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2. 提升物流信息化水平为提高物流效率,我司加大了对物流信息化的投入,实现了物流信息系统的全面升级。


3. 强化物流服务质量我司始终将客户满意度作为衡量工作成效的重要指标,通过以下措施提升物流服务质量:(1)加强员工培训,提高员工业务素质和服务意识;(2)完善客户服务体系,提高客户服务响应速度;(3)加强设备维护,确保物流设备正常运行;(4)优化配送流程,缩短配送时间。

4. 严格控制物流成本在确保物流服务质量的前提下,我司严格控制物流成本,通过以下措施降低物流成本:(1)优化运输路线,降低运输费用;(2)加强库存管理,减少库存积压;(3)提高物流设备使用效率,降低设备维护成本;(4)加强供应商管理,降低采购成本。

二、主要工作完成情况1. 物流网络布局优化(1)优化运输路线:通过对运输数据的分析,调整了部分运输路线,降低了运输成本,提高了运输效率。


2. 物流信息化建设(1)物流信息系统升级:实现了订单管理、仓储管理、运输管理、客户服务等各个环节的实时跟踪与监控。


3. 物流服务质量提升(1)员工培训:组织开展了多次员工培训,提高了员工业务素质和服务意识。



















一、中国物流行业的发展现状1. 规模不断扩大近年来,我国物流行业规模不断扩大,已成为全球最大的物流市场之一。


2. 产业结构不断优化随着我国经济结构的调整,物流行业产业结构也在不断优化。


3. 技术创新日益突出在“互联网+”的背景下,我国物流行业积极推进技术创新,物联网、大数据、人工智能等技术在物流领域的应用日益广泛,提升了物流效率和服务水平。

二、中国物流行业面临的挑战1. 行业竞争加剧随着物流行业的快速发展,市场竞争日益激烈。


2. 人才短缺物流行业对人才的需求日益旺盛,但当前人才短缺问题依然突出。


3. 环境保护压力增大物流行业在发展过程中,对环境的影响逐渐凸显。


三、中国物流行业的未来趋势1. 产业链整合加速未来,物流行业将朝着产业链整合的方向发展,实现资源优化配置,提高行业整体竞争力。

2. 智能化、自动化水平提升随着技术的进步,物流行业将朝着智能化、自动化方向发展,提高物流效率,降低运营成本。

3. 绿色物流成为发展重点在环境保护的大背景下,绿色物流将成为物流行业发展的重点,推动行业实现可持续发展。



































外文文献原稿和译文原稿Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in: 1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their coreenergy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of 1.18 percent, the average flow of goods from 7.1 days to 3.9 days, stock 8.2% lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, The purpose of the implementation of logistics management The purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price atthe right time and suitable sites available to customers.Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer se rvice purposes.Third, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems in While third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, we reflow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in thecompetition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies. 4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence. Fourth, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers. 3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development ofenterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.译文物流已广泛应用于经济领域中的英文单词“物流”,军事后勤保障的原意,在二战结束后的第二面。



2011年中国快递行业研究报告——China Express Delivery Industry Report, 2011 Enterprise wide USD $ 3300 Release Date Dec.2011AbstractIn July, 2011, in the “Twelfth Five-Year (2011-2015)” plan on the development of postal industry issued by State Post Bureau of the Peo ple’s Republic of China, the following “twelfth five-year” development indicators were put forward for the express delivery industry: the network coverage of key express delivery enterprises came up to 98% in municipalities and provincial capitals, and over 90% in provincially administered municipalities; and the key express delivery enterprises realized the 72-hour inter-provincial capital and inter-key city express delivery rate of more than 90%, express delay rate of lower than 0.8%, damage rate of lower than 0.01%, and loss rate of lower than 0.005%.The express delivery business of China has witnessed rapid growth in 2011. Up to the end of September of 2011, Chinese express delivery companies (with annual sales of over RMB5 million) had made 2.52 billion deliveries, up 53.3% year-on-year, and harvested RMB53.14 billion, a 28.9% YoY rise, of which Chinese inner-city express business revenue was RMB4.67 billion, with the year-on-year increase of 58.1%; the cross regional express business revenue rose 37% year-on-year to RMB30.73 billion; and the international and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan business revenue was RMB13.57 billion, a slight rise of 4.9% from the same period of last year.From January to September of 2011, 1.125 billion deliveries were made in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai, accounting for 44.64% of the national business volume, and achieved RMB25.697 billion with a 48.36% share of the total business revenue in China.‘Research report on the express delivery industry in China’ mainly covers the followings:The twelfth five-year plan of national express delivery industry and the twelfth five-year plan of express delivery industry in key provinces and cities;Development status, business classification,λ market structure, price and competition structure of the express delivery industry in China;Analysis on the express delivery industry in importantλprovinces and cities in Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and Jiangsu etc.Performance of UPS, FedEx, DHL and TNT in Chinese express deliveryλ market.Development history, corporate operation, SWOT analysis and marketλstrategy of 15 local express delivery enterprises (including EMS, China Sinotrans Group, China Railway Express, Air Express, SF Express, STO Express, ZJS Express, YTO Express, Yunda Express, ZTO Express, etc.)EMS:The revenue of China Post Group footed up to RMB189.9 billion in 2010, presenting an AAGR of 18.5% during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010); wherein, the proceeds of express business saw an average growth rate of 19.2%. Currently, EMS possesses 16 cargo aircrafts, 40 national airlines, 2 international airlines, more than 20 thousand transportation vehicles, 8 collecting and distributing centers and 31 provincial distribution centers.SF Express: its operating revenue has maintained high-speed growth since 2003, with an AAGR of over 40%; and the figure in 2010 registered RMB12 billion. In August, 2011, SF Express increased RMB400 million to reshuffle stock rights of SF Airlines whose air fleet covers two Boeing 757-200 All-Cargo Aircrafts and three Boeing 737-300 Aircrafts at present.ZJS Express: its operating performance has saw a comparatively slow rise since 2004, and it made negative growth affected by economic crisis during 2008-2009. However, the operating revenue of the company hit around RMB2 billion in 2010, soaring 66.7% from a year earlier and setting a new high record.In next a few years, e-commerce will further drive the steady and rapid growth of the express delivery industry, and the operating costs will rise ever and spur the price hike of express delivery. As the market expands, for considerable benefit, a growing number of companies in the express delivery sector will be merged and reorganized, and the businesses of express delivery firms will be increasingly differentiated.2011年中国快递行业研究报告——中国快递行业研究报告,2011企业广泛$ 3300美元的发行日期dec.2011摘要在七月,2011,在“第十二个五年(年)”计划对邮政产业发展的国家邮政局发行的中国人民共和国,以下“第十二五”发展指标提出了快递行业:网络覆盖的关键快递企业走到98%直辖市、省会城市,和90%多个省直管市;和关键快递企业实现72小时省际资本和inter-key快递率超过90%,表示延迟率低于0.8%,破损率低于0.01%,损失率低于0.005%。




















中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Research of Regional Logistics CompetitivenessAbstractAt present, the development of logistics is the logistics demand rapid increase, the expanding market capacity, accelerates the construction of logistics infrastructure, third-party logistics fast growth the tendency, the whole logistics industry is developing in the direction of the information, globalization and specialization. At the same time, with the rapid increase of logistics demand, the development of the regional logistics more rapidly. Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Regional economic integration can make the area and regional logistics incline to reasonable, adapt to reasonable layout of industrial structure, to reduce logistics cost, promote the development of regional logistics. On the other hand, the regionaleconomic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Therefore, the development of the regional logistics has become to improve the regional investment environment and industry development environment, expanding the scope of the regional influence, the key to enhancing regional competitiveness.Keywords: Regional logistics; Regional logistics competitiveness; Evaluation index 1 IntroductionThe rapid development of world economy and the progress of modern science and technology, the logistics industry as an emerging service industry, is developing rapidly in the global scope. Internationally, logistics industry is considered to be the economic development of the artery and basic industry, its development degree become to measure a country's modernization degree and comprehensive national strength, one of the important marks is known as the "third profit source" of the enterprise, its role is more and more big, became the current after the IT industry, financial industry's hottest emerging industry a new growth point of national economy, and caused widespread social attention. Regional logistics is an important component of regional economy, is the important force in the formation and development of regional economy, it is to improve the efficiency and economic benefit in the field of regional circulation, improve the competitive ability of regional market, etc., plays a positive role in active. Behind the rapid development of modern logistics, however, there are still many problems; including logistics competitiveness level is lower than the level of logistics development is particularly prominent. Choosing logistics competitiveness development level evaluation index, since there is no uniform standard, can only use freight or freight turnover scale to measure logistics. Implementation of goods transport is the process of logistics spatial displacement at the center of the link, with the two indicators to measure logistics scale has certain scientific, but it can't reflect the outline of the regional logistics. Estimates of logistics demand, typically based on GDP and total retail sales of social consumer goods such as index of national economic accounting. This is just a simple measure of the macro level, the proportion of different researchers use different, ranging from teens to twenty percent, there are large difference between the results and gives theoreticalanalysis greater difficulties. At the same time, the logistics industry's economic statistical data shortage, there is no comprehensive logistics demand statistics, which made us qualitative understanding of the level of understanding of logistics.2 Literature reviewAbout the Core Competence theory, Core Competence (Core Competence) of the original intention is the Core skills or Core skills, this concept is in 1990 by the American strategic management experts made (C.K.P rahalad) and Britain's strategic management experts hamer (c. amel), refers to the enterprise organization of accumulating knowledge, especially about how to coordinate different production skills and integrate a variety of technical knowledge, and on the basis of advantage over other competitors unique ability, namely Core Competence is built on the basis of enterprise Core resources, is the enterprise intelligence, technology, products, management, culture and other elements in the reflection of comprehensive advantage in the market. At present there are three typical academic argument: the ability theory represented by Rossby and Christie's school; School represented by porter's theory of market structure; Represented by Werner Phil and Penrose's theory of resource school. Core competitiveness is value, the ability to integrated, uniqueness, extensibility and inherent characteristics.Related theory, the study of regional logistics, the logistics research of Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries, focus on the enterprise level, is committed to providing enterprise optimization strategy. And regional logistics system and competitiveness research, involved. According to literature review, the regional international logistics field of research mainly includes the following aspects: (1) from the perspective of multinational company research the global logistics resources configuration and coordination problems. Specific include logistics infrastructure, market competition mechanism and the problem of logistics supply chain operation. Such research quantification technology such as using the operational research tools, more for the global network of supply chain facility location positioning, and coordinate the factory more support, strategic distribution system design problem. This is an extension of the logistics enterprise level optimization study, the commonly used methods include mathematical analytical method, system simulation method and heuristic methods, etc. If only one method and graphical method solving the problem of the layout of the site; Mixed integer programming solve the problem of siteselection of logistics center and logistics planning, etc.(2) from the perspective of urban economy and the environment, the research of urban traffic network Settings. For example Tanjguchietal from the city level, using a dynamic traffic simulation model, quantitative research economic growth, the transport demand, as well as the related road congestion and environmental pollution.(3) from the point of view of the city government, study its role in macro logistics development and utility. For example MeirJ. R and Senblatt, studied the global supply chain management in infrastructure financing, transportation and regional trading rules, corporate tax law of the government subsidies, and other effects of the main factors of global production and distribution network, etc.3 Introduction to the theory of regional logistics related3.1 The definition of regional logisticsAcademic definition of regional logistics has not yet unified, a more accepted view is that regional logistics is the geographical environment in a certain area, with large and medium-sized cities as the center, based on the regional scale and scope economy, combined with effective logistics service scope, area inside and outside of all kinds of goods from the supplier to accept to effective entity flow; Is the transport, storage, loading and unloading, handling, distribution, packaging, circulation processing, information processing, such as integrated logistics activities, to service in the composite system of regional economic development. It requires the integration, the integration of logistics management, namely to meet user needs for the purpose, to the goods, services and related information from the supplier to accept to the efficient flow of planning, execution, and control activities, is the organic unity of cash-flow, information flow and cash flow.3.2 Relationship of regional logistics subject, object and carrierRegional logistics has the characteristics of multi-level and multi-dimensional structure, its basic elements include logistics main body, object and logistics carrier, and the structure of the basic elements and their complete system, each element show different features, thus forming the function of the regional logistics. Regional logistics main body is directly involved in or specialized is engaged in the economic organization of regional logistics activity, including the owner of the goodsFlow, the third party logistics enterprise, storage and transportation enterprise, etc. Logistics is the supply chain logistics channels, the starting point and end point ofconnection in the whole course of the regional logistics activity plays a dominant and decisive role. Elements of the integrated logistics subject is the essential characteristic of modern logistics. Therefore, the elements of logistics as one of the main body, logistics has a decisive role in the development of logistics industry. Similar accumulation and regional economy industry, regional logistics also emphasizes the logistics main body accumulation, logistics main body in space is beneficial to promote the logistics activities of large-scale, intensive, body development, it is also a regional logistics park, logistics center, the objective basis of the formation of distribution centers, and regional logistics park, logistics center and distribution center determines the spatial structure of the regional logistics system.3.3 Regional logistics and regional economic relationsRegional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Logistics is always accompanied by business flow, the more advanced the regional economy, manufacturing and trading more active, the logistics industry as a service industry will have a good customer base and market infrastructure, the greater the chance of large-scale development. On the other hand, the regional economic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Thus, regional logistics and regional economy is the unity of interdependence. Regional economy is the premise and foundation of regional logistics development, is the dominant force in the regional logistics development; Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, is the regional economic support system, and serve the regional economy. Regional logistics development goal and strategy must obey and serve the regional economic development goals and strategies.4 Regional logistics competitivenessRegional logistics competitiveness refers to a certain space range (generaladministrative area as the border, across regions), the logistics industry are different from other areas of the assignment of resources was made in the advantage, the logistics enterprises, government policy support and industrial innovation ability, eventually embodied through regional internal benign competition will be more than all kinds of resources, the ability to effectively integrate to form a complementary and integrated ability system, reflect the regional comparison of competitive power in the logistics activity, reflect the size of the regional logistics service ability and the logistics industry development level of high and low. The competitiveness of the regional logistics is mainly composed of six basic elements constitute: social and economic development level, scale of logistics demand and supply condition of logistics, the logistics development of logistics industry in the enterprise information development level, development level, the macro environment.4.1 The social and economic development levelComprehensive social and economic development level reflects the regional logistics competitiveness level of social economic basis, is the guarantee of development of regional logistics competitiveness, to provide support for the sustainable development of regional logistics, from the other side also reflects the competitiveness of regional logistics development potential and power.4.2 The logistics demand scaleLogistics demand scale is mainly refers to the logistics services in the field such as production, consumption and circulation quantity and scale, to some extent, restricted by local resource conditions, it reflects a region, the demand for logistics service level and size: the size of the logistics demand, determines the size of the logistics market capacity, is the premise of existence and development of regional logistics industry and the foundation.4.3 Logistics supply conditionThe supply condition of logistics refers to the logistics infrastructure provided for the development of the logistics industry, all kinds of logistics technology and equipment, is engaged in the logistics services enterprises and the corresponding professionals such as the number and size of traffic capacity and regional situation, the comprehensive reflection of regional logistics supply capacity and service level, reflects the effect on the development of the logistics industry to promote and satisfaction, is the main factor of the formation and development of regional logisticscompetition.4.4 Logistics enterprise development levelLogistics enterprise comprehensive development level reflects the regional logistics main body's ability to provide logistics services and meet customer demand, embodies the subject of logistics operation level, mainly including the enterprise competition ability, profit ability and performance level, reflect a certain period of logistics enterprises in the area of the overall level of development, is the key factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness.4.5 Information development levelMainly refers to the regional information development level of information degree and the level of information technology. Logistics is based on information flow, logistics has become more and more rely on the whole process of access to information. Many logistics enterprises have established their own information management system as a crucial to the development of its core competitiveness, the development level of information is the one important factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness level.4.6 Logistics macro environmentMacro environment refers to the logistics industry development of logistics industry development planning, land use policy, tax policy, market access policy, talent training, such as the soft environment, affecting the development of logistics industry reflects the external environment for the development of the logistics industry to provide favorable conditions and the environment support.译文:区域物流竞争力研究摘要当前,物流的发展正呈现出物流需求快速上升、市场容量不断扩大、物流基础设施建设加速、第三方物流快速成长的趋势,整个物流产业正朝着信息化、全球化和专业化的方向发展。






关键词:物流管理;第三方物流;运输管理AbstractAfter China entering WTO,the trend of economy globalization &competition internationalization speeds up,the boundary between international & domestic market getting faded steadily.It is necessary to provide standard logistics service by the 3rd party logistics company in order to meet the need that the customer will participate the competition in the international market.The third party logistics company is required with higher level and more service by the customer;they shall provide not only tailor-made service but also relevant in tim e service to meet the customer’s JIT production.As a third party logistics company, San Tai ZI logistics center attract customers by its good logistics management and service, getting stronger and developing.Researching on San Tai ZI logistics center ,with the combination of logistics management relevant theory, first of all, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the transport management, warehousing management, dispatching management, handing ,information processing and customer management . Secondly it finds out the problems in logistics management, and discusses the reasons. At last, it comes up with the solution to improve the current situation of inadequate development in enterprise logistics management.Keywords: Logistics management; Third-party logistics; Transport management目录引言 (1)1 物流管理相关理论 (2)1.1 物流管理概述 (2)1.1.1 物流的概念及其构成要素 (2)1.1.2 物流管理的涵义和内容 (2)1.1.3 物流管理的目标和原则 (4)1.2 第三方物流概述 (5)1.2.1 第三方物流的概念 (5)1.2. 2 采用第三方物流的好处 (5)2 沈阳一运三台子物流中心物流管理现状 (6)2.1 沈阳一运概况 (6)2.2 沈阳一运三台子物流中心概况 (7)2.3 沈阳一运三台子物流中心物流管理现状 (8)3 沈阳一运三台子物流中心物流管理中存在的问题及原因分析 (11)3.1 运输管理方面 (11)3.1.1 运输中存在不合理形式 (11)3.1.2 运输外包风险控制不严 (11)3.2 仓储管理方面 (12)3.2.1 仓库出现闲置现象 (12)3.2.2 仓储货物未进行储位管理 (12)3.2.3 没有对商品进行分类管理 (12)3.2.4 仓库管理人员素质较低 (12)3.3 装卸搬运方面 (13)3.3.1 装卸搬运工具保管使用不当 (13)3.3.2 对装卸搬运工人管理不善 (13)3.4 配送管理方面 (13)3.4.1 配送订单处理不及时 (13)3.4.2 配送路线未进行规划 (14)3.5 信息管理方面 (14)3.5.1 物流技术应用不够 (14)3.5.2 信息处理系统的建设不完善 (14)3.6客户管理方面 (15)4 沈阳一运三台子物流中心物流管理问题的解决对策 (16)4.1 运输管理方面 (16)4.1.1 合理规划运输方式和路线 (16)4.1.2 加强预防机制降低风险 (16)4.2 仓储管理方面 (17)4.2.1 合理安排闲置仓库 (17)4.2.2 仓储布局与作业合理化 (18)4.2.3 存储货物采取科学管理方法 (19)4.2.4 引进和培养仓储管理人员 (20)4.3 装卸搬运方面 (21)4.3.1 妥善保管和维护装卸搬运工具 (21)4.3.2 加强装卸工人管理 (21)4.4 配送管理方面 (22)4.4.1 建立专业的配送部门 (22)4.4.2 运用科学的方法规划配送路线 (22)4.5 信息管理方面 (22)4.5.1 应用先进的物流技术 (23)4.5.2 优化信息管理系统 (23)4.6 加强客户关系管理 (25)结论 (27)致谢 (28)参考文献 (29)附录A (30)附录B (35)沈阳一运三台子物流中心物流管理问题研究引言由于技术的不断进步和管理的日益改善,制造成本降低的空间不大,现代物流被称为继劳动力、自然资源之后的“第三利润源泉”。



Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand here today and deliver a speech on the topic of "The Development of China'sLogistics Industry". As we all know, logistics plays a crucial role in the global economy, and China's logistics industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. In this speech, I will focus on the current situation, challenges, and future prospects of China's logistics industry.Firstly, let's take a look at the current situation of China's logistics industry. According to the China Association of Logistics and Purchasing, the total value of China's logistics industry reached 30.7 trillion yuan in 2020, accounting for 16.1% of the country's GDP. This indicates that the logistics industry has become an important pillar of China's economy.There are several factors contributing to the rapid development ofChina's logistics industry. Firstly, the continuous growth of the Chinese economy has provided a strong driving force for the industry. Secondly, the country's vast territory and diverse climate have led to the need for efficient logistics systems to ensure the smoothdistribution of goods. Lastly, the advancement of information technology has greatly improved the efficiency and competitiveness of the logistics industry.However, China's logistics industry also faces some challenges. Firstly, the industry is still in the process of transformation and upgrading, with a relatively low level of automation and informatization. Secondly, the uneven distribution of resources and infrastructure across the country hinders the development of the industry. Lastly, the high costof logistics services remains a concern for businesses.To address these challenges, China has taken a series of measures to promote the development of its logistics industry. Firstly, the government has been investing in the construction of logistics infrastructure, such as ports, airports, and transportation networks. Secondly, policies have been implemented to encourage the application of information technology in the industry. Lastly, efforts have been madeto reduce the cost of logistics services by optimizing the supply chain and improving the efficiency of transportation.Looking ahead, the future prospects of China's logistics industry are promising. The following aspects are worth mentioning:1. Green logistics: With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, green logistics will become a major trend in the industry. China will continue to promote the use of clean energy and reduce carbon emissions in logistics operations.2. Smart logistics: The integration of big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence will enable the realization of smart logistics, which will further improve the efficiency and quality of logistics services.3. Cross-border e-commerce: As China's e-commerce market continues to expand, cross-border e-commerce will play an increasingly important role in the logistics industry. The government will provide more support for cross-border logistics to facilitate the development of e-commerce.4. Globalization: China's logistics industry will continue to integrate into the global market, with more foreign companies entering the Chinese market and Chinese logistics companies expanding overseas.In conclusion, the development of China's logistics industry is not only a reflection of the country's economic strength but also a driving force for its further growth. By addressing the challenges and embracing the future trends, China's logistics industry will surely achieve greater success in the coming years.Thank you for your attention.。






































物流管理文献翻译 原文及译文

物流管理文献翻译 原文及译文

【最新资料,Word版,可自由编辑!】An internet-based logistics management system forenterprise chainsN. Prindezis, C.T. KiranoudisSchool of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University, 15780Athens, GreeceReceived 13 September 2003; received in revised form 20 December 2003;accepted 27 January 2004Available online 10 December 2004AbstractThis paper presents an Internet-Based Logistics Management System to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related information for solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem using appropriate metaheuristic techniques, for use in enterprise chain net works. Its architecture involves a JAVA Web applet equipped with interactive communication capabilities between peripheral software tools. The system was developed in distributed software fashion technology for all computer platforms utilizing a Webbrowser, focusing on the detailed road network of Athens and the needs of the Athens Central Food Market enterprises. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Decision support system; e-Logistics; Transportation; Vehicle routing problem1.IntroductionEnterprise chains are the business model of the present and future regarding markets that involve small and medium company sizes. Clearly, grouping activities towards a focused target facilitates an understandably improved market penetration guaranteed by a successful trade mark of a leading company in the field. Several collaboration models that basically include franchising are introduced as a part of this integrated process. When such a network is introduced in order to exploit a commercial idea or business initiative and subsequently expanded as market penetration grows, several management issues arise regarding the operations of the entire network. Such a network is the ideal place for organizing and evaluating in a more centralized way several ordinary operations regarding supply chain and logistics Infact, tools developed for organizing management processes and operational needs of each individual company, can be developed in a more centralized fashion and the services provided by the tool can be offered to each network member to facilitate transactions and tackle operations similarly. Web-based applications are an ideal starting place for developing such applications. Typically suchsystems serve as a central depot for distributing common services in the field of logistics. The commercial application is stored in a central server and services are provided for each member of the group. A prototype of such a server is described in a previous work (Prindezis, Kiranoudis, & Marinos-Kouris,2003). This paper presents the completed inter net system that is installed in the central web server of the Athens Central Food Market that deals with the integrated problem of distribution for 690 companies that comprise a unique logistics and retail chain of enterprises. The needs of each company are underlined and the algorithms developed are described within the unified internet environment. The problem solved and services provided for each company is the one involving distribution of goods through a heterogeneous fleet of trucks. New insights of the metaheuristics employed are provided. A characteristic case study is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for a real-world problem of distribution through the detailed road network of Athens.2. Distribution through heterogeneous vehicle fleetsThe fleet management problem presented in this paper requires the use of a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles that distribute goods through a network of clients(Tarantilis, Kiranoudis, & Vassiliadis, 2003, 2004).Therefore, the system was designed in order to automatically generate vehicle routes (which vehicles should de-liver to which customers and in which order), using rational, quantitative, spatial and non-spatial information and minimizing simultaneously the vehicle cost and the total distance travelled by the vehicles, subject to the following constraints:●each vehicle has a predetermined load capacity, typically differentfrom all other vehicles comprising the fleet (heterogeneous nature), ●the capacity of a vehicle cannot be exceeded,● a single vehicle supplies each customers demand,●the number of vehicles used is predetermined.The problem has an obvious commercial value and has drawn the attention of OR community. Its great success can be attributed to the fact that it is a very interesting problem both from the practical and theoretical points of view. Regarding the practical point of view, the distribution problem involved definitely plays a central role in the efficiency of the operational planning level of distribution management, producing economical routes that contribute to the reduction of distribution costs, offering simultaneously significant savings in all related expenses (capital,fuel costs, driver salaries). Its Importance in the practical level, motivated in tense theoretical work and the development of efficient algorithms.For the problem by academic researchers and professional societies in OR/MS, resulting in a number of papers concerning the development of a number of Vehicle Routing Information Systems (VRIS) for solving the problem. The problem discussed is an NP-hard optimization problem, that is to say the global optimum of the problem can only be revealed through an algorithm of exponential time or space complexity with respect to problem size. Problems of this type are dealt with heuristic or metaheuristic techniques. Research on the development of heuristic algorithms (Tarantilis & Kiranoudis, 2001,2002a, 2002b) for the fleet management problem has made considerable progress since the first algorithms that were proposed in the early 60s. Among them, tabu search is the champion (Laporte, Gendreau, Potvin, & Semet,2000). The most powerful tabu search algorithmsare now capable of solving medium size and even largesize instances within extremely small computational environments regarding load and time. On the algorithmic side, time has probably come to concentrate on the development of faster, simpler (with few parameters) and more robust algorithms, even if this causes a small loss in quality solution. These attributes are essential if an algorithm is to be implemented in a commercial package.The algorithm beyond the system developed is of tabu search nature. As mentioned before, since the algorithms cannot reveal the guaranteed global optimum, the time that an algorithm is left to propose a solution to the problem is of utmost importance to the problem. Certainly, there is a trade-off between time expected for the induction of the solution and its quality. This part was implemented in a straightforward way. If the system is asked by the user to produce a solution of very high quality instantly, then an aggressive strategy is to be implemented. If the user relaxes the time of solution to be obtained, that is to say if the algorithm is left to search the solution space more effciently, then there is room for more elaborate algorithms.The algorithm employed has two distinct parts. The first one is a generalized route construction algorithm that creates routes of very good quality to be improved by the subsequent tabu phase. The construction algorithm takes into account the peculiarities of the heterogeneous nature of fleet and the desire of the user to use vehicles of his own desire, owned or hired, according to his daily needs.The Generalized Route Construction Algorithm employed, is a two-phase algorithm where unrouted customers are inserted into already constructed partial solutions. The set of partial solutions is initially empty, and in thiscase a seed route is inserted that contains only the depot. Rival nodes to be inserted are then examined.All routes employed involve single unrouted customers. The insertion procedure utilizes two criteria c1(i,u,j) and c2(i,u,j) to insert a new customer u between two adjacent customers i and j of a current partial route. The first criterion finds the best feasible insertion point (i *,j *) that minimizes the Clark and Wright saving calculation for inserting a node within this specific insertion point,C1(i,u,j)=d(I,u)+d(u,j)-d(I,j) (1) In this formula, the expression d(k,l) stands for the actual cost involved in covering the distance between nodes k and l. The Clark and Wright saving calculation introduced in this phase serves as an appropriate strong intensification technique for producing initial constructions of extremely good quality, a component of utmostnecessity in tabu improvement procedure.The second phase involves the identification of the actual best node to be inserted between the adjacent nodepair (i* ,j *) found in the first phase (Solomon, 1987). From all rival nodes, the one selected is the one that maximizes the expressionC2 (i*, u, j *)=[d(0,u)+d(u,0)]- C1(i*, u, j *) (2)where 0 denotes the depot node. The expression selected is the travelling distance directly from/to the depot to/ from the customer and the additional distance expressedby the first criterion. In all, the first phase of the construction algorithm seeks for the best insertion point in all possible route seeds and when this is detected, the appropriate node is inserted. If no feasible node is found, a new seed route, containing a single depot, is inserted.The algorithm iterates until there are no unrouted nodes. It must be stretched that the way routes are filled up with customers is guided by the desire of the user regardingthe utilization of his fleet vehicles. That is to say, vehicles are sorted according to the distribution and utilization needs of the dispatcher. Vehicles to be used first (regarding to user cost aspects and vehicle availability) will be loaded before others that are of lower importance to the user. Typically, all users interviewed expressed the desire for the utilization of greater tonnage vehicles instead of lower tonnage, so vehicles for loading were sorted in descending order of capacity.For the subsequent aggressive part of the algorithm a tabu search metaheuristic was implemented. The basic components of this algorithm employed in this application are the neighbourhood definition, theshort-term memory and the aspiration criterion.2.1. NeighbourhoodThe neighbourhood is defined as a blend of the most favorable local search moves that transforms one solution to another. In particular, in its tabu search iteration the type of move adopted is decided stochastically. A predefined probability level is assigned to each move type. After that, it is decided whether the move operation is performed within a single route or between different routes, once more stochastically. This time, for both operations, the probability level is assigned a value of 50%. Subsequently, the best neighbour that the selected move implies is computed. The move types employed are the 2-Opt move (Bell et al., 1983), the 1–1 Exchange move (Evans& Norback , 1985), the1–0 Exchangemove (Evans & Norback, 1985), on both single route and different routes.2.2. Short-term memoryShort-term memory, known as tabu list, is the most often used component of tabu search. Tabu list is imposed to restrict the search from revisiting solutions that were considered previously and to discourage the search process from cycling between subsets of solutions. For achieving this goal, attributes of moves, more precisely the reversals of the original ones, are stored in a tabu list. The reversal moves that contain attributes stored in tabu list are designated tabu and they are excluded from the search process. Regarding the tabu search variant implemented, these attributesare the nodes involved in the move (all the moves used in the this method can be characterized by indicating only two nodes) and the corresponding routes where these nodes belong to. The number ofiterations that arcs’mobil ity is restricted is known as tabu list size or tabu tenure. The management of the tabu list is achieved by removing the move which has been on the tabu list longest.2.3. Aspiration criterionThe aspiration criterion is a strategy for overriding the short-term memory functions. The tabu search method implemented, uses the standard aspiration criterion: if a move gives a higher quality solution than the best found so far, then the move is selected regardless its tabu status.Tabu Search algorithm terminates when the number of iterations conducted is larger than the maximum number of iterations allowed. 3. Developing the internet-based application toolWeb services offer new opportunities in business landscape, facilitating a global marketplace where business rapidly create innovative products and serve customers better. Whatever that business needs is, Web services have the flexibility to meet the demand and allow to accelerate outsourcing. In turn, the developer can focus on building core competencies to create customer and shareholder value. Applicationdevelopment is also more efficient because existing Web services, regardless of where they were developed, can easily be reused.Many of the technology requirements for Web services exist today, such as open standards for business to-business applications, mission-critical transaction platforms and secure integration and messaging products. However, to enable robust and dynamic integration of applications, the industry standards and tools that extend the capabilities of to days business-to-business interoperability are required. The key to taking full advantage of Web services is to understand what Web services are and how the market is likely to evolve. One needs to be able to invest in platforms and applications today that will enable the developer to quickly and effectively realize these benefits as well as to be able to meet the specific needs and increase business productivity.Typically, there are two basic technologies to be implemented when dealing with internet-based applications; namely server-based and client-based. Both technologieshave their strong points regarding development of the code and the facilities they provide. Server-based applications involve the development of dynamically created web pages. These pages are transmitted to the web browser of the client and contain code in the form of HTML and JAVASCRIPT language. The HTML part is the static part of the page thatcontains forms and controls for user needs and the JAVASCRIPT part is the dynamic part of the page. Typically, the structure of the code can be completely changed through the intervention of web server mechanisms added on thetransmission part and implemented by server-based languages such as ASP, JSP, PHP, etc. This comes to the development of an integrated dynamic page application where user desire regarding problem peculiarities (calculating shortest paths, execute routing algorithms, transact with the database, etc.) is implemented by appropriately invoking different parts of the dynamic content of such pages. In server-based applications allcalculations are executed on the server. In client-based applications, JAVA applets prevail. Communication of the user is guaranteed by thewell-known JAVA mechanism that acts as the medium between the user and code.Everything is executed on the client side. Data in this case have to be retrieved, once and this might be the time-consuming part of the transaction.In server-based applications, server resources are used for all calculations and this requires powerful server facilities with respect to hardware and software. Client-based applications are burdened with data transmission(chiefly related to road network data). There is a remedy to that; namely caching. Once loaded, they are left in the cache archives of the web browser to be instantly recalled when needed.In our case, a client-based application was developed. The main reason was the demand from the users point of view for personal data discretion regarding their clients. In fact, this information was kept secret in our system even from the server side involved.Data management plays major role in the good function of our system. This role becomes more substantial when the distribution takes place within a large and detailed road network like this of a major complex city. More specifically, in order to produce the proposed the routing plan, the system uses information about:●the locations of the depot and the customers within the road networkof the city (their co-ordinates attached in the map of the city),●the demand of the customers serviced,●the capacity of the vehicles used,●the spatial characteristics of road segments of the net work examined, ●the topography of the road network,●the speed of the vehicle, considering the spatial characteristics of theroad and the area within of which is moved,●the synthesis of the company fleet of vehicles.Consequently, the system combines, in real time, the available spatial characteristics with all other information mentioned above, and tools for modelling, spatial, non-spatial, and statistical analysis, image processing forming a scalable, extensible and interoperable application environment. The validation and verification of addresses of customers ensure the accurate estimation of travel times and distances travelled. In the case of boundary in the total route duration, underestimates of travel time may lead to failure of the programmed routing plan whereas overestimates can lower the utilization of drivers andvehicles, and create unproductive wait times as well (Assad, 1991). The data corresponding to the area of interest involved two different details. A more detailed network, appropriately for geocoding (approximately 250,000 links) and a less detailed for routing (about 10,000 links). The two networks overlapped exactly. The tool that provides solutions to problems of effectively determining the shortest path, expressed in terms of travel time or distance travelled, within a specific road network, using the Dijkstra’s algorithm(Winston,1993). In particular, the Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in two cases during the process of developing the routing plan. In the first case, it calculates the travel times between all possible pairs of depot and customers so that the optimizer would generate the vehicle routes connecting them and in the second case itdetermines the shortest path between two involved nodes (depot or customer) in the routing plan, as this was determined by the algorithm previously. Due to the fact, that U-turn and left-,right-turn restrictions were taken into consideration for network junctions, an arc-based variant of the algorithm was taken into consideration (Jiang, Han, & Chen, 2002). The system uses the optimization algorithms mentioned in the following part in order to automatically generate the set of vehicle routes (which vehicles should deliver to which customers and in which order) minimizing simultaneously the vehicle costs and the total distance travelled by the vehicles This process involves activities that tend to be more strategic and less structured than operational procedures. The system helpsplanners and managers to view information in new way and examine issues such as:●the average cost per vehicle, and route,●the vehicle and capacity utilization,●the service level and cost,●the modification of the existing routing scenario by adding orsubtracting customers.In order to support the above activities, the interface of the proposed system provides a variety of analyzed geographic and tabulated data capabilities. Moreover, the system can graphically represent each vehicleroute separately, cutting it o? from the final routing plan and offering the user the capability for perceiving the road network and the locations of depot and customers with all details.4. Case studyThe system developed was used in the Central Food Market of Athens, Greece. The specific Market involves 2 an area of 320,000m in thesouth-west region of Athens greater area (Agios Ioannis Rentis, Athens, Greece) at the boundary of port of Pireaus, Greece. This Market is basically a hybrid of two submarkets; the first one involves fresh vegetables and fruits and the second one fresh meat. A Central Food Market is an organization that involves numerous small enterprises that sell and distribute fresh food products, chiefly fresh vegetables, fruits fish and meat. It is considered to be the place where supply and demand come together and where prices are determined in conditions of transparency and open exchange. Every day, the market is visited by thousands of operators and traders who consider it the best place in which to carry out their transactions. The market is used by companies specializing in the food sector, traditional retailers, the city markets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, hotel and catering establishments.The fresh vegetables and fruits market involves 690 small and medium enterprises that cover an area of 2 7,100m , while the Meat market involves105 small 2 and medium enterprises that cover an area of 6050m . As a complementary area to the Markets, Athens Central Food Market has a Services and Warehouses Area, to serve the growing economic activity generated by the Food Unit. Cash& Carry, purchase centers, distribution and logistics, storage, handling and packaging, cold stores available for rent, motor vehicle services .Inshort, all the services operators required. The market need for effcient logistics requires specialization and investment(trucks, cold stores, etc.), in order to be competitive and provide the growing level of service demanded. Every day, this market complex offers a selection of fruits and vegetables, both in the range of products and varieties and in the sheer volume on offer, which makes it the largest fruit and vegetable market in Greece and one of the largest in Europe. Athens Central Market responds to the challenge of effciently and reliably serving the most important food sector in Greece, offering a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, meats, meat products in unrivalled conditions of hygiene and safety. The Meat Market is concerned not only with distribution but also with production. Many farmers participate directly in the Athens Central Market, as it actively promotes products with denomination of origin and quality certificates. Athens Central Market installations involve roughly 500 parking places.The application can be found at the internet address cookie entrance. The system was appropriately coded in the form of a java applet encapsulated in a Web page accessible by the users through the Web Server of the organization. There were several restrictions that were taken into consideration as user requirements. The application had to be compact, user-friendly, the data entered that would concern a specific enterprise could not be transparent to others, including the organization and full reports ready to use by truck drivers had to be generated.5. ConclusionsThis paper presented an system to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related spatial and non-spatial information for solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem using metaheuristic algorithms. This system used to automatically generate vehicle routing plans such that all customers demands were met, no constraints were violated and a combination of vehicle costs and distance travelled was minimized. The architecture of the system was based on an integrated JAVA Web Applet equipped with interactive communication capabilities between peripheral software tools. The system that was developed in distributed software fashion technology for all Web browsers running on any platform, and it was successfully applied to the area of Greater Athens for the benefits of Athens Central Food Market enterprises.基于互联网的连锁企业的物流管理系统N. Prindezis,C.T. Kiranoudis化工学院,国立技术大学,15780雅典,希腊收到2003年9月13日,在经修订的形式收到的2003年12月20号,接受2004年1月27日可在线二〇〇四年十二月十日摘要本文介绍了一种基于Internet的物流管理系统,以协调和传播解决异构车辆路径问题采用适当的启发式技术,任务和相关信息,为企业的连锁网络作品的使用。





二、物流管理的重要性1. 提高效率:物流管理可以优化物流流程,减少运输时间和成本,提高整体运营效率。

2. 提供良好的客户服务:物流管理能确保产品准时送达,提高客户满意度,并为客户提供快捷、高质量的服务。

3. 降低库存成本:通过合理的物流管理,可以减少库存积压和资金占用,降低库存成本。

三、物流管理中的挑战和问题1. 运输管理:包括选择最佳的运输方式、运输路线的规划以及物流仓储的管理等。

2. 供应链协调:要实现高效的物流管理,必须保持供应链上各环节的协调与合作。

3. 信息系统的改进:物流管理需要支持高效的信息传递和数据分析,因此信息系统的改进是一个关键问题。

四、物流管理的解决方案1. 运输管理的解决方案:实施合理的运输规划和路线优化,采用现代化的运输工具和设备,提高运输效率和减少成本。

2. 供应链协调的解决方案:建立供应链管理系统,通过信息共享、协作和协调,保持整个供应链的流畅运作。

3. 信息系统的改进方案:引入先进的物流管理软件和技术,实现数据的自动化采集和分析,提高信息系统的管理能力。


六、物流管理的发展趋势1. 绿色物流:注重环保、节能和减排,提倡可持续发展的物流管理方式。

2. 信息化物流:应用新技术,如物联网、大数据分析等,实现物流信息的实时监控和管理。

3. 灵活供应链:建立灵活的供应链网络,能够适应市场快速变化和多样化的需求。





物流管理报告物流管理报告1. 概述物流管理报告旨在提供有关物流活动的详细信息和绩效评估。


2. 物流流程分析报告首先对物流流程进行分析,包括从供应商到客户之间的流程。


流程分析应包括以下方面:- 供应链的多个环节,包括采购、进货、仓储和配送等。

- 物流活动的时间和资源消耗。

- 相关的技术和系统的使用情况。

3. 资源利用分析报告还应对物流资源的利用情况进行评估。



4. 效率评估物流管理报告应对物流活动的效率进行评估。

这可以通过以下指标来实现:- 物流流程的速度,如货物处理时间和交货时间。

- 订单准确率和退货率。

- 物流成本占销售额的比例。

- 顾客满意度和投诉率等。

5. 成本分析报告还应对物流活动的成本进行分析。





6. 改进建议最后,物流管理报告应提供改进和优化措施的建议。

这些建议可能涉及以下方面:- 流程优化,如消除瓶颈和减少冗余步骤。

- 技术和系统的改进,如实施物流管理软件和自动化设备。

- 资源的重新分配和利用。

- 成本控制措施,如采购合理化和优化运输路线。



中国企业的物流服务管理 英译中

中国企业的物流服务管理 英译中







关键词:物流,服务,公司1 引言全球经济的出现和竞争的加剧,让许多公司认识到,管理他们供应链和服务创新对市场的重要性。









一个物流服务提供商还可以提供其他的服务,例如物料管理服务 (例如库存[6]管理)、相关的信息服务 (例如跟踪和追踪) 和增值服务 (例如商品的再次组装)。


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最新卓越管理方案您可自由编辑目录摘要:发现先行者为什么要关注物流?物流的演变—从 1PL到5PL中国物流业的发展在途运营和在仓储中的货物与信息流第三方物流市场在中国崭露头角市场有多大?未来何在?现有的参与者上市公司及其兼并和收购的潜在可能性公司档案--中国东方航空公司中国国家航空公司中国邮政中国南方航空公司EAS国际运输有限公司和记港口公司胜科物流中外运附录--案例研究1:自营或业务外包?--中国公司的矛盾案例研究2:在华的外国第三方物流公司案例研究3:美国与欧洲物流业的经验发现先行者摘要供应链管理包含了为满足消费者的需求,对从产地到消费地的货物、服务及信息的流动和储存所进行的计划、运行和控制。


























现有的中国上市公司不是一体化第三方物流服务的提供者中国物流上市公司的大部分收入基本来源于能力提供(capacity privision)(或是第二方物流服务),尽管他们中的大多数渴望成为第三方物流公司。

















图1 国家品牌的发展品牌类别估算商标价值(10亿元)红塔山香烟 43.90海尔电子设备 33.00长虹电视 26.00五粮液酒 12.06TCL 电视 10.59联想计算机 10.32一汽汽车 9.66科隆空调 9.62康佳电视 9.54三九制药 7.39美的空调 6.38青岛啤酒啤酒 5.95小天鹅洗衣机 5.68容声冰箱 5.22燕京啤酒 4.57来源:北京著名商标估算报告,2000,摩根·斯坦利中国市场的特点国有企业的自营物流是计划经济的产物。













(图2和图3)图2 中美地理比较(略)图3 地形图和人口分布图(略)在美国,太平洋气流给西部带来湿润的气候,而中国的西部在冬天则只有来自西伯利亚的干季风。


















图4 外方投资目录法规框架细目外方的参与相关许可批准部门国际货运限制外经贸部航空货运限制国家民航总局、外经贸部物流中心鼓励交通部、外经贸部国内卡车货运限制交通部、外经贸部并购(consolidation)限制交通部、外经贸部仓储鼓励交通部、外经贸部海关经济业高度限制海关总署、外经贸部海运公司限制交通部、外经贸部航空公司高度限制国家民航总局、外经贸部来源:香港贸易发展委员会,摩根·斯坦利研究为什么投资者关注这一领域?1)巨大的市场:根据国务院的一份研究报告,2000年中国物流总成本占GDP的20%,是美国的2倍。









图5 寻求高效率的巨大市场中国若减少可节约资金其他国家物流成本占GDP(2000) 20% 10% 1080亿美元美国 10%物流成本占工业总产值 40% 20% 953亿美元世界:15-20%跨国公司:5-8%积压库存占GDP(2000) 50% 4% 4950亿美元美国:3.8%来源:中国物流的潜力与发展陈文玲2)级数型增长的第三方物流:第三方物流的比例在中国大概为2%,远远低于美国的8%和欧洲的10%。
