
新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧【摘要】News English is a specialized form of English that is crucial in today's fast-paced world. This article explores the importance and characteristics of news English, highlighting its simplicity, objectivity, and timeliness. Additionally, it delves into the key skills required for accurate and fluent news translation. The conclusion emphasizes the significance of improving one's news English proficiency through dedicated methods and underscores the importance of precise news translation. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the intricacies of news English and the essential techniques for effective news translation.【关键词】新闻英语、特点、简洁性、客观性、及时性、翻译技巧、准确性、流畅性、提高水平、重要性。
1. 引言1.1 新闻英语的重要性News English is a vital tool in today's fast-paced world, serving as a primary source of information for people all aroundthe globe. The importance of news English lies in its ability to deliver timely and accurate news to its audience, enabling them to stay informed about current events, trends, and developments both locally and globally. News English allows individuals to access a wide range of topics and perspectives, helping them to form their own opinions and make informed decisions.1.2 新闻英语的特点1. 简洁性:新闻英语追求简明扼要,用词精准,句式简洁,以便读者能迅速了解事件的要点。

当另外两部警车与他们汇合时,韦斯和詹 姆斯纵身跳下汽车,利用车门掩护身体, 一面动作熟练地拔枪瞄准。
1。词类转化 (1)名词的转化
One of the Navy’s newest aircraft carriers will be decommissioned Friday and put into the mothball fleet. (Baltimore News) 最新颖的一艘航母将于星期五退役,封存 库中。
5 responsive logistical
6 optional
transitional time-phase
7 synchronized incremental projection
8 compatible third-generation hardware
9 balanced policy
2. 选用确切有力的动词
As two other police cars converge, Weiss and James dive from the car, throwing open door for protection while they draw and aim their guns in a single fluid motion. (Baltimore News, Aug. 20, 2003)
The leaders, who exchanged views without aids for an hour today, will brief newsmen after a second round of talks tomorrow. (Wall Street Journal)
新闻的文体特点及翻译技巧PPT(共 48张)

2.6 词义转变,常见词赋予新意。 upper( a stimulant drug):一剂麻醉药 umbrella(a nuclear umbrella):核保护伞 throwaway (wasteful):浪费成风的
一、词汇新颖 1)新词层出不穷
1.2 Definition of News
NEWS代表North(北)East(东)West(西) South(南)四个方向。寓意NEWS能向国际 四方发展,并有「新信讯」的意味。
Definition of News report of recent events
1.3 Classification of News
cited as saying(援引…的话)。
2.2 使用“小词”。
小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单 音节词。
小词的广泛使用一是由于报纸篇幅有限,用小词可以 免于移行,二是由于小词的词义范畴很宽,一般比较 生动灵活。
新闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),
Bush’s daughters reach legal age to drink
布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横
本则新闻说的是:布什一对孪生女儿经常因未 成年酗酒而被媒体曝光,现在她俩终于到达了 法定饮酒年龄,从此可以开怀痛饮了。
Singaporean star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover
这则消息是《经济学家》2000年1月22日版的 封面文章。作者巧妙地借用Charles Dickens 《双城记》的标题,翻译的时候,用“两个欠 债国的故事”,使文章显得幽默,更有内涵。

In addition to being brief, English news headlines are also typically clear and straightforward in their wording. They often use simple, everyday language to communicate the news story's key points, making them accessible to a wide audience.
The use of abbreviations and acronyms in English news headlines assumes a certain level of familiarity with the subject matter. Readers are expected to be able to recognize and understand these shortened forms, which can create a sense of insider knowledge or community among readers who are familiar with the topic.
Use of Strong Verbs
Active Voice
English news headlines often use strong, active verbs to create a sense of urgency and immediacy. This helps to grab readers' attention and make the news story more engaging. By using active voice, the headlines convey a sense of action and activity, which can be particularly important in breaking news stories.

新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧1. 引言1.1 新闻英语的重要性Currently, I need to produce an article about the characteristics and translation techniques of news English based on my outline. The outline includes an Introduction: [Importance of News English, Characteristics of News English], Body: [Conciseness of News English, Objectivity of News English, Accuracy of News English, Translation Techniques of News English, Learning Methods of News English], Conclusion: [Summary of the Characteristics and Translation Techniques of News English]. Now, please provide the content related to the Importance of News English in the Introduction section with a word count requirement of 200 words. Just focus on the content, and do not include any information unrelated to the content.1.2 新闻英语的特点新闻英语的特点在于其简练、客观和准确。

出现在新闻报道标题中,使之简明、清晰、 生动。
• 例如: Center targets kids’ illness. ( China Daily) • (中心致力于儿童疾病的研究。)
• • • • 对比: Co-operatives profit farmers more. (合作经营更有益于农民。) Co-operatives bring more profits to farmers
5. 根据内容灵活运用时态
• 新闻报道的绝大多数是刚刚发生或正在发生的 事情,因此记者常使用一般现在时态和现在完 成时态,以示“新”和“快”;为了把消息绘声 绘色地传达给听众,进行时态使用的也比较普 遍。 • 如新闻标题:
• WARSAW — A plane carrying the
Polish president and dozens of the country’s top political and military leaders to the site of a Soviet massacre of Polish officers in World War II crashed in western Russia on Saturday, killing everyone on board.
• 既可作为名词又可作为动词使用的双重属性词 汇大量作为动词使用 (如“voice”, “target”, “brief”等词) ,从而使新闻英语生动简明,这是 新闻英语的基本特征。
• The Bush administration had no objection to a trip to China by former president Bill Clinton who was briefed by senior officials. • (据高级官员透露,前总统比尔· 克林顿将出访中国, 布什政府对此未予以反对。)

新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧1. 引言1.1 新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧Introduction:News English is a unique style of English language commonly used in journalism to report current events and news stories. It has its own set of characteristics and translation techniques that make it stand out from other forms of English communication. In this article, we will explore the key features of news English and discuss the translation skills required to accurately convey news content from one language to another.News English is known for its conciseness and precision, as journalists aim to deliver information in a clear and straightforward manner. This style of writing is often characterized by short sentences, active voice, and a focus on the most important details of a story. When translating news articles, it is important to maintain this level of clarity and brevity in order to effectively communicate the key points to the target audience.Furthermore, news English is characterized by its objectivity and neutrality. Journalists strive to present facts and information without bias or personal opinions, allowing readers to form theirown conclusions. Translators must also maintain this impartiality when translating news articles, ensuring that the original meaning is accurately conveyed without adding any personal interpretation.In addition, news English is known for its timeliness and immediacy. News stories are often published quickly to keep up with the rapid pace of current events. Translators must work efficiently to produce accurate translations in a timely manner, ensuring that the news remains relevant and up-to-date for readers in different languages.Overall, the characteristics of news English, including its conciseness, objectivity, timeliness, and precision, present unique challenges for translators. By understanding and applying the appropriate translation techniques, translators can effectively convey the essence of news articles while maintaining the integrity of the original content. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these specific features of news English and explore the translation skills required to successfully transfer this style of writing into different languages.2. 正文2.1 新闻英语的语言简洁精准新闻英语的语言简洁精准,是其独特的特点之一。

【关键词】新闻英语、特点、翻译技巧、简洁性、客观性、紧凑性、措辞准确性、引言、正文、结论1. 引言1.1 新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧Introduction:News English is a specialized form of English that is used in reporting news events. It is characterized by its clarity, objectivity, conciseness, and accuracy. Translating news English requires a careful understanding of these characteristics in order to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original text. Inthis article, we will explore the key features of news English and provide some tips for translating it effectively.2. 正文2.1 新闻英语的简洁性新闻英语的简洁性是其一个重要的特点,它要求信息传达的速度和效率,避免冗长和繁杂的表达。

例如: As the leaders of 34 nations wrapped up negotiations for an All-Americas free trade zone yesterday, police braced for more protests and the streets remained littered with debris from previous clashes. 昨天,34国领导人致力于全美洲自由贸易圈的各项谈判 之时,警察却穷于应付越来越多的示威者。街道由于之前的 冲突而一片狼藉。
每年都有成百上千的新词亮相在新媒体上,很多新词 在新闻媒体上登场后,被人们纷纷效仿,逐渐得到普及, 成为广受人们欢迎和使用的流行语。这些流行语反映了时 代发展的轨迹,在新闻英语中比比皆是。
例如:Zippergate(拉链门事件)这是美国前总统克林顿 性丑闻事件,尽管已经时隔多年,今天在因特网上仍然可以 收到和Zippergate相关的新闻报道。
这个导语的巧妙之处是,前面三句短促有力,不占过多 空间而影响主题表达,并且还设置了悬念,吸引读者继续往 下看。而后,后半部分点明了前三句所述乃是enticing visions of China’s surging economy。
按文章主题内容与导语给出的信息之间的关系进行分类 ,导语还可分成单主题导语(single-theme lead)和多主题导语 (multi-theme lead)。
Japanese rocket launch delayed
• 【译】日本政府决定推迟火箭发射日期
有标点符号‘ ’ “:” “,” “━”的标题
• 用标点符号把标题中的中心词与修饰说明 性词隔开,以突出中心词,或表示同位结 构,引起读者注意。
• 翻译时可灵活处理,英语有此类标点 符号的标题,汉译时可用也可不用,英语 没有此类标点符号的标题,汉译时也可加 上此类符号。
新闻报道涉及社会政治生活、金融商业活 动、军事冲突、科技发展、外交斗争、文 化体育动态以及宗教、法律、刑事、家庭 等等各个方面,因此新闻报道用词范围广, 新词语层出不穷。
• 翻译新闻时应密切注意原语的格调,以 “事实”或“消息”为准则,语言以“准 确”为核心,避免使用激情的词语除非顺 应原文的需要。翻译重内容,不必拘泥于 语言形式,译文不宜太俗也不易过雅。
• 英语新闻标题可以使用完整的句子(包括各 类从句、祈使句、疑问句),也可使用名词、 名词短语、单词的首字母、缩略语、介词 短语等。谓语动词多使用一般现在时代替 过去时; 动词不定时代替将来时。非谓语动 词多用动名词、动词不定式、分词等。
• • • •
完整句子包括简单句、各类从句、祈使句、 疑问句,都可作新闻的标题,翻译时最好译 成汉语的词或词语形式,体现标题的特点, 而不是一句话,句末不用标点符号。 例如:1. World Eyes Mid-East Peace Talks (eyes=watches, observes) 【译】世界关注中东和平谈判 2. Education brings a better tomorrow 【译】教育改变未来生活 Private eyes seek legal recognition

指英文报刊上常见的各类 文章,体裁多样,有新闻报道、新 闻特写、广告、公报、文艺作品、 述评、访谈、学术介绍和争鸣…… 题材广泛,内容包罗万象。
消息报道 News reporting 特写 Features 社论 Editorial 广告Advertisements
西部大开发 (grand) western development
全面提高 to enhance (completely)
认真执行 to execute (conscientiously)
“秭归是产桔大县” “切实加强治安管理” “得到专家的一致好评” “彻底肃清封建迷信思想” “有了新的突破” “取得卓著的成就”
The Things That Farmers Needn’t Worry About
University set to go international
美国不要做干涉他国内政的事情 US told to stop its ‘interfering’
“Yesterday’s newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 24 hours.” ( Williamson, 1975)
例如: (引题)大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? (主题)三峡总公司辟谣:空穴来风
Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor

1 新词新意 cybercafe cyberchatting E-bombs hacker videophone infotainment
2 旧词转新义 source “人士”、“官员” diplomatic sources外交界人士 informative sources信息灵通人士 official sources官方人士 reliable sources可靠人士
assistance for the Kremlin’s
economic reform.
根据这样的想法,克林顿总统上周为 继续援助克里姆林宫的经济改革进行 辩护。
3 行话 ( jargon) sportsmanship kick off draw jump the gun I did not want to jump the gun by saying the agreement would increase jobs for Americans.
Ancient Mongol tribes inhabited it; Persian Shahs fought for it and the Russian conquered it. 古代蒙古各族栖息于此;波斯诸国王 为此而战;而俄罗斯人征服了此地。
Jack Frost made its belated appearance this winter as Shanghai tasted the first bitterness of freezing cold yesterday after a long warm spell.