1. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。
But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.但如果你放下了一本你不喜欢看的书而不断地去找寻另外一本对你有意义的书,因为这样一本书让你得到消遣放松,你确定很享受——因为阅读,你变得更好,更聪慧,更和善或者说更文雅,如果没有阅读的过程你什么也享用不了。
He felt that books and the knowledge in them were part of a world that was against him, a world to which he did not belong and which he did not want to enter, the world of which the hateful teachers were representatives and symbols.他认为这本书和书中的知识只是违背他自身世界的另一个世界,一个他不存在也不想介入的世界,一个可恨的老师们代表着和标榜着的世界。
英汉翻译 英汉语篇的衔接、连贯与翻译25页PPT
![英汉翻译 英汉语篇的衔接、连贯与翻译25页PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/16d4ac29551810a6f424869b.png)
16、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为 了城墙 而战斗 一样。 ——赫 拉克为他 们愿意 做出这 种行为 ,而是 惟恐自 己会成 为这种 行为的 牺牲者 。—— 柏拉图 18、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强 者做什 么事都 横行霸 道。— —奥维 德 19、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶 。—— 托·伍·威尔逊 20、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含 义是财 富。— —爱献 生
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
第七章 英汉语篇的衔接与翻译二
![第七章 英汉语篇的衔接与翻译二](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5300f9c48bd63186bcebbcc2.png)
First of all, I would like to apologize for your order not being delivered on the date we agreed in our contract and also for the difficulties you have had in trying to reach me. As you may have heard in the news, we have experienced a major industrial dispute. The dispute involved all employees and as a result, all production came to a complete standstill. Secretarial and administrative staff were also involved; this is why it has been so difficult for you to reach me.
The seller shall pay all the custom duties and tariffs for export of the equipment. 卖方必须支付出口设备的所有关税 关税。 卖方必须支付出口设备的所有关税。 Any Crown Servant…solicits or accepts any advantages shall be guilty of an offense. 王国政府的公务员如果索取或者收受贿赂 王国政府的公务员如果索取或者收受贿赂 索取或者收受 必须服罪判刑。 必须服罪判刑。
Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but he was the first man to mass-produce it, and this made it available to the ordinary man. Many automobiles were being built by hand at the turn of the century and were much too expensive for all but the wealthy. 亨利·福特没有发明汽车 福特没有发明汽车, 亨利 福特没有发明汽车,但他却是使用机 器大量生产汽车的第一人,从而使普通人 器大量生产汽车的第一人,从而使普通人 也能拥有汽车。 世纪初 世纪初, 也能拥有汽车。20世纪初,许多汽车是手 工制造的,对于普通人来说价格昂贵, 普通人来说价格昂贵 工制造的,对于普通人来说价格昂贵,只 有少数富人能够享用得起。 有少数富人能够享用得起。
示例:英文:I went to the library and borrowed some books.中文翻译:我去了图书馆并借了一些书。
示例:英文:He is very talented, but he lacks discipline.中文翻译:他非常有才华,但缺乏纪律性。
三、因果关系英文中因果关系的表达较为丰富,包括“because”、“since”、“as a result”等,通过对句子的组织来体现行为之间的联系。
示例:英文:She was late because the train was delayed.中文翻译:她迟到了是因为火车晚点了。
示例:英文:He is rich, while I am poor.中文翻译:他很富有,而我很贫穷。
五、条件关系英文中规定、保证句式等表达方式为条件关系,包括“if”、“provided that”、“as long as”等。
示例:英文:If it rains, we will stay inside.中文翻译:如果下雨,我们会呆在室内。
小编精心收集了英汉互译的小短文,供大家欣赏学习!英汉互译的小短文篇1So I want to say to my supporters: when you hear people saying or think to yourself “If only” or “What if”, I say, please, don’t go there. Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.我要告诉我的支持者:如果你听到别人说或者你自己曾经这样想,“如果某件事没有发生”或者“要是出现了另一种情况”,那么我会说,请不要这样。
Life is too short; time is too precious; and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been. We have to work together for what still can be. And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama becomes our next president.生命短暂,时间宝贵,沉湎于空想的代价实在太大。
When we first started, people everywhere asked the same question: could a woman really serve as commander-in-chief? Well, I think we answered that one. As we gather here today in this historic, magnificent building, the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead. If we can launch 50 women into space, we can someday launch a woman into the White House. Although we weren’t able to shatter* that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it’s got abou t 18 million cracks in it.当选举刚开始的时候,到处都有人在问:“一个女人真的能够领导国家吗?”我想,我们已经对这个问题做出了回答。
2008年9月第8卷第3期湖南学报Journal of Hunan First Nor mal CollegeSep 12008Vol 18No 13收稿日期:2008—05—15基金项目:湖南第一师范学院科研项目(XYS 07S03)作者简介:魏 艳(1979—),女,湖南汨罗人,湖南第一师范学院大学英语教学部助教。
汉英翻译中的语篇衔接与连贯魏 艳(湖南第一师范学院,湖南长沙 410205)摘 要:英语和汉语在运用各种衔接手段创建语篇的连贯关系上有着较大差异。
关键词:连贯;衔接手段;汉译英中图分类号:H31519文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-4369(2008)03-0112-02 在汉英翻译中,要首先注意到汉英语言形式上的差异,如语篇衔接上的差异,才能译出流利的文字,才能使两种语言达到真正的等值。
一、衔接与连贯Halliday 和Hasan 都把连贯看作语篇自身拥有的深层语义特征。
Halliday 和Hasan 归纳了几种主要的衔接途径:照应、替代和省略、连接、词汇。
根据Reinhart 和Ehrilich 的理论,如果语篇没有显性的连贯手段,那么语篇连贯性的解读就在很大程度上取决于读者或听者,是他们通过语用推理等手段理解出语篇的内在连贯性,是他们通过自己的心理活动还原和创造出连贯关系。
lecture 16 语篇衔接与连贯及翻译
![lecture 16 语篇衔接与连贯及翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5ab66114964bcf84b8d57b02.png)
请看下例:幻灯片9● A green caterpillar was slowly crawling out from under the lettuce. It was huge, fat, andapparently well-fed. It paused in its travels to survey the scene. Purple with fury, Henry could barely find his voice. (A Hard Day in the Kitchen, Shannon Hodge)幻灯片10●[参考译文1] 一条绿色蠕虫正慢慢地从生菜下面爬出来,很大,很肥,显然吃得很好。
●或者重复前面的名词,将其译为:●[参考译文2] 一条绿虫子正慢吞吞地从生菜底下爬出来。
幻灯片11●为了更加清楚地看出英汉两种语言在行文上的差异,我们再看两个汉译英的例子:● 1. 朋友有点不好意思地解释说,买这座房子时,孩子们还上着学,如今都成家立业了。
●My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: At the time when he boughtthis big house, his children had all been at school. Now they had their own homes and jobs.● 2. 杨志取路,不数日,来到东京。
汉译英段落参考译文1. 闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。
The world-famous Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the West and East. Extending more than 6,000 kilometers, the Silk Road gets its name from the ancient Chines silk trade. Trade on the Silk Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It was through the Silk Road that the four great ancient Chinese inventions of paper making, gunpowder, the compass and printing were introduced to the world. Likewise, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain were also spread throughout the globe. The exchanges of material culture went both ways, with Europe also exporting a wide range of goods and plants via the Silk Road to meet the demands of the Chinese market.2. 烤鸭是北京名菜,风味独特。
初中英语 汉译英
![初中英语 汉译英](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2ac5a9b8b9f67c1cfad6195f312b3169a451ea2e.png)
初中英语汉译英English:As a language is a means of communication, it is essential to learn a foreign language in today's interconnected world. It not only broadens one's knowledge but also enhances communication skills and opens up a world of opportunities. Learning a new language allows individuals to better understand and appreciate different cultures, which in turn fosters tolerance and global understanding. Additionally, being bilingual or multilingual can greatly boost career prospects and create more professional opportunities. In a globalized economy, employers often seek out individuals who can communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, learning a foreign language can also improve cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and multitasking. Overall, the ability to speak multiple languages is an invaluable asset in today's world.中文翻译:作为一种交流手段,学习一门外语在当今互联互通的世界里是至关重要的。
英汉翻译 英汉语篇的衔接、连贯与翻译
![英汉翻译 英汉语篇的衔接、连贯与翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/03fd90b7c8d376eeafaa3117.png)
With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.
world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.
• 为弘扬中华文化,探寻传统节日背后深蕴的历史印迹, 传承亘古不变的人文精神,推出“端午、中秋、七夕、 春节”四大中式主题庆典,将传统文化与节日庆典相结 合,带来精致绝伦的创意呈现,让贵宾零距离领略并欣 赏,感受悠然时光,悦享丰盛旅程。 • 译文: To develop Chinese culture, discovery the historical traces of traditional festivals and inherit eternally immutable humanistic spirits, we will launch four Chinese celebrations whose theme are “ dragon boat festival, midautumn festival, tanabata festival, spring festival“ ,blending traditional culture and festival ceremonies together, bringing the excellent display of creativity, letting honored guest appreciate it face to face and enjoy peaceful time and sumptuous journeys.
• 充满惊喜的奢华服务与至善体验,从打开客房小酒吧的瞬间开 启。悉心洞悉至尊贵宾的喜好,为贵宾提供个性化定制酒吧服 务,酒柜内容专为贵宾个人喜好而特别搭配,独特服务更延伸 至定制酒吧之外,满足个性需求的枕头与助眠产品,温情倍至 的体贴呵护,让贵宾在繁忙的旅途之中,悦享点滴感动。 • 译文: Luxurious service and perfect experiences, filled with surprise, begin as soon as open the guest open the door of the room bar. Understanding thoroughly the hobbies of extreme honorable guests, we will provide customized bar service for them. Contents of wine cabinets are matched particularly according to guests’hobbies. Besides customized bars, we will offer more special service, for exampe, pillows and sleep-aiding products which will meet guests’ needs, and warmest care, letting distinguished guests enjoy movement on the busy journey.
But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and----until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he over reached himself----an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.2. 应用科学则直接涉及应用问题。
Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man’s control over his environment, thus leading to the development of techniques, processes and machines.3. 一个星期日的傍晚,他正躺在果园里,一面在听画眉鸟的啁啾,一面写一首爱情诗,忽然听得大门砰地关上,接着看见那姑娘从树丛里奔来,后面飞跟着那呆头呆脑的红脸的乔。
This is absolutely necessary and just, and the entire people know that it is so.
Same object:
Darcy took up a book; Miss Bingley did the same. (J.Austin: Pride and Prejudice) 达西拿起一本书来。彬格莱小姐也拿起一本书来。(蔡基 刚,2003:10)
Same attributive:
Using certain logical relation
01 冬天,(因为)在四周围都是山地的这里,(所以)看见太阳的日子真实 太少了。(但是)今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳 光,把地上的一切,好像也照上一层欢笑的颜色。
In winter, sunny days were scarce here, as it was surrounded by hills all around. Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.(《中国翻译》)
它无所事事,因为它不受任何残暴的虫子的摆布。 蚯蚓要挖土打动,蜜蜂要采蜜筑窝,蜘蛛要巧织迷 网,蚂蚁要聚财盘宝。
店铺整理了有关中英互译的英语短文,欢迎阅读!有关中英互译的英语短文:Strange Patent ApplicationsI set about working in the current Patent Office after resigning from the court personnel. Competent and dynamic, I never feel passive while diving into the identifications of whether applications are valid and practical according to the new version of the criteria.With the expectation of distinguishing their own importance, some people leave the beaten track and file strange products with us now and then, for example, lantern that can be attached on your forehead, cubic walnuts, refrigerator made of straw and glue, perfume that nobody can bear to smell, and so on.Once, a man made a triangle helicopter out of stainless wires and string. He called us up and merrily claimed it was stable and convenient to use, and never out of order. I asked him to hang on, but this innocent man just rang off and set out to fly from his courtyard. I dialed his number in the directory trying to ring him back, but never got through.Merciful God blessing, an abrupt freezing rainfall made his powder wet. Luckily, the trouble was without any extension except that he crashed into a greengrocer’s making all the ripe fruits become messy jam. When people seized this crazy man with caution and sobered him by tapping his face, he complained about the bad weather instead of associating his failure with his unscientific design.奇怪的专利申请从法院人事部辞职后,我开始在现在的专利局工作。
小编精心收集了中英文互翻译短文,供大家欣赏学习!中英文互翻译短文:垃圾食品Junk FoodI used to like junk foods very much, but my mother doesn’t want me to eat them. Sometimes I would go to eat them secretly.I liked to eat the fries with ketchup most, I could eat a lot at one time. Once I went to KFC again, I ordered two large fries and a large iced coke. After finishing the meal, I felt ill in my stomach and throat. I was too afraid to tell my mother. In the evening I threw up and felt hot all over my body. My mother came to check me and found out I got a fever. She took me to the hospital immediately. Since then, I never touch the junk food again. The junk food is b ad for health, we shouldn’t eat it.我曾经非常喜欢垃圾食品,但是我妈妈不想让我吃。
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(102字)难点注释:1)城市化urbanization2)加速阶段an accelerating phase3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems4)远非?一所能及surpass5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit2世界各地有3,600万人染上了艾滋病—这比整个澳大利亚的人口还多。
(119字)难点注释:1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS2)头号罪魁the chief culprit3)使……丧失deprive of4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV3当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。
(89字)难点注释:1)传真机fax machines2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment3)占主导地位dominate42000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。
(124字)难点注释:1)数码相机digital camera2)可反复使用的存储卡reusable memo叮cards3)按快门press the shutter4)液晶显示屏the LCD screen5由于历史、政治和经济上的原因,全世界讲英语、用英语的人为数最多。
(113字)难点注释:1)流行popularity2)自身特性和特点qualities and characteristics in itself3)不无相关have to do with4)容易接受和适应receptive and adaptable5)吸收take into6多年来,家长和老师都曾得到过这样一种信息:尽量利用任何机会表扬孩子,对他们所干的任何事情都要说好—据说这样做有助于提高孩子的自尊。
(113字)难点注释:1)得到信息get the message2)尽量利用任何at almost any opportunity3)自尊self-esteem4)儿童心理学家child psychologist5)得出完全相反的结论drawing a completely different conclusion7会议期间,有3个问题受到了特别重视,它们是:加强和巩固农业在国民经济中的地位和作用,提高农民收人;调整和改进产业结构,改进和加快区域性经济发展;努力工作,加快下岗工人就业和再就业步伐,改善社会保障制度。
(100字)难点注释:1)受到特别重视be highlighted for special attention2)加强和巩固consolidate and strengthen3)调整和改进readjust and optimize4)区域性经济regional economies5)下岗工人laid-off workers8当今世界的竞争是人才的竞争。
(120字)难点注释:1)人才talented professionals.2)海外留学生overseas students3)吸收和利用人才absorb and make use of4)引进人才introduce talented people from outside5)银行、保险业banking,insurance industry6)国有大型企业large state-owned enterprise9我们中国是世界上最大的国家之一,它的领土和整个欧洲的面积差不多相等。
(136字)难点注释:1)广大的肥田沃地large areas of fertile land2)给我们以衣食之源provide us with food and clothing3)纵横全国的大小山脉mountain ranges across its len妙and breadth4)广大的森林,丰富的矿产with extensive forests and rich mineral deposits5)给我们以舟揖和灌溉之利provide us with water transport and irrigation6)交通海外各民族的方便facilitate communication with nations beyond the seas10温哥华的辉煌是温哥华人的智慧和勤奋的结晶,其中包括多民族团体所作的贡献。
(120字)难点注释:1)温哥华Vancouver2)多民族团体multi-ethnic groups3)智慧和勤奋的结晶a crystallization of the wisdom and diligence,此处可根据上下文进行转换调整:the prosperity is attributed to the wisdom and diligence of the people 4)地广人稀a vast,under-populated country5)不是本地出生的not born locally11人体是由各种类型的细胞构成的,这些细胞多达50万亿,它们之间相互联系,相互依赖。
(128字)难点注释:1)万亿trillion2)相互联系,相互依赖interrelated and interdependent3)影响其余的所有肌体组织handic即all the rest of the organism4)最终导致end by...,lead to...l2不同的篇章、体裁在直译与意译的趋向程度上往往有所不同。
(115字)难点注释:1)直译与意译literal translation and free translation2)不同程度地to some extent3)多采用be preferable to(something)4)文献literatures,documents5)关键在于the crux lies in6)以情动人的作品emotional works7)原文的意境情趣the right mood and flavor of the original works13从20世纪中叶到21世纪中叶的一百年间,中国人民的一切奋斗,则是为了实现祖国的富强、人民的富裕和民族的伟大复兴。
(105字)难点注释:1)20世纪中叶the mid-20th century2)奋斗endeavor3)民族的伟大复兴the nation immensely rejuvenated4)历史伟业historic cause14中国的体育运动经历了几千年的发展,但直到1949年中华人民共和国成立后才成为国家的事业。
(123字)难点注释:1)经历undergo2)国家的事业an undertaking of the state3)体育运动网network for physical culture4)列人国家预算include in the state budget5)可喜的成绩gratifying achievement15展望新世纪初的国内外形势,未来五到十年,是我国经济和社会发展极为重要的时期。
(127字)难点注释:1)极为重要的时期an extremely important period2)全球化趋势the economic globalization trend3)周边国家neighboring countries4)严峻挑战severe challenge5)跨越式发展development by leaps and bounds16森林给人提供木材,还能调节气候、保持水土、防风固沙、改善水质、防烟防尘、消毒杀菌、减少噪声、美化环境、维持及改善生态平衡。