unit 12-Text A 课文及译文
Unit 12 Text A 课文及译文Feeling Free感受自由①I woke up feeling cranky. I didn't want to do housework, though the laundry was piling up. I didn't want to read the work I brought home from the office. I didn't want to do anything that resembled responsible behavior. It was that kind of day.一醒来我的心情就很糟糕。
②As I drank my morning tea, I thought I felt a headache coming on. Yes, there it was, a dull throb just behind my eyes. Maybe I should go back to bed until it subsided. As I put the dishes in the sink, it seemed that my muscles were beginning to ache. Or was the ache in my joints? That could mean I was coming down with the flu. (承上启下句)Everyone I knew had the flu this year. Why should I be the one to escape it? I absolutely should be in bed.当我喝早茶的时候,我就感到阵阵头痛袭来。
Achieving Personal Greatness(Abridged)Joe LovePeople who are great are those who are in tune with the social values of theirtime.They are able to identify the right time and place for the parameters of success.For greatness to take place it has to carry beyond the year,the decade ,orthe century;it has to be more than just something superficial;it has to be ableto trav el well from one area to another.Greatness does not always produce immediate success.For example ,HermanMelville wrote Moby Dick at the height of his creative achievements,but it did notsell well.Eventually,the culture caught up with him and his writing became asuccess.Henry David Thoreau,who wrote the classic Walden,went unnoticed during hislife,and died in obscurity.Because of this gap between the lack of immediate success and eventual recognition,it is often said that great people are ahead of their time.People whoare great often seem unique,isolated,or even out of touch because they oftenrepresent the beingning of change.As a result,the depth of their contribution andtheir full worth may not be recognized for as long as 500 years.A good example ofthis is Leonardo da Vinci ,because many of his inventions and ideas,such as the airplane,the helicopter,roller bearings,air-conditioning,and the self-drivencar,were not even comprehended until the 20th century technology became available.There are people who achieve greatness just from their very nature and not fromtheir accomplishments.These people do not have to wrirte symphonies,paintpicture,or write books.For this type of person,greatness is solely on theinside,through their thoughts and feelings,not throught their actions.Most people who are great do not make for a dramatic biography.The significanceof their lives is not what happens to them or what they produce.Rather,they leadlives of inner silence.They represent the other side of greatness,greatness thatis there without fame or fortune.We do not think of them as"making it"in socialterms.Yet they have a total commitment to the best of life and the betterment of society.Some of these quiet great people have been religious contemplatives,whoselives provide an affirmative answer to the question philosophers love to ask:"Ifa tree falls in the forest and no one hears it,has it made any sound?"The world has many great people who are not religious per se,and have onlylimited contact with the wider world.For example,your generous and kind nextdoor neighbor who is loved by the whole community may not be rememberred"by history"after he or she is gone,but in terms of real personal greatness,his or her ability to increase the value of love in others is second to none.Because this person is able to pass on these unique human qualities to his or her family and friends,he or she does have a positive influence on the world,however small.What this means is that when you look at great people throughout history,the distinction is not so much between being great and not being great as between greatness manifesting itself in a small arena of life and in a very large one.Greatness is normal,it is natural,it is necessary,and it is certainly beneficial for us all,even though it may have little to do with fame or fortune.While success is dependent on external circumstances and achievements,greatness is an inner contact between the individual and the universe to create and discover deepening qualities of life and how best to express them.Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote,"Accroding to the depth from which you draw your life,such is the depth of your accomplishment,manners,and presence."Great people are those who allow greatness to blossom.It is not so much the kind of activity they are involved in,be it music,gardening,raising children or finding a cure for a disease,as their personalities that have an effect on all of us.It does not really matter whether they are well-known or not;great people can create great effects even on a quiet level.We need greatness in the world more than we need any other single human or natural resource.As we move further into the 21th century,perhaps for the first time in history,we can think about the possibility of an entire society of great individuals.Anyone who is willing to take on the reponsibility for his or her own greatness is giving the world the best possible gift.。
如果晚上依旧温暖,这些灿烂的红色素就会被simply 仅仅运往下面,以糖类的方式为冬天储备粮食。
我不会再像弄混姐姐和其他人一样弄混银枫和糖枫,毕竟,我还是小孩子的时候曾经坐在一个宽大的十分适合读Nancy Drew树枝上很长时间。
unit 12-Text A 课文及译文
Unit 12 Text A 课文及译文Feeling Free感受自由①I woke up feeling cranky. I didn't want to do housework, though the laundry was piling up. I didn't want to read the work I brought home from the office.I didn't want to do anything that resembled responsible behavior. It was that kind of day.一醒来我的心情就很糟糕。
②As I drank my morning tea, I thought I felt a headache ing on. Yes, there it was, a dull throb just behind my eyes. Maybe I should go back to bed until it subsided. As I put the dishes in the sink, it seemed that my muscles were beginning to ache. Or was the ache in my joints? That could mean I was ing down with the flu. (承上启下句)Everyone I knew had the flu this year. Why should I be the one to escape it? I absolutely should be in bed.当我喝早茶的时候,我就感到阵阵头痛袭来。
所谓语序,是指各级语言单位在组合中的 排列次序。
语序包括词序和句序。下面就词序和句序 谈谈英汉两种语言的差异。
1.主语和谓语之间的差异:一般情况;倒装句和疑 问句
2.宾语的词序差异:英语中,宾语可以位于句首, 句中,句末。汉语中,宾语出现在及物动词后。
When there is a particular average loss, other interests in the voyage, such as the carrier and other cargo owners whose goods were not damaged, do not contribute to the partial recovery of the one who suffered the loss.
The end! 谢谢观赏!
原译:国际对等贸易,作为一种销售条件,是指供应方以 合同方式,承诺对某些特别的、给购买方以补偿和利益的 商务提案予以回报和承办的一种做法。
改译:国际对等贸易,是指供货方以签订供货合同作为销 售条件,承诺对某些指定的对买方有利可图的商业项目予 以承接和互抵的习惯做法。
因原文句子过长,且含有多层意思,无法按照原文句子结 构的顺序进行翻译,译者就可以将原句的结构拆开,在不 损害原意的情况下按照汉语的表达习惯重新组合,以时间 先后,因果关系,假设与结果等逻辑关系相继翻译成一句 到两句意思连贯,内容完整的句子。
International countertrade is a practice whereby a supplier commits contractually - as a condition of sale – to reciprocate and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer.
Chapter 1 Why China Works中国是今年唯一呈现出重大发展的主要经济体(economy),由于它通常是唯一敢于打破经济教科书中每一条例的经济体。
事实上,中国不像其他五大经济体那样发展缓慢的主要原因是,它宏观调控的能力(its capacity for macro-economic control)。
为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?(market economic system)目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及金融业实施新的有力规定(regulations),走向宏观调控。
但问题更加紧迫(the question has a new urgency)。
去年早期,由于房地产市场(housing market)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。
最近几周,他们展开类似西方的经济救援行动(launch economic rescue efforts),其中包括价值6000亿的大计划以增加政府开支和大幅利率削减(ramp up government spending)(big interests cuts)。
但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively)发挥在经济中的作用。
曾把中国宏观调控视为不成熟经济的弊病(immature economy),现在是稳定的保障(bulwark of stability)。
Unit 12Global M&AExercises1.Answer the questions on the text.1)What does the author expect M&A activity to be in 2011?The author expects that M&A activity will continue to growth in number and strength with the global economic recovery and the improvement of financial and credit market conditions.2)What must companies also consider about M&A besides favorable factorslike abundant cash and improving economic conditions?Companies must also consider the recent opposition to certain M&A deals by activists and some shareholders and their preference to other strategies.3)What do you think unsolicited transactions, hostile acquisitions and dealjumpings are in common?Passivity on the target company and out of its expectation.4)What may further encourage unsolicited transactions?Recent success of hostile acquirers in forcing target companies to negotiate and accept deals though occasionally taking a long time.5)What are the features and trends of private equity firms?They are seeking an exit from portfolio companies and are seeing M&A as an increasingly attractive alternative to capital market transactions.6)What is an tender offer?It is a public, open offer or invitation by a prospective acquirer to all stockholders of a publicly traded corporation (the target corporation) to purchase some or all of their shares. The price offered is usually at a premium to the market price. In a tender offer, the bidder contacts shareholders directly; so the directors of the company may or may not have endorsed the tender offer proposal.7)What are the key deal issues in M&A transactions?(1)reverse break-up fees(2)caps on damages payable by acquirers failing to close(3)the availability of specific performance remedies to compel a party tocomplete an acquisition8)How do US and UK takeover systems differ?In US takeover system, state case law allows target boards to take defensive measures within certain limits.In order to correct the perceived imbalance, UK disallows deal protection mechanisms; sets a default period in which a bidder will have to either announcea fully financed bid or walk away; and implements other measures to enhancebid-related disclosure.9)What are the views on the burden of extending bids into the U.S?(1)Some of both European regulators and bidders fear that the extension of paperbids into the US may be too burdensome and the exposure to the US plaintiffs’ bar and US courts may be too uncertain and risky.(2)But the case of Morrison v. NBA may have changed European regulators andbidders view because the pending anti-fraud-based actions against non-US companies were either dismissed or the damages to companies ere greatly reduced(3)The convergence between European and US securities regulations haveproduced positive effects, may further alleviate such concerns, and would encourage M&A players to consider using more shares in cross-border deals.10)How is M&A in emerging market expected to develop in 2011?(1)It is expected to grow over one-third in 2011, taking a larger share of globalM&A activity, particularly true in BRIC nations.(2)Sovereign wealth funds abundant in funds will continue to play a key role ininbound M&As and, meanwhile, private equity is to be much more important source of funds for M&A activities there.(3)Companies from emerging markets will engage in more outbound M&A dealsfor natural resources and market growth as well as inbound ones.(4)Multinationals from the developed countries may also go on M&A activitiesin emerging markets either for market footholds or growth opportunities. 11) What is said about US M&A deal enforcement?(1) The official agencies FTC and DOJ have continued to pledge vigorousmerger enforcement and have dedicated significant resources to updating themerger review process.(2) They have also proposed changes to pre-merger notification form.(3) The Antitrust Division has enhanced enforcement in vertical mergers as wellas horizontal mergers.12) What are the trends of EU antitrust enforcement?DG COMP and its Chief Economist team are paying close attention to the US-led debate over the need to define marketsDG COMP has increased its reliance on the counterfactual analyses for judging whether a merger prevents effective competition.2.Fill in each blank in the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1)BRIC nations would support the country in the areas of education, health andagriculture, among others.2)In the second quarter we successfully secured a non-dilutive source of growthcapital on very favorable terms sufficient to drive both near and longer-term initiatives.3)We seem to value time in cyclical phases and seasons rather than in minutes andhours.4)The world is facing far more challenges than before in the context of intensifiedglobalization.5)In the debate Team A seemed to get upper hand at the beginning but quickly loststrength.6)He would discuss with the officials of Bulgaria various topics such as investmentclimate, the fight against corruption, and its accession to the European Union. 7)We are urging local education and city leaders to ramp up the pressure on theirgovernments to cough up more cash for new schools in their areas.8)Potential mayoral candidates are already flush with funds from their supporterfor the coming election.9)The government has been urged to follow through on its pledge to reform thecurrent wage system.10)The birth of a new nation in Sudan may give rise to numerous thorny issues,including sharing of resources.3.Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.A____________________ B__________________________________________ 1) equity market A) An asset class consisting of equity securities foroperating companies that are not publicly traded on astock exchange, including venture capital, growthcapital and mezzanine capital. 52) antitrust agency B) The market, also known as stock market, whereshares are issued and traded, either through exchangesor over-the-counter markets. 13) synergy C) A merger occurring between companies producingthe same or similar products or offering similarservices. 84) due diligence D) An organization responsible for prohibitingpractices that restrain competition, includingprice-fixing conspiracies and acts designed toachieve monopoly power. 25) private equity E) A company in which a venture capital firm, buyoutfirm, holding company, or other investment fundsinvests. 106) vertical merger F) A market in which individuals and institutionstrade financial securities in order to raise funds. 9 7) tender offer G) Additional effectiveness achieved from mutuallyadvantageous integration or compatibility of effortsor resources between business participants. 38) horizontal merger H) An investigation of a business prior to signing acontract, for example, a potential acquirer evaluatinga target company or its assets for acquisition. 49) capital market I) A public, open offer by a prospective acquirer to apublicly traded corporation to tender its stock forsale at a specified price during a specified time. 710) portfolio company L) A merger between two companies producingdifferent goods or components for the finalfinished product, for example, a car manufacturermerging a tire company. 64.Translate the following passage into Chinese.去年,由于全球兼并业务突破了网络泡沫时代的惊人水平,市场又跟1999年那样派对聚会。
高级商务英语阅读课文译文第1 课新长征―中国制造‖这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。
总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:―如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。
中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kev in Tan 说:―与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。
参考译文Unit 1 参考译文国际商务的范围国际商务是指任何类型的跨国商务活动。
它可以分为4种类型: 对外贸易、服务贸易、有价证券投资和直接投资。
20 世纪以来,事实证明,广泛的商务关系覆盖全球。
Unit 12Global M&AExercises1.Answer the questions on the text.1)What does the author expect M&A activity to be in 2011?The author expects that M&A activity will continue to growth in number and strength with the global economic recovery and the improvement of financial and credit market conditions.2)What must companies also consider about M&A besides favorable factorslike abundant cash and improving economic conditions?Companies must also consider the recent opposition to certain M&A deals by activists and some shareholders and their preference to other strategies.3)What do you think unsolicited transactions, hostile acquisitions and dealjumpings are in common?Passivity on the target company and out of its expectation.4)What may further encourage unsolicited transactions?Recent success of hostile acquirers in forcing target companies to negotiate and accept deals though occasionally taking a long time.5)What are the features and trends of private equity firms?They are seeking an exit from portfolio companies and are seeing M&A as an increasingly attractive alternative to capital market transactions.6)What is an tender offer?It is a public, open offer or invitation by a prospective acquirer to all stockholders of a publicly traded corporation (the target corporation) to purchase some or all of their shares. The price offered is usually at a premium to the market price. In a tender offer, the bidder contacts shareholders directly; so the directors of the company may or may not have endorsed the tender offer proposal.7)What are the key deal issues in M&A transactions?(1)reverse break-up fees(2)caps on damages payable by acquirers failing to close(3)the availability of specific performance remedies to compel a party tocomplete an acquisition8)How do US and UK takeover systems differ?In US takeover system, state case law allows target boards to take defensive measures within certain limits.In order to correct the perceived imbalance, UK disallows deal protection mechanisms; sets a default period in which a bidder will have to either announcea fully financed bid or walk away; and implements other measures to enhancebid-related disclosure.9)What are the views on the burden of extending bids into the U.S?(1)Some of both European regulators and bidders fear that the extension of paperbids into the US may be too burdensome and the exposure to the US plaintiffs’ bar and US courts may be too uncertain and risky.(2)But the case of Morrison v. NBA may have changed European regulators andbidders view because the pending anti-fraud-based actions against non-US companies were either dismissed or the damages to companies ere greatly reduced(3)The convergence between European and US securities regulations haveproduced positive effects, may further alleviate such concerns, and would encourage M&A players to consider using more shares in cross-border deals.10)How is M&A in emerging market expected to develop in 2011?(1)It is expected to grow over one-third in 2011, taking a larger share of globalM&A activity, particularly true in BRIC nations.(2)Sovereign wealth funds abundant in funds will continue to play a key role ininbound M&As and, meanwhile, private equity is to be much more important source of funds for M&A activities there.(3)Companies from emerging markets will engage in more outbound M&A dealsfor natural resources and market growth as well as inbound ones.(4)Multinationals from the developed countries may also go on M&A activitiesin emerging markets either for market footholds or growth opportunities. 11) What is said about US M&A deal enforcement?(1) The official agencies FTC and DOJ have continued to pledge vigorousmerger enforcement and have dedicated significant resources to updating themerger review process.(2) They have also proposed changes to pre-merger notification form.(3) The Antitrust Division has enhanced enforcement in vertical mergers as wellas horizontal mergers.12) What are the trends of EU antitrust enforcement?DG COMP and its Chief Economist team are paying close attention to the US-led debate over the need to define marketsDG COMP has increased its reliance on the counterfactual analyses for judging whether a merger prevents effective competition.2.Fill in each blank in the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1)BRIC nations would support the country in the areas of education, health andagriculture, among others.2)In the second quarter we successfully secured a non-dilutive source of growthcapital on very favorable terms sufficient to drive both near and longer-term initiatives.3)We seem to value time in cyclical phases and seasons rather than in minutes andhours.4)The world is facing far more challenges than before in the context of intensifiedglobalization.5)In the debate Team A seemed to get upper hand at the beginning but quickly loststrength.6)He would discuss with the officials of Bulgaria various topics such as investmentclimate, the fight against corruption, and its accession to the European Union. 7)We are urging local education and city leaders to ramp up the pressure on theirgovernments to cough up more cash for new schools in their areas.8)Potential mayoral candidates are already flush with funds from their supporterfor the coming election.9)The government has been urged to follow through on its pledge to reform thecurrent wage system.10)The birth of a new nation in Sudan may give rise to numerous thorny issues,including sharing of resources.3.Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.A____________________ B__________________________________________ 1) equity market A) An asset class consisting of equity securities foroperating companies that are not publicly traded on astock exchange, including venture capital, growthcapital and mezzanine capital. 52) antitrust agency B) The market, also known as stock market, whereshares are issued and traded, either through exchangesor over-the-counter markets. 13) synergy C) A merger occurring between companies producingthe same or similar products or offering similarservices. 84) due diligence D) An organization responsible for prohibitingpractices that restrain competition, includingprice-fixing conspiracies and acts designed toachieve monopoly power. 25) private equity E) A company in which a venture capital firm, buyoutfirm, holding company, or other investment fundsinvests. 106) vertical merger F) A market in which individuals and institutionstrade financial securities in order to raise funds. 9 7) tender offer G) Additional effectiveness achieved from mutuallyadvantageous integration or compatibility of effortsor resources between business participants. 38) horizontal merger H) An investigation of a business prior to signing acontract, for example, a potential acquirer evaluatinga target company or its assets for acquisition. 49) capital market I) A public, open offer by a prospective acquirer to apublicly traded corporation to tender its stock forsale at a specified price during a specified time. 710) portfolio company L) A merger between two companies producingdifferent goods or components for the finalfinished product, for example, a car manufacturermerging a tire company. 64.Translate the following passage into Chinese.去年,由于全球兼并业务突破了网络泡沫时代的惊人水平,市场又跟1999年那样派对聚会。
当代商务英语综合教程2 Unit 12 MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden
offer a mix of faculty lectures, corporate visits, speakers and cultural
visits — something that sounds somewhat similar to what Prof Mintzberg
was describing.
Text A MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden Their Horizons
But Prof Pugel insists the DBI experiences are worth it. “A week or
two in the country is noticeably better than trying to study it from afar.”
it is now at Harvard, or provided as an add-on that must be paid for, schools
are reporting strong interest from students.
Text A MBA Travellers Aim to Broaden Their Horizons
11 “There was a view put forward some years ago that you needed six
months in a culture before you could understand much of anything.
12 “Anything less than six months was not an experience that would
4. Even in companies that see customer intimacy as their point of strategic differentiation, there are two reasons why CEOs should be cautious about overdoing the percentage of time interfacing with customers. 甚至对那些把发展客户和关系看作是战略特点
put in time: 在某一工作上花费(时间)。如: She puts in eight hours behind a desk every day.
get around to: 腾出时间来做。如: I didn’t get round to putting all the photos in frames.
Unit 13
Business English: A Reading Course
Notes on the Text:
1. You’ve put in a longer-than-eight-hour day at work, cooked dinner, folded laundry, and you still haven’t got around to the brisk walk you vowed to take every day. 你每天花费8个小时以上的时间 工作、做饭、折叠喜好的衣服等,但是你没有 腾出时间来做你发誓每天要做的快走锻炼。
随着时间的流逝,这就意味着来自于营销职位的总经 理的比例更高了。
商务英语阅读(第三版)chapter 12 business ethics and corporate social responsibility
Beyond the green corporation
Getting started:
Many companies are making efforts to maintain sustainable development, but companies that talk the most about sustainability are not always the best at executing. Among the examples given in the text, which ones do you think are better at executing?
Exercise: Vocabulary and Grammar
Beyond the green corporation
Find Chinese equivalents for the followings:
case in point competitive edge flat-footed fuel economy market capitalization polish the image profit-obsessed renewable resources strike a balance utility company
A more responsibly managed firm will face fewer business risks than its less virtuous competitors: it will be more likely to avoid consumer boycotts, be better able to obtain capital at a lower cost, and be in a better position to attract and retain committed employees and loyal customers. Correspondingly, firms that are unable or unwilling to recognize this new competitive reality will find themselves disadvantaged in the marketplace.
商务英语阅读(下册)(第二版) unit 12 跨文化交际
Reading I Fast Reading II
TEXT Cross-cultural Communication
Pre-reading questions
1.How many patterns of cultural difference do you know? 2. What general principles should we insist on when conducting business with people of different cultures?
Different communication styles The way people communicate varies widely between different cultures. The two aspects of communication style embrace language usage and the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication. Some words and phrases are used differently in different cultures. For example, the meaning of "yes" varies even in English speaking countries. In some countries, it means "maybe”,” I will consider it", while in others it equals "definitely so". Non-verbal communicating includes facial expression, gesture, seating arrangements, personal distance, sense of time, voice, etc. For example, if you raise you voice, some white Americans think it signs that a fight has begun, while some black feel that it signs an exciting conversation between friends.
Smuggling走私It is not unusual for a pet to be sent by air cargo from Colombia to New York, but last December's shipment of a 4-year-old sheep dog caught a New York Kennedy Airport Customs inspector's eye.用空运邮件把宠物从哥伦比亚送到纽约并非什么新鲜事,但去年12月,一只空运而来的4岁牧羊犬引起了纽约肯尼迪海关一位检查员的注意。
The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body.这只狗看上去已奄奄一息,而在它身体的一侧有一个可疑的肿块。
An X-ray and emergency surgery revealed the presence of 10 condoms tightly packed with five pounds of cocaine that had been surgically implanted in the dog's abdomen - yet another first for Customs in the war on drugs.通过X射线检查和外科手术,发现狗的腹内被植入了10个避孕套,里面塞满了总计5英磅的可卡因——这是反毒战争中该海关创下的又一个第一。
When it comes to transporting drugs, the methods used are only as limited as a smuggler's imagination.说到运输毒品,走私者用尽了各种可以想象得到的办法,Kilo bricks of cocaine are routinely concealed beneath false bottoms ofcontainers that hold poisonous snakes. 大块的可卡因常被隐藏在装运毒蛇箱子的假底板下面。
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作为营销专家以及品牌资产联合会的主席,Larry Light 观察到问题的严重性,认为“MBA代表的应该是品牌资产的杀手”。
零售商也可以根据商店名称或者其他某些因素,创建自己的品牌(纽约Macy’s百货公司拥有自己的品牌,如Christopher Hayes、INC以及Club Room等品牌)。
产品可以以人名命名(如雅诗兰黛化妆品、保时捷汽车、Redenbacher 爆米花),以地名来命名(如圣塔菲古龙水、克莱斯勒纽约汽车以及英国航空公司),以动物或者鸟的名称命名(如野马轿车、鸽子香皂、灰狗巴士等),或者以其他东西或物品命名(如苹果电脑、壳牌汽油、利比亚求脱水牛奶)。
一些品牌使用的是表现了产品根本的意义的词汇(如Lean Cruisine、Justjuice,以及Ticketron 等),或暗示产品的属性、特点的词汇(Diehard 自动电池、Mop’n Glow地板除尘器以及Beautyrest 床垫等)。
图12—1 不同产品层次的例子更确切地说,正是消费者对产品特点、性能、品牌名称及意义、与品牌相联系的公司的整体感觉的认知和感觉,使得某一产品有别于众多产品而脱颖而出。
营销学大师Alvin Achenbaun认为:从以上的例子看出,有品牌的商品可以是有形物品(如桂格燕麦、王子牌网球拍或者福特Taurus 轿车),服务(如美国航空公司、美国银行、美国泛美保险公司),零售店(Bloomingdale 百货公司、美体专营店或Safeway 超市),人物(比尔·克林顿、汤姆·汉克斯、迈克尔·乔丹),地点(巴黎、加州、澳大利亚),组织(红十字会、美国汽车协会、滚石唱片等),或者是想法(如堕胎权、自由贸易以及言论自由等)。
英特品牌评估公司的John Murphy认为:创建成功的品牌应当把所有的不同因素以独特的方式相结合——产品或服务应当品质好,能够满足消费者的需求。
图12—2 品牌的作用消费者对于消费者来说,品牌有助于消费者辨识产品的制造商,使消费者能够找到应负责任的零售商和制造商。
正如哈佛大学的Susan Fournier评论的那样:保持与众多品牌的关系可以缓解人们因社会传统被抛弃而感到的“自我空虚”的困惑,并让他们沉着地应对变幻莫测的世界。
普利斯特奖获得者Daniel Boorstein 认为,对于很多人来说,品牌起到了兄弟会、宗教组织以及服务组织的作用,品牌帮助人们意识到自己是什么样的人,帮助人们将做人的定义传递给他人。