新编英语教程6 第三版 译文


新编英语教程6 unit9、10课文翻译

新编英语教程6 unit9、10课文翻译

Unit 9 T ext I A Red Light for Scofflaws 对藐视法律者的警告弗兰克·特里皮特法律和秩序时美国历史上最悠久的政治问题,可能也是人们最喜爱探讨的政治问题。




















1 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了The whole plan fell through for want of fund.2 牛顿被公认为是世界最杰出的科学家之一。

Newton is actnowledged as one of the world;s most eminent scientists.3 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误He calcuates the cost of production with invariable accuracy4 公司发言人的不负责任的讲话受到了严厉的指责The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.5 这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币The young clerk from the commercial bank soitted thecorinterfeit ten-pound note.6 这个精干的经理立刻行动起来The efficient manager acted promptly7 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字Pleasure replace her name for yours on the waiting list8 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历Shen found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience9 不要感叹过去得不幸,振作起来行前看Don't lament your past misfortunes., keep your shin up and look to the future 1 富兰克林在他的自传里力劝读者要勤俭Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography.2.谁能证实这签名无讹Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?3. 人们给它起了小家伙的绰号。




1. 原标题:Lesson 1: Greetings
修改后:Introducing Greetings
In this lesson, we will learn about different ways to greet people in English.
2. 原标题:Unit 2: Family and Friends
修改后:Exploring Family and Friends
In this unit, we will discuss our family members and close friends, and learn how to talk about them in English.
3. 原标题:Chapter 3: At the Restaurant
修改后:Dining Out
In this chapter, we will focus on vocabulary and phrases related to eating at a restaurant in English.

李观仪《新编英语教程》(第3版)(课文精解 Unit 6)【圣才出品】

李观仪《新编英语教程》(第3版)(课文精解 Unit 6)【圣才出品】

四、课文精解Dialogue1.I guess many faces ware beyond recognition after so many years:介词beyond 意为“超过;越过”,beyond recognition即“超出了辨认的能力”,也就是“认不出来”。

类似的还有:beyond understanding超出理解的范围,摸不着头脑;beyond one’s control超出了某人的控制范围。

2.We should try our best to avoid seeing only the negative side of things by counting our blessings,not our curses:“blessing”即“幸事,福祉”,curse即“诅咒,祸害”。

count one’s blessings指让某人感念自己有多幸运,要知足、珍惜。

3.Now my electric wheelchair is in a semi-retired condition:in…condition即“处于……的状态”,如:be in good condition状态很好;be in bad condition状态很差。

“semi-retired”即“半退休的”,前缀semi-表示“半;部分”,一般用于形容词和名词前构成其他形容词和名词,如:semi-skilled半熟练的;semi-automation半自动化;semi-formal半正式的Reading I1.…so childishly demanding that we can hardly put up with her:put up with sb“忍受,容忍某人”,例:I don’t know how she puts up with his cruelty to her.我不明白她怎么能忍受他的虐待。


34. cardboard [5kB:dbC:d] n. thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models 硬纸板
35. bitterly [5bitEli] adj. very; violently 强烈地;非常 bitterly upset 极其难 过
20. marital [5mAritl] adj. of a husband or wife; of marriage夫妇间的;婚姻 的
21. spot [spCt] v. pick out(one person or thing from many); catch sight of; recognize; discover辨出;认出;发觉;e.g. Vicenzo failed to spot the error. 维森佐没能发现这个错误。 n. 地点;斑点 on the spot 立刻,当 场;在危险中;处于负责地位 vt. 弄脏;e.g. His boots were spotted with mud. 他的靴子上沾有泥渍。
2. curious [5kjuEriEs] adj. eager to know r learn富于好奇心的,有求知欲 的,感兴趣的
3. fastidious [fAs5tidiEs] adj. selecting carefully; choosing only what is good挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;e.g. She is too fastidious about her food or clothing. 她爱讲究吃穿。
38. stiffly [5stifli] adj. stubbornly, obstinately 生硬地;顽固地;呆板地e.g. They greeted each other stiffly, without affection. 他们生硬地打着招呼,没 有一丝爱意。



UNIT ONE[Words and expressions]Insight: capacity of gaining a deep instinctive understanding of a situation Sermon: religious teachingWintry: of winter; coldFall through: fail to be successfully completed; come to nothingProspect: something one expects to happenProspects: opportunitiesFrown: vi 皱眉;皱眉表示不悦Invariable: never changingEminent: famous and respected within a particular profession.Checker: little squareChew the cud: think over, careful contemplation 反刍;仔细想Cud:反刍之食物;倒嚼之食物Hindsight: n. 事后聪明Muffle:(1)(用东西蒙住或包扎住)使声音降低(2) 裹;覆盖;围住Gnome: a small little manCaseload: all the people a doctor is responsible for at one time (医务工作者、社会工作者)的工作量Melancholy: adj. Sad; gloomy; depressedIndestructible: strong, can’t be destroyedPerceptiveness: unusual ability to notice and understand 洞察能力At some length:in some detailAt length:at lastDenominator: a mathematic term; here, the common characteristics Perspective: way of observing a subjectProceed to do: begin to doBerate: scold; criticize angrilyWoeful: sorrowful; miserable; pitifulLament: bemoan; feel regretful; feel or express deep sorrowPerverse streak: obstinate qualityStreak:a part of a person’s character, especially an unpleasant partRuthless streak 冷酷的性格Vicious streak 邪恶的性格Mean streak 卑鄙的性格Hash over one’s mistakes: bring up the old mistakes again for consideration Ruefully: regretfullyDrag: sl. A boring thing; nuisanceHere in this context: sth that retards motion, action or advancementGrim: depressing;unpleasantWindowpane: window glassPane: a piece of glassCruising: traveling at a steady speedSly: cunningAbsurd: sth that is absurd looks ridiculousIn full stride坦然自若地Perceptible: can be felt in mindClick: a short hard sound (used figuratively), meaning “reminder”, “urge of encouragement”Immortality: never-ending life or endless fameImmortal: not mortalMortal: can not live forever; must dieUNIT TWO[Words and expressions]Exhort: advise sb earnestly; urge sb to doEarl: title of a British ranking between a marquis and a viscountFive titles of nobleman:Duke 公爵Marquise 侯爵Earl 伯爵Viscount 子爵Baron 男爵Get around to doing sth: find the time to do sth. 抽时间做某事Worthies(通常用复数):important people;VIPCool one’s heels:have sb wait for a long timeAnteroom: waiting roomAttest to:show/ prove/ demonstrate that sth is trueDub: give sb a nickname, often in a humorous way 起绰号Cunctator: delayerVinum break: wine breakVinum: Latin word for wine.Tea breakCoffee breakPlead: give as an excuse 提出…为借口Rationalize:make…sound reasonableJehovah: God in the Old Testament 耶和华Edict: a firm, authoritative order 命令;法令Procrastination: delay; postponeDo-it-nower: one who never delaysMortgage: a loan of money one gets from a bank in order to buy a house 房屋抵押款Ungodly: (informal use) this word is used to describe sth that seems unreasonable to you and therefore is annoying.The apocalyptic voice of Diners threatens doom from Denver: a menacing orderfrom Denver, the credit card company, so threatening an order that incurs trouble and catastrophe to those who haven’t paid their credit-card bills. Apocalyptic: threatening; menacing.This word is derived from Apocalypse (《启示录》) from the New Testament. It predicts the coming of disaster, and the coming of Jesus.Doom: catastropheDiners: the Diners’ Club, which introduced, in 1950, the first credit card which could be used at different establishments.Denver: the head office of the Diners credit cardIncur:give rise toInspire: cause; encourageRevive: regenerate; bring backCunctator: delayerMonopoly: complete control; domination 垄断Proconsul:(古罗马)总督Ruminate: think deeply; meditate; ponderBlessedly:fortunately;gloriouslyLoot:steal or take things by force; robAttorney: lawyerChronic: habitual 积习难改的;长期的Echelon: levelAddicted入迷的;热衷的Breed:causeFortify: support or strengthenSmother: cover thicklyReappraisal: action of re-examining sth; re-evaluationStud: decorate a surface with many studs, precious stonesChurn out: mass produceAssi d uous:determined; persistentShrink: psychiatrist 心理医生Subliminal: being perceived or affecting the mind without being aware of it; unconsciousDeliberation: slowness of movement;Mellow: become ripeAssassin: killerDevour: eat sth. hungrilyUNIT THREEPlay God:perform the duties or functions of God 充当上帝;尽上帝之责任Fatted calf: 养肥的小牛Vulture: 兀鹫Pick at: get small amount to eat;eat like a birdResuscitate: make sb become conscious again; revive 使恢复知觉;使苏醒Macho: behaving in an aggressively masculine way 大男子气概的;粗野的Scheme of things:the things in which people want things to be organized 安排的格局;计划安排Bowel: 肠Bladder膀胱Haggard:having a tired expression because of illness and bad sleep憔悴的Beaten: depressed;frustrated沮丧的Saliva:唾液Drool:淌口水(saliva) coming out without being able to stop it.Irrigate:冲洗Crater: big holeBedsore: 褥疮Feces:粪便;排泄物Scrub:rub hard in order to clean 用力擦洗Upholstery: 软垫Agonized:极度痛苦的Be liable for negligence: 易于失职;易于玩忽职守Liable: likely to happenLucid: being able to think clearly 头脑清楚的Crumble: fall; become weakmedication: medicinemoaning: low and miserable cryinfuse … with注入sense of humility: 谦恭感impotence: state of being weak;illusion: 幻想salvation拯救meddle in: interfere withhaunt: frustrateriddle: plague; frustratemutter: speak very quietlya clutch of: a large amount of;band: bind round tightly 紧紧勒住pallor:pale colorUNIT FOURPainfully: the author feels pain when touching upon this issueTake liberties with sth.: treat freely without caring about…Nourish the society: provide for and support the society; sustain the society Outlaw: adj. illegaln. a criminalv. made illegal: The use of poison gas is outlawed.Outlaw litter: unlawful strewing a place with rubbishElicit: illegalElicit noise: very loud noise that is not permittedAnarchy: disorder; confusion(Represent) the wave of the future: (be)the normal way of behavior in the future Motorized anarchy: disorder or chaos created by motoristsTake to doing sth.: form the habit of doing sth.; like doing sth.Blithely: happilyDereliction: misdeeds; less serious illegal behaviorAs a matter of course: as sth. naturalEthic: moral belief that influences the behavior, attitudes, and philosophy of life 道德规范;伦理标准Cf.Ethics: pl. moral beliefs and rules about right and wrongethnic 种族的Abound v. there are large numbers ofGraffiti: drawings, words, pictures drawn on the walls in public places 涂鸦Be exempt from: be free from; not affected or bound by …;not restricted; not controlledlitter bugs: those who leave waste materials, or garbage everywherebug: (slang)a person who has great enthusiasm for sth.Flurry: sudden burst of intense activityOrdinances: rules and regulationsDecibel: unit to measure how high the sound is分贝Hooliganism: the behavior of hooligansBeer-soaked: drunkenPlague: n. disease like cholera or typhoidv. bother, cause trouble for sbduck v. move away; avoidpot smoker: marijuana addictjoint: a cigarette containing drugsflagrant: obvious, not concealed 明目张胆;赤裸裸的Festering: shameful; disgracefulJaywalker: one who crosses roads in a careless wayScofflawry: act of scoffing the lawFare beate r: one who evades paying the fare on a public vehiclePose risk to: present risk to; cause riskStatute: law and regulationCf. statue; statue of libertyFire safety statute: law for fire safety 防火安全法令Culprit: person who has done sth wrong; offenderAdd up to: amount to,Colossal: very large; immense; hugeJam v. make the street crowdedNuisance: thing, person or behavior that is troublesome or annoyingAdd up to a colossal public nuisance: amount to an act that is tremendously illegal Hazard: dangerDouble parking: parallel parkingFlout: disobey openly and scornfullyWane: decreasing; becoming less and less.Cf. wax: (the moon)growing largerThe moon waxes and wanes every month.Russian roulette: a game of chance in which the player, using a revolver(左轮手枪) containing only one bullet(子弹), spins the cylinder(旋转枪膛)of the revolver, points the muzzle(枪口)at his own head, and pulls the trigger. Here it means a very dangerous activity.Intersection: crossroadsToss-up: tossing up a coin to make a decision between two alternatives.The social mood: the general attitude of societyIncessant: non-stopping; continualA deep dent: a scar on a car, which goes inwardPay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage: endure repeatedly such unpleasant situations as frustration, inconvenience and outrage(great anger)Repetitious: repetitivePay a price: endure some unpleasant situation in order to get something desirable You have to pay a price in heat while preparing the college entrance examination.Peril: serious dangerMortal peri l: deadly dangerTribute: respectFurtiveness: being secret and quiet so as not to be noticedIf hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw’s salute to the force of law-and-order.→ Vice pays tribute to virtue by means of hypocrisy; then the criminal shows respect to the police by means of being cautious.Brazen: shamelessCollapse: fall of moralsPublic manners: social moralityEtiquette: formal rules of polite behaviorProspect: possibility or likelihood of future event occurring.Foretaste: foresightIncivility: impolitenesscivil → civility → incivilityBolt: 螺栓nut:螺帽,螺母Dump truck: dumper truck:自动装卸卡车Houston freeway traffic violence:1)Flash high-beam lights at a car 用远光灯照射Hurl a beer can at the window shield 用啤酒瓶砸车窗玻璃Kick out the tail lights用脚踢尾灯Slug him eight stitches’ worth: punch him so that his wound has 8 stitches.2)Batter the trunk and the driver with steel bolt: hit or strike violently3)Rear-end the car which goes within 55 m.p.h. limit: follow closely behind Freeway syndrome(高速公路综合征): the incivility characteristic of the drivers on the Houston Freeway.stereotypical: traditionally typicalstereotype 刻板印象;模式化的见解→ stereotypicallaw-abiding citizens: those who abide by the lawtake to doing sth: form the habit of doing sth.; like doing sth.Skirt the law: ignore the lawCome to the main issue. Don’t skirt around it.Mild:gentleProhibition (1920-1933) American history禁酒令Exhilarating: very exciting; cheerfulan exhilarating drink 提神的饮料an exhilarating news 振奋人心的消息wipe out: destroyundermine: weaken gradually;mine: dig out the earth from undergroundlegitimacy:合法性legalitylegitimate: legal adj.ironically: used to modify a whole sentence 颇有讽刺意味的是s cofflaw spirit:违法意识undetermined: uncertain; unsolvedunwittingly: unconsciously;unintentionally; unknowinglybeing too outspoken, he blurted out the secret unwittingly.mandate: orderconstituent: voter选民constituency 选区subvert: undermine; do away withsubvert the government推翻政府compliance:obedience;agreementcomply with → compliancePuny: small in numberPuny fines: a small number of fine 微小的罚金Transgression: sin; law-breaking; violation of the lawTrivialize: pay little attention to;Trivial → trivializeDramatize: magnify or exaggerateNullify: make (an agreement) lose its legal forceto nullify a contract 取消合同null → nullifynull: nothing; no effectnullify the law: 使法律失去效力court-ordered: ordered by the court 法院下令的Desegregation: the elimination of racial isolation in sthDesegregation rulings废除种族隔离法令Administration:American governmentDisquieting: disturbing; upsetting; annoying; worrying; making people worried Quiet -→ disquietingInfectiousness: spreadingInfectious → infectiousnessTerminally: fatallyTerminal disease: a disease which can not be curedTerminal cancer 晚期癌症Terminal patient:重危病人Indefinitely: without control; endlesslyUNIT FIVEFuss and bother: worry and anxietyFuss: unnecessary anger, anxiety, excitement or interestOverpopulate: over + populate -→ overpopulatePlight: serious and difficult situation or conditionAs often as no t: quite frequently; at least half the timeGive sb. equal time with sb. else: give sb. as much attention as is given to sb. else Publicize: bring to public notice 公布于众;宣传Public → publicizeCf. publish 出版;发行Widely publicized counterparts: those ordinary illiterates who are widely known to the publicInterrogate: question sb aggressively or closely and for a long time 审问Cross-examine: question 盘问,often used for asking suspects to give evidence Pry and probe: inquireArticulate: able to use language fluentlyCovet: want very muchCoveted fellowship: money for academic research desired by everyone学术基金Cf. scholarship 奖学金Coveted: eagerly wished for; eagerly desiredExogenous: of external factorDecode: change a coded message into intelligible languagecf. codeAllegory: an imaginary story 寓言故事Gibberish: meaningless talk; nonsenseProvidentially: fortunately; luckilyProvidence n. a divine force 天道,天意Take one’s cue from……: follow the advice or example of……Affliction: trouble or mental suffering or distressInexorable: (1) relentless;(2)continuing; unstoppableProfundity: profound or deep matters.Grapple with: fight with; deal with"Bulging with: full ofBulge: be so full of sth as to swell in size. 肿起;凸起Barbarous jargon: unintelligible terms; meaningless terms; words which are difficult to understandMonstrous phrases: horrible words; terms which are shocking or frightening Monstrous: frightening; shockingPleasure principle(愉悦原则): man is both biological animal and social animal. In keeping with his biological endowment, man tends to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This truism is known as “pleasure principle” .UNIT SIXSchizophrenia: 精神分裂症Diglossia:双言症Dialect:here 社会方言Black English: 黑人英语Stigmatize: treat sb in a way that makes them feel ashamed.使感到羞辱Be stigmatized as:be condemned/denounced as被指责为Radically: completely; thoroughlyLiberal: a member of the Liberal PartyEducation deprivation教育缺乏Anatomy: analysisNew World blacks: 通过奴隶贸易从非洲运往北美的黑人Spirited vocabulary: 带有黑人种族特征的词汇Tote:add upStigmatize: treat sb in a way that makes them feel ashamed.使感到羞辱Inferior: not good or not as good as sb. or sth. elseConsistent: always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards, etc.Be tied up with: be very closely related to; busy withAttribute: believe or say that a situation or event is caused by sth.Eradicate: get rid of completelyOriginate: come from a particular place; start in a particular situationGive rise to: lead to; causeSeep: flow slowly through small holes or spaces; move or spread gradually Derive: develop or come fromBestow: give sb. sth of great value or importanceGraft: join sth onto sth; add sth to sthBe stigmatized as:be condemned/denounced as被指责为Anatomy: analysisOverwhelming: very large; enormousSeep: trickle; ooze(液体) 渗透Fig. come out very slowly 渐渐地、慢慢地外露出来Groovy: attractive; fashionableJive:摇摆舞Rap:(电子乐器伴奏的)说唱Chick:chickenRip off: 撕掉;迅速脱掉Chigger: sand flea (一种跳蚤)Yam:山药;番薯Tater:马铃薯;土豆Bestow: give, grant sth to sb to show how much they are respected授予,赠与,赐给Overseer:监工;监督人;掌管人Graft:移植;嫁接Beside the point:unrelated 不相关的;离题的UNIT SEVENLamely: unconvincinglyOccur to: come to sb’s mindParadoxical: contradictory; incongruousParadox: a situation which involves two opposite factsParadoxical: contradictoryPedagogical acts:教育行为Disciple: follower of any leader of religious thought, learning, art. Originally referred to the followers of Jesus Christ.Be wary of: be cautious about possible danger or problem.Enchantments: magic power/charm of beautyDeprive of: take fromLose prestige: lose significance; lose prominencePrestige: general respect or admiration felt for someone or something because they have high quality, success.Accumulate: make or become greater in number or quantity.In the throes of: in the middle of doing sth very difficult.Throe: intense or violent pain and struggle. Often used in plural formIdentify with: consider two things as being the same; equate with; associate with. The obligation to be / to try: the duty to be beautiful or try to be beautiful An obligation is an act to which one is morally or legally bound.Evaluate: judge the value ofConfirm: give support to a fact by providing more proof.A declared Robert Redford fan: an enthusiastic/faithful supporter of Robert Redford.Declared: openly admitted asUNIT EIGHTPara 1 definition of appetite: keenness of livingThe keenness of living: strong interest in livingKeen adj. Having a strong interest in sth. Eager to do sth.Have an edge on: be eager to satisfy one’s desiresEdge: keenness of desireMultitudinous: extremely large in numberBite into the world: experience the worldPara 2 appetite --- any condition of unsatisfied desireLust for food: strong desire for foodBurning in the blood: strong desireGet one’s heart’s desire: have one’s desire satisfiedPrefer doing sth to doing sth.Para 3 appetite --- a state of wantingTreat n. something that gives great pleasure, especially unexpected.Orgy: party (festivity) which brings great pleasureTreat and orgies: something that gives pleasurePitch of happiness: degree of happinessThe greatest pitch of happiness: the highest degree of happinessToffee太妃糖Toffeeness: the taste of toffeesImperceptible: cannot be perceived Cf. perceptibleGross act of doing sth: ungraceful act of doing sth. 不雅的行为Inexhaustible: not exhaustible, can not be used upTreasure-house of flavors: a great variety of flavorsPara 4 pleasure of appetite --- in wanting, not in satisfactionTexture: the feel of a substanceBludgeon: force sb to do sth.Satiation: over-satisfaction; over-indulgenceOver doing it: eat too muchAppetite is too precious to be bludgeoned into insensibility by satiation: … so good that I don’t want to force it into insensibility by means of over-satisfaction. Para 5 function of fastingSquare mea l: a big meal; a meal which is substantial and richOrgiastic: full of excitement; here it means the meal which makes people feel excited.Table-groaning: (food which is so much and rich) that makes the table groan, or the table groans under the weight of food.Blow-out: (slang)a large meal; a feast 盛餐;美餐Fasting:eating no foodPuritanical device:a way to avoid enjoyment as puritans do. Puritans think enjoyment is unnecessary or wrong.Puritanical: very strict and severe in moralsAnticipate: expectSupreme indulgence: luxury pleasure which is of the highest degree.Para 6 fasting --- respect for appetiteFasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite: fasting is a way to respect the grandness of appetite.Appetite is grand, excellent,Homage: respectMajesty: grandnessIntensity: power or strength of pleasureWeariness of modern life: monotony of modern lifeLive too much on top of each other: live too close to each other, too dependent upon each otherOn end: continuouslyCrouch: lower the body by bending the kneesWail: cryGorge: eat greedilyGorge oneself: fill oneself with food; stuff oneself with foodAppetite came into its own: appetite showed its true value.Sacred celebration of life: holy celebration of lifeImpotence of life: life in which one loses his ability “瘫痪”的生活Guardian:one who protects othersDivinity of appetite: appetite is divine, or respectable, hence the divinity of appetite Blunt: weakenedPara 8 need of thirst in order to get springs: the need of appetite in order to get the greatest pitch of happinessAcute: keen; sharpBliss: great joyParch: make very dry and hot。





















































新编英语教程第三版6学习指南Learning Guide for New English Coursebook Third Edition Book 6。

Introduction.The New English Coursebook Third Edition Book 6 is an essential resource for students aiming to enhance their English language skills. This learning guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and skills covered in the textbook, guiding students towards a deeper understanding and effective application of the language.Unit Overview.Each unit in Book 6 is designed to introduce new vocabulary, grammar structures, and reading comprehension skills. The lessons are progressive, building upon the knowledge gained in previous books, while introducing newchallenges and concepts.Vocabulary.The vocabulary section of each unit introduces a rangeof new words and phrases, relevant to the theme of the lesson. Students are encouraged to explore the meaning of these words in context, using dictionaries and other resources to understand their precise definitions and usage.Grammar.The grammar focus of each unit introduces newstructures and tenses, vital for effective communication in English. Students are guided through examples and exercises, helping them to master these structures and apply them confidently in their writing and speaking.Reading Comprehension.Reading comprehension skills are essential foreffective language learning. The lessons in Book 6 includea range of reading activities, designed to challenge students' understanding and interpretation of texts. These activities encourage students to think critically about the content, identifying themes, arguments, and language techniques used by the author.Listening and Speaking.In addition to reading and writing, listening and speaking skills are also essential for fluent language use. The lessons in Book 6 include activities that focus on listening comprehension and speaking practice, helping students to develop their ability to understand and be understood in spoken English.Writing Skills.Writing is a crucial part of language learning, and Book 6 dedicates several lessons to developing students' writing skills. These lessons cover different types of writing, including essays, reports, and letters, providing students with the tools and techniques they need to producecoherent and well-structured texts.Cultural Awareness.Language learning is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it's also about understanding the culture and context in which the language is spoken. Book 6 includes lessons that explore different cultures and their influence on English language usage, helping students to develop a more nuanced understanding of the language and its users.Conclusion.The New English Coursebook Third Edition Book 6 is a comprehensive resource for students aiming to improve their English language skills. This learning guide provides an overview of the key concepts and skills covered in the textbook, guiding students towards a deeper understanding and effective application of the language. By focusing on vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, listening and speaking skills, writing skills, and cultural awareness,this book empowers students to become confident and fluent English speakers.。



Unit One1. 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了。

The whole plan fell through for want of fund.2. 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误。

He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.3. 公司发言人推卸责任的讲话受到了严厉指责。

The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.4. 那名年轻的海关官员一眼就看出了那本假护照。

The young customs officer spotted the counterfeit passport at one glance.5. 各有关部门的负责人认识到形势的严峻,立刻行动了起来。

Upon realizing the severity of the situation, leaders of the departments concerned acted promptly.6. 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。

Please substitute your name for her on the waiting list.7. 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历。

She found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience.8. 不要感叹过去的不幸。


Don't lament your past misfortunes. Keep your chin up and look to the future.Unit Two1. 富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要勤俭。

Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography.2. 谁能证明这签名是真的?Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?3. 人们给他起了“小个子”的绰号,因为就年龄而言,他看上去很小。



Reference for Unit 6 workbook exercisesBlank FillingA.1.changed, promisinging, qualified3.determined4.spoken, leading, surprising5.frightening6.demanding7.pleased, soiledplicated9.interested, exciting, soaked10.tiring, tiredB.1.giving2.Fascinated, rising / rise3.singing, to do, making4.keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing5.opening6.to take, shopping, doing, to do7.to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do8.to watch, to read, reading, watching9.missing, to tell10.to be taken11.swimming, cleaning, to do12.waiting, seeing, missing, to find, to beC.1.for2.to3.of4.on5.read6.across7.about / for 8.in9.until / till10.opinion11.by12.keep13.excellent14.time15.pleasure16.from17.yourself18.in19.filled20.trains21.but22.meeting23.things24.attitude25.forD.1.speaking2.before3.by4.few5.developed6.how7.writing 8.step9.or10.of11.found12.from13.ideased15.the16.first17.represent18.cannguage20.making21.world22.to23.of24.only25.wayVI. Sentence RewritingA.1.Whenever he … bookshop, he …away from it.2.Whoever he is, he … law.3.Wherever he went, poor … life.4.Whatever you may say, I … thi ng.5.However hard he tries, he … satisfactorily6.Don’t …, whoever repeats it. / Whoever repeats it, don’t…7.However annoying his behavior is / may be, we … him.8.Whatever he … say, I … going.9.Keep calm, whatever happens. / Whatever happens, keep …10.T he boy…, wherever he is. / Wherever …, the boy…B.1.To his great joy, his uncle … present.2.Much to our relief, the plane … last.3.To the surprise of the teacher, yang Ling had … heart.4.To our grief, Professor Hu died of cancer last week.5.To my satisfaction, his statement is correct.6.To the disappointment of the students, the book … bookshops.7.To their indignation, John was unfairly dismissed.。



berate严责academe研究院coma昏迷chew the cud反刍深思apocalypse启示大灾难crumble面包屑崩溃gnome土地神箴言fortify加强haggard野鹰憔悴的identify鉴定把…看成一样nattering唠叨抱怨imperative命令必需的immorality不道德proconsul殖民地总督地方总督impotence虚弱阳痿insight洞察力ruminate反刍反思lucid明晰的perceptiveness洞察力shrink收缩畏缩macho大男子气概的强壮男子perverse堕落的倔强的subliminal潜意识meddling in干预streak条纹飞跑truism老生常谈自明之理pick at挑毛病resuscitate使复苏self-righteous自以为是的Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6anarchy无政府状态affliction苦难折磨attribute属性把…归属于beater搅拌机articulate发音清晰的有关节的bestow使用授予brazen厚颜无耻的使…无耻contingent因情况而异的视情况而定的consistent始终如一的坚持的dereliction玩忽职守遗弃covet垂涎觊觎derive源于duck鸭子躲避gibberish乱语快速又不清的言语eradicate根除exempt免税者被豁免的grapple抓住格斗graft嫁接渎职fester溃烂化脓inexorably不可逆转的无情的inferior下级下等的flurry慌张疾风plight困境保证originate发源创作illicit违法的profundity深刻深度seep小泉渗出nuisance讨厌的人麻烦事providentially如有神助的幸运的stigmatize污蔑打上…的烙印nullify使无效ordinance条例圣餐礼digression离题脱轨outlaw litter乱扔垃圾detour绕道peril危险危及deviation偏差误差skirt裙子回避subvert颠覆推倒take liberties with随意对待toss-up掷钱币难以定夺的事censure责难blow-out爆裂熄火burgeoning增长迅速的生机勃勃的depreciation折旧贬值bludgeon棍棒恫吓embody体现使具体化fretful焦躁的blunt钝的生硬的fidelity保真度忠诚interminable冗长的无止尽的gorge峡谷暴食in effect生效lamely一瘸一拐地无止尽的homage敬意效忠key to…的关键narcissism自恋indulgence嗜好放纵obeisance敬礼尊敬obligation义务债务lust性欲强烈的欲望poignant尖锐的切中要害的paradoxical矛盾的似非而是的multitudinous大量的群集的to a fault过分地pedagogical教育学的教学法的orgy狂欢放荡virtual虚拟的事实上的preen打扮洋洋得意satiation饱食厌腻pass muster符合要求合格texture质地本质seductive有魅力的性感的throes剧痛苦苦挣扎wary机谨的考虑周到的Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12alienate使疏远离间elaborate精心制作的详尽阐述benight使陷入黑暗使愚昧无知amiss有毛病的出差错的endow赋予天生具有deleterious有毒的有害的categorically绝对地直接地fashion使用做成…的形状demoralization堕落道德败坏divert转向使…欢愉get out of hand失控engender产生引起down-to-earth切合实际的接地气nemesis报应天罚ominous预兆的不吉利的exalted尊贵的兴奋的preposterous荒谬的可笑的plausible貌似可信的花言巧语的expunge擦去删掉prey on捕食掠夺rappel用绳索下降hideous可怕的丑恶的spur鼓舞马刺rapt全身关注的入迷的incongruous不协调的不和谐的swirl漩涡大口喝酒regurgitate回流反刍partial局部的偏爱的vulnerable易受伤害的winnow簸挑出好坏perspective观点远景ward off避开挡住phoney骗子假货auspicious吉利的。





•试看部分内容Unit 1一、词汇短语T ex t I1.s e r mo n[5s E:m E n]n.ta l k o r a mo r a l o r r e l i g i o u s s u b j e c t,u s u.g i v en b y a c l e r gy-man f r o m t h e p u lp i t d u r in g a r e l i g iou s s er vic e 讲道(通常指教士在讲坛上做出的);v i.布道2.f r u st r a te d[f r Q5str e i ti d,5f r Q-\]a d j.dis c ou r a ged; n o t s a tis fi ed 失意的,挫败的3.d e p r e s s e d[d i5p r e s t]a d j.s a d a n d w i t h o u t e n t h u s i a s m忧愁的;消沉的;沮丧的4.m i s c a l c u l a t i o n[5m i s7k A l k j u5l e i F E n]n.m i s t a k e i n c a l c u l a t i o n 计算错误5.c o n s i d e r a b l e[k E n5s i d E r E b l]a d j.g r e a t i n a m o u n t o r s i z e相当多的,相当大的 e.g.I t w i l l c o s t c o n s i d er ab l e t i m e t o l a c q u er th e old fu rn i tu re. 粉刷旧家具要花相当多时间。



13 他那绝望的眼神和声音让我充满了内疚, “我会停下的”,当要注射止痛剂时我告 诉他。
14 我坐在病床上握着麦克的手。他用他 那枯瘦如柴的指头压了压我的手,喃喃道, 谢谢。然后耳边传来一声轻轻的叹息,我 感觉到被我握着的手在渐渐变凉。“麦克?” 我低语道,我在等着他的胸膛再次起伏。
mumble murmur mutter [语言学]弱元音;低语元音 /~vowel [医药科学 ] (心脏等的)杂音 /heart ~ mumble ['mʌmb(ə)l] vt. 含糊地说;抿着嘴嚼 vi. 含糊地说话 n. 含糊的话;咕噜 He could hear the low mumble of Navarro‘s voice.他能听到纳瓦罗的低声咕哝。 Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep. 她祖母睡觉时咕哝了。
mutter ['mʌtə] vi. 咕哝;喃喃自语 vt. 咕哝;抱怨地说;低声含糊地说 n. 咕哝;喃喃低语 They make no more than a mutter of protest. 他们不过是小声抗议了一下。 She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration. 她能听见这老妇人低声说要考虑考虑。
It was snowing when he arrived at the construction site. 他到达工地时,天正在下雪。 He wasng. 他母亲做饭时他在看电视。 You will grow wiser as you grow older. 你会随着年龄的增长而越来越聪明。
His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks . 他的竞选活动充满了指责和人身攻击。 The path to success is one that is going to be riddled with lots of uphills and downhills. 通往成功的路将会是崎岖不平的 Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire. 不明来路的袭击者用枪把两座房屋打得千 疮百孔。

新编英语教程6unit 3

新编英语教程6unit 3

1.eat like a bird; eat sparingly or without appetite少量地吃;小口地吃;挑挑拣拣地吃;无兴趣(或没胃口地)吃:The mother wanted her little son to get rid of the bad habit of picking at his food.母亲要她的小儿子改掉吃饭时吃吃玩玩的坏习惯。

2.(用手指)抓弄(触摸);不断地抓摸;扯拉:Do stop picking at that scab or the cut will never heal.别用手去抓疮痂,要不然你的伤口总好不了。

3.触及(问题)的表面:Let's deal properly with the question, instead of just picking at it.让我们好好地研究这个问题,不要只触及问题的表面。

4. express a negative opinion of[口语]申斥;指责:His mother picks at him for being lazy.他母亲指责他懒惰。

5.[口语]不停地唠叨某人,不停地找碴儿:She is forever picking at the child.她一天到晚唠叨那孩子。

resuscitate /rɪˈsʌsɪˌteɪt/1.V-T If you resuscitate someone who has stopped breathing, you cause them to start breathing again. 救醒例:A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.一名警察,接着是一名医护人员试图把她救醒。

2.N-UNCOUNT 救醒resuscitation例:They must even now be rushing her to the hospital for resuscitation and treatment.他们肯定在我说话这会儿正火速把她送往那家医院抢救治疗。



新编英语教程第三版第六册练习册答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit1 Translation1.The whole plan fell through for want of fund.(fall through 失败)2.He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.(invariable 总是,不变地)3.The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.(berate 指责)4.The yong customs officer spotted the counterfeit passport at one glance(spot 发现)5.Upon realizing the servertity of the situation, leaders of the department concerned acted promptly.(promptly 敏捷的)6.Please substitute your name for hers on waiting list.(substitute 代替)7.She found that her intership in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience.(rewarding 有益的)8.Don't lament your past misfortune .Keep your chin up and look to the future.(lament 感叹) Translate the pargraphs below into chinese.在曼哈顿一个寒冷的冬天的下午,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。



新编英语教程第三版第六册第二单元课文When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderests branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.But if, in your fear, you would seek only loves peace and loves pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of loves threshing-floor, into the season less world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed, for love issufficient unto love.Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.To know the pain of too much tenderness.To be wounded by your own understanding of love;And to bleed willingly and joyfully.To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;To rest at the noon hour and meditate loves ecstasy;To return home at eventide with gratitude;And then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.。



新编英语教程6第三版学生用书单词表berate严责academe研究院coma昏迷chew the cud反刍深思apocalypse启示大灾难crumble面包屑崩溃gnome土地神箴言fortify加强haggard野鹰憔悴的identify鉴定把…看成一样nattering唠叨抱怨imperative命令必需的immorality不道德proconsul殖民地总督地方总督impotence虚弱阳痿insight洞察力ruminate反刍反思lucid明晰的perceptiveness洞察力shrink收缩畏缩macho大男子气概的强壮男子perverse堕落的倔强的subliminal潜意识meddling in干预streak条纹飞跑truism老生常谈自明之理pick at挑毛病resuscitate使复苏self-righteous自以为是的Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6anarchy无政府状态affliction苦难折磨attribute属性把…归属于beater搅拌机articulate发音清晰的有关节的bestow使用授予brazen厚颜无耻的使…无耻contingent因情况而异的视情况而定的consistent始终如一的坚持的dereliction玩忽职守遗弃covet垂涎觊觎derive源于duck鸭子躲避gibberish乱语快速又不清的言语eradicate根除exempt免税者被豁免的grapple抓住格斗graft嫁接渎职fester溃烂化脓inexorably不可逆转的无情的inferior下级下等的flurry慌张疾风plight困境保证originate发源创作illicit违法的profundity深刻深度seep小泉渗出nuisance讨厌的人麻烦事providentially如有神助的幸运的stigmatize污蔑打上…的烙印nullify使无效ordinance条例圣餐礼digression离题脱轨outlaw litter乱扔垃圾detour绕道peril危险危及deviation偏差误差skirt裙子回避subvert颠覆推倒take liberties with随意对待toss-up掷钱币难以定夺的事censure责难blow-out爆裂熄火burgeoning增长迅速的生机勃勃的depreciation折旧贬值bludgeon棍棒恫吓embody体现使具体化fretful焦躁的blunt钝的生硬的fidelity保真度忠诚interminable 冗长的无止尽的gorge峡谷暴食in effect生效lamely一瘸一拐地无止尽的homage敬意效忠key to…的关键narcissism自恋indulgence嗜好放纵obeisance敬礼尊敬obligation义务债务lust性欲强烈的欲望poignant尖锐的切中要害的paradoxical矛盾的似非而是的multitudinous大量的群集的to a fault过分地pedagogical教育学的教学法的orgy狂欢放荡virtual虚拟的事实上的preen打扮洋洋得意satiation饱食厌腻pass muster符合要求合格texture质地本质seductive有魅力的性感的throes剧痛苦苦挣扎wary机谨的考虑周到的Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12alienate使疏远离间elaborate精心制作的详尽阐述benight使陷入黑暗使愚昧无知amiss有毛病的出差错的endow赋予天生具有deleterious有毒的有害的categorically绝对地直接地fashion使用做成…的形状demoralization堕落道德败坏divert转向使…欢愉get out of hand失控engender产生引起down-to-earth切合实际的接地气nemesis报应天罚ominous 预兆的不吉利的exalted尊贵的兴奋的preposterous荒谬的可笑的plausible貌似可信的花言巧语的expunge擦去删掉prey on捕食掠夺rappel用绳索下降hideous可怕的丑恶的spur鼓舞马刺rapt全身关注的入迷的incongruous不协调的不和谐的swirl漩涡大口喝酒regurgitate回流反刍partial局部的偏爱的vulnerable易受伤害的winnow簸挑出好坏perspective观点远景ward off避开挡住phoney骗子假货auspicious吉利的。



新编英语教程第三版6学习指南English:The third edition of the New Practical English Course is designed to help students improve their English language skills through a comprehensive and integrated approach. The course covers a wide range of topics and language structures, allowing students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills effectively. With a focus on practical communication skills, the course aims to help students apply what they learn in real-life situations. Through engaging activities, interesting texts, and meaningful tasks, students are encouraged to actively participate in the learning process and make connections between new language points and their own experiences. The course also provides ample opportunities for students to practice and reinforce their language skills through exercises, discussions, and self-assessment tasks. Overall, the New Practical English Course offers a dynamic and engaging learning experience that equips students with the language tools they need to communicate confidently in English.中文翻译:新编英语教程第三版旨在通过全面和综合的方式帮助学生提高他们的英语语言技能。

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