张道真实用英语语法课件Chapter 17

◎内容简介《张道真英语语法系列》(第二版)在第一版《张道真英语语法系列》(商务印书馆2002 年出版)的基础上修订出版。
如:“主语是句子的中心”的表述目前学界并不太接受,在第二版中就不再提这一说法;I am expecting a telegram 中的电报(telegram)当今已不复存在,因此改为I am expecting a letter。
张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件lecture 14-16 独立主格结构

▪ 他躺在草地上,双手交叉枕在头下。 He was lying on the grass,his hands crossed under his head. =He was lying on the grass, and his hands were
crossed under his head. ▪ 如果给我们更多的时间,我们就能完成这项工作。 Given more time, we can finish the work. =If we are given more time, we can... More time given to us, we can finish the work. =If more time is given to us, we can finish the work.
=Because the boy led the way, we had no ...
▪ 如果我的健康状况允许的话,我会工作到深夜。 My health permitting, I will work far into the night. =If my health permits, I will work far into the night.
▪ The old man, with thick glasses on his nose, is a pianist.
▪ 独立主格结构是一种特殊的结构,可以理解为一 个在句中做状语的短语,用于修饰整个句子,常 用于书面语。
▪ 其位置灵活,可位于句前、句中或句末,常由逗 号将其与句子的主干部分分开。
▪ Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.
▪ The teacher entered the classroom, book in hand.


0.2 Words
is composed of one or more than one morpheme.
can be classified in two ways: in terms of word-formation
grammatical function
1. In terms of Wordformation
About the suggestions:
• A note book strongly needed • Pre-reading being extremely essential • Homework being finished in time • Come up with your own problems
2. In terms of grammatical function
Closed-class words Open-class words
Closed-class words
Definition: Closed-class words refer to those sets of words whose items are closed or limited in number and are only exceptionally extended by the creation of additional members.
Diagram of the five ranks:
Each rank is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower rank:
Sentence Clause Phrase Word Morpheme

01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
英语 纲
例 名词
词 动词 句子
本书是张道真先生多年对于语法研究的成果总结,该书与其姊妹篇《张道真英语用法》紧密结合中国人学习 英语经常遇到的问题进行讲解,有的放矢,书中例句浅显、地道、实用,充分体现现代英语的特点,适合各种英 语水平的学习者学习和参考使用。提出将语法和词汇揉为一体、语法学习以动词为纲的新理念。不仅讲述了常用 词的用法、前后缀的处理、近似词的比较以及表达法的区别等用法知识,而且还提供了大量例句来说明其语法特 点。同时对动词句型做了重点讲解,不仅讲述了各种句型结构,而且每种结构都列举了大量例句来说明其特点, 甚至列举了用于这类结构的所有常用词。全书以语法为纲,把词汇知识条理化,两本书互为补充、彼此参见并以 系统的语法知识为纲,把零散的词汇环环连接,融为一体。
一、简单句句型的 转换
三、简单句和复合 句的互换
一、英语的构词法 二、转化
三、派生 四、合成
二、用在句末的标 点符号
三、用在句子中间 的标点符号
三、并列连词 四、感叹词
人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 20

3.2 用法 (1)be + 形容词+介词短语: 在“be+形容词”后常可跟介词短语作状语,多以人为主语,也可以事物 为主语:I'm sorry for forgetting the tickets. (2)某些动词后常跟的介词短语: 某些动词后常跟一定的介词引起状语: The police accused him of murder. (3)与介词同形的副词作状语: 与介词同形的副词几乎都可以用作状语: Stars glittered above.
first of all for better or for worse
every now and then
6.1 时间状语从句(adverbial clauses of time) (1)引导词: 常用可以连接时间状语从句的词或短语结构: 连词: after、before、when、while、as、as soon as、since、till、until、 whenever 等; 短语: by the time (that)、every time (that)、the moment、the minute、the second、the instant 等; 副词:immediately、directly 等; 特殊结构:no sooner...than、hardly...when、scarcely...when 等。 It was a long time before I got to sleep again.
4.2 现在分词(短语)作状语
(3)分词有时和谓语动词关系密切,常没有逗号把它们分开: She went swimming every day. (4)有些现在分词和连词一起作状语(也可说是一种缩短了的从句): I have tried to keep your advice in mind when (I was) writing the book. (5)现在分词还可用作句子状语: Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.

Emily loves music and plays the piano beautifully.艾米丽热爱音乐,因此钢琴弹得很好。
Gaby made an appointment to see her that evening.加比约好那天晚上和她见面。
ISBN 978-7-5440-6436-1
学习探ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ英语语法请加微平台bbzdzyyyf
语法学习交流微 is our mother tongue.汉语是我们的母语。(Chinese是句子的主语)
We love our motherland.我们热爱祖国。(love是谓语)
Everybody is working hard.人人都努力工作。(is working是谓语)
Can you take my blood pressure?你能量一下我的血压吗?
Who discovered this new element?谁发现了这个新元素?
Make haste, or we'll miss the bus.赶快,否则我们就赶不上汽车了。
The father addressed himself to the main difficulty.那位父亲着手解决主要困难。

You must keep it in mind that you are a student and should follow the rules of the school.
3.谓语Predicate 谓语是句子必要的成分之一,用来说明主语“做什么”、 “是什么”或“怎么样”。
练习:请划出以下句子中的补语。 I found the homework difficult. I ask students to learn dancing. She heard Jean singing They found the man honest. The teacher wants us all to become good pupils.
It is agreed that...
It can not be denied that...
It may be said without fear of exaggeration that... 毫不夸张的说....
(2)形式主语与真正主语(Formal Subject and Real Subject)
主语是不定式短语、动名词短语或分句时,常会放在____句__尾____,用it代替它原 来的位置,这个it称为__形__式___主__语___,放在句尾的原主语为真实主语。如:
It is very hard to get to sleep.(___不__定__式___是真实主语,____i_t_____是形式主语)
人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 21

1.5 其他的的倒装句
(1)某些表示祝愿的句子: Long live the solidarity of the people of the world! (2)含直接引语的插入语: ①在直接引语后的插入语中,主语可以放到谓语后面,特别是当它比较 长时: "Try again." said Ann's friends encouragingly. ②如果主语不长,直接引语放在谓语前后都可以: "I've just heard the news," said Tom. "I've just heard the news," Tom said. ③如果谓语后面有宾语,主语也不能放到后面: "That man is a famous film star, " Bill told me in a whisper.
1.5 其他的的倒装句
(3)出于修辞考虑的表语提前: ①为了给表语以更突出的位置: Very grateful we are for your help. ②为了使这个句子和前面句子联系更紧密: He was born poor and poor he remained all his life. (4)原形动词提前: 助动词或情态动词后的原形动词,有时也可能提到句子前部: We'll win through and win through we shall.
3.2 定语放在所修饰词后面的情况
放在所修饰词后面的主要有下面几种定语: (1)定语从句: People whose rents have been raised can appeal. (2)介词短语: It was a bolt from the blue. (3)分词短语及不定式短语: Here are the seats reserved for you.

张道真高中英语语法之表语担纲指导张道真执行主编席玉虎山西出版传媒集团山西教育出版社2013年6月第2版2014年2第6次印刷出版人雷俊林出版策划苗补坤责任编辑孙晓芳LSBN 978-7-5440-6435-4学习探讨请加微平台bbzdzyyyf语法学习交流微平台纸介图书京东旗舰店纸介图书天猫旗舰店百度阅读手持媒体免费读全国优秀畅销书,薄冰、张道真系列语法图书销售突破220万册! 丨学英语,凭什么让我学语法吗???不时听到一些青年问道:学英语一定要学语法吗?语法应该怎么学呢?我们就这两个问题简单地谈一点个人意见。
学习语法,尤其是一些基本法则,至少有下列几个好处:第一 可以使你学得快些,因为已有现成的前人总结的法则,用不着你从头摸索。
第二 可以使你学得透些,因为通过语法对语言现象不仅可以知其然,而且可以知其所以然。
第三 可以使你学得准些,因为语法法则就是一条条准绳,可以用以衡量一句话是否正确。
第四 语法不但可以引你入门,更可以引你入胜,使你逐渐眼界开阔,语感加深,从而使你的英语水平不断提高。
丨那么应该如何学习语法呢?我认为在学习语法过程中,应该注意下面几点:第一 基本概念最重要。
第二 要大量地实践,大量地练习。
第三 学习语法时,应多用比较法。
第四 要将语法法则与习惯用法分开。
第五 将一本语法书通读一遍,当然也不无好处。
第六 实用英语语法只应是入门的向导,像一根拐棍一样。

e.g. diabetes, rickets, physics, etc. ③ Some nouns are in plural form to indicate a certain meaning
1) Vowel + o / oo + -s e.g. videos, radios, studios, etc.
2) Some loan words e.g. pianos, concertos, solos, etc.
3) Some abbreviations and proper nouns e.g. kilos, photos, micros, etc.
e.g. He has two aunts. ② Collective Nouns
e.g. aristocracy, army, audience, cast, etc.
A. Classification
b. Common Nouns ③ Material Nouns
The things that cannot be divided into smaller parts are called material nouns.
We’ll go and look at the fishes in the aquarium.
C. The plural Form of Nouns
e. Plural nouns ① Some nouns are usually used in plural forms
《实用英语》第二册17课The Taj Mahal

3.which was no more than an inch across:短语no more than意为“只有, 仅有”,暗含“少”的意思,而短语not more than为客观陈述,意为“不超 过”,试比较:He is no more than five years old.(他只有5岁)。暗示嫌 他年龄小。He is not more than five years old.(他不会超过5岁)。这是客 观陈述。
Reading II The Mosques of Istanbul
Pre-reading Questions
• Why do visitors remember the day
when they first saw the skyline of Istanbul?
• How does the Blue Mosque get its
the Taj Mahal was completed? Why or why not?
• Where did the Emperor spend his last
• Where was he buried?
Language Points
1.create mosaic designs of great intricacy: 此句可意释为make an extremely intricate and complex picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface. mosaic design意为“镶嵌图案,拼花图 案”。
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Subordinating conjunctions
B. Adverbial clauses of condition a. if, unless, supposing (suppose), provided, providing, etc. e.g. I must leave if that’s the case. Unless I’m mistaken, I’ve seen that man before. Suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?
Subordinating conjunctions
i. Other conjunctions e.g. Next time you come in, please close the door. Now (that) you’re well again you can travel. Immediately she entered, his eyes lit up. Scarcely had I come in when the phone rang.
Subordinating conjunctions
c. that e.g. She did it that he might go free. I tell you this that you may not shrink from the responsibility. d. lest e.g. He hurried on, lest she should meet him again. He hid the money lest it should be stolen.
Subordinating conjunctions
b. seeing (that), considering (that), now that, etc. e.g. Seeing that he’s been ill all weak, he’s unlikely to come. We could have a joint party, seeing your birthday is the same day as mine. Now that you have the chance you had better avail yourself of it. Now you’re here, you may make yourself useful.
Subordinating conjunctions
E. Adverbial clauses of cause a. because, since, as e.g. Because it was wet he took a taxi. He was worried because he hadn’t had any letter from her. As David had a passion for walking, we started off on foot. As you’re sorry, I’ll forgive you. Since you can’t answer my questions, I’ll have to ask someone else. He was not prepared for the question, since he had not made up his mind.
Subordinating conjunctions
e. after e.g. After he had said a few words, I took his floor. Soon after we returned, the child vomited. f. until, till e.g. Go away until I have finished speaking to your father. I propose waiting till the police get here. g. since e.g. How long is it since you came to London? Since Marie had left, Martha had married. h. whenever e.g. You can borrow my car whenever you want. I go and visit him whenever I’m in town.
Subordinating conjunctions
F. Adverbial clauses of concession a. although, though, even though, even if, while e.g. Although (Though) everyone played well, we lost the game. Though times were changed, Bossily was still Bossily. She still loved him even though he had treated her so badly. I’m going to expose him even if he’s brother of mine. While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.
Subordinating conjunctions
C. Adverbial clauses of purpose a. in order that e.g. He left early in order that his children would not be alone in the house. I lent him £ 50 in order (so) that he might go for a holiday. b. so that e.g. Please interpret this Chinese woman’s remarks so that I can understand them. He looked down so that she should not see his eyes.
Subordinating conjunctions
b. Other forms e.g. Intelligent as she was, she had not much in sight. However cold it is, he always goes swimming. Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same. Granted that he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn’t mean he’s going to do so.
Subordinating conjunctions
D. Adverbial clauses of result a. so…that, such…that e.g. He was so young that you must excuse him. So absorbed was he that she didn’t dare to make a sound. He shut the window with such force that the glass broke. They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house.
Subordinating conjunctions
A. Introducing adverbial clauses of time (P448-449) a. When e.g. Don’t get excited when you talk. We wear plimsolls when doing physical exercises. b. While e.g. While she ate she grew more restless. While doing so, we decided to sell the boat. c. as e.g. As she was leaving, Mr White saw her. He smiled as he passed. d. before e.g. It will be five years before we meet again. Just before I left London I sent him a telegraph.
e.g. We may be leaving today or tomorrow. He phoned me that he wanted to see me. I am hopeful that he will come. The manager was sick so I went in his place.
Subordinating conjunctions
b. so that, so e.g. One of her lungs is affected so that she has to rest. It fell under my desk, so that I couldn’t see it. She felt very tired so she went to bed early. His heart beat so that he could hardly breathe.
I’ll dry the dished, providing that you do the washing-up.
Subordinating conjunctions
b. Other forms e.g. I don’t mind your knowing anything as long as it goes no further. They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed. Should you require anything, just let me know.