
电影窈窕淑女观后感英语作文观后感英语作文:Oh my goodness! I just watched "My Fair Lady" and I can't stop thinking about it.Let me tell you about this amazing experience. I was sitting on my cozy couch, all ready to enjoy a good movie. And boy, was I in for a treat!The story follows Eliza Doolittle, this poor flower girl with a thick Cockney accent. But then, Professor Higgins decides to take her under his wing and transform her into a lady. And that's where the fun begins!I remember one scene so clearly. Eliza was trying to master the proper pronunciation, and she was getting so frustrated. She was yelling at Professor Higgins, "I can't do this! It's too hard!" And the professor, with his stern face, replied, "You will, or you'll be back on the street selling flowers!" But you could see the determination in Eliza's eyes.As the movie went on, I found myself completely drawn into their world. The fancy parties, the beautiful dresses, and the way Eliza slowly changed, it was all so captivating.At the end of the movie, when Eliza finally became this elegant lady, I was beaming with joy for her. It made me realize that with hard work and a little bit of belief, anyone can change.Just like in real life, we all have our own transformations to make. Maybe not as dramatic as Eliza's, but still important. This movie taught me that we should never give up on improving ourselves.So, that's my take on "My Fair Lady". It was a wonderful ride that I won't forget anytime soon!。

英语电影窈窕淑女观后感The Heiress is a classic American drama film released in 1949 directed by William Wyler and starring Olivia de Havilland Miriam Hopkins Ralph Richardson and Montgomery Clift It is based on the 1880 novel Washington Square by Henry James which in turn was adapted into a play by Ruth and Augustus Goetz The film tells the story of a shy and socially awkward young woman named Catherine Sloper who lives with her wealthy but emotionally distant father Dr Austin Sloper in New York City in the 1850s Catherine falls in love with a charming but penniless suitor named Morris Townsend but her father strongly disapproves of the relationship believing that Morris is only after Catherine's inheritance and not truly interested in her as a personThe Heiress is a poignant and psychologically complex character study that explores themes of class differences social status and the power dynamics within a family The film is a masterful adaptation of Henry James original novel capturing the nuances of the source material with great sensitivity and depth The performances by the lead actors are uniformly excellent with Olivia de Havilland deliveringa career defining turn as the shy and repressed Catherine whose journey from naive romantic to hardened cynic is utterly compelling to watchOne of the key strengths of The Heiress is the way it delves into the psychology of its central character Catherine Sloper As portrayed by Olivia de Havilland Catherine is a painfully shy and socially awkward young woman who has been emotionally scarred by her father's constant criticism and lack of affection She is painfully aware of her own shortcomings and lack of social graces and desperately craves love and validation from her father and from Morris Townsend the charming suitor who enters her lifeThe film does an excellent job of showing how Catherine's fragile self esteem and deep seated insecurities make her vulnerable to manipulation by both her father and Morris Townsend Her father's constant belittling of her has left her with a profound sense of unworthiness and a belief that she is undeserving of love and affection This in turn makes her an easy target for Morris Townsend's calculated seduction as she is so starved for affection that she is willing to overlook the clear signs that he may not be sincere in his professions of loveThe film also explores the complex power dynamics within the Sloper family with Dr Sloper wielding an immense amount of control andauthority over his daughter's life As the wealthy patriarch of the family Dr Sloper is used to getting his way and he is determined to prevent Catherine from making what he sees as a disastrous marriage to Morris Townsend His opposition to the relationship is driven by a combination of class snobbery his belief that Morris is a social climber and gold digger and his own emotional distance and lack of affection for CatherineThe scenes between Catherine and her father are particularly powerful with Ralph Richardson giving a nuanced and layered performance as the stern and emotionally repressed Dr Sloper His cutting verbal jabs and withering put downs towards Catherine are deeply painful to watch and one can see how they have eroded her self confidence and sense of self worth over the years At the same time the film suggests that Dr Sloper's behavior is rooted in his own emotional issues and inability to truly connect with his daughter in a meaningful wayUltimately The Heiress is a tragic tale of a young woman whose life is profoundly shaped and limited by the emotional abuse and control of her domineering father As Catherine's journey unfolds from naive romantic to hardened cynic the film becomes an incisive commentary on the plight of women in 19th century society who were often trapped by the patriarchal structures that governed their lives With no means of financial independence and little control overtheir own destinies women like Catherine were forced to navigate a treacherous social landscape where their worth was largely determined by their marriageability and ability to secure a wealthy husbandThe film's ending is particularly poignant and devastating as Catherine finally achieves a measure of independence and control over her life only to use it to cruelly reject the man she once loved The final scene where she callously turns away Morris Townsend as he pleads for her forgiveness is a heartbreaking moment that underscores the deep emotional scars that have been inflicted upon her It is a powerful and unforgettable conclusion to a film that is both a masterful character study and a searing indictment of the oppressive social structures that constrained the lives of women in that eraIn conclusion The Heiress is a richly layered and psychologically complex film that offers a profound exploration of the human condition It is a tragic tale of a young woman whose life is profoundly shaped by the emotional abuse and control of her domineering father and the rigid social structures that governed the lives of women in 19th century America The film's outstanding performances excellent direction and thematic depth make it a true cinematic masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences today。

窈窕淑女电影读后感英语I watched "The Quiet Girl" and it was an absolute treat for the senses. The visuals were stunning, capturing the essence of traditional China in a way that was bothfamiliar and refreshing. The costumes were exquisite, transporting me to a different era.The story itself was captivating. The heroine, a young woman in search of her identity and place in the world, was relatable in a way that transcended cultural barriers. Her journey was filled with challenges, but she persevered, showing resilience and strength.The characters were so well-developed. You could feel their emotions and motivations, making the film feel so real. The relationships between the characters were complex but beautifully portrayed, adding depth to the narrative.The music was absolutely magical. It enhanced the scenes and moods perfectly, creating an immersiveexperience. At times, it was hauntingly beautiful, at others, it was upbeat and inspiring.Overall, "The Quiet Girl" was a visual and emotional feast. It left me feeling inspired and hopeful, reminding me of the power of perseverance and self-discovery. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys beautiful visuals, compelling stories, and a glimpse into a different culture.。

On My Fair Lady"You know, it's almost irresistible. She's so deliciously low. So horribly dirty." it a sentence that Mr. Higgins says towards Pickering.“My Fair Lady” was on 1964. In this film, Audrey Hepburn shows her excellent acting. Audrey Hepburn acts as an less educated woman and she makes her life by selling flower. She only want to an owner of a flower shop. On a rainy day, she meets Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins attracted by her pronunciation, for he is a linguist. He makes a right conclusion on the poor lady’s hometown, moreover thinking it bad and terrible.The only line to make the two strangers to come together is a bet. Mr. Higgins tells his friend that he can train Eliza to become a fair lady within six months. In return, Eliza can get a life that she wants. Why this bet is made is that one’s pronunciation could lead to his life. In this film, Mr. Higgins knows where a man comes from under this background.With Mr. Higgins’s joining in Eliza’s life, her father and she change a lot. Eliza learns how to speak English standardly, and with the help of Mr. Higgins’s letter, her father lives in middle class. These all show that one’s pronunciation can change gradually, even his life. One’s pronunciation is not inborn, but made up later.We can get a piece of information: learning some basic theories on language is helpful in our life. This is also shown in linguistics. As we know, Mr. Higgins is a linguist, whose career is useless and far away from our life. Actually, people will notrealize linguistics clearly in daily life. After watching “My Fair Lady”, I know the general thought is wrong.In my opinion, linguistics is a subject on speaking. It focus on how to pronounce in the right place or why this tradition of speaking forms.In the movie, the upper class speak standard English while the lower class speak nonstandard English varieties. Eliza comes from Lisson Grove. Grammatically she says “he’s your son, is he?” instead of “he’s your son, isn’t he?”, “I ain’t done”, “me words” and “it weren’t”instead of“I haven’t done”, “my words”and “it wasn’t”.While six months later, Eliza speaks pure standard English and behaves gracefully so that people think she is a foreign princess. The reason why people regard Eliza as a foreigner is that a Hungarian linguist says that her English is too good which indicates she is not English because English people do not receive education on their native language.Because of the success in the party, Eliza loses his way, and has a quarrel with professor Higgins. She returns where she lives before, but no one recognizes her. It is also because of her good speaking.The movie “M y Fair Lady” is discussed from the linguistic view: the movie is not only a good story to appreciate but also a p ropermaterial worth linguistic attention. It has reflected the different usage of language among classes and between genders, and has demonstrated to us in a dramatic way how great the influence of language can be to a person’s experience.But in today’s linguistics, we learn more such as forms of words and the places of pronouncing. By “My Fair Lady”, we know Eliza successes in changing, and in other word, Mr. Higgins does it, too. In the end, they fall in love with each other. This ending just appears in a movie, and that is true. Though Eliza changes his pronunciation, and others can not tell her status immediately, the differences between two class still exist. From another view, this happy ending reflects a bad phenomenon. At that time, in Britain, people tell a man or decide one’s class by his pronunciation. It is entirely ridiculous.。

My Fair LadyI got quite confused after watching this movie, and still, a little bit angry.Let’s begin with the name.What is a fair lady? Is it a lady who is appropriately elegant and knows when to smile.Orisitastunnerwhocanbringnoendofmiserytoagreatnumberofmenevenwithout moving her lips?Obviously the director did want to be sarcastic. The exaggerated pride of Professeur,the pleasant rudeness of Eliza, all is good, but with unskillful intentions.If the way Professeur felt about Eliza can be figured as love, then who did he like:Therefore we can possibly draw a conclusion that Professeur didn’t really like Eliza.It was purely a mixture of vanity, desire to monopolize, and an exquisite appetite forunknown things.Maybe a little bit good feeling, vague and unsteady.Eliza,Idon’treallyknowhowtoevaluateHepburn’sperformance,forthisworld-famousgoddesdiddoaseamlessjob.However,IwonderedifHepburnhadtaken a deep thoughtthat why this girl fell inlove witha duteous tamer.Thismanattempted to change you, forcing you to abandon your nature, all he wanted to do wastoshowedoffhisachievementsthroughthisexperiment.Evenifhebecamejealouswhe n you were talking to other males, was it a signal that he couldn’t live without you?It was purely a habit, he felt uneasy without you, but hedidn’tknow you or care aboutyourfeelings.Thismanwasnomatterthantheboywaitingoutsideforthewhole ,night. Indeed,he could keep you warm and wealthy for a long period oftime,nevercha ngehispartner.Buthewasold,that’sthepoint,hehadanoldsoul---hewould put you by his side as a pretty blanket, as long as he could touch you, he feltconted. What about your life, girl? Did you regard it as true love?Maybe the author should consult Shavian, if possible.By Jang。

My favorite character in the My Fair ladySeeing the movie, I appreciate Eliza better. Eliza Doolittle, a main character of this film, a poor flower girl and a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she lived is dirty and crowd, she never let her smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream in which a warm house with her lover and a lot of chocolates to eat. From Eliza, I can learn something good qualities.The film shows the flower girl came across an English Linguistic professor----Henry Higgins, another main character of the film who is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage as the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. Eliza became the bet goal of the Higgins and his friends actually. Higgins decides to improve Eliza’s cockney accent and train her to be an elegant lady. Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’, Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady.I think the Pygmalion effect is reflected that the professor hope the flower girl turn into a lady. Actually, the flower girl really become a lady. Eliza knows the chance that is all her hope and hope will be a great motivation. So she never complained for her difficulties and under self-esteem, but still leaded a happy and confident life. Thus in the process of we seeking for ouraims, as long as we pay enough efforts and take a positive attitude in the face of any difficulties, our dream mustcome true one day. Why I choose Elisa as my favorite character? Most importantly is her quality. No matter poor she is, she still holds a confidence. She also catches the chance in time and never give up. Finally, she turn into a fair lady.如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!。

窈窕淑女观后感100字英语As a human, after watching the movie "A Touch of Zen,"I was deeply moved by the character of the demure and graceful woman, who displays strength, resilience, and intelligence in the face of adversity. The film portrays her as a multi-dimensional character, breaking the stereotype of the submissive and passive female. This portrayal is not only empowering for women but also challenges traditional gender roles and expectations.The character's inner strength and determination are evident throughout the film, as she faces numerous challenges and obstacles. She is not portrayed as a helpless victim, but rather as a woman who is capable of taking control of her own destiny. This is a refreshing departure from the typical portrayal of women intraditional Chinese cinema, where they are often relegated to the role of obedient wives or damsels in distress.Furthermore, the film also addresses the issue ofsocietal expectations and the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles. The character's refusal to be confined by these expectations is a powerful statement about the need for women to assert their independence and autonomy. This message is particularly relevant in today's society, where women continue to face discrimination and inequality in various aspects of their lives.In addition to the character's inner strength, her intelligence and resourcefulness are also highlighted in the film. She is portrayed as a quick thinker and a problem solver, using her wits to outsmart her adversaries and overcome challenges. This portrayal challenges the stereotype of women as being intellectually inferior and demonstrates that women are just as capable as men in terms of intelligence and strategic thinking.Moreover, the character's resilience in the face of adversity is truly inspiring. Despite facing numerous hardships and dangers, she never loses hope or gives up. Her unwavering determination serves as a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of women, even in the mostdifficult circumstances. This portrayal is a testament to the indomitable spirit of women, who continue to persevere and thrive in the face of adversity.Overall, "A Touch of Zen" presents a powerful and empowering portrayal of women, challenging traditional gender roles and expectations. The character of the demure and graceful woman serves as a symbol of strength, resilience, and intelligence, breaking free from the constraints of societal expectations. Her portrayal is a powerful reminder of the need for women to assert their independence, autonomy, and equality in today's society. This film is not only a celebration of women's strength and resilience but also a call to action for gender equality and empowerment.。

窈窕淑女电影英语观后感"My Fair Lady" is a timeless masterpiece of cinema, a captivating tale of transformation and love set against the backdrop of London's vibrant society. Directed by George Cukor and starring Audrey Hepburn and Henry Higgins, this film adaptation of the classic play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw brings to life the age-old debate on nature versus nurture.The film opens with the memorable line, "Why can't a woman be like a man?" posed by Eliza Doolittle, a flower girl with a penchant for Cockney slang. Her life is a far cry from the refined world of Henry Higgins, a pompous linguist who prides himself on his ability to transform anyone's speech. When a bet is placed between Higgins and his friend Colonel Pickering on whether he can transform Eliza into a duchess at a ball, the unlikely pair embark on a journey that is both comedic and profound.Audrey Hepburn's portrayal of Eliza is nothing short of brilliant. She brings a vibrant energy to the role, her facial expressions and body language reflecting the character's emotional arc from a defiant, street-smartwoman to a graceful, poised lady. Hepburn's chemistry with Henry Higgins, played by the equally charming Rex Harrison, is electric, their banter and arguments adding a layer of humor and realism to the film.Henry Higgins, a character often criticized for his abrasive nature, is a complex figure. He is a man of principles and beliefs, yet his methods are often questionable. His transformation of Eliza is not withoutits costs, and the film explores the ethical implications of such experimentation. Higgins' journey is not just about teaching Eliza proper English; it's about understanding the complexities of human nature and the power of language to shape identity.The film's musical score, composed by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, is a highlight, with timeless songs like "I Could Have Danced All Night" and "The Rain in Spain" that capture the essence of the film's mood and themes. The cinematography, costumes, and sets all contribute to the film's overall charm, transporting the viewer to the bustling streets of London and the grandeur of upper-class ballrooms.What makes "My Fair Lady" truly memorable is its exploration of themes that are still relevant today. Itasks questions about identity, class, and the role of language in society. It challenges the viewer to consider whether we are born into our roles or if we create them ourselves. The film's message is both optimistic and cautionary, reminding us that while change is possible, it often comes with a price.In conclusion, "My Fair Lady" is a film that deservesto be watched and rewatched. It is a testament to the power of cinema to transport us to different worlds and inspireus to think deeply about the human condition. Audrey Hepburn's performance, the film's musical score, and its exploration of timeless themes make it a classic that will continue to resonate with audiences for generations to come. **窈窕淑女电影英语观后感**《窈窕淑女》是一部永恒的电影经典,讲述了伦敦繁华社会中一段关于转变与爱情的引人入胜的故事。

窈窕淑女观后感英语Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the Chinese historical drama "窈窕淑女" (Yao Tiao Shu Nu) or "The Elegant Maiden". Set in the Ming dynasty, the drama tells the story of a young girl named Qiuyue and her journey to become a noble and elegant lady in the royal court. As I immersed myself in the captivating storyline and stunning visuals, I couldn't help but reflect on the values and lessons portrayed in the drama.One of the aspects that stood out to me was the importance of grace and poise. Throughout the drama, Qiuyue faced numerous challenges and obstacles, yet she always maintained her composure and elegance. This reminded me of the phrase "grace under pressure". In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, it is easy to lose one's cool and react impulsively. However, the character of Qiuyue serves as a reminder to stay calm and collected even in the face of adversity.Furthermore, "The Elegant Maiden" highlighted the significance of humility and inner beauty. Qiuyue's journey towards becoming a noble lady was not solely focused on her physical appearance, but rather on cultivating her inner qualities. This resonated with me as I believe that true beauty stems from within. In a society that often places too much emphasis on external appearances, it was refreshing to see a drama that celebrated the virtues of humility and kindness.Another theme explored in the drama was the importance of education and self-improvement. Qiuyue's determination to better herself through studying and learning from wise mentors was inspiring. It reminded me of the saying, "knowledge is power". The drama served as a reminder of the value of continuous learning and personal growth.Additionally, "The Elegant Maiden" shed light on the power of resilience and perseverance. Qiuyue faced numerous setbacks and disappointments throughout her journey, yet she never gave up. Her unwavering determination and resilience not only allowed her to overcome obstacles but also served as a source of inspiration for those around her. This aspect of the drama reminded me that success often comes after multiple failures and that perseverance is key in achieving one's goals.Furthermore, I was captivated by the intricate costumes and set designs in "The Elegant Maiden". The attention to detail and the beautiful aesthetics added depth and richness to the overall viewing experience. It transported me back in time and gave me a glimpse into the splendor and opulence of the Ming dynasty.In conclusion, "The Elegant Maiden" is a timeless drama that explores various themes such as grace, humility, education, resilience, and beauty. Through its compelling storytelling and visually stunning depictions, it leaves a lasting impact on its viewers. It serves as a reminder of the importance of inner beauty, self-improvement, and the power of perseverance. Watching this drama was not only an enjoyable experience, but also a thought-provoking journey into the values and virtues celebrated in traditional Chinese culture.。

窈窕淑女电影读后感英语Reflections on "My Fair Lady""My Fair Lady," a timeless tale of transformation and love, captivated me from its opening scene to its emotional climax. Directed by George Cukor and adapted from Shaw'splay "Pygmalion," the film stars Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison in lead roles that perfectly complement each other.The story revolves around Professor Henry Higgins, a linguistics expert who believes that he can transform any woman into a proper lady through his methods of voice training and etiquette. When he meets Eliza Doolittle, a flower girl with a Cockney accent, he takes up thechallenge of molding her into a refined young woman. As the film progresses, we witness the transformation of Eliza not only externally but also internally, as she gains confidence, knowledge, and a newfound sense of self-worth.Audrey Hepburn's portrayal of Eliza is nothing short ofextraordinary. She manages to convey the raw emotions of a woman who is both eager to learn and terrified of change. Her journey from a humble flower girl to a well-spoken, elegant lady is both heartwarming and inspiring. Rex Harrison, on the other hand, plays the part of the Professor with his usual charm and wit, making him both admirable and slightly irritating.The music of the film, composed by Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner, is another highlight. The iconic songslike "I Could Have Danced All Night" and "The Rain in Spain" are not just catchy tunes but also add depth to the characters and their emotional journeys.What makes "My Fair Lady" more than just a romantic comedy is its underlying message about the power of education and the importance of self-belief. Eliza's transformation is not just about learning to speak properly or dress elegantly; it's about finding her voice, understanding her worth, and embracing her identity. Similarly, the Professor learns that true elegance is not just about外在的修饰, but also about内在的品质和尊重他人。

窈窕淑女观后感100字英语英文回答:My Fair Lady is a musical based on George BernardShaw's play Pygmalion. The story follows Professor Henry Higgins, a phonetics expert who makes a bet that he can transform Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl, into a lady. Higgins and his friend Colonel Pickering take Eliza into their home and begin to teach her proper speech and etiquette. Eliza proves to be a quick learner, and soon she is able to pass as a lady. However, she also begins to develop a mind of her own, and she eventually rebels against Higgins's authority. In the end, Eliza chooses to leave Higgins and live her own life.My Fair Lady is a delightful and witty musical that explores the themes of class, gender, and identity. The characters are well-developed and engaging, and the songs are catchy and memorable. The musical has been adapted into several films, including a 1964 version starring AudreyHepburn and Rex Harrison.中文回答:《窈窕淑女》是一部根据乔治·伯纳德·肖的戏剧《卖花女》改编的音乐剧。

窈窕淑女观后感100字英语"My Fair Lady" is a timeless classic that captivates audiences with its charming storyline and powerful messages. The film tells the story of a Cockney flower girl namedEliza Doolittle, who is transformed into a proper lady through the efforts of Professor Henry Higgins, alinguistics expert. The film explores themes of social class, gender roles, and the power of education, making it relevant and resonant even today.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its portrayal of Eliza's transformation. From a girl who is mocked and disregarded because of her low social status and accent, she emerges as a confident, intelligent woman whois able to hold her own in high society. Thistransformation is not just physical, but also mental and emotional, as Eliza gains a newfound sense of self-worthand agency.Professor Higgins, played brilliantly by Rex Harrison,is a complex character who initially appears as a pompous and arrogant man, but gradually reveals a softer, more vulnerable side. His transformation throughout the film is equally remarkable as he learns to appreciate Eliza's intelligence and spirit, despite his initial disdain for her.The music in "My Fair Lady" is also a highlight, with classic songs like "I Could Have Danced All Night" and "The Rain in Spain" remaining popular even today. The music complements the story perfectly, adding emotion and drama to the film's many memorable scenes."My Fair Lady" is not just a romantic comedy; it's a powerful commentary on social issues that are still relevant today. It reminds us that we should not judge people based on their appearance or social status, but instead focus on their inner qualities and potential. The film also encourages us to embrace our own uniqueidentities and strive to improve ourselves, regardless of our backgrounds.In conclusion, "My Fair Lady" is a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences with its charming storyline, powerful messages, and brilliant performances. It is a film that can be enjoyed by all ages and backgrounds, and its impact on cinema and society is undeniable.。
my fair lady 窈窕淑女 影评

赫本饰演的伊利莎出场时,一派粗俗,灰头土脸加蓬头垢面,满嘴口音让人忍俊不禁。不过,她内心却高尚纯洁。我们常见到一些没见过世面,又具备虚荣心的女人,随随便便就能被个男的骗走。但是,博士和他的朋友不知费了多少口舌才算说动伊利莎跟着他们去学语言。伊利莎最常挂在嘴边的,就是--"I'm a good girl."潜台词:别以为我穷我就不高贵了,我珍惜自己,像那些贵族小姐一样的。因此,尽管她确实没见过世面,连浴室都没见过,但她并非虚荣心很强的那类姑娘。所以,观众很容易喜欢上她,被她的喜怒哀乐所牵动。
而阿特莎的父亲,一个无所事事的酒鬼,却奉行着及时行乐的人生哲学,最后竟因赫根的一封信变成了中产阶级,而且开始了让他感觉疲惫的生活,当女儿阿特莎来找他时,他甚至向女儿抱怨,说赫根害了他,夺走了他的自由,而当女儿问他为什么样要赫根帮忙的那些钱时,他竟然也说不出什么理由来。是啊!谁能拒绝金钱、地位和体面的生活呢?即使这样会失去做酒鬼流浪汉的自由和边还要忍受那位既不耐烦又着急的希金斯博士的嘲弄与打击。终于,她那一口标准流利的语音,高雅得体的谈吐,像极了真正的贵族小姐,迷倒了众人。既是成了“贵族”,也自然明白了礼数。于是她逐渐意识到了希金斯博士对她的无礼,直到博士庆祝打赌成功时,她终于动怒了……唉,骄傲的希金斯博士,你非得这么晚才意识到吗?伊利莎早说了,"I'm a good girl."她和那些贵族小姐一样的,为什么你不能早点像对待其他女士那样对她呢?难道就因为她出生低微?可即使是这样一个女孩,也能创造奇迹不是吗?女王都对她赞誊有加。

电影窈窕淑女观后感英语作文Reflections on "My Fair Lady"In the realm of cinema, few films have captured the hearts of audiences as deeply as "My Fair Lady." Based on the timeless play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw, the film tells the story of Professor Henry Higgins, a linguist who takes on a seemingly impossible challenge: to transform a flower girl named Eliza Doolittle into a proper lady. Directed by George Cukor and starring the legendary Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison, "My Fair Lady" is not just a romantic comedy; it's a profound exploration of social class, gender roles, and the transformative power of love and education.What immediately captivates in this film is the chemistry between Hepburn and Harrison. Their performanceis a masterclass in acting, with Hepburn's innocence and determination shining through every frame, and Harrison's snobbish yet charming Higgins bringing a humorous edge tothe proceedings. Their dynamic together is both charming and thought-provoking, challenging viewers to questiontheir own prejudices and assumptions about social status.The film's portrayal of class divide is particularly interesting. In a world where class determines everything from one's education to one's marriage prospects, Higgins's experiment with Eliza becomes a microcosm for the larger social issues of the time. Eliza's transformation is not just about learning how to curtsey or how to dress; it's about learning to think and speak like a lady, to see the world through a different lens. This transformation is not without its costs, however, as Eliza must sacrifice some of her own identity and aspirations to fit into the mold of what society deems acceptable.What makes "My Fair Lady" timeless is its ability to speak to audiences across generations and cultures. Thefilm's message about the power of education and the importance of breaking down social barriers is as relevant today as it was in 1964. It encourages us to question our own biases and to embrace the differences that make usunique.The music of "My Fair Lady" is another highlight. With songs like "I Could Have Danced All Night," "The Rain in Spain," and "On the Street Where You Live," the film's score is both beautiful and haunting, perfectly complementing the emotional arcs of the characters. The music not only enhances the emotional impact of the film but also adds depth to the narrative, making it more than just a light-hearted romance.The film's ending, while bittersweet, is also ultimately hopeful. Eliza's choice to embrace her own identity and reject Higgins's proposed marriage is a powerful reminder that true happiness comes from following one's own path, not from fitting into someone else's mold. Her growth as a character throughout the film is both heartwarming and inspiring, showing that with enough courage and perseverance, anyone can overcome their limitations and achieve their dreams.In conclusion, "My Fair Lady" is not just a classicfilm; it's a timeless masterpiece that continues toresonate with audiences worldwide. Its powerful message about social class, gender roles, and the transformative power of love and education makes it relevant and important in every era. The film's exceptional cast, beautiful music, and profound themes make it a must-watch for any film lover. It's a film that warms the heart, challenges the mind, and leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.。

关键词:英国文化卖花女语言与地位I. 内容简介亨利.希金斯(Henry Higgins)是一名固执傲慢的语言学教授。
有一天他遇到了言语粗俗的卖花女伊莉莎.多莉特(Eliza Doolittle),告诉她一个人的语音标志着这个人的社会地位,如果她改进发音就可能会有一份体面的工作。
II.电影解析作为Audrey Hepburn(奥黛丽•赫本)所主演的电影中唯一一部获得学院奖最佳影片肯定的作品,“my fair lady”显得格外的引人注目。
影片在37届学院奖角逐中荣获最佳影片、导演George Cukor(乔治•库克)、摄影(彩色)、艺术指导(彩色)、音效、服装设计(彩色)、男主角Rex Harrison(雷克斯•哈里森)、改编音乐八项大奖,另有男、女配角、原著改编、剪辑四项提名。
“my fair lady”原本是百老汇常演不衰的一出著名舞台剧,改编自肖伯纳的小说《卖花女》。

My Fair LadyI got quite confused after watching this movie, and still, a little bit angry.Let’s begin with the name.What is a fair lady? Is it a lady who is appropriately elegant and knows when to smile. Or is it a stunner who can bring no end of misery to a great number of men even without moving her lips?Obviously the director did want to be sarcastic. The exaggerated pride of Professeur, the pleasant rudeness of Eliza, all is good, but with unskillful intentions.Many audiences complained about Eliza’s coming back to the arms of Professeur, regarding it as a retrogress of the independence of modern women. The author tried hard to potray his ideal images, yet he had won Hepburn to act as the well-known fierced flower girl and later---the fair lady with white dreamy evening dress.But, where is love?If the way Professeur felt about Eliza can be figured as love, then who did he like:the previous lowly girl who might scream to him on the street, or the former one, the lady with raised chin, charming air,and no expressions? If Eliza hadn’t had other young men who obsessedly talked to her, or if she hadn’t passed slightly with all eyes upon her, would Professeur take an another look at her. It was, when Professeur realized somenone could snatched this girl that he felt uncomfortable---jealousy reminded him of his “true love”. And when Eliza, as a piece of fine art work, was appreciated by the upper class,(he might not admit, but I think he cherished fame deeply in his heart), he reassured the necessity to keep this as long as possible.Someone mentioned that Professeur was actually a warm-hearted man with no sense hierachy, for he had seen the potential in Eliza’s father and successfully recommended him to an officer. What we ought to notice here is that---he just digged the “old-time virtues” up and brought it to the upper class. Did he realised the outcoming? No,he was just responsible for the research---now there were “virtues”or “moralities”, then I just have to claim to the world the existence of such kind of stuff---quite ridiculous, isn’t it?Therefore we can possibly draw a conclusion that Professeur didn’t really like Eliza. It was purely a mixture of vanity, desire to monopolize, and an exquisite appetite for unknown things.Maybe a little bit good feeling, vague and unsteady.Eliza, I don’t really know how to evaluate Hepburn’s performance, for this world-famous goddes did do a seamless job. However, I wondered if Hepburn had taken a deep thought that why this girl fell in love with a duteous tamer. This man attempted to change you, forcing you to abandon your nature, all he wanted to do was to showed off his achievements through this experiment.Even if he became jealous when you were talking to other males, was it a signal that he couldn’t live without you? It was purely a habit, he felt uneasy without you, but he didn’t know you or care aboutyour feelings. This man was no matter than the boy waiting outside for the whole ,night.Indeed,he could keep you warm and wealthy for a long period of time, never change his partner. But he was old, that’s the point, he had an old soul---he would put you by his side as a pretty blanket, as long as he could touch you, he felt contented. What about your life, girl? Did you regard it as true love?Maybe the author should consult Shavian, if possible.By Jang 11213252012/9/27。

窈窕淑女观后感英文My Impressions of the Movie "Beauty"Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the movie "Beauty," which left a profound impact on me and provoked numerous thoughts. The film explores the complexity of human nature and society's expectations of women in a compelling way. Through its captivating plotline and thought-provoking characters, "Beauty" unveils the struggles faced by women in society, the pressure to meet unrealistic standards of beauty, and the importance of self-acceptance.The narrative centers around the life of a young woman named Lily, portrayed by the incredibly talented actress, Jessica. Lily epitomizes an archetype of a graceful and poised woman, maintaining her elegance even in the most challenging situations. However, beneath her seemingly perfect exterior, Lily battles with insecurities and societal pressures, which the movie explores in great depth.One of the central themes in "Beauty" is the unrealistic expectations imposed on women by society. Lily constantly feels the need to conform to certain beauty standards in order to be accepted. The film highlights the damaging effects of these expectations, showing the toll it takes on Lily's mental well-being. It serves as a reminder that no one should ever feel pressured to alter their appearance to fit a specific mold set by society.Throughout the movie, Lily's journey towards self-acceptance and breaking free from society's constraints is truly inspiring. As the movie progresses, Lily experiences a transformation, not in her physical appearance,but in her mindset. She begins to question the notion of "beauty" and what it truly means to her. This transformation is beautifully portrayed by the director, who emphasizes the importance of inner beauty over external appearances.The film also delves into the concept of self-worth and the impact it has on relationships. Lily's struggle to accept herself impacts her relationships with others, notably her romantic interest, Jack, played by the talented actor, James. As Lily begins to embrace her unique qualities, she finds that her relationships become more genuine and fulfilling. This serves as a powerful reminder that one's self-worth should never be dependent on external validation or the acceptance of others.Another noteworthy aspect of "Beauty" is its stunning cinematography and captivating soundtrack, both of which enhance the overall viewing experience. The camera angles and lighting choices effectively convey the emotions and atmosphere of the scenes, immersing the audience in the narrative. The well-curated soundtrack complements the storyline, perfectly capturing the essence of each moment, making the film even more powerful and engaging.In conclusion, "Beauty" is a thought-provoking film that sheds light on the struggles faced by women in society and the importance of self-acceptance. Through its compelling narrative, remarkable performances, and masterful cinematography, the movie leaves a lasting impression on the audience. By challenging societal norms and celebrating inner beauty, "Beauty" serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment. It reminds us all to embrace our individuality and to never let society dictate our worth.。
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My favorite character in the My Fair lady
Seeing the movie, I appreciate Eliza better. Eliza Doolittle, a main character of this film, a poor flower girl and a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she lived is dirty and crowd, she never let her smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream in which a warm house with her lover and a lot of chocolates to eat. From Eliza, I can learn something good qualities.
The film shows the flower girl came across an English Linguistic professor----Henry Higgins, another main character of the film who is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage as the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. Eliza became the bet goal of the Higgins and his friends actually. Higgins decides to improve Eliza’s cockney accent and train her to be an elegant lady. Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’, Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady.
I think the Pygmalion effect is reflected that the professor hope the flower girl turn into a lady. Actually, the flower girl really become a lady. Eliza knows the chance that is all her hope and hope will be a great motivation. So she never complained for her difficulties and under self-esteem, but still leaded a happy and confident life. Thus in the
process of we seeking for our aims, as long as we pay enough efforts and take a positive attitude in the face of any difficulties, our dream must come true one day. Why I choose Elisa as my favorite character? Most importantly is her quality. No matter poor she is, she still holds a confidence. She also catches the chance in time and never give up. Finally, she turn into a fair lady.。