





汇编语言习题一、单项选择题1. 汇编语言源程序中,每个语句由四项组成,如语句要完成一定功能,那么该语句中不可省略的项是( )。

A、名字项B、操作项C、操作数项D、注释项2. 在汇编语言程序中,对END语句的叙述正确的是()。

A、是一可执行语句B、表示程序执行到此结束C、表示源程序到此结束D、在汇编后要产生机器码3. 汇编语言源程序中,每个语句可由四项组成,其中名字项是一个符号,下面列出的有效名字是()A、VariableB、First & ldC、0FFFFHD、'Memphis'4.用一条指令仅实现将BX+SI=>AX的方法是()A、XCHG AX,[BX][SI]B、MOV AX,[BX+SI]C、LEA AX,BX[SI]D、LEA AX,[BX][SI]5.设 SP初值为2000H,执行指令"PUSH AX"后,SP的值是()A、1FFFHB、1998HC、2002HD、1FFEH6.条件转移指令JC产生程序转移的条件是()A、CF=1B、CF=0C、CF=1和ZF=1D、CF=1和ZF=07.选用串操作指令时,错误的操作是()A、置方向标志位B、根据串操作指令设置重复次数并送入CXC、设置源操作数及目的操作数指针D、源操作数和目的操作数都可以加段超越8.设AL=20H,SI=0500H,DS=3000H,(30500H)=0C0H,CF=1。

执行SBB AL,[SI]后,正确的结果是()A、AL=5FH SF=1 CF=1B、AL=60H SF=1 CF=0C、AL=5FH SF=0 CF=1D、AL=60H SF=0 CF=09.设AX=1000H,执行NOT AX指令后,正确的结果是()A、AX=1001HB、AX=0EFFHC、AX=1000HD、AX=0111H10. 设DS=8225H,DI=3942H,指令NEG BYTE PTR[DI]操作数的物理地址是( )A、85B92HB、86192HC、BB690HD、12169H11. 可用作寄存器间接寻址或基址、变址寻址的地址寄存器,正确的是()A、AX,BX,CX,DXB、DS,ES,CS,SSC、SP,BP,IP,BXD、SI,DI,BP,BX12. 循环指令LOOPNZ终止循环的条件是( )。





A) PUSH AL B) ADDC AX,50HC) MOV [SI],[DI] D) JMP WORD PTR[BX+5]见书:35页,PUSH2.执⾏下列程序段后,(AX)= ________。

TAB DW 1,2,3,4,5,6ENTRY EQU 3MOV BX, OFFSET TABADD BX,ENTRYMOV AX,[BX]A) 0003H B) 0300H C) 0400H D) 0004H3.NC 指令不影响 _________标志。

A) OF B) CF C) ZF D) SF4.执⾏下列指令后:STR1 DW ‘AB’STR2 DB 16 DUP(?)CNT EQU $ -STR1MOV CX,CNTMOV AX,STR1HLT寄存器CL的值是________,寄存器AX的值是________。

① A) 10H B) 12H C) 0EH D) 0FH② A) 00ABH B) 00BAH C) 4142H D) 4241H5.汇编语⾔源程序经汇编后不能直接⽣成⽂件。

A).OBJ B).LST C).EXE D).CRF6.8086 CPU在基址加变址的寻址⽅式中,已知BX=2000H,SI=1234H,则指令“MOV AX,[BX+SI+2]”的源操作在中。

(A)数据段中偏移量为3236H的字节(B)数据段中偏移量为3234H的字节(C)附加段中偏移量为3236H的字节(D)附加段中偏移量为3234H的字节(A)19,20 (B)20,⽆右孩⼦(C)⽆左孩⼦,20 (D)⽆左孩⼦,⽆右孩⼦7.执⾏下⾯的程序段后,DAT1单元的值是。




标题用户为了解决自己的问题,用汇编语言所编写的程序,称为十进制数–100 的8 位二进制数的补码为将.OBJ文件转换为.EXE可执行文件的是对汇编语言源程序进行翻译的程序是将高级语言程序翻译成机器语言代码的实用程序是查看用户程序中数据段10号存储单元的DEBUG命令是在DEBUG下,修改寄存器AX的命令是从200H开始反汇编的DEBUG命令是把汇编源程序变成代码程序的过程是能被计算机直接识别的语言是在微机系统中分析并控制指令执行的部件是在计算机的CPU中执行算术逻辑运算的部件是在标志寄存器中表示溢出的标志是在汇编语言中,能够翻译成二进制代码的指令是若计算机字长16位,则无符号整数的范围用十六进制表示为在计算机中一个字节有几位二进制数组成设物理地址(10FF0H)=10H,(10FF1H)=20H,(10FF2H)=30H,从地址10FF1中取用什么指出下一条要执行的指令所在单元的偏移地址代码段寄存器是在80x86标志寄存器中,ZF=1表示两个操作数运算时,下列哪种结果会发生溢出设有一个双精度数12A034B0H,将它存放在双字单元12000H,那么123002H中存堆栈的逻辑地址由什么组成某内存单元的逻辑地址为3458:2C92H,其物理地址是唯一代表存储空间中每个字节单元地址的是IP指令指针寄存器是属于某个加法运算结果使标志ZF=1,则标志SF为8086/8088 确定下一条执行指令物理地址的计算表达式为若用户堆栈位于存储区10000H~1FFFFH,则该堆栈的段地址是有效地址是指执行指令PUSH CX后,堆栈指针SP自动指令MOV AX,[1000H],源操作数的寻址方式是指令MOV AX,ES:COUNT[DI],源操作数的寻址方式是指令MOV DX,COUNT[BP][DI]的执行结果是若(AX)=2530H,(BX)=18E6H,则MOV [BX],AL指令正确的执行结果为若(DS)=1240H,(BX)=8936H,则MOV AX,[BX]指令源操作数的物理地址是若(SS)=1383H,(DS)=2378H,(SI)=492AH,则ADD AX,[SI]指令源操作数的物若(SI)=1310H,(BX)=3213H,(DS)=3593H,则SUB DX,[BX][SI]的有效地址是指令MOV BX,MASK[BP],若MASK=3540H,(SS)=1200H,(DS)=1300H,(BP)=116指令MOV AX,COUNT[BX]完成的操作是指令MOV DX,DELTA[BX][SI]的源操作数保存在操作数地址由BX寄存器指出,则它的寻址方式是指令MOV ES:[BX],AX中,目的操作数的寻址方式为一条指令中目的操作数不允许使用的寻址方式是下列哪句话是错误的不能用MOV指令赋初值的段寄存器是下列传送指令中,有错误的是若AX=1E30H,BX=12E4H,则ADD AL,BL的执行结果为AL=?,CF=?若AX=1240H,CX=9939H,则ADD AX,CX执行后,AH=?若BL=83H,CF=1,则ADC BL,90H执行后,BL=?若DX=1010H,BX=0923H,则SUB DX,BX的执行结果为SP栈指针内容是1200H,执行两条PUSH指令之后,SP的值是换码指令XLAT要求给出存储单元的有效地址为下列哪个指令可以把字扩展为双字关于字节乘法指令错误的说法是关于字除法指令错误的说法是下列四条指令执行后不影响标CF志位的是已知(AX)=0001H,下列四条指令执行后,不能使ZF=1的语句是在8086/8088系统中,约定用于形成堆栈段数据物理地址的寄存器有指令MOV AX,1234H中的立即数1234H是存储在完成将AX清零,并且使CF清零,下面错误的指令是VAR是数据段中定义的变量,指令 MOV AX,VAR 源操作数的寻址方式是下列指令执行后,一定能使 CF=0的指令是下列寄存器组中在段内寻址时可以提供偏移地址的寄存器组是执行INC指令除对于SF、ZF有影响外,还要影响的标志位是下列传送指令中有语法错误的是下面指令执行后,改变AL寄存器内容的指令是如AX=1000H,则连续两条NEG AX指令执行后,AX的值为下面所列通用数据传送指令的几种传送中,错误的传送方式是完成对DX的有符号数除以2的指令是使进位位置1的指令是设(AL)=-15,要使(AL)=15应使用的指令是下面的XCHG指令中,语法正确的是在执行NEG指令时,对标志位CF有影响,其影响的规则是算术右移SAR和逻辑右移SHR两条指令执行结果完全相同的情况是指令MOV CX,[BP+16]的源操作数采用的段寄存器是指令MOV AX,ES:[BX][SI]源操作数的物理地址是运算类指令的寻址和转移类指令的寻址,两者的不同之处是下列指令中,属于非法指令的是下列指令中,有语法错误的是若标志DF为0,则执行串操作MOVS指令后,寄存器SI、DI会假设SS=2000H、SP=0100H、AX=2021H,执行指令PUSH AX,存放数据21H的将寄存器AX的内容乘以2的正确指令序列是执行DEC指令不影响的标志位是下面指令执行后,将改变AL寄存器内容的指令是执行除法指令后,影响的标志位是下列指令中,不影响标志位的指令是下列指令中,执行后,不改变标志位CF的是下列指令执行后,总是使CF=OF=0的是CBW指令的功能是下列4条指令MUL BX、DIV BL、IN AX,20H、OUT 21H,AL中,有几条指令需要使用一条指令实现AX←BX+SI的方法是设AX=1000H,则执行下列指令 NEG AX NOT AX后,AX=?当执行指令“ADD AX,BX”后,设置的奇偶标志位PF=1,则下面的叙述正确的完成对寄存器BX的内容求补运算,下面错误的指令是下列指令中不等价的是在MOVSB指令中,其目的串的物理地址为若DX=1010H,则AND DX,DX的执行结果为能实现有符号数乘以2的移位指令是将AL的2、6位屏蔽为0,其余位保持不变的指令是将AL的第4位置1,其余位不变,指令是不能将AL清0的指令是对键盘输入的数字和字母进行判断,用指令将键盘输入的小写字母变为大写,指令是顺序执行PUSH AX和POP BX两条指令,其功能等同于逻辑移位指令SHL可用于执行IN AL,DX指令后,进入AL寄存器的数据来自将十进制数75以压缩BCD码送入AX,正确的指令是设AH=10H,执行NEG AH指令后,正确的结果是如果SS=600H,则说明堆栈段起始于物理地址下列指令中有操作数在代码段中的是假设AL=5,要使得AL=0AH,应执行的指令是执行OR AL,80H后,可以肯定的执行结果是AL寄存器的MUL CL指令实现的功能是经过汇编产生的二进制目标文件是汇编语言源程序是指在汇编期间,为汇编程序提供分段信息的是在COUNT DB 5这条存储单元定义伪指令中,COUNT称为将10个字数据3456H存放在存储单元中的伪指令是将字符串“INPUT”保存到存储单元MESS,正确的伪指令是若X已经定义为字型,可以用哪个操作改变为字节型INC WORD PTR [BX]指令中的操作数的数据类型是如果想让程序从100H开始存放及执行,须用指令用来指出一条汇编指令所在存储单元地址的符号称为汇编语言中存储单元的属性不能是用指令MOV BX,SEG COUNT指令,可以得到存储单元COUNT的DOS功能调用中,功能号应写入哪个寄存器中显示一个字符的DOS功能调用,要求将字符放入获得BUFFER单元有效地址的汇编指令为要在程序中定义缓冲区BUF,保留9个字节存储空间的语句是在汇编语言源程序中,表达式的计算是由哪个完成的有数据定义NUM DB 3 DUP('12345'),经汇编后,NUM占有几个字节存储单元汇编语言源程序每个语句可以由四项组成,如语句要完成一定功能,那么该语与MOV BX,OFFSET VAR指令完全等效的指令是BUF DW 10H DUP(3 DUP(2,10H),3,5)语句汇编后,为变量BUF分配的存储单元利用数据定义伪指令定义数据:BUF DB 4 DUP(0,2 DUP(1,0)),定义后存储单已定义 FEES DW 100 DUP(0),则指令MOV CX,SIZE FEES的等效指令是当一个程序使用DOS系统功能调用退出用户程序时,在编写INT 21H指令前,应下面有语法错误的指令是下面指令序列执行后, MOV AL,BYTE PTR X SHL AL,1 DEC AL MOV BYTE PTR Y,AL完成的的算术表达式应是设有一程序段定义如下: ORG 0024H AR1 DW 4,5,$+4 ┆ MOV AX,AR1+4执行后,AX中正确的内容是DOS系统功能调用的屏幕显示字符是几号调用析值运算符LENGTH只有用什么定义的变量才有意义。


问:①该程序完成的功能是:_______ ②该程序的循环次数是:_______
指令是( )
18、判当AX的内容为负数时,转MINUS 执行,下
② ADD SI,2
③ SHL AX, 1 ④ OR AX,AX
13、执行1号DOS系统功能调用后,从键盘输入的 字符应存放在( )
① AL中 ② BL中 ③ CL中 ④ DL中 14、设数据定义如下:
ARRAY DW 1,2,3 执行指令ADD SI,TYPE ARRAY 相当于完成下面 同等功能的指令是( ) ① ADD SI,1 ② ADD SI,2 ③ ADD SI,3 ④ ADD SI,0 15、设数据定义如下:




2024年中考英语模拟真题分类汇编之单项选择(安徽专用)1.(2023·安徽合肥·二模)—How can I make friends easily in the new school?—You can make the first ________ by starting a lovely conversation.A.move B.deal C.law D.order【答案】A【详解】句意:——在新学校里我怎样才能容易地交到朋友?——你可以通过开始一段愉快的谈话来迈出第一步。



make the first move意为“迈出第一步、主动出击”,故选A。

2.(2023·安徽合肥·二模)It’s always a good idea to tour around Hongcun Village ________ you’d like to enjoy traditional Hui culture.A.until B.if C.so D.before【答案】B【详解】句意:如果你想欣赏徽派传统文化,游览宏村是个不错的主意。



根据“It’s always a good idea to tour around Hongcun Village”和“you’d like to enjoy traditional Hui culture”可知,空处考查if引导的条件状语从句,后句是前句的条件,故选B。

3.(2023·安徽合肥·二模)—Have you got everything ready for the party?—Oh. I haven’t got a cake. I’ll buy ________ in the store.A.it B.one C.this D.that【答案】B【详解】句意:——聚会的一切都准备好了吗?——哦。



备战2023中考英语上海虹口区2022-2020年中考英语一模试题单项选择汇编一、单项选择1.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)Which of the following words is pronounced /’kɒntækt/?A.concert B.contest C.collect D.contact 2.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)At last it seemed that the war night be coming to end.A.a B.an C.the D./ 3.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)Mary’s got many useful on her class project from the school library.A.information B.advice C.news D.books 4.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)The 2nd China International Import Expo was held November, 2019.A.at B.on C.in D.from 5.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)The young people dreamed of having a flat of own some day in the future.A.they B.them C.their D.themselves 6.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)My computer at home doesn’t work as as the one in the school office.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 7.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)The police are worried about the of the boy who has been missing for 3 days.A.save B.safe C.safely D.safety 8.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模) can make Jessica change her mind. She is a person who never gives up easily.A.Anything B.Something C.Nothing D.Everything 9.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)-- will the Beijing Winter Olympic Games be held? -- In about 2 years.A.How long B.When C.How many D.Where 10.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)They rushed to the hospital, they weretoo late.A.but B.though C.or D.so11.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)You are not allowed to enter the exhibition you have a ticket.A.if B.when C.unless D.because 12.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)Christy has been in China for a few years,but she still speak Chinese.A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t 13.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)We a class meeting on rubbish classification(分类)this time last Monday.A.were having B.are having C.had D.will have 14.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)By the end of last Friday, we over 2000 tickets altogether.A.sold B.would sell C.are selling D.had sold 15.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)The naughty boy denied the expensive vase when his parents asked him.A.breaking B.broken C.to break D.break 16.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)Miss Wang in our school since she graduated from Shanghai University.A.teaches B.has taught C.was teaching D.taught 17.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模) beautiful music! Was it newly writtenby Jay Chou?A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 18.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)Jerry, to form a mind picture if you want to remember the long word.A.tries B.trying C.try D.to try 19.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)—In my opinion, buying books online cansave us a lot of money.—________A.That’s all right.B.I’m sorry to hear that.C.I think so, too.D.It’s my pleasure.20.(2020·上海虹口·统考一模)-- . --Oh, I’ll take your advice. A.You’d better drink more water. You coughed a lot.B.You deserve to get first prize in the contest, I think.C.You look so attractive in your white dress. I like it.D.You will have a pleasant time in Beijing, I hope.21.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)After half an hour's discussion, they were all in _______ favor of my suggestion.A.a B.an C.the D./ 22.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)My friend suggests I read comic strips to relax _______ in my spare time.A.me B.my C.myself D.mine 23.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)When I was very young, my grandparents cared _______ me.A.of B.after C.for D.with 24.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)I'd like to discuss some environmental problems with _______ of the group.A.others B.other C.the other D.the rest 25.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)The little girl felt _______ when she heard a strange noise.A.frighten B.frightening C.frightened D.fright 26.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)I believe the harder you work, _______ grades you'll get in exams.A.better B.the better C.the good D.the best27.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)Not only Tom but also his sister _______ fond of reading science fiction.A.are B.is C.were D.am 28.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)I _______ great progress in my study since you taught me your good learning method.A.have made B.had made C.made D.would make 29.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)We'd better _______ the seven-step hand washing method to keep healthy.A.following B.followed C.to follow D.follow 30.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)The little boy admitted _______ the vase on the shelf at last.A.to break B.break C.breaking D.broke 31.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)The food in this restaurant _______ be very delicious because the restaurant is always crowded with customers. A.must B.should C.can't D.may 32.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)It was surprising that Huoshengshan Hospital _______ in about ten days in February, 2020.A.built B.was built C.has been built D.will be built 33.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)_______ unusual lesson we had today! We've learned a lot about magic.A.What a B.What an C.What D.How 34.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)She was very tired, _______ she continued her work until midnight.A.and B.so C.but D.for 35.(2021·上海虹口·统考一模)We are encouraged to plant more trees _______ our country will be greener and more beautiful.A.until B.unless C.so that D.as long as 36.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)The exciting football game didn’t come to ________ end until midnight.A.a B.an C.the D./ 37.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)If you forget to bring your dictionary, I can share ________ with you.A.me B.my C.mine D.myself 38.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)The children learned how to depend ________ themselves through the six months’ training.A.for B.with C.of D.on 39.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Parents are supposed to care for ________ their children’s physical health ________ their mental health. A.not…but B.neither…nor C.either…or D.not only…but also40.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)The staff completed the project before the schedule and the manager seemed ________.A.satisfied B.humorous C.surprisedly D.happily 41.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Teenagers should use as ________ electronic products as possible to protect their eyes.A.little B.few C.fewer D.least 42.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Our monitor has just gone to the gym, but I don’t know ________ he will come back.A.how fast B.how far C.how long D.how soon 43.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Sorry, I’m afraid I ________ complete the difficult task by myself.A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 44.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)A new factory ________ to deal with water pollution last month.A.was built B.will be built C.has been built D.has built 45.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)High school students are required ________ part in the volunteer project every term.A.take B.taking C.took D.to take46.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Martin denied ________ others’ answers in the history exam.A.copy B.to copy C.copying D.copied 47.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)In recent months, every corner of our neighbourhood ________ greatly.A.are changing B.has changed C.had changed D.will change 48.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)If you ________ nervous before exams, you can take a deep breath and calm yourself down.A.is getting B.will get C.get D.got 49.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)You can’t cook ________ you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen.A.after B.unless C.if D.since 50.(2022·上海虹口·统考一模)Don’t jump to conclusions, ________ you may make a mistake.A.and B.so C.or D.For参考答案:1.D【详解】句意:下面那个单词的发音是/ˈkɒntækt/?考查单词的读音。



一.单项选择题(30分)在中断服务程序中至少应有一条()A.传送指令B.转移指令C.加法指令D.中断返回指令2.当MCS-51复位时,下面说法准确の是()A.PC=0000HB.SP=00HC.SBUF=00HD.(30H)=00H3.要用传送指令访问MCS-51片外RAM,它の指令操作码助记符是()A.MOVB.MOVXC.MOVCD.以上都行4.ORG2000H LACLL3000H ORG 3000H RET 上边程序执行完RET指令后,PC=()A.2000HB.3000HC.2003HD.3003H5.要使MCS-51能响应定时器T1中断,串行接口中断,它の中断允许寄存器IEの内容应是()A.98HB.84HC.42HD.22H6.JNZREL指令の寻址方式是()A.立即寻址B.寄存器寻址C.相对寻址D.位寻址7.执行LACLL4000H指令时, MCS-51所完成の操作是( )A保护PCB.4000HPC C.保护现场 D.PC+3入栈, 4000HPC8.下面哪条指令产生信号()A.MOVX A,@DPTRB.MOVC A,@A+PCC.MOVC A,@A+DPTRD.MOVX @DPTR,A9.若某存储器芯片地址线为12根,那么它の存储容量为()A. 1KBB. 2KBC.4KBD.8KB10.要想测量引脚上の一个正脉冲宽度,则TMODの内容应为()A.09HB.87HC.00HD.80H11.PSW=18H时,则当前工作寄存器是()A.0组B. 1组C. 2组D. 3组12.MOVX A,@DPTR指令中源操作数の寻址方式是()A. 寄存器寻址B. 寄存器间接寻址C.直接寻址D. 立即寻址13. MCS-51有中断源()A.5B. 2C. 3D. 614. MCS-51上电复位后,SPの内容应为( )A.00HB.07HC.60HD.70H0003H LJMP2000H ORG000BH LJMP3000H 当CPU响应外部中断0后,PCの值是()A.0003HB.2000HC.000BHD.3000H16.控制串行口工作方式の寄存器是()A.TCONB.PCONC.SCOND.TMOD17.执行PUSHACC指令, MCS-51完成の操作是()A.SP+1SP, ACCSPB. ACCSP, SP-1SPC. SP-1SP, ACCSPD. ACCSP, SP+1SP18.P1口の每一位能驱动()A.2个TTL低电平负载B. 4个TTL低电平负载C.8个TTL低电平负载D.10个TTL低电平负载19.PC中存放の是()A.下一条指令の地址B. 当前正在执行の指令C.当前正在执行指令の地址D.下一条要执行の指令20.8031是()A.CPU B.微处理器 C.单片微机 D.控制器21.要把P0口高4位变0,低4位不变,应使用指令( )A.ORL P0,#0FHB.ORL P0,#0F0HC.ANL P0,#0F0HD.ANL P0,#0FH22.下面哪种外设是输出设备()A.打印机B.纸带读出机C.键盘D.A/D转换器23.所谓CPU是指( )A.运算器和控制器B.运算器和存储器C.输入输出设备D. 控制器和存储器24.LCALL指令操作码地址是2000H,执行完响应子程序返回指令后,PC=( )A.2000HB.2001HC.2002HD.2003H25. MCS-51执行完MOVA,#08H后,PSWの哪一位被置位( )A.CB. F0C.OVD.P26.计算机在使用中断方式与外界交换信息时,保护现场の工作应该是()A.由CPU自动完成B.在中断响应中完成C.应由中断服务程序完成D.在主程序中完成27.关于MCS-51の堆栈操作,正确の说法是()A.先入栈,再修改栈指针B.先修改栈指针,再出栈C. 先修改栈指针,在入栈D.以上都不对28.某种存储器芯片是8KB*4/片,那么它の地址线根数是()A.11根B.12根C. 13根D. 14根29.若MCS-51中断源都编程为同级,当他们同时申请中断时CPU首先响应()A.B. C.T1 D.T030. MCS-51の相对转移指令の最大负跳变距离()A.2KBB. 128BC. 127BD. 256B二.判断题(10分)1.我们所说の计算机实质上是计算机の硬件系统和软件系统の总称。



2010秋季学期《汇编语言程序设计》复习题一、单项选择题1、使计算机执行某种操作的命令是(指令 ) 不解释2、换码指令的助记符是( C )A. XCHG(交换字或字节)B. LEA (装入有效地址)C. XLAT(以BX+AL的和作为偏移地址,与DS共同作为操作数的逻辑地址)D. MOV(将源操作数送入目的操作数)3、下列寄存器组中在段内寻址时可以提供偏移地址的寄存器组是(B )。

A.AX,BX,CX,DX :(数据寄存器)B.BX,BP:(基址寄存器)SI,DI:(变址寄存器)C.SP,IP,BP,DXD.CS,DS,ES,SS(段寄存器)6、以下各个指令中正确的是(B)。

A. MOV CS, DX (CS不可做目的操作数)B. MOV DS, BPC. IN 20H,AL(IN作用是从端口中读入一个字节或字,并保存在寄存器AL或AX中。


)D. MOV AH, BX(目的操作数与源操作数的数据类型(字节、字、双字等)要一致)7、下列对OUT指令的叙述正确的是( D)。

A. 实现从端口中读出数据B. 能直接访问的端口范围是0~1KBC. 能访问的端口为64KBitD. 只能用DX做为间接寻址的寄存器OUT指令:OUT PortNo/DX, AL/AX功能:将累加器AL或AX的内容输出到指定端口1.直接方式:端口地址范围:00H~0FFH(255byte);间接方式:0000H~0FFFFH(64kb)2.间接方式的寄存器:DXIN指令: IN AL/AX, PortNo/DX1.功能从一个端口读取1字节或1字,传送至累加器AL或AX。

2.端口地址超过0FFH,则才用间接方式,同out指令8、已有汇编语句“VAR EQU 1220H”,则语句“mov AX, VAR”中源操作数的寻址方式为(A)。

EQU:功能,用符号名代表表达式的值A. 立即寻址B. 直接寻址C. 寄存器间接寻址D. 基址寻址9、与MOV BX,OFFSET VAR指令完全等效的指令是(D )。




每小题1分,共20分)1、设DS=8225H,DI=3942H,指令NEG BYTE PTR [DI]操作数的物理地址是()。




A、SHR AX,1SHR AX,1B、SHL AX,1SHL,AX,1C、ROL AX,1ROL AX,1D、RCR AX,1RCR AX,15、执行INC指令除对于SF、ZF有影响外,还要影响的标志位是()。



A、MOV CS,AXB、MOV DS,AXC、MOV SS,AXD、MOV ES,AX8、下面指令执行后,改变AL寄存器内容的指令是()。

A、TEST AL,02HB、OR AL,ALC、CMP AL,BLD、AND AL,BL9、执行除法指令后,影响的标志位是()A、CF,OFB、SF,ZFC、CF,OF,SFD、AF,CF,OF,PF,SF,ZF都不确定10、执行下面指令序列后,结果是()。

MOV AL,82HCBWA、AX=0FF82HB、AX=8082HC、AX=0082HD、AX=0F82H11、与MOV BX,OFFSET V AR指令完全等效的指令是()。



汇编语言程序设计专科复习题及答案专科复习题复习题一一、单项选择题1.对于有符号的数来说,下列哪个值最大()A:0F8H B:11010011B C:82 D:123Q2.下列有关汇编语言中标号的命名规则中,错误的是(D )A:通常由字母打头的字符、数字串组成B:标号长度不能超过31个字符C:?和$不能单独作为标号D:.号不可位于标号首3.8088/8086存储器分段,每个段不超过()A.64K个字B.32K个字节C.1兆个字节D.64K个字节4.寻址指令MOV CX, [BX + DI + 20]使用的是哪一种寻址方式()A:寄存器寻址B:相对基址变址寻址C:变址寻址D:基址变址寻址5.若AX= - 15要得到AX=15应执行的指令是()A.NEG AXB.NOT AXC.INC AXD.DEC AX6.8086/8088系统执行传送指令MOV时()A.不影响标志位B.影响DF方向标志C.影响SF符号标志D.影响CF进位标志7.若要求一个操作数中的若干位维持不变,若干位置“1”,可以使用()A:NOT B:OR C:AND D:XOR8.下列指令中段默认为堆栈段的是()A.MOV AX,[BX+SI+10]B.ADD AX,ES:[SI]C.SUB [BX],[BP][DI]D. MOV DX,[1000H]9.关于8086/8088微机系列,下列说法哪个是正确的()A:一个存储单元由16个二进制位组成,简称字。








11.表示过程定义结束的伪指令是()A.ENDPB.ENDSC.ENDD.ENDM 12.BUF1 DB 3 DUP(0,2 DUP (1,2),3)COUNT EQU $-BUF1符号COUNT等价的值是()A.6B.18C.16D.9 13.下列标志位中,可以用来判断计算结果正负的是()A:PF B:SF C:DF D:OF14.下列指令正确的是()A. MOV [100H], [BX]B.MOV DS, ESC. ADD V[BX], CXD.MOV AX, 34H15.下列哪个寄存器是属于指针寄存器()A:SI B:DX C:SP D:ES16.十六进制数88H,可表示成下面几种形式,请找出错误的表示()。






A.《论语》B.《学记》C.《大教学论》D.《教育学纲要》2.我国当前教育最薄弱的环节是A.普通教育B.职业教育C.高等教育D.学前教育3.教学活动的本质是( )A.认识活动B.实践活动C.交往活动D.课堂活动4.教师在教育工作中要做到循序渐进,这是因为( )。

A.学生只有机械记忆的能力B.教师的知识.能力是不一样的C.教育活动中要遵循人的身心发展的一般规律D.教育活动完全受到人的遗传素质的5.对学生进行思想品德教育,最经常最基本的途径是( )A.各门文化课B.思想品德课C.课外活动D.少先队工作6.备课时,教师要按顺序写出()三种教学计划。

A.课时计划.单元计划.学期计划B.单元计划.课时计划.学期计划C.学期计划.单元计划.课时计划D.学期计划.课时计划.单元计划培养7.教育的本体功能之一是()A.减少人口数量.提高人口素质B.促进生产发展,服务经济建设C.对政治经济有巨大的影响作用D.加速年轻一代身心发展与社会化进程8.综合课程论把合并数门相邻学科内容形成的综合课称为()A.融合课程B.广域课程C.核心课程D.合并课程9.衡量教师教学和学生学习质量的标准是()A.教学计划B.教学大纲C.教科书D.考试成绩10.教学的基本任务是()A.使学生系统地掌握科学基础知识B.促进学生智力与能力的发展C.培养学生坚定正确的政治方向D.培养学生良好的道德品质11.广义的教学,包括所有( )的共同活动。

A.教与学B.教师与教师C.人与人D.学与学生12.在学校教育体系中处于核心地位的是( )A.后勤工作B.管理工作C.教学工作D.科研工作13.教师把实物.教具呈示给学生看,或者向学生作示范性实验,使学生通过直观感知,从而获得知识、发展能力的方法,叫做()。




A. 11100100B. 01100100C. 10011100D.110011102、16进制数88H,可表示成下面几种形式,请找出错误的表示是( )。

A. 无符号十进制数136B. 有符号十进制数-120C. 无符号二进制数10001000D. 8位二进制数-8的补码。


A. MOV AL, 25HB. ADD AH, BLC. INC DS:[25H]D. CMP AL, BL4、设(DS)=8225H,(DI)=3942H,指令MOV AX, [DI]中源操作数的物理地址是()。

A. 85B92HB. 86192HC. BB690HD. 12169H5、已定义FEES DW 100 DUP(0),则指令MOV CX, SIZE FEES 的等效指令是()A. MOV CX, 100B. MOV CX, 200C. MOV CX, 400D. MOV CX, 100 DUP(0)6、MOV AL, 82HCBW 执行上面指令序列后,结果是()。

A. (AX)=0FF82HB. (AX)= 8082HC. (AX)=0082HD. (AX)=0F82H7、若(AX)=3500H,(CX)=56B8H,当AND AX, CX指令执行后,(AX)为()。

A. 1400HB. 77F8HC. 0000HD. 0FFFFH8、完成累加器AL清零,并使进位标志CF清零,下面错误的指令是()。

A. MOV AL, 00HB. AND AL, 00HC. XOR AL, ALD. SUB AL, AL9、下列描述中,执行循环次数最多的情况是()。

A. MOV CX, 1B. MOV CX, 0FFFFHLOP1: LOOP LOP1 LOP1: LOOP LOP1C. MOV CX, 256D. MOV CX, 0LOP1: LOOP LOP1 LOP1: LOOP LOP110、下面指令序列测试BH中的数是否为奇数,若为奇数则转移至K1处,横线处的指令应为()。



《汇编语言程序设计》试题专业姓名成绩一、单项选择题(每1分,共15分).1将下列二进制数0111,1111,1111 转换为16进制数和10进制数是()A.07FFH 3021DB. 6FEH 1021DC. 07FFH 2012DD. 07FFH 2047D2. 在1BM Pc机的IN和OUT 指令中,I/o端口号通常是由Dx寄存器来提供的,但有时也可以在指令中用一个字节来表示端口号。

试问可以直接由指令指定的I/o端口号有多少个?( )A. 127DB.255DC. 256DD.128D3. 设MYDAT是一个字变量,下列指令中,错误的是()A.MOV BX,10100BB.MOV DS,AXC.ADD BX,[10100H]D.MOV BX,MYDAT[SI]4.设有关寄存器及存储单元的内容如下:(DS)=2000H,(BX)=0100H,(SI)=0002H,(20100)=12H,(20102)=56H,(20103)=78H,(21200)=2AH,(21201)=4CH,(20202)=0B7H,(21203)=65H,试指出:MOV AX,1100h[BX]指令执行后,AX寄存器内是()A.5678HB.4C2AHC.2A4CHD.7856H5.一台微型计算机的字长为16位,如果采用字节编址,那么它可以访问的最大存储空间是多少字节( ),试用16进制数表示该机的地址范围()A.1M 0~FFFFFHB.64K 0~FFFFHC.128K 0~FFFFHD.128K –FFH~FFH6. 如果在一个程序段开始执行之前,(cs)=0A7F0H,(1P)=2B40H,试问该程序段的第一个字的物理地址是()A.BAA40HB.AAB40HC.AAA40HD.0D603H7.下列指令哪个是错误的(设OP1,OP2 是已经用DB定义的变量名)( )A.CMP BL,OP1B.MOV [BX],111001BC. INC OP2D.SAR AX,CL8.假定(DX)=10111001B,(CL)=05,(CF)=1试确定:RCL DL,CL 指令执行后,DX中的值是()A.00CEHB.009DHC.00B9HD.003BH9. 有符号定义语句如下:BUFF DB 1,2,3,‘123’EBUFF DB 0L EQU EBUFF - BUFF问L的值为多少( )A.6DB.7DC.3DD.5D.10. IBMPC机中下列那些寄存器可以用来存储存储器地址()A、BX,BP,SP,CXB、AX,SI,DI,DXC、BX,SI,DI,SPD、DX,SI,DI,SP11.下列指令中正确的是()A.MOV [BX],[SI]B.MOV AX,[SI][DI]C.MOV BX,OFFSET NAME[SI]D.MOV BYTE PTR [100],10012下列程序段执行后,寄存器BX中的内容是什么()MOV CL , 3MOV BX , 0B7HROL BX , 1RCR BX , CLA、0EDHB、0DEHC、0CDHD、0CCH13JB指令的测试条件是( )A. CF=0B. CF=1 C .OF∨CF=1 D.OF=114在DEBUG中()命令用来汇编一句汇编语言语句A 、A B、U C 、E D、D15. 指令STI 的功能是( )(A)允许中断(B)不允许中断(C)允许单步(D) 不允许单步二.不定项选择题,漏错多选不得分。



一,单项选择题(每小题1 分,共20 分1-10CCCCAADACB 11-20.ADBBAADDCC1.指令JMP FAR PTR DONE 属于( CA.段内转移直接寻址B.段内转移间接寻址C.段间转移直接寻址D.段间转移间接寻址2.下列叙述正确的是(A.对两个无符号数进行比较采用CMP 指令,对两个有符号数比较用CMP S指令B.对两个无符号数进行比较采用CMPS 指令,对两个有符号数比较用CM P 指令C.对无符号数条件转移采用JAE/JNB指令,对有符号数条件转移用JGE/J NL指令D.对无符号数条件转移采用JGE/JNL指令,对有符号数条件转移用JAE/J NB指令3.一个有128 个字的数据区,它的起始地址为12ABH:00ABH, 请给出这个数据区最末一个字单元的物理地址是(A.12CSBHB.12B6BHC.12C59HD.12BFEH4.在下列指令的表示中,不正确的是(A.MOV AL,[BX+SI]B.JMP SHORT DONIC.DEC [BX]D.MUL CL5.在进行二重循环程序设计时,下列描述正确的是(A.外循环初值应置外循环之外;内循环初值应置内循环之外,外循环之内B.外循环初值应置外循环之内;内循环初值应置内循环之内C.内、外循环初值都应置外循环之外D.内、外循环初值都应置内循环之外,外循环之内6.条件转移指令JNE 的测试条件为( A.ZF=0B.CF=0C.ZF=1D.CF=17.8086CPU 在基址加变址的寻址方式中,变址寄存器可以为(A.BX 或CXB.CX 或SIC.DX 或SID.SI或DI8.已知BX=2000H,SI=1234H, 则指令MOV A X,[BX+SI+2] 的源操作在(中。

A.数据段中偏移量为3236H 的字节B.附加段中偏移量为3234H的字节C.数据段中偏移量为3234H 的字节D.附加段中偏移量为3236H 的字节9.执行如下程序:( MOV AX,0MOV AX,0MOV BX,1MOV CX,100A:ADD AX,BXINC BXLOOP AHLT执行后(BX=(A.99B.100C.101D.10210.上题的程序执行后(AX=(A.5000B.5050C.5100D.515011.对于下列程序段:(AGAIN:MOV AL,[SI]MOV ES:[DI],ALINC SIINC DILOOP AGAIN也可用指令完成同样的功能。



党的十九大报告测试题〔单项选择题汇编〕单位职务分数1 .五年来,我们统筹推进“______”总体布局、协调推进“______”战略布局,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,党和国家事业全面开创新局面。

A.五位一体四个全面B.四位一体五个全面C.五个全面四位一体D.四个全面五位一体答案:A2. 贯彻新发展理念,建设现代化经济体系,必须坚持质量第一、效益优先,以______为主线。

答案:A13. ______是中国特色社会主义的本质要求和重要保障。

答案:A14. 适应世界新军事革命发展趋势和国家安全需求,提高建设质量和效益,确保到二〇二〇年基本实现______,______建设取得重大进展,______有大的提升。

答案:B C D15. 实施共建‚“一带一路”建议,发起创办亚洲基础设施投资银行,设立丝路基金,举办首届‚“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议、二十国集团领导人______峰会、金砖国家领导人______会晤、亚信峰会。

答案:C D16. 坚持反腐败无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍,坚定不移‚“打虎”、“拍蝇”‛、“猎狐”,______的目标初步实现,______的笼子越扎越牢,______的堤坝正在构筑,反腐败斗争压倒性态势已经形成并稳固发展。

答案:A B C17. 新时代中国特色社会主义思想,明确坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,总任务是实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴,在全面建成小康社会的基础上,分______在本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国。

答案:A18. 树立______是核心战斗力的思想,推进重大技术创新、自主创新,加强军事人才培养体系建设,建设创新型人民军队。

答案:B19. 军队是要准备打仗的,一切工作都必须坚持______标准,向能打仗、打胜仗聚焦。

答案:A20. 解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一,是全体中华儿女______,是中华民族______所在。

高考英语 试题单项选择题 分类汇编

高考英语 试题单项选择题 分类汇编




一、形容词、副词(18)21. This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _____ water and electricity than _____ models. (北京)A. less ; olderB. less ; elderC. fewer ; olderD. fewer ; elder B14. ---Did you take enough money with you?–No, I needed _______ I thought I would. (全国3)A. not so much asB. as much asC. much more thanD. much less than C26.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally_______. (福建)A.friendlyB.variousmonD.changeable A23. I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have heard of her.. (广东)A. evenB. everC. justD. never B30. I'm certain David's told you his business troubles. ______, it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. (湖北)A. HoweverB. AnywayC. ThereforeD. Though B29.Although she did not know Boston well,she made her way________ to the Home Cirele Building. (湖南)A.easy enoughB.enough easyC.easily enoughD.enough easily C25. --- Are you going to have a holiday this year?--- I’d love to. I can’t wait to leave this place _______.(江苏)A. offB. outC. behindD. over C26. The committee is discussing the problem right now. it will _______ have been solved by the end of next week.(江苏)A. eagerlyB. hopefullyC. immediatelyD. gradually B33. I wish you’d do ________ talking and some more work. Thus things will become better.(江苏)A. a bit lessB. any lessC. much moreD. a little more A 30.Attention,coffee lovers!We have for you,the best coffee machine______invented.(江西)A.ever B.already C.even D.nowdays A35.I don't think this film is by far the most horing.I have seen______. (江西)A.better B.worse C.the best D.the worst B27.---Did you enjoy yourself at the party? ((四川))---Yes.I’ve never been to _____ one before.A.a more excitedB.the most excitedC.a more excitingD.the most exciting C9. _________ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies. (浙江)A. OnlyB. JustC. StillD. Yet A10. Letterboxes are much more _______ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.(浙江)A. commonB. normalC. ordinaryD. usual A12. Progress so far has been very good. _______, we are sure that the project will be completed on time. (浙江)A. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. Besides C31. Some experts think that language learning is much ___ for children as their tongues are more flexible. (上海春)A. easyB. easierC. easilyD. more easily B42. Small cars are ___ of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. (上海春)A. freeB. shortC. typicalD. economical D44. The performer was waving his stick in the street and it ___ missed the child standing nearby. (上海春)A. narrowlyB. nearlyC. hardlyD. closely A13. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least importance are skills. (天津)A. fairB. reasonableC. equalD. proper c二、介词(8)22. --- When do we need to pay the balance?--- __________ September 30. (北京)A. InB. ByC. DuringD. Within B10. My sister was against my suggcestion while my brother was_________it. (全国1)A.in favout ofB.in memory ofC.in honour ofD.in searvh of A18. There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get _______. (全国3)A. betweenB. throughC. acrossD. beyond B23. Sorry. Madam. You’d better come tomorrow because it’s______the visiting hours.(福建)A.duringB.atC.beyondD.before C25. Fred,who had expected how it would go with his daughter,had a great worry________his mind. (湖南)A.onB.inC.withD.at A24. This new model of car is so expensive that it is _______ the reach of those with average income. (江苏)A. overB. withinC. beyondD. below C 23.After the earthquake,the injured were cared______in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities. (江西)A.of B.for C.after D.with B29.---Can he take charge of the computer company? ((四川))---I’m afraid it’s his ability.A.beyondB.withinC.ofD.to A28.People have always been corious how living things on the earth exactly began. (辽宁)A.inB.atC.ofD.about D三、代词(12)23. She went to the bookstore and bought _________. (北京)A. dozen booksB. B.dozens booksC. dozen of booksD. dozens of books D24. --- Which driver was to blame?--- Why, _________! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars. (北京)A. bothB. eachC. eitherD. neither B6. I used to earn_______than a pound a week when I first started work.(全国2)A.a littleB.a fewC.fewerD.less D21.---Who called me this morning when I was not in?----A man calling______Robert. (福建)A.hisB.himselfC.hisD.不填B26. As the busiest woman in Norton,she made_________her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. (湖南)A.thisB.thatC.oneD.it D22. My most famous relative of all, _______ who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, mygreat-grandfather.. (江苏)A. oneB. the oneC. heD. someone B24. I’d appreciate ____ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. (山东)A. thatB. itC. thisD. you B31.Of all the books on the desk, is of any use for our study. ((四川))A.nothingB.no oneC.neitherD.none D14. If y ou can’t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don’t you take ______? I won’t read them thisweek. (浙江)A. allB. anyC. eitherD. both D29. My grandma still treats me like a child.She can,t imagine grown up. (重庆)A.myB.mineC.myselfD.me D27. Both sides have accused of breaking the contract ___. (上海春)A. anotherB. the otherC. neitherD. each B24. I’d appreciate ____ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.(山东)A. thatB. itC. thisD. you B23.I hear boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. (辽宁)A.quite a lotB.quite a fewC.quite a bitD.quite a little B1. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have one this month. (天津)A. the otherB. someC. anotherD. other c四、情态动词(14)25. --- What’s the name?--- Khulaifi. _______ I spell that for you? (北京)A. ShallB. WouldC. CanD. Might A24. There's no light on - they______ be at home. (全国1)A. can'tB. mustn'tC. needn'tD. shouldn't A19. As you worked late yesterday,you_________have come this morning. (全国2)A.mayn’tB.can’tC.mustn’tD.needn’t D10. We hope that as many people as-possible _______ join us for the picnic tomorrow. (全国3)A. needB. mustC. shouldD. can D27. If it were not for the fact that she_______sing, I would invite ber to the party. (福建)A.couldn’tB.shouldn’tC.can’tD.might not C22. --- Must he come to sign this paper himself? (广东)--- Yes, he .A. needB. mustC. mayD. will B32.Some aspeets of a pilot’s job__________be boring,and prilots often____________work at inconvenient hours. (湖南)A.can;have toB.may;canC.have to;mayD.ought to;must A21. --- I think I’ll give Bob a ring.--- You _______. You haven’t been in touch with him for ages.(江苏)A. willB. mayC. have toD. should D 24.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I——the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.(江西) A.should have taken B.could have taken C.needn't have taken D,mustn't have taken C 30. –--May I smoke here ?--- If you ____, choose a seat in the smoking section. (山东)A. shouldB.couldC. mayD. must D32.---Is Jack on duty today? ((四川))---It ______ be him.It’s his turn tomorrow.A.mustn’tB.won’tC.can’tD.needn’t C19. --- Could I have a word with you, mum? (浙江)--- Oh dear, if you ________.A. canB. mustC. mayD. should B26. You know he is not going to let us leave early if we ___ get the work done. (上海春)A. can'tB. may notC. shouldn'tD. mustn't A30. --–May I smoke here ?--- If you ____, choose a seat in the smoking section. (山东)A. shouldB.couldC. mayD. must D11. We have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past tenyears. (天津)A. needn’tB. may notC. shouldn’tD. mustn’t B五、冠词(11)26. --- I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard.--- You shouldn’t put drinks near ________ computer.(北京)A. the ; 不填B. the ; aC. a ; 不填D. a ; a B30. --- Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith?--- Sorry, wrong number. There isn't______ Mr. Smith here. (全国1)A. 不填B. aC. theD. one B15.According to_________World Health Organization,health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent_________spread of AIDS. (全国2)A.the;不填B.the;theC.a;aD.不填;the B8. Your story is perfect; I’ve never heard _______ before.(全国3)A. the better oneB. the best oneC. a better oneD. a good one C19. I know yo u don’t like _______ music very much. But what do you think of _______ music in the film we saw yesterday? (全国3)A. /; /B. the; theC. the; /D. /; the D22.In___________ review off 44 studies,American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of___________heart disease by 76%. (湖南)A.a; theB.the;aC.a;不填D.不填;a C21. For him ____ stage is just ___ means of making a living. (山东)A. a; aB.the; aC. the ; theD. a; the B3. Don’t worry if you can’t come to _______ party. --- I’ll save ________ cake for you.(浙江)A. the ; someB. a ; muchC. the ; anyD. a ; little A25. Everywhere man has cut down forests in order to grow crops,or to use wood as fuel or as building material. (重庆)A.the;theB.the;/C./;theD./;/ C25. More and more young people are fond ___ playing tennis nowadays. (上海春)A. onB. toC. inD. of D21. For him ____ stage is just ___ means of making a living. (山东)A. a; aB.the; aC. the ; theD. a; the B21. Of all reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was most important one.(辽宁)A.the;aB.不填;aC.不填;theD.the;the D六、时态、语态(28)27. --- _______ leave at the end of this month.--- I don’t think you should do that until ________ another job.(北京)A. I’m going to ; you’d foundB. I’m going to ; you’ve foundC. I’ll ; you’ll findD. I’ll ; you’d find B30. --- Your job ________ open for your return.--- Thanks. (北京)A. will be keptB. will keepC. had keptD. had been kept A32. --- Where did you put the car keys? (北京)--- Oh, I ________ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I ______ in.A. remembered ; comeB. remembered ; was comingC. remember ; comeD. remember ; was coming D 2l. The house belongs to my aunt but she______ here any more. (全国1)A. hasn't livedB. didn't liveC. hadn't livedD. doesn't live D7. —You look very tired_______at all last night?—No,not really.I’m stired out now. (全国2)A.Do you sleepB.Were you sleepingC.Did you sleepD.Had you slept C12.The construetion of the two new railway lines__________by now. (全国2)A.has completedB.have completedC.have been completedD.has been completed D12. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3,000 more than he _______ for the wedding. (全国3)A. will planB. has plannedC. would planD. had planned D20. As you can see, the number of cars on roads _______ rising these days. (全国3)A. we keepingB. keepC. keepsD. were keeping C24.I adies and gendemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane________. (福建)A.takes offB.is taking offC.has taken offD.took off B29.I’m sure you’d tather she went to school by bus,_______?(福建)A.hadn’t youB.wouldn’t youC.aren’tD.didn’t she B31.The moment the 28th Olympic Cames_______open, the whole world cheered. (福建)A.dcelanedB.have been declaredC.have declaredD.were declared D32.The workers will go on strike if the demands they_______put forward are turned down. (福建)A.could Bwould C.不填 D.had C32. The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She before. (广东)A. hasn't flownB. didn't flyC. hadn't flownD. wasn't flying C32. I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he ____on it for more than an hour. (湖北)A. has been workingB. will have workedC. will have been workingD. had worked A24.I was giving a talk to a targe group of people,the same talk I __________to half a dozen other groups. (湖南)A.was givingB.am givingC.had givenD.have given C35.In a room above the store,where a party__________,some workers were busily seeting the table. (湖南)A.was to be heldB.has been heldC.will be heldD.is being held A23. --- I don’t su ppose the police know who did it.--- Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and ________ now. (江苏)A. has been questionedB. is being questionedC. is questioningD. has questioned B27. Although medical science __________ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that someof them are returning. (江苏)A. achievedB. has achievedC. will achieveD. had achieved B 21.My cousin went to Canada two yours ago.He___there for a few months and then went to America.(江西) A.worked B.would work C.would be working D.has been working A28. Although the causes of cancer ____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (山东)A. are being uncoveredB. have been uncoveringC. are uncoveringD. have uncovered A22.Look at the timetable.Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18:20. (四川))A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken A6. This machine _______. It hasn’t worked for years.(浙江)A. didn’t workB. wasn’t workingC. doesn’t workD. isn’t wor king7. The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _______ used regularly. Now we have 60working all day long. (浙江)A. isB. areC. wasD. were D16. My friend, who ______ on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. (浙江)A. servedB. is servingC. had servedD. has served D21.I have to go to work by taxi because my car at the garage. (重庆)A.will be repairedB.is repairedC.is being repairedD.has been repaired C31.I’ve been in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.(重庆)A.livedB.was livingC.have livedD.had lived A28. We ___ our new neighbors yet, so we don't know their names. (上海春)A. don't meetB. won't meetC. haven't metD. hadn't met C28. Although the causes of cancer ____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (山东)A. are being uncoveredB. have been uncoveringC. are uncoveringD. have uncovered A29.I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he home for dinner. (辽宁)eesC.has comeD.will come D31.It is said that the early European playing-cards for entertainment and education. (辽宁)A.were being designedB.have designedC.have been designedD.were designed D4. What we used to think impossible now does seem possible. (天津)A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be B七、非谓语动词(33)28. There have been several new events ________ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (北京)A. addB. to addC. addingD. added D35. I can’t stand ______ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _______ talking while she works. (北京)A. working ; stoppingB. to work ; stoppingC. working ; to stopD. to work ; to stop C32. ______ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (全国1)A. SurprisingB. SurprisedC. Being surprisedD. To be surprising B13.It is difficult to imagine his________the decision without any consideration. (全国2)A.acceptB.acceptingC.to acceptD.accepted A17.Faced with a bill for $10,000,________. (全国2)A.John has taken an extra jobB.the boss has given john an extra jobC.an extra job has been takenD.an extra job has been given to John A18. He hurried to the booking office only_________that all the tickets had been sold out. (全国2)A.to tellB.to be toldC.tellingD.told B17. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _______ that all children like these things. (全国3)A. thinkingB. thinkC. to thinkD. thought A33._______for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. (福建)A.BlamingB.BlamedC.To blamD.To be blamed B29. No matter how frequently , the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (广东)A. performedB. performingC. to be performedD. being performed A30. this cake, you'll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour. (广东)A. Having madeB. MakeC. To makeD. Making C34. Don't sit there ________ nothing. Come and help me with this table. (湖北)A. doB. to doC. doingD. and doing C21.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket__________ the desert. (湖南)A.coveringB.coverodC.coverD.to cover A28.If you think that treating a woman well means always_______her permission for things,think again. (湖南)A.getsB.gotC.to getD.gutting D33. As the twentieth century came to a close ,the raw matenals for a great nstional literature were athand,waiting___________. (湖南)A.to useB.to be usedC.to have usedD.to be using B30. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always ______ the same thing.(江苏)A. sayingB. saidC. to sayD. having said A32. --- There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. (江苏)--- My goodne ss! I can’t imagine _________ that old.A. to beB. to have beenC. beingD. having been C 29.After he became conscious,he remembered______and______on the head with s rod.(江西) A.to attack;hit B.to be attacked;to be hitC. attacking;be hit D.having been attacked;hit D 32.It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness______. (江西) A.to make B.to be made C.making D.being made B 29. Five people won the “China’s Green Figure”award, a title ____ to ordinary people their contributions to environmental protection. (山东)A.being givenB. is givenC. givenD. was given C33.Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to ____ since the flood hit the area last Friday. (山东)A. have been missingB. have got lostC. be missingD. get lost A26.The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games ______ in Beijing in 2008. (四川)A.holdB.holdingC.heldD.to be held D33. ______ with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. (四川)A.FacedB.FaceC.FacingD.To face A5. When ______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the manysimilarities. (浙江)A. comparedB. being comparedC. comparingD. having compared C18. It remains ________ whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.(浙江)A. seenB. to be seenC. seeingD. to see B26. Isn't it time you got down to ______ the papers? (重庆)A.markB.be markedC.being markedD.marking D30.Customers are asked to make sure that they______ the right change before leaving the shop. (重庆)A.will giveB.have been givenC.have givenD.will be given B29. The parents suggested ______ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. (上海春)A. sleepB. to sleepC. sleepingD. having slept C36. There are hundreds of visitors ___ in front of the Art Gallery to have a look at Van Gogh’s paintings. (上海春)A. waitedB. to waitC. waitingD. wait C38. ___ the employees' working efficiency, the supervisor will allow them to have a coffee break. (上海春)A. ImprovingB. To improveC. Having improvedD. Improved B39. In the dream Peter saw himself ___ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. (上海春)A. chasedB. to be chasedC. be chasedD. having been chased A40. China has promised to revise its existing regulations and ___ new policies according to WTO requirements.(上海春)A. formingB. to formC. to be formingD. have formed B29. Five people won the “China’s Green Figure”award, a title ____ to ordinary people their contributions to environmental protection. (山东)A.being givenB. is givenC. givenD. was given C33.Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to ____ since the flood hit the area last Friday. (山东)A. have been missingB. have got lostC. be missingD. get lost A7. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left .(天津)A. unsatisfiedB. unsatisfyingC. to be unsatisfyingD. being unsatisfied A八、句子结构(56)29. --- Could you do me a favour?--- It depends on ______ it is. (北京)A. whichB. whicheverC. whatD. whatever C31. Women _______ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease thanthose ________ don’t.(北京)A. who ; 不填B. 不填; whoC. who ; whoD. 不填表; 不填C33. ________ you have tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is.(北京)A. UnlessB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. When A34. He found it increasingly difficult to read, _______ his eyesight was beginning to fail. (北京)A. andB. forC. butD. or B23. See the flags on top of the building? That was______ we did this morning. (全国1)A. whenB. whichC. whereD. What D26. If I can help_______, I don't like working late into the night. (全国1)A. soB. thatC. itD. them C28. ______he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. (全国1)A. SinceB. UnlessC. AsD. Although D33. Please remind me______ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. (全国1)A. whereB. whenC. howD. what B8.She as educated at Bejing University,________She went on to have her advanced study abroad. (全国2)A..after whichB.from whichC.from thatD.after that C9.His plan was such a good one_________we all agread to accept it. (全国2)A.soB.andC.thatD.as B20.This is a very interesting book.I’ll buy it,__________. (全国2)A.how much may it costB.no matter how it may costC.however much it may costD.how may it cost C7. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter, _______. (全国3)A. do youB. can weC. will youD. shall we C9. It was not until she got home _______ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. (全国3)A. whenB. thatC. whereD. before B13. We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, _______, in fact, there were 40. (全国3)A. whileB. whetherC. whatD. which A16. –What did your parents think about your decision?–They always let me do _______ I think I should. (全国3)A. whenB. thatC. howD. what D22.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house______roof is under repair.(福建)A.whoseB.whichC.of whichD.what A25.----How long do you think it will be______China sends a meanned spaceship to the moon?-----Perhaps two or three years. (福建)A.whenB.untilC.thatD.before D26. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, this was a memory she especially treasured. (广东)A. asB. ifC. whenD. where A31. "You can't have this football back you promise not to kick it at my cat again," theold man said firmly. (广东)A. becauseB. sinceC. whenD. until D33. AIDS is said ______ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. (湖北)A. that it isB. to beC. that it has beenD. to have been D23.A man cannot smile like a child,_________a child smiles with is eyes,while a man smiles with his lips alone. (湖南)A.soB.butC.andD.for D30.We saw several natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us.________we gave ome bells and glasses. (湖南)A.to whichB.to whomC.with whomD.with which B31.I had just stepred out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel_________I heard the steps. (湖南)A.whileB.whenC.sinceD.after B34.With his work completed,the businessman stepped back to his seat,feeling pleased________be was a man of action. (湖南)A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whether B29. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running,______ meant spending tens of thousands of pounds. (江苏)A. whoB. thatC. asD. which D31. _______ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem (生态系统) to recover. (江苏)A. Even ifB. If onlyC. WhileD. Once D35. We haven’t settled the question of ______ it is necessary f or him to study abroad. (江苏)A. ifB. whereC. whetherD. that C 26.——Michael was late for Mr.Smith's oral class this morning. (江西)——?As far as I know,he never came late to class.A.HOW come B.So what C.Why not D,What for A 27.In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help——there is human suffering. (江西)A.whoeverB.however C.whatever D.wherever D 33.——Do you have anything tO say for yourselves?——Yes,tber's one point——we must insist on.(江西)A.why B.where C.how D./ D23. Engines are to machines ____ hearts are to animals. (山东)A. asB. thatC. whatD. which C26. We’re just trying to teach a point ____ both sides will sit down together and talk. (山东)A. whereB. thatC. whenD. which A27. ____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. (山东)A. No matter whatB. No matter which C Whatever D. whichever D31. How can you expect to learn anything ____ you never listen? (山东)A. in caseB. even ifC. unlessD. when D32.I just wonder ____ that makes him so excited. (山东)A. why it doesB. what he doesC. how it isD. what it is D23.---Mom,what did your doctor say?---He advised me to live the air is fresher. (四川)A.in whereB.in whichC.the place whereD.where D24.Start out right away, you’ll miss the first train.(四川)A.andB.butC.orD.while C30.---It’s thirty years since we last met.---But I still remember the story,believe it or not, we got lost on a rainy night. (四川)A.whichB.thatC.whatD.when B35.---Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?---He rushed out of the room I could say a word. (四川)A.beforeB.untilC.whenD.after A2. We don’t k eep winning games _______ we keep playing well. (浙江)A. becauseB. unlessC. whenD. while A4. _______ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.(浙江)A. AsB. ThatC. ThisD. It D13. I was given three books on cooking, the first _______ I really enjoyed. (浙江)A. of thatB. of whichC. thatD. which B23.In time of serious accidents,we know some basic things about first aid,we can save lives. (重庆)A.whetherB.untilC.ifD.unless C27.______ and I’ll get the work finished.(重庆)。



八年级上册译林版语法知识-英语单项选择(50题)的易错题汇编附答案含答案一、选择题1.In ______ hottest reality show Running Man III,Luhan is ______ only new member.A.a; 不填B.a; anC.the; the D.the; 不填2.The parents were shocked by______news that their son needed______operation on his knee. A.A; / B.the; / C.the; an D.a; an3.It’s ____ unusual chance for Mr White to get such ______ useful advice.A.an; / B.a; anC.a; the D.an; an4.—Peter, you’ve worked for three hours without a break!—I need ________ useful idea for my design, so I’m busy searc hing for some information.A.a B.an C./ D.the二、选择题5.They all think ________ to create such beautiful music with the transparent cups.A.it amazed B.that amazed C.it amazing D.that is amazing 6.My mother tried to cook ________ for me when I studied in New Zealand.A.different something B.different anything C.something different D.anything different 三、选择题7.If you’re good at English, you will have one more ________ when searching for jobs. A.method B.advantage C.interest D.interview8.The boy is crazy about football but he has no time to play it. He finds it difficult to keep________ between his schoolwork and his hobbies.A.balance B.possibility C.relationship D.suggestion9.A ________ is a person who is travelling or visiting a place.A.stranger B.tourist C.guide D.customer 10.Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in the real ________ will improve your English skills greatly.A.condition B.situation C.event D.position四、选择题11.— How do you find the price now?— As a ________ rule, prices follow needs.A.private B.general C.central D.difficult12.It is ________ for people to drive after drinking or without wearing a seat belt.A.sick B.dangerous C.funny D.important 13.— Mary can get good marks in all her subjects, but she never shows off.— I agree. She is ________.A.generous B.modest C.patient D.curious五、选择题14.A new bridge the Yangtze River in Nanjing opened to traffic on Dec. 24, 2020. A.through B.over C.on D.along六、选择题15.My father always tells me to ________ any possible challenge myself instead of giving up easily!A.take away B.take off C.take up D.take on七、选择题16.—________ interesting story!—________ excited you look! May I have a look at it?A.What an; What B.How; How C.What an; How D.How; What 17.______ beautiful the music they are playing sounds! _____ excellent players! A.How, What an B.How, WhatC.What, what D.What, How an18.________ he has provided for us!A.What a useful advice B.What useful suggestionsC.How useful the advice D.How useful suggestions八、选择题19.---________is it from the Children's Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom?--- About 10 minutes' ride by busA.How soon B.How long C.How far D.How much九、选择题20.As soon as books ________, the volunteers posted them to the students in Hope Primary School.A.are raised B.were raised C.raised D.have raised 21.—Have you finished your report, Jim?—Not yet. I will make it if I________ two more days.A.give B.will give C.am given D.will be given 十、选择题22.---Have you heard of the Chinese Zodiac Art Exhibition being held in the Palace Museum now?---Sure. Han Meilin, a veteran artist _____ no less than 600 new artworks in it.A.is presenting B.has presentedC.will present D.has been presenting23.—Tom, where is your father?—He ________ my bike.A.is repairing B.repairs C.has repaired D.will repair十一、选择题24.一What's the secret of success, Dr. Know?一More time and effort, _________ you’ll make it some day.A.yet B.or C.and D.but十二、选择题25.I wonder ________ when he began to learn the piano.A.how old was Lang Lang B.how old Lang Lang wasC.Lang Lang was three years old D.Lang Lang three years old was 26.—Could you tell me ________?—Sure, I’ll come back in three days.A.when will you come back B.how long have you stayed there C.why you went there D.how soon you will come back27.—Could you tell me ________ for the coming holidays?—Sorry, I have no idea.A.where are you going B.where you goC.where you are going D.where you went28.Hi, Peter. I’ve taken some photos of Shanghai and you can see ________.A.what it looks like B.how does it look likeC.how it looks like D.what does it look like29.—It’s so crowded in the shop today. Do you know ________?—It’s said that there is a special offer on the milk.A.who is coming to the shop early B.when the shop opens the doorC.where is the check-out counter D.why there are so many people十三、选择题30.----I promise I will work harder next term, Miss Li.---Well, just as the saying goes, “______.” I do hope that you will act at once.A.It never rains but pours B.Many hands make light workC.Actions speak louder than words D.A friend in need is a friend indeed31.In England, if you think that other people are always in a better situation than you, even when they are not, we say “________”.A.the grass is always greener on the other side B.every dog has its dayC.the early bird catches the worm D.actions speak louder than words十四、选择题32.-Look! So many people are walking into the museum. What are on show?-Some 3D pictures by some modern artists.A.draws B.drew C.drawn D.drawing33.Most of the artists____________ to the party were from South Africa.A.invite B.to invite C.invited D.inviting34.________ with my father’s handwriting, mine is poor.A.Compare B.Compared C.Comparing D.Compares35.A woman was found ________ in her house this morning. The police said she was wounded with a knife and bled to ________.A.died; death B.death; dead C.dead; death D.death; death 36.—Excuse me, can you explain the reason to me again?—Sorry, I know what I want to say but I have difficulty ______ myself clearly.A.express B.to express C.expressing D.to be expressed 37.----What do you remember about Grade 7 ?----I remember ______ a prize .A.to win B.winning C.win D.wining38._______ trees is a long-term project. Let's take good care of these trees we plant and wait for them to grow up.A.Plants B.Planted C.Plant D.Planting 39.Who are you going to have ________ the library since the designer is busy these days. A.to design B.designed C.designing D.design40.Dan shows an interest in musical instruments and is often heard _____ the guitar.A.play B.played C.playing D.to play41.He tried to make himself ________ by his students, but he failed.A.understand B.understoodC.understands D.understanding十五、选择题42.In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,_______ an old temple_______ back to the 17th century.A.stands; dating B.is standing; datedC.standing; dated D.stand; dating43.--- Do you know what time Daniel Xuzhou tomorrow?---At 2:00 p. m. I will meet him when he at the airport.A.gets to; arrives B.will get to; will arriveC.will get to; arrives D.gets to; will arrive44.—Have you ever visited Russia, Wilson?一Yes, I have. I ________there last summer for two weeks.A.studied B.was studying C.have studied D.studies45.It’s reported that NASA ________ a woman to the Moon in 2024!A.sent B.send C.is sending D.will send十六、选择题46.The man ________ gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.A.whose B.whom C.which D.who47.The boy ______ always thinks of others is popular with his classmates.A.who B.what C.where D.which 48.—What does "mother" mean to you, Sandy?—Everything. Mother is the person ________ is always standing in the wind waiting for me on cold winter days.A.which B.who C.whom D.what49.In 2019, the actor Guo Jingfei acted in a TV play All is Well _____ attracted thousands of his fans.A.whose B.what C.which D./50.—Can I help you, sir?—I want a new book was written by Cao Wenxuan.A.what B.where C.which D.who【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.C解析:C【解析】分析句子,可知前后两个空格都是特指的,故用定冠词the。

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()A.4MΩ铜芯绝缘电线0.5mm² 0.6mmB.2MΩ铜芯绝缘导线 0.5mm² 0.6mmC.10MΩ铝芯电线 1.0mm² 0.6mmD.2 MΩ铜芯电缆 2.5mm² 0.6mm4、箱(盘)内配线整齐,无铰接现象。


A.2B.3C.4D.56、直线段钢制电缆桥架长度超过()、铝合金或玻璃钢制电缆桥架长度超过( D )设有伸缩节;电缆桥架跨越建筑物变形缝处设置补偿装置。

A.45m 20mB.40m 15mC.50m 15mD.30m 15m7.电缆桥架敷设在易燃易爆气体管道和热力管道的()A.上方B.平行方向C.下方D.右方8.金属导管()对口熔焊连接;镀锌和壁厚小于等于2mm的钢导管不得套管连接。

A.不宜B.可以C.严禁D.采用9.镀锌的钢导管、可挠性导管和金属线槽不得熔焊跨接接地线,以专用接地卡跨接的两卡间连线为铜芯软导线,截面积不小于()A.6 mm²B.10 mm²C.2.5 mm²D.4 mm²10、当绝缘导管在砌体上剔槽埋设时,应采用强度等级不小于M10的水泥砂浆抹面保护,保护层厚度大于()A.5mmB.10mmC.15mmD.2mm11、金属电缆桥架及支架和引入或引出的金属电缆导管()接地或接零可靠。




A.1.5m 2.0m B.2m 4mC.0.8m 1.2mD.1.5m 2.0m15、金属导管内外壁应(),埋设于混凝土内的导管内壁应防腐处理,外壁可不做防腐处理。



大型花灯的固定及悬挂装置,应按灯具重量的(A )作过载试验。

A.6mm 2倍B.8mm 2倍C.10mm 2倍D.6mm 4倍18、当灯具距地面高度小于(A )时,灯具的可接近裸露导体必须接地或接零可靠,并应有专用接地螺栓,且有标识。



A.2 6B.4 6C.2 4D.6 621、敷设在竖井内和穿越不同防火区的桥架,按设计要求位置,()防火隔堵措施。





A.轻型B.重型C. 中型D.阻燃型25、截面积在2.5 mm²及以下的多股铜芯线拧紧()或接续端子后与设备、器具的端子连接。


A.20~60mmB.50~80mmC.50~60mmD.20~80mm27、安全出口标志灯距地高度不低于( )。


A.2m 上方B.1.5m 侧面C.2m 下方D.1.8m 上方28、可挠性金属导管和金属柔性导管( )作接地或接零的接续导体。




A.20mmB.25mmC.30mmD.28mm32、等电位线路最小允许截面积:铜干线——()铜支线——()A.6 mm² 4 mm²B.10 mm² 6 mm²C.16 mm² 6 mm²D.16 mm² 4 mm²33、建筑物顶部的避雷针、避雷带等()与顶部外露的其他金属物体连接成一个整体的电气通路,且与避雷引下线连接可靠。


A.除锈B.耐酸C.耐火D.热浸镀锌35、在人行道等人员密集场所安装的落地灯具,无围栏防护,安装高度距地面()以上A .1m B. 2m C .3m D2.5m36、疏散标志灯安装在安全出口的顶部,楼梯间、疏散走道及转角处应安装在1m以下的墙面上。




A .10B .20C .30D .4038、公用建筑照明系统通电连续运行时间应为( ),民用住宅照明系统通电连续试运行时间为( )。

A.24h 8hB.12h 8h C .8h 2h D.24h 4h39、灯具重量大于()时,固定在螺栓或预埋吊挂上。





A、2.5 mm2B、1.0 mm2C、1.5 mm2D、0.5 mm27、照明配电箱(盘)内,同一端子上导线连接根数不应多于(B)。

A、1根B、2根C、 3根D、4根8、电线穿管施工质量验收的主控项目是(A)。



A、 0.5mB、1.0mC、0.8mD、1.2m11、暗配的导管,埋设深度与建筑物表面的距离不应小于(B)。

A、 10mmB、15㎜C、20㎜D、30㎜12、单独穿于钢导管内的三相或单相的交流电缆的芯数不得为(D)。


A、 4㎜B、6㎜C、8㎜D、10㎜14、安装在疏散通道上的疏散标志灯间距不应大于(C)。

A、10mB、15mC、 20mD、25m15、等电位联结的线路,采用铜制材料时,其支路线路的最小截面积为(C)。

A、2.5mm2B、 4mm2C、6 mm2 D 、10 mm216、照明线路金属软管直径不小于(C)。

A、 18mmB、 13mmC、 12mmD、 15mm16、低压电线和电缆,线间和线对地间的绝缘电阻必须大于(D)。

A、 2.5MΩB、 1MΩC、 2MΩD、0.5MΩ17、当灯具距地面高度小于(A)时,灯具的可接近裸露导体必须接地或接零,并应有专用接地螺栓,且有标识。

A、 2.4m B、 2.3m C、 2.2m D、2.1m18、公共建筑照明系统通电连续试运行时间是(D)。

A、 2hB、 8hC、 12hD、24h19、接地装置的焊接采用搭接焊接,圆钢与扁钢搭接双面施焊,其搭接长度为圆钢直径的(C)。





A、2.5MΩB、1.0MΩC、2.0MΩD、 0.5MΩ24、电梯运行时,机房内噪声的合格标准是(D)。






