英美文学 PPT



通过对英美文学作品的主题和思想内涵的分析,可以培养 我们的人文素养,提高对文学、文化和社会的认识和理解 。
艺术手法和语言特色是文学作品的重要组成部分,通过 探讨作品的艺术手法和语言特色,可以更好地欣赏文学 的技巧和魅力。
通过对作品艺术手法和语言特色的探讨,可以增强我们 的审美能力,提高对文学作品的鉴赏水平。
英美文学作品的语言表达富有特色,通过学习作品的艺 术手法和语言特色,可以学习到地道的语言表达方式, 提高英语语言表达能力。
英美文学选读课件ppt课 件
• 英美文学概述 • 英美文学作品选读 • 英美文学作品的赏析方法 • 英美文学作品在当代的影响和价值 • 总结与思考
从盎格鲁-撒克逊时期到文艺复兴时期, 英美文学逐渐形成和发展,涌现出许 多杰出的作家和作品。
从20世纪末至今,英美文学呈现出多 元化的发展趋势,涵盖了各种文学流 派和风格,如后现代主义、魔幻现实 主义等。
通过阅读英美文学作品,人们可以拓展视野、丰富内心世界,增强自我认知和自我成长的能力。同时 ,文学作品中所蕴含的人生哲理和智慧,也能为人们在生活中提供指导和启示。
英美文学在世界文学中的 地位
英美文学作为世界文学的重要组成部分,具 有深远的影响力和独特的魅力。通过学习和 研究英美文学,可以深入了解西方文化、历 史和社会背景,拓宽视野,提高跨文化交流 的能力。


Brief Introductio
Charles·Dickens(1812~1870),a British novelist. At the age of 10 his families were forced to move into debtors prison. When 15 years old, Dickens became an apprentice in a law firm and later a civil court judge clerk and then a newspaper reporter stationed in parliament. He had only a few years school life .But thanks to assiduous self-study he became a famous writer.
“ the genius who most fully expressed his contemporaries in the common interest”---Stefan Zweig
Writing CareerFra bibliotekearly years)
In 1833 Dickens’s first story, A Dinner at Poplar Walk was published in London periodical, Monthly Magazine. His first novel The Pickwick Papers get a great success in March 1836.
狄更斯是个高产作家,他凭着勤奋和天 赋创作出一大批经典著作。他是19世纪 英国现实主义文学的主要代表。他的作 品以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理 分析以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛 的有机结合而著称。



Ralph Waldo Emerson
❖ Spokesman of New England Transcendentalism(新英格兰先验主义的代 言人)
❖ Transcendental Club ❖ Nature –an unofficial manifesto宣言书
New England Transcendentalism
❖ 新英格兰先验主义 ❖ Started by a group of people who were
members of the transcendental club. ❖ Two most significant writers: Emerson and
Thoreau ❖ Emphasis: the nature and individual(p.402)
❖ Sense of optimism ❖ Mood of feeling good
American Romanticism
❖ A derivative 派生出来的 ❖ Under foreign influence: English
Romanticists ❖ Common features: ❖ 1. the imaginative and emotional qualities of
❖ Whitman’s Leave of Grass 惠特曼的《草叶 集》
❖ American Renaissance 美国文艺复兴
❖ westward expansion 西部扩张 ❖ Industrial transformation工业的发展 ❖ Democracy and equality
Song of myself 自我之歌

英美文学作品介绍 PPT资料共24页

英美文学作品介绍 PPT资料共24页
巴尔扎克的这部代表作,描写了资产阶级暴发户发家的罪恶手段,以 吝啬鬼葛朗台的家庭生活和剥削活动为主线,以欧也妮的爱情和婚姻 悲剧为中心,深刻揭露了资产阶级的贪婪本性和资本主义社会的罪恶, 揭露了资本主义社会中人与人之间冷酷无情的金钱关系。
葛朗台:是资产阶级吝啬鬼的典型。是吝啬鬼中的吝啬鬼,善耍手段,虚伪 奸诈,吝啬贪婪,聚敛守财盘剥算计,心狠手辣,他是活在一个个观点上的 人,利用一切机会发财,顺应时势。
6.“获取一颗没有被人攻击的经验的心,也就像夺取一座没有守卫的城池一 样。”
7.“这些女人生前考究的生活越是闹得满城风雨,她们死后也就越是无声无 息。她们就像某些星辰,陨落时和初升时一样黯淡无光。”
After reading:
中文名: 外文名: 国籍: 出生地: 出生日期: 逝世日期:
奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克,法国小说家,被 称为现代法国小说之父。一些评论家认 为他仅次于莎士比亚,擅长塑造为贪婪、 仇恨、野心等强烈情感所控制的人物。 巴尔扎克计划以《人间喜剧》(La Comédie Humaine)为题,撰写描绘和 分析法国社会各个层面的系列小说。这 些小说主要可以分为三组:道德研究、 哲学研究、分析研究。每一组又可以分 为个人生活、外省生活、巴黎生活、政 治生活,及乡村生活等场景。
玛格丽特:美丽,真诚,善良,富有同情心。生活奢侈,但不看重钱。当她得知阿 芒是真正关心她,想亲人那样爱护她时,她十分感动,立刻接受了阿芒的感情。最 后为了阿芒的家人放弃自己的爱情,为此忍受了许多阿芒的报复,是一个十分可敬 的人物。虽然是风尘女子,但从她的所作所为中看出一种崇高的灵魂。
阿芒(阿尔芒): 痴情 他对玛格丽特一见钟情,遭到遗弃后用各种手段报复玛格 丽特。还有我个人认为他有些单纯任性,嫉妒心强,爱吃醋。他跟玛格丽塔在一起 但却怠慢家里人。如果他能好好处理他与家人的关系,积极解决妹妹的婚事,也不 至于与玛格丽特劳燕分飞最终遗恨终生。

英美文学鉴赏 PPT

英美文学鉴赏 PPT
The General Prologue (总序)
• The General Prologue consists of character sketches of each member of the group that is going to Canterbury
• The setting(P3-4) • The Prioress 女修道院副院长(P4-5) • irony 反讽 • secular 世俗的 • hypocritical 虚伪的
• Three types of sonnet
1) Petrarchan sonnet (彼特拉克体/意大利十四 行诗 )
2) Spenserian Sonnet(斯宾塞体十四行诗) 3) Shakespearian Sonnet(莎士比亚/英国体十
Shakespearian Sonnet
• 3 quatrains + a couplet • abab cdcd efef gg
• Act III, Scene I • “To be or not to be”(P11-12) • Soliloquy(内心独白) (P16)
William Shakespeare :Sonnet
• A sonnet is a lyric invariably of fourteen lines, usually in iambic pentameter五音步抑扬格 , restricted to a definite rhyme scheme韵律 .
1.Jeffery Chaucer(1340-1400)
• Father/founder of English Poetry • was buried in “poet’s corner” in


the Broadway musical My Fair Lady could be produced only after Shaw's death
Class system Social prejudice Judging by appearance Morality/behavior Money/class Rich/poor Speech/dialect
1924 - A Passage to India
◦ attack on Colonialism
1971 - Maurice
◦ Homosexual theme
Propriety and Passion The beauty of human beings Woman’s position and independence Connection between nature and man Class snobbery
1803: began The Watsons (never finished) 1812: began Mansfield Park 1814 began Emma 1815- began Persuasion 1817- began Sanditon (never finished)
man’s primary role is to be the provider: work, propose an engagement for a wife, earn the family’s only income, make final decisions, physically and fiscally support and protect the
his astonishing way of constructing a novel



Four Genres of Literature
– Fiction Myths, romances, novels, short stories
– Poetry – Drama – Prose
News reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, historical and biographical works
If you ran into the servant of Robinson Crusoe, What name do you call him?
Warm-up questions for you
the following famous saying might come from whom and his works
How should we study literature
1.Understand the historical background 2.Know sth. About author (his family, his
education background, his works, his life experience) 3.Read and analyze the work itself( the main idea of the story, themes , characters analysis, art features)
Why do we read literature?
1.reading for pleasure and entertainment (the artistic aspect of literature) 2. reading for relaxation 3. reading to acquire knowledge (the practical aspect of literature) to instruct readers to lead a more balanced,


Roman poet Virgil guides him through nine circles of the Hell.
The circles represent a gradual increase in wickedness, and culminate at the center of the earth, where Satan is held in bondage. Each circle's sinners are punished in a fashion fitting their crimes: each sinner is afflicted for all of eternity by the chief sin he committed.
The French-speaking Normans, under the leadership of Duke William, invaded and conquered England in the year 1066. After defeating the English at the battle of Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the beginning of the establishment of feudalism in England.
Furthermore, those in hell have knowledge of the past and future, but not of the present. This is a joke on them in Dante's mind because after the Final Judgment, time ends; those in Hell would then know nothing.

英美文学PPT chaucer

英美文学PPT chaucer

Chaucer’s Life
• Born to a middle class family. • His father was a wine merchant who believed his child should have a formal education. • He became a page to an important family and was so respected that when he was captured as a soldier during the Hundred Year’s war, a king paid his ransom. • He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner”.
The prologue provides a framework for the tales. It contains a group of vivid sketches of typical medieval figures. It provides a miniature of the English society of Chaucer’s time.
30 pilgrims in Tabard Inn in spring Two stories each on the way out and two on the way back, but only 24 tales finished (including 4 fragmentary incomplete tales) 30 pilgrims, would be 120 stories. But Chaucer had actually completed only 22 stories, with two more existing in fragments.


English fiction)
The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 (unfinished,24 stories)
Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯和科利西德》 the Romaunt of the Rose 《玫瑰罗曼史》 (translation work)
period of tragedies!!!
授(full of unrealistic compromises and fantasy)
Pericles 泰尔亲王里克里斯 Cymbeline 辛白林 The Winter's Tale 冬天的童话 The Tempest 暴风雨
B Piers the Plowman C Juliana D Elene
• 3 ___ is one of the best of the Middle English Romances. The poem consists of
A 2500 lines and contains 4 parts.
period of dramatic romances!!!
John Donne(约翰·邓恩)(1572-1631)
He wrote poems that were both obscene, vulgar and poems of serious philosophical thinking. These reflect his feeling of the conflict between the body and the soul. Later, the term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers wrote under the influence of him.



Part I Old English literature (the Anglo-Saxon Period 449-1066) The Historical Background ◆ 3 conquests 1. AD 43-410 Roman conquest. - South Britain was made a Roman province. - The Celts had to pay tributes or taxes, but they still kept their own language, customs and religion. 2. Anglo-Saxon conquest (about AD 450) 3. Norman conquest (1066) - the Middle Ages
如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为重,后者为轻, 则这种音步叫扬抑格音步,其专业术语是(trochee, trochaic.)。重读是“扬”,轻读是“抑”,一重 一轻,故称扬抑格。与抑扬格恰好相反。 英语中也有一批其读音为一重一轻的单词,如 happy, many, holy, yonder, headlong, flaming, upper, grandeur, failing等。写扬抑格的诗,此类词 正好合适。但这类词在英语中其数量不及前面的那 些多,与英文的语言规律不十分吻合,所以扬抑格 诗不多。举两句诗例: Present │mirth has │present │laughter —— Shakespeare Shake your │chains to │earth like │dew —— Shelley
The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫之歌》
Old English Poetry –




二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:(1)能够正确识别本单元中的动物,并了解它们的特点。


2. 过程与方法:(1)通过观察、实践,培养学生的观察力和表达能力。


3. 情感态度与价值观:(1)培养学生对动物的热爱和保护意识。


三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:(1)学生能够正确识别本单元中的动物,并了解它们的特点。


2. 教学难点:(1)如何引导学生观察动物的特点,并运用词语描述。


四、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过设置各种情境,让学生在实际情境中学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与度。

2. 小组合作法:通过小组合作,培养学生的团队协作能力和沟通能力。

3. 启发式教学法:引导学生主动思考,发现问题,解决问题。

五、教学步骤1. 导入新课:通过图片或实物展示,引导学生关注本单元的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 教学内容展示:分别介绍本单元中的动物,展示它们的图片,引导学生观察它们的特点。

3. 课堂实践:让学生通过观察、实践,了解动物的特点,并运用词语进行描述。

4. 小组讨论:让学生以小组为单位,讨论自己喜欢的动物,并分享讨论成果。

六、教学评估1. 课堂表现评估:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、发言积极性以及小组合作的表现,了解学生的学习状态。

2. 课堂练习评估:对学生的课堂练习进行评价,检查学生对动物特点的掌握情况。

3. 课后作业评估:检查学生的课后作业,评估学生对课堂所学内容的巩固程度。

七、教学策略调整1. 根据学生的学习情况,适时调整教学进度和难度,确保学生能够跟上教学节奏。



Passive Romanticism(消极浪漫主义)
Passive Romanticism belonged to reactionary counter-current反动的逆流,to take passive escape attitude, directing people to look backward.
Alexander Pope(亚历山大.蒲伯 )(1688-1744) is the greatest poet of this period. He strongly advocated neoclassicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.
(from 1798 to 1832)

Romanticism is the artistic movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, which was concerned with the expression of the individual's feeling and emotions. The movement is partly a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature. It stresses strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience. Besides, Romanticism emphasizes intuition and imagination.



English enlighteners differ from those of France
most English writers are enlighteners
a .moderate group--support the principles of the existing society (Alexander Pope,Joseph Addison,Richard Steele,Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson) b.radical group--struggle for a resolute democratisation(Jonathan Swift,Henry Fielding,Tobias Gorge Smollett,Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan)
• sentimentalism & pre-romanticism
• the first period---the early period
(from the glorious revolution to the end of the 1730s)
• Literature: Neo-Classicism
the important dramatist--Richard Brinsley Sheridan( realistic playwright)
Conlusion:literature of the 18th century--complex
three general heads:the reign of neo-classicism

Ben Jonson (英美文学)完整PPT

Ben Jonson (英美文学)完整PPT

威 斯 典 传 过 三 牛 津 剧 和 的 音 的 运 富。
敏 斯 特 学 校 有 着 优 秀 统 并 且 教 学 成 绩 显 著 分 之 一 的 毕 业 生 毕 业 剑 桥 学 习 。 学 校 在 音 乐 艺 术 方 面 很 出 众 , 并 且 组 织 乐 和 戏 剧 活 动 。 学 校 也 有 动 项 目 和 比 赛 , 课 外 活 动 也
• He attended a free parish(教区) school as a boy, and thanks to the sponsorship (赞助)of the headmaster, he was able to attend Westminster Grammar School.
• He set out on foot in 1618 to visit Scotland and on his return began lecturing on rhetoric(修辞学)at colleges. He died in 1637 and was buried in Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂). His epitaph(碑文) reads: "Oh Rare Ben Jonson!"
• 实际上,“桂冠”这一称号起源于中世纪 的大学,当学生掌握了语法、修辞、诗歌, 学校就为他戴上桂冠,以示他获得学位。 后来,这个称号用于在诗歌创作上有显著 成就的人,而且作为称颂乔叟和彼特拉克 的标准方式。在传统上,桂冠诗人一词的 使用并不严谨。本· 琼森在宫中供奉,受 到恩宠,善于写作颂词,认为自己是一名 正式的桂冠诗人;他得到两笔年金,也深 得大众喜爱。
拜密很会位的学最世 学 威 。切自旁置教术著纪 校 斯 的然,独学,名以, 敏 联地有特是尊的来可 斯 系,很,富重学就追 特 ,学多坐有个校很溯 学 经校漂落灵体之出到 校 是 常跟亮在性和一名 一 到大的大的个。, 教教建教,性学现年 所 堂堂筑堂。,校是。 古 做有物和学学尊英自 老 的 礼着。议校校重国 1179 17


England. • A keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture; the art
and science of ancient Greece and Rome were being born again after long years of neglect. • Essence: humanism
4.Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)
• One of the pioneers of the realistic novel in 18th century • Masterpiece: Robinson Crusoe (1719)
Robinson Crusoe
• Three types of sonnet
1) Petrarchan sonnet (彼特拉克体/意大利十四行诗 )
2) Spenserian Sonnet(斯宾塞体十四行诗) 3) Shakespearian Sonnet(莎士比亚/英国体十四行诗
Shakespearian Sonnet
• Language: ①different poetic forms, such as the sonnet, the blank verse and the rhymed couplet. ②rich in vocabulary and idiom.
3.John Milton(1608-1674)
• Forerunner of the English realistic novel • Based on a real story(P30) • plot (P30-31) • Image of Robinson Crusoe: typical of the English



英美文学作品中所蕴含的创新精 神和探索精神,可以激发读者的 创新意识和创造力。
通过对英美文学作品的分析和解 读,可以培养读者的批判性思维 和独立思考能力。
英美文学作品中所反映的社会问 题和人性的探索,可以为解决现 实问题提供启示,推动社会的进 步和发展。
• 总结词:莎士比亚的经典悲剧之一, 讲述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特为报父仇而 与亲人、爱人之间发生的一系列故事。
• 详细描述 • 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚的经典悲剧之一,讲述了丹麦王子哈姆雷特为报父仇
而与亲人、爱人之间发生的一系列故事。故事中充满了复仇、背叛、爱情和人 性的挣扎等元素,通过这些元素的描绘,莎士比亚深刻地探讨了人性的复杂性 和悲剧的本质。 • 哈姆雷特是一个复杂多面的人物形象,他既是一个勇敢、智慧的王子,又是一 个内心充满矛盾和痛苦的人。他的性格特点和情感纠葛是小说的核心内容之一 ,通过他的经历,小说探讨了人性中的善恶、忠诚与背叛等问题。同时,《哈 姆雷特》中的其他人物形象也十分鲜明,如克劳狄斯王后的虚伪、奥菲利娅的 悲惨命运等。 • 《哈姆雷特》的语言优美、生动,情节曲折跌宕。莎士比亚运用了丰富的修辞 手法和文学技巧,使得小说的表达更加生动有力。同时,《哈姆雷特》作为一 部悲剧作品,深刻地探讨了人性的
• 总结词:简·奥斯丁的代表作,展现了19世纪英国乡村的 日常生活和婚恋观念。
• 详细描述 • 简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》是一部描绘19世纪英国乡村生活和婚恋观念的经
典小说。通过对班纳特家庭中五个女儿的婚恋经历的叙述,展现了当时社会对 于婚姻和家庭地位的看法。小说中通过对人物性格、社会习俗和道德观念的刻 画,反映了当时社会的价值观和道德观念。 • 《傲慢与偏见》中的主要人物形象鲜明,伊丽莎白·班纳特和达西先生是小说 中最具代表性的角色。他们的性格特点和情感纠葛是小说的核心内容。通过他 们的经历,小说探讨了人性中的傲慢、偏见、爱情和社会地位等问题。 • 《傲慢与偏见》的语言优美、幽默,情节紧凑。小说中通过对人物心理活动的 描写和对社会现象的讽刺,展现了简·奥斯丁独特的文学风格。同时,小说中 通过对自然景观和乡村生活的描绘,展现了19世纪英国乡村的美丽风光和人 文风情。
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Course syllabus
▪ Read at least the 15 books on the reading list and write at least 15 book reports
▪ Your book reports should be centered on your original commentary
but they still kept their own language, customs and religion. 2. Anglo-Saxon conquest (about AD 450) 3. Norman conquest (1066)
- the Middle Ages
The Anglo-Saxon conquest
▪ The Historical Background ◆ 3 conquests
1. AD 43-410 Roman conquest. - South Britain was made a Roman
province. - The Celts had to pay tributes or taxes,
pagan ['peiɡən]
- worship Heaven (Father), Earth (Mother) and Summer (son)
- evil monsters: Winter, Frost Giants, Woden and Thor (thunder) ◆AD 597, St. Augustine from Rome as a missionary to Kent (south) ◆Missionaries from Ireland began to preach Christianity in the north ◆Within a century or so the whole island was Christianized.
▪ Secular and religious poetry
Old English Literature - Poetry
▪ Religious poetry - on Biblical themes or on saints’ lives - a mixture of Christian and pagan ideas - Genesis A, Genesis B, Exodus, the Phoenix - function of art: teach others and enhance devotion
- Artistic features of Old English Poetry ◆ structural alliteration ◆ without rhyme ◆ vivid poetic diction and parallel expressions for a single idea, esp. those of Kennings (比喻 的复合辞 a word picture)
swan-road, whale-path, sea-wood, wavefloater, shield-bearer, battle-hero, spear-fighter
Old English Poetry – The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫之歌》
▪ I’ll check attendance every time. ▪ One absence will cost you 10 points ▪ Your final grades: book report (50%)
final examination(50%)
Part I Old English literature (the Anglo-Saxon Period 449-1066)
▪ Caedmon - the “Father of the English Song” - a shy cowherd in Whitby - Christian poet
▪ Secular poetry: songs and Beowulf
- Characteristics: laments, harsh climate of north sea strongly affected the tone or mood of the poets
Old English Literature - Poetry
▪ Intended to be chanted with harp accompaniment, by the Anstic: bold, strong, mournful, elegiac [,eli‘dʒaiək] (挽歌的), emphasizes the sorrow and ultimate futility of life and the helplessness of humans before the power of fate
▪ The first English national epic ▪ Heroic ideals of feudal kings and kingship
in north Europe: strength and courage ▪ The structure: 3 parts
(1) the fight against Grendal (2) Grendal’s mother (3) the Dragon
◆Tuetonic tribes from northern Europe
- drove the Celts from England to Wales, Scotland and Ireland
- Celtic language died out. ◆ The Anglo-Saxons were heathen ['hi:ðən] or