英美概况复习资料1 文档

复习提纲一、复习范围:《英美概况》(修订本,温洪瑞主编)除了Lesson 3、10、13、20之外全部课文二、题型:1.选择填空(20题,20分)--- 涉及到各课内容2.匹配题(15题,15分)--- 人物、地名等(e.g. P26)3.词语翻译(20题,20分)--- 从各课的词汇表中抽4.完形填空Cloze(一篇20题,20分)---5.阅读理解(一篇5题,10分)---6.名词解释(10题,15分)---三、复习内容:1. Geography 2. Historic events 3. Figures 4. PoliticsI. Geography地理知识1. location and sizeUk:situated In Western Europe,separated from the European continent by the English Channel and the North SeaUS: situated in the southern part of North America, the fourth largest in area2.Regions/states区域/州:1) UK: four regions:2) US:New England (in northeast of US); 50 states (the two youngest states and two largeststates),Alaska (largest in area)3. Rivers:the Severn River (longest in UK), the Thames;the Mississippi River(longest river, father of waters), international rivers:the Rio Grande River, St. Lawrence, Columbia; Hudson (flows through New York City), Colorado, Missouri4. Lakes: the Lough Neagh(largest in UK,in Northern Ireland), the Lake District (poets, scenery, varied);the Great Lakes5. Mountains:the highest peak (Ben Nevis in Scotland)the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocket Mountains (the Continental Divide.), Mount Whitney(highest peak in US)6.population: 60 million (UK), 300 million (US), largest populous state (California) ,7. People and ethnic groups: Jutes, descendants of Anglo-Saxon(English); Indians (first Americans), black, Hispanics (speak Spanish), WASPs8. cities:Edinburgh (capital of Scotland), Washington DC (capitol, White House, Pentagon), motor city(Detroit), Pacific coast cities (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle); New York (UN headquarters) , largest China town (San Francisco)9.Climate: UK--- more rainy days, changeability, more fogsII. Major Events历史事件英国部分1. Wars:1) Norman Conquest (1066) 诺曼征服: Battle of Hastings赫斯丁战役2) War of Roses (1455~1485)The House of Lancaster (Red Rose), The House of York (White Rose):3) The Civil War (1642~ 1646) / bourgeois RevolutionCav alier: supported the King in the British Civil War; Roundheads: supported the Parliament2 The Black Death (1348—1349)3. The Peasant’s Uprising(1381):4. The English Reformation(1530s) : King Henry VIII5. The Commonwealth (1649~1660) Oliver Cromwell6. The Restoration (1688):Charles II7. the Glorious Revolution (1688):William of Orange was invited to England and took the Englishthrone with no bloodshed.8. Colonial Expansion (1583—1900) : first colony (Newfoundland), Jamestown (the earliestBritish settlement on North America), 13 colonies (along the east coast of North America), 9. the British Commonwealth of Nations英联邦美国部分1. wars:1) The War of Independence (1775—1783)Boston Tea Party (1773)Battle of Lexington (April 19,1775 ): the first shots of American Revolution were fireThe Saratoga Campaign (1776)the turning pointThe Battle of Yorktown (1777)the British army surrenderedThe First Continental Congress (1774) in Philadelphia , organized militia unitsThe Second Continental Congress (1775) in Philadelphia ,founded a Continental Army2) .The Civil War (1861.4.12 ~ 1865. 4.9): causes and significanceThe Battle of Gettysburg:: the turning point of the Civil War2.Discovery of the New World (1492 )3.the first permanent colony: Jamestown, Virginia (1607)4.Plymouth:the first settlement of the Puritans on North America(1620)5.Mayflower (Plymouth, 1620) 102 Pilgrims/Puritans6.Watergate Scandal ( 1972.6.) President Nixon had to resignIII. Documents文件1. The Bill of Rights (1689) 《权利法案》: confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy, the beginning of constitutional monarchyThe Bill of Rights (1791) 《权利法案》:the first ten Amendments to the US Constitution 2. Constitutions:UK---no written constitutions;consisting of statute law, common law and conventionsUS--- 1789.3.4; the first written constitution in the world, with many amendments3. Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》drafted by Jefferson 托马斯杰克逊起草4. Articles of Confederation《联邦条例》origin of US constitution 美国宪法的前身5. Emancipation Proclamation《解放黑奴宣言》(1863)issued by Lincoln6. Doomsday Book《末日审判书》IV. Figures 人物1. Kings and queens:Henry VIII (religious Reformation) , Mary I , Elizabeth I (a wise queen, during her reign capitalism grew rapidly), Charles I (beheaded), Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector)2. Presidents: George Washington (1), Thomas Jefferson (3) James Madison (4, father of the Constitution), Abraham Lincoln(16), Franklin Roosevelt (32), Richard Nixon (Watergate Scandal)3.Other figures:Margaret Thatcher(first woman Prime Minister), Benjamin Franklin(forerunner of Enlightenment in America), Christopher Columbus (an Italian navigator, first discoveredthe New World)V. Politics and laws政治与法律1. political system:UK---- Constitutional Monarchy君主立宪制US--- Federation联邦制2. Parliament / congressUK Parliament ----Consists of:the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of commons Functions: make laws, financeUS Congress ---- Consists of:Senate,House of Representatives (elected every 2 years) 3.Government:UK---- the prime minister (most powerful person), the Lord Privy Sea l掌玺大臣,Minister of without Portfolio不管部长,US--- presidency,power of president (veto),the Department of State (advise the President on foreign relations),Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) 中央情报局,t he Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局, 以及其他一些部的名称4.major parties:UK-----the conservative Party,the Labor PartyThe party that has the majority seats in the Commons will form the government.US----- the Federal Party (founder: Alexander Hamilton)the Republican Party ( the Republicans) : political symbol---elephantthe Democratic Party (the Democrats): political symbol ---donkey5. general election :UK---every 5 years US--- every4 years6. Laws and courts:the Court of appeal上诉法院,the Lord Chancellor大法官petit jury小陪审团VII. Religion宗教the established church of Britain : the Church of England(英格兰圣公会)Puritans: wanted to make reforms in the Anglican Church部分术语:outer London(143)the British Commonwealth of Nations (157)Black Death(154)WASP(309)Doomsday Book(150)Bill of Rights(US)(322)Jamestown (318)American Indians (317)The Church of England(142)Indentured Servant (317)New England(318)Puritans (153)Alaska (306)Hispanic(310)IBM (311)Congress(313)melting pot(309)。

英美概况考试重点复习材料(英国部分)Chapter 1第一章Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wale大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh 苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。

英美概况英国期末考试复习资料I国家概述1,The Union Jackred cross: Englandwhite saltire: Scotlandred saltire: Northern Ireland2,This is the Welsh flag (Welsh Dragon). It is not represented in the UK Flag becauseWales was ruled directly from London.(before the 1st version of UK flag, Wales had already been conquered and considered to be part of England) 3,Motto of the UKGod and my right. (English)天有上帝,我有权利。
II climate1,Does Britain have a favorable climate?Why?Because a maritime type of climate—winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot;It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year;It has a small range of temperature & lack of extremes.2,What are the factors which influence the climate in Britain?The surrounding waters balance the seasonal differences;Britain is mainly influenced by the prevailing south-west winds across theAtlantic, which bring warm and wet air in winter and keep the temperature moderate;The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.III History of BritainEarly Settlers (5000BC-55BC)1, How about their civilization? (What did they bring with them?)a) The art of pottery makingb) The ability to fashion (ornament with patterns) bronzetoolsc) The custom of individual buriald) The hill forts (堡垒) and small fortified towns (筑堡城镇).The Maiden Castle is one of the finest examples.2, What was their religion?Druidism(德鲁伊德教),the Druids—the wise men,astrologers, soothsayersIV Transition to Modern Age (1455-1688)1,What happened during the 17th century?During the 17th century Puritanism became a political movement: the parliamentarians who fought Charles I and took power under Cromwell were Puritans, and the struggle between the king and parliament is also known as the Puritan Revolution. 2,What else were the Puritans called?After the Restoration of 1660 the Puritans left the Church, and from then on were known as Dissenters or Nonconformists. 3.The consequences of the Civil Wars(1) the English Civil Wars not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of feudal rule in Europe.(2) It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.(3) The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution, as the King’s opponents were mainly Puritan.4,How did the “Glorious Revolution”break out?A. James II’s revival of Catholicism in Englanda. When Charles II died, his brother succeeded, becoming James II.b. James, who was brought up in exile in Europe, was aCatholic.c. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious views.B. Intolerance of Catholic and dethrone of the Kinga. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic as king in 1688 than 40 years ago.b. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king.C. Co-monarchsa. William of Orange(奥兰治王室), James’s Dutch nephew and husband of Mary, James’s daughter, was invited to invade and take the English throne.b. William and Mary were invited for joint rule, and they jointly accepted the Bill of Rights.D. the takeover with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the King, therefore became known as the Glorious Revolution. 5,The Bill of Rights 《权⼒法案》In 1689, William and Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly.(1) The bill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession(2) confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy(3) and guaranteed free speech within both the two Houses.(4) Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.V.Judiciary(Headed by Lord Chancellor)VI Economy1,Economic declinetwo World Wars—great economic lossthe era of the British Empire was over—decolonization (losses of raw material & market)military expense (until the process of decolonization completed in the 1960s)2,Current British Economythe world's fifth largest economy(after US, Japan, Germany and China)The UK's people are the world's twelfth richest Sterling—performed relatively well against major currencies in recent years 五,福利六,宗教1,Who is the founder of Christianity?Jesus Christ, who was crucified around A.D. 30 in Jerusalem, is the founder of Christianity.2,Who is Jesus Christ?Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to earth to teachabout love and fellowship. He represents the person that all Christians must strive to be.Jesus was a Jew who was born about 2000 years ago in Bethlehem(1.伯利恒(耶路撒泠南⽅六英⾥⼀市镇,耶稣诞⽣地)). Jesus lived for 33 years before being crucified by the Romans. 3,What other names is Jesus known by?Son of GodLight of the WorldLamb of GodThe Good Shepherd.4,What do Christians believe?Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that:God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sinsJesus was fully human, and experienced this world in the same way as other human beings of his timeJesus was tortured and gave his life on the Cross (At the Crucifixion)Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion (the Resurrection)Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah promised in theOld TestamentChristians believe that there is only one God, but that this one God consists of 3 "persons"七,教育,假期1,Christmas→the biggest and the most popular British holiday celebrated on December 25th.→to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.→People usually decorate homes with evergreen plants, Christmas trees and ornaments.→They exchange gifts and Christmas cards.⼋,⽣活1,Holidays and Festivals in Britainthe Christmas 'pantomimeBoxing Dayto hear the Queen give her Christmas message九,政治1,What's the role of the Queen or King?The head of everything but ruler of nothing.head of the statean integral part of the legislaturehead of the executivehead of the judiciarythe commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Crownthe ‘supreme Governor’of the Church of England.2,The importance of the monarchy:Is found in its effect on public attitudeIs used to represent the continuity and adaptability of the whole political systemIs used as a symbol of the unity of the whole country, an acceptable bound among the peoples who retain many regional and cultural differences.People are convinced that the Queen has no bias towards any nation and exists to help preserve the people's rights, the right to personal property and the right not to be imprisoned without a trial.It is primarily to symbolize the tradition and unity of the British state.3 .What's your idea about UK keeping the monarch?A.Theoretically, the King or Queen is the source of all government powers. He/She is the head of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all armed forces.B,In reality, the King or Queen does everything on the advice of the Prime Minister, and his/her role is symbolic, ceremonial, and not political.C,The monarch is the personal embodiment of the British government and a symbol of British unity, representing the continuity of the whole political system. So the stability of the D,British government owes much to the monarchy.E,The monarch can meet the PM on weekly basis at Buckingham Palace, give the Royal Assent to any new law that has been passed by Parliament, act as a final check on a government that is becoming dictatorial.F,As a figurehead to represent the country, the monarch can perform the following ceremonial duties:paying state visits to Commonwealthcountries as head of state and non-Commonwealth countries on behalf of theBritish government, etc.⼗,议会1,What are the main functions of Parliament?to pass lawsto provide, by voting for taxation, the means of carrying on the work of governmentto scrutinise government policy and administration, including proposals for expenditureto debate the major issues of the day2,the House of Lords: the upper house上议院the Lords Spiritual (the senior bishops of the Church of England 神职议员)the Lords Temporal (members of the Peerage ⾮神职议员)the members are not elected by the population at large but are appointed by past or current governments.3,the House of Commons: the lower house下议院a democratically elected chamber with elections held at least every 5 yearsMPs comes from 646 constituencies of roughly equal population.4,What Goes on in the House of Commons?Many hours are spent debating issues of national and international importance.Most often a motion is proposed by one or two of theGovernment’s front benchers and then the same number of persons from the Opposition front benches oppose it.The Speaker decides who is allowed to speak and he/she must ensure that each side is given equal opportunity and time to speak.After the debate the MPs vote for or against the motion. MPs vote by going into ‘lobbies’, one for ‘yes’and one for ‘no’votes where they are counted.After the votes are counted the results are announced in the chamber.⼗⼀政体1,2,The Political Parties(1) the Conservative party(2) the Labour party(3) the Liberal Democrats3,The Prime Ministeris appointed by the Queen.is the leader of his party in the House of Commonsis the head of governmenthas the right to select his cabinet, hand out departmental positions, decide the agenda for cabinet meetings which he also chairs.can dismiss ministers if this is requiredkeeps the Queen informed of government decisionshe exercises wide powers of appointments in the civil service, church and judiciary .4,What is the Cabinet?The collective decision-making (executive) body, composed of the Prime Minister and the most senior of the government ministersThe most senior members of the Cabinet are:PM, Deputy PM, Foreign Secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Home Secretary. All Cabinet members are serving MP's or peers.Oppositions have a ‘Shadow Cabinet’.。

美国概况练习题:1 The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____.2 The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____.3 The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____.4 Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____.5 ____has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party.6 The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____.7 In the United States, primary education requires____years.8 Most college students in the United States arein____institutions.9 The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________.10 _____(which state )is not governed by the common law.练习题答案及题解:1. The Mississippi River, 密西西比河是美国传统的东方和西方的分界线。
2 .The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain,最早被早期定居者发现和占领的地方是大西洋及其沿岸平原。
英美概况 第一章

2. The Middle Ages
From the collapse of Roman Empire to the Renaissance This age can be roughly divided into two periods: (1) Anglo-Saxon Period: (The Old English) (2) Anglo-Norman Period (Middle English)--- as a result of Norman conquest of the island.
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(2) Caedmon: The earliest English poet. According to Bede, he was an elderly herdsman who received the power of song in a vision. died c. 680 (3) Bede (673?-735) Anglo-Saxon theologian and historian whose major work, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (731), written in Latin, remains an important source of ancient English history. He introduced the method of dating events from the birth of Christ.
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6. Wessex Literature
(1). Wessex: A region and ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southern England. According to tradition, the kingdom was founded by the Saxon conquerors of Britain and at its greatest extent occupied the territory between the English Channel and the Thames River. (2) King Alfred Known as “the Great.” (849-899) King of the West Saxons (871-899), scholar, and lawmaker who repelled the Danes and helped consolidate England into a unified kingdom. King Alfred’s contribution to English literature: 3 aspects.

英美概况复习资料1文档1.The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by _____.A. PythagorasB. PlatoC. HeraclitusD. Democtitus2.________ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.”A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales3.________ founded the science of logic.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales4.The Republic was written by ___________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales5.“Question-and-answer” technique was created by _________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales6.“The Renaissance” was between _________.A. 1500-1700 A.D.B. 1400-1700 A.D.C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.7._________ said, “I think; therefore, I am”.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley8.__________ was called the farther of modern Rationalism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley9.________ was called the modern father of Empiricism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley10._________ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into one newcomprehensive system.A. Immanuel KantB. George HegelC. John RockD. George Berkeley11.________ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art.A. The National RomanticsB. The Universal RomanticsC. The Classical RomanticsD. The contemporary Romantics.12.The British Isles is made up of ________>A.Three large islands and hundreds of small onesB.Two large islands and hundreds of small onesC.Three large islands and dozens of small onesD.Two large islands and dozens of small ones13.The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by _______.A. King HaroldB. William the ConquerorC. Robin HoodD. Oliver Cromwell14.Between 1337 and 1453 the ______ took place in Britain.A. Wars of RosesB. Black deathC. Hundred Years’ warD. peasants uprising15.In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without a good reasonand making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb __________.A. as welcome as a stormB. an Englishmen’ s house is his castleC. don’t wear out your welcomeD. outstay one’s welcome16.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II17.Westminster Palace is the ___________.A.seat of British House of ParliamentB.seat of English ChurchC.residence of king and queenD.Residence of Prime Minster18.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.A.Office of British NavyB.Official residence of Prime MinsterC.Seat of English parliamentD.Official residence of King19.The oldest university in Britain is ________.A. Cambridge UniversityB. St. Andrews UniversityC. OxfordD. Edinburgh University20.British English is spoken in _______.A. Great BritainB. AustraliaC. New ZealandD. A,B and C21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was _________.A. to save the American economic and political systemB. to change the American economic systemC. to weaken monopoly interests in AmericaD. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America. 22.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186723.During World War I, the U.S. government actually pursued a policy of _________.A. neutralityB. pro-Ally partialityC. pro-Axis partialityD. appeasement(绥靖政策)24. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with _______.A. the westward movementB. the urbanizationC. the industrializationD. the development of hi-tech industries25. In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 826. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .ToriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists27._____ constitute the dominant sector of the U.S. economy.A. state-owned businessB. privately owned businessC. independent professionalsD. government-run business28. Among the Great Lakes, ______ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan。

word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载Test 1A. EdwardB. AlfredC. CanuteD. Harold I 2.TheEnglish Reformation began with _B_A. Henry VIIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary TudorD. Edward VI3.In the reform of the Church, Henry VIII dissolved all of England's monasteries and nunneries beca were much more loyal to _A_ than to their English kings.A. the PopeB. Jesus ChrCi.s oman CatholicD. the bishops4.For nearly thirty years, Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other the two great Catho the time, B_ , and prevented England from getting involved in any major European conflict.A. Spain and GermanyB. France and SpaiCn. Spain and Denmark D. France and Italy 5.In theIndustrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in _B_A. hardwareB. textilesC. po .te emicals6.About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that h of the world's people and __C__ of the world's land area.A. halfB. one thir. one fourt . one fifth7. At the general election of 1945 Winston Churchill was heavily defeated, because _D_A. he was old-fashionedB. people did not support his postwar policiesC. he was not qualified as a prime minister in a peaceful ageD. people wanted to forget about the war8. In January, _A_ Britain became a full member of the European Economic Community.A. 1973B.1979C. 1967 .9579. In Britain the order of succession to the Crown can be altered only by common consent of _D_A. all members of the royal faBm.il he House of Lords and the House of CommonsC. cabinet and ministryD. the countries of the Commonwealth10.c_ is responsible for the security, accommodation and services in the House of Lords' part of th Westminster.A. The Lord ChancellorB. The SpeakerC. The Gentleman Usher of the Black RDo.d The Clerk of the parliaments 11.Theultimate authority for law-making resides in _a_.A. the House of CommonsB. the QueenC. the CabinetD. the House of Lords 12._A_only has men priests at present.A. The Church in Wale. The Church of EnglanCd. The Free Church D. The Church of Scotland 13.Theimportant patriotic festival in Britain is _CA. St.Georges DayB. St.Patrick's DCa.y Armistice DayD. Boxing Day14.Higher education in Britain is generally supported by _A_A. public fundBs. students themselvCe.s businessD. private sources15.The basic ethnic stock of Ireland is _D.A. NorseB. EnglishC. NormanD. Celtic16.Irish is a _B_ language.A. Anglo-SaxonB. CelticC. LatinD. Greek17.The arrival of _c in AD432 was the most important event in Irish history .A. E.ChildersB. Palladiu . St. PatrickD. Eamon deValera18.In American history, the largest immigration movement did not take place until _A_ A. 1815B.1900C.1917D.1945word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载19. Most Americans lived in _A_A. city areasB. countrysideC. mountain areasD. river valleys20.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the _A_A. blacksB. HispanicsC. Asian-AmericansD. White ethnics21.The Pilgrim buialtcolony named _C_ after they arrived in America.A. JamestownB. BostonC. PlymouthD. Yorktown22.The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental CongreDs_s. on July 4A. 1773B. 1774C.1775D. 177623.The American Constitutional system was went up to in _D_A. 1776B. 1781C.1787D.179124.Pushed by theProgressiv ovement, Presiden heodore Roosevelt(1901-1909)and Woodrow Wilson(1913-1921) initiated changes from the 19th century tradition of _B_.A. monopolyB. laissez faiCr.e government regulati market controlA. economyB. politic . societyD. democracy26.The Truman Doctrine was directed against _B_A. Nazi fascismB. CommunismC. Japan27.Kennedy proposed the program of _C_.A. New FreedomB. New DealC. New FrontierD. War on Poverty28.The United States has a free-market economy with a dominant _C_ sector.A. state-ownedB. collectCi.veprivateD. corporate29.Among the following, _A is not an automobile giant.A. the International Business Mac.in neral MotorsC. Ford D. Chrysler30. The New Right did not opposed _D_A. abortionB. affirmative actiCo.n tax risinDg. education31.A conference was held in Philadelphia in May ,1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation. All of except _A_ were represented at the Constitutional Convention.A. Rhode IslandB. MaineC. GeorgiaD. Hawaii32.The president cannot vote a law if Congress passes it by a _c vote at the second time. A. one-thirdB.halfC. two-third . three-fourths33.The president of the United States is the head of the _B_ branch.A. legislativeB. executiveC. judicialD. party34.Elementary and secondary education in the United States covers _C_ years.A.10B.11C.12D.1335.The community college made its appearance in the early _C_A. 1700sB.1800sC. 1900sD.1990s36. About _C_ American adults participate in an organized learning group each year.A. a halfB. one in thre . one in fourD. one in five37. In the early part of the 19th century, ___d___ was the center of American writing.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. ChicagoD. New York38. Theodore Dreiser was the representa _.ofA. KnickerbockersB. TranscendentalistsC. Lost GenerationD. Naturalists.39.Canada covers about _A_ of the North American continent.A. 2/5B.1/5C.1/2D.3/440.A major part of the Canadian population lives along the _B_ border.A. northernB. southernC. westernD. easternA. St. Patrick word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载41.The United Canada was, at confederation, divided into Ontario and _C_A. New BrunswickB. AlbertaC. QuebecD. Manitoba42.In Canadian history, _D_ created a federal union in 1867.A. The Quebec ActB. The Act of Unio . The Statue of Westminst r. the British North America Act43. The land of Australia is rather flat and more than 50% of the land is under 300m _c_ sea level.A. belowB. on C .above D. near44. The most pleasant part of Australia where the climate is cool and wet is its _A_A. south - east coastlBa.ndcentral eastern lowlaCn.dswestern plateaDu. Victorian Highlands45. The State of _B_ is regarded as the cultural and sports center of Australia.A. New South WalesB. VictoriaC. QueenslandD. South Australia46. New South Wales is located _B_ Australia.A. to the southwest towardsB. in the soutCh.eaisnt tohfe southeastD.toat the southeast in47. Over _C_ of the land in New Zealand is more than _ meters above sea level. A.1;2, 100B.3;4,400C.3;4,200D.2;5,30048. The red _B_ is called New Zealand Christmas tree because it flowers in December.A. rataB. PohutukawaC. kowhaiD. totara49. The bird calledisD a national symbol of New Zealand.A. wekaB.pukekoC. bellbirdD.kiwi50.C_is now one of the two official languages of Aotearoa in New Zealand.A. FrenchB. HollandC. MaoriD. PolynesiaTest 21. The Celts' religion was _D_A. ChristianityB. Norman beliefC. Roman Catholic2._B_ was the first Archbishop of Canterbury who was remarkably successful in converting the British k the nobility to Christianity.B. S .t AugustineC. St. PalladiusD. Bthelbert3. William replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with _A_A. the Grand CouncilB. the House of LordsC. the House of CommonsD. ParliamentA. political; militaryB. political; economicC. territorial; religiousD. territorial; economic5. Thanks to Mary, Protestantism and _D_ were now forever synonymous in Britain. _dA. CatholicismB. prosecutionC. the ReformationA. reformB. evolutionC. revolutionD. reformation 7. The Chartis ovement was officiallyaunchedat a greatBirmingham meetingin _b, with the aim ofpressing the Parliament to accept the People's Charcter.A. 1836B.1838C.1840D.18428. The United Kingdom is a _A State.A. unitaryB. federalC. republicD. feudal9. The _B_ Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. A. Canadian B. BritishC. Australian D. IrishD. nationalism 6. The agricultural changes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in England were so great tha D. Druidismword 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载10. The Houses of Parliament in U.K. were rebuilt between 1835afatnedr 1h8a5v7ing been destroyed by _c_.A. warB. an earthquakeC. fireD. an explosion11. In Britain, the members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of _C_A. fourB. threeC. fiveD. six12. Greater London is divided into _b_A. 32 boroughsB.32 boroughsand theCityof LondonC. 53 boroughsD.53 boroughsand theCityof London13. Established Churches in Britain are _D_A. Church of England and Church of Wale . Church in Wales and Church of ScotlandC. the Anglican ChurchesD. Church of England and Church of Scotland14. The seventh Sunday after Easter is _C_A. Good FridayB. Easter SundayC. Whit SundayD. not a festival15. In Britain, medical and veterinary courses normally require _C_ years.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. eight16._D_ have been a traditional source of conflict between the English and Irish.A. Political Persecut.onEconomic interestC. Ethnic discriminat o.nReligious differences 17.The firstblacks were brought to North America as slaves in _b_A. 1519B. 1619C. 1719D.181918. The victory at _A_ was the turning point of the War of Independence.A. SaratogaB. GettysburgC. TrentonD. Yorktown19. In American history, the Americans went to war against the British _B_A. only onceB. on two occasion . for three timDe.s for four times20. The Compromise of 1850 allowed __d__ to be accepted as a free state.A. New MexicoB. UtahC. PennsylvaniaD. California21.Lincoln’Esmancipa tionProclamationand theThirteent mendment to theConstitutiofnormallyended _C_A. the immigration movementB. the CivilC.Watrhe slave systemD. the industrialization22. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the _C_ states broke away and found the Confederate S of America.A. northernB. westernC. southernD. eastern23. Versailles Treaty System was the result of Paris Conference in _B_A. AsiaB. EuropeC. North AmericaD. Africa24. The Second World War finally ended in _A_A.1945B. 1946C.1947D.194925. The Standard Oil Company was founded by _CA. MorganB. FordC. RockefellerD. Dupent26. The longest war that the United States has fought is _C_A. the War of IndependenceB. the Civil WarC. the Vietnam WarD. the Gulf War27. Under the pressure of the Anti-war Movement _C_ decided not to run for the presidency for a secondA. TrumanB. NixonC. JohnsonD. Kennedy28._D_ was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote.A. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863B. the Civil Rights Act of 1964C. the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865D. the Voting Rights Act of 196529. The United States is by far the a_ industrial country in the world.A. biggestB. second biggestC. third biggestD. fourth biggestword 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载30The American economy is characterized by a high degree of _d_A. government regulationB. individual ownershiCp. corruption D. monopoly 31.Thesafeguards against misuse of the powers come in the form of _A_A. separation of powerBs. executive orderCs. presidential electDi.onpsarty political 32.TheAmerican Constitution is the _A_ written Constitution in the world.A. oldestB. longestC. youngestD. shortest33.The Constitution allows the President to give __B_ and pardons in federal criminal cases.A. absolutionsB. reprievesC. testimoniesD. amnesties34._B_ must first come from the House of Representatives.A. Appointments of high offici .lsRevenue billCs. Military bilDl.sBanking bills 35.Higher educationin the United States began with the founding of __A_ in 1636.A. Harvard CollegeB. YaleC. MITD. Princeton36. The system of higher education in the U.S. has three principal functions except _D_A. teachingB. researchC. public serviceD. individual service37. In America, junior colleges include the following college except _B_ one.A. juniorB. BibleC. communityD. technical38. At the master's level the program is primarily _B_ oriented , an extension of undergraduate studyA. researchB. courseC. vocationD. doctoral39. The first American writings were written by those first settlers in _A_ colonies.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. SpanishD. Dutch40. Mark Twain's masterwork was _B_A. The Sketch BookB. The Adventure of Huckleberry FinnC. NatureD. Laves of Grass41. The biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States is _D_A. New Year's DayB. Independence DayC. Thanksgiving DayD. Christmas Day42. The two principal river systems in Canada are the Mackenzie and _B_A. the Great lakeB. the St. Lawrenc. the Hudson RiverD. the Saskatchewan River 43._B_ isthe Canadian section of the Great Plains of North America.A. Atlantic Provinc s. The Prairie ProvincesCs. The Canadian Shiel . British Columbiaroots of French Canada.A. Hudson BayB. OttawaC. Quebec CityD. Montreal45. Canada, Confederation, was made up of four provinces, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and _D_A. NewfoundlandB. ManitobaC. AlbertaD. New Brunswick46. Australia is in the _C_ hemisphereA.northernB.easternC.southernD.weastern47. Victoria is also known as _D_48. The size of New Zealand is similar to _CA. Britain or CanadaB. Canada or AustraliaC. Britain or JapanD. Australia or U.S.A.49. In the 1870s the main export of New Zealand became _C_A. timberB. foodC. woolD. gold50. A New Zealand of European descent is known as a _D_A.PakehaB.KiwiC.PukekoD.MaoriTest 31. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first amendments to the Constitution.a. ten B. eleven c. twelve d. thirteen2. The President of the United States is head of the branch.a. legislativeb. executivec. judiciald. party3. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by during the Civil War.a. George Washingtonb. Abraham Lincolnc. Thomas Jeffersond. Franklin Roosevelt4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of .a. cultural revivalb. loss of purposec. development in science and technologyd. material success and spiritual frustration5. It was who first called Native Americans “Indians”.a. Lincolnb. Columbusc. Washingtond. Jefferson6. The United States did not join the Second World War directly untila. Great Depressionb. Pearl Harbor incidentc. the Japanese attack on Chinad. the German attack on Poland7. When we speak of “father of waters” or “old man river”, we are referring to .a. the Colorado River b . the Ohio Riverc. the Missouri Riverd. the Mississippi River8. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from .a. Franceb. Denmarkc. Irelandd. Germany9. The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, .a. First/1774b. First /1776c. Second/1774d. Second/177610. The British recorded history begins with .a. the arrival and settlement of Celtsb. the Norman Conquestc. Roman invasiond. Viking and Danish invasions11. The predecessor of the English parliament is .a. the Great councilb. the Witanc. the House of Plantagenetd. Magna Carta12. Civil Rights Movement happened in .a. the 1960sb. the 1950sc. the 1940sd. the 1930s13. The , the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.a. Appalachiansb. Rockiesc. Blue Ridge Mountainsd. Great Smokies14. To help the British East India Company out of difficulty, the British government allowed the compa at a lower price in the colonies through its own people.a. coffeeb. spicec. silkd. tea15. About half of the Britain’s trade is with .a. the United Statesb. South-east Asiac. the ECd. the Latin America16. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament.a. 651b. 1,200c. 1,198d. 76317. Most Americans lived in .a. city areasb. countrysidec. mountain areasd. river valleys18. The British Parliament has a maximum duration of years.a. fourb. sixc. eightd. five19. Of the five Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the United States, is the onlyone entirely in the U. S.a. Lake Huronb. Lake Ontarioc. Lake Michigand. Lake Erie20. The Chartis ovement was officiall unchedata greatmeeting in Birmingham in ,with theaim of pressing the Pamrelnit to accept the People’s Charter.a. 1836b. 1838c. 1840d. 18421~5 abbdb 6~10 bdddc 11~15 aabdc 16~20aadcbTest 41.Fanklin Roosevelt’s program for the depression was called .a. Progressivismb. laissez fairec. New Freedomd. New Deal2. The United States did not join the Second World War directly until in December, 1941.a. Great Depressionb. Pearl Harbor incidentc. the Japanese attack on Chinad. the German attack on Poland3. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as .a. Lord Protectorb. Lieutenant Generalc. Commander of the New Model Armyd. President4. Ireland is in the of Great Britain.a. eastb. southc. westd. north5. WASPs referred to .a. the mainstream Americansb. Hispanicsc. Asian-Americansd. Blacks6. Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution formally endeda. the immigration movementb. the Civil Warc. the slave systemd. the industrialization7. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion, Britain ruled one fourth of the and of the world’s land area.a. one thirdb. one fifthc. one fourthd. tow fifths8. The Celt’s religion was .a. Teutonic religionb. Christianityc. Druidismd. Buddhism9. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of , keeping them within the bo feudal law of the land.a. the Archbishop of Canterburyb. the baronsc. the churchd. the king10. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in the .a. the House of Lordsb. the House of Commonsc. the Privy Councild. the Shadow Cabinet11. The English Renaissance was largely .a. religiousb. ideologicalc. philosophicald. literary12. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in .a. hardwareb. textilec. potteryd. chemicals13. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in .a. 200B. C.b. 55 B. C.c. 55 A. D.d. 410 A. D.14. The Hundred Years’ War started in .a. 1733b. 1453c. 1337d. 135715. Civil Rights Movement happened in .a. the 1960sb. the 1950sc. the 1940sd. the 1930s16. The open declaration of the containment policy was made by on March 12, 1949 in a speech to th session of Congress.a. President Rooseveltb. President Kennedyc. General Marshalld. President Truman17. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament.a. 651b. 1,200c. 1,198d. 76318. About half of the Britain’s trade is with .a. the United Statesb. South-east Asiac. the ECd. the Latin America19. The British recorded history begins with .a. the arrival and settlement of Celtsb. the Norman Conquestc. Roman invasiond. Viking and Danish invasions20. At the beginning of the First World War, the United States pursued a policy of.a. containmentb. neutralityc. pro-Germany partialityd. pro-Ally partiality1~5dbaca 6~10 cccdb 11~15 dbbca 16~20daccbTest 51.There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four2.Magna Cartahad altogethe6r3 clausesof which themost importantmatterscouldbe seen in threeof the followingexcept _______.A. no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council;B. no serf should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the landC. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privilegesD. There should be the same weights and measures through - out the country.3. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer a ft ee th century, and the Scottish inventor________ modified and improved the design in 1765.A. Abraham DarbyB. James WattC. John KayD. Richard Arkwright4. In some areas factory farming methods are used, particularly for ________.A. growing cropB. producing milkC. catching fishD. rearing poultry5. By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United KA. Prime MinisterB. Member of ParliamentC. Lord of AppealD. Speaker of the House6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty, Britain established _______ with dominion status in Ireland in 1921A. the Anglican Church of IrelandB. the Irish Free StateC. the Irish Republican ArmyD. the Anglo - Irish Intergovernmental Council7. Irish broadcasting began in ______ in a small studio called Dublin Broadcasting Station.A. 1906B. 1916C. 1926D. 19368. _______ realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a against slavery.A. Frederick DouglassB. George WashingtonC. John AdamsD. Abraham Lincoln9. But even after the abolition of slavery, organized or individual discrimination was practiced againA. Chinese - AmericansB. American IndiansC. Japanese - AmericansD. black Americans10.From 1948 to 1966 averageyearlygrowth in realspendableearningswas ______ percentin theUnited States.A. 1.1B. 2.1C. 3.1D. 4.111. After a period of prosperity (1920 ~ 1929), government involvement in the economy increased ______A. during the Great DepressionB. after the WW IC. after the WW IID. during the Cold War12. The United States grows nearly _____ of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports the world.A. one thirdB. one fourthC. one sixthD. one seventh13. Through the Department of _____, the President is responsible for the protection of Americans abro foreign nationals in the United States.A. StateB. JusticeC. LaborD. Defense14. The community college embodies ________ belief that an education should be practical as well as liA. George Washington'sB. Thomas Jefferson'sC. Abraham Lincoln'sD. Franklin Roosevelt's15. The exploratory voyage made by ______ brought to a close to an era of European discovery of Austra had lasted nearly two hundred years.A. Arthur PhilipB. Mathew FlindersC. Port JacksonD. Peter Lalor16. After the outbreak of the First World War, Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on _A. JapanB. TurkeyC. ItalyD. Germany17. The European discovery of Canada can be traced back to the end of the ______ century.A. 14thB. 15thC. 16thD. 17th18. Northern provinces and territories tale up _____ of Canada.A. halfB. two thirdsC. one thirdD. four fifths19. In New Zealand, hydroelectricity from rivers and dams supplies ________ of total energy.A. 15%B. 16%C. 17%word 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载D. 18%20. In the United States, Halloween is night - time ______ holiday.A. children'sB. men'sC. women'sD. old men's21. Australia is generally divided into the following three topographical regions except _____.A. the Great Western PlateauB. the OutbackC. the Eastern HighlandsD. the Central Eastern Lowlands22. In Britain the succession order of the Crown can be altered only by common consent of _____.A. all members of the royal familyB. the House of Lords and the House of CommonsC. cabinet and ministryD. the countries of the Commonwealth23. New Zealand is the world's largest exporters of ________.A. lambB. expertiseC. honeyD. potatoes24. Today _____ is Ireland's most influential daily.A. the Irish PressB. the Irish IndependenceC. the Irish TimesD. the Irish Daily25. In the United States, _____ is a leading commercial crop in the South.A. cottonB. tobaccoC. peanutD. apple1.C2. B3. B4. D5. A11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. ATest 61. In America the academic year lasts nine months, from September to _____, with winter and spring vocA. JulyB. JuneC. August2. In elementary schools, courses for children include the following except _____.A. reading, writingB. social c u.r eign languagesword 专业资料-可复制编辑-欢迎下载D. sciences, art and musicE. cooking or other manual skills3. The American teachers’ pay and prestige are _____ in comparison with the general standard of livinA. highB. lowC. almost the same4. There are over _____ universities, colleges and other institutions in the United States.A. 2,000B. 2,500C. 3,0005. Today more than _____ of all the private colleges have some kind of church connection.A. 1/3B. 1/2C. 1/56. The library in _____ was the first private library in the US.A. Harvard CollegeB. Yale Coll .geCollege of New Jersey7. The first public library was founded in 1731 in _____.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. Chicago8. At present America has more than _____ free public libraries.A. 6,000B. 5,000C. 7,0009. VOA Radio Station was established in _____.A. 1924B. 1934C. 189410. All the newspapers and magazines in America are _____ owned.A. publiclyB. privatelyC. locally11. _____ is the winter sport in American schools and colleges.A. FootballB. BasketballC. Baseball12. It was the _____ immigrants in the mid-19th century who introduced skiing into the United States.A. ScandinavianB. DutchC. French13. 101 American people won the Nobel Prize after _____.A. WWIB. Civil WarC. WWII14. At the end of WWII the art centre of the world moved from _____ to the new world.A. ParisB. LondonC. Berlin15. The famous story _____ helps Washington Irving earn great fame in the literary world.A. “Rip Van Winkle”B. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”C. “The Adventures of a German Student”16. _____ is regarded as the father of detective stories.A. Mark TwainB. Edgar Allan PoeC. Herman Melville17. _____ is the first writer in America to win the Nobel Prize in literature.A. Sinclair Lewi . Saul BellowC. Ernest Hemingway18. Yale University was founded in _____.A. 1701B. 1746C. 174919. The greatest American playwright is _____.A. Arthur Mille . Eugene O’Niel C. Robert Frost20. _____ belonged to the Lost Generation.A. Ernest HemingwayB. Wilt Whitma . Tennessee Williams21. The most popular sport in America is _____.A. baseballB. basketballC. football22. After his death a bust of Henry Wa low was placed in the poet’s corner of _____.A. Westminster AbbeyB. camp of Cambridge UniversityC. Oxford University23. For his work, _____ was honoured “The Harlem Laureate”.A. Robert FrostB. Langston HughsC. Walt Whitman24. Arthur Ml er’s Masterpiece is _____.A. Death of a SalesmanB. The Crucibe。


英美概况期末复习一、名词解释1、Prime Minister 首相The Prime Minister is the number-one minister of all the British ministers. After a general election, the leader of the party that has won the majority of the seats in the House of Commons will be appointed Prime Minister by the monarch. The Prime Minister is the head of the British Government and is rather powerful in making appointments. The Prime Minister not only controls the Cabinet but also the Parliament2、British Parliament 英国议会The British Parliament comprises 3 elements --------- the Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. In law, the Monarch is the official head of the Parliament; the two House are separate and equal. In reality, the Monarch is nothing but the symbolic part, the real power in passing laws is held mainly by the House of Commons. The British Parliament has the supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom・3、The Speaker 议长The chief officer of the House of Commons is the Speaker, who is also known as the president of the Chambe匚The Speaker is elected by the House of Commons, but normally only after the party leaders have privately agreed beforehand on a particular person. Once elected, he can hold the position until his retirement when he will be made a pee匚Though he may belong to one of the political parties, the Speaker has to give up all party loyalties. He is next only to the Prime Minister in rank. The Speaker never votes except when the votes are equal. Then he gives the deciding vote.4、Question Time 质询时间Every day when the Commons meets, they begin their meeting with a "Question Time,M which is an hour of parliamentary time after prayers and some preliminaries. During the "Question Time"ministers, in rotation, answer questions put to them on matters for which they are responsible・ The questions are put forward by MPs and usually handed in beforehand・After the "Question Time”follows the main debate of the day.5、The "Three Readings"三独The process of passing it is similar in both of the Houses. According to a long-established practice, it must have three "readings^. In the Commons, it has the "first reading9' on introduction announcing its coming forward・ After a debate on its general principles and merits, it receives the "second reading^. At the end of the debate on the "second reading^, a vote is taken. Next the bill receives the "third reading^.6、Jury陪审团A Jury is a body of responsible, impartial citizens who are called to hear evidence in a law court andbound under oath to give an honest answer based on the evidence to question put before them. A Jury normally comprises 12 jurors, but in Scotland it consists of 15 people. In the United Kingdom all people between the ages of 18 and 65 or 70 whose names are on the electoral register can be chosen to serve on a jury except the ineligible・ Their names are chosen by lot. Those who are chosen cannot refuse jury service・ The jury decides whether the defendant is guilty or not in jury trials.7、By—elections 递补选举When an MP dies or resigns, or becomes a peer, his seat in the House of Commons is vacant・ Then a by一election is held to fill the vacancy・ A by一election is a local election. It is usually regarded asa test of national opinion in the period between general elections.8、Public Schools 公立大学"Public schools二the best—known of the independent schools in Great Britain, are secondary boarding schools preparing students academically for higher education, typically at Oxford or Cambridge University and ultimately for leadership in English life.9、The "Eleven Plus"Before 1965, after having finished their primary school education, pupils had to take a traditional selection test for entry to different types of secondary schools・It became known as the “Eleven Plus” for most children entered secondary schools shor什y after their 1 l lh birthday. Those who had got high marks went to grammar schools, and the rest, by far the majority, went to technical or secondary modern schools.10、The College System 学院制The administration of the university is the responsibility taken by their own governing councils・The universities decide the matters such as the prescription of syllabi, the arrangement of lectures, the conduct of examinations, and the award of degrees but the colleges are fairly independent. They are controlled by their own governing bodies, and all the colleges are parallel and equal institutions.By this college system, all students live in college during at least part of their course・11、The Tutorial System 导师制The tutorial system is a system of individual tuition which is organized by the college・ It is a way of teaching in these two universities. By this tutorial system, each student gets personal tuition oncea week in his tutor's own room・ This, with a weekly programme of private study is considered soimportant that students are not even compelled to attend general lectures. Students are free to choose the lectures they like・ Any one from any college may attend the university lectures.12、The Redbrick Universities 红砖大学The redbrick universities refer to all universities founded between 1850and 1930. They were called "redbrick" because that was the favourite building material of the time・ The University of London and Durham University included in this group・13、The Open University 开放大学The Open University was founded in 1969. It is a major innovation in the academic world providinga second chance for those who missed the opportunity for higher education at the age of 18 orthereabouts. The Open University offers tuition to degree standard to anyone who chooses to register.Unlike students in the other universities, they pay no boarding fees for the live at home・ After the end of their studies they take an examination. The successful students are granted a university degree.14、The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)英国广播公司The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a state—owned corporation. As a public service body, the present BBC was incorporated by the Royal Charter inn 1927 replacing the then British Broadcasting Corporation, a consortium of receiving equipment manufacturers established in 1992 to provide radio broadcasting service on a regular basis. The BBC's regular television broadcasting service began in 1936・ From 1927 to 1955 the BBC remained a monopoly of radio broadcasting,and later television broadcasting in Great Britain. Now, the BBC controls five national radio services,37 local radio stations and 2 national television channels.15、U nion Jack/Union Flag 英国国旗Union Jack/Union Flag is the national banner of the United Kingdom. It contains three crosses: St.George\ Cross, standing for the English people; St. Andrew's Cross, representing the Scottish people;and St. Patrick's Cross, for the Irish people. The first design was created in the 13th century, the ultimate design was settled in 1801.16、J ohn Bull约翰牛(特指英国或者英国人)John Bull is the nickname of the United Kingdom・ It is a household word in Britain・ It represents English people・ The name came from a book The History of John Bull by a Scottish. Now John Bull is regarded as a jovial, honest, solid and foursquare^ farmer.17、B ritish Isles不列颠群岛British Isles is a geographical term- It refers to an area including the two big islands, Great Britain and Ireland and many small islands between them and around them・ Two countries are located there: Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland・18、O ld English 古英语Old English is also known as An gio—Saxon. It is the term given to the language in its earliest written stage dating from 700 to 1150.Old English is a blend of German dialects spoken by the An gios, the Saxo ns and the Jutes. It is different from Modern English in phonology, morphology, spelling conventions, and syntax・19、M iddle English 中世纪英语The time: Middle English covered the time span from 1150 to 1500.The importance: The Middle English era was the era in which Britain broke the firm control of the Normans and became independent from France.The features of Middle English: It underwent greater changes than both Old English and Modern English A). The long bilingual phase in English history had exerted a profound effect on the structure of English, indirectly in its morphology and syntactic practice; and directly in its vocabulary・B) The great changes in this era made English become an analytic language instead of a synthetic one. C) Standard Pronunciation took shape by the end of the 14th century・20、T he Established ChurchesThe Established Churches are the churches which are "legally recognized as official churches of the state:There are two established churches™the Church of England and the Church of Scotland. 21、T he Church of EnglandThe Church of England is also called the Anglican Church. It is the national church of England.The Church of England has two provinces・Each province comprises some dioceses. A diocese is composed of many deaneries. A deanery is subdivided into many parishes.Though the Church of England is a national church, it is not financed by the state. The Church supports itself financially・It has its own properties, stocks and shares, and it receives endowment.The Church of England is Protestant in nature・22、T he Church of ScotlandIn Scotland, the established church is the Church of Scotland・ Il derived its status as the nationalchurch from The Treaty of Union 17O7.The government and nature of the Church. It is Presbyterian in church government and Calvinist (a branch of Protestantism) in nature.The central governing body is the General Assembly, in which the monarch is represented by the Lord High commissioner.Below the General Assembly is the Court of the Synod, then comes the Court of presbytery, and fin ally the Kirk Session.23、T he Free Churches 自由教会Generally, The Free Churches refer to the non—onformist churches in England・ The members of the Free churches are the "dissenters" as they are originally called. After the reformation in the 16th century, many Protestants separated from the Church of England (because they thought that the Church of England had not completely ridded of itself of the rules and practices of the Church of Rome.) and threw away all the Roman rules and formed the free churches of their own. Now in the Free Churches there are no archbishops and bishops and the churches are bare, and services are simple・24、B ritish Cabinet 英国公民British Cabinet is a committee of important ministers, departmental or non-departmental. It came into being in the late 17th and early 18th centuries・ And it emerged out of the Privy Council when the body grew to large for effective discussion. The Cabinet today is composed of about 20 ministers headed by the Prime Ministe匚But the number of the members is not fixed. In time of emergency or in the war time, the Cabinet is usually small in order to make decisions effectively.二、填空I、 The official name of Great Britain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .2> The Union Flag is composed of 3 (St. Geonge's Cross. St. Andrew's Cross- St. Patrick's Cross)crosses,3s The national song in Britain is God Save the Oueen(Kin2)・4^ Of all four parts in Britain, Engkind is largest in area.5、The Republic of Ireland is the only land neighbour to Great Britain.6、The British Isles is composed of two big islands: Great Britain and Ireland •7^ In topography, traditionally, Great Britain is divided into two parts: a Highland Zone and a Lowland Zone ・8、The Pennines is called Backbone of England ・9、There live g peoples in Britain.10、T he pre-Celts were the Iberians and Beaker Folk •II、A part from English, Welsh and Gaelic are spoken in Britain.12、The English language belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo—European language family.13、English is one of the even smaller divisions of Low West Germanic and it is descended from OldEnglish14^ Modern English is mainly the marriage of Anglo—Sax on and Norma n・ French ・15、Old English is also known as An21o・Saxon ・16> It is in the stage of Middle English that English became an analytic language instead of a syntheticone.17^ Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Lan^ua^c is taken as the first English dictionary.18、T oday, English is the closest thing to a “lingua franca”, an in ternational language ・19、I n the year 597 , St. Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory I to spread Christianity inEng land ・20、T here are two established churches in Britain ■一the Church of England and the Church ofScotland .21、T he Church of England is Protestant in nature・22> The Church of Scotland is Presbyterian in church government and Calvinist in doctrine.23、T he British government is usually called Her Majesty's Government ・24、T he British Prime Minister lives and works in Number 10 Downing Street .25、T he tenure of office for the British Prime Minister is 5 years ・26 > The British Cabinet emerged out of the Priv# Council .27、T he present monarch in Britain is Oucen Elizabeth II •28、T he official birthday of the Queen Elizabeth is celebrated on Thursday of the second week inJune .29、T he British Parliament I composed of 3 elements.30、T he life of British Parliament lasts 5 years,31、T he life of the British Parliament is divided into sessions •32^ The British parliament is the “Mother of Parliaments”and it is the oldest Parliament・33、The House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal.34> The House of Lords is presides over by the Lord Speaker .35、T he head of Lower House in Britain is the Speaker •36、T he head of the British central government is The Prime Minister .37^ The head of state in Britain is the monarch ・38、The two major political parties in Britain are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.39> The Conservative Party developed from the Independent Labour Party .40、T he Labour Party is the successor of the Tories •41、T he general election in Britain is held every 5 years.42、I n each constituency a suitable person is appointed as a Returning officer , an official in charge ofa parliamentary election.43 > After general election in Britain the party in opposition forms a Shadow Cabinet .三、问答题1、Whaf the official name of Britain?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2> How many popular names do you know about the country?3・ England> Great Britain > BritainHow much do you know about the British Isles?It is a geographical term. It refers to an area including the two big islands, Great Britain and Ireland and many small islands between them and around them. Two countries are located there: GreatBritain and the Republic of Ireland.4. What is the national song of Britain? God Save the Queen/God Save the King5x How many parts does Britain contain? 4. Engla nd、Scotia nd、Wales Northern Ireland6> What is the only land neighbour of Britain? The Republic of Ireland7> Name the surrounding waters of Britain?the east: the North Sea; the south: the English Channel;the north: the Atlantic Ocean; the west: the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean8、What kind of climate does Britain have?the prevailing south-westerly wind, the numerous inlets in the western coasts9> What are the features of English weather? changeable> rainy > foggy > windy10> Where is the population in Britain concentrated? England11> Why do we say Britain is a highly urbanized nation?96 percent of the total population in Britain live in cities and towns. Only 4 percent live in ruralareas. That makes Britain an urbanized nation.12> How many peoples are there in Britain? What are they? Who are the majorities and who arethe minorities?4 peoples. The English> The Scots、The WelshThe IrishThe English is the majority; The Scots, The Welsh and The Irish are the minorities.13N Who are the ancestors of the Welsh? Who are the ancestors of the Scots? Who are the ancestors of the Irish? And who are the ancestors of the English?the Brythons> the Gaels> the Gaels、Anglo一Saxons, the Normans and other races.14.What's the official language spoken in Britain? English15> What other languages are spoken in Britain besides English? Welsh and Gaelic 16N What is the origin of English language?The English language belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.English is one of the even smaller division of Low West Germanic and is descended from Old English.17> Who and when for the first time came to Britain and spread Christianity?In 597, St. Augustine・18. Where did he choose to spread Christianity? Canterbury19> What are established churches?The Established Churches are the churches which are "legally recognized as official churches of the state”.20N H OW many established churches are there in Britain? And what are they?2 The Church of England and the Church of Scotland21> Who are the spiritual leaders of the Church of England?the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York22> What is the relation between the Monarch and the Church of England?By law, the Monarch (Sovereign) is the supreme head of the Church of England・ He is the temporal leader of the Church.23、W hat is the nature of the Church of England?The Church of Engla nd is Protesta nt in nature. Its doctrine, services and prayers are set in the Thirty—Nine Articles and The Books of Common Praye匚In addition, there are differencesbetween the High Church and the Low Church・24、W hat is the nature of the Church of Scotland?It is Calvinist (a branch of Protestantism) in nature・25> What are major Free Churches in Britain?the Methodist Church> the United Reformed Church >the Baptist Church > the Quakers and the Salvation Army.26> By whom is the Roman Catholic Church headed in Britain? The Roman Pope27.Who is the head of state in Britain? The monarch28.Who is the head of the British central government? The Prime Minister29.Where does the British Prime Minister live and work? Number 10 Downing Street30.How long is the tenure of office for the British Prime Minister? 5 years3K Who is the present monarch in Britain? Queen Elizabeth II32* When is the national day in Britain? Thursday of the second week in June・33.What elements is the British Parliament composed of ?The Monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons・34.What is the major function of a jury in Britain?The jury decides whether the defendant is guilty or not in jury trials.35> What are the two major political parties now in Britain ?The Conservative Party and the Labour Party・36、What is the electoral method in Britain ?The electoral method is the first-past-post method or simply the majority method・37> How many British national dailies do you know?The Times> The Guardian、Financial Times、The Daily TelegraphThe IndependentDaily Express> Daily Mail. Daily Star> Morning Star> Daily Mirror> The Sun* Today38.How many British national Sundays do you know?The observer> Sunday Telegraphs The Sunday Times> The Independent on Sunday>The Mail on Sunday > News of the World> Sunday Express> Sunday Mirror> The People> Sun day Sport39.How many famous British magazines do you know?Classification> The Economists The Spectator40^ Of all news agencies in Britain, which one is the most influential? Reuters。

英美概况复习资料1.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国2.the Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦国家3.the European Union 欧洲联盟4.the Great Charter 英国大宪章5.the Bill of Rights 权利法案6.constitution 宪法7.constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制8.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫9.divine right of kings 君权神授10.parliament 议会11.the Great Council大议会12.two-party system 两党制/doc/aa10228022.html,erning party执政党14.Opposition party在野党15.Prime Minister首相16.cabinet 内阁17.the common laws 普通法18.the House of Lords 上议院参议院19.the House of Commons 下议院众议院20.statute law 成文法21.conventions 习惯法22.general elections 大选23.the Conservative party 保守党24.the Labour party 劳工党25.national economy 国民经济26.Gross Domestic Product(GDP) 国内生产总值27.Gross National Product(GNP)国民生产总值28.G8(G8 Summit)8国首脑会议/doc/aa10228022.html,pulsory education 义务教育/doc/aa10228022.html,prehensive schools 综合学校31.gramma schools 文法学校32.vocational schools 职业学校33.Christmas 圣诞节34.Easter 复活节35.Boxing Day 节礼日36.Ramadan 斋月37.Bonfire Night 篝火之夜38.the World Trade Organisation(WTO)世界贸易组织39.the Great Dividing Range 大分水岭40.the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁41.the Dreamtime 梦创时代42.the Dreaming 梦创信仰名词解释:1.London:London is the largest city located in the south of the country.It is dominant in Britain in all sorts of ways.It is cultural and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britain?s big companies.It is not only the financial center of the nation,but also one of the three major international financial centers in the world.2.the Anglo-Saxons:They were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century.They were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.3.the functions of Parliament:The functions of Parliament are:to pass laws,to vote for taxation,to scrutinis government policy,administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.4.the House of Lords:The House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual,who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England;and the Lords Temporal,which refers to those lords who either have inherited the sear from their forefathers or they have been appointed.The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the public.5.the House of Commons:The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives(Members of Parliament) make and debate policy.The MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.6.the importance of general elections:General elections are very important in western democracy.According to the author,they provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders. 7.the formation of the government:651members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 651 constituencies in the UK.The party which holds a majority of those “seats”in parliament forms the government,with it?s party leader as Prime Minister.8.main sectors of the UK economyThe UK national economy can be divided into three main areas:primary industries,such as agriculture,fishing and mining;secondary industries which manufacture complex goodsfrom those primary products;and tertiary(or service) industries such as banking,insurance,tourism and the retailing.9.independent schools:Independent schools are commonly called public schools which areactually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates,with some government assistance.Independent schools are not part of national education system,but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty?s Inspectors of Schools.These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich.10.the Open University:The Open University was founded in Britain in the 1960s for people who might not get the opportunity for higher education for economic and social reasons.It?s open to everybody and does not demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities.Universities courses are followed through TV,videos and a net work of study centers.At the end of their study at Open Universities,successful students are awarded a universities degree.11.quality papers:They belong to one of the categories of the national dailies.The quality papers carry more serious and in-depth articles of particular political and social importance.They also carry reviews,such as book reviews,and feature articles about high culture.These papers are also referred to as “the broadsheets”because they are printed on large-size paper.The readers of such newspapers are generally a well-educated middle class audience.12.TabloidsA tabloid is a small format newspaper with color photos and catchy headlines.T abloids als lots of crime,sports and sensational human interest stories so as to attract readers.Stories are short,easy to read and often rely more on opinions than fact.They belong to a category of national papers different from quality papers.13.”football hooligans”:”Football hooligans”reflect the violence associated with football.While al social classes used to join in the local football match,it was regarded as being not all suitable for gentlemen.Visitors from abroad sometimes complained about stumbling into the midst of a rough and dangerous game when walking the streets of London,while local householders and merchants were troubled by having their windows broken by stray footballs.Drinking hard went along with playing hard.Today,violence is still associated with football.”Football hooligans” are supporters of rival teams.They sometimes clash before,during and after matches and occasionally run riot through the town,breaking windows and beating each other up.14.the Great Famine:The Great Famine took place from 1845-1848 when successive potato crops failed and many people of Ireland starved to death,or died of the diseases which preyed on malnutrition.Many left the country for the NewWorld.The Great Famine became a watershed in Irish history,not merely because there was mass starvation and emigration,but also because the British government appeared to be indifferent to the fate of the poorest people in its nearest colony.Naturally this period is characterized by campaigns fornational independence and land reform.15.checks and balances:The Irish system of government is based on the American principle of “checks and balances”:that is, the power of the executive branch of government can be checked by the legislature(the two houses of parliament) and by the judiciary,through courts which interpret the laws.Enforcement is also part of the role of the courts of law,and is actually carried out by the police force.Both the legal system and the police force are conceived of as independent of political influence.16.the dreaming.;The dreaming is the belief system from ancient times that has bound indigenous groups together.The central principle of the Dreaming is that the people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land.The people don?t own the land,instead the land owns the people.The stories of the Dreaming provide principles of how people should live and interact with each other.They also provide principles of how people should live and interact with each other.They also provide knowledge of the land so that the indigenous people can survive in the life-threatingenvironment.17.Terra Nullius:Terra Nullius is from Latin.It means a land that is owned by no one.The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people?s land.It served to their taking possession of the land and devalued the indigenous people as uncivilized and not fully human.18.Ireland?s accession to the EU:Ireland?s accession to EU in 1971 has provided the followingbenefits to Ireland:1)EU?s funds for agriculture,/doc/aa10228022.html,cation.etc;2)Mobility of Irish people to the other EU countries;3)Further opening up of the Ireland marked and its accession to the EU markets;4)Faster economic development;growing wealth of the Irish people;5)Woman?s equal rights through EU laws.19.The Celtic Tiger:简答题Unit 11.描述英国在世界上的地理位置(东南西北分别是什么国家)Describe the geographical position of BritainBritain is an island country. It is surrounded by the sea. It lies inthe north Atlantic Ocean off thenorth coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the southand the North Sea in the east.Unit 22.描述英国人的性格孤傲(exclusiveness) ;保守(conservativeness ) ;polite独居(privacy)和个人自由(individualism) ;humor3.英国气候Rainy;changeable;unpredictable;mild;fogs;dampUnit 31. What are some of the characteristics of the British constitutional monarchy? How has the English monarchy evolved gradually to the present constitutional monarchy?There are some characters in the Britain Constitutional Monarchy:1. The monarch is primarily to symbolize the traditional and unity of the British state. The Queen reigns but does not rule. And she is legally head of the executive and judiciary branches, an integral part of the legislature, the commander-in-chief of all armed forces and “supremegovernor” of the Church of England2. Parliament becomes the country authority centre, which have right to pass laws, bills and acts of Parliament, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the actions of the government and so on.3. The king must believe in Established Church (being that person succeeds to the throne not to be that Prod), catholic or same catholic get married.Until the end of the 17th century, British monarchs were an executive monarch, which means that they had he right make and pass legislation. But even in early time there were occasions when the Sovereign had to act in accordance with the law and take into account the will of the paper. With the signing Magna Charta in 1215, for example, the leading noblemen of England succeeded in forcing King John to accept that they and other freemen had rights against the Crown.In 17th century,the Stuart kings propagated the theory of the divine right of kings, claiming that the Sovereign was subject only to God and not to the law. Widespread unrest against their rule led to civil war in t he second half of the 17th century. In 1688-1689Parliamentarians drew up the Bill of Rights, which established basic tenets such as the supremacy of Parliament. The constitutional monarchy we know today really developed i n the 18th and 19th centuries, asday-to-day power came to beexercised by Ministers in Cabinet, and by Parliaments elected by a steadily-widening electorate.2.为何现代社会英国人仍保留君主立宪制?Unit42. What are the three big parties in the UK? What are some of the similarities and dissimilarities between the three parties?Unit 5Main sectors of the UK economy(1)National economies can be broken down into three main areas:primary industries, such as agriculture, fishing, and mining,Second-ary industries, which manufacture complex goods from those primary produets;And tertiary industuies often described as services, such as banking, insuranc, tourism, and the selling of goods.Unit 71. What are the purposes of the British education system?please comment on these purposes.what are the main purposes of theChinese education system?Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations?The purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society,But the purpose of the British education system is also to socialise childrenChina;To pass the examsTo let everyone accepts education, have knowledge and skills tomake lifeTo get a good job and make moneyTo be able to cope with life on the wholeTo improve students? qualityCompulsory ——(1)Both the UK and China have compulsory education.(2)The general education systems in two countries are quite similar. They both have primary schooling, secondary and university education.(3)Both countries have vocational schools providing study and trainingfor those who want to follow a certain career insteadof seeking university education. differences——Chinese Education System and Western Education System have their own advantages and disadvantages.Chinese emphasizes foundational knowledge whereasWestern thinks highly of creativeness.Teaching Philosophy(1)the main concept of education(2)In Britain,education aims to develop individual abilities. But in China, we always kill students?ability of creation and imagination to some degree.Teaching Method(1)In Britain, t heir homework doesn?t have a unified right answer. If the answers given by students are reasonable, marks will be given. while in China, the knowledge we learn most have little relationship with our own life, they…re more basic courses .2.How does the British education system reflect social class?Unit 91.The author says tha t “the media are central to Britishleisureculture”, why does the author say so? What are some of the similarities and differences in terms of the function between the British media and the Chinese media?(1)On an average day, 90 per cent of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper. And in the evening, most Britons settle down to watch some television: 96 percent of the population watch TV at least once a week, making it Britain's most popular leisure activity. The thirdmost popular pastime, after watching telly and reading newspapers, is listening to the radio, an activity in which 73 per cent of the population engages in on a weekly basis. It is obvious, then, that the media are central to British leisure culture.(2)similarities:Firstly, like British Media, the role that ChineseMedia plays has become more and moreimportant.Secondly, both the two media have someorganizations which are dominant and influential.Thirdly, British Media and Chinese Media areaccelerating integration of the traditional mediaand IT.Differences: Paper media in the UK is still a huge industry no matter at present or in future. But in China, moreand more people begin to rely on Internet andhanging around online even with nothing at all todo.In addition, British Media has more freedom than theirChinese colleagues to criticize politic.Unit 101.How do the British celebrate Christmas? In what waydoes this holiday and the ways of celebration in Britain reflect western cultural tradition in general and British traditions in particular?(1)Nowadays, Christmas is celebrated by most Britons by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods, and decorating homes and workplaces with coloured lights, Christmas trees and ornaments. (2)there are some “Christian” traditions such as decorating the house with evergreen plant like holly and ivy.Nowadays,Christmas is celebrated by most Britons by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards,preparing holiday foods,and decorating homes and workplaces with colored lights,Christmas trees .Besides there are three Christmas traditions which are particular British:one is the Christmas Pantomime,a comical musical play.Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio.A third British tradition is Boxing Day,which falls on the day after Christmas.Traditionally,it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants.Unit 111.北爱尔兰与爱尔兰共和国的区别1).Northern Ireland is a province of the UK,the Republic of Ireland is an independent nation in its own right.2)The area covering the Republic of Ireland is 5 times of that ofNorthern Ireland.3)Most of the people in Northern Ireland are Protestants while the majority of the people in the Republic are Catholics.2.What are some of the features of Ireland's geographyUnit 121.describe the structure of the Irish government2.What is the responsibilities of the Irish government.Unit 151. What are the unique features of the Australian continent?答:Isolated from other major land masses, Australia?s distinctive flora and fauna evolved through its long period as an island continent.2. What is the impact of the assimilation policy on the indigenous people? 同化政策对本土人民的影响是什么?答:The missionaries on the “protected reserves” set out destroy the culture of the Dreaming and to replace it with Christianity. As the children grew to adulthood many of them had lost both their families and their culture. They were employed as domestic servants or on cattle stations .Young Aboriginal women were continually at risk of rape. Aboriginal people were excluded from the social ,the political ,the education ,the health services and other aspects. Racism was anentrenched part of Australian culture until the 1960s and operated at the personal and institutional level.诺曼征服的影响1)Relation with the Continent were opened,and civilization and commerce were extended.2)Norman -French culture,language,manners,and architecture were introduced.3)The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome,and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.4)The Norman Conquest was one of the most decisive events in English history,which caused a fundamental change in the way of life of English people.工业革命的定义The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.。

1. The continental United States lies in the central North American with ____ toits east and ____ to its west.A. the pacific ocean, the Atlantic oceanB. the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific OceanC. the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of MexicoD. the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean2. Among the Great Lakes, _____ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan3. The Appalachians run from ____ to ____.A. the north, the southB. the east, the westC. the northwest, the southeastD. the northeast, the southwest4. The biggest city in the U.S. is ____.A. Los AngelesB. New YorkC. ChicagoD. San Francisco5. The ____ River meets the Atlantic Ocean at New York City.A. PotomacB. HudsonC. ColumbiaD. Colorado6. Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in ____.A. 1948B. 1950C. 1956D. 19597. ____ is the largest fresh water lake in the world.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake MichiganC. Lake HuronD. Lake Eire8. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United Sates is ___.A. the HispanicsB. the Asian-AmericansC. the IndiansD. the blacks9. The Grand Canyon is located in the state of ____.A. ColoradoB. CaliforniaC. ArizonaD. New Mexcio10. ____ are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United Sates.A. the BlacksB. The HispanicsC. the Asian-AmericansD. the Indians11. The ____ River has been called the American Ruhr.A. MississippiB. OhioC. MissouriD. Colorado12. The Mississippi River flows to ____.A. the Atlantic OceanB. the Gulf of CaliforniaC. the Gulf of MexicoD. the Pacific Ocean13. The U.S. produces nearly ___ of the corn in the world.• A. 25% B. 35% C. 40% D. 50%14. ____ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.• A. The Midwest B. the Great Plains• C. New England D. the South15.The Snow belt areas in the united States refer to North.16. The chief industry in the Rocky Mountains is ____• A. the tourist trade B. mining• C. textile industry D. iron and steel17. The United States is the ____ most populous country in the world.• A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth18. New York is located in ___.A. the MidwestB. the Middle Atlantic regionC. New EnglandD. the great Plains19. The United States is the ____ largest country in the world.• A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth20. ___ is the home of the space center in the U.S.• A. Houston B. Dallas• C. New Orleans D. Miami•••21. The Midwest states lies in the ___ part of the U.S.• A. western B. southern C. northern D. northwestern•22. The smallest state in the U.S. is ____.• A. Washington B. Rhode island• C. Hawaii D. Maryland••23. In the U.S., the largest city along the Pacific Coast is _____. • A. Los Angeles B. San Francisco• C. Seattle D. Portland•24. The first industrial area in the United Sates is _____.• A. New England• B. the Middle Atlantic• C. the Midwest D. the South••25. _____ is the largest city of the Great Plains of the U.S.• A. Colorado B. Los Angeles• C. Salt Lake City D. Denver•26. The largest state on the mainland of the United States is _____. • A. California B. Texas• C. Alaska D. Arizona••27. The largest and busiest port on the great Lakes is ___.• A. New York B. Chicago• C. Detroit D. St. Louis•28. The sunbelt areas in the united States refer to _____.• A. the East and the North• B. the North and the West• C. the west and the South• D. the east and the South••29. The newest state in the United States is _____.• A. New Mexico B. Alaska• C. California D. Hawaii••30. The state of ____ is the leading state in oil and natural gas deposits in the U.S.• A. California B. New Mexico• C. Florida D. Texas31. The Rustbelt areas refers to Northeastern USA32. Please list five metropolitans which located on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. (Boston-Washington corridor )Boston, Massachusetts, new York city, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.33. __Florida______is the southern-most city( exclusive of Hawaii).34. The highest summits in the US. is Mt. Mckinley35. The national flag of the United States is known as ____.A. the star-spangled BannarB. Uncle SamC. Got DogD. Union Jack36. The Niagara Falls is located on thee US and the Canadian boundary between Lake _________ and Lake ________.A. Superior, HuronB. Michigan, HuronC. Huron, EireD. Eire, Ontario37.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II38.Westminster Palace is the ___________.A.seat of British House of ParliamentB.seat of English ChurchC.residence of king and queenD.Residence of Prime Minster39.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.A.Office of British NavyB.Official residence of Prime MinsterC.Seat of English parliamentD.Official residence of King40.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186741.In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 842.The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .ToriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists 43.Among the Great Lakes, ______ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan44._____ was Britain’s first colony in America.A .PlymouthB .JamestownC .PhiladelphiaD .New York45.______ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got the nickname “Farmer George”.A .George IB .George IIC .George IIID .George IV46.During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____.A. the Continental ArmyB. the Confederate ArmyC. the U.S. armyD. the Union Army47.The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______.A. European countriesB. Western European countriesC. Eastern European countriesD. European countries except the Soviet UnionMock Test.1. The official name of the United Kingdom is______.A .the United Kingdom of Great BritainB .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandC .the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern IrelandD .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. It was under______ that the feudal system in England was completely established.A .HaroldB .WilliamC .HenryD .Edward3 .The largest and most important museum in Britain is______.A .the British MuseumB .the Victoria and Albert MuseumC .the Imperial War MuseumD .the National Gallery4. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain?A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .Northern IrelandD .Wales5. The highest peak in Britain is______.A .Ben NevisB .ScafellC .SnowdoniaD .Cross Fell6. The first known settlers of Britain were______.A .the IberaiansB .the Bearker FolkC .the CeltsD .the Romans7. The Wars of the Roses lasted from ______ to______.A.1455, 1465B.1455, 1475C.1455, 1485D.1455, 14958. The religious change from Catholicism toward Protestant theology in England was called “______”.A .RenaissanceB .ReformationC .RevolutionD .Evolution9. A British Parliament has a maximum duration of______ years.A .3B .4C .5D .610. In criminal trials, the______ decides the issue of guilt or innocence.A .judgeB .lawyerC .juryD .audience11. The first English colony in America was founded in______.A .1593B .1607C .1618D .162012. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel inthe______ and the North Sea in the______.A .south, westB .south, eastC .north, westD .north, east13. The first successful Roman conquest in Britain was led by______.A .Julius CaesarB .ClaudiusC .AgricolaD .Constantine14.______ served as the new cultural centers in England during the reign of the Norman kings.A .The schoolsB .The monasteriesC .The royal courtD .The big towns15. The House of Lancaster was symbolized by the______ rose, while that of York was symbolized by the______ rose.A .white, blackB .white, redC .red, whiteD .black, red16. In Britain, the ultimate authority for law-making resides in______.A .the House of LordsB .the Hose of CommonsC .the QueenD .the Prince of Wales17. Which of the following statements is not true about the contributions made by the Anglo-Saxons to English state?A .They divided the country into shires.B .They devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system.C .They created the manorial system and the Witan.D .They established the complete feudal system in England.18. The narrowest part of the English Channel is the Straits of Dover, which is only______ km across.A .25B .35C .43D .5019. Which of the following statements is not true about William’s policy towardthe church in England?A .He kept the church completely in his control and tried to suppress its power.B .He appointed the Italian-born Lanfranc to be Archbishop of Canterbury.C .He encouraged the church to have a closer relationship with Rome.D .He took care to maintain the independence of the church.20. The Magna Carta had altogether______ clauses.A .50B .53C .58D .6321. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .ToriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists22. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained______growth rate and______ inflation rate.A .the highest, the highestB .the lowest, the lowestC .the highest, the lowestD .the lowest, the highest23. The House of Lord is presided over by the______.A .Archbishop of CanterburyB .Lord ChancellorC .QueenD .Archbishop of York24. The capital of Scotland is______.A .BelfastB .CardiffC .EdinburghD .Dublin25. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?A .About 200 yearsB .About 300 yearsC .About 400 yearsD .About 500 years26. Which of the following statements is not among the causes of the hundredyears’ war between England and France?A .The French king wanted to take back the territory occupied by England.B .Both English and French kings wanted to control the Flemish clothmanufacturing towns.C .England wanted to stop France from giving aid to the Scots.D .The English refused to recognize Edward as their king.27. Mrs. Thatcher was British Prime Minister from______.A .1980, 1990B .1982, 1988C .1979, 1990 D.1979, 198428. The present Sovereign of Britain is______.A .PhilipB .Elizabeth IC .Elizabeth IID .Charles29. Britain’s most popular pastime is______.A .reading newspaperB .watching TVC .playing footballD .horse racing30. The destruction of the______ in 1588 showed England’s superiority as a naval power under Elizabeth I’s reign.A .French FleetB .Spanish ArmadaC .Danish VikingsD .Portuguese Navy31. The replacement of James II by William and Mary has been known as______.A .the Glorious RevolutionB .the RestorationC .the ReformationD .the Renaissance32. The decade of 1980s is remembered in Britain as the era of______.A .centralizationB .nationalizationC .privatizationD .industrialization33. The Church of Scotland is a______ church.A .MethodistB .BaptistC .PresbyterianD .Catholic34. The longest river in Britain is______.A .the Severn RiverB .the Thames RiverC .the Mersey RiverD .the Clyde River35.______ were the people who laid foundation of the English state.A .The CeltB .The RomansC .The JutesD .The Anglo-Saxons36. Mrs. Thatcher’s Medium-term Financial Strategy was characterized by______.A .prices controlB .incomes controlC .state interventionismD .privatization37. The British Prime Minister is appointed by______.A .the QueenB .the SpeakerC .the House of CommonsD .the House of Lords38.______ is the highest judiciary officer in Britain.A .The Lord ChancellorB .The Home SecretaryC .The Attorney GeneralD .The Prime Minister39. The well-known Lake District in Britain is located in______.A .north ScotlandB .north-west EnglandC .north WalesD .Northern Ireland40. Which of the following statements is not among the achievements of King Alfred?A .He defeated the Danes and conquered Denmark.B .He translated Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People into English.C .He founded a strong fleet and became known as “ the father of the British navy”.D .He established a number of schools.41. Henry VIII was above all responsible for the______ reform in England.A .militaryB .economicC .socialD .religious42. The______ presides over the House of Commons and enforces the rules of order.A .Prime MinisterB .SpeakerC .Lord ChancellorD .Queen43.______ is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom.A .The High CourtB .The Supreme Court of JudicatureC .The House of LordD .The Court of Appeal44. Around which time period did the Celts start to arrive in Britain?______A .3000 B.C.B .2000 B.C.C .700 B.C.D .500 B.C.45. The death of King______ marked the perishing of Anglo-Saxon England.A .AlfredB .EdwardC .HaroldD .William46. England has been a Protestant country since the reign of______.A .Henry VIIIB .Edward VIC .Mary Tudor D.Elizabeth I47.______ was Britain’s first colony in America.A .PlymouthB .JamestownC .PhiladelphiaD .New York48. In 1838, the London Working Men’s Association put forward a charter of political demands, which was called a “______”.A .Great CharterB .Greater CharterC .People’s CharterD .new Poor Law49. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?______A .microprocessorsB .computersC .biotechnologyD .motor vehicle50. The head of State in Britain is______.A .the king or queenB .Prime MinisterC .ParliamentD .Prince of Wales51. In Great Britain, the______ is uniquely related to the Crown.A .Church of EnglandB .Church of ScotlandC .Church of IrelandD .Church of Wales52. Among the four political divisions of Britain, ______ is the most denselypopulated.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .WalesD .Northern Ireland53. “The Danelaw” refers to the______ part of England which was occupied by the Danes in King Alfred’s time.A .south and eastB .north and eastC .south and westD .north and west54. The hundred years’ war between England and France was declared by______.A .Henry IIIB .Edward IC .Edward IIID .Henry V55.______ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that hegot the nickname “Farmer George”.A .George IB .George IIC .George IIID .George IV56. The end of Britain’s empire was hastened by______.A .World War IB .the Great DepressionC .World War IID .the Korean War57. The Prime Minister in Britain is chairman of the______.A .shadow cabinetB .cabinetC .ParliamentD .Opposition58. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from______.A .the 11th and 12th centuriesB .the 12th and 13th centuriesC .the 14th and 15th centuriesD .the 18th and 19th centuries59. Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augustine?A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England.B .He was the first Archbiship of Canterbury.C .He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility.D .One of his greatest achievements was to have converted large numbers of common people in Britain.60. The Black Death spread through Europe in the______ century.A .13thB .14thC .15thD .16th61. There were______ Tudor monarchs who ruled England and Wales and the first one was______.A .4, Henry VB .5, Henry VIIC .6, Henry VIID .7, Henry VIII62. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a______ conspiracy.A .ScottishB .CatholicC .PuritanD .Spanish63. The British Labor Party got its name in_______.A .1893B .1899C .1900D .190664 .The members of______ in Britain have also been known as dissenters ornonconformists.A .the Anglican ChurchesB .the Church of EnglandC .the Roman Catholic ChurchD .the Free Churches65. Which of the following people are not descendants of the Celts ?A .EnglishB .ScotsC .WelshD .Irish66. Which of the following statements is not true about Canute?A .He became King of England in 1016.B .He made England part of a Scandinavian empire.C .He divided power between Danes and Saxons.D .He formulated a legal system in England.67. James I was son of______.A .Mary TudorB .Mary StuartC .Elizabeth ID .Edward VI68. Greater London is divided into 32______ and the City of London.A .districtsB .countiesC .boroughsD .regions69. The largest church of the Free Churches in Britain is______.A .the Baptist ChurchB .the Presbyterian ChurchC .the Methodist ChurchD .the United Reformed Church70. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from the gods in______.A .DruidismB .ChristianityC .the Teutonic religionD .Roman Catholicism71. As a transitional period, Renaissance covered the years between______and______.A .1150, 1450B .1250, 1550C .1350, 1650D .1450, 175072.______ is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.A .The RenaissanceB .The English ReformationC .The English Civil WarD .the Glorious Revolution73. Which of the following countries was not a member of the “Allies” during World War I?A .BritainB .FranceC .RussiaD .Germany74 .Among the following industrial cities,______ is not based on coalfields.A .LondonB .GlasgowC .EdinburghD .Manchester75. To Scots, the most important festival is______.A .Christmas DayB .New Year’s EveC .EasterD .Whit Sundays that begin with M’, Mc or Mac are______ names.A .EnglishB .WelshC .ScottishD .Irish77. The first Christian church in Britain was established in______.A .LondonB .YorkC .CanterburyD .Bath78. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in______.A .1213B .1214C .1215D .121679. The Petition of Right was also regarded as the______.A .Magna CartaB .General PardonC .Grand RemonstranceD .second Magna Carta80. The British East India Company was established in______.A .1500B .1600C .1700D .180081. The Midlands refers to the area of______.A .central EnglandB .central Lowlands of ScotlandC .North-East EnglandD .North Wales82. By tradition, the Prime Minister of Britain is also First Lord of______.A .the TreasuryB .the Home OfficeC .the Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeD .the Ministry of Defense83. Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates______.A .the birth of ChristB .the resurrection of ChristC .the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s apostlesD .the death of Christ84. The most important river in Britain is______.A .the Severn RiverB .the Thames RiverC .the Mersey RiverD .the Clyde River85. Margaret Thatcher was leader of the______ Party.A .ConservativeB .LaborC .LiberalD .Democratic86. In December 1653, Oliver Cromwell was made______ of the Commonwealth of England.A .KingB .GeneralC .Lord ProtectorD .Lord Chancellor87. There are now______ Roman Catholic provinces in Great Britain.A .5B .7C .9D .1088. Football has its traditional home in______.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .FranceD .Italy89.______ is the most typically English of sports.A .FootballB .RugbyC .CricketD .Horse racing90. King______ was known of his piety as “the Confessor”.A .AlfredB .CanuteC .EdwardD .William91. Henry VIII’ s religious reform began as a struggle for______.A .powerB .a divorceC .equalityD .peace92. In Britain the last stage for a bill to become law as Acts of parliament is called______.A .First and Second ReadingsB .Royal AssentC .Third ReadingD .Committee stage93. The______ are Anglo-Saxons.A .EnglishB .ScotsC .WelshD .Irish94. Which of the following statements is not true about the jury system in the reign of Henry II?A .It was replacing old English ordeals by fire and water and old Norman trials by battle.B .A jury was composed of twelve men.C .The jurors’ function was not only to act as witnesses, but to hear evidences and give verdict.D .It was originated from primitive trials in which witnesses were called forward to swear to the innocence of the accused.95. It was______ that united the Houses of Lancaster and York.A .Edward VB .Richard IIIC .Henry TudorD .John Beaufont96. During the First Civil War of England, the supporters of Parliament werecalled______.A .CavaliersB .RoundheadsC .RoyalistsD .Crusaders97. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from______.A .ManchesterB .LiverpoolC .LondonD .Edinburgh98. England got its name “Angle” land from______.A .the CeltsB .the RomansC .the Germanic conquerorsD .the Danes99. Which city used to be the Roman capital in Britain?A .LondonB .YorkC .BathD .Edinburgh100. Which of the following statements is not true about Henry VII?A .He was said to have murdered Edward V and his brother.B .During his reign he refilled the royal treasury through loans, subsidies, property levies and fines.C .He was able to build up England’s navy and foreign trade.D .He forbade the nobles to keep excessive power.101. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship without the consent of______.A .ParliamentB .the archbishop of CanterburyC .the archbishop of YorkD .the Queen102. The home of golf is______.A .EnglandB .ScotlandC .FranceD .the U.S.A103. Which of the following statements is not true about Elizabeth I?A .Her religious reform was a compromise of views.B .She tried and executed her cousin Mary.C .She was succeeded by her son James VI.D .She enabled England to become a great trading and colonizing country.104. The game “Rugby” got its name from a______.A .townB .countryC .schoolD .person105. Which of the following statements is not true about William the Conqueror?A .He was Duke of Normandy.B .His cavalry was then the finest fighting horsemen in Europe.C .He was Norman.D .He was crowned as King of England at Canterbury.106. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain in______.A .1930B .1935C .1940D .1945107. The Open University in Britain was founded in______.A .1958B .1969C .1970D .1975108. The Supreme Court of the U.S. consists of one Chief Justice and ____ Associate Justices.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 10109. During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____.A. the Continental ArmyB. the Confederate ArmyC. the U.S. armyD. the Union Army110.______ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.A. The MidwestB. the Great PlainsC. New EnglandD. The south111. In the U.S., the Senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 8112. The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______.A. European countriesB. Western European countriesC. Eastern European countriesD. European countries except the Soviet Union1.The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by_____.A. PythagorasB. PlatoC. HeraclitusD. Democtitus2.________ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.”A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales3.________ founded the science of logic.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales4.The Republic was written by ___________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales5.“Question-and-answer” technique was created by _________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales6.“The Renaissance” was between _________.A. 1500-1700 A.D.B. 1400-1700 A.D.C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.7._________ said, “I think; therefore, I am”.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley8.__________ was called the farther of modern Rationalism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley9.________ was called the modern father of Empiricism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley10._________ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into onenew comprehensive system.A. Immanuel KantB. George HegelC. John RockD. George Berkeley11.________ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art.A. The National RomanticsB. The Universal RomanticsC. The Classical RomanticsD. The contemporary Romantics.12.The British Isles is made up of ________>A.Three large islands and hundreds of small onesB.Two large islands and hundreds of small onesC.Three large islands and dozens of small onesD.Two large islands and dozens of small ones13.The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by _______.A. King HaroldB. William the ConquerorC. Robin HoodD. Oliver Cromwell14.Between 1337 and 1453 the ______ took place in Britain.A. Wars of RosesB. Black deathC. Hundred Years’ warD. peasants uprising15.In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without agood reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb __________.A. as welcome as a stormB. an Englishmen’ s house is his castleC. don’t wear out your welcomeD. outstay one’s welcome16.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II17.Westminster Palace is the ___________.E.seat of British House of ParliamentF.seat of English ChurchG.residence of king and queenH.Residence of Prime MinsterI.18.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.E.Office of British NavyF.Official residence of Prime MinsterG.Seat of English parliamentH.Official residence of King19.The oldest university in Britain is ________.A. Cambridge UniversityB. St. Andrews UniversityC. OxfordD. Edinburgh University20.British English is spoken in _______.A. Great BritainB. AustraliaC. New ZealandD. A,B and C21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was _________.A. to save the American economic and political systemB. to change the American economic systemC. to weaken monopoly interests in AmericaD. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.22.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186723. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with _______.A. the westward movementB. the urbanizationC. the industrializationD. the development of hi-tech industries25. In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 826. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.。


《英美概况》复习资料Chapter 1 1.The The UK UK UK is is is made made made up up up of of of four four four parts; parts; parts; they they they are are are England, England, England, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, Wales Wales Wales and and Northern Ireland. (Chapter1, p1) 2.Off the continental Europe lie two islands known as the British Isles. The largest of them is Great Great Britain. Britain. Britain. The The The next next next largest largest largest consists consists consists of of of the the the Republic Republic Republic of of of Ireland Ireland Ireland and and and Northern Northern Northern Ireland Ireland Ireland which which belongs to the UK. (Chapter1, p3) 3.The two youngest states of the USA are Alaska in the northwestern part of North America and Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean. (Chapter1, p2-3) 4. Alaska is the largest state in the USA, it was purchased by the USA from Russia in 1867 for $7,200,000. (Chapter1, p9) 5.The whole of the USA includes 50 states and a federal district, the District of Columbia, which is the seat of the Federal Government. (Chapter1, p3) 6. The major rivers in the UK are the River Severn and the Thames. (Chapter1, p7) 7.The 7.The major major major mountains mountains mountains in in in the the the UK UK UK are are are the the the Pennines, Pennines, Pennines, the the the Cambrians Cambrians Cambrians and and and the the the Grampians. Grampians. (Chapter 1, p7) 8. The Mississippi Rivers is the longest and the most important river in the USA. It flows from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. (Chapter1, p8) 9.In the USA, there are three great mountain ranges: the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Great Cordillera Mountain Range. (Chapter1, p9) 10.The The Lake Lake Lake District District District area area area is is is very very very beautiful beautiful beautiful and and and quiet. quiet. quiet. Many Many Many English English English poets, poets, poets, such such such as as Wordsworth and S. Coleridge wrote poems about the district. (Chapter1, p4) 11. Lough Lough Neagh Neagh Neagh ((纳湖)is )is a a a lake lake lake of of of 396 396 396 square square square kilometers kilometers kilometers in in in area, area, area, the the the largest largest largest lake lake lake in in Northern Ireland, and in the British Isles as well. (Chapter1, p10) 12.The renowned Yellowstone National Park in the northwestern part of Wyoming is the oldest national park in the world and contains the largest wildlife preserve in the US. (Chapter1, p6) 13.The Colorado Plateau is threaded my many deep valleys or canyons, among which the best known is Colorado V alley, also called Grand Canyon. (Chapter1, p6) 14.In the eastern California lies Death Valley, 280 feet below sea level. It is the lowest point in the whole of North America. (Chapter1, p6) 15.The three river systems in the USA are the system of the Gulf of Mexico, the system of the Atlantic Ocean and the system of the Pacific Ocean. (Chapter1, p8) 16.The world-famous Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉瀑布) is located on the US-Canadian boundary between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. (Chapter1, p8) 17.The 17.The five five five Great Great Great Lakes Lakes Lakes lying lying lying between between between the the the boundary boundary boundary of of of Canada Canada Canada and and and the the the USA USA USA are are are : : : Lake Lake Michigan (密歇根或密执安湖), Lake Superior (苏必利湖), Lake Ontario (安大略湖)(安大略湖), Lake Huron (休伦湖)(休伦湖) and Lake Erie (伊利湖)(伊利湖)(Chapter1, p8) 18.UK :the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(Chapter 1, p1) 19.USA: The United States of America (Chapter 1, p1) 20.EU :The European Union (Chapter 1, p9) 21.The Grampians: It lie in the highlands of Scotland. It is the largest mountain range in the UK in which there are four high mountains, all of which are more than 1000 meters high and two of which are the highest in the UK. (Chapter 1, p4) Celtic Tribes. (Chapter2, p12\13) In order to keep back the Picts and Scots, the Romans built a wall, called Hadrian’s Wall Hadrian’s Wall, , 410-871, the the the Germanic Germanic Germanic tribes latter are: are: are: the the the Angles, Angles, Angles, Saxons Saxons Saxons and and Jutes. (Chapter2, p14) The Indians living in America originated from Asia some 25000 years ago. (Chapter2, p18) Christopher Columbus. (Chapter2, p19) the new continents: the Spanish, the English and the French. (Chapter2, p19-20) The Spanish autumn of of of 1620, 1620, 1620, 73 “Mayflower”“Mayflower”. (Chapter2, p21) . (Chapter2, p21) Thanksgiving is now observed throughout the USA, this holiday began in 1621 as a way Opposed to what was perceived as British oppression, colonial leaders held the First Continental Congress in 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania(Thomas Jefferson drafted Declaration of Independence, which the congress adopted on In 1803, the USA purchased Louisiana from Napoleon for $15,000,000. (Chapter2, p23) the US-Mexican US-Mexican US-Mexican War 14.The 14.The Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii, which The USA today is the fourth largest country in size in the world. (Chapter 2, p23) The Hundred Y ears’ War happened between England and France . (Chapter 3, p28) The more important phase of medieval Anglo-French hostility began in 1337 and ended in 1353, and is known as the Hundred Years’ war . (Chapter 3, p28) )is also called the Great Charter. (Chapter3, p28) Shakespeare’s drama Henry VI reflects the Wars of the Roses begun in 1455. (Chapter3, reflects the Wars of the Roses begun in 1455. (Chapter3, The 2 results of the Enclosure Movement are the primitive accumulation of capital and the 6.The 6.The Industrial Industrial Industrial Revolution Revolution Revolution started started started during .The Chartist Movement flourished most in conditions of economic depression and reached petition, The People’s Charter ,, was drawn up in 1837. (Chapter3, p34) George Washington was the first president of the USA, and was inaugurated on April 301789. (Chapter3, p39) In 1852, a novel Uncle Tom’s s Cabin was written and published in the US, it aroused a great and the whole capitalist world to its foundation. This is the Great Depression. (Chapter3, p47) .Margaret Margaret Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher was reputation as “the iron lady”. She belongs to the Conservative Party. The Thatcher Era refers to the Silicon valley (London, on the north bank of the Thames , is one of the world’s leading banking and The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. (Chapter 5, p75) 3.The capital city of Wales is Cardiff. (Chapter 5, p75) 4.The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast. (Chapter 5, p76) The Statue of Liberty (152meters high) was given by French people as a gift to New York City. (Chapter5, p77) Chicago is the largest industrial city and the second largest city in terms of population in Hollywood , the base of the film industry located in Los Angeles, is a world famous film . Detroit Detroit, the “motor city”, is on the Detroit River between Lake Huron and Lake Erie. , the “motor city”, is on the Detroit River between Lake Huron and Lake Erie. San Francisco locates in in in Boston Boston Boston aera. aera. ) of the UK is the Parliament(is the Congress () in the UK is the House of Lords(贵族院或上院). 3.The supreme judicial body in the USA is the Supreme Court. (Chapter6, p93) The currency of the UK is Sterling(There are three major parties in Britain today. They are the Conservative Party(the Labour Party and the Social and Liberal Democrats Party (2. The party system of the UK is a two-party one. (Chapter7, p101) In the UK, The Conservative Party is the party of the right(donkey and elephant . (Chapter7, p104) Every Every 5 5 5 years years years a major parties: parties: parties: the the the Conservative Conservative Conservative Party Party Party and and and the the the Labour Labour Labour Party. Party. Party. (Chapter7, The five American agricultural belts are the belt of cheese(), the belt of wheat, the belt of corn, the belt of cotton and the belt of fruits, vegetables etc. (Chapter8, p120-121) is the the the The The The New New New Y Y ork Stock Stock Exchange(Exchange(horticulture(.The The Bank Bank Bank of of of England England England is is is the The Federal Reserve System is the US federal banking system and note issue authority, eighteen. All children must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age five to sixteen. That is, English children begin their schooling from 5 years old. (Chapter10, p138) The four most famous schools of all are Eaton College(College and Rugby School. (Chapter10, p138) In the US, many children begin their school education at the age of six, usually graduate from high school at the age of 18 . (Chapter10, p139) UK is is is Oxford Oxford Oxford University. University. University. Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge University University University was was was established 1284. (Chapter10, p141) .Tutorial Tutorial system system system is is is one There are three academic degrees in Britain: t he Bachelor’s (), t h e Master’s he Master’s ()and the Doctor’s degree. (Chapter10, p142) Open Open University University University is )is the founder of Christianity. (Chapter11, p148) Church of England is a denomination of Christianity or Protestant Church. (Chapter 11, Protestant and Catholic . (Chapter11, p149) In the UK, the most important denomination is the Church of England. It is also called the “Anglican Church” (are over over over 3000 3000 3000 religious are are Protestants, Protestants, Protestants, 24% Roman Catholics. That is, over three-fifth of all American religious people belongs to Christianity. The national flag of the UK is Union Jack or Union Flag. (Chapter 16, p206-207) The Stars and Stripes has 50 stars and 13 stripes on it. (Chapter16, p208) 17, p220) 3、NHS(国家卫生服务体系):The National Health Service(Chapter18, p226) 。

英美概况知识点Part 1.英国的全称为:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,这就是英国的英文全称,有时候也可以称:The United Kingdom。
(England is the largest, most populous and most economically developed part of Britain.)苏格兰(Scotland),首都爱丁堡(Edingburgh)威尔士(Wales),首都卡迪夫(Cadiff)北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)、首都贝尔法斯特(Belfast)。
Celts(凯尔特人)taken_as the nativeșin Britain. The Celtic tribes crossed from Europe from about 750B. C. the Gaels of the Celtic tribes mainly settled in the north (the modern Scottish and Irish's ancestors). the Britons of the Celtic . tribes(the modern Welsh's ancestors ),living in primitivesociety.盎格鲁撒克逊人英国人的祖先。


一.简答题1. What is the full name of the U.K.?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. What are the two components of the British Parliament?They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.3. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World War Ⅱ?Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.4. What are the three functions of the House of Commons?The three functions are : to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.5. In what ways do British universities enjoy complete academic freedom?British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.6. What are the three categori es of Shakespeare’s plays and their representatives?Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories: comedy, tragedy and historical play. The representatives of his comedies include A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It and Twelfth Night. His major historical plays include Richard III, Henry IV and Antony and Cleopatra. His greattragedies are represented by Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet.7. What were Nixon's well-known contributions during his presidency?Nixon made three well-known contributions:a) brought the Vietnam War to a close;b) reestablishing U.S. relations with China;c) negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the former Soviet Union.8. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. Constitution?One is "check and balances". The other is that the powers of the central government and the power of state governments are specified.9. 说出三个英国的节日Christmas, Easter and "Trooping the color"二.论述题1. What are the characteristics of English literature in the 20th century?English literature in the 20th century can be roughly divided into two periods: Modernism and Postmodernism. Modernism prevailed before the Second World War, It can be viewed as a deliberate departure from tradition and is characterized by the use of innovative forms of expression. Modernist writing seems unorganized, hard to understand. It often portrays the action form the viewpoint of a single confused individual, rather than from the viewpoint of all-knowing, impersonal narrator .After World War II, postmodernism begins. Postmodernism differs in some ways from Modernism. Modernism, for example, tends to present a fragmented view of human subjectivity, but present that fragmentation as somethingtragic, something to be lamented as a loss. Postmodernism does not lament the idea of fragmentation but rather celebrates it .Modernists look for buried meaning below confusing surfaces, while postmodernists abandon that search, However, there are still many postwar writers who continue traditional themes.2. Why is the United States regarded as a "melting pot" anda "salad"?The United States "is not merely a nation but a nation of nations". The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America was described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups were combined into one culture. Recently, Americans have been called a "salad" in that people of different races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously but at the same time keep their distinct culture and custom.3. What was the cause of the American Civil War?(可能该题考简答)The issue of slavery was the focus of American politics, economics and cultural life by the mid-19th century.The southern planters needed a large number of laborers to manage their plantations and they regarded the black slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What's more, the Northerners demanded a law protecting tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads, but the Southerners were strongly against it and advocated free trade so that they could purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the Civil War.4. How is a President voted into office in America? What areyour ideas about the American election?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for the presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches, and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided into two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President as soon as the first stage is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaign. However, the election can not solve the social and economic problems as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.5. How did the U.S. Constitution lay groundwork for America's economic development?The U.S. Constitution, as an economic charter, established that the entire nation, was a unified or "common" market. There were no tariffs or taxes on inter-state commerce. It provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post offices and roads, and fix rules governing patents and copyrights. The last mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual property", a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20th century.6. What are the characteristics of American writing during the Romantic period?During the Romantic period, most of the American writings placed an increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions, and they displayed an increasing attention to the psychic state of their characters, They celebrated America’s landscape with its virgin forests, meadows, endless prairies, streams and vast oceans. The Romantic writers had a strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man.。
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1.The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by _____.A. PythagorasB. PlatoC. HeraclitusD. Democtitus2.________ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.”A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales3.________ founded the science of logic.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales4.The Republic was written by ___________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales5.“Question-and-answer” technique was created by _________.A. PlatoB. SocratesC. AristotleD. Thales6.“The Renaissance” was between _________.A. 1500-1700 A.D.B. 1400-1700 A.D.C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.7._________ said, “I think; therefore, I am”.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley8.__________ was called the farther of modern Rationalism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley9.________ was called the modern father of Empiricism.A. David HumeB. Rene DescartesC. John RockD. George Berkeley10._________ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into one newcomprehensive system.A. Immanuel KantB. George HegelC. John RockD. George Berkeley11.________ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art.A. The National RomanticsB. The Universal RomanticsC. The Classical RomanticsD. The contemporary Romantics.12.The British Isles is made up of ________>A.Three large islands and hundreds of small onesB.Two large islands and hundreds of small onesC.Three large islands and dozens of small onesD.Two large islands and dozens of small ones13.The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by _______.A. King HaroldB. William the ConquerorC. Robin HoodD. Oliver Cromwell14.Between 1337 and 1453 the ______ took place in Britain.A. Wars of RosesB. Black deathC. Hundred Years’ warD. peasants uprising15.In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without a good reasonand making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb __________.A. as welcome as a stormB. an Englishmen’ s house is his castleC. don’t wear out your welcomeD. outstay one’s welcome16.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Charles II17.Westminster Palace is the ___________.A.seat of British House of ParliamentB.seat of English ChurchC.residence of king and queenD.Residence of Prime Minster18.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.A.Office of British NavyB.Official residence of Prime MinsterC.Seat of English parliamentD.Official residence of King19.The oldest university in Britain is ________.A. Cambridge UniversityB. St. Andrews UniversityC. OxfordD. Edinburgh University20.British English is spoken in _______.A. Great BritainB. AustraliaC. New ZealandD. A,B and C21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was _________.A. to save the American economic and political systemB. to change the American economic systemC. to weaken monopoly interests in AmericaD. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.22.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______.A. 1858,1861B. 1861, 1863C. 1861, 1865D. 1863, 186723.During World War I, the U.S. government actually pursued a policy of _________.A. neutralityB. pro-Ally partialityC. pro-Axis partialityD. appeasement(绥靖政策)24. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with _______.A. the westward movementB. the urbanizationC. the industrializationD. the development of hi-tech industries25. In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.A. 3.B. 4C. 6D. 826. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.A .WhigsB .ToriesC .RadicalsD .Nonconformists27._____ constitute the dominant sector of the U.S. economy.A. state-owned businessB. privately owned businessC. independent professionalsD. government-run business28. Among the Great Lakes, ______ is the only one entirely in the United States.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake HuronC. Lake OntarioD. Lake Michigan。