15. EconomistsreckonJapanese bilateral trade surplus with America is also growing rapidly.
A. recognizeB. calculate
C. predictD. suggest
C. agreeD. defeat
11. Many governments have promised to takemeasuresto help the unemployed.
A. actionB. size
C. degreeD. care
12.Discriminationagainst goods from foreign countries is prohibited by WTO.
A. dissuadingB. persisting
C. encouragingD. discouraging
3. Tractors and other agricultural machines greatlyfacilitatefarming. ( )
A. communicateB. subsidize
Passage 1
The US dollar value of Chinese exports increased at an average rate of almost 18 per centper annumbetween 1978 and 1983, while imports increased byapproximately11 per cent per annum. As a result, the visible trade surplus rose sharply from US $1.4 billion in 1981 to US $4.4 billion in 1982 and US$3.7 billion in 1983. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the strong emphasis placed on exporting by China’s economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernising the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain on the national economy. Grain imports have fallen sharply over the past few years—China becamea net grain exporterin 1984—and in 1983 the country started to export soyabeans and cotton.
旺旺英语Lesson 13Hong Kong is Tops at Cracking U.S. Shell Eggs香港是美国蛋类的大市场By Michael L. HumphreyWhile most people think of Hong Kong as a small market, it is, in fact, the largest export market for U.S. shell eggs. In 1985, the United States exported over 7 million dozen shell eggs valued as $ 4 million for food use in Hong Kong. That market alone accounted for half of the volume and 40 per cent of the value of total U.S. exports of shell eggs for food use.大多数人认为香港是一个小市场,可它实际上是美国蛋类的最大的出口市场。
Hong Kong consumers enjoy a variety of shell eggs, including fresh hen and duck eggs, dyed eggs for special occasions, eggs cooked in salt or tea leaves, pigeon eggs and preserved duck eggs. Fresh hen eggs, however, are the most popular item.香港的消费者喜欢各种蛋类,包括鲜鸡蛋,鲜鸭蛋,特殊场合下使用的彩蛋,咸鸡蛋和茶叶蛋,鸽子蛋和腌鸭蛋。
旺旺英语Lesson 15Weekly Commodities (telex) 每周商品行情Commodities 1商品行情(-)econews by Kate Kavanagh Oil prices seesaw to three-month low in “big bang week London”, Oct. 31 (afp)—the attention of commodities dealers was last week captured initially by events on the stock exchange, where Monday’s big bang was muffled by computer failures, but turned later to the troubled oil market.(法新社)10月31日电:在“伦敦大爆炸改革周”中,石油价格起伏不定,跌至三个月来的最低点。
The unexpected departure of sheik ahmed zaki yamani from his post as Saudi Arabian oil minister aggravated existing uncertainty concerning the future direction of oil prices in view of severe world oversupply.在国际市场严重供大于求的情况下,沙特阿拉伯石油部长亚马尼的突然离职使本来就起伏不定的油价变得更加难以预料。
Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investment support as the dollar regained ground.动荡的原油价格反过来又加速了白金和黄金的降价,而且由于美元重收失地,投资者纷纷撤回投资,黄金还降到了九月初以来的最低点。
国际贸易 Sec12
图12.3 上报WTO/GATT的区域自由贸易协定数目, 1949 -1998
数据来源:WTO (世界贸易组织)
指举足轻重的特定大国,不考虑大多数国家和 民众的愿望,单独或带头退出或挑战已制订或 商议好了的维护国际性、地区性、集体性和平、 发展、进步的规则和制度,并对全局或局部的 和平、发展、进步有破坏性的影响和后果的行 为与倾向。 单边主义的本质是无视甚至破坏现有的集体性 的规则和制度。
自由贸易区增加了区域内的竞争,并且降低了 价格从而导致福利的增加
自由贸易区增加了区域内的竞争,从而降低了 生产的成本 自由贸易区增加了市场的规模,使得规模经济 成为可能 自由贸易区将增加对区域内的投资
区域经济一体化是当前世界经济发展的重要潮流。各国 签订各种区域贸易协定本质上是基于区域经济一体化中 贸易创造与贸易转移效果带来的经济持续发展效果。区 域经济一体化的一个重要特征,是在区域成员国之间, 相互取消商品贸易的障碍,而降低关税和减少非关税壁 垒,导致产生贸易创造效应。 事实上,区域经济合作不但不能阻止贸易保护主义,相 反,有形与无形的保护主义在衍生着,种种保障措施、 反倾销措施、反补贴措施、绿色贸易壁垒、技术贸易壁 垒不断增加,随着自由贸易区的增加和扩大,产品由向 一国出口转而向另一国出口的现象十分常见,成为国际 贸易中的一种常态,影响到一国的出口和整个国际经济 秩序和国际贸易自由化的目标。
1、对商品市场的影响。 “贸易创造”部分来自专业化分工和比较优势的 发挥,另一部分来自市场扩大带来的“规模经 济”。 “贸易转移”是一些非成员国产品仍有关税和非 关税壁垒而失去竞争能力,不得不退出欧盟市场。 2、劳动力和资本市场所受影响。 劳动力和资本作为特殊商品也有“贸易创造”和 “贸易转移”:欧盟内的资本和劳动力会通过自 由流动而获得更有效合理的利用;另外,非成员 国的劳动力和资本可能会在某种程度上失去竞争 优势而被排挤出欧走共同体市场。
Bargain basement 廉价部
Trade fairs 贸易展览会
Trade volume 贸易量
Service industry 服务业
Capital stock 实际资本
Captical equipment 资本设备
High-tech economy 高技术经济
spot market现货市场
Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行
means of production 生产资料
punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税
trade reprisal 贸易报复
brain trust 智囊团 / 顾问班子
trade fairs and exhibitions贸易展销会
preferential tax rate 优惠关税
vested interests既得利益
export quota出口配额
government procurement政府采购
European integration 欧洲一体化
import quota system 出口配额制
fiscal packages一揽子财政计划
visible trade 有型贸易
convertible currency 自由兑换货币
futures 期货
market share 市场份额,市场占有率
raw material 原材料
intellectual property知识产权
Top priority第一优先
《外刊经贸知识选读》复习资料第一章、术语制成品manufactured goods资本货物capital goods国际收支balance of payments经常项目current account有形贸易项目visible trade account无形贸易项目invisible trade account贸易顺差trade surplus贸易逆差trade deficit易货贸易barter补偿贸易comp ensation trade反向贸易counter-trade组装生产assembly manufacturing工商统一税industrial and commercial consolidated tax合资企业joint venture延期付款deferred p ayment买方信贷buyer credit卖方信贷supp lier credit软贷款(低息贷款)soft loan最惠国待遇MFN treatment ( Most Favored nation treatment )永久性正常贸易关系PNTR( Permanent Normal Trading Relations )国民收入 NI ( National Income )国民生产总值 GNP (Gross National Product )国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product ) 国际复兴和开发银行IBRD (International Bank forReconstruction and Devel opm ent ) 国际开发协会 IDA (International Development Association国际金融公司 IFC (International Finance Comporation 经济合作和发展组织 OECD (Organization for EconomicCoop eration and Devel opm ent )国际清算银行 BIS (Bank for International Settlement 欧洲经济共同体 EEC ( European Economic Community 欧洲联盟 EU ( European Union )外商直接投资 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment ) 、词语释义::dramatically ,significantly ,considerablywithdraw : cancellation theme : p rinc iplein return for : in exchange for disr upt : interru pt destined : designed pronounced : markedsubstantially subsequentlyafterwardsexacerbate : deteriorate worsen ; aggravate ; make worsein the wake of : following after withundue : too much ; unbearable reverse :change to the opposite buoyant : brisk outcome : result boost : stimulate ; pro mote ; devel op recover : rebound facilitate : make easy run-down : reductioninsofar as : to the extent bottlenecks : obstacles三、句子翻译1. During the 1950s China exp orted agricultural p roducts to the USSR and East Europ ean countries in return for manufactured goods and the cap ital equipm ent required for the country industrialization p rogramme which pl aced emp hasis on the devel opm ent of heavy industry.重工业的发展。
浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096Ⅰ.常用词语的英译汉(每个词组1分,共10分)Put the following phrases into Chinese.1.trade fairs and exhibitions2.intellectual property right3.trade procedure4.export quota5.(government)procurement6.European integration7.Export Commodity Fair8.countervailing duty9.fledgling industries10.deinflationary policiesⅡ.常用词语的汉译英(每个词组1分,共10分)Put the following phrases into English.1.外商独资2.自然资源3.国内生产总值4.供需5.市场导向6.商业周期7.质量证书8.贸易逆差9.市场力量10.经常项目Ⅲ.正误判断题(每题2分,共10分)Read the following passage and decide whether the satements are ture or false.What Is MarketThe world market is used in a number of ways.There is a stock market and an automobile market,a retail market for furniture and a wholesale market for furniture.One person may be going to the market;another may plan to market a product.What,then is market?A market may be defined as a place where buyers and sellers meet,goods or services are offered for sale,and transfers of ownership occur.A market may also be defined as the demand made by a certain group of potential buyers for a good or service.For instance,there is a farm marker for petroleum(石油)products.The terms market and demand are often used interchangeably;they may also be used jointly as market demand.These definitions are not sufficiently precise to be useful to us here.For business purposes we define a market as people or organizations with wants(needs) to satisfy,money to spend, and the willingness to spend it.Thus in the market demand for any given product or service,there are three factors to consider—people or organizations with wants(needs),their purchasing power,and theirbuying behavior.We shall employ the dictionary definition of needs:the lack of anything that is required,desired,or useful.We do not limit needs to the narrow physiological(生理的)requirements of food,clothing and shelter essential for survival.In our discussion the words needs and wants are used synonymously and interchangeably.In strict interpretation,however,needs would refer to such basic physiological requirements as food,clothing,and shelter,while wants would be nonbasic preferences.However,in our affluent society,little is to be gained by trying to differentiate between the two.Many of us would see as needs some items that are far beyond food,clothing,and sheltter. 1.According to the passage,the word“market”can be used in different occasions and thereforeacquire different meanings.( )2.The sentence“…there is a farm market for petroleum products.”indicates that “market”and“demand”are sometimes synonyms.( )3.In the commercial field,the concept of market involves only people with wants.( )4.The words “needs”and “wants”can be used synonymously and interchangeably because theyboth suggest the lack of something.( )5.The passage is mainly about why people are confused with needs and wants.( )Ⅳ.单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part or what is required in the following statements.1.In April,the EC imposed a ban on livestock,meat,and dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease in Croatia.( )A.levied a high tariffB.adopted quota systemC.limited the import volumeD.shut out imports2.Hire a commission buying agent who finds sources abroad on behalf of the principal.( )A.head of an educational institutionB.person who commits a crimeC.main actor or performerD.one who employs another to act as his agent3.An in-ouse service gives managers direct contact with foreign suppliers, an advantage to a firm that has a large volume of overseas purchasing.( )A.a business carried on in shelter,not in openB.a deal concluded in one's own countryC.an entertainments given to suppliersD.a negotiation with the supplier in one's own company4.But it often allows the purchaser a say in product specifications.( )A.revision to his requirementsB.room for bargainingC.right to decideD.presentation of complaint5.It is also the only way to ensure product exclusivity.( )A.right of only sale of a product,not shared by othersB.a competitive edge in sale of a productC.an advantage over other firms in sale of a productD.a small number of a product only6.Direct buying enables companies to do a better job of product development with key vendors.( )A.producersB.sellersC.consumersD.buyers7.Officials on both sides were optimistic that a deal on farming,which would unlock the rest of the round,was within reach.( )A.solveB.openC.tightenD.close8.Sony had to shrink 2,000 components into a space one quarter the size they occupy in a conventional camcorder.( )A.condenseB.add up toC.leave offD.make lighter9.With a target to aim at,the coverers know that the innovation is at least technically feasible.( )A.strongB.stableC.advancedD.possible10.Tourists enterprises and any other service industry outside the zone are not entitled to any special status.( )A.have no power toB.are not interested inC.have no right toD.are not obliged toⅤ.英译汉(每题4分,共40分)Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.We will also implement the “going out”strategy,encouraging viable enterprises to invest abroad.This will enable us to take advantage of both the domestic and international markets.2.After China joins the WTO,consumers on the mainland will start to find more choices in their shops,including many new items from overseas.3.International marketing is important because the world has become globalized.International marketing takes place all around us every day, and has a major effect on our lives.4.Technology transfer is the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a product,for the application of a process,or for the rendering of a service.The elements of the transfer are “human ware”,“soft ware”and “hard w\are”.5.Foreign direct investment tends to transfer assets from the developed world to the developing world.But the pattern is not entirely simple.6.We are not safely beyond a backlash against the new world of competition.7.Hong Kong and Korea didn't invent new or more efficient manufacturing techniques.They simply bought market share with low wages.8.Globalisation has aroused worries in many rich countries that free trade with much poorer countries threatens jobs and prosperity.This was plain in last year's debate in the United States over expanding the North American Free Trade Agreement.9.The world economy has sneezed,the mainland's export sector has caught a cold,and Hong Kong is suffering from influenza.There is no quick cure medication.10.The company's new formula was designed partly to keep Coke's sales growing overseas. Compared with Americans,who guzzle more soda than water,the rest of world is still in the sipping stage.Ⅵ.短文提问(每题2分,共10分)Read the following passage and answer the questions in English.Given the stakes involved,it's not surprising that the issue has become politically volatile.The outspoken opposition leaders of the National Assembly routinely criticize the government forgranting special tax breaks to the chaebol,which they argue have impeded the growth of small businesses and stymied entrepreneurship.1.What does “given”mean here?2.What is “the stakes”?3.Why was the government criticized by the outspoken opposition leaders?4.Give one synonym for “businesses”.5.What is the meaning of “involved”here?。
1. 公平竞争原则:公平竞争强调市场参与者应遵守公平的规则
2. 自由进入和退出:公平竞争要求市场参与者享有自由进入和
3. 信息透明:公平竞争需要市场参与者提供真实、准确、完整
4. 公正的规则:公平竞争需要建立公正的市场规则,保护消费
5. 知识产权保护:公平竞争强调保护知识产权,防止侵权行为,鼓励创新和技术进步。
6. 反垄断和反不正当竞争法律制度:公平竞争需要依靠反垄断
7. 诚信经营:公平竞争要求市场参与者诚信经营,遵守契约精神,不得欺骗消费者,保持商业道德和职业操守。
阅读外刊经贸文章有助于提高英语水平,增 强商务英语表达能力。
外刊经贸文章通常会涉及不同国家和地区的文化习 俗、商业礼仪和谈判风格,有助于企业了解并适应 不同文化环境。
通过阅读外刊经贸文章,可以学习如何在跨 文化背景下进行有效沟通,提高企业在国际 合作中的沟通效率。
通过阅读外刊了解经贸领域的理论和实践知 识。
关注经贸领域的实际案例和事件,结合理论 知识进行分析和理解。
如果有机会,可以参与经贸领域的实践项目 或实习,将所学知识应用于实际中。
阅读外刊经贸知识有助于了解不同国家和地区的文化背景、 商业习惯和沟通方式,提高跨文化沟通能力,更好地与国 际合作伙伴进行交流和合作。
通过了解国际市场动态和行业趋势,发现潜在的国际市场机会,为企业拓展国际业务提 供决策依据。
阅读外刊经贸知识有助于结识来自不同国家和地区的业界人士,建立广泛的国际人脉网 络,为开展国际合作提供便利。
通过对外刊经贸文章的阅读,可以了解国际经贸格局、区域经济一 体化和国际贸易体系,有助于企业制定国际化战略。
外刊经贸文章经常介绍国际知名企业的经营理念、管理模式和创新 实践,有助于企业吸收先进经验、提升管理水平。
通过阅读外刊经贸文章,可以培养全球化思维方式和跨文化交流能 力,有助于企业在国际竞争中取得优势。
外刊经贸知识选读(贸易术语翻译)1中国的对外贸易Nationai income 国民收入EEC(European Economic Association) 欧共体欧共体Most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇最惠国待遇Visible trade account 有形贸易收支有形贸易收支Minister without portfolio 不管部长不管部长Balance of payments 国际收支国际收支Invisible account 无形的贸易收支Current account 经常项目Center bank 中央银行Counter-trade 反向贸易Joint venture 合资企业OCCE(organization OCCE(organization for for for economic economic economic co-operation co-operation co-operation and and and development) development) 经济合作发展组织Bank for settlements international 国际清算银行Non-bank trade related credits 买方信贷,卖方信贷等Manufactured goods 工业产品Capital equipment 资本设备Industrialization programme 工业项目Heavy industry 重工业Economic imbalances 经济失衡Trade relating 贸易往来Per annum 每年Normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化Industrial country 工业国家In surplus 顺差Earnings and requirements 收入和需求收入和需求Trade fairs 商品展销会Compensation trade 补偿贸易Raw materials 原材料Direct investment 直接投资The international capital markets 国际资本市场Commercial terms 商业条件Representative offices 办事处2中国的对外直接投资The China international trust investment copprporation (CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司The special economic zone 经济特区The state council 国务院国务院Standard of living 生活水平生活水平Foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备Capital stock 实际资本,股本Cooperative enterprise 合作企业Wholly foreign-owned operation 外商独资企业外商独资企业外商独资企业 Consumer goods 消费品消费品 Capital goods 资本货物资本货物 Customs duties 进口税进口税 Technical transformation 技术改造技术改造Provincial capital 省会省会 inner regions 内地,内陆内地,内陆 readily obtainable 轻易得到轻易得到 economic and technicai development zone(ETDZ) 经济技术开发区经济技术开发区 uniform tax rate 统一税率统一税率统一税率 profit-remittance 利汇款率利汇款率 preferential tax rate 统一税率统一税率统一税率 municipal govermment 市政府市政府 grassroots units 基层单位基层单位 rules and regulations 规章制度规章制度规章制度 comprehensive framework 综合准则综合准则 public ownership of the means of production 生产资料公有制生产资料公有制 national people ’s congress 全国人民到表大会全国人民到表大会 seventh five-year plan 第七个五年计划第七个五年计划第七个五年计划 china international economic consultants inc 中国国际经济顾问有限公司3中国开放的经济Commercial hud 商业活动中心商业活动中心 The world ’ sdominant economy 世界经济强国世界经济强国世界经济强国 Per capita 人均人均 Gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值国民生产总值 American administration 美国政府美国政府 China hands 中国通(华人)中国通(华人)Punitive import tariffs 惩罚进口性关税惩罚进口性关税惩罚进口性关税 Securities and real estate markets 证劵及房地产市场证劵及房地产市场 “G “Greater china reater china ” trade bloc “大中华”集团“大中华”集团“大中华”集团 Gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值国内生产总值国内生产总值 Private businesses 私有企业私有企业 Competitive advantage 竞争优势竞争优势 High wage economy 高工资经济高工资经济高工资经济 General agreement on tariffs and trade(GA TT) 关税及贸易总协定关税及贸易总协定 Consumer eiectronics 电子产品电子产品 Human rights 人权问题人权问题 Preferred status 优惠地位,优先权优惠地位,优先权 State-owned conglomerate 国有跨行业公司国有跨行业公司 Semiconductor chips 半导体集成电路芯片半导体集成电路芯片 Brokerage services 经济业务经济业务 Double digits 两位数两位数 4世界经济Per capita gross domestic product 人均国内生产总值人均国内生产总值Weak performance 不景气不景气High rates of growth 高增长率高增长率 The gulf crisis 海湾危机海湾危机海湾危机 International conditions 国际坏境国际坏境 The group of seven 七国集团七国集团 Continental Europe 欧洲大陆欧洲大陆Disinflationary policies 反通胀政策反通胀政策 Weakness in demand 需求疲软需求疲软 Cyclical deceleration in investment spending 周期性的投资下降周期性的投资下降 Short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元汇率短期美元汇率 Nonoil commodity prices 非石油商品价格非石油商品价格非石油商品价格 Foreign exchange 外汇外汇 Hard currencies 硬货币硬货币 Severely indebted 负债严重负债严重 The Uruguay round of GATT 关贸总协定乌拉圭回合关贸总协定乌拉圭回合 Commodity market 商品市场商品市场 Nominal(dalloar)terms 名义(美元)价名义(美元)价 Constant(dollar)terms 不变(美元)价不变(美元)价 Real terms 实际价实际价 The united nations conference on environmentand development 联合国坏境和发展会议坏境和发展会议Anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通货膨胀政策反通货膨胀政策反通货膨胀政策 GDP(GNP)deflator 消除国内(民)生产总值通货膨胀指数消除国内(民)生产总值通货膨胀指数 The cyclical slowing of investment 周期性投资放缓周期性投资放缓 Tax-cut-induced boom 由减税引发的繁荣由减税引发的繁荣 Interest rates 利率利率 Unemployment rates 失业率失业率 Financial stress 金融压力金融压力 Tightening of credit 紧缩信贷紧缩信贷紧缩信贷 Current account deficit 经常项目赤字经常项目赤字经常项目赤字 Yield curve 收益曲线收益曲线 European monetary system(EMS) 欧洲货币体系欧洲货币体系欧洲货币体系 Accommodative monetary policy 肯通融的货币政策肯通融的货币政策肯通融的货币政策 Nominal short-term interest rates 名义短期汇率名义短期汇率 Real output 以不变价格计算的产品价值以不变价格计算的产品价值 Structural transformation 结构转变,体制改革结构转变,体制改革 Trading partners 贸易伙伴贸易伙伴 The population-weightted growth rate 人均加权增长率人均加权增长率 Debt restructuring 债务调整债务调整 Portfolio investment 证劵投资证劵投资 Per capita income 人均收入人均收入人均收入 Fiscal adjustment 财政调整财政调整 Investment liberalization 投资自由化投资自由化 Trade-oriented region 贸易导向型地区贸易导向型地区 Market-oriented regional integration 市场导向型区自由化市场导向型区自由化市场导向型区自由化 Multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协议多边贸易协议多边贸易协议 Budget deficit 预算赤字预算赤字Emergency stabilization measures 紧急稳定措施紧急稳定措施紧急稳定措施 Tight credit policies 信贷紧缩政策信贷紧缩政策 Exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值汇率贬值 The council mutual economic assistance( C MEA) 经互会经互会 5关于美国的贸易策略与政策 Trade representative 贸易代表贸易代表 Trade policies 贸易政策贸易政策 Trade sanctions 贸易制裁贸易制裁 Trade barrier 贸易壁垒贸易壁垒 Trade surplus 贸易赤字贸易赤字 North American free-trade agreement 北美自由贸易协定北美自由贸易协定 Trade priority 贸易优先权贸易优先权 Government procurement 政府采购政府采购 Free-trade agreement 自由贸易区自由贸易区 Ttrade signals 贸易信号贸易信号6欧盟的发展 European community 欧洲共同体欧洲共同体 The single market 统一大市场统一大市场统一大市场 The European community vast single market 欧共体的统一大市场欧共体的统一大市场 Barrier-free market 无壁垒市场无壁垒市场 European integrationg 欧洲一体化欧洲一体化 The internal market 内部市场内部市场内部市场 Marriage contract 结婚契约结婚契约 Political and economic integration 政治经济一体化政治经济一体化 Free-trade zone 自由贸易区自由贸易区 Free market philosophy 自由市场论自由市场论自由市场论 Economic benefits 经济利益经济利益 Economic activity 经济活动经济活动Annual growth rate 年增长率年增长率年增长率 Plant modennization 工厂现代化工厂现代化 Budget cuts 预算消减预算消减7关于日本的贸易地位Import targets 进口指标进口指标 Guantifiable results 定量结果,量化结果定量结果,量化结果 White paper 白皮书白皮书 Uruguay round of trade talks 乌拉圭回合谈判乌拉圭回合谈判 Average tariff 平均关税平均关税 Manufactured goods 制成品制成品 Bilateral surplus 双边顺差双边顺差 Fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划财政一揽子计划 Trade in goods 易货贸易易货贸易易货贸易 International bodies 国际组织国际组织 Industrial commodities 工业商品工业商品 Business cycle 商业周期商业周期 Economic cycle 经济周期经济周期Managed trade 管理贸易管理贸易Consumer goods 消费品消费品 Market share 市场份额市场份额 Households save 家庭储蓄家庭储蓄 Budget deficit 预算赤字预算赤字 Trade balance 贸易差额贸易差额Public opinion 工众舆论工众舆论 Trade reprisals 贸易报复贸易报复8亚洲国家发展问题Corporate headguaters 公司总部公司总部 Silicion valley 硅谷硅谷 Annual sales 年销售额年销售额 Nation economic machine 国家经济结构国家经济结构 Industrial infrastructure 工业基础设施工业基础设施 Investment capital 投资资本投资资本 Antidurmping suits 反倾销起诉反倾销起诉 Fledging conglomerates 新兴的跨行业工资新兴的跨行业工资 Literacy rate 脱盲率,识字率脱盲率,识字率 Middle class 中产阶级中产阶级 Nouveau riche 暴发户暴发户 Government-backed loans 政府担保贷款政府担保贷款 Human-rights restrictions 人权限制人权限制 Political liberalization 政治自由化政治自由化 Political opposition 政治反对派政治反对派 Driving force 驱动力驱动力 Labor-cost advantage 劳动力成本优势劳动力成本优势 Industrial group 工业集团工业集团 Basic industries 基础工业基础工业 Industrial structure 工业结构工业结构Industrial giants 大工业企业大工业企业 Business setback 商业挫折商业挫折 Tax breaks 税额优惠税额优惠 Direct subsidies 直接补贴直接补贴 Market forces 市场力量市场力量 Financial system 金融体制金融体制 Official interest rates 官方汇率官方汇率 Consumer market 消费市场消费市场 9贸易新星Gulf region 海湾地区海湾地区 Sovereignty dispute 主权争端主权争端 GCC(gulf cooperation council)海湾合作委员会海湾合作委员会 OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting)石油输出国组织石油输出国组织 Carbon tax 双重税收双重税收 Firm order 实盘实盘 Non-oil trade 非石油贸易非石油贸易Manufacturing capacity 生产能力生产能力Government grants 政府津贴政府津贴 Risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产风险加权资产 Import surcharge 进口附加税进口附加税 Certificates of origin 原产地证书原产地证书 The developing areas 开发区开发区Lucrative fees 利率报酬利率报酬 10从关税贸易总协定到世界贸易组织 Economic growth 促进经济发展促进经济发展 Common agricultural policy (CAP)共同农业政策共同农业政策 Liberal market 自由贸易自由贸易 Market force 市场力量市场力量 Monopoly purchasing boards 统购部门统购部门 Export subsidies 生产补贴生产补贴 The administration ’goals 政府目标政府目标 Technical standards 技术水平技术水平 Anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施反倾销措施 Countervailing duty 反倾销税,抵消性关税反倾销税,抵消性关税 Intellectual property right 知识产权知识产权知识产权 Trade in services 服务贸易服务贸易 Farm-trade liberalization 农业贸易自由化农业贸易自由化 Majority vote 多数选票多数选票 Straight forward of vote 直接否定权直接否定权直接否定权 11易货贸易仍在使用 I nternational financial institution 国际金融机构国际金融机构 Currency reserves 货币储备货币储备 Of equivalent value 同等价值同等价值 Mean of trade 贸易方式贸易方式 Client states 附属国附属国 International monetary found(IMF)国际货币基金组织国际货币基金组织 Multilateral trade 多边贸易多边贸易 Convertible currency 可兑换货币可兑换货币 Burden of debt 债务负担债务负担债务负担 Debt service=intrerst payment 利息付款利息付款利息付款 Debtor nation 债务国债务国 Export earning 出口收入出口收入 Multinational corporations 跨国公司跨国公司 Compensation agreements 补偿贸易协定补偿贸易协定 Clearing agreements 清算系统清算系统 Bilateral pacts 双边协议双边协议 Credit-starved 信用危机信用危机Letter of credit 信用证信用证信用证 12市场竞争市场竞争Test market 试销市场试销市场 Baby-boomers 生育高峰期出生的人生育高峰期出生的人 Consumer coupons 消费优惠劵消费优惠劵 Price promotions 价格促销价格促销Exclusive contract 独家经销合同独家经销合同 Competitive in price andguanlity 价格和质量上的竞争力价格和质量上的竞争力价格和质量上的竞争力 All-out sales campaigns 大规模销售战役大规模销售战役 Hard sell 硬销售硬销售 Heavy discounting 大幅度打折大幅度打折 Soft drink 软饮料软饮料 Retail sales 零售零售 Special promotion 特殊销售特殊销售 13市场分析 Export market 出口市场出口市场 Fast food shop 快餐快餐 The method of packing 包装方式包装方式包装方式 Subsidized competition 补贴性竞争补贴性竞争 Grocery store 杂货店杂货店 Wet market 鲜货市场鲜货市场 The retial market 零售市场零售市场零售市场 Promote sales 促销商品促销商品 Export enhancement programe 增加出口计划增加出口计划 Structure of trade 贸易结构贸易结构 Preserved duck eggs 咸鸭蛋 14初级商品市场 Soft commodities 非耐用初级产品非耐用初级产品 Agricultural commodoties 农产品农产品 Surplus produce 剩余产品剩余产品 Financial futures 以期货形式交易的有价证劵以期货形式交易的有价证劵 The money market 货币市场货币市场货币市场 The equity market 一般的股票市场一般的股票市场一般的股票市场 Basic raw materials 基本原材料基本原材料 Conference on trade and development 联合国贸易和发展协会联合国贸易和发展协会 Currency movements 货币变动货币变动 Special drawing right 特别提取款特别提取款特别提取款 Food price index 食品价格指数食品价格指数 Glut of supplies 供应过剩供应过剩 Devastating consequences 毁灭性后果毁灭性后果 Spin-offs 副作用副作用 Cash-strapped 现金短缺现金短缺 at its weakest 萧条萧条萧条 services sector 服务部门服务部门 official austerity programmers 政府紧缩计划政府紧缩计划 foreign exchange earnings 外汇收入外汇收入 unit commodity price 单位初级产品价格单位初级产品价格 real interest rates 实际利率实际利率 stores of vaule 储备价值储备价值 liquid assets 流动资产流动资产 price volatility 价格多变价格多变speculative business 投机生意投机生意the patten of supply and demand 供需模式供需模式 export quote 出口配额出口配额 in short supply 供应短缺供应短缺供应短缺 15初级商品市场行情电传报告 Commodities dealers 初级商品交易商初级商品交易商 Stock exchange 证劵交易所证劵交易所 Investment support 投资支持投资支持 Regained ground 重得青睐重得青睐 Labour dispute 劳务纠纷劳务纠纷 Export figures 出口量出口量 Good resistance 强烈抵制强烈抵制 Discount rate 贴现率贴现率 Labour-agreement 劳动协议劳动协议 Bleak outlook 前景黯淡前景黯淡 Futures markets 期货市场期货市场 Spot market 现货市场现货市场 Strategic stockpile 战略性库存战略性库存 Take prices back 使价格回升使价格回升 Terminal prices 期货价格期货价格 International coffe organizayion(ICO)国际咖啡组织国际咖啡组织国际咖啡组织 Upward adjustment 上调上调 Replacement costs 重置成本重置成本。
Lesson One China in the Market Place一、术语:manufactured goods 制成品capital equipment 资本货物balance of payments 国际收支current account 经常项目visible trade account 有形贸易项目invisible trade account 无形贸易项目trade surplus 贸易顺差trade deficit 贸易逆差barter 易货贸易compensation trade 补偿贸易counter-trade 反向贸易assembly manufacturing 组装生产industrial and commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税joint venture 合资企业deferred payment 延期付款buyer credit 买方信贷supplier credit 卖方信贷soft loan 软贷款(低息贷款)MFN treatment: Most Favored Nation treatment 最惠国待遇PNTR: Permanent Normal Trading Relations 永久性正常贸易关系NI: National Income 国民收入GNP: Gross National Product 国民生产总值GDP: Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴和开发银行IDA: International Development Association 国际开发协会IFC: International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和发展组织BIS: Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行EEC: European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体EU: European Union 欧洲联盟FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资二、词语释义:exacerbate: deteriorate 恶化disrupt: interrupt 中断in the wake of: following 继┉之后breakdown: analysis by classification 分类分析buoyant: brisk 上扬的,增产的run-down: reductionmount exhibitions: hold exhibitionsinsofar as: to the extent 在┉范围之内bottlenecks: obstacles; problems that retard or halt free movement or progress三、句子翻译:Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese ec onomy has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978, placing undue strain on the na tional economy.官方认为,外国技术可在中国经济现代化中起重要作用,这导致了1978年中国的进口增加了50%以上,从而给国民经济带来了重压。
外刊经贸知识选读《外刊经贸知识选读》一、术语manufactured goods制成品capital goods资本货物balance of payments国际收支current account经常项目有形贸易项目 visible trade account无形贸易项目 invisible trade account 贸易顺差 trade surplus 贸易逆差trade deficit易货贸易 barter 补偿贸易易 compensation trade 反向贸易 counter-trade 组装生产 assembly manufacturing 工商统一税industrial and commercial consolidated tax 合资企业 joint venture 延期付款 deferred payment 买方信贷 buyer credit 卖方信贷 supplier credit 软贷款 (低息贷款) soft loan 最惠国待遇 MFNtreatment (Most Favored nation treatment)永久性正常贸易关系 PNTR(Permanent Normal Trading Relations) 国民收入NI(National Income)国民生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product) 国内生产总值 GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 国际复兴和开发银行 IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 国际开发协会 IDA(International Development Association) 国际金融公司IFC(International Finance Comporation)经济合作和发展组织 OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)国际清算银行 BIS(Bank for International Settlement) 欧洲经济共同体EEC(European Economic Community) 欧洲联盟 EU(European Union) 外商直接投资 FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)二、词语释义:substantially : dramatically, significantly, considerablysubsequently: afterwardsexacerbate: deteriorate, worsen; aggravate; make worsewithdraw: cancellationtheme: principlein return for: in exchange fordisrupt: interruptdestined: designedpronounced: markedin the wake of: following; after with undue: too much; unbearable reverse: change to the oppositebuoyant: briskoutcome: resultboost: stimulate; promote; developrecover: reboundfacilitate: make easyrun-down: reduction mount exhibitions: hold exhibitions insofar as: to the extent bottlenecks: obstacles三、句子翻译1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East Europeancountries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country‘s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家的工业化计划所要求的资本设备,而国家的工业化计划则强调重工业的发展。
The Curta in Goes up 竹幕卷起Peking permits foreign investment all along its coastline —creating differing rules and added con fusi on中国政府允许外国在沿海投资一从而差生了不同的法则并引起困惑By Mary Lee in Beiji ng1. A clearly con fide nt Chi na has rolled up a large sect ion of its bamboo curta in, declared itself "ope n to the outside world" and hung sig ns on n early all its cities in vit ing foreig n inv estors to come and do serious bus in ess.满怀信心地中国卷起大部分竹幕,向世界宣布“对外开放”,几乎所有的城市都张挂起邀请外商来投资作正当生意的招牌。
2.The four special econo mic zones (SEZs) in Guan gdo ng and Fujia n Provin ces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19 "open" areas in all) nave specifically desig ned tax and other incen tives for the foreig n in vestor. But every Provincial capital is doing its best to attract foreign investment.广东省和福建省的4个经济特区、14个沿海开放城市(都是以前的通商口岸)和海南岛(总共十九个“开放”区)为外国投资者制定了税收和其他方面的鼓励政策。
外刊经贸知识选读全真一英译汉1.the Special Drawing Right 特别提款权2.OPEC 石油输出国组织3.coastal cities 沿海城市4.trade sanctions 贸易制裁5.the state apparatus 国家机器ernment procurement 政府采购7.free-trade-zone 自由贸易区pensation trade 补偿贸易9.White Paper 白皮书10.consumer goods 日用消费品汉译英1.贸易谈判trade negotiation2.跨行业公司conglomerate3.不公平贸易unfair trade4.欧洲一体化European integration5.政府津贴state subsidy6.经济衰退economic recession7.招标invite tender8.撤销金融管制规定financial deregulation9.供应过剩glut of supplies10.金融危机financial crisis全真(二)英译汉1.state-run enterprises 国营企业2.trade fairs and exhibitions 贸易展销会3.primary production 初级产品4.European Community 欧洲共同体5.austerity program 紧缩计划6.risk-weighted assets 高风险资产7.market regulation 市场调查8.equivalent value 对等价值9.supermarket 超级市场10.protectionism 保护主义汉译英1.外汇收入foreign exchange income2.供求模式the pattern of supply and demand3.活期账户current account4.时髦词语buzzword5.股票市场stock market6.补偿贸易协定compensation trade agreement7.质量证书certificate of quality8.期货futures9.仓库交货Ex-warehouse10.拍卖auction全真(三)英译汉1.b arter 易货贸易2.cooperative enterprise 合作经营企业3.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税4.consortium 国际财团5.hard currency 硬通货6.deinflationary policies 反通胀政策7.licenser 转让费8.market forces 市场力量9.exclusive contract 独家经销合同10.discount rate 贴现率汉译英1.非耐用商品soft commodity2.经济技术开发区ETDZ(Economic & Technical Development Zone)3.贸易顺差trade surpuls4.个人所得税personal income tax5.无偿还能力insolvency6.软饮料soft drink7.收盘价closing price8.现货市场spot market9.出口配额制export quota system10.快餐店fast food shops。
其中,韩国的纸质版和(只有)网络版传媒包括:经贸类五大传媒《每日经济》、《韩国经济》、《首尔经济》、《亚细亚经济》、《Herald经济》,综合类七大传媒《朝鲜日报》、《中央日报》、《东亚日报》、《京乡新闻》、《首尔新闻》、《韩国日报》、《韩民族新闻》,三大网络传媒《Pressian》、《Ohmynews》、《Media Today》。
Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade(中国的对外贸易)重点词组:1、link 连接(这里为往来2、pattern 模式、结构*3、substantially 相当大的、重大的*4、in return for 作为…地交换5、manufactured goods 工业产品6、capital equipment 资本设备7、industrialization programme 工业项目8、heavy industry 重工业9、produced gains in 从… 中获利*10、economic imbalances 经济失衡11、national income 国民收入12、contract 收缩、下降13、aid 援助14、shift away form …towards 从…转移到…*15、consistent theme 一贯的主题16、strong emphasis placed on 强调、重视17、trade relating 贸易往来18、fell sharply 急剧下降(下滑)19、grown rapidly 迅速增长*20、sign in 签订21、in the wake of 在…之后22、normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化23、come into force 生效*24、most-favored nation treatment最惠国待遇25、accounted for 占……*26、category 种类*27、item 项目28、US dollar value of 以美元计算的29、increased at an average rate of 平均以……比率增长 *30、per annum 每年31、visible trade surplus 有形贸易余额32、rise sharply 迅速上升、猛增*33、play a major role 起重要作用*34、undue strain 沉重负担35、a net grain exporter 粮食净出口国*36、pattern 模式*37、reverse 逆转,相反38、jump 暴涨*39、visible trade account 有形贸易收支40、in deficit 赤字、逆差*41、buoyant 趋于上升*42、attribute to 归因于……43、re-reported 再出口*44、leading 最主要的*45、decline 下降、减少*46、supplier 供应者*47、industrial country 工业化国家48、expect 期望*49、boost 推动、提高*50、recovered strongly 很大恢复*51、introducing advanced technology of 向…引进先进技术*52、sophistication 精密、尖端53、invisible account 无形贸易收支54、balance of payments 国际收支55、earnings 收益、收入*56、current account 经常项目57、in surplus 处于顺差、有盈余*58、reserves 储备、储量*59、the balance 收支平衡*余额60、specializes in 专门从事*61、balance 平衡*62、earnings and requirements 收入和需求63、run-down 减少、缩减*64、as a means of 作为65、international economic co-operation 国际经济合作66、mount 举行、进行67、trade fairs 商品展销会68、practice 惯例69、compensation trade 补偿贸易70、raw materials 原材料71、in return 作为报答72、barter 易货贸易73、counter-trade 反向贸易74、a series of 一系列75、designed to 旨在76、joint venture 合资企业77、The China International Trust Investment Corporation(CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司78、transfer 转让*79、for the time being 目前、暂时80、direct investment 直接投资81、access 接近的机会、享用权*82、the international capital markets 国际资本市场83、commercial terms 商业条件84、compile 收集、汇集85、OECD 经济合作和发展组织86、Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行87、bulk 绝大部分、主体88、in the short-term 从短期来看89、over the longer term 从长期来看90、representative offices 办事处三、课后问题:1、What’s the meaning of “the pattern of China’s foreign trade”?“The pattern of China’s foreign trade” refers c hiefly(主要的) to the commodity structure of China’s foreign trade and her trade partnership with the world.2、What kind of clause is introduced by “when” in the sentence of the third paragraph, section 1? An adverbial (状语) clause or an attributive (定语) one?An attributive clause3、“Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the national economy.”(中国政府认识到,国外技术对本国经济现代化作用重大,这使1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。
Lesson 1 China in the Market Place市场经济中的中国(Excerpts)(摘录)Barry Coulthurst examines the development of China’s trade policy and the present state of the overseas links--巴里库尔塞斯特对中国贸易政策的演变和当前与海外经济往来状况的研究自从中华人民共和国成立以来,中国对外贸易的模式发生了巨大的变化。
The Sino-USA agreement on trade relations, which came into force(解释:施行)in February 1980, accords China most-favoured nation treatment.(最惠国待遇)在实现四个现代化中起着很大作用的对外贸易在近几年发展很快。
外刊经贸知识选读(贸易术语翻译)1中国的对外贸易Nationai income 国民收入EEC(European Economic Association) 欧共体Most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇Visible trade account 有形贸易收支Minister without portfolio 不管部长Balance of payments 国际收支Invisible account 无形的贸易收支Current account 经常项目Center bank 中央银行Counter-trade 反向贸易Joint venture 合资企业OCCE(organization for economic co-operation and development) 经济合作发展组织Bank for settlements international 国际清算银行Non-bank trade related credits 买方信贷,卖方信贷等Manufactured goods工业产品Capital equipment 资本设备Industrialization programme 工业项目Heavy industry 重工业Economic imbalances 经济失衡Trade relating 贸易往来Per annum 每年Normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化Industrial country 工业国家In surplus 顺差Earnings and requirements 收入和需求Trade fairs 商品展销会Compensation trade 补偿贸易Raw materials 原材料Direct investment 直接投资The international capital markets 国际资本市场Commercial terms 商业条件Representative offices 办事处2中国的对外直接投资The China international trust investment copprporation (CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司The special economic zone 经济特区The state council 国务院Standard of living 生活水平Foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备Capital stock 实际资本,股本Cooperative enterprise 合作企业Wholly foreign-owned operation 外商独资企业Consumer goods 消费品Capital goods 资本货物Customs duties 进口税Technical transformation技术改造Provincial capital 省会inner regions 内地,内陆readily obtainable 轻易得到economic and technicai development zone(ETDZ) 经济技术开发区uniform tax rate 统一税率profit-remittance利汇款率preferential tax rate 统一税率municipal govermment 市政府grassroots units 基层单位rules and regulations 规章制度comprehensive framework 综合准则public ownership of the means of production 生产资料公有制national people’s congress 全国人民到表大会seventh five-year plan 第七个五年计划china international economic consultants inc 中国国际经济顾问有限公司3中国开放的经济Commercial hud商业活动中心The world’ sdominant economy 世界经济强国Per capita 人均Gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值American administration 美国政府China hands 中国通(华人)Punitive import tariffs 惩罚进口性关税Securities and real estate markets 证劵及房地产市场“G reater china” trade bloc “大中华”集团Gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值Private businesses 私有企业Competitive advantage 竞争优势High wage economy 高工资经济General agreement on tariffs and trade(GA TT) 关税及贸易总协定Consumer eiectronics 电子产品Human rights 人权问题Preferred status 优惠地位,优先权State-owned conglomerate 国有跨行业公司Semiconductor chips 半导体集成电路芯片Brokerage services 经济业务Double digits 两位数4世界经济Per capita gross domestic product 人均国内生产总值Weak performance 不景气High rates of growth 高增长率The gulf crisis 海湾危机International conditions 国际坏境The group of seven 七国集团Continental Europe 欧洲大陆Disinflationary policies 反通胀政策Weakness in demand 需求疲软Cyclical deceleration in investment spending 周期性的投资下降Short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元汇率Nonoil commodity prices 非石油商品价格Foreign exchange 外汇Hard currencies 硬货币Severely indebted 负债严重The Uruguay round of GATT 关贸总协定乌拉圭回合Commodity market 商品市场Nominal(dalloar)terms 名义(美元)价Constant(dollar)terms 不变(美元)价Real terms 实际价The united nations conference on environmentand development 联合国坏境和发展会议Anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通货膨胀政策GDP(GNP)deflator 消除国内(民)生产总值通货膨胀指数The cyclical slowing of investment 周期性投资放缓Tax-cut-induced boom 由减税引发的繁荣Interest rates 利率Unemployment rates 失业率Financial stress金融压力Tightening of credit 紧缩信贷Current account deficit 经常项目赤字Yield curve收益曲线European monetary system(EMS) 欧洲货币体系Accommodative monetary policy 肯通融的货币政策Nominal short-term interest rates 名义短期汇率Real output 以不变价格计算的产品价值Structural transformation 结构转变,体制改革Trading partners 贸易伙伴The population-weightted growth rate 人均加权增长率Debt restructuring债务调整Portfolio investment 证劵投资Per capita income 人均收入Fiscal adjustment 财政调整Investment liberalization 投资自由化Trade-oriented region 贸易导向型地区Market-oriented regional integration 市场导向型区自由化Multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协议Budget deficit预算赤字Emergency stabilization measures 紧急稳定措施Tight credit policies信贷紧缩政策Exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值The council mutual economic assistance( C MEA) 经互会5关于美国的贸易策略与政策Trade representative贸易代表Trade policies 贸易政策Trade sanctions 贸易制裁Trade barrier 贸易壁垒Trade surplus 贸易赤字North American free-trade agreement 北美自由贸易协定Trade priority 贸易优先权Government procurement 政府采购Free-trade agreement 自由贸易区Ttrade signals 贸易信号6欧盟的发展European community欧洲共同体The single market统一大市场The European community vast single market 欧共体的统一大市场Barrier-free market 无壁垒市场European integrationg 欧洲一体化The internal market 内部市场Marriage contract 结婚契约Political and economic integration 政治经济一体化Free-trade zone 自由贸易区Free market philosophy 自由市场论Economic benefits 经济利益Economic activity经济活动Annual growth rate 年增长率Plant modennization工厂现代化Budget cuts 预算消减7关于日本的贸易地位Import targets 进口指标Guantifiable results 定量结果,量化结果White paper 白皮书Uruguay round of trade talks乌拉圭回合谈判Average tariff 平均关税Manufactured goods制成品Bilateral surplus 双边顺差Fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划Trade in goods 易货贸易International bodies 国际组织Industrial commodities 工业商品Business cycle商业周期Economic cycle经济周期Managed trade 管理贸易Consumer goods消费品Market share市场份额Households save家庭储蓄Budget deficit预算赤字Trade balance贸易差额Public opinion工众舆论Trade reprisals贸易报复8亚洲国家发展问题Corporate headguaters公司总部Silicion valley硅谷Annual sales年销售额Nation economic machine国家经济结构Industrial infrastructure工业基础设施Investment capital投资资本Antidurmping suits反倾销起诉Fledging conglomerates新兴的跨行业工资Literacy rate脱盲率,识字率Middle class中产阶级Nouveau riche暴发户Government-backed loans 政府担保贷款Human-rights restrictions 人权限制Political liberalization政治自由化Political opposition政治反对派Driving force驱动力Labor-cost advantage劳动力成本优势Industrial group工业集团Basic industries基础工业Industrial structure工业结构Industrial giants大工业企业Business setback商业挫折Tax breaks税额优惠Direct subsidies直接补贴Market forces 市场力量Financial system金融体制Official interest rates官方汇率Consumer market消费市场9贸易新星Gulf region海湾地区Sovereignty dispute主权争端GCC(gulf cooperation council)海湾合作委员会OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting)石油输出国组织Carbon tax双重税收Firm order实盘Non-oil trade非石油贸易Manufacturing capacity生产能力Government grants政府津贴Risk-weighted assets风险加权资产Import surcharge进口附加税Certificates of origin原产地证书The developing areas开发区Lucrative fees利率报酬10从关税贸易总协定到世界贸易组织Economic growth促进经济发展Common agricultural policy (CAP)共同农业政策Liberal market自由贸易Market force市场力量Monopoly purchasing boards统购部门Export subsidies生产补贴The administration’goals政府目标Technical standards技术水平Anti-dumping measures反倾销措施Countervailing duty反倾销税,抵消性关税Intellectual property right知识产权Trade in services服务贸易Farm-trade liberalization农业贸易自由化Majority vote多数选票Straight forward of vote直接否定权11易货贸易仍在使用I nternational financial institution国际金融机构Currency reserves货币储备Of equivalent value同等价值Mean of trade贸易方式Client states附属国International monetary found(IMF)国际货币基金组织Multilateral trade多边贸易Convertible currency可兑换货币Burden of debt债务负担Debt service=intrerst payment利息付款Debtor nation债务国Export earning出口收入Multinational corporations跨国公司Compensation agreements补偿贸易协定Clearing agreements清算系统Bilateral pacts双边协议Credit-starved信用危机Letter of credit信用证12市场竞争Test market试销市场Baby-boomers生育高峰期出生的人Consumer coupons消费优惠劵Price promotions价格促销Exclusive contract独家经销合同Competitive in price andguanlity价格和质量上的竞争力All-out sales campaigns大规模销售战役Hard sell硬销售Heavy discounting大幅度打折Soft drink软饮料Retail sales零售Special promotion特殊销售13市场分析Export market出口市场Fast food shop快餐The method of packing包装方式Subsidized competition补贴性竞争Grocery store杂货店Wet market鲜货市场The retial market零售市场Promote sales促销商品Export enhancement programe增加出口计划Structure of trade贸易结构Preserved duck eggs咸鸭蛋14初级商品市场Soft commodities非耐用初级产品Agricultural commodoties农产品Surplus produce剩余产品Financial futures以期货形式交易的有价证劵The money market货币市场The equity market一般的股票市场Basic raw materials基本原材料Conference on trade and development联合国贸易和发展协会Currency movements货币变动Special drawing right特别提取款Food price index食品价格指数Glut of supplies供应过剩Devastating consequences毁灭性后果Spin-offs副作用Cash-strapped现金短缺at its weakest萧条services sector服务部门official austerity programmers政府紧缩计划foreign exchange earnings外汇收入unit commodity price单位初级产品价格real interest rates实际利率stores of vaule储备价值liquid assets流动资产price volatility价格多变speculative business投机生意the patten of supply and demand供需模式export quote出口配额in short supply 供应短缺15初级商品市场行情电传报告Commodities dealers初级商品交易商Stock exchange证劵交易所Investment support投资支持Regained ground重得青睐Labour dispute劳务纠纷Export figures出口量Good resistance强烈抵制Discount rate贴现率Labour-agreement劳动协议Bleak outlook前景黯淡Futures markets期货市场Spot market现货市场Strategic stockpile战略性库存Take prices back使价格回升Terminal prices期货价格International coffe organizayion(ICO)国际咖啡组织Upward adjustment 上调Replacement costs重置成本。
外刊经贸知识选读 课 带中文翻译 (3)
旺旺英语Lesson 3Beijing Rising(Excerpts)China’s emergence as an economic heavyweight after more than a decade of fast growth makes it likely to supplant Japan as the West’s main trade worry in AsiaBy Frank Gibney Jr.经过十多年的快速发展,中国作为举足轻重的经济强国的出现,使得中国有可能取代日本,而成为西方在亚洲的主要贸易对手。
If there is a road to China’s future, Highway 204 out of Shanghai is it. Along its two dusty lanes, local trucks and buses jockey with Cadillacs driven by financiers from Taiwan and Hong Kong investors. Migrant workers crowd the narrow shoulders. Factories line the highway, producing sneakers, toys, plastics, clothes, aircraft components and medical equipment. Eventually industry gives way to ricefields, which is being dug up to build still more factories. Cranes turn overhead as dump trucks and cement mixers nose onto the road. Outside the town of Jiading, one tractor-trailer leaves Asia’s largest container plant every three minutes, carrying goods bound for the Shanghai docks. The traffic on Highway 204 is so thick that the trip from Shanghai to Zhangjiagang –only 115 kilometers away –takes five hours.如果有一条通向中国未来的路,那就是穿越上海的204国道。
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第12课市场竞争Soft Drink Wars: the Next Battle软饮料战:下一次战争The reformulation of Coke has given the feuding cola giants a chance to go at each other again.可口可乐的重新配方为长期不和的可乐巨头提供了一个新开战的机会。
But Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are spoiling for yet another f ight, and this time they’re picking on the little guys: non-cola makers like Seven-Up and Dr Pepper.By Monci Jo Williams但是可口可乐和百事可乐一心想进行另一场战斗,这一次它们选中了小企业:“七喜”和“佩拍博士”。
In the U.S.soft drink industry, where 1% of the market is worth $ 300 million in retail sales, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo don’t wage mere market share battles.They fight holy wars.These days the fighting is on two fronts.One is on the vast plains of the cola business, where the reformulation of Coke has Pepsi on the defensive.The other is in the back alleys of the smaller, non-cola market.Until now these have been dominated by other companies.As growth of high-calorie colas slows, however, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are invading new territory.在美国的软饮料行业,1%的市场份额就意味着3亿美元的零售额,可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司进行的不仅仅是争夺市场份额的斗争,他们进行的是“圣战”。
Coca-Cola is moving in with two new products: Cherry Coke, a canned version of the old soda fountain favorite, and Minute Maid Orange Soda, which contains orange juice.Pepsi’s new product is Slice, a lemon-lime soft drink that also contains fruit juice.If these products live up to their early performance in test markets—a big if—they could produce $ 3 billion a year in retail sales.The skirmishes between the cola giants will precipitate a battle for supermarket shelf space and for the loyalty of battlers.The big guys will press bottlers to drop competing brands to make way for their new products.可口可乐凭着两种新产品投入了战斗:一种叫做“樱桃可乐”,是原来的冷饮柜的宠儿的罐装版,另一种叫做“小少女桔子汽水”,含有桔子汁。
It’s t oo early to tell how the reincarnated Coke is selling, since many bottlers are still working off old inventories.But the company isn’t leaving much to chance.Coca-Cola will back new coke with more than $ 70 million of advertising thisyear, vs.the $ 50 million or so PepsiCo will spend on its flagship brand.Over the long term, however, many industry analysts believe the Coke reformulation will do little to dramatically change either Coke’s or Pepsi’s market share.Says Joseph Doyle Harris Upham brokerage firm in New York: “Twelve months from now, we’ll look back and see new Coke as a nonevent.” In all its variations, Coke holds about 29% of the U.S.market, Pepsi 23%.现在判断新可口可乐产品的销售情况还为时过早,因为许多经销商还在销售存货,但是公司不会听任其命运。
纽约的Harris Upham经济业联号的Joseph Doyle说,“从现在起12个月后,我们再回头看,会发现可口可乐其实很令人扫兴。
The company’s new formula was designed partly to keep Coke’s sales growing pared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water, the rest of the world is still in the sipping stage.Coca-Cola’s goal is to kick up its slowing growth rate outside the U.S.from about 3% a year to 10%.Company executives think a less filling, more “guzzleable” new Coke will help.可口可乐设计新配方的部分原因是为了保持可口可乐在海外销售的增长。
Domestically, sales of soft drinks have been bubbling along nicely.They grew 6% last year, vs.2% to 3% a few years ago.But the cola makers may experience more growing pains.At least with the high-calorie colas that account for half of all sales (diet colas hold about 12%).Baby-boomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks as they age—everything from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice.For example, according to Beverage World, an industry magazine, fruit juice and fruit drink sales have grown from $ 1.2 billion in 1976 to $ 8.4 billion last year.John Costello, senior vice president of marketing and sales for Pepsi-Cola USA, thinks the popularity of fruit juices can be captured in new soft drink products such as Slice.“We want to take the vitality of the juice market and put it into soft drinks,” says Costello.在国内,软饮料的销售一直不错。