
Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)(50 points)HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain —It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was 800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for anything — and there was work that needed to be done.在西班牙小镇伊格拉德拉塞雷纳,铺砖匠Manuel García Murillo当选镇长不久,他便意识到小镇已陷入了危机。
But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up.但是此后,令人惊奇的事情发生了。

2013年3月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. 口译题口译题Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.听力原文:The Olympic Games should be traced back to the ancient times. The Greeks were very fond of all sports that could make the body strong. Once in four years they had a great sports game. Many thousands of people came together upon a wide plain to see the contests of skill among men and boys from all parts of Greece. The great games were running races, wrestling matches, horse races, and chariot races. There were games for boys as well as for men. The prize for winning a game seemed very simple: no more than a wild olive tree leave crown; but to wear one of these crowns was the greatest honor, and he went home covered with glory. Ancient athletes competed as individuals. The emphasis on individual athletic achievement through public competition was related to the Greek ideal of excellence. Sportsmen who attained this ideal, through their outstanding words or deeds, won permanent glory and fame.1.Passage 1正确答案:奥林匹克运动会可以追溯到古代,希腊人喜欢各种运动,因为运动能够使身体强健。

2013年3月中级口译真题:阅读部分汇编(含解析)第二部分阅读SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 MINUTES)Direction:In this section, you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1~5(2013年春季中级口译阅读第一篇解析)The largest animal that ever lived on land or in water still exists. Not even the giant dinosaurs were as large as some whales. One sulphur-bottom whale caught in the Antarctic was 110 feet long, and weighed between 90 and 100 tons.注:最高级和数字是阅读时关注的重点.Whales can grow to such enormous size because their bodies are supported by the water. An animal that lives on land can only grow to a size that his legs can support, while a bird's size is limited by its wing size. A whale has none of these difficulties.Millions of years ago, whales lived on land and walked on four legs. Today, whales still have small bones that are the remains of their hind legs, but these bones can only be seen on the inside of the whale. No one knows why whales left the land to live in the water. however, scientists can surmise that when the whales changed their environment, their bodies underwent a change -- taking on a more fish-like appearance. This new form. offered less resistance to the water,enabling the whales to swim faster.Despite their fish-like form, whales are not fish. A whale will drown, just as a man will, if it stays under water too long. When a whale is under water, it closes its nostrils tightly and holds its breath. The air in its lungs becomes very hot and full of water vapour. When the whale rises to the surface and exhales, its hot breath produces a column of water vapor that rises high in the air. A man produces the same effect when he exhales warm air on a cold morning.注:转折关系是阅读时需重点关注的逻辑关系,阅读重点应该在despite后面所引导的信息.Whales are classified as mammals because they bear their young, rather than laying eggs,, and because the mother whales give the babies milk. Like other mammals, whales have warm blood.Their blood stays at the same temperature, even when they move from hot to cold water. They keep warm in cold water because they have a thick layer of fat just under their skins. This fat is called blubber, and it is thicker on whales that spend their lives in cold water. Almost all land mammals, except man, have hair on their bodies to keep them warm, but whales, which have very few hairs, are kept warm by their fat.注:因果关系,转折关系并存的句子作为考点的可能性很大,需重点关注及阅读.Whales do not bear young more often than every two years. The births are usually single births, but there have been instances of whale twins Mother whales show a great deal of affection for their! young. If the baby whale is killed, the mother will stay close to it for a long time. The young grow very rapidly during their first three or four years. And, although no one is certain how long a whale lives, the normal life span is probably less than 100 years.Questions 6~10(2013年春季中口阅读第二篇解析)第二篇文章选自The New York Times.原文题目是Near Cambodia's Temple Ruins, a Devotion to Learning。

We tend to hear words pleasant to the ear but have displeasure and resentment at words harsh to the ear. A man, especially one occupying an important position, needs tolerance and magnanimity to lend an ear to truthful yet offensive words with heartfelt admiration so as to gain wisdom from them, and those qualities can be only cultivated through the nurturing of the soul and the restraint in human weaknesses. Otherwise, opportunities are exploited to the advantage of those with sweet words on the lips to tickle the ear of others, only to hurt those loyal people outspoken in their remarks. Intellectually, we are probably willing to believe inthe ancient truths that we’ll be enlightened if we listen to both sides and we will be benighted if we heed only one side, that honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct. Also, we are delightfully convinced of Laotzi’s philosophy that true words are not embellished and the embellished words are not true. However, in our behaviours, we tend to depart from those estabilished maxims, reluctant to accept and follow those uncomfortable truths until eventually grave errors are committed.1 2。

三级口译-2013.11Part 1.英汉对话互译A: I’ve heard Chinese government is pushing a major poverty relief program across th e country. Would you please outline this program and its targeted population group?我听说中国政府正在全国范围内实施一项重大扶贫计划。
能够简要介绍一下该计划及其针对的群体?B: 好的,我国政府有关部门根据国家扶贫开发的总体战略,提出了扶贫的目标、措施和实施办法,扶贫的主要地区和对象是贫困的农村地区和农民。
Well. According to the overall strategy of the country’s poverty relief program, the related department has proposed the objectives and implementation measures. The program is mainly targeted at poverty-stricken rural areas and farmers.A: How would you go about achieving your ambitious objectives?你们(中国政府)如何实现这一雄心勃勃的目标呢?B: 中国政府安排专项扶贫资金,用于优良品种的引进、试验、示范和推广。
Chinese government has earmarked special funding for introduction, testing, demonstration and promotion of improved seeds / improved seed strains.A: I think one of the major problems of reducing the poverty among the rural populati on is the education of people in the remote areas rather than mere funding. That is, we should inform them of the technical knowhow and updating the official mode of prod uction.我觉得,农村扶贫的一大关键是,是要教育偏远地区的人们,而不是仅仅安排专项资金。
3月高级口译听力Passage Translation 答案

3月高级口译听力Passage Translation 答案+评析Passage translation 1Mass urbanization of the world’s population is an unprecedented trend worldwide. The most important reason why people are moving to cities is economic. People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the 20th century, the major source of employment, full and part-time, was farming. Now, according to recent statistics, no more than 15 percent of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being created in information technology, manufacturing and service areas, such as tourism and financing, and all of these new jobs are in or around major cities.译文:世界人口大规模的城市化在世界范围内达到史无前例的规模。

汉译英答案:The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has a bearing on the overall situation of China’s modernization drive and its long-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not only benefit the Chinese people of today but also bring benefit to their children and grand children. The Chinese government has established environmental protection as a basic national policy. While promoting economic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those outstanding environmental problems that threaten people’s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to these efforts, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some river basins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality of some cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the people’s awareness of the importance of environmental protection has increased further.二、2007年09月翻译二(汉译英):据说,上海男人是最好丈夫。
2013年3月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 2

2013年春季上海中高级口译考试于今日3月17日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年3月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 2 部分,由沪江网校提供。
Listening Comprehension 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.Washington, USA.In recent years, food shortages have led to price rises and unrest in many import-dependent countries, including many in the Africa. In the 2009 G-8 summit in Italy, major industrial countries promised more than $20billion over three years to improve food access to Africans and others hit by high prices. This latest summit, which begins later on Friday, is due to discuss the issue. However, its main focus will be continuing concerns that the euro zone debt crisis could trigger a global slump. On Thursday, confidence in European banks was undermined by ratings agency Moody’s, which cut the credit ratings of 16 Spanish banks. Mr. Obama has urged European leaders to do more to stimulate growth, fearing the euro crisis could spread to the US.Jerusalem, Israel.The U.S. has plans in place to attack Iran if other measures fail to stop it developing nuclear weapons, Washington’s envoy to Iran says. He said the U.S. hoped diplomacy and sanctions would persuade Iran to alter its nuclear program, but the military option was ready. US President Obama has previously said military action has not been ruled out. The US and its allies say Iran is developing a nuclear bomb, and an accusation Tehran desires. Talks between Iran and six world powers are due to resume in Baghdad on 23 May. Both Israel and the US have said they consider military force a last resort to stop Iran using its uranium enrichment program to make a weapon.Helsinki, FinlandNokia Company is tiring through its cash reserves at an unsustainable rate. Raising what some analysts say, are serious questions about the struggling finish phone maker’s ability to stabilize its finances in a month ahead. Thecompany could even be at risk of default if it fails to slow the burning of its cash. Over the past five quarters, the onetime darling of mobile telecoms has eroded its cash pile by 2.1 billion Euros - a rate that would wipe out its entire 4.9 billion Euros reserves in a couple years. Analysts on average expect the company will burn through almost 2 billion Euros more in just three quarters, while the most bearish see the company wiping out its 4.9 billion Euros net cash buffer completely next year.Brasilia, BrazilElectricity prices are the biggest component of the so-called Brazil cost, the mix of taxes, high interest rates, labor costs, infrastructure bottlenecks and other issues that have caused the economy to become less competitive. After a decade of strong performance, Brazil grew below the Latin American average in 2011 and so far this year. Brazil's average electricity cost of $180 per megawatt hour is exceeded only by Italy and Slovakia, according to a 2011 study based on data from the International Energy Agency.High electricity rates have contributed to stagnant investment and production in energy-intensive industries. Electricity accounts for 35 percent and in the same proportion of the car industry's production costs.Beirut, SyriaAt least 21 people were killed on Tuesday in an attack in northern Syria; a member of team of U.N. monitors caught in the incident said they were in rebel hands "for their own protection." When Reuters asked one of the four monitors by phone if they were being held prisoner, he said: "We are safe with the rebel Free Army." A spokesman for the rebel military council said the rebels were working on a safe exit for the monitors. An internal U.N. document obtained by Reuters said that a total of six monitors were under rebel "protection" in a "friendly environment." The internal U.N. document confirmed the U.N. team in Syria will conduct a petrol to pick up the men in U.N. military observers on Wednesday.Q6: What will be the main focus of the latest G8 summit due Friday?Q7: What does the US envoy to Israel say about the issue of Iran’s nuclear program?Q8. How much is Nokia company’s total cash reserves in Euros?Q9. The so-called Brazil cost has made the economy less competitive, which of the following are the biggest component of the Brazil cost?Q10. According to an internal U.N. document, how many U.N. military monitors were in the hands of the Syrian rebels?。

3月英语高级口译考试真题(3)SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TESTDirections: Translate of the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.The popular view when discussing urban transportation in American cities to day is to decry its sorry state. Newspapers and journals are filled with talk of an “urban transportation crisis,” of the “difficulties of getting from here to there,” and so on at great length. Matters are reported to be getting worse - and very quickly. Everyone has his own favorite traumatic experience to report: of the occasion when many of the switches froze on New York’s commuter railroads; of the sneak snowstorm in Boston that converted thirty-minute commuter trips into seven hour ordeals; of the extreme difficulties in Chicago and other Midwestern cities when some particularly heavy and successive snowstorms were endured.One reason for the talk of an urban transportation crisis in the United States today perhaps lies in a failure to meet anticipations. Many commuters expected to reduce their commuting times as systems improved, but instead found themselves barely able to maintain the status quo in terms of time requirements. Another reason for talk of crisis, almost certainly, is that the rate of improvement in the performance of urban transportation systems during rush hours has been markedly inferior to that expected during off-peak hours. Specifically, the ability to move quickly about American cities during non-rush hors has improved in a truly phenomenal fashion.SECTION 4: LISTENING TESTPart A: Note-taking And Gap-fillingDirections: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talkONLY ONCE. While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You will not get your test book and ANSWER BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talkToday, we’ll be discussing EQ: emotional intelligence quotient. Your emotional intelligence quotient seems to indicate how well you __________ (1)your own emotions, and how well you __________ (2)to others.EQ is not exactly a new idea, but the __________ (3)itself is a new one. People have realized the way you control your feelings is just as important as your __________ (4), maybe, even more important.The focus of today’s session is: can you learn EQ? Some __________ (5)school teachers think that some kids have __________ (6)EQs than others. Even at five or six years old, some of the kids tend to be much more __________ (7)and __________ (8)than others. Another example is that kids deal with __________ (9)in different ways. One may get frustrated with a __________ (10)problem, but another child, with a higher EQ, might be able to handle the situation better. She might try __________ (11)ways to approach the problem, or ask for __________ (12).Can you __________ (13)to have a higher EQ? People seem to have different views on this question. Most of the people believe that the answer to this question is __________ (14). For example, kids can be __________ (15)to have patience and not to give up when things go wrong. They learn to respond well to their __________ (16). But others don’t agree. They find that some people never learn to __________ (17)their EQ. The problem is that people with a low EQ have a __________ (18)time seeing how their behavior affects other people. They see no reason to __________ (19). They’ll probably never adjust their __________ (20).Part B: Listening and Translation1. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)(2)。

The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. A board meeting reuires a uorum of over two-thirds of the directors. Should a director be unable to attend, he may make a proxy authorizing someone else to represent him and vote in his stead. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例》。从《条例》的第五章:董事会与经营管理机构中选取n个句子拼凑而成
concerning the joint venture. The chairman shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture. 董事会会议由董事长负责召集并主持。董事会会议应当有2/3以上董事出席方能举行。董事不能出席的,可以出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。董事会会议应用中文和英文作详细记录,并在会议结束后14日内送交每位董事,由出席董事会会议的各位董事签字确认。
2013.3中口真题 解析

请关注新浪微博【上海中高口资料】更多精彩中高级口译资料分享2013年3月中级口译听力真题及解析S POT D ICTATIONGood afternoon, folks. Today's discussion topic is online shopping. With only 2 weeks to go before Christmas, buying presents is a high priority for a lot of people. However, this year not so many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops. These days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the Internet. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons. Prices are often lower online. You don’t have to queue up in busy shops. And you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse. Computer trends are often male-dominated, but this year, women are expected to do more shopping on the Internet than men. It seems women are now more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they used to be. Average spending online these Christmas by women will rise to £240 compared to the slightly lower average £233 for men. While the average spend per person on the high street is only £197. 17% of Internet users, mainland female are not buying their Christmas gifts online. In the past, a lot of people were reluctant to shop online. Many were worried about the security of entering their card details on the Internet and reliability of the Internet. But as shopping online has become more widespread, these worries have begun to disappear. 45% of Internet users still do have security worries but it hasn’t slowed down the ever increasing numbers of online shoppers. One victim of the online shopping boom is the UK high street. Christmas trading can represent up to 60% of turnover for some stores. Many companies are concerned not enough shoppers are coming through their doors in the run-up to Christmas. As a result there are lots of special offers in the shops.S TATEMENTS1. I hear that Mitchell turned down that job. Well the hours were convenient but she wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.2. The committee finally reached a decision, and I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome. Everybody says they haven’t seen me like this for weeks.3. I do understand your problem. It’s not easy for me to deal with it right away but I’ll certainly try as soon as possible.4. Being a sales representative is harder than you think. Last week I was in Washington, and before that in New York. Next week I have to go to Chicago.5. I’m getting used to a lot of things at my new job. But I wish the manager would give me some feedback.6. According to some researchers, men who eat cooked tomatoes 2-3 times a week have up to a 50% reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer.7. Despite her success in designing an adventure game series, which had won numerous praises from fans and critics, Jane Jansen considers herself at heart, a writer and a novelist.8. China is now the third largest producer of films in the world. However, most of the revenue generated was from a handful of the movies produced.9. If you lost 2% of your body weight in water, the performance level of your brain may start to weaken. Another 4% may leave in feeling dizzy.10. Since it is a big order, I accept your price of $30. However it ’s a very special price and it leaves us little profit.T ALKS AND C ONVERSATIONSDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Question 11—14M: I love this car; I think it ’s really cool. It ’s called the clean car.W: Where is it made?M: It was produced in Sweden. It was designed in Italy. The engine of the vehicle runs on electricity which is generated by water.W: so the fuel is plain H2O? Fantastic!M: this car was made for the city. It can be parked in a small space and it reaches a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour.W: It looks very light. What ’s it made of?M : It is made of a special metal which is being used for airplanes and space shuttles.W: And what ’s the price of the clean car?M : That ’s the only problem. It ’s still rather expansive.11. What is the man and the woman talking about?12. Where is the vehicle produced?13. Which of the following is true about the vehicle?14. What is the only problem with the vehicle?Questions 15—18Once every year for the last few years we visited our friends in a small tiny little village in the middle of France. And they bought a cowshed, and it was literally a cowshed not fit to live in. And 请关注新浪微博【上海中高口资料】更多精彩中高级口译资料分享 请关注新浪微博【上海中高口资料】更多精彩中高级口译资料分享 请关注新浪微博【上海中高口资料】更多精彩中高级口译资料分享 请关注新浪微博【上海中高口资料】更多精彩中高级口译资料分享they have gradually made it better and renovated it. And it’s in a beautiful position. It’s on the top of a hill. And for miles around you can see this beautiful countryside. And I think only one another house. So you do need a car and you take the car into the tiny little village where there are about 4 or 5 shops and a very nice restaurant where you can go and have a 5 course meal for very little money. And also near is a very big lake, because this place is in the DorDon, and there are lots of lakes there. And we go there most afternoons and wind surf and sail. Also there is a very nice market, French Market, there once a week, where you get lovely parties, lovely fresh fish, really good fresh fish and lovely bowls and baskets which the local people have made. I like this part of France very much. But I think it’s a shame that there are too many English people there.15. In which part of France do the speaker’s friends live?16. What was the house before they modernized it?17. Where is the house located?18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?Questions 19—22W: I like that picture you put up on the wall.M: Oh, thank you.It’s a photograph that I took on my vacation last year.W: You took it yourself? I didn’t know you were a photographer.M: Oh, yes.I’ve been taking pictures for years.W: It sounds like an interesting hobby.Do you have any more of your pictures here?M: I have some that I haven’t enlarged.W: May I see them?M: Yes, certainly.I haven’t really sorted them out yet. Some of them are faces, just faces of people whom I see when I’m walking around.W: Do you let them know that you’re taking pictures of them?M: I try not to.I don’t like pictures of people who pose for the camera.I like people who are going about their daily business without being aware of the camera.W: And what are the rest of the pictures?M: A few of them are landscapes. And the rest of them are still life studies that I took in my studio.W: Oh, you have your own studio? But I suppose you need a lot of equipment.How many cameras do you have?M: Well, I have several, but I use two of them more than the others.Here, this is the one that I use to get the portrait shots.W: What’s your other favourite?M: It’s the one I use for the pictures that I take in my studio. It’s too big to carry around.W: When are you going to take a picture of me?M: Some time when you don’t know that I am taking one.19. What picture did the man put on the wall?20. How does the man take pictures of people when he is walking around?21. According to the man, when does he use the bigger camera?22. What kind of pictures has the man not taken yet?Questions 23—26Traveling by air is one of the major conveniences of modern times. The whole field of aviation is geared to meet our needs for our safe, efficient and fast transportation. Let me give you an account of my recent trip on a major airline to illustrate my point.I began preparations for my trip early by calling the airline and making a reservation. A few days later, I got the e-mail telling me my flight number and the times of departure from my city and arrival at my destination. I was advised to arrive at the airline terminal an hour before take-off in order to check in for my flight.On the day of my flight, I went to the ticket counter for my boarding card, and then headed for the waiting area of the gate, from which my airplane will depart. Of course, you have to go through security system first. While I was waiting, I noticed how busy everyone was. The mechanics were checking the plane for last minute repairs, and a large truck was fueling the plane with gasoline to make it ready for take-off.When my flight was called, I boarded the airplane. I was pleasantly greeted by the flight attendants and ordered light drinks and food. The weather was good, and there was no air turbulence to cause us worry or discomfort.Although my flight was trouble-free, during the holidays, air travel becomes more hectic. Often, airlines sell too many tickets for a flight and are then overbooked. Some unlucky passengers will be bumped and asked to reschedule on a later flight. Bad weather might also cause a later take-off, and this delay often results in misconnections at the next stop.On the whole, however, air travel is worth the expense. It is fast, safe and usually reliable.23. How did the speaker make his flight reservation?24. Why is the speaker advised to arrive an hour earlier?25. How was his flight going according to the speaker?26. Which of the following is not true about air travel?Questions 27--30W: Robert, I know you have strong feelings about the media.M: I do. I’ve never had a television in my life. I grew up before television was really common. And I just don’t have time for it. I think you have to look at the “trade off” for whatever you do.W: What do you mean by “trade off”?M: What it costs, not only in money, but in terms what it does to your life. I have no real machines in my apartment. Well, I do have an FM radio.W: What do you listen to?M: Oh, weather reports, good music. And I have a telephone now. But I lived for eight yearswithout one.W: Eight years without a telephone?M: Well, I discovered there were telephones on every street corner, and I really didn’t need one for anything.W: Do you have a computer?M: I do not own a computer. Because when I go on the Internet, I’m always disappointed. You see, I think modern technology destroys all the beauty and meaning in life. The machine gets in the way, and I don’t want to be part of a machine. That’s not the way I want to live my life.W: Aren’t there any good things that the modern media bring us? I don’t know. Closer contact with other people?M: Well, I do have a confession to make. The only modern form of media I really like is the jet plane. I mean, I know it’s not “the media”, but I really consider it to be a form of communication. It has allowed me to travel all over the world. I get great enjoyment out of travelling. I link up with people from foreign countries. I meet them. I talked to them. And so in that way, the jet plane has improved international communication much more than fax or e-mail will ever do. W: What an interesting idea. Thank you, Robert.27. Why has Robert never had a television in his life?28. Which type of modern machine does Robert have now in his apartment?29. What does Robert think of modern technology?30. What does Robert enjoy most?S ENTENCE T RANSLATIONDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. Walking is a skill people learn as a babies, but it is not as simple as that. In any given year, some 15,000 American pedestrians are killed by motor-vehicles.行走是人们婴儿时期学会的一种技能,但它远没有这么简单。

2013年3月春季高级口译真题【完整版】Part A: Spot DictationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blank with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Listening is one of the first things we learn to do and one of the things we do most. The average person spends 9% of their daily communication time writing, 16% reading, 30 % speaking, and 40% listening. Students spend most of their school time listening, up to 60% according to some studies. Yet despite its importance, we usually take our ability to listen for granted. As we have already said, though, listening isn‟t easy. The fact is we have different listening styles for different occasions. How successful we are as listeners may depend in part on choosing the right listening style for the situation. Perhaps the most basic listening style is appreciative listening. We listen appreciative when we enjoy music, a birds‟ song or the murmur of a book. We need a different style, one called discriminative listening. When we want to single out one particular sound from a noisy environment, you discriminate, for example, when you listen for a friend‟s voice in a crowded room. We use a third style of listening: comprehensive listening, when we want to understand. When we listen to directions or instructions, we are using this style. The forth learning style is more complex, therapeutic listening. The style practice by counselors, psychiatrists, and good friends encourages people to talk freely without fear of embarrassment. Friends act as our sounding boards, when we just want someone to listen. The therapeutic listener in conversation with a troubled friend accepts what he said tries hard to understand. And above all, makes no judgment. The fifth style, critical listening, is the one we will examine most closely. Critical listeners are the most active of all listeners. Because they are working hard to decide whether what someone else says make sense. Critical listeners evaluate what they hear and decide if another person‟s message is logical, worthwhile or has value. We need to be critical listeners, when someone wants us to buy some things, vote a certain way, or support a particular idea. We also need to be critical listeners in school, where listening and thinking are almost synonymous.评析:本篇文章是关于听的能力的分类介绍,题材为生活科普。

三级口译-2013、11Part 1、英汉对话互译A: I’ve heard Chinese government is pushing a major poverty relief program across th e country、 Would you please outline this program and its targeted population group? 我听说中国政府正在全国范围内实施一项重大扶贫计划。
能够简要介绍一下该计划及其针对的群体?B: 好的,我国政府有关部门根据国家扶贫开发的总体战略,提出了扶贫的目标、措施与实施办法,扶贫的主要地区与对象就是贫困的农村地区与农民。
Well、According to the overall strategy of the country’s poverty relief program, the related department has proposed the objectives and implementation measures、The program is mainly targeted at poverty-stricken rural areas and farmers、A: How would you go about achieving your ambitious objectives?您们(中国政府)如何实现这一雄心勃勃的目标呢?B: 中国政府安排专项扶贫资金,用于优良品种的引进、试验、示范与推广。
Chinese government has earmarked special funding for introduction, testing, demonstration and promotion of improved seeds / improved seed strains、A: I think one of the major problems of reducing the poverty among the rural populati on is the education of people in the remote areas rather than mere funding、 That is, we should inform them of the technical knowhow and updating the official mode of pr oduction、我觉得,农村扶贫的一大关键就是,就是要教育偏远地区的人们,而不就是仅仅安排专项资金。

新东方首发9.16 高级口译“汉译英”点评9.16 高级口译“英译汉”试题披露(完整版)——新东方高口真题2007年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2006年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2006年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2005年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2005年3月英语高级口译真题+听力音频(全)2004年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2004年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2003年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2003年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2002年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2002年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2001年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2001年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2000年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)2000年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1999年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1999年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1998年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1998年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1997年9月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)1997年3月英语高级口译真题+音频+答案(全)如果觉得好一定要分享。

2013年3月中级口译真题:翻译部分汇编(含答案)第三部分英译汉第四部分汉译英SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (30 minutes)Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.【原文】If you’ve ever been on a jury, you might have noticed that a funny thing happens the minute you get behind closed doors. Everybody starts talking about themselves. They say what they would have done if they had been the plaintiff or the defendant. Being on a jury reminds me why I can’t tolerate talk radio. We Americans seem to have lost the ability to talk about anything but our own experiences. We can’t seem to generalize without stereotyping or to consider evidence that goes against our own experience.I heard a doctor on a radio show talking about a study that found that exercise reduces the incidence of Alzheimer’s. And caller after caller couldn’t wait to make essentially the opposite point: “Well, my grandmother never exercised and she lived to 95.” We are in an age summed up by the saying: “I experience, therefore I’m right.” Historically, the hallmarks of an uneducated person were the lack of ability to think critically, to use deductive reasoning to distinguish the personal from the universal. Now that seems an apt description of many Americans.【参考译文】如果你曾经当过陪审员,你可能会注意到一件有趣的事情:一旦关上了门,所有人就开始谈论他们自己。

2012年3月高级口译考试真题+答案+解析Spot Dictation:Psychologists have many theories to explain how we remember information. The most influential theory is that memory works as a kind of storage system for information. There are three types of these storage systems with different functions that hold information for different amounts of time. They are sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory holds information for the shortest amount of time, less than for seconds and instant. Sensory memory is where stimuli or things that stimulate our senses are very briefly stored. We forget sensory memories almost instantly, unless they passed into another storage system. Examples of the stimuli are what we see and hear in the world, such as a flash of lightning or the sound of a door closing. Short-term memory also called working memory, holds information for about 15 to 20 seconds. This is not a very long time. But the information that passes into this system has more meaning for us than just sensory stimulation. Some experts believe that sensory information changes into visual images as it is stored. And others believe that information changes into words. There is not much room for information in short-term memory. And it did not stay there for very long. Examples of this types of information are telephone numbers, addresses and names. Long-term memory holds information almost indefinitely, although retrieving it can sometimes be difficult. Think of long-term memory as a very big library, with almost unlimited capacities for storage. Information gets filed, cataloged and stored. Long-term memory has several different components or categories. The main two categories are declarative memory and procedure memory. Declarative memory is where we store factual information, such as names, faces, dates, life events. Procedure memory is where we store memory of skills and habits , like how to ride a bike, or how to boil an egg. Within the declarative memory, there are smaller categories of memory, episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory relates to our personal lives. Things we have done or experienced, such as having a car accident or graduating from school. Semantic memory is where we organize general knowledge or facts about the world, such as math formulas, spelling rules and capital cities.点评:这是一篇关于人类记忆分类的文章。

如今,当21世纪第一个10年即将结束的时候,回顾亚太发展进程,我们不难发现,尽管亚太地区由于历史和现实的原因,还存在这样那样的问题和挑战,但谋和平、维稳定、求合作、促发展是人心所向、大势所趋,亚太正在成为一个充满活力、生机与希望的地区(分数:100.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Lanting, as you may know, means the blue hall in Chinese. This Forum is called Lanting Forum because people naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress. It shows that we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development. There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troubles and could hardly offer any reason for optimism. Now the first decade of the 21st century is coming to an end. When we look back on the journey that the region has travelled, I believe we can come to the following conclusions: Despite the various problems and challenges due to reasons both of the past and present, peace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. What has happened shows that the Asia Pacific is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region. )解析:文本节选自前外交部长杨洁篪于2010年12月1日在首届“蓝厅论坛”上的讲话,是整篇演讲的第一段。

2007年03月~2013年09月高级口译英译汉翻译真题及答案一、2007年03月翻译一(英译汉):Well before his death, Peter Drucker had already become a legend. Over his 95 prolific years, he had been a true Renaissance man, and teacher of religion, philosophy and political science. But his most important contribution, clearly, is in business. What John Keynes is to economics, Druckers is to management.In the 1980s Peter Druckers began to have grave doubts about business and even capitalism itself. He no longer saw the corporation as the ideal space to create community. In fact, he saw nearly the opposite: a place where self-interest had triumphed over the egalitarian principles he long championed. In both his writings and speeches, Druckers emerged as one of Corporate America's most important critics. When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions. When executives were engaged in empire-building, he argued against excess staff and the inefficiencies of numerous "assistants to".In a 1984 essay he persuasively argued that CEO pay had rocketed out of control and implored boards to hold CEO compensation to no more than 20 times what the rank and file made. He maintained that multi-million-dollar severance packages had perverted management's ability to look out anything but itself. What particularly enraged him was the tendency of corporate managers to reap massive earnings while firing thousands of their workers. "This is morally and socially unforgivable," wrote Druckers, "and we will pay a heavy price for it."英译汉答案:彼得•德鲁克在世时就已成为传奇人物。

高级口译英译汉3篇高级口译英译汉1Our country has been a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for almost 30 years. Global economic issues are among the core elements of post- Cold War international relations and like other countries, we give priority attention to these issues. Our increasing dependence on international trade and the effects of world economic conditions on our domestic economy have led to a sharpened focus on international trade issues in the pursuit of our foreign policy.近30年来我国一直是经济合作与发展组织的成员。
Our economic and political future is linked closely with those of its Asian and other Pacific neighbors. Our trade, investment and technology transfer, in the form of joint ventures with such countries, continue to grow. Through regular, reciprocal, high-level exchanges of visits, our close contact with their governmentscontinues, particularly with the government of the People's Republic of China. We take the view that peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region depend on the ability of the region's countries to cooperate to maintain economic growth and political stability. We are keen to ensure the stability and security of this region and to develop mutually profitable trade, investment, technological exchanges and cooperation.我国政治和经济前途与亚洲以及其他太平洋邻国的政治和经济前途休戚相关。

饮食文化TEXTPASSAGE ONE汉译英:1.中国悠久的历史、广褒的国土、与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。
China’s long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.2.无容置疑,中餐烹饪已经名列世界顶尖菜系之林。
Indisputably it is one of the world’s finest culinary traditions.3.中餐烹调所用的天然配料,品种繁多,几无穷尽;烹调方法,亦层出不穷,不可悉数。
The nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled in the world, which may very well account for the universal popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese cooking oversea.4.评判中餐烹调的优劣可依据中餐的三大要素,即“色、香、味”。
The three essential factors, or key elements, by which Chinese cooking is judged are known as “color, aroma and taste”.5.“色”作为“色、香、味”三要素中的首要标准,充分体现在宴会菜肴的装盘、摆放和图案上。
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Lanting, as you may know, means the blue hall in Chinese. This Forum is called Lanting Forum because people naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress. It shows that we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development.
There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troubles and could hardly offer any reason for optimism. Now the first decade of the 21st century is coming to an end. When we look back on the journey that the region has travelled, I believe
we can come to the following conclusions: Despite the various problems and challenges due to reasons both of the past and present, peace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. What has happened shows that the Asia Pacific is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region.