道路施工方案中英文IV Construction Method
新修马路施工计划范本英文回答:Road Construction Plan Template.Introduction:The purpose of this road construction plan is tooutline the necessary steps and procedures for the construction of a new road. This plan will ensure that the construction process is organized, efficient, and completed within the specified timeline.1. Project Overview:The road construction project aims to build a new road connecting two major cities. The total length of the road will be approximately 50 kilometers. The project is expected to start on [start date] and complete within [estimated completion time].2. Site Preparation:Before commencing the construction work, site preparation activities need to be carried out. Thisincludes clearing the land, removing any existing structures, and leveling the ground. Site preparation will begin [start date] and is estimated to be completed within [estimated duration].3. Earthwork and Grading:The next step in the construction process is earthwork and grading. This involves excavating the soil, levelingthe ground, and creating a stable foundation for the road. Earthwork and grading activities will start on [start date] and are expected to be finished within [estimated duration].4. Drainage System Installation:To ensure proper water flow and prevent flooding, a drainage system will be installed along the road. Thisincludes the construction of culverts, ditches, and stormwater drains. The installation of the drainage system will begin on [start date] and is estimated to be completed within [estimated duration].5. Road Construction:The actual construction of the road will involve laying the base, sub-base, and wearing course layers. This will be done using appropriate construction materials such as asphalt or concrete. Road construction activities willstart on [start date] and are expected to be finishedwithin [estimated duration].6. Signage and Markings:Once the road is constructed, signage and markings will be installed for proper guidance and safety. This includes road signs, lane markings, and pedestrian crossings. Signage and marking activities will begin on [start date] and are estimated to be completed within [estimated duration].7. Quality Control and Inspection:Throughout the construction process, regular quality control and inspection will be conducted to ensure that the road meets the required standards. This will involvetesting the materials, checking the road's alignment, and monitoring the construction activities. Quality control and inspection activities will be carried out continuouslyuntil the completion of the project.Conclusion:This road construction plan provides a comprehensive outline of the necessary steps and procedures for the construction of a new road. By following this plan, we can ensure that the construction process is well-organized, efficient, and completed within the specified timeline.中文回答:马路施工计划范本。
Method Statement for Road Works (道路施工方案英文)
![Method Statement for Road Works (道路施工方案英文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/583e416bf5335a8102d2201b.png)
METHOD STATEMENT FOR ROAD WORKSTABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 SCOPEThe purpose of this Method Statement is to describe the Methodology involved in construction of Road Works in accordance with project technical specifications, international standards and codes, local rules and regulations (QCS-2010). This method statement will cover the following works:❖Earth Works Preparation to Road Formation❖Granular Sub-base Preparation Works❖Asphalt Works2.0 PERMITS AND LICENSESThe Permits and License required for commencement of the work shall be obtained prior starting any site activities, the permits and license shall be obtained from the Following:❖Electricity and Water Authority❖Tel-communication Operator❖Municipality Government❖Ministry of Environment❖Public Work Authority (Roads)3.0 SEQUENCE OF WORKS FOR ROADS3.1 Site preparation❖Prior to commencement of work, the contractor shall obtain the relevant work permits from Client❖The contractor shall under take clearing of site in order to remove any existing vegetation; steel, concrete, unused buildings identified for demolition, piping debris, loose windblown sand and other foreign materials.❖All existing structures, foundations, etc. as indicated above shall be entirely demolished, removed, transported and disposed of by the contractor to a debris yard designated by Client. All soft spots left shall be filled with suitable material and compacted as perspecification.❖Excavated material, if any, and suitable and approved by Client for backfilling shall be transported and placed in fill areas within the limits of the work.3.2 Survey and Setting Out3.2.1 Survey Markers❖Survey Markers shall be durable, appropriate to location and intended use.❖Survey Markers shall be clearly identifiable and protected from construction traffic. For installation of a Survey Marker into reinforced concrete, the JV's will ensure that steel reinforcement bars are to be avoided.❖Either removable anchors or epoxy adhesive shall be used as the methods of fixing Benchmarks are a particular type of Survey Markers used in the control of elevation.❖Benchmarks shall have a domed surface for unambiguous staff placement. Primary Benchmarks shall comprise a stainless steel bolt securely placed vertically into aconcrete slab, or horizontally into a column.❖The protrusion shall not pose a safety hazard. Survey Markers used for horizontal control shall have an unambiguous point above (or below) which a survey instrument can be precisely centered.❖The point shall comprise either a punch mark or the intersection of 2 lines forming a cross. Cross-headed road nail (75mm long) complete with a colored washer shallgenerally be used as a Survey Marker.3.2.2 Control Observation, Adjustment and Presentation❖Homogeneous horizontal and vertical survey control is required prior to any setting out.Survey control shall evolve from the whole to the parts. Where practical, all survey points within a horizontal survey control network shall be occupied and observed from.❖Forced centering techniques shall be used throughout. A round of angular observations shall comprise the mean of observations taken on both faces of the total station. A minimum number of 4 rounds of horizontal and vertical angles shall be observed at each instrument set up.❖For control work, the angular spread of horizontal angles shall not exceed 3’’ of arc.Distances shall be measured in both directions. All raw data pertaining to each set up shall be electronically recorded. Survey control shall include redundant observations.Observation networks shall be processed using the method of least squaresadjustment and the resulting residuals to the observations shall be inspected formagnitude.❖Any large residuals or error ellipses shall be examined and appropriate remedial action shall be taken. Precise leveling shall be double run using equal back and fore sights at each instrument set up. Leveling sights shall never exceed 30 meters. On the ground surface, the Contractor shall establish stable bench marks adjacent to the site so that the distance between adjacent benchmarks does not exceed 250 meters.❖Height datum transfer accuracy shall be better than 2mm in a 30m deep shaft. The transfer of height datum shall be by various independent means. azimuth transfer from surface to underground shall be better than 3“ of arc and point transfer shall beaccurate to within 2mm. Such transfers shall be by various independent means.❖ At 3 month intervals, the Contractor shall conduct a complete survey of all existing survey control. A bound, A4 size survey control report shall be submitted to theEngineer for acceptance within 2 weeks of completing the field work.❖The convention adopted shall comprise Station Name, Easting, Easting, Northing and Elevation reading from left to right report shall contain the following information report shall contain the following information: dates of survey, fixed survey control and values, specification of instrumentation used, calibration status of instrumentation used,observational acceptance criteria, list offinal adjusted co-ordinates findings andconclusion.❖Attached to the report shall be the observations (A4 print out of electronic booking sheet or customized spread sheet), adjustment with residuals and station error ellipses, table of differences in mm from previous co-ordinates and elevations (if applicable),a drawing clearly showing layout of scheme and measured quantities and final co-ordinates in tabular form.3.2.3 General Setting Out❖The Contractor shall carry out a comprehensive level survey of the Contract area before any work commences on the site that may alter original ground levels.❖Pre-computation shall be carried out prior to any setting out. For rail projects, the effects of cant and throw shall be incorporated into pre-computation wherever relevant.❖ All pre-computation shall be readily available in a spread sheet format for use on site.The method of setting out for each particular element of the work shall commensurate with the required accuracy, the method of construction, and shall be appropriate for site conditions.❖In the setting out process, all elevation transfer conducted by leveling shall start on an established benchmark and finish on a different benchmark. If a significant disclosure is detected, the reason shall be determined and the necessary corrective action taken.❖After the erection of the formwork and prior to concreting, a survey check shall be carried out on the formwork to ensure that the setting out has been done correctly.❖ A spreadsheet shall be used in all instances to tabulate the difference (or offset) in mm between the actual set out (or as-built) co-ordinates from the design co-ordinates. In cases where the design is an alignment, offsets to the alignment shall be computed for each surveyed point.3.3Earth Works3.3.1Earthwork General❖The JV will carry out all earth work in such a manner as to prevent erosion or slips and shall limit working faces to safe slopes and height.❖The JV will ensure that all surfaces have at all times sufficient gradients to enable them to shed water without causing erosion.❖Hauling of material from cuttings or the importation of fill material to the embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition to ensure compliance with the requirements of Client.❖Construction traffic other than that required for the excavation and trimming shall not use the surface of the bottom of a cutting unless the cutting is in Rock or the Contractor maintains the level of the bottom surface at least 300 mm above formation level.❖Any damage to the sub-grade arising from such use of the surface shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense with material having the same characteristics as the material which has been damaged.❖The JV will arrange for the rapid dispersal of water shed on to the earth works or completed formation during construction, or which enters the earth works from any source❖The JV will provide where necessary temporary water courses, ditches, drains, pumping or other means of maintaining the earth works free from water❖The JV will take special care that naturally occurring materials within the site are not rendered unsuitable by his method of working. Areas of cuttings and excavation shall be so worked that rainfall is conducted rapidly away from the exposed material and at times of expected heavy rain that the cutting areas are protected by appropriatemethods of working and drainage provisions.3.3.2Classification of Earth Work MaterialThe following definitions of earth works shall apply to this and other clauses of the Specification in which reference is made to the definitions:❖ Top Soil' shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation.❖ Suitable Material' shall comprise all that is acceptable in accordance with the Contract for use in the works and which is capable of being compacted in the manner specified in project Technical Specifications to form a stable fill having side slopes as indicated on the drawings.❖ Not Suitable Material' shall mean other than suitable material and shall include :•Material from swamps, marshes or bogs;•Peat, logs, stumps or other organic matter and perishable and toxic materials;•Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion.•Clay of liquid limit exceeding 80 and/or plasticity index exceeding 55.❖‘Rock' shall mean hard material found in ledges or masses in its original position,which would normally have to be loosened either by blasting or by pneumatic tools, or if excavated by hand, by wedges and sledge hammers. ‘Rock’ shall also includeall solid boulders or detached pieces of rock exceeding 0.10 m 3 in size in trenchesor exceeding 0.20 m 3 in general excavation.3.3.3 Excavation❖Excavation will be carried out to the dimensions, lines, levels and slopes as indicated on the IFC Drawings.❖If the JV excavates deeper than the depths shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Client, then he shall fill in such excessive depths with acceptable materials to the satisfaction of the Client.❖The bottom of all excavations shall be free from mud and water, trimmed clean, protected from the effects of weather and thoroughly compacted and consolidated❖The JV will be responsible to excavate to the top of soft or defective soil below the formation level and backfill with Suitable Material. Such backfill will be well compacted in layers of accepted thickness by approved manners and means.3.3.4Cuttings and Cut Slopes❖Unless otherwise specified, no portion of the earth cutting shall vary from the specified or ordered formation level by an amount exceeding 150mm.❖In the case of cut slopes, no portion of the completed slope shall vary by an amount exceeding 100mm (measured at right angles to the slope).In all cuttings, whether in earth or rock, undulations in the general plane of the slope will not be permitted.Unless otherwise specified, excavation in rock shall extend to at least150mm below the specified formation level and backfilled with approved materials.❖Any overhanging, loose or unstable material shall be removed. The excavation shall be so arranged that the working areas are adequately drained throughout the period of construction.❖In cutting where the strata consists of earth overlaying rock which is required to be cut to a slope of 1 (H): 2 (V) or steeper, the face of the rock shall be given its appropriate slope up to the junction of the rock and earth and the latter shall be stripped to form a bench 900mm wide and sloped to the gradient as specified.3.3.5Maintenance of Excavated Area❖ Continuously monitor the dimensions / level of excavation to avoid over Cutting if any accidental over cutting takes place, fill and compact with Suitable material to thedesired level.❖ Remove any undesirable material (vegetation, organic soils etc.)Encountered duringexcavation and fill with approved granular material.❖ Take necessary measures to keep the excavation free from water by De-wateringwherever required.❖ Arrange shoring so that it does not interfere with the progress of work andFunctioning of nearby facilities as work proceeds, remove the shoring carefullywithout causingany danger to the excavation.❖ If any accidental slips or settlement occurs in the excavated area, Properly fill byselected fill or with mass concrete.3.3.6Sloping the Sides of Excavation❖ Wherever there are chances of sliding, properly slope sides of Excavation.❖ Trim the slopes by hand to uniform batters as shown on the IFC Drawings.❖ Trim any rock or boulder appearing in the face of the slope, and remove italtogether, if it seems unstable.❖ If any rock is removed, fill the resulting void with compacted material.❖‘Imported Rock Fill' shall be clean well-graded quarry waste provided by the Contractor from sources outside the Site. It shall be resistant to weathering, to the acceptance of the Client.❖ The maximum size particles in the material shall pass through a rigid 200mm square grid and the largest dimension of any particle shall not exceed 300 mm. The material shall not have more than 10% of its particles passinga0.75 mm BS sieve.❖‘Fill Material' shall mean Suitable Material for backfilling with the exc eption of Rock and Imported Rock Fill❖‘Special Fill Material’ shall mean Suitable Material of which at least 95 per cent shall pass a 125mm BS sieve and at least 90 percent shall pass the 75mm BS sieve. Up to 5 per cent of the material may be made up from isolated boulders of maximum dimensions not exceeding half the thickness of the layer of material being placed.Liquid limit not exceeding 35❖plasticity index not exceeding 12(h) ‘Selected Fill' shall be well graded granular natural sands, gravel, crushed rock, crushed concrete, well burnt shale or othermaterialsaccepted by the Client. The material passing a 425 micron BS sieve, when tested inaccordance with BS 1377, shall have a plasticity index of less than 6%.❖‘Imported Fill Material' shall be Fill Material supplied by the Contractor from a source outside the Site and accepted by the Client's.3.3.7 Compacting and Levelling the Fill❖ During compaction, maintain the M.C of fill material, usually +/- 3 Percent of OMC. If Required, add clean water to the fill material in order To maintain the necessary M.C❖ Achieve minimum density of specified M.D.D. of soil, by using roller / Plate compactor or any other approved equipment.❖ Around new (or existing remaining) concrete foundations or other Substructures do Not compact by rolling. Instead, use mechanical Rammers or plate compactors to Compact the space in vicinity of Concrete structure.❖ After compaction, level the surface free from undulations using suitable Equipment.3.4 Materials forSub-base3.4.1Fine Aggregate for Sub-Base❖Fine aggregate (Passing the 4.75 mm sieve) shall consist of crushed mineral aggregate and/or natural sand.❖The fine aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, clay — balks and other extraneous or detrimental materials.❖The ratio of aggregates passing the 0.075 ram sieve shall not exceed 66% of the portion passing the 0.425 mm sieve.❖The material passing the 0.425 mm sieve shallhave a maximum liquid limit of 25% and the plasticity index shall not exceed 6%.Where the source of fine aggregate does not meet the above requirements, with the Engineer's approval, add fine aggregate and filler to correct the gradation or to change the characteristics of the material passing the 0.42 mm sieve so as to meet the requirements. Such additional material shall be added in a manner which ensures a completely homogeneous material3.4.2Coarse Aggregate for Sub-Base❖Coarse aggregate (retained on the 4.75 mm sieve) shall consist of crushed stone crushed gravel with minimum of 50% by weight having at least one fractured face.❖The flakiness index of the aggregate shallnot exceed 35% when tested in accordance with BS 812.❖The Los Angeles Abrasion Loss, as defined by ASTM C131/C535, shallbe 40% maximum.❖The aggregate type for the sub-base shall be crushed limestone.170-7.5.66 ❖The coarse aggregate shall be hard and durable and free from organic matter, clay and other extraneous or detrimental materials.❖Coarse aggregate shall have a maximumloss of 20% by the magnesium sulphate soundness test when performed as per ASTM C88 for 5 cycles.❖The minimum CBR value obtained when preparing samples of aggregate base and aggregate Sub-base at optimum moisture content and at 100% relativecompaction and soaking them for 4 days shall be 80% and 60%; respectively. The maximum permitted swell shall he 0.5% and 1.0%; respectively3.4.3 Mix Design for Sub-base❖ Aggregates sub-base shall consist of crashed mineral aggregates or natural mineral aggregates of the designated gradation and thickness.❖The maximum dry density and the Optimum moisture content of the material shall ascertained as per the test procedure given in CML 12- 97 andthis shall beused to assess the degree of compaction of the mix after rolling❖The pavement layer designated as sub-base, the material shall conform to Class B or Class C❖The particle size shall be determined by the washing and sieving method of BS 812: Part. 103.❖Fine and coarse aggregates for sub-base shall be combined gradation of material that meets the requirements of the specification for density and other properties,❖The aggregate bases shall conform to the class A or class B gradation and the aggregate sub-base shall conform to the class C gradation, as given in the following Table:❖Immediately comply with such instructions without being entitled to any indemnities or extensions as a result of such instructions. Any equipment or plant shall not be used beforeobtainingthe approval of the Client and to engage skilled And trained operators, mechanics and labour to carry out the works.3.5 Plant Generally❖ The machinery and tools used in constructing the various items involved in asphaltworks shall be in good workingcondition and free of oil and fuel leaks This variousitems shall be maintained and preserved for the whole duration of the work. TheClient shall approve the machinery and tools before works begin and supply of such machinery with adequate quantities in order to execute the work with due speed and precision.❖ For the Client if required, the manufacturer's catalogues, specifications and other published data for the equipment and machinery shall be supplied.❖ On first erecting a batching plant and at least once each three months thereafter, the plant shall be calibrated by a calibration service organization approved by theCentral Materials Laboratory. Production shall not be permitted if the weigh batch calibration does not comply with the requirements of BS 5328.❖ The Client shall have the right to stop the use of any equipment or plant which he deems to be inferior to the quality required or detrimental to the permanent works and to instruct the removal of such equipment and to have it replaced by suitable equipment❖Immediately comply with such instructions without being entitled to any indemnities or extensions as a result of such instructions. Any equipment or plant shall not be used beforeobtainingthe approval of the Client and to engage skilled. And .trained operators, mechanics and labor to carry out the works.3.6 Inspection and Testing Control❖For verification of plant weights and measures, character of materials used in the preparation of the mixes, testing and other quality control requirements, the Engineer shall at all times be provided access to all portions of the mixing plant, aggregate plant, storage yards, crushers and other facilities used for producing and processing the materials of construction❖The Engineer shall have authority to take samples and perform tests on any material supplied to the site from any source whatsoever in order to establish complianceandtoaccept or reject as he deems necessary. Samples shall also be taken from completedwork to determine compliance. The frequency of all sampling and testing shall be asdesignated by the Engineer.❖Suitable facilities at the quarry or plant shall be provided to carry out all necessarytests on the raw materials and mixes.❖For obtaining specimens of materials and samples taken from stockpiles shall be arranged, including the provision of any necessary equipment and plant. This work shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer if so directed by the Engineer.❖Materials that are not in compliance shall be rejected and removed immediately from the site of the works times otherwise instructed by the Engineer.❖Where defects in the material or the completed work have been corrected, until approval has been given by the Engineer subsequent work shall not proceed.❖Materials which require drying before performing any of the designated tests shall be dried out at temperatures not greater than 100 OC.3.7Installation Procedure for Sub-base❖Before commencing the construction of the sub-base, written approval for the Engineer must be obtained thatthe sub-grade is in compliance.❖Before starting the sub-base all the structures have to be installed like kerbs, dropped kerbs, barrier’s foundations, median b arriers, channel block andgully's pre-cast concrete part with road gully pot.❖If the naturalmoisture content is less than the optimum moisture content, the necessary amount of water must be added to obtain the optimum content.❖Allowance shall be made for the quantity of moisture which may be lost by evaporation in the process of raking, leveling and compacting, depending on atmospheric temperature❖The compacted layer shall have moisture content within. ±2% of the optimummoisture content.❖The moisture content shall be uniform in all parts of the section where the work is being carried out and in the various depths of the layer thicknessCompaction shall start immediately afterthe material has been laid.❖Work on the sub-base courses shall not continue during rainy weather.❖Material shall be spread as 2 layers to a thickness that would result in layers not more than 150 mm thick after compaction❖The course shall not be rolled when the underlying material is soft or yielding or when the rolling causes a wave like motion in this course.❖When the rolling develops irregularities, the irregular surface shall be loosened, then refilled with the same kind of material as used in constructing the course and again rolled.❖Rolling must continue until a relative density of not less than 100 % of the maximum dry density has been obtained as determined by the moisture density relationship in CML 12-97❖Care shall be taken so that layers already compacted under the layer being executed are not damage, or that the formation is not damaged❖Any such damage resulting in mixing the various layers constituting the different sub-grades and sub- base courses shall be carefully made good by our own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.❖Any material that fails to meet test requirements shall either be reworked or removed and replaced and then retested to check for compliance. Also the corrective actions and protection shall be done accordance with QCS section 6 parts 4.7 and 4.8.❖All testing shall be can-led out in accordance with AASHTO T96, AASHTO T104 and the relevant parts of BS 1377 or CML Standard Methods of test❖The sub-base shall be compacted and tested for acceptance in accordance with SML 12-97 and BS 1377 to attain a minimum density of 100 % of the maximum city density ofthe material. Two tests every 500 m2 shall be carried out unless otherwise directed bythe Engineer.❖Whenever the degree of compaction is found to be less than required, the area of sub-base involved shall be satisfactorily corrected.❖The gradation of the placed material shall be checked by taking samples from an area0.5x0.5 m from the full depth of the layer for every 1000 m3 of laid material. Thegradation shall be tested in accordance with BS 812: Part 101❖Wherever the gradation is found to be outside the designated limits, the area of sub-baseinvolved shall be scarified, removed or reworked to provide a gradation incompliance.❖The final surfaces of the sub-base shallbe tested by means of a 4 meter long straightedge. And no rises or depressions in excess of 10 mm shall appear inthe surface.❖The finished surface shall be checked by dips or spot levels and shall be constructed to the designated grade levels to within ± 10 mm.❖Where these requirements are not met, the full extent of the area which is out of tolerance shall be determined and shall make good the surface of the course by scarifying to a minimum depth of 75 mm or4 times the maximum particle size. Whichever is greater, reshaping by adding or removing material as necessary, adding water if necessary and re-compacting.3.8 Protection of the Surface❖The sub-base course shall be protected sothat it shall be maintained sound during work progress, after its completion and before receiving the bituminous layers orbefore laying the surface overlay thereon.❖Any damage caused to the layer if exposed to traffic or natural conditions resulting in damage to its surface shall be made good according to the satisfaction of theEngineer.❖The Engineer has the right to stop all hauling over completed or partially completed sub-base course when there is any proof such hauling is causingdamage.❖Following the completion of the sub-base course, all maintenance work necessary shall be performed to keep the course in a condition for priming.3.9 Materials for Asphalt Work❖Fine aggregate is that portion of the mineral aggregate passing the 2.36 mmBS Sieve.❖Fine aggregate shall be non-plastic and chemically stable.❖Unless permitted elsewhere in the contract, the aggregate type for the wearing and intermediate courses shall be Gabbro.❖Fine aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, clay, cemented particles and other extraneous or detrimental materials.❖Sampling of fine aggregate shall be in accordance with BS 598 part 100.6❖Fine aggregate shall be consist of crushed hard durable rock and shall be of such Gradation that it will meet the required gradation Wadi beach or dune sand won't be Used.❖Individual stockpiles of crushed -fine ag g re g ate shall have a sand equivalent of not less than 30.❖The loss by the magnesium sulphate soundness test, as determined by ASTM C88, shall be a maximum of 18 %❖The maximum acid-soluble chloride content shall be 0.1% and the maximum acid- soluble sulphate content shall be 0.5 %.❖The fine aggregate shall havea maximum plasticity index of 4 % when sampled form stockpiles and shall be non-plastic when sampled from hot bins.3.10 Coarse Aggregate for Asphalt Work❖ Coarse aggregate is that portion of the mineral aggregate retained on the 2.36 mm BSSieve. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed natural stones and gravel. Crushedparticles shall be cubic and angular in shape and shall not be thin, flakyor elongated.❖ The source of crushed aggregate is considered to the crushing site from which it is produced. Sampling of coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with BS 598 : part 100.❖Coarse aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, clay, cemented particles and other extraneous or detrimental material The degree of crushingshallbe such that a minimum of 99 % by weight of aggregate (each stockpile) having at least one fractured face and 85 % having at least two fracturedfaces. No rounded or sub-rounded particles shall be used_ The flakinessindex (of each stockpile) shall not exceed 25 % for wearing course and 30 % for intermediate and base courses and the elongation index (of each stockpile) shall not exceed 25 % for the wearing course and 30 % for the intermediate and base courses.❖The loss by magnesium sulphate soundness test, as determined by ASTM C88, shall be a maximum of 10 % for aggregate used in wearing and intermediatecourses and a maximum of 15 % for aggregate used in base course.。
1. IntroductionThis project plan aims to outline the detailed construction process and procedures for the road construction project. The project involves constructing a new road with a total length of 10 kilometers, connecting two major cities. The road will have a two-lane design with a width of 12 meters, including two 3.5-meter-wide carriageways and two 1-meter-wide sidewalks. This project plan covers the pre-construction, construction, and post-construction phases.2. Pre-construction Phase2.1 Site Investigation and SurveyBefore the construction begins, a thorough site investigation and survey will be conducted. This will include geological, hydrological, and topographical studies to identify potential risks and challenges. The survey will provide accurate measurements of the existing terrain, water bodies, and infrastructure, which will be essential for the design and construction process.2.2 Design and ApprovalBased on the site investigation and survey results, a detailed design will be prepared, including road alignment, cross-section, and materials specifications. The design will be submitted to the relevant authorities for approval, ensuring compliance with local regulations and standards.2.3 Land Acquisition and DisplacementThe project team will work closely with the local government to acquire the necessary land for the road construction. Proper compensation and relocation plans will be developed for affected landowners and residents to minimize displacement and ensure their well-being.3. Construction Phase3.1 Excavation and GradingExcavation work will begin by removing the topsoil and any existing structures or obstacles. The site will be graded to achieve the desiredroad alignment and cross-section. Proper soil stabilization techniques will be employed to ensure stability and prevent erosion.3.2 Foundation ConstructionA stable foundation is crucial for the road's long-term performance. The construction team will lay a subgrade layer of compacted soil, followed by a base course of crushed stone. This layer will provide a solid foundation for the road surface.3.3 Road Surface ConstructionThe road surface will be constructed using asphalt concrete. The construction process includes the following steps:a. Subbase Preparation: The subbase will be compacted and leveled to ensure a stable foundation for the asphalt layer.b. Asphalt Mix Design: A suitable asphalt mix design will be developed based on traffic volume, climate, and other factors.c. Bitumen Application: Bitumen will be applied to the subbase to ensure proper adhesion between layers.d. Asphalt Paving: The asphalt mix will be laid and compacted using pavers and rollers to achieve the desired thickness and smoothness.e. Surface Treatment: Optional surface treatments, such assealcoating or chipseal, may be applied to enhance the road's longevity and skid resistance.3.4 Drainage and Safety MeasuresProper drainage systems will be installed to prevent water accumulation on the road surface. This includes the construction of culverts, ditches, and stormwater management facilities. Safety measures, such as guardrails, signage, and lighting, will also be implemented to ensurethe road's usability and safety.4. Post-construction Phase4.1 Construction Completion and HandoverUpon completion of the construction work, the project will be inspected to ensure compliance with the approved design and specifications. Any deficiencies or defects will be rectified. Once the road is deemed ready for use, it will be handed over to the relevant authorities.4.2 Maintenance and MonitoringA maintenance and monitoring program will be established to ensure the road's long-term performance and safety. Regular inspections and maintenance activities will be conducted to identify and address any issues promptly.In conclusion, this road construction project plan provides a comprehensive outline of the construction process and procedures. By following this plan, the project team can ensure the successful completion of the road construction project, meeting the needs of the community and providing a safe and efficient transportation network.。
施工方案的英文Construction SchemeIntroduction:The construction scheme is a comprehensive plan that outlines the entire construction process, including the scope of work, project schedule, budget, and resources required. It serves as a roadmap for the construction team, ensuring efficient and timely completion of the project while maintaining high-quality standards.Scope of Work:The construction scheme includes a detailed description of all the work that needs to be completed. This may include excavation, foundation construction, structural work, electrical and plumbing installations, and finishing work like painting and tiling. Each task is listed separately with its estimated duration and resources required.Project Schedule:The project schedule is a crucial component of the construction scheme. It outlines the start and end dates for each task, allowing for proper resource allocation and coordination. Critical milestones are identified to ensure that the project stays on track and any delays can be mitigated. The schedule may also include contingency plans in case of unforeseen circumstances. Budget:The budget section of the construction scheme outlines the estimated cost of the project. It includes expenses for labor, materials, equipment, and any other resources required. Abreakdown of costs is provided for each task, allowing for better cost control and monitoring throughout the project. Any potential cost overruns or savings are identified, and strategies for cost optimization may be included.Resources:The construction scheme identifies the resources required for the project. This includes human resources, such as the size and composition of the construction team and their specific roles and responsibilities. It also includes the equipment and machinery needed for each task and their availability and maintenance schedule. Material requirements are specified, including their quality standards and procurement plan.Quality Control:Quality control measures are an important part of the construction scheme. It includes inspections and tests to ensure that the construction work meets the required standards and specifications. Quality control guidelines are provided, including the use of certified materials, adherence to industry best practices, and compliance with relevant regulatory codes and standards. The scheme may also include provisions for continuous improvement and feedback mechanisms.Health and Safety:The construction scheme prioritizes health and safety considerations. It outlines the necessary safety measures to be implemented to protect workers, visitors, and the general public. It includes provisions for protective equipment, emergency response plans, and regular safety briefings. The scheme may alsoincorporate environmental sustainability measures, such as waste management and energy-efficient practices.Conclusion:The construction scheme is a comprehensive plan that guides the construction team from start to finish. It ensures that all necessary work is completed within the specified timeframe and budget, while meeting the required quality and safety standards. The scheme serves as a valuable tool for communication, coordination, and monitoring of the construction project, ultimately leading to its successful completion.。
公路工程施工方案英语1. Project OverviewThe highway engineering project focuses on the construction of a new highway which will connect two major cities, and improve the transportation efficiency in the region. The total length of the new highway is 100 kilometers, and it will pass through urban areas, suburban areas, and rural areas. The construction project aims to promote economic development, enhance regional connectivity, and improve the overall transportation network.2. Project ObjectivesThe main objectives of the highway engineering construction project are as follows:To construct a new, high-quality highway that meets the national standards for road design and constructionTo ensure the safety of the construction process and the future use of the highwayTo minimize the environmental impact of the construction project and promote sustainable developmentTo complete the construction project within the specified time frame and budgetTo provide employment opportunities and promote local economic development through the construction project3. Project ScopeThe scope of the highway engineering construction project includes the following key components:Road design and planning: This includes the determination of the route, alignment, and specifications for the new highway, as well as the necessary surveys and studies to support the design process.Land acquisition and preparation: This involves the acquisition of land for the new highway, as well as the preparation of the land for construction activities.Earthwork and grading: This includes the excavation, filling, and compaction of the roadbed, as well as the construction of embankments, cut slopes, and other earthwork activities.Pavement construction: This involves the construction of the highway pavement, including the placement of subbase, base, and wearing course materials.Bridge and culvert construction: This includes the construction of bridges, culverts, and other structures to facilitate the crossing of water bodies, railways, and other obstacles.Traffic control and safety measures: This involves the implementation of traffic control measures and safety precautions to ensure the safety of construction workers and the traveling public.Environmental protection and mitigation: This includes the implementation of measures to protect the natural environment and mitigate the impact of construction activities on the surrounding area.Quality control and assurance: This involves the implementation of quality control measures to ensure that the construction activities meet the specified standards and specifications.4. Project ScheduleThe highway engineering construction project will be divided into multiple phases, with each phase focusing on specific aspects of the construction process. The project schedule will be as follows:Phase 1: Preliminary studies and planning (6 months)Phase 2: Land acquisition and preparation (12 months)Phase 3: Earthwork and grading (18 months)Phase 4: Pavement construction (24 months)Phase 5: Bridge and culvert construction (18 months)Phase 6: Traffic control and safety measures (6 months)Phase 7: Environmental protection and mitigation (12 months)Phase 8: Quality control and assurance (6 months)Phase 9: Final inspection and completion (3 months)5. Project BudgetThe total budget for the highway engineering construction project is estimated to be $100 million. This budget will cover the cost of land acquisition, design and planning, construction materials, labor, equipment, and other expenses associated with the project. The budget will be allocated to the various phases of the project based on the specific requirements and priorities of each phase.6. Project ManagementThe highway engineering construction project will be managed by a dedicated project management team, which will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the project from planning and design to construction and completion. The project management team will becomposed of experienced professionals with expertise in civil engineering, project management, construction, and other relevant fields.The project management team will be responsible for coordinating the activities of all stakeholders involved in the project, including government agencies, contractors, suppliers, and local communities. The team will also be responsible for monitoring the progress of the project, managing the project budget, and ensuring that the project is completed on schedule and according to the specified quality standards.7. Health and Safety MeasuresThe health and safety of construction workers and the traveling public are of utmost importance in the highway engineering construction project. The project management team will implement a comprehensive health and safety program to ensure that all construction activities are conducted in a safe and responsible manner.The health and safety program will include the following key components:Identification and assessment of potential health and safety hazards associated with the construction activitiesImplementation of measures to control and mitigate health and safety risksProvision of necessary personal protective equipment and training for construction workersRegular monitoring and inspection of construction activities to ensure compliance with health and safety regulationsEmergency preparedness and response procedures for various potential hazardsThe project management team will work in close collaboration with relevant government agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the health and safety program is implemented effectively and that all health and safety regulations are strictly adhered to throughout the construction process.8. Environmental Protection and MitigationThe highway engineering construction project will be conducted in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and standards to minimize the impact of construction activities on the natural environment. The project management team will implement a range of measures to protect the environment and mitigate any adverse effects of construction.Key environmental protection and mitigation measures will include:Identification and assessment of potential environmental impacts associated with construction activitiesImplementation of measures to prevent soil erosion, sedimentation, and other forms of environmental degradationProper disposal of construction waste and management of hazardous materials Protection of wildlife habitats and preservation of natural resourcesImplementation of measures to reduce noise, dust, and other forms of pollution associated with construction activitiesThe project management team will also work in collaboration with environmental agencies and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that the environmental protection and mitigation measures are implemented effectively and that the project complies with all environmental regulations and standards.9. Quality Control and AssuranceThe highway engineering construction project will be subject to stringent quality control measures to ensure that all construction activities meet the specified standards and specifications. The project management team will implement a comprehensive quality control and assurance program to monitor and assess the quality of construction activities throughout the project.Key components of the quality control and assurance program will include: Establishment of quality control guidelines and procedures for construction activities Regular inspection and testing of construction materials and workmanship Identification and resolution of any quality issues or deficiencies in construction activities Documentation and record-keeping of all quality control measures and findingsThe project management team will work in close collaboration with construction contractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the quality control and assurance program is implemented effectively and that all construction activities meet the specified quality standards.10. ConclusionThe highway engineering construction project represents a significant investment in the transportation infrastructure of the region. The project will contribute to economic development, regional connectivity, and improved transportation efficiency. The project will be implemented with a focus on safety, environmental protection, and quality, and will be managed by a dedicated project management team. Through careful planning, efficient execution, and strict adherence to regulatory standards, the project aims to deliver a high-quality, sustainable highway that will benefit the region for years to come.。
二、施工方案相关术语1.Construction scheme - 施工方案2.Construction project - 建筑工程3.Engineering design - 工程设计4.Specifications - 规范要求5.Construction measures - 施工措施6.Methods - 方法7.Safety - 安全8.Quality - 质量9.Progress - 进度10.Preparation - 准备工作11.Site investigation - 现场勘测12.Construction site - 施工现场13.Materials - 材料14.Equipment - 设备15.Structural elements - 结构元素16.Foundation - 基础17.Concrete pouring - 混凝土浇筑18.Welding - 焊接19.Installation - 安装三、施工方案编制过程施工方案的编制过程一般包括以下几个步骤:1.需求分析:了解工程项目需求,根据工程设计和规范要求,确定施工目标和要求。
土方明挖英文施工方案constructionmethodstatement1. MAIN DAM FOUNDATION EXCAVATION1.1OBJECTIVEThe main objective of this method statement is to describe in detail the sequence of works and establish priorities of work to allow embankment filling to start by scheduled in the baseline programme on 17-Jan-2003. An immediate objective will be to expedite works and expose the plinth at the dam foundation for geotechnical investigation.This method statement and includes the following:Haul roads and disposal areas,Preparation of secondary river crossings,Dewatering,Preparation of loading platform, andEarth/rock excavation for integrated cofferdam foundation.1.2ZONING OF WORK AREAS:From the d rawing, …by drawing a line connecting the highest point of the ridges of both left and right banks, the main dam work area is divided into the followingwork zones:Area 1: From downstream face of auxiliary cofferdam to the dam axis of integrated cofferdam;Area 2: From the dam axis of integrated cofferdam to the main dam axis, below elevation 130m for the right bank, below elevation 140 for the left bank, andincluding the riverbed.Area: From the main dam axis to the down stream limit of Main Dam, below elevation 130m for the right bank, below elevation 140 for the left bank, andincluding the riverbed downstream of MD Axis.Area 4: From the dam axis of integrated cofferdam to downstream limit of the Main Dam, above elevation 130m for the right bank, above elevation 140 forthe left bank.Each work zone is is further divided into sub-areas, each subdivision is basicallydefined into left abutment, riverbed and right abutment sections.Please refer to drawing no. MDEX-MS-001 (Attachment 1)1.3METHODOLOGY1.3.1P REPARATION OF H AUL R OADS &D ISPOSAL A REAS1.3.1.1Haul RoadsThe following haul roads shall be prepared for haulage of excavatedmaterial:Road R1: Main haul roadRoad R1-1: Connects right abutment at EL 210 to R1.Road R1-2: From loading platform at Right Abutment @EL 130, to the upstream face of auxiliary cofferdam, and connected to R2 at Down Stream.Road R2: From loading platform at Right Abutment @EL 70, to the disposal areas near W4, and Northern side of W6.Road L2: From riverbed EL 50 to disposal areas near W4, and Northern side of W6.Please refer to “Access Road Arrangement for Main Dam/Power HouseExcavation--- First Stage” (Attachment 2) AreasThe designated disposal areas will be as follows:Upstream face of auxiliary cofferdam: Designated as disposal area and at the same time a 20m-width access road across the river is to be constructedadjacent to the auxiliary cofferdam.Near W4: Disposal area at low line areas adjacent to W4.Northern side of W6: Disposal area at low line areas at Northern side of W6.W 14, andW 15.Please refer to Attachment 3”Disposal Area & Temporary Stockpil e forMain Dam and Powerhouse Excavation” for the layout plan of theaforesaid disposal areas.1.3.2M ETHOD OF O VERBURDEN E XCAVATIONThe following loading platforms shall be prepared to collect the material(earth/rock) pushed from the higher elevation:Top platform –for the interfacing with the main dam excavation:o Right Abutment: EL 130o Left Abutment: EL 140The above platforms shall be at least 15m width. It shall be prepared byforming temporary slope from higher elevation and shall be benched deeper into the design formation of slightly weathered/sound rock layer.As for the Main Dam excavation above elevation EL 130 (Right) and EL140 (Left), the aforesaid platforms will serve as loading platforms to collect excavated material pushed downslopes from higher elevation workingareas.Intermediate platform –This will serve as an intermediate collecting point for excavated material to control the overall dozing distance within 30m ~ 40m.o Right Abutment: EL 100 and EL 70Following the topography and terrain at the right abutment where there arewell-defined mountain ridges and gullies, intermediate platforms will beconstructed in between ridges. The area will be cleared from logs orundergrowth, slopes trimmed to provided wider area, and filling to form the platform.o Left Abutment: NilThere are no apparent ridges at left abutment. In addition, the thickness of overburden at the left bank is comparatively thinner and the original slope is comparatively steeper than the right bank. Hence, intermediate platforms becomes unfeasible at this area.Final platform – Located at the riverbed at approximately EL 50. Formed by the excavated material pushed towards the riverbed during the process offoundation excavation, will served as the final loading platform before theriverbed is to be excavated up to the required rock strata. This platform will mainly serve to load and haul overburden pushed downslopes from the leftbank excavations.Pleas refer to drawing MDEX-MS-001 (Attachment 1).1.3.3F ILLING OF S ECONDARY C ROSSINGS/B UNDS.Secondary crossings will be constructed across, by filling the riverbed with suitable material taken from excavation works forming a crossing to both banks, and, also, sectionalise the riverbed work areas. This is to minimize interference of works when excavation works of riverbed and upper elevation are carried out simultaneously at alternate zones.These crossings will also serve containment bunds to prevent excavated material from contaminating the integrated cofferdam work areas.By forming these crossings, the river is “transformed into ponds”, and these allows dewatering of the river to be segmentalized.1.3.4D EWATERINGA combination of 10?? and 14” water pumps will be stationed at separate segmentsof riverbed. Two -720,000 gallons per day pumps will be installed at the downstream side of the river. Smaller pumps may be installed at the river sections formed by the riverbund, to keep and maintain the area dry during riverbed excavation and plinth construction.1.4IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM1.4.1T IME F RAMEThe time frames for respective zones are summarized as follows:o Zone 1 25-Aug-03 to 07-Oct-03o Zone 2 20-Aug-03 to 19-Dec-03o Zone 3 01-Oct-03 to 15-Jan-04o Zone 4 01-Dec-03 to 20-Dec-04.Please refer to Work Program on Main Dam Excavation (Attachment 4) fordetails.1.4.2R ESOURCESRefer to Attachment 5: Table of Work Areas and Processes” andAttachment 6: “Main Dam Excavation –Equipment”1.5SAFETYAs a safety barrier, gabion wall in 2-1 arrangement shall be built (if necessary) as protective armor at the upper platforms (mentioned in Section 1.3.2) to prevent materials pushed downslopes from causing injuries to works at the lower sections of the dam. These gabions will also serve to contain excavated materials, sludges, debris and other objects from contaminating embankment work andpermanent excavation slopes. The gabion walls will be “wrapped” with geotexti les to allow clean water pass through to the cut off drains.Also, cut off trenches, of sufficient shall also be provided at the upper platforms which will also prevent runoff carrying silt from contamination the dam foundation at lower elevation.Kindly refer to Attachment 7: Section View of Typical Work Sequence.2. POWER HOUSE FIRST STAGE EXCA V ATION ABOVEELEV ATION70M2.1OBJECTIVEThis method statement is prepared to strengthen the Overall Method Statement that submitted earlier for further elaborating in detailed the sequence of excavationworks that related to the overburden and rock excavation forthe Powerhouse.This method statement is to cover the following contents:i.Haul roads;ii.Overburden excavation;iii.Rock excavation;iv.Slope protection works;v.Dewatering;ix. Foundation preparation;2.2ZONINGBy considering the accessibility and haul road arrangement, the powerhouse can be divided in the following work zones: Area 1: From elevation 190m to elevation 145m;Area 2: From elevation 145m to elevation 115m;Area 3: From elevation 115m to elevation 70m.Please refer to drawing no. PHEX-MS-001 (Attachment 8)2.3METHODOLOGY2.3.1P REPARATION OF H AUL R OADS &D ISPOSAL A REAS2.3.1.1Haul RoadsThe following haul roads shall be prepared for haulage of excavatedmaterial:Road L2-2: Trunk haul road for Powerhouse excavation at Area 3 (Downstream)Road L1-1: Trunk haul road for Powerhouse excavation at Area 2 (Upstream)Please refer to “Access Road Arrangement for Main Dam/Power HouseExcavation--- F irst Stage” (Attachment 2) AreasThe designated disposal areas will be as follows:Near W4: Disposal area at low line areas adjacent to W4.Northern side of W6: Disposal area at low line areas at Northern side of W6.The extracted rock from Powerhouse that suitable for embankment fill forthe Main Dam will be directly utilized for the main dam filling or will betemporary stockpile at the following designated stock yards: Platform next to the Adit for the diversion tunnels;The platform between W4 and existing access road.Please refer to Attachment 3”Disposal Area & Temporary Stockpile forMain Dam and Powe rhouse Excavation” for the layout plan of theaforesaid disposal areas.2.3.2M ETHOD OF O VERBURDEN/R OCK E XCAVATION2.3.2.1Overburden/Rock Excavation – Area 1At Area 1, the excavation of overburden will be started from the …twin peaks? apart; the working platforms are relatively smaller and more congested. The most suitable method for overburden excavation at this stage is suggested to be by way of throwing down the said materials by hydraulic excavator and bulldozer from the top of the cut slope in stages to form the benches for rock blasting. The materials will be subsequently **************************************************** and loading by hydraulic excavators then disposed off using 20 tons/30 tons dump trucks in later stage.At this stage, all materials including earth and rock will be pushed down to lower elevation, and due to no access road (due to very steep terrain,), the segregation of usable and unusablematerial is not feasible. It is inevitable that all excavated materials from area 1 will be contaminated and will therefore be hauled to disposal area at W6 or W4. Excavation – Area 2At Area 2, excavation will be done by the conventional method of direct load and haul. The excavated material shall be collected by bulldozer, loaded using hydraulic excavator/wheel loader, and hauled to by 30t/20t dumper.Haul road L 1-1 will be used as trunk access road for the haulage. Theprofile and alignment for haul road L 1-1 may be branched from time totime in accordance to the overall elevation of excavation. Excavation – Area 3With reference to the drawings, the …twin peak?of powerhouse excavation will be merged as a larger area of excavation at el. 130m. As such the excavation can be done by the conventional method of direct load and haul.The excavated material shall be collected with bulldozer, loaded with hydraulic excavator/wheel loader and hauled by 30t/20t dumper.Haul road L 2-2 will be used as trunk access road for the haulage. The profile and alignment for haul road L 2-2 maybe branched from time to time in accordance to the overall elevation of excavation.In order to expedite excavation of overburden at this stage, there will be substantial degree of pushing down of overburden material downslopes, to the loading platform at riverbed area. These overburden materials shall be disposed of at a later stage to W6. Rock that can be used for embankment filling oraggregates will be will be salvaged and transported separately to the designated stockpile areas, crushing plant or directly be utilized as main dam filling.2.3.3 Temporary Diversion and DrainagePrior to the excavation of spillway, the existing creek between two ridges of this area will cause the major impact to the powerhouse excavation. Withreference to the design drawings, in order to integrate with the permanentberm drain design, a temporary drain is to be provided to join with thepermanent berm drain at el. 130. The runoff of the said creek will then becollected and diverted through the slope drains and discharged to BatangBalui through the berm drain at el.70m.Should the said berm drain have failed to cater the runoff from the existingcreek, dimension and size of the berm drains at el.130 shall be reviewed andmodified to suit the actual site condition and to satisfy the drainagerequirement.Precipitation and wastewater during the period of construction will bedischarged through the berm drains and slope drains. Reference is made toAttachment 8: Drainage System Layout2.4SLOPE PROTECTIONWorks for slope protection will follow closely excavationworks. As a general rule, as soon as one berm layer is excavated, slope protection works will be carried out as per construction drawings prior to continuing with excavation of the next bench.As a general method, each berm (15meters) will be bench blasted into 3 stages or layers ( 5 meters per layer). This is to allow a working platform for the equipment, and slope protection works can proceed without need of scaffolding.In cases where the slope has been cut into its full bench, scaffolding will have to be installed for slope protection works.2.5 IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM2.5.1T IME F RAMEThe time frames for respective zones are summarized as follows:o Area 1 10-Aug-03 to 06-Oct-03o Area 2 04-Oct-03 to 20- Nov-03o Area 3 04-Nov-03 to 18-Jan-04Please refer to the attachment 9: WORK SCHEDULE2.5.2R ESOURCESRefer to Attachment 10: Manpower and Equipment。
第1篇Project Name: Urban Residential ComplexClient: XYZ Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Location: Downtown, City of ADuration: 24 months1. IntroductionThis proposal outlines the construction plan for the Urban Residential Complex, a high-rise residential building designed to provide modern living spaces in the heart of the city. The project will include residential units, recreational facilities, and commercial spaces. The following sections detail the construction methodology, safety measures, quality control, and project timeline.2. Construction Methodology2.1 Site Preparation- Clearing the site of debris, vegetation, and any existing structures.- Establishing temporary construction offices, storage areas, and access roads.- Conducting a detailed site survey to identify underground utilities and other obstacles.2.2 Foundation Construction- Excavating the foundation pit according to the architectural drawings.- Installing formwork and reinforcing steel for the foundation.- Casting the concrete foundation slab and walls.- Conducting quality tests on the concrete mix to ensure compliance with standards.2.3 Superstructure Construction- Installing steel columns and beams according to the structural drawings.- Constructing the concrete floors using formwork and reinforcing steel.- Installing the precast concrete units for walls and partitions.- Carrying out regular structural inspections to ensure the integrity of the framework.2.4 Facade and Roofing- Installing the facade system, which includes cladding, insulation, and waterproofing.- Constructing the roof structure with steel trusses and roofing materials.- Ensuring the roof is watertight and meets the required insulation standards.2.5 Interior Finishing- Installing electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems according to the design specifications.- Laying tiles, carpet, or hardwood flooring in the residential units.- Painting walls and ceilings, and installing doors and windows.- Conducting final inspections to ensure all interior finishes meet quality standards.2.6 Miscellaneous Works- Constructing recreational facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, and playgrounds.- Installing security systems, including surveillance cameras and access control.- Setting up commercial spaces for retail or office use.- Coordinating with utility companies for the connection of water, electricity, and gas supplies.3. Safety Measures3.1 Health and Safety Policy- Implementing a comprehensive health and safety policy in accordance with local regulations.- Conducting regular safety training for all workers.- Ensuring the availability of first aid kits and emergency response plans.3.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- Providing appropriate PPE to all workers, including helmets, gloves, safety shoes, and eye protection.- Ensuring the use of fall protection equipment on all elevated work areas.3.3 Safety Inspections- Conducting daily safety inspections on the construction site.- Reporting any hazards or accidents to the project manager immediately.4. Quality Control4.1 Materials and Workmanship- Ensuring the use of high-quality materials and adherence to the latest construction standards.- Conducting periodic quality checks throughout the construction process.- Obtaining certifications for materials and finishes used in the project.4.2 Testing and Inspections- Conducting tests on concrete, steel, and other materials to ensure compliance with specifications.- Inspecting the workmanship at each stage of the construction process to ensure quality.5. Project Timeline5.1 Phase 1: Site Preparation and Foundation Construction (3 months)- Clearing the site and establishing temporary facilities.- Excavating the foundation pit and casting the foundation.- Installing formwork and reinforcing steel for the superstructure.5.2 Phase 2: Superstructure Construction (9 months)- Constructing the steel framework and concrete floors.- Installing precast concrete units and conducting structural inspections.- Erecting the facade and roofing systems.5.3 Phase 3: Interior Finishing and Miscellaneous Works (6 months)- Installing electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems.- Laying flooring and painting walls.- Constructing recreational facilities and commercial spaces.5.4 Phase 4: Final Inspections and Handover (3 months)- Conducting final inspections and obtaining necessary certifications.- Cleaning the site and preparing the building for handover to the client.6. ConclusionThe Urban Residential Complex project is expected to be completed within the stipulated timeframe and budget. By following the outlinedconstruction methodology, safety measures, and quality control procedures, we aim to deliver a high-quality residential building that meets the needs of our clients and the community. We look forward to the opportunity to work with XYZ Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and contribute to the development of the city.---施工方案项目名称:城市住宅综合体客户: XYZ房地产开发有限公司地点: A市市中心工期: 24个月1. 引言本方案概述了城市住宅综合体的施工计划,该综合体是一座高层住宅楼,旨在市中心提供现代化的居住空间。
1. Project Planning and DesignThe first step in road construction is project planning and design. This involves analyzing the project requirements, preparing detailed design plans, and obtaining necessary permits. The project manager, along with the design team, works on the following activities:- Identifying project objectives and scope- Conducting feasibility studies- Preparing design plans and specifications- Obtaining environmental clearances and permits- Establishing project timelines and budget2. Site PreparationOnce the project is approved, the site preparation phase begins. This involves clearing the site of any vegetation, debris, and existing structures. The following activities are carried out:- Excavating and removing topsoil- Establishing temporary construction facilities, such as a site office, storage sheds, and labor camps- Constructing access roads and temporary utilities3. Substructure ConstructionThe substructure is the foundation of the road, providing support to the surface layers. This phase involves the following activities:- Excavating and preparing the subgrade- Laying down subgrade base courses, which may include gravel, crushed stone, or concrete- Compacting the base course using rollers or compactors- Laying down the subbase course, which provides additional support to the road structure- Compacting the subbase course4. Roadway ConstructionThe roadway construction phase involves laying down the various layers of the road, including the subgrade, base course, subbase course, and surface course. The following activities are carried out:- Excavating and preparing the subgrade- Laying down and compacting the base course- Laying down and compacting the subbase course- Laying down the surface course, which may include asphalt or concrete- Compacting the surface course using rollers or compactors5. Roadside ConstructionRoadside construction includes the construction of features such as guardrails, signage, and drainage systems. The following activities are carried out:- Constructing guardrails and barriers- Installing signage and road markings- Constructing and maintaining drainage systems, including culverts and stormwater management facilities6. Road Opening and MaintenanceOnce the road construction is complete, the road is opened for traffic. The following activities are carried out during this phase:- Conducting road opening ceremonies- Ensuring the road is safe for traffic- Providing maintenance services, such as road repairs and routine maintenance7. Project Completion and HandoverThe final phase of the road construction project is completion and handover. This involves:- Ensuring all project deliverables are completed- Conducting final inspections and quality control checks- Submitting project documentation and reports- Handing over the road to the client or local authority- Conducting post-construction surveys and assessmentsIn conclusion, the road construction project execution process involves several critical steps, from planning and design to project completion and handover. Each phase requires careful planning, execution, and coordination to ensure the successful completion of the project. Proper execution of these steps will result in a safe, durable, and functional road that meets the needs of the community.。
英文版 施工工程方案
![英文版 施工工程方案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d830153fe00bed5b9f3f90f76c66137ee064ff0.png)
英文版施工工程方案1. IntroductionThis construction project proposal is presented by [Company Name], a leading construction company with a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget. The purpose of this proposal is to outline our plan for the construction of [Project Name], a [project description] located at [project location].2. Project DescriptionThe [Project Name] is a [brief project description] that aims to [project objectives]. The project site is located at [site location] and covers an area of [project size]. The project is expected to [project duration] and has an estimated budget of [project budget].3. Project ScopeThe scope of work for the construction of [Project Name] includes but is not limited to:- Site preparation, including clearing, leveling, and grading- Excavation and foundation work- Construction of structural elements, including the building frame, walls, and roof- Installation of utilities, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems- Interior finishing work, including flooring, painting, and millwork- Exterior finishing work, including landscaping, paving, and signage4. Project ObjectivesThe main objectives of the [Project Name] are to:- Complete the construction project within the specified timeline- Ensure that the construction work meets all relevant building codes and regulations- Deliver a high-quality finished product that meets the client's expectations- Minimize the environmental impact of the construction work- Ensure the safety of all construction workers and site visitors5. Construction MethodologyOur construction methodology for the [Project Name] is based on the following principles: - Efficient project management to ensure timely completion and adherence to budget- Strict adherence to all relevant building codes and regulations- Utilization of high-quality materials and skilled labor to ensure a high standard of workmanship- Integration of sustainable construction practices to minimize environmental impact- Implementation of comprehensive safety protocols to ensure the safety of all personnel on site6. Project ScheduleThe construction schedule for the [Project Name] is as follows:- Phase 1: Site preparation and foundation work - [start date] to [end date]- Phase 2: Structural construction work - [start date] to [end date]- Phase 3: Installation of utilities and finishing work - [start date] to [end date]- Phase 4: Final inspection and handover - [start date] to [end date]7. Project BudgetThe estimated budget for the construction of the [Project Name] is [project budget]. This budget includes all construction costs, including materials, labor, and equipment, as well as contingency funds for unforeseen expenses.8. Project TeamThe construction team for the [Project Name] will be led by [Project Manager], who has [number] years of experience in managing construction projects. The team will also include skilled engineers, architects, and tradespeople who specialize in various aspects of construction work.9. Quality Assurance and ControlOur quality assurance and control process for the [Project Name] will include regular site inspections, material testing, and adherence to strict construction standards. We will also engage the services of independent third-party inspectors to ensure that the construction work meets all relevant quality requirements.10. Health and SafetyThe health and safety of all personnel involved in the construction of the [Project Name] is of paramount importance to us. We will implement comprehensive safety protocols, provide ongoing safety training, and have regular safety audits to ensure a safe working environment.11. Environmental ImpactWe are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of the construction work for the [Project Name]. Our sustainability practices will include the use of environmentally friendly materials, waste management, and energy-efficient construction methods.12. ConclusionIn conclusion, we are confident that our construction proposal for the [Project Name] will deliver a high-quality finished product that meets all the project objectives. We are committed to delivering the project on time, within budget, and to the complete satisfaction of the client. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on the successful completion of the [Project Name].If you have any questions or would like to discuss our proposal further, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thank you for considering our construction project proposal.Sincerely,[Your Name][Title][Company Name]。
英文版道路施工组织设计method statements for road construction
![英文版道路施工组织设计method statements for road construction](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/de5386bef121dd36a32d827d.png)
METHOD STATEMENTS FOR ROADCONSTRUCTION1. Earth Works (2)2. Drainage Works (3)3. Cement Stabilized Gravel - Road Sub-base material (4)4. Cement Improved Graded Crushed Stone Road Base (6)5. Asphalt Concrete Works (8)6. Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) Works (11)7. Cement Concrete (14)8. RE WALL WORKS (18)I. Introduction (18)II. Handling Reinforced Earth Materials (20)III. Construction Procedures (21)1. Earth WorksWork under this chapter mainly includes obtaining approved materials from in and out of the road corridor, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet the requirement as specified in the Technical Specification.1. ExcavationExcavation shall be carried out by 2~3 no. excavators from top to bottom in a stepped manner. The excavated materials shall be transported by dump trucks to designated dumping sites. Work shall be undertaken in sections which should be of adequate sizes to allow for economic operations.2. Selection of Construction Equipment for Earth and Rock WorksBased on our experiences, construction equipment of all kinds shall be selected as follows: Excavator: 3 No. (Capacity per bucket: 1.0~2.0m3) excavators shall be delivered into site for excavation.Dump trucks: 10 sets dump trucks shall be delivered to site for transport of earth and rocks. This plant/equipment may be adjusted according to workload.3. Fillinga. TransportDesign for transport shall be made in accordance with earthwork construction scheme. Transportation shall be carried out by 12~18 m3 dump trucks. During transportation, entrance to and exit from working place of heavy vehicles shall be supervised by specially-assigned personnel to avoid any damages to constructed fills or existing road network.b. SpreadingDuring spreading, the actual moisture content of fills shall be maintained within the specified/optimum moisture content. Spreading operation shall be carried out in two stages: first stage, grading fills unloaded from dump trucks by graders; second stage, compacting fills by rollers.c. CompactionConstruction technical parameters (including roller tonnage, traveling velocity, dynamic stress, vibrating frequency and rolling times etc.) shall be obtained from an approved trial section.Notes:z Rolling from light to heavy, the transition shall be determined by the results of a trial section;z The adjacent two rolling operations shall have a lapping width of at least 15cm;z Spread fills shall be compacted in time during shift. In case of rains, at end of eachz shift, spread fills shall be compacted to prevent surface water or rain water from infiltrating;In case of abruptly bad/wet weather , spread fills, which can’t be compacted in time, shall be leveled and be sealed through compaction on the top to reduce infiltration of water and covered with impermeable membrane. When commencing the next stage of operation, suchfills shall be scarified for drying in the sun up to the required moisture content and then bere-spread and re-compacted.1). Machinery with operatorsa) Excavator – 3 No.b) Motor graders – 2 No.c) 12 Ton steel vibrating rollers – 2 No.d) 8 Ton tyred pneumatic rollers – 2 No.e) 5000L water bousers – 2 No.f) Transport for stabilizer-dump trucks - 10No.toolsg) Assorted2). Manpower / Personnela) Engineer – 1b) Foreman – 1c) Surveyor – 1–3d) Chairmene) Laborers – 15 No.Any necessary adjustments will be done on sites as the situation demands.2. Drainage WorksDrainage works in this project will entail culverts of various sizes and open drains as will be instructed by the Engineer, side drains, mitre-drains and stone pitching or lining channels where instructed.These will be carried out as per Engineer’s Instructions and Design and in accordance with specifications.**** will have an independent team for drainage structures work to be headed by an experienced foreman so that drainage works will precede earthworks where necessary or alongside it depending on the kind of drainage works involved. **** has concrete mobile mixers and towed mixers, which willbe available for these works. Where culverts are to be done with insitu concrete formwork shall consist of a combination of balloons and marine plywood. All stages of work shall be approved by the Engineer before the contract proceeds with the next stage. i.e. The Engineer shall approve each of the following stages setting out-excavation-bed preparation-formwork-reinforcement-base casting-balloon-formwork-reinforcement-concrete-formwork & balloon removal-concrete strength-loading etc1). Machinery with operatorsa) Excavators – 1 No.b) Motor graders – 1 No.c) 12 Ton steel vibrating rollers – 1 No.d) Transport for stabilizer-dump trucks - 2No.e) Mobile truck mixers – 2 No.f) Vibrators – 2 No.g) Balloons – 2 No.toolsh) Assorted2). Manpower / Personnela) Engineer – 1b) Foreman – 1c) Surveyor – 11–d) Chairmene) Laborers – 10 No.Any necessary adjustments will be done on sites as the situation demands.3. Cement Stabilized Gravel - Road Sub-base material1. Introduction:This Method Statement describes the works operation to under take the spreading of Cement and stabilization of sub base, specifically for Section A of the project. It covers all the works in connection with the exploitation, hauling, dumping and processing of natural gravel material for cement stabilization.The entire process shall be done in adherence to contract requirements. In particular the requirements of the specifications and road design manual part III will be observed.2. Methodology and Procedure:A trial section, approximately 100m will be done following the procedure below to establish the vital parameters to be adopted for the actual operations thereafter. Actual stabilization will be undertaken in sections of 150m length. It its estimated that such lengths will be processed within 2-4hrs. This time estimate is taken from the moment the cement bags are opened to the completion of compaction.Once the formation layer is placed and approved, material for sub-base will be dumped immediately thereafter to protect the formation from damage. All necessary reference pegs for levels and offsets shall already be in place.The approved material will be dumped at intervals to achieve the required final thickness and spread.In the case of material form borrow pits with large chunks of boulders, pre-processing by adequate passes of the sheep foot roller and grader will be made to breakdown the material into workable form. The final surface will be compacted lightly.The day before the actual stabilization, pre-levelling and pre-watering will be done .the actual activity of stabilization will commence with dumping of cement bags at spacing determined to achieve required percent of cement stabilization based on laboratory tests. The bags will then be opened.Cement will be spread using the grader blade and hand brooming. The gravel material will then be scarified by grader. Hand brooms will be used in areas where mechanical operation is difficult. Dry mixing will be done by one pass of the pulvimixer.Water will then be applied from water bowsers. The second and possibly third pass of the pulvimixer will then follow. The quantity of water required shall be guided by the properties of the material as obtained from laboratory test, accordingly calculated to suit the section length, width &thickness and material density. The experience of the personnel executing the works will be of great value in this operation. It is estimated that 60% of the total water for this operation will be applied at the pre-watering stage on the day before stabilization. This will reduce the likelihood of cement being washed due to excessive application of water.Immediately after the second of third pass of the pulvimixer, 2 No. passes of the sheep foot roller will be used for primary bottom compaction 3 passes of the smooth steel roller for top compaction will then follow according to the results of the trial section. The grader shall cut the final level and the pneumatic tyred roller shall continue to roll till mechanically stable crack free surface is obtained.Final level shall then be checked and the layer is finally tested to determine its acceptance as per section 2 of general specifications. Curing shall then follow as per specified or as will otherwise be directed by the Resident Engineer.3. Resources for Execution:a) Materialsz Natural material form borrow pit complying with clause 1203(c) of the General Specification and approved by the Engineer for Sub base.z Cement will be ordinary Portland cement 42.5 complying with the requirements of section 2 of the standard specificationz Curing material will be one of the options as in Clause 1409 of the General Specification and 1409 of the Special Specification, as will be agreed with Resident Engineer.b) Plantz Bulldozer – 1 NoThis machine will be used for stockpiling material at borrow pitsz Tipper – 5 NoTippers will be used to haul material from barrow pits to designated section ready to receive sub base material.z Wheel loader – 1 NoWill be used for loading sub base material at the borrow pitz Motor Grader -2 NoWater Thanker 18,000 litres – 2NoBomag 213 Steel Roller (13 ton)-1N0Pneumatic Roller (16 ton)-1NoSelf Propelled Pulvimixer-1 NoThe above machines will be used for processing and compaction of the sub base.z The other machines will be as followsPrime Mover + Trailer – 1No (For Cement)Water Pump 4’’-1 Noc) Senior Supervision personnelz Projects Managerz Projects Engineerz Consultant Materials Engineerz Superintendent of worksz Site Engineerz Quality Controlz Materials Engineerd) Labourz Foremen - 2 Noz Operators - 8 Noz Drivers - 8Noz Head men - 2Noz Un skilled labourers - 15Noz Watchmen - 3No4. Cement Improved Graded Crushed Stone Road Base1.MaterialsThe first step for the programme of the construction of the GCS road base will be the establishment of the material sources that will comply with the specifications and approved by the Engineer. The specified materials are ordinary Portland cement and graded crushed stone size 0/30.The amount of the cement to be used is between 1 – 2% by weight and the actual amount will be established by laboratory tests and field trials and will be subject to Engineers’ approval.Cement will be stored either in weather proof silos (bulk supply) or stores (50 kg bags supply).2.MixingWe shall use stationary batching plant for mixing the aggregates and cement. The mixing plant is fitted with electronic controls that will ensure that the materials introduced in the mixing plant by conveyors will be as predetermined by the laboratory and site trials and approved by the Engineer. The capacity of the batching plant is 75 m3/hr and shall target a daily production of 500 m3.3.TransportationThe mixed materials shall be transported from the batching plant to the laying site using 20 Ton dump trucks. Adequate numbers will be provided to ensure continuous supply of both treated and untreated materials.yingThe laying of the treated materials will be done using a mechanical paver. Our paver is capable of laying an eight (8) metre width and is also fitted with electronic level sensors to ensure accurate thickness control.The thickness of the road base layer is 250 mm while the maximum allowable thickness of laying is 180 mm. We shall therefore construct the base in two equal layers of 125 mm.pactionCompaction will be done using approved vibrating and kneumatic rollers to produce a pavement compacted to 95% MDD and free from ridges, compaction planes, surface irregularities or segregation and within acceptable tolerances.All care will be taken to ensure that the whole operation from the time of cement introduction to rolling completion does not exceed two hours.b.Protection And CuringThe completed layer will initially be kept continuously dump by lightly spraying with water until all quality control parameters are checked and approved by the Engineer.The layer will then be covered by approved polythene sheeting properly secured over the whole width of the treated layer. The curing period shall be a minimum of seven days before the primer is applied. No traffic will be allowed on the completed layer except the watering bousers.c.ResourcesTo achieve the above stated method statement the following resources will be deployed:- z Personnela)Site Engineer – 1 No.b)Surveyor – 1 No.c)Chain men - 3 No.d)Foremen – 2 No.e)General Labour - 10 No.z Equipment with operatorsa)Batching Plant - 1 No.b)20 Ton Trucks - 15 No.c)Vibrating Rollers - 2 No.d)K neumatic roller - 1 No.e)Water tanks (bousers) - 2 No.f)Paver - 1 No.5. Asphalt Concrete Works1. IntroductionThis method Statement describes the operations and procedures to undertake works on asphalt concrete. It covers all the works in connection with the production of constituent aggregates mixing, laying and compaction for the road pavement.The operation shall be done in accordance with the contract requirements. In particular the requirements of the standard and Special Specifications will be observed.A trial section of 100m will be undertaken before the commencement of the actual works2. Methodology and ProcedureThe operation shall commence with careful selection, crushing and testing of suitable stone for strength parameters (LAA, ACV, FI and CR), durability (SSS) and bitumen affinity. Upon confirmation of the suitability of the stone source and its quality, as well as the bitumen to be used, mix designs shall be done in accordance with the requirements of clause 1603B and 1604B of the special specification for approval by the supervisor, Routine testing for grading shall then be carried out on the material, correctly sampled from daily production and thereafter from the stockpiles as deemed necessary. The approved aggregates will be hauled to stockpiles adjacent to the asphalt plant.The asphalt plant will be calibrated prior to use. A dry mix of the selected blend of aggregates will be run through the plant. The resultant product will be tested in the laboratory to ascertain the calibration.A trial mix with bitumen will then be done based on a selected mix for the dry run using appropriate bitumen contents.Asphalt concrete will be mixed at the batching asphalt plant. The various aggregate sizes that have been approved will be weighed in the relevant proportions determined from the selected blend, through the hoppers. A pre-determined percentage of heated bitumen will be pumped into the plant so achieve the required bitumen content of the mix. The combination of materials shall be mixed further with heating at the right temperature in accordance with the specification to produce homogenous asphalt concrete. After loading the trucks will be driven to the tarpaulin yard via the weigh bridge to be covered tightly with canvas for protection from adverse conditions of dust, rain etc and to maintain desired temperatures.The AC shall be laid onto the surface of approved and cleaned dense bitumen macadam. Water will besprayed on the surface by a water bowser then broomed and left to dry. In case of immediate laying, a compressor will be used for drying the surface. The corridor within which the AC is to be laid will be set out and marked using white paint. A tack coat of K160 will be applied on the DBM just before laying of the AC if considered necessary. The road deviation adjacent to the area of works will be watered to abate dust. Ramps shall be constructed for the trucks to access the road corridor to ensure the embankment and other completed layers are not disturbed.The material shall be laid by paver. The depth shall be preset to specified thickness using a wooden plank of similar thickness at the start. Trucks shall queue in front of the paver and will be reversed in turns to tip into the hopper of the paver. Once an adequate quantity is tipped into the hopper the temperature will be checked to ensure compliance with the specifications. The material will be sampled for testing and analysis at the laboratory for Marshall Requirements, extraction of binder and aggregate grading.The material will be mixed further by the auger of the paver. Tipping shall be slow and gentle to avoid segregation. The material will then be laid in one layer of 60mm thick to obtain a final 50mm thick layer after compaction. Initial compaction will be provided by the paver itself .The compaction factor for the paver is about 80% and is adequate to provide stable slope at the asphalt concrete edges to support roller weight without undue movement. The slope will be compacted using and rammers, Dip sticks will be used to check the layer thickness by dipping regularly into the laid material. Necessary adjustments will be made to the paver to correct the layer thickness during the operation.Laying operations shall only commence once several tippers/trailers have queued in front of the paver to avoid stoppage of paver operations that could result in rippling effect .the entire width shall be laid at once.Compaction shall commence with the pneumatic tyre roller followed by the smooth steel vibratory roller. Four passes of both rollers will be used for a start, to be adjusted accordingly once compaction results are obtained. The rolling shall overlap at the joint. The Bomag BW120 roller will be used for compaction at the central joint.The temperature of the material shall be checked again at the completion of compaction for compliance with the specifications. The slope (camber/crossfall) of the final surface shall be checked using a straight steel edge.Cores will be cut from the trial section to determine the density of the compacted material and also confirm thickness laid, refusal density, voids at refusal, stability and flow. The holes will be filled with hot asphalt the following day after application of tack coat and rammed manually to levels exceeding the surrounding slightly.3. Resources for Executiona) Materialsz Asphalt Concrete from the asphalt plant complying with Clause 1603B and 1604B of the standard specification and approved by the Engineer.b) Plantz Asphalt Plant – 1 No (100 ton/hr)Production of Asphalt Concrete material using aggregate and bitumenz Tippers (20 Ton) - 10NoTipper trucks will be used to haul aggregate material from the crusher stockpile z Water Tanker (18,000 litres ) – 1 NoCleaning the DBM surface and watering deviation if /where necessary and filling of rollers z Tractor drawn Mechanical Broom – 1NoCleaning the surface of DBMz Compressor – 1NoDrying the washed and broomed surface of DBM in the case of prompt laying z Vibratory Smooth Steel Roller (9 ton) – 2 Noz Pneumatic Roller (7 wheels each 5 ton max) – 1NoCompactionz Paver-1NoLaying of Asphalt Concertez Water Pumps – 1NoFill up the water bowserc) Senior Supervision personnelz Consultant Material Engineerz Site Managerz Assistant Site Managerz Superintendent of worksz Quality Controlz Materials Engineerz Laboratory field team ( on-field ,sampling and testing )z Laboratory team (lab testing and analysis )d) Labourz Foremen - 2 Noz Operators - 11Noz Drivers - 33Noz Head men - 2Noz Unskilled Labourers - 10Noz Watchmen - 6 No4. Daily Asphalt ProductionOur target for daily production will be 900 tons per day. The mix will be laid and compacted between 10.00 pm and completed before 5.00 am.5. Personnel & EquipmentThe above method will involve the following input;1). Personnela)Engineer – 1 No.b)Foreman – 2 No. (one at plant another at site)c)Surveyor – 1 No.d)Chainman – 3 No.e)Laborers – 15 No.2). Equipment with operatorsa)20 Ton tippers – 15 No.b)10 Ton steel vibrating roller – 2 No.c)Pneumatic 8 Ton rollers – 2 No.d)Asphalt Paver – 1 No.e)Asphalt premix plant of effective production capacity of 100 tons/hr – 1 No.f)Bitumen distributor – 1 No.g)Mechanical broom – 1 No.6. Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) Works1. IntroductionThis method Statement describes the operations and procedures to undertake works on Dense Bitumen Macadam. It covers all the works in connection with the production of constituent aggregates mixing, laying and compaction for the road pavement.The operation shall be done in accordance with the contract requirements. In particular the requirements of the standard and Special Specifications will be observed.A trial section of 100m will be undertaken before the commencement of the actual works2. Methodology and ProcedureThe operation shall commence with careful selection, crushing and testing of suitable stone for strength parameters (LAA, ACV, FI and CR), durability (SSS) and bitumen affinity. Upon confirmation of the suitability of the stone source and its quality, as well as the bitumen to be used, mix designs shall be done in accordance with the requirements of clause 1603B and 1604B of the special specification for approval by the supervisor, Routine testing for grading shall then be carried out on the material, correctly sampled form daily production and thereafter form the stockpiles as deemed necessary. The approved aggregates will be hauled to stockpiles adjacent to the asphalt plant.The asphalt plant will be calibrated prior to use. A dry mix of the selected blend of aggregates will be run through the plant. The resultant product will be tested in the laboratory to ascertain the calibration.A trial mix with bitumen will then be done based on a selected mix form the dry run using appropriate bitumen contents .Dense Bitumen Macadam will be mixed at batching asphalt plant. The various aggregate sizes that have been approved will be weighed in the relevant proportions determined form the selected blend, through the hoppers. A pre-determined percentage of heated bitumen will be pumped into the plant so achieve the required bitumen content of the mix. The combination of materials shall be mixed further with hearting at the right temperature in accordance with the specification to produce homogenous Macadam. The Macadam shall then be stored in the plant silo awaiting loading onto the tippers. After loading the trucks will be driven to the tarpaulin yard via the weigh bridge to be covered tightly with canvas for protection form adverse conditions of dust, rain etc and to maintain desired temperatures.The DBM shall be laid onto the surface of approved primed graded crushed stone. The primed surface of the GCS shall be cleaned and dried prior to laying of DBM. The corridor within which the DBM is to be laid will be set out and marked by pegs. A white line will be drawn by paint with the help of strings to define the extents of this corridor. The pegs shall be driven at every chainage. A tack coat of K160 will be applied lightly just before laying of the DBM where considered necessary. The road deviation adjacent to the area of works will be watered to abate dust. Ramps shall be constructed for the trucks to access the road corridor to ensure the embankment and other completed layers are not disturbed.The material shall be laid by pavers working in echelon. The trucks shall queue in front of the pavers and will be reversed in turns to tip into the hopper of the pavers. Once an adequate quantity is tipped into the hoppers, the temperature will be checked to ensure compliance with the specifications. The material will be sampled for testing and analysis at the laboratory for Marshall requirements, extraction of binder and aggregate grading.The material will be mixed further by the auger of the pavers. Tipping shall be slow and gentle to avoid segregation. The material will then be laid in one layer of 150mm thick and initial compaction provided by the pavers. The compaction factor from the pavers is about 80% and is adequate to provide stable slope at the macadam edges to support roller weight without undue movement. The slopes will be compacted use of hand rammers. A dip stick will be used to check the layer thickness by dipping regularly into the laid material. Necessary adjustments will be made to the pavers to correct the layer thickness during the operation.Laying operations shall only commence once several tippers/trailers have queued in front of the paver to avoid stoppage of paver operations that could result in ripple effects or surface distortions.Compaction shall commence with the pneumatic tyre roller followed by the smooth steel vibratory roller. Four passes of both rollers will be used for a start, to be adjusted accordingly once compaction results are obtained. The rolling shall overlap at the joint.The temperature of the material shall be checked again at the completion of compaction for compliance with the specifications. The slope (camber/crossfall) of the final surface shall be checkedusing a straight steel edge.Cores will be cut from the trial section to determine the density of the compacted material and also confirm thickness laid, refusal density, voids at refusal, stability and flow. The holes will be filled with hot DBM the following day after application of tack coat and rammed manually to levels exceeding the surrounding slightly.3. Resources for Executiona) Materialsz Dense Bitumen Macadam from the asphalt plant complying with Clause 1603B and 1604B of the standard specification and approved by the supervisor.b) Plantz Asphalt Plant – 1 No (100 ton/hr)Production of Asphalt Concrete material using aggregate and bitumenz Tippers (20 Ton) - 10NoTipper trucks will be used to haul aggregate material from the crusher stockpile and also DBM from the asphalt plant to the road.z Water Tanker (18,000 litres ) – 1 NoCleaning the graded crushed stone surface and watering deviation if /where necessary and filling of rollersz Tractor drawn Mechanical Broom – 1NoCleaning the graded crushed stone surfacez Vibratory Smooth Steel Roller (9 ton) – 2 NoCompactionz Pneumatic Roller (7 wheels each 5 ton max) – 1Noz Paver-1NoLaying of Dense Bitumen Macadamz Water Pumps – 1NoFill up the water bowserc) Senior Supervision personnelz Consultant Material Engineerz Site Managerz Assistant Site Managerz Superintendent of worksz Quality Controlz Materials Engineerz Laboratory field team ( on-field ,sampling and testing )z Laboratory team (lab testing and analysis )d) Labourz Foremen - 2 Noz Operators - 11Noz Drivers - 33Noz Head men - 2Noz Unskilled Labourers - 10Noz Watchmen - 6 No7. Cement Concrete1.IntroductionThe starting point for cement concrete works will be the identification of materials that meet the required specifications and establishment of the batching plants. This will be followed by determination of (design/job mixes) material proportions to be applied to the different classes of concrete. The materials will then be mixed, transported, placed and compacted in the appropriate locations to give a strong and durable component of the permanent works.All bulk material shall be stock piled at our Mlolongo-Katani site, JKIA camp site, Globe Cinema roundabout, Museum Hill or at Aristocrat Quarry. Cement may be stocked by the various engaged manufacturers in stores clearly identified and reserved for this project only. Materials will be regularly transported from this bulk storage to satellite stores in various work sections. Cement shall be stored in both silos and bags.The various classes of concrete required under this contract include concrete classes 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 (N/mm2)Annexure for detailed methodology on concrete on bridges and related structures including RE walls will be provided as soon as geotechnical investigations are completed and our bridge engineers come in and discuss details on the bridge and other structures designs.To achieve the foregoing, the following steps will be followed:2.Material Sourcesa.Course aggregatesWe shall establish a crushing plant at Mlolongo-Katani. The area has geological features that produce adequate quantity of rock that produces strong and clean aggregates. There are other operational quarries in the area that are producing aggregates for the construction industry. The rocks will be crushed and separated to different sizes using appropriate sieves on the crushing plant.Before our crushing plant is established and operational, we intend to buy any required aggregates from the existing quarries. The aggregates will be analyzed to ascertain that they comply with all specifications before any orders are placed. We shall also minimize the number。
道路升级改造 施工方案 英文版
![道路升级改造 施工方案 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb928149a8956bec0975e372.png)
1. GeneralThe scope of works in the project includes:(a) General(b) Setting out(c) Drainage Works (Including lining the trapezoidal drains with concrete or masonry)(d) Earthworks ( Grading, Forming , Embankment construction and Re-gravelling)(e) Road Paving and Surface sealing(f) Concrete works(g) Road Furniture The scope of works include upgrading of the gravel road to bituminous surface dressing and drainage works.We carried out the site inspection conducted by the Client and we are very familiar with the site conditions as relates to these works.2. Project AdministrationWe shall provide, maintain and subsequently remove temporary office, sanitary arrangements, store, workshop and everything necessary for the completion of the works. The site office will be provided with all the necessary facilities required including on- site test equipment to test compaction density and survey equipment to ensure that the works done are to specification.At mobilization, we will move all the necessary equipment, personnel and materials to site. This process will take only a month from the date of the commencement order.We shall employ female staff as well and shall be paid no less than the government gazette requirement for wages.The Consortium will provide a Contract Manager on the project who will make sure that all resources are available to the Project Staff for timely execution of the works.We shall have a Site Agent/Engineer whose duties shall include but not restricted to; programming of the works, progressing and co-ordinating all the works. He will also be responsible for the following:∙All of the Contractor’s design (where appropriate)∙Construction of all road and drainage works∙Ensuring that all works complied with relevant standard and environment requirement. All correspondence and communication between the Employer and the Contractor, the Engineer and the Contractor shall be directed through the Contract Manager. Our proposed project organization chart is attached.3. Traffic ManagementA traffic Management plan will be formulated to minimize disruption of traffic flow as works progress. Alternative routes shall be opened up for motorist so as not disrupt works as well as inconvenience the motorists. We will endeavor to complete one or two roads at a time before moving to other roads so that traffic flow in town is not disrupted. Once one road is completed, it will be opened to traffic to restore the flow.4. Site PreparationClearing shall consist of removal of grubbing all vegetation on the roads including disposal of all material resulting from the clearing and grubbing as directed by the supervising engineer.Only the trees within the right of way which may fall on the carriageway or block the drainage system, or block sight lines shall be removed.5. Method StatementKindly refer to the following Construction Sequence of Main Project:5.1 Repeating SurveyAccording to the traverse points and elevation offered by supervising engineer, repeating survey are required by means of total station instrument, involved control pile to be set every 500m along the line. All the project teams shall add piles in accordance with control pile approved by consulting engineering;test、layout centre pile and section pile, 20m in a line segment and 10m in a curve segment, or set it as per requirements of consulting engineer, while test、layout the location of bridge and culvert.As per survey data outside, construction drawing shall be designed by means of software, including dimension of section、form of structure, which shall beconducted after approved by consulting engineer.5.2 Earthwork & Stonework Excavation and Treatment1、Earthwork Excavation: Excavator or bulldozer will be used to removedgravelly soil. Filling materials for roadbed will be delivered to the segment of filling within economical distance after the approval of consulting engineer, and the remaining to be delivered to spoil ground specified (or approved) by consulting engineer. While repairing and compacting for existing roadbed, the bench excavation is applied in accordance with different types of excavation or filling. The steps and roadbed shall be compacted together, and the thickness is not less than 150mm. After confirmed by supervising engineer, if the excavated materials can be reused, shall be stacked on specified location, and crushed to extent size as required.2. Stonework Excavation: A mall amount of excavation for weathered stone willuse excavator, however, blasting construction will be used for a large area of stonework excavation.5.3 Earthwork Construction for RoadbedEarthwork Construction for Roadbed will be conducted as per the following procedures “Three Stages、Four Segments、Eight Technology Process”, as follows:Three Stages: preparation stage、construction stage、completion stage;Four Segments: filling area、leveling area、rolling area、test area;Eight Technology Process: construction preparation、basement treatment、filling in layer、paving and leveling、watering and drying、rolling and compacting、test and signature、roadbed renovation.Flow Diagram for Filling Roadbed Construction Process5(1)Preparation WorkEstablishment of temporary pavement , arrangement for personnel、machinery entering the arena、waterproof & drainage facilities.Selection of Materials and Compacting Test:Compacting test shall be conducted to ensure appropriate technological parameter used in construction stage, approved by supervision. Detailed content: selection of suitable compacting machinery;selection of the best fill depth、the best water content; selection of reasonable compaction times;confirmation of earth volume in rate of change、coefficient of loose laying;confirmation of reasonable technological process.Survey and Positioning:Set permanent plane and vertical control point, setting out centre line by surveying in the construction area, set the location for toes of roadbed、trench and excavate it as per design position.Verifying the Geological Survey:Detailed design documents about engineering geology、hydrology and geological basis, practical situation of this project, involved the similarly construction experience of foundation, the following above items are required prior to commencement of work.It is necessary to carry out additional exploration, to inspect and calibrate geological data based on the original geological data. Exploration will be conducted by the methods of static test and vane shear test.(2) Base of Foundation TreatmentSurface Clearing: Prior to commencement of work, attachments planted on the land、grass、tree root and other clutters shall be removed, while the thickness of clearing is not less than 0.15m, arrangement for drainage facilities as well. If base of foundation is cultivated land or loosen soil, the original surface shall be rolled and compacted, while the thickness of loosen soil is less than 0.3m; otherwise, the thickness of loosen soil is more than0.3m, which shall be loosened、crushed、rolled & compacted based onpractical situation; after that, bulldozer will be used to remove humus soil and deliver to spoil ground by dump truck. The pits and caves due to cleaning shall be backfilled by using materials (crushed stone) with better water permeability, and shall be compacted as required. After base of foundation cleaning, leveling is required by means of excavator and road grader, while rolling and compaction is required by means of heavy-duty vibratory roller.Based on different surface soil, the test shall be conducted to base of foundation, and filling is required after testing qualified.Quality Inspection of Roadbed Treatment: Surface on base of foundation after foreign matter cleaning, if the bearing capacity of natural foundation is less than design requirement, base of foundation shall be compacted by vibratory roller, with compactness ≥95%.(3) Filling in LayersAdhere to the policy “Three Lines、Four Levels” during construction. Three lines, namely centre line、side boundary; set a red flag every 20m, to confirm the control point of centre line and side boundary. Four levels, namely thickness、compactness、camber、smoothness; the thickness of roadbed in layers shall be controlled to ensure the compactness in each layer; strictly control of compactness of filling, to ensure the quality of roadbed and the settlement are not exceeded; control of camber is required to discharge rainwater in time; control of smoothness to ensure uniform thickness of roadbed after rolling and no water accumulation on roadbed with the rainfall.Filling and compaction will conducted in longitudinal layer of cross section, and then divided into some construction sites every 200m or between two structures. Thickness in layer shall be controlled strictly on the basis of test data. A group of elevation point set on embankment every 20m; however, the thickness is not more than 30cm, while the thickness is not less than 20cm, and the maximum thickness of virtual layer can not exceed 35cm. Filling exceed 40~50cm in thickness along the roadbed every time, so as to compact,to ensure enough compactness on border of embankment after completion. In the area of backfill soil, the distance between every mound shall be based on the capacity of dump truck, so as to balance thickness in layers during leveling.5.4 Imperfection Mending for Existing Road1. PreparationPrior to commencement of work, put safety signs on construction sections and close half range of the road, moreover, put speed limit sign on another range of the road, which shall be in the charge of a specially-assigned person. Construction activities shall be conducted in the premise of safe operation on highway.For excavated section of highway as required by supervising engineer or on construction drawing, the border excavated firstly is required, with sign marked on highway. Mechanical equipment、auxiliary tool and personnel shall be confirmed in accordance with different areas and depth.2. ExcavationChoose suitable tools in accordance with excavation border and depth, assisted with manual excavation, and reserve bench excavation. While discrepancy exists between construction site and construction drawing during excavation, contact with supervising engineer to ensure the best method statement with high quality. Excavation materials, which can be utilized again, shall be stacked to the specified place for cycling; otherwise, delivered to spoil ground.3. MendingBase of foundation treatment shall be conducted firstly for excavated road. After achieving smoothness and compactness as required, back fill in layers as per design requirement. Filling material and thickness shall be in compliance with required specification, moreover, foundation and selected layer shall be back-filled by using qualified gravelly soil; stabilized gravelly soil will be used for base back-filling. After back-filling and leveling finished, compaction shallbe conducted on time, and electric hammer used to compact potholes and corners, with curing of watering. Stabilized gravelly soil can be mixed on the site for the area of mending, however, the method of central mixing can be used for the potholes, and finished materials delivered to back-filling. Not exceed the initial setting time of cement during construction.5.5 Base ConstructionConstruction Technology Chart for Cement Stabilized Soil:1. PreparationPreparation for Bearing Layer: Before cement and gravel spreading, compactness、smoothness and dimension of foundation or base course shall be checked complied with specification as required.(1) Survey: Recover centre line on base or roadbed, one pile will be set every15-20m on straight segment, and another pile set every 10-15m on curve segment, moreover, indication pile set on both sides of shoulder. Design elevation of cement and gravel shall be marked on indication pile for surveying.(2) Materials Preparation: Materials used for construction activities shall betaken from qualified borrow pit, meet the specification as required. Beforematerials preparation, tree、root、grass piece and miscellaneous soil shall be cleared. Collect from top to bottom is required in collecting area, to avoid unqualified soil mixing into prepared materials, exclusive unqualified aggregate.(3) Quantity of Materials: The quantity of aggregate shall be counted inaccordance with design width、thickness and density. The distance between every materials stacked on site shall be counted as per aggregate and tonnage of truck. Count the cement dosage of per square meter and the distance between every pocket of cement as per thickness of cement gravel、dry density and cement dosage.2. Aggregate Transportation and Spreading(1) Laying Coefficient: The coefficient of initial loose-laying shall be chosen from1.30 to 1.35, and with adjustment after compaction.(2) After aggregate transporting, watering for the constructing surface, and thequantity of every truck are required the same.(3) Leveling in a extent area by grader, with smoothness surface, moreover, setroad camber as required.(4) The cars are prohibited from passing on the aggregate, except for wateringcar、grader and roller.3. Mixing(1) Concrete Spreading: 6-8T rollers with double wheels will be used to roll aggregate, to make smoothness. Some measures of rain-roof shall be taken for cement and aggregate(2) Dry Mixing: Mixing machine will be used for stabilized soil, the depth shallreach the stable layer, with designated person checked.(3) Watering and Wet Materials: If the water content is not enough during drymixing, supplement of water is required. During watering, the length shall exceed 2 meters, and the water tank shall not turn around or stay, so as to ensure uniform watering. Mixing machine shall be followed by watering car to mix materials. Regular inspection for water content of mixture is requiredduring watering and mixing.4. Reforming and Rolling(1) Reforming: After mixing evenly, leveling and reforming are required firstly bygrader. In straight line, scraped by grader from both side of road; in curve line, scraped from interior to exterior, if necessary, the second scraped is required;rolled twice by roller is required.(2) Rolling: After reforming. While the water content of mixture is in goodcondition within the area of 1%, 12T capacity of roller、vibratory roller shall be adopted to roll on road, until meet the required density. Any unqualified thing, the rolling work is required again.5. Joint and U-turn Treatment(1) The method of lap joint shall be used for the simultaneous construction forjoint.5-8 meters shall be reserved after mixing and reforming during initial construction. After that, the part not rolled shall be mixed with some cement, then rolled.(2) After mixing and reforming of cement gravel, rolled is required within delayedtime as required by test.(3) The following methods will be taken for construction joint and U-turn:At the end of rolled cement gravel, a slot with 30cm in width along the cement gravel shall be dug until bearing layer. Two lumps of wood will be set into slot, close to cement gravel, to protect it from damage by the construction activities on the second day.6. CuringAfter inspection of cement gravel with qualified passing, curing is required as soon as possible. To maintain moist and avoid evaporation of moisture, so as to ensure cement be in good condition. The time of curing is about seven days, watering car can be used for curing. Keep moist on surface during curing, but the times are up to weather. After watering, focus on surface condition, if necessary, roller will be used for rolling.Close traffic is required during curing.5.6 Sealing Construction1) Construction Procedure(1) Cleaning BaseBefore sealing construction, base cleaning is required on road surface.Repairing is required to pits or uneven road firstly. If base is not enough, make it stronger.(2) Spraying Sealing Asphalt and Stone ChipsThe aim of the sealing layer is to make asphalting layer combine with non-asphalting layer better, avoid water penetrating into base as well.The construction activity of spraying shall be conducted after the completion of base construction.Asphalt distributor will be used for sealing construction, and the stone chips will be spread with 2~3m3/km2 timely. After stone chips spraying, roller with the capacity of 6-8t will be used for rolling. Before spraying, all the parameters shall be adjusted and passing trial test.The following instructions shall be noted:①Before spraying and sealing, keep road surface clean and take somemeasures to protect curb and artificial structures, to avoid pollution.②After spraying, any leakage are prohibited, and the penetration shall reachthe extent depth.③Spraying and sealing construction are prohibited while strong wind or rainyday coming soon.④It’s better that spraying and sealing construction not conducted while thetemperature is lower than 10℃.⑤The design dosage of asphalt will be used for uniform spraying. Any omissions,artificial spraying is required again.⑥After spraying and sealing, vehicles and persons are prohibited form passing.⑦Prior to spraying asphalt, extra sealing asphalt in part do not penetrate intobase of course, remove it.Asphalt layer shall be spread after sealing and spraying as soon as possible.While sealing by means of emulsified asphalt, the period from spraying completion until water evaporation shall not be less than 24 hours.5.7 Bitumen Concrete Surface(1) Preparation①Construction Machinery PreparationAfter asphalt mixing plant fixing, adjustment for system of materials storage、heating、mixing and measuring is required. The whole machine shall be adjustment until it becomes normal.②Materials StorageAggregate、asphalt、diesel and other qualified raw materials used in asphalt mixing shall be protected from pollution as per construction schedule.③Technology PreparationCheck the raw materials, to ensure no unqualified materials on construction site.According to specified and the requirement of supervising engineer, test and verify the mix ratio, set parameter of rolling equipment, and the trial running is required as well until the qualified mix ratio.④Working Face PreparationAccording to the requirements of supervising engineer, trail spraying is required on a suitable segment. Adjust the method statement as well as per the test data. Prior to spraying, bearing layer shall be cleaned and setting-out line is required at the same time.(2) Bitumen Concrete Mixing and Transportation①Bitumen Concrete MixingBitumen concrete shall be mixed as per standard mix ratio as required by mixing plant. While the equipment running normally, the automatic production as per mix ratio will be conducted.The bitumen concrete mixture shall be well distributed, without white material and block mass.Bitumen concrete shall be mixed complied with the mix ration as required onconstruction site, can not exceed the allowable deviation.②Bitumen Mixture TransportationTrump truck will be used for delivering bitumen mixture. While put materials into truck, the best consequence shall be from two heads to middle position, to reduce isolation of coarse and fine aggregate.(3) Bitumen Mixture Spraying①Elevation control line shall be set at the two sides before spraying, and decidethe thickness of loose laying as per parameter and elevation control line.②While spraying, paver shall be operated uniformly、continuously and slowly,no stop or change speed. The height of mixture shall not less than the 2/3 length of feeder, to ensure no isolation on section.③Timely inspection is required behind paver. Any space or arch shall be revisedto ensure smoothness.(5) Rolling①Once the asphalt mixture spraying evenly, uniform compaction shall beconducted timely after finishing for irregular surface.②While higher temperature after initial compaction, double-drum vibratoryroller shall be used for rolling. The direction and line of rolling can not be changed, to avoid tearing. The times of initial compaction shall be twice.③Re-pressed is required after initial compaction by means of roller, and thetimes shall be 4~6 times, without remarkable wheel track.④Final compaction shall be conducted after re-pressed by double-drum roller,while the times of compaction is at least twice, until no remarkable wheel track.⑤In the corner, rolled shall be conducted from low side to high side. Keep aneven speed of roller while rolling, no stop、turn around or sudden braking on the section hasn’t been cooled and compacted or newly spraying mixture.(6) Joint and Edge Mending①Vertical Cold JointVertical joint set on different period shall be compacted timely. Cut intovertical edge before pouring next time. The upper and lower vertical joint can not be overlapped, and the deviation can not less than 50cm.②Horizontal JointAsphalt concrete spraying shall be conducted continuously during construction, and the horizontal joint shall be as little as possible. The ruler of 3m in length shall be used for checking smoothness at the ends before horizontal joint spraying next time. Make sure thickness of loose laying, if necessary, fine aggregate will be scraped by manpower.③Edge MendingEdge mending is required timely, shall be conducted before initial compaction, focus on no space between the joints.(7) Initial CuringOn the beginning period of traffic opening, a specially-assigned person shall be arranged for directing traffic or barrier shall be set to control traffic flow, to ensure uniformly compaction. The speed can not exceed 20km/h before shaping. Any other damage shall be repaired in time.2) Construction Requirement(1) All the procedures shall be conducted closely.(2) Asphalt concrete spraying on road surface shall be conducted on dry and hotseason of the year, avoid rainy day.(3) Many measure shall be taken to avoid rain water, and drainage facilities shallbe arranged as well. While base or underground base are wet, asphalt concrete spraying is not allowed. If the asphalt concrete has soaked by rain water without compaction, change the new materials.5.8 Culvert ConstructionFoundation excavation will be conducted by excavator, assisted with manpower. While the bearing capacity of base can not meet the design requirement, change the filling.Culvert foundation construction shall be conducted by twice. Pouring is required firstly under culvert foundation, then pouring conducted aboveculvert foundation. Pay attention to the location of settlement during fixing.Various measures shall be taken for protect pipe joint from water. The method of butt joint will be used for pipe joint, and the space between joints will be filled by oakum.The construction activity about filling in layers by sandy soil shall be conducted on the both side of culvert, while the area shall not less twice than bore diameter. While roller can not be used, electric tamper is required to compact, with the compaction of 96% and filling height more than 0.5m, vehicles and machinery are allowed passing on road.6. Quality、Safety Assurance System6.1 Quality Assurance System1. System Assurance(1) Responsibility System AssuranceEstablishment and improvement of various quality system, including: project manager responsibility system、chief engineer responsibility system; bridge engineer quality responsibility system; master builder quality responsibility system; quality inspector responsibility system.2. Organization AssuranceQuality leadership team formed consists of project manager as leader、chief engineer and QS engineer as deputy leader、and other leaders of technical department、materials & equipment department、finance department、safety & quality department、laboratory and complex department.3. Construction Assurance(1) PreparationEstablishment of detailed construction management plan and construction schedule are required. Excellent manager、technician shall be chosen to manage quality inspection for raw material and prefabricated parts.(2) Construction PhaseDisclosure of technology and quality assurance measures shall be conducted on time. The quality of construction technology shall be controlled by the method of self-examination and handing over.(3) Completion StageBefore acceptance, establishment of completion data and self-examination of completion quality are required firstly.6.2 Safety Assurance SystemVarious safety measures shall be taken to avoid safety accident, and to maintain normal working order.1. Safety Organization(1) The group formed consists of project manager as leader, who in charge ofsafety production.(2) Safety quality department shall be set in project management, with safetyinspection engineer.(3) Traffic protection team shall be established on construction site, equippedwith the relevant instruments, to avoid accident.2. Safety Management System(1) Prior to commencement of work, establishment of safety punishment system、safety training、technical disclosure of safety measures and various safety assurance system shall be conducted, and obey it strictly during construction.(2) All the leader and management personnel shall insist on the principle of“manage production, while manage safety”, with the policy “Safety First, Focus on Prevention”.(3) Regular activities about safety training shall be organized to induce safetyawareness.(4) All the staff shall obey the mobilization. Any action against rules shall beprohibited.(5) Project management will be responsible for safety production, and thesecurity department shall be in charge of daily management.3. Safety Assurance Measures(1) Safety Assurance Measures taken to Construction Personnel①Establishment of system and rules be required to construction personnel, toensure safety.②Safety training will be conducted to every staff, with qualified certificated after passing.③Operation after drinking is prohibited.④High-heeled shoes is prohibited in climbing operation; non-slip measures shallbe taken in rainy day; hold tools while construction.⑤Clinic shall be set with normal medicine, and keep the environment in goodcondition, to ensure safety food.(2) Safety Measures Taken to Mechanical Equipment①Establishment of rules and programs of various mechanical equipments, andobey it.②The maintenance for mechanical equipment used frequently shall beconducted, to ensure the equipment in good condition.③Prior commencement of work, operator shall listen to the safety instructionsby technician on construction site, and the specific inspection for mechanical equipment shall be conducted; Overload operation is prohibited for mechanical equipment; sufficient lighting are required to provided to the working area for night working.④Temporary circuit shall be fixed by porcelain clip. Fuse shall be equipped asper load rate; naked wire can not be used for motive power.⑤Safety warning signs shall be set for electric equipment with electricalnaked-part.(3) Safety Assurance Measures Taken to Ensure Traffic①The location for entrance and exit on construction site shall be approved byconsulting engineer, with signs, to ensure vehicles and persons safety.②All kinds of road and pavement shall be equipped with lighting, moreover,warning lamps shall be fixed on the two ends of construction site.。
工程概况 General2. 编制依据 References3. 施工顺序 Construction Sequence4。
施工方法 Construction Method5。
安全与环境保护施工措施 HSE6. 劳动力计划 Manpower Mob. Schedule7。
机具计划 Equipment/Tools Mob. Schedule8。
施工作业计划 Construction Schedule1. 工程概况General该项目为珠海PTA二期工程,本方案主要是为PTA二期变电所结构而编制的施工技术措施。
This method statement is compiled to describe the substation structure construction method of Zhuhai PTA No。
2 Project,which major structure is three-layer reinforced concrete frame and partial structure is two—layer reinforced concrete frame and transformer area is reinforced concrete wall.2. 编制依据References2。
1. 施工图纸Construction Drawings REV.2 6092—BCO.01—DW—1741-01 to 252。
2 工程测量规范Code for Engineering Surveying GB50026-932。
3 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB50204-20022.4 混凝土泵送技术规程Technical Codes for Concrete Casting by Concrete Pump JGJ/T10—952.5 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Construction GB50300—20012.6 钢筋焊接及验收规程Code for Acceptance of Re-bar Welding JGJ18-20032。
design elevation of subgrade 路基设计高程minimum height of fill 最小填土高度subgrade moisture content 路基含水量critical height of subgrade 路基临界高度subgrade protection 路基防护subgrade strengthening 路基加固earth work 土方[工程]fill 填方cut, excavation 挖方borrow earth 借土waste 弃土borrow pit 取土坑waste bank 弃土堆back fill 回填土replacement of earth 换土compaction 压实degree of compaction 压实度compacting factor 压实系数tamping 夯实heavy tamping method 重锤夯实法rolling 碾压vibrating compaction 振动压实effective rolling depth 有效碾压深度linear pressure 线压力rolling speed 碾压速度compaction energy 压实能量loose laying depth 松铺厚度compaction depth 压实厚度coefficient of loose laying 松铺系数reserve settlement 预留沉落量natural subsoil 天然地基consolidated subsoil 加固地基soft ground 软弱地基consolidation 固结dynamic consolidation method 动力固结法preloading method 预压法sand bag well 袋装砂井sheet drainage 排水板法drainage sand mat 排水砂垫层surcharge preloading 超载预压sand pile 砂桩lime pile 石灰桩sand well 砂井rock blasting 石方爆破blasting operation 爆破作业blasting crater 爆破漏斗throwing blasting 抛掷爆破loosening blasting 松动爆破millisecond delay blasting 毫秒爆破collapse blasting 抛坍爆破directional blasting 定向爆破open face blasting 多面临空爆破pavement 路面high class pavement 高级路面sub-high class pavement 次高级路面intermediate class pavement 中级路面曾用名“过渡式路面”。
Works Programme for Gravel Cement Stabilization Base Programme I。
Main construction methodThe base for the section of OGINGA ODINGA Road (KURA Project) shall be 150mm cement treated natural gravel material layer with cement content 2.5%。
The natural gravel material shall be hauled to the field with 15T tippers, spread by the graders, blended by the pulmixer and compacted by the rollers.II. Construction of trial sectionThe 100m full-width trial section is scheduled to construct between km0+800 —km0+900 in advance before the overall commencement of base layer。
The purpose of construction for trial sectionThe purpose of trial section is to verify the following aspects:a)the proposed construction program and method are feasible or not;b)the deployment and matching of construction equipment and personnel arereasonable or not;c)the relationship between the rolling passes of roller, rolling methods andcompaction density;d)to confirm the loose coefficient and loose depth of material spreading;e)to verify the range of tolerance between construction mix proportion anddesigned mix proportionThe trial section shall provide construction guidance and data for the overall construction.2. The data required to be collected during construction of trial sectionThe trial section must be undertaken under the direction of Engineer. The following details should be recorded:●the types of equipment and equipment quantity;●mixing time for stabilization layer;●rolling passes and method for roller●loose paving thickness,level and moisture content of mixture beforecompacted;●actual thickness,level,moisture content and density of mixture aftercompacted;3. Testing items for the trial roadThe natural gravel material and cement shall be tested as per the Technical Specification before the commencement of trial road。
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IV Construction Method, Technical Measurement of Road Works
1、Road Structure
Heavy load road
Soil compacting—150 mm thick 12% lime soil—220mm thick fly-ash—200mm thick C30 concrete
---300mm厚二灰结石---150mm厚C 20砼(内配钢筋) –C15予制砼平石、侧石安放-----60mm厚粗粒式沥青砼---30mm厚细粒式沥青砼-
Light load road
Soil compacting—200mm thick 12% lime soil—220mm thick fly-ash—200mm thick C30 concrete
Soil compacting—200mm thick fly-ash bedding—30mm thicksand—precast cement tile C30
2、Road working procedure
2.1 Plain soil compacting-----soil density teat-----pipe embedding under the road---150*2mm thick 12% lime soil bedding---lime soil test--------220mm thick fly-ash beddng---220mm thick C30 concrete finish-----concrete curing----curbs paving 素土压实-----土密实度侧试-----路基下管线埋设---150*2厚12%石灰土基层。
2.2、Main Construction Method
2.2.1、Setting-out: to line road central pile and edge piles based on plane coordinates control points and shop drawing
2.2.2、Plumbing Identification: Before starting the road construction work, to arrange the position &level of underground plumbing and concealed facilities. To erect signs around expose well mouths so that they won’t be embedded during construction.
2.2.3、Road compaction
3.1、When compacting road base, to abide the rules as follows: first light second heavy, first table second vibrate, first slow second quick, first edge second center, first high second low. And compaction roller should exceed construction joints.
3.2、When compacting road, to first compact stably then 4~5 times of vibrating compaction last stably compact again.
3.3、To compact longitudinally, and first edge side them central part.
3.4、After compaction, to test compaction coef., through frequency &quantity for quality control.
3.5、Take the soil density test after compaction to judge the quality of the compacted soils.
2.3Construction of fly-ash bedding
1、The fly-ash will be supplied by as the finished product and delivered on site for paving
2、The material mixing scale is strictly comply with the national standard (JTJ034-2000), producing after approval by testing ,
3、Lime: cinder: aggregate= 5:15:18
4、The fly-ash paving after road compaction, use machine for construction, leveling, compacting and sloping, we will strictly fulfill the regulation and code during construction.
5、Must care for the curing after fly-ash paving, no vehicles pass through during curing period, set barricade for separation.
6、The material inspection will be carried out strictly according to the related code or regulation during the fly-ash construction period.