跨文化商务交际chapter 1


跨文化商务沟通 第一章

跨文化商务沟通 第一章

The Implications of Culture
• Culture is often thought of and composed of the products of a civilization: art, music, dance, literature , architecture, foods, clothes and festivals. • These are the aspects of culture which can be discovered through the senses and are obvious sources of discussions, delight and comparison.
• Each Chapter has Preview, Core Text 1 and Core Text 2.(Put emphasis on Core Text 1, 精讲;Core Text 2, 泛读。 • And some related exercises. • Inl introduction to the core text.
Cross-cultural Business Communication
主编:郁文蕾 华东理工大学出版社
• Class plans:
• 1. Greetings and personal introduction. • 2. The significance of learning the book. • 3. Introduce generally the structure of the book . • 4. Study Chapter One • 5. Deal with related exercises • 6. Summary of class

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

The process of communication
Communication :
• Encoding and decoding are of great
significance to successful communication.
• eg.1. liam ru 4 skt • • 2.“You’re a sexy girl.”
Social perception (values, beliefs, attitudes, world views…)
Unit one
• Communication • Intercultural communication
Study the following counication situation, and try to identify types of communication.
• To avoid cultural misunderstandings
• to enhance of students’ cultural awareness
Study area
Verbal Language (word, thought patterns,...)
Nonverbal language (body language, time concept, spatial language, paralanguage, environment…)
Types of communication
• Human communication • Animal communication • Human-animal communication • Human-machine communication • Machine-machine communication



《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称:跨文化商务交际课程英文《跨文化商务交际》课程学习大纲课程名称: 跨文化商务交际课程英文名称:课程编码: 401022060 学时/学分: 32学时 3学分适用对象: 商务英语专业编写人: 张宁一、课程介绍《跨文化商务交际》为我国高等英语专业商务类核心课程之一。





学习目标一览表1. 掌握本课程的基础性内容,包括跨文化交际学的需求,发展简史及内涵等基本知识点的识记和理解。

知识2. 对跨文化交际理论有较系统的理解和掌握。

目标3. 能够结合本专业特点理论联系实际,透过现象把握其基本规律。

1. 通晓跨文化交流的本质、基本理论和技巧。

2. 了解文化差异产生的过程。

能力目标 3. 掌握基本的沟通方法和策略。

4. 提高英语语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力1. 培养科学、严谨的学习态度、执着探索、创新改革的科学精神。

文化素质2. 培养自身的国际视野、创新意识、跨文化交际和人际交往意识。





1.11 全球化思维方式
• 智力资本
– 全球商业头脑 – 认知复杂性 – 国际视野
• 心理资本
– 对多样性的热情 – 追求冒险 – 自信
• 社会资本
– 跨文化移情 – 人际交往的影响 – 外交
1.12 跨国公司管理方向
• 民族中心主义管理
– 民族中心主义管理部门不必考虑职场中的文化差异。所有的 工人将同样对待。
– 沟通是一个过程,文化就是阐述和解释沟通的结构的。沟 通与人们的生活方式有关。当文化产生相互影响时,就要 调整文化以保证有效沟通。进行跨文化商务沟通时,意识 到各种文化符号之间的相似之处和差异是非常重要的。 – 文化主要有三个维度———语言、物理和心理。
1.2 文化
语言维度 (代码/模式) 语言的 非语言的
1.7 亚文化和亚群体
• 亚文化
– 亚文化是具有能在更大的社会范围内或宏观文化中使自己有 别于他人特点的人群所形成的文化。美国的宏观文化由白种 人形成,占人口的64%。美国最大的亚文化群体是西班牙裔 (或拉丁裔),占16%;非洲裔美国人占14%;亚洲裔占 5%;夏威夷原住民和其他的太平洋岛民占0.2%;土著美国 人和阿拉斯加原住民占0.9%。
• 全球化
– 全球化就是通过社会和商业两种途径传播生活方式。
• 全球本土化
– 全球本土化指的是“全球和本土的相互渗透,会在不同地 理区域导致独特的结果”。
• 增长全球化
– 增长全球化指通用的规范和惯例从一个地方向另一个地方 的扩展。换句话说,它就是给一个群体强加上一种新文化。
1.2 文化
• 文化及其维度
• 多中心主义管理

跨文化商务交际英语unit 1 text1-Culture and communication参考译文(英汉对照版彭炳铭)

跨文化商务交际英语unit 1 text1-Culture and communication参考译文(英汉对照版彭炳铭)

Text 1 Culture and Communication 文化与交际(翻译官:彭炳铭2019.9.20.)Paragraph 1.The term “culture” comes from anthropologists’ studies of human societies. 文化这一术语出自人类学家对人类社会的研究。

Culture is the particular configuration of behaviors, norms, attitudes, values, beliefs and basic assumptions that differ from society to society .文化是由特定行为、道德规范、态度、价值观、信仰、和基本假说等要素构成,这些要素因社会不同而不同。

This means that culture is not “objective” in the sense that phenomena in the natural world are (or seem to be ) objective.意思是:大自然的现象都是客观的,在这个意义上讲,文化就不是“客观的”。

Culture can look different depending upon who does the looking, when they look and from what direction.1/ 20文化看起来是不同的,这有赖于谁在看、何时看、从什么方向(角度)来看。

This makes culture difficult to grasp. 这就使得文化很难掌握。

Paragraph 2.Culture has been defined in many ways but a classic definition is : 文化的定义是多方面的,但有一个经典的定义是:Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior, acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups … the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values.”【译文】文化包含各种外显和内隐的行为模式,这些行为模式通过符号习得和传播,构成了人类群体与众不同的成就。



跨文化商务交际Intercultural Business Communication窦卫霖编著前言一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能力,而且取决于它的文化能力;在国际商务活动中,还取决于它的跨文化交际能力。

















Chapter1Business Communication商务交际1 GreetingsGreeting a guest问候客户How do you do. 你好How do you do. 你好Where are you from? 你从哪儿来I'm from China. 我来自中国You must be Mr. Lin 你一定是林先生吧Yes. I'm Lin Qing. 是的,我是林清Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你Nice to meet you, too 见到你我也很高兴Greeting an Acquaintance问候熟人Hello! Nice to see you 您好!很高兴见到你Nice to see you, too 见到你我也很高兴What's new? 有什么变化吗Noting new ? 没啥变化How's your work going? 工作如何Same as usual . 还是老样子How's your family. 你的家人好吗Very well, thanks. How about your family? 非常好,谢谢,你的家人也好吧Very well, too 也很好How's business 生意怎么样Couldn't be better. 好得不得了Very good 真棒2. ReceptionReceiving a Guest at the AirportA: How was your flight?旅程怎么样?B: Just wonderful! Good food and good service.棒极了。


A: Is this your first visit to Yangzhou?这是你第一次来扬州吗?B: Yes. I hope it won’t be my last.不错。



4. In 1970: ICC was recognized as an independent area of study by the International Communication Association (国际传播学会) 5. In 1972: The first international conference on intercultural communication was held in Japan. 6. In 1983 : Gudykunst ,American well known scholar in ICC, edited the first text on intercultural communication theory, Intercultural
• The focus of this course lies on Intercultural communication (IC)
Course Overview
• Seminar organization • Assessment: • 1)Attendance and participation.
• 3 contact hour per week (lecture) • 6 additional hours per week:
- course book - “fieldwork” (in preparation for presentation)
1.Preview the text :Looking up the new words and expressions before class. 2.Take an active part in class discussions and performances. 3. Choose and read two recommended textbooks on intercultural communication – at least one in English. Books Recommended: [1] Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon : Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach, 外语教学与研究出版社,2000 [2] 贾玉新:《跨文化交际学》,上海外语教育出版社,1997 [3] 林大津:《跨文化交际研究》,福建人民出版社, 1996 [4] 胡文仲:《文化与交际》,外语教学与研究出版社,1997



教案首页3. The Scope and Classification of Communication4. The Process of Communication1) A basic communication model consists of these components: the sender and receiver, the medium or channal, messages, noise, feedback, encoding and decoding.e.g. “That’s all for today. See you all next week.”I(sender) put into words(encoding) my meani ngs that “class is over”(messge) and speak the words(channel) in the hope that the words will be suitably understood(decoding) by the students(receiver).2) Models of Communication① Linear ModelAristotle --- speaker→speach→audience→effectOccasionLasswell --- 5-W modelWho say what in what channal to whom with what effect.② Contextualized ModelContext: the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings and what is meant by this is actually quite complicated. There is physical context, social context and cultural context.II. Business Communication1. Defining Business CommunicationBusiness communication is the exchange of oral, nonverbal, and written messages within (and across the boundaries of) a system of interrelated and interdependent people working to accomplish common tasks and goals.2. Internal and External Communication(1) Internal communication refers to the communication taking place within a given organization through such written or oral channels as memos, reports, proposals, meetings, oral presentations, speeches, and person-to-person and telephone conversationsInternal communication includes: downward/ upward/ horizontal communication.(2) External communication refers to the communication between the organization and the outside institutions and people---the general public, customers, vendors and other businesses, and government officials.3. Formal and Informal Communication(1) Formal communication which refers to such communicative activities as business letter, speech, talk, a product presentation and so on.(2) Informal communication, also called grapevine, exists in almost all organizations and at all levels. It has a small number of activists guiding and influencing the informal communication.Assignment:1. Preview Part 3.2. Review the terms and key points in this part.教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)教案首页Warm-up ActivitiesLook at some pictures and try to identify what cultural differences are displayed. Left: Westerners Right: Chinesea. b.c. d.e. f.g. h.I. The Nature of Culture1. Definitions of Culture(1) Scholars give various definitions of culture from different perspectives. “Culture is the arts and other manifestation of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.”-----Concise oxford Dictionary(2) Culture may be classified by three large categories of elements:-- Artifact (which include items ranging from arrowheads to hydrogen bombs, magic charms to electric lights, and chariots to jet planes)-- Concepts (which include such beliefs or value systems as right or wrong, God and man, ethnic, and the general meaning of life)-- Behavior (which refers to the actual practice of concepts or beliefs)(3) At the most rudimentary, culture consists of two levels: a level of values, or an invisible level and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3. Characteristics of Culture•C ulture influences biological processes:e.g. Sneezing; food culture; sleeping ; giving birth•C ulture is transmitted from generation to generation:‐For cultures to exist and endure, they must ensure that their crucial messages and elements are passed on (through communication).‐Some of the behaviors a culture selects to pass on are universal and others are unique.‐Each individual is heir to a massive “library” of cultural information collected.•C ulture is selected:‐Each culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience.‐What a culture selects to tell each succeeding generation is a reflection of what that culture deems important.‐The notion of selectivity suggests that cultures tend to separate one group from anther.•C ulture is ethnocentric:‐Ethnocentrism is a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth.‐It leads to a subjective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business.•C ultures are interrelated wholes:‐Cultures are coherent and logical systems.‐You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. –Hall (1977)•C ulture is subject to change:‐History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, shifts in values, natural disasters, wars , etc.‐Technology promoted cultural change. (e.g. e-mail)‐Although cultures change, most change affects only the surface structure of the culture. The deep structure resists major alterations.•C ulture is like an iceberg:‐a greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitudes, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits. They are out of our awareness, which makes the study of culture difficult. In order to trulyunderstand a culture, we must explore the behaviors below the waterline.•C ulture is like an onion:‐The skins of an onion - symbols that represent the most superficial and the easiest to perceive by an outsider and the least important to an insider.‐The second skin of the onion is heroes-the kind of people you worship.‐The third skin is rituals-collective activities that are considered socially essential within a culture.‐The core of culture-values, which are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider.II. The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Value(1) Oxford Dictionary: one’s principles or standards or one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life.(2) Hofstede: values are a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others.(3) Kluckhohn: values are a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.2. Priorities of Cultural Values(1) Values can be divided into three types:•U niversal valuesUniversal values are values common to all people.e.g. a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily•C ultural-specific values•P eculiar expression or deviation of individuals within culture.These are aspects of subjective culture. So we say, although each of us has a unique set of individual values, there also are values that tend to permeate a culture. These are called cultural values. Therefore, values tend 10 bebroad-based, enduring, and relatively stable.(2) Priorities of ValuesValues can be classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary.What do you value most? How do your priorities influence your day-to-day activities, especially those relating to your business work'' Begin answering these questions by choosing from the following 20 values that are common to most international cultures, but their importance varies from culture to culture; (1) group harmony, (2) competition. (3) seniority, (4) cooperation, (5) privacy, (6)。


不同国家各自特有的文化(包括语言、价 值观念、思维形式等因素)在跨文化商务沟通 中不可避免地会形成障碍。然而矛盾的双方是 可以相互转化的。把文化的差异和冲突看成是 一种暂时的劣势,恰当、充分地加以利用,使 其巧妙融合,从而转变为一种优势,增强企业 的竞争力不失为明智之举。主要有以下对策:
2.提炼不同文化的共同价值观,进行跨文化 创新
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
(四)跨文化沟通策略 1.发展双向沟通 2.努力实现文化认同 (1)文化上求同存异 (2)沟通中相互适应 (3)思维上消除定势
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
(五)跨文化商务沟通中消除文化差异劣势的 策略
特点:其管理理念具有很强的全球视野, 公司员工的民族属性被淡化,这顺应了经济全 球化和文化融合的取向,更容易被各方接受。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通 第二节 跨文化商务沟通中
人们的沟通沟通方式,包括语言沟通和非 语言沟通。除了语言以外,还使用非语言交际 方式,如手势、身势、眼神、面部表情、服饰、 对于时间和空间的利用等等,在这一领域,文 化同样起着重要的支配作用。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
跨文化商务沟通是个新的概念,是不同文 化背景的经营管理者之间的沟通。跨文化商务 沟通由跨文化、沟通和商务三个变量组合而成, 这三个变量相互作用,有机组合,产生整合效 应。
要做好跨文化商务沟通,可以选择的模式 主要有:
第十章 跨文化商务沟通

跨文化商务交际 Chapter 1 Culture, Communication and Cross

跨文化商务交际 Chapter 1 Culture, Communication and Cross

Culture Focus Case Study 1
This part helps you have a general idea about the cultural diversity in the workplace and communication in high- context culture and low- context culture. Cases are given for your further understanding. And then you are asked to finish the tasks.
Encounter Video Watching
Watch the video “ What Is Culture ” and complete the following tasks.
Encounter Video Watching
Task 1 Work in pairs, and discuss whether the following statements are true or false based on what you’ve
Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
On completion of this chapter you are able to: 1. understand what culture is and what elements culture includes; 2. have an understanding of your own culture; 3. get to know what cross-cultural communication is.
to the understanding of the world.

BETchapter 1

BETchapter 1

Moon likes water, it flows/drops/casts/stays/pours… The moonlight just like the flowing water, pouring… The moon light as water, it poured… Nap, snap?snack? 梵婀玲? Fan Aling? 满月? Complete month?
文学翻译: 没有标准答案
Moonlight is like flowing water, pouring peacefully onto the leaves and flowers. Filmy mists rise in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers are as if washed in cow’s milk, like a dream covered with light yarn. Although it is a full moon, there is a thin layer of cloud in the sky. The moon cannot get through to give full light. But I think it’s just about perfect- although sound sleeps are necessary, naps also have a special flavor. Moonlight is passing through trees. Bushes from higher ground cast irregular black shadows, like ghosts. The beautiful shadows of bending willows are sparsely drawn on the lotus leaves. Moonlight in the pond is not even, but lightness and shadows are in harmony, like sublime music played on a violin.


knives and forks
In Europe, people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand throughout the meal, a system that is generally agreed to be more efficient than the American zigzag method.
3. Dressing and dining 3.1 Dressing rules
What you wear, your hairstyle, the polish of your shoes and even the look of your fingernails
An expensive watch is usually noticed and is considered a subtle symbol of success and prosperity in just about every culture doing international business.
4. Social customs
Customs are behaviors
generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances. Customs vary not only by country but also by region or location within a country.
4.2 Invitation

跨文化商务交际 教材

跨文化商务交际 教材

























跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

Types of Human Communication
• Interpersonal Communication • Intrapersonal Communication (Within) • Mass Communication • Group Communication • Public Communication • Business Communication • Intra-cultural Communication • Intercultural/International Communication
she’s going to stay.
• Can you diagnose Litz’ problem? • Litz’ encoding: • Dick’s decoding:
Cross-cultural Communication
The greatest distance between people is not _s_p_a_ce__ but _c_u_lt_u_re
When we stop communicating, we die ,not in body but in spirit.
Classroom activities
Case study Group discussion Team presentation
The aim of the course
To appreciate and evaluate different cultural systems in order to communicate successfully
cow. 4.A programmer issues commands to a computer. 5. A hen cluck to her chicks. 6. My washing machine receives commands from

《跨文化商务交际实训》课件 Lesson One

《跨文化商务交际实训》课件 Lesson One
Mr. Philip: Where’s the report? You have it ready, don’t you? (Mr. Philip thinks: He should keep his deadline. Otherwise, I can’t trust him in the future.) (Mr. Wang thinks: Didn’t he see how hard I have been working?What he required is not practical at all. What kind of boss is he?)
Mr. Philip and Mr. Wang are talking about the report. Mr. Philip: When can you finish the report? (Mr. Philip thinks: I need it for the meeting.) (Mr. Wang thinks: Why did he ask me about this?) Mr. Wang : I am not sure. When do you need it?
Lesson one:
Reviewing Intercultural Business Communication
Warm-up Cases
Self-study Introduction
3 Culture-Based Functional Language
Supplementary Reading
• The Basics of Cultural Values


• The local manager, a Peruvian, replied:
• “Here’s your headcount: we have 30 in the factory, 15 in the office, 5 in the hospital on sick leave, none broken down by sex. If you must know, our problem here is with alcohol.” (Axtell, 1994)
Copyright © 2014 Pearson
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Perceptions & Stereotypes
• Perceptions are learned through the dimensions of culture. Culture is learned through perception.
Education, Inc.
Stereotypes of U.S. Persons
• Informal relationships • Rather formal in business attire
(suits for men; dresses or suits for women) • Workaholics • Embarrass foreign businesspeople • Overly concerned with time, money, and appointments
• Diffusion - the process by which two cultures learn and adapt materials and adopt practices of each other


___The Concise Oxford Dictionary
Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviour, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
Kinship Education Economy Politics Religion Association Health Recreation
A man’s second nature
A way of overcoming vulnerability
——Bates and Plog
文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获 得的知识、经验、行为、态度、阶级、宗 教、时间观、角色、空间观、宇宙观和艺 术品的集合。
5) Our Definitions
Culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”
文化是一种可习得的、基于群体的认知模 式---包括言语和非言语符号、态度、价值 观、信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。
4)From Intercultural Perspective
“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.”
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Section 4: Brainstorming
• Please give the Chinese translation of the proverbs in the text. • Find some traditional Chinese proverbs after class.
Reading 2: Intercultural Communication
• What is intercultural communication according to the text? • What are the forms of intercultural communication?
• Order is a dominant theme • Astrong drive for conformity • A demand for high-quality,long-lasting gs from German
Section 2: Case Analysis
Case 1: Japanese Hotel Case 2: Life of Germans
Case One: Japanese Hotel
• Hospitality
• The Attitude towards Hospitality
Case Two: Life of Germans
A Fly in a Beer
Englishman: May I have another, please? Frenchman: pour the beer out Spanish man: put the money on the table and leave without a word Japanese: summon the manager and criticize, “do you do all your business like this?”
Section 3: Reading
Reading 1: Culture & Communication Reading 2: Intercultural Communication Reading 3: What is Cultural Globalization
Reading 1: Culture & Communication
Section 1: An Introduction to the Topic
Culture and Communication "Culture is communication and communication is culture." ----Hall "Whenever people interact they communicate. To live in societies and to maintain their culture they have to communicate." ----A.G.Smith Ed.
在第一个例子中,Xiao hui 作为翻译,她要表达的意思是 “if you are tired, we can take a little rest, since you are getting on in years” (您累了的话,我们可以休息一会儿,因为您年纪大了) 这句话一说出来,如果听话者是中国人,一定会认为翻译很懂 礼貌,但听话者是一位来自美国的老太太,她的反应与我们预 期中的反应是大为不同,连用两个 “not”,可以感觉到一丝不 乐意。 造成上面情况的原因何在?在西方国家,人们不愿意接受 自己变老的事实,更不愿意别人说自己老。另外,中西方文化 在表示关心的方式也不一样,前者倾向于用陈述句,比如“你 一定累坏了”;后者倾向于用疑问句,比如“how are you doing now?”
• Are all aspects of human life touched or altered by culture? Why? • What aspects does communication include according to the passage? • What should we do to appreciate the impact of cultural difference when people from different cultures interact face-to-face?
Arab: give the beer to the waiter and say, “I will buy you a drink” American: “please serve the fly and beer separately. If the customer likes the fly, he could put it into his beer himself.”
Reading 3: What is Cultural Globalization
• What is cultural globalization? • What are the primary instruments for cultural globalization? • What accelerates cultural globalization? • What goes hand in glove with cultural globalization?
Definition of culture
Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
注释:deposit: n. 储蓄,积淀;artifact: n.人工制品;
Section 2: Case Analysis
Warm-up cases
Showing concern 表示关心 In China: Xiao Li (an interpreter): you must be tired. you’re old… Catherine (an elderly American lady): oh, I’m NOT old, and I'm NOT tired. In the West: A: How are you doing now? Would you like to rest? B: No, not a bit.
What can we learn from the different attitudes toward the same event?
Englishman Frenchman Spanish man Japanese Arab American seriousness 严肃 arrogance 傲慢 generosity 慷慨 critical approach 批判 sarcasm 讽刺 humor 幽默
Chapter 1
Culture and Communication
Section 1: An Introduction to the Topic Section 2: Case Analysis Section 3: Reading Section 4: Brainstorming Section 5: After-class Reading Section 6: My Big Project
• When you are doing business with Germans, what should you pay attention to? • Preview Chapter 2