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在本次案例中,我们可以明确的知道中国众鑫丝产业是一个有着只有中国某知名化 工企业拥有能同时解决这其中两个问题的化工技术的产业。 然后,对于我们劳动力充足的中国来说,这是一个很好的竞争优势。也就 是说,我们中国在这个产业上,投入的劳动成本肯定比其他同行业的国家低,所 以欧洲各国商务部不应该将其本国投入的成本和我们中国相提并论。 对于价格问题,众鑫丝的价格并没有低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格, 因此不应该认为众鑫丝的价格有危害各国的产业或市场的嫌疑。 再则,众鑫丝产业有着独特的生产特色,设计理念;另外,我国劳动 力充足,人工待遇不高,就使我国的这些产品产业不断发展,但在国内,消费者 却很少讲究一个踩在脚下的脚垫;预计在国内兴起,仍需要大约半年时间,所以 只有其他国家更适宜接受并且深受各国人民的喜爱,所以大批向国外投送。并且 人工费用都是劳动者和生产商协商而定,不受政府控制,所以众鑫丝的产业肯定 是一个市场向导型产业。因此我国众鑫丝的汽车脚垫产业不存在对欧洲各国的倾 销。
2007 Anti - dumping data chart
Ministry of Commerce announced the 7 datas show that since the establishment of
the WTO in 1995, China has become the world's 9 consecutive years to become the world's most anti-dumping investigation of the country. At present, China has become the world's biggest victim of anti-dumping. Only one year in 2004, China suffered a total of 68 anti-dumping investigations, involving about $3 billion. 。”
the vicious spiral of low price. At the same time, many enterprises do
not respond the increased China businesses suffered anti-dumping bitterness.
1. From the government point of view
"Into the world" for many years, the western countries to Chinese products frequently
censored, caused Chinese public confusion and dissatisfaction. Live in Henan Zhengzhou Guo Peng is a local civil servant, he said: "the world trade organization advocating the principles of free trade in the global scope, the thought of Chinese after adding the exports can not think of this years can run in both directions unblockedly,
(1) A correct understanding of the nature of anti dumping (2) Perfecting the legislation of anti dumping in China (3) To promote economic reform, take off the "non market economy" hat (4) Active external communication and create a good environment for trade (5) The establishment of incentive mechanism to encourage enterprises to
Dumping and Antidumping
组长:王青青 组员:肖晓茗 张艳 于志淼
1.The current international economic environment in our country
2.Definition of dumping
and to drive down the price of its products in another country. The behavior of this kind of low price selling is not following the normal market supply and demand relations and the basic price rule, the price of dumping products can not reflect the economic value 。 Dumping refers to international trade low sales from the definition and properties of dumping can be seen, dumping refers only to occur in a country (exporter) with another country
3.Classification of dumping
4.Characteristics of dumping
5.Definition of Antidumping 6.Case and Analysis of Antidumping 7.Countermeasures against anti dumping 8.Chinese dumping and anti-dumping
TV, newspaper about China exports suffered anti-dumping news continuously
Why China has become the most Anti-dumping country?
In view of the reasons for the high anti-dumping and safeguard measures against Chinese products, in addition to the trade
(importer) trade price discrimination, therefore, domestic trade low sales does not belong to
the "dumping". It is not anti dumping law 。 The purpose and motivation of dumping are diverse.
树大招风,欧盟本身对中国出口产品限制重重,特别是当 中国产品在欧洲占据一定竞争优势的时候,光伏产品就是 一个典型的例子;目前众鑫品牌遭遇前所未有的诉讼案, 欧洲汽车后市场品牌商纷纷向众鑫提出诉讼,欧盟也针对 该产品提出反倾销等调查;

众鑫丝,汽车脚垫材质的一种,属于丝圈脚垫的升级产品,该技 术由众鑫品牌团研发,故命名该种材料为众鑫丝。区别于皮革、丝圈、 超纤;即有丝圈的高贵、舒适,又能定型,可做成全包围;更重要的是, 丝圈脚垫有着无法突破的藏污纳垢的缺陷,而众鑫丝采用的是开放式丝 圈,所有污渍一经冲刷便可以轻松化解。 为什么其他商家无法生产出这种面料的产品?首先,这与产品的原 材料供应商密切相关。众鑫丝采用的是热熔化工技术,脚垫材质在欧洲 市场第一强制性要求是环保,一般低温热熔技术可以保证环保性能,但 是另一方面,由于是长期踩在脚下,所以必须保证其耐压不粘连;而低 温热熔无法保证其耐压性。目前全球范围内只有中国某知名化工企业拥 有能同时解决这两种问题的化工技术。可以说,众鑫丝的成功,首先需 要依赖于一个国家先进的化工技术。 众鑫丝在欧洲成功的第二个原因为其环保的特性。2012年面世以来, 众鑫丝之所以在欧洲获得巨大认可,而在国内却迟迟未能大规模兴起, 是由于国内大部分消费者对车内环保仍然没有概念。在欧洲,车内空气 质量的标准已经上升到立法的程度;但在国内,消费者却很少讲究一个 踩在脚下的脚垫;预计在国内兴起,仍需要大约半年时间。 众鑫丝在欧洲获得成功的另外一个原因为其色泽接近原车绒面,使 车内和车体颜色浑然一体,搭配经久耐看;脚垫颜色多种多样,而众鑫 丝只选择四种颜色销售:灰色、黑红、棕色,专业化的产品线选择更有
中国彩电在欧洲的惨痛教训由于康佳公司不愿接受欧盟的现场认证调 查,2006年3月28日,欧盟在布鲁塞尔发出文件,将对中国彩电出口商征收 44.6%的反倾销关税,即日起执行. 2009年,美国将对中国钢格板征高额反倾销税。12月29日,美国商务部初 裁对从中国进口的钢格板征收高额反倾销税,税率13%-145%。5月29日, 美国两家企业对中国出口美国的钢格板提起反倾销、反补贴诉讼,此案涉 及18家中国钢铁企业,价值9000万美元。 印度对华焦炭反倾销案1997年8月28日,印度商务部反倾销当局对中国出 口到印度的冶金及焦炭正式立案调查。印度起诉方为BLA公司,该公司得 到印度工商协会的支持,称中国出口到印度的焦炭以低于正常价值的价格 出口,给当地的焦炭行业造成了严重损害。
China's anti dumping case
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众鑫丝,表面上类似于丝圈脚垫,外型 上和普通全包围脚垫并无两样,2012年在 欧洲一经推出便迅速得到消费者的认可, 半年后便为大众所熟知。2013年开始,迅 速占领欧洲汽车脚垫市场70%份额,可以 说几乎垄断了欧洲汽车脚垫市场!这一土 生土长的中国品牌,何以在短短一年多时 间内,能在欧洲取得如此骄人的成绩, 2012年面世以来,众鑫丝之所以在欧洲获 得巨大认可。
Dumping is an unfair trade behavior
Leabharlann Baidu
Definition of Antidumping
Anti dumping refers to the counter measures taken by a
country (importing country) against his country's dumping actions against his country.
protectionism, the influence of the national interest groups on the
government's policy is also affected. Some countries are still regarded Chinese as a "non market economy" and take discriminatory policies, coupled with the current domestic industrial structure is not reasonable, low level repeated construction is serious, caused by
倾销的特征Characteristics of dumping
Dumping is a measure of low selling products that are sold by the exporter according to the
different market characteristics, status quo, supply and demand form and competitive purpose