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Everyone has his or her own family. For patients with diabetes or pre-diabetes,they can not always test their blood sugar solubility timely and regularly,for the reasons of their own work and family conditions to governance and control it effectively.. When they do not have time to go to the hospital to do regular testing, a home glucose meter is needed to help them.The meter can detect their blood glucose levels in time so that they can control their blood glucose.

The design determined the prospects for the development of home blood glucose meter, compared the current products development,analysed the characteristics and style of home blood glucose meter,etermined its design direction through the analysis of the historical evolution of home blood glucose meter. It summed up the lack of user needs and existing products according to the home blood glucose meter market and user research. It developed a clear design concept.And it determined the orientation of function, color and shape.Its design is based on “portable”,”non-invasive”,”affinity”. Draw sketches and analysis and optimization sketch program to existing products and similar Making model renderings to complete the design in the end.

Keywords:Home Blood glucose meter Non-invasive Portable Near-infrared


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 研究内容 (1)

1.2 研究方法 (1)

1.3课题背景 (1)

1.4血糖仪设计依据与意义 (2)

1.4.1设计依据 (2)

1.4.2设计意义 (2)

2 设计调查与分析 (3)

2.1 市场调查 (3)

2.1.1市场背景 (3)

2.1.2传统的血糖仪在中国市场增长迅猛 (3)

2.2血糖仪检测标准 (6)

2.3无创技术支持 (6)

2.3.1微波检测法 (6)

2.3.2旋光法 (6)

2.3.3光声光谱法 (6)

2.3.4激光拉曼光谱法 (7)

2.3.5光散射系数法 (7)

2.3.6红外光谱法 (7)

2.4用户需求分析 (8)

2.4.1网上用户对血糖仪的意见 (9)

2.4.2问卷调查分析 (9)

2.4.3用户特征分析 (10)

2.5调研分析 (10)

3 设计定位 (11)

3.1设计方向 (11)

3.2设计理念 (11)

3.3设计原则 (11)

3.4功能定位 (12)

3.5 造型定位 (12)

3.6 色彩定位 (13)

3.7 材料定位 (14)

3.8消费者定位 (14)

4 设计构思 (15)

4.1产品人机工程的构思 (15)

4.2产品形态的构思 (15)

4.3产品功能的构思 (15)

4.4产品界面的构思 (16)

4.5 产品材料的构思 (17)

4.6 产品颜色的构思 (17)
