1. 创新精神:百事可乐一直以来都注重创新,不断推陈出新。
2. 卓越表现:百事可乐追求卓越表现,不仅在产品品质上如此,还在员工培训和发展上如此。
3. 可持续发展:百事可乐致力于可持续发展,将环境保护和社会责任视为核心价值。
4. 多元文化:百事可乐非常重视多元文化的价值。
5. 顾客至上:百事可乐将顾客的需求和满意度放在首位。
百事可乐 VIS 分析
百事可乐 CIS分析
目前,百事可乐国际公司在中国市场的旗舰品牌是百事可乐、七喜、美年达和激浪。 此外,还包括亚洲、北冰洋Байду номын сангаас天府等著名地方品牌。本文在此讨论的只是百事可乐 这一种饮料的符号系统,不涉及其他。
广告策略 因为百事可乐配方、色泽、味道都与可口可乐相似,绝大多数消费者根本喝不出 二者的区别,所以百事在质量上根本无法胜出,百事选择的挑战方式是在消费者 定位上实施差异化。百事可乐摒弃了不分男女老少“全面覆盖”的策略,而从年 轻人入手,对可口实施了侧翼攻击。并且通过广告,百事力图树立其“年轻、活 泼、时代”的形象,而暗示可口的“老迈、落伍、过时”。 百事可乐完成了自己的定位后,开始研究年轻人的特点。精心调查发现,年轻 人现在最流行的东西是酷,而酷表达出来,就是独特的、新潮的、有内涵的、有 风格创意的意思。百事抓住了年轻人喜欢酷的心理特征,开始推出了一系列以年 轻人认为最酷明星为形象代言人的广告。
从符号学角度看,名称属于语言符号。“百事可乐”,最开始仅仅是皮尔士符 号分类中的名词性符号,通过百事可乐百年的发展和广告宣传,已经赋予了这 个词文化的意义,成为象征性符号。对于广告所起的重要作用,后文在详细论 述。 Coca Cola的命名是取可乐倒进杯中,喀啦喀啦的声音,与此相对应Pepsi cola的命名则是取打开瓶盖可乐冒气“拍嘘”的声音,两种可乐音同而首字不 同。体现了百事可乐的追随策略。 进入中国市场,他采用了既雅致又达意的中文名称——百事可乐。为其在中国 的发展奠定了一个很好的基础:有一定的民族性;符合韵律学,平仄对应,便 于记忆,琅琅上口;取悦了目标消费者,符合了年轻一代的口味,爱好和习惯; 含义抽象,涵盖面广,符合国际品牌发展趋势,中性,无特殊含义,且为品牌 个性塑造留下广阔的想象空间;有现代感,反映了现代生活气息,现在已经成 为人们广为传颂的话,还常用于祝贺语。如电视广告中出现的:祝你百事可乐! 百事可乐公司生产很多其它产品,如七喜,美连达等,他们仍沿用原来的名 称,产品形象等符号系统,也暗示了他的多元化品牌策略。
百事可乐标志发展百事可乐最初于19世纪90年代(1890-1900)由美国北加洲一位名为 Caleb Bradham 的药剂师所造,以碳酸水、糖、香草、生油、胃蛋白酶 (pepsin) 及可乐果制成。
二、核心价值观1. 创新:百事可乐鼓励员工勇于创新,追求卓越。
2. 消费者导向:百事可乐始终将消费者的需求和满意度放在首位。
3. 可持续发展:百事可乐致力于在商业发展的同时实现可持续发展。
三、行为准则1. 诚信和合规:百事可乐要求员工始终遵守法律法规和道德规范,以诚信和合规的方式开展业务。
2. 多元与包容:百事可乐重视多元化和包容性文化。
3. 团队合作:百事可乐鼓励员工之间的合作和团队精神。
4. 安全和健康:百事可乐视员工的安全和健康为重要责任。
四、工作方式1. 激励和奖励:百事可乐鼓励员工充分发挥个人潜力,并提供激励和奖励机制。
2. 学习和发展:百事可乐致力于员工的学习和发展。
3. 创造性工作环境:百事可乐鼓励员工在创造性的工作环境中发挥才干。
高层培训 中层培训 基础培训 培训考核
基本信念 报告
MI推广建 议书
培训 计划书
1.为生产大众喜爱的汽车为目标. (TOYOTA)
2.创造人与汽车的明天.(NISSAN) 3.千万不要让顾客等待.(SAMSUNG) 4.Progress for people. (GENERAL
Peter Drucker关于企业使命的五个基本问题:
Ⅰ 我们的业务是什么? Ⅱ 我们的顾客是谁? Ⅲ 本公司能为顾客提供什么价值? Ⅳ 我们未来的业务是什么? Ⅴ 我们的业务应该是什么?
愿景 vision
愿景与使命是递进的关系,愿景是组织肩负使命而 趋向的未来图景。
1983年,百事可乐公司聘请罗杰·恩里克担任总裁, 他一上任就把目光盯在了广告上。对软饮料而言, 百事可乐和可口可乐的产品味觉很难分清孰优孰劣, 因此,焦点便在塑造商品的性格的广告(也就是品 牌和企业文化)上了。
我们应对我们的职员负责,包括遍布世界各地的 与我们一同工作的男人、女人。 每个人都必须被看成是个人。我们必须尊重他们 的尊严,承认他们的优点。职员可以自由地提建 议或是抱怨。 对于那些合格的人才必须给予公平的工作、发展 和提升的机会。 我们必须提供有能力的管理者,他们的行为是公 平且有道德的。
对百事可乐的广告分析企业名称:百事公司,世界领先的饮料和休闲食品公司,百事公司是世界上最成功饮食产业之一,在全球 200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,为全球第四大食品。
三、核心价值观1. 创新:百事可乐公司秉承创新的精神,不断推出新产品、新技术和新市场策略,以满足不断变化的消费者需求。
2. 卓越:百事可乐公司追求卓越,致力于提供高品质的产品和服务,以满足消费者的期望,并超越竞争对手。
3. 可持续发展:百事可乐公司注重可持续发展,致力于保护环境、关爱员工和社区,并积极参预社会责任活动,为社会做出贡献。
四、企业文化特点1. 客户导向:百事可乐公司以客户为中心,不断倾听客户的需求和反馈,并通过创新和卓越的产品来满足客户的期望。
2. 团队合作:百事可乐公司鼓励员工之间的合作和协作,倡导团队精神,相信团队的力量可以创造更大的价值。
3. 激励奖励:百事可乐公司重视员工的贡献和成就,通过激励和奖励机制来激发员工的积极性和创造力。
4. 学习成长:百事可乐公司鼓励员工不断学习和成长,提供各种培训和发展机会,匡助员工实现个人和职业目标。
五、企业文化活动1. 团队建设:百事可乐公司定期组织团队建设活动,如户外拓展训练、团队合作游戏等,旨在增强员工之间的合作意识和团队凝结力。
2. 员工关心:百事可乐公司关注员工的生活和健康,组织各种员工关心活动,如健康讲座、员工生日会等,让员工感受到公司的关爱和温暖。
3. 社区参预:百事可乐公司积极参预社区公益活动,组织员工参预志愿者服务、环境保护等活动,为社会做出贡献。
4. 文化传承:百事可乐公司注重企业文化的传承和发展,组织各种文化活动,如员工艺术展、文化讲座等,宏扬企业价值观和文化精神。
1. 使命和愿景:百事可乐的使命是为全球消费者提供最好的饮料选择,满足他们的口感和健康需求。
2. 价值观:百事可乐的价值观是公司文化的基石,包括以下几个方面:- 客户导向:始终以客户为中心,满足他们的需求和期望。
- 创新精神:不断追求创新,推动产品和业务的发展。
- 激情和决心:充满激情和决心,追求卓越。
- 可持续发展:注重环境保护和社会责任,致力于可持续发展。
3. 团队合作:百事可乐鼓励员工之间的紧密合作和团队精神。
4. 人才发展:百事可乐重视员工的发展和成长,提供广阔的发展机会和培训计划。
5. 业绩导向:百事可乐注重业绩和结果,鼓励员工设定具体的目标,并为其提供必要的资源和支持。
6. 社会责任:百事可乐积极履行社会责任,致力于改善社区和环境。
7. 多元文化:百事可乐鼓励多元文化和包容性,认识到不同背景和经验的员工对公司的价值和创新能力的重要性。
二、核心要素1. 创新精神百事可乐一直以来都秉持着创新精神,不断推陈出新,满足消费者的需求。
2. 消费者导向百事可乐始终将消费者的需求放在首位,不断研究市场趋势和消费者喜好,以提供更好的产品和服务。
3. 多元文化百事可乐鼓励多元文化的融合和包容,认为不同的观点和背景可以激发创新和发展。
4. 社会责任百事可乐坚信企业应该承担社会责任,积极参与社会公益事业。
三、价值观1. 以人为本百事可乐认为员工是公司最重要的资产,关注员工的福祉和发展是公司的首要任务。
2. 诚信正直百事可乐强调诚信和正直的重要性,要求员工在工作中始终遵守道德和职业规范。
3. 卓越品质百事可乐追求卓越品质,始终保持高标准和严格要求。
4. 持续创新百事可乐鼓励员工勇于创新,不断寻求突破和改进。
赏 析
“不走寻常路”并不是说不走“路 ”,而是代表做什么都很特别, 不跟平常和一般的一样。美特 斯邦威凭借三句广告口号“不走 寻常路”“每个人都有自己的舞 台”“蓝色快乐” 和“酷”星周杰 伦的品牌代言,成功地打造了“ 酷”的品牌文化。“酷”将现代人 粘结在一起,而邦威又将年轻人 粘结在自己周围,因为它就是“ 酷”。
事实证明,经典的广告语总是丰 富的内涵和优美的语句的结合体, 戴比尔斯钻石的这句广告语,不仅 道出了钻石的真正价值,而且也从 另一个层面把爱情的价值提升到足 够的高度,使人们很容易把钻石与 爱情联系起来,这的确是最美妙的 感觉。从1993年传入中国,更是被 奉为经典,并在很大程度上改变了 中国城市消费者的婚庆习俗
百事公司(Pepsico.,Inc.)是世界上最 成功的消费品公司之一,在全球 200多 个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,2004年销 售收入293亿美元,为全球第四大898年。百事可乐公司于 1965年与世界休闲食品最大的制造与销 售商菲多利(Frito-lay)公司合并,组 成了百事公司。
企业定位: 服务于大众,服务于 社会
产品定位: 好而不贵,真的实惠
目标市场: 中国二、三级市场的消费者和注
戴比尔斯是全球最大的钻 石矿业公司,集团属下有位于 南非的钻矿,及与博茨瓦纳、 纳米比亚及坦桑尼亚政府合作 在当地开采的钻矿所生产的宝 石级钻石,以价值计约占全球 总产值一半。戴比尔斯的财政 实力雄厚,在钻石业以外的行 业也拥有广泛的投资。一百多 年来戴比尔斯的钻石采矿及回 收技术在全球一直首屈一指, 更是唯一一家全力专注于钻石
1. 使命和愿景:百事可乐的使命是通过为全球消费者提供高品质的饮料产品,创造快乐和愉悦的消费体验。
2. 核心价值观:百事可乐的核心价值观包括创新、卓越、责任和多元化。
3. 人材发展:百事可乐认识到员工是公司最珍贵的资产,致力于为员工提供良好的发展机会和培训计划。
4. 创新驱动:百事可乐坚信创新是推动企业发展的关键。
5. 社会责任:百事可乐积极履行企业社会责任,关注环境保护和可持续发展。
6. 团队合作:百事可乐鼓励员工之间的合作和团队精神。
1. 价值观:百事可乐的价值观是“创新、协作、责任、诚信”。
2. 使命和愿景:百事可乐的使命是“提供世界一流的饮料,为消费者带来快乐和满足”。
3. 核心原则:百事可乐的核心原则包括:客户至上、员工关怀、创新驱动和可持续发展。
4. 企业文化落地实践:百事可乐通过多种方式将企业文化落地实践,如培训和教育、奖励和认可、内部沟通等。
百事可乐企业文化Our Mission and Vision我们的使命和愿景At PepsiCo, we believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but the right thing to do for our business.Our Mission我们的使命Our mission is to be the world's premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.Our Vision我们的愿景"PepsiCo's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate - environment, social, economic - creating a better tomorrow than today."Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental s tewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.Performance with Purpose有目的性的表现At PepsiCo, we're committed to achieving business and financial success while leaving a positive imprint on society - delivering what we call Performance with Purpose.Our approach to superior financial performance is straightforward - drive shareholder value. By addressing social and environmental issues, we also deliver on our purpose agenda, which consists of human, environmental, and talent sustainability.PepsiCo Values & Philosophy百事公司的价值观和哲学Our Values & Philosophy are a reflection of the socially and environmentally responsible company we aspire to be. They are the foundation for every business decision we make.Our Commitment我们的承诺We are committed to delivering sustained growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust.What It Means这是什么意思Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success. Our quest for sustained growth stimulates innovation, places a value on results, and helps us understand whether today's actions will contribute to our future. It is about the growth of people and company performance. It prioritizes both making a difference and getting things done.Empowered People means we have the freedom to act and think in ways that we feel will get the job done, while adhering to processes that ensure proper governance and being mindful of company needs beyond our own.Responsibility and Trust form the foundation for healthy growth. We hold ourselves both personally and corporately accountable for everything we do. We must earn the confidence others place in us as individuals and as a company. By acting as good stewards of the resources entrusted to us, westrengthen that trust by walking the talk and following through on our commitment to succeedingtogether.Guiding Principles指导原则We uphold our commitment with six guiding principles.We must always strive to:1. Care for our customers, our consumers and the world we live in.We are driven by the intense, competitive spirit of the marketplace, but we direct this spirit towardsolutions that benefit both our company and our constituents. Our success depends on a thorough understanding of our customers, consumers and communities. To foster this spirit of generosity, we go the extra mile to show we care.2. Sell only products we can be proud of.The true test of our standards is our own ability to consume and personally endorse the products we sell.Without reservation. Our confidence helps ensure the quality of our products, from the moment we purchase ingredients to the moment it reaches the consumer's hand.3. Speak with truth and candor.We tell the whole story, not just what's convenient to our individual goals. In addition to being clear, honest and accurate, we are responsible for ensuring our communications are understood.4. Balance short term and long term.In every decision, we weigh both short-term and long-term risks and benefits. Maintaining this balance helps sustain our growth and ensures our ideas and solutions are relevant both now and in the future. 5. Win with diversity and inclusion.We embrace people with diverse backgrounds, traits and ways of thinking. Our diversity brings new perspectives into the workplace and encourages innovation, as well as the ability to identify new market opportunities.6. Respect others and succeed together.Our mutual success depends on mutual respect, inside and outside the company. It requires people who are capable of working together as part of a team or informal collaboration. While our company is built on individual excellence, we also recognize the importance and value of teamwork in turning our goals into accomplishments企业管理Corporate Governance公司治理PepsiCo has adopted strict corporate standards that govern our operations and ensures accountability for our actions. Learn more about the processes and policies guiding our business.Policies政策As one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies, public policy affects PepsiCo’s ability to operate a successful business, and continue to provide shareholder value. For this reason, we believe that active participation in public policy is essential and appropriate for companies in open societies.Management Approach管理办法Overview and StrategyPepsiCo has the world's largest portfolio of billion-dollar food and beverage brands, including 22 different brands that each generate more than $1 billion in annual retail sales. As well as our corebrands—Pepsi-Cola, Lay's, Quaker Oats, Tropicana and Gatorade—we make hundreds of othernutritious and delicious, convenient and fun foods and drinks that bring joy to our consumers in more than 200 countries worldwide. With annualized revenues of approximately $60 billion, approximately 294,000 of PepsiCo's associates are united by our unique commitment to sustainable growth, called "Performance with Purpose."By dedicating ourselves to offering consumers a broad array of choices for healthy, convenient and fun nourishment, reducing our environmental impact, and fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, PepsiCo balances strong financial returns with giving back to our communities worldwide. In recognition of our continued sustainability efforts, PepsiCo was named for the fourth time to the Dow JonesSustainability World Index (DJSI World) and for the fifth time to the Dow Jones Sustainability No rth America Index (DJSI North America) in 2010. For the second year in a row, PepsiCo was the topperformer in the Beverage Sector.For PepsiCo, the benefits of global expansion include: maximizing growth potential, gaining global scale and achieving geographic diversity. Emerging markets account for a notable portion of PepsiCo'srevenue. With faster population and GDP growth than in developed countries, emerging marketsrepresent a significant opportunity for PepsiCo to continue to grow. PepsiCo's business development strategies for emerging markets are focused on:Distributing global brands while ensuring local relevancePepsiCo strives to create products that appeal to local tastes and needs, promoting our global brands and our innovation and operational capabilities. In markets around the world, our R&D teams workclosely with local master chefs to tailor our products to local tastes and consumption patterns and to leverage these insights to launch flavors that make our global brands the local favorites.Examples of this include our Lay's offering with red-caviar flavor in Russia; Kurkure extruded snacks in India based on local, traditional flavors; expansion of Mirinda carbonated soft drinks in the Middle East with the addition of locally inspired tam arind flavor; the launch of Aliva, a biscuit that combines wheat and lentils in India; Cao Ben Le ('happy herb')–branded beverages incorporating traditional Chinesemedicinal herbs in China; and Nimbooz, a beverage made with real lemon juice, in India.∙Creating affordable products that meet consumer needsRevenue management is a significant part of our strategy to ensure our products are affordable and offer good value to consumers in emerging markets, many of whom have limited disposable income. We strive to create products with the right price points and package sizes that offer great consumer value and allow PepsiCo to compete effectively in the marketplace. In some markets, we are inventing brands andbusiness models to create products that meet the needs of lower-income consumers, such as our Lucky snacks product line in Brazil targeting low-income consumers sold through street vendors. And in India, we established a joint venture with the Tata Group in the fourth quarter of last year, to focus on low-cost beverages; the first product from this venture, a glucose-based non-carbonated beverage, was rolled out in early April 2011, at the price of 5 rupees, or the equivalent of 11 cents.∙Strengthening advantaged local supply chain and go-to-market capabilitiesPepsiCo enjoys superior technologies, including advantaged potato varieties, which are a keycompetitive advantage that leads to superior tastes and production efficiency. We work with localsuppliers and farmers to share best practices and maximize results. In China, for example, we introduced proven environmentally friendly irrigation and crop rotation practices that save water and help local farmers grow thriving crops.We build advantaged systems in emerging markets that offer the widest reach to customers andconsumers. We rely on DSD (direct store delivery) expertise and leverage a variety of go-to-market systems to reach a broad set of customers and consumers, both in organized and traditional trade channels. Importantly, in 2010, in markets such as India, China and Russia, among others, we increased our investment with the placement of coolers and addition of new routes and distribution capacity ahead of growth.In many of our emerging markets today, we have integrated "Power-of-One" operating systems in areas such as procurement, customer selling and IT. With the acquisition of our anchor bottlers PBG and PAS in 2010, in key markets such as Russia and Poland, we are now able to build an even stronger supply chain and go-to-market capability, through broader distribution coverage and more joint consumer and in-store activation programs.∙Encouraging people to live balanced and healthy livesPepsiCo is committed to offering consumers a range of enjoyable and wholesome foods and beverages. Our portfolio offers products for when consumers want to treat themselves, and we are also actively developing healthier snacks and beverages for health-conscious consumers.To that end, we established the Global Nutrition Group in 2010 to centralize the innovation a nd development of healthier, wholesome and tasty products. And our recently completed acquisition of Wimm-Bill-Dann in Russia, with a vast array of dairy and juice offerings, accelerates our growth inGood-For-You products and makes PepsiCo the number-one foods and beverage company in Russia.And, as part of our mission to help people lead healthier lives, we support programs across the world, including Vive Saludable Escuelas in Latin America and our Get Active program in India.组织结构百事公司总体上可分为五个组织PERFORMANCEOrganizational ResponsibilityWith its strong leadership team, PepsiCo maximizes shareholder value and invests in entities that ensure sustainable profitability. We have created the Performance Sustainability Leadership Team (PSLT), which informs our Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC) on financial performance, strategy and goals. To find out more about our sustainability governance structure, please go to Sustainability Leadership.Goals and CommitmentsOur performance goals focus on a series of long-term targets, which also are aligned with our short-term needs. To deliver superior, sustainable financial performance, we will continue to put emphasis on innovation and broaden our portfolio through mergers and acquisitions.HUMANOrganizational ResponsibilityThe development of the global R&D structure and appointment of our first chief scientific officer (CSO) has enhanced our relationships with world-renowned academic and research-based organizations. PepsiCo continues to evolve its approach to systematically obtaining policy and scientific advice.The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which was created in 2010, reports to the company's CSO. This structure provides long-term research advice to our team of scientists, especially with regard to critical challenges and opportunities related to the transformation of our product portfolio.In terms of product quality and safety, PepsiCo Quality professionals assess product compliance with our policy. PepsiCo's Quality Policy is focused on processes and procedures supporting quality policies and prioritizing critical risk areas. Our Quality agenda is led by Quality professionals in various regions whooversee the following areas: food safety, innovation (R&D), manufacturing quality, co-manufacturing quality, supplier quality and plant quality.Regionally, advisory boards in China, the U.K., Mexico, Brazil and India help guide our efforts in health and wellness, food safety, regulatory compliance and innovation.Goals and CommitmentsIn line with our efforts to help improve the well-being of people in both developed and developing countries, we are focusing our work on the products we make, and on key policies and partne rships, to help us address global nutrition challenges.Training and AwarenessEach functional department identifies training needs and provides training for all associates, including full-time, part-time, temporary and contractors. This ensures they have the appropriate level of education, experience and training necessary to effectively perform the required activities specified in the PepsiCo Food Safety Policy. Training business plans are established to address food safety training for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), allergen management, low-acid manufacturing, good manufacturing practices (GMP), control of nonconforming product, associate safety, food security and specific job applications.ENVIRONMENTOrganizational ResponsibilityWe govern implementation and execution of the PepsiCo Environmental Policy through our Environmental Sustainability Leadership Team (ESLT), the PepsiCo Environmental Compliance Council (ECC) and Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC). These councils are made up of environmental representatives from across PepsiCo's operating divisions, bottlers, purchasing, communications and legal departments.The ECC oversees the implementation of a global Environmental Management System (EMS) to standardize and consolidate our existing environmental management software solutions into a single, enterprise-wide solution. The ECC and ESC report to the PepsiCo Environmental Sustainability Leadership Team.The ESLT has chartered two councils in addition to the ECC and ESC: The Sustainable Packaging Council (SPC) and the Sustainable Agriculture Council (SAgC). These councils are made up of subject matter experts from each of our business units and meet regularly to drive PepsiCo performance and provide governance for our sustainable packaging and agricultural commitments.To find out more about our sustainability governance structure, please go to Sustainability Leadership.Goals and CommitmentsTo guide our environmental initiatives, we are focusing our work where we can make the most positive impact—primarily on the issues of water, packaging, climate change, waste elimination and agriculture—and on key policies and partnerships to help address the world's environmental challenges.Training and AwarenessOur environmental stewardship policies and expectations are communicated to our associates, business partners and other stakeholders through our PepsiCo Global Corporate Environmental Policy, Sustainable Agriculture Policy, the PepsiCo Employee Code of Conduct and PepsiCo Supplier Code of Conduct.TALENTOrganizational ResponsibilityThe Talent Sustainability Leadership oversees programs concerning associate relations, engagement, diversity, compliance and health and safety. PepsiCo's Global Diversity and Inclusion Governance Council is composed of internal and external thought leaders and is co-chaired by our chairman/chief executive officer and our chief diversity officer. And we have established Diversity and Inclusion Councils in all four continents of PepsiCo's International business.We also have a Health and Safety Leadership Council (HSLC), with members from across all businesses. For ethics and compliance, issues or violations are handled by the Human Resources and the PepsiCo Law departments.Goals and CommitmentsWe constantly invest in our associates—PepsiCo's greatest assets—to motivate and encourage them to be as productive and creative as possible in carrying out their responsibilities and to become the leaders of tomorrow. Our Talent initiatives include enabling our associates to thrive in a diverse, inclusive culture; providing a safe and empowering workplace; providing opportunities that strengthen our associates' skills and capabilities; and contributing to better living standards in the communities we serve.SOURCINGOrganizational ResponsibilityThe PepsiCo Sustainable Agriculture Council (SAgC) is led by an agro-scientist and includes engineers, sustainability professionals and other agro-scientists from across our PepsiCo businesses. The SAg, part of PepsiCo's overall Sustainability Framework, coordinates priorities and activities and reports to the Environmental Sustainability Leadership Team.To find out more about our sustainability governance structure, please go to Sustainability Leadership. Goals and CommitmentsWe will continuously improve our procurement practices by leveraging our talents, programs and policies across the globe to all associates involved in purchasing functions and decisions.Training and AwarenessPepsiCo's Environmental Policy and Sustainable Agriculture Policy are global, covering all of our regions and business units. Where PepsiCo has direct influence over agricultural operations, we implement specific programs and measurement processes to improve overall performance. When PepsiCo's influence is through third parties or contracted agents, we work with these partners to improve and embed best practices into their operations. Business unit and regional policies also exist to articulate specific programs that are of critical importance to that commodity or brand. Whenever these specific programs exist, they cover 100 percent of activities for that business unit. In addition, we conduct Supplier Summit events to engage with our supply chain.。
二、核心价值观1. 创新:百事可乐秉持创新的精神,不断推陈出新,追求卓越。
2. 激情:百事可乐鼓励员工充满激情地工作,相信激情是推动企业发展的动力源泉。
3. 卓越:百事可乐追求卓越,致力于提供优质的产品和服务。
三、使命和愿景1. 使命:百事可乐的使命是成为全球领先的饮料品牌,为消费者提供美味和愉悦的体验,同时为股东创造持续增长的价值。
2. 愿景:百事可乐的愿景是通过不断创新和发展,成为全球最受欢迎的饮料品牌,为人们的生活带来乐趣和享受。
四、企业文化体现1. 多元化和包容性:百事可乐致力于建立一个多元化和包容性的工作环境,尊重和欣赏不同背景和观点的员工。
2. 员工发展:百事可乐重视员工的个人和职业发展,提供广阔的发展机会和培训计划。
3. 社会责任:百事可乐积极履行社会责任,关注环境保护和可持续发展。
4. 团队合作:百事可乐鼓励员工之间的合作与团队精神。
5. 客户导向:百事可乐始终以客户为中心,关注客户需求和反馈。
1. 使命和愿景:百事可乐的使命是通过提供高质量、创新和多样化的饮料产品,为全球消费者带来快乐和满足。
2. 核心价值观:百事可乐的核心价值观包括:- 客户至上:百事可乐始终将客户需求置于首位,致力于为消费者提供高品质、安全和可口的饮料产品。
- 创新与进取:百事可乐鼓励员工不断创新和追求卓越,推动公司在饮料行业中的领先地位。
- 诚信和责任:百事可乐秉持诚信和责任的原则,坚守道德底线,履行对消费者、股东、员工和社会的责任。
- 多元和包容:百事可乐重视多样性和包容性,致力于创造一个公平、开放和充满活力的工作环境,尊重不同文化和背景的员工。
3. 团队合作:百事可乐鼓励员工之间的合作和团队精神。
4. 奖励和认可:百事可乐注重奖励和认可员工的努力和成就。
5. 培训与发展:百事可乐致力于培养和发展员工的专业技能和领导能力。
6. 社会责任:百事可乐积极履行社会责任,关注环境保护、可持续发展和社区公益事业。
7. 健康与福利:百事可乐关注员工的健康和福利,提供全面的福利计划,包括医疗保险、健身俱乐部会员、员工休假和工作灵活性等,为员工创造一个健康、平衡和有活力的工作生活。
百事公司介绍英语作文8句话PepsiCo is a global food and beverage company thatoffers a wide range of products including soft drinks, snacks, and juices.百事公司是一家全球性的食品和饮料公司,提供包括软饮料、零食和果汁在内的各种产品。
The company was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay.该公司成立于1965年,是由百事可乐和Frito-Lay合并而成的。
PepsiCo has a strong presence in over 200 countries and territories around the world, and its products are enjoyed by consumers globally.百事公司在全球200多个国家和地区拥有强大的市场影响力,其产品受到全球消费者的喜爱。
The company's mission is to be the global leader in convenient foods and beverages by winning with purpose.百事公司的使命是通过目标的实现成为方便食品和饮料领域的全球领导者。
PepsiCo is committed to delivering sustainable growth by investing in a healthier future for people and the planet.百事公司致力于通过为人类和地球投资更加健康的未来来实现可持续增长。
The company's portfolio includes iconic brands such as Pepsi, Lay's, Gatorade, Tropicana, and Quaker, which are household names around the world.百事公司的产品组合包括百事可乐、乐事、佳得乐、特罗匹卡纳和奇力等标志性品牌,这些品牌在全球都是家喻户晓的。
1、百事可乐公司PepsiCo /Our Mission and Vision 我们的使命PepsiCo Values & Philosophy 百事公司的价值观和使命The PepsiCo Family 百事家族Our Brands 产品Our Leadership 领导阶层Board of Directors and Committees 全球管理层corporate governance 公司治理Policies 政策Worldwide Code of Conduct 全球行为准则Speak up 畅言热线Corporate Officers 公司官员Principal Business Units 主要经营单位History 百事公司历史2、联合利华公司Unilever /About us 公司简介Introduction to Unilever 联合利华公司简介Our vision 联合利华愿景Company structure 联合利华员工Purpose & principles 目标和原则Food brands 食物Personal Care Brands 个人护理Home Care Brands 家庭护理Unilever Food Solutions 饮食策划Innovation 创新之路Sustainability 可持续发展3、美国太阳石油公司Sunoco /The Company 理解公司Overview 概述Health, Environment & Safety 安健环investor relations 股东关系news room 新闻发布Our Social Responsibility 社会责任wholesale market 批发市场commercial 商业广告Jobs & Careers 成功经销商Our diverse workplace 多样化的工作场所4、爱立信公司Ericsson /Company Facts 公司简介Investors 投资者Industry analysts 行业分析Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility 可持续性和责任性Events 爱立信活动Our Insights 公司远见Publications 企业刊物Press 企业新闻Ericsson Consumer Lab 爱立信消费者研究室Review 历史与文化5、宏基Acer /The Croup 关于我们Management 管理部门Milestones & Innovations 里程碑和创新Organization 企业机构Client Relations 客户关系Social Welfare 社会福利FAQ 疑难解答Related Links 相关链接Financial Reports 财务报告Presentations 业务陈述Financial Snapshot 金融快照Strategic Sponsorships 战屡赞助6、庞巴迪Bombardier /Mission and Values 使命和价值Leadership team 领导队伍History 公司历史worldwide presence 跨国公司Investor Facts 投资者Press Releases 新闻发布Analyst Coverage 分析师Credit Ratings 信用级别Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题Glossary 术语7、沃尔玛Walmart /corporation information 公司概述around the world 沃尔玛全球业务拓展Wal-Mart Global Date Sheet 沃尔玛全球基本介绍Business Categories 业务种类Super center 购物广场Culture 公司文化History 历史回顾Special People 特别人物Founder 创始人8、雪佛龙Chevron /human energy stories 人类能量故事Global issues 全球问题energy sources 能源products & services 产品和服务Our Businesses 我们的产品Diversity 多样性Advertising 广告业务Company Profile 公司简介Operational Excellence 卓越经营9、宝洁公司P&G /Inspired By purpose 以宗旨为引领Purpose & People 价值观&原则Heritage 历史core strengths 企业荣誉health and well-being 产品安全Latest innovations 新鲜情报Household Care 生活顾问10、西门子Siemens /Management & Corporate Structure 管理团队Businesses 业务纵览vision and strategy 策略与愿景Value 价值观Siemens Worldwide 西门子各地办事处Job & Careers 招贤纳士social media & mobile 社会媒体及手机consumer products 消费品communication networks 通讯网络。
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Pepsi's Mission and VisionPepsiCo a very famous company. Their products are sold worldwide. Has 140,000 employees in more than 200 countries and territories. You almost can find their products in any stores, supermarkets or restaurant. When we talk about coke, always think of red Coca-Cola and blue Pepsi. The two companies almost dominate the worldwide beverage market. PepsiCo made brilliant achievements in beverage industry and food industry. For two consecutive years was named "World's most commendable beverage companies' first place. In the half century, PepsiCo continues to grow, get a lot of honors. Those classic advertising slogan spread so far. As an industry leader, undoubtedly, PepsiCo's products, strategy, corporate culture, mission and vision is very good.Mission and Vision. We can often see them in business. They are company’s navigation lights. Because of them, companies will have a target, and found suitable for the business development strategy and core values. Many people who is new to touch them will Mistake their mean. Both of them have this mean – Task. However, there are differences between them. Today I want to introduce the relationship‘Mission and Vision’ and company.What is Mission?Mission: Reason for existence of the company and the pursuit of value. It explains the company’s fundamental purpose, the basic task of development and basic norms and principles of the company. Company mission also revealed that what is our business.Mission also reflects the company philosophy. The Values, beliefs and codes of conduct.Mission is very important for a company. Mission Description Company’s attitude, outlook and orientation. Order to truly determine Enterprise mission is very time-consuming. It involves extensive, have a deep relationship with business strategy. Company mission has many effects. 1. Indicate the direction for company development. Enable company to occurs change, provide the basis for business activities, help company establish the image and make company gain confidence. 2. Mission is the premise of company strategy development, is basis of customized strategic plan. 3. Mission is the basis for strategic action. Efficient allocation and use of corporate resources, provide the impetus for the implementation of corporate strategy.We need what kind of mission? I feel a mission should meet four requirements. First is practicality. Mission is not a decoration, your made it is to use, this’s your business philosophy, its constraints your employees. Second, Mission must reflect company’s deep-seated purposes. Third, distinction between your company and other companies. Fourth, must be easy to understand and easy to remember. The more people understand your mission, the more people support your business.Mission can determine the main business areas. Companies operating is a process to make customer satisfaction, not a process to production and sales. The product is temporary, customer groups is eternal.Company mission and company culture can promote each other. Corporate culture isthe sum of all employees to comply that common sense, values, ethics, code of conduct and guidelines. Is a good company culture cooperation with company strategic objectives, this is a valuable asset; if a bad company culture work with company strategic objectives, it’s a burden.PepsiCo’s Mission.“Our mission is to be the world's premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.”This is PepsiCo’s Mission. In this Mission, we can find many information. Customers: in mission, PepsiCo said they are consumer Products Company, their customer are shopper.Product: convenient foods and beverages. The key to success or lies in business is products’ or services’ market performance. PepsiCo explained its product type. Guide customers know what their business.Market Range: By this mission, PepsiCo’s market range is worldwide. Show they have a wide business range and large volume of business.Earnings: PepsiCo seek to produce financial rewards to investors. Company want make money, investors can get dividends.Company philosophy: honesty, fairness and integrity. Correct philosophy is mostimportant to guarantee business success.Care for other people: growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities. It will make PepsiCo establish a good company image. If I did not know PepsiCo before, after look its mission, I will feel that PepsiCo is a multinational company such as sale foods and beverages (I don’t know they sale which kinds foods and which flavor beverages, in fact, it's too many products. many brands of things we eat are belong PepsiCo). This company wants to be a leader in foods and beverages industry. The company will help employees, business partners and the communities to growth. Its philosophy is honesty, fairness and integrity.My first impression of this company is good. They have lofty ideals, correct concept and responsible attitude. As a customer it attracts me to consume; as an investor it attracts me to invest.What is Vision?For a company, vision is company’s future looking forward, pursuit of dreams. Company vision is the direction of the business forward, the market position company want to occupy. It has role in shaping the strategic framework and guide management decisions. A good vision plan includes two main components. One is the core business philosophy. It company's core values, core purpose, and company advocate what things. Core values are the most important creed, it does not change with time. Core values didn’t need outside evaluation, its value and importance for internal members.A company can achieve corporate strategic or goals, but can’t completely achieved, it’s an eternal pursuit. So we need core purpose. Another one is a vivid future prospects. It contains the company's eager, what want to become, to achieve or to create. Want to get these aims should through the development and changes. The role of future prospects is to stimulate change and progress. A vivid future can have ambitious goals. The greater goal make higher pressure, pressure to improve driving force. Of course, this should be based on the actual situation, if you can’t see the hope to success, early to give up. When you description of future prospects, should grasp the three points--passion, appealing and convincing. After grasp them, I think your description will be more vivid and wonderful.How to build a company vision?Construction of a vision is not easy, before your conceived, your need to consider many issues. You should to know future goals of various departments; Commitment to the vision of the various departments; Departments jointly decided company vision; Assessment of vision. Of course, many problems are noteworthy. For example: What new needs of customers we should be prepared to meet? What new market segments should be concerned? Where are the new areas or product market? After five years of business, company will achieve any achievements? What kind of company we try to become?I think a good vision should have these features. First is easy to understand. Same like the mission, simple is more easily to accepted. The second is has attraction. So thatcustomers will attention you for a long time. Third is the vision should operability, should practical. Help company establish a set of criteria.PepsiCo’s Vision“Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.Performance with PurposeAt PepsiCo, we're committed to achieving business and financial success while leaving a positive imprint on society - delivering what we call Performance with Purpose.Our approach to superior financial performance is straightforward - drive shareholder value. By addressing social and environmental issues, we also deliver on our purpose agenda, which consists of human, environmental, and talent sustainability.”From PepsiCo’s vision we can find some information. PepsiCo want through environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society. They do so in order to enhance the company's image. The company has a good reputation, media would wantonly commend you. You don’t need to advertise, The Company’s image is the best advertising. A real case, a Chinese beverage company—JDB, donation100,000,000 for an earthquake in 2008. JDB Company establish a good image of national enterprises. Now, JDB sales is first in the country for six consecutive years. So customers like conscience enterprise. Conscience not only refers to the quality andproduct aftermarket, but also has sense of responsibility, contribute to society. PepsiCo put into action is mutually beneficial. PepsiCo want to create shareholder value through sustainable development. The approach is simple, just use superior financial performance. This is Pepsi's answer to investors. This vision not mention of Business Development, I think specific content in its business strategic.Similarities and differences of the company Mission and VisionMission and vision have differences and connections. Mission is “who we are, what we do, and why we are here”, mission emphasis on external, used for others to see. Facilitate community to understand and oversee the company. Vision is “What we want to be”. Vision focus on internal. Used to motivate staff and standardize enterprise development. Mission is more abstract, vision is more specific. Company mission is the starting point of vision, the mission is an integral part of the vision. Like built a house, mission is foundation, vision is floors.PepsiCo Values & PhilosophyCore values are the ultimate conviction for enterprises. It passes the test of time. It is the spirit of the guidelines for company, very employee must abide. What is the role of core values?1.Core values can shape the company characteristic culture.2.Core values are the guiding ideology of employees.3.Core values will form company Code of Conduct.4.Core values can decide the fate of the company development.“Our Values & Philosophy are a reflection of the socially and environmentally responsible company we aspire to be. They are the foundation for every business decision we make.”In here, PepsiCo talk about sustained growth, empowered People and responsibly. This is the core values. Sustained growth inspire company go to success. Helps company understand whether today's actions is meaningful for the future. Empowered people means that company have the freedom to act and think. Responsibility and trust is the foundation of healthy development. Should practice what they preach, fulfill company’s commitmentsGuiding PrinciplesPrinciple is the company's self-restraint. PepsiCo have 6 Principles.1” Care for our customers, our consumers and the world we live in.” PepsiCo hope thorough understanding of customers, consumers and communities.2. Sell only products we can be proud of. This is PepsiCo’s product quality requirements. We can find, they sell not only products, also show their confidence.3. Speak with truth and candor. Honesty is a good thing, people want to listen true.4. Win with diversity and inclusion. PepsiCo We embrace people with diverse backgrounds, traits and ways of thinking. Our diversity brings new perspectives into the workplace and encourages innovation, as well as the ability to identify new market opportunities. As a multinational company, business around the world. Culturalenvironment is not the same in various regions. Diversity and inclusion is very important in company to expand business. To adapt, accommodate others, you can easy to be accepted. Diversity and inclusion can encourage innovation and identify new market opportunities.5. Balance short term and long term. PepsiCo weigh both short-term and long-term risks and benefits with every decision. They think keep this balance can help them maintain business growth, and ‘ensures their ideas and solutions are relevant both now and in the future.’6. Respect others and succeed together. PepsiCo think their success depends on mutual respect, inside and outside the company. I think this point is very good. Respect others is certain others ability. Inside the company, mutual respect can make the team more united. Solidarity can improve employee’s motivation, enhance the company's overall competitiveness. Outside the company, respect your partners and competitors. Good relations with partnerships are necessary, because you cooperate with each other and help each other. Why do we have to respect the competitors? If you want advances, you must rely on the opponent. Competitors is own teacher and role model. Competition is an effective way to enhance strength. Attention to your opponents, they knows you. Cherish those good opponents. Between you and opponents except competition, your can have friendship too.No matter mission and vision, values and principles, they are an indispensable part of the company. Mission and vision are the foundation to build the company’s strategyand culture. Values and principles reflects meaning of existence by a company. And the company's Code of Conduct. Has a lot of factors make a company success. The company can continue in a leading position because they are continue to improve These factors. For example, a new company, its goal is to become the world's first. One day it did. What does it do? Destruction of most of its competitors? No, it needs to change. Because it must careful Monopoly Law. Fines doesn’t matter, the trouble is that the company be split. Initiative to change for market, that you can seize the initiative in the market competition.Sources of Reference Information come from./Purpose/Our-Mission-and-Values.。