7.知识产权除外条款本保单对由以下情况直接或间接导致的责任不负责赔偿;被声称为违反或违背以下权利或法律的实际或声称的出版、发表、口头或书面声明;1 ) 版权,对正版广告材料的侵权除外;2 )专利;3 )商业秘密;4 )商业包装;或者5 )商标,服务商标,证明商标,集体商标或商号,作为商标或服务标志的名称或标语除外。
二、保险责任乙方在保险期间内承担以下保险责任:1. 对于因甲方产品在保险期间内发生的意外事故导致的财产损失、人身伤亡或产生的第三方责任,乙方承担相应赔偿责任。
2. 对于因甲方产品设计缺陷导致的赔偿责任,乙方承担相应赔偿责任。
三、保险金额与保费1. 保险金额:双方约定本保险合同的保险金额为人民币________元。
2. 保费:甲方应按照约定的保险金额支付保险费。
五、赔偿处理1. 甲方在发生保险事故后应及时通知乙方,并提供相关证明材料。
2. 乙方收到甲方的赔偿请求后,应及时核实事故情况,并按照本合同约定进行赔偿。
3. 若甲方提供的证明材料不齐全或存在虚假情况,乙方有权拒绝赔偿。
六、免责条款1. 本合同约定的因甲方故意或重大过失行为导致的损失,乙方不承担赔偿责任。
2. 因战争、敌对行为、军事行动等不可抗力导致的损失,乙方不承担赔偿责任。
七、合同解除与终止1. 本合同在保险期间届满时自动终止。
2. 在保险期间内,双方均有权提前解除本合同。
九、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。
三、保险金额与保费1. 保险金额:甲方购买的产品责任险的保险金额为人民币______元。
2. 保费:甲方应支付的保费为人民币______元。
五、赔偿处理1. 赔偿申请:当发生保险事故时,甲方应及时向乙方提交赔偿申请及相关证明材料。
2. 赔偿审核:乙方收到赔偿申请后,将在约定时间内对申请进行审核,如需要补充材料,乙方将及时通知甲方。
3. 赔偿决定:乙方审核通过后,将按照本合同约定进行赔偿。
4. 赔偿限额:乙方对每一事故承担的赔偿责任不超过保险金额。
六、免责条款对于以下情形,乙方不承担保险责任:1. 因甲方故意或重大过失导致的损失;2. 战争、敌对行为、军事冲突、武装叛乱等行为导致的损失;3. 核辐射、核爆炸、核污染及其他放射性污染导致的损失;4. 自然灾害等不可抗力造成的损失。
七、合同解除与终止1. 合同解除:双方均有权在合同期限内解除本合同,解除方应提前书面通知对方。
2. 合同终止:本合同在保险期间届满时终止。
四、投保人与被保险人义务(一)投保人义务:1. 投保人在投保时应如实告知与保险产品有关的重要事项和风险情况。
2. 按时足额缴纳保险费。
3. 在保险合同有效期内,如有影响保险人承保风险的情况发生,应及时通知保险人。
(二)被保险人义务:1. 被保险人应积极采取措施,防止或减少损失的发生和扩大。
2. 被保险人应妥善保管有关产品责任事故的原始单据和资料,以便保险人进行理赔处理。
3. 被保险人应配合保险人进行事故调查并提供必要的信息和证据。
五、赔偿处理与索赔程序(一)赔偿处理:1. 保险人对因产品缺陷造成的人身伤亡或财产损失,按照本合同的约定承担赔偿责任。
2. 保险人的赔偿以法律规定或法院判决为准,被保险人应尽力协助保险人进行赔偿处理工作。
(二)索赔程序:1. 被保险人应在知道发生产品责任事故后及时向保险人报案,并提供相关证明材料。
2. 保险人收到索赔请求后,将及时进行审核,并在约定时间内给予答复。
3. 被保险人应按照保险人的要求提供必要的证据和资料,以便保险人进行理赔处理。
四、投保人与被保险人义务1. 投保人应如实告知与保险产品有关的重要事项,如产品特性、制造过程、质量控制等。
2. 被保险人应遵守国家法律法规,确保产品质量安全,并采取必要措施预防产品责任事故的发生。
3. 被保险人应及时向保险公司报告发生的任何与产品责任有关的事故,并配合保险公司进行事故调查。
4. 投保人应按约定缴纳保险费,确保保险合同的有效性。
五、保险责任1. 保险公司对因产品缺陷导致的人身伤害或财产损失承担赔偿责任。
2. 保险公司对被保险人因产品责任纠纷产生的法律费用进行赔偿。
3. 保险公司对被保险人因产品质量问题召回产品的费用进行赔偿。
六、不赔条款1. 保险公司对以下情形不负赔偿责任:a) 被保险人的故意行为或违法行为导致的事故;b) 战争、类似战争行为、军事行动等导致的损失;c) 核辐射、核爆炸、核污染及其他放射性污染等导致的损失;d) 自然灾害(如地震、洪水等)导致的损失。
2. 对于被保险人在保险合同签订前已知的产品缺陷导致的损失,保险公司不负赔偿责任。
七、赔偿程序1. 发生事故后,被保险人应立即通知保险公司,并提供相关证明材料。
2. 保险公司收到索赔申请后,将及时进行调查核实。
3. 保险公司确认赔偿后,将与被保险人协商赔偿金额及赔偿方式。
保险费的计算方式为________ 。
五、投保人义务与声明事项乙方应履行以下义务:1. 及时向甲方提供有关产品责任风险的真实信息;2. 按照约定支付保险费;3. 严格按照国家相关法规和标准生产、销售或拥有产品;4. 及时通知甲方有关产品召回等可能引起赔偿责任的情况;5. 如发生本保险合同约定的赔偿事件,乙方应及时通知甲方并协助处理相关事宜。
四、保险金额与赔偿限额1. 保险金额:乙方根据产品种类、销售额等因素向甲方投保,具体保险金额由双方协商确定。
2. 赔偿限额:因产品缺陷导致的每起事故的赔偿限额以及年度累计赔偿限额,由双方在本合同中约定。
五、保险责任与赔偿处理1. 保险责任:因产品缺陷导致第三方遭受人身伤害或财产损失,乙方需承担的经济赔偿责任由甲方承担。
2. 赔偿处理:甲方在接到乙方的索赔请求后,将根据事故情况进行审核。
六、合同期限与续保1. 合同期限:本合同自签订之日起生效,合同期限由双方约定。
2. 续保:合同到期前,乙方可选择续保,甲方将根据乙方的信用状况、产品风险等因素决定是否接受续保。
七、投保人义务1. 乙方应如实告知甲方产品的相关情况,包括产品种类、生产规模、销售渠道等。
2. 乙方应遵守相关法律法规,确保产品质量安全。
3. 乙方应及时向甲方报告任何可能导致保险责任变化的情况。
4. 乙方应按照约定支付保险费。
八、保险公司义务1. 甲方应按照合同约定承担保险责任。
2. 甲方应对乙方的索赔请求进行及时处理。
3. 甲方有权对乙方的产品风险进行评估,并提出改进建议。
九、免责条款1. 因战争、敌对行为、军事行动等不可抗力导致的损失,甲方不承担保险责任。
2. 因乙方故意或重大过失行为导致的损失,甲方不承担保险责任。
3. 本合同约定的其他免责情形。
产品责任保险(国内)附加保险条款(2011版)阳光财产保险股份有限公司产品责任保险(国内)附加保险条款(2011版)01. 附加成批条款02. 附加以事故发生为基础的条款(日落条款)03. 附加产品回收/保证除外条款04. 附加30天提前通知条款05. 附加发现期条款06. 附加增加被保险人条款(销售商)07. 附加2000年问题除外责任条款08. 附加保费调整条款09. 附加绝对污染责任除外条款10、完工项目责任扩展条款01、附加成批条款兹经双方同意并约定,若被保险人已于保险期间内受到索赔或被保险人已通知保险人其将有可能受到索赔,则在保险期间内被保险人再受到的同样原因引起的索赔,将视同一次事故处理。
二、保险责任1. 在保险期间内,因保险产品的缺陷导致第三者遭受财产损失或人身伤害,乙方依法应承担的经济赔偿责任,甲方将在保险金额范围内予以赔偿。
2. 甲方对下列原因造成的损失承担保险责任:(1)火灾、爆炸;(2)运输过程中因意外事故导致的损坏;(3)产品质量缺陷导致的损失。
三、保险金额与保费1. 保险金额:双方约定保险金额为人民币________元。
2. 保费:乙方应按照约定支付保险费。
五、投保人、被保险人义务1. 乙方应如实提供与保险产品相关的必要信息,并对信息的真实性负责。
2. 乙方应遵守相关法律法规,确保产品质量安全。
3. 在保险事故发生时,乙方应立即通知甲方,并采取一切必要措施减少损失。
4. 乙方应协助甲方进行事故调查和处理。
六、赔偿处理1. 发生保险事故后,乙方应及时向甲方提出索赔申请,并提供相关证明材料。
2. 甲方收到索赔申请后,将及时对索赔请求进行审核。
3. 若索赔请求符合保险责任范围,甲方将在约定时间内支付赔偿金额。
4. 若乙方存在欺诈、虚假陈述或其他违反保险合同的行为,甲方有权拒绝赔偿。
七、通用条款1. 本合同的订立、效力、履行、解释和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
2. 本合同中的任何修改和补充,应以书面形式作出,并成为本合同不可分割的一部分。
3. 若乙方未按照约定支付保险费,甲方有权解除本合同。
二、保险责任甲方在本合同约定的保险期间内,对乙方销售的产品因以下原因导致的缺陷造成第三者人身伤害或财产损失,承担下列赔偿责任:1. 产品质量问题导致的意外损害;2. 产品制造缺陷导致的损害;3. 产品设计缺陷导致的损害;4. 因产品安装、维修不当导致的损害。
甲方在收到乙方的赔偿请求后,按照以下方式处理:1. 对赔偿请求进行审核;2. 与乙方协商确定赔偿金额;3. 在约定时间内支付赔偿款项。
六、免责条款因下列原因导致的损失,甲方不承担赔偿责任:1. 战争、敌对行为、军事冲突等不可抗力事件;2. 乙方或其代表的行为不当造成的损失;3. 乙方销售的二手产品或其他非新产品;4. 未按照产品说明或警告要求使用产品而导致的损失。
01. Claim Made Basis Clause 以索赔提出为基础批单(期内索赔式) It is hereby agreed and amended:1. This insurance apply to "bodily injury" and "property damage" resulting from an occurrence which first commences on and after the retroactive date designated in schedule, only if:(1) A claim for damage because of "bodily injury" and "property damage" is first made in writing against any insured during the policy period and(2) Any insured did not know or could not have reasonably foreseen such occurrence at the effective date of this Policy.2. As used in this endorsement:(1) "A claim" by a person or organization seeking damage will be deemed to have been made when written notice of such claim is received by any insured or by the Company, whichever comes first;(2) "All claim" for damage because of "bodily injury" to the same person as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have been made at the time the first of those claims is made against any insured;(3) "All claim" for damage because of "property damaged" causing loss to the same person or organization as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have made at the time the first of those claim is made against any insured.02. Occurrence Basis Clause “日落条款”以事故发生为基础批单(期内发生式) It is hereby agreed and amended:1. This insurance applies to “ bodily injury ” and/or “ property damage ” resulting from an occurrence which happens during the policy period described in the schedule, only if:(1) A claim for damage be cause of “ bodily injury ” and/or “ property damage ” is first made inwriting against the insurer of this Policy by any insured before ( a reporting time limit not exceed 5 years from inception) and(2) Any insured did not know or could not have reasonably foreseen such occurrence at the effective date of this Policy.2. As used in this endorsement:(1) “ A claim ” by a person or organization seeking damage will be deemed to have been made when written notice of such claim is received by the insurer;(2) “ All claim ” for damage because of “ bodily injury ” to the same person as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have been made at the time the first of those claims is made against the insurer;(3) “ All claim ” for damage because of “ property damage ” csasutsointghelosame personor organization as a result of an occurrence, will be deemed to have made at the time the first of those claim is made against the insurer.03. All Cost with in the Limit of Indemnity subject to Self I nsured Rete nti on所有索赔处理费用(适用自负额)包含在赔偿限额内It is agreed that the suppleme ntary payme nts un der the policy are withi n the limits of in sura nee show n in the deelarati ons. Our right and duty to defe nd eease whe n we have used up the applicable limit of in sura nee in the payme nt of judgeme nts, settleme nts or suppleme ntary payme nts.Our obligati on to pay the suppleme ntary payme nts applies only in excess of any Self I nsuredRetention amounts stated in the Declarations.SELF-INSURED RETENTION (PER CLAIM)1. Incon siderati on of the premium charged, it is agreed the Limits of In sura nce for each of thecoverage ' s provided by this policy will apply excess of a US$50,000.00 per claim.Self- In sured Rete nti on (here in after referred to as the “ Rete nti on Amou nt ” ).The Rete nti on Amou nt:(a) shall apply on ly to “ occurrences ” covered under this policy , and(b) shall apply separately to each claim arising out of such : “ occurrence ” , and(c) shall include all Supplementary Payment of policyYour ban kruptcy, in solve ncy or in ability to pay the Rete nti on Amou nt shall not in crease our obligati on un der this policy .2. We shall have the right but not the duty to participate with you at our own expense in the defe nse or settleme nt of any claimor suit seek ing damages covered un der this policy .In the eve nt of a claim or suit which in our reas on able judgme nt may result in payme nts,in clud ing suppleme ntary payme nts, in an amou nt in excess of the rete nti on amou nt, we may assume con trol of the defe nse or such claim of suit. You will con ti nue to be resp on sible for the payme nt of the rete nti on amou nt.3. In the eve nt there is any other in sura nce, whether or n ot collectible, applicable to an“ occurre nce ” , claim or suit with in the rete nti on amou nt, you will continue to be resp on sible for the full rete nti on amou nt before the limits of in sura nce un der this policy apply.04. Employees' Bodily Injury Exclusi on雇员身体伤害除外条款(或称为雇主责任除外条款)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy, it is agreed that this Policy shall not apply to any liability for bodily in jury, sick ness, disease, occupati onal disease, disability, shock, men tal an guish or men tal injury, in clud ing death at any time result ing therefrom, susta ined by an employee of the In sured, and aris ing out of and in the course of his employme nt by the In sured.Subject otherwise to the terms excepti ons and con diti ons of the Policy.05. Pun itive/Exemplary Damage Exclusi on惩罚性赔偿/罚金除外条款It is agreed that such coverage as is afforded by this policy shall not apply to fines, penalties, pun itive or exemplary damages aga inst the n amed in sured.06. War and Terrorism Exclusion 战争及恐怖主义除外条款(采用美国政府对恐怖主义之定义) It is hereby declared and agreed that this endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:Under any “ Exclusions ” Section, War is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:((I ■ I■■»Ci丄]»“| ■■»Ci 1 ___ 1 ■■■■ I I I »| 丄“ Bodily injury ” , “ property damage ” “ personal injury ” or “ advertiosinwgarin, jwuhryether ” due tor not declared, or any act or condition incident to war. War includes civil war, insurrection, invasion, act of foreign enemy, civil commotion, factional civil commotion, military or usurped power, rebellion or revolution.All “ Exclusions ” Sections, is amended with the addition of the following exclusion:“ Bodily injury ” or “ property damage ” arising directly or indirectly as a result of or in connectionwith “ terrorism ” including, but not limited to, any contemporaneous or ensuing “ bodily injury ” or “ property damage ” caused by fire, looting or theft.“ Terrorism ” means the use or threatened use of force or violence against person or property, or commission of an act dangerous to human life or property, or commission of an act that interferes with or disrupts an electronic or communication system, undertaken by any person or group, whether or not acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization, government, power, authority or military force, when the effect is to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, or to disrupt any segment of the economy.Terrorism shall also include any act which is verified or recognized by the United States Government as an act of terrorism.All other terms and conditions of the policy remain the same.07. Absolute Pollution Exclusion 绝对污染除外条款Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy, it is agreed that this policy shall not apply:A. To any personal injury or property damage arising out of the actual or threateneddischarge, dispersal, release or escape of pollutions, anywhere in the world;B. To any loss, cost or expense arising out of any governmental direction or request that theinsured, the company or any other person or organization test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize pollution.C. To any loss, cost or expense, including but not limited to costs of investigation or attorney ' s fees, incurred by a governmentunit or any other person or organization to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize pollutions.“ Pollutions ” means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste materials. Waste materials include materials which are intended to be or have been recycled reconditioned or reclaimed.Further, should the underlying limits become impaired or exhausted for claim(s) payment(s) and/or loss adjustment expense(s) excluded by this endorsement, coverage provided by this policy will not drop down over the impaired or exhausted underlying limits, however, the policy will continue to respond for covered claims in excess of the limits stated in the declaration page as underlying.Subject otherwise to the terms exceptions and conditions of this Policy.08. Absolute Asbestos Exclusion 绝对石棉污染除外条款Notwithstanding anything to the company contained in this Policy, it is agreed that this policy shall not apply:A. To any liability for property damage, personal injury, sickness, disease, occupation disease, disability, shock, death, mentalanguish or mental injury at any time arising our of the manufacture of, mining of, use of, sale of ,installation of, removal of, distribution of, or exposure to asbestos, asbestos products, asbestos fibers or asbestos dust;B. To any obligation of the insured to indemnify any party because of damages arising our of such property damage, personalinjury, sickness, disease, occupation disease, disability, shock, death, mental anguish or mental injury at any time as a result of the manufacture of, mining of, use of, sale of, installation of, removal of, distribution of or expense to asbestos, asbestos products, asbestos fibers or asbestos dust;C. To any obligation to defend any suit or claim against the insured alleging personal injury, or property damage, if such suit orclaim arises from personal injury or property damage resulting from or contributed to, by any and all manufacture of, mining of, use of, sale of, installation of, removal of, distribution of, or exposure to asbestos, asbestos products, asbestos fibers or asbestos dust.Further, should the underlying limits become impaired or exhausted for claim(s) payment(s) and/or loss adjustments expense(s) excluded by this endorsement, coverage provided by this policy will not drop down over the impaired or exhausted underlying limits, however, the policy will continue to respond for covered claims in excess if the limits stated in the declaration page as underlying.Subject otherwise to the terms exceptions and conditions of this policy.09. Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion核能责任除外条款It is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this policy, the insurance is subject to the Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion as follows:1. The insurance dose not apply:A. Under any Liability Coverage to Bodily Injury or Property Damage:(1) With respect to which an Insured under the policy is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability policy issuedby Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance ASSOCIATION, mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters, NuclearInsurance Association of Canada or any of their successors, or would be an insured under any such policy but forits termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability; or(2) Resulting from the Hazardous Properties of Nuclear Material and with respect to which (a) any person ororganization is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any lawamendatory thereof, or (b) the Insured is, or had this policy not been issued would be entitled to indemnity from theUnited States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement entered into by the United Stated ofAmerica, or any agency thereof, with any person or organization.B. Under any Medical Payments coverage, to expenses incurred with respect to Bodily Injury resulting from the HazardousProperties of Nuclear Material and arising out of the operation of a Nuclear Facility by any person or organization.C. Under any Liability Coverage, to Bodily Injury or Property Damage resulting from the Hazardous Properties of NuclearMaterial:(1) The Nuclear Material (a) is at any Nuclear Facility owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, an Insured or (b) hasbeen discharged or dispersed therefrom;(2) The Nuclear Material is contained in Spent Fuel or Waste at any time possessed, handled, used, processed,stored, transported or disposed of by or on behalf of an Insured, or(3) The Bodily Injury or Property Damage arises out of the furnishing by an Insured of services, materials, parts orequipment in connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any Nuclear Facility, butif such facility is located within the United States of America, its territories or possessions or Canada, thisexclusion (3) applies only to Property Damage to such Nuclear Facility and any property thereat.2. As used in this endorsement:Hazardous Properties include radioactive, toxic or explosive properties.Nuclear Material means Source Material, Special Nuclear Material or By-Product Material. Source Material, Special Nuclear Material and By-Product Material have the meanings given to them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any lawamendatory thereof. Spent Fuel means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a Nuclear Reactor.Waste means any waste material (a) containing By-Product Material other than the tailingor wastes produced by the extraction or concentration of uranium or thorium from any one processed primarily for its Source material content, and (b) resulting from the operation by any person or organization of any Nuclear Facility included under the two paragraphs of the definition of Nuclear Facility.Nuclear Facility means:(a) Any Nuclear Reactor.(b) Any equipment or device designed or used for (1) separating the isotopes of uranium or plutonium, (2) processing orutilizing Spent Fuel, or (3) handling, processing or packaging Waste,(c) Any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of Special Nuclear Material if at any time thetotal amount of such material in the custody of the Insured at the premises where such equipment or device is located consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235,(d) Any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used por the storage or disposal of Waste,and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such operations.Nuclear Reactor means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material.Property Damage includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property.Subject otherwise to the terms exceptions and condition of this Policy.10. Additional Insured Clause- Vendor ' s Designated Form销售商扩展条款(指定经销商)Name of Person or Organization (Vendor)For Example:AMES DEPT. STORESP.O.BOX 4096, ROCKY HILL, CT 06067BRANDSMART U.S.A.Any vendor is an insured, but only with respect to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the distribution or sale of your products in the regular course of that vendors business.1. The Insurance with respect to the vendor does not apply to:(a)any express warranty unauthorized by the name insured;(b)bodily injury or property damage arising out of(i) any physical or chemical change in the form of the product made intentionally by the vendor,(ii) repacking, unless unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing or the substitution of parts under instruction from the manufacturer and then repacked in theoriginal container,(iii) demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operations performed at the vendor 's premises in connection with the sale of the product,(iv) any failure to make such inspection, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make of normally undertakes to made in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products;(v) products which after distribution or sale by the Named Insured have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor.2. The insurance does not apply to any person or organization, as insured, from whom the Named Insured has acquired such products or any ingredient, part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products.All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.11. Additional Insured Clause- Vendor ' s Broad Form销售商扩展条款(不指定经销商)It is agreed that the “ Persons Insured ” provision is amended to include any person ororganization (designated below) (herein referred to as “ vendor ” ) as an Insured, buthonly witrespect to the distribution or sale in the regular course of the vendor ' s business of the namedinsured ' s products (designated below) subject to the following additional provisions:1.The Insurance with respect to the vendor does not apply to:(a)any express warranty unauthorized by the name insured;(b)bodily injury or property damage arising out of(i) any physical or chemical change in the form of the product made intentionally by the vendor,(ii) repacking, unless unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing or the substitution of parts under instruction from the manufacturer and then repacked in the original container,(iii) demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operations performed at the vendor ' s premises in connection with the sale of the product,(iv) any failure to make such inspection, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make of normally undertakes to made in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products;(v) products which after distribution or sale by the Named Insured have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor.2.The insurance does not apply to any person or organization, as insured, from whom the Named Insured has acquired such products or any ingredient, part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products.12. 30 Days Cancellation Clause (保险人提前)30 天通知(被保险人)取消(保单)条款Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Terms and conditions of this policy, this insurance may at any time be terminated at the option of the Company on 30 days to that effect being given to the Insured (as circumstances may allow) in which case the Company shall be liable to repay on demand a ratable proportion of the premium for the unexpired term from the date of the cancellation.notice13. Loss Adjuster Clause 指定公估人条款It is hereby declared and agreed that the qualified international loss adjuster GAB Robins North America, Inc. would be appointed to investigate and adjust the loss, the current contactinformation as below.GAB Robins North America, Inc.2225 Enterprise DrineSuite 2513Westchester, IL 6015414. Lead Exclusion 铅除外条款(适用于怀疑含有铅成分的产品,如电池等)This insurance does not apply to any injury, damage, expense, cost, loss, liability or legal obligation arising out of or in any way related to the toxic properties of lead or lead-containing products, materials or substances. This exclusion applies to all forms of lead including but not limited to solid, liquid, vapor and fumes.15. Efficacy Exclusion Clause 功效除外条款(适用于具功能性产品,如药品、消防器材等)This Policy does not apply to liability for personal Injury and/or Property Damage resulting from the failure of the Insured 's products to cure, alleviate, prevent, monitor, eliminate or retardPersonal Injury and/or Property Damage where such products are represented, warranted, designed or agreed by the Insured to cure, alleviate, prevent, eliminate or retard Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.16. Batch Clause 同一原因引起的一系列事故视作一次事故It is agreed that all damages arising out of one lot of goods or products, prepared or acquired by the named insured, or by another trading under his name, shall be considered as arising out of one occurrence or resulting from a single incident, one lot of goods or products shall be interpreted to include all goods or products subject to substantially the same error or defect.17. Product-completed operation 产品完工条款(维修商扩展条款)a. “ Product-scompleted operations hazard ” includes all “ bodily injury ” and “ property damage ”occurring away from premises you own or rent and arising out of “your products ” or “your workexcept:(1) Products that are still in your physical possession; or(2) Work that has not yet been completed or abandoned.b. “Your work ”ll bwei deemed completed at the earliest of the following times:(1) When all of the work called for in your contract has been completed(2) When all of the work to be done at the site has been completed if your contract calls for work at more than one site.(3) When that part of the work done at a job site has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other thananother contractor or subcontractor working on the same project.Work that may need service, maintenance, correction, repair or replacement, but which is otherwise complete, will be treated as completed.c. This hazard does not include “ bodily injury ” or “ property damage ” arising out of:(1) The transportation of property, unless the injury or damage arises out of a condition inor on a vehicle crea ted by the “ loading or unloading ” of it;(2) The existence of tools, uninstalled equipment or abandoned or unused materials;(3) Products or operations for which the classification in this Coverage Part or in our manual of rules includes products orcompleted operations.18. Cross Liability交叉责任条款It is agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this inusrance shall apply to each insured party as if a separate policy had been issued to each party.Provided always that the aggregate liability of the Company for any one accident shall not exceed the limit of indemnity stipulated in the schedule.This Clause is subject otherwise to terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.19. Electromagnetic Radiation and Radiofrequency Waves Exclusion (EMF Exclusion) 电磁波辐射及无线电波除外条款(适用于电子产品)A. This insurance does not apply to bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, or personal injury arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened exposure to electromagnetic radiation or radiofrequency waves.This insurance does not apply to any loss, cost or expense arising out of any:request, demand or order than any insured or others test for, monitor, remove, contain,attenuate or neutralize, or in any way respond to, or assess the effects of electromagnetic radiation or radiofrequency waves, orclaim or suit by or on behalf of a governmental authority or others for damages because of testing for, monitoring, removing, containing, attenuating or neutralizing, or in any way responding to, or assessing the effects of electromagnetic radiation or radiofrequency waves or use of cellular phones or handheld wireless phonesThis exclusion does not apply to:bodily injury, personal injury or advertising injury caused by electrocution or electric shock;or property damage caused by power surges.Under Definitions, the following definition is added:Electromagnetic radiation and Radiofrequency Waves means any:electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field;radiation created by any electrical current, however generated; or radiofrequency or microwave radiation.20. Y2K EXLUSION CLAUSE FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE 责任险2000 年问题除外条款The year 2000 Millennium problem (Y2K) as referred herein means any direct or in direct loss of or damage to the insured property caused by misfunctioning of computer system, hardware, program/software, microchip, media, integrated circuit and similar device in other electronic equipment involving the date change to the year of 2000, or any other date change before, during or after the year of 2000, including leap year calculations.The Company is not liable to compensate any insured property loss or bodily injury and death, legal liability and any indirect expenses relating to legal procedures, inspection, technical consultation, etc. caused by or arising from any computer system no matter whether or no belonging to or in possession of the Insured due to:1. inability to recognize any date correctly;2. inability to read, save, retain, check, manipulate, interpret and process any data or information or to discharge commands andinstructions as a result of failure to recognize any date correctly;3. any loss of data or inability to read, save, retain, check or process such data correctly caused by programming any computersoftware command on or after an assigned date;4. inability to calculate, compare, differentiate, sequence or process any data involving thedate change to the year of 2000, or any other date change, including leap year calculations;5. any preventive or remedial change, alteration or modification to any computer system, hardware, program/software,microchip, media, integrated circuit or similar device inchange, including leap year calculations.All other terms and conditions under this Policy remain unaltered.21. (Toxic) Mold Exclusion 模具除外条款(适用于注塑成型的产品)It is hereby noted and agreed that in the event of loss of or damage to the moulds & dies, the amount of indemnity in respect thereof shall be limited to be value of the materials together with the cost of labour expended in reproducing such moulds & dies (excluding any cost of design).22. Genetic Modification Organization Exclusion 基因改变除外条款(适用于食品、饮用水、化妆品、药品等产品)This Policy does not apply to any liability arising out of “ property damage ”, “ bodily injury ” or “ personal injury ” in connection woithr arising out of any Genetically Modified or EngineeredOrganism.For the purpose of this Exclusion, Genetically Modified or Engineered Organism is defined as a living organism in which the genetic material has been permanently altered through gene technology in a way that does not occur naturally by multiplication and/or natural recombination.PICC shall be under no obligation to defend any such lawsuits brought against the insured.23. Allergy Exclusion Clause 过敏症除外条款(适用于化妆品、药品等产品)This Policy Excludes all liability arising directly or indirectly, caused by, out of or in connection with or aris ing out of any allergic to do with the huma n body and the ending —it is simply refersto disease.For the purpose of this Exclusion, Allergic is meaning that the human body tends to overreactto certain types of outside substancesPICC shall be under no obligation to defend any such lawsuits brought against the insured.24. Infectious Disease Exclusion 传染病除外条款(适用于食品、饮用水等产品)This Policy excludes claims or liability arising from any condition directly or indirectly caused by associated with Atypical pneumonia with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or Dengue Fever or Typhoid & Paratyphoid Fever or Tuberculosis or Measles or Tetanus orMalaria or Cholera or Viral Hepatitis or Meningococcal infections or the mutants, derivatives or variations thereof or in any way related to or any syndrome or condition of a similar kind howsoever it may be named.PICC shall have no duty to defend any suit arising out of or in any way connected to suchlawsuits or legal proceedings or any demands made against the insured regardless of the circumstances concerned.。
第二条【保险范围】1. 本险种适用于制造和销售各种产品或提供各种服务的企业。
2. 本险种适用于符合法律、法规和相关行业标准的产品或服务,但不包括已知有缺陷的产品或服务。
3. 本险种适用于在合同约定期限内发生的事故,但不包括在合同约定的保险期限前发生或者终止后发生的事故。
第三条【保险费】1. 保险费的计算方式由保险人根据被保险人的行业、经营规模、历史赔付记录等因素综合评估确定,并在保险合同中明确约定。
2. 被保险人应在保险合同生效时或每个保险期限开始之日前支付保险费,并按照保险合同约定的方式支付。
第四条【保险事故的通知和处理】1. 被保险人发现发生可能导致本合同保险责任实施的事故,应立即通知保险人,并按照保险人的要求提供相关证据和资料。
2. 保险人在接到通知后,将指定专业人员对事故进行调查,并根据调查结果决定是否认定为保险事故,以及是否支付保险金或者采取其他补偿方式。
第二章保险责任第五条【保险责任的限额】1. 本保险合同约定的保险责任限额为每次事故的最高支付金额。
2. 被保险人可根据自身需要选择不同的责任限额,但不得超出保险人的承受能力。
第六条【保险责任范围】1. 本保险合同约定的保险责任范围主要包括:出售的产品存在制造缺陷或设计缺陷导致第三者人身伤害、财产损失的风险;提供的服务存在失职行为导致第三者人身伤害、财产损失的风险;对第三者在使用产品或接受服务过程中的人身伤害和财产损失负有法律责任。
产品责任险保险合同条款产品责任险保险合同条款甲方(保险人):_______________乙方(被保险人):_______________丙方(承保代理人):_______________一、基本信息1.1 甲、乙、丙三方在签署本合同前已履行法定或合同规定的信息披露义务,并对信息的真实性、准确性负责。
1.2 本合同一经签署,即视为三方协商一致的有效合同,双方应认真履行本合同规定的各项义务。
二、各方身份、权利、义务、履行方式、期限、违约责任2.1 甲方的身份、权利、义务2.1.1 甲方为一家合法经营的保险公司,依法经营保险相关业务,向乙方提供产品责任险保险服务。
2.1.2 甲方应按合同约定向乙方支付相应的保险赔付,同时承担由产品责任险保险事故所导致的附带责任。
2.1.3 甲方应依法保守乙方的商业秘密,严格处理乙方提供的保险信息。
2.2 乙方的身份、权利、义务2.2.1 乙方为一家合法经营的生产、制造、经营、销售产品的公司,在产品生产、经营过程中,需按照国家法律法规、行业标准和投保人规定的安全要求和其他条款的要求进行操作。
2.2.2 乙方应及时向甲方提供真实、准确、完整的投保信息,并承担由此造成的后果和责任。
2.2.3 如发生事故,乙方应按合同的约定及时向甲方履行报案、提供资料、以及配合甲方进行事故调查和定损、理算等工作。
2.3 丙方的身份、权利、义务2.3.1 丙方为甲方的承保代理人,依法从事保险代理和服务工作。
2.3.2 丙方应按照甲方的要求开展业务活动,并向乙方提供相关咨询和协助。
2.3.3 丙方应严格遵守国家法律法规、保险监管规定、行业标准和本合同的约定,维护甲、乙双方的合法权益。
三、需遵守中国的相关法律法规3.1 双方应在履行本合同过程中,严格遵守中华人民共和国的相关法律法规、监管规定和诚信原则。
3.2 如本合同条款与相关法律法规、监管规定和诚信原则相矛盾,则应以相关法律法规、监管规定和诚信原则为准。
3.根据《中华人民共和国保险法》及其他相关法律法规,甲、乙、丙三方达成如下协议:第一条基本信息保险公司:______________地址:______________邮编:______________电话:______________投保人:______________地址:______________邮编:______________电话:______________被保险人:______________地址:______________邮编:______________电话:______________第二条规定1. 投保人在合同有效期内向甲方支付保险费,甲方同意根据本合同的规定承担保险责任。
2. 本合同的保险期限为:__________________。
3. 本合同的保险金额为:__________________。
4. 本合同的保险费为:__________________。
5. 本合同的投保事项包括:产品质量责任险。
第三条甲方的权利和义务1. 甲方有权根据本合同的规定收取投保人支付的保险费。
2. 甲方有权在被保险人发生产品责任事故时根据本合同的规定履行赔偿责任。
3. 甲方负有向被保险人及时了解事故情况,核实事故责任和损失,并及时作出赔偿决定的义务。
4. 甲方负有对被保险人的知识产权侵权进行调查、处理和赔偿等保险责任。
第四条投保人的权利和义务1. 投保人有权向甲方提出保险申请,并按照本合同规定支付保险费。
2. 投保人有义务向甲方如实告知被保险人的产品质量情况和其他风险情况。
3. 投保人应当在合同有效期内履行支付保险费的义务。
4. 投保人有权在本合同有效期内要求甲方调查、处理并承担相应的赔偿责任。
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产品责任保险附加险条款一、扩展类1、销售商批单扩展条款兹经双方同意,“被保险人”条款修改为包括任何个人或组织(以下简称“销售商”)作为被保险人,但仅适用于到销售商在常规业务过程中对列名被保险产品的分销或销售,且有以下除外条款:(1)提供给销售商的保险不适用于:a. 由于销售承担合同或协议责任而有义务作出赔偿的“人身伤害”或“财产损失”。
该除外条款不适用于即使销售商未签订该合同或协议的情况下仍应承担的赔偿责任;b. 未经您授权的任何明示保证;c. 销售商故意对产品所作的任何物理或化学变化;d. 重新包装,但打开包装用于检查、展示、测试或按照制造商的指示更换零部件然后再重新包装于原来的容器中除外;e. 销售商同意进行与产品分销或销售相关的检查、调整、测试或服务而未能进行,或通常应由销售商在日常业务中进行而未能进行;f. 展示、安装、服务或修理操作,但在销售商的处所进行的与产品销售有关的操作除外;g. 在经您分销或销售之后,被销售商或为销售商打上标签、重新标签,或用作容器、或任何其它物件或物质的部件或成分的产品;(2)本保险不适用于下列被保险个人或组织:您从其获得该产品,或获得任何组成该产品的成分、随附该产品的部件或包含该产品容器。
“您的产品”是指:1a. 除房地产外,由下列人员生产的、销售的、处理的、分销的或处置的任何货物或产品:(1)您;(2)您名义下的其他交易;或(3)您已收购其业务或资产的个人或组织。
以及b. 与该商品或产品一起提供的容器(车辆除外)、材料、零部件或设备。
“您的工作”是指:a. 由您或代表您执行的工作或操作;以及b. 与该工作或操作相关的材料、零部件或设备。
5、受损坏之财产或未受物质损坏之财产除外条款本保险不适用于由以下原因引起“受损坏之财产”或未受物质损坏的财产损失:1. “您的产品”或“您的工作”中的缺陷、不足、不当或危险情况;或2. 由您或代表您的任何人拖延或未按照规定的条款履行合同或协议。
“受损坏之财产”是指“您的产品”或“您的工作”之外的其他有形财产,由于以下原因不能使用或不能充分使用:1. 其构成“您的产品”或“您的工作”的一部分,而“您的产品”或“您的工作”已知或被认为有缺陷、不足、不当或危险;或2. 您未能履行合同或协议的条款;但该财产通过以下方法可恢复使用:21. 对“您的产品”或“您的工作”进行修理、更换、调整或清除;或2. 您履行了合同或协议的条款。
6、绝对污染除外条款本保险不适用于:1. 在任何时候由于实际的、宣称的或威胁的排放、散布、渗流、移动、释放或泄露污染物而导致的或引起的“人身伤害”、“个人伤害”或“财产损失”;2. 由于以下事项导致的任何损失、成本或费用:a. 请求、要求或命令被保险人或其他人测试、监控、净化、清除、抑制、处理、解毒或中和“污染物”,或以任何方式回应“污染物”,或评估“污染物”的影响;或b. 政府部门或其他人或其代表因测试、监控、净化、清除、抑制、处理、解毒或中和“污染物”,或以任何方式回应“污染物”,或评估“污染物”的影响所造成损害而提出的索赔或提起的诉讼。
“您的工作”的完成时间将以下列时间中最早发生的为准:1. 您合同规定的所有工作已经完成;2. 如果您的合同规定在多个场地工作,则当所涉及的场所的所有工作都完成时;3. 当在一个工作场所完成的工作的部分已经为任何个人或组织(不包括从事同一项目施工的其他承包商或分包商)用于其预定目的使用时。
本除外条款不适用于:31. 作为“被保险合同”的合同或协议中承担的赔偿责任;或2. 即使被保险人未签订该合同或协议的情况下仍应承担的赔偿责任。
9、绝对硅除外条款A. 本协议不包括直接或间接由任何形式或数量的硅,包括灰尘或任何含硅产品或材料引起或导致的任何性质的责任、损失、成本或费用。
B. 不限于前述规定,本合同也不包括直接或间接由下列事项导致的任何性质的责任、损失、成本或费用:(1)有责任披露和/或未能正确披露与硅相关的重要信息或危险,或(2)公司对与该披露有关的第三方的义务。