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Listen to the tape , tell whether they are wrong or not. 1. English is spoken by the largest number of people. 2. English is more widely used than any other language. 3. English is spoken as the second language in Australia. 4. English is not spoken as the first language in Germany.
Frenchmen speak French
French is spoken by Frenchmen Indians speak Indian
Indian is spoken by Indians.
Englishmen speak English
English isห้องสมุดไป่ตู้spoken by Englishmen
3.How many books and newspapers are written in English? Three quarters of the books and newspapers are written in English 4.How much information on the Internet is written in English? More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is written in English.
Lesson 34
English is widely used.
widely Chinese is spoken by Chinese people 广泛地
Americans speak English. English is spoken by Americans
Chinese (people) speak Chinese.
看看能力提高了没有!把下列句子变成被动语态。 1.They make these sweaters in China. are _____ made in China ( ___ by them) Sweaters ___ 2.We speak English as the second language . spoken as the ……….. English is ____ ________ 3.Jim writes a letter to me every week. is written to me………… A letter ____ _______ 4.They use metal to make machines. is used a.Metal ____ _______ to make machines. b.Metal ____ _______ ____ making machines. is used for 5.The girl sells matches(火柴)on Christmas Eve. are sold Matches ____ _______ by ___ the girl ………… 6.I drank the water just now. was drunk me just now. The water ____ _______ by ___ ___ Rice is grown in China. 7.中国种水稻。
Read the passage in detail. ※Read par 1-2,answer the questions below. 1. How many languages are spoken in the world? More than 6,000 languages are…. 2. In which country is English spoken as the first language? Give examples. English spoken as the first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. ※Read Part3-5, answer the questions in next page.
Great Britain
Japanese speak Japanese
Japanese is spoken by Japanese Germans speak German
German is spoken by Germans How to say:英语在全世界广泛地说/运用? English is widely spoken/used all over the world.
1.Why is English written on the TV set or watch? Because English is wildly used for business between different countries. 2.How many telephone calls are made in English? Half the telephone calls are made in English
Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world? Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world. Is English spoken as the first language in China? No, it is spoken as the second language. Which language is the most wildly used? English is the most widely used.
Japanese (Japan) will travel to American. • 1. Those _________ widely (wide) spoken in • 2. English is the most ________ the world. France (French) or Japan? • 3. Is Bill from ________ friendly to the world. (friend) • 4. Beijing people are ________ Germans Germany • 5._____ _ (German) come from________. made • 6.Many cars are ______(make) in Japan. quarters • 7.Three _______(quarter) of the newspapers are • _____(be) written in English. quarters is • 8.Three _______(quarter) of the information ___(be) • written in English. cutting • 9.Knives are used for ______(cut) things.
English is the language in none of these countries. 这些国家都没有把英语作为第一语言. none表示全部否定,反义词all,用于表示“三者或三者以上. None of us is /are afraid of difficulties.
None of the books is/ are yours.
Chinese Japanese Australians Canadians Indians Italians Germans Frenchmen Englishmen Russians
Chinese Japanese English English /French
Indian /English
Italian German French English Russian
7.When an Indian sells something to a Frenchman, they may speak English.
8.All the business letters in the modern world are written in English. 9.Three quarters of the world’s telephone calls are made in English.
Listen to the tape , tell whether they are wrong or not.
5. When you look at the back of your watch, you may see the English words “Made in China”. 6.English is widely used for business between different countries.
Good-bye Class!
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China Japan Australia Canada India Italy Germany France England Russia
a Chinese a Japanese a Australian a Canadian an Indian an Italian a German a Frenchman an Englishman a Russian
None of the milk is sour.
世界上有半数的电话是用英语打的. Half the world’s telephone calls are made in English . 世界上四分之三的书报都是用英语写的. Three quarters of the world’s books and newspapers are written in English.