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1绪论 (6)

1.1 目前的研究现状 (6)

1.2 常见的电容检测设计 (6)

1.3 设计任务与要求 (7)

2电容检测系统 (7)

2.1 设计框架 (8)

2.2检测系统基本原理 (8)

2.3电容检测系统的杂散性分析 (9)

2.4 T形电阻网络 (9)

2.5 电容检测电路Multisim仿真 (11)

3交流信号发生器电路设计 (12)

3.1信号发生电路 (12)

3.1.1 信号波形选择 (12)

3.1.2 常见的信号产生电路 (12)

3.2 晶体振荡电路 (13)

4 全波整流电路设计 (15)

4.1 全波整流电路 (15)

4.2 全波整流电路的Multisim仿真 (16)

5 低通滤波电路设计 (18)

5.1 低通滤波器的选择 (18)

5.1.1低通滤波器的类型选择 (18)

5.2.2低通滤波器级数的选择 (18)

5.2 低通滤波电路及其仿真 (18)

6 AD转换电路及MCU控制电路 (20)

6.1 AD转换电路 (20)

6.2 MCU控制电路 (22)

6.2.1 MSP430超低功耗单片机 (22)

6.2.2 电源电路 (23)

6.2.3 晶振电路 (23)

6.2.4 复位电路和JTAG接口电路 (24)

6.2.5 串口通信电路 (25)

6.3电源电路 (25)

6.4 硬件电路的抗杂散设计 (26)

7电容检测系统的性能分析 (27)

7.1 性能指标 (27)

7.2 信号发生器的波形测试 (27)

7.3 检测电路的性能检测分析 (28)

7.3.1 检测分析的目的 (28)

7.3.2 检测内容 (28)

7.4 附图 (30)

8 总结与体会 (30)

8.1 本系统存在的问题及改进措施 (30)

8.2 心得体会 (31)

参考文献 (31)

致谢 (32)


南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院,江苏南京 210044




The design of Capacitance tester

Electronic and Information Engineering, NUIST, Nanjing 210044, China

Abstract:With the development of electronic technology, various electronic components used in the field of function, scope of application is also getting more and more broad, measuring small capacitance requirements more accurately. Design of a precise, reliable, and has great realistic meaning capacitance measurement circuit and convenient. The circuit design of the main idea is the charge amplification method. Circuit comprises a signal generating circuit generates a square wave after the charge will be weak current signal into voltage signal. A voltage signal transformed by full wave rectified and low-pass filter circuit for processing finally get the DC voltage signal is very smooth, to send a signal to the microcontroller processing shows the capacitance value. So the circuit is mainly composed of a charge amplifier, a full wave rectifier, three main modules, low-pass filtering. The circuit design by MSP430 MCU control, measure the DC voltage circuit sent the calculated capacitance and the liquid crystal display in addition to the design of the accurate measurement of exterior noise is relatively small, have great prospects for development, the future can be widely used in the field of electrical and electronic technology. Keywords:Charge Amplifier,full-wave rectification,low pass filtering,MSP430
