

LGP 平衡式流量测量节流装置 使用说明书

LGP 平衡式流量测量节流装置 使用说明书

LGPBALANCED METER ( MULT-HOLE ORIFICE FLOW METER)LGP平衡式流量测量节流装置使用说明书LGP-DT-JS-1020-2018(A)感谢您选择丹东通博电器(集团)有限公司的产品。













1安全提示 (4)1.1爆炸可能会导致死亡或严重伤害。



(4)2产品说明 (4)2.1产品主要结构 (4)2.2工作原理 (5)2.3包装 (5)2.4吊装运输 (6)2.5仓储 (6)3主要执行标准 (6)3.1 产品特点 (6)3.2主要参数 (6)3.3应用范围 (7)4管道式外形尺寸示意图 (7)5开箱及检查 (8)5.1开箱验货注意事项 (8)5.2检查内容 (8)6安装 (8)6.1安装工具 (8)6.2安装技术要求 (8)7 故障分析与排除 (10)8 维护 (10)9 拆卸 (11)9.1警告 (11)9.2 废物清除 (11)10 产品认证 (11)1安全提示出于安全的原因,明确禁止擅自改装或改变产品,维修或替换只允许使用由制造商指定的配件。

海流(Sea Flow)泵用户手册说明书

海流(Sea Flow)泵用户手册说明书

WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS OF PACFAB - Should a defect in workmanship and/or material in any item covered by this warranty become evident during the term of the warranty, then upon the consumer following the procedures set forth below, PacFab will, at its option, repair or replace such item or part at its own cost and expense.
Risk of electrical shock or electrocution. This pool pump must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician or a qualified pool serviceman in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Improper installation will create an electrical hazard which could result in death or series injury to pool users, installers, or others due to electrical shock, and may also cause damage to property. Always disconnect power to the pool pump at the circuit at the circuit breaker before servicing the pump. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to serviceman, pool users or others due to electric shock.

CIC-D100 型离子色谱仪 用户手册说明书

CIC-D100 型离子色谱仪 用户手册说明书

离子色谱方案专家鲁制02000044号CIC-D100型离子色谱仪用户手册青岛盛瀚色谱技术有限公司版本V2.0目录引言 (1)执行标准 (2)1仪器简介 (3)1.1仪器整机示意图 (3)1.1.1前面板 (3)1.1.2顶部 (3)1.1.3内部组件面板 (4)1.1.4后面板 (4)1.2仪器部件 (5)1.2.1平流泵 (5)1.2.2进样阀 (5)1.2.3色谱柱 (5)1.2.4柱温箱 (6)1.2.5电导检测器 (6)1.2.6抑制器 (6)1.3流路 (6)2仪器操作说明 (8)2.1流动相准备 (8)2.1.1水质要求 (8)2.1.2流动相的准备 (8)2.2样品准备 (8)2.2.1样品的选择与保存 (8)2.2.2样品预处理 (8)2.2.3样品的稀释 (8)2.3仪器控制 (9)2.3.1软件主界面 (9)2.3.2菜单栏 (9)2.3.3配套设备 (10)2.3.4配置 (11)2.3.5仪器管理 (12)2.3.6工具栏 (12)2.3.7主部件 (13)2.4数据处理 (15)3仪器操作规程 (15)3.1开机 (15)3.2设置操作条件 (15)3.3平衡系统 (15)3.4进样分析 (16)3.5关机 (16)4常见问题与解决方法 (16)4.1电导响应值高 (16)4.2压力波动 (16)4.3压力大 (17)4.4基线噪声大 (17)4.5基线漂移大 (18)4.6分离度差 (18)4.7重复性差 (18)4.8杂质峰 (18)4.9不出峰 (19)4.10线性不好 (19)4.11仪器控制异常处理 (19)5维修 (20)5.1泵单向阀的清洗和更换 (20)5.2进样阀的维修 (20)5.3色谱柱的储存和启用 (20)5.4更换电导池 (20)5.5更换抑制器 (21)5.6更换保险丝 (21)附录1仪器使用环境参数 (22)附录2溶液的配制 (23)附录3常见样品的预处理 (25)引言CIC-D100离子色谱仪以PEEK平流泵为动力,将淋洗液与试样送入色谱分析系统,根据试样中各组分在色谱柱中分配系数不同,依次从色谱柱中被分离出来,再经自动电解连续再生微膜抑制器和恒温电导检测器进行检测,并使用高性能USB与电脑通讯,利用仪器反控在线设置仪器参数,最后利用工作站采集、分析和处理数据,进而完成试样的精确分析。



88LKXA-17型泵安装使用说明书88LKXA-17 SM长沙水泵厂有限公司二○○四年九月目录致用户 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

泵资料单 ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

主要零部件大约重量 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第一章概述 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.一般说明............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.型号说明............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第二章结构说明.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.泵的组成(参见泵结构图)............................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.泵主要零件说明 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.润滑与密封........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

泵轴承的润滑与冷却 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。



FK5F32M电动给水泵组说明书新疆华电昌吉新热电(2×330MW)热电联产工程(10泵-45)`目录第一章概述 (1)1泵组型式 (1)2一般说明 (1)3技术数据 (1)第二章操作说明 (3)1启动前检查 (3)2启动 (3)3常规检查 (3)4给水泵组热控保护 (4)5停机 (5)6故障检查 (5)第三章安装及投运说明 (7)1安装说明 (7)2投运步骤 (9)第一章概述1 泵组型式FK5F32M给水泵组,配套于本工程330MW发电机组50%容量的电动泵,二用一备。

1.1 电动泵组包括前置泵型号:FA1D56A给水泵型号:FK5F32M电机型号:YKS800-4(上海电机厂)偶合器型号:R16K400M(进口VOITH)1.2 设备润滑方式:(1)给水泵组均采用压力油润滑,润滑油牌号L-TSA32,润滑油压0.12-0.25 MPa。

(2)设备润滑油均由偶合器提供,偶合器提供的外部设备总油量约为130 l/min。

1.3 设备冷却:(1)电动机为空-水冷却,水压0.2~0.95Mpa,水量约为80 m3/h,,设计水温38℃。


机封冲洗水采用凝结水,水压为前置泵入口压力+0.1Mpa,水量0.2 m3/h,水温不大于50℃。

(3)前置泵为水冷却,水压0.2~0.95MPa,水量7.6m3/h,设计水温38℃,(4)偶合器冷油器为水冷却,水压0.2~0.95MPa,设计水温38℃,工作油冷油器冷却水量为120 m3/h,润滑油冷油器冷却水量为60 m3/h。

2 一般说明电动泵组的驱动方式及配套型式为:前置泵由电动机的一端直接驱动,给水泵由电机另一端通过液力偶合器驱动。






✎ 冲洗操作
➠ 移动光标键至组分区new composition ➠ 在A下方,键入100,enter键 ➠ 其他组分(BCD)下方键入 0,enter键 ➠ 旋开参比阀reference valve ➠ 移动光标键至流速区flow rate ➠ 设置流速为10ml/min: 键入10,enter键 ➠ 将抽液阀旋至draw位
➠ 按setup键,进入设置窗口
流动相脱 气开关
温度上 限限制
压力 上下限
自动执行梯 度的时间
➠ 移动光标至流动相脱气区(瓶号:ABCD) ➠ 按1键和enter键,打开相应流动相瓶号的氦气开关 ➠ 在此窗口中还可设置温度和压力上下限范围
– 移动光标至相应操作区,用数字键输入数值,按回 车键确认
➠ 按direct键,进入isocratic窗口 ➠ 移动光标至氦气流速sparge区 ➠ 按数字键输入数值,并以enter键确认。
– 刚开始时通常以100ml/min, 脱气15 分钟。平衡后, 可根据流动相的不同而降低氦气流速。
当前 路配比
设定流 路配比
✎ 设定事件表(option)
➠ 按program table键,进入编辑菜单 ➠ 移动光标键至table #处,输入数字键(1-15),按
enter键 ➠ 将光标移至事件表第一行,依次输入事件号(1-
事件表的 时间事件 动作
1-4:S开关 5:警告 6: 脱气速度 7: 加热温度 8: 回表初始

智能液体环流泵LRP 700-1000 VSD+2 产品说明书

智能液体环流泵LRP 700-1000 VSD+2 产品说明书

LRP 700 – 1000 VSD+ Intelligent Liquid Ring Vacuum PumpA culture of innovationand collaborationAtlas Copco’s culture is one of innovation, continually pushing thelimits of possibility, forging and fostering new ideas and making them reality. We do not develop our products in isolation yet listen intently to our customers to develop truly game changing technologies that suit their real world needs. This customer focused approach is one of the key pillars of our innovation culture and process.New breakthroughs in proven technologyLiquid ring vacuum technology is perfectly suited to wet, humid and dirty applications across many industries. In these applications thepump will face high temperatures, extreme vapor loads and evenliquid and solid carry over from the process. Atlas Copco’s Intelligent liquid ring pumps build on this foundation and through gamechanging innovation take the next step in LRP evolution. We nowintroduce our revolutionary product, the LRP 700-1000 VSD+.The LRP VSD+ is a truly unique liquid ring vacuum pump, offering best in class performance and connectivity. It is a state-of-the-art vacuum2Cleverly engineered ina smart designAtlas Copco’s LRP 700-1000 VSD+ is unique in many ways.The core of the pump is innovative engineering andoptimised design which is then enclosed under a strongcanopy ensuring this pump is as robust as it is beautiful.This sleek look is also ergonomic - HMI, inlet, outlet andmain cable connections are all located at easy to reachpositions on top of the canopy – making this a truly plugand play product.The compact nature of the pump is also striking, havingone of the smallest footprints per unit capacity meansthat the LRP VSDperformance. This tidy unit does not sacrificefunctionality either, included in the pump are a host ofperformance optimising accessories that would normallytake up additional space, piping and installation work.The LRP VSDHaving a noise containing, IP54 rated cubicle, the LRPVSD+ significantly reduces noise pollution and is resistantto dust and water from any direction. Making it ideallysuited for tough applications and environments. Thecanopy follows a wet/dry design principle. The criticalelectronics within the pump are protected from the wetDistinctive compactdesign ~70% spacePlug and play principleInlet – Outlet and mainscable entry at the topIP54 Cubicle with NeosNEMA 4 inverter andMk5 controllerWet/dry conceptNoise containingcanopy ~ 69 dBA34Taking a proven Hick Hargreaves design that already draws on over 150 years of engineering excellence and infusing Atlas Copco innovation has resulted in one of the most intelligent and resilient pumps in the industrial vacuum market today. The LRP 700-1000 VSD + offers optimized performance through VSD + set point control and improved internal geometry. With stainless steel impeller, endplates, liquid reservoir and heat exchanger the LRP 700-1000 VSD + has a high resilience against corrosion and harsh process gases. Along with the robust nature of the pump, the design allows for ease of serviceability when required. Multiple features have been introduced with this in mind, reducing the amount of time needed to service the pump to an absolute minimum.• Horizontal serviceability, no need to position the pump vertically • No oil, no regular filter exchange • Mechanical seals – eliminate leaking gland sealing • Lantern flange arrangement – automatic alignment of the motor • Removable heat exchanger with flexible piping for continued operation • Ease of cleaning the vessel by convenient access portA heritage of reliability and resilienceVacuum DemandEnergy ConsumptionTimeVacuum DemandEnergy ConsumptionFixed speed vacuum pumpVacuum Demand Energy ConsumptionTimeVacuum DemandVSD + energy consumption5A Liquid Ring Pump in absolute harmony using twin VSDVSD for set point controlVSD for water controlOur LRP 700-1000 VSD + has not one VSD, but two! The first VSD is for the vacuum set point control to maintain and match required vacuum levels. This allows you to optimize your energy consumption by accurately maintaining the required vacuum level to suit your process. The minimum required flow is maintained by altering the motor speed as needed. With no wastage, you optimize your process efficiency and performance. LRP 700-1000 VSD + delivers exactly to the process demand and consumes only for what is required. It is the perfect vacuum arrangement.The second VSD regulates the water circulation pump optimizing water flow and maintaining stable vacuum levels throughout the operating range and pump running speeds. Coupled with the integrated inlet spray nozzles, the inverter driven circulation pump safeguards the LRP 700-1000 VSD + performance even at lower inlet pressures.A patented algorithm to balance the operation of the water pump with the speed of the main motor brings a harmony between the twin VSD. Guaranteeing that the pump is always in a state of optimal performance and bringing maximum energy efficiency for our customers.The Automatic Seizure Prevention algorithmsafeguards the LRP 700-1000 VSD + by preventing the pumping element from seizure after a prolonged period of inactivity. The result - maximized lifetime and reduced maintenance requirements.Smart monitoring andremote controllabilityElektronikon®The Atlas Copco MkV Elektronikon® controller is a standard feature of the LRP VSD+ series. Elektronikon® is a state-of-the-art monitoring system for your vacuum pumps. It is user friendly, comprehensive and powerful. It can also integrate your plant management system for full pump and therefore vacuum process control.The Elektronikon® also provides market leading feedback on the status of yourLRP 700-1000 VSD+ including pump operating status, set point control and inlet conditions to name a few. Access all of the information for everyday managementof your vacuum pump such as warning alarms, safety shutdowns andmaintenance information.ES Central ControllersAtlas Copco’s ES central controllers allow you to monitor and control multiple LRP VSD+ vacuum pumps simultaneously. Thanks to smart control, the ES gives you the most suitable product performance mix at all times. This maximizes energy savings using set-point control and by mapping equal running hours across multipleinstalled pumps, keeping servicing requirementsto a minimum. The ES controller also allowsyou to run your vacuum net within anarrow, predefined pressure band. Thisincreases the stability of the processand optimizes overall energyconsumption.E S vc o nn e ct i v it y67SMART LINK; central + are connected to pumps is enormous.Process OutletLiquid Fill Over owLiquid Fill Valve Separator Cooler Inlet Cooler Outlet CoolerGas & LiquidLiquid8An energy-efficient, reliable and robust mode of operationThe LRP VSD + series is the most energy efficient solution for applications with a high vapor load. The closed loop water circuit withintegrated heat exchanger ensures the sealant water exiting the pump discharge is collected in the seal liquid reservoir and recirculated. The gained heat load is removed by passing through the stainless-steel heat exchanger contained within the LRP 700-1000 VSD +. All water level monitoring and top-up is a fully automated standard feature of the LRP VSD +. No more worrying about whether your pump will run out of water or when, with our total recovery mode of operation you can expect improved performance, maximised energy savings and reduced water costs.9Suited for wet and humid applicationsseries is ideally suited for humid, wet andTechnical specificationsLRP 700 VSD+LRP 900 VSD+LRP 1000 VSD+ Nominal capacity Dry-m3/h (m3/h)7409401050Dry-cfm436553618Saturated-m3/h91010901140Saturated-cfm536642671 Ultimate pressure(Absolute) mbar25inch Hg0.7Nominal installed motor kW18.52637hp24.834.949.6 Footprint mm1950 x 810 x 1020(WxDxH)inch76,8 x 31,9 x 40,2Inlet/ Outlet EN1092-1/01/B1/DN100/PN10 Connection Liquid fill/ Manual drain G 1/2" BSP(F)Overflow G 1" BSP(F)6996 0066 00 © 2019, A t l a s C o p c o . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e m a /vacuum。










































2PB-0240 平流泵 用户操作手册说明书

2PB-0240 平流泵 用户操作手册说明书











目录1.2PB-0240平流泵部件 (1)1.1 2PB-0240平流泵介绍 (1)1.1.1 前面板 (2)1.1.2 后面板 (4)1.1.3 电源的连接 (4)1.2泵的操作 (4)1.2.1首次操作 (5)1.2.2日常操作 (5)1.2.3面板参数及操作 (5)1.3泵与计算机的连接 (8)1.4泵的维护 (8)1.4.1 拆卸泵头 (8)1.4.2 拆开泵头 (8)1.4.3 组装泵头 (10)1.4.4 安装泵头 (10)1.4.5单向阀的拆装和清洗 (11)2.连接HPLC系统 (12)3.进样阀的使用 (12)4.仪器的反控 (13)4.1 反控工作站简介 (13)4.1.1 工作站的特点 (14)4.1.2 工作站软件的运行环境 (14)4.1.3仪器与工作站(计算机)的连接 (15)4.2 反控工作站集成环境 (15)4.3 反控工作站操作 (16)4.3.1 反控工作站操作前的准备 (16)4.3.2 反控工作站操作步骤 (18)4.3.3工作站软件的谱图处理方式 (24)5.泵RS-232协议 (29)5.1.硬件连接(按实物) (29)5.2.RS232参数 (29)5.3.数据贞格式 (29)5. 4.控制协议 (29)6.泵RS-485协议 (30)6.1.硬件连接(按实物) (30)6.2.RS485参数 (30)6.3.数据贞格式 (30)6.4.控制协议 (30)7.售后服务 (31)7.1 服务承诺 (31)7.2 联系方式 (31)1.2PB-0240平流泵部件2PB-0240平流泵是高效液相色谱仪系统的三大关键部件之一,是高效液相色谱仪系统的动力装置,为整个系统提供稳定的流量。

大西洋水景L-305 L-310系列泵操作手册说明书

大西洋水景L-305 L-310系列泵操作手册说明书
To avoid an accident do not use the pump in any way other than as described in this manual. Please note the manufacturer cannot be responsible for accidents arising because the product was not used as prescribed. After reading this manual keep it as a reference in case questions arise during use. Using the pump in a manner that is not prescribed will void the warranty.
Operating Manual
Includes Pumps: L-305 L-310
1.330.274.8317 www.ATLAN TI CWAT E R G AR DE N
Thank you for selecting the TidalWave L-305/L-310 series pumps. Before using this pump please take a moment to review this manual.
• Always operate the pump completely submerged in water. • Avoid dry operation, which will not only lower performance but can
cause the pump to overheat/malfunction, leading to electrical leakage, shock or premature failure.



pulse-free, the pump provides smooth and gentle operation,making it an excellent choice for handling sensitive products.Two-in-one operation provides easy handling of process media of varying viscosities as well as CIP fluids. This simplifies piping and pump control, cutting costs and minimizing contamination risks.Superior suction performance with excellent lift capability and low NPSHr provides installation flexibility and increases product recovery.The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is available in twelve models based on four frame sizes. Each frame size is available with three different screw profiles for varying pressure, flow and solids-handling capabilities.Benefits•Greater process flexibility.•Ease of service, increased process uptime.•Robust reliable design, reducing cost of ownership andincreasing process uptime.•Improved product quality.•Exceptional hygiene and cleanability.Standard designAll media contacting steel components, like pump casing, front cover and feed screws are in W. 1.4404 (AISI 316L). Furthermore, the pump casing is diffusion hardened. A stainless steel gearbox, end cover and foot ensure increased life and assist in washdown.The gearbox is designed with the timing gears located between the bearing sets, rather than external to them. This allows the bearing location to be optimized in order to provide maximum support to the shaft assembly, thereby providing a robust rigid design. The internal gearcase design optimizes oil circulation to both sets of bearings and the timing gears with an oil sump design. This improves the lubrication effect on both bearings and timing gears, minimizing the energy produced due to friction and thereby reducing heat generation within the pump gearbox.The front-loading, self-setting cartridge design makes it easy to replace the shaft seal while the pump is in place. Single, single flush and double mechanical cartridge seals are available. All options are fully front-loading and interchangeable.The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump can be supplied either as a bare shaft pump or mounted on a base plate complete with coupling, guard, shroud and a direct coupled motor or a gear motor for easy, plug-and-play installation.Working principleThe Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is a positive displacement pump. As the pump rotates, the intermeshing of the two contra-rotating screws, along with the pump casing, form volumetric chambers. These chambers fill with the pumped fluid and move the fluid axially from the suction side of the pump to the higher pressure discharge side.TECHNICAL DATAScrews, front cover, seal housing:W. 1.4404 (316L)Inside surface finish:Mech Ra ≤ 0.8Gear box:Stainless steel Base plate:Stainless steel Coupling guard:Stainless steel Product wetted elastomers:EPDM Other elastomers:FPMShaft seal:Single flush Rotary seal face:Silicon Carbide Stationary seal face:Silicon CarbideMax. flush pressure, single flush:0.5 bar Max. flush pressure, double mechanical:16 bar (max. 6 bar over product pressure)Water consumption, single flush and double mechanical:0.5 l/min.Flush connections, OS12-36:G 1/4" or NPT 1/4"Flush connections, OS42-46:G 1/2" or NPT 1/2"Max. discharge pressure:16 barMax. CIP/SIP temperature:150ºCOperating dataOS1410.4122800330011OS1616.082800330017OS2218.2162500330012OS2424.3122500330016OS2636.582500330024OS3234.8162200300016OS3446.6122200300021OS3669.982200300032OS4266.8161800280021OS4489.5121800280029OS46134.381800280043Dimension (mm)PUMP SHOWN WITH TRI-CLAMP, SUCTION AND DISCHARGE CONNECTIONSØA170180718509040640510110125101451551359188,528OS14401½OS16502OS22401½222,522092054,511240650512,5117,516512,51902001751121633OS24502OS26652½OS32652½280260113062132408625151452001523024021013262,543OS34OS36803OS428033603501545871807014790201802502029032028017,534658OS44OS4610041Dimension 'V'is with flush plugs installed - NPT adaptors will increase this dimension by ~10mmOS145027877.2576.7576.8OS1665 2.58683.1583.183.15OS225029089.388.7588.8OS2465 2.59895.1595.1095.15OS26803105.5101.45101.45101.5OS32803111.5107.45107.45107.5OS34OS361004121119.8119.7119.8OS421004148.5147.3147.2147.3OS44OS461506173.5-171.93-Options •Single mechanical shaft seal.•Double mechanical shaft seal.•Silicon Carbide/Carbon seal faces•Product wetted elastomers in FPM or FFPM.•Diffusion hardened screws.•Heating jacket.•Rectangular inlet.•Hydrostatic testing with certificate.•Reversed flow.•Bottom inlet or outlet.•Stainless steel shroud covering coupling and motor.•Baseplate fitted with adjustable stainless steel ball feet.•ATEX approval.Pump sizingIn order to correctly size a twin screw pump some essential information is required. Provision of this information listed below enables our Technical Support personnel to obtain the optimum pump selection. Specific CIP data are important as well. Product/Fluid Data:•Fluid to be pumped.•Viscosity.•Pumping temperature, minimum, normal and maximum.•Cleaning in Place temperature(s), minimum, normal and maximum.Performance Data:•Flow rate, minimum, normal and maximum.•Discharge head/pressure (closest to pump outlet).•Suction condition.Note!For further details, see also 100000817.This product has EHEDG certificate.This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.200006106-1-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate AB How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。

平流泵2PB-00C系列产品说明书 (2012版)

平流泵2PB-00C系列产品说明书 (2012版)

2PB00C系列平流泵使用说明书目录1.技术说明 (1)1.1 仪器用途 (1)1.2 主要特点 (1)1.3主要技术指标 (2)1.4仪器工作原理概述 (3)2.操作规程 (5)2.1工作条件 (5)2.2 开箱 (6)2.3面板功能 (6)2.4仪器启动 (6)2.5各参数的设置方法 (7)2.6显示方式 (8)2.7串联通讯口的连接和用法 (8)2.8泵的运转 (10)3.维修 (11)3.1仪器的维护 (11)3.2仪器的修理 (12)1.技术说明1.1 仪器用途平流泵广泛用于高效液相色谱仪,微型、小型反应装置以及其它需要连续恒速、常压或高压输送小量定量液体得场合。

1.2 主要特点1.2.1 本机为微机控制,A.整体式机电合一,外形结构见图1。


1.2.2 机械传动及整体结构合理有减震防噪措施,噪声极小。

1.2.3 宝石柱塞及宝石球阀座均为标准件,维修更换方便。

1.2.4 国内首创独家使用非圆齿轮曲柄连杆机构,缓冲器、密封件在设计、工艺、材料各方面的不断改进。


1.2.5 控制系统由于采用了89C52单片机,利用其运算、定时、计数等功能直接产生主控脉冲控制步进电机转速,从而使泵的流量精度高、重复性好。

1.2.6 工作参数设置采用键盘输入,触摸式键盘操作,具有四位数码显示,直观,操作方便。

1.2.7 具有压力测量和过压、欠压保护系统,使泵系统工作安全可靠。

1.2.8 具有压缩自动补偿程序控制,使泵在高压下工作时,流量精度保持稳定。

1.2.9 具有与微机接口,可多机通讯。

1.3主要技术指标1.3.1 流量范围、最大排压。

对应表中系列型号的有(详情请见本厂销售广告):A 钛泵耐腐蚀 0-5MPa 四氟乙烯接管B 全塑泵耐强腐蚀 0-4MPaC 分体泵可提供电缆最长12米D 恒流恒压泵E 表中所列各型号泵均可以采用液晶显示屏显示本泵所有参数。





















液压 气压旋钮式水泵操作指南说明书

液压 气压旋钮式水泵操作指南说明书

Personal injury and/or equipment damage may result if proper safety precautions are not observed.• Ensure that the reel has been properly installed before connecting supply line (see installation instructions).• Bleed fluid/gas pressure from system before servicing reel.• Before connecting reel to supply line ensure that supply line pressure does not exceed maximum rated working pressure of reel.• Do not play pranks on other personnel. Even low pressure is very dangerous and can cause irrepairable damage or death.• Do not wear loose fitting clothing while operating reel.• Be aware of other personnel in work area.• Be aware of other machinery in work area.• If a leak occurs in the hose or reel, remove supply line pressure immediately.• If the reel is power driven check for loose, frayed, and/or broken wires before operating.• Treat and respect a hose reel as any other piece of machinery, observing all common safety practices.Operating InstructionsSeries H37000 Hose ReelsReelcraft Industries, Inc. • 2842 E Business Hwy 30, Columbia City, IN 46725Ph: 800-444-3134 / 260-248-8188 • Fax: 800-444-4587 / 260-248-2605CustomerService:855-634-9109•***********************•Form# 1256-1030 Rev: 5/2018BH37118 L CH37118 L EH37118 L12D BH37122 L CH37122 L EH37122 L12D BH37128 LCH37128 LEH37128 L12DSafety Precautionsspecial instructions.NOTE: A flexible hose connection must be used to compensate for any offset between the supply line and the reel swivel.3. Apply thread compound to all threads.4. Thread male connector of supply line into swivel. Tighten securely.Connecting the hoseCAUTION: Do not connect the hose to theconnecting tube assembly until after hosereel has been installed. Fully extend andcharge hose before winding on to reel.Momentarily open control valve, wheninitially charging, to purge hose of gases.When fluid appears at control valve, closevalve. This prevents flattening of the hoseand excessive pressure on the drum whenfluid supply is reinitialized at a later time.1. Apply thread compound to all threads.2. Hand thread male hose connector intoconnecting tube assembly.SERVICE INSTRUCTIONSReplacing the hose1. Using a wrench, firmly hold onto theconnecting tube assembly whileremoving hose connector.2. Follow procedures for “Connecting thehose” (refer to installationinstructions).SINGLE POLE SINGLE-THROW12/24 VOLT D.C.Page Replacing the swivel CAUTION: Remove supply line pressure before performing the following procedure.1. Remove supply line from swivel.2. Remove swivel assembly from inletshaft.3. Install swivel assembly to inlet shaft by reversing steps 1 and 2. Apply thread compound to all threads.Replacing the motor CAUTION: Before replacing the motor, remove all electrical power or air pressure from motor.1. Disconnect wiring/air lines from motor.2. Remove bolts securing motor mounting bracket to reel. Remove bracket (refer to diagram on page 3).3. Install swivel assembly to inlet shaft by reversing steps 1 and 2. Apply thread compound to all threads.Replacing the chain CAUTION: Before replacing the chain, remove all electrical power or air pressure from motor.1. Loosen (do not remove) bolts securing motor mounting bracket in place.2. Remove chain master-link.3. Remove chain master-link. Install new chain by reversing steps 1 and 2above.ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES Adjusting the reel1. Adjust reel drag by loosening ortightening set screw on hub casting onAdjusting the chain tensionCAUTION: Before adjusting the chaintension, remove all electrical power orair pressure from motor. Over-tensioned(tightening) of chain results in reducedmotor life. Adjust to allow between 1/4 and1/2 inch play in chain.1. Loosen bolts (do not remove) securingmotor mounting bracket to reel.2. Move motor mounting bracket andmotor until proper chain tension isobtained.3. Tighten motor mounting bracket bolts. Page 3Page 4 Page 5。



Model #Serial #Drawing #Order #Mfg. DateT able of C onTenTs page1.0 Introduction (3)2.0 Meaning of Safety Words (3)3.0 Product Specification (3)4.0 Unpacking (3)5.0 Tools (3)6.0 Installation (3)6.1 Compressed Air Supply (4)6.2 Liquid Section (4)7.0 Pump Start-Up (5)8.0 Process Media (5)9.0 Pump Functionality (6)10.0 Suggested Maintenance (6)11.0 Trouble Shooting-Pneumatic Section (7)12.0 Trouble Shooting-High Pressure Liquid Section (7)13.0 Service (8)Section 1.0IntroductionThe Parker Autoclave Engineers pump discussed in this manual is operated using compressed air up to 150 psi (10 bar). Parker Autoclave Engineers ACL Series pumps are used for pumping oil, water and oil/water mixtures. Special seals are also available for chemical service. Please contact Parker Autoclave Engineers to discuss availability of special seals. The pump operates using a pressure ratio of the air piston surface area to the liquid plunger surface area.(Output liquid pressure = actual pump pressure ratio x input air pressure). Refer to the product literature for each pump model's actual air pressure ratio.Section 2.0Meaning of Safety WordsA safety related message is identified by a safety alert symbol and a signal word to indicate the level of riskinvolved with a particular hazard. The definitions of the three signal words are as follows:indicates a potentially hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.indicates a potentially hazardoussituation which, if not avoided, may resultin minor or moderate injury.Special notes intended to bring attention to procedures that must be followed to ensure proper installation and performance will be placed in a box labeled NOTICE.Section 3.0Product SpecificationSee assembly drawing for product specifications:- Pump Geometry- Pump Materials of Construction- Maximum Allowable Working Pressure - Maximum Working Temperature - Pressure Ratio - Displacement- Repair Kit Part Numbers - Torque Information - WeightsSection 4.0UnpackingThe pump has been assembled and pressure tested at Parker Autoclave Engineers and is ready to be put into service. The shipping carton should be opened and the contents carefully examined upon receipt from the carrier. Make sure there is no obvious damage to the contents. DO NOT use the equipment if any damage is evident. If damage has occurred, file a claim with the shipper before contacting Parker Autoclave Engineers Service Department.Examine all material within the container and check against the packing list to be sure all items are accounted for and are not damaged. Verify that the equipment model number supplied agrees with what was ordered.Section 5.0ToolsAt minimum, the tools required for installation of the pump in-clude a torque wrench, an open end wrench adapter (crows foot adapter) and an open end adjustable wrench.Refer to the Tools, Maintenance and Installation Manual provided with the Data Book for information on torque wrenches and torque values for Parker Autoclave Engineers tubing and fittings.Section 6.0InstallationFor best performance and life, the pump should be installed in the vertical position. This will prevent side loading on the air piston seals. The pump will, however, function in any position.The pump will attach to the mounting location using (4) 5/16" bolts. There are 4 holes provided on each pump for mounting.Section 6.1Compressed Air SupplyThe main air drive connection port on the pump is a female 1/4" FNPT and is located in the spool valve housing.An air line filter with a minimum 5 microns filtration rating must be used on the supply line. If the air supply is not dry, a mist separator must be used to remove moisture in the air line.Parker Autoclave Engineers can supply a complete air control package that includes a filter, air pressure regulator, air pres -sure gage and shutoff valve. Mist separators are also available. Contact the factory for more details on these options.The pump is designed to function from 15 psi to 150 psi (1 to 10 bar) air input pressure.Unless otherwise noted, all air line accessories for the pump air drive should have, at minimum, a 1/4" FNPT connection. The tubing/piping used to connect the components should have the maximum ID the pressure rating will allow. Reduc-ing the size before the air inlet will reduce air pressure flow and reduce flow rate of the pump.NOTICEThe use of an air line lubricator is not required and is not recommended. The oil in the air lubricator will cause the factory installed grease to be purged from the pump. Once an air lubricator is used the pump can never again be oper-ated without an air lubricator.NOTICESection 6.2Liquid SectionAll ACL series pumps have a high pressure liquid outlet port located on the side of the pump head. The suction inlet port on all ACL series pumps is positioned either at the bottom or side of the head depending on the model purchased. See order code details in the product literature for catalog number suffix.Inlet: A liquid filter with at least a 100 mesh sizemust be installed before the suction port inlet to prevent damage to the check valves and high pressure seals due to debris.The tubing or piping should be made from a corrosion resistant material and sized with a maximum ID to fit the 3/8" pipe con -nections.Outlet: The outlet tubing ID must, at minimum, match the same size of the pump check valve gland port. Refer to product litera-ture for outlet connections details for each pump. Reducing out-let tubing or connection will reduce output liquid flow capacity.For best performance, a liquid supply reservoir should be located higher than the inlet gland on the pump to create a small pressure head. Be sure to make an air tight seal between the reservoir and the pump inlet connection. The connections between the reservoir and pump inlet should not be reduced from the 3/8" FNPT connection size.NOTICERestricting flow at the liquid inlet will cause problems withcheck valve performance and reduce output flow.NOTICEIncrease the air pressure using the air pressure regulator until you achieve your desired output liquid pressure. At this point the pump will stall. You can calculate the output pressure by multiplying the input air supply by the actual pressure ratio of the pump. The pump will automatically restart if there is a drop in downstream high pressure.Section 8.0Process MediaParker Autoclave Engineers pumps discussed in this manual are used for pumping oil, water and oil/water mixtures. Special seals are also available for chemical service. Please contact Parker Autoclave Engineers to discuss availability of special seals.Section 7.0Pump Start-UpFig. 7.0 Air Line SchematicAs shown above, a filtered main air supply line is required. The filtered air supply will go to a pressure regulator which can be set to achieve the desired output liquid pressure according to the pressure ratio of the pump.The pumps unique design allows for self priming. To prime, regulate the air pressure to between 5-15 psi or use an air flow regulator to reduce to a slow stroke frequency. With the high pressure side connected to a vented system, allow the pump to cycle until a consistent flow of liquid is achieved. Let the pump flow freely to purge any air in the liquid system. Loosening the outlet gland or pipe can also assist in priming the pump.Pumps are not designed to run for long periods of time without liquid process media. Short, dry pumping cycles should not be a cause for concern. However, pumps are built using lubricant in the seal areas and pumping without fluid will wear away lubricant and compromise the seal.The operating temperatures of the pump are between 0°F to 140°F (18°F to 60°F).Section 9.0Pump FunctionalityWhen the pump is installed, regulated air is connected to the spool housing at the 1/4" FNPT pump inlet.1) Regulated inlet air pressure enters spool housing and moves spool to the left directing air into large pressure tube to the bottom end cap pushing the air piston and liquid plunger upward.2) The upward movement causes a suction of liquid into the high pressure pump head while inlet check valve is open and outlet check valve is closed.3) The air piston continues to move up until it hits the p ilot valve assembly in the top end cap.4) The top pilot valve opens allowing max system air pressure to shift the spool valve so that it now directs air drive pressure through the top end cap and pushes the air piston and liquid plunger downward.5) The plunger action moving down compresses the fluid on the high pressure pump head while the inlet check valve is closed and outlet check valve is open.6) While the air drive pressure is acting on top of the piston, the bottom area of the piston is vented through the exhaust muffler.7) Piston continues to move down until it hits the pilot valve assembly in the bottom end cap.8) The bottom pilot opens which vents maximum system air pressure from the large diameter side of the spool.9) This causes spool to move to the left, while air is vented from the top end of the air cylinder through the exhaust muffler. 10) The entire process starts again at step one until themaximum outlet hydraulic pressure in reached based on the pressure ratio of the pump.s eCTion 10.0Suggested MaintenanceA. Before each pump use, a quick inspection should be per-formed to insure there are no loose bolts, nuts, set screwsor check valve glands. Tighten any lose bolts and fittingsaccording to the torque values listed on the pump assembly drawing. A visual inspection should also be made beforeeach use and at startup to make sure there is no evidence of fluid leaks from isolation chamber drain ports, check valves connections and muffler. If liquid mists out of the muffler for more than 5 strokes, it is time to replace your hydraulic high pressure seals. Refer to the troubleshooting guide for solu-tions to these fluid leaks.B. The maintenance schedule of the pump depends on thefrequency of use, cleanliness of media, type of media, cycle rates, output pressures, cleanliness of air or any other condi-tions that may be damaging to seal integrity. Once a clearpattern develops of how long a pump is in service beforepump performance declines, it is recommended to perform maintenance in advance of this time frame. At minimum,perform maintenance on the pump once a year as described below.Maintenance would include:• Re-lubrication or replacement of spool valve o-ring• Re-lubrication or replacement of air drive seals• Re-lubrication or replacement of pilot valve o-rings andgaskets• Replace check valve components• Replace high pressure hydraulic sealsC. Maintenance instructions are supplied with appropriate rebuildkits. Kit part numbers are listed on the assembly drawing.Section 11.0Trouble Shooting - Pneumatic SectionProblem: Pump will not operate with low air pressure.Cause: Excessive friction of o-rings on the spool valve has increased the pressure required to move spool.Solution: Replace and lubricate the o-rings on spoolProblem: Pump can only be actuated at high air pressure.Cause:a) Air is leaking through the piston guide bushing in the top end cap.b) Air is leaking through the o-rings betweenthe top end cap and air cylinder.Solution: a) Replace and lubricate o-rings on upper plunger and between bushing and top cap. b) Replace and lubricate o-ring on lip of topend cap.Problem: Pump will not run and air escaped throughthe exhaust muffler. Cause: a) Spool valve o-rings are leaking. b) Spool sleeve o-rings are leaking. c) Outside o-ring(s) on air piston(s) is leaking.d) Seal between air piston and liquid plunger is leaking.Solution: a) Replace and lubricate spool valve o-rings.b) Replace and lubricate sleeve o-rings. c) Replace and lubricate air piston o-ring(s). d) Add Loctite 2760 thread locker with sealant onplunger threads.Problem: Pump will not run and air escapes through the small hole in the spool valve housing.Cause:Spool valve sleeve o-rings are leaking.Solution: Replace and lubricate spool valve o-rings.Problem: Pump will not run and air escapes through the pilot valve vent in the bottom end cap.Cause: Pilot valve gasket or o-ring is not sealing inthe bottom cap.Solution: Replace and lubricate pilot valve gasketand o-ring. If necessary, also replace the tappet rod.Problem: Pump operates at a high frequency and short strokes.Cause:The top or bottom pilot valves are defective.Solution: Replace and lubricate both pilot valve gaskets and o-rings. If necessary also replace the tappet rods.Problem: Pump functions slowly or doesn't operate at all.Cause: a) Condensation from air supply is freezing the spool valve.b) Air muffler is clogged.Solution: a) Stop pump for a short period and replace or add a mist separator in the air line.b) Clean or replace air muffler.Section 12.0Trouble Shooting - High PressureLiquid SectionProblem: Pump does not produce liquid flow, operates irregularly or does not maintain pressure.Cause: a) Air in the hydraulic system. b) Suction line excessively long. c) Suction tubing sized too small. d) Failure of one of the check valves. e) Liquid inlet filter is blocked. f) High pressure seal excessively worn. g) Supply liquid pressure head too low. h) Air pressure rod seal assemblyexcessively worn.Solution: a) Check inlet suction line and connections for leaks and allow pump to flow freely downstream so as to remove any air. b) Shorten liquid supply line.c) Increase tubing ID size between reservoir and pump inlet.d) Clean or replace both inlet and outlet check valve assemblies.e) Clean or replace liquid inlet filter. f) Replace high pressure seal assembly. g) Raise liquid reservoir to higher location until pump is fully primed.h) Replace air pressure rod seal.Problem: Fluid escapes through the air exhaust (non- isolation chamber version only).Cause:High pressure seal is leaking.Solution: a) Clean fluid from air section. b) Replace and lubricate o-rings as necessary in the air section.c) Replace high pressure seal.Section 13 .0ServiceContact Parker Autoclave Engineers for service. Pumps can be sent directly to Parker Autoclave Engineers for service. Pumps returned for service should be accompanied with the model number, serial number, manufacture date and problems you are experiencing.For service information: 814-860-572902-9240ME February2013© 2013 Parker Hannifin Corporation | Autoclave Engineers is a registered trademark of the Parker Hannifin CorporationParker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd.Instrumentation Products Division, Europe Industrial Estate Whitemill Wexford, Republic of Ireland Instrumentation Products Division Autoclave Engineers Operation 8325 Hessinger DriveErie, Pennsylvania 16509-4679 USA WARNINGFAILURE, IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE .This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.Offer of SaleThe items described in this document are available for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. Any sale contract entered by Parker will be governed by the provisions stated in Parker's standard terms and conditions of sale (copy available upon request).ISO-9001Certified。

水泵保护 使用说明书 1.00

水泵保护  使用说明书 1.00

水泵开关用综合保护器(PIR-60B)使用说明书Version 1.002010-11-2 9:23:55上海颐坤自动化控制设备有限公司目录1 【概述】 (1)2 【工作原理】 (2)3 【基本功能】 (3)3.1 保护整定内容 (3)3.2 保护技术参数 (3)3.3 测量技术参数 (4)3.4 通讯功能 (4)3.5 显示部分 (4)3.6 故障查询 (4)3.7 累计信息查询 (4)3.8 试验功能 (5)4 【水位控制】 (5)5 【保护器接线】 (6)6 【外形及尺寸】 (7)6.1 保护器 (7)6.2 配件 (8)6.2.1 电流互感器 (8)6.2.2 电源 (9)7 【保护器配件表】 (9)8 【注意事项及一般故障排查】 (9)1 【概述】PIR-60B水泵开关用综合保护器(以下简称保护器),是可适用于含有爆炸性气体(甲烷)和煤尘的煤矿井下智能化多功能综合保护器,能与380V、660V、1140V电压等级,额定最大电流至60A的各种型号的水泵专用开关配套使用,以实现供电系统的各种保护功能。











g e 1 o f 3Rev 2.2 - 28 July 2017PRODUCT CODE - PA50PARTS• Alarm Box• Float switch - Reed type with 5m of twin core cable • Duracell 9V PP3 battery • Double socket holding clip •Cable TieTHE ALARM BOXThe alarm has two separate parts: the Back-Box and the Face Plate, and can be either surface mounted or flush mounted. Surface mounting uses the provided Back-Boxwhilst flush mounted does not use the Back-Box but utilises a standard twin electrical back box instead.FITTING THE ALARM - SUPPLIED BACK-BOX• Unscrew the Face-Plate from the Back-Box.•Decide whether to have the float cable entering via the bottom of the box or the rear of the box. If the back, use the hole provided. If the bottom, carefully push out the recessed and thinner metal cover with a screw driver. If the float wire is to enter from the rear with the switch cable within the wall, use electrical conduit for the routing of the wire.• Fix the Back-Box to the wall with appropriate fixing screws using the four fixing holes supplied.•After the battery and float cable are attached, screw the Face-Plate to the Back-Box using the screws provided.FITTING THE ALARM - ELECTRIC BACK-BOX• Unscrew the Face-Plate from the Back-Box.• Discard the supplied Back-Box.• Bring the float wires in to the electrical back box via conduit within the wall.•After the battery and float cable are attached, screw the Face-Plate to the Back-Box using the screws provided with the electrical back box, not the screws supplied with the alarm.FITTING THE SWITCHThe switch should be fitted to the vertical pump discharge pipe using the double clip and cable tie supplied. Wrap and tighten the cable tie around a pump vertical discharge pipe and the clip so as to secure the clip. Push thethreaded barrel of the switch onto the still available second clip to secure the switch to the discharge pipe. Tighten the nut to further secure.NOTE: It is important that the switch is fitted in the correct orientation so that the switch is normally closed and becomes open when lifted by rising water.INTRODUCTIONThe Newton High Water Level Alarm - PA50 is designed to detect high water levels within pump sump chambers, and is included within Newton Titan-Pro and Newton Titan-2 pumping systems.The alarm is battery operated and uses a standard 9V PP3 battery. The alarm can be programmed to automatic reset or manual re-set if an alarm condition occurs.g e 2 o f 3N E W T O N P U M P S , P U M P I N G S Y S T E M S A N D A N C I L L A R I E SALARM RESET MODEThe alarm can be set with two modes of alarm:MODE A - Manual Reset - The alarm sounder will continue to operate until manual reset (via the MUTEbutton on the front face of the unit), even when the water level drops.MODE B - Automatic Reset - The alarm sounder will automatically stop if the water level drops.Discussions should take place with the client to agree which mode is preferred.MODE A - Manual Reset will mean that the alarm will continue to sound until the client manually resets thealarm. This means that the client will be aware of an alarm condition, even when the second pump has lowered the water in the sump. MODE A ensures that the client will always be aware of the alarm condition and so is the safest option. It does however mean that neighbours could be disturbed by the alarm sounding for extended periods.MODE B - Auto Reset will mean that when the second pump lowers the water level, the alarm will stop sounding. If the alarm condition occurs when the client is out of the house, they may not be aware of the problem to the first pump. It does mean however that the alarm will not keep sounding for extended periods.PROGRAMMING THE ALARM RESET MODENOTE: The Alarm Reset Mode must be set before inserting the 9V battery:To set MODE A, insert the battery with the switch in the CLOSED position.To set MODE B, insert the battery with the switch in the OPEN position.TECHNICAL DATAFeaturesResultUnitsWidth 152.0mm Height 92.0mm Depth 37.0 (8.00 if mounted in back box)mm Weight 700g Power supply 9 - PP3 battery (supplied)VSounder volume (dB)90(at 1000mm)SwitchingReed switchPOSITIONING THE SWITCHThe switch should be positioned so that the alarm will sound after the pump should have operated. Slide the clip and cable tie up or down the discharge pipe to adjust to the correct height for the pump.Where two pumps are installed, the switch should be positioned between the points where the two pumps turn on so that the alarm sounds after the first pump should have operated, not after the second pump should have operated. The sequence of pumping and alarm should be: PUMP 1 - ALARM - PUMP 2.FLOAT SWITCH CABLETo conform with current building regulations and electrical regulations, low voltage wiring should not use the same conduit as high voltage. This means the alarm float switch cable should NOT be in the same conduit or pipe as the 230V pump cable.Float Switch ClosedFLOAT SWITCHFloat Switch Openg e 3 o f 3N E W T O N P U M P S , P U M P I N G S Y S T E M S A N D A N C I L L A R I E SINDICATORS & ALARMSIf the alarm sounds or beeps, check the status of the indicators as the table below:Fast beeping /flashing = 1 beep/flash per 5 seconds Slow beeping / flashing = 1 beep/flash per minuteALARM MUTEIf the unit is in an alarm condition, the first pump has not operated correctly. This may be due to mechanical failure or because of power outage. The MUTE button should only be used when you have identified the reason for the alarm event, and you have taken steps to deal with that problem.To mute the alarm, press the MUTE button ONCE to mute the sounder. The WATER HIGH indicator will still flash to indicate the sounder has been muted.Press the MUTE button A SECOND TIME to reset the unit and to cancel the mute function. If the alarm indicator is still flashing, the water level is still high.LOW BATTERYThe unit will inform the user when the battery is low and requires replacement – see table above. When replacing the battery, you must select the method of re-setting as removing the battery will set the unit to MODE A (if the float switch is open).CONNECTION TO NEWTON PA5 DIALER OR HOUSE BMSThe Newton Dialer - PA5 can receive a signal from the PA50 Alarm allowing notice of the alarm condition to bereceived as a voice message to land-line phones and as a text message to mobile phones. Up to 5 separate numbers can receive the voice or text message.The terminals for the connection to the dialer are at the top left of the inside of the Alarm Face-Plate. Use normal two-core bell wire and make a connection with one of the two coloured wires between the NO (Normally Open) terminal of the Alarm and Trigger Input 1 of the Dialer, with the other wire connecting the C (Common) terminal of the Alarm with the OV Trigger Input of the Dialer.The Normally Open and Common terminals in the Alarm can also be used to send a zero-voltage signal to home alarm and building management systems.TESTINGTest the alarm sounder and indicator each month by pressing the TEST button, the alarm will sound and the indicators will show as long as you are pressing the test button.The test button tests the alarm sounder module only. To test the circuit for the main alarm or the zero-voltage output, raise the switch to the open position as explained above.WARRANTYThe alarm is supplied with a one-year back-to-base warranty which is dated from either the date of purchase or a proven date of installation. If the unit develops a fault during the warranty period, Newton Waterproofing Systems will repair or replace the unit under warranty. Post the unit to the address below, together with an explanation of the problem and a return address. The warranty will be invalidated if the unit is damaged because of improper handling, storage or installation and in such cases a repair charge may be applicable.Sounder Indicator ReasonFast beeping Fast blue flashing Water level highOffFast blue flashing Water level high (in mute mode)Slow beepingSlow blue flashingBattery low, replace the battery。



DescriptionThis pump system is designed for decorative use and canimprove water aeration. It produces water fountains up to 15’ in height, and up to 4,900 gallons of water per hour. Make your floating fountain system even more dramatic at night by adding the NightBright lighting system 023069.Operates in 5 feet of water or deeper.UnpackingWhen unpacking the unit, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Floating Pond Pump SystemModels FPS0501 and SPS0501Operating Instructions & Parts ManualPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in per-sonal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.FW07790909 Supersedes0408General Safety InformationCarefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on pump. Keep safety labels in good condi-tion. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.This is a SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. When you seethis symbol on the pump or in the manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury or property damage.Warns of hazards that WILL cause seriouspersonal injury or death, if ignored.Warns of hazards that MAY cause minorpersonal injury, product or property damage if ignored.IMPORTANT: Indicates factors concerned with operation, installation, assembly or maintenance which could result in damage to the machine or equipment if ignored.NOTE: Indicates special instructions which are important but are not related to hazards.Never enter the watereither wading, swimming or in a boat with thepump power on, as this may result in severecarefully. Failure to follow could result in serious bodilyinjury and/or property damage.shall be in accordance with National ElectricCode (NEC) and all applicable local codesand ordinances. A licensed electrician shouldperform installation.“NO SWIMMING” ANDOR WARNING SIGNS SHOULD BE POSTED PERSTATE AND LOCAL CODES.Please affix included warning label to powerreceptacle or junction box.100ft power cord with three prong GFI plug. –Must connect to properly grounded receptacleof grounding type. Do not remove groundpin on plug. Do not extend the cord length by splicing orTHIS UNIT, WITH THE GFI, TO A PROPERLYGROUNDED RECEPTACLE MAY RESULT INto a circuit equipped with a fuse or circuitbreaker of ample capacity.Always disconnect powersource before performing any work on ornear the motor or its connected load. If thepower disconnect point is out-of-sight, lock itin the open position and/or tag it to prevent unexpectedapplication of power. Failure to do so could result in fatalelectrical shock or bodily injury.DO NOT handle pump withwet hands or when standing in water asfatal electrical shock could occur. Disconnectmain power supply before handling systemfor any reason.from coming in contact with sharp objects,oil, grease, hot surfaces or chemicals. DONOT kink the power cable. If damagedbox, fused disconnect switch, or covers open(either partially or completely) when notbeing worked on by a competent electricianor repairman.Always use caution whenoperating electrical controls in damp areas.If possible, avoid all contact with electricalequipment during thunderstorms or extremedamp conditions.equipment in protected area to preventmechanical damage which could produce seriouselectrical shock and/or equipment failure.DO NOT use this system topump flammable liquids such as gasoline, fueloil, kerosene, etc. Failure to follow the abovewarning could result in property damage and/or personal injury.Do not pump water above 120 degreesFahrenheit.Water leaving nozzle is at high velocityand can cause bodily injury if contact is made.in swimming pool areas.!to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm.!coming out the bottom and protected from direct rainfall.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Only install this system in ponds where no swimming,wading, boating or fishing is allowed while fountain isoperating. Disconnect power to pump before fishing orentering the water.2. Post appropriate warning signs per local and state codes.3. Inspect pump system for damage before installing inpond. Check that all bolts and screws are tight. Check forany bent prongs or a cracked case on the GFI.4. The unit ships with one spray nozzle attached. To changeto one of the other 2 nozzles, remove the 4 screws fromthe nozzle then replace with desired nozzle. Refer toFigures 1, 2 & 3 for spray pattern appearance. Nozzlesare marked “This side up.” Make sure the o-ring isseated in groove before installing nozzle. Tighten screwsuntil seated, approximately 10 to 12 in-lbs.5. Attach nylon anchor ropes to 3 eyebolts located at topof screen. Secure (make sure rope is tight) to weightsplaced on pond floor or stakes on pond shore. Whenusing weights to anchor the pump, place weightsapproximately 10 feet from unit. Alternately, two anchorropes placed 180 degrees apart can be used, but 3 ropeswill provide the best stability.6. Before connecting the unit to the power receptacle,check to insure there is no leakage to ground. This canbe done by using an ohm meter and setting the scale toits highest setting (i.e. Rx100K). Connect one ohmmeter lead to the unit power cord ground (round prong) and to one of the flat prongs. It should read infinite or at least 2 mega ohms. Repeat with the other prong. If reading is below 2 mega ohms on either prong contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.7. Do Not Operate System on an Extension Cord. If no power is accessible at the pond, contract a licensed electrician to install the proper power supply in accordance with National Electric Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances.8. After installing the unit, checking ground andconnecting power to the unit, the unit can be powered up. Check operation of the GFI by pushing the “Test” button, the unit should stop. Pushing the “Reset” button should restart the unit. If pressing the “test” button does not stop the unit, immediately shut off power to unit and contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.NOZZLE PATTERNST h is s id eu p Figure 1: Water Lily - An eye-catching combination spray. Item #2AT h i s s id eu pFigure 2: Sky Cannon - A dramatic single plume of water. Item #2BT h i s s id eu pFigure 3: Water Trumpet - A symmetrical inverted bell shape.Item #2CFigure 4: Typical InstallationINSTALLATION CHECK LIST☐ Read installation instructions and warnings ☐ Post appropriate warning signs ☐ Install desired spray nozzle ☐ Install and anchor unit in pond☐ Check insulation resistance to ground ☐ Power up unit☐ Test operation of GFI by pressing the “Test” Button.☐ File instructions for future reference REQUIRED TOOLS & SUPPLIES• #2 Phillips screwdriver • Nylon rope to anchor unit• Stakes or weights for anchoring unit• Ohm meter to check insulation resistance to groundWINTER STORAGE• Rinse unit with clean water to remove any build-up on unit.• Check unit for any damage.• Store unit in heated space in freezing climates.The pump motor is water lubricated and is factory filledwith an antifreeze solution. During operation the antifreeze may exchange, thru the filtered check valve, with the pond water. In climates where freezing may occur, the unit must be stored in a heated storage space to prevent damage to the motor.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSESCORRECTIVE ACTIONUnit won’t run Circuit break-er trippedReset circuit breaker GFI Tripped Reset GFINo or low spray Blockedscreen ornozzle, miss-ing or dam-aged o-ring,or incorrectlyinstallednozzleDisconnect power. Clean screenand/or nozzle. Check that o-ring isundamaged and seated in groove.Check that nozzle is installed prop-erly (nozzles are marked “This sideup”). Check depth of pond. If lessthan 5 feet deep, move to deepersection. Restart unit.GFI Trips Electricalstorm can tripGFIReset GFIShort in sys-tem Disconnect power and check cord for damage. If cord is damaged contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page for replacement.Unit spins Anchor ropeloose Check anchor rope and re-attach if necessaryItem #Qty Part No.Description16021624Screw - #10 x 3/4 Pan Head High-Low 2A1021617Nozzle - Water Lily2B1021618Nozzle - Sky Cannon2C1021619Nozzle - Water Trumpet31021622O-Ring - AS568A - 041 (3” ID x 3/18” OD) 44021628Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 3/454021629Lockwasher - 1/4”61021707Mounting Flange71021534Float81021713Pump End91021740Motor 1/2 HP 115V104127021Locknut - SS 5/16-24111021715100 ft. power cord with GFI11A1021614GFI123021609Eye Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 2-1/2133021623Locknut - SS 1/4--20141021608Screen151021611Screen Cap161021613Strain Relief172021625Warning DecalFlow (GPH)Spray Height(Ft.)PatternImagePatternName 490015Thissi de upIL053Thissi de upThissi de upWater Lily- 2A 330015Sky Cannon- 2B 270013WaterTrumpet - 2C15161112(A/B/C)345671710911131214811A。



大流量平流泵使用说明书目录1技术说明 (1)1.1用途 (1)1.2主要特点 (1)1.3主要技术指标 (1)1.4工作原理 (2)2操作规程 (3)2.1工作条件 (3)2.2开箱 (4)2.3面板功能 (4)2.4仪器启动 (4)2.5各参数的设置方法 (5)2.6显示方式 (5)2.7串行通信口的连接和用法 (5)2.8泵的运转 (6)3维修 (7)3.1仪器的维护 (7)3.2仪器的修理 (7)1技术说明1.1用途该泵适用于定量输送低黏度、弱腐蚀液相介质,也可输送微小颗粒悬浮液。

1.2主要特点A.采用微机控制,并采用步进电机控制技术,泵体和控制系统各为独立单元,由控制电缆连接;B.采用双凸轮驱动机构,输出流量稳定,脉动小;C.最大流量:2PB-1000型: 1000ml/min;2PB-500型: 500ml/min;D.使用宝石单向阀标准件,使用寿命长;E.采用步进电机控制技术,使泵的流量精度高,重复性好;F.工作参数由触摸式键盘输入,液晶显示,操作直观、方便;G.具有压力采样、显示,过压保护功能,使泵运转安全可靠;H.具有微机串行接口,可多机通信;I.可使用钛合金制造相同规格的耐腐蚀泵。

1.3主要技术指标A.流量、压力范围2PB-1000型:流量 1~1000ml/min, 压力 0~1MPa2PB-500型:流量 1~500ml/min, 压力 0~2MPaB.流量重复精度:≤±1.5%C.流量设定精度:≤±3 %D.连续运转时间:不少于240小时E.与介质接触材料:316不锈钢、红宝石、陶瓷、密封材料F.输送介质:低黏度、弱腐蚀G.接管规格:出入口管Ф6×1H.工作电压:220V±10% ,50±2HzI.功率消耗:220 WJ.外形尺寸:长×宽×高泵体: 475 × 330 × 220(mm)控制器: 365 × 230 × 175(mm)K.重量:泵体 25Kg 控制器 6.6KgL.执行标准:《实验室系列泵》Q/HDWXQ001-2001。

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