少儿英语歌曲:We Like Fruit




新版剑桥少儿英语一至三级[全]大讲义剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。



考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。









姓名_________ 评分人__________ 评分:优□良□中□Unit 1 School Opening Day.一、认读并笔译。

School opening day__________ bring_________ rubber/eraser________ crayon_______ radio________ lemonade_______ exercise book_______ picture book______ water_______ glasses_______ toilet paper________ 二、笔译。

书_____ 尺子______ 铅笔______ 钢笔______文具盒_________ 蛋糕_______ 球_______ 玩具车_________三、交际。


1、A: Hello! Sam. Nice to see you ! B:_____________________.2、A: It’s good to see you back. B:_________________________.3、A: It’s great to see you all again! B:______________________.4、A: Don’t worry! _________________.(让我来帮助你)B:________!(谢谢)A:___________________.(不用谢。

) 5、A: How’s your holiday? B: __________________.(它太棒啦!) 6、A:How do you do!(初次见面,你好!) B:____________________.四、语音。


_ _f_ _t b_ _ s_ _ m_ _tsl_ _p tr_ _ gr_ _n b_ _f五、自己画一幅卡通画,在旁边用英语注上打招呼用语(像书上一样)。



水果词汇为儿童提供了丰富的语言材料,可以帮助他们学习单 词、短语和表达方式。
通过与水果相关的词汇和短语,可以促进儿童对英语语言的理 解和使用。
学习水果的英文名称和相关短语,可以帮助儿童提高口语表达 能力。
一般情况下,Fruit单词的第一个字母都是小写 ,除非在句首或名称中。
有些Fruit单词有特殊的拼写规则,如cherry和 grape。
例如:banana和orange的拼写比较简单,没 有特殊的拼写规则。
将水果图片与单词结合在一起记忆,可以更深刻 地记住单词的意思和拼写。
苹果,一种常见的水果,具有丰富的营养 和多种颜色。
橙子,一种圆形水果,具有多汁的果肉和 许多种子。
葡萄,一种小而圆的水果,通常呈现紫色 或绿色。
樱桃,一种小而圆的水果,通常呈现红色 或黑色。
The Magic Fruit Tree:这个故事讲述了一个小 男孩和一棵神奇的水果树的故事,孩子们可以从 中学习到不同水果的英文单词。
The Busy Bees and the Watermelon:这个故 事讲述了蜜蜂们种植西瓜的故事,孩子们可以通 过故事学习到西瓜的英文单词。

冀教版三年级英语下册I like fruit练习题(含答案)

冀教版三年级英语下册I like fruit练习题(含答案)

冀教版三年级英语下册I like fruit练习题(含答案)
1.apple(名词)苹果(pl) apples apple juice 苹果汁an apple 一个苹果
(pl)oranges an orange一个橙子
3.pear (名词)梨(pl)pears 形近词:bear 熊
4.watermelon (名词)西瓜(pl)watermelons (既可数又不可数)
5.peach (名词)桃子(pl)peaches
eleven boys 十一个男孩
twelve monkeys 十二只猴子
thirteen pencils 十三支铅笔
9.fourteen (数词)十四
fourteen apples 十四个苹果
10.fifteen (数词)十五
fifteen crayons 十五支彩色蜡笔
11. sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty 20
问句句型:What do you like ?(你/你们)
答语:I / We like + 可数名词复数/不可数名词.(我/我们)Eg. —What do you like ?你喜欢什么?
—I like meat. 我喜欢肉。



英语歌词蓝本歌曲1.“Cozy classroom”歌曲Cozy cozy classroom,Cozy cozy door.Cozy table,cozy chair,My teacher asked me to go to bed,Ok,ok,let's go to bed.2. “I have a ball”歌曲I have a ball/car/door, I have a ball,play, play, play, play, play,Let’s play, Let’s play,play, play, play, play, play.3.“I love you”歌曲Daddy ,mummy, I love youDaddy ,mummy ,I love youI love you, I love youDaddy ,mummy, I love you4. “ follow me ”歌曲follow me, follow me,walk,walk,walk follow me, follow me,jump,jump,jump.follow me, follow me,run,run,run,run to the door.5. “Good night ”歌曲Good nigh t,cody,good night.Good night,cody,good night.Good night,Mommy,Good night,Daddy.Good night, Good night, Good night.橙本歌曲1.“Blocks are fun”歌曲I like blocks,I like blocks.Me too.Me too.Blocks are fun.Do you like blocks?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.Blocks are fun.We love to playBlocks are fun.We play all day.2. “happy song”歌曲Happy happy, Sad sad,Hungry hungry, Full full.Who is happy?I am happy.Who is sad?I am sad.Who is hungry?me me me.Who is full?I am very full.3.“What would you like?”歌曲Salad,chicken,fish and soup.What would you like ?I’d like fish.Fish please,here you are.黄本歌曲1.“What day is today”歌曲Sunday ,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,What day is today?Wednesday,Thursday, Friday,Saturday,What day is today?It’s Monday,it’s Monnday.Let’s go to school today.(we have no time to play) It’s Sunday,it’s Sunday.There is no shool today.(le t’s go out and play) 2.“How is the weather? ”歌曲How is the weather?It’s sunny.Sunny sunny,warm and bright.How is the weather?It’s cloudy.Cloudy cloudy no sun in sight.How is the weather?It’s Windy .windy windy,let’s fly a kite.How is the weather?It’s rainy.Rainy rainy wet wet night.How is the weather?It’s snowy.Sonwy snowy soft and white.3.“What’s in the pencil case?”歌曲Take out a marker,color color color, Take out a pencil,write write write, Take out a ruler,draw a line.Here is a pencil-case and it’s mine. Put the marker in the pencil-case,Put the pencil in the pencil-case,Put the ruler in the pencil-case,Put the pencil-case in my bag.4.“Color song”歌曲Red red flowers,green green grass. Yellow yellow lemons,green green tree. Purple purple grapes,green green leaves. Blue blue skies,green green kites.Orange orange mangos,green green frogs,A beautiful rainbow,looks so nice.5.“Time for school”歌曲What time is it ?It's 7 o'clock.It's time for school. What time is it ?It's 12 o'clock.It's time for lunch. What time is it ?It's 6 o'clock.It's time for dinner. What time is it ?It's 9 o'clock.It's time for bed.绿本歌曲1. “Do you have a pet”歌曲Do you have a pet?Yes,I do,I have a bird.She will sing for you.Do you have a pet?Yes,I do,I have a turtle.He is only two.Do you have a pet?Yes,I do,I have a kitten.She hides in my shoe.Do you have a pet?Yes,I do,I have a rabbit.He has the flu.Do you have a pet?Yes,I do,I have a goldfish.Her name is sue.2.“shapes”歌曲Circle triangle diamond square. Find two alike ,find two alike, Find two alike and make a pair. Oval rectangle Oval rectangle . Don’t leave them out,Find two alike ,find two alike, Find two alike,scream and shout.3. “I like fruit”歌曲I like fruit,Yes,I do.I like fruit more than you.No,you don't.Yes,I do.I like fruit more than you.I like grapes(cherries), I do, too.I like grapes more than you.No,you don't.Yes,I do.I like grapes more than you.4.“In my home”歌曲I take a bath in the bathroom,in the bathroom, in the bathroom,I take a bath in the bathroom.Where do you go to sleep?I go to sleep in the bedroom.In the bedroom,in the bedroom,I go to sleep in the bedroom.Where do you watch tv?I watch tv in the living room,in the living room, in the living room, I watch tv in the living room. Where do you cook your dinner?I cook my dinner in the kitchen,in the kitchen, in the kitchen,I cook my dinner in the kitchen.Where do you eat your dinner?I eat my dinner in the dining room,in the dining room, in the dining room, I eat my dinner in the dining room. Where do you park your car?I park my car in the garage,in the garage, in the garage,I park my car in the garage.深蓝本歌曲1.“on the bus”歌曲Everybody line up,line up.Let’s get on the bus.Everybody sit tight,sit tight.The bus is going to start.Everybody watch out,watch out,The bus is turning right/left.2.“ big wind blows”歌曲Who is wearing a T-shirt/jacket/dress?A T-shirt a T-shirt.Who is wearing a T-shirt?Please stand up!Here comes a big wind!T-shirt blow away.3.“time for bed”歌曲I’m sleepy,I’m so tired.Mom says:“It’s time for bed.”I brush my teeth and wash my face.“It’s time for bed.”she says.I get in bed and rest my head.With my bear named ted.Read to me please,mommy.Sweet dreams for you and me.4.“christmas is coming”歌曲Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong,The bells are ringing!Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong,The bells are ringing!One little,two little,three little bells. Four little,five little,six little bells. Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Christmas is coming.5.“May I help you”歌曲May I help you,sir?Yes,please!I like a hamburger.May I help you,ma’am?Yes,please!I like an orange juice.Anything else?Anything else for you?No,thanks.how much should I give you?昂⽴歌曲1.“Follow me”律动Follow follow follow me ,hands up hands down. Follow follow follow me,shouders up shouders down. Follow follow follow me,hips up hips down.Follow follow follow me,let's sing a song.Du-la-la,du-la-la.Let’s come on.2. “Jack”律动Jack jack pump the waterJack jack pump the waterpump the water,Jack3. “Walking”歌曲Walking,walkingHopping,hopping,hopping,Running,runningNow let's stop.4.“I like coffee”律动I like coffee,I like tea.I like the boys and the boys like me.Yes/no.maybe so .Yes /no.maybe so .5.“teapot”律动Teapot,teapot,fat,fat,fat.Teapot,teapot,short,short,short. Teapot,teapot,drinking,drinking. 6.“Bubble gum”律动Bubble gum, Bubble gum,in a dish. How many pieces do you wish? Five!one,two.three.four.five.And out you go.7.“Twinkle twinkle little star”歌曲Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are;Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky;8.“I love peking's Tian An Men ”歌曲I love peking's Tian An Men,The sun rises over Tian An Men,Our great leader Chairman Mao,He leades us marching on.9.“london bridge”歌曲London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London bridge is falling down,my fair lady.Build it up with iron bars,iron and bars, iron and bars.Build it up with iron bars,my fair lady.11.“I can fly”律动I can fly here,I can fly there.Look at me now,I am high in the air.12.“sunny day”歌曲Sunny sunny,it’s a sunny day.Come on let’s go ,Let’s go to play,Oh,yeah,it’s a sunny day.13.“Are you sleeping ”歌曲(两只⽼虎的调) Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John! Brother John Morning bells are ringing!Morning bells are ringing!Ding- ding –dong! Ding- ding –dong!14.“Apple song”歌曲Apple round,apple red.Apple juice,apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet, I love you to eat.15.“Row, Row, Row your Boat”歌曲Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream,Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.16.“Good morning”歌曲Good morning,good morningTo you to you and to you,Good morning,good morningTo you and to you.Nancy judy and my friend,Peter daly paul and jhon,Good morning,good morningTo you and to you.17.“Eight little baby ducks”歌曲One little two little baby ducks,three little four little baby ducks,Quack quack quack quack quack,Oh,come six little baby ducks.Five little six little baby ducks,Seven little eight little baby ducks, Quack quack quack quack quack, Oh,come eight little baby ducks.18.“butterfly”歌曲Fly,fly,fly the butterfly.In the meadow,it’s fly in high,In the garden,it’s fly in low,Fly,fly,fly the butterfly.19.“go in and out of the window”歌曲go in and out of the windowgo in and out of the windowgo in and out of the windowas fast as you can go.20.“donkey”歌曲donkey donkey, I beg youplease don't sing hiha.I shall feed you,I shall feed youplease don't sing hiha.hiha hiha hiha hiha why you sing so well?I shall feed you ,I shall feed you , please don't sing hiha.21.“color”歌曲Blue blue is the color I see ,If you wear blue then show it to me ,Stand up and turn around,Show me your blue and then sit down.22.“body song”歌曲head shoulders knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes.head shoulders knees and toes,eyes nose ears and mouth.23. Rain, Rain Go AwayRain, rain, go awayCome again another dayLittle children, little children,Little children want to play!24.“If you’re happy ”歌曲If you’re happy and you know it,Clap your hands!When you’re happy and you know it,Clap your h ands!When you’re happy and you know it,And you surely want to do it. When you’re happy and you know it, Clap your hands! When you’re happy and you know it,Stomp your feet!When you’re happy and you know it,Stomp your feet!When you’re happy and you know i t,And you surely want to do it. When you’re happy and you know it,Stomp your feet! When you’re happy and you know it, Say “Hurray!”When you’re happy and you know it, Say “Hurray!”When you’re happy and you know it,And you surely want to do it. When you’re happy and you know it,Say “Hurray!”25.Ten Little IndiansOne little, two little, three little IndiansFour little, five little, six little IndiansSeven little, eight little, nine little IndiansTen little Indian boysTen little, nine little, eight little IndiansSeven little, six little, five little IndiansFour little, three little, two little IndiansOne little Indian boy26.ten little fingersOne little, two little, three little fingersFour little, five little, six little fingersSeven little, eight little, nine little fingersTen fingers on your handsTen little, nine little, eight little fingersSeven little, six little, five little fingersFour little, three little, two little fingers One finger on your hand.。

Unit 4-课时3-Part C (教案)人教版PEP(2024)英语三年级上册

Unit 4-课时3-Part C (教案)人教版PEP(2024)英语三年级上册
2. TT: What fruit do you know?(复习所学过的fruit相关的词汇。)
SS: apple, banana, orange, grape
Part 1
TT: What fruit do you like?
How abቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱut Binbin, John, Chen Jie and Sarah?
课程名称Unit4Plants around us
Unit4-PartC Project: Make a paper garden&Reading time
1.复习词汇apple, banana, farm, air, orange, grape, school, garden, need, water, flower, grass, plant, new, tree, sun, give, us, see
3.熟读Reading time故事内容。
学生动手进行paper garden的绘制并结合所学词汇句型进行独立表达。
讲解活动要求并指导学生动手做卡片并完成paper garden的制作
Part 4
1.小组内进行练习,结合自己完成的Paper garden

新版剑桥少儿英语一至三级 (全)大讲义

新版剑桥少儿英语一至三级 (全)大讲义

剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6-12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步.剑桥少儿英语分为:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers).预备级:适合5—6岁,经过大约80小时的英语学习,掌握约280个词汇的学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力和读写内容;剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters):一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约460个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为459个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为439个);剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers):二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为772个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为674个);剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers):三级:适合9—12岁,经过大约150小时的英语学习,掌握约430个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。

考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。






剑桥国际少儿英语KB3 5-8单元听力文本

剑桥国际少儿英语KB3 5-8单元听力文本

Unit 5 Page 442. Listen and check.AUNT MAY: Good morning. How are you today, Stella? STELLA: Oh, I'm not very well. I've got a cold.AUNT MAY: And you've got a cough. Have you got a headache?STELLA: Oh, yes. My head hurts a lot, and I'm very hot. AUNT MAY: OK. Put this under your arm.Oh, yes. 39 degrees. You've got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, what's the matter with you, Simon?SIMON: My stomach hurts a lot and I don't want to eat. AUNT MAY: Have you got a toothache?SIMON: No.AUNT MAY: I see, so . . . you've got a stomach-ache. Well, go to bed and don't eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today. SIMON: Oh, I think I'm OK now. Can I go and play? AUNT MAY: Hmm ...Unit 5 Page 44 3. Listen and do the actions.You've got a headache. You've got a temperature.You've got a toothache. You've got a stomach-ache.You've got a cough. You've got a cold.Unit 5 Page 454.Listen and say the letter.GIRL: What's the matter?BOY: Oh, I've got a headache.BOY: What's the matter with you?TWO GIRLS: We've got colds.MAN: What's the matter with him?GIRL: He's got a cough.MAN: What's the matter with them?GIRL: They've got a temperature.WOMAN: What's the matter with your grandfather? BOY: He's got a backache.WOMAN: What's the matter with your dad? BOY: He's got a toothache.MAN: What's the matter with your grandmother? GIRL: She's got a stomach-ache.WOMAN: What's the matter with your sister? BOY: She's got an earache.Unit 5Page 468.Listen and check.GRANDPA: Oh, dear. What's the matter with Stella?MRS STAR: Hmm. She's got a temperature.Look, 39 degrees!STELLA: Can I go to school, Mum?MRS STAR: No, you can't go to school today. GRANDPA: Go to school! She mustn't go out!STELLA: Can I get up?MRS STAR: No, sorry, Stella. You mustn't get up. GRANDPA: You must stay in bed and put this blanket on you.STELLA: Can I read?MRS STAR: Yes, you can read. And you must take this. GRANDPA: Oh, how often must she take it?MRS STAR: She must take it after every meal for a week. STELLA: A week? ... Oh, no!Unit 6 Page 522.Listen and check.MR STAR: Look at this map of the countryside. Let's go there for a picnic on Sunday. We can take a big blanket and have our lunch on the ground.GRANDPA: That's a good idea. I like picnics. Ooh, there's a river here. I'd like to go fishing.SIMON: And I'd like to go swimming.There's a lake next to the river.MR STAR: OK, so you need to take a towel.STELLA: Oh, look! Here's a big forest. I want to look at some plants and draw their leaves.SUZY: Is there any grass to play on, Dad?MR STAR: Yes, Suzy. Look at the map.These green parts are fields. There's a lot of grass.GRANDPA: Hmm, lots of grass and a blanket ... That's great ... for a nice sleep after lunch. Hmm.Unit 6 Page 54 7. Listen and check.1.MR STAR: OK. Now, where shall I put the picnic table? MRS STAR: Put it over there under that tree, please. SIMON: I can't do this!STELLA: Shall I help you put the blanket on the grass, Simon?SIMON: Yes, please!2. Later.NARRATOR: Simon's cold and hungry. He wants to eat. Suzy's hot and thirsty. She wants a drink.Grandpa Star is catching a big fat fish. He's very strong. Grandma Star's near the cows in the field.She's very quiet. She's drawing a baby cow.It's got thin legs and it's very weak.Stella isn't happy because her drawing's bad.Mr Star's listening to the radio. His music is very loud. Oh, yes! And finally, Mrs Star. She's sleeping because she's very tired.Unit 7 Page 622.Listen and check.STELLA: Ooh. 'Animals of the world ... Dolphins, whales and sharks live in the sea.Dolphins eat fish.'SIMON: Yeah, and bears eat fish too. They eat everything - fish, fruit, plants, meat ...Look at this one. It's big and strong. STELLA: Yes, lions are strong too. They sleep a lot. SIMON: Here's a kangaroo. It eats leaves.STELLA: I like pandas. They're black and white, and they live in China.SIMON: Wow! These small brown bats sleep in the day and get their food at night ...They're really quick. They can eat 100 insects in five minutes.STELLA: Oh, yuk. Here are Suzy's favourite animals. These parrots are beautiful.They're red, yellow, green, blue ... SIMON: And they talk a lot, too. Just like Suzy!Unit 7 Page 648.Listen and check.LENNY: We've got homework on animals today. SIMON: Mmm, let's use the Internet. It's quicker than using a book.LENNY: Cool. Look at this elephant. It's bigger than all the other land animals in the world.STELLA: Shall we look at another animal?Look at this. LENNY: A bat.STELLA: It's much smaller than the elephant. It says that some bats are only four centimetres long.LENNY: The elephant is stronger - it says it can carry trees! SIMON: And the elephant is much dirtier than the bat. Elephants like swimming in dirty rivers and lakes when it's hot. Just like Dotty!Unit 7Page 694.Listen and check.The first animal is a tomato frog. It can be quite big - about ten centimetres long! It's a bright red colour. These frogs live in trees in the jungle and eat small animals. Tomato frogs only live in Madagascar, not in any other country.The ring-tailed lemur lives in mountains and forests. It sleeps in the day. It eats fruit and leaves. It only lives in Madagascar.The Nile crocodile lives in lots of countries in Africa. In Madagascar they live in caves.They are very big crocodiles - sometimes they can be five metres long. They also live a long time - between 70 and 100 years!They eat lots of fish.Unit 8 Page 714.Listen and match.WOMAN: It's time for today's weather report.MAN: Hello.Here in the mountains, it's snowing.The birds aren't singing in the forest today because it's raining.There's no sun on the island today. It's very cloudy.At the lake, it's hot and sunny, so a lot of children are swimming.It's a bad day for a picnic at the beach. It's very windy.If you go to the fields, you can see a rainbow.Have a good day, wherever you are.WOMAN: Thank you, Thomas. Next, we are ...Unit 8 Page 727.Listen and check.ALEX: Hello?SIMON: Hello, Alex. Where are you?ALEX: Simon, hi! I'm at my aunt's house in the country. SIMON: The country. Cool. Are you having fun?ALEX: Yeah, it's great. Yesterday I was out all day. In the morning the weather was really bad. It was wet, cloudy and windy.SIMON: What was the weather like in the afternoon? ALEX: It was better in the afternoon, but it was cold. I've got a new sweater and scarf.SIMON: That's nice.ALEX: Yeah. They were a present from my aunt, but it isn't cold today and now I'm really hot.Unit 8 Page 73 9. Read and complete. Then listen and check. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ...It was grey and cloudy,There wasn't any sun,There weren't many children, it wasn't much fun. Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... There wasn't a rainbow,There wasn't any snow,Grandpa and I were ready to go.Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Back at home,It was much better,With a hot drink, and my big red sweater.Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Hat, coat, sweater and scarf,It was cold and windy in the park, cold and windy ... Windy in the park ...Windy in the park ...Windy in the park ...Page 792. Listen and match.Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. Hello. What are you all doing today?We're playing in the park.What's that boy's name? I don't know him.That's Jack.Why's he jumping on one leg?Oh, he's hopping because he's playing a game.1.What's Mary doing?Mary? She's over there. She's skipping with Sally.Oh, yes. I can see her. She's wearing a long purple scarf. That's right, and the one with the big green sweater is Sally.2.Look at Daisy. She's having fun. She's flying her kite. Yes, but it's very windy and her hair's in her eyes.3.Who's climbing the tree?That's Fred. He's better at climbing than me.4.What's the matter with that little boy in the red sweater? He's crying because he can't catch his balloon.Do you know him?Yes, he's Jack's younger brother. His name's John.Let's go and say hello. OK.。



剑桥少儿英语一级下册各单元重点Unit 1 School opening day1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过学习本单元,是学生进一步复习见面打招呼时的用语。




2.交际用语Expressions in communication:Oops!Let me help you.Nice to meet you again.Where’s Pat?She’s coming.She’s with Anna now.Have fun!It’s good to see you back.It’s great to see you all again.Is she our new friend?How was your holiday?It was great.3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:great, holiday, new, friend, all, please, worry, fun, wear, favourite, fruit, fine, animals, colour, almost, same, spell, wonderful, welcome, greet, introduce, help, bring, crayon, eraser/rubber, toilet, paper, radio, exercise book.Unit 2 Doing English in the classroom1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过大量的活动,使学生复习英语的各类词汇通过做动作感知和学习英语通过做游戏,在快乐中学习英语2.交际用语Expressions in communication:What are house animals?What are farm animals?What are zoo animals?You can find out about water in book 6, under w.Who can say all the words and go all the way up?3.重点朗读词汇Key words and expressions:Drinks, fruit, plants, time, names, food, family, body, sports, school things, numbers, colours, animals, farm, zoo, beach, shop, bookshop, bus stop, park, train stationUnit 3 Lunch in the garden1.教学目的和要求Teaching aims and demands:通过学习本单元,复习和学习有关食物的名称。



外研版新标准小学英语(一年级起点)Book6 Module 4 Unit1We’ll pick fruit.⏹Objectives:Knowledge aims:1. All the students should be able to observe and analyze the pictures in this unit and answer the questions about the dialogue.2. All the students should be able to understand and say the word s: “pick, pear, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen”.3. All the students should be able to understand and say the key sentences: “Will we pick fruit? Yes, I will. I’ll pick ten apples. I’ll pick twelve pears.”Ability aims:4.Most of the students should be able to imitate the dialogue.5.Most of the students should be able to do the activity book.6.Most of the students should be able to talk about the quantity of the fruit by using the sentence structure as follow: “I’ll pick….”Emotion aims:7.All the students would like to make plans in their daily lives and enjoytheir lives.8.All the students would like to eat fruit and be healthy.⏹Teaching and learning aidsCAI, word cards, textbook, activity book, etc.⏹Evaluation:1. Observing and analyzing the pictures then answering questions about this unit for Obj.1.22. “Listen and imitate” for Obj. 2.3.43. “Read and judge.” for Obj.54. Understanding the pictures and make dialogue in pairs to talk about the quantity of the fruits for Obj.65. Try to make a dialog in four people group and write down the plan in for Obj.7⏹Teaching procedureI. Warm up1.Sing an English song.2.Students watch the CD-Rom of part 1 and answer the question: How oldare they?Students learn the dialog then listen and follow【设计意图】通过Greetings营造英语学习氛围。



apple red 英文儿歌
《apple red》
Apple round, apple red。


Apple juice, apple sweet。


Apple, apple, I love you。


Apple sweet I love to eat。


《apple red》歌曲介绍。

《apple red》是一首简单的英文儿歌,曲调欢快,歌词简单,很适合低年龄段的儿童传唱,歌词主要描写了苹果的外貌特征,非常适合6岁以下的儿童学习。

学习这首英文歌,主要是让儿童能用英语从颜色、味道、形状等角度描绘物体;通过《apple red》这首英文儿歌,让孩子喜欢英语儿歌,喜欢水果,喜欢参加英语活动。

《Unit 5 Drinks and fruits》教学设计人教精通版(三起)小学英语三年级上册

《Unit 5 Drinks and fruits》教学设计人教精通版(三起)小学英语三年级上册
2. 能听懂、会说句型 “I like... Do you like...? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.” 并能在实际情境中进行运用。
3. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和积极性。
1. 重点:掌握单词 juice、milk、water 的发音和用法,以及句型 “I like... Do you like...? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.” 的用法。
(1)教师出示单词卡片 “grape”,带领学生认读单词,并用手指着实物说:“This is grapes. I like grapes.” 让学生理解单词的含义。
(2)掌握句型 “I like... Do you like...? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.” 的用法。
2. 教学难点
1. 情景教学法:通过创设生动的情景,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用英语。
(3)教师与学生进行互动练习,如教师说:“I like juice. Do you like juice?” 引导学生回答 “Yes, I do. / No, I don't.” 然后教师可以用同样的方式询问学生对牛奶和水的喜好。
4. 练习(Practice)
5. 巩固(Consolidation)
(1)教师带领学生一起唱一首关于饮料的英文儿歌,如《Drinks Song》,让学生在欢快的歌声中巩固所学知识。
(2)教师总结本节课的重点内容,如单词 “juice、milk、water” 的发音和用法,以及句型 “I like... Do you like...? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.” 的用法。

儿童启蒙英语儿歌-We like fruit

儿童启蒙英语儿歌-We like fruit

儿童启蒙英语儿歌-We like fruit
We like fruit! Sour or sweet! Fruit is very good to eat!
Do you like bananas? Yes,I like bananas!
Dose he like bananas? Yes,he likes bananas!
We like fruit! Sour or sweet! Fruit is very good to eat!
Do you like pears? Yes,I like pears!
Dose she like pears? Yes,she likes pears!
We like fruit! Sour or sweet! Fruit is very good to eat!
Do you like lemons? Yes,we like lemons!
Do they like lemons? Yes,they like lemons!
We like fruit! Sour or sweet! Fruit is very good to eat! (Repeat)

2024年秋新沪教牛津版英语三年级上册课件 Unit 5 第2课时

2024年秋新沪教牛津版英语三年级上册课件 Unit 5 第2课时
No Image
What do they do? Who likes carrots?
What do they do? Who likes carrots?
1 Wenwen: What do you have, Mum?
Chenchen: Do you have any apples?
Unit 5 What do we eat?
Choose and say
What can you see? Some fruit and vegetables.
Who are they? Mum
No Image
Mum: Let’s see.
2 Chenchen: Here are some fruit
and vegetables.
Wenwen: Oh no! I don’t like
carrots. 切 Mum: Let’s cut the fruit and
vegetables. We can
have some fun.
Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do. Look! A salad for you. Thank you very much! Do you like it? No! I don’t like them together!
some cut
—Do you like carrots? —Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
5 Chenchen: I like apples.



小学三年级下册英语第6单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these is used to clean the floor?A. BroomB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate2.We always _______ lunch at school at 12:00. Sometimes, we eat in the classroom, but usually, we eat outside in the playground with our friends. (have, has, had, having)3.Every Saturday, my family and I __________ (go) to the park for a picnic. We__________ (bring) sandwiches, fruit, and drinks. I __________ (enjoy) playing with my friends at the park. My brother __________ (like) to fly his kite, while I __________ (prefer) to play soccer. After lunch, we __________ (walk) around the lake, and we__________ (see) many birds and fish. It __________ (be) always a fun day!4.Which of these animals is a pet?A. DogB. LionC. ElephantD. Tiger5.We _______ (go / goes / went) to the cinema last weekend.6.We _______ (read / reads / reading) books at school.7.He _______ (go) to the market yesterday.8.Tom _______ (is / are / am) my brother.9.Which of these is a type of weather?A. SunnyB. CarC. ChairD. Dog10.Every Saturday, I ______ (visit) my grandmother. I ______ (help) her in the garden. We ______ (plant) flowers and ______ (water) the plants together. After that, we ______ (have) lunch and ______ (talk) about old times. I ______ (love) spending time with her.11.We _______ (not / like) vegetables.A. ChairB. AppleC. SpoonD. Plate13.Today, I __________ (go) to the library to borrow some books. I __________ (like) reading books about animals, so I __________ (pick) up a book about tigers. The librarian __________ (help) me find it. After borrowing the book, I __________ (thank) her and __________ (leave) the library. I __________ (be) excited to read the new book at home.14.What is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. TallC. FastD. Hard15.How many fingers do you have on one hand?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 616.They _______ (go) to the zoo every Saturday.17.He _______ (is / are / am) going to the doctor.18.Which one is a body part?A. FootB. KnifeC. PlateD. Spoon19.Which one is a kind of animal?A. LionB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair20.Which one is an insect?A. DogB. SpiderC. BirdD. Cow21.I __________ (1) to school by bike every day. My school __________ (2) near my home. It __________ (3) a big playground. My classmates __________ (4) friendly, and we __________ (5) a lot of fun together. In the morning, we __________ (6) English and Chinese. After lunch, we __________ (7) math. I __________ (8) school at 4:00 PM.22.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. SpoonC. PlateD. Car23.She _______ (go) to bed early every night.24.I love reading books. My favorite book is about __. It tells the story of a __ who travels around the world. The character is very __ and always helps people in need. The story is full of __ and __. After finishing it, I felt very __.A. KneeB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair26.I _______ (was / were / is) happy last weekend.27.What is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. LeftC. RightD. Forward28.Which of these animals is a mammal?A. FishB. ElephantC. BirdD. Lizard29.Which of these is used to measure time?A. WatchB. PencilC. PlateD. Chair30.Which of these is a hot drink?A. CoffeeB. MilkC. JuiceD. Water31.Which of these is used to brush your hair?A. CombB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate32.How do you say "晚安" in English?A. Good morningB. Good nightC. Good eveningD. Good afternoon33.Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. BananaC. CarrotD. Grapest weekend, my family and I __________ (1) a picnic in the park. We__________ (2) bring sandwiches, fruit, and juice. I __________ (3) love eating sandwiches because they __________ (4) my favorite food. My little sister __________ (5) like fruit, but she __________ (6) enjoy juice. We __________ (7) sit on the grass under a big tree. After eating, we __________ (8) play frisbee and __________ (9) take some photos. It __________ (10) a wonderful day.35.Which of these is used for cutting?A. ForkB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate36.What is the opposite of "empty"?A. FullB. SmallC. LightD. Short37.I ______ (not/like) to eat vegetables when I was younger, but now I ______ (eat) them every day. Yesterday, I ______ (eat) a big salad for lunch, and it ______ (taste) delicious.38.Which of these is a month of the year?A. JanuaryB. MondayC. SummerD. Spring39.Which of these is used to eat food?A. SpoonB. PlateC. CupD. Fork40.She _______ to the park every morning.41.She _______ (has / have / had) a big house.42.This morning, I __________ (wake) up early and __________ (go) for a run. The weather __________ (be) nice, and I __________ (feel) very energetic. After my run, I __________ (have) a healthy breakfast with eggs, toast, and fruit. Now, I __________ (be) ready for school.43.Which one is the correct way to say "你好" in English?A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. PleaseD. Thank you44.We _______ (play) chess at the weekend.45.I ______ (like) to read books in my free time. My favorite book ______ (be) about animals. I ______ (have) a pet cat at home. It ______ (be) very cute. Every day, my cat ______ (play) with me, and I ______ (give) it food. We ______ (have) a great time together.46.Every morning, I wake up at __________. After waking up, I go to the __________ to wash my face and brush my __________. Then I have breakfast, which usually includes __________ and __________. My father likes to drink __________, and my mother likes __________. After breakfast, I put on my __________ and __________ to go to school. I like to go to school because I can learn __________ and play with my__________.47.They _______ (is / are / am) playing in the garden.48.My parents ______ (work) hard every day. My father ______ (be) an engineer and my mother ______ (be) a teacher. They ______ (leave) for work early in the morning and ______ (come) back home in the evening. On weekends, we ______ (spend) time together and ______ (enjoy) family activities.49.Which of the following is a pet animal?A. cowB. dogC. tigerD. elephant50.What is the opposite of "tall"?A. ShortB. SmallC. LongD. High (答案及解释)。

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