第8章英语语言的应用(I)I. Fill in the blanks.1. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _____ of, or the _____the utterance. (人大2004研)【答案】consequence, change brought about by【解析】言外行为指说话的效果。
2. When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult”, the sentence would have an _____force. (清华2001研,清华2000研)【答案】illocutionary【解析】言外行为,表达说话人的意图。
3. _____ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable.【答案】Performatives【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。
II. Multiple Choices.1. The speech act theory was developed by _____.(对外经贸2006研)A. John SearleB. John AustinC. LevinsonD. G. Leech【答案】B【解析】言语行为理论是哲学家约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出的。
2. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest. (Focus on the type of illocutionary act) (南京大学2007研)A. threatenB. adviseC. beseechD. urge【答案】A【解析】A为命令性言语行为,而其他三项为指示性言语行为。
陈新仁《英语语言学实用教程》(章节题库 第2章 英语语音)【圣才出品】
第2章英语语音Ⅰ.Fill in the following blanks:1.The sound/p/can be described with“_____,bilabial,stop”.(北二外2007研)【答案】voiceless【解析】/p/是双唇音,爆破音,清音。
2.The sound/b/can be described with“_____,bilabial,stop”.(北二外2004研)【答案】voiced【解析】/b/是双唇音,爆破音,浊音。
3.Consonant articulations are relatively easy to feel.And as a result are most conveniently described in terms of_____and manner of articulation.(北二外2004研)【答案】place【解析】辅音根据发音方式和发音部位进行分类。
4._____are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert,impede,or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.(中山大学2006研)【答案】Consonants【解析】发音时,声道的某些部位受到压缩或阻碍后,使得气流在口腔里转向、受阻或完全被阻塞而产生的音叫做辅音。
5.The present system of the_____derives mainly from one developed in the1920s by the British phonetician,Daniel Jones(1881—1967),and his colleagues at University of London.(中山大学2008研)【答案】cardinal vowels【解析】基本元音是指一系列约定俗成、固定不变的元音特质,目的是为语言中实际存在的元音描述提供一个参照框架。
陈新仁《英语语言学实用教程》【章节题库】9-14章【圣才出品】第9章英语语言的应用(Ⅱ)Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.H.P.Grice believes that there is a set of assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation.This is what he calls the Cooperative Principle.According to the maximum of_____,do not say what you believe to be false or for which you lack evidence.In other words,speak truthfully;do not lie.【答案】quality【解析】合作原则中质量准则内容:不要说自知是不真实的话;不要说缺乏足够证据的话。
2.In the light of the_____principle,four maxims are specified.They are the maxim of quantity,maxim of_____,maxim of_____and the maxim of_____.(人民大学2005年、吉林大学2004年研)【答案】cooperative;quality;relation;manner【解析】考查合作原则及四条次则:数量准则、质量准则、关联准则、方式准则。
3.Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of _____.X:Who was that you were with last night?Y:Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?【答案】relation【解析】很显然Y的回答与X的问题“你昨晚跟谁在一起?”无关。
陈新仁《英语语言学实用教程》(章节题库第6章英语语言意义(Ⅰ))【圣才出品】第6章英语语言意义(Ⅰ)Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.According to G.Leech,_____meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer.(北二外2007研)【答案】affective【解析】利奇认为感情意义是指所传达的关于说话人/作者感情、态度方面的意义。
3.According to G Leech,_____meaning refers to logic,cognitive,or denotative content.(北二外2005研)【答案】conceptual【解析】利奇认为概念意义是指逻辑的、认知的、外延的内容。
4.The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to,or stands for,is known as the_____theory.(中山大学2008研)【答案】referential【解析】把词语意义跟它所指称或所代表的事物联系起来的理论,叫做指称理论。
5._____is the technical name for the sameness relation.(北二外2007研)【答案】Synonymy【解析】同义关系是相同关系的专业术语,完全的同义关系是很少的。
6.Terms like“apple”,“banana”and“pear”are_____of the term“fruit”.(北二外2007研)【答案】hyponyms【解析】上下义关系是指意义内包关系或者说一种类和成员间的关系。
第一部分考研真题精选一、填空题1.Chomsky proposes that the course of language acquisition is determined by a(n)____language faculty.【中山大学2018研】【答案】innate【解析】乔姆斯基认为语言习得的过程是由人的内在语言机制决定的。
2.____refers to the role language plays in communication(e.g. to express ideas,attitudes)or in particular social situations (e.g.religious,legal).【北二外2016研】【答案】Function【解析】本题考查语言学中对“语言的功能”的定义。
3.Human language is arbitrary.This refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the____it is associated with.【人大2007研】【答案】meaning【解析】索绪尔认为符号的形式或声音与其意义之间没有逻辑联系,所以两者之间的关系是任意的。
4.Some sentences do not describe things.They cannot be said to be true or false.The utterance of these sentences is or is a part of the doing of an action.They are called____.【大连外国语学院2008研】【答案】performative【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。
陈新仁《英语语⾔学实⽤教程》(章节题库第12章英语习得)【圣才出品】第12章英语习得Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as_____.(中⼭⼤学2008研)【答案】interlanguage【解析】中介语是在外语或第⼆语⾔学习中形成的。
2.An influential claim regarding the input issue is the hypothesis that there must be sufficient,comprehensible input available to L2learners,as captured by the_____ formula.【答案】“i+1”【解析】关于输⼊问题,⼀个有影响⼒的说法是假设对于第⼆语⾔学习者必须有可获得的⾜够的以及能够被理解的输⼊,⽤公式可表⽰为“i+1”。
3.Error is the grammatically incorrect form;_____appears when the language is correct grammatically but improper in a communicational context.(中⼭⼤学2008研)【答案】mistake【解析】mistake是指在语法上正确但在交流语境中不恰当。
4._____are“the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend,learn,or retain new information”.【答案】Learning strategies【解析】学习策略是指特殊的想法或⾏为,这种想法或⾏为能够帮助学习者理解,学习或者获得新的信息。
陈新仁《英语语⾔学实⽤教程》(考研真题精选选择题)【圣才出品】⼆、选择题1.The maxim of_____requires that a participant’s contribution be relevant to the conversation.(对外经贸⼤学2015研)A.quantityB.qualityC.mannerD.relation【答案】D【解析】在语⾔学中,The Cooperative Principles(合作原则)包括:Quantity Maxim(数量准则);Quality Maxim(质量准则);Relation Maxim(关系准则);MannerMaxim(⽅式准则)。
其中关系准则要求说话要贴切,要有关联(be relevant),不答⾮所问。
2.Derivational morpheme contrasts sharply with inflectional morpheme in that the former changes the_____while the latter does not.(北⼆外2017研)A.meaningB.word classC.formD.speech sound【答案】B【解析】morpheme语素,分为⾃由语素和粘着语素,其中粘着语素包括词根和词缀两种类型,词缀分为派⽣词缀(derivational affixes)和屈折词缀(inflectional affixes)。
3.“Wife”,which used to refer to any woman,stands for“a married woman”in modern English.This phenomenon is knownas_____.(西安交⼤2008研)A.semantic shiftB.semantic broadeningC.semantic elevationD.semantic narrowing【答案】D【解析】词义缩⼩是指原来的词义缩⼩或被限制到某个明确的意义上。
第5章英语语言结构(Ⅱ)5.1 复习笔记【本章要点】1. English paragraphs 英语段落2. English texts 英语语篇3. Cohesion in English texts 英语语篇的衔接4. Thematic progression in English texts 英语语篇主位推进【本章考点】英语段落,语篇的衔接等。
【本章内容索引】Ⅰ. English paragraphsⅡ. English textsⅢ.Cohesion in English texts1. Different means to develop cohesion in texts2. Classification of referenceⅣ. Thematic progression in English textsⅠ. English paragraphs(英语段落)A typical English paragraph employs a topic sentence stating the controlling idea of the paragraph.一个典型的英语段落中会用一个主题句来陈述整个段落的主旨大意。
To develop a paragraph, one may employ such means as exemplification, instantiation, comparison or contrast, cause effect reasoning, definition, analogy, and enumeration.为丰富段落,人们可能会用举例,例示,对比,因果推理,定义,类推和列举等。
Ⅱ. English texts(英语语篇)A well-written text is not a simple amalgam of paragraphs. It must be properly organized around a central purpose or coherent topic.一篇好的文章不是简单的段落叠加。
(2) Formulate a morphological rule regarding how to form the plural verb form from the singular verb form in Samoan.
Key: Positive terms can have negative morphemes added to them, as in “happy-unhappy”, but semantically negative ones rarely do, because unis deprecatory as well as negative.
Key: Duplicate the penultimate syllable.
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3. English has a couple of affixes that serve to express the opposition of meaning, of which un- figures prominently. Observe the following sets of English words (words marked with are not allowed in English):
Ask (1) Which other affixes are there in English that function as markers of negation?
第3章英语语言单位Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.1.In traditional grammar,_____is the only word class which can function as a substitute for another item.(中山大学2006研)【答案】pronoun【解析】在传统语法中,代词是唯一一种可用来代替其他语言项目的词性。
2.Back-formation refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an_____affix from a longer form already in the language.(中山大学2006研)【答案】imagined【解析】逆构词法是一种不规则的构词类型,即把一个语言中已经存在的较长单词删去想象中的词缀,由此造出一个较短的单词。
3._____is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers,whether it is expressed in spoken or written form.It is the minimum free form.(中山大学2005研)【答案】Word【解析】词是个语言表达单位,无论是在口语还是在书面语中,说母语的人都能够凭直觉识别这个语言单位。
4.Take is the_____of taking,taken and took.【答案】lexeme【解析】词位是语言词汇的基本单位,taking,taken和took都是take这个词位的词位变体。
5.The_____is the minimal distinctive unit in grammar,a unit which cannot be divided a unit which cannot be dividedwithout destroying or drastically altering the meaning,whether lexical or grammatical.(北二外2008研)【答案】morpheme【解析】语素是最小的语言单位,不能再进一步分成更小的单位而不破坏或彻底改变词汇意义或语法意义。
第9章英语语言的应用(II)课后习题详解Check your understanding.State whether each of the following statements is True or False.(1) Maxim of quantity requires one to provide as much information as possible. 【答案】F(2) In order to be polite, one needs to cooperate in all possible ways.【答案】F(3) Every normal speaker needs to mind his own and others’ face.【答案】T(4) Politeness is a matter of degree.【答案】T(5) Cultures vary as far as politeness issues are concerned.【答案】TIn-Class Activities1. The meaning of “and” in English seems to be rather diversified in different contexts. Compare:a. The film is long and boring.b. Jane found John was handsome and fell in love with him.c. Jane called John and told him the news.Ask(1) How would you interpret “and” in each of the cases?Key: In a, “and” is a pure conjunction that coordinates two parts. In b, “and”signals cause-effect relation. In c, “and” indicates the sequence of events, meaning “and then”.(2) Do you vote for the argument that “and” is polysemous, or the argument that“and” has just one basic meaning and the other “meanings” areimplicatures derived from the context?Now, focus on the use of “or” in English:d. His birthday is in June or July.e. For the new post, a diploma in mathematics or computer science is a must.Key: “and” has one basic meaning. Other interpretations are derived from this basic meaning plus contextual information by way of implicature.(3) It seems that “or” has two conflicting meanings. What are they? Do you thinkone meaning is basic and the other is derivable in context by virtue ofimplicature?Key: They are exclusive “or” and inclusive “or”. The inclusive “or” is more basic. The exclusive “or” is realized by way of implicature.2. Being underinformative or overinformative in daily conversation is not rare. When either happens, some implicature is intended. Look at the followingfragment of talk:Jane: What’s your stepmother like?John: She’s a woman and she married my father.Ask(1) What does John want to say in actuality?Key: The stepmother is no good.(2) Why does John answer that way, you suppose?Now consider the following:Jane: When did you come back last night?John: Two o’clock in the morning. The meeting was just too long.Key: He does not want to say directly that his stepmother is bad.(3) What does John imply in the second part of his reply?Key: He did not mean to be late.(4) Why does John give that additional information?Public signs and ads also employ additional information sometimes. Look at the following pictures:Key: He wants to explain why he was late so that Jane would pardon him, if she minded.(5) What is the extra information in each of the cases?Key: In the first picture, the additional information is that “there is ice falling”.In the second picture, the additional information is “Heart disease is the#1 killer of African Americans”. In the third picture, the additionalinformation is “水是生命的源泉。
第1章导言I. Fill in the following blanks:1. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative, and _____ of language makes learning a language laborious. For learners of a foreign language, it is this feature of language that is more worth noticing than its arbitrariness.(大连外国语学院2008研)【答案】conventionality【解析】语言学习过程中学习者必须识记一些固定搭配或约定俗成的习语谚语等,因此使得语言学习比较费力。
2. In Sau ssure’s view, the relationship between signifier(sound image) and signified (concept) is _____.(北二外2005研)【答案】arbitrary【解析】索绪尔认为符号的形式或声音与其意义之间没有逻辑联系,所以两者之间的关系是任意的。
3. Human language is arbitrary. This refers to the fact that there is no logical or intrinsic connection between a particular sound and the _____it is associated with.(人大2007研)【答案】meaning【解析】索绪尔认为符号的形式或声音与其意义之间没有逻辑联系,所以两者之间的关系是任意的。
4. The features that define our human languages can be called _____ features.(北二外2006研)【答案】design【解析】人类语言区别于其他动物交流系统的特点是语言的区别特征,是人类语言特有的特征。
第二部分章节题库第1章导言Ⅰ. Fill in the following blanks:1. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative, and _____ of language makes learning a language laborious. For learners of a foreign language, it is this feature of language that is more worth noticing than its arbitrariness.(大连外国语学院2008研)【答案】conventionality【解析】语言学习过程中学习者必须识记一些固定搭配或约定俗成的习语谚语等,因此使得语言学习比较费力。
2. In Saussure’s view, the relationship between signifier(sound image) and signified (concept) is _____.(北二外2005研)【答案】arbitrary【解析】索绪尔认为符号的形式或声音与其意义之间没有逻辑联系,所以两者之间的关系是任意的。
3. The term _____ originates from Malinowski’s study of the functions of language performed by Trobriand Islanders. It refers to the social interaction of language.(中山大学2006研)【答案】phatic communion【解析】寒暄功能是指那些有助于确立和维持人际关系的表达,最先由Malinowski提出。
4. The features that define our human languages can be called _____ features.(北二外2006研)【答案】design【解析】人类语言区别于其他动物交流系统的特点是语言的区别特征,是人类语言特有的特征。
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第13章英语语言变体(Ⅰ)13.1 复习笔记【本章要点】1. Regional dialects of English 地域方言2. Social dialects of English 社会方言3. Styles of English 英语语体4. Genres and registers of English 英语语类和语域【本章考点】方言的定义;地域方言;社会方言;英语正式语体和非正式语体;英语语类;语域。
【本章内容索引】Ⅰ. Regional dialects of EnglishⅡ. Social dialects of EnglishⅢ. Styles of EnglishⅣ. Genres and registers of EnglishⅠ. Regional dialects of English(地域方言)Dialect: A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called a dialect.方言:是指在一个特定的区域或一个特定的社会阶层内所使用的能够识别的语言变体。
Like other languages, English may vary in its use in different places and at different historical times. The former results in regional or geographical dialects. It is worth noting that the social value of a regional dialect or variety reveals the social status of its speakers.同其他语言一样,在不同区域范围和历史发展阶段中,英语的使用方法可能不同。
Ⅱ. Social dialects of English(社会方言)English also varies with the social attributes of its speakers, resulting in what is called social dialects (also termed “social-class dialects”, “sociolects”, or “class dialects”). Often, they arise from the separation brought about by different social conditions.社会方言,或社会阶层方言,是指具有某一特定社会阶层特征的语言变体。
Ⅲ. Styles of English(英语语体)English, like Chinese, makes a distinction between two styles: formal style and informal style.和汉语一样,英语也有两种语体:正式语体和非正式语体。
Formal Style: It occurs in social contexts that are formal, serious, often official insome sense, in which one has to mind one’s language and in which the manner of saying or writing something is regarded as socially important.正式语体:通常出现在比较正式,严肃和官方的社会场合及语境当中。
Informal Style: It also has two forms, written and spoken.非正式语体:非正式语体也有两种形式:口头语和书面语。
The spoken type occurs in casual, relaxed social settings in which speech is spontaneous, rapid, and uncensored by the speaker.口头语具有自发性,突然性,出现在较为随意轻松,说话者感觉不受约束的场合。
The written type of informality occurs in the writing of personal letters, short text messages, lecture notes, daily emails, and the like.非正式的书面语出现在私人信件,短信,讲稿以及日常来往邮件中等诸如此类。
Ⅳ. Genres and registers of English(英语语类和语域)English is characterized by its variability in different genres.英语的语类具有可变性。
Genre: A genre is a particular class of speech events which are considered by the speech community as being of the same type.语类:言语团体认为某些言语行为具有相同的风格或形式,语类就是指由这些具有相同风格或形式的言语行为所构成的特殊类型的集合。
Traditionally it is classified according to purpose and other criteria; novels, newspaper articles, and business letters each belong to separate genres, forinstance.传统上根据使用的目的和标准将语类进行分类。
A register has three components: field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse.语域有三个组成部分:语场、语旨和语式。
13.2 课后习题详解Check your understandingState whether each of the following statements is True or False.(1) A language often has some dialects.【答案】T(2) London Cockney is very prestigious in Britain.【答案】F(3) Different social classes often have their own dialects.【答案】T(4) Spoken English is informal in style.【答案】FIn-Class Activities1. Regional dialects used to coincide with geographical barriers, like mountains andrivers. However, as modern communications technology develops, such physical barriers seem to disappear.Ask(1) Do you speak any local dialect(s)? Demonstrate a little bit.Key: Yes, there still exists a unique dialect in my hometown. According to latest research on language, there are ten kinds of dialects in China and each has their special properties. Some dialects can even be divided to more dialects that varya little in pronunciation and intonation.(2) How did dialects come into existence?Key: People speaking the same language are long separated and then variations occur.(3) What do you think about the future of dialects? Should we take measures to protect our dialects?Key: Dialects will be disappeared, if we ban speaking dialects or without transmitting to next generation. Yes, we should take measures to protect our dialects, because it’s our valued culture legacy.2. Temporal dialects are also one dimension of linguistic variation. For example, English has gone through several major stages of development, from Old English, through Middle English, to Modern English. Study the following passage from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act Ⅳ, Scene iii.HAMLET: A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of thefish that hath fed of that worm.KING: What dost thou mean by this?HAMLET: Nothing but to show you how a king may go a progress through the guts era beggar.KING: Where is Polonius?HAMLET: In heaven. Send thither to see. If your messenger find him not there, seek him in the other place yourself. But indeed, if you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby.Ask(1) Can you identify any linguistic difference between Elizabethan and current Modem English? (e.g., in line 3, thou is now you.)Key: The differences are underlined below:HAMLET: A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm.KING: What dost thou mean by this?HAMLET: Nothing but to show you how a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar.KING: Where is Polonius?HAMLET: In heaven. Send thither to see. If your messenger find him not there, seek him in the other place yourself. But indeed, if you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby.(2) Since Shakespeare (1564-1616), do you think the English grammar has changed。