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关键词:DS18B20 单片机温度控制1602液晶显示


In the automatic control area,temperature monitoring and controling have a very important position. The temperature monitoring system has a wildly applying in industry, agriculture, science reasearching and daily life of people. Therefore, the number of applying of the temperature monitoring comes first of all kinds of sensor. At present, the temperature monitoring is transformed from analog type to digital integrated type with a very fast speed.

This paper introduces the developing and fundamental of the temperature monitoring, including the character of this kind of sensor. It also analyses the advantage and disadvantage of the temperature monitoring which named DS18B20. On that basis, the paper also has a further analysis of the theoretical basis of the system developing and the circuit design of temperature monitoring. Besides, some discussions about the important parameters also took on desk. At the same time, the auther of this paper also puts forward the composition of totality about this system, which including the different function of the thermometer system. Then a detailed analysis which is about the applying of Microcontrollers and the applying of different parts made by different hardwares and softwares in the system. In order to check the maneuverability and the expansibility of the Microcontrollers system, the auther used Proteus 7.6 to do the testing and got a pretty good result.

This system puts the temperature measured in normal situation as a confirm condition. All design and selection of component is also based on this suppose. keywords: DS18B20, Microcontrollers, Temeperature Controling, 1602 Liquid Crystal Display


摘要........................................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................................... II 目录....................................................................................................................... III 前言 (1)

1 系统总体设计方案及功能 (2)

1.1 温度传感器产品分类与选择 (2)

1.1.1 常用的测温方法 (2)

1.1.2 温度传感器产品分类 (2)

1.1.3 温度传感器的选择 (4)

1.2 总体方案的确定 (6)

1.3 系统实现框图 (7)

2 系统单元电路设计 (7)

2.1 系统工作原理 (7)

2.2 系统相关硬件及模块介绍 (8)

2.2.1 温度采集电路 (8)
