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( )1. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered .

A. live

B. living

C. lively

D. alive

( )2. The presentation will be held in Beijing this Saturday.

A. comes

B. coming

C. next

D. last

( )3. I went to the National Day concert last year. I enjoyed it .

A. much

B. many

C. a lot

( )4. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet brings us .

A. the close

B. closer

C. the closer C. close ( )5. The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be .

A. put away

B. put off

C. put down

D. put up ( )6. Dr. Li was so looking at the Internet that he forgot the time.

C. busily

D. busy

( )7. It is cheaper and _______ enjoyable to travel by train than by plane.

A. much; far more

B. very; very much

C. more; much more

D. much more; much

( )8. I hardly knew anything about it __________ you told me.

A. since

B. after

C. though

D. until ( )9. Don’t tell anybody about it, keep it _______ you and me.

A. to

B. in

C. between

D. among ( )10. The two children bought some books _______ the money they had saved.

A. with

B. in

C. by

D. for

( )11. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is ______ country.

A. so a beautiful

B. very a beautiful

C. such beautiful a

D. so beautiful a

( )12. --Let’s go and see the new railway st ation.

--Oh, sorry. Now it ____ only in blueprint(蓝图).

A. can see

B. can’t see

C. can be seen

D. sees ( )13. Be careful! The water is too hot. You’d better _______ it right now.

A. do not drink

B. not to drink

C. not drink

D. not drinking

( )14. Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still _______ too much.

A. pay

B. spend

C. take

D. cost

( )15. I searched my memory, but I can ______ remember her name.

A. easily

B. hard

C. really

D. hardly ( )16. I’ve made it possible for my computer ______ the same programs by means of networking.

A. to share

B. sharing

C. shared



( )17. ---_____ advice it is! ---Yes, it is, isn’t it?

A. How an useful

B. What an useful

C. What a useful

D. What useful

( )18. --- Could you tell me _____? ---Sorry. I don’t know. I was not at the meeting.

A. what does he say at the meeting

B. what did he say at the meeting

C. what he says at the meeting

D. what he said at the meeting ( )19. The student promised his teacher_________ late for school again.

A. not be

B. not being

C. be not

D. not to be ( )20. If it doesn’t belong to you, it must be ______________.

A. somebody else

B. somebody else’s

C. else somebody

D. else’s somebody

