了液体的喷射,导致温度高达 9032华氏度 (约为太阳的温度)。
影响清洗效果的因素有 7 个主要影响清洗效果的原因:1.清洗时间2.清洗液温度3.采用的清洗液4.工件的外形设计5.超声波频率6.超声功率密度7.清洗装夹方式清洗时间是影响超声波清洗效果的一个主要因素,清洗时间取决于工件的污染程度以及清洁度要求,典型的清洗时间是 2-10 分钟,只有少数工件能够在很短的时间里面清洗干净。

Nondestructive MaterialT esting withUltraso ni c s 使用超声波对材料进行的非破坏性检测Int roduction to the Basic Principles基本原理介绍UNION ELECTRIC STEEL CORPORATION 美国联合电钢(戴维)轧辊公司安多利国际有限公司翻译2007年3月06日Contents 内容安多利国际有限公司Introduction介绍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.Why use ultrasonics for nondestructive material testing?为什么使用超声波进行非破坏性材料检测? . . . . . . . . . . .52.Ultrasonic testing tasks 超声波检测任务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53.Detection of discontinuities 不连续的发现 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64.Method of testing and instrument technology 检测方法和仪器技术. . .10 4.1The ultrasonic flaw detector 超声波裂纹检测仪 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 4.2Near r esolution . 近场的处理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 4.3The pr obe 探头. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .16 4.4Refraction and mode conversion 折射和模式的转变. . . . . . . .17 4.5Characteristics of angle-beam probes角度探头的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.6The TR pr obe TR探头 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205.Locating discontinuities 断裂的定位. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225.1Calibration of the instrument 仪器校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 5.1.1Calibration with a straight-beam probe平行光束探头的校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 5.1.2Calibration with a TR pr obe TR探头的校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .24 5.1.3Calibration with an angel-beam probe 角度探头的校准 . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .265.1.4Locating reflectors with an angle-beam probe 使用角度探头对反射器进行定位 . .286.Evaluation of discontinuities 断裂的评估 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296.1Scanning method 扫描方法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 6.2Evaluation of small discontinuities: The DGS method对小断裂的评估:DGS方法. . . . .30 6.3Sound attenuation 消音. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 6.4The refer ence block method 叁考程序块方法. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 6.4.1Comparison of echo amplitudes 回声振幅的比较 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .346.4.2Distance amplitude curve 振幅曲线的距离. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..357.Documentation 文件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378.Diagnosis of indications (outlook)指示的分析诊断. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Refer ence list 参考清单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41前言因时间仓促,加之专业技术欠缺,本译文一定会有很多不准确的地方。

接收模块则主要利用压电陶瓷换能器阵列,运用Lab 程序与数据采集卡等实行串联,从而提高系统内结构的稳定性。

1.Key Techniques of the X-ray Inspection Real-time Imaging Pipeline Robot This paper presentsa robotic system for weld-joint inspection of the big-caliber control ofsyncbro-follow control technique it can accomplish the technologic task of weld inspection. Therobotic system is equipped with a small focal spot and directional beam X-ray tube so the higherdefinition image of weld-seam can be obtained.Several key techniques about the robotic systemdeveloped are also explained in detail . Its construction is outlined.Key words : X-ray inspection:real-time imagingrobotIntroduction Compared with radiographic examination teohniqueRETX-ray real time imaginginspection techniqueRTIIT has many advantages such as higher efficiency lower cost betterfeasible automation and weld-defects evaluation on-line.Furthermore,up to date technologyallows the X-ray RTIIT to be used in Non-Destructive Testing NDT of pipelines,and theinspection quality of this Technique is as good as that of the RET. Therefore NDT equipments,which are used commonly in pipeline inspection and basing on the RET,need to be renovated bybasing on the X-ray RTIIT. To employ the X-ray RTITT in NDT of pipeline there must be an automation platform,andX-ray inspection real-time imaging pipeline robotIRTIPR is designed for the purpose. In factbesides the problems that have been resolved and are involved in the X-ray IRTIPRseveral keytechniques are presented in this paperin which we address the robot focusing on its intelligentcontrol such as the autonomous motion in-pipe,the synchro-follow controltechnique and thecommunication of cooperation between in-pipe and out-pipe and we also outline the constructionof the robot.1 Composing and Working Principle of the Robot The X -ray IRTIPR connints of the two parts of in-pipe and out-pipe,as illustrated in Figl1 .The out-pipe part is camposed of mage collecting and processing system ,out-pipesynchro-rotary mechanism and its driving system.The image intensifier is driven by the out-piperotary mechanism to rotate round the center of pipeline to collect weld image and transmit videosignal to image processing computer image-collecting card. The in-pipe part is composed ofin-pipe computer,power and invcrters system ,walking and driving system ,X-ray system,in-pipe synchro-rotary rncchanism and its driving system and weld 一seam autonomous seekingand locating system .TheX -ray tube in x-ray system is driven by the in-pipe rotary mechanism torotate round the center of pipeline. The main working principle of the robot is explained as follows:Under the control ofweld-seam autonomous seeking and locating system the in-pipe crawler finishes the localizationof working position at which the in-pipe crawler is in a state of waiting. When it receives thecommand signal from out-pipe which is transmitted by low frequency electromagnetic wave thein-pipe computer operates immediately the controller of X-ray system to realize its out-pipecontrol. In sequence the in-pipe and out-piperotary mechanisms are controlled by thesynchro-followcontrol technique to rotate with the same center of pipeline and finish weld-seaminspection in the manner of rotating-irradiating-ratating.2 The Control Systern of the Robot2. 1 The Synchro-follow Control Technique of In-pipe and Out-pipe Rotary Mechanism In the light of the technologic requirement of X-ray RTIIT the X-ray tube and the imageintensifier must be required to rotate synchronously with the same center.Because the X-rayIRTIPR adopts wireless working manner,i .e. there is no tether cables linking in-pipe without-pipe parts of the robot.How to realize the synchro-message communication between in-pipeand out-pipe control systems of rotary mechanism or how to realize synchro-control thenbecomes a key technique that must be solved.2.2 Weld-seam Autonomous Seeking and Locating Technique Autonomous seeking and locating mean that the robot determines automatically where is theworking positionin-pipe with the help of sensors but without any ones inter-meddling. Thiscontrol-manner is actuallyfntelligent. The precision and reliability of seeking and locating asystem have direct relation with if a robot can realize autonomous motion in-pipe. If this system isdisabled the robot will take the place of the accident ofdeathor7ose the wayin-pipe. Generally methods for detecting. the position of weld-seam are as follows:1 Utilizeencoder or cyclometer 2 Utilize the displacement caused by the protrusion-concave changing ofweld-seam surface3 Utilize if the zone of weld-seam conducts electricity 4 Utilize radioactiveisotope such as y ray source 5 Utilize vision 6 Utilize low frequency electromagnetic wave.3 Conclusion Key techniques of the X-ray IRTIPR are assurances for X-ray RTIIT to realize automation. Ifa robot adopts the working means of having no cable and the synchro-follow control technique ofin-pipe and out-pipe rotary mechanisms being not solved,it will be impossible for the X-rayRTHT to realize automation at all .The weld-seam autonomous seeking and locating technique is aconcrete embodiment ofintelligencefor the robot and is also an assurance for the robot to workwith high reliability.x身寸线实时影象探伤管道机器人的关键技术摘要这篇论文介绍了一种检查大口径管道焊接连接的机器人系统,它被发展作为X 射线实时图象检查法RTIIT的自动化平台。

2 波测距原理2.1压电式超声波发生器原理压电式超声波发生器实际上是利用压电晶体的谐振来工作的。

材料损伤的超声导波无损检测徐 鸿,王 冰,姜秀娟(华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,北京102206)摘要:超声导波检测技术在许多制造和运行监测领域得到了迅速地发展。
关键词:超声导波;无损检测;电厂中图分类号:TH873 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-2691(2008)06-0077-06Nondestructive test of ultrasonic guided wavesfor material damageXU Hong,WAN G Bing,J IAN G Xiu2juan(K ey Laboratory of Condition Monitoring and Control for Power Plant Equimant of Ministry ofEducation,Norty China Electric Power University,Beijing102006,China)Abstract:Ultrasonic guided wave inspection is expanding rapidly to many different areas of manufacturing and in-service inspection.The purpose of this paper is to study ultrasonic guided wave nondestructive ins pection potential as a technique applying in high temperature components of power plants.An increased understanding of the basic physics and wave mechanics associated with guided wave inspection has led to an increase in practical nondestructive evaluation and inspection problems.Meanwhile,some fundamental concepts and a number of different applications in engineering that are currently being considered will be presented in the paper along with a brief description of the sensor and soft2 ware technology that will make ultrasonic guided wave inspection commonplace in power plants.K ey w ords:ultrasonic guided waves;nondestructive test;power plant0 引 言材料的损伤总是伴随某种结构上的不连续,从而引起超声波的反射、散射现象。
无损检测术语 超声检测(超声波探伤)

2超声检测的一般概念2.1 超声探伤ultrasonicflawdetection超声波在被检测材料中传播时,根据材料的缺陷所显示的声学性质对超声波传播的影响来探测其缺陷的方法。
2.2 弹性介质elasticmedium相互间由弹性力连系着的质点所组成的物质。
2.3 波 wave振动能量在弹性介质中的传播过程,波是物质的原子或分子质点的一种运动形式。
2.4 声波acousticwave弹性介质中传播的一种机械波,起源于发声体的振动。
2.5 超声波acousticwave频率约高于20000Hz(超过人耳可听范围)的声波。
2.6 波前wavefront在波的传播中同一时刻,由最前面的具有相同相位的各个点所构成的连续表面.同义词:波阵面2.7 波形wavefrom声波在介质中传播的方式,以波传播的波阵面为特征。
2.8 平面波planewave波阵面为平面的波。
2.9 球面波sphericalwave波阵面为同心球面的波。
2.10 柱面波cylindricalwave波阵面为同轴圆柱面的波。
2.11 波型mode以质点振动方向与波传播方向的相对关系来表征的在介质中传播的超声波的类型。
同义词:振动模式modeofvibration2.12 纵波longitudinalwave声波在介质中传播时,介质质点的振动方向与波的传播方向一致的波。
同义词:压缩波compressionalwave2.13 横波transversewave声波在介质中传播时,介质质点的振动方向与波的传播方向垂直的波。

火炮身管无损检测方法高望;张金;王瑾珏【摘要】To prolong the life-span of gun barrels and further improve the firing accuracy,this paper explores defect testing technologies of gun barrels. By comparing different testing methods of barrels and discussing their weaknesses,strengths and the prospects,It is concluded that phase-controlled ultrasonic guided wave testing is predominant among these testing technologies,which can be practically applied into armies to improve their combat skills.%为了延长火炮身管寿命,进一步提高射击精度。
【期刊名称】《火力与指挥控制》【年(卷),期】2015(000)007【总页数】5页(P16-19,23)【关键词】火炮身管;检测方法;相控聚焦;超声导波【作者】高望;张金;王瑾珏【作者单位】解放军陆军军官学院,合肥 230031;解放军陆军军官学院,合肥230031;解放军陆军军官学院,合肥 230031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TJ306.+1;TG115.28目前,火炮作为现代战争常规武器的一部分,发挥着不可替代的作用。

:之间的距离相同的两个相邻的振荡阶段相同的粒子称为波长,波行源或媒介,任何一个粒子来完成一个完整的振动波只是一个波长的距离,常用在米(m);波长频率f:波动在这个过程中,他担任一个给定的点在一个第二,采用完整的波叫做频率,常用于单位赫兹(Hz);波速C:单位时间内波传播距离的波动称为波速,m / s的共同单位(米/秒)。
f,波长和波速成正比和频率成反比,频率是固定的,波速度越大波长越长;波速时,频率低,越长wavelengthAvailable上面的定义:C =。
20 ~ 20000赫兹之间的频率可以导致人们听到机械波称为声波频率低于20 hz机械波称为次声,频率高于20000赫兹的机械称为超声波。
超声波探伤的频率通常是介于0.5 ~ 10 mhz,钢铁和其他金属材料的检验,常用的频率为1 ~ 5 mhz。
穿透能力:当超声波传播在大多数媒体的传播能量损失小,传播距离,穿透能力渗透到几米的能力在某些金属材料超声波探伤仪的频率高于20 khz,超出了人们的耳朵区分优秀和穿透一个强有力的声波。

国外超声波检测衍射时差法(带翻译)Time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD)The Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic testing method is relatively new and was first developed at Harwell laboratory in the late1977's by Maurice Silk. TOFD testing has been gaining in profile over the last three or four years with much interest focussing on whether or not it can be used to replace more established NDT methods. Recent survey shows that the annual average growth rate (AAGR) of the TOFD market is 10-20% higher than other NDT technique. The TOFD method is gaining and increasing popularity because of its high probability of detection, low false call rate, portability and most important its intrinsic accuracy in flaw sizing, especially in depth. There is another NDT method called radiography testing (RT/ X-ray) usually employed for flaw sizing. It should be noted that RT/X-ray technique shows better accuracy for lateral flaw sizing but it demonstrates insufficient accuracy in depth assessment. As the standards for radiation safety become tighter by the new European law, many NDT companies are trying to substitute X-ray technique by TOFD technique for cost effectiveness and mostly for safety and environment protection reasons.1 Theory and PrinciplesThe most significant distinction between TOFD and the other UT methods is that it monitors only forward-scattered diffracted energies from the tips of defects rather than reflected ultrasonic energies. Two wide beam angle probes are used in transmitter-receiver mode. Broad beam probes are used so that the entire crack area is flooded with ultrasound and, consequently, the entire volume is inspected using a single scan pass along the inspection line. Because the technique relies on detection of the forward scattered diffracted signals originating at the flaw edges, precise measurement of flaw size, location, and orientation is possible.Mr. Udo Schlengermann was one of the creators of the TOFD prestandardENV583 and was also involved in the development of the British standardBS7709.The principle of the TOFD techniques according to that report mention in the below:The TOFD method only evaluates diffracted echoes, which are 20dB less than the reflected echoes.●Diffracted waves have a different velocity than reflected longitudinal waves.●Diffraction is stronger for longitudinal waves than for shear waves.●The standard is the use of longitudinal probes, 50 to 70 degree, small crystal, withwidely spread sound beam to cover the whole defect.●The two diffracted signals of the crack tip are generated with a 180-degree phaseshift. The distance between the two signals on the time scale is nonlinear.●TOFD always uses RF signals to display images, (minus = black, plus = white),although colors could be used.Images showing arcs which shapes can be used to illustrated the geometry of the flaw.2ApplicationsThe TOFD technique can be used in the following fields:1. Quality control of pressure vessel fabrication and piping construction, e.g. Reactors, Spherical Tanks, etc.2. Periodic inspection of pressure vessels which do not facilitate entry due to presence of catalyst, internal lining or unavailability of shut-down window.3. The technique can be applied on hemispherical components and nozzle-shell/bead welds.4. In more recent years the expertise has been adapted for non nuclear applications including vessels for the chemical / process industries , complex forgings and castings (eg. turbine discs) and nodal configurations on tubular structures.3 Advantages and disadvantagesSo far, the following advantages have been recorded:1. TOFD defect detection does not depend on the defect orientation,in contrast to the pulse echo technique.2. Defect height can be exactly determined, thus most suitable formonitoring growth or changes in known defects.3. The inspection results are immediately available, as is a permanent record.4. Because of the high-test speed the costs are less than those for radiography for wall thickness above 25 mm. It possible to perform scans with a speed of hundreds of millimetre per second.5. TOFD save costs, if applied during construction, since it is possible to distinguish pre-service and in-service defects. That means the unit can stay longer in production, and is safe.6. High probability of defect detection.7. Most efficient for inspection of thick-walled vessels where X & Gamma ray would require too much time.8. TOFD method can be used to observe and report microscopic degradation caused by fatigue, stress and chemical attack - it has proven possible to quantify micro cracking caused by copper dilation through weld electrode contamination providing some knowledge of the probable fault mechanism is suspected prior to intervention.9. TOFD can be used in high temperature environment (up to 250 degrees C)10. The entire volume can be inspected using a single uni-axial pass along the length of the weld.11. TOFD is safe for environment protection reasons due to free radiation.The disadvantages of the TOFD method so far have been found are mentioned in the below:1. Sensitivity level: If the instrument sensitivity (gain) is set on very low level, the TOFD image would display no diffracted echo. If the instrument sensitivity is set just above electronic noise level, the TOFD image will display a lot of diffracted echoes which are caused by very small inhomogeneities of the weld seam and does not mean that the weld is really bad.2. Crack size determination: Crack tip echoes are part of a noise area caused by other relevant diffracted echoes of inhomogeneity. That can make sizing with the TOFD technique impossible. A TOFD image inspector needs to perform depiction decisions similar to that used in radiography.3. Detection of small cracks at backside: This is one of the main disadvantages of TOFD. For in-service inspection of welds it is usually not so important to find old defects inside the weld seam. More important is the detection of cracks at the backside of containers or piping. The use of diffracted echoes is for that task is not possible. So close to the back wall the crack tip echo amplitude is very small. In that case traditional UT techniques with angle beam probes and use of the mirror effect must be applied. The TOFD technique is not applicable here.4. A disadvantage of TOFD is that the gain must be very high, which produces a very high back wall echo and it is not suitable for coarse grained materials.5. The probe frequency should be 10 MHz or higher, frequencies under 5MHz are not applicable.6. Crack edges must be sharp, and they are not always.7. There is a dead zone for defect detection under the surface. It means, defects close to the surface could not be detected. This may be compensated by MPT (Magnetic Particle Test) or test with creeping wave probe.8. Minimum thickness requirement is 6mm with diameter of 4". No limitation on maximum thickness, it could be several hundreds milimeters.9. Cannot be applied on coarse-grain weldment e.g. austenitic stainless steel and Inconel.10. TOFD is not effective at detecting and sizing defect lying parallel to the inspection surface.11. TOFD cannot resolve 'included' defects such as fabrication induced slag and porosity.12. The problem is the angle of the crack cannot always be assumed to be vertical. The angle of the crack might have a great effect on the magnitude of return signals.超声波衍射时差法(TOFD)超声波衍射时差法(TOFD)的超声检测方法是比较新的,是第一次由毛里斯丝在1977下半年在哈威尔实验室发现的。


Sonosite(索诺声)180超轻型超声诊断仪用户指南(中文)湖北省黄冈市黄州区堵城镇卫生院罗宏波编译目录仪器各部分名称及功能 1菜单译文 2扫查方法 9测量 10图像注释 12仪器各部分名称及功能序号英文或按钮图标说明1 power switch,located on the rear of the system handle 电源开关,位于仪器把柄的后方2 near 近场增益3 far 远场增益4 gain 总增益5 menu select controls 明细菜单6 ,Depth and Zoom 扫查方式选择,深度和放大7 text|picto,measure,select 注释、标记,测量,确认8 patient (患者)主菜单9 Function 功能键10 battery charge indicators 电池带电指示器11 brightness 亮度12 contrast control 对比度13 LCD 显示器14 save print 图像保存打印键15 freeze 电影回放、图像翻页,冻结开关16 mode controls (扫查)方式控制17 battery release 电池按钮光标移动键菜单译文说明:图片中表示有下一级菜单表示有选择列表,选用项以[ ]表示表示有可选项,选用项以[ ]表示返回I表示输入字符patient 主菜单图片exam /patient information 检查或患者信息stored images 存放的图象patient report 患者报告system setup 系统设定done 返回1. exan/patient information 检查或患者信息图片exam type…检查类型current patient 当前患者new patient 新患者(deletes current patient report) 删除当前患者报告done 返回说明:检查类型设置与测量项目和体位标记图界面及返回报告结果相关!!!1. 1 exam type 检查类型图片OB 产科Gyn 妇科Abdomen 腹部done 返回1. 2 current patient… 当前患者图片I name:姓名Id:患者识别号码accession:附加exam:[OB] 从列表中选择检查类型I LMP(yyyy.mm. dd) 末次月经年月日1. 3 new patient… 新患者图略,内容同“当前患者”2. stored images 存放的图象图片Print all images 打印全部图像delete all images 删除全部图像review images…图象回顾(freeze key -exits image review) -输出回顾图象(delete key -removes an image) 删除键-删除图象done 返回2.1 Print all images 打印全部图像2.2 delete all images (图略)删除全部图像Are you sure you want to 是否删除所有被保存的图象?delete all saved images?yes 是(图像被删除)no 否(返回原界面)2.3 review images… 图象回顾(freeze key -exits image review) -输出回顾图象(delete key -removes an image) 删除键-删除图象3. patient report 患者报告图片□ALMP…###EDD by LMP…###末次月经根据末次月经计算的预产期EFW…###EDD by AUA…###胎重根据孕龄(测量值)计算的预产期AUA…###孕龄□B图片AFI=###羊水指数Q1=###Q2=### 1、2象限的羊水深度Q3=###Q4=### 3、4象限的羊水深度Vol=###容积D1 =###D2=###D3=###测量容积的三个径线GS=###孕囊GS1=###GS2=###孕囊长径、横径GS3=###孕囊前后径4. system setup 系统设定图片image,caliper,TI ,picto…图象,测距线,功率指标,体标screen,information…屏幕信息audio,battery,date/time…音频,电池,日期/时间video,printer,calcs,f keys…录影,打印机,公式,功能键4.1 image,caliper,TI, picto 图象,测距线,功率指标,体标图片orient image :图像方位caliper line:on off 测距线:开启关闭thermal index:[TIs] TIb 功率指标pictograph:on off 体标:启用关闭done 返回4.2 screen,information…屏幕信息optimize:show hide 焦点:显示隐藏time:show hide 时间:显示隐藏memory:show hide 记忆(图像储存):显示隐藏patient :show hide 体位图:显示隐藏4.3 audio,battery,date/time…音频,电池,日期/时间图片audible beep:on off 音频:开启关闭sleep delay(min):3 5 10 延时休眠:(分钟)power delay:off 15 30 延时关机I date/time:2007.10.01 18:53 日期,时间done 返回4.4 Video,printer,calcs,f keys…影像,打印机,公式,功能键图片video format [NTSC] PAL 影像格式printer [sony color] 打印机选择calcs auhtors 产科公式选择functinon key assignmennt 功能键指定done 返回4.4.1 calcs auhtors 设置不同公式作者的界面图片Set author each OB table:产科公式选择BPD,FL,AC,EFW :[hadlock] EFW=胎重GS:[Hansmann] 方括号中为公式作者的名字CRL:[hadlock]done 返回4.4.2 functinon key assignmennt 功能键指定图片f1:指定功能键f2:f3:f4:f5:f6:扫查方法p1之图注16“mode controls(扫查)方式控制”:“power doppler(fn+0)”意为能量多谱勒开启,按功能键+数字0。

超声处理英语单词单词:ultrasonication1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2中文释义:超声处理,利用超声波进行物理或化学操作的过程1.3英文释义:The process of using ultrasonic waves for physical or chemical operations.1.4相关词汇:ultrasonic(形容词,超声的)、ultrasound(名词,超声波)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“ultra -”表示“超,超出”,“sonic”与声音有关,“ - ati on”是名词后缀,表示动作或过程。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- ultrasonication process:超声处理过程例句:The ultrasonication process is very important in this experiment.翻译:在这个实验中,超声处理过程非常重要。
- high - intensity ultrasonication:高强度超声处理例句:High - intensity ultrasonication can break down large molecules more effectively.翻译:高强度超声处理能更有效地分解大分子。
4. 实用片段4.1 "We are going to use ultrasonication to purify this sample. It can help remove the impurities more thoroughly." The researcher said to his assistant.翻译:“我们打算用超声处理来纯化这个样本。


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Advanced NDT ultrasonic guided waveOil refining and petrochemical industry and other industrial pipes used after long service, corrosion is a problem often people concerned, especially the outer tube (even after the installation of a coating tube wall) corrosion problems, once spent, will production and cause serious bodily harm. Therefore, the safe operation of pipelines, the first to timely detect the wall strength, corrosion or cracks and other leaks have ﹑ warning.Tube coating stripping costs high, not only time-consuming, laborious, and when crossing the road in case when the pipeline only large-scale mining in order to detect corrosion. This leads to the world's advanced level than ideal "ultrasonic guided wave technology", has been successfully developed by a domestic research. This Guided Wave wall provides a very good solution to the above problems. After an installation, can spread several meters along the pipeline, the reflected echo can display or other features of pipeline corrosion.Guided Wave technology uses low-frequency wave or longitudinal wave may be distorted on the line, long-distance pipeline inspection, including the long-range detection of underground pipe without excavation state. The mechanism of ultrasonic guided waves (also known as guided waves) and the thin Lamb waves excited in a similar mechanism, but also due to multiple reflection back and forth in the limited space of the media and further generate complex geometric superposition of interference and dispersion formation. But for pipeline inspection, under normal wall thickness to produce a suitable wave, you need to use much lower than usual ultrasonic flaw detection, the frequency f <100KHz waveguide commonly used, and therefore a single guided wave detection of defects normal sensitivity level of frequency in MHz ultrasound is relatively low incomparison, but the advantage is capable of detecting guided waves propagation distances of 20 to 30 m and small attenuation, and therefore may be fixed in a pulse-echo array location can be expand the range of detection, particularly suitable for detecting the inner and outer walls of pipeline in service and weld corrosion dangerous defects. The low-frequency wavelengths from the guide pipe ultrasonic inspection method for rapid detection of in-service state, the inner and outer wall corrosion can once detected, can be detected in the pipe cross-section of the planar defects.The main wave ultrasonic guided wave applications include - distorted wave (also referred to as torsional wave) and longitudinal waves. Distorted wave can be characterized by a circumferential vibration edge tube, a tube axial edge propagation of sound energy that is smaller inner tubing liquid influence (when guided wave detection, the liquid flowing in the pipe is allowed), echo signals can defect information includes the tube axis, typically yield a clear echo signal, signal recognition easier, in applications requiring a small number of transducers, light weight, save cost, the diffusion effect due to the smaller tube and the liquid medium is generated, mode conversion fewer long distance detection, high sensitivity axial defects.Works Guided Wave: The probe array emits a pulse of ultrasound energy, the pulse flooded the circumferential direction and the entire wall thickness, to the distant spread, when the guided wave transmission encountered defects, defects in radial section there is a certain area, guided wave will return a certain percentage of the reflected wave defects, so by the same array of probes detected return signal - reflected waves to detect and determine the size of the defect. Wall thickness of any change, no matter the inner wall or the outer wall, the reflected signal will have been received by the array probe, it can be detected by the tubeouter wall corrosion or erosion caused by metal defects (defects), additional wave type according to the defects switching signal can be a metal tube defects and shape features (such as weld contour, etc.) to identify open. Guided wave detection sensitivity percentage evaluation defect area metal pipe of annular cross-section (measured as a percentage of the value of the pipe cross-sectional area), waveguide devices and computer-generated images for combining professional analysis and judgment ultrasound guide echo signal wave detection was basically pulse-echo type with axial symmetry and non-axial symmetry signal two types of detection to the flange weld echo as benchmark, according to the echo amplitude, distance, recognition is flange or symmetry axis and the ratio of signal amplitude and non-axisymmetric cross-section of the wall defect rate of defect evaluation threshold, etc. can evaluate the degree of wall thinning, can provide information about the reflector location and approximate size of the information to determine the pipeline corrosion and circumferential the axial position of the current ultrasonic guided wave detection sensitivity can be achieved sectional defect rate of 3% or more, which generally can be detected more than sectional accounts wall 3 to 9% of the defective area and the outer wall defect. The detection and localization of defects by means of a computer software program displays and records, reducing operator dependence is determined (avoids operator skills on the test results), can provide high repeatability and reliable test results. It should be noted Guided Wave does not provide a direct measure of the thickness, but any wall depth and ring are more sensitive to defects within the width of the metal, to a certain extent, sensing the axial length of the defect, it is because circumferential guided waves propagating along the wall in every point of interaction between the annular cross-section of reduced cross-section is more sensitive.The biggest difference with the traditional ultrasonic guided wave ultrasonic testing is that the former can be a test point on a big long distance pipe material 100% testing, and in a conventional ultrasonic test point can be detected this point. Guided wave ultrasonic frequency range is 5 ~ 60kHz, the propagation velocity of 3260 m / s, without coupling liquid is detected. It uses a mechanical or gas is applied to the back of the probe to ensure that the probe is in contact with the surface of the pipe, the ultrasonic achieve good coupling. To make the sound waves to the pipe axis core symmetrically spread, pipe hoop ultrasonic probe evenly spaced, so ring to acoustic wave propagation along the pipeline, enabling the entire pipeline is vibrating sound waves "incentive" to act as a waveguide the media in the "work" state.The second difference with the traditional ultrasonic guided wave ultrasonic testing, the latter if the wall thickness is measured only detect the thickness of the sensor under the wall, so the speed in detecting a wide range of pipeline is very slow, and often find a few representative feature point detection. Once encountered buried or insulated pipe, helpless. The use of special sensors installed in the pipe loop is detected, the operator use WAVEMAKER (WPSS) detection system can be completed in a single test, but also to the sensor ring on both sides of the pipeline within tens of meters for effective testing. When both sides of the effective detection distance sensor is subject to many factors, the conditions under good circumstances, up to tens of meters, are poor or have some sort of overlay situation, can only detect a few meters.In short, as in the field of nondestructive testing nascent ultrasonic guided wave technology, using its long distance detection, simple operation and high sensitivity advantages, through its matching detection means, not only suitable for the corrosion detection of pipeline inservice, the new pipeline baseline testing, Moreover, buried, crossing, overhead and other pipeline corrosion detection is also an advantage. This technology can be used in oil refining, chemical, petroleum, natural gas, electric power construction and industrial piping battlefield, involved in a closed system, pressure pipe is to ensure the safe operation of the production of a good helper.。