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1. This is yet _________________ (两国人民的又一个共同点).

2. His scientific works _______________(在英语国家得到广泛阅读).

3. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,_____________(改革也是解放生产力).

4.He is optimistic ________________(对现时信息产业的发展状况).

5.Work in all fields should be subordinated to and ________________(服务于经济发展的进程).


1. another common point between the people of our two countries

解析:本题考查通过增补介词使译文的意思更完整。虽然原文没有和between相对应的词,但是"共同点"是两国人民之间在某方面进行比较的结果,所以增补between之后,符合英语表达习惯。增词法也是汉译英中常用技巧之一,再如:她以教书为业。(She is a teacher by occupation.)我已重新考虑了那件事。(I've had second thought on that matter.)

2. were widely read in English-speaking countries

解析:若是按照字面翻译,这句话很可能被译为were widely read in English countries。但是原文中"英语国家"的含义是"讲英语的国家"。这体现了英汉表达差异。请考生看下面这句话的英译:我卖掉了彩电。/I sold out my color TV.这句译文错误在于,没弄清"彩电"的含义。"彩电"有两层意思:一是指具体的实物,即彩色电视机color TV set;二是指屏幕上出现的影像,即彩色电视color TV。而句子中卖掉的只能是机器,具体的实物。

3. and so does reform

解析:本题意为:革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。考点有二:第一,考查词性转移。原文中"解放"用作动词,"生产力"作宾语。译文中处理成名词短语"对生产力的解放"。第二,考查省译法。我们不能把原文译成and reform also means the emancipation of the productive forces,这种结构显得臃肿累赘。为避免重复,可以选用and so does...来代替这个动宾结构。

4. about the present development of information industry

解析:"对......表示乐观"可以用句型be optimistic about sth.。这句话不能译成about the status of the present development of information industry。"状况"是一个范畴词,没有实际含义,可省略不译。

5. serve the economic development

解析:"服务于......"即"为......服务",所以要用serve sb./ sth.的结构,不能译成be served to。"进程"也是一个范畴词,可以省略不译。另外,be subordinated to是一个固定结构,含义是"从属于......,隶属于......"。

1.__________________ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health.

2.The bag was stuffed____________________(脏衣服)

3.___________________ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.

4._______________________ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor.

5.There engines are___________________ (不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) .


1. It is not until they lose it

大家对not until/until的用法掌握比较好,不过比较少人用it来替代下文的health,答案的替代比较简洁,翻译中应该避免重复使用同一个词。

2.with dirty clothes

这里主要是考察be stuffed with (被填满)的用法,这是一个四级单词,是搭配问题。

3.With many friends absent

这里主要是考察对absent adj./vi./absence n.缺席的各种表达,如果按照原文“不在”翻译,显然比较生硬且与下文不符,因此要善于根据上下文推断原文意思。

4.What impressed me the most

名词性从句what impressed me the most,有部分沪友遗漏了其中的“the”,表示最高级一般都要使用定贯词the,如the largest、the hardest等。

5. less powerful than the ones we have made

很多人都用比较级,可是却忽略了比较级是用在形容词/副词上的,如faster、bigger、more beautiful等。因此这里应该用power的形容词powerful,另要强调机器是我们制造的-we have made.

1. I am not sure whether I want to take this course;_______________(我第一周可否旁听)to see if I like it?

2. The police are on the trail of new evidence _______________(希望能有助于该案的处理).

3. The volume of trade between the two countries,as is reported,________________(增长了三倍多).

4. My question is _______________(谁将接任该基金会主席职位).

5. He looks honest,but ________________(外表有时是靠不住的),aren’t they?


1. may I sit in for the first week

解析:分号之前表示原因:因为我不敢确定是否想学这门课程,所以能否让我第一周旁听看看是否喜欢它?“旁听”英语里说成sit in,如:sit in a lecture(旁听一个讲座).另外,sit in也可以表示静坐,如:There were reports of students sitting in at several universities to pretest against racial discrimination.(多次报道几所大学学生静坐抗议种族歧视.)

2. which they hope will help solve the case

解析:我们把中午句子的含义补全就是“警察希望这些新证据能有助于该案的处理”,“新证据”已经在前文中出现,那么在这里我们需要把“能有助于该案的处理”译成后置定语来修饰new evidence.on the trail of意思是“在寻找”.

3. has increased more than fourfold
