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徐正良 马仕明 崔 勤 王卓瑛 张中杰


摘 要 轨道交通1、9、11号线在徐家汇交汇形成大型换乘枢纽。在“环港汇”方案中,9号线车站设于港汇广场地下室,利用既有地下室改造而成,从而把常规在道路下建造车站而产生的管线搬迁、交通改道、深基坑施工等系列问题巧妙地转化为既有地下室改造的简单问题;11号线采用单圆盾构恭城路线位,在大宇地块设站,避免了枢纽设施对商业、交通、环境等影响。该方案体现了“以人为本、和谐环境、规避风险、安全可靠”的设计理念,已被确定为枢纽的实施方案。

关键词 城市轨道交通,换乘枢纽,徐家汇站,设计方案

中图分类号 TU921;U492.1

Design of X ujiahui Hinge in Shanghai R ail T ransit

Xuz Zengliang,Ma Shiming,Cui Qin,Wang Zhuoying,Zhangh Zhongjie

I nform ative abstract 

In“Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Networks Planning”made in2002(hereinafter referred to as2002planning),rail transit Line1,Line9and Line11will form a big railway transfer hinge at the center of Xujiahui zone.This is the only transfer hinge with three urban rail transit lines ever built in Shanghai URT Networks.

In2002planning,these three lines will meet at Xujiahui Sta2 tion which is already built for Line1.Despite the convenient trans2 fer presumed in this planning,it can not be implemented.Because Line1will be blocked by the pile foundation of skyscrapers con2 structed in the s outhern block of Xujiahui Plaza if it runs along Huashan Road.Experts considered this planning infeasible.

Being the firstly built and the most prosperous sub-center of Shanghai,Xujiahui Plaza assembles a very large flux of cus2 tomers and passengers.Besides,integrated in the special struc2 ture of road network of the city proper,Xujiahui Plaza serves as an important traffic corridor which links the urban center and the southeast part of Shanghai,and attracts a large flow of all kinds of cars.To avoid influencing the traffic and business ac2 tivities on the ground,the conventional method can’t be adopt2 ed for the construction of Xujiahui hinge project.Although many schemes have been submitted,none of them is feasible ac2 cording to the final judgment of experts.

This paper mainly discusses a feasible scheme surveyed and approved by experts,which features the structure as following: the strike of Line9will be shifted from Hongqiao Road to the north with its station constructed in the basement of G anghui Plaza.Thus,the problems seen in conventional stations built under roads,such as the removal of pipelines,the change of traffic routes and the construction of foundation pits will turn into a relatively simple problem for a basement rebuilding.At the same time,the strike of Line11will be shifted to G ongcheng Road with its station on the north side of this road, which is perpendicular to the station of Line9.As the authors hold,this scheme embodies the design concept of”human ori2 entation,environmental harmony,risk evasion,reliability and safety”,and avoids the influence of the hinge construction on business,transportation and environment.The characteristics of this scheme are discussed in details:

1.The first basement of Grand G ateway will be trans2 formed to a hall for the concourse of the passengers from three metro lines;the second basement will be a hall for transfer,fair collection and a corridor linking the non2fare section and the ground transportation.Because of its convenient transfer,safe gathering and scattering,the capacity of this new hinge is much bigger than that in the original scheme.

2.To favor the westward extension of Xujiahui central zone and the prosperous development of business,the stations of Line1,Line9and Line11will be located as close to the planned business center of Xujiahui as possible.At the same time,the interface for an integrated transportation and the de2 velopment of underground space is preserved,which prepares enforceable conditions and sufficient room for the further devel2 opment of Xujiahui sub2center.

3.All the metro station will be built away from the main streets and business areas.By adopting the mining tunnel method,the construction under the trunk roads will largely weaken its influence over the ground traffic and business activi2 ties and consequently save the social and economic costs must be paid for the hinge construction in general.

4.A combination of the air pavilions and the exit/en2 trances of Line9,Line11with the architectures nearby,will improve effectively the landscape of this area.

5.Because Line9and Line11intersect Line1within this zone,the shield method will ensure the safe operation of Line1. Besides,the station of Line9is built in the basement of G anghui Plaza,while the station of Line11is at the deep tunnel of the third


